Ndeb Bned Reference Texts 2019 PDF

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Reference Texts – Textes de Référence

This list contains reference material recommended in Faculties of Dentistry in Canada. The NDEB also
references journal articles and clinical guidelines and practice standards issued by specialty

Cette liste contient les textes de référence recommandés par les facultés dentaires du Canada. Le
BNED utilise également des références provenant d’articles de journaux scientifiques et de directives
cliniques et normes de pratique émises par les associations des différentes spécialités dentaires.

Anusavice, K. J. (2013). Phillips' science of dental materials. (12th ed.) St. Louis: W.B. Saunders.

Andreasen, J.O., Andreasen, F.M. (2017). Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth.
(5th ed.) Odder, Denmark: Wiley-Blackwell.

Andreasen, J., Bakland, L., Flores, M., Andreason, F., Andersson, L. (2011). Traumatic dental injuries:
a manual. (3rd ed.) Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Aschheim, K.W., Dale, B.G. (2014). Esthetic dentistry: a clinical approach to techniques and materials.
(3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Ash, M.M., Ramfjord, S. (1995). Occlusion. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: Saunders.

Bagg, J. (2006). Essentials of microbiology for dental students. (2nd ed.) New York: Oxford University

Barrett, K.E., et al. (2015). Ganong’s review of medical physiology. (25th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill

Basranie, B. (2012). Endodontic radiology. (2nd ed.) Wiley-Blackwell.

Baynes, J.W., Dominiczak, M.H. (2014). Medical biochemistry. (4th ed.) London: Elsevier Ltd.

Benjamin, I., Griggs, R.C., Wing, E.J., Fitz, J.G. (2016). Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil essentials of
medicine. (9th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders.

Berkovitz, B.K.B., Holland, G.R., Moxham, B.J. (2017). Oral anatomy, histology & embryology. (5th ed.)
Oxford: Elsevier Mosby.

Berne, R.M., Levy, M.N., Koeppen, B.M., Stanton, B.A. (2017). Berne and Levy physiology. (7th ed.) St.
Louis: Mosby.

Bickley, L. (2016). Bates' guide to physical examination and history taking. (12th ed.) Philadelphia:
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Block, M.S., Block, F.L., Kent, J.N. (1997). Implants in dentistry: essentials of endosseous implants for
maxillofacial reconstruction. Philadelphia: Saunders.

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Brennan, P., Henning, S., Ghali, G.E., Cascarini, L. (2017). Maxillofacial surgery. (3rd ed.) New York:

Bricker, S.L., Langlais, R.P., Miller, C.S. (2012). Oral diagnosis, oral medicine and treatment planning.
(2nd ed.) Hamilton: CBS Publisher & Distributors.

Brown, P., Herbranson, E. (2013). Tooth atlas. (7th ed.) Boston: Quintessence Publishing Co.

Brown, R., Arm, R.N., Epstein, J.B. (2009). AAOM clinician’s guide to diagnosis and treatment of
chronic orofacial pain. (3rd ed.) Rosemont: American Academy of Oral Medicine.

Brunton, L., et al. (2017). Goodman & Gilman's pharmacological basis of therapeutics. (13th ed.)
New York: McGraw-Hill.

Burt, B.A., Eklund, S.A. (2005). Dentistry, dental practice, and the community. (6th ed.) St. Louis:
Elsevier Saunders.

Canadian Pharmacists Association. CPS 2017: compendium of pharmaceuticals and specialties.

Ottawa: Canadian Pharmacists Association; 2017.

Capelli, D., Chenevert Mobley, C. (2007). Prevention in clinical oral health care. (1st ed.) St. Louis:

Carr, A.B., Brown, D.T. (2016). McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics. (13th ed.) St. Louis:

Casamassimo, P.S., et al. (2013). Pediatric dentistry: infancy through adolescence. (5th ed.) St. Louis:

Casiglia, J., Jacobsen, P. (2009). AAOM clinician’s guide to pharmacology in dental medicine. (2nd ed.)
American Academy of Oral Medicine.

Champe, P., Harvey, R.A., Ferrier, D.R. (2017). Lippencott’s illustrated reviews: biochemistry. (7th ed.)
Philadelphia: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins.

Chiego, D.J. (2018). Essentials of oral histology and embryology: a clinical approach. (5th ed.)
St. Louis: Mosby, Elsevier.

Coe, F.L., Favus, M.J. (2002). Disorders of bone and mineral metabolism. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Cohen, E. (2006). Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery. (3rd ed.) Hamilton:
BC Deker Inc.

Condon, R.E., Nyhus, L.M. (1995). Manual of surgical therapeutics. (9th sub. ed.) Boston: Little Brown
and Company.

