Automatic Metal Pouring PDF
Automatic Metal Pouring PDF
Automatic Metal Pouring PDF
A decade ago, there were just automotive electrical components and technology.
two or three automatic pouring industrial DC motors; and ferrite cores Commissioned in early 2004, the new
systems operating in India. for electronics, telecommunications automatic pouring system featured a
Even five years ago, you could count and special applications. well-insulated, unheated tundish with
these systems on one hand. But today As early as 2003, Mahindra Hinoday a 2 ton capacity, an accurate stopper-
there are more than a dozen automatic Industries began investigating the rod pouring mechanism and precise,
pouring systems in operation at Indian advantages automatic pouring responsive vision-based controls.
foundries. technology might provide. The company Because it was to be used to pour
These automatic pouring systems are was particularly looking for a system to ductile iron, the automatic pouring
found at the most innovative and pour ductile iron at the company's system also included in-stream
quality-oriented foundries in India. automotive castings foundry. The inoculation and Inductotherm's
And their success is leading the way system would be used with an existing automatic reaming system to reduce
for a more widespread adoption of this +GF+ flask molding line. slag buildup in the pouring nozzle.
modern technology. The search for the best system to Installed on the 96 mold per hour
Automatic pouring allows foundries to meet Mahindra Hinoday Industries' +GF+ line, the automatic pouring
eliminate the armies of workers requirements included a visit to the system poured molds as large as 120
needed for the dangerous work of 2003 GIFA foundry show in Germany kg for automotive castings including
manual pouring. While this is a major and to several automatic pouring turbine housings, engine brackets,
economic advantage where labor system manufacturers. Ultimately, the exhaust manifolds, power and
costs are high, it is not the most company ordered an Inductotherm mechanical steering housings, crank
significant consideration in India. automatic pouring tundish system with shafts, differential cases, carrier
Increased casting production, higher Visipour® vision-based control housings, hubs and knuckles.
casting quality and enhanced worker
safety made possible by automatic
pouring technology are the most
important advantages.
June 2010
Production Increases Were metal temperature drop to between front of the mold. However, fully
Immediate 2°C and 2.5°C per minute, assuring a computerized, vision-based pouring
Prior to installing its automatic proper pouring temperature between controls are able to automatically
pouring system, Mahindra Hinoday refills. At Mahindra Hinoday adapt pouring to a variety of variables.
Industries managed an average daily Industries, this also meant that it was These included the size, shape and
production of 100 tons per day, no longer necessary to superheat position of the sprue cup; the changing
running 24 hours, using manually metal in the furnace to offset the viscosity of the metal as the
poured ladles to fill the molds. It also losses incurred during metal transfer temperature varied; and changes in
experienced an average metal loss of using the manual ladles. the nozzle opening.
3 percent as a result of splashing and Typically with manual pouring, the This control adaptability allowed each
over pours during manual pouring. temperature drops about 70°C from mold's sprue and runner system to be
Overall, casting yield was about 61 the transfer at the holding optimized. A smaller sprue cup and
percent. furnace until the last good casting is more efficient runner system in the
A significant limitation that prevented poured. The larger, more thermally mold reduced metal use.
average daily production from efficient transfer to and through the l Limited Fading – When working
surpassing 100 tons was the frequent automatic pouring tundish was with molten ductile iron, magnesium
need to stop the line waiting for iron. calculated to suffer only half that loss, fade must be controlled in the
Much of this delay occurred because a drop of just 45°C. This resulted in a processes used. Automatic pouring
metal in the pouring ladles had savings in furnace power costs. makes it simpler to limit magnesium
become too cold. But production time l Reduced metal loss - Metal fade due to the carefully controlled
was also lost in exchanging or refilling splashing and over pours while filling timing of metal replenishment in the
pouring ladles, changing operators, the mold were greatly reduced tundish.
rest breaks for metal pourers, etc. due to the precision of the pouring Automatic Pouring Improves
However, within just six months of mechanism and vision-based Casting Quality
switching to automatic pouring, controls. This cut the metal loss from
The way a mold is poured has a
Mahindra Hinoday Industries started upwards of 3 percent to less than 1
significant impact on casting quality.
routinely achieving production levels percent
of 120 tons per day with an overall With hand pouring, even the most
l Smaller sprue cup and optimized
increase in casting yield to 67 percent. skilled workers cannot fill every mold
runner system - Manual pouring
with an ideal pour. And anything less
Mahindra Hinoday Industries necessitated a large, oblong sprue cup
than the ideal pour could produce a
attributed this one-third increase in and it had to be brought all the way to
casting that does not meet the quality
production to a number of factors
directly related to its Inductotherm
automatic pouring system:
l More efficient management of the
transfer of molten metal for pouring -
As noted earlier, with manual pouring
it was difficult to keep the molten
metal in the many pouring ladles
within the proper pouring temperature
range. Often, the mold line would be
stopped to allow the cold metal in the
pouring ladles to be replenished with
metal at the proper temperature. This
does not happen with the automatic
pouring system.
Every 10 minutes the 1100 kg transfer
ladle brings hot liquid metal from the
foundry's two 6000 kg Inductotherm Perfectly filled molds move from the automatic pouring system along the now empty
induction furnaces to the tundish. manual pouring line. Overall production jumped from 100 tons per day to 120 tons per day
shortly after the automatic pouring system was commissioned. When more
Furthermore, the well-insulated, melting/holding capacity was added to the melt shop, the automatic pouring system was
thermally efficient tundish limits the able to process 160 tons of production per day.
