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5 - Topological Vector Spaces

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Topological Vector Spaces

Chapters 1-5

Translated by

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

London Paris Tokyo


§ 1. Topological vector spaces 1.1

1. Definition of a topological vector space 1.1
2. Normed spaces on a valued division ring 1.3
3. Vector subspaces and quotient spaces of a topological vector
space; products of topological vector spaces; topological
direct sums of subspaces 1.4
4. Uniform structure and completion of a topological vector
space 1.5
5. Neighbourhoods of the origin in a topological vector space
over a valued division ring 1.6
6. Criteria of continuity and equicontinuity 1.8
7. Initial topologies of vector spaces 1.9
§ 2. Linear varieties in a topological vector space 1.11
1. The closure of a linear variety 1.11
2. Lines and closed hyperplanes 1.12
3. Vector subspaces of finite dimension 1.13
4. Locally compact topological vector spaces 1.15

§ 3. Metrisable topological vector spaces 1.16

1. Neighbourhoods of 0 in a metrisable topological vector space. 1.16
2. Properties of metrisable vector spaces 1.17
3. Continuous linear functions in a metrisable vector space 1.17
Exercises of § 1 1.22
Exercises of § 2 1.25
Exercises of § 3 1.28


§ 1. Semi-norms II. 1
1. Definition of semi-norms II. 1
2. Topologies defined by semi-norms II.2
3. Semi-norms in quotient spaces and in product spaces II. 4

4. Equicontinuity criteria of multilinear mappings for topologies

defined by semi-norms II. 5

§ 2. Convex sets II. 7

1. Definition of a convex set II. 7
2. Intersections of convex sets. Products of convex sets II. 9
3. Convex envelope of a set II.9
4. Convex cones II. 10
5. Ordered vector spaces II. 12
6. Convex cones in topological vector spaces II. 13
7. Topologies on ordered vector spaces II. 15
8. Convex functions II. 16
9. Operations on convex functions II. 18
10. Convex functions over an open convex set II. 18
11. Semi-norms and convex sets II. 19

§ 3. The Hahn-Banach Theorem {analytic form) 11.21

1. Extension of positive linear forms II. 21
2. The Hahn-Banach theorem (analytic form) II. 22

§ 4. Locally convex spaces 11.23

1. Definition of a locally convex space 11.23
2. Examples of locally convex spaces II. 25
3. Locally convex initial topologies II. 26
4. Locally convex final topologies II. 27
5. The direct topological sum of a family of locally convex spaces. II. 29
6. Inductive limits of sequences of locally convex spaces 11.31
7. Remarks on Frechet spaces II. 34

§ 5. Separation of convex sets II. 36

1. The Hahn-Banach theorem (geometric form) II. 36
2. Separation of convex sets in a topological vector space II. 37
3. Separation of convex sets in a locally convex space II. 38
4. Approximation to convex functions II. 39

§ 6. Weak topologies II. 40

1. Dual vector spaces II. 40
2. Weak topologies II. 42
3. Polar sets and orthogonal subspaces II .44
4. Transposition of a continuous linear mapping 11.46
5. Quotient spaces and subspaces of a weak space II. 48
6. Products of weak topologies II. 50
7. Weakly complete spaces II. 51
8. Complete convex cones in weak spaces II. 52

§ 7. Extremal points and extremal generators 11.54

1. Extremal points of compact convex sets II. 54
2. Extremal generators of convex cones II. 57
3. Convex cones with compact sole II. 59

§ 8. Complex locally convex spaces II. 60

1. Topological vector spaces over С II. 60
2. Complex locally convex spaces II. 62
3. The Hahn-Banach theorem and its applications II. 63
4. Weak topologies on complex vector spaces II. 64
Exercises on §2 II. 65
Exercises on §3 II. 72
Exercises on §4 II. 74
Exercises on § 5 .• II. 76
Exercises on §6 II. 81
Exercises on §7 II. 87
Exercises on §8 II. 95


§ 1. Bornology in a topological vector space Ill. 1

1. Bornologies Ill. 1
2. Bounded subsets of a topological vector space HI. 2
3. Image under a continuous mapping III. 4
4. Bounded subsets in certain inductive limits Ill. 5
5. The spaces EA (A bounded) Ill. 7
6. Complete bounded sets and quasi-complete spaces III.8
7. Examples Ill. 9

§ 2. Bornological spaces Ill. 11

§ 3. Spaces of continuous linear mappings III. 13

1. Thespaces Уе(Е ; F) III. 13
2. Condition for J*f s (E;F) to be Hausdorff III.15
3. Relations between if (E ; F) and ^ ( E ; F) III.15
4. Equicontinuous subsets of if (E ; F) Ill. 16
5. Equicontinuous subsets of E' Ill. 19
6. The completion of a locally convex space III. 20
7. S-bornologiesonif (E; F) III.21
8. Complete subsets of S?s (E; F). III.22

