MT L495 L395 Revf
MT L495 L395 Revf
MT L495 L395 Revf
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
All effort have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be
detected, SEIKO EPSON would greatly appreciate being informed of them.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
The above not withstanding SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION can assume no responsibility for any errors in this
manual or the consequences thereof.
EPSON is a registered trademark of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
Note :Other product names used herein are for identification purpose only and may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners. EPSON disclaims any and all rights in those marks.
Safety Precautions
All safety procedures described here shall be strictly adhered to by all parties servicing and maintaining this
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply could result in serious bodily injury or loss of life.
1. Always disconnect the product from the power source and peripheral devices when servicing the product or
performing maintenance.
2. When performing works described in this manual, do not connect to a power source until instructed to do so.
Connecting to a power source causes high voltage in the power supply unit and some electronic components
even if the product power switch is off. If you need to perform the work with the power cable connected to a
power source, use extreme caution to avoid electrical shock.
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or loss of life.
1. Always wear protective goggles for disassembly and reassembly to protect your eyes from ink in working. If
any ink gets in your eyes, wash your eyes with clean water and consult a doctor immediately.
2. When using compressed air products; such as air duster, for cleaning during repair and maintenance, the use
of such products containing flammable gas is prohibited.
Strictly observe the following cautions. Failure to comply may lead to personal injury or damage of the product.
1. Repairs on Epson product should be performed only by an Epson certified repair technician.
2. No work should be performed on this product by persons unfamiliar with basic safety knowledge required for
3. The power rating of this product is indicated on the serial number/rating plate. Never connect this product to
the power source whose voltages is different from the rated voltage.
4. Replace malfunctioning components only with those components provided or approved by Epson;
introduction of second-source ICs or other non-approved components may damage the product and void any
applicable Epson warranty.
5. The capacitors on the Main Board may be electrically charged right after the power turns off or after driving
motors which generates counter electromotive force such as when rotating the PF Roller or when moving the
CR Unit. There is a risk to damage the Main Board if the Head FFC is short-circuited with the capacitors on
the Main Board electrically charged, therefore, after the power turns off or after motors are driven, leave the
printer untouched for approximately 30 seconds to discharge the capacitors before starting disassembly/
6. To prevent the circuit boards from short-circuiting, be careful about the following when handling FFC or
When handling FFC, take care not to let the terminal section of FFC touch metal parts.
When connecting cables/FFC to the connectors on circuit boards, connect them straight to the connectors to avoid
slant insertion.
7. In order to protect sensitive microprocessors and circuitry, use static discharge equipment, such as anti-static
wrist straps, when accessing internal components.
8. Do not tilt this product immediately after initial ink charge, especially after performing the ink charge several
times. Doing so may cause ink to leak from the product because it may take some time for the waste ink pads
to completely absorb ink wasted due to the ink charge.
9. Never touch the ink or wasted ink with bare hands. If ink comes into contact with your skin, wash it off with
soap and water immediately. If you have a skin irritation, consult a doctor immediately.
10. When disassembling or assembling this product, make sure to wear gloves to avoid injuries from metal parts
with sharp edges.
11. Use only recommended tools for disassembling, assembling or adjusting the printer.
12. Observe the specified torque when tightening screws.
13. Be extremely careful not to scratch or contaminate the following parts.
Nozzle plate of the Printhead
CR Scale
PF Scale
Coated surface of the PF Roller
Scanner Sensor
Exterior parts
14. Never use oil or grease other than those specified in this manual. Use of different types of oil or grease may
damage the component or give bad influence on the printer function.
15. Apply the specified amount of grease described in this manual.
16. Make the specified adjustments when you disassemble the printer.
17. When cleaning this product, follow the procedure described in this manual.
18. When transporting this product after filling the ink in the printhead, pack the printer without removing the
ink cartridges in order to prevent the printhead from drying out.
19. Make sure to install antivirus software in the computers used for the service support activities.
20. Keep the virus pattern file of antivirus software up-to-date.
21. When disassembling/reassembling this product, if you find adhesive power of the double-sided tape which
secure the parts or FFC is not enough, replace the tape with new one and attach it correctly to the specified
points where the parts or FFC should be secured.
22. Unless otherwise specified in this manual, the labels attached on the returned product should be transferred to
the corresponding attachment positions on the new one referring to the labels on the returned product.
About This Manual
This manual, consists of the following chapters, is intended for repair service personnel and includes information
necessary for properly performing maintenance and servicing the product.
Describes the step-by-step procedures for the troubleshooting.
Describes the required adjustments for servicing the product.
Describes maintenance items and procedures for servicing the product.
Provides the following additional information for reference:
Connector Diagram
Protection for Transportation
Indicates an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, or condition that, if not strictly observed,
could result in bodily injury, damage or malfunction of equipment.
For Chapter 2 “Disassembly/Reassembly”, symbols other than indicated above are used to show additional
information for disassembly/reassembly. For the details on those symbols, see "2.2 Disassembly/Reassembly
Procedures (p33)".
Revision Status
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Chapter 1 Troubleshooting
1.1 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Troubleshooting Workflow .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Power-On Sequence ................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.3 Fatal Error Code List............................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.1 Fatal Error Code ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Chapter 2 Disassembly/Reassembly
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.1 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.1.2 Jigs .................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Making the Spring Hook Jig .................................................................................................................. 17
2.1.3 Locations of the Parts/Units ........................................................................................................................... 18
2.1.4 Standard Operation Time for Servicing the Product ...................................................................................... 23
2.1.5 Checks and Precautions before Disassembling .............................................................................................. 26 Factors which Affect the Print Quality .................................................................................................. 26 Factors which Affect the Safety of Service Personnel such as Ink Leakage during Operation ............ 27
2.2 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 33
2.2.1 Disassembly Flowchart................................................................................................................................... 34
2.2.2 Disassembly Flowchart (Printhead/Main Board) ........................................................................................... 40
2.3 Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/Unit........................................................................... 41
2.4 Revision FRevision FRouting FFCs/cables ............................................................................................................ 49
Chapter 3 Adjustment
3.1 Required Adjustments ............................................................................................................................................. 53
3.2 Revision FAdjustment Program .............................................................................................................................. 58
3.2.1 Operating Environment .................................................................................................................................. 58
3.2.2 Details of the Adjustment Program ................................................................................................................ 58 CR Motor Heat Protection Control / PF Motor Heat Protection Control .............................................. 58
3.2.3 Scanner Motor Heat Protection Control ......................................................................................................... 59
3.3 Mechanism Adjustment / Check ............................................................................................................................. 60
3.3.1 Checking the Platen Gap ................................................................................................................................ 60
Chapter 4 Maintenance
4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 63
4.1.1 Cleaning.......................................................................................................................................................... 63
4.1.2 Lubrication...................................................................................................................................................... 63
4.2 Revision FLubrication Points and Instructions ....................................................................................................... 64
Chapter 5 Appendix
5.1 Connector Diagram ................................................................................................................................................. 70
5.2 Protection for Transportation .................................................................................................................................. 71
5.2.1 Securing the CR Unit...................................................................................................................................... 71
5.2.2 Securing the Paper Support Assy and Ink Tank Assy .................................................................................... 72
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
1.1 Troubleshooting
This section describes the troubleshooting workflow and fatal error information.
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting 9
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Start 1
Major problem with error message
Turn on the power*1
Fatal error Incomplete Initial Ink Charge Maintenance error Ink End error Paper Jam Fatal error CR Fixing Tape error
Does printer turn on the Please refer to " 1.3 Fatal Error Code [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition]
power? List (p13)". Ink LED is ON and STM This error occurs when This error occurs when ink This error occurs when CR Unit is This error occurs when detected
indicates "Initial ink charging is maintenance counter in EEPROM counter reaches ink end level. blocked by jammed paper. that the carriage is still fixed with
Major problem without not complete". exceeds the specified value. CR fixing tape at the start of
Yes error message [Major Occurrence Timing] [Major Occurrence Timing] initial ink charging.
