Science 8 Matrix
Science 8 Matrix
Science 8 Matrix
Learning Competency:
Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in motion. (S8FE-1b-17)
Relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform circular motion. (S8FE-1b-18)
Infer that circular motion requires the application of constant force directed toward the center of the circle. (S8FE-1b-19)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K: Explain Newton’s First Law of Day 1 K: Discuss circular motion in
No. Motion: Law of Inertia K: Explain Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Law of Acceleration Newton’s Second Law
2 S: Demonstrate Newton’s First Law S: Solve word problems related to the Law of Acceleration S: Demonstrate Circular Motion
of Motion A: Practice critical thinking skill in analyzing word problems related to in Newton’s Second Law
A: Appreciate the concept of aw the Law of Acceleration
of inertia in real life situation A: Display cooperation in
Activity (Seatwork and Board work) performing group task.
Activity (Investigating Inertia)
Activity (Gravity-Defying Water)
Suggested Materials: Materials: pen and paper Materials:
Contextualiz coins, cardboard, beaker, ruler Activity: Seatwork and board work involving word problems describing plastic pail, rope and water
ed Learning Activity: Investigating Inertia day to day experiences that applies the second law of motion. Activity: Gravity-Defying Water
Materials/ (students will perform the Coin
Activity Drop & Stack of Coins)
Learning Competency:
Demonstrate how a body responds to changes in motion. (S8FE-1b-17)
Relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform circular motion. (S8FE-1b-18)
Infer that circular motion requires the application of constant force directed toward the center of the circle. (S8FE-1b-19)
Week K: Explain the Third Law of Motion: K: Summarize the Newton’s Law of Motion Summative Test: Module 1
No. Law of Interaction/Action- S: Create a video that will summarize the concept of the Newton’s Topic: Forces and Motion
3 Reaction Law of Motion
S: Execute the concept of the Third A: Display creativity in making video clips on Newton’s Law of Motion K: Explain the concept of
Law of Motion Forces and Motion
A: Display teamwork in Performance Task: Video clip making S: Solve problems related to
accomplishing group task. forces and three laws of motion
A: Practice critical thinking skill
Activity (Demonstrating Third Law in analyzing word problems
of Motion) related to forces and laws of
Suggested Materials: materials found inside the Performance Task: Video clip making
Contextualiz classroom Materials: Cellphones, materials to be used in the video should be
ed Learning Activity: found in the locality
Materials/ -Act your Thoughts Activity: Video clip making (the video should show the concept of the
Activity -Third Law of Motion in Action Newton’s Law of Motion)
(students will think of a scenario
that can happen inside the
classroom which shows the third
law of motion)
Learning Competency:
Identify situations in which work is done and in which no work is done. (S8FE-1c-20)
Describe how work is related to power and energy. (S8FE-1c-21)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K: Explain the concept of Work K: Interpret the formula in solving K: Explain the concept of Power K: Discuss the relationship
No. S: Distinguish situations which word problems related to Work. S: Solve problems related to between power and energy.
4 describe work being done S: Solve word problems related power. S: Compute for power output
A: Display cooperation in to Work. A: Practice critical thinking skill in in walking or running up a flight
accomplishing group task A: Practice critical thinking skill in solving word problems related to of stairs
Activity (Is there Work Done) solving word problems related to Power A: Practice cooperation in
Work performing the group task
Activity (Seatwork and Board Activity (Seatwork and Board Activity (How POWER-ful am I?)
work) work)
Suggested Materials: Materials: paper and pen Materials: paper and pen Materials:
Contextualiz - pictures of day to Activity: Activity: Stopwatch, paper and pen for
ed Learning day scenarios (Seatwork and Board work) (Seatwork and Board work) recording of data
Materials/ showing WORK is Word problems related to WORK Word problems related to power Activity:
Activity done and WORK is not citing day to day situation in citing day to day situation at (How POWER-ful am I?)
done school. home or in school. Students will climb up the stairs
- day to day of the tallest building inside
experiences showing the school campus.
WORK is done and
WORK is not done
(Is there Work Done?)
