Exam Dyna
Exam Dyna
Exam Dyna
12–166. The slotted arm OA rotates 12–170. Starting from rest, the boy runs
counterclockwise about O with a constant angular outward in the radial direction from the center of
velocity of 𝜃.The motion of pin B is constrained the platform with a constant acceleration of
such that it moves on the fixed circular surface 0.5 m/s2. If the platform is rotating at a constant
and along the slot in OA. Determine the rate 𝜃̇ = 0.2 rad/s, determine the radial and
magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of pin transverse components of the velocity and
B as a function of 𝜃. acceleration of the boy when t = 3 s. Neglect his
12–172. If arm OA rotates counterclockwise 12–174. The airplane on the amusement park
with a constant angular velocity of 𝜃̇ = 2 rad/s, ride moves along a path defined by the equations
determine the magnitudes of the velocity and r = 4 m, 𝜃 = (0.2𝑡) rad, and 𝑧 = (0.5 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃) m,
acceleration of peg P at 𝜃 = 30° . The peg moves where t is in seconds. Determine the cylindrical
in the fixed groove defined by the lemniscate, and components of the velocity and acceleration of
along the slot in the arm. the airplane when t = 6 s.
12–176. The motion of peg P is constrained by 12–178. When 𝜃 = 15°, the car has a speed of
the lemniscate curved slot in OB and by the 50 m/s which is increasing at 6 m/s2. Determine
slotted arm OA. If OA rotates counterclockwise the angular velocity of the camera tracking the car
with an angular velocity of 𝜃̇ = (3𝑡 2 ) rad/s, where at this instant.
t is in seconds, determine the magnitudes of the
velocity and acceleration of peg P at
𝜃 = 30°.When t = 0, 𝜃 = 0°.
12–182. The box slides down the helical ramp 12–186. The slotted arm AB drives pin C
with a constant speed of 𝑣 = 2 m/s. Determine through the spiral groove described by the
the magnitude of its acceleration. The ramp equation 𝑟 = 𝑎𝜃. If the angular velocity is constant
descends a vertical distance of 1 m for every full at 𝜃̇, determine the radial and transverse
revolution. The mean radius of the ramp is components of velocity and acceleration of the
r = 0.5 m. pin.
12–184. Rod OA rotates counterclockwise with 12–188. The partial surface of the cam is that
a constant angular velocity of 𝜃̇ = 6 rad/s. of a logarithmic spiral 𝑟 = (40𝑒 0.05𝜃 ) mm, where 𝜃
Through mechanical means collar B moves along is in radians. If the cam rotates at a constant
the rod with a speed of 𝑟̇ = (4𝑡 2 ) m/s, where t is angular velocity of 𝜃̇ = 4 rad/s, determine the
in seconds. If r = 0 when t = 0, determine the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of the
magnitudes of velocity and acceleration of the point on the cam that contacts the follower rod at
collar when t = 0.75 s. the instant 𝜃 = 30°.
12–190. A particle moves along an 12–192. The boat moves along a path defined
Archimedean spiral 𝑟 = (8𝜃) ft, where 𝜃 is given by 𝑟 2 = [10(103 )𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃] ft2, where 𝜃 is in radians.
in radians. If 𝜃̇ = 4 rad/s (constant), determine the If 𝜃 = (0.4𝑡 2 ) rad, where t is in seconds,
radial and transverse components of the particle’s determine the radial and transverse components
velocity and acceleration at the instant of the boat’s velocity and acceleration at the
𝜃 = 𝜋/2 rad. Sketch the curve and show the instant t = 1 s.
components on the curve.
12–194. For a short time the jet plane moves
along a path in the shape of a lemniscate,
𝑟 2 = (2500 𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃) km2. At the instant 𝜃 = 30°, the
radar tracking device is rotating at
𝜃̇ = 5(10−3 ) rad/s with 𝜃̈ = 2(10−3 ) rad/s2.
Determine the radial and transverse components
of velocity and acceleration of the plane at this
13–48. The 2-kg block B and 15-kg cylinder A 13–54. Using the data in Prob. 13–53 {The
are connected to a light cord that passes through sports car, having a mass of 1700 kg, travels
a hole in the center of the smooth table. If the horizontally along a 20° banked track which is
block is given a speed of 𝑣 = 10m/s, determine circular and has a radius of curvature of
the radius r of the circular path along which it ρ = 100 m. If the coefficient of static friction
travels. between the tires and the road is 𝝁s = 0.2,
determine the maximum constant speed at which
the car can travel without sliding up the slope.
Neglect the size of the car.}, determine the
minimum speed at which the car can travel
around the track without sliding down the slope.
13–58. Determine the time for the satellite to 13–62. The ball has a mass of 30 kg and a
complete its orbit around the earth. The orbit has speed 𝑣 = 4 m/s at the instant it is at its lowest
a radius r measured from the center of the earth. point, 𝜃 = 0°. Determine the tension in the cord
The masses of the satellite and the earth are ms and the rate at which the ball’s speed is
and Me, respectively. decreasing at the instant 𝜃 = 20°.Neglect the size
of the ball.
13–66. Determine the minimum coefficient of 13–72. The 0.8-Mg car travels over the hill
static friction between the tires and the road having the shape of a parabola. If the driver
surface so that the 1.5-Mg car does not slide as it maintains a constant speed of 9 m/s, determine
travels at 80 km/h on the curved road. Neglect the both the resultant normal force and the resultant
size of the car. frictional force that all the wheels of the car exert
on the road at the instant it reaches point A.
Neglect the size of the car.
