EF1A - Money - Barter - To - Bitcoins PDF

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UPSC Prelims-2019: Essential Reading List for GS

Geography Polity
- NCERT: First class11-12’s four textbooks on - Indian Polity by M.Laxmikanth
physical, Indian & human geography. Then - Governance in India by Laxmikanth.
NCERT 7-10 Social Science- only those chapters - IYB19: ch.2,3, 20, 28.
which are not covered in Class 11-12. - Current: Notable judgements,
- Rajtanil’s Geography Lecture series. Committees, appointments.
- Goh Cheng Leong: All chapters EXCEPT 4 to 10. - PrsIndia.org: passed acts
- Majid Hussain’s Geography of India: All chapters - if time permits: NCERT Social Sci and
EXCEPT 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16. PolSci
- If time, IYB-2019 ch. 1 and 30, else ignore it. International Relations
Agriculture - IR groups theory: any GS Manual’s
- NCERT Geography, Science Textbooks. reference table. Followed by CA from
- Budget, Eco survey, Yojana, Kurukshetra Newspaper/PDF/Mags.
Environment History-Culture
- NIOS PDF on Environment - No need for old NCERTs.
- ShankarIAS’s Book, IYB19 Ch. 12 - TN Class11-12, new NCERT
- NCERT Chemistry Class11: Chapter on - Nitin Singhania, Spectrum, Pratik’s
Environmental Chemistry. Lecture series.
- NCERT Biology 11-12: selective study of Science Tech
chapters related to flora-fauna, biotech - Ravi Agrahari’s Science-Tech book.
Economy - (then, If time permits) Read all chapters:
- Theory, Contemporary, and Current issues from NCERT 7-10. (then, If time permits) Read
Mrunal’s lecture series and its handouts. only selective: NCERT 11-12, and GS
- No need for NCERT 9-10 or Class12 Manual.
Micro/Macroeconomics or Old NCERT. Current Affairs (CA)
- But, to cultivate vocabulary & expression skills - Any one newspaper: Daily IndianExpress
for Mains, read following: or theHindu. Not both! Only one.
- NCERT Class 11 Indian Economic - Make newspaper NOTES ONLY FOR
Development. Optional Subject, Cases Quotable for
- Introductions and conclusions of Last 3 Essay / GSM4, & factoids imp. for UPSC
years’ economic surveys from interview i.e. about your home-state,
http://indiabudget.gov.in/ hobbies, graduation.
- Chief Editor’s Desk (Preface) of last 2 years’ - Any one PDF/Mag compilation:
Yojana & Kurukshetra magazines from VisionIAS, DrishtiIAS,
http://yojana.gov.in/Recent_archive_2018.asp insights,GKT,iasbaba etc.
(change year number for getting previous - It’s true that not many Qs are coming
Archives) from PDF/Mag compilation, but if you
- Refer to Topicwise Papers & Trend analysis manually try to make your own current
available: Mrunal.org/Prelims and affairs notes, you’ll never finish other
Mrunal.org/Mains parts of syllabus.
Economy for UPSC
Prelims Paper-1 (GS) Mains GSM-1-2-3
(out of 100 Qs) (Out of 750 Marks) Remarks
6 PillarsTM
2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
1_Money Banking, Finance & Most useful in Prelims but less in
6 6 7 25 0 0
Insurance Mains
2_Budget, FC, GST 3 3 4 12.5 30 25 Second lowest utility after 5_Infra
3_Intl_Trade, BoP 11 4 4 25 0 30 Third lowest utility after 2_Budget.
Useful for both prelims and
4_Sectors, GDP, Inflation 4 8 3 25 60 50
5_Infra 2 4 1 37.5 10 15 Lowest utility among 6 pillars.
Useful for both prelims and
6_HRD 3 4 6 50 40 60
29 29 25
Total 175m 140m 180m
Qs Qs Qs