[Major Occurrence Timing] [Major Occurrence Timing] • Power-on timing • Power-on timing
Print start timing. • Power-on timing • Print start timing [Major Occurrence Timing]
Is Power-on sequence
No No Power*2 • Print start timing • Cleaning timing [Major Troubleshooting] • Power-on timing
Paper Jam error No Paper error Double Feed error Paper Size Unmatch error
[Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition] [Occurrence Condition]
This error occurs when top/ This error occurs when top of When manual duplex printing is This error occurs if the actual
No bottom of paper is not detected by paper can not be detected selected using the printer driver, paper length detected by PE
Is printing operation PE Sensor in the specified steps of correctly by PE Sensor in the this error occurs if the actual Sensor does not match with the
finished without trouble? paper loading / ejecting operation specified steps up to completion paper length detected by PE paper length specified in the
correctly. of the paper loading operation. Sensor does not match with the printer driver. (The error occurs
(No paper / No loading / large paper length specified in the no matter when the actual length
Yes [Major Occurrence Timing] paper skew) printer driver. (The error occurs is longer or shorter than the
• Power-on timing when the actual length is longer theoretical length specified in the
Major problem without error message • Paper loading timing [Major Occurrence Timing] than the theoretical length driver.)
Copy an image • Paper eject timing • Paper loading timing specified in the driver.)
[Major Occurrence Timing]
Poor Printing Poor Paper Loading [Major Troubleshooting] [Major Troubleshooting] [Major Occurrence Timing] • Paper eject timing
1 Perform paper eject operation 1 Set paper in ASF and perform • Paper loading timing
[Phenomenon] [Presumable Cause] from operation panel. paper feed operation. • Paper eject timing [Troubleshooting]
No • Poor printing quality • Use of 3rd party media • Success 2 If the paper stops before • PE Sensor Lever replacement
Is scanning operation • Ink stain on paper • Edge guide mis-setting Starts paper feeding reaching PE Sensor, remove it [Troubleshooting] • PE Sensor replacement
finished without trouble? • Dot missing • Foreign material operation again if printer has and check the paper condition. • PE Sensor Lever replacement (Main Board replacement)
• Paper eject without printing • Part come-off print data. 3 A) If paper is OK, set paper in • PE Sensor replacement • Main Board replacement
• Contamination of LD Roller or • Fail ASF and move edge guides to (Main Board replacement)
[Presumable Cause] PF roller Occurs paper jam error appropriate position, and • Main Board replacement
Yes Scanner failure again. perform 2 again.
• Driver / Panel mis-setting
• Contamination of CR scale [Major Troubleshooting] 2 If fail in the above 1, remove B) If damage in the above 2, [NOTE]
[Presumable Cause] the paper by opening Scanner check foreign materials / This error may occur in the
• Contamination of Scanner Glass • Contamination of Printhead • Recommendation of EPSON
cover media Unit. parts come-off / parts manual duplex printing if the
• Contamination of Document Pad 3 Perform paper eject operation transformation in paper inverted sheet printed on the first
• CIS Unit bonding failure • Printhead damage • Edge guide re-setting
• Ink clogging of Printhead • Foreign material removal from operation panel again. path. side sticks to the second sheet
• CIS Unit damage • Success 4 If not resolved by 3-A & 3-B, when the first side printing is
• Scanner Motor damage • Contamination on Cap Unit / • Part re-installation
Wiper of Ink System Assy • Roller replacement Starts paper feeding check foreign material / Part complete and the sheet is inverted
• Insufficient grease operation again if printer has come-off / surface condition of and set to ASF to print on the
• Ink System Assy damage
• Float of Porous Pad on Paper print data. LD Roller or PF Roller / PE other side.
[Major Troubleshooting] • Fail Sensor Lever / PE Sensor /
• Scanner Glass cleaning Guide Front Abnormal Noise
• Narrower/Wider PG Occurs paper jam error Main Board / PF Motor.
• Document Pad cleaning again.
• Document Pad replacement (out of standard) [Presumable Cause]
• PE Sensor Lever damage • Foreign material 4 If fail in the above 3, check
• CIS Unit replacement foreign material / part come-
• Scanner Motor replacement • PE Sensor damage • Insufficient grease
• Ink tank ventilation film gets • Gear damage off / PE Sensor Lever / PE
• Lubrication of grease Sensor / Porous Pad on Paper
[Major Troubleshooting] Guide Front / Main board.
[Major Troubleshooting] • Foreign material removal
• Driver / Panel re-setting • Lubrication of grease
• CR Scale replacement • Gear replacement
• Printhead cover cleaning
• Printhead cleaning
• Ink Cartridge replacement Blank printing
• Printhead replacement
• Rubber cleaning of Cap Unit [Phenomenon]
• Ink System Assy replacement Blank printing
• Porous Pad re-installation
• Printer replacement [Presumable Cause]
• PE Sensor Lever replacement • Ink tank ventilation film gets
• PE Sensor replacement wet
(Main Board replacement) • Ink tube crumples
• Ink tank replacement • Ink tube connection is
[Major Troubleshooting]
• Ink tank replacement *1: If the Hopper of ASF on the returned product touches the LD Roller, the initial ink charge has
• Ink tube re-installation
Finish*3 not been completed for the product yet.
*2: If the printer can turn on but turns off right away, the protection circuit may cut off the power
due to an error such as a circuit failure.
*3: In case of “Not Trouble Found”, check fatal error code.
3-3.After the PE Sensor checks if paper exists, the PF Motor rotates clockwise for one second and releases the CR lock.
3-4.While checking if the CR Unit does not touch the Change Lever (CR lock) or the foreign material, the CR Unit
moves to the 80-digit side slowly until it touches the Left Frame.
3-5.The distance from the position where the CR Unit touched to the Left Frame is regarded as the standard distance
from the origin position, and the home position is fixed.
From then on, the CR Unit position is monitored according to the signals from the CR Encoder.
3-6.The CR Unit moves to near its home position quickly.
4. PF Motor Measurement
4-1.The PF Motor rotates clockwise until the PF Roller turns five times to perform a load measurement.
Condition 2: Power-on sequence after recovering from a paper jam error (See Table 1-2.)
Turning on the printer after turning it off with a paper jam fatal error.
There still remains paper on the paper path out of the detecting area of the PE Sensor.
Maintenance error recovery has never been performed.
Table 1-2. Condition 2: Power-on Sequence after Recovering from a Paper Jam Error
CR Unit/PF Roller
Operation movement and
Executes No.1 to No.3 on the normal power-on sequence (Table 1-1).
4. Detecting remaining paper
4-1.5.The CR Unit returns to its home position.
4-2.The CR Unit moves to the 80-digit side and confirms there is no paper.*1
4-3.The CR Unit quickly returns to its home position, and displays on the LCD or with flashing LEDs that the paper jam
error occurs.
When the user removes the paper and releases the paper jam error by panel operation, the normal power-on sequence from No.1 (Table 1-1) is executed
Note *1: “Paper exists” is detected when the CR Unit touches the paper. When “paper does not exist” is detected, the power-on sequence
of condition 1 (Table 1-1) is executed from No.4.
*2: If the paper jam error cannot be solved after repeating the power-on sequence on condition 2 (Table 1-2) twice, the printer turns
into the paper jam fatal error for the third time.
To recover from the maintenance error, the dedicated software that can be downloaded
from the web site which can be accessed from STM3 is required.
The printer operation related to the maintenance error recovery is as follows.
• When the waste ink counter reaches the threshold value (1) for the first time and the
maintenance error occurs, the counter threshold of the maintenance error is changed
to threshold value 2 after performing recovery from the maintenance error.
• After the threshold value (2) is enabled, the warning; to notify the possibility of ink
leakage out of the printer, is displayed every time the waste ink counter increases by
• If the waste ink counter reaches the threshold value (2), the maintenance error occurs.
Then, the waste ink counter is changed back to the threshold value (1) after recovering
from the maintenance error, and the warning is displayed repeatedly according to the
increment of the waste ink counter until the maintenance error occurs when the
threshold value (2) is reached.
