Sri A.V. Sundaram - Insights in Nadis

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Puranamityeva na sadhu sarvam

na capi kavyam navamityavadyam
Santah pariksyanyatarad bhajante
mudhah parapratyayaneyabuddhih

A book is not sacred simply because it is ancient; nor is

a book to be ignored simply because it is recently
written. The wise give recognition to a work on its
merit; fools echo others' opinions.
The Malavikagmimltram


-- .-----
------- - .

(Unknown astrology)

As told by

Sri A. V. Sundaram

And compiled by
Andrée Leclerc
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

Complier's Note

Dear Readers,

This is not a regularly authored book on

astrology and similar subjects. Rather, the
Nadis presented here were narrated by Sri A.V.
Sundararn-ji from what he has heard, read,
researched and learned from various sources
MRP: t 351/-
USD: $ 30 and various times. This collection of N adis is
part of the astrological gems he gathered in the
Published and Distributed by: course of his 35 years in the astrological journey.
Saptarishis Publications The readers (youl) are cautioned to go
C-2/18 Shantiniketan slowly ln accepting and applying. these
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We' are very thankful to Saptarishi
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© Saptarishis Publications, 2014

Andrée Leclerc

PageS Page 6
Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis

P.S. You will find herein dicta floating about

on sorne pages - these have been collected from
Nadi works by Mr. Sundaram-ji.

P.P.S. The cover image shows the Navagrahas Introduction - N adis as Applied to J yotish
. .
as seen ln a mirror, History accord ing to N adis


Jupiter's Special Status ··················

..·.. 13
Grahas Karakatwas ·············· 14
Rashis (Signs) - Their Karakatwas 16
Rashis - Their Attributes ··············
Grahas ln Rashis 20
Nadis' Friends And Enemies Scheme 21

Bhavas (Houses) ··· 22

Karakas For Houses , 23
More On Houses 25
I-Their Nature ·················· 25
z-House Lords - Fast Tips zô
Theory Of Karma ·················· 28
Past, Present And Future - Births Classification &
Lifespan ···········32
Karakatwas As Applied ln Nadi Combination Of
Planets ·····42
Role Of Nakshatras & Navamsha ..................•............ 44
Life starts in the Dharma signs 45
tst Scheme - Nakshatra Ownership From Each
Sign : ·······49
znd Scheme - Where's The House Lord's
N akshatras? 51
3rd Scheme - Through Which Houses Are The
Fate And Moksha Lords Operating? ·····..········52
Judging Of Charts According To Nadi Principles ..... 56
How To Use The Karakatwa Uccha And Neecha '
Rashi In judgrnent ······ 62

Insights ln Nadis Insights ln Nadis


Three Divisions: Past, Present, Future - How To Introduction - Nadis as Applied to Jyotish'
W ork It Out 65
Table of Divisions Starting With Nakshatra Lords .. 68 Since India covers rnuch ground as the
Moon Progressions Back & Forth Synchronized 70 7 largest country on the planet, with 2.8 states,
ApplicatiOn Of Transits U sing N adi Principles 71.
7 unions and 2.2. official languages, the sarne
knowledge rnay adopt varied narnes in different
reglons. Therefore, our subject of study is
known as N adi in the south and as Sarnhita in
Metonic Cycle Of Planets U sed ln Brighu Pada the northern area. Nadis are written on palrn
Dasha 76
leaves and are known as OLE in Sri Lanka.
Arudhas ln Brighu Pada Dasha 77
Bhava Dasha 84 Sarnhitas are hand written.
Naisargika - Years Ruled By Planetfs) 87

NADIS are classified in two parts:



~ J iva N adis are known as the speaking N adis
which are generally used in N adi readings.
~ Ajiva Nadis are known as Abyhasa N adis
(practicing). These are divided into Mantra
Nadi and Tantra Nadi.
GRAHAS : II4 It is said that there are 72. N adis in
existence: 36 representing Mantra Nadis and 36
Tantra Nadis in addition to sorne Prashna

Page 9 Page 10
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
Nadis. It is also said that Mantra Nadis and the Rashis of FIRE, EARTH, AIR and
Tantra N adis each comprise over one lakh WATER.
(100,000) charts.
#5 T 0 define and personify further the
Nadi astrological dicta or remedial
measures are ail taken from AJIVA to be
used in regular astrological practice MERCURY and VENUS were each
granted a specifie element, namely and
respectively AIR, ETHER, FIRE, EARTH
and W ATER (now this may seem
History according to Nadis
confusing as we already mentioned Rahu
#1 First, there was the UNIVERSE and that is for Earth above but to clarify, Rahu would
the HOROSCOPE. be "The Planet Earth" and aU that goes on
over there like what you see and don't see
#2 Then came TIME and SPACE and these
on TV, whereas Mercury is the element
were shown by the SUN and MOON.
"Earth" that is, the "solid stuff" in things -
From these we obtained the TITHI which
i.e. the parts of the TV itself).
#6 For the 6 GUNAS: KAMA, LOBHA,
#3 To populate #1 and #2, the INDIVIDUAL ,
MATSARY A which are reflected by the
created and these are represented by,
respectively, the LAGNA, RAHU and
Severi senses, seven colours of the rainbow ,
#4 T 0 place these in perspective, the notions of
seven organs. Completion of anything is
represented by the number 7. Per example,
MOKSHA were brought forth to join with
the J anma Lagna is completed by the 7 H i.e.
Paaell Paae12
Insiehts ln Nadis Insi8hts ln Nadis

death - or, the 6H for working and the I2H

for rest. 7 Rishis, 7 mountains, 7 seas... The term "LAGNA" means =ro .JOIN". The
#8 TERMINATES. Meaning that at this
point, things are no longer in our Hands -
or we could say that what goes on there is
Therefore, the first implies ;he two
beyond the mind. elements of PAST and FUTURE coming toge-
#9 REPEA TS the past i.e. rebirth. ther whereas the second lS taken from an
astronomical facto

Jupiter's Special Status

ln Nadi jyotish, JUPITER is known as Grahas Karakatwas
jlV A and its Moolatrikona sign, SAGITT A- SUN King, famous, father, son,
RIUS, is used as jlV A's standard starting point. Sunday, Atma Karaka
Consequently, you will note that we will refer MOON Hindu and rivers (Ganga etc.),
to the chart with Sagittarius as LAGNA in food, Monday, mother or
sorne instances. Nevertheless, since the sign of mother-In-Iaw for married lady,
. ARIES lS the classical first sign of elderly woman, eldest sister,
daily cash, debts, the actof
KALAPURUSHA, we will also venture obser-
vations and presentation of data from this sign
as well. T 0 brief you on the reason why this is MARS Land, siblings, husband, Tuesday

so, N adi considers that all charts should be read MERCURY Small, budhi, birds, parrots,
from Kalapurusha- Aries since this indicates colours, W ednesday, friend, does
not cheat like the Moon if Moon
what FATE we were born with. The Lagna
is not involved - more self-
(any Lagna) iswhere our past life joins this one
centered than cheater
and shows what we· should be expected to
accomplish in this life.
Paae13 Page 14
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

JUPITER Gurus, temples, peaceful, soft, Rashis (Signs) - Their Karakatwas

, ,
wealth, Thursday, J iva karaka i.e.
self, 16 kinds of wealth, living ARIES: Central government, passion,
tree i.e. has water, when j up enthusiasm, accidents, struggles,
transits over natal Moon it shows pioneers, stubborn, head
a change of residence (sarne if TAURUS: Stability, permanence of things,
transiting in trine to Moon: 5 - 9) wealth, arts, pleasures, patience,
VENUS Beauty, flowers (rose, jasmine ...), productivity, endurance,
smells, Love (Prerna), poetry, conservatism, face and neck
cash $ and dollars wealth, Friday, GEMINI: Green grass, joining, siblings,
wife, elder sister or sister-in-Iaw, communication, marketing,
znd eldest, like tamarind it creativity, versatility, indecision,
arouses sex hypocrisy, arms and lungs
SATURN Servant, drainage, Saturday, CANCER: Watery, milk, the syrnbol is not a
Karma karaka, large intestine crab but the 2. nipples of mother,
until the anus, movement, mother figure, older women,
profession, activity home, emotions, happiness, chest
RAHU Meaningless, Muslim, unusual, and stomach
. wit. h "R" , terrace
names startrng LEO: Administration at government
with no roof, dry wood, seeds, state level, entertainment, sports,
testis, mouth, main entrance: ambition, generosity, romance,
check entrance' s direction & see vanity, arrogance, heart
if it agrees with Rahu's position
VIRGQ: Business, education, playgrounds,
KETU Long and thin, hair, tail, Moksha, personifies virgin, plain stuff,
dry grass, beard, rope, flag, see on coins, purity, rnethod, health and
,the hand where Ketu is placed: disease, setbacks, intestines '
there will be a flag; anus

Paae15 Paae16
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

in battle but will be clean in

LIBRA: Where business happens i.e. the
training. Will show the two
market place, private parts, sides while Scorpio hides them.
kidneys, does not retain urine -
Power, the State, old people and
good for gathering folks together, things, responsibilîty, sobriety,
popular - is like a market i.e.
stuff cornes from elsewhere to
that place. It is the function of AQUARIUS: Freedorn, psychology, inventions,
sex as opposed to where babies secret ive, miser, butcher shop,
are manufactured. Harmony, gambling house, friendship with
arts, justice folkson any level: rich, poor,
good, bad... Ankles
SCORPIO: Bladder, secretion of urine, cave
like, marshy i.e. not liquid & not PISCES: Reversed, place of pilgrimage,
solid, sinner (with Libra on one place where we go for a specifie
side becomesmore social) or purpose and we don't go often
saint (with Sagittarius on other Ex: toilet which is given impor-
side becomes wiser), Place of tance only for a time. Infinite,
transition where toxic waste is silence, mysticism, escapism,
removed - uterus. Destruction hospitals, jails, feet
and regeneration, passions,
mysteries ... MooV\, c0v0uV\,Ct Cl VVtClLeftc wl1tLe tl1Clt
VVtClLeftc l1ClS. e)(cl1ClV'v0e~ -pLClce wtt:l1 ClV\,Otl1er-
SAGITT ARIUS: Forests, religious activities,
-pLClV\-et (-PCln,VClI'tl1ClV\,Cl) :tl1e l1eClLtl1 or-
tradition, legal matters,
cl1Clr-Clcter- of tl1e VVtotl1er- (MOOV\,) Is Clffecte~
philosophy, luck, religion,
idealism, optimism, fanaticism, *.* * * * * * * *
indiscipline, hips and thighs veV\,us ClLoV\-etV\, owv\, l1ouse: wtfe. ts fr-oVVt Cl
CAPRICORN: Dirty places, mixed nature, V'vobLefClVVttLk:j Clv\'~ of g.oo~ cl1Clr-Clcter-
perspiration, wet or dry hands -
like a soldier who will get dirty

Paae17 Paae18
- c


Insie,hts ln Nadis Insie,hts ln Nadis

Rashis - Their Attributes Grahasln Rashis

!J~~ Ibde« fj~ (Jemini [f~~ Ibde« fj~ (Jemini

JJttuna ~ftà Vwfla&a .Mitfuuta JJttuna ~Iià Vwfla&a .Mitfuuta
Moksha - Female Dharma - Male Artha - Female Kama-Male 2j. Own sign ô Own sign + Ç? Own sign
Water - Brahmin Fire - Kshatriya Earth - Vaishya Air- Shudra Ç? Uccha Moolatrikona J) Uccha + ~ Own sign
Dual- Spiritual Mobile Fixed c Mental Dual- Spiritual ~ Neecha o Uccha Moolatrikona
North Physical- East South West h. Neecha

~ ~ Ilquasias .&uta4
JlumI}.f,;a !lûvtfut :JUunMa !lûvtfut
Kama-Male Moksha h. Own sign + Own Sign J) Own sign
Air- Shudra Female 2j. Uccha
Fixed - Mental IIWater- Brahmin Moolatrikona ô Neecha
West Rashis Mobile
Physical- North or (Root Sign) .&6-
and their fup'tiavut
&p'tiavut .&6- Uccha (Exalted)
attributes ~ SimflUt
~ SitnIm h. Own sign Neecha (Fallen) oOwn sign +
Artha - Female Dharma - Male ô Uccha Moolatrikona
Earth ~Vaishya Fire - Kshatriya 2j. Neecha

Mobile Fixed - Mental

Physical- South East S~ Scesoie. .I!iIPta VbuJo-
~fianwt Vwflclii&a fjliufa ~
S~ Scespie. .eiDJta VbuJo- Ç?Own sign + ~ Own sign +
~fianwt VwfU:!üfro, fjliufa. Ownsign 4-
2j. Ô Own sign . Moolatrikona Moolatrikona
~ Moolatrikona. h. Uccha
Artha - Female J) Neecha + Uccha
Dharma - Male Moksha Kama-Male
Fire - Kshatriya IFemale - Water- Air- Shudra Earth - Vaishya o Neecha Ç? Neecha

Dual- Spiritual Brahmin Mobile Dual - Spiritual

East Fixed - Mental Physical- West South

cViecR. tVie ~tsposttOY of MVlYS VlII\..~ vell\

wViell\.. tYVlII\..Stt SVltuylI\.. cOVlA.estll\.. tVie i2tt.-t foy VlTteY,-VlA.VlyytVlge effects - Le. vell\ foy VI
Viouse to II\..VltVlL vell\ oJl\,e's ftll\..VllI\..ces VlA.VlLecViVlrt VlII\..~ MVlYS foy VI feVlA.VlLe cViVlrt

PaBe19 PaBe20
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

Nadis' Friends And Enemies Scheme Bhavas (Houses)

Graha Enemies ~eI2· ~el· ~e2· ~e3·

SUN Saturn - Rahu - Venus ~6~ 5fre9Jeulij Woof1Ji S~
lement: Water lement: Fire lement: Air
MOON Mercury .; Venus - Saturn - Rahu
oal: Moksha oal: Dharma oal: Kama
MERCURY Ketu - Moon - Mars ature: ature: Kendra ature: Maraka ature:
uhsthana trine lassification: Uppachaya
MARS Mercury - Saturn - Rahu lassification: lassification: ale fie lassification:
VENUS Sun - Moon - Ketu alefie enefie eutral

SATURN Mars - Ketu - Sun - Moon
lement: Air Bhavas
RAHU Mars - Moon -' Sun oal: Kama
Eléments lement: Water
KETU Mercury - Venus - Saturn ature: / oal: Moksha
Goals ature: Kendra
eutral Nature enefie

DelAtVt tlA~es -pllAce wVtel/\,Ju-p~teY" tY"lAl/\,s~ts

tVte VItt~c{--po~l/\,tof I/\,lAtlAl R.C!Vtu 1A1/\,c{Mool/\, Significator
lement: Earth lement: Fire
oal: Artha
as seen from val: Dharma
********* ature: Kendra KALAPURUSHA ature: Trine
.Uppachaya lassification:
Ju-p~teY" VteVlttVlttec{ betweel/\, MeY"CuY"k:j lAI/\,c{
lassification: enefie
MIAY"s: c{1AY"~VlttIAY"I~DI/\, Vt~S blAc~ enefie

~e8· ~e7· ~e6·

********* l!ife Speuse Enemies
5ul/\" Vel/\,US, MeY"cuY"k:j coVlj Ul/\,cHol/\,: lement: Fire lement: Water lement: Air lement: Earth
oal: Dharma oal: Moksha Goal: Kama oal: Artha
flAtVteY" VtIAS belAuHful VtIAI/\,c{wY"~Hl/\,g DY" ts ature: Trine ature: ature: Kendra
lA1/\,lAY"Hst lassification: uhsthana· Maraka
enefie lassification: Classification: 'ppachaya
alefie eutral lassification:
ale fie


- - l ,(.

