Ongc PDF
Ongc PDF
Ongc PDF
Board of Directors
Functional Directors Government Nominee Directors Independent Directors
World Class
• Dedicated to excellence by leveraging competitive advantages in R&D and technology
with involved people.
• Imbibe high standards of business ethics and organizational values.
• Abiding commitment to safety, health and environment to enrich quality of community
• Foster a culture of trust, openness and mutual concern to make working a stimulating and
challenging experience for our people.
• Strive for customer delight through quality products and services.
Integrated In Energy Business
• Focus on domestic and international oil and gas exploration and production business
• Provide value linkages in other sectors of energy business.
• Create growth opportunities and maximize shareholder value.
Dominant Indian Leadership
• Retain dominant position in Indian petroleum sector and enhance India’s energy availability.
Carbon Neutrality
• ONGC will continually strive to reduce CO2 emissions across its activity chain with the
objective of achieving carbon neutrality.
Withdrawal of US from the nuclear deal with Iran and
CHAIRMAN’S subsequent re-imposition of sanctions on the latter
demonstrated the significant influence of geopolitics
exploratory inputs through better seismic API. As you are years and also achieved the highest cycle and commercial
aware, your Company is also associated as an integral part speed. With 37 rigs operating in the offshore, the
of National Seismic Programme. Company remains focused on expanding its presence and
expertise in a terrain that has historically been its strong
Production performance remained on track and our
suite. Deepwater drilling is an exciting new arena within
contribution to domestic hydrocarbon supplies increased
this domain and the Company plans to drill 24 deep
year-on-year, largely on the back of higher gas output.
water wells in FY’19. A majority of our future oil and gas
Standalone crude oil production recorded increase to
supplies are offshore-based which makes offshore drilling
22.31 MMT in FY’18 as compared to 22.25 MMT in
critical to the Company’s success in the medium term.
FY’17. Natural gas production registered an impressive
Considering the capital-intensive offshore operations,
growth of over 6% as production for FY’18 rose to
cost optimisation is key to mitigating the inherent risks of
23.48 BCM as compared to 22.09 BCM in FY’17. Our
any offshore upstream project. ONGC’s Offshore drilling
cumulative domestic hydrocarbon volumes (inclusive of
costs have come down by 7% in FY’18 which in absolute
our share in JV-operated properties), also recorded an
terms is significant. The Company is constantly striving
increase; 50.05 MMtoe vis-a-vis 48.81 MMtoe in FY’17.
to further bring down the drilling costs.
Production of Value Added Products increased for the
fourth consecutive year – VAP output in FY’18 stood at Your Company’s upstream capital program is growing
3.39 MMT, with an increase of 4.6% over FY’17 volumes. steadily unlike that of most oil and gas operators over
the past 4 years - a period that witnessed widespread
The fact that we have continued to achieve production
and extensive budget reductions in reaction to low
growth with a largely mature portfolio makes the feat
crude prices. The committed capex of `320,770
even more rewarding. Despite the maturity of our key
Million for FY’19 is directed towards E&P activity.
fields, our IOR/EOR schemes are aimed at maximizing
While strong domestic oil demand and the country’s
hydrocarbon recovery from these ageing brownfields.
high degree of reliance on imports are drivers for
In FY’18, incremental oil gain from these projects
sustaining robust investments in domestic upstream
totalled 7.5 MMT, almost one-third of our total oil
activity, it is also a derivative of our positive outlook
output for the year.
on the domestic hydrocarbon potential. The recently
A legacy-dependent portfolio, however, does present its concluded Hydrocarbon resource reassessment project
own set of challenges especially in a cash-constrained only confirms the view - prognosticated hydrocarbon
operating environment. However, with more projects resource base of the country today stands at 42 Billion
coming online in the next few years, we are confident of tonnes of oil equivalent, up by 50% from past estimates.
reducing our reliance on ageing fields. We expect a steady The Company has also put in place firm plans to deliver
step-up in our domestic hydrocarbon output, primarily on its targets to support the 10% Import Reduction
led by ramp-up in gas output from key projects such as mission, as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
KG-DWN-98/2, Daman and Vashishta fields. While
Further, constant efforts are being made to improve
crude oil volumes will not experience the same level of
the operational efficiencies through various “Research
growth as gas, Western Offshore redevelopment projects
and Development” activities carried out by the in-
will add incremental oil to our portfolio, helping offset the
house institutes.
natural decline of our base portfolio. Seventeen projects
completed during the last 4 years contributed over 6 Coming to financials, the Company recorded Revenue
MMtoe of oil and gas supplies. Your Company completed from Operations of `850,041 Million in FY’18 compared
two major projects namely, Development of Western to `779,078 Million in FY’17. Profit After Tax increased
Periphery and Integrated Development of Vashishta and by over 11% to `199,453 Million in FY’18 against
S1 Fields in FY’18 envisaging lifecycle oil and gas gains of `179,000 Million in FY’17. The Company realized USD
over 17 MMtoe. 57.33/bbl for crude sold in the domestic market in FY’18
as compared to USD 50.27/bbl in FY’17.
Drilling is central to any E&P activity. FY’18 proved to
be another record-setting year for our drilling operations. Dividends to shareholder for FY’18 remained healthy with
For the second consecutive year, as many as 503 wells a total payout of `84,699 Million with impressive payout
were drilled - the highest ever. Your Company drilled ratio (including dividend distribution tax) of 51.13%.
119 exploratory wells - the highest number in the last 6 We have consistently maintained a dividend payout ratio
of over 50% over the last 4 years. Even as your Company of installed capacity.
expands and diversifies its business, the Company is
The Company is also substantially invested in the
steadfast in its commitment to maintain its consistent track
Petrochemical segment. ONGC Petro additions Ltd
record in dividend payout to shareholders. It is another
testament of business fundamentals and prudent approach (OPaL), a 1.1 MMTPA Ethylene Cracker unit, is one of
to capital management. the largest dual-feed crackers in the world today. Capacity
utilization of the plant is expected to be over 80% during
FY’18 proved to be good for our overseas arm, ONGC the current fiscal i.e. FY’19, further reaching 100%
Videsh Ltd also. Following the acquisition of significant utilization toward the end of December 2019. OPaL, in a
stake in Russia’s Vankorneft in 2016, ONGC Videsh led short span of time, has established itself in the domestic as
Indian consortium also acquired an important 10% stake well as international markets, both with respect to quality
in the UAE’s offshore oil and gas field Zakum in February as well as price. ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals
2018. Buoyed by incremental volumes from both these Limited (OMPL), another Petrochemical unit of ONGC
assets, overseas hydrocarbon output rose by over 10% to having production capacity of 1.2 MMTPA of Aromatics,
14.16 MMtoe in FY’18 versus 12.80 MMtoe in FY’17. registered Revenue from Operations of `55,613 Million.
Consolidated Revenue from Operations and Consolidated Close to 80% of its products, namely Paraxylene and
PAT during FY’18 stood at `104,176 Million and `9,815
Benzene, are exported.
Million as against `100,800 Million and `7,573 Million
in FY’17, respectively. Going forward, ONGC Videsh’s ONGC Tripura Power Company (OTPC), our Power
international ventures are going to play a critical role in the JV in the country’s North-eastern State of Tripura which
realization of ONGC’s long-term growth blueprint as well operates a 726 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power
as furthering sovereign energy diplomacy reach globally. Plant, recorded Revenue from Operations of `12,516
Million and Profit After Tax of `1,251 Million in FY’18.
In the downstream business, MRPL registered highest
ever throughput at 16.31 MMT in FY’18. The refining This is another noteworthy sustainability venture of ONGC
unit recorded an impressive GRM of USD 7.54/bbl. group, and a greenest UNFCCC- certified power plant of
Revenue from Operations grew by 6.1% to `630,836 the country. This plant meets 35% power requirement of
Million. PAT stood at `22,241 Million. The refining unit North Eastern States.
also posted an 18% year-on-year growth in its exports. As I mentioned already, the entire energy framework
It continues to maintain major share of the direct sales is on the cusp of substantial restructuring – in fact, the
segment of petroleum products market in Karnataka transformation is already underway. With increasing
and adjoining states and enhanced its market share for freedom for the consumer to choose from a wide array
Polypropylene with introduction of new and niche grades.
of energy sources, the energy commodities market will
Providing another boost to the sustainability efforts of
become more consumer-driven. Technology disruptions,
ONGC group companies, the refinery also successfully
Renewables, Digitalization and Sustainability will be at
commissioned largest solar power project (6 MW) at a
the core of this change.
refinery site in the country.
Your Company is gearing up for this period of
The acquisition of majority stake in state refining entity,
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL), was a transformation. An approach premised on sound
defining move, one that significantly transforms ONGC’s application of technology and sustainability is what
downstream portfolio. While ONGC in itself remains ONGC is embracing for discovering new pathways
committed to excellence in upstream business, HPCL of growth. Application of cutting-edge technologies
fits well into the group’s integrated energy strategy. in the way we locate and source our hydrocarbons to
HPCL will provide the Company, a pure-play refining implementation of paperless office and reduction of gas
and marketing edge with an extensive retail presence flaring are all part of the Company’s resilient philosophy
(over 15000 outlets) in the country, entailing significant of doing the business of energy. Our globally-recognized
diversification benefits. Together with MRPL, the CDM projects and expanding engagement in renewables
refining capacity of ONGC group today stands at over 40 also bear proof of our sustainable business ethics.
MMT, making us the third largest in the country in terms
Your Company has been continuously rated ‘outstanding’ capability to contribute effectively to larger national
grade CPSE as per DPE guideline on corporate goals and priorities. Here, I would like to thank the
governance. Government of India, especially our administrative
Ministry - the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas,
Beyond business, our CSR initiatives have also helped for its constant support and encouragement. A lot of what
the organization in making a positive impact in people’s we have achieved as the country’s flagship energy explorer
lives. At the same time, it also sensitizes us to our role as would have been difficult without the policy support and
an important stakeholder of the society and environment. facilitating approach of the Government.
In FY’18, your Company spent `5,034 Million for its
various CSR programs with target areas spanning from Notwithstanding the shifts and turns in the market,
Healthcare, Sanitation, Education to Environment and your consistent belief in our growth story and enduring
Sustainability. association with us is what keeps us motivated to emerge
stronger and more competitive with every passing year.
In line with the Government policy, your Company has At the successful closure of yet another financial year, I
set up a Start Up fund of `1,000 Million dedicated to express my gratitude for this much valued invaluable
foster, nurture and incubate new ideas related to energy. investment and support. Look forward to continuing this
As a part of this initiative, we signed MOUs with 5 Start- journey and achieving greater heights together.
Ups in FY’18. I am happy to inform that ONGC officers
after scaling Mount Everest last year, also successfully Sd/-
summited the third highest and most challenging peak,
Mount Kanchenjunga in FY’18. (Shashi Shanker)
Chairman and Managing Director
Though our main objective is energy security, I firmly
believe that ONGC has, over the years, proven its
Board’s Report
Dear Members, FY’17). Combining the two total domestic production
has been 25.43 MMT of oil and 24.61 BCM of gas,
It gives me immense pleasure to present, on behalf of the
Production of value added products increased by 4.7%;
Board of Directors of your Company, the 25th Annual
from 3.24 MMT in FY’17 to 3.39 MMT during the year,
Report on the business and operations of Oil And Natural
with contribution from C2-C3 and Hazira plants in
Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) and its Audited Financial
Gujarat and Uran in Maharashtra.
Statements for the year ended March 31, 2018, together
with the Auditors’ Report and Comments (on the All Joint ventures of your Company established for value-
Accounts) of Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) chain integration i.e., ONGC Petro additions Ltd (OPaL),
of India, thereon. ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd (OMPL), ONGC
Tripura Power Company Ltd (OTPC), Dahej SEZ
Your Company has steadfastly focussed on organic
Ltd (DSEZ) and Mangalore SEZ Ltd (MSEZ) are now
growth through its exploratory endeavours and built a
operational and started generating revenue.
healthy hydrocarbon reserve profile to sustain growth in
future. During FY’18, the Company registered Reserve Major Highlights:
Replacement Ratio (RRR) of 1.48 (with 2P reserves)
Salient highlights with respect to performance of your
and thereby maintaining RRR of more than one in the
Company during FY’18 are as below:
twelfth consecutive year. Twelve oil and gas discoveries
were made in various basins of the country. With these • Your Company made 12 Oil and Gas discoveries;
discoveries, your Company accreted reserves (2P) of 6 in Onshore and 6 in Offshore. One discovery is
67.83 million metric tonnes of oil and oil equivalent gas in New Exploration and Licencing Policy (NELP)
(MMtoe). This has been possible because of extensive block. Two of these discoveries have already been
exploration in known basins as well as frontier plays. put to production.
Two out of 12 discoveries i.e., Mattur West-1/ (Cauvery
• With these 12 discoveries, your Company accreted
onland) and Matar-1 (Cambay onland) have already been
67.83 MMtoe of 2P reserves in the domestic fields.
monetized and these prospects are producing since May
31, 2017 and January 30, 2018 respectively. • RRR (2P) for FY’18 was 1.48; more than One for
12 consecutive years.
Domestic crude oil and natural gas production of your
• Standalone Oil and Oil equivalent gas (O+OEG)
Company along with the share in domestic joint ventures
output is 45.79 MMtoe; 3.3% higher than FY’17.
(PSC-JVs) during FY’18 has been 50.04 MMtoe which
is about 2.5% higher than FY’17 production (48.80 • Onshore crude oil and natural gas production
MMtoe). On standalone basis crude oil production from increased by 1.7% and 8.3% respectively
the Company operated fields has been 22.31 Million • Offshore gas production registered an increase of
Metric Tonnes (MMT) against production of 22.25 5.7%.
MMT during FY’17. Considering the largely mature
producing field portfolio, it highlights the Company’s • Production of Value Added Products increased by
prudent reservoir management and effective technological 4.7%.
interventions in improving the production. Natural gas • Revenue from Operations was at `850,041 million
production during FY’18 has been 23.48 Billion Cubic against `779,078 million in FY’17.
Metre (BCM) against 22.09 BCM during FY’17; an • Profit After Tax (PAT) was at `199,453 million
increase of 6.3 %. This is a significant achievement as it against `179,000 million during FY’17.
marks the second consecutive year that the Company has
registered an increase in its domestic natural gas output. • Acquisition of 51.11% stake in Hindustan
Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL). With this
Your Company’s share in domestic Joint Ventures’ acquisition, Company’s refining capacity increased
production was 3.13 MMT of crude oil (3.29 MMT in to 42.198 MMTPA; accounting 18% of country’s
FY’17) and 1.13 BCM of natural gas (1.18 BCM during total refining capacity.
• The highest ever deployment of 37 rigs for offshore operations.
• The highest in last 27 years drilling of 503 wells (119 exploratory and 384 development).
• The overall Cycle Speed and Commercial Speed of exploratory and development drilling achieved during 2017-18
is the highest ever since inception and stood at 997 meter/ rig month and 1616 meter/ rig month respectively. An
increase of more than 9% achieved in commercial speed compared to previous year.
• 4 projects worth `68,300 million (approx.) were completed.
• Significant development of KG-DWN-98/2 block in Krishna-Godavari (KG) Basin with investment of about USD
5,076 million (approximately `340,000 million) leading to Peak oil production from the field to the extent of 78,000
bpd and natural gas @16 Million Metric Standard Cubic Meter per Day (MMSCMD).
• Gas sales increased from 17.06 BCM in FY’17 to 18.58 BCM an increase of 8.9%.
• Gas flaring during the year reduced from 2.4% to 1.9%.
• Farm-in/ Farm-out (FIFO) agreement signed with GSPC on March 10, 2017 to acquire 80% PI with operatorship
in block KG-OSN-2001/3. Acquisition completed on August 04, 2017 with an investment of USD 1,195 million.
• Commencement of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) field development operations in Bokaro and North Karanpura blocks in
Jharkhand. Operations resumed in Jharia block. Techno-economic analysis was carried out in Raniganj block.
• Revenue from Operations of the ONGC Group was `3,622,462 million and Profit After Tax was `221,059 million
(attributable to owners) during FY’18.
• ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), a wholly owned subsidiary of your Company, registered highest-ever production of
14.16 MMtoe of O+OEG during the year. It recorded consolidated Revenue from Operations of `104,176 million
and consolidated Profit After Tax of `9,815 million, attributable to owners(`7,573 million in FY’17).
• Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of your Company, recorded highest-ever
throughput of 16.31 MMT during FY’18.
• MRPL recorded 6.1% increase in Revenue from Operations to `630,836 million (`594,305 million in FY’17) and
Profit After Tax of `22,241 million (`36,437 million in FY’17).
• HPCL improved its Gross Refining Margin (GRM) to USD 7.40 per barrel during 2017-18 as compared to GRM
of USD 6.20 per barrel in 2016-17.
Global Recognitions
Your Company has been ranked number one E&P Company in the world by Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company
Rankings - 2017 and 11th among global energy majors based on assets, revenues, profits and return on invested capital.
The leading international business journal Forbes has ranked the Company 3rd largest in India and 246th worldwide based
on sales, profit, assets and market value.
Board’s Report 7
Basin Well No. Prospect / Pool
No. NELP Type
4 Cambay Onland ANOR-1* CB-ONN-2005/10 Oil Prospect
5 Cauvery Onland Mattur West-1 L-II PML Oil Prospect
6 KG Onland Vedireswaram-1 Godavari Onland PML Gas Pool
7 KG Offshore (SW) GS-29-11 GS-29 EXT PML Oil Pool
8 KG Offshore (SW) G-1-15 Godavari Onland PML Gas Pool
9 KG Offshore (SW) GS-71-2 GS-15/23 PML Oil Pool
10 KG Offshore (DW) GD-10-1 KG-OS-DW-III PEL Gas Prospect
11 KG Offshore (DW) GS-29-8 SUB GS-29 EXT PML Oil Pool
12 Mumbai Offshore (SW) SW-WO-24/ WO-24-3 Mumbai High-S PML Gas Prospect
In-Place Hydrocarbon Volumes and Ultimate Reserves of Company operated and JV (Domestic) Fields
Accretion During the year 2017-18 Position as on 01.04.2018
Domestic Domestic JV-Domestic
Reserve Type (ONGC Total Total
(Operated) (Operated) (ONGC Share)
3P 185.84 59.65 245.49 8840.30 1005.03 9845.33
In-Place Hydrocarbon
MMt (O+OEG) 2P 163.78 59.65 223.43 7659.86 925.12 8584.98
Reserve Replacement Ratio (RRR) on 2P basis during the year has been 1.48.
The following table gives the details of Ultimate Reserve Accretion (2P - Proved and Probable) for the last five years in
domestic basins as well as from the overseas assets:
Board’s Report 9
Direct Unit Production Qty Sales Qty Value (` in million)
FY’18 FY’17 FY’18 FY’17 FY’18 FY’17
Crude Oil (MMT) 25.43 25.53 23.67 23.86 603,899 548,036
Natural Gas (BCM) 24.61 23.27 19.49 17.94 137,372 139,398
Liquified Petroleum 000 MT 1,187 1,355 1,186 1,352 40,352 37,276
Naphtha 000 MT 1,176 1,101 1,180 1,087 38,084 30,455
Ethane-Propane 000 MT 356 421 356 420 7,502 8,557
Ethane 000 MT 264 137 264 135 7,050 5,354
Propane 000 MT 194 91 191 87 6,250 2,223
Butane 000 MT 103 31 103 30 3,423 1,131
Superior Kerosene Oil 000 MT 46 36 34 43 1,178 1,321
Others 692 1,112
Sub Total 845,802 774,863
HSD 000 KL - 0.43 - 20
Motor Spirit 000 KL - 0.21 - 11
Sub Total - 31
Total 845,802 774,894
Technology Induction/Upgradation
Your Company gives utmost importance for induction, up-gradation and application of technology in various areas of its
operations to remain competitive. During the year the following technology were applied/ upgraded/ inducted:
• Gas Chromatograph and Resistivity meter with the upgraded version have been installed at KDMIPE, Dehradun.
Gas chromatograph will facilitate in exploration by carrying out studies pertaining to metabolites of microbial origin
whereas Resistivity Meter will be helpful in determining the realistic formation evaluation of the reservoir.
• Switching over to Techlog Petrophysical Analysis Tools.
• Hardware Virtualization Technology has been inducted using Red Hat Enterprise Linux as well as VMware systems.
• Lustre File System Technology has been adopted in the Seismic Processing domain for the first time.
• Infiniband based Networking Technology has been inducted on the recently installed HPCC in the Seismic
Processing domain for the first time.
• Production enhancement through stimulation of tight carbonate reservoirs in wells of western offshore field
(implemented by IOGPT), in total 14 wells.
• Innovative techniques for Gas Production enhancement in low gas production wells of Assam/ Tripura/ Mehsana
(implemented by IOGPT), in one well of Tripura (RO#8).
• Development of chemical formulation for water Basement plays, etc. and alternate sources of energy.
shut off in gas wells of ONGC fields and its field Structured actions have been initiated to increase
execution (executed by IRS, Ahmedabad), in 3 wells the share of unconventional/ alternate energy in the
during 2017-18. production portfolio.
Exploration in different plays (a) Shale Gas/ Oil Exploration:
(a) Basement Exploration: The Company has firmed up a programme to explore for
Concerted efforts for Basement Exploration, a frontier shale gas/ oil in 50 Nominated ML blocks (28 in Cambay,
exploration play, have been taken up by the Company 10 in KG, 9 in Cauvery and 3 in A&AA basins).
as a major initiative. During the year, your Company 23 Assessment wells have been drilled so far and prospects
was pursuing Basement exploration across most of the have been established in Cambay and KG basin. Drilling
operational areas as a frontier exploration play and drilled of more wells (both exclusive and dual objective) are
24 wells including 11 wells with primary objective as planned in North Cambay and KG Basins in future, for
Basement. Encouraging results have been obtained in better understanding and assessment. The areas planned
wells GK-28-11, N-24-4, N-24-5, HY-11X in Western to be covered include Nawagam, Kalol, Linch in north
Offshore, wells Padra-114, 116, 117, 119, 120 in Cambay Cambay Basin; Mandapeta and Mahadevapatnam etc. in
basin, Khoraghat-42 and BJAB in A&AA basin. Wells BH- Krishna Godavari Basin.
