An Snakes SC
An Snakes SC
An Snakes SC
Vulnerable * Victim
Persecuted, Pursued
I trust, I get hurt
Any snake venoms can have vicious remarks cutting
remarks, Sarcastic, biting, critical
Resentful * Revenge
They get hurt from vulnerability, time passes, they hold resentment
I think about it all the time, so you must be doing it
Around attractiveness * Sexuality * Sex
Control * Strategic * Cunning * Intellect
Deep Pathology, Abuse, Rape, Incest
Dont touch
Constriction around the throat or waist
Suffocation, choking
Bleeding * Circulatory System
Septic, hemorrhaging, heart, veins, mottled skin
Sexual: Reproductive tract (Cysts)
Serious Physical Ailments
Hodgkin's, Cancer, Lymphoma
Desires Meat
Sleeps into aggravation
Also Zinc-Phos as mineral alterntv (main ingredient in snake venom)
TURNING ON YOU, Cobra and Elaps dont turn on you
DISTRACTION, Rattle snake uses Rattle to distract you
MASSIMO (Snakes)
For snakes DEATH is a mystery.
To feel themselves getting old, is hard to endure
They feel they are missing a parent
Their childhood is missing
They grow up with a good sense of who they are
It is a personality w/a good EGO
Egotistical: They deserve to be the most important and to be seen more than others
Otherwise they are not loved as they should expect
General Snakes
They want to see their enemy
They want a direct confrontation, to enter into a conflict
To be seen by others and appreciated as special. It has to be clear what their value is and appreciated by others
They deserve something they dont get. Very often, for a snake to be left, its not concern for loss of
person they love. Them maybe first to leave, then report it as forsaken.
A sense of fullness. Constricted by themselves and by society around them. They would like to
enlarge themselves. Their skin is inelastic, it can not grow. In a critical situation, they can not hold
all this stuff in their system (its been enlarged)
They can not trust those around them. It is not real paranoia. Its clear classical projection because
this is what they do, they know how untrustworthy they are.
They have to achieve a high point. They need explanation. They can not stand mysteries. This life
is too short to understand, go deep into every situation
Seek out recognition or appreciation
They want a situation where they think they are special in some way
The jealousy is because they can not stand the COMPETITION w/another person
Commonly it can be a sibling
Any situation that requires care and attention being given to another person is difficult for them
Love is limitedif someone get more, they get LESS
They cant imagine that they can get the same amount of love as before
Want to grow up as soon as possible (VERY COMMON)
It is a child that doesnt want to be a child, or a little person
For kids
In all snakes you will see jealousy in children
Rattlesnakes (must have Speech issues)
If rattle snake you have to see physical pathology, learning to speak, stuttering, difficulty speaking
Naja or Elaps, they will be much more timid
A Split
One-sided symptoms
Life split in two, two sides of them, etc.
For Zinc-Phos: Sensations on half of his bodyThis SCARES them
For snakesthe idea of double-ness is strength, the goal is to bring these two sides together
The idea of omnipotence where they want to embrace and overcome this idea of double-ness
Hierarchy of Themes (Massimo)
1) Seduction, w/different strategies
2) Duality
3) Forsaken
4) Betrayal
5) Discoloration: an insult to their image
6) Congestion / constriction
General Snakes
One-sided symptoms
Aggravation from Wine
Dysmenorrhea, painful menses
De-compensation during menopause: well-known snake symptom
Hemorrhaging: general but not a fundamental themecan prescribe w/o it
Elapidae Family
The themes of being hurt, victim, fear of injury
Persecution in a more global way, torture, persecution,
Agki-p Page 1 of 2
Distance, Keep your distance
Self-sufficient, looking confident
Living with a mask, not being the real me, Distract you
You are swimming along pleasantly, and suddenly from under the water, this violent attack.
We are sitting at the dinner table and everyone is smiling, but she is holding a scalpel under the table.
I am smiling, (Like THIS! Big grin) on the surface.
Agki-p Page 2 of 2
Page 1 of 1
Key Themes
Moving Forwards and Backwards
More SHY than Elapidae
Cannot travel in the usual way, in my own world
(Massimo, Forsaken p142)
Hard to identify head from tail, A kind of a
It can move forward and backwards, More shy
than Elapidae
They live underground in a cave and only
come out for eating
Ideas from group
Sensation of moving in his own world
Lots of things about directionhe cant move in normal straight way, compensation is to travel intellectually with enigmas
He discovered the world from his roomhe had travel sickness that pre
Guy was blinds, traveled from own room on internet
Great pain in eyes
Another case
Guy born with one arm, extremely proud of his diversity. Drives a motor cross motorcycle, wanted to enter professional
competitions. He made a lot of noise about thiswanted to show others he could compete.