Insiahts ln Nadis Insiahts ln Nadis

Karakas For Houses 9H Jupiter for teacher
rd ) Sun for father and
IH Sun for one's vigour
MClIr$ 'PL~ce~ ~V\, government
Moon for one' s body GVtec~ tr~ V\,$~t
tVte iOtl1 Vtouse JIA.'P~ter ove«
IOH Sun for power and
2H Jupiter for 16 kinds or froVVtJ 1A.'P~ter: .position V\,~t~L.KetlA. for
wealth (children, VteL'PfroVVt
education, money ...)
Saturn for service and ~e~tVt,
brotVter$ livelihood VVt~rr~~ge, etc. -
Mercury for speech
Venus for family ********* Jupiter for sudden or RàVtIA./KètlA.'$
fortune tr~ V\,$~t$oVer
3H Mars for brothers and SxcVt~v\'ge of
veV\,lA.$~V\,~ uH Jupiter for gain and V\,~t~IjIA.'P~te 1"
MerclA.rk:j: VVt~V\, luck of brother
Saturn for misery *********
Vt~$ botVtw~fe I2H Saturn for sorrow
Venus for conveyance s s~tlA.rV\,
~ V\,~ VVt~$tre$$ Mars for confinement
Moon for mother CO~IA.V\,CtM~r$:
Jupiter for growth
'Mercury for learning ********* $IA.$'P~C~OUS
and wisdom
Mars for property
MerclA.rk:j ~ V\,~ Ketu for moksha G ck:jV\,~c
Jupiter for children veV\,us togetVter: '-L -'-_.../
Mercury for intelligen ce 'PLe~$lA.refroVVt
6H Mars for enemies 9 ~rLfr~ev\'~
Saturn for illness AV\,k:j 'PL~v\'et ~V\,co~lA.V\,CtLoV\,
********* w~tVt
7H Venus for the wife veV\,us ~V\,tVte RClVtIA.or KetlA. ~v\'~excVt~v\'g~v\'g $~gv\'
Mars for passion since Gtl1 Vtouse froVVt w~tVt ~V\,QtVter'PL~v\'et: tVt~t 'PL~v\'etget$
he is vigour
M~r$: ~eL~k:j ~V\, "N~g~ 1)O$Vt~". Sx: s~tlA.rv\' + KetlA.
Mercury for co-wife ~V\,Ar~e$ ~v\,~ M~r$ ~V\,G~'Pr~corv\' -
VVt~rr~~ 9e ~ V\,~
(i.e, a husband's other M~r$ get$ N~g~ 1)O$Vt~:~e~tVt or
~L$O Leg~L
'ProbLeVVtS~V\, $ep~r~tLov\' of brotVter$
8H Saturn for longevity
and mental suffering
G VVt~rr~~ge


Insi8hts ln Nadis nsights ln N~dis

---------------------------- -

More On Houses 2- House Lords - Fast Tips


TRINE positions are lucky - things flow on
their own: you've got a driver! The J anma
Lagna (Il.) Lord also shows
one ,.s very rmrne
. dirate concern i.e.
. "ME" , "YOU
KENDRA positions put you to work in
and ME" or "US". To find out, see in which
order to get where .you want to get i.e. you
sign the Lagna Lord is placed.
got to drive yourself.
- If placed in the first 4 signs - ARIES to
6 - 8 - 12. positions ... your car is broken and
CANCER - the individu al is interested
you've got to push it. ..
in his/her own interests. Clearly, a "ME"
UPPACHA y AS i.e. Bouses 3, .6, 10, II are all type.
places where the body bends and grows - so
If placed between LEO and SCORPIO
growth of the individual lS seen through
he/ she is concerned about the self and the
these hou ses / we need them to go anywhere
near and dear ones. AU about "ME and
in life.
Houses From Jiva's home Lord
- And if ln the 4 last slgns -
3H: neck Aquarius Saturn SAGITTARIUS to PISCES - one's con-
6H: hip Taurus Venus siderations include humanity - and they
10H: knees Virgo Mercury
may se~k name and fame. "US" for the
11H: ankles Libra Venus
who le world. As the three Musketeers
~ SuV\, LV\, tl1e 1.2tn Vtous.ef~oVlA.veV\,us: CfilV\,'t save would say "One for aU, aUfor one!" G

(Lf veV\,us ts filLo~). CVtecR, Sfilturv\' LV\, fL
Mercurk:j filV\,c{RlilVtuLv\' 21Mi1 Vtous.eto SuV\,: oll\,e
tVte 1.2Ht Vtouse froVlA. veV\,us for s.fiI\IL~ VlA.oV\,ek:j
of tVte cVtLLc{reV\,s.ettLec{ LV\, fil foreLgv\' couV\,trk:j

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

ln which slgn elements are the Lagna See which HOUSE is the Moolatrikona
Lord, Sun and Moon placed ...? rashi affected. . If a planet is exalted, .its
Moolatrikona can suffer just like <Il person who
FIRE signs indicate one who thinks about
1S exalted in the outside world can find his/her
the, future.
personal affairs lessened.
AIR and EARTH slgns glve concerns
about the present.
Theory Of Karma
WATER signs retain one's attention ln
KARMA is based on the results of
actions done during our recurring births. The
So, water sign dominated people
]ANMA LAGNA represents the Present Birth;
remember things for a long time (the day 1 met
the 9H represents the PAST BIRTH and the
you, they day you proposed, they day you
5H the FUTURE. More about this in the next
changed your mind on the proposa] thing, the
section "Past, Present and Future".
day you married someone else... Alas, what a
torture ...)
The RESUL TS of acquired KARMA are
On the whole, discretion comes with the GROUPED in THREE WAYS: DRIDHA, ADRIDHA
Lagna Lord. It can be influenced if conjunct and DRIDHAIADRIDHA
planets - which can prove frustrating since
circumstances or ether people's agendas, may ~ What is definitively happening is DRIDHA
always seern to get in the way. shown by the DASHAS.

~ The results that may or may not happen are

Watch it! ADRIDHA shown by the GOCHARAS.
An EXAL TED planet affects its ~ Some results may take place and some may
not: this is known as DRIDHA/ ADRIDHA
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
KARMA which is seen hy the YOGAS = some
may fructify and sorne may not fructify. th
Here, 6 Lordjupiter occupies the nH from the
Lagna: she had no elder brother but lots of
friends. The nH happens ta be the 8H from the
4H of her mother' s longevity: she lost her
mother early in life. The nH is the 7 H from
the 5H: she had two daughters-in-Iaw: one was
~ PRARABDHA karma is the present day
sent out and the other continued in retaining
unavoidable reaping of what we sowed in our
her power - and so on. nH is maraka for the
past life. This is shown by the 6H and 6th Lord
5H: both her children had untimely deaths.
- it is that which we cannot change like being in
Wherever the 6th Lord represent ing
this life now - or like a coconut tree that can
Prarabdha goes, that bhava can give good or bad
only give coconuts. Here is an example of 6H
results which can't be altered. That' s the reason
unalterable karma in the chart of the late Indira
why the 6H stands for sickness and is an
Gandhi ...
uppachaya house of growth - a~l meant to get
the privilege of giving both positive and
negative results unexpectedly.

~ SANCHIT A karma is stored karma that

can come anytime .so, Sanchita amounts to
surprises! This. is why a good guy gets troubles
and a bad guy· gets the goodies - see Houses
r, 5, 9 - thèse are where Life occurs. Our actions
belong to houses z,· 6, IO with IOH being this
present life. 4H is, generally, the place of sto-
rage for every life. Now, the storage of ourroH

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

is 4 houses from the IOH... which takes us to the ~ 1000/0 KARMA: Rahu/Ketu! Sometimes
Lagna! The storage of the 2H of family is the cornes as a kind of "big bang" ...
5H of children and, likewise, the storage of the
~ Any V AKRI planet will finish the left over
6H of Prarabdha is the 9H of ancestors and
work from the past life; hence in checking
father. All that deals with houses 1; 5, 9 from
retrogrades, the 9H (past birth Lagna) should be
any place in the chart can happen suddenly.
given due consideration.
We can alter the natal 4H which is what we
thirik and fine-tune the IOH of what we do - but
not their results. Past, Present And Future - Births
~ AGAMI Karma is what 1 want to do - my Classification & Lifespan
plan - so this is karma in thought process - CHANDRA KALA NADI describes
which is stored in the 4H. If, for whatever NADIAMSAS as follows:
reason 1 don't accomplish something 1 was N adiamsas are 150 parts of a rasi -
really keen on doing in this life by the time l'm roughly 12 seconds. Sometimes each N adi lS

gathered to my forefathers, this same desire will divided into purva and uttara varga.
be my I2.H in my next life. So, I2.H comprises - ln MOBILE rashis the order of Nadiamsas
all that' s pending on my mind. goes from t, z, 3, ... 150- meaning "starting"
~ KRIY AMANA karma is the actions done in - ln FIXED rashis, theorder is reversed starting
this birth that will determine what we becorne with 150,'149,148,... 1- meaning "the end"
in the next life - see the IOH... May we
- ln DUAL rashis, the sequence starts with 76,
judiciously choose our actions ...
77, 78, ... 150and then 1 to 75 - meaning "the
~ lri addition, the REGULAR TRANSITS of middle"
Rahu/Ketu indicate the inflow iand outflow of
the karma results.

Insiehts ln Nadis Insieh ts ln Nadis'

is important, then 5H and last the JL - the self -

ln other words, taking the NADIAMSA
These three parts are determined in time
MOBILE rashis show the beginning of life,
DUAL show the middle of life and. by major life changes. Oftentimes, the first
FIXED the end the life third ends at the age of marriage. So, let's say a
person gets married at 2,8 years, a second
Incidentally, the names of all Nadiamsas
important life-changing event occurr ing at the
are female deities' names. N adiamsas are not
age of 56 years (2,8 X 2,) would confirm 2,8 as the
equal in division, the smallest being 0 degree 1
key number. Then, by multiplying 2,8 by 3, we
minute 4 seconds (0'1'4) to the biggest bèing 0'3
would obtain 84 years as the likely lifespan.
Every individu al born in any Lagna will
The DIVISION is BASED on the TYPE of
be influen:ced by its trikona rashis. ln all N adi
RASHI into which the LAGNA is SITUATED
principles, a division of past, present and future
is taken into account. Similarly, this present
Each of the 3 divisions will be in Houses
life could be divided into 3 parts, and the same
t, '5 or 9 and follow this sequence:
can be done for the past and future lives -
. making a total of 9 similar to the Navamsha MOBILE JL = ISt cycle JL (mobile) - 2,nd cycle

divisions. The J anma Lagna is the present, the 9H (dual) -ld cycle 5H (fixed)
5H the future birth and the 9H the past birth. FIXED JL' = ISt cycle 9H (mobile) - 2,nd cycle
Take the JL of a person. If in a 5H (dual) - 3 cycle J L (fixed)
st st
MOBILE sign, the I cycle or the I third of life
DUAL JL = ISt cycle 5H (mobile) - 2,nd cycle JL
is the JL itself. For a DUAL JL, in the r" cycle
(dual) -ld cycle 9H (fixed)
the 5H is important, in the 2,nd cycle the JL is
central and the last third is linked the 9H
influences. For FIXED, in the r" third the 9H
to the CLiMATE of each THIRD of LIFE

Page33 Paae34
Insiahts ln Nadis Insiahts ln Nadis .
We could further expound that for a

Per example, for persons BORN in a

MOBILE sign starting with the JL cycle, the
person as a child may take, on their own accord,
FIXED sign Lagna, they should be advised to
sorne kind of dut y in the family or be more
~eep money for their old age as children may let
them down. The self will be more important in interested in learning, performing or any self~

the last part of life and this could mean health development activity. 9H as the second cycle

problems or that one couId be in a leadership. talks of marriage and might be a time for

position - or both ... Since the fixed sign Lagna observing traditions and religion or adhering to

person experiences the rst cycle in the 9H, these sorne form of ethical values. It might also be a

people may have been groomed by their father - period for seeking God and guru. sH as last

such a child should be advised to listen to elders. cycle could bring a change in career; involve one
with children or sorne kind of counselling,
The SH as second cycle could bring changes in \

the career or within one's work, very possibly teaching, politics or sorne creative endeavours.
For a DUAL sign, lifestarts with the,sH
the birth of children and anything creative or
so the child could be lively, curious, creative and
individualist ic to the forefront.
independent. N ext cornes Lagna as second cycle
Take a lifespan of anywhere from
when one may experience the "self" through the
80 years in modern time. A major event will
activities of a new adult - through work and
take place at the end of the first third of the life
adjustments of one's self perceptions and out-
- and fix that first 1/3 of life. For example, for a
side life as needed - or possible. With the 9H
Mobile JL person with Venus in the 9H - if
coming last, the person may be more of a prea~
he/ she gets married at 2.8'years, Venus in the
cher for sorne ideal or do sorne activity aimed at
9H becomes the second portion so the second
the public through social work, organizations
cycle starting in the 9H would be 2.8 years
working for the greater good, politics, etc.
.(further research is needed in this area of fixing
T 0 bring all this to life, let' s take the
chart of Adolf Hitler born in 1889 - and who