76 and SMH-1 drilled in Western Offshore Basin flowed
oil from Basement. (b) Coal Bed Methane (CBM):
Cauvery basin is coming up as an important area Your Company is operating in four CBM Blocks i.e. Jharia,
for Basement Play with encouraging results in Bokaro and North Karanpura in Jharkhand and Raniganj
Mattur West-I and Pundi-8. For the development of in West Bengal. FDP for Bokaro and North Karanpura
discoveries in Basement play, Field Development Plan Blocks have been approved. Details regarding various
(FDP) of Pandanallur field has been approved and FDP activities undertaken in these blocks are as under:
implementation will begin in FY’19.
1. Bokaro Block: Drilling of 141 development wells
(b) Exploration in HP-HT and Tight Reservoir: has been considered in the FDP of Bokaro Block.
Five wells have been drilled successfully and drilling
The Company has prioritized HP-HT/ Tight/ Deeper of sixth well is in progress. 10 more well sites are
plays in KG, Cauvery, Western Offshore Basin and Assam earmarked and total 30 wells are planned to be
and Arakan Fold belt. These plays are deep, difficult to drill, drilled during 2018-19.
test and produce from. During the year 2017-18, onland
2. North Karanpura Block: Total 68 development
well PD-3 in Periyakudi field, Cauvery Basin became
wells have been considered in the FDP of North
the first HP-HT well to be put on production. Another
Karanpura Block. 30 wells are planned to be drilled
well BTS-3 in KG onland Basin has been successfully
during 2018-19.
drilled and tested for gas in commercial quantities. The
development drilling will be taken up in 2018-19. In 3. Jharia Block: After receiving permission from
addition, the Company after acquiring the operatorship of DGMS, operations have been resumed Since
NELP block KG-ONN-2003/1 has submitted the FDP of March’18 by hydro-fracturing and testing of
two discoveries made in the block. Further, the Company already drilled well JH#14. Around 10,000 - 15,000
acquired 80% stake and operatorship from Gujarat State SCMD of incidental Gas is being sold and the
Petroleum Corporation Limited (GSPCL) in the block sales is planned to be ramped up with production
KG-OSN-2001/3. The field is already on production in this Block. Revised Feasibility Report has been
and FDP is under preparation for six more monetized prepared after discounting 12 wells in line with
discoveries in the Block. co-development plan which is under vetting by
independent Financial Institution and consent of JV
Unconventional and Alternate sources of energy partner Coal India Limited is being obtained on the
Your Company is well focused on exploration and Feasibility report. Agreement has been entered into
development of unconventional like - Shale (CBM), with gas off-taker at a price of 6.12 USD/MMBTU
High Pressure/ High Temperature (HP/HT), Fractured on GCV basis for 10,000 SCMD.
Board’s Report 11
4. Raniganj Block: Techno-economic analysis for monetization of the block has been carried out and efforts are
underway for economizing production cost.
(c) Gas Hydrates
Your Company has been an active participant in gas hydrates exploratory research in the country under National Gas
Hydrate Program (NGHP) of the Government of India (GoI) since 1997. The results of NGHP-02 are very encouraging
and two gas hydrate reservoirs have been discovered in KG deep offshore. For a deep focus, your Company has established
a Gas Hydrate Research & Technology Centre (GHRTC) at Panvel, Maharashtra for production and exploitation of
gas hydrates. Further, the Company is looking forward to NGHP Expedition-03 to test the technology and assess the
production technology for Gas Hydrates exploitation in Indian offshore.
Your Company has been vigorously pursuing to develop The Board of Directors has recommended a final dividend
these fields as early as possible. The production from of `1.35 per share (27%), making the aggregate dividend
shallow water field GS-15 and deep water field G-1 has at `6.60 per share (132%) for FY’18. The total dividend
already commenced. Project “Integrated Development for the year aggregates to `84,699 million, besides
of Vasistha & S-1 Fields” has been completed in March `17,277 million applicable Dividend Distribution Tax
2018 and is aimed to contribute 14.61 BCM of gas by year (DDT) which is 51.13 % of PAT (inclusive of DDT).
2026-27. Further, to boost up oil and gas production from
The Dividend Distribution policy as formulated
Eastern Offshore, one mega project for development of
by the Company, may be accessed at the web link
cluster 2 fields of NELP Block KG-DWN-98/2” is under
implementation and envisages production of 25.87 MMT
of oil and 45.49 BCM of gas by 2034-35.
Development of other discoveries in KG offshore such 3. Management Discussion and Analysis Re-
as KG-DWN-98/2 (Cluster-I and III fields), GS-49 and port
GS-29, G-4-6 fields, shallow water NELP block KG- As per the terms of regulations 34(2)(e) of the SEBI
OSN-2004/1, etc. are under various stages of appraisal/ Listing Regulations, the Management Discussion and
approval for development. Analysis Report (MDAR) as appended, forms part of this
Annual Report.
1. Financial Highlights:
Your Company has earned Profit After Tax (PAT) of 4. Financial Accounting
`199,453 million, up by 11.4% over FY’17 (`179,000 The Financial Statements have been prepared in
million) and registered Revenue from Operations of compliance with Indian Accounting Standards (Ind-
`850,041 million, up by 9.10% over FY’17 (`779,078 AS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
million). India (ICAI) effective from April 01, 2016 and applicable
Highlights – Standalone Financial Statements provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Board’s Report 13
8. Subsidiaries has completed acquisition of 30% Participating
Your Company has acquired 51.11% shares held by the Interest (PI) in Namibia Petroleum Exploration
President of India (778,845,375 equity shares of face value License 0037 for Blocks 2112A, 2012B and
`10 each) in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 2113B on October 3, 2017 from Tullow Namibia
(HPCL) on January 31, 2018, for a total cash consideration Limited (Tullow), a wholly owned subsidiary
of `369,150 million. Upon the acquisition, HPCL has of Tullow Oil plc. Tullow with its remaining
become a subsidiary of your Company. 35% PI shall continue to be the operator of the
Upon the acquisition of HPCL, Petronet MHB Limited
• OVL led Indian Consortium including Indian
has been reclassified from joint venture company to
Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Bharat
a subsidiary company as total shareholding of your
Petro Resources Limited (BPRL) acquired
Company increased to 65.44% i.e. 32.72% shares each by
10% PI in Lower Zakum Concession, Offshore
the Company and HPCL.
Abu Dhabi. The production from the field
Further, the subsidiaries of HPCL, viz. Prize Petroleum was around 419,000 bopd and the share of
Company Limited, HPCL Bio Fuel Limited, HPCL production to Indian Consortium was around
Rajasthan Refinery Limited and HPCL Middle East FZCO 42,000 bopd and OVL share was around 16,800
have become indirect subsidiaries of your Company. bopd.
The details of Subsidiaries are as under: • An Exploration Block with License 412/“32”
in Israel has been awarded by Petroleum
(I) ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) Commissioner to Indian Consortium on March
27, 2018 with exploration duration of 3 years.
OVL, the wholly-owned subsidiary of your Company
OVL is the operator and each Partner of the
for E&P activities outside India, has participation in
Indian Consortium, i.e. OVL, BPRL, IOCL and
41 oil and gas projects in 20 Countries, viz. Azerbaijan
OIL hold 25% Participating Interest (PI) each in
(2 projects), Bangladesh (2 Projects), Brazil (2
the License.
projects), Colombia (7 projects), Iran (1 project),
Iraq (1 project), Israel (1 project), Kazakhstan (1 b. During FY’18, OVL has signed the following
project), Libya (1 project), Mozambique (1 Project), Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs):
Myanmar (6 projects), Namibia (1 project), New i. MoU with TPAO, Turkey: OVL has signed an
Zealand (1 Project), Russia (3 projects), South Sudan MoU with TPAO on July 12, 2017 to evaluate
(2 projects), Sudan (2 projects), Syria (2 projects), Oil and Gas opportunities in upstream as well as
UAE (1 project), Venezuela (2 projects) and Vietnam any other mutually identified and agreed area.
(2 projects). Out of 41 projects, OVL is Operator in
ii. MOU with PEMEX, Mexico: Earlier a MoU
14 projects; Joint Operator in 7 projects and remaining
was signed between PEMEX Exploration
20 are non-operated projects. During the year, OVL set
and Production and OVL on September 25,
its foot-prints in Israel, Namibia and UAE. OVL adopts
2014. Term of this MoU has been extended till
a balanced portfolio approach and has a combination
September 24, 2019, by an amendment to the
of 15 producing, 4 discovered/ under development, 18
original MoU. The MoU aims at cooperation
exploration projects and 4 pipeline projects.
in the upstream sector in Mexico, India and
During FY’18, OVL has made the consolidated Profit After third countries, and Cooperation in fields of
Tax of `9,815 million attributable to owners as compared technology, human resource, research and
to the consolidated Profit After Tax of `7,573 million development.
attributable to owners during FY’17. Increase in profit is iii. MoU with GeoPark, Latin America:
mainly on account of higher production, higher crude oil OVL and GeoPark Ltd., a Latin America focused
prices and lower impairment provisions. E&P Company, entered into an MoU on 16th
a. Significant Acquisitions and Alliances of OVL February, 2018 for Cooperation in upstream
during FY’18: sector in Latin America. The MoU envisages
a long term strategic partnership between the
• ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Ltd (OVVL), companies to jointly acquire, invest in, and create
a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of OVL,
value from upstream oil and gas projects with the Sudan. Due to adverse geo-political conditions,
objective of building a large-scale, economically- ONGC Videsh could not produce in GPOC, South
profitable and risk-balanced portfolio of assets Sudan during FY’18.
and operations across Latin America. ONGBV holds 16.66% to 18.75% PI in four
c. During FY’18, the following significant events Production Sharing Contracts in Al Furat Project
occurred in the area of Exploration & Operations: (AFPC), Syria. Due to force majeure conditions
i. CPO-5, Colombia: - The well Mariposa-1 was in Syria, there was no production in AFPC
drilled to a total depth of 11,556 feet (MD) project during FY’18. ONGBV holds 40% PI in
and log analysis indicated the presence of San Cristobal Project in Venezuela through its
approximately 121 feet of oil saturated net pay in wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Nile Ganga (San
the Lower Sands Unit. The well is currently under Cristobal) BV with its share of O+OEG production
testing and activated on self. The discovery has of about 0.389 MMtoe during FY’18. ONGBV
opened up new play in CPO-5 block and more holds 27% PI in BC-10 Project in Brazil through its
wells are likely to be drilled for the play. wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Campos Ltd. with
its share of oil and oil equivalent gas production of
ii. Sakhalin-1, Russia: - 30 years extension to about 0.704 MMtoe during FY’18. It also holds
the Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) 25% PI in Block BM-SEAL-4 located in deep-
of Sakhalin-1 block has been granted from water offshore, Brazil through its wholly owned
2021 to 2051. Sakhalin-1 completed World’s subsidiary ONGC Campos Ltda. ONGBV also
Longest Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) well holds 8.347% PI in South East Asia Gas Pipeline
#O5RD with measured depth of 15,000 metre Co. Ltd., (SEAGP) for onshore Pipeline project,
on June 30, 2017. Myanmar through its wholly owned subsidiary
iii. ACG, Azerbaijan: - Consortium partners of the ONGC Caspian E&P B.V.
giant ACG Fields in Azerbaijan have entered into San Cristobal Project: Consequent to the signing
an agreement with Azerbaijan Government and of Agreements on Pending Payments and Financing
State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic of San Cristobal project for remediation plan
(SOCAR) for extension of the Production between PdVSA and ONGC Nile Ganga (San
Sharing Agreement (PSA) extension for Azeri- Cristobal) BV on November 04, 2016, PdVSA has
Chirag-Deep water portion of Guneshli (ACG) paid USD 88.42 million till March 2018 to liquidate
oil fields until December 31, 2049. partly the outstanding dividend due from the JV
iv. Rovuma Area-1 Project, Mozambique: - Petrolera IndoVenezolana S.A.(PIVSA).
Government of Mozambique has accorded 2. ONGC Narmada Limited (ONL): ONL has been
approval for the Development Plan for Golfinho- retained for acquisition of future E&P projects in
Atum natural gas field in the Area 1 block located Nigeria.
in the Rovuma Offshore Basin of Mozambique.
The plan outlines the integrated development 3. ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited (OAAL):
of the Golfinho-Atum field through an initial OAAL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of OVL, holds
two-train onshore liquefaction plant with a total stake in E&P projects in Colombia, through
processing capacity of 12.88 MMTPA. Mansarovar Energy Colombia Limited (MECL),
a 50:50 joint venture company with Sinopec of
Direct Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures of OVL: China. During FY’ 18, ONGC Videsh’s share of
1. ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV): ONGBV oil and oil equivalent gas production in MECL was
is engaged in E&P activities directly or through about 0.487 MMtoe.
its subsidiaries/ JVs in Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, 4. Imperial Energy Limited (IEL): IEL, a wholly-
Venezuela, Brazil and Myanmar. ONGBV holds owned subsidiary of OVL incorporated in Cyprus,
25% PI in Greater Nile Oil Project (GNOP), Sudan has its main activities in the Tomsk region of
with its share of oil production of about 0.282 MMT Western Siberia, Russia. During FY’18, Imperial
during FY’18. ONGBV also holds 25% PI in Greater Energy’s oil and oil equivalent gas production was
Pioneer Operating Company (GPOC), South about 0.294 MMtoe.
Board’s Report 15
5. Carabobo One AB: Carabobo One AB, is 13. SUDD Petroleum Operating Company
incorporated in Sweden, indirectly holds 11% PI (SPOC): SPOC, a Joint Operating Company
in Carabobo-1 Project, Venezuela. During FY’18, incorporated in South Sudan to operate in Block
ONGC Videsh’s share of oil and oil equivalent gas 5A, South Sudan in which OVL, Petronas &
production was about 0.169 MMtoe. Nilepet of South Sudan holds 24.125%, 67.875%
6. ONGC BTC Limited: ONGC BTC Limited holds & 8% PI respectively. Block 5A is located in the
2.36% interest in the Baku-TbilisiCeyhan Pipeline prolific Muglad basin and spread over an area of
(“BTC”) which owns and operates 1,768 km oil about 20,917 Square Km.
pipeline running through Azerbaijan, Georgia and 14. Mozambique LNG1 Company Pte. Ltd.:
Turkey. The pipeline mainly carry crude from the Mozambique LNG1 Company Pte. Ltd. has been
ACG fields from Azerbaijan to the Mediterranean Sea. incorporated at Singapore by Rovuma Area-1
7. Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited Mozambique consortium to oversee marketing
(BREML): BREML was incorporated in British and shipping activities of LNG from first 2 trains
Virgin Islands (BVI) and has been migrated by of Golfinho-Atum field. OVL holds 16% interest in
continuation to Mauritius w.e.f. January 23, 2018. the Company which is in proportion to its interest
OVL holds 60% shares in BREML and the balance in Rovuma Area-1 Project, Mozambique.
40% are held by OIL, BREML holds 10% PI in 15. Falcon Oil & Gas B.V. (FOGBV): FOGBV was
Rovuma Area 1, Mozambique. incorporated in Netherlands on February 06, 2018.
8. ONGC Videsh Atlantic Inc. (OVAI): OVL OVL’s wholly owned subsidiary ONGBV holds 40%
has setup a Geological and Geophysical (G&G) shares in FOGBV and IOC and BPRL holds 30%
Centre at Houston, USA through its wholly owned shares each though their respective subsidiaries.
subsidiary OVAI. The Centre caters to requirement The transaction documents were executed with
of G&G studies for potential new acquisitions ADNOC, Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) and
of ONGC Videsh including G&G studies of its the Operating Company (OPCO) on February 10,
existing portfolio of projects. 2018 at Abu Dhabi for acquiring 10% PI in Lower
Zakum Concession for a period of 40 years with
9. ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited (OVRL): OVRL effect from March 09, 2018.
a wholly owned subsidiary of OVL was incorporated
in Mauritius for re-structuring of 10% PI in Rovuma (II) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals
Area 1, Mozambique. Limited (MRPL)
10. ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte. Ltd. (OVSL): MRPL was incorporated on March 07, 1988. Your
OVSL was incorporated in Singapore for acquisition Company continues to hold 71.63 % equity stake in
of shares in Vankorneft, Russia, through its MRPL, a Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna and listed entity,
subsidiary ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Limited which is a single location 15 MMTPA Refinery on the
(OVVL). OVVL holds 26% shares in Vankorneft, West coast. Further, HPCL, another subsidiary of your
Russia and its share of production during FY’18 was Company, also continues to hold 16.96% in MRPL.
6.191 MMtoe.
Performance Highlights FY’ 18
11. Indus East Mediterranean Exploration Ltd.
(IEMEL): IEMEL, a wholly owned subsidiary MRPL achieved the highest-ever thru’put of 16.31 MMT
of OVL was incorporated in Israel on February in FY’ 2017-18 against 16.27 MMT in FY 2016-17 and
27, 2018 and engaged in E&P activities related to recorded the Revenue from Operations of `630,836
Block-32, Offshore Israel. million and Profit After Tax of `22,241 million. The
Board of MRPL has recommended a dividend of `3/-
12. ONGC Mittal Energy Limited (OMEL): OVL along
per share (30% of the paid up capital) for the approval of
with Mittal Investments Sarl (MIS) promoted OMEL,
shareholders in the general meeting.
a joint venture company incorporated in Cyprus. OVL
and MIS together hold 98% equity shares of OMEL in Marketing & Retail Operations
the ratio of 49.98:48.02 remaining 2% shares are held
by SBI Capital Markets Ltd. MRPL continues to maintain major share of the direct
sales segment of petroleum products market in Karnataka
and adjoining states and maintained leadership position This Lube Refinery accounts for over 40% of the India’s
in the marketing zone for direct sales of products such total Lube Base Oil production. HPCL in collaboration
as Bitumen, Fuel Oil, Diesel, Sulphur, Petcoke, Xylol with Mittal Energy Investments Pte. Ltd. is operating a
(Xylenes) etc. MRPL has commenced diesel supplies 9 MMTPA capacity Refinery at Bathinda with 49% equity
directly to new Railway Consumer Depots during the and also holds an equity of 16.96% in the MRPL having
period and has also expanded its retail network. The total refining capacity of 15 MMTPA.
domestic sales volume of all products during the FY’18
HPCL has the second largest share of product pipelines
has been 1786 TMT.
in India with a pipeline network of more than 3370 kms
MRPL continues to enhance its market share for for transportation of petroleum products and a vast
Polypropylene with introduction of new and niche grades marketing network consisting of 21 Zonal offices in major
and also has made in–roads in new geographical areas. cities and 128 Regional Offices facilitated by a Supply
and Distribution infrastructure comprising Terminals,
Future Projects Pipeline networks, Aviation Service Stations, LPG
MRPL has taken up the enhancement of the Refinery Bottling Plants, Inland Relay Depots & Retail Outlets,
capacity to 18/25 MMTPA with low cost revamping. Lube and LPG Distributorships.
The Government of Karnataka has allotted 1050 acres HPCL has recorded Sales Revenue of `2,432,267 million
of land for this purpose. Necessary steps are being and the Profit After Tax is `63,571 million for the year
taken to ensure compliance with BS- VI fuel quality 2017-18.
standards by the year 2020.
Subsidiaries of HPCL
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL)
i) Prize Petroleum Company Limited (PPCL)
OMPL has been promoted by the Company for setting
up Aromatic Complex with an annual capacity 914 KTPA PPCL is a wholly owned subsidiary of HPCL. PPCL
of Para-xylene and 283 KTPA of Benzene in Mangalore is the upstream arm of HPCL and is in the business of
Special Economic Zone as value chain integration project. Exploration and Production (E&P) of Hydrocarbons as
The project, established at the total outlay of `69,110 well as providing services for management of E&P blocks.
million, commenced commercial operations on October During 2017-18, PPCL achieved total production of
01, 2014. OMPL is consistently increasing its capacity 33,752 barrels of crude oil from domestic oil field at
utilization with average capacity utilization of around Hirapur (Gujarat). PPCL has a wholly owned subsidiary
88% in FY’18. namely Prize Petroleum International Pte Ltd. (PPIPL),
OMPL is a subsidiary of your Company as it holds incorporated in Singapore. PPIPL holds 11.25% PI
48.998% shares directly and remaining 51.002% shares and 9.75% PI in two E&P blocks - T/L1 and T/18P
are held by MRPL. respectively in Australia. PPIPL has achieved its share of
production of 459,269 BOE (Barrels of Oil Equivalent)
(III) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited from Yolla producing field (T/L1). During 2017-18,
(HPCL) PPCL has achieved total revenue of `1,063 million on
Your Company acquired 51.11% equity shares of HPCL consolidated basis as compared to `865 million achieved
from GoI on January 31, 2018 and thereby HPCL became during previous year.
a subsidiary.
ii) HPCL Bio Fuel Limited
HPCL owns and operates 2 major refineries producing HPCL Biofuels Ltd (HBL) is a wholly owned subsidiary
a wide variety of petroleum fuels and specialties, of HPCL as a backward integration initiative to foray into
one in Mumbai (West Coast) of 7.5 Million Metric manufacturing of ethanol for blending in petrol. HBL
Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) capacity and the presently has two integrated Sugar-Ethanol-Cogeneration
other in Visakhapatnam, (East Coast) with a capacity plants at Sugauli and Lauriya in the state of Bihar. During
of 8.3 MMTPA. HPCL also owns and operates the largest 2017-18, HBL has recorded total revenue of `1,365
Lube Refinery in the country producing Lube Base Oils million and cane crushing of 699 TMT with average sugar
of international standards, with a capacity of 428 TMT. recovery of 9.04%. HBL also achieved sugar production
Board’s Report 17
of 63,870 MT, Ethanol production of 7,025 KL and power 9. Annual Report of Subsidiaries and Consolidated
production of 79,085 MWh during 2017-18. Financial Statement
iii) HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Limited (HRRL) The Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
31st March, 2018 of your Company has been prepared in
HRRL is a joint venture of the HPCL and the Government accordance with Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013,
of Rajasthan with equity participation of 74% and 26% Ind AS 103 “Business Combinations” as per Pooling of
respectively. HRRL is setting up a 9 MMTPA capacity Interest Method, Ind AS 110 “Consolidated Financial
Greenfield refinery cum petrochemical complex in Statements” and Ind AS 28 “Investments in Associates
the state of Rajasthan. HPCL and the Government and Joint Ventures”. The audited Consolidated Financial
of Rajasthan entered into a revised Memorandum of Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2018 form part
Understanding on April 18, 2017 for the construction of of this Annual Report.
the said Refinery with revised parameters. The revised
Joint Venture Agreement was signed on August 17, 2017. Full Annual Reports of subsidiaries of your Company
The work commencement ceremony of the 9 MMTPA will be made available to any shareholder upon request,
Rajasthan Refinery was carried out by the Honourable which is also available on Company’s website. Further,
Prime Minister of India on January 16, 2018. The pre- Annual Reports of OVL, MRPL, HPCL and PMHBL
project activities for the project are in advanced stage. are also available on websites;
The cost of project is estimated to be `431,290 million.; and respectively.