- Picture analysis
- Act your Thoughts
Learning Competency:
Differentiate potential and kinetic energy. (S8FE-1d-22)
Relate speed and position of object to the amount of energy possessed by a body. (S8FE-1d-23)
Week K: Discuss the concept of potential K: Explain the concept of kinetic K: Summarize the concept of Summative Test: Module 2
No. energy energy and relate speed and potential energy and kinetic Topic: Work and Energy
5 S: Solve problems related to position of the object to the energy K: Explain the concept of Work
potential energy amount of energy possessed by S: Create a video that will feature and Energy
A: Practice critical thinking skill in a body. potential energy and kinetic S: Solve problems related to
solving word problems related to S: Solve problems related to energy work and energy
potential energy kinetic energy A: Display creativity in making A: Practice critical thinking skill
A: Practice critical thinking skill in video clips on potential energy in analyzing word problems
Activity (Seatwork and Board solving word problems related to and kinetic energy related to work and energy
work) kinetic energy
Performance Task: Video clip
Activity (Seatwork and Board making
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Suggested Materials: paper and pen Materials: paper and pen Performance Task:
Contextualiz Activity: Activity: Activity: Robonergy
ed Learning (Seatwork and Board work) (Seatwork and Board work) Materials: EV3 Video Clip :
Materials/ Word problems on Word problems on Kinetic Energy
Activity Potential Energy focusing on watch?v=eGYKkFS8AlU
focusing on day to day situations Picture of Marcelo H. Fernan
day to day situations that describe kinetic Bridge (Enlarged)
that describe energy. Popsicles, glue sticks, ruler, scissors,
potential energy. sticky tape and other materials
that can make a bridge
Learning Competency:
Infer how the movement of particles of an object affects the speed of sound through it. (S8FE-1e-24)
Investigate the effect of temperature to speed of sound through fair testing. (S8FE-1e-25)
Week K: Discuss the characteristics and K: Explain the effect of K: Identify the appropriate Summative Test: Module 5
No. properties of sound. temperature and different materials that can produce Topic: Sound
6 S: Observe how longitudinal medium to the speed of sound sound K: Explain the concept of
waves reflect and refract S: Observe how temperature S: Innovate musical instrument sound
A: Show cooperation in and different mediums affects that will show the concept of S: Distinguish the different
performing the group task the speed of sound sound. characteristics and properties
A: Recognize the significance of A: Display cooperation and of sound
Activity (Characteristics & properties the speed of sound in real life creativity in accomplishing the A: Appreciate the importance
of sound)) group task. of sound
Learning Competency:
Demonstrate the existence of the color components of visible light using a prism or diffraction grating. (S8FE-1f-26)
Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy. (S8FE-1f-27)
Explain that red is the least bent and violet the most bent according to their wavelengths or frequencies. (S8FE-1f-28)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week K: Explain the characteristics and K: Discuss the hierarchy of colors K: Discuss a phenomenon related Summative Test: Module 6
No. properties of visible light in relation to energy, frequency to light using the concept of Topic: Colors of Light
7 S: Distinguish the different colors of and wavelength. wavelength and frequency of K: Explain the concept of the
light S: Distinguish the color in the visible light. colors of light
A: Display cooperation in spectrum having the greatest S: Critique the video clip about S: Distinguish the different
performing the group task energy and least energy, highest the colors of light characteristics and properties
frequency and lowest A: Appreciate the importance of of light
Activity (The colors of the frequency, and longest light A: Appreciate the importance
rainbow…The colors of light) wavelength and shortest of light
A: Show cooperation in Performance Task: Video clip
performing the group task critiquing
Suggested Materials: Ice, glass container, Materials: Small and large Materials: cut pictures/printed
Contextualiz stopwatch, stirring rod containers, pictures, paper, pen
ed Learning (teaspoon), beaker, Thermometers, hot water, cooking
Materials/ thermometer, alcohol lamp, oil Performance Task: Journal on Heat
Activity water, tripod, wire gauze Activity: (Comparing Heat and Temperature
Activity: (Observing the Effects of Capacities)
Heat Transfer)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Learning Competency:
Infer the relationship between current and charge. (S8FE-1h-30)
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel connections in homes. (S8FE-1i-31)
Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy. (S8FE-1i-32)
Explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other safety devices in the home. (S8FE-1i-33)
Week K: Determine the relationship K: Explain the advantages and K: Differentiate electrical power K: Explain the functions of
No. between electric current and disadvantages of series and and electrical energy circuit breakers, fuses, earthing,
9 voltage and the relationship parallel connections in homes S: Make an analysis about the double insulation and other
between electric current and S: Distinguish the difference difference between electrical safety devices in the home.
resistance. between series and parallel power and electrical energy S: Identify safety devices that
S: Exhibit the relationship between connections based on the video clip are used at home
electric current and voltage and A: Appreciate the importance A: Appreciate the importance of A: Appreciate the importance
the relationship between electric of knowing the concept of safety practices in the use of of using safety devices at
current and resistance electrical connections electricity. home.
