Ifr 2019-11-02 PDF
Ifr 2019-11-02 PDF
Ifr 2019-11-02 PDF
BY CHRIS MOORE also be creditors of Rallye, which challenging and the execution of which owns €1bn of real estate
has relied on dividends from the company’s strategy requires assets in France.
The stakes could hardly be higher Casino to service debt. the full attention of Casino’s Casino itself is rated B2/B (neg
for CASINO as it meets investors “There’s a huge vested interest board and management team”. watch/neg).
before trying to sell a €750m senior from the existing French lenders Another investor said: “At some Global coordinators and joint
secured high-yield bond issue, one to make sure that Casino lives point the company will have to books are BNP Paribas, Credit
LEGûOFûAûõBNûRElNANCINGûTOû another day with this extension of act on this. The fact we see this in Agricole, Credit Suisse, HSBC, JP
extend debt maturities that it hopes liquidity,” said one investor. the Moody’s report shows people Morgan and Natixis. Bank of America,
will buy enough time to allow it to Moody’s, which downgraded really care about this issue at the CM-CIC, Goldman Sachs, Santander
sell off assets and delever. Casino by one notch to B2 on moment – the company is not and Societe Generale are joint books.
The corporate picture remains October 23 and says it will listening to investors.” There is no price guidance yet
muddied by investment vehicle downgrade it by another notch if Casino could not be contacted for the bonds. A roadshow started
Rallye, which owns a 51% stake THEûRElNANCINGûFAILSûTOOKûTHEû for comment. last Thursday and will end on
INû#ASINOûANDûlLEDûFORûPROTECTIONû unusual step of commenting on Tuesday, ahead of expected
from creditors in May. the position of Casino chief NEW DEBT pricing on Thursday this week.
The French retailer is also in executive Jean-Charles Naouri. JP Morgan is sole physical The covenant-lite €750m 4.25-
the market with a €750m Term Naouri is also chairman of bookrunner for the 4.25-year year Term Loan B is also due to
Loan B, and is working on Rallye, something Moody’s says senior secured bonds, which are be priced on Thursday. It is
extending a €2bn revolving “is credit negative because it callable after two years. The guided at 550bp over Euribor
credit facility to 2023. Market could likely distract bond issue is rated B1/B+ and WITHûAûûmOORûANDûAûû/)$ûANDû
participants say many of the management at a time when the secured by shares of includes 103, 101, par call
banks providing that facility will French market remains Immobiliere Groupe Casino, protection.
US creditors wise up to ESG utility risk 08 Deutsche rebuilds in DCM 10 Blowout for Cellnex rights 13
over Casino’s main French
operating subsidiaries, Casino
restrict the ability of Casino
to pay dividends, which
were in fact scrapped in July.
Rusal brings ESG
Finance and the French holding
companies owning the company’s
They can restart in 2021, but
will be limited to an annual
loans to Russia
stakes in Latin America. €100m plus 50% of net Loans Scepticism over country’s environmental record
“For the secured bonds you PROlTûWITHûANûADDITIONALû
have to believe management €100m envelope available BY SANDRINE BRADLEY for an existing client – taking on a
when they give you the value of over the life of the new new coal client would be
the real estate assets,” said the debt. Russian aluminium company RUSAL impossible,” a second banker said.
second investor. Those dividend limits will HASûSIGNEDûTHEûlRSTûSUSTAINABILITY
“And for the term loan you stay in place as long as Casino’s linked syndicated loan arranged by TOUGH CALL
have to believe in the strategy of leverage remains above a 3.5 international commercial banks for For some lenders, the idea of green
the company and the fact the times debt-to-Ebitda ratio. The a Russian borrower, as green lNANCINGûFORû2USSIANûCOMPANIESûISû
company will still be here in four ratio currently stands at 6.4 lNANCINGûSPREADSû%ASTûTOûAûCOUNTRYû DIFlCULTûTOûREADILYûACCEPT
years and three months to repay.” times. where politicians have been In September, Russia, which is
$EBTûPROCEEDSûWILLûRElNANCEû Casino hopes to use the sceptical about climate change. the world’s fourth largest emitter of
drawn credit lines and be used BREATHINGûROOMûTOûOFmOADûõBNû 2USALSûlVE
YEARû53BNû greenhouse gases, said it would join
to launch a tender offer for a OFûASSETSûBYûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERûOFû sustainability-linked pre-export THEûû0ARISû!GREEMENTûTOûlGHTû
targeted €700m of short-dated 2021. lNANCINGûLAUNCHEDûINûEARLYû climate change, one of the last
unsecured bonds due in 2020, “The market will be very 3EPTEMBERûATû53MûBUTûWASû countries in the world to do so. In a
2021 and 2022. focused on whether there is any increased after receiving a high report published in 2014, Russia’s
4HEûTHIRDûPARTûOFûTHEûRElûTHEû room to stream those disposal level of interest. main meteorological service
extended syndicated revolving proceeds up to the majority It comes at a time when banks’ Roshydromet warned that the
FACILITYûWILLûBENElTûFROMûTHEû SHAREHOLDERvûSAIDûTHEûlRSTû carbon neutrality initiative, country is warming more than
same security as the loan. investor. which says they can no longer twice as fast as the rest of the world.
Casino has already signed lend to certain energy companies “The likes of Rusal or Norilsk
DIVIDEND RESTRICTIONS €2.1bn of sales from an earlier for environmental reasons, Nickel getting sustainability-linked
!LLûTHREEûlNANCINGûLEGSû €2.5bn asset disposal plan, means lending to some Russian loans is a strange concept. Norilsk
include covenants that Moody’s said. COMPANIESûISûMOREûDIFlCULT is one of the most polluted cities in
“People are really beginning to the world. I know there needs to
think about sustainability-linked be a starting point but when you
Bankers would not comment The corporates banker said DEALSûINû2USSIAû
ûITûHASûlNALLYû know how businesses are run in
ONûTHEûSPECIlCSûOFûTHEû%#"Sû that the ECB’s presence was reached the market from Western this country I just don’t see it,” a
involvement in the transaction, likely to have more of a Europe. There was a lot of appetite third banker said.
although the deal statistics psychological than practical and it went beyond the normal Rusal will pay a margin on its
REVEALEDûOFlCIALûINSTITUTIONSûANDû effect on new corporate issues. circle of banks,” said one banker latest loan that is dependent on
agencies took between 11% and “The ECB could help the on the deal. “We will see more of THEûCOMPANYSûFULlLMENTûOFûKEYû
17% of the various tranches. sentiment of investors ... in green loans in Russia.” performance indicators related
“Some issuers will welcome particular through the end of For some Russian borrowers, to environmental impacts and
the potential support of the November when you have less many of which are well established sustainable developments. They
ECB,” said a corporate bond involvement from momentum in the loan market, raising funds include an increase in sales of
banker. “I’m just not sure it investors,” he said. has become a lot more challenging Rusal’s low carbon aluminium
will have the same impact as it The ECB’s purchases across due to environmental issues. brand, called Allow; a reduction
did in the past, assuming the asset classes are expected to be Earlier this year, mining in its carbon footprint; and a
ECB buy up to €2.5bn of particularly strong in November companies SUEK and SIBERIAN DECREASEûINûmUORIDEûEMISSIONSû
corporate bonds per month. ahead of an anticipated ANTHRACITE struggled to raise loans. The KPIs will be measured
Which I’m not sure they will December slowdown. Bankers A number of banks declined to ANNUALLYûANDûVERIlEDûBYûANû
even do.” attributed the surprising start in LENDûTOû35%+Sû53Mû08&û independent third party.
Bank of America analysts, covereds to such frontloading. They found the circa 170bp over Some bankers question how
though, said they expect that The buying should negate Libor margin hard to swallow and the KPIs will be monitored and
automakers’ bonds will be one some of the impact of weaker the deal took nine months to how thoroughly they will be
of the main targets for the ECB’s macro or fundamental news, close. Siberian Anthracite took implemented.
buying programme as the while over the short term the unusual step of introducing “There is a reliance on certain
central bank rebalances its spreads are set to tighten. euro-denominated tranches to its standards being met, but will they
credit portfolio. The ECB will from now target õM
EQUIVALENTû08&ûINûANûEFFORTû be? I hope they don’t negotiate
The ECB’s buying should act net monthly purchases of €20bn to attract better pricing. checks that are subsequently not
as a counterweight to the fact of covered, public sector, “The business case for doing done, or only half implement some
that automakers have been corporate and ABS paper. It has these deals is getting weaker. It’s a initiatives,” the third banker said.
PROLIlCûISSUERSûOFûELIGIBLEûDEBTû said the programme will continue struggle to get them through ING and Natixis coordinated
this year, the analysts said. for as long as necessary. credit committee. It’s bad enough 2USALSûlNANCING
BY ROBERT HOGG be a deterioration in the rate of 2019, according to S&P estimates, Jan Dehn, head of research at
DOLLARûmOWSûTOûTHEûCOUNTRYvûSAIDû FROMû53BNûATûTHEûENDûOFû Ashmore, says that rolling
The drying up of critical depositor Joanna Woods, portfolio manager Moody’s forecasts that Eurobonds would require ever
mOWSûHASûLEFTûLEBANON‘s economy at First State Investments. ,EBANONSûLIQUIDû&8ûRESOURCESû higher interest rates, which
in a precarious position ahead of ,EBANONSûMINISTRYûOFûlNANCEû will be exhausted by the debt could become unsustainable at
ANûUPCOMINGû53BNûBONDû and central bank did not respond service payments due in the rest some point, especially if capital
redemption, with the central bank to requests for comment. of this year and next. mIGHTûTAKESûHOLD
now likely to use up precious Bond repayments spike next Lebanon has one of the “In a no-change scenario we
resources to avoid a default. YEARûTOû53BNûEXCLUDINGû highest government debt-to-GDP may well look at an eventual
LEBANON, which has been interest payments), according to ratios in the world. Total debt is restructuring, but it ought not to
engulfed by nationwide protests 2ElNITIVûDATAûFROMû53BNû 53BNûEQUIVALENTûTOûûOFû be an immediate risk,” said
against an elite blamed for in 2019. These amounts include '$0ûOFûWHICHûABOUTû53BNûISû $EHNûh4HEûCASHmOWûSITUATIONûISû
mishandling the economy that foreign and domestic bonds. in Eurobonds, says Patty Ye Cao, currently okay.”
led to the resignation of prime Lebanon had planned to issue assistant portfolio manager at
minister Saad al-Hariri last in the international market but Merian Global Investors. MELTING AWAY
week, has never defaulted on its with its bonds trading at elevated She estimates that the central However, non-resident
foreign obligations. yields – its March 2020 note, for bank and local commercial banks CONlDENCEûWHICHûISûVITALûFORû
This month’s repayment, due example, is bid at a 66.88% yield own about 80% of the Eurobonds, driving deposits that keep
on November 28, should be met compared with 12.78% just two making any potential Lebanon’s economy functioning,
THROUGHû&8ûRESERVESûBUTûSOMEû weeks ago – that is no longer a RESTRUCTURINGûAûDIFlCULTûCALL appears to be melting away.
investors are sounding alarm realistic option, meaning that “A debt restructuring with large Money drained out in 2019,
bells over an eventual need to GOVERNMENTûlNANCESûAREûLIKELYûTOû NOMINALûHAIRCUTSûWILLûSIGNIlCANTLYû S&P said, due to failing depositor
restructure debt. stay strained. erode or wipe out commercial CONlDENCEûANDûRISINGûRISKSûTOû
“The probability of an eventual banks’ capital base,” said Cao. Lebanon’s currency peg to the
sovereign debt restructuring has EXHAUSTED “Therefore the adverse impact on 53ûDOLLAR
risen substantially in our view, Lebanon’s “usable reserves” will banks will likely be a strong These risks are outweighing
and the catalyst for this is likely to DECLINEûTOû53BNûBYûTHEûENDûOFû deterrent to large haircuts.” the lure of attractive returns on
BY TOM REVELL foray in the asset-class since books ended at €3bn, down from For the Swedish bank, that
2017. the €3.75bn-plus at the peak. meant that it ended up pricing
LANDESBANK BADEN- In both cases, books peaked at “We’re coming into a tricky ITSû53Mû2EGû3ûPERPETUALû
WUERTTEMBERG and over €3.25bn but as initial price time of the year for investors,” a non-call May 2025 in the middle
SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN thoughts were tightened to leave DCM banker said. “For those of guidance at 5.125% but still
relished the opportunity of little on the table, demand who’ve been investing all year, tighter than the 5.375% area
raising Additional Tier 1 debt dropped by some €1.25bn and you look at these levels and you IPTs.
at ultra-tight levels last week OVERû53MûRESPECTIVELY have to question how tight The bank will also be able to
but with yields hovering close “There’s about €20bn of deals things can go from here.” lock-in a lower coupon than on a
to their all-time lows, coming up for call next year,” Coupons on Nordic AT1s have 53BNû!4ûTHATûISûDUEûTOûBEû
investors’ price sensitivity is said Steve Hussey, head of been shrinking throughout called in May next year.
becoming more pronounced. lNANCIALûINSTITUTIONSûCREDITû 2019, for example, mirroring the “It’s the tightest Nordic
For AT1 bondholders, 2019 research at AllianceBernstein. broader market. coupon that I can see”, the lead
has been a vintage year if the “As an investor, that means “You had Nordea at 6.625%, BANKERûSAIDûh)TSûRElNANCINGûAû
performance of the Bank of you can be a bit more careful you then had the Handelsbanken 5.75% coupon.”
America Merrill Lynch CoCo where you spend. You’re less that looked amazing at 6.25%, In the case of LBBW, the
index is anything to go by. likely to accept a bank being then the Swedbank at 5.625% and German lender priced its €750m
Having opened at a yield of really being aggressive on now we’ve printed at 5.125%. So trade at 4%, some 50bp tighter
6.498% in early January, it has pricing.” effectively we’re going half a THANûTHEûûAREAû)04SûANDûmATû
tightened by more than two percent tighter on a coupon basis to fair value.
points, and hit an all-time low of DROP IN DEMAND almost each time,” a lead banker
4.27% on October 25. Rabobank experienced a similar on SEB’s deal said. THROUGH DIFFERENT LENSES
Demand was nonetheless drop in demand in September “So you can see why investors But for all the price
swift to come by for AT1 market for its €1.25bn perpetual non- get a bit nervous and a bit sensitivity, the AT1 asset-class
DEBUTANTû,""7ûANDû3%"SûlRSTû call 7.25-year AT1 on which SENSITIVEûABOUTûAûûmOORv remains still well supported
BY WILLIAM HOFFMAN The impact was made most and the company is refusing to Despite some pushback on
apparent when American power clean leakage-prone ash ponds SPECIlCûNAMESûTHEû
5TILITIESûFACEûAûWIDEûRANGEûOFû company AMEREN came to the that could impact water supply. environmental social and
well-known climate change market with two bonds in Sure enough, the risks proved governance effect has not yet
risks, but more traditional credit 3EPTEMBERûAû53MûûlVE
real as a federal judge in late dented market conditions for
factors and an overall strong year on September 11 followed September found the plant in utilities in a broader sense.
ECONOMYûHAVEûALLOWEDû53û by AMEREN MISSOURISû53Mû violation of the Clean Air Act !VERAGEû53ûHIGH
investors to push aside such 3.25% 30-year on September 23. and ordered the company to spreads remain relatively tight
challenges — until recently. Both seemed to perform OUTlTûITûWITHûhSCRUBBERvû at 118bp over Treasuries — 41bp
There was investor push back decently but the Ameren technology that will cost tighter on the year, according to
on the slew of utilities names -ISSOURIûPLANTûHASûSPECIlCûCOAL
hundreds of millions of dollars. ICE BofA data.
that issued new bonds in recent related issues that may have “Maybe we’re on the brink of
months, according to two made it less attractive than its a greater price differential SOCIAL RISK
syndicate bankers close to the parent. between cleaner bonds in the 4HEûMULTIPLEûlRESûRAGINGûACROSSû
trades. The bond from Ameren utility base compared with more California last week, sparked by
“We are hearing increasing tightened 23bp through price black or brown utilities,” the utility electrical wires, serve as
chatter about shying away from - progression and garnered a syndicate banker said. another grim reminder of the
or having less appetite for - utilities 53BNûORDERûBOOKûûTIMESû DUKE ENERGY and SOUTHERN’s vast environmental risk tied up
that have heavy coal bases in terms over subscribed. The bond from subsidiaries ALABAMA POWER and in utility bonds.
of their generation portfolio,” one Ameren Missouri, however, GEORGIA POWER also came with Last year, the once Single A
syndicate banker said. tightened just 13bp from initial new bonds in September that rated California utility PACIFIC
“Investors have been price thoughts and built a caused some chatter among GAS & ELECTRIC was plunged into
discussing this for a while but SMALLERû53MûORDERûBOOKûû investors for their negative bankruptcy following a string
we hadn’t seen it manifested in times over subscribed. credit ratings and high coal OFûlRESûITûFAILEDûTOûPREVENTû
behaviour around orders and Ameren’s handling of its exposures. and this week SOUTHERN
pricing indications, but I think Missouri coal plant is under However, subsequently those CALIFORNIA EDISON’s bonds (rated
with these trades we were seeing scrutiny as fumes have polluted have all seen some support in Baa3/BBB/BBB-) widened by as
folks scale back their appetite.” the surrounding air for years secondary trading. much as 83bp after state
BY GARETH GORE a third between 2014 and 2018 heavily incentivising bankers to from larger rivals that have
and are tracking another 9% push bespoke, highly lucrative more resources at their
Five years ago, DEUTSCHE BANK‘s lower so far this year. – but often risky and long-dated disposal. Its investment bank
bond franchise was riding the 5NFORTUNATELYûFORû$EUTSCHEû nûlNANCINGûTOûCLIENTSû7ITHûTHATû has a loan book of just €71bn,
crest of a wave. After a period the bond market boom gone, DCM will go back to compared with €150bn at BNP
of post-crisis restraint, clients coincided with a deep crisis at basics. Paribas, number one in the
had once again begun to take the bank that has seen it work “Coverage teams were euro league table. To address
on debt to invest or make through four CEOs, umpteen prioritising these innovative that disadvantage, Deutsche
acquisitions. Deal volumes overhauls and a collapse in its lNANCINGûSOLUTIONSûASûOPPOSEDû has opted to grow its private
were surging and, with many share price. to doing core day-to-day DCM placement desk within the
rivals still distracted by 5NCERTAINTYûOVERûSTRATEGYûANDû work,” said Frazer Ross, head of bond syndicate.
ongoing clean-ups, Deutsche – at least for a time – even its %UROPEANûmOWûSYNDICATEûh7HATû “It’s a quirky little business,
SEEMEDûBESTûPLACEDûTOûPROlTû future existence hit the bank we’ve done is re-focus the but we have invested in it as
from the boom. hard; the bond franchise, like coverage. It is much better – in clients really value it and, in
The business posted a THEûRESTûOFûTHEûlRMûSUFFEREDûASûAû an area which is a highly many cases, it is either a
record year in 2014, earning result. COMMODITISEDûHIGHûmOWûnûTOû substitute for lending or
€1.6bn in underwriting fees, have people at the coalface who STANDALONEûPROlTABLEûFORûUSvû
more than any other TURNING A CORNER? are paid to originate bond deals, said Henrik Johnsson, global co-
European bank and 50% up on After another strategy overhaul full stop.” head of capital markets.
three years earlier. With the in July, when the bank made its Mark Lewellen, Barclays’ h)FûYOUûGETûINTOûTHEûmOWûASûTOû
European Central Bank set to deepest cuts yet, shuttering former global co-head of DCM, what’s going on, and start
start a €1trn bond buying equity trading and earmarking has been brought in to help climbing the league tables, then
programme the following €288bn of assets for sale or revive the corporate bond ALLûOFûAûSUDDENûYOUûlNDû
spring, the future looked even winddown, the hope is that a franchise in Europe. Deutsche opportunities that you didn’t
better. Deutsche, the region’s corner has been turned. has long been a top player in think existed.”
pre-eminent bond house, was Debt capital markets will be at the region, but there are signs The bank hired David Costa
widely expected to be the the heart of a new slimmed- that the bank’s troubles have from Goldman Sachs to run the
BIGGESTûBENElCIARY down investment bank, with dented its standing. After team, which will be tasked with
But while the bond party has Deutsche’s bond bankers now ranking second for corporate identifying pockets of demand
got into full swing since then, tasked with recouping lost bond deals in euros for six years for particular maturities or
Deutsche seems not to have ground. running, it has slipped to third currencies and then presenting
been invited. Deal volumes and 4HEûlRSTûSTEPûINûTHATûPROCESSû this year. trades to clients. The hope is
fees hit new highs in 2017, and WASûTHEûCLOSUREûOFûTHEûlNANCINGû that such solutions will be not
banks are on track to break that and solutions group. Although PRIVATE PLACEMENTS just lucrative, but also might
record again this year. But, at only formally set up in 2015, the 5NDERûTHEûNEWûSTRATEGYû open the door to winning
Deutsche, the reverse has philosophy underlying it was a $EUTSCHEûFACESûTHEûDIFlCULTû future bond mandates from
happened: bond revenues fell by long-standing one at the bank, task of winning market share happy clients without Deutsche
BY STEVE SLATER change in Argentina that repositioning,” von Moltke told Argentina in the third quarter
RATTLEDûlNANCIALûMARKETSû reporters on a conference call. too. Bankers said many desks
Losses on Argentina debt and a “caused some risk losses” in called the situation badly and
torrid time in rates trading for EM debt. He declined to MARKET TURMOIL got caught out.
