Subtract of Integer

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Strategic Intervention Material in Mathematics Grade 7

Prepared by:

Mater Teacher -II
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Title Page

Guide Card

Hello learners, congratulation that you were able to finished

lessons in quarter 1. But then, there is one skill which you need to
improve because this is very important in understanding the next
lessons that we have.
This topic is all about Subtraction of Integers. This skill got
the lowest mastery level. But in order to understand this lesson
more, we will start on identifying the opposite or additive inverse of
an integer. You will also formulate steps in subtracting integers
based in your own idea and apply the rule in subtracting integers.
Therefore at the end, you can solve real word problems involving
subtraction of integers in easiest way but with accurate results.
To better understand the idea of this topic, explore the Activity
Card. To test your understanding, use Assesment Card. And if you
need more activities, Enrichment Card will serve as your follow-up
excercises. To find the concept about this topic, Reference Card is
also included in this material.
Are you ready now? Let’s go and start to learn!
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Activity Card

Read properly and give

what is ask in each item.

A. Give the opposite/additive inverse of each integers.

Integers Opposite

1. 18 ______

2. -12 ______

3. -3 ______

4. 4 ______

5. -100 ______

Good Job!
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Activity Card

This looks weird, but it's really easy if you are

good at finding the opposite of a number and adding
signed numbers. In the first activity, you did well in
finding the opposite of a number.

Now, it’s going to be your major headache. You need to carefully study
the given illustration in finding the difference between two integers. Write your
observation especially the steps. If you're ready, let's go!

Here's a regular, subtraction example:

That's easy stuff.

Now what about this?

Solution 1.
Using the numbered line, we solve this problem by starting at
reference point at 0.

4 — 6 = -2
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Solution 2.

Hey, that's exactly same thing as when we did this:

4 +(- 6) =

4 +(- 6) = -2
But oops! Don’t let this different way gives you a headache. It’s
just a different notation. Try to look.
4 — 6 = -2 Subtraction Form

4 +(- 6) = -2 Addition Form


Now, can you write the steps on how to change subtraction form
to addition form?
1. ________________________________________________

And give the rule of subtracting integers in your own words.

2. ____________________________________________

That’s great!
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7


Rewrite each expression in addition form and

give the sum.

1. -20 - 8 =

2. 74 - (-13) =

3. 12 - 19 =

4. -36 - (-36) =

5. -93 - 62 =
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Assessment Card

Subtracting Integers
Today’s skills answer today’s puzzle. To find the answer to the
problem, apply the rule in subtracting integers then match each letter
with its answer in the blank below.

1. (–13) – (–5) = ____ G 2. 5 − 6 = ____ C

3. (−6) − 5 = ____ A 4. 15 – 2 = ____ E

5. (–10) – (–10) = ____ G 6. (–18) – 14 =____ E

7. 1 − 1 = ____T 8. (–20) – 9 =____ S

9. 20 – 3 = ____ T 10. 4 − 3 = ____ R

11. 6 − 5 = ____ U 12. 3 − (−2) = ____ N

13. 5 − 8 = ____ S 14. (−3) − 6 = I

15. (−2) − (−8) = ____ B 16. (–9) – 16 =____ I

17. 17 – 6 = ____ O 18. 8 – (–12) =____ R

19. 3 − 8 = ____ T 20. (–8) – (–14) =____ F

21. 7 – (–11) = ____ N

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Enrichment Card

Solve the problems:

1. Rus Bea weekly allowance in

school is P500.00. She was able to save P600.00
for 6 months and withdrew P 50.00 every 2 week.
How much of her money was left in the bank?

2. Two Bachelor buses start at the same station at the

same time. Bus A travels 72km/h, while bus B travels
62km/h. If the two buses travel in opposite directions,
how far apart will they be after an hour?
If the two buses travel in the same direction, how far
apart will they be in two hours?

3. During the Christmas season. The supreme student

government was able to solicit 2,356 grocery items
and was able to distribute 2,198 to barangay Quezon.
If this group decided to distribute 1,201 grocery items
to barangay Bioto, how many more grocery items did
they need to solicit?

That’s my men!
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Reference Card

1. Learner’s Module
Grade 7 Math Lesson 4.2: Fundamental Operation on
Integers: Subtraction of Integers

2. UBD Modules
Grade 7 Math p. 41

3. Internet
Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) in Mathematics 7

Answer Key Card

Assessment Card
1. -8 – G 2. -1 – C 3. -11 – A
Activity Card 1
4. 13 – E 5. 0 – G 6. -32 – E
7. 0 – T 8. -29 – S 9. 17 – T
1. -18 10. 1 – R 11. 1 – U 12. 5 – N
2. 12 13. -3 – S 14. -9 – I 15. 6 – B
3. 3 16. -25 – I 17. 11 – O 18. 20 – R
4. -4 19. -5 – T 20. 6 – F 21. 18 – N

Activity Card 2
Possible Answers
1. Steps. Enrichment Card
a. copy the minuend
b. change the operation to addition 1. P 0.00
c. write the subtrahend to its opposite 2. 134km and 10km
d. go back to addition rule 3. 1,043 grocery items
2. Rewrite the expression to addition
form then find the sum.

Activity Card 3

1. -20 + (- 8) = -28
2. 74 + 13 = 87
3. 12 + (-19) = -7
4. -36 + 36 = 0
5. -93 + (-62) = -155

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