LabManualPHY112 PDF
LabManualPHY112 PDF
LabManualPHY112 PDF
(January - April 2020)
0.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
0.2 Precision vs Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
0.3 Three major sources of errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
0.3.1 Reading Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
0.3.2 Random Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.3.3 Systematic Error & Instrument Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.4 Mean & Standard Deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
0.5 Stating your results: Absolute & Relative Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . 6
0.6 Significant Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
0.6.1 Practical Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
0.6.2 Mistakes and Misconceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.7 Propagation of Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
0.7.1 Propagation of Independent Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
0.7.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
0.8 Fitting Data: Least Squares Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
0.8.1 Fitting to a straight line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2 The Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2.1 Aim of Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.2.2 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2 The Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.2 Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.2.3 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.2.4 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2 The Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2.2 Apparatus used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.3 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.3.1 Biot-Savart‘s law for the circular current loop . . . . . . . . . 37
5.4 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.4.1 Experimental observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.4.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.5 Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Rajeev Kapri
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8.2 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
8.3 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.4 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
8.5 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
8.5.1 Realization of parallel plate capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
8.5.2 Connections and Observations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.5.3 Calculation of capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.5.4 The variation of capacitance with distance between the plates 56
8.5.5 The variation of capacitance with area of the plates . . . . . . 57
8.5.6 Measurements with Dielectric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
8.5.7 Calculation of dielectric constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
8.5.8 Verification of the relations for the combination of dielectrics . 59
8.5.9 Study of edge effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
9 Equipotential Lines 63
Ketan Patel
9.1 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
9.2 Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
9.2.1 From the Coulomb’s law to the concept of potential . . . . . . 63
9.3 Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
9.3.1 Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
9.3.2 After performing the experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Chapter 0
0.1 Introduction
Error or uncertainty about a particular experimental measurement is the best estimate
of the quantitative range within which you can trust your results. Any experimental
measurement you make in the laboratory is meaningless unless quoted with an un-
certainty/error. We are not talking about errors like misreading a scale or slipping
a decimal point while taking a reading. Experimental uncertainties are a statement
about the resolution of your measurement i.e. how far from the “true” value you are
likely to be. There are two kinds of uncertainties associated with the measurement
of an experimental quantity:
• Random uncertainty: associated with unpredictable variations in the exper-
imental conditions. For example changes in room temperature, vibrations from
nearby machinery, error in time period measurement when the experimenter
does not start/stop the stopwatch at exactly the same point in the swing of the
pendulum etc. So if a measurement is repeated a number of times with sufficient
precision, a slightly different value of the measured quantity is obtained each
time and if the experiment is free from bias these variations will be random and
the measurements will group symmetrically about the “true” value.
• Systematic uncertainty: associated with inherent faults in measuring in-
strument or in measurement technique. This is an error that is consistent from
measurement to measurement. For example, measuring length of a table with
a tape that has a kink in it, a weak spring in a current meter, a calibration
error in the measuring device, a clock that runs too fast etc. So if there is an
experimental bias, the measurements will group around the wrong value and
are said to contain a systematic error. If you always round down to the nearest
tic mark on a meter stick while measuring length, you will make a systematic
error of measuring a slightly shorter length.
Random uncertainties are easier to quantify and deal with. There is no general
procedure for estimating the magnitude of systematic uncertainties.
• In the first experiment [Fig.1(a)], the data points show very different values and
are scattered over the circles. In this case, the random as well as systematic
errors are large and so the measurement is neither precise, nor accurate.
• In the second experiment [Fig.1(b)], the random errors are large but the sys-
tematic errors are small. The uncertainty in each measurement is large, so the
measurements are accurate but not precise.
• In the third experiment [Fig. 1(c)], the values lie within an experimental un-
certainty, that is, the random errors are small but since all the measurements
are away from the center, the systematic errors are large. Therefore, the mea-
surements are precise but not accurate.
• In the final experiment [Fig. 1(d)], the values lie both within an experimental
uncertainty and the actual value, that is, the measured value is precise and
If we remove the circles from Fig. 1, we do not know the true value of the quantity
being measured. In this situation, we can still assess the random errors (i.e., the
of the table length, and will not be biased/skewed toward the lower/higher values.
The procedure to get the most precise value for the length is to take the average or
arithmetic mean
x1 + x2 + ... + xN 1 X
x̄ = = xi (1)
N N i=1
where N is the number of measurements and xi is the value of one measurement.
This definition of mean assumes that each measurement of x is independent and has
the same experimental uncertainty.
Standard Deviation
Now that the mean (“best” value) is known, it is important to quantify how much the
individual measurements are scattered about the mean or how “good” each individual
measurement is. If the experiment is precise, all measurements will be very close to
the mean value. So the extent of scatter about the mean is a measure of the precision
and a way to quantify the random uncertainty.
For unbiased measurements (all data points have equal weights), the standard
deviation σ is v
u N
u 1 X
σ= t (xi − x̄)2 (2)
(N − 1) i=1
about a mean value µ, with standard deviation σ. These two quantities completely
define the Gaussian (or the normal) distribution.
In Fig. 2(a) to 2(d), we have plotted the probability distribution of obtaining
heads in a coin tossing experiment (consisting of N = 100 tosses per trial) when the
experiment is repeated M = 102 , 103 , 104 , and 106 times, respectively. The average
values of heads, µ, and the standard deviation, σ, for each case is reported in the
brackets. We can clearly see that µ approaches the value N/2 = 50 as the number of
trials M increases.
0.12 2
0.1 3
(a) N = 10 (b) N = 10
0.1 0.08
0.02 0.02
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
x x
0.1 4
0.1 6
(c) N = 10 (d) N = 10
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
x x
∆x indicates the reliability of the measurement, but the quality of the measure-
ment also depends on the value of xbest . For example, an uncertainty of 1 cm in a
distance of 1 km would indicate an unusually precise measurement, whereas the same
uncertainty of 1 cm in a distance of 10 cm would result in a crude estimate. Frac-
tional uncertainty gives us an indication how reliable our experiment is. Fractional
uncertainty is defined as ∆x/xbest where ∆x is the absolute uncertainty. Fractional
uncertainty can be also represented in percentile form (∆x/x)100% . For example,
the length l = (0.50 ± 0.01)m has a best fractional uncertainty of 0.01/0.5 = 0.02
and a percentage uncertainty of 0.02100 = 2%. Note that the fractional uncertainty
is a dimensionless quantity. Fractional uncertainties of about 10% or so are usually
characteristic of rather rough measurements. Fractional uncertainties of 1 or 2% in-
dicate fairly accurate measurements. Fractional uncertainties much less than 1% are
not easy to achieve, and are rare in an introductory physics laboratory.