DEUTSCHE BANK last quarter quantify the losses. Argentina’s markets crashed in HSBC said it took hits on three
compounded the impact from its “We believe the performance August after then-President fronts in Argentina: a negative
LATESTûOVERHAULûANDûCUTûPROlTSûINû has now stabilised under new Mauricio Macri was surprisingly one-off “due to the macro
its investment bank by 73% from leadership with improved defeated in a presidential situation”, which it did not
a year earlier. results in September,” he said. primary. That hit currency and QUANTIFYûAû53MûHITûTOûPROlTSû
The German bank picked out “In the investment bank, of stock markets and prompted FROMûHYPERINmATIONûACCOUNTINGû
rates trading and emerging course there have been pockets currency controls. Peronist ANDûAû53BNûINCREASEûINûITSû
markets debt as two particular of challenges, but that is where candidate Alberto Fernandez risk-weighted assets due to the
trouble spots, and both are areas the restructuring has fallen most won a general election last impact of a credit downgrade of
it is restructuring. heavily and you’d expect some week. Argentina.
#HIEFûlNANCIALûOFlCERû*AMESû degree of revenue loss when The market turmoil left other Goldman Sachs said its
von Moltke said political YOUREûINVOLVEDûINûAûSIGNIlCANTû banks nursing losses from currencies revenues were hurt
having to lend its way onto US SLIDE high-yield: globally, it was In emerging markets, too,
bond mandates. Deutsche hopes the strategy second just a few years back, the bank has lost ground. A
In recent months, the WILLûALSOûHELPûITûINûTHEû53û behind only JP Morgan. But pullback from emerging
private placements desk has WHEREûITûISûHARDûTOûlGHTûTOE
low rates, the ongoing search markets in 2015 – in part
struck some big deals. In the TO
TOEûTHEûBIGû53ûBANKSû for yield and an explosion in linked to past scandals and
sovereign space, it did a Deutsche once ranked PRIVATEûEQUITY
LEDûlNANCINGSû increased pressure from
€500m 50-year deal for Israel, SEVENTHûFORû53ûINVESTMENTû has tempted many banks into regulators to have better
the country’s longest tenor, grade bonds but has steadily the space. While Deutsche oversight over its clients – has
and a €105m 100-year deal for dropped back in recent years, remains a leader in European led to it losing a lot of
Ireland. In corporates, it falling to 13th last year with high-yield, globally it has business in once-lucrative
placed big Norwegian krone just half the market share it FALLENûTOûlFTHûTHISûYEAR places like Mexico and Russia.
deals for Deutsche Bahn and had in 2014. This year is The bank is looking at
Aroundtown – as well as a slightly better, but the bank is PRIVATE EQUITY LINKS tentatively – and carefully –
Hong Kong dollar placement still outside the top 10. For Johnsson, a former high- moving back into those
for the latter. The strategy has yield banker, the space needs to countries.
“The team is incredibly nonetheless yielded some remain a focus for the bank Third-quarter results on
proactive, they understand the fruit: last year, Deutsche was despite the increased Wednesday indicate the
investor base very well, and sole books on a €2bn private competition. He believes that bank is moving in the right
have very good direct access,” placement for AT&T. It Deutsche’s long and deep direction – DCM revenues at
said Lewellen. “It relies on believes that, rather than go history with private equity õMûWEREûTHEûBESTûINûlVEû
reverse enquiry from AFTERûEVERYû53ûDOLLARûDEALûITû clients stands it in good stead. quarters and 14% up on the
investors, so it’s important needs to pick its spots such as According to the bank, it is the same point last year. But
that sales people are close to TAKINGû53ûCORPORATESûOVERSEASû only one of its peers to with the new strategy just
the market as they need to be for funding. While it may lose underwrite every distributed three months old and the
able to spot pockets of demand PLACESûINûTHEû53ûLEAGUEûTABLESû õBN
PLUSû,"/ûlNANCINGûINû new set-up really only in
– for maturity, for currency, it can still make money from Europe over the past three place for a few weeks, the
for issuer type – and then 53ûCLIENTSûELSEWHERE years. jury is still out on whether
match that to the issuer’s “We’re not going to try to “We have always been Deutsche can reclaim its
needs.” cover every sector, we’re not strong in high-yield, but it’s former DCM glory.
going to try to cover every become a lot more “Of course, clients want
DEUTSCHE BANK’S DCM SLUMP client,” said Marc Fratepietro, competitive,” he said. “The to see the proof in the
HEADûOFû reason why we like these pudding of the new
1,600 DCM. “We’re going to pick our clients and this business is strategy,” said Ross. “But,
1,400 spots and go deep with those because there is a certain life most importantly, no-one is
1,000 clients where we have sector cycle. Sponsor activity is talking about the viability of
600 banking expertise and, or if, predictable in the sense that Deutsche Bank or the credit
400 THEYûHAVEûAûBUSINESSûPROlLEûTHATû they buy and sell assets along a risk of Deutsche Bank. They
0 aligns with our global footprint certain schedule. This means are listening to our ideas. It
9M 2019
and product strengths.” you can concentrate on a is early days, but we are
Another area where the smaller group of clients and be starting to see a shift in
Source: Company Reports bank has lost ground is in very deep with them.” attitude from clients.”
by volatility in Latin America, in aggregate 11% rise in FICC painful and far-reaching origination revenues rose 14%
particular Argentina. (which also includes shake-up of the business that to €321m.
Deutsche declined to specify commodities) revenues in the includes cutting costs and Equity origination fees were
the precise nature of its losses, third quarter, and FICC derisking. €37m in the quarter, down 6%,
but they are likely to be the revenues at rival Barclays rose “Clients are vindicating our although von Moltke said
result of trading positions 19% from a year earlier. business model. We’re moving Deutsche had completed, priced
rather than in-country Deutsche’s rates trading is in the right direction and we’re or won more than 50 ECM
exposure. The bank sold its likely to have been hurt by its gathering speed on our way,” mandates since July, vindicating
subsidiary in Argentina in greater exposure to euro rates, von Moltke said. its strategy to exit secondary
2016, as part of its Strategy RATHERûTHANû53ûRATESûSIMILARûTOû (EûSAIDûWITHINû&)#ûlNANCINGû equities trading and focus on
2020 plan to shrink its the impact on Royal Bank of revenues grew, credit trading origination.
footprint and exit 10 countries. Scotland, which said sudden and WASûSTABLEûANDû&8ûREVENUESû In July Deutsche unveiled
sharp moves in euro rates in dipped slightly but performed plans to exit equities, scale back
RATES TROUBLE August hit it hard. well. other parts of the investment
2EVENUESûINû$EUTSCHESûlXEDû Deutsche’s investment Origination and advisory bank, and axe 18,000 jobs across
income and currencies BANKûMADEûAûõMûPROlTûINû revenues fared better than the bank. It said it cut 1,500 of
business in the July- the third quarter, down from trading, rising 20% on the year those jobs in the third quarter.
September quarter fell 13% €234m in 2018, as revenues to €488m, the bank’s highest 4HEûWEAKûlXED
from a year earlier to €1.23bn, fell 5% to €1.65bn. Deutsche FORûlVEûQUARTERSû4HATûINCLUDEDû and restructuring costs dragged
far weaker than most rivals. said that was in line with a 56% jump in M&A advisory Deutsche to a net loss of €832m
4HEûBIGû53ûBANKSûREPORTEDûANû expectations as it undergoes a fees to €130m. Debt in the third quarter.
BY KAREN TIAN Rmb12.86 on October 23 before “Banks’ sizes and assets are would bounce back quickly even
the deal was announced. growing, in line with their if they traded down. They said
HASûRAISEDû2MBBNû53BN û Fortune Securities, said a CB seem to raise a big number from performance and asset quality
from Asia’s biggest convertible offering is the best option CBs – especially this year, when has improved and see little risk
bond issue, highlighting the available for banks looking to SOMEûBIGûSTATE
OWNEDûBANKSûlNALLYû of the price falling when the
surging popularity of the equity- raise equity capital. COMPLETEDûTHEIRû#"ûOFFERINGSvû8Uû bonds begin to trade. Investors
linked product in China’s Chinese banks are not allowed said, “We cannot compare the CBs’ are hoping for a similar
onshore market. to sell shares below book value, fundraising amount from state- performance to Citic Bank’s
The six-year CBs attracted an and follow-on offerings for any owned banks with small banks in Rmb40bn CB offering earlier this
overwhelming response from onshore-listed company come previous years.” year, which is now trading at
investors, with total with long lock-up periods and SPDB’s CB issue is the fourth 106.98, after being issued at par.
subscriptions reaching arduous approval processes. major offering from a bank this According to a research report
Rmb7.86trn. After a priority “Other fundraising methods, year, following new issues in the from Guosen Securities, the CBs
offer for existing shareholders such as private placements or lRSTûQUARTERûFROMû#HINAû#ITICû offer a “reasonable” initial
took 52.7% of the bonds, the rights issues, may price Bank (Rmb40bn), Ping An Bank premium of 17% and a bond
public tranche was 331 times according to the stock (Rmb26bn), and Bank of Jiangsu mOORûOFûûWHICHûPROVIDESû
covered. performance and the issue price (Rmb20bn). SUFlCIENTûPROTECTIONûTOû
The October 30 offering may be lower than the NAV if Bank of Communications, investors.
trumps China Citic Bank’s the share price does not perform which received China Securities SPDB posted its third-quarter
Rmb40bn CB offering in well. It is not acceptable for the Regulatory Commission lNANCIALûREPORTûONû/CTOBERûû
February and Bank of China’s Chinese regulators that it seems approval at the end of last year, after the CB bookbuild. It earned
Rmb40bn print in 2010, as well to result in the loss of state- is eyeing a record-breaking 2MBBNûINûTHEûlRSTûNINEû
mandatory convertible into Chinese banks have already extend the mandate after failing revenue grew 15.4% year-on-year
Alibaba in 2016. sold more convertible bonds this to complete the offering within to Rmb146bn. Its total assets
The CBs pay an initial coupon YEARûTHANûINûTHEûPREVIOUSûlVEû SIXûMONTHSûOFûTHEû#32#SûlNALû reached Rmb6.79trn by the end
of 0.2%, stepping up each year to years combined, with the 2019 approval. of Q3.
reach 4% in year six. The initial total standing at Rmb139bn. In SPDB allotted 40.4% and 6.9%
conversion price is Rmb15.05, a 2014–18, seven banks issued CBs DOWNSIDE PROTECTION of the CBs to institutional and
premium of 17% to the with a combined size of Analysts are optimistic about retail investors, respectively,
company’s closing price of Rmb53bn. SPDB’s converts, which one said with the remainder going to
existing shareholders.
Excluding the priority offer,
UK ECM still facing Brexit blockage
about 85% of the deal went to Equities Little expected to be resolved by end-January deadline
institutions, down slightly from
the 90% target pre-bookbuilding. BY ROBERT VENES "HATTACHARYYAûHEADûOFû5+û)0/û most of the year and is now
Investors failed to settle about origination at Peel Hunt. mATûTOûWHEREûTHEûDEALûWASû
3.8% of the retail tranche, or 5+û%#-ûBANKERSûWEREûLEFTû “However, we will get priced.
0.25% of the CBs, with those wondering why they bother companies in front of The impetus to follow a
notes taken up by the trying when the latest investors in the interim, similar path for the rest of this
bookrunners. EXTENSIONûOFûTHEû5+Sû where it makes sense. In 2020 year and in early 2020,
The CB has received an AAA membership of the European we can see the cycle starting according to advisers, will be
rating from Shanghai Brilliance. 5NIONûTOû*ANUARYûûûWASû again. But with the current necessity.
The bank will use the lNALISEDûLASTûWEEKûJUSTûAHEADû uncertainty, we expect “The overall attitude is that
proceeds to replenish core Tier OFûTHEû5+ûPARLIAMENTûOPTINGûTOû corporates to wait until 2020 you don’t do something unless
1 capital. use the period to hold a for IPOs.” you have to do it,” said Adam
Citic Securities and Guotai Junan general election on December Film special effects business Young, co-head of equity
Securities are the joint sponsors 12. DNEGûISûTHEûONLYûCURRENTû5+û)0/û advisory at Rothschild. “We do
on the deal and joint 5+ûBANKERSûSTRUGGLEDû in the market. have clients who need to raise
bookrunners with Huatai United through 2019 unable to 4HEREûHASûBEENûAûDROPûINû5+û money, so there will be some
Securities, Haitong Securities, and CONlDENTLYûADVISEûCLIENTSû IPOs in 2019 but the fall in transactional activity in the
CICC. when there would be several volume has been reduced by 5+û)FûITSûAûSITUATIONûWHEREû
There are more CBs down the weeks of stability to enable foreign companies opting to DOMESTICû5+ûPOLITICSûDOESûNOTû
road. The CB proposals from their IPOs to proceed and they LISTûINû,ONDONûSUCHûASû5!%û have a massive impact, the
Qingdao Rural Commercial now face the same problem - payments company Network numbers ‘work’ and there’s a
Bank (Rmb5bn) and Jiangsu potentially for another six International. Bankers have strong strategic rationale,
Zijin Rural Commercial Bank months if another extension is started to talk about reviving then one proceeds with
(Rmb4.5bn) have been approved required. Amsterdam for international caution. But one proceeds.”
by shareholders and are seeking Activity is focused on LISTINGSûINû%UROPEûSOû5+û)0/û Listed companies have an
regulators’ approval. The two preparation work for next issuance could fall again in easier path to market for
banks listed on the A-share year, but with no idea if it will 2020. rights issues or follow-on deals
MARKETûINûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERûOFû be in vain. ,AWûlRMû$7&û'ROUPû as a lot of the risks are
this year. “Our advice on IPOs has managed to complete its LSE effectively priced in to their
Minsheng Bank also said in been to wait until after the IPO in February ahead of the valuation so they need only
2017 that it would sell a Brexit extension and then see then March 29 Brexit deadline, avoid certain days, such as
Rmb50bn CB issue, though little where we are,” said Indranil but the stock has struggled for around December 12.
progress has been made since
Cellnex rights issue attracts €100bn
currently trading around Equities Clamour for paper leads to 0.000125% allocations
the days after Chinese President BY LUCY RAITANO Cellnex remains the issuer of 19.58% discount to TERP of
8Iû*INPINGûENDORSEDûBLOCKCHAINû the largest rights issue of the €35.87, on a 9-for-31 basis.
technology. The leading Spanish tower owner CELLNEX year in Europe, pushing its Banks earned a 170bp base
cryptocurrency is still well TELECOM was overwhelmed €1.2bn rights issue in March fee and will expect to be paid
below the year’s high of with around €100bn of into second place. the 50bp incentive fee.
53ûREACHEDûINû*UNEû orders for its €2.5bn rights Its March rights issue saw Morgan Stanley took 20% of the
however. ISSUEûTOûlNANCEûTHEû take-up of 98.8% and was more underwriting while fellow
The Canaan deal could decide ACQUISITIONûOFû!RQIVASû5+û than 17 times subscribed. global coordinators Goldman
the fate of two peers currently telecoms division. A measure of how Cellnex’s Sachs and JP Morgan had 15% of
waiting in the wings. If it is a Take-up for the rights issue, share price has developed the risk each.
success, EBANG INTERNATIONAL and Cellnex’s second this year, was through the year is that both Of the bookrunners,
BITMAIN TECHNOLOGIES will feel 99.53% leaving a tiny amount of rights issues represented a 29% CaixaBank and Santander
MOREûCONlDENTûABOUTûTHEIRûOWNû shares to meet the excess capital increase at a 20% TERP had 9% each, BNP Paribas 6%
prospects. demand. discount but the second deal and Banca IMI, Citigroup,
All three bitcoin mining Pro rata allocation meant RAISEDûMOREûTHANûDOUBLEûTHEûlRSTû Deutsche Bank, HSBC and
EQUIPMENTûMAKERSûlRSTû investors vying for additional Demand was again bound to Mediobanca 4% each. Final
applied for Hong Kong IPOs new shares received just be high as Cellnex’s share price bookrunner UniCredit had
BEFOREûTURNINGûTOûTHEû53ûASû 0.000125% of their requests. reached all-time highs of €42.05 2% of the risk, the same as
regulatory scrutiny was too )NVESTORSûMASSIVELYûINmATEDû on October 17, around 18.5% co-leads Banco de Sabadell
burdensome in Hong Kong. their orders due to the pro rata higher than when the and Societe Generale.
Ebang and BitMain, which approach to unsubscribed acquisition and rights issue Cellnex has also found time
lLEDûCONlDENTIALLYûLASTûWEEKû shares, nonetheless the level of were announced. to visit the equity-linked market
BOTHûHOPEûTOûLISTûINûTHEû53û interest in a rights issue is Rights issue pricing was twice in 2019 with a tap and a
next year. remarkable. €28.85 per share, representing a new issue.
BY CAROL CHAN, SUDIP ROY bond issue later this year, for euros given the volume of China is lower rated at A1/
depending on the market TRADEûWITHûTHEû%5û)TûISûTHEû%5Sû A+/A+, though the ratings from
The PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA is situation and feedback, second-biggest trading partner S&P and Fitch are unsolicited.