Craig, R.G., Powers, J.M., Wataha, J.C. (2013). Dental materials: properties and manipulation.
(10th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

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Crossman, A., Neary, D. (2015). Neuroanatomy: an illustrated colour text. (5th ed.) London: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier.

Dawson, Peter E. (2006). Functional occlusion: from TMJ to smile design. (3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby

Dorland, W.A.N. (2011). Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. (32nd ed.) Philadelphia: Saunders.

Drake, R., Vogl, W., Mitchell, A.W.M. (2014). Gray’s anatomy for students. (3rd ed.) Philadelphia:
Churchill Livingstone.

Enlow, D.H., Hans, M.G. (2008). Essentials of facial growth. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders

Favus, M.J. (2002). Disorders of bone and mineral metabolism. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.

Ferracane, J. (2001). Materials in dentistry: principles and applications. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Finkbeiner, B.L. (1997). Mosby’s comprehensive dental assisting. St. Louis: Mosby.

Finkbeiner, B.L., Finkbeiner, C.A. (2015). Practice management for the dental team. (8th ed.) St. Louis:

Fischer, D., Treister, N., Pinto, A. (2013). Risk assessment and oral diagnostics in clinical dentistry.

Fletcher, R., Fletcher S.W. (2012). Clinical epidemiology: the essentials. (5th ed.) Philadelphia:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Fonseca, R., Marciani, R., Turvey, T. (2017). Oral and maxillofacial surgery. (3rd ed.) Saunders.

Forest, D., et al. (1994). Médecine buccale: méthodologie du diagnostic. (2e ed.) Boucherville,
Québec: G. Morin.

Fragiskos, F. (2007). Oral surgery. (1st ed.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Garg. N, Garg, A. (2013). Textbook of endodontics. (3rd ed.) New Dehli, J. P. Medical Publishers Ltd.

Gartner, L.P., Hiatt, J.L. (2007). Color textbook of histology. (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier.

Glick, M. (2015). Burket’s oral medicine. (12th ed.) Shelton: People’s Medical Publishing House.

Gluck, G.M., Morganstein, W.M. (2003). Jong's community dental health. (5th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Golan, D.E., et al. (2011). Principles of pharmacology: the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy.
(3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott.

Graber, T.M., Vanarsdall, R.L., Vig, K.W.L. (2017). Orthodontics: current principles & techniques.
(6th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

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Greenwood, M., Corbett, I. (2012). Dental emergencies. Wiley-Blackwell.

Haines, D.E. (2018). Fundamental neuroscience for basic and clinical applications. (5th ed.)
Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.

Hall, J. (2016). Guyton and Hall: textbook of medical physiology. (13th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier

Hargreaves, K.M., Berman, L. (2016). Cohen’s pathways of the pulp. (11th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier.

Hargreaves, K.M., Goodis, H.E. (2012). Seltzer and Bender’s dental pulp. (2nd ed.) Boston:
Quintessence Publishing.

Hazinski, M., Samson, R., Schexnayder, S. (2015). Handbook of emergency cardiovascular care for
healthcare providers. (1 Spi ed.) American Heart Association.

Hilton, T.J., Ferracane, J.L., Broome, J.C. (2013). Summitt’s fundamentals of operative dentistry: a
contemporary approach. (4th ed.) Hanover Park: Quintessence Publishing Co.

Hupp, J., Williams, T., Firriolo, J. (2006). Dental clinical advisor. (1st ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Hupp, J., Ellis, E., Tucker, M. (2018). Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. (7th ed.) St. Louis:
Elsevier Mosby.

Ingle, J.I., Bakland, L., et al. (2015). Ingle’s endodontics. (7th ed.) Hamilton: BC Decker Inc.

Jeske, A.H. (2017). Mosby's dental drug reference. (12th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Jordan, R.E. (1993). Esthetic composite bonding: techniques and materials. (2nd ed.) St. Louis;
Toronto: Mosby Year Book.

Juppener, H., Glorieux, F., Pettifor, J.M. (2012). Pediatric bone biology & diseases. (2nd ed.) London:
Academic Press of Elsevier.

Kalant, H., Roschlau, W. (2007). Principles of medical pharmacology. (7th ed.) Toronto: Elsevier

Katz, D., et al. (2014). Jekel’s Epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine and public health.
(4th ed.) Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.