Paae35 Paae36
Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis
lived for 56 years giving an average of 18 years
per cycle. (Note: Hitler's biography info was mother and difficulties during childhood. Sat is
gathered from W ikipedia and varied other web placed in the IOH which is a maraka for the 4H
sources.) - and also for his father as 2H from the 9H. ln
So, 1889 + 18 = 1907. This would be the f act, hi1S f ami·1y had to movedue to his father's
first complete life-change landmark in his pain- wor k cangeh and the father-son relationship
filled life. was tensed at times due to Hitler's disregard for
Then, 1907+ 18 = 1925for the second life- authorities despite being a bright student.
change landmark. . Saturn also occupies the 4H of physical death
ln fact, 1907 is when his mother died. from the Sun - his father passed away in
He was also rejected from the arts academy and, .January 1903 when Hitler was 13. Then came.
with no financial support from his mother or more unsettlement when he tried to be accepted
educational institution,was left on the street. as an artist but without success. After his
Time kept going and ..; morher' s demise in 1907,the influence moved to
He was released from jail in December another vantage point in his chart.
1924and published the first volume of his Mein Ma Md Me
Gk Su HL Ra -
Kampf which described his Nazi .polirical ). (Ve)

ideology for the first time in 1925. This was the

basis for his rise to power a few years later.

tst cycle] L / / 2,nd cycle 9H / / ld cycle 5H

Libra is a mobile sign so, the first 18years'

cycle occurs in Libra itself, Saturn the 4th Lord
occupies the 4 sign, Cancer, which shows from
the start a form of estrangement from the

. Paae37
Insi$hts InNadis Insi$hts ln Nadis
The next cycle up to his 36th year starts so passion rules. When we consider the 9H as
from the 9H in Gemini occupied by Rahu. JL for that second part of his life, Rahu shows
.Rahu iscompleted by 3 planets in the 7th House unusual "self" expansion as a result of his men-
from its position in fiery and potentiaIly tal attachments in Aries as n H, Besides, Rahu
fanatical Sagittarius - Ketu which is very occupies Gemini, sign of the twins who doubly
militaristic, Jupiter which is very idealistic and fortifies his unstoppable impulse to grab and
Moon which represents the public. Moreover,4 own aIl. Rahu occupies the 9H from JL which
P1anets srt
'. ln tell
h th
House of gains from shows that this continues the activities of his
Rahu's position ~ Sun and Mars, both king and previous birth. The JL· Lord in 7H shows that
commander in chief with Mercury for speech 7H is spoiled and that he dug his own grave -
and .Venus the Lagna Lord, to add art and end of this karmic parenthesis.
manipulation to the mix. AlI these are in Aries , Anyways, at this point, an this karmic
the first sign of Kalapurusha which is fond of baggage was ripening up since this is when he
making strategies to conquer the perceived fought in WWI, then worked intelligence
oppressors of freedom. Both 7H and IIH are agent for the army, and finally started working
kama houses and so, his views of the world fulltime for the National Socialist German
.could be said to be grounded in desires chan- Workers Party where he became expert at giving
neIled through his associates and attachments to speeches to large crowds. During this period he
gains, and moreover fueIled by ideologies. matured his Nazi ideology and wrote his Mein
To open a karmic parçnthesis, we could Kampf, Gemini representing communications.
add that from his J L Lord Venus, Rahu occupies The last cycle starts in the 5H, Aquarius.
the 3H, another kama house. Rahu in 3H shows We are now in 19Z5 when he was published. He
urrnat.urn]attachments as the growth of his phy- had to keep quiet unt il 19Z9 when the stock
sical attachments i.e. the 7H fromJL. BasicaIiy, market crashed in the USA, event which badly
from any trine, the themes of 3H, tH and IIH troubled Germany's economy. The Lord of
are emphasized with lots of fire sign element _ Aquarius lS placed in the 6H from there, 6H

Paae39 Paae40
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
being confrontations, competitions and war As for the 4 p1anets in Aries as the 3H of
amongst others. From Lagna, this happens to be communications from Aquarius, they
the IOH of one's actions in the world - and Saturn reinforced the militarism and idealism of his
occupies the' sign of Cancer which is the home speech as already evident from natal Lagna.
and land in general. Cancer itself tends to inflate And soit was.
the sector of activities it represents. Moon the
Lord of Cancer is with expansive and idealistic
Karakatwas As Applied ln Nadi
Jupiter and military Ketu in an aU ambitious fire
sign - therefore the mind is prone. to utopias.
Combination Of Planets
These three occupy the nH of gains, mental Just... M ix them!
attachments and satisfaction of one' s desires from
Sun + Moon
Aquarius (rnrnmrn ....) Saturn in the 6H is a1so
Father + variable mind
Lord of the izH of losses from Aquarius while
th Father + mother shift from place of birth
from Lagna, it is the 4 Lord of physica1 death.
Ego + mother egoistica1
Rahu occupies the 5H of politics andwisd~m in
the 1ast part of his life show ing growth and thirst Sun + Mars
for power. A1so, Rahu being in Gemini home of Father + co-borns (father lives with co-borns)
the twins which is the IZH of loss from Cancer as Separates + relatives
the 6H seen from Aquarius, his country was 1eft Separates + brother (1 brother lives with father)
split in two parts with loss of territory and Separates + husband
stripped of aU its gains acquired during the war 'k Separates + job (Ieaves job z times)

Government + husband (her husband works for
MooV\- stgVliftes w.otVterieLeler stster t:Mel veV\-1ASwtfe. WVteV\-
w.otVter eltes, MooV\- stgV\-tftes tVte wtfe, If tVtere SVtouLel be
the Governrnent)
WOW.ClV\-, she wtLLbe stgV\-Wt-eelb!::jveV\-lAS, Governrnent + uniform, profession (her spou se
********* or herself wear a uniform in profession)

InsiBhts ln Nadis InsiBhts ln Nadis

Separates & bones + marrow inside bone = Moon + Mercury & Mars + 1up are also
conflicted within
separates bones to get to marrow = Sun + Mars
will take revenge at allcost (break himself) = difficult times / worldly
Sun + Mercury = good education
Eye + obstruction
Government + education
Father + obstruction = in filial love from dad
.Father etc. + witt y , talks, business
Father + stranger = father away
Sun + Jupiter = name & fame / well to do Eye + defect
. F ather + good, fat Sun + Rahu
Permanent + jaundice Father's marriage under compulsion

Sun + Venus = father rich and/or Moon + Rahu = marriage was mother's choice
interested in women
nd Sun + Ketu = religious / curse of a deity
Separates + 2 sister
or deva / birth of child is tough
King + wife = she rules the house
Atma + religious
Power + wife = wife arrogant
Separates + wife lup + Ven + Mercury
Hot + semen = dries sperm so can cause Deity beauty budhi = wife smart
impotency Jiva sharing social = relation outside
Sun + Saturn = father low paid
Father + discipline
Role Of Nakshatras & Navamsha
Atma + discipline
Father + losses == lost father or ego clash
+ restrictions = fights within himself / NAVAMSHA is the FRUIT of the RAsl CHART
and SHOWS if we GET WHAT the RAsl

Insi8h ts ln Nadis
Insi8hts ln Nadis

Life starts in the Dharma signs these hou ses become the other p lanets'
SUN is ATMA and its first Nakshatra moolatrikona rashi namely:
is the royal MAGHA .. The deity for, Magha is 3Hfrom Sagittarius is Aquarius, moolatrikona
Pitur: forefathers. forSaturn '
JUPITER is JIV A with its starting 6H from Sagittarius is Taurus, moolatrikona
Nakshatra as MULA ruled by Nirutti the dark for the Moon
demon associated with the womb. This is IOH from Sagittarius is Virgo, moolatrikona for
where Life cornes out of the womb and breaks Mercury
darkness ... at lastl. The endless sky becomes the nH from Sagittarius is Libra, moolatrikona for
limit. Since aH Jivas need energy, the next Venus
Dharma sign is ARIES where ...
MARS is ENERGY! Its first Nakshatra 3H is effort - viryasthan~ -linked to Saturn
is ASHWINI. The deity is the Ashwini 6H is discrimination - for the Moon (inner
Kumar which grants horse power. mind from past life)
IOH is karma activity - for Mercury
nH is friends, sharing - for Venus
PLANETS and they are PIVOTAL for the Sun, Mars and Jupiter connect the rashis

Aries (fire) to Taurus (earth) connected by Sun

"Moolatrikona" 1S composed of two
Taurus (earth) to Gemini (Air) linked by Mars
words: "moola" being beginning of life - the
Gemini (Air) to Cancer (Watet) by Jupiter
name originates from Mula N akshatra which is
From Water to Fire is the end of Life, the
the origin- and "Trikona" as the trines t, 5, 9. famous gandanta
As for the other moolatrikona rashis, we
find them as the uppachaya rashis w~ich are the N ext, we'll be looking at N akshatras
growth rashis: 3,6, 10, II. For the Jiva to grow, from different angles ...
Insie,hts ln Nadis Insie,hts ln Nadis
The Nakshatra a planet occupies shows
sarne 7H rasi (Scorpio here)' ln t h e N,avamsha
the real root or bio data - per example, with charr. If occupied by ...
Moon in Sagittarius Purva Ashada, Venus'
N akshatra, besides the shar ing aspect of Venus, Mercury shows divorce / / if Mercury is
the Moon will also perceive folks as bçing either found in IH (i.e. Taurus here) the person
enemies (6H in Taurus) or friends (uH in would marry a "divorcee" i.e
.. not
. a..vlrgln
' ,
Libra). And if Moon goes to Virgo Navamsha Moon signifies an oIder woman
(:znd pada of PA), there will necessarily be
Sun as ego shows separation
"enemies" to argue with.
See the N avamsha positions superposed j upiter indicates selfishness or the eIder
with the natal position. ln this perspective, the
N avamsha positions should not go to the 6H or If no planet occupies the Navamsha 7H
8H from their natal position.« Per exarnple, if ones' marriage lS not fated to b'
we take an Aries Lagna native with Mars in problematic. If big problems occur, it will b:
Gemini - and having N avamsha Mars conjunct the couple'sself-making.
Rahu in Capricorn... N avamsha Mars being in
the roH from Lagna, we could expect that this MCIrS aV\,c;!MooV\, V\,fxt to Ral1u: l1~s brotl1ers aVt,c;/s~sters
wm l1ave to face SOl%etroubles
person's commun~cations create conflicts and
problems in the career. And if we consider that
MooV\,placec;l ~~ tl1e ::2V\,c;!l10use to saturV\,: l1e w~lll1ave
the Lord of a House in N avamsha Houses 6, 8 fnev\'c;!s c;!eal~""'0 ~V\,cl1el%~cals
or IZ shows Fate from past actions, then we *********
know the perspn from the example above has no veV\,us aV\,c;!saturv\' ~V\,Taurus: r~cl1 Clrd prol%~V\,fV\,t
choice to undergo unpleasant .self-created
_situations ...
Jup~ter aVt,c;/veV\,us ~V\,G/~: ~eparaHov\' frol% 'tl1e w~fe for a
Take the rasi of the natal 7H (per . snort wn~le
example Scorpio for Taurus jL). Now see that
Paae47 Paae48
InsiehtsJn Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
Sign Sign Nakshatra Lords from there
lst Scheme - Nakshatra Ownership From LIBRA Mars - owns 2H & 7H = earriing, relations
Rahu = 100% karma - is not what he looks like
Each Sign Jupiter = owns 3H & 6H = unnatural
attachments in 6H (pets, diets ...)
This table shows the underlying Jupiter -owns 2H & 5H = good in advising
motivation of planets in the N akshatra where
ethers regarding finances .
Saturn = owns JH & 4H = unnatural
they each land ... attachment in 4H (rnother, info ...)
Mercury = owns 8H & nH = public money and

Sign Sign Nakshatra Lords hom there profits

Ketu = owns no house and is 100% karma SAGITTARIUS Ketu 100% karma
Venus = owns 2H & 7H = earning and 'relations Venus = owns 6H & nH = share good & bad
Sun = owns 5H = children Sun - owns 9H Bhagya ofJiva
Sun = owns 4H = domesticated CAPRICORN Sun owns 8H - public money, hidden things
Moon = owns 3H = short journeys (carr ied by the Moon = owns 7H = partnerships
buU) Mars = owns 4H & nH = mother & landed
Mars = owns 7H &' I2H = partnerships & physical property
comfort AQUARIUS Mars - ~wns 3H & 10H = acting / / 3H =
Mars = owns 6H & nH = friends are enemies or unnatural attachment in 10H
vice versa Rahu = 100% karma - is not what he looks like
Rahu = owns no house and is 100% karma - he is not Jup~ter - owns 2H & nH hold on to money
what he looks like PISCES j up iter - owns IH & IoH = Jiva and his actions
Jupiter = owns 7H & 10H = partnerships & , in the world
profession / close to in-Iaws or aliens Saturn = owns nH & 12H = finances and
Jupiter = 6H & 9H = not good for relation wit h expenses
father Mercury = owns 4H & 7H = education and
Saturn = 7H & 8H = not happy for marriage & partnerships
obtains public money --- End of all cycle complete ---
" Mercury = 3H & 12H = loss throughneighbours
Ketu = 1000/0 karma
Venus = owns 3H & 10H = acting / / 3H = unnatural
attachment in 10H
jlA.pLter LV\,LeD: goool loolxs (for CIfeVlA-Clle)
Sun = owns IH (Mars as 4L & 9L shows mo rn &
dad power) *********
Sun = owns I2H = sleep, liberation jlA.pLter (V\,CltLve), SIA.V\, (fClt~er) wLt~ veV\,lA.s
Moon = owns nH = finances and gains
Mars = owns 3H & 8H = unnatural attachment in betweev\' t~eVlA-: t~e relCltLov\'s~Lp wLLl v\'ot be
8H (mysteries ...)
corolLCll ClSveV\,!A.SLs CIV\,eV\,eVlA-tjofjlA.pLter