(iv) HPCL Middle East FZCO
10. Associates including Joint Ventures
HPCL Middle East FZCO, a 100% Subsidiary of
HPCL was incorporated on February 11, 2018 as a free a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL)
zone company under Dubai Airport Free Zone and PHL, an Associates of the Company (49%) was formed
Establishment Card was issued on March 22, 2018 for with the Government. of India (51%), acting through
the company. HPCL Middle East FZCO was established Ministry of Civil Aviation inter –alia for catering to the
for trading of lubricants and greases, petrochemicals and logistic requirements of oil fields located at remote/ far-
refined petroleum products. The subsidiary will serve the flung areas. PHL is a Mini Ratna - I Category PSU and
select markets of Middle East and Africa. having 43 helicopters including medi- chopper.
(IV) Petronet MHB Limited (PMHBL) The Government of India is taking action for identifying
Upon acquisition of controlling interest in the capital a strategic acquirer for its entire holding and hence, your
of HPCL on January 31, 2018, PMHBL has become a Company has also decided to exit PHL along with the
subsidiary of your Company. Both the Company and Government.
HPCL hold 65.44% (each 32.72%) in the capital of
b) Petronet LNG Limited (PLL)
PMHBL. Balance 34.56 % of equity being held by banks/
Financial Institutions. PLL, a JV of the Company was incorporated on April
02, 1998 with 12.5% equity holding along with identical
PMHBL owns and operates a multi–product pipeline stakes held by other Oil PSU co-promoters viz., IOCL,
to transport MRPL’s products to the hinterland of GAIL and BPCL, is a listed Company. PLL, one of the
Karnataka. In FY’18 PMHBL pipeline has achieved a fastest growing world-class companies in the Indian
throughput of 3.5 MMT against total throughput of 3.43 energy sector, has set up the country’s first LNG receiving
MMT last year and declaring a maiden interim dividend and regasification terminal at Dahej, Gujarat, and another
of 9% in 2017-18. PMHBL has recorded total Revenue terminal at Kochi, Kerala. While the Dahej terminal has a
of `1,711 million as compared to `1,702 million in the nominal capacity of 15 MMTPA, the Kochi terminal has
previous year. Further, the Profit After Tax of PMHBL a capacity of 5 MMTPA.
was `835 million in financial year 2017-18 as compared
to `810 million in the previous financial year. Revenue from Operations of PLL during FY’18 was
`305,986 million and Profit After Tax was `20,778 million.
c) Dahej SEZ Limited (DSL) f) ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL)
DSL a 50:50 JV of the Company along with Gujarat OPaL, a JV formed by the Company (26%) along with
Industrial Development Corporation was formed GAIL (8.85%) and with a nominal investment by GSPC
for establishing a multi-product SEZ at Dahej. Your was incorporated on November 15, 2006. The balance
Company has set up C2-C3 Extraction Plant as a value- equity is to be tied up with Strategic Partners/ FIs or
chain integration project, which serve as feeder unit to allotted through IPO. Presently the equity gap is bridged
ONGC Petro- additions Limited. through quasi equity instruments – Compulsorily
Convertible Debentures and Short Term Loan.
Revenue from Operations of DSL during FY’18 was `541
million, Profit After Tax was `369 million. OPaL is a mega petrochemical project established in
Dahej SEZ for utilizing in-house production of C2-C3
d) ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited and Naphtha from the nearby unit of the Company. The
(OTPC) project cost of OPaL at completion was `308,260 million.
OTPC was incorporated on September 27, 2004 as a OPaL has started its production in 2016-17 and has been
joint venture of your Company (50%) along with the ramping up its production in phases.
Government. of Tripura (0.5%) and IL&FS Energy
Development Co. Ltd. (IEDCL - an IL&FS subsidiary) OPaL has established itself in domestic/ export market
(26%); the balance 23.5% has been tied up with India with sale of prime grade products.
Infrastructure Fund – II acting through IDFC alternatives
Limited. g) ONGC TERI Biotech Limited (OTBL)
OTBL, a JV formed by the Company (49.98%) along
OTPC has set up a 726.6 MW gas based Combined
with The Energy Research Institute (48.02%) and the
Cycle Power Plant at Palatana, Tripura at a project cost
balance 2% shares are held by individuals.
of `40,470 million. The basic objective of the project
is to monetize idle gas assets of the Company in land- OTBL has developed various Biotechnical Solutions
locked Tripura State and to boost exploratory efforts in to oil and gas Industries through collaborative
the region. researches involving the Company and TERI. These
technology include Bioremediation, Paraffin Degrading
Power evacuation for both the units is done through 663
Bacteria (PDB), Wax Deposition Prevention (WDP) and
KM long 400 KV double circuit transmission network by
Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MeOR) which are
North-East Transmission Company Limited (NETC),
being provided to oil and Gas industries both in India and
a joint venture of Power Grid Corporation, OTPC and
Governments of the North-Eastern states.
Revenue from Operations of OTBL during FY’18 was
OTPC’s both power units of 363.3 MW each are fully
`178 million and Profit After Tax was `81 million.
operational in two phases.
Revenue from Operations of OTPC during FY’18 was 11. Other Business Initiatives, Important
`12,516 million and Profit After Tax was `1,251 million. MoUs/ Agreements
Board’s Report 19
of the country for 26 sedimentary basins and reputed companies (Petrobras, Statoil, Dong Energy,
offshore areas has shown a significant increase on DNV GL and Lundin) participated along with the
this reassessment. Company. The project has been successfully completed
b. Gas Supply at Ceiling price from Deep water on December 31, 2017.
fields: Under the second tender for S1-Vashishta This Project will benefit in optimization of
gas, for the first time, 45,000 SCMD of deep water offshore pile foundation and life extension of old
gas to one consumer was tied up at ceiling Price. platforms.
c. Modified Evacuation Plan for KG DWN 98/2 h. ONGC-PAN IIT Collaborative Research Program:
Gas: A changed methodology has been finalized Your Company has entered into a Memorandum of
to bring part of the upcoming KG DWN 98/2 gas Collaboration (MoC) with Pan IIT in January 19,
to another landfall point i.e. Mallawaram in view 2015 to work towards a collective R&D Programme
of connectivity to EWPL (East west pipeline) for developing indigenous technologies to enhance
to enable this gas to reach PAN India customers exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons and
and also utilization of Onshore Gas Terminal at alternate sources of energy. Pan IIT is a consortium
Mallawaram, acquired from GSPC. of seven premier Indian Institutes of Technology
d. FIFO Agreement with GSPC: Gas Sale & namely, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Madras, Mumbai,
Purchase Agreement (GSPA) was executed on June Delhi, Guwahati and Roorkee. This is a long-term
01, 2017 between GSPC (as the gas producer) and initiative for sustained research, development
GSPC (as the buyer) in line with the Farm in Farm and capacity building. Under this program, R&D
out agreement (FIFO) with respect to contract area projects (32 Nos.) have been taken up in different
identified as block KG-OSN-2001/3. Subsequently, phases (Phase-I: 15 projects, Phase-II: 12 projects,
the GSA was novated to the Company by signing of Phase-III: 5 projects) distributed with different
the Novation Agreement on August 04, 2017. timelines up to 2020.
i. An agreement was signed with M/s Belgrave Oil
e. HFHSD & LSHS and Gas Corporation, Calgary, Canada for ‘Cyclic
At Hazira, a NGL fractionation unit has been Steam Stimulation Pilot in Lanwa field’ on June
commissioned which will produce new products 25, 2015 and was valid up to December 31, 2017.
such as HFHSD (High Flash High Speed Diesel) The Contract has been further extended up to
and LSHS (Low Sulphur Heavy Stock). At Tatipaka December, 2019.
mini refinery also HFHSD production has started j. Your Company signed MoU with IFP Energies
and sample has been tested at HPCL, Vizag. nouvelles, France on December 20, 2017 for Long
Sale arrangement for HFHSD ex-Hazira and term collaborative working relationship in areas of
Tatipaka and LSHS ex-Hazira has been finalized Geoscience & Reservoir Management and is valid
with HPCL. HPCL was awarded LSHS ex – for 5 years.
Tatipaka supply extension on September 05, 2017. k. Your Company has signed an agreement with
f. C2-C3 IIT (ISM), Dhanbad on December 03, 2017 for
execution of project entitled “Development of
Negotiations on C2-C3 pricing mechanism for product polymer nano-composite hydrogel systems for
supply from Uran with RIL resulted in product price water control in oil/ gas wells completed in harsh
improvement. New pricing methodology for C2-C3 environment”.
ex – Uran supply to RIL was signed on November 28,
2017, effective from April 01, 2017 till the validity of l. Your Company has signed a MoU on December
contract i.e. March 31, 2020. 23, 2015 with Oil India Ltd (OIL) for providing
consultancy and sharing technology for five years
g. Joint Industry Project (JIP): A contract had in the field of EOR and Water shut-off (WSO) jobs.
been entered between the Company and NGI The MoU is valid for five years for setting up of EOR
(Norwegian Geotechnical Institute) Norway on lab, EOR projects, Heavy oil, Chemical Water shut
August 07, 2015 for participation in the Joint Industry off (WSO) jobs and Oil field water management
Project (JIP) for “Reliability of API & CPT-based axial etc. During the year 2016-17 and 2017-18, about 6
pile capacity design methods”. Five Internationally
WSO Jobs were carried out and currently two jobs major oil spill of Tier-3 level. OSRL has one of the
are lined up. As a follow-up, a new request to provide world’s largest technical resources for responding to
consultancy service for WSO Jobs in 15 wells of OIL oil spill. It operates as a non-profit cooperative of
has been received which is under finalization. the major international oil and energy companies
like Chevron, British Petroleum, STATOIL, British
(m) MOU with Mumbai Port Trust, Jawaharlal
Gas International etc. Company is a participant
Nehru Port Trust and Participating Oil
member on OSRL since 1999.
As a part of service contract OSRL has to undertake
Your Company has an MoU with Mumbai Port Trust preparedness review of Company’s offshore and
(MbPT), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) and coastal facilities every year. In view of development
Participating Oil Companies viz. Bharat Petroleum activities, the Annual Preparedness Review was
Corporation Limited, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, conducted at Eastern Offshore Asset (EOA)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Reliance Kakinada on July 24, 2017.
Industries Ltd., Chemical Terminal Trombay Ltd.,
Aegis Logistics Ltd. and Tata Power Company Ltd., (p) Agreement with Reliance Industries Ltd.,
whose oil is being handled at these ports for providing Cairn India Ltd., Gujarat State Petroleum
Tier-1 oil spill response services and facilities at MbPT Corporation and Oil India Ltd. at East Coast
and JNPT covering the Company’s Uran Plant and Your Company has signed agreement with Reliance
Nhava Supply Base. The Participating Oil Companies Industries Ltd., Cairn India Ltd., Gujarat State
are funding the Tier-1 oil spill response services and Petroleum Corporation and Oil India Ltd. on June
facilities, the contract for which has been awarded 01, 2017 for pooling of resources and cooperation
to Sadhav Shipping Ltd., Mumbai by MbPT for a during oil spill incidents on East Coast. The
period of five years, valid up to October 21, 2019 with agreement is valid for 5 years.
Company’s share of 41.5%. Under the MoU, MbPT is
conducting quarterly oil spill response mock drill in 12. Information Technology
the port area with the Participating Oil Companies.
i) Paperless Project under DISHA – Digitisation,
(n) MoU with CSIR-National Institute of Integration and Standardisation by
Oceanography (NIO) covering areas like Harnessing Automation
• Environmental monitoring; Your Company has taken giant step in digitisation
• Analysis and R&D studies of heavy metals by rolling out Paperless Office system at Mumbai
concentration in environmental samples; region on July 12, 2017 followed by Delhi on July
• Bioremediation studies of waste generated 31, 2017. Subsequently, it has been rolled out in
during oil exploration and production activities; Western Region on September 25, 2017 by the
Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
• Toxicological studies of the wastes; Presently, all the work-centres of the Company are
• Environmental tests of drilling fluids, drilling on Paperless office system.
mud and drill cuttings;
ii) Project Management Office
• Study of sediment characteristics;
In today’s competitive world, the focus is on timely
• EIA studies for offshore activities; completion of Projects. Towards this objective, a
• Impact prediction and modelling for oil spill, air Project Management software has been implemented.
pollution and water pollution for risk assessment The tool has been configured and presently strategic
studies in petroleum sector etc. Projects are being monitored. In due course, all
Projects would also be monitored using this tool.
(o) Agreement with Oil Spill Response Ltd.
(OSRL), UK iii) BWA for Onshore Rigs in Western Onshore
Your Company has an agreement with Oil Spill For Onshore Drillings, high bandwidth connectivity
Response Limited (OSRL), UK for combating based on Wi-Max technology has been extended.
Board’s Report 21
This would enable them to have Office like network Enterprise wide Access Control and Surveillance
experience at the rigs. (EACS) Project:
iv) Wi-Fi A state of the art Enterprise wide Access Control
and Surveillance (EACS) system project has been
The Company has implemented Wi-Fi with proper conceptualized to mitigate any threat perception to
enterprise security features in SCOPE Minar as a the security of the oil installations as well as offices
pilot to enable mobiles and Bring your Own Devices of your Company. M/s BEL is the LSTK contractor
(BYOD) of employees to be connected to Company to implement the project at 330 sites covering all the
network. Critical Conference Halls of work-centres work centres of the Company. Project is likely to be
of the Company have been connected to this Wi- fully operational by December 2018.
Fi allowing seamless roaming for users at all work-
centres. 13. INDEG-Make in India Campaign
v) LAN and WAN Your Company is leading the upstream sector for
successful implementation of the Make in India
State-of-the-art technology-based Network devices campaign in the oil and gas sector. This major
have been inducted in the Company which has been national program is designed to facilitate investment,
used to upgrade the LAN and WAN Infrastructure. foster innovation, enhance skill development,
This provides for secure and efficient network protect intellectual property and build best in class
connectivity across the organisation resulting in manufacturing/services infrastructure to make
smooth IT experience and increased employee India a manufacturing hub and bringing economic
productivity. transformation in India.
vi) Information Security Management System Your Company carries its legacy of the pioneer
(ISMS): corporate in initiative on Import Substitution
and indigenization. In the last few decades, the
ISMS Group is making all efforts in ensuring
Company has developed many Indian vendors
information security measures across the Company
and some of them are now international players in
and for enhancing employee awareness on issues
their areas. Company’s initiatives has helped Public
in the domain of Information Security and Cyber
Sector Units to expand their capabilities, and the
Security. In order to streamline and smoothen
Company has helped creation of some of the large
up the process of ISMS sustenance, two different
Indian Companies in services and projects areas of
phases of ISMS Audit cycles for 30 Data Centers and
oil and gas. With the new thrust through the “Make
implementation of ISMS at 18 new Data Centers
in India” campaign, the Company has revived its
have been consolidated into a single audit cycle.
multi-pronged approach to enhance the capabilities
This process ensures implementation of ISMS in a
of Indian equipment, goods, services and projects
total 48 Data Centers of the Company. As part of
market, through promotion of Indian vendors for
efforts for enhancing employee awareness on issues
development in India and through tie-ups with
and current trends in the domain of Information
global players.
Security and Cyber Security, a Quarterly IS-e-
Newsletter is being published regularly on ONGC A. Make in India and Localisation Drive
Reports portal. So far, Five (5) issues have been
Your Company’s drive for localisation of
published. Certification Audit for 48 Data Centers
procurement and promoting Make in India is
as per ISO 27001:2013 standard has also been
gaining momentum. The indigenous share of annual
completed by March, 2018. Advisories and Alerts
expenditure of the Company stood at 33.36% as
received from CERT-In and NCIIPC were shared
compared to 32.7% in the previous financial year.
with Corporate IT Team for implementation and
for keeping constant vigil. An Advisory by CISO on B. In-house Refurbishment Capabilities
various Ransom wares was uploaded on “reports.”. Advisory received from CERT-In was Catering to the humungous demand of BOP Repair/
mailed to IS-FORUM members and In-charges of Refurbishment in all work centres of the Company,
Infocom Data Centers. Central Workshop (CWS) Vadodara has developed
BOP Repair Shop, the single in-house facility across creating an ecosystem that is conducive for growth
the Company for repair/ refurbishment of Cameron, of Start-ups in the energy sector, which has a huge
NL Shaffer and Hydril make BOPs of different sizes potential for technology-enabled ideas. The energy
and pressure ratings as per OEM Standards. Being sector is contributing enormously to the growth of
a critical safety equipment procured from overseas, economy. Currently, the sector faces various critical
BOP has always been important in the core activities challenges and new ideas are required to mitigate
of the Company. those challenges.
The average repair cost of each BOP has been A dedicated website for ‘ONGC
reduced from `5.85 million in 2014-15 to `3.2 Start-up’ initiative was created for registration of
million in 2016-17. proposals, and the Company entered into a MoU
with IIT Bombay (IITB) and Society of Innovation
C. Indigenization Initiatives and Entrepreneurship (SINE). Another MoU has
Your Company has conducted interactions with been entered with L-Incubator of IIM Lucknow for
vendors and manufacturers including MSMEs evaluation and incubation of Start-Ups selected by
/ MSME (SC-ST) for promoting make in India the Company.
at national and international forums. Spares for As of now, two rounds of Start-Up selection have
White Star Mud Pump, Spares for UPET workover been completed. In the first round around 30
rigs, Piston rod, extension rod, studs, wear plate applicants were shortlisted in first lot of applications
for Pumps, Seal kits for NOV make TDS, were and invited for the pitching session at Mumbai.
indigenized through domestic industry.: Steering Committee selected six startups for
D. Initiatives to Develop Alternate Indigenous providing incubation support subject to further due
Source against Import: diligence and acceptance of terms and conditions.
MoU were exchanged with five selected Startups
Sl. Name of Firm Item Description on 25.10.2017 in the presence of Honorable Union
No. Minister Petroleum and Natural Gas.
1 M/s Dhariyal Polymer, XC Polymer (a special
Ahmedabad mud chemical required In the second round, 20 applications were taken up
for E&P operations) for detailed evaluation by L-Incubator out of which
2 M/s Madhu XC Polymer (a special 12 were identified for invitation to the Pitching
Hydrocolloids, mud chemical required Session before the Steering Committee. Pitching
Ahmedabad for E&P operations) session for final selection was held on 06.06.2018.
Five startups have been selected for funding and
E. R & D Initiatives under Make in India incubation support.
i. Innovation Challenge
An R&D collaborative project titled “Development
of Shock Wave assisted fracking” is being taken up Your Company launched Innovation Challenge on
with a company promoted by professors of IISc 18.05.2017 on website hosting
Bangalore. The MoU was signed in the presence of following five problem areas related to their area
Hon’ble Prime Minister. The cost of the project is of operations viz. Artificial lifting Equipment
`680 million. for Horizontal Wells (including ESP Pump for
horizontal wells), Flow Improvement in Crude oil
14. ‘Start-up’ Initiative pipelines, Data Computation and Analytics, Sand
The Company has launched `1,000 million Start- Influx Control during production of Oil & Gas,
up fund on its 60th foundation day, i.e. on August Mud loss in wells in Western Offshore.
14, 2016 to foster, nurture and incubate new ideas The prize money for two best proposals in each
related to energy sector. The initiative, christened challenge area was kept at `1 million and `0.5
as ‘the Start-up’, is in line with the Govt. of India’s million respectively.
initiative ‘Start-up India’.
Mr. Nirmal Ghotekar of Pune won prize of `0.5
The initiative is intended to promote million in Data Computation and analytics area for
entrepreneurship among the younger Indians by
Board’s Report 23
which award given on 26.01.2018, at Republic Day Policy and e-Waste Policy in line with the existing
function in Dehradun. rules, regulations and guidelines. Your Company
has a dedicated Institute, viz. Institute of Petroleum
ii. Solar Chulha Initiative Safety and Health Management (IPSHEM) at Goa
Hon’ble Prime Minister while dedicating the for Research and development in the field of Health,
Corporate Office of the Company on September 25, Safety and Environment Management apart from
2017 exhorted the Company to take up a challenge conducting training Programmes.
of developing an energy efficient electric cooking
Your Company takes all the requisite measures
stove, which would enable cooking through the use
to minimize the impact of E&P activities on the
of solar energy.
environment by adoption of clean technologies for
Accordingly, your Company launched a nationwide gaseous emissions, liquid effluent and solid waste
Solar Chulha Challenge inviting Entrepreneurs/ generated out of its operations.