POISEDûTOûMAKEûITSûlRSTûEUROû according to a banker at one of BEHINDûTHEû53ûANDûTHEû%5ûISû The new euro bonds will be
sovereign bond issue in 15 the euro trade’s lead managers. China’s biggest trading partner. unrated.
years, in a bid to further expand China, now the world’s While the structure of the Investors are likely to
its global presence amid slowing second-largest economy, is tranches has yet to be decided, consider Israel (A1/AA–/A+) and
domestic growth and persistent expanding its footprint in the the sovereign is likely to avoid Chile (A1/A+/A) as the best
TRADEûTENSIONSûWITHûTHEû53 international bond markets. It CLASHESûWITHûITSû53ûDOLLARûBONDSû comps.
The multi-billion euro bond ended a decade-long absence Currently, China has dollar All three similarly rated
offering is set to be priced on FROMûTHEû53ûDOLLARûMARKETûINû benchmarks maturing in 2022, sovereigns have dollar bonds
November 5 and is likely to October 2017, when it printed 2023, 2027, 2028 and 2048. maturing in 2028. China’s
comprise three benchmark 53BNûOFûSOVEREIGNûBONDSûTOû In a net roadshow, China said October 2028s are bid at a
tranches as China seeks to overwhelming demand. it is considering issuing senior Z-spread of 56bp; Israel’s
become the latest emerging It returned in October last UNSECUREDûlXED
RATEûBONDSûWITHû January 2028s are at plus 56bp,
markets sovereign to take YEARûFORûAûFURTHERû53BNûAGAINû TENORSûOFûlVEûTOûûYEARSûWITHû while Chile’s February 2028s are
advantage of the attractive attracting strong demand seven, 12 and 20-year tenors at plus 73bp, according to
coupons in the euro market. despite a global market sell-off preferred. The bonds will be Tradeweb.
The Chinese government during bookbuilding. listed in London and Paris. In euros, Israel’s January
plans to host a ceremony on -O&ûOFlCIALSûINû*ULYûHELDû 2029s, the closest maturity to its
November 6 in Paris to celebrate lXED
the euro issuance. Zou Jiayi, in Frankfurt and London and If China’s recent dollar deals are swaps plus 37bp. Chile has
vice-minister of the ministry of the market had been any guide, the government is February 2029s at plus 48bp.
lNANCEûWILLûATTENDûTHEûEVENT speculating that a potential likely to seek very tight pricing. China’s October 2028 dollar
4HEûISSUEûWILLûBEûTHEûlRSTûTIMEû sovereign euro bond was on the When the sovereign returned to bonds are bid at the equivalent
the sovereign has accessed the cards. the dollar market two years ago, of plus 29bp in euros.
single currency since 2004. Several EM sovereigns across it printed so tightly that it Depending on the tenors
“It is a good time to issue as the ratings spectrum, such as repriced the dollar curves of chosen, euro investors should
trade talks seem to be Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Ivory Chinese state-owned still get a positive yield from the
progressing well,” said Leo Hu, #OASTûANDû5KRAINEûHAVEûTAPPEDû enterprises, though SOEs’ euro deal.
senior portfolio manager for the euro this year attracted by paper tends to be closely held Bank of China, Bank of
emerging markets debt at NN compelling yields. and is less liquid. Communications, China
Investment Partners. “China Building a euro curve will In its October 2017 offering, International Capital Corp, Bank of
CDS is trading close to its enable China to diversify its #HINAûPRICEDûITSû53BNûOFû America, Citigroup, Commerzbank,
historic lows for the last 10 investor base, having already SûANDû53BNûOFûSûATû Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank,
years, and euro benchmark ISSUEDûINû53ûDOLLARSûOVERûTHEû 15bp and 25bp over Treasuries, HSBC, Societe Generale, Standard
bonds are still at negative rates.” past two years. respectively. That was inside the Chartered and UBS are joint lead
4HEREûWILLûBEûAûPOTENTIALû53û 0RICINGûANDûDIVERSIlCATIONû secondary curve of Triple A managers and joint
dollar-denominated sovereign aside, China has a natural need rated Sweden. bookrunners.
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Credit Suisse
aims to hire
19 Elree Winnett
Seelig is 20 Macquarie
cuts back its
technology and named head of ESG cash equities business
healthcare bankers in Citigroup’s markets outside of Asia as
to help revive its business, as banks stiffer regulations and
underwriting and build up their green technology changes
advisory arm platforms crimp margins
Credit Suisse
US big 5
banks avg
weighted avg
WELLûASûFROMûANYûDETERIORATIONûINûTHEû Source: Company results, IFR calculations; not all divisions YEARûEARLIERûATû53M
directly comparable, Deutsche doesn’t disclose equities and
ECONOMICûENVIRONMENT BNPP doesn’t disclose advisory/underwriting revenues Thomas Blott, Steve Slater
Jean-Marc Mercier, the Middle East. He Oliver Holbourn has from UK Financial
HSBC‘s global co-head will also take the lead been made made head Investments, the
of debt capital in driving technology of purpose, government body
markets, has been strategy. Mercier will sustainability and responsible for the
appointed vice- remain based in ventures at ROYAL RBS holding, where he
chairman of capital London and report to BANK OF SCOTLAND was chief executive. He
markets. Mercier will Alexi Chan and Ray in addition to his role joined UKFI in 2013
focus on deepening Doody, global co- as director of strategy. from Bank of America,
HSBC’s client heads of capital He will report directly where he spent 13
proposition for users of markets in global to Alison Rose, who years, including as
capital markets, with a banking. Chan is also took over as CEO on head of UK ECM
particular focus on co-head of DCM. Friday. Holbourn origination.
clients in Europe and joined RBS last year
Will Marshall, a WILMINGTON Jorge Grasa has MAN GLOBAL NEWTON equities, and will
managing director in TRUST has appointed taken on additional PRIVATE MARKETS, INVESTMENT report to chief
equity advisory at Alex Pashley as its sterling funding part of hedge fund MANAGEMENT, investment officer
ROTHSCHILD, has left European head of responsibilities at the Man Group, has a subsidiary of Bank Curt Custard.
after nine years at the structured finance EUROPEAN named Bernd Kerner of New York Mellon,
firm. Marshall worked business. Based in INVESTMENT BANK, as investment director has appointed Ilga
on a number of IPOs, London, Pashley will sources said. Grasa within its European Haubelt as head of
including for Swedish, lead a team of nine has worked for the private debt team. equity opportunities,
Turkish, Finnish and professionals in London. Luxembourg Based in London, based in London.
Czech firms. He Pashley previously supranational since Kerner will focus on Haubelt joined from
previously worked in spent nine years at January 2011. sourcing, executing and Deka Investment,
ECM at Merrill Lynch, Wells Fargo’s corporate managing European where she was the
HSBC and Nomura. trust business. real estate loans. head of global
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 2,691 3,941.4 9.6 1 Bank of China 2,692 1,061.9 4.7 1 JP Morgan 832 1,114.5 5.7
2 BofA 2,428 3,310.9 8.0 2 Mizuho Financial 1,833 1,025.9 4.5 2 Goldman Sachs 512 1,089.7 5.6
3 Goldman Sachs 1,296 3,227.7 7.8 3 Citic 3,275 859.4 3.8 3 Citigroup 737 950.6 4.8
4 Morgan Stanley 1,427 2,556.8 6.2 4 Sumitomo Mitsui 1,667 788.3 3.5 4 Morgan Stanley 388 843.7 4.3
5 Citigroup 1,892 2,260.2 5.5 5 Morgan Stanley 1,039 741.8 3.3 5 Barclays 661 774.8 3.9
6 Barclays 1,445 1,705.2 4.1 6 ICBC 2,499 692.2 3.1 6 BNP Paribas 946 765.7 3.9
7 Wells Fargo 2,458 1,695.6 4.1 7 Goldman Sachs 419 546.2 2.4 7 BofA 539 748.2 3.8
8 Credit Suisse 959 1,587.2 3.8 8 Bank of Commus 2,072 531.6 2.4 8 Deutsche Bank 663 689.2 3.5
9 RBC CM 1,529 1,252.7 3.0 9 China Construction Bk 2,489 514.2 2.3 9 HSBC 922 662.1 3.4
10 Deutsche Bank 911 1,081.6 2.6 10 Nomura 903 485.5 2.2 10 Credit Suisse 440 596.2 3.0
Total 16,054 41,242.8 Total 21,304 22,567.6 Total 9,457 19,621.3
1/1/2019 to 31/10/2019
Source: Refinitiv
“The unique 20-year note
YEARûWASûTHEû opened up a new way for 1.6
depth and breadth of the
Australian market”
BP John Weavers
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 Credit Agricole 56 9,342.25 7.6 1 JP Morgan 1,193 272,504.07 7.9 1 BNP Paribas 367 79,715.75 7.1
2 HSBC 66 8,471.47 6.9 2 Citigroup 1,026 237,045.11 6.8 2 Credit Agricole 301 66,669.50 5.9
3 BNP Paribas 46 8,125.70 6.6 3 Barclays 833 214,897.02 6.2 3 JP Morgan 266 66,260.15 5.9
4 BofA 35 6,466.51 5.2 4 BofA 856 199,141.46 5.7 4 SG 257 65,022.70 5.8
5 JP Morgan 44 6,235.48 5.0 5 HSBC 987 190,248.65 5.5 5 Deutsche Bank 296 64,535.47 5.7
6 Citigroup 46 6,162.54 5.0 6 Goldman Sachs 703 170,103.46 4.9 6 HSBC 342 64,520.51 5.7
7 Barclays 29 4,128.53 3.3 7 Deutsche Bank 735 153,679.06 4.4 7 Barclays 239 62,384.01 5.6
8 SG 22 3,877.16 3.1 8 BNP Paribas 680 148,168.63 4.3 8 UniCredit 294 59,450.73 5.3
9 Danske Bank 25 3,755.07 3.0 9 Morgan Stanley 601 136,456.86 3.9 9 Goldman Sachs 197 48,655.23 4.3
10 UniCredit 21 3,683.89 3.0 10 Credit Agricole 502 107,657.22 3.1 10 Citigroup 216 47,033.14 4.2
Total 249 123,600.87 Total 5,086 3,464,781.08 Total 1,488 1,122,575.44
Excludes social bonds and mixed use of proceeds. Including Euro, foreign, global issues. Excluding equity-related debt, Including Euro-preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt,
US Global ABS/MBS. US Global ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: JG1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N1
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 261 71,401.42 10.8 1 JP Morgan 799 183,995.58 9.8 1 JP Morgan 22 15,352.55 10.3
2 Citigroup 222 65,730.92 9.9 2 Citigroup 742 169,099.76 9.0 2 BNP Paribas 20 12,679.79 8.5
3 BofA 223 53,974.60 8.1 3 BofA 623 132,632.22 7.1 3 SG 18 11,726.81 7.9
4 Barclays 165 53,275.49 8.0 4 Barclays 510 122,381.49 6.5 4 Citigroup 20 10,682.95 7.2
5 Goldman Sachs 155 42,507.81 6.4 5 Goldman Sachs 493 109,011.17 5.8 5 Goldman Sachs 18 10,323.53 6.9
6 Morgan Stanley 129 37,576.51 5.7 6 Morgan Stanley 437 97,002.61 5.2 6 HSBC 13 10,217.96 6.8
7 Wells Fargo 172 32,160.81 4.9 7 HSBC 460 89,916.92 4.8 7 Credit Agricole 12 8,888.92 6.0
8 RBC 114 28,392.78 4.3 8 Wells Fargo 381 76,091.49 4.0 8 Barclays 14 8,627.40 5.8
9 HSBC 79 28,185.25 4.3 9 Credit Suisse 406 75,276.53 4.0 9 UniCredit 6 8,400.59 5.6
10 Deutsche Bank 78 23,576.46 3.6 10 Deutsche Bank 378 70,954.70 3.8 10 Banca IMI 5 5,790.18 3.9
Total 478 662,923.45 Total 2,373 1,880,155.91 Total 55 149,336.26
Excluding equity-related debt, ABS/MBS. Including Euro, foreign and global issues. Excluding equity-related debt, Excluding ABS/MBS.
US Global ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: O5 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: O1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N4
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 Credit Agricole 28 8,585.07 8.7 1 JP Morgan 19 6,095.36 10.3 1 UniCredit 34 8,368.39 15.9
2 JP Morgan 24 8,531.31 8.6 2 Credit Agricole 16 5,824.98 9.8 2 DGZ-DekaBank 33 4,901.32 9.3
3 Deutsche Bank 25 7,617.25 7.7 3 HSBC 15 4,804.03 8.1 3 HSBC 31 4,062.56 7.7
4 Goldman Sachs 21 7,138.92 7.2 4 BofA 15 4,576.52 7.7 4 LBBW 25 3,903.19 7.4
5 BNP Paribas 28 7,009.34 7.1 5 Barclays 8 4,115.99 6.9 5 Deutsche Bank 20 2,446.70 4.7
6 BofA 14 6,380.38 6.5 6 Goldman Sachs 7 3,727.94 6.3 6 Barclays 12 2,308.74 4.4
7 Commerzbank 18 6,246.28 6.3 7 UniCredit 4 3,565.27 6.0 7 BayernLB 19 2,287.91 4.4
8 Barclays 22 5,901.62 6.0 8 Morgan Stanley 6 2,988.84 5.0 8 Nord/LB 17 2,205.95 4.2
9 SG 16 5,101.08 5.2 9 BNP Paribas 8 2,904.09 4.9 9 DZ Bank 17 2,059.12 3.9
10 NatWest Markets 10 5,096.69 5.2 10 Deutsche Bank 6 2,745.92 4.6 10 JP Morgan 10 1,604.03 3.1
Total 140 98,627.75 Total 56 59,420.87 Total 113 52,587.36
Excluding equity-related debt. Including publicly owned institutions. Excluding ABS/MBS. Excluding ABS/MBS.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N6 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N5 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N7
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues €(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 70 11,827.65 10.9 1 JP Morgan 444 104,962.68 10.5 1 BNP Paribas 174 28,387.30 7.6
2 BofA 69 10,346.54 9.5 2 BofA 398 102,600.26 10.3 2 Barclays 92 27,079.68 7.3
3 Citigroup 55 10,173.10 9.4 3 Citigroup 363 93,382.78 9.4 3 Deutsche Bank 124 23,608.96 6.3
4 Morgan Stanley 55 9,042.14 8.3 4 Morgan Stanley 282 72,632.41 7.3 4 JP Morgan 113 20,507.34 5.5
5 Wells Fargo 63 8,651.78 8.0 5 Goldman Sachs 272 70,435.29 7.1 5 BofA 90 20,092.57 5.4
6 Goldman Sachs 33 5,601.35 5.2 6 Wells Fargo 273 59,151.35 5.9 6 SG 119 19,900.13 5.3
7 Barclays 28 5,489.22 5.1 7 Barclays 217 57,616.18 5.8 7 Citigroup 109 19,367.62 5.2
8 Mizuho 28 5,123.51 4.7 8 HSBC 122 37,947.64 3.8 8 Credit Agricole 117 18,729.40 5.0
9 MUFG 33 4,662.07 4.3 9 MUFG 164 37,742.58 3.8 9 HSBC 116 17,922.35 4.8
10 Deutsche Bank 22 3,899.95 3.6 10 Mizuho 156 34,870.46 3.5 10 Goldman Sachs 86 16,582.19 4.5
Total 159 108,557.92 Total 906 998,384.50 Total 465 372,366.63
Excluding equity-related debt, ABS/MBS, all foreign issues, global issues Excluding equity-related debt. FIGs, ABS/MBS.
and non corporates.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: F6a Source: Refinitiv SDC code: F9 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: N8
ELI LILLY, DOVER REFIS TARGET COST- 1 Barclays 87 15,967.65 14.4 1 Credit Suisse 130 14,005.2 31.4
2 HSBC 90 13,425.37 12.1
EFFECTIVE EUROS 2 UBS 108 11,429.6 25.7
3 NatWest Markets 82 10,902.76 9.9 3 Verband Schweiz 19 4,740.7 10.6
4 RBC 57 8,312.61 7.5 4 ZKB 57 4,340.3 9.7
5 BofA 39 7,176.36 6.5 5 Raiffeisen 33 2,324.7 5.2
6 Citigroup 35 6,834.83 6.2 6 BNP Paribas 15 1,824.1 4.1
7 Lloyds Bank 41 6,044.39 5.5 7 Deutsche Bank 11 963.0 2.2
8 JP Morgan 30 5,546.58 5.0 8 Basler Kantonalbank 13 895.6 2.0
9 Deutsche Bank 26 4,569.34 4.1 9 Commerzbank 9 792.8 1.8
10 TD Securities 27 4,428.67 4.0 10 HSBC 3 650.0 1.5
Total 236 110,655.60 Total 237 44,551.6
Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt.
SWAPSûPLUSûBPû Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt.
AREAûANDûAû.OVEMBERûûATûBPûAREA Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K05a Source: Refinitiv
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues A$(m) (%) bank or group issues SKr(m) (%) bank or group issues Rmb(m) (%)
1 TD Securities 61 5,935.69 14.7 1 Danske Bank 51 41,903.99 27.9 1 Bank of Comms 10 26,387.45 28.5
2 Nomura 54 5,544.59 13.7 2 SEB 34 36,914.88 24.6 2 HSBC 73 18,611.55 20.1
3 Westpac 24 3,454.47 8.5 3 Swedbank 31 21,339.92 14.2 3 Bank of China 9 12,022.73 13.0
4 ANZ 23 3,012.91 7.4 4 Nordea 24 18,926.80 12.6 4 Standard Chartered 22 7,371.90 8.0
5 RBC 31 3,011.74 7.4 5 Handelsbanken CM 14 15,417.99 10.3 5 Credit Agricole 13 4,726.39 5.1
6 Deutsche Bank 24 2,911.54 7.2 6 DNB 9 9,583.47 6.4 6 KGI Financial 7 1,839.46 2.0
7 JP Morgan 21 2,338.43 5.8 7 BNP Paribas 4 2,557.54 1.7 7 China Construction 7 1,772.73 1.9
8 CBA 19 2,317.99 5.7 8 JP Morgan 3 1,202.56 0.8 8 Citic 5 1,419.45 1.5
9 NAB 17 2,300.34 5.7 9 TD Securities 2 765.16 0.5 9 Shanghai Pudong Dev 5 1,296.54 1.4
10 Mizuho 24 2,265.84 5.6 10 HSBC 2 517.24 0.3 10 CTBC Fin Hldg 6 1,281.39 1.4
Total 219 40,454.62 Total 137 149,984.32 Total 121 92,585.28
Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt.
Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt. Including preferreds. Excluding equity-related debt.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K1 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: K16 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: AS24a
A busy week is foreseen in the financials INTERNATIONALE A LUXEMBOURG is readying a under the ECB’s QE programme, which got
market at both ends of the capital spectrum, sub-benchmark AT1 and tender, UNICAJA BANCO under way again last Wednesday.
with issuers eyeing low sub-debt funding is marketing a sub-benchmark Tier 2, and RCI While some analysts had forecast the
costs and others potentially rethinking BANQUE will hit the road this Monday ahead of its Eurosystem’s bid for covereds would increase to
covered plans on the back of rekindled ECB first Tier 2 outing. around 15%-20% of issue sizes, others thought it
bond buys. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BANKING might grow nearer to 30%.