Katzung, B.G., (2018). Basic and clinical pharmacology. (14th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Koch, G., et al. (2016). Pediatric dentistry a clinical approach. (3rd ed.) Wiley-Blackwell.
Exercises in oral radiology and interpretation

Kumar, V., Abbas, A., Aster, J. (2017). Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease. (10th ed.)
Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Kumar, V., Abbas, A., Aster, J. (2017). Robbins basic pathology. (10th ed.) Philadelphia:

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Langlais, R.P., Miller, C. (2017). Exercises in oral radiology and interpretation. (5th ed.) St. Louis:

Langlais, R.P., Miller, C. S., Gehrig, J.S. (2017). Color atlas of common oral diseases. (5th ed.)
Philadelphia: Lippencott Williams & Wilkins.

Laudenbach, J.M., et al. (2011). AAOM clinician’s guide to oral health in geriatric patients. (3rd ed.)
Rosemont: American Academy of Oral Medicine.

Liebgott, B. (2017). The anatomical basis of dentistry. (4th ed.) St. Louis; Toronto: Mosby.

Little, J., Falace, D., Miller, C.S., Rhodus, N.L. (2018). Dental management of the medically
compromised patient. (9th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Lockhart, P., Meechan, J., Nunn, J. (2004). Dental care of the medically complex patient. (5th ed.)
Toronto: Elsevier Canada.

Logan, B.M., Reynolds, P.A., Hutchings, R.T., Rice, S. (2016). McMinn's color atlas of head and neck
anatomy. (5th ed.) Edinburgh; Toronto: Elsevier Mosby.

Lund, J.P., et al. (2008). Orofacial pain: from basic science to clinical management. (2nd ed.) Chicago:
Quintessence Publishing Co.

Malamed, S.F. (2017). Sedation: a guide to patient management. (6th ed.) St. Louis; Toronto: Mosby.

Malamed, S.F. (2012). Handbook of local anesthesia. (6th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Malamed, S.F.(2015). Medical emergencies in the dental office. (7th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Male, D., et al. (2012). Immunology. (8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby Inc.

Magne, P. (2002). Bonded porcelain restorations in the anterior dentition: a biomimetic approach.
(1st ed.) Chicago: Quintessence Publishing.

Marsh, P.D., et al. (2016). Marsh and Martin’s oral microbiology. (6th ed.) Philadelphia: Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier.

Mathewson, R. (1995). Fundamentals of pediatric dentistry. (3rd ed.) Quintessence Publishing.

McDonald, R.E., Avery, D.R., Dean, J.A. (2016). McDonald and Avery’s dentistry for the child and
adolescent. (10th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier.

Meghji, S., Harris, M., Edgar, M. (1998). Clinical oral science. (1st ed.) Oxford: Buttersworth-

Miller, W.R., Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing: preparing people for change . (2nd ed.) New
York: The Guilford Press.

Miller, C., Palenik, C. (2017). Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental
team. (6th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

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Misch, C.E. (2007). Contemporary implant dentistry. (3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Mohl, N.D. (1988). A textbook of occlusion. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co.

Moore, K., Dalley, A.F., Argur, A.M.R. (2017). Clinically oriented anatomy. (8th ed.) Philadelphia:
Lippencott Williams & Wilkins.

Moore, K.L., Persaud, T.V.N., Torchia, M. (2016). The developing human: clinically oriented
embryology. (10th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Moursi, A. (2012). Clinical cases in pediatric dentistry. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Moyers, R. (1988). Handbook of orthodontics. (4th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.

Murray, P., et al. (2016). Medical microbiology. (8th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Nanci, A., Ten Cate, A.R. (2018). Ten Cate's oral histology: development, structure, and function.
(9th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Nanda, R., Kapila, S. (2010). Current therapy in orthodontics. (1st ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Nelson, D.L, Cox, M.M. (2017). Lehninger principles of biochemistry. (7th ed.) New York: W.H.

Nelson, S.J. (2015). Wheeler's dental anatomy, physiology, and occlusion. (10th ed.) Philadelphia: W.B.

Neville, B.W. (2016). Oral & maxillofacial pathology. (4th ed.) Philadelphia; Toronto: W.B. Saunders.

Newman, M.G., et al. (2018). Carranza's clinical periodontology. (13th ed.) Philadelphia:

Nisengard, R.J., Newman, M.G. (1994). Oral microbiology and immunology. (2nd ed.) Philadelphia;
Montreal: Saunders.

Nizel, A., Papas, A. (1989). Nutrition in clinical dentistry. (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Nowak, A.J., Casamassimo, P.S. (2011). The handbook of pediatric dentistry. (5th ed.) Chicago: The
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Odell, E. (2017). Cawson’s essentials of oral pathology and oral medicine. (9th ed.) Philadelphia:

Okeson, J.P. (2013). Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion. (7th ed.) St. Louis:
Elsevier Mosby.

