BAS 111 Syllabus, 2020
BAS 111 Syllabus, 2020
BAS 111 Syllabus, 2020
Course Syllabus
Academic Writing
Second Semester 2020
7. Cause and effect essay
8. Persuasive essay
9. Writing summary with effective signal verbs
10. Source analysis
11. Integrating sources
12. Recursive writing processes
13. Types of clauses
14. Sentence fragment
15. Creating annotated bibliography
16. They say/I say move (synthesis and response)
17. MLA citations
1. TU Google account
2. Reliable access to the internet and YouTube
A 100-93% B+ 92-85% B 84-77% C+ 76-69%
C 68-61% D+ 60-53% D 52-45% F 44% and
Project 1: 11 steps paragraph with revision
30 points
Project 2: Cause and effect essay 100
Project 3: Annotated bibliography with source analysis
40 points
Project 4: Persuasive essay 100
Quizzes on readings and concepts 160
Daily homework exercises (drafts, worksheets) 110
Professional ethos, meaningful contributions, participation
20 points
writing that will help you form complex inquiry questions—ones that
fascinate you—and explore them through writing. Your contributions
are important, so please come to class prepared to offer your
perspectives in a thoughtful, considerate, and respectful manner.
Draft Workshops
Approaching writing as a recursive process, the course enables you to
develop two major writing skills that are integral to becoming a strong
writer: 1) learning to be a critic of your own writing and the writing of
others, and 2) learning how to revise your work given comments and
questions from your peers. Your writing will improve by having others read
and respond to it. We will have a draft workshop before each paper is due.
During these sessions, you will exchange your paper with a peer (or
peers) and offer revision suggestions. Your participation in the workshop
will be part of your grade.
Grammar Workshop
Throughout the semester, particularly when final drafts are almost due,
we will hold grammar workshops in which we use errors in your writing as
topic of instruction. That is, you will learn grammar in the context of your
writing and maintain and an error tracking chart to help you build
grammatical accuracy throughout the semester.
Informal Writing
Each week you will have informal assignment prompts that ask you to
reflect on an issue or a compelling aspect raised by the assigned text.
Think of this assignment as an opportunity to do “evaluation free zone”
work, a chance for you to explore ideas and questions that fascinate you,
or a time to experiment with writing styles. Your informal writing will not
be graded for grammar; you will be given completion credits for
thoughtfulness instead.
You will have opportunities to conference with me about your writing. The
conference is designed for me to assist you with any issue or concern that
you may have.
Peer Response
After writing multiple drafts of major essays in this class, you will share a
more polished draft with your classmates and engage in peer response—
not editing—in which you provide and receive concrete constructive
feedback on your writing. We will cover how to do effective response in
class, and you will evaluate your classmates’ helpfulness as peer
Checking Course Website & Email
Assignment descriptions, course calendar, and announcements will be
released online. I will also be sending emails throughout the semester.
It is expected that you will check information often in a timely manner.
Attendance will be taken. If you arrive after attendance is taken, you
will be marked absent, and if you return from break for more than 15
minutes late, you will be considered absent as well.
or any other individual responsible for evaluating your work. A few
examples of cheating and plagiarism:
Using other people’s ideas or words without proper citation
Using or possessing unauthorized materials such as notes,
books, or soliciting unauthorized assistance from another student
during quizzes or exams
Reusing a previous assignment or project and re-presenting it as
a new, original work without my permission
Copy another person’s answer or ideas without citation
Recycling the assignment in this class to gain credits for another
Redistributing examination or quiz materials and/or answer keys
If you are suspected of academic dishonesty, BAS and university
procedures will be followed, and if you are caught, you will receive a
zero on the assignment and your attendance, attentiveness,
punctuality, conduct grade. Other appropriate sanctions from BAS will
also be applied.
Technological distraction
Do not use your phone or laptop in class, unless instructed. I find
laptop and phone distraction and interruption disrespectful and
detrimental to class engagement. You may be asked to leave and/or
receive a zero participation grade if technological distraction becomes
a concern.