Scientists/ Researchers with interest in innovation,
Your Company has implemented globally
to participate in the Indigenous Development effort
recognized QHSE Management System conforming
on Design, Development and Demonstration of
to requirements of QHSE Certifications ISO 9001,
Solar Chulha (Electric and Thermal), suitable for
ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 (OHSAS) and certified
indoor cooking of Indian food (including frying,
by reputed certification agencies at all its operational
baking and chapatti making).
units. Corporate guidelines on online incident
A panel of eminent scientists drawn from various reporting, investigation and compliance of audit
national institutions/ bodies was constituted under observations have been developed and implemented
the leadership of former Chairman, Atomic Energy for maintaining uniformity throughout the
Commission, Dr. Anil Kakodkar for evaluation of organization in line with international practice.
Highlights of HSE during 2017-18:
Two round of evaluation by the expert panel was
conducted on the 1550 applications that were a. Internal and External Safety Audits: To check
received by closing date. For the demonstration of the conformity of activities and processes to HSE
the proposed concepts, five participants were called management systems as well as to prevalent rules,
during April 23-24, 2018. regulations, guidelines and standards, regular
audits are being conducted by external agencies,
Top three entries were awarded `1 million, `0.5 namely Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) &
million and `0.3 million respectively. Directorate General of Mines Safety (DGMS) and
Your Company will be procuring 1,000 units for Internal Safety Audits (ISA) by multi-disciplinary
demonstration in different regions. teams of the Company.
15. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) OISD is a technical directorate under Ministry of
Accreditations and Other achievements- Petroleum & Natural Gas. It carried out audits of 34
Onshore installations, 13 Offshore Installations and
Being a high risk industry, safety of its employees 2 Gas Processing. Also pre-Commissioning Safety
is the top-most priority of your Company. Audit of Navagam-Koyali pipeline and two units of
Hydrocarbon exploration & production (E&P) Hazira Gas processing Plant was carried out during
operations are being carried out in varied climate and 2017-18. The Operational area-wise compliance
environment areas ranging from deserts to coastal during 2017-18 is 95.86 for Onshore operations,
areas, hilly terrains to forest areas, shallow water to 76.65% for Offshore operations, 71.40% for Process
deep waters and also in ultra-deep water areas. E&P plants, 82.53% for Pipelines.
activities often interact with the ecosystems and may
DGMS is a Regulatory Agency under the Ministry
have physico-chemical & bio-geochemical impact
of Labour and Employment, Government of
on the surrounding environment. Your Company,
India, in matters pertaining to occupational safety,
being a responsible Corporate makes all efforts for
health and welfare of persons employed in mines
protection and preservation of environment. The
(Coal, Metalliferous and oil-mines). It carried out
Company has recently revised its Environment
inspection of 176 Onshore Installations in 2017-18. have been covered since inception (February,
Your Company gives highest priority to the 2017). Almost all the field employees have been
implementation of the observations raised during covered. Now, it is a permanent feature of safety
External Safety Audits (ESA) and Internal Safety aspects.
Audits (ISA). Compliance status to the observations (ii) Mines Vocational Training (MVT, 1966): A
is summarised as under: total of 2,034 personnel (523 employees and
1511 contract personnel) were imparted MVT
Internal Safety External Safety Audits(ESA)
Audits(ISA) during FY’18.
(iii) Viniyaman Sangam: A national level awareness
91.3% 92.42% 93.26% program “Viniyaman Sangam” on Oil Mines
b. Waste Water Management: To monitor the Regulations-2017 (OISD standard based)
discharge of pollutants into environment and to was organised on September 15-16, 2017.
meet statutory requirements, Your Company has The program was attended by more than 110
setup 26 number of Effluent Treatment Plants participants including officials from DGMS,
(ETPs), across onshore work centres to treat approx. OISD, Key Executives and officers from
78110 m3/day of waste water produced during different work centres.
E&P operations. Produced Water Conditioners (iv) Review of Oil Mines Regulations: To facilitate
(PWCs) have been installed at process platforms working in the fields and improve safety
for Offshore effluent treatment. For treatment of standards, DGMS had formed a committee
sewage water being generated in offshore facilities, to review OMR-1984. The Company was
Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) are provided on represented by Corporate HSE and contributed
board to treat the sewage before discharge. significantly. Suggestions given by Corporate
c. Solid Waste Management: For environmentally HSE were incorporated in updated Oil Mines
safe disposal of oily waste, your Company has a Regulations-2017 which was notified by the
Joint Venture company ONGC-TERI Biotech Ministry of Labour & Employment on August
Limited (OTBL) which has developed specialized 19, 2017.
patented technology for bioremediation of oily (v) Compendium of Generic observation: A
sludge/oil contaminated soil. The technology compendium was prepared and uploaded in
uses a consortium of Hydrocarbon degrading your Company’s internal portal for uploading
bacteria which reduces the TPH (Total Petroleum the status by self-auditing by OIMs (Offshore
Hydrocarbons) levels in waste/ soil to less than 1% Installation Mangers)/ IMs (Installation
during 2017-18, 54012 MT of oily sludge / oil Managers) /DICs (Drillsite Incharges) /
contaminated waste has been bio-remediated. REs (Resident Engineers)/ RPS (Resident
d. Environmental Clearances: Ministry of Production Superintendent. The status is
Environment Forest and Climate Change continuously monitored by CHSE.
(MoEFCC) has granted 21 Environment (vi) Training to students and initiative for Skill
Clearances for Exploration, Development and development: To provide training and first-
Production activities. These include clearance for hand knowledge about the actual Oil field
441 wells in onshore and offshore; Combined Cycle conditions to students, an E&P Park has been
Power Plant at Hazira; Desalination Plant and LPG constructed at Ankleshwar-ONGC Colony in
Storage Bullets at Uran; and Shale Gas exploration which various geological Models, oil Samples,
in Cambay and KG-PG Basin. core samples and model of artificial lift have been
e. Other initiatives during the year 2017-18: displayed along with actual field equipment/
machineries like work-over rig (CW-100-Vl),
(i) Ten Safety Rules Awareness Program: Under sucker rod pump, mud pump, CMT (Crisis
Ten Safety Rules Awareness Programs, a total of Management Team) module, group separator,
28,497 personnel (including contract personnel) test separator, gas flaring facility, heater-treater,
Board’s Report 25
x-mas tree, knock out facility and flexible water gases and other waste for oil field chemical testing
tank. For training and demonstration logging laboratories and R&D institutes of the Company.
units, cementing units and fire tenders are made f. Initiatives for Environment Protection and
available whenever required. The facility can Conservation: Apart from the various steps taken
also be used to give training to local ITI students for Environment Protection and Conservation
and on job and MVT trainings. Two batches of provided above, Afforestation is emphasized
apprentice trainee have also been trained. through Mangrove and Ringal Plantation to
(vii) Hazard Alert Card (HAC) was launched to contribute towards reduction of pollution.
capture unsafe acts and unsafe conditions. Any • Mangrove Plantation: Project Mangrove was
employee can report unsafe act and unsafe initiated with the aim to stabilize shoreline
conditions and place the card in the drop box. close to Company’s Assets and to protect the
Safety Officer and Installation Managers shall wells from soil erosion in Gandhar field on
take action on the same. Monitoring mechanism the river Dhadar shoreline. During Phase-I
has also been formulated and put in place. of project, plantation of a total of 17,85,250
(viii) HSE Index for benchmarking installations mangrove saplings, seedlings and propagules in
on various parameters like detection and 100 hectare area of Gandhar field, Ankleshwar
suppression system, environment parameters, in Gujarat; and in Phase-II, plantation of a total
evacuation systems, equipment integrity etc., of 2.16 million mangrove saplings, seedlings
is being followed regularly on monthly basis and propagules in Gandhar field, Ankleshwar
by Offshore Process Complexes. In the second and near Hazira Plant, Hazira in Gujarat was
phase, Offshore Drilling Services and thereafter undertaken by your Company.
Process Plants and Onshore installations/ rigs • Ringal Plantation: To sustain fragile ecosystem
are scheduled in third phase. Reporting on HSE of Himalayas, ringal plantation in Upper
Index is scheduled to be completed across the Himalayan Region is being carried out as an
Company by August 2018. initiative under National Action Plan on Climate
(ix) Mock Drills and Exercises on Oil Spill Change launched by the Prime Minister. Your
Response: Exercise “Prasthan” was conducted Company, being a responsible organization
by Regional Contingency Committee (West) towards protection of environment, has always
comprising of 12 agencies viz. Navy, ICG, Air given high importance to plantation and their
Force, ONGC, JV, Cairn, DG Shipping, MbPT, survival, not only at its operational work areas
JNPT, Govt. of Maharashtra, Gujarat and SIB on but also in areas outside its work-centre. A
November 21 - 22, 2017 by activating Regional total of 1.075 million Ringal plantation in 430
Contingency Plan to practice the emergency ha of Upper Himalayan region has been done,
handling by co-ordinated joint action. resulting in 1.97 million tonnes of CO2 fixation
(x) Oil Spill Exercise by Indian Coast Guard: An per annum.
Oil spill Response exercise was conducted by Accreditations:
Indian Coast Guard on March 13 - 14, 2018 off
Kakinada Coast in Eastern Offshore. Further, QCI-NABET Accreditation: Your Company is the
mock drills are being regularly conducted at 1st PSU to be accredited by National Accreditation
Offshore Process Complexes, Offshore Drilling Board for Education & Training (NABET)-
Rigs, FPSO (Floating production storage and Quality Council of India (QCI) as the Consultant
Offloading) and MSVs (Multi Support Vessels) Organization for the purpose of carrying out
to check the level of preparedness, identify grey Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and
areas and take corrective actions. preparing EIA reports for offshore and onshore Oil
and Gas Exploration, Production and Development.
(xi) Guidelines regarding disposal of chemical The accreditation has contributed to improve
and other laboratory waste: Your Company Company’s image apart from significant financial
for the first time issued a uniform guidelines for and time savings.
disposal of laboratory chemical waste/ samples/
16. Carbon Management & Sustainable increased capacity of 20 MLD if there is an increase
Development in fresh water requirement. Uran process plant,
situated in Maharashtra near Mumbai is one of the
Sustainable Development is the overarching
most important plants of the Company, responsible
working template in the Company and this finds
to process the crude coming from Mumbai High
expression in our commitment to continually
Assets and producing value added products from it.
enhance the triple bottom line benchmarks of
The desalination plant will mitigate the fresh water
economic, environmental and social performance.
risks of the processing plant and contribute towards
The Company has a dedicated set up called Carbon environmental sustainability of the area.
Management and Sustainability Group (CM&SG)
Your Company is also in the process of setting
at the corporate level, with adequate resources and
up seawater desalination plants in other coastal
empowerment. CM&SG is a group of professionals
work centres to ensure freshwater availability
from various disciplines to plan, implement and
and sustainable growth. Feasibility study is being
monitor sustainable development activities in
conducted at MRPL and Rajahmundry Asset to set
association with Sustainable Development Officers
up desalination projects of appropriate capacity.
(SDOs) located at work centres.
Sewage Treatment Plants: Three numbers of
Sustainable Water Management (SWM) Sewage Treatment Plants each with 199 Kilo Litres/
As an E&P Company, the Company’s business day (KLD) capacity are under construction at
depends on sustainability of water resources which ONGC colony, Mehsana Asset.
are presently under pressure. Globally, per capita Water Footprint Study: To understand the
availability of freshwater is steadily decreasing and pattern of freshwater consumption, its sources and
trend will inevitably continue with the increasing possibilities of reduction in consumption, water
consumption levels and, as climate change unfolds. foot print studies are carried out across the work
In this situation, it is imperative for the Company to centres by utilising our in-house expertise. This year
develop new strategies for water management in order a table top analysis of Assam Asset data had been
to achieve sustainable growth and development. carried out.
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) projects: Rain
Clean Development Mechanism Projects
water harvesting is the collection and storage of
rainwater for beneficial uses like washing, irrigation, Emission reduction through CDM projects:
gardening, etc. as well as for recharging of ground The Company commenced its Clean Development
water aquifers, rather than allowing it to run off Mechanism (CDM) journey in 2006. Currently,
into drains. The Rainwater harvesting policy of there are has 15 registered CDM projects with United
the Company provides the necessary framework Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
and guideline for pan India implementation of the (UNFCCC) that yield (potential) Certified Emissisons
rainwater harvesting projects. Reductions (CER) approx. 2.1 million yearly. The list
of registered CDM projects along with CER is given at
Also the existing Rainwater harvesting policy is
Point No. 6.10 of Business Responsibility Report.
being modified with the perspective of extending
the scope of carrying out rainwater harvesting Your Company has taken an initiative to extend the
outside the operational boundaries of the Company credit period permissible under CDM regulation,
and provide climate resilience to the nearby areas subject to the merit of the project, for another
from draught and flood. 7 years for 51 MW Wind Power Project Surajbari,
Gujarat. The project was registered with UNFCCC
Sea Water Desalination: With fresh water scarcity
as a CDM project in the year 2010 with a credit
looming large across the world and especially in
period of 7 years. Besides, Your Company is also
India, desalination of seawater has become one of
in the process of validation and registration of new
the most important tools to address the increasing
CDM projects with UNFCCC. These are Coal Bed
demand of fresh water. Your Company is setting up a
Methane (CBM) Asset, Bokaro, C2-C3 Plant Dahej,
10 MLD Sea Water Desalination Plant within Uran
Gujarat, Waste Heat Recovery Unit, MH Asset, 10
Processing Plant. The Plant can be upgraded to an
MW Solar Power project Hazira, Gujarat.
Board’s Report 27
Sustainability Reporting annual report shall contain a Business Responsibility
The Company has first launched its independently Report describing the initiatives taken by the listed
assured sustainability Report in the year 2009- entity from an environmental, social and governance
10 and from there onwards the Company has perspective in the format specified. Accordingly, the
incrementally enhanced the boundary of reporting Business Responsibility Report for 2017-18 has
to include our subsidiaries OVL and MRPL been appended to this Annual Report.
and from FY’17 onwards the Group Corporate 18. Internal Control System
Sustainability Report is launched by including the
Joint Venture companies OTPC, OPaL and OMPL. Your Company has put in place adequate Internal
The GRI based externally assured reports are now Financial Controls by laying down policies and
a major enabler to the Company towards creating procedures to ensure the efficient conduct of
triple bottom line value creation and parity to all its business; the safeguarding of its assets; the
forms of capital. prevention and detection of frauds and errors;
the accuracy and completeness of the accounting
Setting up of Pilot “Waste to Fuel” project in Puri city records; and the timely preparation of reliable
under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of the GoI. financial information, commensurate with the
Your Company has set up a pilot “Waste to Fuel” project operations of the Company.
in the holy city of Puri, Odisha as a CSR project under Effectiveness of Internal Financial Controls is
the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of the GoI. Waste to fuel ensured through management reviews, control self-
projects are an emerging area in the field of municipal assessment and independent testing by the Internal
solid waste management where in the collected wastes Audit Team indicating that your Company has
are segregated and processed for generating solid/ liquid/ adequate Internal Financial Controls over Financial
gaseous fuel from it. For setting up the proposed pilot Reporting in compliance with the provisions of the
plant, Puri municipality has agreed to provide necessary Companies Act, 2013 and such Internal Financial
land and also supply of MSW to the plant regularly during Controls were operating effectively. The Audit &
the entire life cycle of the plant. The Company will infuse Ethics Committee reviews the Internal Financial
necessary capital expenditure in the form of CSR grant. Controls to ensure their effectiveness for achieving
The plant will segregate the mixed wastes generated the intended purpose.
daily and process them through latest and cost efficient
Independent Auditors Report on the Internal
technologies for generating fuel from them.
Financial Controls of the Company in terms of
A Study on Climate Change Risks: Preparedness for Clause (i) of Sub-Section 3 of Section 143 of the
Oil and Gas sector Companies Act, 2013 by the Statutory Auditors is
attached along with the Financial Statements.
Your Company in association with other oil and gas sector
PSUs conducted a Scientific “Study on Climate Change 19. R&D efforts through ONGC Energy Centre
Risks: Preparedness for Oil and Gas sector” by The Energy Trust (OECT)
Resource Institute (TERI) and Federation of Indian I. Patents-granted
Petroleum Industry (formerly Petroleum Federation of
India). The aim of the study was to understand and assess International Patents:
climate change risks to the upstream, midstream and During FY’18, against three International PCT patents
downstream infrastructure of Oil & Gas sector in India on Cu-Cl cycle, filed earlier, jointly by OECT and ICT-
along with challenges due to emerging climate policies Mumbai in six countries (USA, Canada, Japan, UK,
and to develop a framework to facilitate integrate climate Korea and China) the following two applications were
change risks in to strategic decision making. granted:
17. Business Responsibility Report 2017-18 1. ‘Effect of Operating Parameters on the Performance
of Electrochemical Cell in Copper-Chlorine Cycle’
Clause (f) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation - granted in UK. (Patent already been granted in
34 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Japan, Canada and USA).
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, stipulates that the
2. ‘Electrochemical Cell Used in Production of II. New Projects
Hydrogen Using Cu-Cl Thermochemical Cycle’ During FY’18, OECT has taken up twelve (12) new in-
- granted in China (Patent already been granted in house/ collaborative projects, besides new initiatives.
Canada, Japan, UK and USA). The details are given below:
National Patents:
A. Uranium Exploration:
During FY’18, the following two National Patents were
granted: 1. Drilling, coring and logging of 8800 meters (16
parametric boreholes) in Kaikalur Lingala area, KG
1. “Hydrogen Production Method by Multi-Step Basin Andhra Pradesh - In house project.
Copper-Chlorine Thermochemical Cycle”, jointly
filed by OECT with ICT, Mumbai vide Patent No.
2. Drilling, coring and logging of 20,150 meters (43
parametric boreholes) in SON Valley and Sagar
area, M.P and Karjan - Padra area, Gujarat - In house
2. “Effect of Operating Parameters on The project.
Performance of Electrochemical Cell in Copper-
Chlorine Cycle” jointly filed by OECT with ICT, 3. Development of ISL Process for extraction of
Mumbai vide Patent No. 294960. Uranium from Subsurface deposits”- In house
project with KDMIPE: to develop leachant
Patents filed formulations of prospective exploration areas.
National Patents: B. Hydrogen Program:
During FY’18, two National Patent were filed in India:
4. Further Investigations on ICT-OEC Cu-Cl Cycle:
1. National Patent for title of invention “A molten salt Studies on Separations, Material Screening and
composition for high temperature thermal energy Integration of Molten Salt Media with Cu-Cl cycle
storage” (India: 201721016058) has been filed - In collaboration with ICT Mumbai.
jointly by OECT with ICT, Mumbai. 5. Hydrogen storage using Colloidal Gas Aphrons
2. National Patent for title of invention “Acid and (CGAs) and CGAs-loaded with metal hydrides – In
oxidative resistant cation exchange membrane for collaboration with IIT Delhi.
electro dialysis, electrolysis and other electrochemical
processes” (INDIA: 0016NF2018) has been jointly C. Biotechnology Program
filed by OECT with CSIR-CSMCRI. 6. Demonstration of in-situ stimulation and
bio-augmentation for methane generation/
International Patent:
enhancement from producing CBM wells of Jharia
Against National patent filed earlier, three PCT - In collaboration with TERI, Delhi.
applications were filed during 2017-18:
7. Development and Demonstration of Bioconversion
1. PCT application No. PCT/IN2017/050151 titled process for generation of methane from subsurface
‘Catalyst composition for conversion of Sulphur lignite deposits - In collaboration with TERI and
Trioxide and Hydrogen Production Process’ was ARI.
filed jointly by OECT with IIT Delhi on April 28,
8. Design, Development and demonstration of
microbial methane generation process suitable
2. PCT application No. PCT/IN2017/050150 titled for Poor to marginally producing CBM wells - In
‘Process for conversion of Sulphur Tri-oxide and collaboration with TERI- DST.
Hydrogen Production’ was filed jointly by OECT
with IIT Delhi on April 28, 2017. D. Others
3. PCT application PCT/IN2017/050461 titled 9. Proof of concept Design of Photo-catalytic Reactor
“Methane Production From Underground Coalbed and Demonstration of Recycling of Carbon
Methane Wells” was filed jointly by OECT with Dioxide into Hydrocarbons using Solar Energy - In
TERI Delhi on October 10, 2017. collaboration with IIT Madras.