Bankers expect heavy supply this week as the GROUP, meanwhile, will start a roadshow from But bankers involved in the DEUTSCHE
market heads into the last issuance window of November 11 for a sustainable developments KREDITBANK and BPCE deals said the bid was
2019. goals Tier 2 euro benchmark. higher than even the upper end of expectations,
The pipeline is said to be particularly full in Other issuers are likely to emerge with putting it at around 40%.
the capital space. subordinated trades this week, bankers said. “The good placement results of recent new
The strength of the Additional Tier 1 market issues could significantly boost issuance activity
was shown last week by LBBW and SEB, which ECB MAY PROMPT COVERED RETHINK in November,” said Ted Packhmohr, head
encountered some price sensitivity but were still The pipeline is well-filled in the covered sector of covered bonds and financials research at
able to lock in attractive funding levels. too. CAFFIL and CREDIT MUTUEL ARKEA are set Commerzbank.
Tier 2 also looks a good option, as to bring euro trades this week, while DEUTSCHE “The pipeline is filled quite well already.
demonstrated by RBS with a book of over BANK and DANISH SHIP FINANCE will also begin Further mandates should follow in the wake of
US$7bn for its US$750m deal on Tuesday. marketing benchmarks. the ECB news as soon as the reporting season
Four issuers have already announced Other issuers may be tempted into the permits.”
subordinated euro trades: BANQUE market by bigger-than-expected purchases Tom Revell
Corners of the European high-yield market are And the yield on UK online retailer SHOP However, for investors willing to dig down on
showing signs of distress as investors gravitate DIRECT‘s 7.75% November 2022s is up at 14.06%, credit specifics, the dynamic throws up some
towards safer credits that are set to benefit from from 12.67% the week before, after it disclosed opportunities, he said.
renewed central bank intervention and the credit a £150m funding gap arising from higher-than- “If you’re buying bonds pricing at a sub 1%
cycle grows long in the tooth. expected PPI claims. yield, that means your whole year’s income [for
The third-quarter earnings season has The number of high-yield bonds yielding that bond] is your bid/offer spread. That’s sub-
seen a number of high-yield credits pushed above 10% is now the highest since mid-2016, optimal,” he said, referring to Crown’s new issue.
further into junk, and companies including according to a Bank of America report published The ECB resumed purchases of corporate
Shop Direct and Schmolz + Bickenbach seek on Wednesday. bonds last week - a market technical which is
liquidity boosts. “The irony in today’s world is that despite expected to exacerbate the problem.
“We’ve never seen such a bifurcated market,” trillions of negative-yielding bonds globally, the “Investment-grade buyers will be happy to
said one leveraged finance banker. distressed ratio in European high-yield keeps allocate to high-yield if it will benefit from ECB
“In the past four to five years, a rising tide heading higher,” wrote analysts in a report QE buying. That Double B cohort is going to
lifted all boats. But now we’re seeing some published on Wednesday. benefit,” said the investor.
sectors like autos and chemicals really suffering. Bank of America’s October survey showed a Average Double B yields are now at 2.27%,
Investors are being very selective, which is huge pivot by investors towards global growth according to iBoxx data. Average yields on Triple
leading to a bifurcation between non-cyclical fears, while European Triple C spreads widened by C credits are at 10.46%.
sectors and cyclical credits,” he said. 25%. “We see [CSPP 2.0] creating something of
Swiss steel group SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH saw But at the opposite end of the spectrum, a brave new world for corporate bonds,” wrote
the yield on its 5.625% July 2022s increase to some Double Bs have been pricing bonds at Bank of America analysts.
15.7% after it issued a third profit warning and record-breaking yields of below 1%. “It will encourage credit markets to assess risk
got pushed further into junk. The bonds were In late October, CROWN HOLDINGS sold a based on “the haves” (eligible) and “the have-
at 12.4% on Monday, according to MarketAxess €550m February 2023 at 0.75% - the lowest in nots” (not eligible).”
data. the history of high-yield issuance. Still, investors will have to be careful picking
S&P downgraded Schmolz by two notches “The bifurcation is happening because their spots. Bank of America says the number of
to CCC on Tuesday, citing the company’s people are scared of losses,” said one zombie companies in Europe is on the rise again.
“unsustainable capital structure”, which analysts investor, citing poor recovery expectations in “The risk with persistently easy monetary
said may lead to a distressed exchange offer or recent distressed situations such as Thomas policy is that less profitable companies can
debt restructuring over the coming weeks. Cook. refinance and give themselves time to keep
The rating is on Watch Developing. Schmolz is “It shows you where capital is flooding in and going,” wrote analysts.
Caa1 with Moody’s. where capital is starved.” Eleanor Duncan
Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share Managing No of Total Share
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%) bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
1 JP Morgan 20 10,673.41 12.6 1 Morgan Stanley 12 5,284.05 14.7 1 Credit Suisse 125 26,789.99 10.5
2 Citigroup 24 10,367.86 12.2 2 Credit Suisse 10 4,199.36 11.7 2 JP Morgan 101 23,435.66 9.2
3 Wells Fargo 16 8,002.74 9.5 3 Barclays 11 3,793.68 10.6 3 Citigroup 119 23,407.88 9.2
4 Morgan Stanley 17 7,419.45 8.8 4 Citigroup 7 3,141.77 8.7 4 BofA 86 20,043.28 7.9
5 Barclays 17 6,785.76 8.0 5 Deutsche Bank 7 2,846.65 7.9 5 Barclays 89 17,039.80 6.7
6 Deutsche Bank 12 5,194.31 6.1 6 Jefferies 6 2,328.72 6.5 6 Wells Fargo 75 15,929.52 6.3
7 Credit Suisse 11 4,604.46 5.4 7 Goldman Sachs 5 2,326.31 6.5 7 Goldman Sachs 70 14,910.21 5.9
8 Goldman Sachs 10 4,078.70 4.8 8 BNP Paribas 5 2,214.59 6.2 8 Deutsche Bank 82 14,667.59 5.8
9 BofA 8 4,009.12 4.7 9 JP Morgan 6 1,876.65 5.2 9 Morgan Stanley 45 9,952.61 3.9
10 Jefferies 10 3,933.57 4.6 10 BofA 4 1,826.59 5.1 10 Nomura 44 9,373.90 3.7
Total 190 84,638.41 Total 84 35,958.21 Total 532 254,758.20
Including Euro, foreign, global, US domestics. Excludes global and domestic. Includes securitisations, PFI bonds, self-funded issues and credit-linked
notes. Excludes US global ABS/MBS and CDOs.
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: B12 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J11 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: J10c
For more information on the various advertising and sponsorship opportunities available within
IFR, email: gloria.balbastro@refinitiv.com
Oct 28 2019 KfW US$1bn Mar 31 2021 1.75 99.99 MS+4 / T+9.6 1.752
Oct 30 2019 African Development Bank £175m Dec 20 2021 0.875 100.08 G+31bp -
Oct 29 2019 Canton of Geneva (green) SFr175m May 26 2028 0 101.093 MS+15 / Eidg+45 -0.128
Oct 29 2019 Canton of Geneva (green) SFr285m May 28 2032 0.125 100.264 MS+15 / Eidg+49.6 0.104
Oct 29 2019 Canton of Geneva (green) SFr200m Nov 28 2039 0.3 100.535 MS+12 / Eidg+48.6 0.272
Oct 30 2019 BNG Bank A$100m incr Apr 26 2029 3.3 114.081 ASW+52 / 1.685
(A$995m) ACGB+55
Oct 28 2019 Dover Corporation US$300m Nov 4 2029 2.95 99.579 T+115 2.999
Oct 28 2019 Hershey US$300m Nov 15 2024 2.05 99.914 T+40 2.068
Oct 28 2019 Hershey US$300m Nov 15 2029 2.45 99.964 T+60 2.454
Oct 28 2019 Hershey US$400m Nov 15 2049 3.125 99.612 T+80 3.145
Oct 28 2019 Hyundai Capital America US$800m Nov 1 2022 2.85 99.989 T+120 2.854
Oct 28 2019 Hyundai Capital America US$700m Nov 1 2026 3.5 99.975 T+175 3.504
Oct 28 2019 Rogers Communications US$1bn Nov 15 2049 3.7 98.926 T+142 3.76
Oct 29 2019 Comcast US$1.6bn Feb 1 2030 2.65 99.851 T+83 2.667
Oct 29 2019 Comcast US$1.35bn Feb 1 2039 3.25 99.81 T+93 3.263
Oct 29 2019 Comcast US$1.8bn Feb 1 2050 3.45 99.776 T+113 3.463
Oct 29 2019 DH Europe Finance II Sarl US$700m Nov 15 2022 2.05 99.994 T+40 2.052
Oct 29 2019 DH Europe Finance II Sarl US$700m Nov 15 2024 2.2 99.952 T+55 2.21
Oct 29 2019 DH Europe Finance II Sarl US$800m Nov 15 2029 2.6 99.903 T+78 2.611
Oct 29 2019 DH Europe Finance II Sarl US$900m Nov 15 2039 3.25 99.809 T+93 3.263
Oct 29 2019 DH Europe Finance II Sarl US$900m Nov 15 2049 3.4 99.756 T+108 3.413
Oct 29 2019 DTE Energy US$500m Nov 1 2022 2.25 99.851 T+65 2.302
Oct 29 2019 DTE Energy US$300m Mar 1 2030 2.95 99.676 T+115 2.987
Oct 29 2019 Ford Motor Credit Company US$1.5bn Nov 1 2024 4.063 100 T+240 4.063
Oct 29 2019 JetBlue Airways US$589m May 15 2032 2.75 100 2.75 2.75
Oct 29 2019 JetBlue Airways US$184m May 15 2028 2.95 100 2.95 2.95
Oct 31 2019 Flex US$200m Jun 15 2029 4.875 107.289 T+225 3.936
Oct 31 2019 Paccar Financial US$300m Feb 7 2023 1.9 99.995 T+38 1.902
Oct 31 2019 Southern Natural Gas Co US$100m Mar 15 2047 4.8 112.025 4.8 4.06
- - - Aaa/AAA/AAA BofA/BMO/BNPP -
- - - Aaa/AAA RBC -
- - - Aaa/AAA/AAA TD -
Oct 28 2019 Dover Corporation €500m Nov 4 2027 0.75 99.337 MS+88 / B+130.9 0.836
Oct 28 2019 Vicinity Centres €500m Nov 7 2029 1.125 99.456 MS+110 / B+151.4 1.183
Oct 28 2019 SES €500m Nov 4 2028 0.875 99.762 MS+95 0.906
Oct 29 2019 Eli Lilly €600m Nov 1 2031 0.625 98.902 MS+55 / B+107.8 0.721
Oct 29 2019 Eli Lilly €1bn Nov 1 2049 1.7 99.442 MS+125 / B+158.2 1.724
Oct 30 2019 Daimler €1.75bn Nov 6 2023 0.25 99.714 MS+60 / B+96.0 0.322
Oct 30 2019 Daimler €1.25bn May 26 2027 0.625 99.353 MS+80 / B+122.5 0.714
Oct 30 2019 Daimler €1bn Nov 6 2031 1.125 98.824 MS+105 / B+158.7 1.125
Oct 28 2019 Sovereign Housing Capital £375m (£125m Nov 4 2048 2.375 97.939 G+127 2.475
Oct 30 2019 PRS Finance £250m (£63m Aug 24 2034 1.50% 98.622 G+68bp 1.61%
Oct 30 2019 Stadler Rail SFr300m Nov 20 2026 0.375 100.553 MS+68 / Eidg+94 0.295
Oct 30 2019 Verizon A$450m May 6 2026 2.1 99.804 ASW+110 2.133
Oct 30 2019 Verizon A$300m May 6 2030 2.65 99.818 ASW+140 2.67
Oct 30 2019 Verizon A$500m Nov 4 2039 3.5 100 ASW+185.25 3.5
Oct 30 2019 Coles A$300m Nov 6 2026 2.2 99.678 ASW+117 2.25
Oct 30 2019 Coles A$300m Nov 6 2029 2.65 99.717 ASW+142 2.683
Oct 30 2019 Origin Energy A$300m Nov 11 2027 2.65 99.714 ASW+155 2.69
Oct 31 2019 Endeavour Group A$350m Nov 11 2026 2.25 99.664 ASW+123 2.303
Oct 28 2019 Ashtead Group US$600m May 1 2028 4 100 4 4
Oct 28 2019 Ashtead Group US$600m Nov 1 2029 4.25 100 4.25 4.25
Oct 28 2019 Citigroup US$1.5bn Nov 4 2022 2.312 100 T+67 2.312
MS +120 area, 20 €1.7bn A2/A/A- Barc/BNPP/CACIB/CMZ/UniCredit Fra 17%, Ger/Aus 34%, BeNeLux 7% ,
MS+ 105 UK/Ire 27%,
S.Eur 5%, Switz 4%, Asia 5% Other 1%,
Funds 61%,
Ins/Pen 23%, OIs/Ag 13%, Banks/PWM
2%, Others 1%
2.5%/2.625% - >€1.3bn Baa3/BBB/BBB Barc/BNPP/GS/NWB
MS+90/95 -5 >€2.6bn Baa2/BBB/- BayernLB/CMZ/NatWest/SMBC Ger/Aus 39%, UK/Ire 26%, Fra 15%,
MS+65/70 S.Eur 8%,
BeNeLux 4%, Nordics 4%, Switz 2%,
Asia 1%, Other 1%
Funds 74%, OIs/Ag 8%, Banks/PWM 7%,
Ins/PF 10%,
Other 1%
Oct 28 2019 Citigroup US$500m Nov 4 2022 SOFR+87 100 SOFR+87 SOFR+87
Oct 28 2019 Citigroup US$2.25bn Nov 5 2030 2.976 100 T+113 2.976
Oct 29 2019 PNC Financial Services US$650m Nov 1 2024 2.2 99.967 T+55 2.207
Oct 29 2019 Royal Bank Of Scotland US$750m Nov 1 2029 3.754 100 T+210 3.754
Oct 29 2019 SEB US$900m Perp 5.125 100 T+346.3 5.125
(May 25)
Oct 29 2019 State Street US$1bn Nov 1 2025 2.354 100 T+70 2.354
Oct 29 2019 State Street US$500m Nov 1 2034 3.031 100 T+120 3.031
Oct 31 2019 HSBC Holdings US$2bn Nov 7 2025 2.633 100 T+112 2.633
Oct 28 2019 LBBW (AT1) €750m Perpetual 4 100 MS+420.7 4
(Apr 2025)
Oct 28 2019 JP Morgan €1.75bn Nov 4 2032 1.047 100 MS+85 / B+138.1 1.047
(Nov 4 2031)
Oct 28 2019 Berlin Hyp (Green) €500m Nov 5 2029 0.5 99.157 MS+50 / B+91.6 0.587
Oct 29 2019 Banco Sabadell €500m Nov 7 2025 0.625 99.467 MS+97 / B+132 0.734
Oct 29 2019 UBS Group SFr275m Perpetual (Nov 2025) 3 100 MS+343.75 3
Oct 30 2019 Banco Santander SFr225m Nov 19 2027 0.2 100 MS+52 / Eidg+76.8 0.2
Oct 29 2019 SMBC US$500m Nov 7 2022 2.014 100 MS+38 / T+36.7 2.104
Oct 29 2019 SMBC €750m Nov 7 2029 0.409 100 MS+35 / B+76.6 0.409
Oct 29 2019 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt €1bn Nov 5 2029 0.125 99.584 MS+10 / B+51.4 0.167
Oct 30 2019 BPCE €1.25bn Nov 8 2026 0.01 100.555 MS+5 / B+ 47.2 -0.069
Oct 30 2019 Deutsche Kreditbank €500m Nov 7 2029 0.01 99.164 MS+3 / B+45.7 0.094
Oct 29 2019 BBA US Holdings US$650m Mar 1 2028 4 100 - 4
(Mar 2023)
Oct 29 2019 TransDigm US$2.65bn Nov 15 2027 5.5 100 T+373 5.5
(Nov 2022)
Oct 28 2019 Faurecia €250m incr Jun 15 2026 (2022) 3.125 104.5 - 2.386
1 Moody’s Government Bonds 5 Fitch Government Bonds n Negative outlook/on watch * Taken off positive watch/ c Improvement in ratings,
2 Moody’s Country Ceilings 6 Fitch Country Ceilings for downgrade outlook outlook or watch status
3 S&P Government Bonds p Positive outlook/on watch N New rating ** Taken off negative watch/ d Deterioration in ratings,
4 S&P Transfer and for upgrade W Rating withdrawn outlook outlook or watch status
Convertibility Assessments SD Selective default
BEIJING CAPITAL GROUP, rated Baa3/BBB–/BBB, Chinese property developers are rushing to sell Chinese high-yield property bonds despite the
has hired banks for a proposed offering of offshore bonds to take advantage of improving recent rally.
US dollar subordinated perpetual securities market conditions and use up offshore debt “Double B names are offering a 6% handle
and will start to meet investors in Hong issuance quotas before the end of the year. while B+ names are offering a 7%–8% handle,
Kong and Singapore on Monday. SUNAC CHINA HOLDINGS, CIFI HOLDINGS (GROUP) which are not easy to find in other sectors under
China Citic Bank International, Haitong and KAISA GROUP HOLDINGS raised a combined the current low-yield environment,” she said.
International and HSBC are global US$1.25bn from US dollar bonds last Tuesday. “Although China’s property sales showed
coordinators as well as lead managers and ZHENRO PROPERTIES GROUP continued the trend some signs of weakness, for those developers
bookrunners with Bank of Communications, on Wednesday with a US$300m issue, followed that have issued dollar bonds, most of them
China Everbright Bank Hong Kong branch, China a day later by CENTRAL CHINA REAL ESTATE, which still reported growth in pre-sales in the past few
International Capital Corp, CLSA, CMB sold a US$200m bond. months.”
International, CMB Wing Lung Bank, Guotai An improvement in sentiment in October on Moreover, supply risk from the sector has
Junan International, ICBC International, Nomura, signs that US-China trade tensions are easing reduced after the National Development and
Silk Road International and Standard Chartered. has opened a window for developers that are Reform Commission imposed new rules on the
The proposed Reg S securities will be able to come to market quickly, said a DCM use of offshore bond proceeds in July, she added.
issued by Central Plaza Development and banker from a European bank. The NDRC said at the time that developers
guaranteed by International Financial “Chinese US dollar high-yield property bonds could only use the funds from any new offshore
Center Property. The perp will have a on average rebounded 1.5–2.0 points in cash bond issues to refinance medium or long-term
keepwell and liquidity support deed and a prices in October, following some weakness seen offshore borrowings due to mature within a year.
deed of equity interest purchase in the past two to three months,” the banker said. The DCM banker from the European bank said
undertaking from Beijing Capital Group. “Most of these developers are repeat issuers some developers were keen to use up the quotas
The perps have an expected BB+ rating that have issued bonds multiple times earlier this that they received before the new rule came into
from Fitch. year. Hence, for documentation, it only takes one force as these give them more flexibility on the
Beijing Capital Group, which is 100% week or even a few days.” use of proceeds. Moreover, if they increase their
owned by the Beijing municipal Demand for Chinese high-yield property amount of offshore bonds it will make it easier
government, is active in water and bonds remains strong as investors seek yield in a to apply for a new quota if the policy remains
environmental protection, infrastructure, low-rate environment, and all of last week’s new unchanged, he said.
REALûESTATEûANDûlNANCIALûSERVICES issues attracted strong oversubscription. Some developers have already used up their
Sunac’s US$650m issue was 6.8 times entire quota, such as Sunac and Ronshine China
CHENGDU JIAOZI FINANCIAL PLANS covered, Zhenro’s US$300m bond was 5.3 times Holdings, he said.