O’Toole, M.T. (2016). Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions. (10th ed.)
St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Patton, K., Thibodeau, G. (2016). Anatomy and physiology. (9th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.

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Phoenix, R.D., Cagna, D.R., DeFreest, C.F., Stewart, K.L. (2008). Stewart's clinical removable partial
prosthodontics. (4th ed.) Chicago: Quintessence.

Picard, Justice E.I., Robertson, G.B. (2017). Legal liability of doctors and hospitals in Canada. (5th ed.)
Carswell Publishing.

Powers, J., Craig, R. (2018). Restorative dental materials. (14th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Preston, J., Bergen, S. (1980). Colour science & dental art. St. Louis: Mosby Co.

Proffit, W.R. (2018). Contemporary orthodontics. (6th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

Regezi, J.A., Sciubba, J.J., Jordan R.C.K. (2016). Oral pathology: clinical pathologic correlations.
(7th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Phodus, N. (2013). AAOM clinician’s guide to treatment of medically complex dental patients. (4th ed.)
American Academy of Oral Medicine.

Richards, D., et al. (2008). Evidence-based dentistry: managing information for better practice. (vol.
7) Chicago: Quintessence.

Riolo, M., Avery, J. (2003). Essentials for orthodontic practice. (1st ed.) Ann Arbor, Michigan: University
Litho Press.

Ritter, A.V. (2018). Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry. (7th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier

Rose, L.F., Mealey, B.L. (2004). Periodontics: medicine, surgery and implants. (2nd rev. ed.) St. Louis:
Elsevier Mosby.

Rosenstiel, S.F., Land, M.F., Fujimoto, J. (2016). Contemporary fixed prosthodontics. (5th ed.)
St. Louis: Elsevier.

Sadler, T.W. (2014). Langman's medical embryology. (13th ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &

Sakaguchi, R.L. Powers, J.M. (2018). Craig's restorative dental materials. (14th ed.) St. Louis: Elsevier

Salzman, J.A. (1974). Orthodontics in daily practice. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Samaranayake, L. (2018). Essential microbiology for dentistry. (5th ed.) Edinburgh: Churchill

Sapp, J.P., Eversole, L.R., Wysocki, G.P. (2004). Contemporary oral and maxillofacial pathology.
(2nd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Scheid, R.C, Weiss, G. (2011). Woelfel’s dental anatomy: it’s relevance to dentistry. (8th ed.)
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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Schuurs, A. (2013). Pathology of the hard dental tissues. (1st ed.) Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Scully, C. (2001). Handbook of oral disease: diagnosis and management. (Revised ed.) New York:
Taylor & Francis.

Scully, C. (2014). Scully’s medical problems in dentristry. (7th ed.) Churchill Livingston.

Schwartz, R.S. (2015). Best practices in endodontics. a desk reference. (1st ed.) Quintessence
Publishing Books.

Shillingburg, H.T., Jacobi, R., Brackett, S.E. (1987). Fundamentals of tooth preparations for cast metal
and porcelain restorations. (Illustrated edition). Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co.

Shillingburg, H.T., et al. (2012). Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics. (4th ed.) Chicago: Quintessence
Publishing Co.

Sinz, E., Navarro, K., Soderberg, E. (2011). Advanced cardiovascular life support: provider manual.
Channing L. Bete Co., Inc.

Sonis, S.T., Fazio, R.C, Fang, L.S.T. (1995). Principles and practice of oral medicine. (2nd ed.)
Philadelphia: Saunders.

Standring, S. (2016). Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice. (41st ed.) New York:

Stefanac, S., Nesbit, S. (2017). Diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry. (3rd ed.) St Louis:

Stevens, A., Lowe, J.S., Young, B. (2002). Wheater's basic histopathology: a colour atlas and text.
(4th ed.) Edinburgh; Toronto: Churchill Livingstone.

Thompson, J., Manore, M., Sheeshka, J. (2013). Nutrition: a functional approach. (3rd ed.) Toronto:
Pearson Canada.

Vanderah, T., Gould, D. (2016). Nolte’s the human brain: an introduction to its functional anatomy.
(7th ed.) Philadelphia: Elsevier.

Walton, R.E., Torabinejad, M., Fouad, A.J. (2015). Endodontics: principles and practice. (5th ed.) New
York: Elsevier.

Weine, F.S. (2004). Endodontic therapy. (6th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

White, S.C., Pharoah, M.J. (2018). Oral radiology: principles and interpretation. (8th ed.) St. Louis:

Wilkins, E. (2016) Clinical practice of the dental hygienist. (12th ed.) Wolters Kluwer.