Board’s Report 29
10. Laboratory scale investigation on chemical regard to writing of ACR/ APAR (% of number of
treatment of subsurface lignite deposits to executives) which have been 99.75%.
enhance the conversion of lignite to methane - In • 100% achievement has been in respect to Online
collaboration with CSIR - IICT, Hyderabad. Quarterly vigilance clearance updation for Senior
11. Development of sludge free clean technology for Executives (E5 and above level officers).
treatment of Industrial effluent-with TERI. • Preparation of succession plan was approved by the
12. Utilization of waste heat from produced water for Board of Directors on September 28, 2017.
heating well fluid at North Kadi, GGS IV, Mehsana Your Company believes that continuous development
–North Gujarat with EIL: of its human resources fosters engagement and drives
competitive advantage. Towards that end, during
13. Refurbishment / Revival of Helium extraction pilot
the year, your Company conducted Business Games
plant at GCS, Kuthalam.
to hone the business acumen of its executives in
14. Selection of Materials for Construction in Cu-Cl a competitive scenario under simulated business
cycle and related activities. constraints. Business Games has proved to be very
popular initiative and tests the ability of the executives
15. Development of Sensors for H2S and SO2 detection
through business quizzes, business simulations and
with BARC: In view of indigenous development
case-study presentations. During the year 2017-18, a
H2S & SO2 sensors by BARC.
total of 159 teams and 636 executives participated in
16. Solar Thermal Energy for well fluid processing the event. Fun Team Games (FTG) were organized
at Company installations to reduce fuel gas for E0 and below level employees to inculcate MDT
consumption: A Feasibility report has been prepared (Multi-disciplinary Team) concept and spirit of
through UNIDO. camaraderie and belongingness to the organization,
which was very well received by the participants. A
20. Human Resources total of 119 Teams and 476 employees participated in
Your Company values its Human Resources to the most. FTG during the year 2017-18. The winners of Business
To keep their morale high, your Company extends several Games and Fun Team Games were felicitated by the
welfare benefits to its employees and their families by way CMD on Republic Day Celebrations.
of comprehensive medical care, education, housing and
social security. Your Company has branded the spectrum of its training
activities as ‘EXPONENT’, a comprehensive programme
21. Human Resource Development which is nurturing the energy leaders of tomorrow. The
growth of an ONGCian to an Exponent of energy business
32,265 ONGCians dedicated themselves for securing is facilitated by ONGC Academy, Skill Development
excellent performance of your Company during the year. Centers (SDCs), other in-house Institutes; in association
The workforce intake strategy pursued by your Company with globally recognized trainers. Training Institutes of
caters to meeting the demands of maintaining a steady flow ONGC organize training in all dimensions - Technical as
of talent, in a business which is characterized by high risks well as non-technical and Managerial.
and uncertainties, enormous costs, fast changing level of
technology, physically challenging work environment, During the year, a total of 17,947 Executives and 5,319
fluctuating product prices and growing competition. Your non-executives were imparted appropriate training,
Company has drawn-up a scientific manpower induction spanning 167,369 executive and 17,817 non-executive
plan aligned to the business plans as well factoring the mandays across work centres.
manpower profile of the Company.
With an aim to give an impetus to talent management
The following specific initiatives were taken to strengthen and carrier progression practices, your Company exposed
HR processes: 11.9% of its Executives of E-5 level and above to at least
one week training through Centres of Excellence viz. IITs,
• Online submission of ACR/APAR in respect of all IIMs, NITs, ICAI etc. Further, in order to assimilate new
executives (E0 and above) was taken up successfully and emerging technological advancements pertaining
along with compliance of prescribed timelines with to oil and gas exploration and production, 14 training
programmes were conducted through foreign faculty scheme was launched as per DPE Guidelines by
during the year through which 302 participants got the creating a corpus of 1.5% PBT.
requisite exposure.
Implementation of Government Directives for
22. Employee Welfare Priority Section
Your Company continues to extend welfare benefits to the Your Company complies with the Government directives
employees and their dependents by way of comprehensive for Priority Section of the society. The percentage
medical care, education, housing, and social security. Your of Scheduled Casts (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST)
Company continues to align its policies with changing employees were 15.3% and 10.10% respectively as on
economy and business environment. March 31, 2018.
Employee Welfare Trusts – Your Company is fully committed for the welfare of SC
and ST communities. The following welfare activities are
Your Company has established the following major Trusts carried out by your Company for their upliftment in and
for welfare of employees:- around its operational areas.
• Employees Contributory Provident Fund
Annual Component Plan:
(ECPF) Trust, manages Provident Fund accounts
of employees of your Company. Under Annual Component Plan for SC/ST, every year
an allocation of `200 million is made since FY’12. Out
• The Post Retirement Benefit Scheme (PRBS)
of this, `60 million is distributed amongst all the Work
Trust of your Company manages the pension fund
centres of the Company for taking up activities for welfare
of employees of your Company. The Scheme was
of SC/ST Communities in and around the areas of our
converted into a Defined Contribution Scheme as
operations. In addition, `140 million is managed centrally,
per DPE Guidelines in November, 2013.
and is earmarked for Special projects/ proposals/ schemes
• The Composite Social Security Scheme (CSSS) for the welfare of areas/ persons belonging to SC/ST
formulated by your Company provides an assured communities. This fund is especially meant for providing
ex-gratia payment in the event of unfortunate death help and support in Education and Training, Community
or permanent disability of an employee in service. Development and Medical and Health Care.
In case of Separation other than Death/ Permanent
total disability, employees own contribution Scholarship to SC/ST meritorious students
alongwith interest is refunded. Your Company provides 500 scholarships for meritorious
• Gratuity Fund Trust exists for payment of gratuity SC and ST students for pursuing higher professional
as per the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act. courses at different Institutes and Universities across the
country in Graduate Engineering, MBBS, PG courses of
• Sahayog Trust Your Company has a Sahayog Trust
MBA and Geo-Sciences. The major feature of the scheme
for its Sahayog Yojana to provide ex-gratia financial
is that the scholarships have been equally divided for both
grant for sustenance, medical assistance, treatment,
Boys and Girl students and the amount of scholarship
rehabilitation, education, marriage of female
has been made at `4,000/- per month amounting to
dependent and alleviation of any hardship or distress
`48,000/- per annum per student as per terms and
to secure the welfare of the workforce and their kin,
conditions of the scheme.
who do not have adequate means of support. The
beneficiaries under this scheme include casual, 23. Industrial Relations
contingent, daily rated, part time, adhoc, contract
appointees, tenure based employees, apprentices During the year your Company maintained harmonious
and trainees employed by your Company besides Industrial Relations throughout the year. Mandays loss
regular and past employees. Under the scheme an due to internal industrial action was reported as ‘NIL’ for
amount of `48 million was disbursed by the Trust the year 2017-18.
during 2017-18 to 1200 beneficiaries.
24. Grievance Management System
• Asha Kiran Scheme Your Company has Asha
Kiran Scheme to meet the emergency needs of the Your Company has put in place an effective online
ex-employees retired prior to January 01, 2007. The response mechanism ( since
Board’s Report 31
2015 to enable all stakeholders viz. citizens / vendors of the RTI Act 2005. There were 273 first appeals which
/ employees / former - employees, to register and were disposed off during the period. Additionally,
get online redressal to their grievances related to any the Department of Public Information/ RTI Cell also
operational wing. processed 109 Second Appeals which were listed for
hearing at the Central Information Commission (CIC)
Your Company has also put in place a Grievance
during FY’ 18.
Management System for redressing employee grievance,
which provides for three-tier channel for grievance 26. Implementation of Official Language Policy
redressal with an Independent Appeals Committee,
at Corporate Level, which is chaired by an external Your Company makes concerted efforts for promotion
professional to ensure transparency and justice. The and implementation of Official Language. In this regard,
Appeals Committee situated at Corporate Office can some of the steps taken during the year were: -
also be accessed for settlement of grievances in case • Unicode Hindi software installed in our all offices.
the location Channels are not effective in resolving the
• Hindi workshops conducted at regular intervals in
grievance. Further, provision for representation through
all work centres.
Chief Liaison Officers of SC/ST/OBC in the Appeals
Committee has also been in-built to protect the interest of • Hindi Technical seminars, ‘Kavi Gosthies’ and
reserved category employees. Hindi plays organized at various work centres.
For external stakeholders, the Company has a well laid • Various programmes for promotion of ‘Rajbhasha’
down grievance redressal system in place with adequate were organised at all work centres of the Company
provisions to escalate the matters up the hierarchy up during ‘Rajbhasha Fortnight’ (September 14 - 28,
to the Board (stakeholders Relationship Committee 2017) and ‘Vishwa Hindi Diwas’ (January 10, 2018).
– a Board level Committee headed by an independent • Hindi Teaching Scheme of Government of India
Director). was effectively implemented at all regional work
centres of the Company.
The Company voluntarily facilitates resolving grievances
through Independent External Monitors (IEMs) and • E-Roster of Employees regarding working
through Outside Expert Committee (OEC). knowledge of Hindi was put in place.
• Hindi e-magazines were published at various work
25. Implementation under the Right to centres.
Information Act (RTI Act), - 2005
• Rajbhasha implementation Help Book was
An elaborate mechanism has been set up throughout your uploaded in the local intranet and internal portal of
Company to deal with requests received under the RTI Act, ONGC.
2005. An Officer of General Manager level, based at the
• Paperless office (DISHA) has been made bi-lingual
Registered Office at Delhi, has been designated as ‘Nodal
for effective implementation of Official Language
Officer’ for the purpose. Besides this, 22 officers have
policy in the office works.
been designated as ‘Central Public Information Officers’
(CPIOs) at different work centers across the country, in • In recognition of the initiatives taken for promotion
compliance of provisions of the Act. The particulars of of Rajbhasha, your Company was awarded with
all the quasi-judicial authorities under the ambit of RTI the ‘Petroleum Rajbhasha Shield’ of Ministry of
Act, 2005 have been uploaded on the Company website Petroleum & Natural Gas as well as “Rajbhasha
( for wider information of the general Gaurav Award” by the Ministry of Home Affairs
public. In compliance of Government directives, your during the year.
Company has successfully introduced online processing
27. Women Empowerment
of applications under the Act from August, 2016 onwards.
Women employees constituted over 6.7% (March
111 applications were carried forward from the year 31, 2018) of your Company’s workforce. During
2016-17. Further, 1719 applications were received during the year, programmes on women empowerment
the period from April 2017 to March 2018. A total of and development, including programmes on gender
1647 of the 1830 applications received were responded sensitization were organized. Your Company actively
to during the period in accordance with the provisions
supported and nominated its lady employees for • Mr. Pankaj Advani was conferred with prestigious
programmes organized by reputed agencies. Over Padma Bhushan Award in April 2018.
2000 employees successfully underwent online gender • 3 ONGCians were conferred with the prestigious
sensitisation module. “Arjuna Award” for the year 2017, namely Ms.
Disclosure under the sexual Harassment of women Vennom Jyothi Surekha (Archery), Mr. Jasbir Sngh
at workplace policy (prevention, prohibition & (Kabaddi) and Mr. Amal Raj (Table Tennis).
redressal) Act, 2013: • Mr. Bhupender Singh (Athletics) was conferred
with the “Dhyanchand Award”.
Your Company has complied with the provisions under the
Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, • The total number of National Sports Awardees in
Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 including constituted your Company now stands at 40 (Padma Bhushan
on Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) for dealing - 1, Khel Ratna – 1, Padma Shri – 3, Arjuna Award –
with the complaints on sexual harassment of women at 34 and Dhyanchand Award – 1).
workplace. Four complaints of sexual harassments were • In the Common Wealth Games 2018 at Gold Coast,
received in the year 2017-18. Reports of ICC have been Australia, Company’s sportspersons bagged 13
submitted in all the cases. medals including 5 Gold, 3 Silver and 5 Bronze,
contributing to the overall Medal tally of 66 Medals
28. Work-Life Balance:- of Team India. The strength of your Company
Your Company continued in its endeavors to ensure players in the Indian contingent was 21. ONGCian
work-life balance of its employees. The townships Mr. Yadwinder Singh led the Sr. India Basketball
at many work-centers were provided facilities like Men’s team.
gymnasiums, music rooms, etc. Facilities for gym, • ONGCians contributed five Medals including 2
yoga, etc. were also provided in Offshore Living Gold, 1 silver and 2 Bronze Medals in Indian Tally
Quarters. Outbound programmes with families were in Asian Athletics Championship 2017. ONGC
also organized at various work-centers. Plays on the athletes Ms. M. R. Poovamma won Gold Medal in
importance of ‘Work-Life Balance’ were staged to 4X400 mtrs relay race, Ms. Swapna Barman won
create awareness amongst the employees. In addition, Gold in Heptathlon, Ms. Anu Raghwan won Silver
cultural programmes involving employees and their Medal in 400 mtr hurdle race, Ms. Sanjeevani Jadhav
families were also conducted. Mahila Samitis and won Bronze Medal in 5000 mtrs and Ms. Seena N. V.
Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) were involved won Bronze Medal in Triple Jump.
in the organization of these cultural programs. Your
Company has a adventure wing named ONGC • ONGC trio of Mr. Pankaj Advani, Mr. Sourave
Himalayan Association which organizes adventure Kothari and Mr. Rupesh Shah secured Gold, Silver
programmes like mountaineering, trekking, white and Bronze Medal respectively in 2017 ONGC-
water rafting, snow skiing, desert Safari, Aero sports Asian Billiards Championship held in April 2017.
etc. which adds towards morale, engagement, team This was Mr. Pankaj Advani’s 7th Asian Billiards
spirit, camaraderie, stress management and spirit to Title. Mr, Pankaj Advani also won his 19th World
explore unknown traits among the employees. titles in cue sports Doha, Qatar in March 2018.
• Ms. Yuki Bhambri won the ATP Challenger World
29. Sports Ranking Tennis tournament held at Pune in
Your Company continues to extend sustained support November, 2017.
for development of sports in the country through • Mr. Siddhanth Thingalaya participated in World
employment to 173 players and scholarships to 289 Indoor Athletics Championship March 2018 at
upcoming sportspersons in 23 game disciplines. Financial Birmingham. He was the only Athlete representing
assistance to various Sports Associations / Federations India for this event.
/ Sports Bodies to organise sports events as well as to
• ONGCian Mr. Virat Kohli is currently leading the
develop infrastructure was also extended.
Indian Cricket team as Captain in all Match formats
Some of the key achievements of our sportspersons i.e. Tests, One Days & T-20s.
during the year were:
Board’s Report 33
• ONGCian Mr. Sai Praneeth won his maiden sustainability, women empowerment, sports, rural
Singapore Super Series Title in April 2017. development, capacity building, etc.
• ONGCian Mr. H S Prannoy won US Open badminton CSR footprints of the Company can be traced from J&K
2017 title in July 2017. through the project implemented by joining hands with
• Ms. Heena Sidhu won Gold Medal in Indian Army to seashore of Rameswaram by executing
Commonwealth Shooting Championship 2017 in an impactful solid waste management program. This year
Gold coast, Australia in November 2017. had also seen the Company implementing projects worth
`776.3 million among the states of North-East India.
• Three Kabaddi players Mr. Pradeep Narwal, Mr.
Sandeep Narwal and Mr. Sachin were the part of A Separate report on Corporate Social Responsibility
Indian Kabaddi team that won Asian Championship (CSR) activities undertaken by your Company during the
held at Iran from November 22 – 26, 2017. year FY’18 is enclosed as Annexure ‘B’.
• Mr. G Sathiyan, Table Tennis player won God
Medal in ITTF Challenges Series Spanish Open in Major Swachh Bharat Initiatives:
Nov. 2017. At a glance :
• 10 ONGCians duly trained through rigorous winter • `1,844.6 million worth of CSR projects/ Program
training programme successfully summited Mt. implemented across the country.
Kanchenjunga (8,586 m) in May 2018. Earlier in May
• 21085 nos. of Individual Household latrines(IHHL)
2017, 6 ONGCians scaled Mt. Everest (8,848 m)
constructed across India.
30. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) • 53 community toilets projects.
NGC CSR - Partnering for Inclusive Growth • 234 school toilets.
In the financial year 2017-18, your Company ensured • 181 Water Ro Plant/ Water ATM projects.
more than 100% utilization of CSR budget amounting to • 358 Tube Wells installed.
`5,034 million against the budget of `4,870 million.
• 11 Solid Waste Management projects.
As stipulated in the Section 135 of the Companies Act • 14 projects on Smoke Free Village.
2013, your Company has a Board Level Committee on
CSR namely CSR and SD Committee, who has approved • 3 project on development and beautification of
19 major CSR projects amounting to `2,600 million in parks.
FY’18. Besides, a detailed standard operating procedure Restoration of Kunds in Varanasi:
on CSR has been rolled out to bring in standardization
and transparency in the process of implementing CSR Your Company took the responsibility of cleaning and
projects. beatification of four famous Kunds of Varanasi namely
Durga Kund, Lakshmi Kund, Lat Bhairav Kund, Karim
Expenditure of `5,034 million has been made possible by Kund at a cost of `114.6 million under Swachh Bharat
implementing and executing more than 2400 CSR projects Mission programme driven by Government of India.
/ programs in the areas of Swachhta, Health, Education, Hon’ble Prime Minister inaugurated the Durga Kund
Environment, Skill Development and Vocational training and Lakshmi Kund at Varanasi. The project is being
by Corporate CSR and 24 work centres of the Company. implemented in partnership with National Buildings
Construction Corporation Ltd and Nagar Nigam
Your Company has undertaken number of flagship
initiatives under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, with an
expenditure of `1,844.6 million. An amount of `1,320.3 Swachh Iconic place: Clean and green initiative
million was spent towards implementing projects on
at Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam
promoting education, livelihood and skill development.
Another, `1,307.9 million was spent towards creating As part of Government of India Initiative for Swachh
health Infrastructure and on preventive health care iconic places, Your Company has taken up clean and
programs/projects. Rest of the expenditure was green initiative at Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam, where 7
towards implementing projects related to environment km long separate water pipelines is being laid for pumping
treated waste water from tertiary treatment plants to the initiative for construction of Individual Household
gardens along the ghat road. Also 130 cleaning machines Latrine across the country in partnership with district
and solid waste management plant of capacity 30 MT administration and other NGOs. More than 21085 IHHL
per day has been installed. Apart from this, energy saving has been constructed in the ONGC operational areas of
measures like installation of SCADA system and battery Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand, Assam and other states of
operated vehicles for pilgrims is also being introduced. the country at a cost of `846.6 million in the last one year.
Lakhs of devotees visiting this shrine will be benefited
through this project. An amount of `130 million is Solid Waste Management Project at Rameswaram
sanctioned towards implementing this project. With a vision to make the city of Rameswaram clean and
Green, “Green Rameswaram” initiative was launched by
Deep Water Drilling Project along the Paleo the Former President of India, Late Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam.
Channels of river Saraswati Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Nardep committed
The ancient and mythological river Saraswati has been itself to turn the vision of the former President into a
known since the Indus valley civilization. There are several reality, and started cleaning initiative along with not-for
places in Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan where evidence profit organization like Hand In Hand. A Solid Waste
is found of its existence, as the water from this river is Management project was planned by Hand In Hand in
known to surface at several places. To tap the water of river four municipal wards of Rameswaram, located around
Saraswati which is flowing several hundred meters below 25 km from Ramnad GCS. The project deliverables
the surface, Haryana Saraswati Heritage Development include setting up of robust infrastructure for solid waste
Board (HSHDB) approached the Company. A survey management, providing vehicles for door to door waste
was conducted by a team of experts from the Company collection, developing and putting in place systems and
to locate the paleo-channels existing underground in the human resources for ensuring cleaning of roads, drains,
northern part of indo-gangetic plains. Accordingly, it was collection of garbage and waste, segregation of waste into
agreed by the Company for drilling of 10 wells, where recyclable and biodegradable categories and processing of
there is a high possibility of tapping water. An agreement the waste in both the categories in a sustainable manner.
was signed with Water and Power Consultancy Services Based on the success and the impact of the first phase of
Limited (WAPCOS) for drilling these wells. Nine out of the project, the second phase of the project was extended
ten wells have been successfully drilled and producing to four wards of Thangachimadam village, which is located
water in good quantity. around 23 km from Ramnad GCS. An amount of `9.5
million has been sanctioned towards implementing the
Bio-CNG Plant at Haridwar:
second phase of the project at Thangachimadam Village
Your Company has undertaken an unique initiative in Panchayat, along with IEC intervention, in Rameswaram
Haridwar to convert cow dung to useful fuel and value Municipality.
added products by setting up Bio-CNG cum Fertilizer and
Bottling Plant at Haridwar at a cost of `16 million. The Clean Himalaya Initiative
plant will be run by the largest Gaushala in Uttarakhand Your Company is the first Company to have taken the
and will help maintaining clean hygienic waste Swachh Bharat Initiative to the Himalayas. The Company
management in the Gaushala premises. It will facilitate partnered with Indian Mountaineering Foundation
availability of clean environment to the local population (IMF) to reach the upper Himalayas where every year
of Haridwar and also help in protecting the fauna i.e. 2200 tons of harmful garbage was left behind by the visiting
non-milching cows at Gaushala by way of making the tourists. From the mountain peaks of Himachal Pradesh
Gaushala self-sustaining from the revenue generated from to Uttarakhand, more than 13 cleaning expeditions have
the project. The plant will also produce organic solid and been undertaken as part of “Clean Himalaya Initiative”
liquid fertilizers which will be distributed among the local in the last three years. Tons of garbage has been brought
farmers thereby promoting organic farming. down and disposed in an eco-friendly manner. An amount
of `8.76 million has been spent towards this initiative.
Open Defecation Free Initiative:
As part of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s dream to make our
country Open Defecation Free, your Company has taken
Board’s Report 35
Initiatives to promote Education, Livelihood and in September 2017, the Phase- II of the project has been
Skill Development launched from November 2017, for which an amount of
`59 million has been sanctioned.
At a glance:
• Project worth `1,320.3 million implemented towards Smart Gram at Daula village of Haryana
education, livelihood and skill development. Under Smart Gram Initiative of Hon’ble President of
• Imparted skill development training to 6058 youth India, various villages have been adopted across the
and women. country. The model village development at Daula village
is one such initiative of Hon’ble President of India. As part
• Created employment opportunity for 4821 youth &
of this initiative the Company was given the responsibility
of constructing a senior secondary school at Daula village.
• Spent more than `192 million towards creating the The 18223 sq ft school building which is currently under
infrastructure like class rooms, hostels and smart construction with funding from the Company will have
class rooms. 12 class rooms, 2 staff rooms, Principal’s chamber, three
• Funded for 420 Ekal Vidyalayas in the remote areas laboratories/Multi-Purpose activity room, library, craft
of the country. room and a computer room. The total financial implication
towards implementing this project is `30 million.
• Assistance in the form of Scholarships amounting to
`4000/- p.m. to more than 1500 students belonging Ekal Vidyalaya
to SC/ST and BPL families across the country .
