Simple Pendulum

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Practical Study Material Physics Practical Study Material Physics

Find the acceleration due to gravity (g) at your place using Simple Draw l - T2 graph in the case of a Simple Pendulum and find the

7 Pendulum. Draw l - T2 graph and verify the value of g with the

value obtained from the graph. (Take 6 observations)
2 l
8 length of the seconds pendulum. (Take 6 observations.)

Formula: Acceleration due to gravity, g   2 cm/s2 l - T2 graph: A graph is drawn between l on the
where g = Acceleration due to gravity in cm/s2 T2
X-axis and T 2 on the Y-axis. The graph is a
l = Length of the pendulum in cm straight line passing through the origin. From graph,


T = Time period in cm the value of l/T2 and hence ‘g’ can be calculated.
4 2 This value should be equal to the value obtained
Acceleration due to gravity by graph, g  cm/s2 l previously.
m l
where m = slope of the line Procedure:
l/T2 graph: A graph is drawn between l on the X-axis and T2 on the Y-axis. The
graph is a straight line passing through the origin. From graph, the value of l/T2 and 1) The diameter of the bob is determined 3 or 4 times using a vernier calipers
hence ‘g’ can be calculated. This value should be equal to the value obtained previously. and its average radius ‘r’ is determined.
Procedure: 2) The length of the pendulum is adjusted to a convenient value, say 50 cm.
1) The diameter of the bob is determined 3 or 4 times using a vernier calipers 3) The bob is drawn to a side giving small amplitude and released. Then it
and its average radius ‘r’ is determined. begins to oscillate in the same vertical plane.
2) The length of the pendulum is adjusted to a convenient value, say 50 cm. 4) After the first few swings, a stop- clock is started. At the end of the 20
oscillations, the stop-clock is stopped and the time for 20 oscillations is noted.
3) The bob is drawn to a side giving small amplitude and released. Then it
begins to oscillate in the same vertical plane. 5) The experiment is repeated twice and the mean time for 20 oscillations
determined. The mean time is divided by 20 to get the time taken for one
4) After the first few swings, a stop- clock is started. At the end of the 20 oscillation or period T.
oscillations, the stop-clock is stopped and the time for 20 oscillations is noted.
6) Readings are noted in the below table.
5) The experiment is repeated twice and the mean time for 20 oscillations
determined. The mean time is divided by 20 to get the time taken for one Precautions:
oscillation or period T. 1. The amplitude should not exceed more than 5o.
6) Readings are noted in the below table. 2. The bob should not spin as it oscillates in the vertical plane.
Precautions: Observations:
1. The amplitude should not exceed more than 5o.
Diameter of the bob:
2. The bob should not spin as it oscillates in the vertical plane.
Observations: S.No M.S.R V.C.D Total reading
Diameter of the bob: (a) cm (n) a  (n  L.C) in cm
S.No M.S.R V.C.D Total reading
(a) cm (n) a  (n  L.C) in cm

Average diameter of the bob D = 2r =
The radius of the bob, r = D/2 =
Average diameter of the bob D = 2r =
The radius of the bob, r = D/2 =

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