June 2010
standards for that product. pouring at the Mahindra Hinoday required by the furnace operator and
Casting defects can be caused by all of Industries' automotive castings the bottom pour tundish is relined
the following problems directly foundry from 0.75 percent to 0.15 periodically, this represents minimal
attributable to manual pouring: percent, a significant reduction and work when compared to the job of
l The pourer did not fill the mold with important cost savings. maintaining the large number of
enough molten metal, producing an manual-pouring ladles that were used
Enhanced Safety
incomplete casting. with manual pouring.
The automatic pouring system at
l The pourer interrupted the pouring l Improved working environment -
Mahindra Hinoday Industries'
stream and allowed the sprue to empty With automatic pouring there are
automotive foundry completely
before continuing. This would cause fewer workers in close proximity to
eliminated the need to expose large
voids in the casting. the heat of molten metal and less
numbers of workers to the many
exposure to smoke and fumes.
l The mold was poured too fast, dangers associated with manual
producing excessive turbulence in the pouring molds. These common l Commitment to quality and
mold and interfering with metal flow. hazards included metal splash, productivity – The use of automatic
This could cause inclusions in the exposure to radiant heat, inhalation of pouring technology demonstrates to
casting or misruns. smoke and fumes, burns from contact customers that Mahindra Hinoday
with hot surfaces, back injury, etc. Industries is a modern, quality
l The metal was allowed to become
conscious, production oriented
too cold and did not flow properly in The reduction in tapping temperature
casting facility.
the mold causing misruns, cold shunts made possible by automatic pouring
and round corners. also significantly increased the Increased Melting Capacity Increases
operating safety margin for furnace Automatic Pouring Production
A high casting rejection rate caused
by any or all of the above manual overheating errors. This, in turn, When production at the Mahindra
pouring difficulties is very costly for resulted in longer refractory life and a Hinoday Industries' automotive
foundries. commensurate reduction in refractory castings foundry grew from 100 tons
costs. per day to 135 tons per day after
At Mahindra Hinoday Industries the
operation of the automatic system
rejection rate due to pouring averaged Reduced Labour Costs began, the decision was made to add
0.75 percent before automatic pouring While reducing labour costs is not the more metal production capacity to the
was installed. most important reason for a foundry in foundry's melt shop.
However, Mahindra Hinoday India to install automatic pouring, it is, It was clear that the automatic pouring
Industries' automatic pouring system nevertheless, an important advantage. system could pour additional molds if
eliminated most of the casting defects While operating with manual pouring, more liquid metal were available.
caused by problems inherent in Mahindra Hinoday Industries' Therefore, a 2000 kg, 1000 kW induction
manual pouring. The system's vision- automotive foundry required four melting furnace was added to the two
based control technology prevented pourers on each shift. 6000 kg induction melting furnaces
both metal wasting over pours and Today, however, only a single sharing a 3500 kW power supply.
quality robbing under pours. operator on each shift is responsible The operational efficiencies provided
Moreover, it precisely maintained the for setting up and monitoring the by the additional holding furnace
optimal pouring profile needed to automatic pouring system. And since enabled the number of 1100 kg ladles
maintain the desired metal level in the the system, under computer control, supplied to the pouring tundish to be
sprue cup throughout every pour. functions largely without operator increased from 5 per hour to 6 per
Finally, simplified management of intervention, that single operator is hour. This resulted in production
pouring temperature eliminated a able to perform multiple other tasks. being increased from 120 tons per day
common source of misruns, cold
Other Savings Generated By to 140 tons per day using the same
shunts and rounded corners.
Automatic Pouring automatic pouring setup.
It is key to note that with automatic
The fundamental operational changes And when the 2000 kg, 1000 kW
pouring, all the molds in a particular
brought about by automatic pouring melting furnace was later replaced with
pattern are poured exactly alike,
produce savings and efficiencies in a a 3000 kg, 1500 kW melter, 7 ladles
providing a high level of consistent
number of areas in the foundry. These were supplied to the tundish each hour
quality in the foundry's casting output.
include: and overall production increased to 160
As a result, automatic pouring reduced tons per day, again using the same
the casting rejection rate due to l Reduced maintenance - While the
automatic pouring system. This high
stopper rod and nozzle are changed as
June 2010
level of production, coupled with a
casting yield that had grown to 69
percent, has allowed Mahindra Hinoday
Industries' automotive castings foundry
to produce 2750 tons of casting each
Rapid Payback of Capital
As a direct result of the financial
benefits accruing to Mahindra
Hinoday Industries from the increased
production, higher casting quality (and
reduced rejection rate), enhanced
safety and lower labour costs
resulting directly from the installation
and operation of its new automatic
pouring system, the payback period
for the system proved to be just over The Visipour® console in the control room (center) is linked to a video camera to monitor
six months. Few capital investments in each pour. The computer then adjusts the pour to adapt to current conditions, producing
the desired pouring profile even if there are changes in variables, such as the nozzle
the foundry industry would be able to opening or metal temperature. With Visipour®, little or no operator intervention is
match this payback record. required and the operator can attend to other duties during much of his shift.
While automatic pouring seemed to
get a slow start in the Indian foundry
industry, wider recognition of the
principal benefits of this technology,
including increased production, higher
casting quality, enhanced safety,
reduced labour costs and a quick
investment payback are now speeding
the adoption of these important
foundry production systems.
June 2010