1.1 BARTER SYSTEM & ITS DISADVANTAGES: (वस्तु ववनिमय प्रणाली)
• Double co-incidence of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (आवश्यकताओ का दोहरा संयोग).
• Search Cost / Cost of Transaction is high.
• Storage of perishable commodities is difficult, results in loss of value.
• Doesn’t encourage specialization and division of labour.
• Divisibility & Fungibility problems:
• Fungible item= Division & Mutual substitution possible e.g. Gold bars,
Currency Notes & Coins. Non-fungible items examples: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.2 MONEY: FUNCTIONS OF (पैसे के कायय)
Table 1: Money was invented to overcome the limitations of barter system.
Primary [प्राथमिक] Secondary (S-T-D) [सहायक] Contingent [प्रासंगिक]
1. 1. _ _ _ _ _ _ of Value (िल्
ू य का 1. Basis of credit
_________ system, Financial
संचय) markets
ू य का िापक).
gm=wt, ml=vol, 2. _ _ _ _ _ of Value (िल्
ू य का 2. Employing factor
₹=value स्थािांतरण). Soldier in Kashmir to
2. 3. Creation &
parents in Kanyakumari Redistribution of
3. Deferred Payments (स्थगित National Income
(विनििय का
ु तािो का िािक). Airtel buy
िाध्यि). Buy &
Sell iphoneX @3499 only per month x
24 months.
Food Essay for thought: Money is not the root of all evil, greed is. पैसा िही, लोभ सभी
बरु ाईओ का मल
ू है .
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money, Crypto
Representative /
Money Money Deposit Money Currency
Fiat Money

1.3.1 Commodity Money (Intrinsic value? Yes)

- Iron Nails, Bear Pelts, Cocoa Beans, Whale Teeth, Gold Nuggets
- Problems? Perishable, not uniform, not pure, foreigners may not
accept. can cause hyperinflation.

1.3.2 Metallic Money (Intrinsic value? Yes)

- Traders & Kings: stamped their marks on gold nuggets for uniformity & trust.
- Indo Greek kings & Kushana kings issued gold coins, but Gupta Gold coins most
spectacular- king is playing Veena, shooting animals, standing with wife, taking selfis.
- Delhi Sultanate Kings: Silver Tanka. Sher Shah Suri Rupiyah silver coin. Akbar: Muhr.
- More SELF STUDY: History of Indian coins from Nitin Singhania (2nd Ed.) Ch.23

Gupta Coin: ~8 gm GOLD 50 paisa modern coin: ~4 gm steel

Full Bodied Coins Token Coins (प्रतीककात्िक)
_ _ _ _ _ _ Value (अंतभत
ूय मल्
ू य) is MORE is LESS
than its _ _ _ _ _ _ Value (अंककत मल्
ू य)
Debasement: decreasing the amount of 1330s: Tughlaq's Token coin
metal in coins. Usually happens when king’s experimentation = #EPICFAIL because
treasury gets poor e.g. Aurangzeb, Roman Thomas Grisham’s Law- good money drives
Kings. out bad money.
Coinage Act 2011 prohibits melting of Cupronickel metal used to discourage
coins. melting.

1.3.3 Paper Money (Intrinsic Value? No)

- Fiat money (िैधानिक िद्र
ु ा): Fiat = issued by the legally binding command / order of the
Government / King.

- Government issues: All coins upto Rs.1,000. Rs. 1 Note signed by

Finance Secretary. Under Coinage Act.
- Rs. 1 note doesn’t contain “I promise to pay bearer…”

- RBI issues: Currency notes signed by Governor. Presently Rs.10 to Rs.

2,000. Under RBI Act.
- Currency notes have Governor’s sign: “I promise to pay bearer…”
- When fiat money (currency/ coins) is legally valid for all debts & transactions throughout
the country, it’s called a Legal Tender.
- G-Sec, T-Bill, Shares, Bonds, DD, Cheque, ATM, Cards, Kirana coin, Casino coin,
Commemorative coin, Bitcoins: Are they fiat money or legal Tenders? Ans. Yes / No
Table 2: Fiat Money: Two types of legal tenders
A) Limited legal tenders B) Unlimited legal tenders:
(सीमित िैधानिक निविदा) (असीमित िैधानिक निविदा)

Payment beyond a limit _ _ _ _ _ refused. Payment beyond a limit _ _ _ _ _ refused.

