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Background of the study

Cutting class is a coined term that actually means

intentionally not attending a required class in one's

formal education without a valid excuse. In global context,

specifically in Canada 42 percent of students who don’t

attend classes have ‘very low' achievement levels

(Richwine,2013). Moreover, recent studies of children in

New York, Chicago and other cities suggest that attendance

may predict a student’s academic progress as effectively

as test scores do, students who cut their classes have

long-term harm to their academic progress (Perez-

Pena,2012). “School is boring,” say about half of American

students who routinely skip. But when asked what they’re

doing instead of attending class, most say they’re just

hanging out with their friends or sleeping. A survey

recently published at Getschooled.com cites data that as

many as 7 million students - about 15% of the K-12

population are out of school 18 or more days of the school

year. And many of them don’t think skipping school will

impact their future (Cnn.com.2012). This means that cutting

of classes of students became a major problem worldwide.

It has a lot of negative effects. Boredom and tiredness are

the two main reasons why students cut classes

In Philippine context, according to Department of

Education (2009) cutting of classes become a rampant

problem in public schools in the Philippines. Public

schools in the Philippines where there is inefficient

security and a relatively high number of students thus

making it hard to monitor each student (Viola 2016). The

alarming growth of students is one of the reasons why it’s

too hard to monitor the students in schools.

In local context, specifically in Cebu City, the local

government in Cebu City arises a local ordinance that

prohibited students form staying out of class without valid

excuse, students would be prohibited from loitering in

malls or in other entertainment establishments in Cebu

province from 7 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. during

weekdays. The Cebu Provincial Board yesterday approved on

third and final reading an ordinance that prohibits

students from skipping classes (Silva,2014). According to

Cristoria and Isles (2014), “Violators would undergo

counseling on the first offense, then made to render up to

36 hours of community service on the second offense. A

third offense would draw a fine of less than P500”. This

ordinance proves that the said issue is serious. Cutting

of class becomes a gateway to darker, serious problems. The

researchers witness how relevant the cutting classes of

students in Argao National High School. When the student

manages to cut class, he /she will eventually have to find

something to do with his unauthorized free time. Since most

of the youth nowadays have lost several good values that

act as a safeguard for several undesirable, immoral


According to Viola (2016), every time a student cuts class,

it’s inevitable that they are also cutting their education.

It is said that going to school is like having a job, they

are mostly alike in such reason that you get paid with

knowledge. Infact, being always present in class and

getting to school on time are two of the crucial determining

factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but

as a person who will be managing his/her own life in the


The purpose of this qualitative study is to have deep

study concerning the behaviors of different individuals,

specifically the Grade 10 students. Cutting of class has

been considered as the most burdensome for any school

teachers and staff. ”Educational institutions are not only

for mental sacrifice and mental quotient feedbacks but also

for correcting, disciplining any forms of behavioral,

moral, and social problems being faced by the students”

Tagudando (2017). This is for the reason that a large number

of students are cutting their classes for several reasons.

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating

problem” that the schools are having with their students

nowadays is tardiness (Sprick & Daniels, 2007). It creates

problems, not just to the students but also to the teachers.

This tardiness may perhaps result into a strong negative

correlation between absences and final grades (Bilocura &

Guia, 2004). This is due series of unattended days and

cutting of classes. Also, an accessible business school

population of undergraduate students was investigated in

three independent, but related studies to determine effects

on grades due to cutting class and failing to take advantage

of optional reviews and study quizzes.

It was hypothesized by Taylor III (2012) on a study that

cutting classes harms exam scores, attending pre-exam

reviews helps exam scores, taking optional exam preparation

quizzes helps exam scores, and earlier exam scores in the

semester predict later exam scores. It is because cutting

classes may result into lack of knowledge regarding on your

lessons. The lack of knowledge may also result into poor

academic performance and sooner may lead into failing


Cutting of classes may have its effects towards the

grades of the several students. Cutting of classes have its

significant relationship with the students’ academic

performance. Failing grades and poor academic performance

may be the result cutting of classes and it would be worst

if it will not be prevented. Moreover, this problem is one

of the most rampant issue in many school around the

Philippines. Perhaps, because of this, the researchers

would like to examine the effects, reason, and

interventions that is incorporated with the cutting of

classes. The researchers want to conduct this research

because it is one of the most rampant problem in Argao

National High School.

This study seeks to understand the factors that trigger

the students to cut classes. Cutting classes affect

students so much. Moreover, cutting classes of students

also affects their parents, parents were the one who had

earned money they allot for their children's educations is

deliberately wasted by the child, teachers are also

affected by the students performance, if it is found out

that they lost a student during class hours, they will be

reprimanded, or worse filed a case against them.

Therefore, in this study, the researchers want to

understand that attending class is vital for a good

education and a good future. Attendance of students in

class serves a predictor to their success. A student's time

in class not only affects themselves in the present, but

also their families and teachers. But most importantly,

attending class has a very high impact on a student's future

and on his/her academic performance.1

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the Factors of cutting classes

affecting the Academic Performance among Grade 12

Carpentry-Copernicus Students of Sumoroy Agro-Industrial


1. What are the Effect of cutting classes in terms of:

1.1 Personal Related Factor

1.2 Home Related Factor

1.3 School Related Factor

1.4 Teacher Related Factor

2. Is there a significant relationship between the factors

of cutting classes and Academic Performance?

Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to:

1. Determine the Effect of cutting classes in terms of:


1.1 Personal Related Factor

1.2 Home Related Factor

1.3 School Related Factor

1.4 Teacher Related Factor

2. To find out if there is a significant relationship

between the factors of cutting classes and Academic


Significance of Study

This study would be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will enlighten their minds to attend

classes regularly and focus on their studies.

Parents. This study will help them guide their children in

going to school regularly.

Teachers. This will give them information on how to help

the students to avoid cutting classes.

School Administration. The result of this study will guide

them to make policy in cutting classes.

Future Researchers. This study will provide them with

information on the Factors of cutting classes affecting the

academic performance of the respondents.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was limited only to the Factors of cutting

classes affecting the academic performance of Grade 12

Carpentry-Copernicus students of Sumuroy Agro-Industrial

School, School Year 2019-2020

Theoretical Framework

The physiological principle of this study wants to

associate with cutting classes is John Bowlby’s Attachment

Theory. According to him, a strong attachment to a

caregiver (specifically the parents) provides a sense of

security and foundation. Children who lack in attachment

are fearful and less willing to seek out and learn from new

experiences. Children with strong attachments to their

parents (caregiver) are secured and bold to try new


The proponents want to verify if the students cutting

classes have suffered weak attachment to their parents or

caregiver. This could be the reason why the students is

less likely to struggle it out and complete with the

perceived strong and intellectual classmates. Does it mean

the students cut classes did not have the opportunity to

have close attachment to a caregiver or parents?

Another possible reasons why students escape and cut

classes has something to do with the theory of moral

reasoning which later on developed by psychologist Lawrence

Kohlberg as moral development theory.

During the pre-conventional level, morality of a child

is influenced by the rules of authority figures, such as

parents and teachers. Their judgement of action is based

on consequences. During the conventional level, within the

ages of 16 -19 years old (senior high school student). The

child’s senses of morality affected by societal and

personal relationship. Giving out reason about a dilemma

determines positive moral development. Adolescent continue

to obey the rules of authority but this is due to the belief

that this necessary to ensure positive relationship and

societal order. But this is not the case of our students

in SAIS. There are a number of students who directly

disregard the rules, unmindful of maintaining societal

order or positive relationships. During the post-

conventional stage, the sense of morality is governed by

abstract principles and values. People in this level

possess mature concept of justice and believe some laws are

not just and therefore must be changed or eliminated. This

level is defined by a realization that individuals are

independent entities from society and they may disobey

rules that do not jibe with their own principles.

This study wants to investigate whether our students in

the Senior High School ages range from 16-19 have ripen

their moral development earlier that what is expected from

than that of Kolhberg’s?2


Conceptual Framework

The organizer below will lead us to the factors of

cutting classes.

Student learning. Can be positively

impacted by the encouragement of
teachers to their students but when
students are viewed in a negative way
by their teachers such as being lazy
unmotivated and having no abilities,
they take on beliefs about themselves.

Social interaction. With the other

might affect the confidence of the
students, especially if that student
Factors experience discrimination from the
of other. This lead on skipping the class
cutting although it is also have.

Family problem. Families should be the

one who boosts up the confidence of a
student, it should be the one of the
inspiration, but sometimes, due to the
problems that we cannot avoid,
students lost its eagerness on
studying that also resulted on
skipping their class (Amato, 2005).

Academic subjects, sometimes give too

much assignments and seat works that
resulting an work load impact, that
resulted on having stress and laziness
of students resulting of not attending

Paradigm of the Study


1. Factors of cutting
1.1 Personal
1.3 School
1.4 Teachers

Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the relationship of the

independent variables and dependent variable.

Null Hypothesis

This study tested the following null hypothesis:

There is no significant relationship between the factors

of cutting classes and academic performance of students.

Definition of Terms

Cutting classes. Conceptually defined as, when you don't

attend a class at which your presence is expected.

Operationally defined as, absent oneself from a class

or other, usually mandatory event, as in if he cuts one

more class he’ll fail the course. [Late 1700s]

Academic performance. Conceptually and operationally

defined as, the extent which a student, teacher institution

has achieved their short or long term educational goals,

cumulative GPA. And completion of educational benchmarks

such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees

represent academic achievement.

Personal Related Factors. Conceptually and operationally

defined as, our state of health or fitness, our life style,

our posture, and our work habits.

Home Related Factors. Conceptually and operationally

defined as, household duties, parental level of education,

and child labor, family background and stability, family

income among others.

School Related Factor. Conceptually and operationally

defined as, school level factor because for the most part

they are under the jurisdiction of the school as a whole,

that is change in these factors are usually formal or

informal policy decisions.

Teacher Related Factor. Conceptually and operationally

defined as, factors were teacher qualification, teaching

experience, teacher’s age, teacher’s gender, and teaching



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