Percentage disagreement: In some cases, you can compare the value of your
• The uncertainty σ should have 1 digit or at most 2 digits (all uncertainty calcu-
lations are estimates; there is no such thing as exact uncertainty!). The result
itself should be stated to the same precision as σ, for example, 10.25 ± 0.15sec
or 10.3 ± 0.2sec but NOT 10.25 ± 0.2sec.
• If σ is very large, you will lose significant digits. If the measurement is so bad
that σ is larger than the value itself, you will have no significant digits but only
know the order of magnitude!
dy df
∆y ≈ ∆x = ∆x (7)
dx dx
This argument can be extended for the calculation of quantities that are functions of
several different measured quantities. All you will need at this point are the results
that you can find below for different types of functions. Note that we neglect the sign
in the differential, since the sign of all errors may take on numerical values which are
either positive or negative.
y = x1 + · · · + xn − (w1 + · · · + wn ),
then q
∆y = (∆x1 )2 + · · · + (∆xn )2 + (∆w1 )2 · · · + (∆wn )2 . (8)
Product and Quotients: If
x1 × · · · × xn
y= ,
w1 × · · · × wn
then s 2 2 2 2
∆y ∆x1 ∆xn ∆w1 ∆wn
= + ··· + + + ··· + . (9)
|y| x1 xn w1 wn
Measured Quantity Times Exact Number: If A is known exactly and
y = Ax,
∆y ∆x
∆y = |A|∆x or, equivalently, = . (10)
|y| |x|
Uncertainty in a Power: If n is an exact number and
y = xn ,
∆y ∆x
= |n| . (11)
|y| |x|
Uncertainty in a Function of One Variable: If y = f (x) is any function of x,
∆y = ∆x.
If f (x) is a complicated function, then instead of differentiating f (x), one can use an
equivalent formula
∆y = |f (xbest + ∆x) − f (xbest )|. (12)
General Formula for Error Propagation: If u = f (x, y, z, . . .) is a function of
several variables with the independent variables x, y, z, . . . having independent and
random uncertainties ∆x, ∆y, ∆z.... The uncertainty in u is then given by the formula
s 2 2 2
∂f ∂f ∂f
∆u = ∆x + ∆y + ∆z + · · ·, (13)
∂x ∂y ∂z
where the partial derivatives are all evaluated at the best known values of x, y, z, . . ..
NOTE:- This formula is based on a first-order Taylor series expansion of a function of
many variables and is valid when the individual uncertainties ∆xi ’s are uncorrelated
with each other and are small compared to the values of the quantities. The first-order
Taylor series expansion of any function f at x0 is given by:
f (x − x0 ) ≈ f (x0 ) + (x − x0 ) f (x)|x=x0 . (14)
0.7.2 Exercises
Write out the error propagation formula (in terms of ∆f /f ) when the function f (x, y)
is of the form:
1. f = x ∗ y 4. f = x − y 7. f = lne x
5. f = xm y n
2. f = x/y 8. f = log10 x
6. f = kx (k is con-
3. f = x + y stant) 9. f = ex
where σi is the uncertainty of each data point. The best fit is found by adjusting the
parameters a, b, . . . until the minimum value of χ2 is achieved. For N data points and
n adjustable parameters, the “reduced chi-square” can be calculated from
χ2 χ2
χ2ν = = , (16)
ν N −n
where ν is the “degrees of freedom” in the problem. If the parameters are adjusted
so that χ2ν ≈ 1, a “good fit” is achieved i.e. the difference between the fitted curve
and the data is on an average, as big as the uncertainty in the data itself.
To determine the parameters m and c, we need to minimize χ2 (m, c). At its minimum,
the derivatives of χ2 (m, c) with respect to m and c vanishes:
X (yi − mxi − c) xi
= −2 2
= 0, (18a)
∂m i=1
X yi − mxi − c
= −2 = 0. (18b)
∂c i=1
wi ≡ 2 ; S≡ wi ; Sx ≡ wi xi ; Sy ≡ wi yi ; (19)
σi i=1 i=1 i=1
Sxx ≡ wi x2i ; Sxy ≡ w i xi y i .
i=1 i=1
With the above definition, the above equations can be rewritten as simultaneous
equations for m and c:
cS + mSx = Sy , (20a)
cSx + mSxx = Sxy . (20b)
The solution of these two equations in two unknowns is calculated as
SSxy − Sx Sy
m= , (21a)
Sxx Sy − Sx Sxy
c= , (21b)
∆ ≡ SSxx − (Sx )2 . (21c)
This gives the best fit values of the parameters m and c. The next task is the
estimation of the probable uncertainties in the estimates of m and c, which is intro-
duced by the measurement errors in the data. If the data are independent, then each
contributes its own bit of uncertainty to the parameters. Recall from the propagation
of error section [Equation (13)] that the standard deviation σf in the value of any
function f will be
u N
uX ∂f 2
σf = t σi2 . (22)
∂y i
For the straight line, the derivatives of m and c with respect to yi can be directly
evaluated from the solution:
∂m Sxx − Sx xi
∂yi σi2 ∆
∂c Sxi − Sx
= . (23)
∂yi σi2 ∆
Substituting these in Eq. (22) and summing over the points we get the standard
deviations r r
Sxx S
σm = and σc = , (24)
∆ ∆
in the estimates of m and c respectively.
If we assume that the uncertainties in y have the same magnitude σy for all the
data points, then the above equations remain valid with wi = 1/σy2 . For this case,
Example: Let us fit a straight line to a set of data (shown below) that is obtained
by an arbitrary experiment. On the right hand side the data and the best straight
line fit is plotted.
x y
200.0 194.18 550
1. The data looks linear so we can try fitting a straight line y = mx + c to it.
2. The above table does not mention the uncertainties of individual data points so
we can assume that the uncertainties in y’s have the same magnitude σy , which
needs to be calculated.
Result: The slope m and the intercept c of the best fitted straight line to the above
data is
m = 1.03 ± 0.03 c = −10.59 ± 12.02.