(Recovery from the maintenance error can be performed up to the specified number
of times.)
Error type Error name Possible cause
• CR Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
000033 CR load position reverse error failure)
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
000040 PF(PID) driving overtime error • Main Board failure (Firmware failure)
• PF Motor failure
• PF drive mechanism overload (paper jam, foreign object, insufficient
grease, deformation of the Main Frame)
000041 PF PID overload error • Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
• Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Cable disconnection
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
000042 PF PID overspeed error • Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
• Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
• Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
000043 PF PID reverse error • Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Paper jam
• Paper is pulled out from the ASF side when paper is fed
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
• PF Motor failure
000044 PF PID lock error • PF drive mechanism overload (paper jam, foreign object, insufficient
grease, deformation of the Main Frame)
PRN • Cable disconnection
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
000050 PF load position driving overtime error • PF Motor failure
• PF drive mechanism overload (paper jam, foreign object)
• Cable disconnection
• PF Motor failure
• PF drive mechanism overload (paper jam, foreign object)
000051 PF load position • Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
• Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Cable disconnection
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
000052 PF load position excess speed error • Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
• Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Main Board failure (Motor driver failure)
• PF Encoder failure (contaminated/detached scale, Encoder Sensor
000053 PF load position reverse error
• Tooth skip of the PF Timing Belt
• Improper tension of the PF Timing Belt
• Printhead failure
031001 X-Hot detect error (pre printing)
• Main Board failure
• Printhead failure
031002 X-Hot detect error (after flushing)
• Main Board failure
031003 Transistor temperature error • Main Board failure
• Printhead failure
031004 Head temperature error
• Main Board failure
Error type Error name Possible cause
• Foreign object
• Deformation of the Main Frame
034001 Home position error
• Change Lever failure
• Paper jam
• Foreign object
• Deformation of the Main Frame
PRN 034004 Insoluble paper jam error
• Change Lever failure
• Paper jam
034008 Main board error • Main board
060001 The cause is not printer device error • Scanner failure
800000 PCD error • Main board failure
202600 WiFi error • WiFi board failure
202620 WiFi error • WiFi board failure
205102 Card board error • Card board error
20xxxx Firmware failure • Firmware failure
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
2.1 Overview
This chapter describes procedures for disassembling the main parts/units of this product. Unless otherwise
specified, disassembled parts/units can be reassembled by reversing the disassembly procedure. See the cautions
or tips for disassembly/reassembly described in "2.3 Detailed Disassembly/Reassembly Procedure for each Part/
Unit (p41)".
Read the "Safety Precautions(p3)" before disassembling and reassembling.
When you have to remove units or parts that are not described in this chapter, see the exploded diagrams of SPI
(Service Parts Information).
2.1.1 Tools
Use only specified tools to avoid damaging the printer.
Clip Clip
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 17
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
The parts/units which can not be seen in the following pictures are indicated in dotted lines
( ).
Exterior parts
Front Right
2 4
Left Rear
7 10
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 18
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Printer mechanism
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9
6 8
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 19
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
5 6 7 8
2 3
5 6
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 20
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
2 3
4 5
1 5
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 21
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 22
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 23
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 24
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Note *: The adjustment/inspection time for the Main Board may take longer depending on the time required for the EEPROM data copy.
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 25
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
The film under sealing film attached on the Ink Supply Tank Assy of this printer is ventilation film. The ink in the
ink tanks is vented to atmosphere through this film to keep ink supply to the Printhead stable. If the film gets wet
with ink, the ink in the tanks is not properly vented and printing may not be capable.
In order to prevent this from occurring, make sure to place the Ink Supply Tank Assy as shown below after
removing it.
Ink Supply Tank Assy
Ventilation Hole
Ink Supply Tank Assy
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 26
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F Factors which Affect the Safety of Service Personnel such as Ink Leakage during
Ink may spill when removing the following parts from ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series.
This section describes the parts that may cause ink spill and the means to minimize the ink spill when removing
the parts.
Ink Supply • Removing the tubes of the Ink Supply Tank Tube from the Joint A, B
Tank • Removing the tubes of the Ink Supply Tank Tube from the Ink Supply Tank
Ink Supply
Tank Tube
Adapter Removing the Ink Supply Adapter Tube from the Adapter C
Ink Supply • Removing the Ink Supply Tank Tube / Ink Supply Adapter Tube from the Joint A, C
Adapter Tube • Removing the Ink Supply Adapter Tube from the Adapter
Note : These parts are indicated with the icon in disassembly/reassembly flowchart. (See "2.2 Disassembly/Reassembly Procedures
Ink Supply Adapter Tube Ink Supply Tank Tube
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 27
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Even if you strictly observe the instructions and cautions described in this section, ink may
spill out. To prevent ink from spilling over the printer or surroundings, use a container to
collect spilled ink. and place the newspaper or sheet under the printer
Ink path
If pressing film on Adapter, ink is pushed out and spills from Adapter.
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 28
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Discharging ink is recommended only when disconnecting the Ink Supply Tank Tube from the Ink Supply Tank.
Before performing the above disconnection, discharge ink from the Ink Supply Tank as follows.
It is recommended that the ink in the Ink Supply Tank should be discharged completely
before proceeding to disassembling/reassembling.
After all the reassembling work is complete, refill the all Ink Supply Tanks with the ink
you discharged for the reassembling work before performing any adjustments. Make
sure not to refill the tanks with wrong color ink. Carefully check the color of the tanks,
then pour the correct ink into each of the tanks.
Necessary tools
Containers (x 4) for each discharged ink
Injector (with a tip of 3.2 mm)
Cotton swab (x 4)
Tube Clip
Discharging preparation
1. Remove Ink Tank Cover and Cap Tank.
2. Remove the screw (x 4) and release hook (x 4) that secures the Ink Tank Housing Upper and remove the
Ink Tank Housing Upper. (p 46)
3. Attach the Cap Tank on the Ink Supply Tank.
4. Remove the screw (x 6), and remove the Ink Tank Housing Lower and the Ink Supply Tank.
Cap Tank
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 29
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
5. Release the Joint from rib, and remove the Tube Pressing Plate. (p 46)
6. Remove the screw that secures the Adapter Cover and remove the Adapter Cover. (p 44)
7. Remove the Tube Guide Sheet from the hooks (x 3) on the CR Unit. (p 48)
Ink Supply Tank Tube
Ink Supply Adapter Tube
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 30
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Discharging procedure
1. Remove the Ink Supply Assy.(Refer to Discharging preparation (p.29))
2. Insert the tip of the injector to each of the refill holes on the Ink Supply Tank.
3. Suck out ink in the tanks (x 4) of the Ink Supply Tank and transfer it into the containers (x 4) by color.
Refill Hole
Tube Clip
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 31
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
9. Next, transfer all the ink remaining inside the Ink Supply Adapter Tube one by one. First, remove the
cotton swab from one of the Ink Supply Adapter Tubes, and then insert the tip of the tube into the
10. Place the Ink Supply Tank in a place higher than the tip of the Ink Supply Adapter Tube inserted in the
container, and transfer all the remaining ink in the Ink Supply Tank to the container.
11. Repeat Step 9 to Step 10 until all the remaining ink is transferred color by color to the containers.
Disassembly/Reassembly Overview 32
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
The example below shows how to see the charts on the following pages.
Icon Indicates supplementary explanation for disassembly Indicates the reference page in
is given. blue-letter
Indicates particular tasks to keep quality of the units Indicates the reference page in
are required. blue-letter
Indicates the reference page in
Indicates particular routing of cables is required.
Indicates particular adjustment(s) is/are required. Chapter 3 " Adjustment (p52)"
Chapter 4 " Maintenance
Indicates lubrication is required.
Indicates the number of screws securing the parts/
Indicates the points secured with other than a screw
such as a hook, rib, dowel or the like.