- Coinage Act 2011 - RBI Act 1934- Section 26: Every bank
- Rs. 1 / above => upto Rs.1000 note is legal tender in India. Settle any
- 50 paisa x 20 coins=>upto Rs.10 amount of debt.
- Below 50 paisa withdrawn (2011) - But Finance Act 2017: “cash
transactions for less than Rs.2 lakh
only,” Beyond that use Cheque, DD,
NEFT etc. else penalty= entire amount.
MCQ: Which one of the following correctly describes the meaning of legal tender
money?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
(a) The money which is tendered in courts of law to defray the fee of legal cases
(b) The money which a creditor is under compulsion to accept in settlement of his claims
(c) The bank money in the form of cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, etc.
(d) The metallic money in circulation in a country
MCQ: Consider the following statements (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2011-II)
1. In India the minimum denomination coin acceptable for transaction is 50 paise.
2. Coins below 50 praise is not a legal tender for payment.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Only 1 (b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

1.3.4 (NEW) Mahatma Series Currency Notes in India

₹ 10 Sun Temple, Konark, Odisha. 13th Century Narsimhadev-I
₹ 20 (update when/if released)

₹ 50 Humpi Chariot from Vittala Temple, Karnataka

₹ 100 Lavender color. Rani ki Vav on Saraswati river, Patan. Rani Udaymati for
King Bhima-I of Chalukya / Solanki dynasty in 11th century, UNESCO
Heritage site
₹ 200 Sanchi Stupa, Madhya Pradesh.
₹ 500 Red Fort, Delhi by Shah Jahan. 26th January parade chief guests= 2018: 10
ASEAN leaders; 2019: South Africa president Cyril Ramaphosa
₹ 1000 (update when/if released)

₹ 2000 Mangal Yaan / Mars Orbiter Mission, 2013

New rupee - ₹: through competition by Dept of Eco.Affairs in 2010. Designed by
symbol D.Udaya Kumar (Associate Professor @IIT Guwahati)
Nation - Lion Emblem: Sarnath Pillar, Uttar Pradesh.
Symbol - “Satyamev Jayate”: Mundaka Upanishad
Languages While 8th Schedule has 22 languages, but currency note has only 17
Visually old series notes have square (50), triangle (100), circle (500) diamond
impaired (1000) new series notes have bleed lines, raised printing of Gandhi etc.
You can read more about currency notes’ features at https://paisaboltahai.rbi.org.in
1.3.5 “I promise to pay the bearer…”: Meaning?
Currency note is zero interest, anonymous bearer bond. This bond’s promise means…

Colonial / old times: Promised to convert into full bodied gold or silver
bars / coins worth the equal value in weight. E.g. 1 US Dollar = ~14
grams of gold. 1 British pound = ~73 grams of gold.

Modern times: Conversion into other notes and “token coins” of equal
face value. ₹ 2000 = 500 x 4 Nos.= 100 x 20 Nos etc.
Not inflation adjusted value. Not linked with weight of gold or silver.
Not bound to honor this promise for demonetized notes after 31/12/16. Demonetization of Fiat Money (वििुद्रीकरण: Previously 1946, 1978)

- 8/Nov/2016: FinMin-> Dept of Economic Affairs gazette notification to ban the “Special
Bank Notes” (SBN) of Mahatma Gandhi series Rs.500 and 1000.
- Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Act 2017: RBI not required to honor “I
promise to pay…”. Old notes can’t be kept except for research or numismatics or
museum- and that too in limited amount!

Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money, Crypto
Money Money Deposit Money Currency
/ Fiat Money