IMPORTANT NOTE:- You are expected to plot your data and do least squares
analysis to find the best fit to your data and also estimate the goodness of fit. You
may use gnuplot or other standard computer programs to find the best fit parameters
and also the uncertainties in the parameters. Use the values of σ generated by the
computer program in your analysis of error propagation in your experiment. LAB
1. Practical Physics, Third edition, by G. L. Squires, Cambridge University Press
1.1 Introduction
In this experiment, we study the motion of a magnet falling down a metal pipe, versus
a plastic pipe. When a magnet falls through a plastic pipe, it falls under the action
of gravity. However, when it falls through a metal pipe, in addition to gravity, it
experiences an upward force due to electromagnetic induction. The force is velocity
dependent and increases as the magnet speeds up, leading to a final terminal velocity
of the magnet. We use small coils wound outside the pipe as sensors to locate the
position of the magnet. The experiment can be used to measure acceleration due to
gravity g when a plastic pipe is used and for the metal pipe, it can be used to study
the Lenz’s law. The experiment can also be extended to measure the conductivity of
the material of the metallic pipe.
2. To find out the acceleration due to gravity g from data obtained in step (1).
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 111111
000000 00
11 v 111111
000000 00
11 000000 00
111111 11
11 00
11 00
Coil 11
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 Br
11 00
dz 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
Apparatus used
A copper pipe, sensing unit, neodymium magnet, germanium diodes, wires, oscillo-
scope, and a gauss meter.
1.2.2 Theory
The strong magnet falling through a conducting pipe experiences an opposing mag-
netic damping force which gradually increases. If the pipe is long enough, the magnet
eventually reaches a constant terminal speed. The damping force on the magnet
arises from circular currents flowing inside the tube wall known as eddy or Foucault
currents. These eddy currents are generated due to the electromotive force (e.m.f.),
ε, induced in the pipe due to the time variation of the magnetic flux caused by the
motion of magnet inside the tube.
Let us start with a short conductive ring of radius a is moving with velocity v in
a region where non-uniform magnetic field B exists we observe
where Br is the radial component of the magnetic field, and the integral was
evaluated along the ring.
2. A variable retarding magnetic force F appears on the short ring which opposes
its motion. The axial component Fz opposing the motion of the ring along the
z-axis is given by
Fz = i(` × B)z = 2πiaBr . (1.2)
Now consider the motion of a short and strong cylindrical magnet through a
vertical conducting pipe, whose inner and outer radii are a, and b, respectively, under
gravity. The velocity of magnet is v = vẑ. It is assumed that the magnet axis of
symmetry is always coincident with the vertical pipe symmetry as shown in Fig. 1.1.
The field B due to the magnet can be approximated as being produced by a simple
magnetic dipole. The axial component Bz and the radial component Br of the field
If σ is the conductivity of the material of the pipe wall and dA denotes the cross-
sectional are of a small ring element of length ` = 2πa, then the conductance of this
ring is given by dC = σdA/`, and the induced current di along such a ring is
di = εdC = ε = Br vσdA. (1.6)
If we denote τ as the thickness of the pipe, the magnetic force dF on the small ring
of height dz is given by
or 2
3µ0 µ u2 du
dF = (2πa)σvτ , (1.8)
4πa3 (1 + u2 )5
where we have inserted value of Br from Eq. 1.4 and introduced the new variable u
with z = au. Integrating Eq. 1.8 along the pipe gives the effective retarding force on
the magnet
Z ∞ 2 2
3µ0 µ u2 du 2 3µ0 µ f
F = (2πa)σvτ = (2πa )σvτ , (1.9)
−∞ 4πa3 (1 + u2 )5 4πa3 π
We can obtain the force experienced by the falling magnet using Eq. 1.9 if we know
the magnetic moment µ̃ = µ0 µ/4π (in SI units) of the magnet. The magnetic moment
can be obtained by measuring the radial field Br of the magnet (using a Gaussmeter)
as a function of distance r from its axis. 1 If we plot Br as a function of 1/r3 , we get
a straight line with slope µ̃/2. The magnetic drag force on the magnet is given by
45π 2 στ µ̃2
F = v = kv, (1.11)
1 3
The magnetic magnetic field Br due to a magnetic dipole varies as Br = mu/2r
Br (×10−4 Tesla)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
1/(r 3 ) (m−3 )
Figure 1.2: The radial magnetic field Br (in Tesla) vs 1/r3 (in m−3 ) for the magnet.
The slope of the line gives the magnetic moment µ̃/2.
45π 2 στ µ̃2
k= , (1.12)
is the magnetic drag constant. When the magnetic drag force becomes equal to the
weight mg of the magnet, the magnet attains a terminal velocity vT given by
vT = . (1.13)
In deriving Eq. (1.11) it was assumed that the thickness of the pipe is much smaller
than the pipe’s inner radius a, i.e., τ a. If we consider a pipe of finite thickness
τ = b − a, where b is the external radii of the pipe. A tube of infinitesimal thickness
da exerts on the falling magnet an infinitesimal force dF given by Eq. (1.11),
45π 2 σv µ̃2
dF = da. (1.14)
Introducing the thickness parameter λ defined so that b = λa, the above equation
45π 2 σv µ̃2 a 1
F = 1− 3 . (1.16)
64a4 3 λ
It is therefore useful to define the effective thickness τ 0 of the cylindrical wall as
0 a 1
τ = 1− 3 (1.17)
3 λ
Now replacing the thickness τ by τ 0 in Eq. (1.12) we get the magnetic drag constant
45π 2 στ µ̃2 a 1
k= 1− 3 . (1.18)
64a4 3 λ
This value of k should be used in Eq. (1.13) to obtain the terminal velocity.
Experiment 2
2.1 Introduction
Black body radiation experiments are slightly tricky to set-up in an undergraduate
Physics laboratory owing to the requirement that the object under study needs to
be at very high temperatures (T > 103 K). In addition, such an object needs to be
isolated from the environment to prevent oxidation. The incandescent lamps, either
gas filled or having vacuum inside, provide a very convenient source of black body
radiation. In this experiment we will use a lamp with vacuum inside it.