Housing Rear Paper Support Tray Front Assy Paper Guide Under Rear Adapter Cover
Assy Front Unit Document Cover Document Mat
Cover (p38) 1 2
--- --- --- 2 --- --- 2 Adapter x 4 (p 38) (p 38)
4 2 4 S4 2 2 --- ---
S4 2
Extension Spring (x2) Holder Board
(p 52)
Paper Back
Lever 2
B ---
Housing Left
FFC Holder C (p 37) ---
(p 37) 2
2 --- Head FFC
(p 62)
S4 6 1
(p 50) Printhead
(p 41)
Retard Roller
Assy 3
S11 ---
Cable (CN501) Wireless LAN Panel FFC* 1
Hinge (p37) EJ Roller Gear Module 2
(p 44) (p 52)
Ink Tank Hous- --- 2 D (p 52)
ing Upper (p38) PS Unit FFC Holder MB Screw type/torque list
--- --- (p 37) Symbol Screw Type Torque
Ink Tank Hous- 1
ing Lower (p38) --- S1 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 3 1 kgf·cm
(p 43) (p 62) (p 48)
Housing Right 2 S7 2 S2 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
(p37) S3 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 5 1 kgf·cm
(p 41) (p 50)
Cable (CN9)
S4 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
(p 52) S5 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 4 0.5 kgf·cm
S6 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
A (p 36)
Card Slot Board Optical Tube S7 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
S8 C.P SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
1 1- S9 C.P.F.B-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
Common parts/unit S10 C.P.S-TITE (P2) SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 7 1 kgf·cm
S4 --- ---
S11 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 5 0.5 kgf·cm
4 0.5 kgf·cm
(p 51) --- ET-2650/L495 Series specific S12 C.P SCREW 2.6x3 F/ZN-3C
S13 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 2 0.5 kgf·cm
The following parts can be replaced without removing the Scanner Unit. However, the ET-2600/L395 Series specific S14 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 2 0.5 kgf·cm
S15 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 25 0.5 kgf·cm
working space for replacement is narrow and dark. Therefore, if you find it difficult to
S16 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 4 1 kgf·cm
work, remove the Scanner Unit first before replacement. FFC/cable list
S17 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN 6 1 kgf·cm
Printhead/Holder Board No. FFC/Cable S18 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.6x5 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
Paper Guide Front Unit 1 Disconnect the Panel FFC (CN2), and remove the ferrite core. S19 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
S20 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X10 F/ZB-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
Flowchart 2-1. Disassembly Flowchart (1) S21 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
Disassembly/Reassembly 35
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
2 CR Driven Pulley 1
CR Scale (p36) Hopper Assy
Panel Unit Panel Unit
(p 41) --- ---
CR Driven ---
Pulley Assy (p36) --- 2
LD Roller Cover 4 2
S4 4
(p36) (p 45) (p 62)
(p 42) (p 49) (p 52)
(p 42) (p 49)
(p 62)
FFC/Cable* 3
Extension Spring (x3)
FFC/cable list
FFC Holder MB LD Roller Cover
(p35) (p36) No. FFC/Cable No. FFC/Cable
Main Frame Assy 4 (p 39) 5 (p 39)
Remove/disconnect the Remove/disconnect the
following. following.
5 Panel FFC (CN2) Head FFC (CN102)
6 2 4
(p 39) FFC/Cable* 4 (double-sided tape) CR Encoder FFC (CN6)
--- LD Roller Assy
S4 S6
PF Motor cable (CN13)
PS Unit cable (CN501)
(p 44) (p 52) ---
Shield Plate Remove/disconnect the Remove/disconnect all FFCs/
(p 62)
2 following. cables.
3 Panel FFC (CN2)
(p 43) (p 52) 3 (double-sided tape) 5
Frame Base Assy
S6 S13 --- (p 62) PF Motor cable (CN13)
PS Unit cable (CN501)
--- CR Motor cable (CN12)
7 (p 39) Release the CR Motor cable
--- 6 from the hooks of the Main
Frame and Frame Base.
(p 52) FFC/Cable* 5 LD Roller Cover CR Timing Belt
(p36) FFC/Cable* 6 Screw type/torque list
Symbol Screw Type Torque
Extension Spring S1 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 3 1 kgf·cm
Main Board
CR Motor S2 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
1 S3 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 5 1 kgf·cm
PE Sensor Lever S4 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
4 0.5 kgf·cm
S8 --- S5 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C
(p 43) (p 49) S6 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
(p 50) (p 52)
(p 52)
2 S7 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
S8 C.P SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
(p 52)
S9 C.P.F.B-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
S10 C.P.S-TITE (P2) SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 7 1 kgf·cm
S11 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 5 0.5 kgf·cm
S12 C.P SCREW 2.6x3 F/ZN-3C 4 0.5 kgf·cm
S13 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 2 0.5 kgf·cm
S14 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 2 0.5 kgf·cm
S15 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 25 0.5 kgf·cm
When the CR Unit or the Head FFC is removed from the Main Frame Assy, remove the Common parts/unit
S16 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 4 1 kgf·cm
following parts before removing the Main Frame Assy. S17 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN 6 1 kgf·cm
ET-2650/L495 Series specific
FFC Cover Outer parts/unit S18 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.6x5 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
Disassembly/Reassembly 36
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
PF Encoder FFC
Paper Sensor
Unit Hinge
PF Encoder
1 1 Sensor
3 S4 --- 1
(p 45) (p 49)
Cable Detector AP Ink Tank Hous-
ing Upper (p38)
Ink Tank Hous- PF Grounding
ing Lower (p38) PF Scale Spring
Extension Spring
0.04 --- ---
--- --- 1
Housing Right
--- (p 45) (p 43)
S4 3
PF Driven Pulley
Lever Detector (p 41)
AP 1
Disassembly/Reassembly 37
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
1 (p 35) (p 35)
4 FFC/Cable* 7 ---
S4 S21
Scanner Motor CIS Holder Unit
Ink Supply
(p 46) Adapter Tube
Scanner Carriage 2 ---
--- Unit
S3 --- ---
8 ---
CIS Holder Unit (p 63)
Ink Tank Housing (p38) (p 51) (p 50)
Ink Supply Tank (p 47) ---
Lower Tube
2 --- (p 51) Scanner FFC Screw type/torque list
S4 2 6 Symbol Screw Type Torque
S1 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 3 1 kgf·cm
(p 46) Scanner Carriage
4 1 kgf·cm
(p 47) Scanner Housing
--- S3 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 5 1 kgf·cm
--- S4 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
--- S5 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 4 0.5 kgf·cm
(p 51) (p 63) S6 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
(p 51) (p 63) S7 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
S8 C.P SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
S9 C.P.F.B-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
S10 C.P.S-TITE (P2) SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 7 1 kgf·cm
S11 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 5 0.5 kgf·cm
Common parts/unit S12 C.P SCREW 2.6x3 F/ZN-3C 4 0.5 kgf·cm
S13 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 2 0.5 kgf·cm
ET-2650/L495 Series specific S14 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 2 0.5 kgf·cm
25 0.5 kgf·cm
parts/unit S15 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN
S16 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 4 1 kgf·cm
ET-2600/L395 Series specific
parts/unit S17 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN 6 1 kgf·cm
FFC/cable list S18 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.6x5 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
S19 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
No. FFC/Cable
S20 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X10 F/ZB-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
7 Remove the double-sided tape (x1) and release the Scanner FFC. S21 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
Disassembly/Reassembly 38
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
6 (p 39)
4 (p 36) 5 (p 36) 7 (p 36)
S4 3 S4 2 Pump Unit
(p 42) (p 49) (p 42) (p 49) 1 Main Board CR Motor (p36) Antistatic Cloth
S4 1 PE Sensor Lever
FFC/Cable 1
Panel FFC (CN1) (p36)
Panel FFC(CN1)
(p 45) ---
Disassembly/Reassembly 39
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Start Start
1 --- 2 ---
6 4 S4 2 2
FFC/Cable* 8
Ink Supply Adapter Tube
Scanner FFC (CN11)
Ferrite core Housing Right
FFC Holder MB Common parts/unit
Adapter 1
Head FFC
(p 43) (p 49) S6 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
(p 52) S7 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
Ink Tank Housing
Upper S8 C.P SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
S9 C.P.F.B-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN-3C 4 1 kgf·cm
S10 C.P.S-TITE (P2) SCREW 3x6 F/ZN-3C 7 1 kgf·cm
3 S20 4 S11 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C 5 0.5 kgf·cm
S11 --- S12 C.P SCREW 2.6x3 F/ZN-3C 4 0.5 kgf·cm
(p 46)
S13 C.B.S-TITE SCREW 3x4 F/ZN-3C 2 0.5 kgf·cm
(p 44) (p 52)
S14 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 2 0.5 kgf·cm
S15 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2x8 F/ZN 25 0.5 kgf·cm
S16 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 4 1 kgf·cm
S17 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN 6 1 kgf·cm
The Printhead can be replaced without removing the Scanner Unit. However, the working S18 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.6x5 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
space for replacement is narrow and dark. Therefore, if you find it difficult to work, S19 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x6 F/ZN 3 0.5 kgf·cm
remove the Scanner Unit first before replacement. S20 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X10 F/ZB-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
S21 C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3X8 F/ZN-3C 6 1 kgf·cm
Document Mat
Section C
Step 2-3
Section A
Section D
Housing Rear
CR Scale Waste Ink Pad Assy
Panel Unit (ET-2650/L495 Series) Panel Housing Lower Assy (ET-2650/L495 Series)
Frame Base (left) Frame Base (right)
Inside Panel Unit Back
Panel Housing
Lower Assy
Panel Unit
Rail section
Rail section
Panel Unit
Panel Stand
Panel Housing
Upper Assy Hook
Panel Unit
When installing the Panel Unit, follow the procedure below. When removing the Panel Housing Lower Assy, follow the procedure below.
