Notes Ross Jeffries
Notes Ross Jeffries
Notes Ross Jeffries
I’ve also talked about them in these modules, They are being commanding,
demonstrating deep understanding of her world, being playful and fun, and being
sincere, direct and vulnerable.
where you want to go. I should say if in the course of the frst month you
fnd it’s flowing and suddenly you fnd yourself accelerating and getting
laid, don’t stop yourself from getting laid because it’s not on the schedule.
Go right ahead.
Give me your feedback. Let me know how this works for you. I want
you to get into this 90-day plan. Anyone who’s watching this, join in on the
plan. Ask me for details.
One thing you might want to do for August is start
asking me for details on how to execute various different parts of the plan.
I’m really glad that you stepped up and asked, Ace. Congratulations!
Overall Structure of
Speed Seduction
Here’s my structure revealed. First, let me give you my metaphor. When
I’m doing Speed Seduction®, I’m like an aikido master feeling the other
person out, moving around with them, not quite pushing against them, but
sharing energy with them.
I want to see how they move. I want to pick up their rhythm. Where are
they in balance? Where are they off balance? What are they offering me
that I can use to pull them into me? I’m testing, looking for the rhythm and
the opening.
Another metaphor is fshing. I want to see what she is responding to. If I
offer something, is she biting strongly, nibbling, or not responding at all?
Another key point is knowing what to look for, how to observe, and
what to listen for. That is a vital pattern of seduction, even though it doesn’t
involve anything that you say. Bear in mind that observation, listening,
and knowing what to listen and look for are a huge part of my skill set.
That said, when it comes to structure, there’s sequential, continual and
periodic. Even though your question is about sequence or order, structure
includes more than that. Yes, structure includes sequence, the order of
spoken patterns and the order in which you do things, but it also includes
what you do continually and consistently, all the time.
What are those things? You’re always going to be maintaining rapport,
maintaining your state, and calibrating, observing the woman and seeing
where she’s at.
Then there are those things you return to periodically. What would be an
example of that? You could periodically return to her trance words, themes
that you introduced earlier in the sarge, or earlier nonverbal responses
she’s given you, her self-anchors or the anchors that you set on her. Bear
in mind that structure and sequence are not one and the same.
There are fve types of spoken patterns:
Type 1: Memorized speeches.
These are the memorized speeches that most guys think of when
they’re frst learning Speed Seduction ®. They’re all great stuff and
include Discovery Channel and Blow Job.
Type 2: Seduction questions.
“When you really want to cut loose and just indulge yourself, what
do you love to do?” These questions bring up the types of themes
and the kinds of responses that we can build in to open up those
deeper, more seducible places in a woman’s mind.
Type 3: Jokes, stories and poems.
This type is actually a subcategory of the frst type. This category
includes jokes like the Voodoo Dildo joke, stories, and all sorts of
poems, including “Fascination“. There are a ton of them.
Type 4: Quizzes and games.
These include the Snack Quiz, Twin Brothers, etc.
Type 5: Demos.
Demos include Cube, handwriting analysis, Blammo and that sort
of thing.
My overall sequence is frst to observe the person quickly before I say
anything. I want to see if there is anything I can observe about them that I
can use. I observe what they’re doing, how they’re standing, their energy,
how they’re interacting with other people, the external environment, and
their internal processing.
Then I want to open them up and engage their attention. I want to
evaluate how they are responding to me. Are they responding to me in a
way that makes me want to keep going, or should I eject?
Then I’ll go further with either a seduction question or a game or a quiz.
I’ll develop and intensify that response. Then I’ll close. That’s my basic
overall sequence.
Another thing I like to do is go back and forth between doing something
that’s a little bit intense and then being funny. I like to fractionate back and
forth between those things. Sometimes I’ll be really funny, and then I’ll do
something that demonstrates a lot of command and a lot of understanding.
I vary it up a lot. Remember, I periodically fractionate.
Here’s a real-life example. I was going into the cafe where I wrote this
PowerPoint, and I saw there were no tables to plug in my computer, but a
girl was getting up from a table. She said, “Here, I’m leaving in a second.
You can have my table.” She sort of engaged me.
I thought, “Okay. Let’s engage her a little bit.” I looked at her and said,
“Are you a fghter? You look like you can fght.” Now, you can call that a
comment, question or observation, but I was engaging her. I wanted to see
how she responded to that.
Why did I offer that? It arouses curiosity. They’re not used to hearing it.