1. To study the variation of total power radiated by the lamp with temperature.
+ Voltmeter −
+ Ammeter −
Figure 2.1: Left: The experimental setup. Right: The connections required for the
2.2.3 Theory
We know that an object at an elevated temperature T radiates energy which we can
feel also if the temperature is significantly higher than the environment. The Power P
radiated by such an object is give by the following relation called Stefan-Boltzmann
P = σAeT 4 , (2.1)
where, P is the power or the rate at which energy is radiated by the source, σ =
5.6696 × 10−8 W m−2 K −4 is a constant called Stefan’s constant, A is the surface of ra-
diating object, T is the temperature in Kelvin and e is the emissivity and is considered
constant with temperature. For a perfect black body e = 1.
The following assumptions are being made for this experiment:
1. The loss of heat due to conduction is negligible. This is because the lamp used
in this experiment contains a filament in an evacuated chamber.
2. The loss of heat through the wires connecting the filament is assumed to be
negligible. This means that all of the energy supplied by the battery is radiated
as heat.
Since we have considered that all the electrical energy supplied to the lamp is
radiated, the power radiated can be obtained from the V − I data of the lamp as
P = V I. Where I is the current through the lamp and V is the potential difference
across it. If we are able to obtain T , then we can plot log(P ) vs log(T ) with the
following observations
2.2.4 Procedure
The experimental measurements are divided into two parts:
1. Measurement of V − I data at high temperatures and calculation of required
2. Measurement of lamp filament resistance at room temperature.
Rt = R0 (1 + αt) (2.3)
Rt2 (1 + αt2 )
= . (2.5)
Rt1 (1 + αt1 )
The Rt1 is the value of lamp resistance at room temperature t1 . The temperature
coefficient of resistance α for tungsten is 0.0045/◦ C. The temperature t1 is known
(through measurement). Rt2 is the value of resistance obtained from the V − I data.
Remember that you are not to find resistance from V −I graph, but calculate individ-
ual values using R = V /I (Why?). Once the values of Rt2 representing the resistance
measured at different temperatures are known, the resistivity corresponding to those
resistance values can be calculated, which in turn allow us to obtain temperature
values from the standard data.
Calculation of Resistivity
We know that the resistance R of a conductor is given by
R=ρ , (2.6)
where ` is the length of the conductor and a is its are of the cross section. In our case,
the conductor is a filament (which is usually a cylindrical coil for large and a wire for
small filaments). The factor `/a is usually constant over a temperature range. Let us
take `/a = k, then from Eq. 2.6, we get
k= . (2.7)
Remember that Rt1 is the resistance at room temperature t1 . We will set R = Rt1
and Rt = Rt2 . Similarly ρ = ρt1 and ρt = ρt2 . For tungsten ρ = 5.6 × 10−8 ohm-m at
20◦ C. This value of k allows us to calculate ρt at different temperatures
ρt = . (2.8)
Calculation of Temperature
Equation 2.5 can be written as
ρt (1 + αt)
= . (2.9)
ρ (1 + α 20)
In Eq. 2.9, ρt , ρ and α are known, and for the room temperature the value of ρ at
20◦ C can be used. From Eq. 2.9 we get
1 ρt
t= (1 + 20α) − 1 . (2.10)
α ρ
11 AA
Figure 2.2: Connections for millivolt power source to measure the resistance of the
bulb at room temperature.
available previously marked lamps can be used. Such low voltage supplies are usually
not available in the lab. To work at such low voltages your supply should be very
clean with no ripples. Best option is to use two AA size batteries with a holder
and potential divider arrangement as shown in Fig. 2.2. Alternatively a good quality
multimeter can be used to measure the filament resistance using the Ohm range (the
requirement here is the current during this measurement should not be more than
couple of hundred µA ).
Calculate the slope of log(P ) vs log(T ). Ideally the slope should be 4. Measure
intercept from the same graph to find log(σA). Look at the lamp and see if you can
optically estimate the length ` of the filament. If ` can be measured, it will allow us
to calculate cross-sectional area of the coil using Eq. 2.6. Using this data the surface
area of the filament can be estimated, which in turn can be used to estimate σ using
log(σA) calculated from the intercept or alternatively effective area of the coil can be
estimated using value of σ.
The plot of V − I characteristics at high temperatures and the plot of log(P ) vs
log(T ) obtained for the experiment are shown in the left and right panels of Fig. 2.3,
1. B. S. N. Prasad and Rita Mascarenhas, Am.J.Phys. 46, 420 (1978).
0.45 (3.94*x)-12.63
0.092*x**0.61+0.012 Log(T) vs Log(P) Plot
V-I data at high temperature 0.5
Current A
0.05 -1.25
0 -1.5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Voltage V Log(T)
Figure 2.3: Left panel: V-I characteristics at high temperatures. Right panel: The
plot of log(P ) vs log(T ).
A capacitor (nonpolar) 50-100 µF /25V, a DC voltmeter (preferably peak reading), a
low frequency AC source (a step down transformer 0-6V), a DPDT switch.
Digtal dc Voltmeter
ac Source
3.2 Procedure
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in Fig. 3.1.
4. Toggle the switch S1 to disconnect the capacitor from ac source and connect
it to the digital voltmeter. The following precautions should be taken while
taking voltage readings
5. Repeat the procedure in step 3 and 4 to get a data set preferably 500 observa-
Distribution Function
To obtain n(V ), we need to bin the data. Let us assume that in a particular set the
maximum and minimum voltage measured are 8.0 V and -8.0 V. Take V along the
x-axis. We will divide the whole range in a number of bins as follows:
• Let us take 1 V = 1 cm on the graph paper. Using this scale create bins of
width 1 V from −8.0V to +8.0V .
−8.0 −7.0 −6.0 −5.0 −4.0 −3.0 −2.0 −1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
• Place each data point into its respective bin, i.e., the reading 4.8 will be marked
in the bin between 4.0 and 5.0.
• The data on the graph paper will look like Fig. 3.2, where every cross represents
a measured value.
Where V0 is the measured peak value of the applied voltage. For discrete bins of size
∆V , the integration is replaced by sum over bins,
NV = n(V ) = N P (V )∆V.
Normalized n(V) 10
P (V ) = p 1
V = V0 sin (πNV /N )
π V02 −V 2
0.05 2
overed waveform
0 0
-10 -5 0 5 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Figure 3.3: Left: Comparison of theoretical and experimental data. Right: The plot
of NV vs V = V0 sin (πNV /N ) which represents one fourth of the recovered waveform.
get π
V = V0 sin NV , (3.5)
NV = ni (V ) (3.6)
where k represents the kth voltage bin. The voltage points can be calculated from the
following expression !