1. Route the Panel FFC and grounding wire through the holes of the Frame Base. (p 49) 1. Remove the screws (x3) on the back of the Panel Unit.
2. Insert the dowels (x2) of the Panel Stand into the grooves on both sides of the Frame Base from the sections indicated in the arrows shown above. 2. Widen the upper side of the Panel Unit slightly to release the hook of the Panel Housing Lower Assy.
3. Insert the dowels (x2) of the Panel Unit into the holes (x2) of the Frame Base, and secure the Panel Unit to the Frame Base. 3. Release the hooks (x2) of the Panel Housing Upper Assy one by one, and remove the Panel Housing Lower Assy.
Panel Unit (ET-2600/L395 Series) Panel Housing Lower Assy (ET-2600/L395 Series)
Panel Unit
Hole of Frame Base Rib
Rail section
Rail section
Panel Housing
Upper Assy Hook
C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C (6 ± 1 kgf·cm)
When removing the Panel Unit, follow the procedure below. Panel Unit
C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C (6 ± 1 kgf·cm)
1. Remove the two screws that secure the Panel Unit.
2. Pull out the shaft on the both ends of the Panel Unit from the holes of the Frame Base. Be careful not to damage the hooks (x2) of the Panel Housing Lower Assy when releasing them.
3. While pressing the right and left tabs on the rear of the Panel Unit inward, disengage the two dowels and two ribs of the Panel Unit from the rail
of the Frame Base. When removing the Panel Housing Lower Assy, follow the procedure below.
4. Pull out the Panel FFC through the hole of the Frame Base, and remove the Panel Unit. 1. Remove the screws (x1) on the back of the Panel Unit.
Tighten the screws in the order indicated in the figure above. 2. Disengage the two hooks of the Panel Housing Upper Assy one by one.
3. Disengage the two hooks of the Panel Housing Lower Assy, and remove the assy.
Main Board
Spring leg B
Main Frame
PE Sensor PF Grounding
Main Frame
Frame Base
Insert spring leg
A into groove.
Do not damage or contaminate the MAC Address Label. When installing the PF Grounding Spring, follow the procedure below.
1. From the left side of the printer, insert the spring leg A of the
LD Roller Assy
Install the Main Board with the PE Sensor Lever to the rear. PF Grounding Spring into the hole of the Frame Base.
After installing the Main Board, make sure the lever part of the 2. Insert the spring leg B of the PF Grounding Spring into the
PE Sensor Lever is aligned with the slit of the PE Sensor. groove of the Frame Base. Install the LD Roller Assy with the following condition in order to avoid the Change Lever and Paper Back Lever.
Attach the MAC Address Label to the Shield Plate on the 3. Attach the spring leg B of the PF Grounding Spring to the Using a screw driver or the like, hold the Paper Back Lever to the rear as shown above not to let it touch the LD Roller Assy.
position shown above. cutout of the Main Frame to install the PF Grounding Spring. Push the Change Lever to the front to keep it in the hole of the Main Frame.
LD Roller Assy (2) EJ Roller Gear Paper Guide Front Unit FFC Cover Outer
EJ Roller Gear
1 2
Extension Spring
LD Roller
The rib on the contact point of the EJ Roller Gear with the EJ When installing the Paper Guide Front Unit, align the Rib
Roller is deformed when removing the EJ Roller Gear. Therefore, positioning holes (x2) of the Paper Guide Front Unit with the
If each part shown above comes off when removing the LD Roller make sure to replace it with a new one when removing it in order to dowels (x2) of the Frame Base. Slide and remove the FFC Cover Outer in the direction of the arrow
Assy, attach them back in place as shown in the figure above. maintain the paper feed accuracy. Tighten the screws in the order indicated in the figure above. while releasing the hook.
Combination Gear 29.2,42
1 2
PF Motor Frame
PF Driven Pulley Assy
Do not hold the PF Driven Pulley Assy when securing it with the screw in order to prevent applying improper tension to the PF Timing Belt.
C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C Adapter Cover C.B.P-TITE SCREW 2.5x8 F/ZN-3C
(5 ± 0.5 kgf·cm) (6 ± 1 kgf·cm) When installing the PF Driven Pulley Assy, follow the procedure below.
1. Align the rib of the PF Driven Pulley Assy with the hook of the PF Motor Frame, and install the PF Driven Pulley Assy.
When removing/replacing the Printhead or the Adapter Cover, not to apply excessive downward force when tightening the screws. Otherwise, the 2. Attach the Compression Spring 5.07 to the protrusion of the PF Driven Pulley Assy and the dowel of the PF Motor Frame.
Main Frame may be deformed by applying force perpendicularly when tightening the screws and it may affect print quality. 3. Attach the PF Timing Belt in the order of the pinion gear of the PF Motor, PF Driven Pulley and Combination Gear 29.2,42.
Tighten the screws of the Printhead in the order indicated in the figure above while pressing the Printhead in the direction of the arrow. 4. Rotate the Combination Gear 29.2,42 clockwise three times to confirm the PF Timing Belt is correctly attached, and then secure the PF Driven
Pulley Assy with the screw and washer to the PF Motor Frame.
PF Encoder Sensor
Main Frame
CR Timing Belt
Step 1-2
Hole of
Frame Base
Rib Step 4 Pump
Pump Unit Tube B
Main Frame
Pinion gear of CR Motor
8 ± 1 mm
Step 3
Main Frame Marking
Tube A
CR Driven Pulley Assy
Route Pump Tube A through ribs of Frame
Base with their dashed line facing upward. Hole of Frame Base
Frame Base
Dowel Rib
C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C (6 ± 1 kgf·cm)
When installing the Pump Unit, follow the procedure below in order to prevent ink suction failure.
When installing the CR Driven Pulley Assy and CR Timing Belt, follow the procedure below. 1. Route the Pump Tube A through the hole of the Frame Base.
1. Install the CR Driven Pulley Assy to the Main Frame. 2. Install the Pump Unit to the Frame Base, and route the Pump Tube A through the ribs of the Frame Base with their dashed line facing upward.
2. Attach the Compression Spring 20.91 in the order from the dowel on the CR Driven Pulley Assy to the rib on the Main Frame. 3. Secure the Pump Unit to the Frame Base with the screw (x1).