1.4.1 Paper orders: Cheque, Demand Draft (DD)
- Viceroy Ripon’s Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (परक्राम्य लिखत अलिलियम):
- Objective? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- 2017 Amendment: 20% interim compensation @ Trial court (लिचारण न्यायािय) 20%
deposit before appeal in higher court (अपीि न्यायािय)
- THREE parties in a cheque: 1) Drawer (Sender), 2) Drawee (Bank), 3) Payee (Recipient)
- THREE Types of cheques: 1) Stale: Not withdrawn in 3 months, 2) Post-dated: After a
specific date, 3) Anti-Dated: Before a specific date.
- Open / bearer cheque: No ‘crossing’. Anyone can encash.
- Outstation Cheque: collection charges outside home branch. At par cheque: no such
collection charges.
- IFSC code: Indian financial system code- 11 alphanumeric numbers to identify the bank
branch, just like PINCODE identifies an area.
- MICR code: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. 9 digits code written in Iron Oxide ink
for automated clearance.
- NPCi’s CTS-2010: Cheque Truncation System- scanned image of cheque sent to the
drawee branch for faster clearance without theft or tempering. MICR readers NOT
- Demand Draft: can’t be dishonored because amount is prepaid.
- Over Draft: When person’s bank balance goes zero, still he’s allow to draw money (as a
loan). Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan account has Overdraft upto Rs 5,000/- with certain

1.5.1 CBS ( full form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It’s a banking software with web-platform for centralized data management & branchless
banking. Finacle (Infosys); BanCS (TCS); E-Kuber (RBI)

MCQ: The term ‘Core Banking Solutions’ correct term? (Asked in UPSC Prelims-2016)
1. It is a networking of a bank’s branches which enables customers to operate their
accounts regardless of where they open their accounts.
2. It is an effort to increase RBI’s control over commercial banks through
3. It is a detailed procedure by which a bank with huge non-performing assets is taken
over by another bank.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3

Table 3: Digital Payment Systems

Real time / Instant Settlement Delayed / Batch Settlement
- Full form: - Full form:

- Transfer minimum 2 lakh to Rs. 2000 - Transfer upto Rs.10 lakhs (SBI). Settles
crores (SBI). net amount between banks at the
- Meant for corporates and high value interval of _ _ _ _ minutes / hour.
transactions. - Total _ _ _ settlements from 8 am to 7
- Only in working hours. pm on working days.
- Service fee + GST applicable - Service fee + GST applicable
NPCi’s IMPS: Clearing Services:
- Full form: - RBI’s National Electronic Clearing
Service (ECS) & NPCi’s National
- 24x7 via mobile, internet. Automated Clearing House (NACH) for
- Min. Rs.1 to 2 lakhs - Monthly utility bills, salaries, premiums
- While RTGS/NEFT require IFSC code so etc. automatically paid from bank
can be offered only by BANKS, but account.
IMPS can be offered by Banks as well Card payment Gateways:
as Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPI) / - Mastercard, Visacard, NPCi’s Rupay etc.
mobile-wallet companies such as They’re not free. MDR charges
Phonepe, Mobikwik etc. applicable.
- Service fee + GST applicable
1.5.2 Interoperability Problem (इंटरोऑपरे बिमिटी)

- (Definition) Interoperability is the ability of customers to transact across commercially

and technically independent payment platforms.
- Legal complications under Payment & settlement system act 2007, so, we don’t have full
interoperability; we can’t transfer money between one wallet to another, can’t use wallet
to pay all type of taxes, fees, insurance premiums etc.
- This is an obstacle to ‘cashless-economy’. So, 2018-October, RBI issued guidelines for
interoperability with KYC check, customer grievances mechanism etc.
1.5.3 What is NPCi?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a “Not for Profit Company” 10 promoter banks
with 100 crore capital to provide cost-effective payment solutions for banks (in 2008).

Table 4: NPCi has built following mechanisms / platforms / systems / apps:

- Aadhar enabled payment system. Useful for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
into beneficiary’s account for MNREGA wages, LPG subsidy, scholarship
etc. It’s also required for Bankmitra-MicroATM system.
AEPS - 2017: IDFC Bank launched the IDFC Aadhaar Pay app- India's first
Aadhaar-linked cashless merchant solution. Customer simply gives
Aadhar number, merchant takes his thumbprint on mobile app, money
transaction completed without any MDR charges.
BBPS Bharat Bill Payment system for automated monthly payments of utility bills
National Automated Clearing House for bulk monthly payments of utility bills,
dividends, salaries, pension / insurance premiums etc.
NFS National Financial switch runs the ATM network, IMPS, UPI and BHIM
CTS Cheque Truncation System (2010) learned in previous section 1.4.
Full Form:
It’s a technology for building digital payment apps based on IMPS with
following features:
- QR Scan & Pay to merchants.
- You can link Current Account (CA) Savings Account (SA) for direct
UPI 1.0
transfer of money without storing in ‘wallet’ first. (unlike PayTM)
- Such app can have Push transaction (e.g. Remittance to family), Pull
Transaction (e.g. monthly bill deduction by DTH) or even Bill sharing
among friends.
- Examples of UPI based app: SBI’s SBIBuddy, Axis Bank’s AxisPay and
NPCi’s own BHIM.
Upgraded version with following features:
UPI 2.0
- Overdraft Account linked [until now only CA,SA]
- Cash on Delivery, User mandate for future date e.g. DTH / Gym.
- Invoice in the inbox. QR authenticity – whether merchant verified or not?
Full form:
- It works on android, ioS/Apple mobile phones as an APP, and even on
non-smart (basic) phones using *99# USSD- Unstructured Supplementary
Service Data.
- Bank to bank / peer to peer transaction using mobile phone (xyz@upi). No
BHIM need to install multiple apps for each bank account (SBIBuddy, AxisPay
(2016) etc) just one BHIM app to use all such bank accounts. App has 3 factor
authentication system.
- Your money stays in bank account and earns interest. It’s not stored in
‘wallet outside bank’, like PayTM. No cards involved so no MDR or such
hidden charges.
- Sweden has “Swish” app to make their country 100% cashless by 2020.
While PayTM QR code will not work with Phonepe app (interoperability issue),
the BharatQR Quick Response code works with all UPI based bank apps and
BHIM app.
RuPay - Rupee + Payment = RuPay card is world’s 7th payment gateway similar to
(2016) Mastercard, Visacard, China’s Union Pay- but at less service charges.
- Works in 3 channels: ATM, PoS, Online. Used by banks, railway and even
dairies. Rupay debit card comes free with PMJDY (Jan Dhan) account.
1.5.4 Types of Cards
1. Magnetic Card: 60s technology. Data on magnetic strip. Data can be duplicated, cloned,
skimmed while swiping the card = fraud. So, RBI stopped such cards from 1/1/2019
using powers from Payment & Settlement Act.
2. EMV card: Full form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chip
infrastructure with encryption. RBI had ordered migration in 2013- finally effective from
1/1/2019. Two sub-types (A) EMV-Contact: cards must remain in Point of Sale (PoS)
Terminal during transaction. (B) EMV-contactless cards: simply tap the card on terminal
using RFID technology.
HomeWork: Read about RFID & NFC from Sci-Tech book
Prelims-2018: Find Correct Statement(s) Prelims-2018: Find Correct Statement(s)
1. National Payments Corporation of India 1. BHIM app allows the user to transfer
(NPCI) helps in promoting the financial money to anyone with a UPI-enabled
inclusion in the country. bank account.
2. NPCI has launched RuPay, a card 2. While a chip-pin debit card has four
payment scheme. factors of authentication, BHIM app has
Answer codes: only two factors of authentication.
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only Answer codes:
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

1.5.5 Types of ATMs: Full form _ _ _ _ _

Bank label bank itself runs the network
Brown label
White label
Micro-ATM Bankmitra manually makes entries of deposit and withdrawal for customer.
He uses handheld device for using card & Aadhar biometrics. NPCi’s
AEPS technology gives backend support.
1.5.6 What is Payment Regulatory Board (PRB)?
- 1998: Banking Reforms / Narsimhan-II Committee suggested regulatory framework for e-
banking, card payment etc.
- 2007: Payment & Settlement Systems Act -> RBI -> Board for Regulation and
Supervision of Payment and Settlement Systems. (BPSS). All Payment system providers
have to register with RBI’s BPSS- Whether bank, non-bank, wallet-PPI etc.
- 2016: Ratan Watal Committee on digital payment suggested replacing this BPSS with a
Payments Regulatory Board (PRB) in RBI, to look after Interoperability, Consumer
protection, Innovation, R&D in digital payments.
- 2017-Budget accepted Ratan Watal proposal. 2018: draft Payment and Settlement
System Bill to implement it.
- But, RBI vs Government difference of opinion about who should be chairman, how many
members from Government side etc. <Blank space for update in future>