π X
Vk = V0 sin ni (V ) . (3.7)
N i=1
Note that the data from which voltage points are recovered is random. Therefore,
the time relation of these data points and hence the frequency of waveform cannot be
Sample calculations
A sample set of data with peak value V0 = 10 volts and a set of positive values (157
data points) is shown in Table 3.1. The total number of data points (by taking similar
number of negative values also) are therefore N = 2 × 157 = 314. A comparison
of theoretical probability distribution and experimental observation is shown in the
Left panel of Fig. 3.3. In the Right panel, we have shown the plot of NV vs V =
V0 sin (πNV /N ) which represents a one fourth of the recovered sine waveform.
1. Arvind, P. S. Chandi, R. C. Singh, D. Indumathi and R. Shankar, Am. J. Phys.
72, 76 (2004).
S.No Bin n(V) NV V = V0 sin N
1 0.0 0 0 0
2 0.0-0.5 5 5 0.5
3 0.5-1.0 5 10 1.0
4 1.0-1.5 5 15 1.49
5 1.5-2.0 5 20 1.99
6 2.0-2.5 5 25 2.47
7 2.5-3.0 5 30 2.96
8 3.0-3.5 6 36 3.52
9 3.5-4.0 5 41 3.99
10 4.0-4.5 6 47 4.53
11 4.5-5.0 5 52 4.97
12 5.0-5.5 6 58 5.48
13 5.5-6.0 6 64 5.97
14 6.0-6.5 7 71 6.52
15 6.5-7.0 7 78 7.03
16 7.0-7.5 7 85 7.51
17 7.5-8.0 8 93 8.02
18 8.0-8.5 9 102 8.52
19 8.5-9.0 10 112 9.00
20 9.0-9.5 13 125 9.49
21 9.5-10.0 32 157 10.00
4.2 Theory
The Helmholtz coil provides uniform magnetic field at the centre. If a current carrying
loop is placed at the centre, such a way that the loop contains non zero flux then
there will be a torque on the loop. This torque will rotate the loop until balanced by
the torque, generated from the metallic band of torsion dynamometer. The value of
torque can be read from the reading of torsion dynamometer.
If a current I is passed through a closed loop of area A it produces a magnetic
moment m ~
m ~
~ = I A, (4.1)
whose direction is along the direction of the area vector A.~ If this current carrying
loop is kept in a uniform magnetic field with flux density B, it experiences the torque
τ given by
τ =m ~ × B.~ (4.2)
~ and the magnetic field B
If the angle between the area vector A ~ is φ (as shown in
Fig. 4.1), then
τ = BIA sin φ. (4.3)
The magnetic field B is given by B = cIH , where c and IH are the Helmholtz coil
constant and the current through the Helmholtz coil, respectively. The torque is thus
given by
τ = cIH IA sin φ. (4.4)
The above equation shows that, the torque τ is directly proportional to
• current IH in the Helmholtz coil,
• current I in the coil,
~ and magnetic field B.
• Sine of angle between the area vector A ~
4.3 Procedure
The connections are shown in Fig. 4.2.
1. First connect the Helmholtz coils in the series so that the current flowing
through the coils are same.
2. Check the conductor coil circuit. Make sure that all the connections are closed.
3. Set the zero position of the torque reading, imprinted on the torsional dyna-
monmeter by rotating the force indication knob [See Fig. 4.2 (point 8)].
3. Suspension system
4. Lever arm
Figure 4.2: Experimental set-up for determining the torque due to a magnetic moment
in the magnetic field.
4. Set the lever arms [See Fig. 4.2 (point 4)] of the suspension system [See Fig. 4.2
(point 3)] to the zero position by rotating the zero setting knob [See Fig. 4.2
(point 1)]. The zero position for the lever arms [See Fig. 4.2 (point 4)] is
imprinted as the zero indication for lever arms [See Fig. 4.2 (point 2)] on sus-
pension system. Make sure that the metal band has the position for minimum
4.3.1 Precautions
The following precautions need to be taking while doing the experiment
2. The current in the Helmholtz coil must not exceed 3 Amperes and the current
in the inductor coil must not exceed 4.5 Amperes.
5.1 Introduction
In 1820, Hans Cristian Oersted, a Danish scientist, observed that a compass needle
gets deflected when an electric current from a battery was switched on and off. He
found that when an electric current flows through a wire, it produces a circular mag-
netic field. This discovery provided the first link between electricity and magnetism.
In the same year Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart obtained an equation describing
the magnetic field generated by an electric current which relates the magnetic field to
the magnitude, direction, length, and proximity of the electric current. This equation
is now known as Biot-Savart‘s law.
2. To determine the variation of magnetic field with the distance from the center
of the coil at a constant current in air.
3. To compare the magnetic fields at the center of coils with different diameters
by passing same current and show that the field at the center is inversely pro-
portional to the radius of the coil.
5.3. THEORY 36
in Fig. 5.1. The existence of magnetic field lines can be studied for a current carrying
conductor of any shape. The conductor can be an infinite long wire, a circular loop
or a cylindrical coil. In this experiment, we will be using circular loops of different
diameter. A current is passed through the loop and the magnetic field is measured
by using a digital gauss meter.
5.3 Theory
~ of a wire carrying a steady current I as shown in Fig. 5.2.
Consider a small element ds
The magnitude of magnetic field dB ~ at point P due to this small current element
should be proportional to the following factors:
~ ~
I ds the strength of the current I and the length of the element ds.
dB~ ∝ 1/r2 inverse square of the distance from the center of the wire to point P
sin θ angle between ds~ and r.
Figure 5.3: The element Id~l of the circular loop of current sets up a field B
~ at point
P on the axis of the loop.
integrating over all current elements I ds.
µ0 Ids sinθ
B = dB = . (5.3)
4π r2
Only dB~ k component contributes to the total magnetic field at point P because
the component dB~ k for all current elements lie on the axis and add up directly, where
as the component dB ~ ⊥ point in different directions perpendicular to the axis, and
~ ⊥ for the complete loop is zero, from the symmetry consideration.
the sum of all dB
Therefore, the vector integral over all dB~ is equal to an integral over the parallel
components only. The magnitude of the field is given by
~ k, µ0 Ids cos φ
B = dB with dB~k = dB cos φ = , (5.4)
where we have used Eq. 5.2. From Fig 5.3, we have
√ R R
r= R 2 + x2 cos φ = =√ .
r R 2 + x2
Putting these values in Eq. 5.4 we get
~k= µ0 IR
B = dB 3 ds
4π(R2 + x2 ) 2
µ0 IR2
= 3 , (5.5)
2 (R2 + x2 ) 2
where ds = 2πR, is the circumference of the loop.