DEBUT subscribed, CCRE’s US$200m deal 4.75 times Sunac has raised US$3.4bn from five deals
covered and CIFI’s US$400m deal 2.4 times. this year while Ronshine visited the markets eight
CHENGDU JIAOZI FINANCIAL HOLDING GROUP, rated With such robust demand, developers can times to raise a total of US$1.83bn.
BBB+ by Fitch, has hired banks for a now offer a thinner premium and print at longer The banker expects supply from China’s
proposed debut offering of US dollar senior tenors than earlier in the year. property sector will remain strong next year
unsecured notes and met investors in Hong On average, they only need to give a new issue despite the new NDRC rules.
Kong and Singapore last week. premium of about 10bp–20bp compared with “Supply is unlikely to be as strong as this year,
Haitong International is sole global 25bp–30bp in July-August, the banker said. but the sector will remain the main supplier
coordinator as well as lead manager and in the high-yield segment as there are a large
bookrunner with ICBC, CCB International, ATTRACTIVE YIELDS amount of outstanding offshore property bonds
China Citic Bank International, China Securities Judy Kwok-Cheung, director of fixed-income maturing in the next two years,” he said.
International, CMB Wing Lung Bank, Haitong research at Bank of Singapore, still sees value in Carol Chan
Bank, Orient Securities (Hong Kong), Shanghai
Pudong Development Bank Hong Kong branch
and Winsome. RElNANCINGûANDûGENERALûCORPORATEûPURPOSESû maturities of one month or longer. Dealers of
The proposed Reg S notes have an according to Fitch. the programme include ANZ, Barclays, BNP
expected BBB+ rating from Fitch. Paribas, Bank of America, Citigroup, Credit Agricole,
Jiaozi is wholly owned by the Chengdu Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, JP Morgan,
SASAC and serves as an investment holding HONG KONG Mizuho Securities, Morgan Stanley, MUFG, Nomura,
arm to consolidate the municipality’s Standard Chartered, UBS and Westpac.
company is the largest shareholder of Bank Exchange of Hong Kong.
of Chengdu and Jintai Insurance, and the MTR has set up a US$5bn debt issuance Rating agencies have taken negative
second-largest shareholder of Chengdu programme with HSBC as arranger, actions on MTR recently due to months of
Rural Commercial Bank. It also established according to a stock exchange statement. persistent unrest and protests in the city.
the second licensed local asset-management MTR Corp (CI) Limited is the issuer under On September 10 Fitch cut MTR’s issuer
company in the province. the programme with the Hong Kong-based rating to AA from AA+ following the
Proceeds from the proposed notes will be mass transit operator as guarantor. downgrade of Hong Kong’s ratings on
USEDûFORûONSHOREûPROJECTûlNANCINGû The programme covers notes with September 6. The outlook is negative.
Oct 28 2019 Kexim SFr150m May 27 2025 0 100.739 MS+35 / Eidg+59 -0.134
Oct 29 2019 Braskem US$1.5bn Jan 31 2030 4.5 99.268 T+275 4.588
Oct 29 2019 Braskem US$750m Jan 31 2050 5.875 99.853 T+362.5 5.955
Oct 29 2019 PLN US$500m Feb 5 2030 3.375 99.775 T+156 3.4
Oct 29 2019 PLN US$500m Feb 5 2050 4.375 99.567 T+206.6 4.4
Oct 29 2019 Kaisa Group US$200m incr Oct 22 2022 (Oct 22 2021) 11.95 100.79 - 11.625
Oct 29 2019 Sunac China US$650m Feb 1 2024 7.5 99.058 - 7.75
Oct 29 2019 CIFI Holdings US$400m Nov 7 2024 (Nov 7 2022) 6.45 100 - 6.45
Oct 29 2019 Mamoura US$1bn Nov 7 2024 2.5 99.65 MS+95 2.575
Oct 29 2019 Mamoura US$1bn Nov 7 2029 2.875 98.918 MS+125 3.001
Oct 29 2019 Mamoura (Formosa) US$1.5bn Nov 7 2049 3.7 100 MS+175.4 3.7
Oct 30 2019 Zhenro Properties US$300m May 6 2023 9.15 100 - 9.15
Oct 30 2019 ADBC (Green) Rmb2.5bn Nov 6 2022 3.18 100 - 3.18
Oct 30 2019 ADBC (Green) Rmb3bn Nov 6 2024 3.4 100 - 3.4
Oct 30 2019 Empresa Electrica Cochrane US$430m May 14 2027 5.5 100 - 5.5
Oct 30 2019 Fosun International €400m May 6 2023 4.35 100 - 4.35
Oct 31 2019 Hutchison Port Holding Trust US$500m Nov 5 2024 2.875 99.64 T+137.5 2.953
Oct 31 2019 Central China Real Estate US$200m Nov 7 2023 (Nov 7 2021) 7.9 100 - 7.9
Oct 31 2019 Changde Economic US$100m incr Aug 15 2022 6.6 100.74 - 6.3
Construction (US$300m)
Oct 31 2019 Home Credit & Finance Bank US$300m Perp (7 Feb 2025) 8.8 100 - 8.8
Oct 31 2019 Cabei US$375m Nov 15 2024 3mL+85 100 - 3mL+86
downgrade following the ruling, which it Bharti had been due to table results for which has no offshore bonds, will be most
said would cost Bharti US$3bn in licence the second quarter ended September 30 at affected, leaving Bharti and Jio to battle it
fees and potentially US$2.9bn in unpaid its board meeting last Tuesday, but said it out for supremacy.
dues on spectrum usage charges. Interest would seek further explanation of the Last Wednesday, domestic rating agency
and penalties amount to about 75% of the ruling from the DoT. The company Care cut the issuer rating of Vodafone Idea
total. said that the court decision “may further from A to A– and placed it under watch with
Bharti’s perps were bid at a cash price of weaken the viability of the sector as a negative implications in light of the
94 on Thursday after the Fitch whole”. Supreme Court’s decision.
announcement, implying a yield of 7%. Fitch warned that incumbent operators
Telecoms companies argued that AGR would be unlikely to participate in India’s
should comprise only revenue earned from planned 5G spectrum auction, expected to INDONESIA
telecoms services, but the DoT said it should be held in the next 12-18 months, if they
include all revenue. The dispute dates back had to disburse the unpaid dues in the short PLN MAKES RAPID OFFSHORE RETURN
to 2005, and many of the operators involved term. It questioned whether the
have gone out of business since then, due to government would provide any relief to PERUSAHAAN LISTRIK NEGARA on Tuesday printed
intense competition in the sector – not least telecoms affected by the ruling. more than US$1.5bn-equivalent across two
from Reliance Jio Infocomm, which started Bharti’s share price has actually risen currencies in its third G3 bond offering in
business in 2016 by offering aggressive since the court ruling, as investors assume three months, paying no new issue
discounts. that smaller competitor Vodafone Idea, concession.
8.25% area - US$4.4bn B1/B+/BB M S /C N C B I /C I S I /C S / D B /G u o t a i Asia 94%, EMEA 6%. FM 79%, Bks/FI
Junan/Nomura 9%, PB 12%.
6.75% area - US$950m -/BB-/BB CS/HSBC Asia 69%, Eur 31%. FM 74%, PB/UHNWI
25%, Bks 1%.
MS+120 area 10 >US$9.6bn Aa2/AA/AA Citi/DB/ 1ADB/HSBC/JPM/SMBC -
MS+105 (+/-5) Nikko
MS+145 area 15 >US$9.6bn Aa2/AA/AA Citi/DB/ 1ADB/HSBC/JPM/SMBC -
MS+130 (+/-5) Nikko
MS+205 area 5 >US$9.6bn Aa2/AA/AA Citi/DB/ 1ADB/HSBC/JPM/SMBC -
MS+185 (+/-5) Nikko
9.4% area - US$1.6bn B2/-/B+ DB/HSBC/BNPP/CCBI /GS/Haitong / Asia 73%, Eur 27%. FM/Bks 96%, PB 4%.
3.45% area - - -/A+/- BoC/StCh/BoCom/ABCHK/CCB/ -
3.70% area - - -/A+/- BoC/StCh/BoCom/ABCHK/CCB/ -
High 5's/6% - - /Ba1/BBB- GS -
4.875% area, - €2.3bn Ba2/BB/- CS/DB/Fosun Hani/HSBC/Natx/ Cont Eur 47%, UK 24%, HK 21%, SG 6%,
4.5%/4.625% StCh/Uni Tw 2%. AM/Ins 82%, Bks/PB 18%.
T+160 area - US$1.1bn Baa1/A-/- BoC HK/BoCI/BofA/HSBC Asia 86%, Eur 14%. FM 58%, Bks 36%,
PB/Other 6%.
8.35% area - US$950m -/-/BB- BNPP/BofA/DBS/Haitong /MS/UBS Asia 82%, Eur 18%. FM/AM 70%, PB
23%, Bks/Ins 7%.
6.55% area - - Ba1/-/- SinolinkHK/Haitong /Guotai Junan/ -
CMBC Cap/Central/Orient/Industrial/
9.25%-9.50% area - >US$450m -/-/B- Alfa/BCS/JPM/RenCap/UBS/VTB -
3mL+105bp area -'- 3ml+85 Aa3/AA CA/StCh -
Lucror Analytics warned that holders of POSCO EYES 144A/REG S DEAL The lead said he expects HCFB to
Geo Energy’s US dollar bonds can put their ultimately trade slightly wide of Tinkoff.
bonds at par after 3.5 years, in April 2021, South Korean steelmaker POSCO, rated Baa1/ Demand for HCFB made the trade more
unless at any time prior to that date the BBB+, has hired banks for a proposed straightforward than recent Tier 2 issues
issuer has at least 120 million tonnes of total offering of a short to intermediate US dollar- from Alfa-Bank and Sovcombank. The lead
reserves with licences with at least eight denominated 144A/Reg S senior unsecured said that opening with a yield above 9% had
years to run, or on the put date it has 80 bond in the near future. helped grab investors’ attention.
million tonnes of total reserves with Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, “In a perverse way, AT1s are an easier
licences that expire no earlier than 2025. HSBC and Standard Chartered are the leads on sell,” he said.
“With only US$200m cash on hand, Geo the proposed deal. “If you look at the history in Russia, then
Energy will need to raise additional cash to when banks get in trouble, they do so
pay back the notes,” wrote Lucror. “With its spectacularly. All the capital gets written off.
track record, it could be challenging to tap the You can argue therefore there shouldn’t be
market to cover the shortfall, in our view.” much trading differential between AT1s and
The bonds, rated B2/B–/B were bid at a EUROPE/AFRICA Tier 2, but you are getting more yield.”
cash price of 71.5 on Friday, according to The deep liquidity of the rouble market
Tradeweb. means that Russian lenders can match their
S&P cut its rating by a notch to B– in July, RUSSIA loan books with domestic liabilities.
WARNINGûOFûRElNANCINGûRISKSûSINCEûTHEû But those looking to raise capital, while
company had not invested in its coal HCFB SHUNS SIZE FOR PRICE TAG keeping in mind the Russian regulator’s
reserves. In April Fitch revised its outlook on push towards higher capital buffers, must
the rating to negative, and said Geo Energy #ONSUMERûlNANCEûLENDERûHOME CREDIT AND turn their sights to the US dollar market.
would not meet the minimum reserve FINANCE BANK left a larger trade on the table HCFB is a subsidiary of Home Credit
requirements unless it made an acquisition. on Thursday in order to aggressively Group.
The Russian bank sold a US$200m 8.80% Credit has a large business in China, accounting
SOUTH KOREA perpetual non-call 5.25-year AT1 bond. The for about 64% of its €20.9bn outstanding loan
issuance fell US$100m short of what leads book, according to the prospectus for a planned
DOOSAN INFRACORE EYES KDB BACKING said to expect, despite books at one point Hong Kong IPO. It had assets of more than
passing US$650m. €23.6bn as of December 31.
South Korean construction equipment “The reduction of the issue amount is a The Czech Republic’s richest
manufacturer DOOSAN INFRACORE has hired strange decision in our view and will businessman, Petr Kellner, is the majority
US dollar senior unsecured notes with a wrote ING analysts. the indirect majority owner of Home Credit
guarantee from Korea Development Bank. A banker away from the deal wondered if Group.
HSBC, KDB and Societe Generale are global the initial messaging of US$300m was to Alfa-Bank, BCS Global Markets, JP Morgan,
coordinators and bookrunners on the Reg S suggest a CEMBI-eligible size and thus draw Renaissance Capital, UBS and VTB Capital were
issue. in more international interest. leads on HCFB’s trade.
$OOSANû)NFRACOREûWILLûHOLDûlXEDûINCOMEû “I guess not much came through and so
investor meetings in Asia and Europe, they decided to use Russian and/or private
starting on November 4. bank orders to just print the tightest trade SERBIA
Moody’s has assigned an Aa2 rating to the and downsize,” he said.
proposed notes. A lead said that London institutional SOVEREIGN GETS TASTE FOR EUROS
The proceeds will be used to repay debt buyers had been in the mix, alongside Swiss
and for other general corporate purposes, and Russian buyers. He said locals took SERBIA is back in the hunt for euro funding
according to Moody’s. around half of the allocations, with only a few months after it made its debut in
internationals picking up the rest. the currency.
ALL INTL EMERGING MARKETS BONDS Books at launch were more than The Balkan sovereign is contemplating a
BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2019 TO DATE US$450m, after HCFB concentrated all its deal to fund a buyback of its US$800m
Europe/Africa efforts on pricing. The yield was wrenched 4.875% February 2020s.
Managing No of Total Share in from an initial 9.25%-9.50% down to a “Whatever they buy back via the tender
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) landing point of 8.80%. has to be funded either by a new issue or a
“The decision was made by the issuer to tap of the existing bonds,” said a banker
1 Citigroup 40 11,837.73 15.2
focus on a smaller deal, and we went in and familiar with the matter.
2 JP Morgan 37 10,785.86 13.9
3 BNP Paribas 15 5,569.47 7.2
tightened quite aggressively,” said the lead. Serbia is offering to buy any-and-all of its
4 VTB Capital 15 4,841.84 6.2
“I thought we might get a bigger loss of the 2020 notes at a purchase price of 101.25.
5 Standard Chartered 14 4,213.09 5.4
book going through 9% but that didn’t The bonds are quoted on Tradeweb at
6 Gazprombank 8 4,095.65 5.3
happen.” 100.82/101.12. The tender offer expires on
7 Deutsche Bank 8 3,262.69 4.2 The nearest comparable was from online November 4.
8 SG 15 3,226.08 4.1 consumer lender Tinkoff, which has an AT1 Serbia (Ba3/BB/BB+) sold a €1bn 1.5% June
9 HSBC 10 2,871.77 3.7 callable in September 2022. Tinkoff’s note 2029 bond earlier this year, pricing the
10 Goldman Sachs 7 2,552.38 3.3 was offering a yield-to-call of 7.41%, notes just 35bp back of Croatia (Ba2/BBB-/
Total 87 77,752.64 according to Tradeweb. BBB-).
Excluding equity-related debt. HCFB’s bond carries an expected B- rating Although Fitch upgraded Serbia by one
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: L2 from Fitch, the same as Tinkoff’s note. notch in September, there remains a clear
Qatar Islamic Bank, the country’s largest Argentina’s President-elect Alberto ALL INTL EMERGING MARKETS BONDS
Islamic lender, and Qatar National Bank, the &ERNANDEZûHASûNOTûYETûMADEûANYûOFlCIALû BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2019 TO DATE
largest bank in the Middle East and Africa, APPOINTMENTSûTOûHISûECONOMICûORûlNANCIALû Latin America
raised a combined US$1.75bn in bonds in cabinet, but investors are vigilant and Managing No of Total Share
the latter half of March. expect an announcement soon. bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
QIB (A1/A-/A) has a US$750m 3.982% March Fernandez won with around 48.1% of the 1 JP Morgan 45 12,583.42 13.3
2024 sukuk that is bid at 2.90% on Tradeweb. vote over incumbent Mauricio Macri, who 2 Citigroup 35 10,697.64 11.3
QNB (Aa3/A/A+) has a US$1bn March 2024 drew about 40.4%, in the country’s 3 BofA 30 8,971.33 9.5
conventional bond yielding 2.72%. presidential elections on October 27. 4 Goldman Sachs 20 6,053.04 6.4
Fixed income meetings for MAR began on More than US$100bn of Argentine debt 5 Santander 32 5,886.45 6.2
Thursday. hangs in the balance ahead of a probable 6 HSBC 23 5,576.79 5.9
Al Rayan Investment, Boubyan Bank, MUFG, restructuring. The country has around 7 Morgan Stanley 16 4,773.54 5.0
QNB Capital and Standard Chartered are lead US$44bn of loans with the International 8 Scotiabank 18 4,186.84 4.4
managers and bookrunners. Monetary Fund. 9 Itau Unibanco 17 3,063.25 3.2
)TûFACESûAROUNDû53BNûINûlNANCINGû 10 Banco Bradesco SA 17 2,698.15 2.8
needs for 2020 should the IMF decide against Total 119 94,832.86
disbursing funds from its loan agreement Excluding equity-related debt.
If there are other people in your team, department or company who you think would benefit
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Australia 64 China 64 India 65 Indonesia 65 Malaysia 66 Vietnam 66 Czech Republic 67 France 67
Germany 67 Saudi Arabia 68 Turkey 68 UK 68 United States 70 Leveraged Loans 70 Restructuring 77
The loans are being arranged and estate and mechanical engineering. The 2016 and 2017, of which around €580m was
underwritten by BNP Paribas Fortis and Bank of group had assets of more than €45bn as of outstanding in 2018.
America. BNP Paribas is facility agent. December 2018.
Pro forma net debt to Ebitda on the TOM TAILOR UPS LOAN TO €375m
acquisition will be in the range of between
1.5 and 2.0 times with a rapid deleveraging FRANCE Clothing retailer TOM TAILOR has closed a
ALLOWINGû5#"ûTOûMAINTAINûSIGNIlCANTû €375m syndicated loan after increasing the
4HEûACQUISITIONûISûEXPECTEDûTOûCLOSEûBYûTHEû The loan, which matures in September
ENDûOFûTHEûlRSTûQUARTERû Entertainment production and distribution 2022, comprises a €145m revolving credit
Ra Pharma is a clinical-stage company BANIJAYûISûlNANCINGûITSûACQUISITIONû facility, a €160m guarantee facility and a
biopharmaceutical company leveraging a of Endemol Shine with a committed debt €70m term loan.
proprietary peptide chemistry platform. The lNANCINGûANDûAûCAPITALûINCREASE Majority shareholder Fosun International
complement biology developing therapies OFû"ANIJAYSûANDû%NDEMOLSûEXISTINGûDEBT end of 2022.
to patients with rare diseases. Deutsche Bank, Natixis and Societe Generale As part of the agreement, CFO Thomas
HAVEûUNDERWRITTENûTHEûlNANCING Dressendoerfer resigned from Tom Tailor’s
Banijay is acquiring Endemol from The management board on October 31. His
CZECH REPUBLIC Walt Disney Co and Apollo Global successor is Christian Werner with effect
Management. from November 1.