Extremities, cramps, lower limbs
Eruptions, pimples, upper limbs
Swelling, upper limbs
Delusion; Body Parts, Feet are in Brain with a headache
As if feet are in brain, during headache
Aggr light
Pain canthi
Pain as if from sand
Pain stitching
Twitching lids
Bitis Arietans
Page 1 of 2
Key Themes
Camouflage, Seems one way and really is another
Swelling, Puffing up in defense
Hidden, Intricate Family Dynamics
Sexual vying, dominatrix
Wanting but unable to achieve
Goes after what they want
Separated from the world, from themselves, altered
states, drugs in
sexual encounters
Desires Ice Cream
Catatonic state
Not connected to reality
Neck and shoulders stiffness
Tongue feels small
Swelling, inside of lips
Left-sided, chest, breasts, nipples
Starting in finger tips. ankles
Extremities pain, shooting, sore
bruised, starting fingers or ankles
Shocks aggr
Swelling, edema
Buzzing in ears
Sneezing, itching inside nose
Stiffness of lower jaws
Dryness of lips, mouth
Grinding teeth
Throat choking
Bitis Arietans
Page 2 of 2
Boa constrictor
Boa Page 1 of 1
Bothrups lanceolatus
Bothrops Page 1
of 1
Bungarus fasciatus
Bungarus Page 1 of 2
(from JA)
More of a split
Signs up for things beyond their ability
Goes to work, someone she dislikes, gets out of it
Denies, I never but then does
Tell her storyopposite of what says elsewhere
A Split
Might love to be around addicts, like heroin
Live on the edge, as close to dangerous element as possible
Might campaign anti-drugs, yet hang around addicts
In Nature
Can not get them to bite in daytime, docile
At nightactive
Rather hide then bite, will warn, curls up and hides head
(Masters Book)
Delusion observed by people
Loss of impulse control
Suddenly overcome by a force, not think rationally
Desire to strike suddenly
I HAVE TO listen to what he says
I feel exposed
Ailments from being a victim of social violence
Guilt feeling after anger
Anger at trifles and quick repentance
Sensitive to injustice
Fear of being alone at night, of incurable disease
Desires butter, ice cream
Migraine after emotional conflicts
Desire for sad music
Dwells on past disagreeable events
Loud speech
Aggr from hunger
Aversion to WARM FOOD
Desire for BUTTER, cheese, ice cream, tea
Increased stamina (coff, Kola)
Pain better after eating
Pain from forehead, temple extending to the left cervical region
Cracked lips, left-sided sore pain in tongue while chewing
Scraping and clearing before talking
Wakes from sleep due to thirst
Bungarus fasciatus
Bungarus Page 2 of 2
have worn high heels and the patient starts laughing. I feel ashamed and start crying:
Dream: I get stain on my dress form my period, and
my friends are laughing at me and I feel bad and
embarrassed, I could not change my clothes so I
was hiding from people
Anger that is either Masked Due to Fear or Expressed
Very Aggressively
Anger, violent with desire to strike suddenly, feels
hands are not in control and just striking
Extremely irritable on slightest things, but tend to
cool down also very fast
Feeling of Injustice and Loss of Control over situation
Irritable, cannot tolerate injustice. First I tend to snap back, then cool down immediately
Feeling exposed and unprotected
Dream of living in house open in all directions, no protection, anyone can fall off
I feel exposed, cant hide my emotions
Free Regarding Sexuality
Dream of wearing towel and roaming around exposing my breasts.
Cenchris Page 1 of 2
(Copperhead) Crotalinae
Cenchris Page 2 of 2
(Copperhead) Crotalinae
Crotalus cascavella
Crot-c Page 1 of 3
That people around them stop them from being what they can be
I would like to have my own place and be acknowledged. Id like to do something in this world - the
matter is that other people impede this
More grounded
Real suspicious (the person spitting outside my shop will prevent people from coming in)
I cannot even trust my father and mother
The suspiciousness is more SPREAD OUT (super-natural)
You have to look, control and observe carefully because you never know what meaning could be behind the behavior of this person
Betrayal is often at home
Having to do with the magical world, being able to see the future, being kind of magnetic is fundamental
If they are not in contact with this partthey do not know how to defend
This DARK side can harm them
People spitting outside the office, looking in eyes the same way
Tendency to have relationships based on QUARRELS
If I behave so ugly and he still loves me, I must be important!