Paee49 Paee50
Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis
For example, with Aries JL, since Mars'
2nd Scheme - Where's The House Lord's
N akshatras links two slgns, art ha and
"" ' Nakshatras? attachments would be' underlying motivations
of the person. Should Aries be the 2H (for
Sign Sign Lord Nakshatra placement
Pisces Lagria), then the art ha and attachments
trom sign
would be main players in this person's income,
Mars 2 - 6 - 10 113 - 7 - 11 =
artha & kama Le. attachments material acquisitions and recognition (2, 6, 10)
TAURUS Venus = 4 - 8 -12 = moksha while the mode of earning would be much
GEMINI Mercury = 2 - 6 -10 = artha influenced by factors of personal growth,
CANCER Moon = 3 -7 -11 = kama harmony and attachment to the partner (3, 7,
LEO Sun = 1- 5 - 9 112 - 6 - 10 = II). Got it? So we can play with these and
dharma & artha unearth hidden impetus ...
VIRGO Mercury = 3- 7 - 11 = kama
LlBRA Venus ~ 3 - 7 - 11 = kama 3rd Scheme - Through Which Houses Are
SCORPIO Mars = 3 - 7 - 11 = kama Il
4 - 8 - 12 moksha The Fate And Moksha Lords Operating?
Jupiter = 3 - 7 - 11 kama Il The next table below shows where
4- 8 -12 = rnoksha karma operates for each Lagna. All is based on
CAPRICORN Saturn = 3 - 7 -11 = kama trines. We will find the Houses where the
AQUARIUS Saturn = 2 - 6 -10 = artha House Lord's Nakshatras are placed from the
PISCES Jupiter = 1- 5 - 9 = dharma Il House under observation (from the 6H for
4- 8- 12 = moksha
example) and sée in which Houses from Lagna.
these Nakshatras land. Here's how to work this
This table refers to the position occupied
by the N akshatras owned by the Lord of the
rashi from his rashi. It applies no matter which First, the Fate "biggies" and our thinkingfree will
House a rashi happens to be. 6H for Prarabdha: can't change it ..~
- '-- -----

Insiehts ln Nadis
8H for what's hidden
Insiehts ln Nadis
IzH for losses, expenses
(fire signs) so we wou Id say the 6H operates on
4H for moksha
theperson or self.
For the 8H (Cancer), Moon operates on
Second, the Houses where Fate could operate ...
Houses 1., 6, 10 i.e.. on art ha so; one' s income,
r, 5, 9 = Dharma so this karma operates
work and actions would be influenced by others'
on the self, one's child and one's father &
money or litigations, hidden stuff, scandals,
. chronic illness, etc.
1., 6,' 10 = Artha i.e. one' s income and
The I2.H (Mars) operates on Housesz, 6,
family, debts, litigations or the partner's
10 and 3, 7, II so on artha and kama: money,
happiness, career
family, work and on one's attachments - these .
3, 7, II = Kama, i.e. spiritual, physical or
are the places where extra expenses and losses
mental attachments - or one' s second child, the
should be expected.
younger and/or elder sibling, business, gains,
4H (jup ) operates on 3, 7, II and 4, 8, 12.
friendship, etc.
so, moksha is obtained through attachments and
4, 8, Il. Moksha through one' s
aIl that relates to the mental functions either
conscious thoughts, one's hidden emotions or
conscious, sub-conscious, the occult, mysteries,
other people's money or one's private life, sleep,
or meditation , ashrams, dreams... . What this
dreams and bed comforts
4H moksha really means is that by applying our .
think ing conscious freewill to these areas, we
Note: please refer to our Bhavas section for
more Houses' karakatwas. empower ourselves to take our own stance in
life instead of taking a victim' s position.
For example, if we take Sagittarius Indeed, therein resides the duality between the
Lagna, the 6H is Taurus owned by Venus. So, human and animal parts of the Centaur as
the 6H Lord's Nakshatras occupy Houses r, 5,9 .Sagittarius' symbol, Jiva's very home. Freedom
and responsibility come hand in hand.

Page 54
Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis Rashi Houses where the
Lagna Rashi Lord
Rashi's -
Lagna Rashi Lord Rashi Houses where the of ...
of ... Rashi's Nakshatras
6H Virgo 6H Taurus r, 5, 9
8H Cancer 2,6,10·
8H Scorpio 2, 6, 10 and 3, 7, II

12H Scorpio 2,6,10 and 3,7, Il

12H Pisces 3, 7, Il and 4, 8, 12

Pisces 3, 7, II and 4, 8, 12
4H 1
Cancer 1
6H Libra Gemini 3, 7, Il
Leo r, 5, 9 and 4, 8, 12
H Sagittarius 1 2, 6, 10 and 3, 7, Il
Sagittarius 2,6,10 and 3,7, II
12H Aries 1 r, 5, 9 and 2, 6, 10 1
Aries r, 5, 9 and 2, 6, 10
4H Leo 1 4, 8, 12 and r, 5- 9 1 ~
6H Scorpio 6H Cancer 4,8,12
GEMINI r, 5, 9 and 4, 8, 12 AQUARIUS
8H Virgo 2,6,10
8H Capricorn 2,6,10
12H Capricorn 2,6,10
12H Taurus 4,8,12
J...J Taurus 3,7, Il
Virgo 2,6,10 4H
6H Leo 2, 6, 10 and 3, 7, Il
CANCER 6H Sagittarius r, 5, 9 and 2, 6, 10 PIS CES
8H Libra 2,6,10
8H Aquarius r, 5,9
12H Gemini 12H Aquarius 1; 5, 9
r, 5,9
Libra 2,6,10 4H Gemini r, 5, 9
4H 1

LEO 6H Capricorn 4,8,12

8H Pisces 3, 7, Il and 4, 8, 12
12H Cancer 2,6,10
4H Scorpio 2,6, 10 and 3, 7, Il
Judging Of Charts According To Nadi
VIRGO 6H Aquarius 3, 7, Il
8H Aries r, 5, 9 and 2, 6, 10
ln a natal chart, see the person first and
12H Leo r, 5,9 and 4, 8, 12
4H Sagittarius 2, 6, 10 and 3, 7, II
then this person's relatives using· their
SCORPIO 6H Aries 3, 7, Il and 4, 8, 12 karakatwas planets (Sun for father etc.) and
8H Gemini 1,5,9
verify sorne past events.
ùH Libra 2,6,10
4H Aquarius 4,8,12
InsiBhts ln Nadis InsÏ!Bhtsln Nadis
See planets in house relations to each
shows the' happiness of the marnage partner
other. KENDRAS bring tensions - they can't
(4H from the 7H of spouse),
balance each other since the sign elements clash.
The general· rule is thar any planets in
But then, Kendras are good for mundane
the 2H, 12H, 7H and trines from a planet
activities. TRINES relations are relaxed and
influence that planet ,positively or negatively.
bring more happiness. They are said to be more
As aIl yogas depend on the Moon, if there are
"spiritual" or can just make one lazy to try
NO. planets at all in 2/12 or 7H from Moon ...
something new since things flow on their own
other yogas may not fructify ...!
accord - sorne caU it luck. One may thus be
If the planets in 2/ 12and/or 7H are not
tempted to repeat the same experience.
friends, they will not allow each other to work
and' prosper - they will obstruer. ln this
condition, the planet we are examining will not
be able to exhibit its full potential even if in its
very own house. Therefore, if a planet is strong
4H shows the happiness of the House and good with unfriendly planets on its side
concerned houses, the. ethers will stop it from giving good
5H shows its purva punya results but it need not give bad results. Of
these, the 7H plays a bigger role of influence for
7H shows its complement
better or for worse since the 7H is the
aH show longevity completion ... or death,
9H shows its bhagya If a planet is weak with enemies in 2/12
IOH shows its actions then it will give bad results. For example, with
Saturn in Aries damaged by the Moon in 2H
Per example: marriage is 7H so the 2H
and· the Sun in 12H, the profession is very

(8H from 7H) shows its longevity, the nH its

afflicted. If the planet afflicting in the 2H is
purva punya .(5H from 7H) while the IOH
retrograded, bad results are expected. If the
Paae57 Paae58
InsiBhts ln Nadis InsiBhts ln Nadis
is .retrograded then Take Saturn for profession. As the
lanet afflicting in the uH
P 01'ng away-: For
, l' ht sirice tt. is '
g planet for karma, activity, it has no planets on
that is a ng 'f rofession) is
examp l e, 1
·f· Saturn (the 0 P s-v= d d
either side or in the 7 H so nothing ~topping and
and Jupiter (the self) is retrogra e nothing helping. But there are 4 planets in the
retrogra d e d
h erson runs away 5H from Saturn - this shows that his actions
in the uH from S aturn, tep ,
. If ]up' iter would be ln the 2.H will be future oriented and their fruits will be
from pro f eSS10n.
aturn and retrograde, then this pers~n seen in the future - so the Lords of Houses 3, 5,
f rom S . t hlm
r the J'ob that cornes 0 7, 8, 9, 10 belong in that future.
would have to go f 0 . .
The 2.H from Saturn, dornestic activity -
or her.
An exalted planet
no support ln with Gernini here, is here ruled by Moon and Ketu Jin
f hereas a fallen trikona so parents, grand-parents, in-Iaws or an
2./12.and/or 7H çannot per orrn w .
planet with friends in 2./12.can do somethlng. elderly woman on the maternal side influence.
uH from S aturn has trikona Rahu so
Here is an example ... aliens, cine~a would be significant - the push is
given by outsiders who play the role in pushing
his activity (Muslirns, etc.)
Next take Jupiter for Jiva. As the planet
Ke Md Ju for free will, it has Rahu in the 2.H, no planet in
the uH and 7H and no planet in trikona
Samp\e GL
. Ra showing that his desires and actions happen for
Gk October 11, 1942
15:00:00 (5:30 east) Mo the sake of the present. Jupiter and Rahu are
81 E 50, 25 N 57
not enemies so; they do not obstruct one
another. Thereforewhat he does in the present,
10U 20- GKMa: 22 VI 38- BK . his choice, will reward him with Saturn Le. his
24 VI24- AK Mo:
As: 1Aq 45 Su: 15Vi13-PK Sa (R): 19Ta15-PiK
Me (R): 23 Vi 40- AmK Ju:
o Cn 33- OK Ve: 22 Ge 37 GL: 5 Le30
profession since Saturn occupies the nH from
10Aq 26 HL:
Ra: 10 Le 26- MK Ke: Jupiter.
lnsiehts ln Nadis

uH from Jupiter, Gemini, has trikona Moon

lnsiehts ln Nadis
and Ketu so parents, grand-parents, in-Iaws or
The 2H to ] iva, domestic activity and an elderly woman on the maternaI side
money earned, is Leo ruled by the Sun. Rahu influence - and Christians, something related to
. that aliens or other Rahu accidents or martial in nature, with also notions
sits there sh OWlng , k· d
. have sorne ln
to ics like esoterism or C1nema, , . of illusions, personal fantasies, artists, etc. are
p. fi his free will as far as famtly driving forces behind his free will. And so on ...
of ln uence over d K
~~ ~
life and his earnings are cone

. f the 7H from Rahu and so, How To Use The Karakatwa Uccha And Neecha
oecuples, 0 course, .
Id be comp lemented or i' Rashi ln Judgment
his earnings wou
ents such as hot temper, As mentioned earlier, for U ccha -or
obstructe d b Y elem
losses, frustrations, exalted - planets, their moolatrikona sign and,
something martia l ,
Both Rahu and Ketu the house they occupy depending on the Lagna
accidents and surprises. ( ,

d ut of the norrn will be affected. For example, for Sagittarius

are related to grand-parents an 0 '
Lagna with Venus exalted in the 4H, Venus'
people and events. Q I~ sign of Libra occupies the IIH. This means the

person's older sibling, or a friend, or the son! 1

daughter-in-Iaw is likely to be found with sorne I!


kind of defect or peculiar problems in life. The 1


t. person' s marriage : or conjugal type relation 1

{ could also prove to be irregular or unbalanced. ~



) fJ: A"" excV\a~e ofve""us, a""ot Mars, gra""ts a""

********* l. attractLve ~ers,o""al~t1::1

SlilturV'v -pLlilcec\ LV'vtlile ,st\tt VlOuse to' veV'vUS: 1

troubLe wLtlil clilLLe\reV'v , ********* 1

~\ i
veV\,~""calt\,Cer: V\ulM.~l~at~o""s, tV\rougV\ a wOlM.a"" 1

wV\e""Ju~~ter tra""s,~ts o/e« ve""us, 1


Paae62 1

Paae61 1

l '
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

A Neecha or fallen planet on the contrary for 14 years and was

is deemed good as the area of life it shows has separated from his children
i.e. Aries is 6H from the 5H.
not been developed in the past and the owner of SCltv<'l"l/\, VI CI.s
He even fought against His
such a planet will get outside .help. own sons!
1/\,0 P lCl I/\,et 01/\,

eLtVley .sLoIe
Example Lord Ramachandra Saturn is exalted so 8H - his CI1/\,01 1/\,0 .

wife has no family; she· was plCl V\,tt LI/\, tVle

e AL born from the Earth. - 7th
Su Ke
Me fyow.. Lt: tltte
Sun exalted so 2H i.e. some
Ju I/\,CltLve VlOI.s to .
tensions in His family of
birth, His food (He ate oIepel/\,oI DI/\,
Sri Rama
fruits in the forest - not a otVley.s
king's usual diet), Since His
2H is the I2.H of his next
(Sa) born brother - Laxman (12H
from 3H), His brother's bed
cornforts were destroyed.
Problem areas: MCI rs ~VI-PLs.ces. or CI
fe~Clle cVtClrt: tVte J u:pLter ~ li\,ctMooV\, LV\,'PLsces: trolA.bLe.s for +he
Venus is exalted so Libra, the VtV<.SbClVl-o!LS. VtLgVtl!j ltV.-otner ~t bLrtn
4H of mother and domestic eot IA.cClteot

happiness has a problem. *********

MerCMrl::l ~~ Mars e)(cn~vt-gLvt-g nOlA.Ses: bre~k:,
veVl-V<.S LVI- tVte i2tk
Jupiter is exalted so Dhanur LV\,ectlA.catLov\', ftV\,avt-CLaLgaLV\,s froltV.- brotners
VtoV<.SetOJIA.-pLter: tVte
(Sag) as 6H enemies, wife's Vl-CltLve wLll
bed comforts ... not happy. VtClve IA.Vl-VtCl-P-P!j
~Clnieot ltfe· M~rs COv0lA.vt-CtRtlVllA.: LV\,terrlA.-ptLoV\,sLV\,
Mars exalted so lOH: He TrolA.bles. fro~ ectlA.c~tLov\' ~V\,ct cto ect
coul~ rot rule His kingdom feWvaLes
Paee63 Page 64

