Method Statement For Footing Concrete Pouring
Method Statement For Footing Concrete Pouring
Method Statement For Footing Concrete Pouring
1. Title
2. Scope
3. Work Procedure
1. Reinforcement
2. Casting
o Slump shall not more than 150mm and not less than
100mm as per Engineersinstruction and approval.
Temperature of fresh concrete shall not more than 30
deg. Celsius as per BS Standard.
o All data required for daily concrete schedule sheet will
be recorded in the daily concrete pour card.
4. Safety
1. Concrete pump
2. Truck Mixer
3. Boom loader
4. Bobcat
5. Concrete Vibrators
6. Wheel borrow
7. Surveying instrument
8. Metal tape
9. Slump cone
10. Slump tray
11. Trowel
12. Cubes
13. Shovel