13–76. A toboggan and rider of total mass 13–78. The 5-lb box is projected with a speed
90 kg travel down along the (smooth) slope of 20 ft/s at A up the vertical circular smooth track.
defined by the equation y = 0.08x2. At the instant Determine the angle 𝜃 when the box leaves the
x = 10 m, the toboggan’s speed is 5 m/s. At this track.
point, determine the rate of increase in speed and
the normal force which the slope exerts on the
toboggan. Neglect the size of the toboggan and
rider for the calculation.
13–80. The 800-kg motorbike travels with a 13–82. Determine the maximum speed the
constant speed of 80 km/h up the hill. Determine 1.5-Mg car can have and still remain in contact
the normal force the surface exerts on its wheels with the road when it passes point A. If the car
when it reaches point A. Neglect its size. maintains this speed, what is the normal reaction
of the road on it when it passes point B? Neglect
the size of the car.
13–84. The path of motion of a 5-lb particle in 13–88. If the coefficient of static friction
the horizontal plane is described in terms of polar between the block of mass m and the turntable is
coordinates as 𝑟 = (2𝑡 + 1) ft and 𝜃 = (0.5𝑡 2 − 𝑡) 𝝁s, determine the maximum constant angular
rad, where t is in seconds. Determine the velocity of the platform without causing the block
magnitude of the resultant force acting on the to slip.
particle when t = 2 s.
13–92. If the coefficient of static friction 13–96. Due to the constraint, the 0.5-kg
between the conical surface and the block of cylinder C travels along the path described by
mass m is 𝝁s = 0.2, determine the minimum 𝑟 = (0.6 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃) m. If arm OA rotates
constant angular velocity 𝜃 so that the block does counterclockwise with an angular velocity of
not slide downwards. 𝜃̇ = 2 rad/s and an angular acceleration of
𝜃̈ = 0.8 rad/s2 at the instant 𝜃 = 30°, determine
the force exerted by the arm on the cylinder at
this instant. The cylinder is in contact with only
one edge of the smooth slot, and the motion
occurs in the horizontal plane.
13–98. Solve Prob. 13–97{The 0.75-lb smooth 13–100. Solve Prob. 13–99 {The forked rod is
can is guided along the circular path using the used to move the smooth 2-lb particle around the
arm guide. If the arm has an angular velocity 𝜃̇ = horizontal path in the shape of a limaçon,
2 rad/s and an angular acceleration 𝜃̈ = 0.4 rad/s2 𝑟 = (2 + 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃) ft. If at all times 𝜃̇ = 0.5 rad/s,
at the instant 𝜃 = 30° , determine the force of the determine the force which the rod exerts on the
guide on the can. Motion occurs in the horizontal particle at the instant 𝜃 = 90° . The fork and path
plane.}if motion occurs in the vertical plane. contact the particle on only one side.} at the
instant 𝜃 = 60°.
13–102. The amusement park ride rotates with 13–104. A boy standing firmly spins the girl
a constant angular velocity of 𝜃̇ = 0.8 rad/s. If the sitting on a circular “dish” or sled in a circular path
path of the ride is defined by 𝑟 = (3𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 + 5)m of radius 𝑟0 = 3 m such that her angular velocity
and 𝑧 = (3𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃) m , determine the r, 𝜃, and z is 𝜃0̇ = 0.1 rad/s. If the attached cable OC is
components of force exerted by the seat on the drawn inward such that the radial coordinate r
20-kg boy when 𝜃 = 120°. changes with a constant speed of 𝑟̇ = −0.5 m/s,
determine the tension it exerts on the sled at the
instant 𝑟 = 2 m. The sled and girl have a total
mass of 50 kg. Neglect the size of the girl and
sled and the effects of friction between the sled
and ice. Hint: First show that the equation of
motion in the 𝜃 direction yields 𝑎0 = 𝑟𝜃̈ + 2𝑟̇ 𝜃̇ =
( )𝑑
𝑑𝑡(𝑟 2 𝜃̇)
= 0. When integrated, 𝑟 2 𝜃̇ = 𝐶, where the
constant C is determined from the problem data.
13–106. Solve Prob. 13–105 {The smooth 13–108. The 1.5-kg cylinder C travels along the
particle has a mass of 80 g. It is attached to an path described by 𝑟 = (0.6 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃) m. If arm OA is
elastic cord extending from O to P and due to the rotating counterclockwise with an angular velocity
slotted arm guide moves along the horizontal of 𝜃̇ = 3 rad/s, determine the force exerted by the
circular path 𝑟 = (0.8 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃) m. If the cord has a smooth slot in arm OA on the cylinder at the
stiffness k = 30 N/m and an unstretched length of instant 𝜃 = 60°.The spring has a stiffness of
0.25 m, determine the force of the guide on the 100 N/m and is unstretched when 𝜃 = 30° .The
particle when 𝜃 = 60°. The guide has a constant cylinder is in contact with only one edge of the
angular velocity 𝜃̇ = 5 rad/s.} if 𝜃̈ = 2 rad/s2 when slotted arm. Neglect the size of the cylinder.
𝜃̇ = 5 rad/s and 𝜃= 60°. Motion occurs in the vertical plane.
13–110. The tube rotates in the horizontal
plane at a constant rate of 𝜃̇ = 4 rad/s. If a 0.2-kg
ball B starts at the origin O with an initial radial
velocity of 𝑟̇ = 1.5 m/s and moves outward
through the tube, determine the radial and
transverse components of the ball’s velocity at the
instant it leaves the outer end at C, 𝑟 = 0.5 m.
Hint: Show that the equation of motion in the r
direction is 𝑟̈ − 16𝑟 = 0. The solution is of the
form 𝑟 = 𝐴𝑒 −4𝑡 + 𝐵𝑒 4𝑡 . Evaluate the integration
constants A and B, and determine the time t when
r = 0.5 m. Proceed to obtain 𝑣𝑟 and 𝑣𝜃 .