Special Cases
1. For magnetic field at the center of the loop, i.e., substituting r = R in Eq. 5.5
we get Z
µ0 I µ0 I
B= 2
ds = . (5.6)
4πR 2R
2. If the distance of point P is much larger than the radius of the loop (i.e., x R).
The magnetic field is given by
µ0 IR2
B= . (5.7)
5.4 Procedure
• Mount the circular conductor and hall probe holder on the optical bench.
• Mount the axial Hall probe in the holder for Hall probe. Align the Hall probe
towards the center of the circular conductor.
• Adjust the zero of the digital Gauss meter. It must be zero when no current is
passed through the conductor.
• At I = 20A, move the Hall probe and measure the magnetic field as a function
of x.
• Repeat the same steps for another circular loops with different diameter.
Sr. Circular conductor of dia 40 Circular conductor of dia 80 Circular conductor of dia 120
no. mm mm mm
I (A) B (G) I (A) B (G) I (A) B (G)
5.4.2 Results
The results are plotted in Fig. 5.4.
Further analysis: Calculate the magnetic field B at the center of each coil using the
data obtained, and show that B is inversely proportional to the radius of the coil.
5.5 Precautions
• Set all the knobs of the current source at zero before turning on or off the
• Hall probe should align at the center of the circular loop.
• At zero current, Gauss meter should show zero value.
• Do not pass current for long time. It may cause connection problem due to over
• Wait for few minutes to stabilize the magnetic field during each measurement.
• Repeat steps 1-13 times for each coil to check the reproducibility.
8 7
40 mm 120 mm
7 80 mm 6 80 mm
120 mm 40 mm
B (G)
B (G)
4 (a) (b)
1 1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
I (A) x (
Figure 5.4: (a) Magnetic field B as a function of current I, and (b) Magnetic field B
as a function of distance x from the center for circular loops of various diameters as
indicated. The points are experimental observations and the solid lines are the best
fit to the data by a straight line y = mx + c and using Eq. (5.5) for (a) and (b),
Experiment 6
Studying electromagnetic
induction using a magnet & a coil
6.2 Theory
The Faraday’s second law tells us that the induced emf e is proportional to the rate
of change of flux φ and the direction of this emf opposes the change in flux that
produced it. Mathematically, this can be written as
e=− . (6.1)
6.2. THEORY 42
The induced emf pulse e through the coil as a function of time t as observed using
oscilloscope is plotted in Fig. 6.2.
which induces the emf. Therefore, the induced current flows in the coil in such a way
that it opposes the motion of the magnet. Since the velocity of the magnet changes
after each oscillation and so is the energy dissipation. If En is energy of the system
after n oscillations, then
En En
=a which gives = an .
En−1 E0
As the energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude, we have
θn En
= = an/2 . (6.5)
θ0 E0
6.3 Procedure
Measurement of emf
1. Design the circuit as shown in Fig. 6.3 (Left).
2. Fix the masses at a specific length, for that particular length note the value
of peak voltage at different angles(θ0 ). Repeat this for 4-5 different values of
3. When the magnet goes through the coil, magnetic flux changes and emf in-
duced which causes the deflection in galvanometer and charging of the capacitor.
When the capacitor is fully charged, the galvanometer stops showing deflection,
then press the switch to know the peak voltage on the voltmeter.
4. Now keep pressing the button until the voltmeter shows zero.
5. For a particular time period of oscillation(T ), plot peak voltage(e) vs angle (θ0 ).
6. For a particular value of deflection angle(θ0 ), plot peak voltage(e) vs. 1/T .
Figure 6.3: (Left) Schematic diagram of circuit. (Right) Schematic diagram of circuit
for charge comparison due to both positive and negative induced emf pulses.
2. The diode allows the capacitor to charge only for positive pulse. Arrange two
sets of charging circuits as shown in Fig. 6.3(Right) so that one capacitor charges
up on the positive pulse and the other on the negative pulse. Verify that the
charges on the capacitors are nearly the same.
3. If you stop the oscillations (by hand) after a quarter oscillation (from the ex-
treme position of magnet to its mean position), only one capacitor charges up.
Try and find out if the sign of induced emf is as according to Faraday’s law.
Electromagnetic damping
1. First keep the coil open circuited and plot log θn as a function of n.
2. Do the same with a short circuited coil and also with a finite load such as 1k
resistor. Finally try a big capacitor as a load. At each swing, the capacitor keeps
charging up and the energy has to be supplied to build up this energy. Plot all
the experimental data on the same graph and interpret the plots obtained.
6.4 Reference
1. A. Singh, Y. N. Mohapatra, and S. Kumar, Am. J. Phys. 70, 424 (2002).
Experiment 7
Rajeev Kapri
7.1.2 Apparatus
The apparatus consists of a high voltage (kV) power supply, metal spheres with
different diameters, an amplifier, an auxiliary capacitor, a voltmeter, BNC connector
and connecting cables. The experimental set-up to determine the capacitance of
spherical conductors is shown in Fig. 7.1.
7.2 Theory
If a spherical conductor with capacitance Cco is connected to a charging voltage V1
(in kV), the charge Q accumulated on the conductor is given by
Q = Cco V1 . (7.1)
Test sphere
High voltage Sphere
power supply
Electrometer & Amplifier
Earth connecting
cable BNC Connector
The capacitance of the conductor Cco is in pF, is much less than the capacitance of
the auxiliary capacitor Cca (10 nF), i.e., Cco Cca . Therefore, we can approximate
Eq. 7.2 by
Q ≈ Cca V2 , (7.3)
without introducing much error. Equating Eqs. 7.1 and 7.3, we get
V2 Cco
= . (7.4)
V1 Cca
Which means that if we plot V2 as a function of V1 , we get a straight line whose slope
will be Cco /Cca , which can be obtained by data fitting. Since the value of Cca is given,
we can calculate the capacitance of the conductor.