PPF LINES UP €1.15bn FOR CME Post-closing, the combined group will be Tom Tailor signed a term sheet for the
Financial investment group PPF GROUP has with a 32.9%. LONG
LINEDûUPûAûõBNûLOANûlNANCINGûTOûBACKûITSû The combined group will own almost 200
acquisition of media and entertainment production companies in 23 territories and
company Central European Media the rights for close to 100,000 hours of LUXEMBOURG
Enterprises. content.
The senior secured term loan and Pro-forma revenue of the combined group NEXA NETS US$300m RCF
revolving credit facilities have been fully ISûEXPECTEDûTOûBEûAROUNDûõBNûFORûTHEûYEARû
underwritten by BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole, ending December 31 2019. Zinc producer NEXA RESOURCES has signed a
Credit Suisse, HSBC, Societe Generale and 53MûlVE
UniCredit as mandated lead arrangers and with a syndicate of lenders.
BNP Paribas and Societe Generale are corporate purposes, providing the company
Societe Generale and Komercni banka are mEXIBILITY
facility agent and security agent, Biopharmaceutical laboratory technology The RCF pays a margin of 100bp over
respectively. company SARTORIUSûISûBACKINGûITSû53Mû three-month Libor.
4HEû53BNûACQUISITIONûWILLûBEûFUNDEDû cash acquisition of parts of Danaher’s life .EXAûISûAûLARGE
CME operates television stations in The loan is being provided by BNP Paribas smelting assets in Latin America.
"ULGARIAûTHEû#ZECHû2EPUBLICû2OMANIAû as sole mandated lead arranger, bookrunner
Slovakia and Slovenia. and underwriter.
PPF Group invests in multiple market Hengeler Mueller advised BNP Paribas on RUSSIA
telecommunications, biotechnology, real The acquired portfolio includes the METINVEST PREPAYS US$75m OF PXF
ForteBio label-free biomolecular
EMEA LOANS BOOKRUNNERS – FULLY characterisation business; the Metals and mining company METINVEST has
SYNDICATED VOLUME chromatography hardware and resins REPAIDû53MûOFûITSûPRE
BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2019 TO DATE business; and SoloHill, a microcarrier 08& ûFACILITYûAHEADûOFûSCHEDULE
Managing No of Total Share technology and particle validation standards Following the repayment, the remainder
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) business. DUEûISû53Mû-ETINVESTûSIGNEDûTHEû
1 Credit Agricole 154 36,196.72 7.7 Together the businesses had combined 53Mû08&ûINû!PRILûûANDûITûISûDUEûTOû
2 BNP Paribas 168 36,163.08 7.7 SALESûTURNOVERûOFûAROUNDû53MûINû mature in October 2022.
5 SG 108 22,346.07 4.8 Sartorius has a €400m syndicated Metinvest said the prepayment releases it
6 Deutsche Bank 80 21,864.31 4.7 revolving credit facility that was originally from scheduled principal repayments for
7 Citigroup 75 17,691.70 3.8 arranged in December 2014 via BNP Paribas, THEûNEXTûFEWûMONTHSûhPROVIDINGûGREATERû
9 Natixis 86 16,960.72 3.6 mandated lead arrangers. down-cycle”.
10 ING 106 16,388.04 3.5 4HATûlNANCINGûMATURESûINû$ECEMBERû The payment is a planned use of part of
Total 688 469,577.35 2021. the proceeds from the group’s recent dual-
Proportional credit The company also placed CURRENCYû53BN
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: R17 Schuldscheindarlehen loan notes in 2012, TRANSACTIONûWHICHûWASûAIMEDûATûEXTENDINGû
refurbishment of commercial and performance reporting of eligible projects in note programme that was introduced in
residential buildings such as 80 Charlotte its annual responsibility report. 2018.
Street W1 and Soho Place W1 in London “This funding demonstrates the growing The RCF was agreed with a syndicate of
that target and receive minimum third-party DEMANDûFORûGREENûlNANCINGûANDûTHEû relationship banks and selected new lenders
VERIlEDûGREENûBUILDINGûCERTIlCATIONûBASEDû continued focus on sustainability across the led by JP Morgan.
on measurable improvements and positive real estate sector,” said David Stephens, Lenders also include Banca Transilvania,
environmental impacts. (3"#û5+SûHEADûOFûCORPORATEûREALûESTATE Bank of China, BRD Groupe Societe Generale,
4HEûFRAMEWORKûHASûBEENûEXTERNALLYû Deutsche Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo and Raiffeisen
reviewed to ensure compliance with the GLOBALWORTH AGREES Bank International.
Green Loan Principles. €200m RCF JP Morgan Europe is facility agent.
5NDERûTHEûlNANCINGû$ERWENTûISûREQUIREDû Globalworth acquires, develops and
and the framework continue to satisfy the has signed a €200m 4.5-year unsecured Europe.
requirements of the Green Loan Principles. revolving credit facility. The company is listed on the AIM
The company will also provide qualitative 4HEûlNANCINGûHASûBEENûSTRUCTUREDûTOû segment of the London Stock
and quantitative environmental align with Globalworth’s euro medium-term %XCHANGE
Latin American banks and corporations are The company, which had already done an European banks or companies leading
facing a steep learning curve as they turn to international green bond, was confident it would the charge on sustainable finance that have
sustainable lending as a viable financing tool. apply the green standard to the loan. subsidiaries in the region can export their
As tackling climate change becomes a Other investment-grade borrowers in the knowledge to Latin America, leading to a
vital priority in the region, so does aligning region, whose revenues depend on tapping cascade of sustainable lending transactions.
environmental, social and governance strategies natural resources - particularly those within the Spanish utility IBERDROLA signed the first
with borrowing needs. Issuers are seeking advice paper, utilities, energy and mining sectors — green loan in Latin America: a US$400m
from banks on green and sustainable financings are under pressure to implement increasingly financing for Iberdrola Mexico in April 2018 that
as lenders also educate themselves on the sustainable practices, presenting both a was led by BBVA.
opportunities and challenges ahead. challenge and an opportunity for ESG financiers. US subsidiary of Iberdrola Avangrid signed
Green and ESG lending remains in its infancy Mining companies recognise the need to align a US$2.5bn sustainable credit facility in
in Latin America. Just US$18bn in green or their financing to more sustainable practices. June 2018. In March 2019, BBVA coordinated
sustainable loans has been issued across the The January 25 collapse of a tailings dam at Iberdrola’s €$1.5bn sustainable credit facility.
region since March 2018, according to LPC data. Brazilian miner VALE‘s Corrego do Feijao iron ore “When the parent company goes green, they
More exposure to these products could set mine in Brumadinho ramped up the pressure have subsidiaries that are doing the same,” said
off rapid growth in a region that is positioned to to provide safer conditions for employees and Jorge Gonzalez Jacob, global head of corporate
keep growing while ESG norms become more nearby communities. loans at BBVA.
prominent. ESG or key performance indicator-linked loans Still, some banks are tip-toeing around the
“There needs to be more education around may provide a means for mining companies to asset class, asking questions and observing
it. Sustainable finance is still very new to a lot implement more sustainable practices and to be how competitors are executing the loans before
of people,” said Tess Virmani, associate general held accountable on a financial level, by linking diving in.
counsel and senior vice president of the Loan the interest rate of the loan to the benchmarks One banker said more regulation and
Syndications and Trading Association. set by a third-party agency. standardisation on sustainable loans will be
“There could be a lot of opportunities. crucial before the practice is adopted on a
Lenders are in the best position to let their GREEN SHOOTS wide scale. It is a matter of time, as lenders are
clients know that this loan product is available.” As interest increases toward sustainable increasingly prioritising sustainable finance for
Solutions are as varied as the corporations financing in the region, the dialogue between their own bottom line.
and the banks that fund their operations. banks and issuers has heightened. “The financial industry is waking up at a
Some banks are strategically offering “We have had dozens of conversations with rapid pace to the risk and opportunities from
sustainable loans to close clients that already interested borrowers over the past few months, the changing climate and the transition to a
have an ESG strategy in place and have a specific and so far much of it is still about educating lower-carbon economy,” said Joseph Lake, COO
goal in mind, such as getting access to a new the market,” said Charlotte Peyraud, vice of The Climate Service, a climate change risk-
investor and client base. MUFG was mandated by president of sustainable banking at Credit assessment technology firm.
Chilean paper and pulp company CMPC to lead a Agricole CIB. “We’ve moved from this information being a
five-year US$100m green Shogun loan, raised in “We are seeing a lot of interest in Latin ‘nice to have’ to a ‘need to have’,” Lake said.
dollars and granted by Japanese banks. America in the early stages of this product.” Daniela Guzman
Approximately US$6bn in acquisition financing Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, would be one of the strongest ones,” said a
for fibre optic cable company ZAYO may launch Deutsche Bank, SunTrust and TD Bank provided second portfolio manager.
into the leveraged finance market before the the approximately US$8.2bn in debt for the In June 2017, the company repriced a then
end of this year, a move that will test an investor acquisition. Credit Suisse will lead any potential US$1.1bn term loan to 225bp over Libor from
base that has grown hesitant over Single B institutional Term Loan B or secured bond sale 250bp. Since then, however, the average spread
credits exposed to a cooling US economy. and Morgan Stanley is expected to coordinate for Single B rated borrowers has gapped out as
Zayo, which will use the funds to support any unsecured bond deal for Zayo. investors have scrutinised private equity-backed
its take-private buyout by investment firms LBOs. In October, new Single B loans were
Digital Colony Partners and EQT, is expected to HAPPY MEDIUM offered at roughly 450bp over Libor compared
raise the lion’s share of the US$6bn from the Sceptical investors in the past three months have with 380bp a year earlier, according to LPC data.
institutional term loan market with B2 or B3 balked at Single B rated loans, pushing companies “For exceptional B3 names there is demand,
rated leveraged loans, bankers said. for pricing and documentation concessions in but they are requiring a premium,” said one senior
CLOs, the biggest buyers of leveraged loans, exchange for commitments to riskier loans. leveraged loan banker, citing Cole-Parmer and Hub
have limited baskets for Single B rated (B1/B+, In October, winery COOPER’S HAWK and font International as examples of sponsor-backed deals
B2/B and B3/B–) debt, but Zayo’s potential software firm MONOTYPE IMAGING became the that pushed through October’s difficult marketplace.
transaction is considered a “must-own” that can latest Single B rated borrowers to accommodate On October 28, lab equipment provider
serve as a shock-absorbing credit capable of investor demands, following amended COLE-PARMER priced a US$1.09bn credit facility
performing in a downturn, the sources said. transactions from auction house Sotheby’s and that supports its buyout by investors GTCR and
“Zayo is a strong, defensive play in a non- digital imaging firm SHUTTERFLY in September. Golden Gate Capital. The B3/B rated company’s
cyclical industry. That stability goes a long CLO managers are also reluctant to buy US$770m first-lien loan priced at 425bp over
way,” one portfolio manager said. “And internet Single B rated debt that they may be forced to Libor, while a US$75m revolving credit facility
bandwidth is only going to grow. Zayo’s shed if these loans are downgraded one notch to and privately placed US$245m second-lien loan
deal should have natural tailwinds with the Triple C status. CLOs hold more than 60% of the rounded out the financing.
investment community.” roughly US$1.2trn leveraged loan market and On October 18, insurance broker HUB, also
Zayo has grown its long-haul fibre routes are typically limited on the number of loans they rated B3/B, offered a US$1.27bn incremental
throughout the US and Europe in recent years. can hold with that rating. loan at 400bp over Libor that partially financed
Its service is considered an integral connection And while Zayo, rated B2/B+, has historically a shareholder distribution.
between data centres and high-growth borrowed money at cheaper levels and more “Not all B3s are equal. A deal like Hub, the
companies such as Netflix and Google that flexible terms than other Single B rated credits, market is tripping over itself to own,” a managing
require reliable internet connectivity. it may be compelled to offer more spread and director at an investment bank said. “If you’re going
Digital Colony and EQT in May agreed to pay possibly tighter documentation to win over to be long in the B3 market, then Zayo is one you’d
US$35 for each Zayo share and assume the investors with more bargaining power. back. It’s hard to know exactly where it will price,
company’s US$5.9bn of net debt, valuing the “[Zayo] will have to pay up more than usual. but there is enough depth in the market at a price.”
leveraged buyout at US$14.3bn. But when you look at the pantheon of B3s, this Aaron Weinman
Publishing company HOUGHTON MIFFLIN implemented a series of changes to the Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, BMO Capital
YEARû loan’s documentation. Markets, Credit Suisse, MUFG and RBC arranged
Term Loan B that will be used for The seven-year TLB priced at 375bp over the transaction. Morgan Stanley is also
RElNANCING Libor, the wide end of a 350bp-375bp range administrative agent.
The deal is guided at 600bp over Libor at launch. Proceeds will repay debt, fund a
WITHûAûûmOORûAûnû/)$ûANDûûSOFTûCALLû !ûû,IBORûmOORûHASûALSOûBEENûINTRODUCEDû shareholder distribution and pay fees and
for 12 months. to the transaction, while the OID remained EXPENSESûRELATEDûTOûTHEû4,"
(OUGHTONû-IFmINSû4,"ûWILLûAMORTISEûATû at 99 and soft call protection is still 101 for Granite operates roughly 4,800 MW of
5% per year and be repaid on a quarterly SIXûMONTHS NATURALûGAS
basis. Documentation changes include a cap on THEû53
Joint lead arrangers are Citi LEADûLEFT û Ebitda add-backs, a 50bp most-favoured The company is backed by LS Power,
Morgan Stanley, BofA and Wells Fargo. Citizens is nation clause for the life of the loan and which invests, develops and operates power
co-manager. Administrative agent is Citi. restricted payments baskets have been generation assets.
LIENû4,"ûISûRATEDû#AA"""n Granite Energy will be limited in its ability COMPLETEDûAû53Mû4ERMû,OANû"
TOûOFmOADûASSETSûAWAYûFROMûLENDERSûANDûTHEREû The seven-year TLB priced at 650bp over
GRANITE ENERGY PRICES TLB are also imitations on the company’s ability ,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûû/)$ûANDûûHARDû
to invest in unrestricted subsidiaries. call protection for 12 months.
Independent power producer GRANITE ENERGY Granite Energy will also conduct quarterly Initially, the TLB was offered as a
RISK STRATEGIES, a national insurance brokerage “People really liked the company and the Earlier in the summer, ION GROUP tapped
and risk management firm, has agreed a opportunity to get really good allocations in Goldman Sachs Private Credit and HPS to
US$1.6bn unitranche loan from a group of 10 a credit they like with a sponsor they know,” a provide a US$1.25bn unitranche loan for its
direct lenders, making it one of the largest ever direct lender said. takeover of financial media and data firm Acuris,
such loans arranged to date. Risk Strategies is a portfolio company of and Golub provided a US$950m unitranche
The accelerating pace of large-scale direct Kelso. The private equity sponsor acquired a loan to cloud-based supply chain management
lending deals this year, including a raft of billion- majority stake in the brokerage firm in 2015 company E2OPEN to buy Amber Road.
dollar plus unitranche loans, underscores the from Kohlberg & Company. On October 29, Risk Typically unitranche loans have been used
depth and maturity of the private credit market. Strategies said in a release that it acquired Dash to finance private equity-backed mergers and
It also reflects a drop in bank appetite for risk. & Love, a specialty brokerage based outside of acquisitions for small and mid-sized companies,
The uptick comes at a time when increased Philadelphia. Terms of the acquisition were not but more than 40% of last quarter’s unitranche
execution risk in the broadly syndicated loan disclosed. volume was arranged for large borrowers.
market -- where leveraged borrowers have As direct lenders explained, if before they
traditionally raised funding -- is prompting OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS were focused on US$30m Ebitda companies,
private equity sponsors to seek certainty in the Private credit is no longer solely the domain of now US$100m Ebitda companies are in play.
arms of direct lenders. small to mid-sized companies and direct lenders With a significant group of private credit
“Direct lenders have become incredibly are benefiting from the repricing of risk in the players able to hold positions of roughly
valuable,” said one private credit investor. broader loan market. US$100m in a single transaction, it is easier than
“Sponsors are not willing to bet on the uncertainty Sponsors are increasingly turning to direct ever to club up a billion-dollar plus loan among
in the broadly syndicated loan market right now.” lenders to fund large sized transactions with a group of buy and hold investors.
Year-to-date at least a dozen unitranche loans unitranche loans. The structure, which combines Nor is the broadly syndicated market currently
sized at US$500m or more have been arranged senior and subordinated risk into a single offering any meaningful pricing discount
by direct lenders, according to public and private tranche of debt, is favoured for its certainty and relative to the direct lending market. At least
data tracked by LPC, roughly double the seven ease of execution. 17 companies tapping the broadly syndicated
deals completed in all of 2018. Direct lenders said sponsors are regularly market in September and October saw pricing
In this latest example, the US$1.6bn showing them deals before going to bank flex up, all of them single-B rated borrowers,
unitranche loan, which includes a US$400m arrangers or at the same time, and they expect after investors demanded higher yields to invest.
delayed draw component, was provided by the dynamic to continue. In a dislocated market, the ability of direct
administrative agent Golub Capital, together A record US$10.7bn in unitranche loans was lenders to move quickly and offer competitive terms
with Goldman Sachs, Apollo Global Management, booked in the third quarter, surpassing the mitigates certain factors, including pricing and flex
KKR, Oak Hill Advisors, Ares, Carlyle, Owl Rock US$9.2bn tally for the second quarter. risk. The direct lending deals also do not require
Capital Partners, Antares Capital and Partners Last quarter, INTEGRITY MARKETING GROUP, ratings. A sponsor may pay up incrementally in the
Group. The company also lined up a US$50m which sells life and health insurance products to direct lending market, but sponsors are willing to
revolving credit facility. the senior market, raised a US$945m unitranche swallow that to lock in pricing.
The unitranche loan priced at 550bp over loan in a deal backing private equity firm Harvest In other words, sponsors know what terms
Libor. Proceeds are slated to refinance the Partners’ strategic growth investment in the they are going to get, and that is an attractive
company’s existing capital structure, including a company. Owl Rock, Crescent Capital and proposition.
first-lien term loan priced at 425bp over Libor. Antares provided the loan. Leela Parker
600bp over Libor and a 99 OID. 0ROCEEDSûWILLûRElNANCEûANûEXISTINGûBRIDGEû The seven-year TLB priced at 375bp over
The loan also includes 50bp of most- loan issued by Cooper’s Hawk sponsor Ares ,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûAûû/)$ûHAVINGû
favoured nation protection for lenders for Management that was used, along with an LAUNCHEDûATûBPnBPûWITHûAûû/)$
THEûLIFEûOFûTHEûLOANûANDûTHEûEXCESSûCASHûmOWû equity contribution, to fund the buyout of The Morgan Stanley-led deal includes 101
sweep opens at 75%. the company. SOFTûCALLûPROTECTIONûFORûSIXûMONTHSû)TûWILLû
The TLB will also be governed by a net Ares invested in Cooper’s Hawk in July. amortise at 1% per year.
LIENûLEVERAGE same time sold its minority investment in additional proceeds will be used for working
Bank of America, Jefferies and RBC Capital Cooper’s Hawk. capital.
Markets arranged the transaction. BofA was 0ROMONTORYûALSOûRAISEDûAû53Mû
also the administrative agent. PROMONTORY SEALS LBO LOAN SECOND
revolving credit facility.