A: Practice cooperation in
performing group task
Activity (Video clip) Activity (Video clip)
Activity(Fashion a Flashlight and Activity (Video clip)
Lighten Up)
Suggested Materials: Materials: Materials: Video clip, laptop, Materials:
Contextualiz Plastic tube, electrical wires, bulbs, Video clips, laptop, projector projector Video clip, laptop, projector
ed Learning scissors Activity: Video clip showing
Materials/ Activity: advantages and Activity: Video clip showing the Activity:
Activity Fashion a Flashlight and Lighten Up disadvantages of series and difference between electrical Video clip showing circuit
parallel connections in homes power and electrical energy breakers, fuses, earthing,
double insulation and other
safety devices in the home.
Learning Competency:
Infer the relationship between current and charge. (S8FE-1h-30)
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel connections in homes. (S8FE-1i-31)
Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy. (S8FE-1i-32)
Explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other safety devices in the home. (S8FE-1i-33)
Week Summative Test: Module 4 K: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel First Periodical Test (Day 1)
No. Topic: Electricity connections in homes K: Summarizes the concepts
10 K: Explain the qualities of S: Construct series and parallel connections discussed in the first quarter
electricity A: Practice cooperation in performing group task S: Distinguish the correct
S: Differentiate parallel and series terminologies that describe a
connections. Performance Task: Assemble Series and Parallel Connections concept introduced
A: Appreciate the importance of A: Recognize the importance
safety devices of understanding the concepts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Suggested Materials:
Contextualiz Plywood, bulbs, electrical wires, dry cells, dry cells holders, switch
ed Learning
Materials/ Performance Task: Assemble Series and Parallel Connections
Learning Competency: -
Using models or illustration, explain how movements along the faults generate earthquakes. S8ES-II a-14
Differentiate the: a. epicenter from its focus, b. intensity of an earthquake from its magnitude, c. active and inactive faults. S8ES-II a-15
Week K:Identify what a fault is. K:Differentiate an epicenter from K:Describe the strength of an K:Determine active and
No. S:Construct a fault model. a focus. earthquake in two ways: intensity inactive fault using the map of
1 (rubric) S: Use model to show the and magnitude. distribution of active faults in
A: Show awareness and hazards of different types of fault models. S: Present a scenario showing the Philippines.
faults. A: Relate how movements along different levels of intensity and S: Locate active and inactive
the fault affect the surrounding. magnitude. faults using the map of
(rubric) distribution of active faults in
A: Suggest precautionary the Philippines.
measures before, during, and A: Appreciate the integral part
after an earthquake. of PHIVOLCS in locating active
and inactive faults in the
Suggested Paper or milk carton, glue, ruler Fault Model Group presentation reflecting the Active Faults Distribution of the
Contextualiz different levels of intensity and Philippines
ed Learning magnitude Active faults in Cebu
Learning Competency:
Demonstrate how underwater earthquake generates tsunami. S8ES-II b-16
Week K: Identify the appearance of K: Explain how tsunamis are PRESENTATION ON THE DIFFERENT SAFETY MEASURES REGARDING
No. faults in land surface and generated by TSUNAMIS AND EARTHQUAKES.
2 underwater. S. Demonstrate a short activity K: Devise an emergency plan on what to do before, during and
S:(Videos on faults) on how tsunamis are generated. after an earthquake or tsunami.
Describe the appearance of faults (activity #5 pages 133-135) S: Create a short presentation on the different safety measures on
in land surface and underwater. A: Reflect that not all underwater earthquake and tsunami.