Your Company has partnered with Bharat Lok Shiksha
Skill Development Institute at Ahmedabad Parishad for reaching remote villages across the country
Skill India is the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. in its operational area for providing free education to
In line with the Skill India Mission, Ministry of Petroleum children through ‘Ekal Vidyalaya’. This project covers 420
and Natural Gas has taken the initiative to set up 6 Ekal Vidyalayas, in as many villages of rural, tribal and
Skill Development Institutes (SDI) across the country backward areas in 10 states. With average enrolment of
with funding from Oil sector PSEs. Your Company was 30 students per school, it is targeted to impart free basic
directed to set up a SDI at Gujarat. The first batch of informal education to 24,000 students, with a financial
90 students has successfully completed their training in implication of `19 million, for a period of two years.
3 different courses in March 2018. All the 90 students
Skill Development through CIPET:
were successfully placed in different companies located
near Ahmedabad. Considering the success of the first Two separate projects were undertaken with CIPET for
batch, the number of trades will be increased from three training economically underprivileged youth in plastic
to nine from next year onwards benefiting 780 youth. technology at Bhubaneswar and Jaipur respectively. A total
Your Company contributed an amount of `136 million of 217 youth have been trained in two different courses
towards setting up these 6 SDIs across India. in tool room mechanic operator and injection moulding
machine operator. The total cost for both projects is `15
Revival of Sanskrit Language million. After completing 6 months residential training, all
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language with its origin 217 youth have been placed at different companies related
from Old Indo-Aryan age, having rich literature and text to plastic engineering thus ensuring 100% placement.
related to science and mathematics unknown to mankind.
Ekalavya Centre for Organic Agricultural Re-
In order to promote Sanskrit through Training, and to
conduct Research on the ancient storehouse of knowledge search and Training:
related to science, mathematics and astrology, Sanskrit To realise the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s goal of doubling
Promotion Foundation approached your Company for farmers’ income by 2022 and reduce the carbon footprint,
financial assistance to carry out work for the development Ekalavya Foundation (Ekalavya Centre for Organic
of this ancient and rich language, which has been Agricultural Research and Training) formulated a project
undertaken by the Company as its CSR initiative. The to promote organic farming through training and capacity
total cost of the project was `57 million in the Phase I, building at Tandur and Vikarabad Mandal of Telengana. In
After successful completion of the Phase–I of the project, order to implement this project for setting up the training
institute, Ekalavya Foundation approached the Company bed boy’s hostel at S-VYASA University campus located
for financial support. The project will be immensely at Gidden Halli, Jigani Hobli, Bangalore. The hostel will
beneficial for increasing the scope of organic farming have all the latest facilities including solar lights, solar
in the entire Telangana and other neighboring region. heating systems, CCTV, lifts, interior furniture, electrical,
This project will help the farmers and local youth to etc. Free accommodation will be provided to ST/SC and
enhance their livelihood by imparting them employment Tribal students of S-VYASA University whereas deserving
with enhancing vocation skills. The project is being poor students will be given 50% concession.
implemented in one of the most backward mandal in the
region inhabited by SCs and STs. It will benefit about Major Health Care Initiative:
3500 farmers, 200 students and Consumers in general by
way of promoting organic farming. Your Company has
At a Glance:
sanctioned an amount of `47 million for undertaking this • `1,308 million worth of projects implemented
project. towards Health Care Initiative.
Vivekananda Centre for Yoga, Naturopathy and • `3,130 million Multi- Speciality Hospital project
Research: Your Company has extended financial support launched at Sivasagar, Assam.
for setting up a state of the art Yoga, Naturopathy and • 541208 Nos. door step medical treatment provided
Research Centre at Jor Bagh, Delhi. The project has through Mobile Medical Unit in FY’18.
been implemented by Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana
• `1,000 million sanctioned towards setting up of
Samsthana (VYASA) for which the Company has
National Cancer Institute at Nagpur.
sanctioned an amount of `60 million. The centre
shall render services in preventive health care, disease Varisthajana Swasthya Sewa Abhiyan: Doorstep
management, rehabilitation, evaluation, monitoring and medical treatment for elderly, women and children
research. People can also avail of clinical specialty services This flagship CSR project implemented in partnership
in stress and lifestyle, pain, women health, children health, with HelpAge India has succeeded in providing door step
mental health, hair and skin care, etc. medical treatments to more than one lakh elderly citizen,
women and children through Medical Mobile Unit in
Yoga Theme Garden, Mumbai:
remote villages in the operational areas of the Company.
Your Company has provided financial support for The project was initially launched from 2010 to 2016
development of India’s first Yoga theme Park, at Bandra with 20 MMU’s through which more than 1.58 million
Reclamation, Mumbai. This project is being implemented treatments were provided to the needy population. Based
in partnership with Ravindra Joshi Medical Foundation on the impact assessment report of the first phase, Your
(RJMF) at a cost of `8 million. The park has been featured Company accorded approval for extension of the project till
as India’s first Yoga theme park. It has attractive lawn and 2019 along with engaging 11 new MMUs. As a result, today
vertical gardens. Seven yoga postures have been depicted 31 MMUs are providing door step medical consultation,
in the park with visual lighting on vertical green wall. treatments and medicines to lakhs of senior citizen, women
15 feet tall statue of Yoga Guru Patanjali in Padmasana and children residing in remote corners of our country. The
posture has been installed in the park to motivate people. total amount sanctioned towards implementing this project
Besides all these, park has several advance features like rain from 2010 to 2019 is `364 million. This project has been
water harvesting system, irrigation system, LED lighting successful in providing more than 2.5 million treatments.
20 indigenous native plants have been used to withstand
coastal weather. Around 5,00,000 residents residing in the National Cancer Institute, Nagpur
vicinity of the park will directly be benefited from this The National Cancer Institute at Nagpur, will be 455
theme park. bed quaternary care oncology centre. The centre will
provide comprehensive cancer treatment, patient care
S-VYASA Boys Hostel and research through sustainable charity. In addition
Your Company has supported ‘Vivekananda Yoga to providing general cancer care, the institute will also
Anusandhana Samsthana’ (VYASA) with financial create specialty groups of highly skilled professionals.
support of `120 million towards construction of a 350 The institute also plans to start a University recognized
Board’s Report 37
training courses for nurses, paramedical staff and medical Model Village Development for Revival of Kor-
fraternity including super specialty training in Oncology bong Community at Tripura:
and PhD programs. With only 120 surviving population, the Korbong
Your Company has extended support of `1,000 million community of Tripura was on the verge of extinction. To
for construction of first, second floor and procurement save this fast disappearing community, Your Company
of medical equipment for radio diagnostic facilities partnered with Tribal Engineer’s Society to develop this
(like MRI, Citi scan, ultrasound, mammography, x-ray village into self-sustained model. As part of this project,
and bone marrow density meter, etc.) for the hospital. permanent infrastructure was developed for community
The equipments have already been commissioned on centre, market shed, toilet blocks and irrigation facilities.
the ground floor of the hospital and are already being Also, livelihood opportunities was created for piggery,
used for investigations of patients. Primary beneficiaries goatery, fishery, duck rearing, etc. It was a holistic
of the project will be patients referred by NGOs, local intervention for revival of the Korbong community at a
physicians in and around 500 km radius of Nagpur. It financial implication of `6.5 million.
is expected to benefit people from Vidharbha region of
Maharashtra, parts of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh ONGC Solar Street Lights project:
and Andhra Pradesh. Your Company has sanctioned 8853 solar street lights
worth `177 million for lighting remote villages of the
ONGC – MRPL Lady Goschen Hospital, Mangalore country in the last one year. MNRE recognized partner
The Lady Goschen Hospital established in 1849, at the are empaneled by the Company for installing the solar
heart of Mangalore City is the only hospital in entire street lights as per the predefined specifications. These
Konkon region which provides exclusive pre-natal and agencies also ensure maintenance of these street lights
post natal care. On an average 500 women are admitted through AMC .
and treated for pre/ post natal care every month. The 167
year old hospital building was in a dilapidated condition Development of Mangalajodi, Odisa.
and due to increase inflow of patient there was an urgent Chilika lake, the largest brackish water lake and a
need for additional facilities. District administration unique bio-diversity of our country attracts millions
of Mangalore approached the Company for financial of migratory birds from across the globe. Mangalajodi,
support to start a new wing in the hospital campus. Your a tiny village located at the backwater of Chilika lake
Company extended financial support of `128 million has been the host to these birds. Your Company is
towards construction of new ‘ONGC-MRPL Wing’ for in the process of taking up a project with UNESCO
Government Lady Goschen Hospital, Mangalore. The to help declare Chilika lake as a World Heritage site.
new hospital building is scheduled to be commissioned But, prior to taking up the project with UNESCO,
in 2018. the Company has taken up a 360 degree approach
to develop Mangalajodi village. Based on need
Rural Development Projects assessment, multiple CSR interventions have been
At a glance: taken up which include open defecation free Initiative
by constructing 1300 Individual Household Latrine,
• `223 million worth of rural development projects
lightning the dark alleys of the village by installing
200 Solar lights, creating drinking and portable water
• Undertaken infrastructure development work for facilities, providing 12 nos. of boats to the villagers
two Model Village project Under Sansad Adarsh for creating sustainable livelihood, construction of 40
Gram Yojna at Yigi Kaum village in Arunachal nos. of school toilets and several livelihood generation
Pradesh and Natun Jelom village, in Assam. and infrastructure development project in the last one
• Undertaken 67 different projects for strengthening year. An amount of `63 million has been sanctioned
rural roads near ONGC operational areas. towards undertaking these projects.
• 8853 Solar street lights sanctioned in 2017-18 Northeast Vision 2030
for lighting the roads of remote villages across the
In line with Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision for Northeast,
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has released the
Hydrocarbon Vision 2030 document for Northeast India be implemented in three phases, of which an amount
in Feb’ 2016. The vision document inter alia focuses on the of `991 million has already been sanctioned for the
development of the region through CSR initiatives. Your first phase, which is scheduled to be completed by July
Company having operational presence in the northeast 2019. Some of the other projects being implemented
has rolled out major CSR projects in the region. Since, by your Company in Northeast are:
the release of the Vision 2030 document, your Company
has incurred an expenditure of `1,522 million towards B. Ed. College, Nirjuli:
implementing CSR projects across northeast in different Your Company is supporting Vivekananda Kendra
focus areas like Skill Development, Health Care, Education, Vidyalayas Arunachal Pradesh Trust for setting up a
Swachh Bharat, Environment, Bio-Diversity, etc. B Ed College at Nirjuli for training of teachers. The
construction work is in progress and classes have already
Due importance is given by your Company towards
started in a temporary building. An amount of `59 million
creating Open Defecation Free Village under which
has been sanctioned towards implementing this project.
more than 11,165 IHHLs have been constructed across
The construction of the B Ed College is scheduled to be
4 district of Assam at a cost of 134 million. In Arunachal
completed by end of 2018.
Pradesh, your Company has undertaken many rural
Infrastructure development and Health Care projects Green Hub Project: This is an unique initiative to train
in the last two years amounting to `78 million. As part 20 youth of North East every year, in wild life videography
of the holistic approach towards skill development, and documentation. The main objective of the project
Multi-Purpose Skill Development and Community is to create a team of environment enthusiasts having
centres are being set up at Natun Jelom and Halflong expertise in conservation. In the last three years 60 youth
at a cost of `13.7 million, besides undertaking skill and women have been trained. The Centre was recently
development training in computer education, welding, been conferred with Manthan Awards in the category of
gas cutting, video documentation, fruit processing, Environment & Green Energy for leveraging the power of
etc. A documentation centre to preserve the local youth to conserve biodiversity through a digital platform.
art, culture and heritage is being set up at Roing in An amount of `6 million has been sanctioned towards
Arunachal Pradesh in partnership with RIWATCH implementing this project in the last three years.
at a cost of `8 million. Hostels and school buildings
worth more than `50 million are being constructed for Water Hyacinth project for rural women of
both boys and girls across different remote location Sivasagar:
of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura. The Through this CSR initiative of ONGC, 50 women of
“Yoganilayam” project being undertaken with Seva Sivasagar district have been trained by NEDFi to develop
Bharti Purbanchal will be a hub for promotion of Yoga product from water Hycainth. 20 of these women were
in northeast. This centre is being set up at Abhoypur in further trained by experts from National Institite of
North Guwahati at a cost of `26 million. Design to make superior products, as per the demand
One of the major flagship Health Care initiative of the market. A facilitation centre has been set up at
launched for the benefit of entire population of Nimajan in Sivasagar and a retail outlet has been opened
Upper Assam is the Multi Speciality Hospital project for selling the finished products. The women trained
at Sivasagar. This is biggest ever CSR project being under this program are currently imparting training to
undertaken by the Company. After thoroughly others. An amount of `3.3 million has been sanactioned
analysing the alarming health care scenario of Assam, towards implementing this project.
the Company accorded approval for setting up a
362 bed Multi-Specialty Hospital at Sivasagar to be
ONGC Super 30:
implemented in three phases, at an estimated cost of Your Company has set up a ONGC Super 30 centre
`3161 million. The prime objective of the hospital is at Sivasagar to train 30 aspiring students every year to
to provide quality health care services to the people get admission in IITs and other premier engineering
of Northeast at an affordable cost. The charges for institutes of our country. Total 85 students in three
treatment will be, as low, as 70% of the market price batches have already completed the training since
and further discount of 50% will be provided to 2014 out of which 18 secured admission in institutes
economically disadvantaged people. The project will like IIT’s and NIT’s, 54 got admission in other premier
Board’s Report 39
institutes and the remaining 13 students opted for other 31. Accolades
courses. The fourth batch of 30 students are currently Consistent with the trend in preceding years, your
undergoing training at Sivasagar, “ONGC Super 30 Company, its various operating units and its senior
centre”. The project is being undertaken in partnership management have been recipients of various awards
with an NGO Centre for Social Leadership. An amount and recognitions. Details of such accolades is placed at
of `28 million has been sanctioned towards this project Annexure- ‘C’.
since the last four years.
32. Regulators or Courts order
An unique initiative of addressing a grassroot lev-
During the Financial year 2017-18, there is no order or
el issue at Baramulla direction of any court or tribunal or regulator which either
Indian Army, besides securing the international affects Company’s status as a going concern or which
boarders and ensuring security for the common people significantly affects Company’s business operations.
of Jammu & Kashmir has been consistently working
towards channelizing the energy of the youth towards 33. Directors’ Responsibility Statement
nation building. In order to support their initiative for Pursuant to the requirement under Section 134(3) (c)
empowering the local women and youth of Baramulla, the of the Companies Act, 2013, with respect to Directors’
Company funded skill development programs of Chinar 9 Responsibility Statement, it is hereby confirmed that:
Jawan Club, of Indian Army.
(i) In the preparation of the annual accounts, the
As part of this initiative 120 Kashmiri women from applicable accounting standards have been followed
Baramulla and neighbouring areas have been trained in and there is no material departures from the same;
Fashion Designing, Cutting & Sewing at a cost of `3.4
million. Further, through another Skill development (ii) The Directors have selected such accounting policies
program, 150 youth in ’Hospitality’ and 150 women and applied them consistently and made judgments
in ‘Retail Sales’ have been imparted training at a cost and estimates that are reasonable and prudent, so as
of `1.7 million. Out of the total 300 students, trained to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
in Hospitality and Retail Sales, 201 (boys & girls) have Company as at March 31, 2018 and of the profit of
already got placement in different industries. Some of the Company for the year ended on that date;
them are placed in premier hotels like Taj and Maurya (iii) The Directors have taken proper and sufficient
sheraton. These skill development trainings have been care for the maintenance of adequate accounting
imparted through a NGO named REACHA. Prior to records in accordance with the provisions of the
these initiatives in Jammu & Kashmir, the Company took Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets
the initiative to construct 100 IHHLs in the international of the Company and for preventing and detecting
border villages of Bobiya, Ladwal and Karol Bidho falling fraud and other irregularities;
under Mahreen block of Kathua District in Jammu &
(iv) The Directors have prepared the annual accounts of
the Company on a ‘going concern’ basis;
At Kalgai Village, near Uri three houses of local residents (v) The Directors have laid down internal financial
were devastated while neutralizing four terrorists by controls which are being followed by the Company
the Indian Army. As a result, these families belonging and that such internal financial controls are adequate
to economically weaker section of the society became and are operating effectively; and
homeless overnight. Considering the tough situation
under which these villagers were exposed to after (vi) The Directors have devised proper systems to ensure
devastation of their house, your Company extended compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws
financial support for rebuilding of these three houses and that such systems are adequate and operating.
through the Indian Army. The reconstruction of the three 34. Corporate Governance
houses was completed in record time of five months.
Your Company has taken structured initiatives towards
An amount of `1.6 million was sanctioned towards
Corporate Governance and its practices are valued by
implementing this project.
various stakeholders. The practices emanate from the
need to position multi-layered checks and balances at
various levels to ensure transparency of its operations in Blower mechanism of your Company which was
the decision making process. implemented from December 01, 2009. The Policy
ensures that a genuine Whistle Blower is granted
In terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure
due protection from any victimization. The Policy is
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, a report on Corporate
applicable to all employees of the Company and has
Governance for the year ended March 31, 2018 along
been uploaded on the intranet of the Company.
with a certificate from the Company’s Statutory
Auditors confirming compliance of conditions, forms In addition, the Company has a full-fledged Vigilance
part of this report. Department, which is headed by Chief Vigilance
Officer (CVO) who holds the rank of a Functional
Your Company has implemented the mandatory Director of the Company. With a view to maintain
Guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), independence, the CVO reports to the Chief Vigilance
Government of India, on Corporate Governance to the Commissioner of the Government of India.
maximum extent possible.
ii. Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM)
Your Company has formulated and uploaded the framework: In line with the requirements of SEBI
following policies/codes on its website in line with the (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements)
Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulations: Regulations, 2015, your Company has developed
and rolled out a comprehensive Enterprise-wide
i. Code of Conduct for Board Members and Senior
Risk Management (ERM) Policy throughout the
Management Personnel;
organization. The Audit & Ethics Committee
ii. Related Party Transactions (revised w.e.f. periodically reviews the risk assessment and
09.02.2018); minimization process .
iii. Material Subsidiary Policy; The Risk Management policy of your Company is as
iv. The Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for follows:
prohibition of insider trading in dealing with the
“ONGC shall identify the possible risks associated with its
securities of ONGC;
business and commits itself to put in place a Risk Management
v. Policy on Materiality for Disclosure of events; Framework to address the risk involved on an ongoing basis
vi. Corporate Policy on Preservation of Documents to ensure achievement of the business objective without any
and their archiving; interruptions.
vii. Policy for Training of Directors; ONGC shall optimize the risks involved by managing their
viii. Dividend Distribution Policy; exposure and bringing them in line with the acceptable risk
appetite of the Company”
ix. Fraud Prevention Policy;
The Board of Directors have constituted a Board Level
x. CSR and Sustainability Policy; and
Risk Management Committee in terms of SEBI (Listing
xi. Risk Management Policy. Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
In line with global practices, your Company has made 2015. Till date four meetings of the Committee have
available all information, required by investors, on the been held.
Company’s corporate website
iii. Board and Committee Meetings: - Details of
In line with the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Board and Board Level Committee Meetings are
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, your Company placed under Corporate Governance Report, which
has also implemented other measures of Corporate form part of this report.
Governance (mandatory/ voluntary) which have been
iv. Meeting of Independent Directors: Three
brought out in the Corporate Governance Report and
Meetings of Independent Directors were held
are as follows:
during FY’18.
i. Whistle Blower Policy/ Vigil Mechanism: A v. Certificate of Independence by Independent
total of 41 Protected Disclosures till March 31, Directors: The Independent Directors have
2018 have been processed through the Whistle
Board’s Report 41
submitted declaration that they meet the criteria & Associates, Mumbai, M/s. Lodha & Co., Kolkata,
of Independence as per Section 149(6) of the M/s. PKF Sridhar & Santhanam LLP, Chennai, M/s.
Companies Act, 2013. Khandelwal Jain & Co., Mumbai and M/s. K.C. Mehta
& Co., Vadodara, Chartered Accountants were appointed
35. Statutory Disclosures as Joint Statutory Auditors for the financial year 2017-
Your Directors have made necessary disclosures, as 18. The Statutory Auditors have been paid a total
required under various provisions of the Act and the remuneration of `36.55 million (previous year `43.41
SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) million) towards audit fees, certification and other
Regulations, 2015. services. The above fees are inclusive of applicable service
tax / GST but exclusive of re-imbursement of travelling
Extract of Annual Return and out of pocket expenses actually incurred.
As per requirement of section 92(3) of the Companies
Act, 2013, the extract of the annual return in form MGT- 39. Auditors’ Report on the Accounts
9 is placed at Annexure-D. The comments of Comptroller & Auditor General of
India (C&AG) form part of this Report and is attached
Particulars of Employees Annexure ‘F’. There is no qualification in the Auditors
Your Company being a Government Company, the Report on the Financial Statements of the Company.
provisions of Section 197(12) of the Companies Act,
40. Secretarial Audit
2013 and relevant Rules issued thereunder do not apply in
view of the Gazette notification dated 05.06.2015 issued In terms of section 204(1) of the Companies Act,
by Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. 2013, the Company has engaged M/s P P Agarwal
& Co., Company Secretaries in whole-time practice,
The terms and conditions of the appointment of as Secretarial Auditors for conducting Secretarial
Functional Directors are subject to the applicable Compliance Audit for the financial year ended March
guidelines issued by the Department of Public Enterprises, 31, 2018. Their report has been annexed to the
Government of India. The salary and terms and conditions Corporate Governance Report.
of the appointment of Company Secretary, a KMP of the
Company, is in line with the parameters prescribed by the 41. Cost Audit
Government of India. Six firms of Cost Accountants were appointed as Cost
Auditors for auditing the cost records of your Company
36. Energy Conservation
for the year ended March 31, 2018 by the Board of
The information required under section 134(3)(m) of Directors. The Cost Audit Report for the year 2016-17
the Companies Act, 2013, read with the Companies has been filed under XBRL mode on September 11, 2017
(Accounts) Rules, 2014, is annexed as Annexure – ‘E’. which was well within the due date of filing.