Theoretically, the capacitance C of a sphere of radius R is given by
C = 4π0 R, (7.5)
where 0 = 8.86 × 10−12 F·m−1 (Farads per meter) is called the vacuum permittivity,
permittivity of free space or electric constant.
7.3 Procedure
1. The two spheres are held on a barrel base and insulated against the latter.
Separate them from each other by approximately 1 meter. Refer Fig. 7.1 for
2. Connect the smaller sphere by means of the high voltage cord over the 10 MΩ
protective resistor to the positive pole of the 10 kV output of the high voltage
power supply. The negative pole is earthed.
3. Ground both the spheres. Let both the electrometer and power supply be in
switched off position.
7.4. RESULTS 48
4. Turn on the power supply and let adjust the knob to set the desired voltage.
Keep the test sphere grounded and the electrometer off while the smaller sphere
charges for some time.
5. Remove the earthing cable from the test (bigger) sphere and the small sphere
is briefly brought into contact with the test spheres to charge it. High voltage
always must be reset to zero after charging.
6. Connect the test (bigger) sphere to the electrometer using the BNC connector
7. Connect the voltmeter to the output of the electrometer and measure the voltage
across the auxiliary capacitor with capacitance Cca = 10nF which is connected
in parallel to the BNC connector.
7.4 Results
• Obtain and plot the data of V2 (in volts) as a function of V1 (in kV) for metal
spheres of various diameters.
• Fit the data to obtain the slope. Find the capacitance of the conductor by using
Eq. 7.4 and the value of the slope.
7.5 Precautions
• The power supply and the electrometer have internal circuits that can lead to
induction of charges and may affect the readings.
• Remember that you are working with a high voltage power supply. So be careful
while operating it.
Experiment 8
8.1 Introduction
Electrostatics is one of the fundamental topics in physics and capacitance as a phe-
nomenon and capacitor as a device are important tools to study. A parallel plate
capacitor is introduced very early on in physics courses, however most students do
not get to work with an actual parallel plate capacitor in a lab. To quantify various
factors affecting the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is a difficult task in an
undergraduate laboratory due to the small capacities of reasonably sized capacitors.
To study a parallel plate capacitor using a DC source requires either very large plates
or a very high voltage source (of the order of 10 kV or more). Most methods cur-
rently used in physics teaching laboratories to measure capacitance involve charge
measuring devices such as electrometers, and usually involve high potentials. Most
8.2. THEORY 50
of these devices are expensive and commercial and do not allow the possibility of
student tinkering.
8.2 Theory
In this experiment the properties of a parallel plate capacitor are demonstrated by
using an AC source so that we do not require large plates or high voltage DC sources.
The AC source is a low potential AC signal is used. A capacitor when connected
to an AC source allows current to pass through it, the magnitude of which depends
upon the value of capacitance and the frequency involved. The experimental setup
used consists of a resistor connected in series to the parallel plate capacitor and an
AC signal is applied across the circuit. The potential developed across the resistor is
measured and capacitance is calculated from it. The capacitor itself is configured out
of off the shelf material. The plates are formed using aluminum foil fixed on plastic
Block Diagram
Io is peak value of the the current through the circuit given by I0 = VZo and the
8.2. THEORY 51
Vo2 Xc2
Vo2 = VR2 + (8.4)
(R2 + Xc2 )
which yields p
R Vo2 − VR2
Xc = (8.5)
Substituting capacitive reactance Xc = 2πf C
in Eqn. (5) and rearranging leads to
C= pR (8.6)
2πf R Vo2 − VR2
01 1
Frequency Meter Display
Amplitude Adjust
01 1
0 5
8.4 Calibration
It is necessary to check the measured values against the available values of the ca-
pacitors. The setup is sensitive enough to measure capacitances in pF. To proceed,
following values of commercially available ceramic capacitors can be used 10pF, 22pF,
33pF, 47pf, 56pF, 100pF. The sensor resistor from 100 kΩ to 500 kΩ can be used.
Connect the sensor resistor between points 6 and 7 on the apparatus and capacitor be-
tween points 3 and 6. The calibration curve given in Figure 8.3 clearly demonstrates
Capacitance measured(pF)
0 37.5 75 112 150
Figure 8.3: Calibration curve of the measuring apparatus with known commercially
available ceramic capacitors.
8.5 Measurements
Following measurements are feasible using this apparatus
2. The variation of capacitance with distance between the plates of a parallel plate
3. The variation of capacitance with area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.
• Connect the upper pate to the point 3 (lower plate is internally connected to
point 6).
• VoltmeterVo (with LED display is internally connected) displays the peak value
of the applied AC signal Vo . Adjust the display using calibration knob if re-
• Connect a multimeter set at 2V or 2000mV range across point 5 and the ground.
• Adjust the frequency and the amplitude of the applied signal using the knobs
provided. The LCD display provides the frequency of the AC signal.
Capacitance (pF)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
1/d (mm-1)
Figure 8.4: The variation of the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with dis-
S. No. d V0 VR C
(mm) (volts) (volts) (pF)
Capacitance (pF)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Area of Plates (cm )
Figure 8.5: The variation of the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with area
of plates.
S. No. Area A V0 VR C
(cm2 ) (volts) (volts) (pF)
d K1 K2
Figure 8.6: Two dielectric plates placed in parallel between the capacitor plates.
K2 d
Figure 8.7: Two dielectric plates placed in series between the capacitor plates.
K1 t
Figure 8.8: Dielectric plate partially filling the space between the capacitor plates.
K1 + K2
K|| = (8.12)
Table 8.4 compares values of K|| calculated from K1 and K2 with values measured
with dielectric filling the space between plates as discussed earlier.
plates (volts)
K1 +K2
Table 8.4: Parallel combination of dielectrics. Verification of the relation K|| = 2
2.K1 .K2
Table 8.5: Series combination of dielectrics. Verification of the relation Ks = K1 +K2
Partially filled
The results of measurement when the distance between the plates is partially filled
by the dielectric are to be tabulated in Table 8.6.
C= t (8.14)
1− d
(1 − K1 )
Medium K d t VR C= qVR C= Co
t 1
2πf R Vo2 − VR2 1 − (1 − )
d K
(cm) (cm) (volts)
Cxd (
0 3.75 7.5 11.2 15
d (mm)
Figure 8.9: The upper line shows the variation of the product of capacitance and
distance between plates as a function of the distance between the plates of a parallel
plate capacitor. The lower line parallel to the x axis shows the theoretical values for
an ideal capacitor(without considering the contribution of edge effects) of the same
geometry. The plate area is 28 × 15cm2 . AC of frequency 1.5KHz was used. The two
lines meet when the distance tends to zero, indicating negligible contribution of edge
effects in this limit.