_________________ J!IILII--

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

SESSION 2 - DASHAS lN NADIS b. The second part refers to events and

act ivit ies that are accomplished because
,Three Divisions: Past, Present, Future-
of the present. After those 6, 8 years, we
How To Work It Out read the D asha from the next Venus
N àkshatra which is Purva Ashada in
I~ See the Major V imshottari Dasha running.
Sagittarius. The events we can foresee
z- Find the first N akshatra of this planet from there should occur because of what
starting from the Moon's position. Per ex- the person needs to accornplish to deal
ample" for '50meIDJ1lle
running Venus Dasha with his/her present circumstances.
wÏJth natal Moon an Cancer, the first Venus
c. The third part refers to events and
N.akshatta isPurwa Phalguni in Leo - all of
activities that are accornp lished because
Venus" Nakshatras oC'cupy in fire signs.
of the future. After another 6, 8 years,
,3~ The Dasha will he diivided in 3 equal parts the person's Dasha reading would move
starting with its firstNakshatra position. to the third Venus N akshatra, Bharani
ln Aries. The life circumstances
. a. The first part refers to events and
emerging from this perspective will take
activities that are accomplished because
place because they are needed to lay the
of the pasto No rnatter what the natal
'ground for what is to corne ir: the future
Lagna is, for reading the Dasha with our
- whether one is aware of this or not.
Venus example above, we will read the
first 6 years and 8 months of the running Per example, someone obtains a new
Dasha from Leo as Lagna. Whatever we friend. If this would occur during the first third
see happening from this vantage point of the Dasha, we would say that this friend
would take place because of sorne past carne at that time because of the pasto If this
life repercussions. friend wou Id be made during the middle portion
of the Dasha, this friend would appear because

Pa.ge65 Pa.ge66 1
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

he is part of circumstances that must prevail in

the present. Should this friend be enco~ntered Table of Divisions Starting With Nakshatra
in the last third of the Dasha, then this friend is Lords

someone who had to be met for the sake of Sub-Sub-

Dasha Lord Dasha Periocl
events yet to come. Length Periocl
divided 1'1 12
'PL~v\'et.s LV\,2V1d Viouse to SuV\, shcw
f~tVieY's e~ yV\,LV\,gs KETU 7 uears 2yrs 4 2 months 10
********* months days
M~ys 'PL~ceol LV\,tVie 2~G! Viouse to SuV\,:
1-Ashwini 10-Ma.aha 19-Moola
Vie wLLL be LV\,~ ViuYYtj to 010 tViLv\'gs
VENUS 20 uears 6yrs8 6 months
months each 20 deus
s~tUYv\' oV\,oV\,esLoIe of tVie R.aViu/Ketu
~xLs~v\'oIJu'PLteY 011\,tVie otViey: tVie Nakshatras 2 - Bharani ll-Purva 20-Purva
V\,~tLve gets ellltt'PLotjeol LII\,~ f~Y~w~tj Phaleuni Ashada
'PL~ce ~1I\,01stYuggLes Vi~YoI
SUN 6 years 2yrseach 2 months
MercuYtj LV\,~gll\,~: V\,~tLve goes 011\, 12- Uttara 21- Uttara
Phala.auni Ashada
'PLLgYLIIItt~ge ~t tVie ~ge of 27

********* MOON 10 years 3yrs4 3months 10

MoolI\, LII\,2~G! Viouse to veV\,us oIell\,Les Inonthseaçh days
fellltt~ Le tssues
Nakshatras 13-liasta

1 1

InsiBhts ln Nadis
InsiBhts ln Nadis

Dasha Suh.-Period. Suh-Suh.- As shown in thèse tables, each of the Dasha's

Period. OividedB1j Period. 3 divisions can further be divided into 12, sub-
Length .3 Suh--period.
sub-periods. So, each sub-sub-period would be
divided hg 12
Rashis progressed through each rashi using its own
MARS 7lJears 2lJrs4 2 months 10 time frame and starts at the same time and in
months dalJs the same sign as the sub-period rashi.
each For the connectivity N akshatras i.e. Sun,
23- Jupiter and Mars, as these spread over two
Danishta rashis, the two houses they will be involved
with from our starting point should be
considered as interconnected in the results. For
example, starting from Leo, the Sun's
JUPITER 16lJears 5lJrs4 5 months 10
months dalJs Nakshatra will occur in both the 9H and !OH
each (Aries and Taurus) so the person could
Nakshatras 16- complete his or her higher education and obtain
Punarvasu Vishaka &.....;;=====...1 a job or start practicing a profession.
SA1URN 19lJears 6lJrs 4 6 months 10
months deus
each Moon Progressions Back & Forth
Nakshatras 8-PushlJa 17- 26-Uttara
Anuradha Bhadrapada
Moon shows our pasto Backwardand
MERCURY 17uears 5lJrs 8 5months20
months dalJs forward progressions show how our present is
each connected to our pasto
Nakshatras 9- 18- 'l7 -Revati
How to work it out:
Ashlesha Jqestha
I~ Take the natal Moon's position.
, Paae7~
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

2- Simultaneously progress the Moon they are not the result of something done

forward and backward one house per year. in this very life. The houses, grahas and
Nakshatras involved will show in more
3- Since a picture is worth one thousand
words, see the diagram below ...
Example: Heart attack. It happened
FORWARD FORWAR0 FORWARD when both Moon progressions involved:
NATAL 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years
MOON - The 5H (physical heart) in Aries holding
o to 1 year BACKWARD BACKWARD BAC KWARD Ketu & Saturn in trine to Sun, Venus (6

11 to 12 10 to 11 9 to 10 years
Lord) and Mercury in the 9H, Leo
FORWARD FORWARD - Natal Rahu being in the 3H (blood) from
11 to 12 4 to 5 years the ç H
BAC KWARD - Sun and Venus being in Venus' N akshatra
BACKWARD Trine 8 to 9 years
1 to 2 years - The whole during Venus Dasha
10 to 11 5 to 6 years
Application Of Transits Using Nadi
BAC KWARD Principles
BAC KWARD 7 to 8 years
2 to 3 years There are two kinds of transits to
19 to
10 years 8 to 9 years 7 to 8 years 6 to 7 years
1- The regular planetary transits used ln
BACKWARD BACKWARD BACKWARD BACKWARD mundane astrology which apply to aU.
3 to 4 years 4 to 5 years 5 to 6 years 6 to 7 years
2- Gocharas which are the transits reckoned
4- Trine and Kendra positions by from the natal Moon - these should be seen
progression show that the happenings of in terrns of obstruction - not as to what
that year have to do with the past life i.e. could be gained.

Pa8e 71 Paee72

•••••••• 1~l1 iiiiiiiiOiiiiii====_ il

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
Transits play a role ln the timing of generously supply us with
events - like the hidden joker, they can obstruct problems to manage and live rd
a predictable event from taking place even if the with as well as positive re- SUl/\, tltte

chart is strong. wards should we be eligible. 3t'ci lttouse

Transit Jupiter and fyoVltt
Saturn in 6/8 to the ir natal sC!tUYI/\,:
SATURN'S transit gives FATE. JUPITER'S
positions will bring the faU ~v\'"fLuel/\,ce ~I/\,
transit gives FREE WILL. We can get
of something. Per example, goveYI/\,Vlttel/\,t.
our wish i.e. FREE WILL·when transit
losing one's position after a
scandai. Jupiter and Saturn
When transit SATURN is in TRINE to -pLC!I/\,ets ~I/\,
in 2/12 position show a lesser
NATAL JUPITER, we need ta accept what tltte 3t'ci lttouse
fall - Ex: to resign from a
FATE wants for us to sC!tUYI/\, fOY
job after sorne problems in
the environment.
By superposmg the For planning an ~v\'"fLuel/\,ce as
transits over a natal chart, actlvlty, see the karakas -pLC!I/\,ets

see which planet produces a involved at the time of the

vel/\,us *********
glven change - if Saturn event as positioned over the
shows the event then it was natal chart. Per example, for No -pLC!l/\,et ~I/\,
Ketu: s~c:{(lltt~
fated whereas Jupiter giving giving a lecture - see Moon tltte ytl1 lttouse
~I/\, VlttC!I/\,tr C!
the event indicates our own (internaI mind) and Mer- tOJu-p~tey,
slttC!styC! or cury (external mind) - they
doing. La g I/\,C!C!1/\,01
Rahu and Ketu, the oIeC!l~l/\,gs ~I/\, should not be in 6/8 from Lagl/\,C! Lorol:
100% karma axis, bring us Vltteol~c~l/\,es. natal positions on the day
the I/\,C!Hve ~s
unavoidable and somehow ol/\,e's w~fe planned.
deserved events right out of VlttC! 8 lttC!ve When a planet cornes
Le. I/\,ot
the blue. Ketu shows obs- Vlttel/\,tc!L over a house or slgn by
oIe-pel/\,oIC!I/\,t 01/\,
tructions while Rahu can tyoubles

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

trans1t, N ature ' S wish (~
prevails. Per example, with '-L..-C--Vt-e-c-~--""'"
Mars coming in the Sun's Metonic Cycle Of Planets Used ln Brighu
sC!tIA.YV'v' s
house, one may lose a
tYC!V'vsLt ove y Pada Dasha
brother (the Sun and the
V'vC!tc!L MC! YS fOY F ind below the total- cycles for seven
sign of Leo both separate
C!ccLot e V'vts grahas - Rahu and Ketu are not considered in
from karakas involved with
them). this scheme. After some explanations on the
Saturn's transits help next page, the detailed breakdown of an these is
ve~lA.s LV'vtVte
us realize why we su ff er. provided to facilitate their use.
Per example, Saturn over
i2tVl to
one of our kama hou ses - jlA.-pLtey: tVte
SUN:::; 19 years - r year, 7 months per sign
places of attachments - has -pyeseV'vt wLfe ts
the potential of showing us C!lso VtLs wL fe MOON:::; 45 years - 3 years, 9 months per sign
the true value of our attach- LV'vtVte -pyevLolA.s MERCURY:::; 46 years - 3 years, 10 moriths per
ments. If transit Saturn as- bLrtVt t.e. tVte s1gn
pects the Lagna lord, it will i2H- sVtOWS tVte
surely bring restrictions. lC!st bLrtVt VENUS:::; Z7 years - Z years, 3 months per sign

G MARS:::; 14 years - r year, Z months per sign

JUPITER:::; 83 years - 6 years, II months per

RaVtIA. -plC!ceot V'vex.t tojlA.-pLtey: wLV'vottYOlA.bles
C!V'votV'vevv 0 IA.S weC! ~V'vess SA TURN :::;30 years - z years, 6 months per
********* c
TyC! V'vsLtj IA.-pLtey ovey V'vC!tc!l SC!tIA.YV'v: OV've
MeYCIA.Ytj coV1jlA.V'vct KetlA.: ltte teV'vots to WOyytj
tj obtC!LV'v C! V'vew job Oy -pYOVlA-oHoV'v!
too VlttIA.CVt

Paae7S Paee76
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

and not Virgo (we subtracted 4 h ouses from

Arudhas ln Brighu Pada Dasha
Virgo, the 4H).

How to find Arudhas k Note: The Arudha of the 12th h ouse lS

Count so many signs from the lord of a nown as Upapada Lagna (UL). AlI others can
sign as the lord is away from its sign placement. be referred to as "A2" for 2 H A ru dh a "A3" c
3H A dh ' ro'r
Example: Lagna is Aquarius, Saturn is in ru a, etc. For the Lagna we use "AL".
Gemini. So the distance from the Lagna (Aq) to
The Lord of the H ouse
w h ere the
Saturn is 5 srgns. By counting 5 signs from
Arudha lands is that Arudha' s Control Planet.
Gemini we land Libra. So the 9 House will be For example Scorplo
. Lagna with the
, ,rorc
the Arudha Lagna (AL). Arudha ln Pis ces, J'uprter b ecomes the Control
This same process can be applied to find Planet for the Lagna and lS' wort h watching ' for
the Arudha of every house. aIl , that concerns the Lagna ' A ccor d'Ing 1y, t he
There are exceptions applicable to the
Bnghu Pada Dasha of Jupiter will be considered
above rule known as "The Fourth House Rule": as the Lagna's Pada Dasha.
5 t th
If the lord of a house is in the 1 \ 4 \ 7
The foIlowing table gives the breakdown
or IOth house, four houses must be deducted
of the Pada Dasha's for aIl planets. These P d
from the result. Dasha's will shift houses from the POSl't' a af
th D h IOn 0
Examples: e ~s a Lord at the pre-determined age. AlI
Dasha s run simultaneously ...!
_ Saturn occupies Aquarius Lagna. So the
Lagna's Arudha (or AL) will not be Aquarius
but Scorpio (or the IOH - that is, Lagna minus 4 ~1tlL-<. ~5 tltle grClv\'~-fCltltler, MercL-<.rt1 Clv\,~

houses - we counted backwards). vev\'l.{,S ~v\, tltle ltlol.{,Sev\'ext to ~1tlL-<. ~v\'~~cClte

tltlClt tltle grClv\'~-fCltltler ItlCl~ weClltltl ClV\,o{
_ The 4th house Arudha for Gemini Lagna with
Mercury in Pisces: Gemini will be the Arudha
lClv\'~e~ -pro-pertt1
Paae77 Paae78

Insie,hts ln Nadis Insie,hts ln Nadis

Metonie Cyele Dasha's

Houses r.1 l J ~ ~ ~1 ~ ~ 1~11 11

yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy
Metonic Cycle Breakdown i,e, Pada Dasbas Table Planets

Houses ~1 2 3 4 5 6 1. yy8 yy9 10yy 11 12

yy yy
l~l l~~ ~ ~ ~1~ 1-00 ~ ~~ 1~ 11~ 11·1~ j~

yy yy yy yy yy yy yy 1~.œ l~~~
H~~1~~ j~W il.oo ll.œ mil l~ l~~~·1~ 1~

\~1 ~l ~ MIl 1·1\ ~ 1\~1

11.00 Wl1 \~.\~\1~ \~ MARS
~.œ ~~~ Jl~~ ~~~ ~w M J~ Jl~ J~ ~~ ~·1~ ~1

SUN LO~1 n~l l~~ 2~~ i\1 2~ 1~\ 1\-00 3~ M-\~ ~~ M ~J.œ ~~~ ~ô ~~ ~1·j~~~ ~Wl ~1~ nl-OO ~~ ~·W ffi