3. Attach the CR Timing Belt to the CR Driven Pulley Assy. 4. Route the Pump Tube B through the ribs of the Pump Unit and Frame Base, and insert it to the hole of the Frame Base up to the marking
4. Attach the CR Timing Belt on the pinion gear of the CR Motor while pushing the CR Driven Pulley Assy to the 0-digit side. (8 ± 1 mm from tube end).
Ink Supply Adapter Tube
Cap Tank
Be careful not to damage or peel off the film of the Adapter.
When removing Ink Supply Adapter Tube, be careful not to
contaminate the surroundings because ink may spill from the tubes. Hook
Use a precision screwdriver when releasing the hooks of the Remove the Ink Tank Housing Upper as follows:
Adapter. 1. Remove the screws (x 4) that secure the Ink Tank Housing When attaching the Cap Tanks to the Ink Tank Housing Upper, attach them securely to prevent a gap between them and the Ink Tank Housing Upper.
When connecting the Ink Supply Adapter Tube to the Adapter, Upper.
insert each tube fully and make sure the gaps between the end of 2. Disengage the hooks (x 4) and remove Ink Tank Housing To avoid damaging the Cap Tanks, attach them so that their knob is at an angle of 90 to 135 degrees.
tubes and the Adapter are 0.5 mm long or less. Upper.
0.5 mm or less
Rib Cutout
Remove the Ink Tank Housing Lower after attaching Cap Tank. Be careful not to damage or peel off the film of the Ink Supply When attaching the Joint, align the cutout of the Joint with the rib of the Ink Supply Tube Guide.
Tank. Make sure the gaps between the end of Ink Supply Tank Tubes or Ink Supply Adapter Tubes and the Joint are 0.5 mm long or less.
Remove the screws (x 6) that secure the Ink Tank Housing Lower. Remove the screws (x 4) that secure the Ink Tank Housing Lower. Ink Supply Tank Tube must insert into opposite side of the Joint taper side.
Route the black ink tube of the Ink Supply Tank Tube across the other color tubes, then connect it to the Joint.
Ink Supply Tank Tube/Ink Supply Tank Tube Guide Sheet / Tube Guide Sheet Sub
Ink Supply Tank Refer the figure above and follow the procedure below when attaching the Tube Guide Sheet Sub to the Tube Guide Sheet.
1. Insert the section A of the Tube Guide Sheet Sub into the hole 1 of the Tube Guide Sheet from the bottom.
2. Insert the section A of the Tube Guide Sheet Sub into the hole 2 of the Tube Guide Sheet from the top.
When attaching the Tube Guide Sheet to the Ink Supply Tube Guide, while keeping the Tube Guide Sheet Sub attached on the Tube Guide Sheet,
align the holes of the Tube Guide Sheet with the protrusions of the Ink Supply Tube Guide.
Yellow ink Tank Magenta ink Tank Cyan ink Tank Black ink Tank
0.5 mm or less
Pass the Ink Supply Tank Tube through the hole of the Housing Right.
Make sure the gaps between the end of Ink Supply Tank Tubes and the Ink Supply Tank are 0.5 mm long or less.
Connect each end of the Ink Supply Tank Tubes to each of the Ink Supply Tanks as shown.
Secure the black ink tube of the Ink Supply Tank Tube with the two hooks on the Ink Supply Tube Guide.
Ink Supply Adapter Tube/Tube Pressing Plate Wireless LAN Module Paper Sensor Unit (ET-2650/L495 Series)
Paper sensor
As shown, put the Tube Guide Sheet and Tube Guide Sheet Sub.
Route Scanner PF Motor cable Ferrite core FFC Holder MB CN11 CN2
FFC through Hole Hole of Panel Housing Lower Assy
of Housing Left.
Housing Left
Panel FFC
PS Unit cable PF Encoder FFC Panel Housing Lower Assy C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C (6 ± 1 kgf·cm)
Connect the following cables/FFCs to the Main Board as shown in the figure above.
• PF Motor cable (CN13) • PS Unit cable (CN501) • PF Encoder FFC (CN7) Route the Panel FFC through the hole of the Panel Housing Lower Assy with its terminal side upward as shown in the figure above.
• Panel FFC (CN2) • Wireless LAN Module cable (CN4) Fold the Panel FFC aligning it with its folded lines, and then connect the FFC to the connector (CN1) on the Panel Board firmly.
• Scanner FFC (CN11) Note: This product does not have any panel grounding wire. The above figure includes a grounding wire because an XP-400 Series photo is used, however, there is no difference
Attach the ferrite core to the FFC Holder MB, and route the FFC through the hole of the Housing Left and the ferrite core, and then connect it to the Main Board. in this procedure.
Right side of Main Board PF Encoder Sensor Panel Unit (1) Panel Unit (2)
Left side of printer
Hole for
Head FFC CN102 CN61 Main Board Panel FFC
Panel FFC
Panel Stand
PF Encoder Sensor Panel Unit
Rib Panel FFC
Frame Base
Panel FFC
Frame Base
CR Encoder FFC CN12 CR Motor cable Panel FFC Double-sided tape
PF Encoder FFC Hole Rib
Route the Panel FFC as follows before installing the Panel Unit. After installing the Panel Unit, route the Panel FFC pulled out from the hole of
• Route the Panel FFC through the hole of the Frame Base as shown the Frame Base as follows.
above with the side with the stiffener upward. Route Panel FFC through the ribs (x2) of the Frame Base and Main Frame
Connect the following cables/FFCs to the Main Board as shown in the figure Double Side Tape Before installing the Panel Unit, make sure that the Panel FFC is routed with folded along the fold line, and then secure it with double-sided tape
above. correctly without any part getting caught. on the position shown in the figure above.
• CR Motor cable (CN12) Route the PF Encoder FFC through the ribs (x2) of the Main Frame and Note: This product does not have any panel grounding wire. The above figure includes Note: This product does not have any panel grounding wire. The above figure includes
• CR Encoder FFC (CN61) connect it to the connector (CN7) on the Main Board, and then secure it with a grounding wire because an XP-400 Series photo is used, however, there is no a grounding wire because an XP-400 Series photo is used, however, there is no
• Head FFC (CN102) double-sided tape (x2) on the positions shown in the figure above. difference in this procedure. difference in this procedure.
Head FFC (Routing on the Main Frame) Head FFC (Routing on the CR Unit) PS Unit
Left side of CR Unit
Aligning Head FFC with CR Encoder FFC Frame Base
FFC Holder
Bottom of Frame Base
Ferrite core
Connector of
CR Encoder Connector of Printhead
Rib B
PS Unit cable
Head FFC/CR Encoder FFC
Route the CR Encoder FFC along the Rib A and connect it to the
Head FFC/CR Encoder FFC connector of the CR Encoder. Pull out the PS Unit cable from the hole of the Frame Base first, and then
Route the Head FFC through the rib B and C, and then connect it to the route it through the rib of the Frame Base.
Align the Head FFC and CR Encoder FFC, and then route them through the FFC Holder as shown in the figure above. connector of the Printhead. Put the ferrite core into the position shown in the figure above.
Hook C
Rib A CR Motor
Rib B
Scanner Motor
Route the CR Motor cable as follows before installing the Shield Plate.
1. Route the CR Motor cable (black) around the rib A of the Frame Base (two turns).
2. Route the CR Motor cable (red) through the rib B of the Frame Base, and then route it through the rib A taking care not to let the CR Motor cable (red)
come over the CR Motor cable (black).
C.B.P-TITE SCREW 3x10 F/ZN-3C (5 ± 1 kgf·cm)
3. Twist the CR Motor cable (black) and CR Motor cable (red) twice, and then route them through the hook C of the Main Frame.
4. Route the CR Motor cable (black) and CR Motor cable (red) in the order of hook D of the Main Frame, groove of the FFC Holder, and hook E of the Main Route the Scanner Motor cable through the hooks (x4) of the Scanner Motor as shown above.
Frame. Secure the grounding wire of the Relay Board and the Scanner Motor together with the screw as show above.
Connector of CIS Module
Bottom of Frame Base Route PF Motor
cable through rib.
Double-sided tape
Scanner FFC Hole
Secure PF Motor
Route the Scanner FFC as follows. PF Motor cable (black) with rib.