A: Acknowledge that faults do not fault movements can generate A: Work cooperatively with a team to come up with an excellent
appear in land surfaces but also tsunami. performance.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Suggested Two small boxes, masking tape, Flat basin, rectangualar piece of Group Presentation on what to do before, during and after an
Contextualiz rubber band, paper clip wood, rock earthquake.
ed Learning
Learning Competency:
Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of the Earth. S8ES-II c-17
Week K: Determine the layers of the K: define a seismic waves. Make an emergency plan and SUMMATIVE TEST FOR MODULE 1
No. Earth. S:(video clip on movement of prepare an emergency kit for use K: Determine the correct
3 S:(video clip earth layers) seismic waves) at home and in school. answer on the given questions
Draw and describe the basic Trace seismic waves as it passes based on the discussion in
characteristics of the inner layer of through the layers of the Earth. Performance Task Module 1.
the Earth. A: Relate scientific invention of S: Analyze and choose the best
A: value the contribution of waves to the human answer to the questions asked.
earthquake to the discovery of the advantage(ultrasound). A: Show honesty all throughout
composition of the Earth’s interior. the test.
Suggested Modelling clay, wood or illustration Pen, paper, picture of an Emergency bag that contains
Contextualiz board ultrasound necessary materials e.g.
ed Learning noodles, canned goods,water
Learning Competency:
Explain how typhoons develop. S8ES-II d-18
Infer why the Philippines is prone to typhoons. S8ES-II d-19
Week K: Explain how typhoon develop. K: Identify the different K: Describe the location of the Philippines using a map.
No. (video clip/PowerPoint categories of typhoon. S: List the contributing factors why Philippines is prone to typhoons.
4 presentation on typhoon) (chart of categories of typhoon) A: Observe preparedness in times of typhoons.
S: Describe how a typhoon S:Describe the categories of
develop. typhoon. 2nd Day
A:State the advantages A: Cite the significance of the Group Activity Presentation
occurrence of typhoons in the issuance of Public Storm Warning
Philippines . Signals .
Suggested 2 Plastic bottles with caps e.g 1.5L Electric fan to represent the Philippine map
Contextualiz bottle, masking tape, nail different wind speed Group presentation on typhoon preparedness
ed Learning
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Learning Competency:
Explain how landmasses and bodies of water affect typhoons. S8ES-II e-20
Week K: Identify the different landmasses K: Understand the reason why DEMONSTRATE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES BEFORE, DURING, AND
No. and bodies of water surrounding typhoons slow down as it hits AFTER A TYPHOON.
5 the Philippines. land. K: Dramatize precautionary measures before, during and after a
S: Plot the Philippine’s landmasses S: Describe the movement of typhoon.
and bodies of water in a blank typhoon as it passes bodies of S: Create an effective means of communicating the precautionary
activity sheet(plotting landmasses water and landmasses. measures before, during and after a typhoon.
and bodies of water)
A: Appreciate the importance of A: Acknowledge the importance A: Show cooperation in group presentation.
identifying different landmasses of landmasses and bodies of
and bodies of water near the water in the movement of
Philippines. typhoon.
Philippine map Philippine map Group presentation on what to do before, during and after a
Learning Competency:
Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility using a map and tracking data. S8ES-II f-21
Week K: Determine the coordinates of K: describe the coordinates of K: Analyze given data in tracking SUMMATIVE TEST ON MODULE 2
No. the Philippine Area of Typhoon Yolanda and Urduja. the latest typhoon that hit K:Select the best answer in the
6 Responsibility. S: Plot the coordinates of the Philippines. choices given.
S:Plot the Philippine Area of typhoon Sen dong and Yolanda S:Present a short weather report S: Distinguish the correct answer
Responsibility. . on how weathermen tracks a on each item asked.
A: Show self reliance and patience A: Appreciate the value of work typhoon. A: Be truthful in answering the
in plotting the coordinates of the devoted by PAGASA personnel (rubrics) test.
Philippine Area of Responsibility. monitoring typhoons that enters A: Realize the important roles of
the Philippine Area of weathermen in informing the
Responsibility. public of an incoming typhoon.
Suggested Philippine map, ruler, pencil Photo of PAG-ASA Mactan Group Presentation
Contextualiz Coordinates of Typhoon Yolanda Weather Reporting
ed Learning and Urduja
Learning Competency:
Compare and contrast comets, meteors and asteroids. S8ES-IIg-22
Week K: Determine the characteristics of K: Identify the characteristics and K: Compare characteristics of K: Explain how the three
No. a comet. composition of an asteroid. comets and asteroids. celestial bodies.
7 S: illustrate the parts and S: Simulate an asteroid impact S: Create a Venn diagram on the S: identify the location of
composition of a comet. through drawing. characteristics of comets and meteor, meteorite and
A: Recognize that comets are (Perform activity on asteroid.) asteroids. meteoroid.
parts of the solar system. A: Value asteroids as part of the A: Justify that comets and A: Enumerate the meteorites
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
solar system. asteroids are remnants of the solar found in the Philippines.
