EF1A - Money - Barter - To - Bitcoins PDF
EF1A - Money - Barter - To - Bitcoins PDF
EF1A - Money - Barter - To - Bitcoins PDF
Geography Polity
- NCERT: First class11-12’s four textbooks on - Indian Polity by M.Laxmikanth
physical, Indian & human geography. Then - Governance in India by Laxmikanth.
NCERT 7-10 Social Science- only those chapters - IYB19: ch.2,3, 20, 28.
which are not covered in Class 11-12. - Current: Notable judgements,
- Rajtanil’s Geography Lecture series. Committees, appointments.
- Goh Cheng Leong: All chapters EXCEPT 4 to 10. - PrsIndia.org: passed acts
- Majid Hussain’s Geography of India: All chapters - if time permits: NCERT Social Sci and
EXCEPT 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 14, 15, 16. PolSci
- If time, IYB-2019 ch. 1 and 30, else ignore it. International Relations
Agriculture - IR groups theory: any GS Manual’s
- NCERT Geography, Science Textbooks. reference table. Followed by CA from
- Budget, Eco survey, Yojana, Kurukshetra Newspaper/PDF/Mags.
Environment History-Culture
- NIOS PDF on Environment - No need for old NCERTs.
- ShankarIAS’s Book, IYB19 Ch. 12 - TN Class11-12, new NCERT
- NCERT Chemistry Class11: Chapter on - Nitin Singhania, Spectrum, Pratik’s
Environmental Chemistry. Lecture series.
- NCERT Biology 11-12: selective study of Science Tech
chapters related to flora-fauna, biotech - Ravi Agrahari’s Science-Tech book.
Economy - (then, If time permits) Read all chapters:
- Theory, Contemporary, and Current issues from NCERT 7-10. (then, If time permits) Read
Mrunal’s lecture series and its handouts. only selective: NCERT 11-12, and GS
- No need for NCERT 9-10 or Class12 Manual.
Micro/Macroeconomics or Old NCERT. Current Affairs (CA)
- But, to cultivate vocabulary & expression skills - Any one newspaper: Daily IndianExpress
for Mains, read following: or theHindu. Not both! Only one.
- NCERT Class 11 Indian Economic - Make newspaper NOTES ONLY FOR
Development. Optional Subject, Cases Quotable for
- Introductions and conclusions of Last 3 Essay / GSM4, & factoids imp. for UPSC
years’ economic surveys from interview i.e. about your home-state,
http://indiabudget.gov.in/ hobbies, graduation.
- Chief Editor’s Desk (Preface) of last 2 years’ - Any one PDF/Mag compilation:
Yojana & Kurukshetra magazines from VisionIAS, DrishtiIAS,
http://yojana.gov.in/Recent_archive_2018.asp insights,GKT,iasbaba etc.
(change year number for getting previous - It’s true that not many Qs are coming
Archives) from PDF/Mag compilation, but if you
- Refer to Topicwise Papers & Trend analysis manually try to make your own current
available: Mrunal.org/Prelims and affairs notes, you’ll never finish other
Mrunal.org/Mains parts of syllabus.
Economy for UPSC
Prelims Paper-1 (GS) Mains GSM-1-2-3
(out of 100 Qs) (Out of 750 Marks) Remarks
6 PillarsTM
2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
1_Money Banking, Finance & Most useful in Prelims but less in
6 6 7 25 0 0
Insurance Mains
2_Budget, FC, GST 3 3 4 12.5 30 25 Second lowest utility after 5_Infra
3_Intl_Trade, BoP 11 4 4 25 0 30 Third lowest utility after 2_Budget.
Useful for both prelims and
4_Sectors, GDP, Inflation 4 8 3 25 60 50
5_Infra 2 4 1 37.5 10 15 Lowest utility among 6 pillars.
Useful for both prelims and
6_HRD 3 4 6 50 40 60
29 29 25
Total 175m 140m 180m
Qs Qs Qs
Colonial / old times: Promised to convert into full bodied gold or silver
bars / coins worth the equal value in weight. E.g. 1 US Dollar = ~14
grams of gold. 1 British pound = ~73 grams of gold.
Modern times: Conversion into other notes and “token coins” of equal
face value. ₹ 2000 = 500 x 4 Nos.= 100 x 20 Nos etc.
Not inflation adjusted value. Not linked with weight of gold or silver.
Not bound to honor this promise for demonetized notes after 31/12/16.
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money, Crypto
Money Money Deposit Money Currency
/ Fiat Money
MCQ: The term ‘Core Banking Solutions’ correct term? (Asked in UPSC Prelims-2016)
1. It is a networking of a bank’s branches which enables customers to operate their
accounts regardless of where they open their accounts.
2. It is an effort to increase RBI’s control over commercial banks through
3. It is a detailed procedure by which a bank with huge non-performing assets is taken
over by another bank.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
- Transfer minimum 2 lakh to Rs. 2000 - Transfer upto Rs.10 lakhs (SBI). Settles
crores (SBI). net amount between banks at the
- Meant for corporates and high value interval of _ _ _ _ minutes / hour.
transactions. - Total _ _ _ settlements from 8 am to 7
- Only in working hours. pm on working days.
- Service fee + GST applicable - Service fee + GST applicable
NPCi’s IMPS: Clearing Services:
- Full form: - RBI’s National Electronic Clearing
Service (ECS) & NPCi’s National
- 24x7 via mobile, internet. Automated Clearing House (NACH) for
- Min. Rs.1 to 2 lakhs - Monthly utility bills, salaries, premiums
- While RTGS/NEFT require IFSC code so etc. automatically paid from bank
can be offered only by BANKS, but account.
IMPS can be offered by Banks as well Card payment Gateways:
as Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPI) / - Mastercard, Visacard, NPCi’s Rupay etc.
mobile-wallet companies such as They’re not free. MDR charges
Phonepe, Mobikwik etc. applicable.
- Service fee + GST applicable
1.5.2 Interoperability Problem (इंटरोऑपरे बिमिटी)
Conclusion: Digital payment is not a panacea, nor is cash all bad. For a developing country
like India, “Less cash” economy better than “Cashless” economy.
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money, Crypto
Money Money Deposit Money Currency
/ Fiat Money
“While regulatory clearance to cryptocurrencies can open Pandora’s box, the underlying blockchain technology
holds panacea for various areas of governance and economy”. Explain in context of India. (250 words, 15 marks)
क्रक्रप्टोकरं सी को अिुमलत देिे से लििाश की पररलथर्लत का लिमाथण, जबक्रक अंतर्िथलित ब्िाकचेईि टेक्नोिोजी प्रशासि और अर्थव्यिथर्ा के
लिलिन्न क्षेत्र के लिए रामबाण िो सकती िै."। पाक्रकथताि िारत के संदिथ में समझाएं.