The exact validity of Equation (8.8) requires a capacitor with infinite area. For a
finite capacitor, the presence of fringing field near the edges of the plates gives rise to
what is called edge effects. The presence of edge effects in a parallel plate capacitor
can have a significant contribution to the capacitance. Due to this the relation (8.8)
derived for an ideal parallel plate capacitor is not obeyed. We study the edge effects
Capacitance/Area (pF/cm2)
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
1/Area (cm )
Figure 8.10: The upper line shows the variation of capacitance divided by area as
a function of the inverse of the area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The
lower line parallel to x axis shows the same ratio for an ideal capacitor of the same
dimensions. The fact that the two lines tend to meet for an area tending to infinity
indicates that edge effects are negligible in that limit. The distance between the plates
is 5.2mm. AC of frequency 1.5KHz was used.
in this section and demonstrate their presence. We also show how edge effects become
negligible for large areas or for a small separation between the plates. Figure 8.9 shows
the contribution of the edge effects to the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor
due to variation in distance between the capacitor plates. As the separation between
plates d increases, the product C ×d increases and clearly shows that the contribution
of the edge effect due to fringing fields increases with increase in separation between
the plates. As the separation decreases, the measured C × d values tends to meet
the C × d value for an ideal capacitor. Had the capacitor been ideal the graph would
have looked like the lower curve with the product of capacitance and distance being
independent of the distance.
Figure 8.10 shows the contribution of the edge effects to the capacitance of parallel
plate capacitor due to variation of area of the capacitor plates. We have plotted
capacitance divided by area as a function of the inverse of area. For an ideal capacitor
the graphs should be a straight line parallel to the x-axis, showing no dependence of
the ratio CA on the area. For a real capacitor the graph shows the contribution due
to edge effects. When extrapolated, the two curves tend to meet as the area tends to
infinity i.e. when 1/A tends to zero the contribution due to edge effects are negligible.
Experiment 9
Equipotential Lines
Ketan Patel
9.1 Aim
To draw the lines of constant electric potential in water for different arrangements of
9.2 Theory
Let’s first understand the concept of electric potential. (Please go through this sec-
tion before starting the experiment and try to understand as much as possible. Some
the concepts discussed below will be introduced in your theory course of electromag-
9.2. THEORY 64
where Z
1 ρ(x0 ) 3 0
φ(x) ≡ φ(x, y, z) = dx . (9.7)
4π0 r
is called electric scalar potential. Because of its simple scalar nature, φ(x) can
easily be evaluated for given charge distribution. One can derive electric field and
force acting on a test charge in the presence of this field very easily from φ(x).
[Note: Using eq. (9.6), you can show (a) ∇ × E = 0 and (b) The φ(x) and φ(x) + c
lead to the same E(x) if c is a constant function in space.]
9.2. THEORY 65
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
-5 -5 -5
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
-5 -5 -5
Figure 9.1: Equipotential lines obtained using eq. (9.7) for different configurations of
point charges.
Using eq. (9.7), we draw equipotential lines for some simple point charge config-
urations. Consider the point charges in two dimensions:
1. +q at (0, 0).
2. +q at (4, 0) and −q at (−4, 0).
3. +2q at (4, 0) and −2q at (−4, 0).
4. +q at (4, 0), (−4, 0) and −q at (0, 4), (0, −4).
5. +q at (5, 5), (2, −6), +3q at (−8, −2), −2q at (1, 2) and −3q at (−7, 7).
6. Try to guess this charge configuration from Figure.
The equipotential lines for the above charge configurations are shown in respective
figures below. In all the figures, the lines, in descending order of thickness, show the
φ = ±1, ± 0.5, ± 0.3, ± 0.2, ± 0.1 in units of q/(4π0 ). The continuous lines
correspond to positive φ while dashed lines correspond to the negative values of φ.
• Compare the different equipotenrial lines in a given figure. Make also compar-
ison between the equipotential lines presenting same potential in two different
• How does the strength of potential decrease in each configuration when moving
away fro the charges?
9.3 Experiment
As described in the above, the equipotential surface is an imaginary surface described
by the points at which the electric scalar potential possesses the same value. We
would be performing our experiment on a two dimensional surface (on a graph paper),
therefore we would talk about equipotential lines and not surface.
The equipotential lines are collections for points {(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), ..., (xn , yn )} in
two dimensions for which the potential satisfies the condition φ(x1 , y1 ) = φ(x2 , y2 ) =
..., = φ(xn , yn ).
Since it is experimentally difficult to probe the potential in vacuum or in air, we
would use water as a medium.
9.3.1 Procedure
You are given a D.C. power source, a voltmeter, different kind of electrodes (bars and
discs), a metal ring, a transparent container for water and a test probe.
1. Take two graph papers and place two bar electrodes with maximum distance
between them on the graph paper. Mark their position identically on both the
graph papers.
2. Place a clear transparent container on one of the graph paper. Place the bar
electrodes on already marked positions.
3. Don’t trust your instruments. Take a battery of known output voltage and
check if the voltmeter is calibrated correctly. If yes, using that voltmeter check
the actual output DC voltage of power source given to you. Note down this
actual supplied voltage.
4. Make connections as shown in the Fig. ??. Connect one electrode with +ve
and other with -ve output of power source. Connect the +ve of voltmeter with
test probe and -ve of voltmeter with -ve of power source.
5. Fill the container with normal water until the electrodes get half submerged
into the water. Place a test probe such that it touches the water.
6. Switch on the power source. Starting at some point, note down the potential.
Move your test probe in such a way that the potential remain constant. Note
down this positions and mark them on the other graph paper. Connects the
points representing the same value of potential.
7. Start at another point and do the same. Repeat this until you get a clear picture
of how potential is distributed over the entire surface for a given arrangement
of electrodes.
8. Use imagination: Draw equipotential lines for at least four different config-
urations of electrodes. Use different electrodes, put them in the way you wish
(not necessarily in some symmetric pattern) and draw the equipotential lines.
You can use also more than 2 electrodes kept at different potentials. Also, place
the metal ring in the water and check the potential inside and outside of it.