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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

1. Heidi’s conjecture is correct; any value of 14. 8; the ones digits for powers of 7 occur in
1x will always equal 1. cycles of 7, 9, 3, and 1. Because 15 divided
by 4 leaves a remainder of 3, the ones digit
Evan’s conjecture is correct; students of 715 is the third digit in the cycle which
might argue that it is the largest number in is 3. The ones digits for powers of 4 occur
its row and column, so it will be the largest in cycles of 4 and 6. Because 20 is evenly
overall. divisible by 2, the ones digit of 420 is the
second digit in the cycle, which is 6. So,
Jean’s conjecture is incorrect, because the ones digit of 715 × 420 is the ones digit
23 = 8, however modifying the conjecture of 3 × 6 = 18.
to have an odd numbered base would
make it correct. 15. a. Manuela is correct because 210 = 1,024
and 24 × 26 = 16 × 64 = 1,024.
Chaska’s conjecture is correct, because
10n+1 is the same as 10 • 10n. b. Possible answers:
22 × 28 = 4 × 256 = 1,024
Tim’s conjecture is correct; any number 23 × 27 = 8 × 128 = 1,024
raised to the second power is a square 22 × 22 × 26 = 4 × 4 × 64 = 1,024
c. 4096; because 27 = 128 and
Roger’s conjecture is incorrect, because 25 = 32, 212 would equal
any number in this column has a 2 (actually 27 × 25 = 128 × 32 = 4,096.
many 2’s) in its prime factorization, making d. It works for other cases because you
it even. are just using the Associative Property
2. B of Multiplication. She is grouping
strings of the same factor into two
3. 406 groups.
4. 715 16. Yes; it has exactly 10 factors of 1.25.
5. 8 5
17. Yes; it has exactly 10 factors of 1.25.
6. True; this is an example of a × a = a m n m+n
18. No; (1.25)10 is about 9.3 and
and so 63 × 65 = 63+5 = 68. (1.25) × 10 = 12.5.
7. False; 23 × 32 = 8 × 9 = 72 and 72 ≠ 65. 19. No; (1.25)10 is about 9.3 and
8. True; 38 = (3 × 3)(3 × 3)(3 × 3)(3 × 3) = (1.25) + 10 = 11.25.
(32)4 = 94. 20. Yes; (1.255)2 = 1.255 × 1.255 which has
9. False; 43 + 53 = 64 + 125 = 189 and exactly 10 factors of 1.25.
189 ≠ 93.
21. No; 1.255 × 1.255 has exactly seven
10. True; by the Distributive Property, factors of 1.25, so it is equal to (1.25) 7,
23(1 + 22) = (23 × 1) + (23 × 22) = 23 + 25. not (1.25)10.
Or students may evaluate both sides and 22. Yes; it has exactly 7 factors of 1.5
find that both sides are equal to 40.
23. Yes; it has exactly 7 factors of 1.5.
5 12
11. False; =5 ≠5
8 3
24. No; (1.5)7 is about 17 and 1.5 × 7 = 10.5.
25. No; (1.5)7 is about 17 and 1.5 + 7 = 8.5.
12. H
13. 8; because 415 × 315 = (4 × 3)15 = 1215,
the ones digit is the same as the units digit
for 215 = 32,768.

Growing, Growing, Growing 1 Investigation 5

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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

26. Both students are correct. For Stu, finding 39.

the fourth root might be easier first, Standard Form Exponential Form
because 813 is a somewhat large number.
7 10,000 104
Carrie’s solution is in many ways treating
3 1,000 103
as if it was a mixed number, 2 1 . 100 102
27. 756; the expressions simplifies to 756 1. 10 101
5 3 5 3
28. 342, because 3422  3422  3422