~l~J~1·\~ &~~~~
~~1 ~\~2 ~l~~~~ ~~\141.00 4~1 ~~ ~.œ ~~~ ~~Œ~~ ~l·j~ M ~~ b~ ô~ ôl~ ~·W 1~
1\~ i2·\~ 14~~ 1~
~~1 OO~2 ~\~~~4 &1-\\ M tl~\ ~~
1f}fj} 1~ J1.oo ~\~J ~
lj.œ 1l~~l~ô lW~ 1~1~ n.oo l~l 1~ ~M~1~ ~·1~~
3~9 1~~\\~~ 1~~ \~ n.oo 1~1
MOON ~2.oo ffi~3 ~ )

~.oo ~~b~J ~~ ~~ ~1.oo 1\~ 1W1 1~

JUPITER ô·ll lJ'W ~~ ll~~ JWl ~l-OO ~~~ ~~ bl~ b~.œ lb~l ro
34.00 M~ Ml ~
J-\~ 1~~ M~\~4 \~ 2UC l~\~J~
MERCURl 1L-\~ 1b.œ ~~ M~ M-m ~
~~\~~~~ ~~~ ~\~4 M b9-OO
l~b ~~ 1-00 1~~ ll-OO 1~ 11-00 l~ ll-OO lO-OO ll-OO ~
\3.00 \~ \~ 2~ n.oo 24.00 21
2~3 Wn ~ WJ \1~ SATURN
4~-OO~I.oo ~ ~-OO ~~~ JI~ô ~~ ~l-OO ~~ ~I-OO ~~ ~l-OO ~-OO ~-OO 00
VENUS ~.oo 1\~b~ ~ ~~ M M 42.00 4W1 41~
1W3 1ô.oo 1~.oo ~\ ~1~b1~~1l-OO 10-001 1-00 ~~
$~ ~~~~ ~~ ~M ffi-OO~~ noo ~-OO ~~~ ~L-OOffi-OO ~I-OO 00

Pa.e,e79 Paae80


Insiehts ln Né).dis
Insiehts ln Nadis
Metonic Cycle Sub-Dasha's
The Pada Dasha's starting point is the
(Th e ",5 "d ays are approximations - could
. be ", 6")
natal position of the Control Planet who becomes
the Dasha Lord himself who becomes the
venerable "House 1". He will be progressed For-
ward, one house per age section. The climate of 1month & 3months& 3 months & 8, 5 2 months &
6days 7,5days days 2,5days
the periods will be viewed in reference to the
Dasha Lord's position - or House l - as follows:

• Trines show that things will. happen MARS JUPITER SATURN

without the native asking for it 1mon th & 6 months & 2months&
1,5 days 27,5days 15 days
• Kendras iridicate that there will be
tensions and conflicts and the native will
have to work for the desired results . This follows the same pr inciple as done
• 6/8 positions show struggle and obstacles wirh the "sub-sub-period" of the Dasha's
divided in three parts for past, present and
• ln 2/12 positions, the themes of one of the
future seen above. Therefore, each Sub- Dasha
hou ses concerned will dominate over the
will start from the current Dash' a s hot
posit~on - and will be progressed forward using
• 3/n positions show that the actions and the trme frames given so as to coyer the twelve
their results flow in a complementary rashis. .
direction i.e. air~fire complete one another . Per example, for the 30, 8 years old
and water~earth also - so these positions native below with Aquarius Lagna and Saturn
can prove profitable ( ... depending on the in the 4H, AL occupies the 4H itself (Taurus).
actions!) So, the Lagna' s Control Planet becomes Venus
here placed in V irgo.

Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis
A7 which is also controlled by Venus ln
SL AL the same manner occupied the very same
(Sa) HL
position as AL.
Ke Md
Bhava Dasha
Sample This one is all pre-deterrnined. The
Gk October 11,1942
15:00:00 (5:30 east)
elements used are:
81 E 50, 25 N 57

• 8 planets out of which Rahu and Ketu are
considered as one
As: 1Aq45 Su: 24 Vi 24-AI< Mo: 10 U 20- GK Ma: 22 Vi 38- BK • IZ houses
Me (R): 23 Vi 40- AmK Ju: o en 33- DK Ve: 15 Vi 13- PK Sa (R): 19Ta 15- PiK
Ra: 10 Le 26- MK Ke: 10Aq26 HL: 22 Ge 37 GL: 5 Le 30
• 96 dashas are given. A planet will give its
V irgo becomes House 1. For ~ 30, 8 years effe~t in specifie yearfs) according to its
old native, the Pada Dasha occurs in Libra the House position
zH from Venus between the ages of Z9, 3 and 31, ln the table below, you will find that info
6 years - as Libra is 9H fromJL, he got married goes mission for some planets - it got lost in the
during this period. N ow, the sub-dashas of z 'course of Time or, in translation ...
months and z, 5 days also started running at Z9,
3 years. Since a period of 8 months has elapsed For SClh<.rlf\, cOvyUlfl,Ct Ketu LIf\,MClrs' s!.glf\, (ArLes or
scorpLo): HIe -professwlf\, Is cOlf\,lfI,tctect wLtVt V\.I.ClcVtLlfl,ts
by age 30, 8 the sub-dasha had covered 3 full
signs and occupies the sign of Sagittarius, the *********
AIf\,1j -pLCl~ LIf\,tVte 4H- CClIf\,'t V\.I.ClIu Cl -poor -persolf\, rLcVt or Cl
nH (of marriage) on the day of his wedding. So rLcVt -persolf\, -poor ClS CClIf\,be tVte Celse wLtVt -pLCllfl,tts LIf\,tVte
iOH- '
be it. k
For C!few..C!le d'lC!rt wLtl'l MC!rs c0v0uV\,Ct R.C!l'lu LV\, *********
AquC!rLu.s: wl'leV\,SC!turv\' trC!V\,sLt.sAquC!rLu.s, tl'lere
wtLL be troubles to tl'le -pC!rtv\'er

Insiehts ln Nadis
Years of fructification in Houses Insiehts ln Nadis
House - Yearjs) HOUlle· - Year HOUlle - Year HOUlle - Year
_ 3rd 1 - 151h 1 - 51h 1?1h
2 - 25th 2 - 181h 2 - 131h 2 15th
3 _4Ih,5Ih, 3 3 3 251h
(Please note that these are not available for al! years)
81h, 121h 4 - Wh 4 - 81h 4 16th
4 - 3200 5 - 191h 5 61h 5 131h
House - Year1s) House - Year(s) House - Year House - Year
5 - rh 6 - 361h 6 - 2rh 6 30lh
1 - 3rd 6 - 20111 1 - 15th 6 - 361h
6 - 20lh 7 - 3200 7 7 241h
Fever Bad foreye Travels Widow
7 - 25th 8 - 51h 8 - 241h 8 25th
2 - 25111 7 - 251h 2 - 181h connection
8 - 10lh 9 - 21s1 9 - 1r h
9 21s1
Govemment Travels Government job 7 - 32nd
9 -_(14) 10 - 2?1h 10 - 181h 10 - 28th
punishment 8 - 10lh 3 - 241h Sex with women
10 - 181h 11 - 50lh 11 - 23rd 11 - 20lh
3 _4Ih,5111, Injury Loss due to 10 - 2rh
11 - 251h 12 - 291h 12 42nd 12 - 38th
8th, 121h 10 - 181h Govemment Widow
12 - 361h
Bad years punishment connection
Eams $$
4 - 3200 11 - 251h 4 - 111h 11 - 25111
Goodyears Vehicles Widow Loss of children
Years of fructification in Houses (2) connection
5 - 7Ih 12 - 361h
JUPITER VENUS SATURN RAJKE Bad for father Health upset
House - Year(s) HOliSè - Year . HOUllè - Yèar HOliSè - Yèar

1 - 16th 1 - 13th 4th 6th

2 - 16th 2 - 32nd 2 - 39th 2 13th
3 - 38th 3 - 19th 3 - 11th 3 9th SOME EVENTS TO EXPECT ACCORDING TO HOUSE POSITION (2)
4 - 21st 4 - 30th 4 4 17th
5 - 18th 5 - 24th 5 19th 5 21st
6 - 27th 6 - 31st 6 - 27th 6 28th House - Year House - Year House - Year House - Year

7 - 34th 7 - 12th 7 75th, 4 - 8111 1 - 2r h

7 - 21s1 4 - 30111
8 - 8 - 4th 8 - 32nd 30th Bad for father Pilgrimage Good House
9 . 35th 9 35th 9 16th 8 - 36th 5 - 6th 2. - 151h 8 - 281h construction
9 - 45th Injury Learns a lot ChiId 8 - 4th
10 - 32nd 10 - 39th 10 - 25th
6 - 2]th 3 - 161h 9 - 2181 Throat trouble to
11 - 32nd 11 - 45th 11 - 10 - 16th
Marriage with Gets a child 10 - 281h mother
12 - 45th 12 - 1st 12 - 22nd, 11- 43rd
virgin 4 - 161h Eye defect
61st 12 - 48th
7 - Profitable 11 - Good
10 - 18111 6 - 3rd after 16th year
Earns $$ Increase friends

Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis



Planet Yearsruling
House - Year House - Year House - Year MOON 1,2,3 yeats
1 - 16th 7 - 34th 9 - 39th Sun in the 7H: MARS 4,5,6,7 yeats
Govemment Bad year Buildscow will be deserted MERCURY 8,9,10,11yeats
honour 8 - 1?th shelter (Does by husband
2 - 16th social service) VENUS 12,13,14,15yeats
Loss through ' connection 10 - 25th Any planet in 16,17,18,19,20,21yeats
the 3H fructWies
thief 9 - 35th Bathes in the
3 - 38th Homa, yagna Ganges SUN 22,23yeats
Pi/grimage 11 - 3200 MooN!VENUS 24,25,26,27 yeats
5 - 18 Vehicles
MARS 28,29,30,31 yeats
favour to father
MERCURY 32,33,34,35 yeats

SATURN 36,37,38,39,40,41 yeats

RAHU 42,43,44, 45 yeats
Naisargika - Years Ruled Sy Planet(s) MooN!RAHU 46,47 yeats
Another pre-determined timing system. Planet Yeats ruline
The years shift on the birthday. Per exarnple, SUN/MooN 48,49,50,51 yeats
when one turns 4 years, Mars' influence starts MARS 52, 53,54,55 yeats
and, on the 8 birthday, the influence shifts to
JUPITER 56,57,58,59 yeats
Mercury. The table ends at 83 years so, for the
84 birthday, we start again with the Moon for VENUS 60,61,62, 63 yeats
the same number of years, then Mars, etc. MERCURY 64,65,66,67 yeats

Page 88
Page 87

----------------------~------------~~L_ _
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
RAHU 72,73,74,75,76,77 uears
The following is an excerpt from an
KETU 78, 79,80,81,82,83years article published by Saptarishi Astrology
Magazine in ZOII titled "Yogas & Past Life - ln
Conversation with Mr. Sundaram". The whole
article includes several more Yogas.

If Saturn aspects Mars there is no Yoga.
Ruchaka yoga cornes in this life since you
wLtl1 MooV\, LV\,tl1e 7tVt l1ous.e to Mercurt'j: previously took care of your brother. If you de-
bleVlALsl1 to tl1e Vlttotl1er serted your brother in the last life, then in this
life there will be Yoga Bhanga (Saturn's aspect).
Remedy: Should there be Yoga Bhanga
Ju-pLter wLtl1 Mercurkj LV\,tl1e 7tVt l1ous.e then help others in a brother-like manner and
CIV\,o!veV\,us. LV\,tl1e gtVt Lv\'o!LcClte two
Saturn should give the benefic results of
sources of l1C1-p-pLv\'es.s. Ruchaka Yoga.
Bhadra Yoga
SuV\, § MooV\, wLtl1Lv\' tl1e Noo!es.: v\,o l1el-p
If Mercury becornes paapi (Lord of a
froVltt -pClreV\,ts.
malefic house or afflicted with kendradipathi
dosha) and is aspected by either of the 6t\ 8th or
IZ th Lords, then Yoga Bhanga occurs.F or a
Virgo Lagna, Mercury is not paapi as lOL and
Lagna Lord. For Gemini JL, Merc is a paapi i.e.
Kendradipathi dosha. ln such condition, if Merc
Paae89 Paae90

i ~
InsiBhts ln Nadis InsiBJ ts ln Nadis
th th th
is also aspected by one of 6 , 8 or 12 Lords, Terrple and he got the yoga. If he has taken the
both conditions are fulfilled. Shi?a Temple property then Yoga Bhanga
Past Life: You taught your disciples app lies.
what you have learnt, then in this life you get Remedy: If you can't give the property
Bhadra Yoga. If you die without teaching, then back to whom it belonged, then do service to the
it's a Yoga Bhanga. temple.
Remedy: ln this life teach what you have Another examp le: A native obtained a
learnt, teaching with open heart in guru'shishya perfect Hamsa Yoga with no aspect of Saturn-
context. Sharing is different: you share with Ketu or paapi's - but his Guru is vakri. This
equals. s~ows he has some left-over work from his past
life. Additionally , Guru is vakri
rr ln t he
Hamsa Yoga constellation of Shani . Shani shou Id aspect
If Jupiter becomes a paapi and joins a
according. to the Bhanga rule • S0, h e lS
. now
paapi, that's a Yoga Bhanga. The exception here
doing his left~over work by serving in a Shiva
is if Guru aspects those paapi's.When Guru
temple. Though his chart does not show any
joins them, one obtains Yoga Bhanga but when
Yoga Bhanga, because Guru is vakri, in his last
Jupiter aspects them, these paapi's will give the
life, he should -have done this - that means there
. results of the Hamsa Yoga. This means that
should have been Yoga Bhanga in his last life.
Jupiter transfers on them the power of the result
That's why Jupiter occupies the constellation of
of this yoga, with his 5 or 9 aspects - not lh. Shani which is also vakri. So, if a planet is vakri
Paapi for Jupiter means from Mithuna or Kany a
and in the constellation of a vakri Lord, then
Lagnas or as Lord of 6, 8, or 12 houses. Malefics
both have direct relationship with the past life.
in 5H or 9H fromJupiter will have the power to
give the yoga - Jupiter transfers the results of Malavaya Yoga
this yoga to them: For Shukra, if Mars aspects then Yoga
Past Life: He has constructed a Shiva Bhanga occurs.
Insiehts ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis
T 0 change our Fate we loop up to the 3H which
Past Life: You obtain Malavaya yoga is the reason why Saturn is given. Rahu's past
since you have taken care of your wife properly life effect is due to its constant vakri motion.
in the past life. If you beat, scold, ill-treat your So Bhanga here shows thar in the last life, the
wife you get Yoga Bhanga. Even if Shukra is person did hurt servants.
yogakaraka, the yoga will not grant results. Remedy: Take care of servants.
Suppose one possesses a fine Malavaya
yoga with Shukra as yogakaraka - if he Ill-treats Sunapa Yoga
the wife in this very life the good results of this Planets occupy the znd house from the
yoga will not manifest - though it refers to the Moon except the Sun.
with past life. If anything from the past is Intelligent, self~earning in good ways
repeated here, the effect is felt. Same applies for without cheating others in the course of the.
the effects of all yogas given here. earning activities. The Sun placed in the znd