1.5.7 MDR: Full form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

- MDR is the fee that a merchant must pay to a bank for every credit / debit card
transaction. MDR hurts merchants’ profit margin, discourages them from adopting PoS
terminals, digital payment system.
- 2017-18: RBI put ceilings on MDR fees to encourage digital economy.
- WEF 1/1/18: Ministry of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ started MDR-subsidy on
payments made via Debit card, BHIM or Aadhar enabled payment system for bills upto
Rs.2,000. Scheme valid for 2 years. Direct benefit: Encourage digital payments
ecosystem. Indirect Hidden benefit: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Notable measures to promote cashless economy Post-demonetization

- During 2016-17:
o Ratan Watal Committee to Finance Ministry for medium term recommendations
to strengthen digital payment ecosystem.
o Chandrababu Naidu chief ministers’ Committee to PM to promote digital
o HRD ministry’s Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan wherein college students explain
people about digital transactions.
o NITI+NPCi launched lottery / cashback schemes for customers (Lucky Grahak)
and merchants (Digi Dhan Vyapar). Government itself launched further referral
bonus, cashback schemes.
- Budget-2017: imposed ceilings the cash transactions, provided depreciation / deduction
incentives to companies for using digital transactions, reduced custom duties on ATM
related devices.
- Budget-2018: promised to explore blockchain technology [of cryptocurrencies] for
promoting digital economy.
- <Blank space for update more initiatives in future>
Q. Mains GSM3: Explain these two terms with respect to ‘less cash economy’ (1) MDR (2)
Interoperability. (150 words, 10 marks) ‘कम िगदी िािे अर्थतंत्र’ के पररपेक्ष्य मे इि दो शब्दो को
समझाइए: (1) एमडीआर (2) इं टरओपरे बलिटी (3) ब्िॉकचेि टेक्नोिोजी. Essay: Cashless Economy- Charms and Challenges

- (Definition) A cashless economy is an economy where financial transactions are not
conducted with money in the form of physical banknotes or coins, but rather through
electronic methods such as _ _ _ <insert examples>.
- (Origin) In ancient times, people used to trade with each other using barter system. But
its limitations _ _ _ _ <give evolution story>.
Stakeholder Body: Charms Body: Challenges
- Saves cost of printing new - MDR, Interoperability, Fintech
currency (Rs.27 billion a companies evolving more rapidly
year) – environment, than legal framework.
- Better efficacy of monetary - KYC: Aadhar vs privacy debate
policy updates, NPA/fraud
- Better tax surveillance, - Power, telecom infrastructure not
checks on fake counterfeit available everywhere.
currency terror finance, - Government itself must become a
- targeted delivery of agri- role model first in handling tax,
loans and subsidies/ DBT: tender, tolls, procurements through
Annually Rs. 1 lakh crore digital payment.
saved. - To encourage digital payment if
- Can save farmers from subsidy, tax breaks, lotteries given
Govt. moneylenders, and poor for perpetual time -> fiscal deficit.
families from Ponzi - Post-Demonetization, digital
schemes. transactions ↑ but then again ↓ so,
punitive measures = ☹
Secure, difficult to steal, time, - Digital divide, Low financial literacy-
convenience, financial notion of security associated with
inclusion. holding physical currency.
- Frauds, Card cloning, service fees
Household on NEFT / card payments.
homework homework


Conclusion: Digital payment is not a panacea, nor is cash all bad. For a developing country
like India, “Less cash” economy better than “Cashless” economy.
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money, Crypto
Money Money Deposit Money Currency
/ Fiat Money


• [Definition] Cryptocurrency:

• [Definition] Blockchain: A secured decentralized database that maintains a

continuously growing list of records / transactions. Old entries can’t be deleted, new
entries will be visible to all. Mainly used for running cryptocurrency network.
• [Origin] Anarchist groups lost faith in FIAT MONEY / LEGAL TENDERS because
Subprime Crisis (2007) eroded the purchasing power of US Dollar. They also dislike
BANK MONEY / DEPOSIT MONEY because of transaction charges on e-banking,
card payments, MDR, interoperability issues.
• 2009: An anonymous user Satoshi Nakomoto launched a cryptocurrency ‘Bitcoin’,
total 21 million coins, wherein 1 Bitcoin (BTC) = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
• Ethereum, Litecoin, Digicoin, Laxmicoin, Ripple etc. are also cryptocurrencies.
3 ways to obtain
Negative Points / Challenges
1) - Graphics cards demand & price hike: 2x-4x times due to bitcoin
mania. E-waste generation. Thermal Electricity wastage worth 20
megatone CO2
- If quantum computer invented it’ll solve it in seconds, thus
crashing the value of Bitcoins.
2) - Bitcoin wallets have “public address” (like an email) & private
key (like a password): but not traceable unlike an email. So,
Narcotics, illegal trade, Terror finance.
- Selling goods/services in exchange of bitcoins= Government
deprived of GST, Custom duty, Income tax on merchant’s profit.
- Scam: can’t get justice under Consumer Protection Act.
3) - For traditional Rupee to dollar exchange, Forex dealers have to
register with RBI under FEMA Act. They’re monitored with KYC,
PMLA, Enforcement Directorate.
- If rupee or $ exchanged with Bitcoin = terror finance, sending
black money to tax havens.
- Dollar to Bitcoin exchange rate: speculation, volatility,
Government deprived of Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
- Ponzy investment frauds- hence Government came up with
Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2018. Read on
PRSIndia once bill is passed.

MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about Bitcoin? [UPSC-CDS-2017-I]

1. It is a decentralized virtual currency.
2. It is generated through complex computer software systems.
3. The Reserve Bank of India recognized it as a legal tender in January 2016.
Answer Codes
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
1.6.1 Cryptocurrency legality in India & elsewhere
India is neither the first nor the only country to restrict cryptocurrencies. Nepal, Bangladesh,
Morocco, Algeria, Equator, Bolivia et al already banned it.
- Since 2013, RBI had been warning people. 2018: RBI directed all
banks/PPP/mobile-wallet cos. to stop relations with any
Cryptocurrency company.
- However, RBI’s Institute for Development and Research in Banking
Technology (IDRBT)- studying how to use blockchain technology for
promoting digital economy.
- 2017: Dinesh Sharma Committee to FinMin suggested total ban on
cryptocurrencies. But activists challenged in SC. So Government sets
up new Committee. Subhash Chandra Garg committee to FinMin has
been working on Draft law & framework for cryptocurrencies. Both
Dinesh & Subhash were Secretary in Department of Economic Affairs.
- 2018: Budget says Crypto-currencies are not legal tenders. We’ll
eliminate use of these crypo-currencies in financing illegitimate
activities or as part of the payment systems.
- 2018-Aug: World Bank launched World’s first blockchain bond called
“_ _ _ _ ” in Australia -> public invests, gets ~2% interest after 2 years.
World Bank This money is loaned to developing countries.
- Blockchain bond requires less cost in server / database /paperwork
maintenance unlike traditional bonds.
- Capital Majuro, Sovereign state having free association with USA (for
Defense, social security, budget), Legal Tender was U$D. But,
- 2018-Feb: became first country to launch sovereign cryptocurrency
named “Sovereign” [SOV]. So, now two legal tenders: U$D and SOV.
No anonymity unlike Bitcoins.
- Bolivars have little value in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ country due to hyperinflation,
and failed economy.
- So, President Nicholas Maduro launched “Petro”- a fiat
cryptocurrency whose price is linked with market price of 1 oil barrel.
- Can be bought using Dollar, Euro, even other cryptocurrencies. Sale
began in 2018-Nov.
<space for self-update>


“While regulatory clearance to cryptocurrencies can open Pandora’s box, the underlying blockchain technology
holds panacea for various areas of governance and economy”. Explain in context of India. (250 words, 15 marks)

क्रक्रप्टोकरं सी को अिुमलत देिे से लििाश की पररलथर्लत का लिमाथण, जबक्रक अंतर्िथलित ब्िाकचेईि टेक्नोिोजी प्रशासि और अर्थव्यिथर्ा के
लिलिन्न क्षेत्र के लिए रामबाण िो सकती िै."। पाक्रकथताि िारत के संदिथ में समझाएं.

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