Suggested Create a model of a comet using Different sizes of rocks to Table of meteorites found in the
Contextualiz modelling clay represents asteroid Philippines.
ed Learning
Learning Competency:
Predict the appearance of comets based on recorded data of previous appearances. S8ES-II h-23
Week K: Determine some of the well- K: Identify comets that were K: identify different dates of K: Determine the length of time
No. known comets. documented in the Philippines. comets appearance. that each comet appear.
8 S: Describe these well-known (video clip) S: Sequence data based on S: Make a prediction of the
comets with their unique S: Describe the comet. previous appearances of comets. next appearance of these
characteristics. A: Show appreciation of the A: Reason out why comets take a comets.
(provide info sheets of well-known occurring comets in the long time for us to observe. (activity)
comets) Philippines. A: Show understanding that
A: Realize the role of comets in comets have specific length of
helping scientist understand the time that they occur in the
origin of water on Earth. night sky.
Learning Competency:
Explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number. (S8LT-IVe-17)
Week Topic: Topic: Topic:
No. Mendel’s Principle of Heredity Mendel’s Pattern of - Monohybrid Cross
5 Inheritance
K- Identify the contributions of K- Define one-factor cross or monohybrid cross
Gregor Mendel in Genetics K- Differentiate phenotypes and S- Construct a Punnett square in solving a monohybrid cross.
S- Differentiate the dominant and genotypes A- Give the importance one’s of Mendelian Crosses on the study of
recessive traits of human S- Determine the phenotypes genetics
A- Recognize the significance of and genotypes of an organism
understanding the differences of A- Appreciate the different traits
traits from parents to offspring. or characteristics of each
Activity sheet MATERIALS: Cartolina/Manila Paper
Activity sheet. Colored Markers
Chalk for board work Activity Sheets
Learning Competency:
Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance (S8LT-IVf-18)
Week Topic: Topic: Written Work:
No. - Dihybrid Cross Non-mendelian Genetics
K- Define a two-factor cross or dihybrid cross K- Identify the different Non- K- Review the topics that
S- Construct a Punnett square in solving a dihybrid cross mendelian Genetics covers the second module
A- Give the importance one’s of Mendelian Crosses on the study of S- Differentiate incomplete S- Answer the questions that
genetics dominance, codominance and pertains the topics that covers
multiple alleles the second module
A- Cite the advantages of A- Display ethical values in
understanding of applying answering the examination
genetics in offspring production
Suggested Group Activity: Group Activity: Conduct a Summative Test
Contextualiz Solving a Two-Factor Cross (Dihybrid Cross) Scientific reading and covering the Second Module
ed Learning Note: This is a two-day activity. understanding of concept of in
Materials/ First Day: Distribution of the problem per group vitro fertilization.
Activity Second Day: Presentation of problems and answers in the class.
-May read online scientific
Group Activity: readings that involves Filipino who
Cartolina/Manila Paper and colored Markers undergone In vitro Fertilization (i.e.
Activity Sheets Vicky Belo and Hayden Kho and
Joel Cruz)
Learning Competency:
Explain the concept of a species (S8LT-IVg-19)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Week Topic: Levels of Biodiversity Topic: Archaea and Bacteria Topic: Protists and Fungi Topic: Nonvascular and
No. Vascular Plant
7 K- Identify the different organisms K- Differentiate archaea and
provided/given by the teacher bacteria K- Differentiate phototrophs, K- Differentiate non-vascular
S- Give the names of organisms as S- Make a table showing the heterotrophs and sporozoans and Vascular Plants
they are known in your community organisms that belongs under S- Give the different parts of a S- Construct a skeletal diagram
A- Recognize the need to have a archaea and bacteria fungi of nonvascular and vascular
system of classifying and naming A- Appreciate the use of A- Cite uses of some Protists as plants
organisms. archaea in bioremediation the biological indicator and fungi in A- Acknowledge the
benefits or harmful effects of making food and drinks different plants that
these microorganisms belongs to nonvascular
and vascular
Suggested By Pair Activity: Video Presentation Video Presentation: Video Presentation:
Contextualiz Perform Act. # 1: What’s in the Group Activity: Group Activity: Individual Activity
ed Learning name? pg. 225 Make a table of archaea after - Make an outline of the - Make a big portofolio of
Materials/ watching the video presentation. different fungi that can be the different vascular and
Activity MATERIALS: seen in our locality (i.e: Molds non-vascular plants
pictures of organisms (Make MATERIALS: from bread) MATERIALS
sure that organisms are from Cartolina/manila paper - Cartolina/Manila Paper
surroundings i.e. Dog, Cat, Printed pictures or cut-out - Make a portfolio out Protists - Markers, Rulers
Fish, etc) pictures from old periodics using actual pictures they - Other references
pencil or ballpen took from locality.