Remedy: take good care of one' s wife, house to the Moon show thar one earned in
that's aIl. (We can't say take care of others' wrong ways in the past life. With such a Sun
wives ... Shukra is basically one's wife - other position, the astrologer should guide this native
significations such as younger sister etc. were to avoid earning in wrong ways to keep
not given here), suffering away - that is the message of this
. Sasa Yoga
If you took care of your servants in the Anapa Yoga
past life then Sasa Yoga is obtained in this life. Any planet in the IZ house to the Moon
When Mars aspects Saturn, Yoga Bhanga oc- except the Sun.
curs. Why Mars? For aIl karma, Saturn, Rahu He is famous, well placed and wealthy
and Mars are the planets showing the past life in life, with a body free from diseases and sorne
effects. Mars is our energy right? And Saturn is frustration in the later part of life. ln the last
the 3L (from Sagittarius, J iva's moolatr ikoria).
--'---"" -

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts InNadis

life, whatever he earned he spent in charity and VashiYoga
dharmic activities. If the Sun occupies the uH Planets ln the 12. house to the Sun
from the Moon, he spent in wrong ways. except for the Moon.
Remedy: spend money for charitable Go.od wealth, good children.
purposes. keeping his own earnings, leaving his father's
property to others, getting the blessings of
Durdhara Yoga . nd th elders in the past life. If one has Moon in the
Moon with planets ln the 2. and 12.
house to the Sun, he will suffer if he takes
houses from it except the Sun: a combination of the father's property for himself now.
the two yogas above.
Ubhayachari Yoga
. Kemudruma Yoga Planets in houses 2. and 12. to the Sun
The Moon having no planets on either except for the Moon.
side. Aspiring for ethers' property and giving Atrna balam, good food, good sleep.
pain to ethers in the. past life is the reason for Staying ·with one's father, taking care of
this yoga in this life. No specifie remedy was parents' sukha dukha in past life, one obtains
given as these Bhanga ,s mean "d'on tOI
d it" .
this yoga in this life. Anyone with this yoga
should be advised to take care of their father to
VesiYoga avoid spoiling this fine yoga.
Planets ln the 2. house to the Sun
except the Moon. . Subha "Kartari Yoga
Good education, good position. Even If
The Sun conjunct with. benefic planets
he doesn't have wealth, he is helping others out and benefics occupying the houses on both sides
of good heart despite the fact that he may not of Sun.
have sufficient wealth - this is the good karma He is a prophet, a vaidya, good person.
for which he has gotten this yoga. ln the past life, he has taken care of the father-
in-Iaw like one's own father hence this good
Paae95 Paae96
InsiBhts ln Nadis
\, InsiBhts ln Nadis

yoga is granted. So one with this yoga

advised to take care of his father to coritinue the \ ESSION 5 - REMEDIAL MEASURES
yoga to avoid suffering that would result from
Like a medicine, they are needed to
neglect. This auspicious activity should be
re; ove those sufferings that occur due to one' s
continued life after Iife. If malefics are present kat a and also others' actions.
instead, then Yoga Bhanga occurs like in the
next yoga ... Re''Inedies- Man suffers because ~f:
3 doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Pa'pakartari Yoga 3 kophas: anger
Both sides of the Sun having paapi's. 3 sabhas: curse
Gleverly doing srns, fighting 'Vith
enemies and insult ing parents, one obtains this
yoga. KAPHA is ruled by the Moon. As it
Remedy: Fast on every Amavasya. changes its shape due to the environment, by
changing surroundings one can get sick ex:
veV\,us ..,.MooV\, apposLHoV\,: toss of V\.WtVter children. Attachments exist mentally so the
before VVtt:lmt:lge or LLl Vtet:lltVtto tVte VVtotVter Moon shows desires which are the cause of
befoye VVtaYrLage suffering.

********* PITT A (bile) is ruled by the Sun.

JupLter § Mt:lrs apposLHoV\,: uV\,Vtt:lpptj Problems occur here due to individual actions ,
VlA,arrteol lLfe due to arrogance or ego: edging God out.
veV\,us § St:lturv\' cov0 uV\,cHoV\,: tVte v\'aHve V ATAis ruled by Saturn. Old age,
l1as VlûsfortuVlies LV\,lLfe oIe-peV\,oILV\,gov\, tVte blaming, back-biting, mischievous ... All these
Vtouse wl1ere tVtetj are c0v0uV\,ct are represented by the 6H.

Insia1\ts ln Nadis Insiah ts ln Nadis

Causes of suffering in a snapshot... \ 3 KOPHAS

Anger of PITUR: forefathers and elders

SWAYAMKRITA 1 PARAKRITA by not obeying them, not performing duties for

Suffering due 10self-actions 1 others' actions
Anger of DEV A: deities, kula devata
and/or personal deity due to not performing
Tri Shab proper rituals to the deities... AH these are
1 (Curse indicated by the 8H.
Vata Pitla Kapha
Tri Khopa
(Anger) Anger of GURU: guru, Brahmins by
.. 1
insulting scholars, teachers and poor Brahmins.
Pltru De a
1 1
Acharya 1 Ved Brahaman 1 Poor 3SABHAS

PRET A: dead persons by not paylng

respect to known or unknown dead bodies.
" 1
Kula Ishla Abachara Preta Jantu Shatrl jANTU: animals.: (birds, snakes, etc.)
(Family deity) (Personal deity) (Doin9 something (Baadha)
prohibiled) 1
and living things - do not harm or kill them.
1 1 1
SHA TRU: enemies -:-suffering due to
m :ë m
(Il 1

m -,ro enemy actions like black magic activities ... AH
a. UJ
these are shown by the I2.H.
One has to assert the intensity of
l suffering through the birth chart, dashas,
"Agni Dagdha 1 Anagni Dagdha 1 Dur Marana
Preta Preta Preta gochar as and also a prashna made at the time of



Mohana Aakarshal It rernams beyond the scope of this
Killing Expressive Stopping Seducing To captu presentation to supply further guidelines for
. giving remedies.
Paae99 Paae100

ln Nadis
Insiehts ln Nadis
W ith prashna used for remedial
SESSION 6 - PRASHNA pl oses to remove any trouble or sickness,
1- A prashna chart could be made by taking locate the housefs) related to the problem.
a transit chart for the time of enquiry i.e. For predictions about the future, go to
the birth of a question the dashas and gocharas of both the natal and
prashna charts.
2.- Take a number between 1 to 108
ln case of difficulty in identifying the
(Nadiamshas) and divide by 9 to locate
problem in the natal chart, planets in 6 - 8 - I2.
the Lagna
of the prashna chart should be taken as guidance
3- Take a number from 1 to 2.7 (Nakshatras) for judging.
4- Or a number between 1 to 12. for rashi

5- Or, open a book and see the page number

- right page for him and left page for her.
MooV\, -pLC!ce~ LV\, tVle Vlouse to
Divide the number by 108, or 2.7, or 12. as
SC!tlA.rv\': VIe wLLL VlC!vefrLev\'~s ~eC!LL~
the case may be and Eixthe Lagna LV\, cVleVlA.LcC!Ls
6- Or, take the time shown on a watch - the
hours indicate the Lagna, the minutes the
veV\,us C!v\'~ SC!tlA.rv\' LV\, TC!lA.rus: rLcVl
position of the Moon
C!V\,~ -proVlA.LV\,eV\,t
The prashna chart and native charts
must have sorne similarity like. prashna Moon *********
in trine to natal Moon -. or the prashna house JIA.-pLter C!v\'~ veV\,us LV\, big: stpC!rC!Hov\'
dealing with the question is prominently froVlA. tVle wLfe for C! short wVlLLe
E x: question
. ab out t h e 5H has the 5th
Lord exalted in the prashna chart or the Moon
occupies the prashna 5H.
Insiahts ln Nadis Insiahts ln Nadis
ANNEXE 1 - HINTS FROM NADI 8. The s" lord ln the lOH means a highly
placed and popular native.

1. ln N adi we glve importance to the 9. Link between 5th and -" Lords means either
karkatawa of a planet. marital life is not good or children are
affected. No yoga there,
z. When a prashna chart lS cast based on a
basic .number up to 108 or on the time of 10. Jupiter contacts Ketu first i.e. JuP is behind
query, the Lagna shows the querent and the Ketu and moving forward (not vakri): the
9 house shows the astrologer. If the Lord of native propitiates sorne Goddess. If J up is
the 9 house is in debilitation or otherwise vakri, then it should be just after Ketu.
weak, the astrologer should· not glve There should be no planet between JuP and
prediction. Ketu.

3· Planet Jupiter generally signifies males and II. U sing the same conditions as above, if
Venus females. Saturn contacts the Moon first: employment
away from home.
4· More personally, Venus signifies the wife
for a man and Mars the husband for a lady. rz. For any bhava, its Kendras must have

5. A planet in the zH to Jupiter means that the planets to fortify it.

native has younger siblings. He is the eldest 13. From Rahu see which planet is posited next
when no planet occupies the rzH to Jupiter. behind it. As Rahu is retrograde, the first

6. One or more planets on both sides of Jupiter planet behind it can be taken as entering its
mouth. The native is likely to lose the
mean that he has both elder and younger
siblings. relative signified by that planet first. Jupiter
immediately behind Rahu means either the
7· Mars in Leo shows loss of a brother
native is the eldest child in one' s family and
if it is not so, one is likely to suffer from

Paae103 Paae104

Insi$hts ln Nadis Insi$hts ln Nadis

one's child. This child may leave the parent cheater or is cheated by others.
and live separately. 23. Rahu in the 2H to Venus: the wife will be
14. For Mithuna Lagna, wherever Mars 1S obstinate and cunning. Check for other
posited that bhavasuffers. planets in the same manner. Rahu in 2H to
Moon for the mother, in 2H to Sun for the
15. Mercury in trine to Mars for a lady - the
father, in 2H to Mars for brother, in 2H to
husband shall have another relationship.
Mercury for friend, etc. Venus could also be
16. A planet in exaltation with no planet the younger sister.
flanking it loses much of its 'power to do
24. Rahu or Ketu in trines to Mars is a
mangleeka dosha which indicates delay in
17. Saturn having no planet on either side or in marnage.
trines to it - no fixed profession.
25. Mars in trine to Rahu in a female chart: the
18. Saturn with jupiter in the 71-1:work in a big lady is very passionate.
26. Mars in trine to Ketu ln a female chart
19. ln a female chart, Mars behind Venus: the indicates a frigid lady.
husband is after the wife, i.e. her husband is
27. Sun in the wH gives early income.
attached to her. He has more sexual interest.
28. With Jupiter in trine to Saturn one's desires
20. ln a male chart, Venus behind Mars: the
are fulfilled. Successful people.
wife is after the husband, i.e. she is attached
to him - and she has more sexual interest. 29. Jupiter Saturn in 6/8 position is not a happy
location - there can be a sudden fall as it
21. Mercury and Ketu in trines: the native is
shows misfortune and one learns to live life
likely to fall in love suddenly and that love
without much desire.
does not materialize.
30. Jupiter doser to Saturn, i.e. in 2/12 or in 3/11
22. Moon in trine to Venus: the wife is a


Insi8hts ln Nadis Insi8hts ln Nadis

posltlOn: the native cornes up early in life, Ketu isn't good.

one's ambitions are fulfilled. Much or at
38. Rahu conjunct its dispositor glves potent
least decent content ment.
raja yoga.
31• If Sun and Saturn are away from each other:
39. Rahu conjunct with Ketu's dispositor isn't
no ambition or delay in fulfillment of one's
desirable. Nor is Ketu conjunct with Rahu's
32.· One planet ln the !OH is good and as the
40. If Rahu is in the 4H and Ketu is in the !OH,
number of planets in the !OH increases, they
the native should not have a working wife.
show no fixed ambition.
41. People with Rahu .in Lagna and Ketu in 7 H
33· Retrograde planets are powerful. They show
'- or vice versa, carry the karmas of their
unfinished karmas of the last life. Lots of
forefathers so unexpected events take place.
successful people have a number of
retrograde planets in their charts. 41.. Jupiter expands the 1.H from its placement.

34· If Jupiter is retrograde - one has enjoyed his 43. Jupiter in the 4H: one's child prospers more

last birth fully. ln this life such a native may than the native.
become diabetic if he transgresses other's 44. Jupiter in the uH shows a spendthrift and

wives or takes money iUegaUy. taking loans.