37. Audit and Ethics Committee Further, the required cost records as specified under the
In compliance with Section 177(8) of the Companies Act, Companies Act, 2013 are prepared and maintained by the
2013, the details regarding Audit & Ethics Committee is Company.
provided under Corporate Governance report which
42. Directors
forms part of this Annual Report. There has been no
instance where the recommendations of the Audit & Policy for Selection and appointment of Directors’
Ethics Committee have not been accepted by the Board and their remuneration.
of Directors. Your Company being a Government Company, the
provisions of Section 134(3) (e) of the Companies Act,
38. Auditors
2013 do not apply in view of the Gazette notification
The Statutory Auditors of your Company are appointed dated June 05, 2015 issued by Government of India,
by the Comptroller & Auditor General of India (C&AG). Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
M/s. Dass Gupta & Associates, New Delhi, M/s. MKPS
Performance Evaluation on February 28, 2018. The Board places on record its
The provisions of Section 134(3) (p) of the Companies appreciation for his contribution during his tenure.
Act, 2013 relating to evaluation of Board/ Directors do Sanjay Kumar Moitra, has been appointed as the Director
not apply to your Company since necessary exemptions (Onshore) of the Company w.e.f. April 18, 2018.
are provided to all government companies. The Company Shri Desh Deepak Misra has ceased to be Director (HR)
being a Government Company, the provisions relating to of the Company due to superannuation on June 30.
Performance Evaluation of Directors stand exempted. 2018. The Board places on record its appreciation for his
The proposal for similar exemption under the Listing contribution during his tenure.
Regulations is under the consideration of the SEBI.
The strength of the Board of Directors of the Company
Appointments / Cessation etc. as on March 31, 2018 was 16 comprising 5 Executive
Since the 24th Annual General Meeting held on September Directors (Functional Directors including CMD) and
27, 2017, Smt. Ganga Murthy and Shri Sambit Patra were 11 Non-Executive Directors including two Government
inducted as Independent Director(s) of the Company nominees and Nine Independent Directors. Though
with effect from September 23, 2017 and October 28, there were two vacancies for two Executive Directors, the
2017 respectively. composition of the Board complied with the requirements
under the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 as well as of
Shri Dinesh Kumar Sarraf, Chairman & Managing Listing Regulations, 2015.
Director, superannuated from the services of the
Company on September 30, 2017. The Board places on 43. Acknowledgement
record its appreciation for his contribution during his Your Directors are highly grateful for all the help, guidance
tenure. Shri Shashi Shanker, has been appointed as the and support received from the Ministry of Petroleum and
Chairman & Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. Natural Gas, Ministry of Finance, DPE, MCA, MEA,
October 01, 2017, who was earlier appointed as Director and other agencies in Central and State Governments.
(Technical & Field Services). Your Directors acknowledge the constructive suggestions
Shri Adapa Krishnarao Srinivasan, has ceased to be the received from Statutory Auditors, Cost Auditors and
Director (Finance) and CFO of the Company due to Comptroller & Auditor General of India and are grateful
superannuation on October 31, 2017. The Board places for their continued support and cooperation.
on record its appreciation for his contribution during Your Directors thank all share-owners, business partners
his tenure. Shri Subhash Kumar, has been appointed and all members of the ONGC Family for their faith, trust
as Director (Finance) and CFO of the Company w.e.f and confidence reposed in the Board.
January 31, 2018.
Your Directors wish to place on record their sincere
Shri Tapas Kumar Sengupta, Director (Offshore) has appreciation for the unstinting efforts and dedicated
ceased to be the Director (Offshore) of the Company contributions put in by the ONGCians at all levels, to
due to superannuation on December 31, 2017. ensure that the Company continues to grow and excel.
The Board places on record its appreciation for his
contribution during his tenure. Shri Rajesh Kakkar, On behalf of the Board of Directors
has been appointed as the Director (Offshore) of the
Company w.e.f. February 19, 2018.
New Delhi (Shashi Shanker)
Shri Ved Prakash Mahawar, has ceased to be the Director 02.08.2018 Chairman and Managing Director
(Onshore) of the Company due to superannuation
Board’s Report 43
Annexure A
Form AOC-2
(Pursuant to clause (h) of sub-section (3)of Section 134 of the Act and Rule 8(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014)
Form for disclosure of particulars of contracts/arrangements entered into by the Company with related parties referred to in sub-section (1) of section
188 of the Companies Act, 2013 including certain arms length transactions under third proviso thereto.
1. Details of contracts or arrangements or transactions not at arm’s length basis : Nil
2. Details of contracts or arrangements or transactions at arm’s length basis :
Sl (a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/ (c) Duration of (d) Salient terms of the contracts or (e) Date(s) of (f) Amount paid as
no. relationship transactions the contracts / arrangements or transactions including the approval by advances, if any:
arrangements/ value, if any: the Board, if
transactions any:
Name Relationship Salient terms Transaction value
(`in million)
1 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Sale of crude oil FY’18 As per Crude oil sale 48,868.99
and Petrochemical Ltd agreement
2 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Purchase of petroleum oil and FY’18 8,453.89
and Petrochemical Ltd lubricants/high speed diesel
(MRPL) As per contractual
3 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Lease of Office space at Mumbai to FY’18 agreement 13.30
and Petrochemical Ltd MRPL
4 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Guarantee fee received for import of FY’18 Actual 10.43
and Petrochemical Ltd crude
5 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Guarantee fee for import of crude FY’18 non cash transcation 7.88
and Petrochemical Ltd (Ind AS fair valuation)
6 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Interest Income received FY’18 Market rate 1,657.81
and Petrochemical Ltd
7 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Dividend income received FY’18 Dividend 7,532.12
and Petrochemical Ltd
8 Mangalore Refinery Subsidiary Financial guarantee issued for import FY’18 Guarantee amount 5,059.00
and Petrochemical Ltd of crude (`14,607 million)
9 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Dividend income received FY’18 Dividend 2,100.00
Sl (a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/ (c) Duration of (d) Salient terms of the contracts or (e) Date(s) of (f) Amount paid as
no. relationship transactions the contracts / arrangements or transactions including the approval by advances, if any:
arrangements/ value, if any: the Board, if
transactions any:
Name Relationship Salient terms Transaction value
(`in million)
10 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Interest on loan received FY’18 Market rate 3.98
11 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Guarantee fee in respect of financial FY’18 non cash transcation 321.60
(OVL) guarantee extended to OVL (Ind AS fair valuation)
12 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Interest Income FY’18 non cash transcation 35.94
(OVL) (Ind AS fair valuation)
13 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Performance Guarantees in favor of effective Guarantee amount 1,623.00
(OVL) National oil company of Libya for Area from (`3960.12 million)
43 for USD 61 million. 05.03.2007
14 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary ONGC, the parent company guarantee effective Guarantee amount 1,246.46
(OVL) has been given in respect of Block from (`1246.46 million)
SS-04, Bangladesh dated 27/03/2014 27.03.2014
in favour of M/s PETROBANGLA in
respect of the Company's obligations
as set forth in the Production Sharing
15 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary ONGC, the parent company guarantee effective Guarantee amount 2,103.41
(OVL) has been given in respect of Block from (`2103.41 million)
SS-09, Bangladesh dated 27/03/2014 27.03.2014
in favour of M/s PETROBANGLA in
respect of the Company's obligations
as set forth in the Production Sharing
16 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for IDBI due on Guarantee amount 3,773.58
(OVL) Trustsheep Services Limited for 06/01/2020 `3,773.58 million
issuance of Redeemable Non-
Convertible Debentures for an amount
of `4000 million by OVL-Guarantee for
8.54% 10 Year Bond for Imperial-Russia
17 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary USD BOND for acquisition of due on Guarantee amount 52,617.66
(OVL) 2.7213% participating interest of Hess 07/05/2018 (`19,670.76 million)
Corporation in the ACG fields and 07/05/2023 (`32,946.90 million)
2.36% participating interest in the BTC
Pipeline) of:
5 year USD 300 Million - Due 07 May
10 year USD 500 million-Due 07 May
18 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for Long due on Guarantee amount 115,264.16
(OVL) term Loan of USD 1775 Million 27/11/2020 `1,15,264.16 million
for acquisition of R-2 10% PI from
19 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for Mozambiq. due on Guarantee amount 49,024.07
(OVL) BREML_ 6% Videocon_3.25% coupon 15/07/2019 `49,024.07 million
USD 750 Million - Due 15 July 19
20 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for Mozambiq. due on Guarantee amount 49,165.40
(OVL) BREML_ Videocon 6% USD 750 15/07/2024 `49,165.40 million
Million - Due 15th July 2024
21 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for Mozambiq. due on Guarantee amount 43,184.31
(OVL) OVL _ Anadrako 10% Euro 525 Million 15/07/2021 `43,184.31 million
- Due 15th July 2021
22 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for USD 400 due on Guarantee amount 28,447.53
(OVL) Million Bonds 2.875% due 27 Jan 2022; 27/01/2022 `28,447.53 million
Guarantee given to OVVL; capped
at 109 per cent of the total aggregate
principal amount
23 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Financial guarantee for USD 600 due on Guarantee amount 42,736.31
(OVL) Million Bonds 3.75% due 27 Jul 2026 27/07/2026 `42,736.30 million
Guarantee given to OVVL; capped
at 109 per cent. of the total aggregate
principal amount
Sl (a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/ (c) Duration of (d) Salient terms of the contracts or (e) Date(s) of (f) Amount paid as
no. relationship transactions the contracts / arrangements or transactions including the approval by advances, if any:
arrangements/ value, if any: the Board, if
transactions any:
Name Relationship Salient terms Transaction value
(`in million)
24 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Term Loan of USD 500 Million taken due on Guarantee amount 28,591.94
(OVL) to refinance Bridge Finance of USD 875 26/04/2022 `28,591.94 million
Million taken for acquisition of 11%
shares of CJSC Vankorneft by ONGC
Videsh Vankorneft Pte Ltd, Singapore.
USD 500 Million facility due April
2022: Guarantee capped at 103%of
Total Commitments
25 ONGC Videsh Ltd Subsidiary Term Loan of JPY 38 Billion taken to due on Guarantee amount 24,092.90
(OVL) refinance Bridge Finance of USD 875 26/04/2024 `24,092.90 million
Million taken for acquisition of 11%
shares of CJSC Vankorneft by ONGC
Videsh Vankorneft Pte Ltd, Singapore.
JPY 38 Billion facility due April 2024:
Guarantee capped at 103%of Total
26 Hindustan Petroleum Subsidiary Sale of crude oil and value added FY’18 As per sale agreement 37,506.46
Corporation Limited products
27 Hindustan Petroleum Subsidiary Purchase of petroleum oil and FY’18 As per contractual 916.39
Corporation Limited lubricants/high speed diesel agreement
30 ONGC Tripura Power Joint Sale of Natural gas FY’18 As per contractual 5,486.38
Company Limited Venture agreement
Sl (a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/ (c) Duration of (d) Salient terms of the contracts or (e) Date(s) of (f) Amount paid as
no. relationship transactions the contracts / arrangements or transactions including the approval by advances, if any:
arrangements/ value, if any: the Board, if
transactions any:
Name Relationship Salient terms Transaction value
(`in million)
32 ONGC Tripura Power Joint Management consultancy and interest FY’18 As per contractual 0.12
Company Limited Venture charges provided agreement
33 ONGC Petro additions Joint Sale of Naphtha & C2-C3 FY’18 As per contractual 36,599.87
Limited (OPaL) Venture agreement
34 ONGC Petro additions Joint Manpower deputation, loading and FY’18 As per contractual 202.12
Limited (OPaL) Venture other charges provided agreement
35 ONGC Petro additions Joint Commitment given for Backstopping FY’18 As per contractual 21,630.00
Limited (OPaL) Venture support for compulsory convertible agreement
36 ONGC Petro additions Joint Commitment given for Backstopping FY’18 As per contractual 1,058.13
Limited (OPaL) Venture support for compulsory convertible agreement
debentures-Interest Accrued
37 ONGC Teri Biotech Joint Bio-remediation services received FY’18 As per contractual 127.60
Limited (OTBL) Venture agreement
38 ONGC Teri Biotech Joint Field study charges and rent for colony FY’18 As per contractual 0.19
Limited (OTBL) Venture accommodation provided agreement
39 Dahej SEZ Limited Joint Lease rent for SEZ land of C2-C3 plant FY’18 As per contractual 13.67
(DSEZ) Venture agreement
40 Mangalore SEZ Joint Services provided to Mangalore SEZ FY’18 Actual 0.09
41 Pawan Hans Limited Associate FE loss (gain) on hiring of Helicopter FY’18 Actual 5.46
(PHL) from PHL
42 Pawan Hans Limited Associate Hiring of helicopter services from PHL FY’18 As per contractual 1,456.81
(PHL) agreement
43 Pawan Hans Limited Associate Miscellaneous receipt on account of FY’18 Actual 0.45
(PHL) liquidated damages from PHL
44 Pawan Hans Limited Associate Investment in equity share of PHL FY’18 Actual 1,528.16
45 Pawan Hans Limited Associate Dividend income received FY’18 Actual 181.24
46 Petronet LNG Limited Associate Facilities services received at C2-C3 FY’18 As per contractual 210.69
(PLL) plant & reimbursement of consultant agreement
Sl (a) Name(s) of the related party and nature of (b) Nature of contracts/arrangements/ (c) Duration of (d) Salient terms of the contracts or (e) Date(s) of (f) Amount paid as
no. relationship transactions the contracts / arrangements or transactions including the approval by advances, if any:
arrangements/ value, if any: the Board, if
transactions any:
Name Relationship Salient terms Transaction value
(`in million)
47 Petronet LNG Limited Associate Director sitting fee received FY’18 Actual 0.26
48 Petronet LNG Limited Associate Purchase of LNG FY’18 Actual 2,025.47
49 Petronet LNG Limited Associate Dividend Income received FY’18 Actual 468.75
50 ONGC CSSS TRUST Trust Contribution FY’18 Actual 1,217.78
5 (1) Setting up homes and approx. 20% of CSR (` in million)
hostels for women and budget
Particulars 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
orphans; setting up old
age homes, day care Profit as per 26,358.17 23,081.03 23,616.73
centres and other such Sec 198
facilities for senior
Average net profit in terms of Section 135 for the
(2) Protection of national last three years `24,351.97 Million.
heritage, art and
culture including
Q4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two per cent of the
restoration of buildings amount as in item 3 above).
and sites of historical
Ans. The prescribed CSR expenditure for FY’18 was
importance and works
of art; setting up public `4,870.4 million (2% of the average profit in terms
libraries; promotion of Section 135 for the last three years).
and development of
traditional arts and
Q5. Details of CSR spent during the financial year.
handicrafts Ans. Against the allocated CSR Budget of `4,870.40
(3) Training to promote
million, the Company spent an amount of `5034.4
rural sports, regionally
recognised sports, million in FY’18. This translates to overall
Paralympics sports and utilization of 103.37 % of the CSR Budget.
Olympic sports
(4) Other areas mentioned The details are enclosed as Enclosure to
in Schedule - VII Annexure B.
The Public portal of ONGC,, has the link to the CSR and SD activities and to a
host of policies directed towards the betterment of disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised section of
Q. 6. In case the Company has failed to spend the two
stakeholders. percent of the average net profit of the last three
financial years or any part thereof, the Company
Q2. The composition of the CSR Committee as on
shall present the reasons for not spending the
amount in the Board report.
Ans. ONGC CSR committee comprised of the following
Ans. The Company has spent an amount of `5,034.4
million in FY’18. This translates to more than two
• Shri Ajai Malhotra, Independent Director – percent of the average net profit of the last three
Chairman of the Committee financial years.
• Prof. S B Kedare, Independent Director –
Responsibility Statement
• Shri Vivek Mallya, Independent Director – This is to certify that the implementation and monitoring
Member of the CSR Policy in respect of all projects/ programs
covered under CSR initiatives for the year 2017-18, is
• Shri Santrupt Misra, Independent Director –
in compliance with CSR objectives and Policy of the
• Shri Sambit Patra, Independent Director –
• Shri D. D. Misra, Director (HR)-ONGC –
Sd/- Sd/- .
(Shashi Shanker) (Ajai Malhotra)
Q3. Average net profit of the Company for last three Chairman & Managing Director Independent Director
financial years. Chairman,
Ans. Average net profit of the Company for last three CSR & SD Committee
financial years is as under;
1 Support for National Healthcare Local Nagpur, Maharashtra 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 Dr. Aabaji Thatte Seva
Cancer Hospital, Aur Anusandhan
Nagpur, Maharashtra Sanstha through ONGC
2 Construction of 16000 Sanitation Local/ East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna in 559.90 559.90 559.90 Sulabh International Social
IHHLs Other Andhra Pradesh, Jorhat in Assam, Mehsana, Service Organisation
Surat, Vadodara in Gujarat, Mangalajodi in through ONGC
Odisha, Ariyalur, Ramnad, Thiruvarur in Foundation
Tamil Nadu, Varanasi in UP
3 ONGC Multispeciality Healthcare Local Assam 990.70 109.80 109.80 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Hospital at Rajabari, Vaidyakiy Pratishthan
Sibsagar, Assam through ONGC
4 Construction of Tapas Education Other Karnataka 53.30 47.90 47.90 Rashtrotthana Parishat
and P.U.College building
for Rashtrotthana
Vidya Kendra at
5 Cleanliness drive at Sanitation Local Andhra Pradesh 130.00 42.30 42.30 Tirumala Tirupati
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam through
Devasthanams (TTD), ONGC Foundation
6 Sports Complex at Promotion of Other Karnataka 136.80 41.11 41.11 Institute for Integrated
Dharwad Sports Rural Development
7 Project Saraswati Drinking water Other Haryana 56.40 40.00 40.00 Water and Power
facilities Consultancy Services
(India) Limited (WAPCOS)
through ONGC
8 Restoration Works at Protection Local Uttarakhand 56.40 35.40 35.40 District Administration,
Kedarnath of national Radraprayag, Shri
heritage Kedarnath Utthan
Charitable Trust
9 Promotion of Sanskrit Education Other All India 116.00 43.60 43.60 Samskrit Promotion
Language Foundation
10 Varishthajan Swastha Healthcare Local Operational area including the States of 199.00 49.00 49.00 "HelpAge India
Sewa Abhiyaan Operations
Sl. CSR Project or Sector in which Project or Program Amount outlay Amount spent on the project Cumulative Amount spent: Direct or
No. activity identified the Project is (budget) or program expenditure through Implementing
covered project or up to the agency (IA)
program wise reporting
Local / State and District where project or program (` in Million) Direct Overheads period
other was undertaken expenditure (` in (` in
(` in Million) Million) Million)
11 Cleaning & Restoration Protection Other Uttar Pradesh 106.90 30.60 30.60 National Buildings
of 4 historic Kunds at of national Construction Corporation
Varanasi heritage Ltd.
12 Construction of Ecological Other Vikarabad, Telangana 47.20 28.30 28.30 Ekalavya Foundation
Administrative balance
Block and Student
Dormitories at
13 Construction of a new Women Other Karnataka 146.80 24.20 24.20 Government Lady Goschen
ONGC-MRPL wing Empowerment Hospital & MRPL Block
of Government Lady Building Fund
Goschen Hospital,
14 Swachh Vidyalaya Education Local/ Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Odisha, Bihar, 78.00 22.20 22.20 Aroville Foundation
Abhiyan - Information Other West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat,
Education Tamil Nadu
Communication (IEC)
15 Women Skilling & Women Other Bihar 67.10 20.10 20.10 Bhartiya Micro Credit
Entrepreneurship Empowerment
Development through
Khadi Solar Charkha
in Nawada and
Sheikhpura in Bihar
16 Bio-CNG Plant at Ensuring Local Uttarakhand 18.90 18.90 18.90 Shree Krishnayan
Haridwar, Dehradun environmental Desi Gauraksha Avam
sustainability Golokdham Sewa Samiti
17 Construction of a Education Other Haryana 34.10 17.30 17.30 Indian Society Of
secondary school Agribusiness Professionals
building at Dhaula,
18 Construction of B.Ed. Education Other Arunachal Pradesh 59.00 14.80 14.80 Vivekananda Kendra
College, at Nirjuli, Vidyalayas Arunachal
Arunachal Pradesh Pradesh Trust
19 Construction of Boys Education Other Karnataka 137.60 14.20 14.20 Swami Vivekananda Yoga
Hostel at Vivekananda Anusandhana Samsthana
Yoga Anusandhan (S VYASA)
Sl. CSR Project or Sector in which Project or Program Amount outlay Amount spent on the project Cumulative Amount spent: Direct or
No. activity identified the Project is (budget) or program expenditure through Implementing
covered project or up to the agency (IA)
program wise reporting
Local / State and District where project or program (` in Million) Direct Overheads period
other was undertaken expenditure (` in (` in
(` in Million) Million) Million)
20 Construction of an Education Local Odisha 47.20 14.20 14.20 Sivananda Centenary Boys
academic building and High School
2 hostel buildings at
Sivananda Centenary
Boys’ High School,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
21 Swachh Bharat Schedule VII of Local / All India 1156.00 765.90 765.90 Various implementing
Abhiyan the Companies other Agencies
22 Health Infrastructure Healthcare Local / Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil 134.70 58.50 58.50 Various implementing
CSR Projects other Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Agencies
Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,
Tripura, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, Haryana
23 Health Initiatives Healthcare Local / All India 156.00 140.80 140.80 Various implementing
other Agencies
24 Education & Skill Education Local / All India 565.00 300.00 300.00 Various implementing
Development Projects & Skill other Agencies
25 Support to KV Schools Education Local Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Tripura, 483.50 479.60 479.60 Kendriya Vidyalaya
Assam, Andhra Pradesh
26 Women Empowerment Schedule VII of Local / Assam, Tripura, Maharashtra, Arunachal 55.20 29.30 29.30 Various implementing
& Reducing the Companies other Pradesh, Delhi, Odisha, Karnataka, Agencies
inequalities CSR Act Rajasthan, Haryana
27 Environment Schedule VII of Local / Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, J&K, 202.40 152.40 152.40 Various implementing
Protection CSR Project the Companies other Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Agencies
Act Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand
28 CSR projects/activities Schedule VII of Local / Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Goa, 85.40 79.60 79.60 Various implementing
for welfare of SCs/STs the Companies other Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Agencies
Act Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu ,
Telangana, Tripura, Uttarakhand, West
29 CSR Projects for Schedule VII of Local / Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Gujarat, 31.60 25.00 25.00 Various implementing
promotion of Art and the Companies other Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Agencies
Culture Act Pradesh
30 Projects for promotion Schedule VII of Local / Arunachal Pradesh, Delhi, Himachal 97.90 78.40 78.40 Various implementing
of Sports the Companies other Pradesh, Manipur, Odisha, Punjab, Tripura, Agencies
Act Uttarakhand
Sl. CSR Project or Sector in which Project or Program Amount outlay Amount spent on the project Cumulative Amount spent: Direct or
No. activity identified the Project is (budget) or program expenditure through Implementing
covered project or up to the agency (IA)
program wise reporting
Local / State and District where project or program (` in Million) Direct Overheads period
other was undertaken expenditure (` in (` in
(` in Million) Million) Million)
31 Rural Development Schedule VII of Local / Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, 64.60 42.40 42.40 Various implementing
CSR Programmes the Companies other Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Agencies
Act Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,
32 CSR Projects of Schedule VII of Local Operational area including the States of 557.80 438.20 438.20 Various implementing
Onshore Asset/ Basin the Companies Operations Agencies
33 CSR Projects of Schedule VII of Local Operational area including the States of 25.00 19.10 19.10 Various implementing
Offshore Asset/ Basin the Companies Operations Agencies
34 CSR Projects of Schedule VII of Local Operational area including the States of 2.90 2.90 2.90 Various implementing
Exploration Group the Companies Operations Agencies
35 CSR Projects of Plants Schedule VII of Local Operational area including the States of 15.30 10.10 10.10 Various implementing
the Companies Operations Agencies
36 CSR Projects by Schedule VII of Local Operational area including the States of 49.50 24.70 24.70 Various implementing
Administrative the Companies Operations Agencies
Offices/ Institutes Act
37 Administrative Expense 213.70
13. Hazira Plant shines at GCI Awards 2017 the private players for 2016-17 for accident-free
‘Occupational Health and Safety Management operations and losing no man hours. The Minister for
Award 2017’ and ‘Environment Management Petroleum and Natural Gas and Skill Development
Award 2017’ both in Platinum Category was and Entrepreneurship Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan
awarded to Hazira plant of ONGC on August 3, presented the award to the Asset.