1 100
342 2  3421 . = 0.1 10–1
29. 1, because 335 3–35 = 30 = 1. 1
40 40 100
= 0.01 10–2
30. 1, because   = 2–40 so  1 
240 = 1
2 2 = 0.001 10–3
2–40 240 = 20 = 1.
= 0.0001 10–4
31. Sometimes true, for example for n = 1,
both sides equal 4. However, for n = 2 1
= 0.00001 10–5
the left side equals 16, and the right side
equals 8. 1
= 0.000001 10–6
32. Always true; any number times itself is the
same as the square of the number. 40. 0.3, 0.015, 0.0015

33. Always false, because 2n = 2 2n–1. 41. a. 0.12, 0.012, 0.0012, 0.000000012
b. Because 1.2 × 10–n = 1.2 × ,
34. Sometimes true. When b = 2, it is false as 10n
n n 1
in Exercise 33. If b = 1 , then  1  = 1  1 
the standard form is 1.2 divided by
2 2 2 2 the nth power of 10. When dividing
by a power of 10, the decimal point
so it is true for b = 1 . in the number moves to the left.
35. Always true Because 1.2 is divided by nth power
of 10, the decimal place is moved to
36. Sometimes true; true when b > 1
the left n places; thus
(as in part (e)), however, if 0 < b < 1,
then for a negative value of x, bx > 1. 1.2 × 1n = 0.0000...0000012
37 a. p = 0.02(1.05)n n 1 Zeros

b. 1900: p = 0.02(1.05)33 = $0.10; 42. a. 2,000,000 = 2 × 106

2000: p = 0.02(1.05)133 = $13.16 b. 28,000,000 = 2.8 × 107
c. $1: 1947; $100: 2041 c. 19,900,000,000 = 1.99 × 1010
d. 1420 years later, or in the year 3287 d. 0.12489 = 1.2489 × 10–1
38. a. n = 1 , v = $7,229,333.69 e. 0.0058421998 = 5.8421998 × 10–3
b. n = 1 , v = $7,258,786.89 f. 0.0010201 = 1.0201 × 10–3
1.5  104
43. a. Possible answer:
c. n = 1 , v = $7,377,804.55 108
b. Possible answer: 1.5 × 10–4 × 10–8
d. n = 5 , v = $7,652,778.09
e. n = , v = $7,809,945.35

Growing, Growing, Growing 2 Investigation 5

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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

44. a. 1,740,000 meters 63. The graphs of y = 4x and y = 10(4x) have

the same growth factor of 4, so they are
b. 1.0795 × 10–1m = 0.10795 m. both exponential growth patterns. The
c. The scale that would make the image graphs y = 0.25x and y = 10(0.25x) are
fit exactly is 6.204 × 10–8. Any scale exponential decay patterns and have the
factor smaller than this will make the same decay factor of 0.25. The graphs of
image small enough to fit. y = 4x and y = 0.25x have a y-intercept
of (0,1). The graphs of y = 10(4x) and
d. About 0.025 : 1 y = 10(0.25x) have y-intercepts (0,10).
45. 28 = 256, or 2.56 × 102.
64. a. The graph is stretched vertically by a
b.  1  =
1 factor of 5. The y-values are all 5 times
= 2–8,
2 256 as far from zero (or 5 times greater than
or 0.00390625 = 3.90625 × 10–3. the original), though the growth factor
is the same, 2.
c. 208 = 25,600,000,000, or 2.56 × 1010
8 b. This is the same as 10x, so it should
d.   =
1 1
= 20–8 look like the graph is stretched
 20  25,6000,000,000
vertically. The y-intercept remains the
or 0.0000000000390625, same, but the growth factor is now
or 3.90625 × 10–11 5 times what it was.
1 1 10 10 10 1
46. a. 3 , 1 , , , , 10 , 10 c. The
multiplies each y-value of the
3 9 27 81 243 729 2,187
b. This means 5.645029269 × 10–5. original graph, so it should reduce the

In standard notation, it is values by a factor of 1 .