35· If' the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu are 45. Rahu in the 4H in a female chart: the
conjunct they act as an atom bomb: either husband has extracurricular activities.
you blow up or get blown. So Rahu/Ketu
46. When natal Mars is aspected by transit
could give a big rise or a big faU.
Moon the lady should get her monthly
36. The Dasha of Rahu's dispositor plays an periods.
important role in life.
47. A planet in Cancer gives anelevation of this
37· The conjunction of any planet with Rahu or planet's karakatwas because Cancer is the
Paae107 Paae108
lnsiehts ln Nadis
lnsiehts ln Nadis
sign where Jupiter is exalted.
Moon, Venus' karakatwa suffers (the elder
48. W ith Libra Lagna, t h e 7th 1or d in V irgo lS
sister or the wife).
not good for the wife.
56. For a Venus in Cancer person, emotions
49. The 5th lord in 2.H: very rich son but he lS
play a major role in maritallife.
not happy.
57. A planet with J upiter or Venus ln a male
50. No planet in Virgo means ... less sickness ..
chart gives trouble to the native or his wife
51. A planet in Virgo: no love and respect From as the case may be.
the relative signified by that planet.
58. A planet with Mars or Venus in a female
52..Venus in the sign of Cancer: one of the chart gives trouble to the husband or the
younger sisters suffers. native as the case may be.
53. Venus and Moon combination may destroy 59. Mars in Cancer: one purchases houses.
all yogas.
60. If Venus and Saturn are posited very close
54. See which planet occupies which rashi of to each other, the native gets a wife (Le. he
the D/9 chart - the relative signified by that gets married) and changes job (nature or
planet dies during Saturn transit over that place) at the same time.
61. Jupiter in trine to Ketu: spiritual inclination.
55. When there is a mutual exchange of two
62..Ketu and the Sun in trine to Jupiter: raja
planets and a third planet conjoins any one
of the exchanging planets, the relative sig-
nified by the third· planet suffers. If the 63. Jupiter in trine to Saturn and Ketu: a karma
exchange occurs between the Moon and yogi. He fulfills his spiritual ambitions.
Jupiter (jup iter in Cancer and the Moon is 64. Jupiter in trine to Mars and Ketu: a hatha
in Sagittarius) with Venus conjunct the yogi .- one who achieves his mission with
efforts or will power.
Paae 110

Insi$hts ln Nadis Insi$hts ln Nadis

65. Jupiter in trine to Kètu and the Moon: 76. Venus ln trine to Ketu: do not buy
Bhakti yogi. constructed property.

66. Saturn in trine to Ketu Mercury: Gyana 77. Saturn in trine to Ketu: problems in the job,

yOgl. but if Jupiter aspects these problems are

67. Saturn ln trine to the Moon and Ketu:
practices Sahaj yoga (patience). 78. Mercury ln trine to Ketu: problem ln
educational institutions (orin education).
68. Saturn in trine to Venus and Ketu: Sahaj
yOgl. 79. Mars in trine to Jupiter: liable for accidents.

69. Rahu ln Taurus means one who is very 80. Jupiter in trine to Venus: one buys a vehicle.
popular with the masses. 81. Put signatures on an agreement when
70. Rahu with the Moon: the mind is wavering. transit Mercury lS in trine to Jupiter or
71. Ketu with the Moon: the mind is rig id or
restricted or fixed and not wavering. 82.. Do not slgn any agreement when transit
Mercury is in tr ine to Ketu.
72.. Ketu in the 5H: whatever you. desire you do
not get but you are likely to get beyond your 83. When Saturn in transit cornes ln trine to
hopes. natal Venus: the wife fans sick.

73. When Ketu con joins a planet, it restricts its 84. When Saturn in transit cornes ln trine to

potency. natal Mars ln a female chart: the husband

fans sick.
74. When Rahu con joins a planet it expands its
activity. 85. Venus in trine to Rahu: the wife is arrogant
and adamant and the native has to be under
75. Mercury conjunct Venus ln a male chart:
her thumb.
one has a mistress.
86. Venus in the I2.H to Jupiter - or Venus (R)

Paae11l Paae112.

Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis

in the zH to Jupiter in a male chart: the man ANNEXE 2 - TRANSITS OF SLOW

does not leave his wife, he is too fond of her MOVING GRAHAS
(Venus app lies to J u p iter),

87. ln chart marriage matching, see that the Sun RAHU&KETU

or the Moon of the boy should fall on the Year Month Day Sign RAHU Sign KETU
Rahu or Ketu of the girl or vice versa. 1940 Jan 1 Libra Aries
1940 Jan 31 Virgo Pisces
88. House of fortune: Taurus / / House of mind: 1941 Aug 13 Leo Aquarius
Gemini / / House of intellect: Virgo. 1643 April, 17 Cancer Capricorn
1944 Oct 17 Gemini Sagittarius
89. When Saturn comes over Jupiter by transit, 1946 April 8 , Taurus Scorpio
it gives promotion and change of place. 1947 Dec 20 Aries Libra
1949 June 25 Pisces Virgo
90. Jupiter and' Mars ln Capricorn: one will 1950 Dec 22 Aguarius Leo
come into possesslng parental landed 1952' June 16 Capricorn Cancer
1954 Feb 27 Sagittarius Gemini
1955 Sept 4 Scorpio Taurus
1957 Feb 24 Libra Aries
N ote: the above are collections from various 1958 Aug 28 Virgo Pisces
NAD 1 sources. The research students are most 1S60 May 8 Leo Aguarius
welcomed to try them and do further research.
1961 Nov 10 Cancer Capricorn
1963 May 2 Gemini Sagittarius
1964 Nov 9 .Taurus Scorpio
Collected by: 1966 July 20 Aries Libra
Mr. A. V. Sundaram 1968 Jan 14 Pisces ,Virgo
Sri Sai Baba temple, 1969 July 10 Aguarius Leo
Picket, Secunderabad, A.P. 500009
1971 March 15 Capricorn Cancer
1972 Sept 27 Sagittarius Gemini
1974 March 20 Scorpio Taurus
1975 Sept 18 Libra Aries
1977 May 30 Virgo Pisces
LOOK FOR MORE ... 1978 Dec 3 Leo Aguarius

Paae1l3 Paae114
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
Year Month Day Sign RAHU Sign KETU SA TURN - SHANI
1980 Mai: 27 Cancer . Caericorn
1981 Nov 25 Gemini Sagittarius Year Month Day Sign SATURN
1983 Aug 14 Taurus Scoreio 1 Aries
1940 Jan
1985 Feb 5 Aries Libra
1941 June 19 Taurus
1986 Aug 5 Pisces Virgo
1941 Dec 15 Aries
1988 Feb 2 Aguarius Leo
1989 Oct 23 Cancer 1942 March 4 Taurus
1991 12 1943 Aug 6 Gemini
Aeril Sagittarius Gemini
1992 Oct 11 Scoreio Taurus 1943 Dec 17 Taurus
1994 June 9 Libra Aries 1944 April 24 Gemini
1995 Dec 28 Virgo Pisces 1945 Sept 23 Cancer
1997 June 20 Leo Aguarius 1945 Dec 23 Gemini
1998 Oct 17 Cancer Caericorn
June 9 Cancer
2000 Seet 2 Gemini Sagittarius
1948 July 27
2002 March 2 Taurus : Scoreio
1950 Sept 21 Virgo
2003 Aug 29 Aries Libra
1952 Nov 26 Libra
·2005 Feb 22 Pisces Virgo
2006 Nov 13 Aguarius Leo 1953 April 25 Virgo
2008 Mai: 6 .Caericorn Cancer 1953 Aug 22 Libra
2009 Nov 4 Sagittarius Gemini 1955 Nov 13 Scorpio
2011 Mai: 4 Scoreio Taurus 1958 Feb 9 Sagittarius
2013 Jan 15 Libra Aries 1958 June 3 Scorpio
2014 Ju1i: 15 Virgo Pisces
1958 Nov 8 Sagittarius
2016 Jan 9 Leo Aguarius
Feb 2 Capricorn
2017 Seet 15 Cancer Caericorn
1961 Sept 18 Sagittarius
2019 March 26 Getnini Sagittarius
1961 Oct 8 Capricorn
2020 Sept 22 Taurus Scoreio
1964 Jan 28 Aquarius
2022 March 16 Aries Libra
2023 Dec 1 Pisces Virgo 1966 April 9 Pisces
2025 June 2 Aguarius Leo 1966 Nov 4 Aquarius
2026 Nov 27 Caericorn Cancer 1966 Dec 20 Pisces
2028 Mai: 25 Sagittarius Gemini 1968 June 18 Aries
2030 Feb 7 Scoreio Taurus 1968 Sept 29 Pisces
Paae1l5 Paae1l6

Ïnsights ln Nadis
Insi8hts ln Nadis

Year Month Day Sign SATURN

Year Month Day Sign SATURN
2006 Nov 1 Leo
1969 March 8 Aries
2007 Jan 11
1971 April 29 Taurus
2007 July 16 Leo
1973 June 11 Gemini
2009 Sept 10 Virgo
1975 July 24 Cancer
2011 Nov 16 Libra
1977 Sel2t 8 Leo
2012 May 16 Virgo
1979 Nov 4 Virgo
2012 Aug 4 Libra
1980 March 16 Leo
2014 Nov 3 Scorpio
1980 July 28 Vir~o
2017 Jan 27 Sagittarius
1982 Oct 7 Libra
2017 June 22 Scorpio
1984 Dec 22 Scorpio
2017 Dct 27 Sagittarius
1985 June 1 Libra
2020 Jan 25 Capricorn
1985 Sept 17 Scorpio
2022 April 30 Aguarius
1987 Dec 17 Sagittarius
2022 July 13 Capricorn
1990 March 21 Capricorn
2023 Jan 18 Aquarius
1990 June 21 Sagittarius
2025 March 30 Pisces
1990 Dec 15 Capricorn
2027 June 3 Aries
1993 March 6 Aguarius
2027 Oct 21 Pisces
1993 Oct 16 Capricorn
2028 Feb 24 Aries
1993 Nov 10 Aquarius
2029 Aug 9 Taurus
1995 June 3 Pisces
·2029 oct 6 Aries
1995 Aug 11 Aguarius
2030 April 18
1996 Feb 17 Pisces
1998 April 18 Aries
2000 June 7 Taurus
2002 Jul:t 24 Gemini
2003 Jan 9 Taurus
2003 April 7 Gemini
2004 Sept 6 Cancer
2005 Jan 14 Gemini
2005 May 27 Cancer
Paee117 Paee118
Insiahts ln Nadis Insiahts ln Nadis
1953 April 10 Taurus
Year Month . Day Sign JUPITER 1953 Aug 31 Gemini
1940 Jan 1 Pisces 1953 Dec 1 Taurus
1940 April 17 Aries 1954 April 20 Gemini
1941 April 27 Taurus· ~954 Sept 10 Cancer
1942 May 10 Gemini 1955 Jan 29 Gemini
1942 Oct 7 Cancer 1955 May 4 Cancer
1942 Dec 20 Gemini 1955 Oct 2 Leo
1943 May 28 Cancer 1956 March 15 Cancer
1943 Oct 24 Leo 1956 May 23 Leo
1944 Feb 5 Cancer
1956 Oct 29 Virgo
1944 June 19 Leo
1957 April 19 Leo
1944 Nov 19 Virgo
1957 June 20 Virgo
1945 March 10 1957 Nov 29 Libra
1945 Jul:! 19 1958 May 18 Virgo
1945 Dec 20 1958 July 22 Libra
1946 April 9 1958 Dec 29 Scorpio
1946 Aug 19 1959 June 23 Libra
1947 Jan
1959 Aug 18 Scorpio
18 Scorpio
1947 May
1960 Jan 23 Sagittarius
12 Libra
1947 Nov
1961 Feb 11 Capricorn
18 Scorpio
1948 1962 Feb 25 Aquarius
Feb 12 Sagittarius
1948 1963 March 8 Pisces
June 23 Scorpio
1948 Oct
1964 March 15 Aries
8 Sagittarius 4
1949 1964 Aug Taurus
March 1 Capricorn
1949 1964 Oct 27 Aries
Aug 28 Sa~ittarius
1949 1965 March 22 Taurus
Oct 12 Capricorn
1950 March
1965 Aug 6 Gemini
14 Aquarius
1951· 1966 Jan 10 Taurus
March 24 Pisces
1952 April
1966 March 24 Gemini
1 Aries 1966 Aug 22 Cancer
Paae1l9 Paael20
Insi$hts ln Nadis Insi$hts ln Nadis
Year Month Day Sign JUPITER Year Month Day Sign JUPITER
1967 Sept 15 Leo 1992 Sept 12 Virgo
1968 Oct 13 Vir~o 1993 Oct 13 Libra
1969 Nov 12 Libra 1994 Nov 12 Seorpio
1970 Dee 12 Seorpio 1995 Dee 8 Sagittarius
1972 Jan 7 Sagittarius 1996 Dee 27 Caprieorn
1973 Jan 26 Caprieorn 1998 Jan 9 Aquarius
1974 Feb 10 Aquarius 1998 May 26 Pisees
1975 Feb 20 Pisees 1998 Sept 11 Aquarius
1975 July 19 Aries 1999 Jan 13 Pisees
1975 Sept 11 Pisees 1999 May 27 Aries
1976 Feb 26 Aries 2000 June 3 Taurus
1976 July 9 Taurus 2001 June 17 Gemini
1976 Dee 9 Aries 2002 July 6 Cancer
1977 Feb 23 Taurus 2003 July 31 Leo
1977 July 19 Gemini 2004 Aug 28 Virgo
1978 Aug 6 Cancer 2005 Sept 28 Libra
1979 Aug 30 Leo 2006 Oct 28 Seorpio
1980 Sept 27 Virgo 2007 Nov 22 Sagittarius
1981 Oct 28 Libra 2008 Dee 10 Caprieorn
1982 Nov 27 Seorpio 2009 May 2 Aquarius
1983 Dee 22 Sa~ittarius 2009 July 31 Caprieorn
1985 Jan 11 Caprieorn 2009 Dee 20 Aquarius
1986 Jan 26 Aquarius .2010 May 3 Pisees
1987 Feb 3 Pisees 2010 Nov 2 Aquarius
1987 June 17 Aries 2010 Dee 6 Pisees
1987 Oct 26 Pisees 2011 May 9 Aries
1988 Feb 3 Aries 2012 May 18 Taurus
1988 June 20 Taurus 2013 June 1 Gemini
1989 Jul~ 2 Gemini 2014 June 20 Cancer
1990 Jul~ 21 Cancer 2015 July 14 Leo
1991 Aug 15 Leo 2016 Aug 12 Virgo
Paael21 Paael22
Insiehts ln Nadis Insiehts ln Nadis
Year Month Day Sign JUPITER
2017 Sept 13 Libra
2018 Oct 12 Scorpio
2019 March 30 Sagittarius
2019 April 23 Scorpio
2019 Nov 5 Sagittarius
W orld's Premier Astrology Free Digital Magazine
2020 March 30 Capricorn
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2020 July 1 Sagittarius
2020 . Nov 21 Capricorn Invites Rare Astrology articles in allianguages

2021 April 6 Aquarius

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2021 Nov 21 Aquarius astrologers worldwide: Vedic astrologers as well as
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2025 Oct 19 Cancer
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2025 Nov 6 Gemini This magazine is available at
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Pa.ae123 Paae124
ri r-

Insiehts ln Na.dis



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