Adjusted debt to Ebitda was 8.1 times for Financial services provider PROMONTORY #ORPORATEûRATINGSûAREû""nûANDûTHEûlRST
the 12 months ending July 3, 2019, according INTERFINANCIALûHASûCLOSEDûAû53Mû4ERMû lien debt is rated B1/B.
TOû-OODYSû4HISûISûEXPECTEDûTOûREMAINûABOVEû Loan B that will support its acquisition by Pending the acquisition by Blackstone,
be above 7.0 times, according to Moody’s. the margin from days 31-60 and 100% of the 4HEREûAREûCORPORATEûANDûlRST
Blackstone agreed in September to margin from day 61 onwards. of B2/B.
ACQUIREûTHEûCOMPANYûFORûAPPROXIMATELYû Previously, ticking fees were 0% through The senior secured term loan B will
53BN days 0-60, before kicking in at 50% of the RElNANCEûTHEûCOMPANYSûCAPITALûSTRUCTUREû
Promontory provides deposit allocation margin from days 61-120 and 100% of the lNANCEûITSûTERMINATIONûOFûOBLIGATIONSûUNDERû
banks. Goldman Sachs was the sole lead arranger ANDûEXPENSESûRELATEDûTOûTHEûTRANSACTION
Healthcare provider INNOVACARE sweetened on the transaction. Bank of America, Citigroup, RBC, Barclays,
THEûTERMSûONûAû53Mû4ERMû,OANû" 0ROCEEDSûWILLûBEûUSEDûTOûRElNANCEûTHEû Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan
The seven-year TLB is now priced at 575bp COMPANYSûEXISTINGûDEBTûFUNDûAû53Mû arranged the deal.
OVERû,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûû/)$ûANDûû dividend and add cash to the balance sheet, #LARIVATEûAGREEDûTOûPAYû53MûTOû
soft call protection for 12 months. Moody’s said. terminate its TRA that it established on May
The loan was initially shopped at a range The ratings agency also said an unnamed 10 with its shareholders prior to listing on
)NNOVA#AREûISûALSOûRAISINGûANû53Mû 53M as Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property &
Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs are APPROXIMATELYû53MûBUTûTHEûEQUITYû assets that resulted from its sale by
ARRANGINGûTHEûlNANCING interest from the unnamed company will Thomson Reuters in 2016.
LIENûRATINGSûAREû"" reduce debt to Ebitda to 5.4 times at the end 0RIVATEûEQUITYûlRMSû/NEXûANDû"ARINGû
0ROCEEDSûWILLûlNANCEû3UMMITû0ARTNERSû of 2019 from 6.5 times, Moody’s said. Private Equity Asia bought the business for
acquisition of the company. #ORPORATEûANDûlRST
InnovaCare’s projected 2019 year-end COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT revised pricing on Hotel operator AIMBRIDGE HOSPITALITY has
adjusted debt to Ebitda remains less than 3.0 Aû53BNûCREDITûFACILITYûTHEûLABORATORYû lNALISEDûAû53MûFUNGIBLEûADD
times, according to Moody’s. equipment company is raising to fund its lRST
InnovaCare is the largest integrated sale to GTCR. which will support its acquisition of
healthcare system in Puerto Rico and has a Jefferies was lead left arranger on the Interstate Hotels and Resorts.
growing presence in Florida. ACQUISITIONûlNANCINGûWHICHûCOMPRISESûAû The add-on TLB, led by JP Morgan, cleared
equivalent second-lien term loan. months.
Gas station operator UNITED PACIFIC revised 0RICINGûFORûTHEûlRST
THEûTERMSûONûAû53Mû4ERMû,OANû" ATûBPûOVERû,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûû lien debt and increased its revolving credit
The seven-year TLB priced at 400bp over OID. The spread cleared at the wide end of FACILITYûBYû53MûTOû53M
Libor, the tight end of the 400bp-425bp guidance, while the discount priced Aimbridge is acquiring Interstate for
revised to 1% from 0%, while the 99 OID and Price guidance was set at a range 400bp- Moody’s. In addition to the debt,
ûSOFTûCALLûPROTECTIONûFORûSIXûMONTHSûWEREû BPûOVERû,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûAûû Aimbridge’s private equity sponsor Advent
The TLB will amortise at 1% per year and is There is also a 25bp stepdown when the contribution to support the purchase.
LIENûLEVERAGEûRATIOûMOVESûAû The combined company’s debt to Ebitda is
LIENû half turn inside of closing leverage. EXPECTEDûTOûBEûROUGHLYûûTIMESûATûTHEûENDû
net leverage ratio of no more than 5.5 times. MFN protection was also revised to 50bp OFûûANDûISûEXPECTEDûTOûDECREASEûTOûLESSû
4HEû53MûlNANCINGûINCLUDESûAû for life versus earlier guidance of 75bp with than 6.0 times within 12-18 months of the
DRAWûTERMûLOAN AûSIXûMONTHûSUNSETûPROVISION acquisition closing, Moody’s said.
Ticking fees on the DDTL have been GTCR and Golden Gate Capital are !IMBRIDGEûISûRATEDû""ûANDûTHEûlRST
amended to 0% through days 0-30, 50% of recapitalising Cole-Parmer alongside CEO debt is rated B1/B.
Bernd Brust and the Cole-Parmer Prescription drug price comparison and
US LEVERAGED LOANS management team. coupon platform GOODRX has closed a
BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2019 TO DATE As part of the transaction, GTCR will acquire 53MûINCREMENTALûTERMûLOAN
Managing No of Total Share a majority stake in Cole-Parmer, while Golden Final terms were 300bp over Libor with a
bank or group issues US$(m) (%) Gate Capital and management will retain a ûmOORûû/)$ûANDûûSOFTûCALLû
2 Wells Fargo 343 70,450.47 9.8 Pricing also includes a 25bp step-down
4 Citigroup 193 35,755.80 5.0 times.
5 Barclays 175 33,678.77 4.7 Information provider CLARIVATE ANALYTICS has The incremental debt will be fungible
7 Credit Suisse 144 26,904.42 3.7 The loan, which had originally been October 2025.
9 RBC 119 20,936.76 2.9 Libor with a step-down to 300bp when total ITSû53MûREVOLVINGûCREDITûFACILITYûBYûONEû
10 PNC Financial 144 20,725.36 2.9 net leverage is at 4.5 times. It was issued year to 2024.
Total 1,752 720,392.07 with a 99.75 OID. Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Bank of America,
Excluding Project Finance. The seven-year term loan B was originally Credit Suisse, KKR, Citizens and SunTrust are
Source: Refinitiv SDC code: P2 offered at 325bp over Libor with a 99 OID. arranging the transaction.
A €900m loan backing KKR’s acquisition of a For those investors that were able to play, greater than 5.2 times on a look through basis,
44% stake in publicly-listed German publisher they needed to get comfortable with having an to 575bp, when leverage is greater than 5.7
AXEL SPRINGER has closed, overcoming a number opco/holdco structure in place, when there is times and to 600bp, when leveraged is more
of hurdles including investor reservations only a minority stake in the operating company. than 6.2 times.
regarding security over the asset and a large A financing like this depends on dividends being A ticking fee was also added, which pays 50%
number of CLOs that were prevented from streamed out an operating company to pay of the margin after 45 days and 100% of the
participating after the deal was unable to secure interest on a loan in a holding company. margin after 90 days.
a Moody’s rating. The financing was offered with a €125m revolving Most investors that went into the deal were
A €725m Term Loan B closed to pay 500bp, credit facility that can be used to cover around 3.25 attracted by the prospect of KKR taking the
from initial guidance of 475bp-500bp with a years of interest payments. It was initially launched company private in the future and the subsequent
99.5 OID, after the loan attracted significant at €175m and could still reach this level. relocation of the financing to the opco level. KKR
interest from credit funds and banks. “The large revolver is an insurance policy at also added some weight to the deal, as one of the
The loan was placed in a holdco structure, the holdco if there is a scenario where dividends larger, more well-known players in the market.
after the private equity firm only managed to don’t come in. It is an additional source of liquidity “The quality of the company, the potential
secure a minority stake in Axel Springer. Moody’s to give investors further piece of mind and helps push down of the loan to the opco in due course,
was unable to give a rating as it cannot rate a them sleep better at night,” a senior banker said. and the KKR name certainly helped gained
holdco that owns a minority sharing in an opco, The financing was also offered with a debt momentum,” a second senior banker said.
when there is a single dividend stream, sources incurrence covenant at the opco level, that the KKR, UniCredit, Barclays, BNP Paribas, Credit
said. opco won’t relever above 4 times. Agricole, Helaba, LBBW, JP Morgan and Societe
This was a blow during syndication as it Generale led the financing.
prevented a large number of CLOs, dependant INVESTOR-FRIENDLY KKR, acting in concert with main shareholders
on a Moody’s rating, going into the deal. To make the loan more attractive, an upward Friede Springer and Doepfner, tendered to buy
However, some of the newer CLOs could invest margin ratchet was added during the out minorities for €63 a share, putting an equity
as the deal was assigned a Single B rating from syndication process on the Term Loan B. The value on Springer €6.8bn.
Fitch and S&P. margin will step up to 550bp when leverage is Claire Ruckin
Proceeds, along with cash on hand, will be 6ERMAATûWHICHûEMPLOYSûOVERûû Bank of America is the sole physical
LIENû PEOPLEûISûEXPECTEDûTOûGENERATEûCLOSEûTOû bookrunner on the dollar portion and joint
term loan. €300m of sales in 2019. physical bookrunner on the euro portion
services to markets including corporates, BBVA and JP Morgan are passive
museums, hospitals and travel hubs. It bookrunners on the deal.
EUROPE/MIDDLE EAST/ operates more than 350 food and beverage
AFRICA outlets across the Netherlands, including MASMOVIL RETURNS TO REPRICE
restaurants, cafes and canteens, and has a
LENDERS LINE UP ON VERMAAT growing presence in Germany. Spanish telecoms company MASMOVIL has
launched a €1.45bn term loan repricing,
Five lenders have joined SMBC on a GRIFOLS EYES REFINANCING taking advantage of strong market demand.
LEVERAGEDûLOANûlNANCINGûBACKINGûPRIVATEû The deal is guided at around 275bp over
EQUITYûlRMû"RIDGEPOINTSûACQUISITIONûOFû Spanish pharmaceutical company GRIFOLS Euribor, plus or minus 12.5bp. It includes a
Dutch hospitality services provider VERMAAT. HASûSETûPRICEûGUIDANCEûONû53BN
Goldman Sachs, Bank of Ireland, Rabobank and equivalent of loans that form part of a is guided at 99.75.
ABN AMRO have been mandated as physical 53BNûDUAL
BOOKRUNNERSûONûTHEûlNANCINGûANDûInvestec as package. after Masmovil secured its €1.45bn seven-
bookrunner, alongside SMBC, which is !û53BNûTERMûLOANû"ûISûGUIDEDûATûBPû year covenant-lite term loan B in May. The
leading the deal as global coordinator. OVERû,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûANû
syndication of a senior loan to investors in denominated TLB is guided at 225bp-250bp That deal included €280m of capital
A second-lien loan that was underwritten 4HEûTRANSACTIONûALSOûINCLUDESû53BN
with a margin ratchet based on
by SMBC has been pre-placed with funds. equivalent euro senior secured notes. environmental, social and governance ratings.
Bridgepoint agreed in October to buy The loans will mature in eight years and BNP Paribas and Goldman Sachs are global
6ERMAATûFROMû0ARTNERSû'ROUPûWHICHû INCLUDEûûSOFTûCALLûPROTECTIONûFORûSIXû coordinators and physical bookrunners on
acquired the company in 2015. Partners months. the new deal, alongside with JP Morgan as
Group will remain a minority investor. .OûlNANCIALûCOVENANTSûAREûINCLUDED global coordinator.
The deal will reset 101 soft call protection Banca IMI, Citi, Mediobanca and UBS are the European distribution arm of Irish
FORûSIXûMONTHS bookrunners. building materials supplier CRH in a bid to
Corporate ratings are BB-/B1/BB-. The deal also includes a €130m revolving GAINûSUFlCIENTûINVESTORûSUPPORT
credit facility. The seven-year, covenant-lite loan is now
Swiss chemicals company ARCHROMA has mOORû4HEû/)$ûHASûALSOûWIDENEDûTOûûFROMû
to partially repay a second-lien loan. Soft call protection of 101 has been
GUIDEDûATûBPûOVERû%URIBORûWITHûAûûmOORû group BELRON has allocated its loans that will Investors were concerned about the
term loan B. The deal comprises a €100m add-on EXPOSUREûTOûTHEûCYCLICALûCONSTRUCTIONûSECTORû
The deal includes a 25bp consent fee and TRANCHEûANDûAû53MûTERMûLOAN which led to the hike in pricing.
ûCALLûPROTECTIONûFORûSIXûMONTHS The margin on the fungible euro- “The issue with the credit is it’s a very low
HSBC is sole physical bookrunner, denominated loan, which will mature in margin business, and we are concerned
alongside Bank of America as bookrunner. November 2024, is 275bp over Euribor, ABOUTûTHEûBUSINESSûPROlLEûRISKvûSAIDûANû
LIENûTERMûLOANûTOûPAYûDOWNûDEBTû4HEû There is a 12.5bp consent fee and the deal we just don’t see a massive synergy there.
INCLUDESûûSOFTûCALLûFORûSIXûMONTHS And we are concerned about the sector, it’s
equivalent euro-denominated term loan and The dollar-denominated Term Loan B, not appealing to us.”
DENOMINATEDûLOANû4HEû which matures in November 2026, pays The high opening leverage of the business
BPûOVERû,IBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûAûû also put some investors off.
year second-lien term loan. OID. It was guided at 250bp over Libor with According to Moody’s, which assigned a
The euro-denominated term loan priced at a 99 OID. B2 corporate family rating on the
discount of 99.75, while the dollar-denominated lNANCINGûONûTHEûDOLLARSûANDûTHEûEUROSû around 6.5 times based on Moody’s adjusted
term loan was issued at 425bp over Libor with a respectively, alongside ING and BNP Paribas gross debt and Ebitda.
ûmOORûANDûAûDISCOUNTûOFû as bookrunners and arrangers. Barclays, Fifth 4HATSûHIGHERûTHANûTHEûCOMPANYSûlGURESû
Third Bank, Goldman Sachs, KBC and Citizens According to marketing materials, net
TAGHLEEF LAUNCHES €340m REFI Bank are bookrunners. senior leverage on the deal is 4.5 times and
Clayton Dubilier & Rice completed the net total leverage is 5.7 times, based on the
0ACKAGINGûlLMSûCOMPANYûTAGHLEEF INDUSTRIES acquisition of a 40% stake in Belron in 2018. last twelve months pro forma adjusted
has launched a €340m Term Loan B to Belgian peer D’Ieteren and Belron’s Ebitda of €214m.
management hold the remaining 60%. Apart from the Term Loan B, there is also
denominated term loan. Corporate family and facility ratings are a €248m, eight-year second-lien loan. A
The loan, which will mature November Ba3/BB. €180m revolving credit facility rounds off
2026, is guided at 275bp over Euribor with a THEûlNANCING
PAR INSPIRED EDUCATION CLOSES Goldman Sachs is left lead, with BNP Paribas,
The deal includes 101 soft call protection Fortis, Bank of America, Credit Suisse, MUFG,
FORûSIXûMONTHS Private school chain INSPIRED EDUCATION has NatWest Markets and SMBC as bookrunners.
Corporate and issuer ratings are Ba3/BB-. completed a €150m add-on loan. The unit, which provides cement, asphalt
Credit Suisse is physical bookrunner. The margin on the covenant-lite loan and other building materials, operates
4HEûlRMûLASTûTAPPEDûTHEûLOANûMARKETûINû lNALISEDûATûBPûOVERû%URIBORûFROMûBPû under 18 brands across Europe. It generated
September 2018 when it secured a €55m GUIDANCEûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûATûPARû4HEû/)$û 2018 pro forma revenues of €3.7bn and 2018
add-on at 300bp over Euribor with a 0% was guided at 99.75. pro forma Ebitda of €173m.
mOORû4HATûDEALûWASûISSUEDûATûPARû The €465m term loan B was also repriced
ONûWASûTOûlNANCEûTHEûlRMSû at 325bp over Euribor, down from pricing of EUROPEAN LEVERAGED LOANS
ACQUISITIONûOFû"IOlLMûWHICHûMANUFACTURESû 350bp, after a positive market response. BOOKRUNNERS: 1/1/2019 TO DATE
BIAXIALLYûORIENTEDûPOLYPROPYLENEûlLMSûANDû The add-on is fungible with the term loan Managing No of Total Share
is based in Bogota, Colombia. B, which is due in May 2026. bank or group issues US$(m) (%)
HSBC and Morgan Stanley were 1 BNP Paribas 55 8,733.29 8.3
AFFIDEA SEALS €450m TLB bookrunners, with Wilmington as agent. 2 Goldman Sachs 37 8,004.60 7.6
Proceeds are for general corporate 3 JP Morgan 36 7,401.74 7.0
European diagnostic imaging and cancer purposes, including the acquisition of 4 Credit Agricole 38 7,057.97 6.7
care company AFFIDEA has closed a €450m INTERNATIONALûSCHOOLSûCOMPANYû+INGSû'ROUPû 5 Deutsche Bank 39 5,885.41 5.6
seven-year loan via physical bookrunners and Reddam House Australia. 6 Barclays 33 5,285.56 5.0
Goldman Sachs and UniCredit. Inspired Education operates 53 schools 7 Natixis 33 5,143.73 4.9
The covenant-lite term loan B priced at ACROSSûlVEûCONTINENTS 8 Credit Suisse 24 4,475.65 4.2
BPûOVERû%URIBORûWITHûAûûmOORûANDûAûû 9 BofA 20 3,977.96 3.8
OID. It was guided at 400bp-425bp over with a CRH UNIT WIDENS PRICING 10 SG 19 3,739.19 3.5
û/)$û4HEREûISûûSOFTûCALLûFORûSIXûMONTHS Total 174 105,619.92
0ROCEEDSûWILLûBEûUSEDûTOûRElNANCEû Pricing has been widened on a €965m Term Excluding project finance. Western Europe only included.
facilities due 2021-2022. Loan B backing Blackstone’s acquisition of Source: Refinitiv SDC code: P10
Private equity giant Blackstone Group has A number of investors in CLOs are holding talks A total of six ESG-compliant CLO funds have
YEARûLOANû with CLO managers over how environmental, been issued in Europe and at least two in the
for its leveraged buyout of India’s ESSEL social and governance issues factor into their US so far, by avoid investing in sectors including
PROPACKûWITHûAûDOZENûLENDERSûJOININGûINû leveraged loan portfolio decisions. tobacco, gambling, pornography, weapons and
syndication. CLO fund investors, such as ESG-focused hazardous chemicals.
Goldman Sachs, Investec, Standard Chartered Hermes Investment Management, are However, leveraged loans from these sectors
and UBS were the mandated lead arrangers, hoping that CLO mangers will increase their are scarce, so the investment restrictions do
bookrunners and underwriters of the engagement with leveraged loan borrowers or not have significant credit impact on the CLOs
lNANCINGûWHILEûBarclays and Nomura joined their private equity sponsors on ESG matters. and their performance is comparable to peers,
the deal as MLAs and underwriters. Hermes is aiming to raise sustainability according to Moody’s.