d. This graph changes the sign of all the
c. 4.57 × 10–3, 1.52 × 10–3, 5.08 × 10–4, original y-values resulting in a flip over
1.69 × 10–4 the x-axis.
47. (2)n = 2–1 2n = 2n–1 e. This graph flips the original graph over
the y-axis.
48. 4n–1 = 4n 4–1 = 4–1 4n = 1 (4)n
4 65. a. Graph B
49. 25(5 ) = 5
n–2 2
5 n–2
=5 n–2+2
=5 n
b. Graph C
50. a. 4.10 × 1011 gallons × 365 ≈ 66. a. Grandville: 799; multiply 1000
1.496 × 1014 gallons by 0.965.5.
b. (1.28 × 1011) ÷ (2.14 × 109) ≈ 59.8 Tinytown: 124; multiply 100 by 1.045.5.
c. 4.10 × 1011 × 0.80 × 30 = 9.84 × 1012
b. Around 66 years; 100 1.0466 ≈ 1331.
51. 1.722 × 108
52. 2.1 × 1013 c. Yes; the two towns will have the
same populations if they continue
53. 2.8 × 10–2 to change at the same rates. Even
54. 3.5 × 103 though Grandville has a greater
55. 2.5 × 10–2 starting population, its population is
56. 2 × 10–8 decreasing, while Tinytown’s population
is increasing. So, eventually the graphs
57. 4 × 104 will cross. However, it will take about
58. g = 2.5, h = 9 28 years for this to happen.
59. j = 5, k = –1
60. m = 1.2, n = 2
61. p = 3, h = 8
62. r = 4, s = 2

Growing, Growing, Growing 3 Investigation 5

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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

67. 10 zeros c. Volume: 1,000,000 units3; surface area:
68. 50 zeros 60,000 units2; the side lengths increase
to 100 units each. The new volume is
69. 100 zeros
1003 units3 = 100 100 100 units3 =
70. 6 1,000,000 units , and the new surface

71. 7 area is 6 1002 units2 = 60,000 units2.

Note: Students may use their calculators for 78. a. 8π units3; the resulting cylinder has
Exercises 72–74, but they should be able a radius of 2 units and a height of
to use the rules of exponents and some 2 units so the volume is
estimation or mental arithmetic. The reasoning π (2)2 × 2 units3 = 8π units3.
for 69 > 96, for example, might look like this:
b. 27π units3; the resulting cylinder has
69 = (2 × 3)9 = 29 × 39 = 29 × 33 × 36
and a radius of 3 units and a height of
96 = (3 × 3)6 = 36 × 36 = 33 × 33 × 36 3 units so the volume is
π (3)2 × 3 units3 = 27π units3.
Comparing these comes down to comparing
29 and 33. Because 29 > 33, 69 > 96. c. 1,000,000π units3; the resulting cylinder
72. 710 will have a radius of 100 units and a
73. 810
height of 100 units,
so V = π(100)2 × 100 units3 =
74. 69 1,000,000π units3.
75. False; since 1.56892 × 105 = 156,892 is 79. a. The following are prime:
greater than 2.3456 × 104 = 23,456, the 22 – 1 = 3; 23 – 1 = 7; 25 – 1 = 31.
difference is greater than zero.
b. Other primes that fit this pattern
76. False; since 3.96395 × 10 = 396,395 is
5 include 27 – 1 = 127 and
less than 2.888211 × 107 = 28,882,110, the 213 – 1 = 8,191.
quotient is less than 1. 80. a. The sum of the proper factors of 22 is 3.
77. a. Volume: 8 units3; surface area: 24 units2; b. The sum of the proper factors for 2 3,
the side lengths increase to 2 units. or 8, is 1 + 2 + 4 = 7.
The new volume is 23 units3 =
2 × 2 × 2 units3 = 8 units3. Because c. The sum of the proper factors for 2 4,
there are six square faces, each with or 16, is 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15.
area 22 units2 = 4 units2, the total d. The sum of the proper factors for 25,
surface area is 6 22 units3 = 24 units3. or 32, is 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31.
b. Volume: 27 units3; surface area: e. The sum of the proper factors of a
54 units2; the side lengths increase to power of 2 is always 1 less than the
3 units. The new volume is 33 units3 = number.
3 3 3 units3 = 27 units3, and the
new surface area is 6 32 units2 = 81. a. Possible answer:
3 10 
54 units2.
= 3 × 10–2 = 0.03 = 3 .
107 100

b. Possible answer:
5 10
= 2 × 10–3 = .002 = = 1 .
25 10
1000 500

Growing, Growing, Growing 4 Investigation 5

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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