Rheumatic disease, esp of the spine
Aggressive burning uritcaria (itching, hives, nettle like rash)
As Kids:
Their magical world
Not able to trust the friends around them
Crotalus cascavella
Crot-c Page 2 of 3
Has same feeling surrounded by enemies
As if enemies of almost a psychic nature
Like being in a haunted house
Like there are psychic things you are vulnerable
Most psychic snake
Can have huge rage (but dont always see it)
Dangers everywhere
Were not going over this hill
Get into dark side, satanic books
All based on this fear
Usually abuse history
Trying to find some way out of that fear
Like a psychic attack
Crot-c is a South American jungle snake
Clairvoyant piece
Can see goth, back clothing, spike hair
That expression would attract Crot-c
Feels persecuted, as if a huge force will attack
Intense violent anger at small causes
Clairvoyance, hallucinations
Mediumistic, magnetic states
Horrible dreams
Fears of ghosts, spirits, voices
Aggressive burning uritcaria (itching, hives,
nettle like rash)
Crotalus cascavella
Crot-c Page 3 of 3
Crotalus horridus
Crot-h Page 1 of 3
Crotalus horridus
Crot-h Page 2 of 3
wifes kids
Im tired of
financing the
whole god
damn family
(Feels hes
surrounded by
Military background
Also in law enforcement
In 1955 I had Hodgins (severe pathology)
Had chemo, harsh, He recovered completely, outlived 2 wives
History of headaches, overcomes with his will
(has an iron will)
Varicose veins, also on his nose
Very dark red face
Blood stuff really important
Circulatory system
Hemorrhages from anywhere, unusual places,
blood out of ears, out of pores
(Ebola virus)
Blood broken down
All Liver stuff
Jaundice, hepatitis
Severe inflammations, internal abscesses where
the blood turns black
A lot of constriction
Both syphilitic and typhoid feeling (in acutes) but
constitutionally more syphilitic
Burning red with lachrymation
Yellow colour of eye
Retinal hemorrhage
Blood oozes form the ear
Nosebleed esp. during diphtheria or other septic
Ozaena; syphilitic, from exanthemata (a chronic
disease of the nose characterized by a foul-smelling
nasal discharge and atrophy of nasal structures)
Tip of nose, blue and red
Varices on nose
Lips; swollen, stiff and numb
Dark, besotted face
Face yellow, death like pallor
Tongue, yellow swollen protruded, to the right
Crotalus horridus
Crot-h Page 3 of 3
Feeling of being surrounded by enemies
They have to defend themselves by themselves
Feeling persecuted
Darker than lachesis
A strong kind of control feeling
As much intensity as lachesis, but doesnt all come out
so extroverted and sexual
It is for jealously
Prone to violence over jealously, suspicion
The physical symptoms are expected
The toxin affects the blood system and the heart
Strong affinity to physical
71 years old
High blood pressure
Doesnt say that much
Sizes up the whole pace
Notices everything
Im a strong family man
But my wife is an individual
I like to know whats going on with my wife
She still has breakfast with ex
He insists she quit seeing ex
She continues
Hes pissed off
I also have financial stress, loaning money to wifes
Im tired of financing the whole god damn family
Military background
Also in law enforcement
I want to know whats going on (in law enforcement
In 1955 I had Hodgins
Started with left swollen inguingal gland
Had chemo, harsh, survived
(his will power is iron)
He recovered completely
Outlived 2 wives
History of headaches, overcomes with his will
Looses sleep from thinking about stress
Varicose veins
Very dark red face
Varicose veins on his nose
Yellow coated tongue
Dendro-p Page 1 of 1
Elaps corallinus
Elaps Page 1 of 2
Elaps Video
Snakes: Water (fears rain), Brightly colored, Beautiful
Nothing aggressive
Anger with themselves, Lack of assertion
Abuse and Passivity
(but if they ever get back vengeance it would be the most painful way possible)
Venom is deadly (but small quantity)
Very short teeth, they have to wiggle to get their teeth into you
the cure is to light a cigarette youll be dead before its done
Desire to travel, on account for desire for solitude
Fear of snakes, rain, death
(Laurie Dack)
lots more anxiety, more fearfulness, a quiet little snake, anxiety about family, fall from height and
Cobra and Elaps dont turn on you