1. Insert the Scanner FFC through the hole of the Scanner Housing Lower in the direction shown above, and then secure the FFC with double-sided tape on
position shown in the figure above. Route the PF Motor cable as follows.
2. Route the FFC through the ribs (x7) of the Scanner Housing Lower taking care not to damage the FFC. 1. Pull out the PF Motor cable from the hole of the Frame Base.
3. Route the FFC through the ribs (x5) on the bottom of the Scanner Carriage taking care not to damage the FFC. 2. Install the PF Motor, and secure the PF Motor cable (black) with the rib of
4. Connect the Scanner FFC to the Relay Board and CIS Module as shown above. the Frame Base, and then route it through the rib of the Frame Base.
Main Board
PF Scale
Frame Base
When routing the Card Slot Board cable, be careful not to damage the PF Scale.
Route the Card Slot Board cable through the ribs (x4) of the Frame Base.
Connect the connectors on both ends of the Card Slot Board cable to the Card Slot Board (CN3) and Main Board (CN9) firmly.
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
If the EEPROM data cannot be read out from the old Main Board using the Adjustment
Program when replacing the Main Board is required, the Waste Ink Pad Assy must be
replaced with the Main Board at the same time.
After all required adjustments are completed, use the “Final check pattern print”
function to print all adjustment patterns for final check. If you find a problem with the
printout patterns, carry out the adjustment again.
When replacing the Main Board, the adjustment should be made after performing the
initial setting.
The table items and marks used in the “Required Adjustment List” provided on the
following pages have the following meanings.
• “O” indicates that the adjustment must be carried out.
• “---” indicates that the adjustment is not required.
• The “Mechanism Adjustment” should be performed just after reinstalling or
reassembling the part or unit.
• The “Adjustments using the Adjustment Program” need to be performed after
reassembling the printer completely.
If you have removed or replaced multiple parts, make sure to check the required
adjustments for the all parts. And when multiple adjustments must be carried out, be
sure to carry out them in the order given in the “Priority” row.
Paper Guide Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Front Unit Replace O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- O O O O --- --- --- --- --- ---
Part Name
Waste Ink Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Pad Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Retard Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Roller Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- O O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Scanner Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Unit Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O
-2 OK
-1 OK
See " 3.3.1 Examine the Examine the Enter the values Examine the Normal area Examine the See " CR See " CR See " 3.2.3
Checking the misaligned lines misaligned lines of the most printout patterns pattern printout patterns Motor Heat Motor Heat Scanner Motor
Platen Gap (p60)" printed on the left printed on top of straight lines. for each of the Examine the and enter the Protection Control Protection Control Heat Protection
for the details. side of the paper, the paper, and four modes, and printout patterns value for the / PF Motor Heat / PF Motor Heat Control (p59)" for
and enter the enter the number and enter the
enter the value for pattern with no Protection Control Protection Control the details.
number beside the beside the line value for the
line that is exactly that is exactly 5 the pattern with overlap and gap (p58)" for the (p58)" for the
5 mm away from mm away from no gap and pattern with between the two details. details.
the paper edge. the paper edge. overlap for each fewest lines. rectangles.
How to judge --- --- --- --- --- mode. Bottom area ---
Examine the
printout patterns
and enter the
value for the
pattern with no
overlap and gap
between the two
Adjustment program --- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Tool See p60 --- --- --- --- --- Ruler Ruler --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Note "*1": Replacement of the Waste Ink Pad Assy is necessary.
Scanner Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Motor Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
PS Unit
Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O O O
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
EJ Roller
Part Name
Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O O --- --- --- ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- O O --- O --- --- --- --- --- ---
LD Roller Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- O O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CR Motor
Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O --- ---
-2 OK
-1 OK
See " 3.3.1 Examine the Examine the Enter the values Examine the Normal area Examine the See " CR See " CR See " 3.2.3
Checking the misaligned lines misaligned lines of the most printout patterns pattern printout patterns Motor Heat Motor Heat Scanner Motor
Platen Gap (p60)" printed on the left printed on top of straight lines. for each of the Examine the and enter the Protection Control Protection Control Heat Protection
for the details. side of the paper, the paper, and four modes, and printout patterns value for the / PF Motor Heat / PF Motor Heat
and enter the enter the number Control (p59)" for
enter the value for and enter the pattern with no Protection Control Protection Control the details.
number beside the beside the line
the pattern with value for the overlap and gap (p58)" for the (p58)" for the
line that is exactly that is exactly 5
5 mm away from mm away from no gap and pattern with between the two details. details.
the paper edge. the paper edge. overlap for each fewest lines. rectangles.
How to judge --- --- --- --- --- mode. Bottom area ---
Examine the
printout patterns
and enter the
value for the
pattern with no
overlap and gap
between the two
Adjustment program --- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Tool See p60 --- --- --- --- --- Ruler Ruler --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Note "*1": Replacement of the Waste Ink Pad Assy is necessary.
PE Sensor Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Lever Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Main Board (Read OK) --- O --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Part Name
(Read NG)
--- --- O O --- O*1 O O O O O O O O O O
Main Frame Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Assy Replace O --- --- --- --- --- O O O O O O --- --- --- ---
Paper Guide Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Upper Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O --- O O O --- --- --- ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
CR Unit
Replace O --- --- --- --- --- O O O O O O --- --- --- ---
-2 OK
-1 OK
See " 3.3.1 Examine the Examine the Enter the values Examine the Normal area Examine the See " CR See " CR See " 3.2.3
Checking the misaligned lines misaligned lines of the most printout patterns pattern printout patterns Motor Heat Motor Heat Scanner Motor
Platen Gap (p60)" printed on the left printed on top of straight lines. for each of the Examine the and enter the Protection Control Protection Control Heat Protection
for the details. side of the paper, the paper, and four modes, and printout patterns value for the / PF Motor Heat / PF Motor Heat
and enter the enter the number Control (p59)" for
enter the value for and enter the pattern with no Protection Control Protection Control the details.
number beside the beside the line
the pattern with value for the overlap and gap (p58)" for the (p58)" for the
line that is exactly that is exactly 5
5 mm away from mm away from no gap and pattern with between the two details. details.
the paper edge. the paper edge. overlap for each fewest lines. rectangles.
How to judge --- --- --- --- --- mode. Bottom area ---
Examine the
printout patterns
and enter the
value for the
pattern with no
overlap and gap
between the two
Adjustment program --- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Tool See p60 --- --- --- --- --- Ruler Ruler --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Note "*1": Replacement of the Waste Ink Pad Assy is necessary.
Frame Base Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- O O O O O O --- --- --- ---
PF Roller Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Part Name
Unit Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O --- --- O O O --- --- ---
PF Motor Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Assy Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- O ---
Remove --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Frame Base
Replace --- --- --- --- --- --- O O O O O O --- --- --- ---
-2 OK
-1 OK
See " 3.3.1 Examine the Examine the Enter the values Examine the Normal area Examine the See " CR See " CR See " 3.2.3
Checking the misaligned lines misaligned lines of the most printout patterns pattern printout patterns Motor Heat Motor Heat Scanner Motor
Platen Gap (p60)" printed on the left printed on top of straight lines. for each of the Examine the and enter the Protection Control Protection Control Heat Protection
for the details. side of the paper, the paper, and four modes, and printout patterns value for the / PF Motor Heat / PF Motor Heat Control (p59)" for
and enter the enter the number and enter the
enter the value for pattern with no Protection Control Protection Control the details.
number beside the beside the line value for the
line that is exactly that is exactly 5 the pattern with overlap and gap (p58)" for the (p58)" for the
5 mm away from mm away from no gap and pattern with between the two details. details.
the paper edge. the paper edge. overlap for each fewest lines. rectangles.
How to judge --- --- --- --- --- mode. Bottom area ---
Examine the
printout patterns
and enter the
value for the
pattern with no
overlap and gap
between the two
Adjustment program --- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
Tool See p60 --- --- --- --- --- Ruler Ruler --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Note "*1": Replacement of the Waste Ink Pad Assy is necessary.