Mandated lead arrangers are MUFG, Intesa awareness by having in-depth talks with CLO CLO managers argue it is difficult to measure
Sanpaolo, Korea Development Bank, Sumitomo managers in pitch meetings. ESG risk in leveraged loans due to the absence of
Mitsui Trust Bank, Siemens Bank, Woori Bank, “We are engaging with CLO managers on ESG ESG-related information on the issuers.
Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank, Bank Sinopac, KGI and how they factor it in to each loan investment “We barely get enough transparency from
Bank and E.Sun Commercial Bank. decision, rather than simply asking them about the company and private equity sponsors. When
The loan paid all-in pricing in the low to their ESG policy. If a loan is scoring poorly on you call the CFO and ask ‘Oh by the way, what is
mid-300s and has an average life of 4.9 certain ESG metrics, we want to understand what your recycling policy?’ The guy will hang up the
years. the manager is doing to address this and what phone,” said a CLO manager.
Epsilon Bidco, the acquiring entity, is the conversations they are having with the sponsor,” For well-resourced CLO managers, they might
BORROWERûOFûTHEû,"/ûLOANûWHICHûlNANCESû said Andrew Lennox, ABS portfolio manager at subscribe ESG data from several providers such
Blackstone’s purchase of a 75% stake in Essel Hermes Investment Management. as MSCI and Sustainalytics instead of doing by
Propack. “There is an increasing amount of data that themselves, but still the data is limited in the
India-listed shares of the target form the supports the positive impact of engagement on leveraged loan market.
collateral for the loan, which represents a investment performance, but we believe the CLO MSCI, which provides ESG ratings for 8,100
leverage of 3.9 times. space is lagging.” equity issuers and 5,000 fixed income issuers,
Essel Propack manufactures collapsible The ultimate goal is to see a wave of CLO admitted the challenges of leveraged loan
laminated and plastic tubes. managers that will ramp up efforts to hold coverage.
issuers or sponsors to account on their ESG “Some leveraged loan issuers are very small,
EVOLUTION WELLNESS NETS responsibilities, Lennox said. private companies. Nobody has that data,”
US$200m The majority of private equity firms are not said Elisabeth Seep, head of fixed income ESG
paying attention to ESG matters in their portfolio Products at MSCI.
EVOLUTION WELLNESSûHASûCLOSEDûAû53Mû companies because immediate cost cuttings Without full ESG coverage on the leveraged loans,
TRANCHEûlNANCINGû and earning enhancements are the priority the CLO managers will struggle to show investors
with two other lenders joining in following a buyout, rather than long-term ESG how well they integrate ESG in their investments.
syndication. improvement planning. “If we don’t rate all of the underlying
Lead left Standard Chartered Bank and collateral, then we won’t have access to sufficient
Kiatnakin Bank were the mandated lead LACK OF DATA information to form an overall view on the
arrangers and bookrunners of the deal, To address growing demands from CLO investors transaction,” said Andrew Steel, global head of
WHICHûCOMPRISESûAû53MûTERMûLOANûAû over ESG issues, some CLO managers have sustainable finance at Fitch Ratings.
53MûREVOLVINGûCREDITûFACILITYûANDûAû adopted a screening approach in their funds. Prudence Ho
HSBC, also the facility agent, joined as an
three banks pre-funded the transaction after undisclosed. Aû53MûTERMûLOANûAû53M
signing it on June 10. Proceeds will be used primarily to TERMûlNANCINGûDENOMINATEDûINû4HAIû
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank and NEC Capital RElNANCEûAû53MûlVE
Solutions came in as lead arrangers. backed the creation of Evolution Wellness PIECEûANDûAû53MûREVOLVINGûCREDITû
The secured deal pays an interest margin following the merger between Fitness First facility.
of 375bp over Libor. and Celebrity Fitness First in 2017. The +UALAû,UMPUR
Financial covenants require the borrower remainder of the latest loan will be used for Partners and Los Angeles-headquartered
to maintain a total net leverage ratio of 3 CAPITALûEXPENDITUREûANDûGENERALûCORPORATEû Oaktree Capital Management own 75% and
times that steps down; interest coverage purposes. 25% of Evolution Wellness, respectively. The
ratio of 5 times that steps up; a debt service (3"#û+IATNAKINû"ANKûANDû3TAN#HARTû COMPANYûHASûALMOSTûûlTNESSûCLUBSûACROSSû
coverage ratio of 1.2 times; as well as certain were the lenders on the previous Asia.
slashed as coal companies have struggled shares it does not already own in the
due to growing use of renewables and cheap company.
%IGHTûOTHERûCOALûCOMPANIESûHAVEûlLEDûFORû £80m to repay its debt facilities, meet its
bankruptcy over the last two years as ongoing working capital requirements and
UNITED STATES natural gas has taken over as the primary provide it with growth capital.
FUELûFORû53ûPOWERûPLANTSûWHILEûCOALSûSHAREû “Meditor has indicated that the possible
MURRAY ENERGY FILES FOR BANKRUPTCY of generation has collapsed. offer would be at 5p per share, paid in cash.
MURRAY ENERGY, one of the largest privately EXPECTEDûTOûFALLûTOûûINûûCOMPAREDû Meditor will convert the majority of the
HELDû53ûCOALûMINERSûWHOSEûFOUNDERûISûANû with roughly 25% this year. As recently as outstanding debt under the debt facilities
ally of President Donald Trump, became the 2003, coal accounted for half of the into equity and provide the company with
LATESTûINûAûSTRINGûOFûCOALûCOMPANIESûTOûlLEûFORû country’s electricity generation, according additional capital,” Carpetright said.
bankruptcy on Tuesday as generators shift TOûTHEû53û%NERGYû)NFORMATIONû In September Meditor acquired
to cleaner burning natural gas and Administration. Carpetright’s £40.7m revolving credit
renewable energy. Robert Moore will take over as president FACILITYûFROMû.AT7ESTûANDû!)"ûTHATûEXPIRESû
As part of a restructuring, founder Robert and CEO of the company while Murray will on December 31 2019.
Murray, a Trump ally and climate change head up the board of directors. The company’s overdraft facilities
and a lender group will take on more than FUNDEDûBYû-EDITORûAREûALSOûDUEûTOûEXPIREûONû
The company intends to continue AFRICA A £25.7m unsecured loan provided to the
operating during the Chapter 11 company by Meditor on May 11 2018 is due
reorganisation with cash on hand and access CARPETRIGHT PLANS DEBT PAYDOWN for repayment on July 31 2020.
TOûAû53Mû$)0ûlNANCINGûFROMûLENDERS Carpetright said its statutory net debt as
The bankruptcy comes even after the 5+ûmOORINGûRETAILERûCARPETRIGHT is in at October 26 2019 was around £27m and is
Trump administration weakened or discussions to sell itself to its largest EXPECTEDûTOûRISEûTOûBETWEENûaMûTOûaMû
ELIMINATEDûDOZENSûOFûENVIRONMENTALû shareholder Meditor European Master Fund in December 2019.
regulations that Murray and other in order to pay down debt and secure its Carpetright is one in a long list of
EXECUTIVESûHADûCALLEDûBURDENSOMEûFORûTHEû future. household name retailers which have run
coal industry. Meditor, which currently owns around INTOûTRADINGûDIFlCULTIESûINûTHEûLASTûYEARûASûAû
Early in the Trump presidency, Murray 29.99% of Carpetright’s share capital, is in result of a fall in consumer demand powered
presented the administration with a wish talks with the group to convert its debt into by a move to online shopping, high rents
list of environmental regulations he wanted equity as it looks to purchase the remaining ANDûOVERûEXPANSIONûINûTHEûLASTûDECADE
Ukrainian steel company INTERPIPE has finally a US$45.8m new senior term loan facility due have contributed US$50m of extra cash equity
completed a debt restructuring of its bonds and December 31 2020. to the group and provided a further US$20m
loans, which began in late 2013. Creditors will also get a portion of a one-off stand-by equity commitment to help its post
All the creditors had a portion of their debt US$103m cash payment – a restructuring fee – restructuring operational performance.
written off as part of the restructuring deal, which is based on accrued and unpaid interest Interpipe has been impacted by the fall in
which includes a reduction, amendment and on the pre-restructured debt, according to one oil prices as well as political tensions between
restatement of the debt as a series of new notes source close to the situation. Russia and the Ukraine.
and loan facilities. Separately, and as a condition to the Between 2012 to 2016, the group’s Ebitda
Interpipe’s existing US$200m 10.25% secured restructuring, the group’s existing working declined by 85%, leading to pressure on the
notes that were due in 2017 have been cancelled capital debt facilities have also been written group’s debt repayment ability. In 2013 it
in exchange for a US$82m portion of new down and the balance refinanced into two breached certain financial covenants and missed
US$309.1m 10.25% guaranteed notes due in restructured working capital facilities totalling scheduled principal repayments of US$106m.
2024 and 3,054 units of performance securities. US$45m, also due December 31 2020. Between 2014 and 2017 it failed to make
The total size of Interpipe’s post restructuring The performance securities will give lenders US$545m of the scheduled principal repayments.
syndicated and bilateral facilities is not clear, but and bondholders a proportion of the company’s However, Ebitda has since recovered, with a
they include a US$334m tranche of a term loan Ebitda, “effectively giving them an upside of the 158% increase in 2017 from 2016.
that matured in November last year, according business going forward, like an insurance policy,” Interpipe is the largest vertically integrated
to LPC data. the source said. manufacturer of steel billets, steel pipes and
Part of the existing syndicated credit It would also give them a portion of the proceeds railway wheels in Ukraine. All of its manufacturing
facilities were written down and refinanced with of any disposals which are made, although none operations are located in Ukraine, where it
lenders. In return they were issued the balance are planned at present, the source said. operates four production sites and one scrap-
(US$227.1m) of the new notes. Another part The portion of this Ebitda or disposal upside processing company. It supplies its products to
of the existing syndicated credit facilities were will decrease once the debt is refinanced. customers in more than 70 countries globally.
also written down, amended and restated as In addition, Interpipe’s existing shareholders Sandrine Bradley
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03"#ûANNOUNCEDûITSû3HANGHAIûLISTINGûPLANû No of Total Share No of Total Share
INûû4HEû#HINAû"ANKINGûANDû)NSURANCEû Legal adviser issues US$(m) (%) Legal adviser issues US$(m) (%)
2EGULATORYû#OMMISSIONûlNALLYûAPPROVEDû 1 Freshfields Bruckhaus 9 6,809.3 7.7 1 Linklaters 13 6,410.3 7.3
THEûDEALûINû*UNE 2 Linklaters 8 4,271.9 4.8 2 Latham & Watkins 11 5,027.8 5.7
4HEûISSUERûWASûGIVENûlNALûAPPROVALûFORûITSû 3 Latham & Watkins 15 3,141.8 3.6 3 Allen & Overy 6 4,330.8 4.9
)0/ûONû/CTOBERûûONLYûAûDAYûAFTERûITûCLEAREDû 4 Clifford Chance 4 3,009.9 3.4 4 Clifford Chance 5 4,315.7 4.9
AûREGULATORYûHEARINGûATûTHEû#HINAû3ECURITIESû 5 Allen & Overy 6 2,808.9 3.2 5 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton 6 2,293.3 2.6
2EGULATORYû#OMMISSIONû.ORMALLYûISSUERSû 6 Kirkland & Ellis 3 2,729.4 3.1 6 White & Case 11 2,115.5 2.4
HAVEûTOûWAITûWEEKSûORûEVENûMONTHSûAFTERû 7 Davis Polk & Wardwell 4 2,329.0 2.6 7 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 7 1,813.4 2.1
CLEARINGûAûLISTINGûHEARINGûTOûRECEIVEûWRITTENû 8 Advokatfirman Vinge 9 1,810.0 2.1 8 Lenz & Staehelin 1 1,526.1 1.7
APPROVAL 9 Cooley 10 1,634.4 1.9 9 Homburger 2 765.5 0.9
03"#ûRAISEDû(+BNû53BN ûFROMû =10 BianchiSchwald 1 1,526.1 1.7 10 Ashurst 2 749.4 0.9
ITSû(ONGû+ONGû)0/ûINû =10 Niederer Kraft & Frey 1 1,526.1 1.7 Total 693 88,215.9
CICC and China Post Securities AREûTHEûJOINTû Total 693 88,215.9 Source: Refinitiv SDC code: AX4
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36Kr 12, 84 Credit Mutuel Arkea 35 ION Group 72 SBI General Insurance 85
89bio 90 Credit Suisse 16, 22, 24 JP Morgan 22, 40 SCG Packaging 85
Adira Dinamika Multi Finance 65 CRH 75 JS Global Lifestyle 83 Schmolz + Bickenbach 39
Aesthetic Medical 12 Crocs 89 Kaisa Group Holdings 54, 55 SDIC Power Holdings 81
Affidea 75 Crown Holdings 39 KfW 27 SEB 35
African Export-Import Bank 86 Daimler 33 Kildare Partners 41 Sekisui House REIT 66
Aimbridge Hospitality 73 Dalipal Holdings 83 KKR 43 Serbia 59
Akbank 68 Danaher 27 KPN 31 SES 31
Alabama Power 8 Danish Ship Finance 35 Lakeside Asset Backed Securitisation 1 41 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 12
Alibaba Group Holding 80 Derwent London 68 Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg 8 Shop Direct 39
Allsup’s 70 Deutsche Bank 10, 23, 35, 37 Langham Hospitality Investments 64 S Hotels and Resorts 85
Ameren 8 Deutsche Industrie REIT 86 Lazard 17 Shutterfly 71
Amplify Snack Brands 29 Deutsche Kreditbank 4 LBBW 35 Siberian Anthracite 5
Andrade Gutierrez 61 DH Europe Finance II 28 Lebanon 6 Silvergate Capital 89
Anixter International 70 DIA 39, 87 Lizhi 12, 84 Sime Darby Plantations 65
Antero Resources 25 DiaMonTech 86 Macquarie 20 Sinic Holdings (Group) 82
Archroma 75 DNEG 13 Magazine Luiza 90 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken 8
Astra Sedaya Finance 66 Doosan Infracore 59 Mamoura 53 SKF 32
Aurelius Equity Opportunities 32 Dover Corporation 30 Masmovil 74 Sophos 70
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group 35 DTE Energy 92 Masraf Al Rayan 60 South Africa 53
Australian Finance Group 45 DTEK Renewables 60 Meili Auto 12, 83 Southern California Edison 8
Axel Springer 74 Duke Energy 8 Metinvest 67 Southwestern Energy’s 25
Axis Real Estate Investment Trust 85 E2open 72 Midsona 87 Sovereign Housing 32
Banco Original 61 Ebang International 13 Miniso 81 SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt 37
Banco Sabadell 36, 42 EHang 12, 83 Mizuho 22 Sprout Social 90
Banijay 67 Eli Lilly 30 Moelis 17 SP Transmission 33
Bank of America 16, 22 Elite Partners Capital 79 Mong Duong Finance Holdings 66 Sta Lucia Land 85
Banna RMBS 41 Emerald Italy 2019 40 Monotype Imaging 71 Standard Chartered 20
Banque Internationale a Luxembourg 35 Emirates NBD Bank 88 Morgan Stanley 22 Starbucks 70
Barclays 19, 22 Endeavour Energy Group 33 Mozambique 24 State Street 35
Bawag 86 E.ON 29 MTR 55 Stedin 31, 32
Beijing Capital Group 55 Essel Propack 76 Murray Energy 77 SUEK 5
Beijing Kingsoft Office Software 83 Esterline Technologies 37 Naftogaz 60 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 37
Beijing New Space Technology 83 Evolution Wellness 76 New Hope Liuhe 91 Sunac China Holdings 55
Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway 80 Fangdd Network Group 83 Newlat 87 Suning International Group 64
Belron 75 Faurecia 38 Nexa Resources 67 Suzhou Zelgen Biopharmaceuticals 82
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank 45 Flagstar Bancorp 90 Nomura 23 Taghleef Industries 75
Berlin Hyp 36 FleetCor Technologies 70 Oil India 65 Tata International 56
Be-Spoke Capital 42 FlexiGroup 45 ONE Brands 29 Tata Sons 56
Beyond Bank Australia 45 Ford 28 Onsite Rental Group 80 Tela Bio 88
Bharti Airtel 56 Fosun International 58 Origin Energy 33 The District Docklands 64
BitMain Technologies 13, 82 Future 88 Oyster Point Pharma 88 Together Financial Services 41
BNP Paribas 16 Galera Therapeutics 90 Pacific Basin Shipping 92 Tom Tailor 67
Bollore 32 Geo Energy Resources 58 Pacific Gas & Electric 8 Tot Biopharm International 84
Boston Scientific 31, 32 Georgia Power 8 PDVSA 6 Trakya Cam Sanayii 68
Bozhon Precision Industry Technology 83 Globalworth Real Estate Investments 69 People’s Republic of China 14 TransDigm 37
BPCE 4, 35 Goldman Sachs 22 Pepper Finance 41 Turk Ekonomi Bankasi 68
Budweiser Brewing Company APAC 7 GoodRx 73 Pepper Group 44 UBS 23
Caffil 35 Granite Construction 79 Perusahaan Listrik Negara 57, 65 UCB 66
Canaan 12, 82 Granite Energy 71 PG&E 24 Ukrexim 60
Carpetright 77 Greentown China Holdings 64 Phoenix Tree 12, 82 Ultra Petroleum 25
Casino 4 Grifols 40, 74 Ping An Healthcare and Technology 84 Unicaja Banco 35
Cellnex Telecom 13 Gulfport 25 PJT Partners’ 17 United Pacific 73
Central China Real Estate 55 Hanwha Systems 85 Posco 59 UOB Hampshire REIT 79
Changsha Broad Homes Industrial Group 84 HDFC Life Insurance 84 Postal Savings Bank of China 80 US Steel 70
Chengdu Jiaozi Financial Holding Group 55 Help/Systems 70 PPF Arena 1 60 Vale 69
China Feihe 81 Hershey 29 PPF Group 67 Verizon Communications 26
China Merchants Securities 81 Home Credit and Finance Bank 59 Promontory Interfinancial 72 Vermaat 74
China Resources Microelectronics 83 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 71 PRS Finance 33 Vicinity Centres 31
China Tianbao Group Development 82 Housing Development Finance Corp 65 Public Investment Fund 68 Wasco Energy 66
CIFI Holdings (Group) 55 Housing New Zealand 27 Q&K International Group 83 Wells Fargo 22
Citibank N.A. 33 HSBC 15, 22 RBS 35 WeWork 38
Citigroup 19, 22, 33 Hub 71 RCI Banque 35 Winnebago Industries 79
Clarivate Analytics 73 Iberdrola 69 Reliance General Insurance 85 Woolworths 64
CMPC 69 IDOL 2019-1 Trust 45 Risk Strategies 72 Worldline 91
Cole-Parmer 71 I-Mab 12, 84 RKE Group 82 Wuxi Biologics (Cayman) 81
Coles Group 33 ING Bank (Australia) 45 Royal Bank of Scotland 34 Xcel Energy 89
Columbus Capital 44 InnovaCare 73 Rusal 5 Yapi Kredi 68
ConvaTec 68 Inspired Education 75 Sabadell Consumo 1 42 Youdao 12
Cooper’s Hawk 71 Integrity Marketing Group 72 Santander Consumer Bank 41 Zayo 71
Credit Agricole 36 Interpipe 77 Sartorius 67 Zhejiang Hailiang 91
Credit Bank of Moscow 87 Investec Bank 68 SBI Cards and Payment Services 85 Zhenro Properties Group 55