82. 1; the ones digits for powers of 7 cycle 91. a. Row 1: 1 , row 2: 3 , row 3: 7 , row 4: 15
through 7, 9, 3, and 1. Because the 2 4 8 16
exponent, 100, is a multiple of 4, the ones 1  1
2 3 4 5
+  1  +  1  +  1  = 31
2  2 
digit will match the fourth number in the b. +
2 2 2 32
cycle, which is 1. 1,023 1,048,575
c ,
83. 6; the only possibility for the units digit for 1,024 1,048,576
a power of 6 is 6. d. The sum of each row is a fraction with
a denominator equal to 2 raised to
84. 1; the ones digits for powers of 7 cycle the power of that row number, and
through 7, 9, 3, and 1. The same is true for a numerator that is 1 less than the
powers of 17. Because the exponent, 100, denominator. In the nth row, the sum
is a multiple of 4, the ones digit will match
will be 2 n 1 .
the fourth number in the cycle, which is 1.
7100 and 17100 have the same units digit. 2
e. Row 4
85. 1; to get successive powers of 31, you f. 1
repeatedly multiply by 31. The ones digit is g. The pattern is similar to adding the
always 1 times the previous ones digit. So areas of one of the ballots produced
the ones digit is always a power of 1, or 1. by each cut. It may appear that this
86. 6; the possibilities for the ones digit when total area will eventually equal the area
the base is 12 are the same as when the of the original sheet, but the pattern
base is 2. So the ones digits cycle through demonstrates that the total of the areas
2, 4, 8 and 6. Because the exponent, 100, of the ballots will never actually equal
is a multiple of 4, the ones digit will be the the area of the whole piece.
fourth number in the cycle, which is 6. 91. a.
Number of Cuts Area (ft2)
87. 7; the possibilities for a include values with
ones digits 3 or 7, because the ones digit 0 1
in 823,543 is 3. Since 823,543 has 6 digits
1 1
and the power is 7, 3 is too small, so a must
equal 7. (17 or 27 or 37 etc. is too large.)
2 2
88. 11; a could be any number with a ones 4
digit equal to 1, 3, 7 or 9. Since 1,771,561 3
has 7 digits and 106 = 1,000,000 has 3
7 digits, a must be greater than 10 but 1
close to 10, so a is 11. 4
89. Possible answer: The ones digit is 9. The 1
5 16
ones digits for the powers of 3 cycle 32
through the pattern 3, 9, 7, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1 . . . 6
So 328 will end in a 1, 329 will end in a 3, 32
and 330 will end in 9. 1
90. C; square numbers have a ones digit of 128
1, 4, 9, 6, 5 or 0. So 1,392 is not a square 8 11
number. However, 289 and 10,000 could 128
be square numbers since they end in 0 and 1
n 256
9; in fact 172 = 289 and 1002 = 10,000. b. A =  
2  
c. About 9.54 × 10–7 ft2. Note: this
doesn’t make sense, because a piece of
paper could not be cut this small.

Growing, Growing, Growing 5 Investigation 5

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A CE Answers | Investigation 5

93. About $71.42 per acre; the growth factor

is 1.04. The cost has been increasing for
200 years (2003–1803 = 200). Find the
initial price per sq. mi:
$15,000,000 ÷ 828,000 sq. mi ≈
$18.13 per sq. mile.
To get the initial price per acre, divide
this value by 640: $18.13 per sq. mile ÷
640 acres per sq. mile ≈ $0.028 per acre.
Thus, the value of 1 acre of land in 2006 is
($.028)(1.04)200 = ($.028)(2551) ≈ $71.42.

Growing, Growing, Growing 6 Investigation 5

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