Purpose To measure the manufacturing variations of the DC motors (CR Motor/PF Motor), Main Board and Power
Supply Board to determine the correction value used for estimating the current values of the motors.
Risks if the The printer cannot measure the current value of motor correctly, then the heat generation caused by motor
adjustment is not drive cannot be estimated accurately either, and which may results in trouble such as incorrect control of
correctly made motors when allotting a cool down period according to each heat generation.
In the worst case, excessive heat generation may cause smoke or ignition.
Procedure 1. Select from the menu of the Adjustment Program. Check the check box of the replaced parts and press the
“Execute” button to measure the correction value.
2. The correction value is automatically measured and the measurement value is written to the EEPROM on
the Main Board.
Program screen
Remarks ---
Purpose To measure the manufacturing variation of the DC motor (Scanner) to determine the correction value used for
estimating the current value of the motor.
Risks if the adjust- Because the printer cannot measure the current value of the motor accurately, even if just a mechanical load
ment is not cor- with which the Scanner Carriage can operate without any problem is applied, the printer cannot control the
rectly made drive of the motors correctly, which may result in occurrence or generation of scanner fatal error, vibration, or
Procedure 1. Select from the menu of the Adjustment Program and press the “Perform” button to measure the correction
2. Turn off the printer and turn it back on.
After the Scanner Carriage is operated, the correction value is automatically measured and the measurement
value is written to the EEPROM on the Main Board.
3. Press the “Check” button to confirm the written value in the EEPROM is within the standard range.
Adjustment Pro-
gram screen
Perform button
Check button
Remarks ---
This printer does not have any PG adjustment mechanism, however, it is designed so that the
platen gap can fall within the expected range if you correctly reassemble the unit (including
using the Epson-specified jigs) according to this manual. If the PG cannot fall within the
standard range after performing the platen gap check described in this section, first check if
the unit is correctly reassembled following the instructions in this manual. Even if the unit is
correctly reassembled but the PG still cannot fall within the standard range, replace the unit
with a new/refurbished one.
The standard range of the PG is as follows:
• Standard: 1.75 ± 0.25 mm
Thickness gauge: 1.5 mm (x2), 2.0 mm (x2)
Confirmation procedure
Thickness gauges
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
4.1 Overview
This section provides information to maintain the printer in its optimum condition.
4.1.1 Cleaning
Except for the Printhead, there are no other mechanical parts or units that require periodic cleaning. However, if
need arises, clean the component observing the following instructions.
Instructions for cleaning
Exterior parts such as housing
Wipe dirt off with a soft clean cloth moistened with water. For glossy or transparent parts, use of unwoven cloth is
recommended to avoid scratching those parts.
Inside of the printer
Remove paper dust with a vacuum cleaner.
Rubber or plastic rollers such as an LD roller used to feed paper
If paper dust adhered to the rollers decreases the frictional force of the rollers and the rollers cannot properly feed
paper, wipe off the paper dust with a soft cloth moistened with diluted alcohol.
Instructions for cleaning ink stains
Wipe the stains off with a cloth wrung out of diluted alcohol.
Do not use alcohol for cleaning the transparent parts. Doing so may cause them to get
When wiping paper dust off the LD Roller, be careful not to rub against the surface
To minimize the effect on the parts, use diluted alcohol such as 70% diluted ether.
After using alcohol for cleaning, make sure to wipe the part off with a soft dry dust-free
cloth to remove alcohol traces fully.
4.1.2 Lubrication
The type and amount of the grease used to lubricate the printer parts are determined based on the results of the
internal evaluations. Therefore, refer to "4.2 Revision FLubrication Points and Instructions (p64)" for the
repairing procedures below, and apply the specified type and amount of the grease to the specified part of the
printer mechanism.
"4.2 Revision FLubrication Points and Instructions (p64)" also provides information about whether or not the
parts which require lubrication are supplied as ASP and the lubrication status when supplied as ASP. For the
parts which are not supplied as ASP, if their movement is not smooth enough, check their lubrication status and
lubricate them if necessary.
Maintenance Overview 63
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Application Point
Figure 4-2. Lubrication of the Frame Base (2) Figure 4-3. Lubrication of the Frame Base (3)
Frame Base
Frame Base
Application Point
Application Point
Figure 4-4. Lubrication of the Frame Base (4) Figure 4-5. Lubrication of the Frame Base (5)
<Part supply as ASP> <Part supply as ASP> <Part supply as ASP> <Part supply as ASP>
Frame Base
Yes Yes Yes Yes
<Lubrication status when <Lubrication status when <Lubrication status when <Lubrication status when
supplied as ASP> supplied as ASP> supplied as ASP> supplied as ASP>
Not lubricated Not lubricated Not lubricated Not lubricated
<Lubrication Point> <Lubrication Point> <Lubrication Point> <Lubrication Point>
1. Cam of the LD Roller Contact point (x1 on the EJ Roller Gear Shaft on the EJ Roller Gear Contact points (x2) on the
Paper Back Lever
Assy (contact point with shaft) on the EJ Roller with Paper Back Lever with the
LD Roller Assy <Type>
the Hopper) the Frame Base Frame Base
2. Cam of the LD Roller <Type> <Type>
Assy (contact point with <Application Amount>
G-71 G-71
the Paper Back Lever) 1 mm x 1 circle
<Application Amount> <Application Amount>
<Type> <Remarks>
0.06 g 0.06 g x 2 points
G-71 Using injector, apply
<Remarks> grease along the tier on <Remarks>
<Application Amount>
Apply with injector. the shaft. Apply with injector.
Circumference of each
Lubricate before Lubricate before Lubricate before
cam (0.05 g each)
EJ Roller attaching the part. attaching the part. attaching the part.
Apply with injector.
Lubricate before
attaching the part.
1. Application Point
2. Application Point Application Point Application Point Application Point
Figure 4-6. Lubrication of the LD Roller Assy Figure 4-7. Lubrication of the EJ Roller Figure 4-8. Lubrication of the EJ Roller Gear Figure 4-9. Lubrication of the Paper Back Lever
1. Application Point
1. Application Point
2. Application Point
Application Point 2. Application Point
Frame Base
Application Point
Application Point
Figure 4-13. Lubrication of the Main Frame Assy Figure 4-14. Lubrication of the Scanner Housing Lower
Application Point
Panel Stand
Application Point
Figure 4-15. Lubrication of the Scanner Carriage (1) Figure 4-17. Lubrication of the Panel Stand
Figure 4-18. Lubrication of Scanner Motor, Combination Gear 14.4,10.8 and Combination Gear 13.8,9.66
ET-2650/L495, ET-2600/L395 Series Revision F
Scanner Unit
Paper Sensor
CR Unit Unit SCN Motor CIS
Printhead CR Encoder
Panel Unit
Main Board
PE Sensor
CN12 CN3 CN13 CN501 CN9 CN7 WiFi Board
PF Encoder
PS Board
CR Motor PF Motor
CN3 Card
Slot Board
AC in
In order to prevent damaging the Change Lever, the CR Unit should be secured at the
position indicated in Step 2. Therefore, when securing the CR Unit with strong tape, hold the
Timing Belt to keep the position of the CR Unit as is and avoid the CR Unit from moving to
the 0-digit side.
Strong tape
Housing Right
Strong tape
CR Unit
Change Lever
5.2.2 Securing the Paper Support Assy and Ink Tank Assy
To prevent damaging the Paper Support Assy by the shock during transportation.
Risks if it is not performed
The Paper Support Assy will be scratched and the abrasion powder will be produced due to the shock during
Prepare two pieces of strong tape (length: 85 mm, width: 22 mm, fold one end 5 mm).
Attach strong tape on both sides of the Paper Support Assy and secure the Paper Support Assy to the Housing
Right/Housing Left.
Folded ends
Housing Left
Figure 5-3. Securing the Paper Support Assy and Ink Tank Assy
Attach strong tape on the ink tank side and secure the Ink Tank Assy to the printer.
Strong Tape Size
① (L)100mm×(W)22mm
② (L)230mm×(W)22mm