Wilson, T.G., Kornman, K.S. (2003). Fundamentals of periodontics. (2nd ed.) Chicago: Quintessence.

Wood, N. (1999). Review of diagnosis, oral medicine, radiology, and treatment planning. (4th ed.)
St. Louis: Mosby.

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Wynn, R., Meiller, T., Crossley, H. (2016). Drug information handbook for dentistry. (22nd ed.) Wolters

Yagiela, J.A., et al. (2011). Pharmacology and therapeutics for dentistry. (7th ed.) Elsevier.

Young, B., Johnson, B., Mariotti, A. (2017). Wheater's basic pathology. (7th ed.) Mosby Elsevier.

Young, B., et al. (2014). Wheater's functional histology: a text and colour atlas. (6th ed.) Philadelphia:
Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

Young, T.K. (2004). Population health: concepts and methods. (2nd ed.) Oxford: Oxford University

Zarb, G., et al. (2013). Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients: complete dentures and
implant-supported prostheses. (13th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

Zwemer, T., et al. (2014). Mosby's dental dictionary. (3rd ed.) St. Louis: Mosby Inc.


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries:
1. fractures and luxations of permanent teeth. International Association of Dental Traumatology.
2013; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries:
2. avulsion of permanent teeth. International Association of Dental Traumatology. 2013; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries:
3. injuries in the primary dentition. International Association of Dental Traumatology. 2012;

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on antibiotic prophylaxis for dental patients at risk
for infection. Council on Clinical Affairs. 1990; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on caries-risk assessment and management for
infants, children, and adolescents. Council on Clinical Affairs. 2002; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on restorative dentistry. Council on Clinical Affairs.
1991; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Guideline on pulp therapy for primary and immature
permanent teeth. Council on Clinical Affairs. 1991; v37(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Informed consent. Council on Clinical Affairs. 2015; v39(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Parameters of care: clinical practice guidelines for oral and
maxillofacial surgery. (v5) Rosemont: AAOMS. 2012.

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American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Pediatric restorative dentistry. Council on Clinical Affairs.
2016; v39(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Policy on the role of dental prophylaxis in pediatric dentistry.
Council on Clinical Affairs. 2017; v39(6).

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Policy on the Use of xylitol. Council on Clinical Affairs. 2015;

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Pulp therapy for primary and immature permanent teeth.
Council on Clinical Affairs. 2014; v39(6).

American Academy of Periodontology. (2001). Glossary of periodontal terms. (4th ed.) Chicago:
American Academy of Periodontology.

American Association of Endodontists. AAE Consensus Conference Recommended Diagnostic

Terminology. J. Endod. 2009; 35(12):1634.

American Association of Endodontists. Glossary of endodontic terms. Chicago: AAE. Available from:

American Association of Oral and Maxillofacioal Surgeons. Guideline on informed consent. Chicago:
AAPD. 2005.

American Association of Orthodontists. AAO glossary 2012. St. Louis: AAO. 2012.

American Dental Association, American Heart Association. Prevention of infective (bacterial)

endocarditis wallet card. Dallas: American Heart Association. 2008.

American Dental Association, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dental radiographic
examinations: recommendations for patient selection and limiting radiation exposure. 2012.

American Heart Association. Understanding blood pressure readings. Website:

readings. 2017 November.

Armitage, G. Development of a classification system for periodontal diseases and conditions. Ann
Periodontal. 1999 December. v4(1).

Canadian Dental Service Plan Inc. Consent to treatment form. Toronto: CDSPI. Available from:

Caton J, Armitage G, Berglundh T, et al. A new classification scheme for periodontal and peri-implant
diseases and conditions – Introduction and key changes from the 1999 classification. J
Periodontol. 2018;89(Suppl 1):S1–S8. https://doi.org/10.1002/JPER.18-0157

Dubé-Baril, C. The personalized consent form: an optional, but useful tool! Journal of the Canadian
Dental Association. 2004 February.

Kluge, E.W. (2004) Readings in biomedical ethics: a Canadian focus. (3rd ed.) Pearson Education

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Pitts, N., Ismail, A., Martignon, S., Ekstrand, K., Douglas, G., Longbottom, C. ICCMS Guide for
practitioners and educators. International Caries Classification and Management System. 2014

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Informed consent issues including communication with
minors and with other patients who may be incapable of providing consent. Toronto: The College;

Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. The role of opiods in the management of acute and
chronic pain in dental practice. Toronto: The College; 2015 November.

Schiffman, E. et al. Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and
research applications: International RDC/TMD Consortium Network and Ororfacial Pain Special
Interest Group. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headaches: Quintessence. 2014. v28(1).

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