“What do you mean am I a fghter? Is he insulting me? Is he complimenting
me?” It creates a little curiosity.
She said, “No, my big shoulders come from kayaking.” She offered
me that information. I didn’t ask. I just simply said, “Can you fght?” The
fact that she offered me information was a good sign, so I developed that
I said, “Does kayaking involve this kind of movement?” because I was
curious. She said, “Yes. I kayak in the ocean. It’s a great escape from
sitting in traffc.” Now she’s offered me more information, and she leaned
on the word “escape.”
I thought, “What theme does that give me the opportunity to introduce,
and how can I introduce that theme?” The theme obviously would be
escape, indulgence and maybe fantasy.
What are some of the ways I could build on that theme? I could have gone
to Discovery Channel. “When I like to escape, I like to go to amusement
parks. Do you like roller coasters?” Or I could have said, “Escape? When
you really want to cut loose _____?” I could have gone there.
In this case, I modifed it. I said, “Really? Tell me more about that. If we
were to escape together out in the ocean and do this kayaking, what does
our adventure feel like, and what’s your favorite part of it?”
Do you understand where I’m going with this? It’s not necessarily a
sexual thing, but remember that I think in terms of compartments. Here’s
her compartment where she thinks about sex or sexual feelings. Here’s her
escape compartment, and there’s a little overlap between them. With some
girls, it’s a huge overlap. So I was beginning to awaken those deeper parts
of the mind.
Had I been interested, which I was not, I would have changed the tone.
Once she gave me that answer and developed it, I would have introduced
a game or a quiz.
Why would I do that? I want to change the tone from something that’s
curious, intriguing and a little bit heavy to being funny. Also, when I
introduce a game or a quiz, like Snack Quiz or Twin Brothers, it introduces
the themes of indulgence, pleasure and oral pleasure. You could even build
by going to the Blow Job pattern after the Snack Quiz.
Had I noticed anything interesting from her responses to the game
or quiz, I would have developed it. Had there been any kind of sexual
tone to it, I would have fed that back with some really nice embedded
I also might have then gone from there to introducing some intuition I
had about her, establishing my authority in her world. I could have gone
to a demo, poem or even a canned pattern to develop the insight that I just
You can see that there are a lot of opportunities here. I want you to look
at this video at, or to go
to, click on Video Proof, and scroll down. You’ll see
“excellent kissing.” Turn the sound up for this, and notice how I develop
her responses.
Let’s play with this. If you have any more questions, get back into the
discussion group on the board, and I’ll post more on this topic.
but the reality is women can't move up and down these various different levels of their mind at
any given time, due to any given input. They will also fractionate back and forth across emotional
They rarely stay with one primary emotional state.
=>if they feel a strong attraction to you (whatever that means for them physicaly, the body
process of that motion) ==> they will need to pop out of the state and into a meta-state (a more
detached state where they ask how they feel about that emotion = "do I really..? what about my
last boyfriend did?...)====>and that's when they go on autopilot response (that's how they deal
with those doubts)
But when they go back ino the primary state they feel it more strongly
handling autopilot
mindset => anything she gives me is just energy I can redirect (Aikido master).
take a humorous attitude toward it => it's not aimed personally or about me.
I control where my energy goes
3 methods
-deliberately misunderstand the objection and reframe the meaning to your advantage
exemple :"I have a boyfriend"
==>you don't need to convince me someone else finds you attractive. that's not how I make up
my mind about you.
I delberately misunderstood the meaniing of the objection and frame she's setting. = her freame
= I'm the hot chick. I have something that you want.
-use humor or/and metaphor to imply an unspoken truth and get the laugh of recognition
-demonstrate your understanding of the emotional need that's being expressed by her word or
=>when you do that you dissipate a tremendous amount of resistance, and in fact all of it
=>you create a tremendous amount of rapport and willingness on her part to carry on the
interaction to the next level.
don't give advise ==> if yes you become her adviser, she know exactly what you are, no
confusion.= friendzone
she only fucks guys that she doesn't know in which category they fit.
walk up
women who are already emotionally occupied, but sexually bored, or shut down
emotionally, but open sexually
or just don't believe relationships are possible will still be very receptive to a "body
sensation" approach." This
actually means that she won't be much moved by your descriptions of "emotional
connections" but will be
enthralled, once you include feelings of bodily sensations in you patterns. But most
probably they'd actually
prefer to feel those bodily sensations instead of imagining them, and that is your cue to
go kino :) (See
Kinesthetics for more information)