Im not strong enough to do anything about it
Carrying a long term grudge
Im so mad, and Ill do something so nasty to him and hell not know
Instead of pride and egotism, you express yourself through something else: such as ART or CREATIVITY
Seen through something else, a tool or an image
It attracts your attention to something that is not exactly me - a shadow of me
Looks SHY
But impossible not to notice this person
They get the attention without lifting a finger
One case, she was an artist, would send painting out, as soon as interest, she would back off
Once you appreciate them, you get everything from themMassimos house full of her pictures
A kind of apparent want of self-confidence
Often speak of the dual naturetalked of the duality of cats, they like to be cuddled but can also kill
He accepts the ugly part of himself
A bit Platina like, right out there
A bit prissy I would never do that
(Misc Notes)
Elaps delusion of trying to jump into an abyss
Wants all choices available but doesnt want to take the step
Im alright the way I am not as much motivation
Sinus Problems
Blocked: Nostrils stopped up, earsdeafness
Chronic nasal catarrh, with fetid odor and greenish crusts
Elaps corallinus
Elaps Page 2 of 2
Case: Elaps
Women 23
Single mom, Very attractive, Very mild mannered
Blond, Fair complexion
Seems naive and vulnerable (from male perspective)
Allergies most of life (sinuses)
Cold air change of temp makes hurt inside
Sharp pain behind eyes
Nasal obstruction sneezing watery eyes
Gets irritable and grouchy
Low self-confidence, (seems very passive)
Very indecisive
Used to life w/childs father in Hawaii
Was physically violent, beat her, She didnt fight
Knew abuse was wrong didnt leave
Finally, had friend call police, Couldnt do it herself
Internalizes everything
Anger with themselves
Lack of assertion (gave Staph to start) (victim)
Couldnt disagree with father when young, Cant
say no to men
She as raped by baby-sitter, Was abused by
uncle (dark pathologysex)
She wants to kill (babysitter), Absorbed with a
murder plan
Wants it to be most painful way possible
Keeps all feelings inside
Wants to be alone when depressed (Elaps)
Low to average sexual interest, but increases
with conversation (!)
Sleeps really sound
Afraid of snakes, So afraid of snakes she tapes
pages together
Fear of spider and insects
Claustrophobia, Fear of attack
Perspires when walks to car at night
Feet perspire, Teeth sensitive to cold
Intense dream about snakes, Sitting on bar
stool and snakes are ground trying to get her
Hormonal and tubercular
If snake
Dream recurrent dream something bad above
and something bad below and all she can do is
jump out window not good option witch and
king kong, She tried to jump out plane to get over
Eunectes murinus
Eunectes Page 1 of 1
While the anaconda may not hold the title of the worlds longest
snakecoming second to the reticulated pythonits huge girth
means that it is undoubtedly the largest (2). During the 19th and 20th
century, many accounts of giant specimens of anaconda were reported. While almost certainly exaggerations, it is possible that in remote, deep rainforest rivers, under optimum conditions of prey availability, the green anaconda may grow to record proportions (3). The
green anaconda is well-adapted for its semi-aquatic lifestyle, with its
eyes and nostrils positioned on top of the head, enabling the snake to
see and breathe while the rest of the body is submerged (4). The colouring of the body provides excellent camouflage, with olive green
upperparts boldly marked with pairs of dark ovals on either side of the
spine, which are sometimes fused. The flanks are also marked with
smaller, light-centred dark spots, while the head, which is relatively
small compared to the thick body, bears a distinctive stripe, which
runs from the rear edge of the eye, diagonally downwards to the back
of the head. The stripe is edged with black and varies in colouration,
from greenish to orange (3). In addition to its gigantic proportions, another remarkable feature of the green
anaconda is that it exhibits the greatest size difference between the sexes of any terrestrial vertebrate. The female dwarfs the male and is almost five
times heavier (5).