sheet of paper i.e: Caulerpa lentillifera (Lato)
Learning Competency:
Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system (S8LT-IVh-20)
Explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an ecosystem (S8LT-IVh-21)
Week Video Presentation: Video Presentation: Topic: What is the importance of Written Work:
No. Topic: Animal Kingdom Topic: Animal Kingdom biodiversity to ecosystems?
8 (Invertebrates) (Vertebrates)
K- Differentiate low from high
K- Identify the different K- Identify the different vertebrae biodiversity K- Review the topics that
invertebrate phyla phyla S- Identify ecosystems with low covers the Third module
S- Create a catalogue/portfolio by S- Make a table of the different and high biodiversity; and S- Answer the questions that
group showing photos of characteristics of organisms - Predict what will happen to an pertains the topics that covers
organisms that belong on each under vertebrae phyla ecosystem with low biodiversity. the Third module
phylum A- Appreciate the uniqueness of A. State the different A- Display ethical values in
A- Give the importance of these each species under the ways/methods of answering the examination
organisms in the development of vertebrae phyla conserving and
the higher levels of organisms protecting biodiversity
Suggested Group Activity: Group Activity Group Activity:
Contextualiz Make a powerpoint presentation Make a table - Make an infomercial on how to
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
ed Learning conserve and protect
Materials/ MATERIALS MATERIALS: biodiversity. Conduct a Summative Test
Activity - Camera or cellphone camera - Pictures of organisms under covering the Third Module
- Pictures of the different this phylum. MATERIALS:
organisms under this phylum. - Cartolina/Manila Paper - Video camera or cellphone
- Markers, Art Materials camera
Learning Competency:
Describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels (S8LT-IVi-22)
Analyze the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials (S8LT-IVi-23)
Explain how materials cycle in an ecosystem (S8LT-IVi-24)
Week Topic: Food Chain and Food Web Individual Activity: Topic: Water Cycle
No. Topic: Meat eaters vs. plant - The Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide Cycle
9 K- Differentiate food web from eaters - Nitrogen cycle
food chain
S- Make a food web using different K- Infer from the biomass K- Understand the differences among the cycling materials in the
organisms as the teacher pyramids ecosystem
instructed and identify the S- Solve the biomass of consumer S- Draw and explain the cycling materials in the ecosystem (Water,
different food chains in the food (eater) from the given producer Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrogen)
web (plant) A- Participate in pair-sharing activity and discussion
A- Recognize the need for A- Cite the advantages of eating
balance in the ecosystem a lot fruits and vegetables
Suggested Group Activity: Individual Activity: Video Presentation
Contextualiz Make a chart of a food web Solving the Biomass Pair-Share Activity:
ed Learning Draw and explain the different cycles
Materials/ MATERIALS
Activity Pictures of different organisms MATERIALS MATERIALS
most preferably endemic in the - Pen and Paper - Short video clips of the different cycles.
Philippines. - Chalk for board works - Bond paper and other drawing materials.
Enlarged pictures of the different cycles.
Learning Competency:
Suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment (S8LT-IVj-25)
Week Topic: Impact of Human Activities in an Ecosystem Written Work:
10 K- Identify the different human activities that affects the ecosystem K- Review the topics that covers
S- Report on the following topics; monoculture, herbicides and the Fourth Module
insecticides and chemical fertilizers. S- Answer the questions that
How to conserve the environment?; pertains the topics that covers the
A- Propose a plan on how to help in conserving and protecting the Fourth Module
environment A- Display ethical values in PERIODICAL
answering the examination EXAMINATION
Suggested Group Activity:
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Contextualiz Group Reporting Conduct a Summative Test
ed Learning Poster Making covering the Fourth Module
Activity MATERIALS: - Testpapers
Students may utilize Manila Paper/Cartolina in preparing their
reports ; Or
Powerpoint presentation