Signs Before The Day of Judgement

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Signs before the Day of Judgement

The signs of the Day of Resurrection are the things that will happen before the Resurrection
takes place and will indicate that it is close at hand. They have been divided into lesser and
greater signs. The lesser signs, for the most part, will occur a long time before the
Resurrection begins. Some of them have happened and ended – although they may be
repeated – and some of them have appeared and are ongoing, and some have not yet
happened, but they will happen as the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has told us.

The major signs are serious matters, the appearance of which will indicate that the Day of
Resurrection is close and that there is only a short time until that great Day comes.

The lesser signs of the Hour are many, and are mentioned in many saheeh ahaadeeth.

The lesser signs of the Hour include the following:

Loss of trust.
The taking away of knowledge and the prevalence of ignorance; the taking away of
knowledge will occur with the disappearance of the scholars.
The spread of riba (interest)
The prevalence of musical instruments.

Widespread drinking of alcohol.

Shepherds competing in the construction of tall buildings.
A slave woman giving birth to her mistress. There are several views among the scholars as to
what this means. One is that there will be widespread disobedience among children, so that a
child will treat his mother as a master treats his slave woman, with negligence and insults.

Widespread killing.

Widespread earthquakes.

Appearance of landslides, transformations and stones from heaven.

Appearance of women who are clothed yet naked.

Widespread giving of false testimony and concealment of true testimony.

The land of the Arabs becoming once again meadows and rivers.

The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold.

Muslim narrated that Hudhayfah ibn Aseed al-Ghifaari (may Allah be pleased with him)
said: The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬came out to us when we were discussing. He said: “What are you
discussing?” They said: “We are talking about the Hour.” He said: “It will never begin until
you see ten signs before it.” He mentioned the smoke, the Dajjaal, the Beast, the rising of the
sun from its place of setting, the descent of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him), Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj, and three landslides, one in the east, one in the west and
one in the Arabian Peninsula, and the last of that is a fire which will emerge from Yemen
and drive the people to their place of gathering.

Seeking refuge with Allaah from the fitnah of the Dajjaal, especially in salaah (prayer). This
has been narrated in the saheeh ahaadeeth,

The Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬taught a particular du’a to be read at the end of the
Salah after finishing at-tashahud:

‫ب ْالقَب ِْر َو ِم ْن فِتْنَ ِة ْال َم ْحيَا‬

ِ ‫عذَا‬َ ‫ب َج َهنَّ َم َو ِم ْن‬ ِ ‫عذَا‬ ُ َ‫اَللَّ ُه َّم اِنِِّي ا‬
َ ‫ع ْوذُ ِب َك ِم ْن‬
ِ ‫ت َو ِم ْن ش ِ َِّر فِتْنَ ِة ْال َم ِسي‬
ِ ‫ْح الدَّ َّج‬
‫ال‬ ِ ‫َو ْال َم َما‬
“O Allah I seek refuge in you from the punishment of hell, the torment of the grave, trial of
living and dying, and from the evil trial of the Dajjal”

Memorizing aayaat from Soorat al-Kahf. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) commanded us to recite the opening verses of Soorat al-Kahf for protection
against the Dajjaal. According to some reports, the final verses of this soorah was mentioned.

It was narrated that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever asks Allah for Paradise three times, Paradise
will say, ‘O Allah, admit him to Paradise.’ Whoever seeks protection from the Fire three
times, it will say, ‘O Allah, protect him from the Fire.’” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi

O Allah, I ask You for Your pleasure and for Paradise, and I seek refuge with You from
Your displeasure and from the Hellfire.

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