Hydrophis cyanocinctus
Hydro Page 1 of 1
In Nature
Can stay submerged for up to two hours, at higher depth, can absorb some oxygen thru water
Goes surface to breath
Usually will leave swimmers alone, wants to do its own thing
Nerve symptoms on lower part of body
Nerves and muscles
Menses, scanty, too short, dark
Lots of skin eruptions
Erythema from exposure to the sun
Neuralgia w/herpetic symptoms, with burning, stinging, extremely painful
Erythema nodosum
Hydrophis cyanocinctus
Hydro Page 2 of 2
Lachesis muta
Lachesis Page 1 of 6
(Bushmaster) Viperidae
Lachesis Video
Lachesis muta
Lachesis Page 2 of 6
(Bushmaster) Viperidae
Lachesis muta
Lachesis Page 3 of 6
(Bushmaster) Viperidae
Lachesis muta
Lachesis Page 4 of 6
(Bushmaster) Viperidae
Lachesis is common as a healer, they can stay objective, at worse cold (Both most common as businessman)
Matter of knowledge and matter of congestion are related
They must swallow as much as possible for them to growthe amount of knowledge they can integrate is a serious issue
Eroticism of feelings
The concept of pleasure is strong and self-referring
Sex is involved in the erotic pleasure, kind of masturbation
Done with a lot of passion
Destructive sidelike Aurum, if can not reach their goal
I am my own worst enemy
Forsakenness is that you are not acknowledged and recognized
Jealousy is about possession, my possession was lost
You betrayed me and got pregnant, now I have sex with a man, you cant even compete with that
If man leaves them, How can a man leave me? Im so good he has left me! - sever blow to ego
Untransformed energy
Yet capable of transformation
(duality sort of thing)
Terrific tension between these two poles (a split)
Snake remedies (in general)
Seductive energy,
combined with sort of wisdom
Divorce lawyer (fits quite well) awareness of injustice in relationships
Miasm, Sycotic and Syphilitic (fringe, not really either)
More extroverted, More flamboyant
Very sensual
Knowledge and intelligence,
sharp mindedness
Strong quick mind
No second chance
You better not say the wrong thing, do the wrong
thing a non-verbal energy
Can be violent, tho not always
Lachesis Page 5 of 6
A certain inappropriateness
As an adult, may often form unusual
sexual relationships
Like an huge age difference
Coil themselves around people
Get obsessed with this person
If I am not coiled around them, they will cheat on me
Terrifically jealous
If they experience jealousy,
thats when their symptoms start
Very revengeful
Lachesis muta
Lachesis Page 6 of 6
(Bushmaster) Viperidae
Crave pasta, starch, like oysters, pungent foods, and
alcohol (especially red wine)
Cant stand constriction, around throat and abdomen
A lot of symptoms in digestive tract; colitis w/relief during diarrhea; diarrhea before menses
Hemorrhoids, purple, strangulated
Big hepatitis, jaundice (major impact on the liver)
Kidney stones, nephritis with dark or black urine
Ovarian tumors or cysts, worse on left side, PMS pain
cant stand the clothing
Asthma, worse form emotions, worse at night, some how
they sleep into an aggravation, typically worse form heat and
humidity and better from cold (which is uncommon) better
bent forward (like Kali-Carb or Ars) feel like they have to rip
their shirt off with the asthma
Heart big, angina, congestive heart failure, prone to
heart attack, with constriction in chest
Worse lying on left side, Worse from sleep (unusual)
Tend to sleep on right side
Can start out of sleep as if suffocating
Important sleep apnea remedy
Common to have horrible nightmares
(SRP) will lay their fingers out, like they cant stand to
have their fingers touching
Sciatic problem (just right) perhaps just pre-menstrual,
just during pregnancy
Cold nose; ice cold extremities
Tend towards ulceration
Lots of different kinds of cancer, particularly, melanoma
Naja naja
Naja Page 1 of 4
(Cobra) Elapidae
Naja naja
Naja Page 2 of 4
(Cobra) Elapidae
Naja naja
Naja Page 3 of 4
(Cobra) Elapidae
a little like Carc, both state when there is domination
can be mom and dads puppet
In Carc feeling if emptiness dont know who they are
When door is open where am I who will I be
Im being suppressed, I do know who I am but cant express it, if door is open will sit inside and complain
Tell you things they will do to trip mother-in-law up (mother-in-law is dominating them, mother used to dominate them)
often in cultures (India) where suppressed
They would not be that active
You see the victim
Naja naja
Naja Page 4 of 4
(Cobra) Elapidae
Python regia
Python regia
Dizziness associated with blackness
Waves of nausea
Headache, extends to left side of face and left lower jaw
Noises in ears
Teeth are clenched tight
Eye symptoms
Sensation as if lump in throat
Aversion to eating loses weight or increased hunger gains weight
Swollen abdomen
Asthma, suffocative feeling in lungs
Pain in finger joints
Pain in shoulders, esp left shoulder
Lots of extremities symptoms, numbness, heaviness, stiffness,
Vipera berus
Vip-b Page 1 of 2
Vipera berus
Huge expectation towards somebody who is ungraspable and they get betrayed
The idea of duality is HIDDEN and secret
Whatever comes out of this is a little bit SCARY
Vip-b Page 2 of 2