§ 4. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem Ill. 23

1. Barrels and barrelled spaces Ill. 24

2. The Banach-Steinhaus theorem III.25

3. Bounded subsets of J§? ( E ; F) (quasi-complete case) I l l . 27
§ 5. Hypocontinuous bilinear mappings I l l . 28
1. Separately continuous bilinear mappings I l l . 28
2. Separately continuous bilinear mappings on a product of Fre-
chet spaces I l l . 29
3. Hypocontinuous bilinear mappings III. 30
4. Extension of a hypocontinuous bilinear mapping I l l . 32
5. Hypocontinuity of the mapping ( и , [ ) и с о и III. 32
§ 6. Borel's graph theorem Ill. 34
1. Borel's graph theorem I l l . 34
2. Locally convex Lusin spaces I l l . 34
3. Measurable linear mappings on a Banach space I l l . 36
Exercises on §1 III. 37
Exercises on §2 I l l . 40
Exercises on §3 Ill. 41
Exercises on §4 I l l . 43
Exercises on §5 Ill. 46
Exercises on §6 I l l . 49


§ 1. Duality IV. 1
1. Topologies compatible with a duality IV. 1
2. Mackey topology and weakened topology on a locally convex
space IV. 4
3. Transpose of a continuous linear mapping IV. 6
4. Dual of a quotient space and of a subspace IV. 8
5. Dual of a direct sum and of a product IV. 11
§ 2. Bidual. Reflexive spaces IV. 14
1. Bidual IV. 14
2. Semi-reflexive spaces IV. 15
3. Reflexive spaces IV. 16
4. The case of normed spaces IV. 17
5. Montel spaces IV. 18
§ 3. Dual of a Frechet space IV. 21
1. Semi-barrelled spaces IV. 21
2. Dual of a locally convex metrizable space IV. 22
3. Bidual of a locally convex metrizable space IV. 23
4. Dual of a reflexive Frechet space IV. 23

5. The topology of compact convergence on the dual of a Frechet

space IV. 24
6. Separately continuous bilinear mappings IV. 26
§ 4. Strict morphisms of Frechet spaces IV. 26
1. Characterizations of strict morphisms IV. 27
2. Strict morphisms of Frechet spaces IV. 28
3. Criteria for surjectivity IV. 31
§ 5. Compactness criteria IV. 32
1. General remarks IV. 32
2. Simple compactness of sets of continuous functions IV. 33
3. The Eberlein and Smulian theorems IV. 35
4. The case of spaces of bounded continuous functions IV. 36
5. Convex envelope ofa weakly compact set IV. 37
Appendix. — Fixed points of groups of affine transformations IV. 39
1. The case of solvable groups IV. 39
2. Invariant means IV. 40
3. Ryll-Nardzewski theorem IV. 41
4. Applications IV. 44
Exercises on § 1 IV. 47
Exercises on § 2 IV. 52
Exercises on § 3 IV. 57
Exercises on § 4 IV. 62
Exercises on § 5 IV. 67
Exercises on Appendix IV. 72
Table I. — Principal types of locally convex spaces IV. 75
Table II. — Principal homologies on the dual ofa locally convex s p a c e . . . . IV. 76


§ 1. Prehilbertian spaces and hilbertian spaces V. 1

1. Hermitian forms V. 1
2. Positive hermitian forms V. 2
3. Prehilbertian spaces V. 4
4. Hilbertian spaces V. 6
5. Convex subsets of a prehilbertian space V. 9
6. Vector subspaces and orthoprojectors V. 12
7. Dual of a hilbertian space V. 15
§ 2. Orthogonal families in a hilbertian space V. 17
1. External hilbertian sum of hilbertian spaces V.17
2. Hilbertian sum of orthogonal subspaces of a hilbertian space.. V.18

3. Orthonormal families V.21

4. Orthonormalisation V.23
§ 3. Tensor product of hilbertian spaces V. 25
1. Tensor product of prehilbertian spaces V. 25
2. Hilbertian tensor product of hilbertian spaces V. 28
3. Symmetric hilbertian powers V. 29
4. Exterior hilbertian powers V. 33
5. Exterior Multiplication V. 35
§ 4. Some classes of operators in hilbertian spaces V. 37
1. Adjoint V. 38
2. Partially isometric linear mappings V.41
3. Normal endomorphisms V.43
4. Hermitian endomorphisms V. 44
5. Positive endomorphisms V. 45
6. Trace of an endomorphism V.48
7. Hilbert-Schmidt mappings V. 52
8. Diagonalization of Hilbert-Schmidt mappings V.55
9. Trace of a quadratic form with respect to another V. 57
Exercises on § 1 V. 60
Exercises on § 2 V. 70
Exercises on § 3 V. 73
Exercises on § 4 V. 74
Historical notes V. 80
Bibliography V. 92
Index of notation 347
Index of terminology 349
Summary of some important properties of Banach spaces 355
Contents 359

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