2017 during a function conducted by Grow Care 20. Corporate HSE Excellence Award 2017
India Foundation(GCI) at Chandigarh.
Workover Rig CW-100-XII of Assam Asset was
14. Hazira Plant bags “Super Achiever Award” awarded “Best Onshore Workover Rig” under
Hazira Plant bagged the 16th Annual Greentech Corporate HSE Excellence Award 2017.
Safety Super Achiever Award 2017 in Gas 21. 16th Annual Greentech Safety Award 2017
Processing Sector for outstanding achievement in
Safety and Occupational Health Management. The Logging Services Nazira, Assam Asset was awarded
award was presented on 14th December 2017 during GOLD AWARD in Petroleum Exploration Sector
16th Annual Greentech OHS Conference 2017 at Category for outstanding achievement in safety
Goa Hazira Plant is the first ONGC unit to clinch Management in “16th Annual Greentech Safety
an award in Super Achiever Category. Award 2017” by Greentech Foundation. In addition,
15. IDT wins Gold Skoch Blue Economy Award 2017 Assam Asset also won 3 more gold awards in “16th
Annual Greentech Safety Award 2017”.
Institute of Drilling Technology (IDT), an Institute
of the Company, based on its nomination under 22. Assam asset won 12 Safety Awards (8 first and 4
“Technology-Blue Economy” Category, was second) in North East Oil & Coal Mines Safety
awarded with Gold Skoch Blue Economy Award in Week Observance-2017 (NEOCMSW-2017)
the 50th Skoch Summit held on 20-21 December (conducted under the aegis of DGMS). GGS-8,
2017 at New Delhi. IDT secured this award Lakwa won the Best Installation Award for 2017.
for its cementing (R&D) project Titled “Novel
Cementing Solution for In-Situ Combustion 23. 16th Annual Greentech Foundation
Wells and Successful Field Implementation: Case Three production installations of Jorhat Asset were
Histories.” This is the highest independent honour awarded coveted prizes in 16th Annual Greentech
for technology by the Skoch Group. Foundation at Goa. Borholla GGS and Nambar
16. Hazira Plant bags Innov Award 2017 GGS were awarded Gold prize and Khoraghat GGS
Hazira Plant was adjudged the winner of ‘Innov bagged Silver in Petroleum Sector.
Awards 2017’ for the Occupational Health and 24. National Safety Awards
Safety Management in Platinum Category, by Ek
Kaam Desh Ke Naam Foundation. The coveted Rajahmundry Asset was awarded the National
award was presented on January 15, 2018 Safety Awards for the “Lowest Injury Frequency
Rate” in drilling mines category for the years 2013
17. Ankleshwar bags Governor’s Award for CSR from Hon’ble President of India in the year 2017.
ONGC Ankleshwar Asset has been awarded special
25. RCMT, Sivasagar bagged Gold award in “GCI
award for promotion of Thalassemia Prevention by
Occupational Health & Safety Award 2017” by Go
Indian Red Cross Society, under CSR. The award
was presented during an award ceremony held at Raj Care India, Delhi.
Bhavan, Gandhinagar. 26. WOR CW-50-IV has been awarded “Green-tech
18. Hazira Plant conferred with OSHAI Awards 2017 Safety Award (Gold), 2017” for safety management
Hazira Plant was awarded with First Prize for being
“Safe Employer of the Year”, “Environment Friendly Well Services Ankleshwar has been conferred
Employer of the Year”, and “Sustainable Employer of with 16th Greentech Award-2017 for safety to
the Year” during 4th Annual HSE Congress India on Workover Rig CW- 100-VII and WC&T in
May 4, 2017 at Mumbai conducted by Occupational Gold Category and for Environment to WSS in
Safety & Health Association of India (OSHAI). Platinum category.
19. Best Onshore Asset 2016-17 27. Infocom Services has received industry accolade
Rajahmundry Asset was adjudged the Best Onshore in terms of Shogun 2017 Award by IDG India on
Asset amongst all the oil and gas companies including September 1, 2017 at Pune by IDG India.
Sl. Name and Address of the Company CIN/GLN Holding/ % of Applicable
No. Subsidiary/ Shares Section
Associate Held by
4. Petronet MHB Limited@ U85110KA1998PLC024020 Subsidiary 65.44% 2(87)
Corporate Miller, 2nd Floor, Block B 332/1,
Thimmaiah Road, Vasanth Nagar, Bengaluru,
Bengalure- 560052
5. Prize Petroleum Company Ltd* U74899DL1998GOI096845 Subsidiary 100.00% 2(87)
“Jeevan Bharti Building”’, 11th Floor, Tower-1, 124,
Connaught Place, Indira Chowk, New Delhi- 110001
6. HPCL Bio Fuels Ltd* U24290BR2009GOI014297 Subsidiary 100.00% 2(87)
House No.271, Road No.3E, Holding No.437 & 438
Ward No.22, New Patliputra Colony, Patna- 800013
7. HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd* U23201RJ2013GOI043865 Subsidiary 74.00% 2(87)
‘’Tel Bhavan’’, Sahkar Marg LaL kothi Vistar, Jyoti
Nagar, Jaipur-302005
8. HPCL Middle East FZCO* N.A Subsidiary 100.00% 2(87)
1 W 101, PO Box No. 54618, Dubai Airport Free
Talwar Dubai
9. ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited# U40107KA2006PLC041258 Subsidiary 48.99% 2(87)
Mangalore Special Economic Zone, Permude,
Mangalore – 574 509
Category of No. of Shares held at the No. of Shares held at %
Shareholders beginning of the year the end of the year Change
the year
Demat Physical Total % of Demat Physical Total % of
total total
Shares Shares
i) Others - - - - 1800 - 1800 - -
Sub-total 2342363614 18198 2342381812 18.25 2402012487 14910 2402027397 18.71 0.46
2. Non- Insti-
a) Bodies Corp. 1473905689 14829 1473920518 11.49 1449730114 12910 1449743024 11.30 (0.19)
i) Indian
ii) Overseas
b) Individuals
i) Individual 218872401 1187030 220059431 1.71 221861000 1133938 222994938 1.74 0.03
nominal share
capital upto
`1 lakh
ii) Individual 28907717 - 28907717 0.22 21970788 4500 21975288 0.17 (0.05)
nominal share
capital in
excess of
`1 lakh
c) Others
Non Resident 7650988 58603 7709591 0.06 8515476 45183 8560659 0.07 0.01
Clearing 168631 7110940 7279571 0.06 2963893 6334042 9297935 0.07 0.01
Trusts 17323369 - 17323369 0.13 28601414 - 28601414 0.22 0.09
Foreign 2661 - 2661 - 2269 - 2269 - -
Sub-total 1746831456 8371402 1755202858 13.68 1733644954 7530573 1741175527 13.57 (0.11)
Total Public 4089195070 8389600 4097584670 31.93 4135657441 7545483 4143202924 32.28 0.35
C. Shares held - - - - - - - - -
by Custodian
for GDRs &
Grand Total 12824845580 8389600 12833235180 100.00 12825689697 7545483 12833235180 100.00 0.00
(iv) Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs
and ADRs): (*)
Sl. Particulars Shareholding at the beginning of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year
For Each of the top 10 Shareholders No. of shares % of total shares of No. of Shares % of total shares of
the Company the Company
Sl. Particulars Shareholding at the beginning of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year
For Each of the top 10 Shareholders No. of shares % of total shares of No. of Shares % of total shares of
the Company the Company
Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment
`in million
Particulars Secured Loans Unsecured Deposits Total
excluding Loans Indebtedness
I. Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year
i) Principal Amount - - - -
ii) Interest due but not paid - - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due - - - -
Total (i+ii+iii) - - - -
II. Change in Indebtedness during the financial year
Additions 186,157 396,078 - 582,235
Reduction 186,157 140,144 - 326,301
Net Change - 255,934 - 255,934
III. Indebtedness at the end of the financial year
i) Principal Amount - 255,922 - 255,922
ii) Interest due but not paid - - - -
iii) Interest accrued but not due - 12 - 12
Total (I+II+III) - 255,934 - 255,934
B. Remuneration to other Directors:
Sl. Particulars of Name of Directors Total
No. Remuneration Amount (`)
Shri Ajai Prof. Shri K.M. Shri Shri Vivek Shri Sumit Dr. Smt. Ganga Dr. Sambit
Malhotra Shireesh Padmanabhan Deepak Mallya Bose Santrupt B. Murthy Patra
Balwant Sethi Misra appointed appointed
Kedare w.e.f. w.e.f.
23.09.2017 28.10.2017
1. Independent
• Fee for
attending 17,80,000 14,40,000 16,90,000 16,10,000 18,60,000 14,60,000 6,70,000 6,50,000 3,50,000 1,15,10,000
• Commission - - - - - - - - - -
• Others, please - - - - - - - - - -
Total (1) 17,80,000 14,40,000 16,90,000 16,10,000 18,60,000 14,60,000 6,70,000 6,50,000 3,50,000 1,15,10,000
2. Other Non- - - - - - - - - - -
• Fee for
• Commission
• Others, please
Total (2) - - - - - - - - - -
Total (B)=(1+2) 17,80,000 14,40,000 16,90,000 16,10,000 18,60,000 14,60,000 6,70,000 6,50,000 3,50,000 1,15,10,000
Total Managerial 17,80,000 14,40,000 16,90,000 16,10,000 18,60,000 14,60,000 6,70,000 6,50,000 3,50,000 1,15,10,000
Ceiling as per Not applicable as Section 197 of Companies Act, 2013 is not applicable to Government Companies.
the Act
Appendix to Annexure D
Name Change in Shareholding Cumulative Shareholding
during the year
(1) LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
OF INDIA shares of the shares of the
Company Company
Name Change in Shareholding Cumulative Shareholding
during the year
(4) CPSE ETF No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
Company Company
7-Jul-17 Purchase 83,234 81,653,907 0.64
14-Jul-17 Sale -122,826 81,531,081 0.64
21-Jul-17 Sale -930,500 80,600,581 0.63
28-Jul-17 Sale -29,776 80,570,805 0.63
4-Aug-17 Sale -107,938 80,462,867 0.63
11-Aug-17 Sale -465,250 79,997,617 0.62
18-Aug-17 Sale -93,050 79,904,567 0.62
25-Aug-17 Sale -4,198,416 75,706,151 0.59
1-Sep-17 Sale -4,272,856 71,433,295 0.56
8-Sep-17 Sale -197,266 71,236,029 0.56
15-Sep-17 Sale -3,954,225 67,281,804 0.52
20-Sep-17 Purchase 63,325 67,345,129 0.52
22-Sep-17 Sale -74,500 67,270,629 0.52
29-Sep-17 Sale -160,175 67,110,454 0.52
6-Oct-17 Sale -57,669 67,052,785 0.52
13-Oct-17 Sale -185,558 66,867,227 0.52
20-Oct-17 Sale -321,468 66,545,759 0.52
27-Oct-17 Sale -583,128 65,962,631 0.51
31-Oct-17 Sale -235,494 65,727,137 0.51
3-Nov-17 Sale -209,328 65,517,809 0.51
6-Nov-17 Sale -59,808 65,458,001 0.51
10-Nov-17 Sale -228,018 65,229,983 0.51
17-Nov-17 Sale -238,803 64,991,180 0.51
24-Nov-17 Sale -71,307 64,919,873 0.51
1-Dec-17 Sale -30,994 64,888,879 0.51
8-Dec-17 Sale -60,160 64,828,719 0.51
15-Dec-17 Sale -67,680 64,761,039 0.50
22-Dec-17 Sale -282,000 64,479,039 0.50
29-Dec-17 Sale -63,920 64,415,119 0.50
5-Jan-18 Purchase 146,640 64,561,759 0.50
12-Jan-18 Sale -236,880 64,324,879 0.50
19-Jan-18 Sale -82,720 64,242,159 0.50
26-Jan-18 Sale -180,480 64,061,679 0.50
2-Feb-18 Sale -106,950 63,954,729 0.50
9-Feb-18 Sale -233,616 63,721,113 0.50
16-Feb-18 Sale -45,216 63,675,897 0.50
23-Feb-18 Purchase 532,047 64,207,944 0.50
2-Mar-18 Sale -999,926 63,208,018 0.49
9-Mar-18 Purchase 503,966 63,711,984 0.50
14-Mar-18 Sale -45,816 63,666,168 0.50
16-Mar-18 Sale -11,454 63,654,714 0.50
23-Mar-18 Purchase 206,596 63,861,310 0.50
30-Mar-18 Purchase 84,282 63,945,592 0.50
(C) at the end of the year (or on the date of 63,945,592 0.50
separation if separated during the year)
Name Change in Shareholding Cumulative Shareholding
during the year
(5) ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED shares of the shares of the
Company Company
1-Dec-17 Sale -5,234 72,326,040 0.56
8-Dec-17 Purchase 906,018 73,232,058 0.57
15-Dec-17 Purchase 22,667 73,254,725 0.57
22-Dec-17 Purchase 376,449 73,631,174 0.57
29-Dec-17 Purchase 571,608 74,202,782 0.58
5-Jan-18 Purchase 801,884 75,004,666 0.58
12-Jan-18 Purchase 233,485 75,238,151 0.59
19-Jan-18 Sale -721,579 74,516,572 0.58
26-Jan-18 Sale -37,107 74,479,465 0.58
2-Feb-18 Sale -68,979 74,410,486 0.58
9-Feb-18 Sale -45,755 74,364,731 0.58
16-Feb-18 Sale -1,517,605 72,847,126 0.57
23-Feb-18 Purchase 3,197 72,850,323 0.57
2-Mar-18 Sale -30,770 72,819,553 0.57
9-Mar-18 Purchase 294,206 73,113,759 0.57
14-Mar-18 Purchase 18,673 73,132,432 0.57
16-Mar-18 Sale -362,423 72,770,009 0.57
23-Mar-18 Purchase 119,339 72,889,348 0.57
30-Mar-18 Purchase 642,014 73,531,362 0.57
(C) at the end of the year (or on the date of 73,531,362 0.57
separation if separated during the year)
Name Change in Shareholding Cumulative Shareholding during
the year
(8) GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND GLOBAL No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
Company Company
(A) At the beginning of the year 40,151,680 0.31
(B) Date wise Increase/ Decrease in Shareholding during
the year specifying the reasons for increase/ decrease
(e.g. allotment/ transfer/ bonus/ sweat equity etc):
Date Transaction
7-Apr-17 Opening - 40,151,680 0.31
14-Apr-17 Purchase 344,501 40,496,181 0.32
28-Apr-17 Purchase 1,084,200 41,580,381 0.32
5-May-17 Purchase 900,000 42,480,381 0.33
12-May-17 Purchase 1,216,638 43,697,019 0.34
16-Jun-17 Purchase 1,000,000 44,697,019 0.35
7-Jul-17 Purchase 952,991 45,650,010 0.36
14-Jul-17 Purchase 253,087 45,903,097 0.36
28-Jul-17 Purchase 638,027 46,541,124 0.36
4-Aug-17 Purchase 865,000 47,406,124 0.37
11-Aug-17 Purchase 243,902 47,650,026 0.37
20-Sep-17 Purchase 708,617 48,358,643 0.38
22-Sep-17 Purchase 632,381 48,991,024 0.38
29-Sep-17 Purchase 1,089,520 50,080,544 0.39
6-Oct-17 Purchase 22,048 50,102,592 0.39
27-Oct-17 Purchase 2,770,242 52,872,834 0.41
10-Nov-17 Sale -1,262,415 51,610,419 0.40
24-Nov-17 Purchase 745,402 52,355,821 0.41
1-Dec-17 Purchase 1,850,592 54,206,413 0.42
8-Dec-17 Purchase 302,014 54,508,427 0.42
5-Jan-18 Purchase 1,609,471 56,117,898 0.44
19-Jan-18 Purchase 170,904 56,288,802 0.44
26-Jan-18 Purchase 516,262 56,805,064 0.44
2-Feb-18 Purchase 1,370,877 58,175,941 0.45
23-Feb-18 Purchase 247,096 58,423,037 0.46
2-Mar-18 Purchase 1,753,429 60,176,466 0.47
9-Mar-18 Purchase 675,231 60,851,697 0.47
14-Mar-18 Purchase 23,902 60,875,599 0.47
(C) at the end of the year (or 60,875,599 0.47
on the date of separation
if separated during the
Name Change in Shareholding Cumulative Shareholding during
the year
(10) VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
INDEX FUND shares of the shares of the
Company Company
(A) At the beginning of the year 37,180,535 0.29
(B) Date wise Increase/ Decrease in Shareholding during
the year specifying the reasons for increase/ decrease
(e.g. allotment/ transfer/ bonus/ sweat equity etc):
Date Transaction
7-Apr-17 Purchase 337,096 37,517,631 0.29
14-Apr-17 Purchase 139,054 37,656,685 0.29
21-Apr-17 Purchase 178,229 37,834,914 0.29
5-May-17 Purchase 174,686 38,009,600 0.30
26-May-17 Purchase 173,069 38,182,669 0.30
23-Jun-17 Purchase 192,725 38,375,394 0.30
30-Jun-17 Purchase 196,773 38,572,167 0.30
14-Jul-17 Purchase 307,289 38,879,456 0.30
11-Aug-17 Purchase 192,351 39,071,807 0.30
25-Aug-17 Purchase 245,824 39,317,631 0.31
27-Oct-17 Purchase 564,131 39,881,762 0.31
8-Dec-17 Purchase 319,046 40,200,808 0.31
15-Dec-17 Purchase 235,629 40,436,437 0.32
19-Jan-18 Purchase 371,839 40,808,276 0.32
16-Feb-18 Purchase 268,913 41,077,189 0.32
2-Mar-18 Purchase 263,603 41,340,792 0.32
9-Mar-18 Purchase 437,098 41,777,890 0.33
14-Mar-18 Purchase 345,888 42,123,778 0.33
23-Mar-18 Sale -652,520 41,471,258 0.32
(C) at the end of the year (or 41,471,258 0.32
on the date of separation
if separated during the
software R5000 V 1 (procured in year 2012) to • Float over method of platform installation:
R5000 V 14.1 (5 licenses + 4 EDMs) along with ONGC has adopted state-of-the-art “Float-Over
one year AMC. Technology” for Offshore platform installation
• Upgraded HPHT Consistometer (up to 3150C) resulting in saving of offshore construction time.
in Cementing Lab: The HPHT Consistometer B-193-AP & HRD process platforms have been
is integral equipment required for determination installed in Dec’12 and Jan’2015 respectively
of thickening time and consistency of cement using Float-Over method.
slurry in accordance with relevant API spec 10A • Aqua MTM (Magnetic Tomography Method),
& RP 10B-2 standards. Upgradation of this HPHT a non- intrusive type of diagnostic survey for
Consistometer enables IDT Cementing lab to sub-sea pipelines, has been implemented in
measure the parameter up to temperature 315OC; NH Asset for the first time not only in ONGC
earlier maximum temperature limit was up to but also in India for integrity assessment of the
260OC only. pipelines.
• Upgraded Compressive Strength Testing • CTU conveyed Sand Jet Perforation for
Machine: The Compressive Strength Testing fracturing in CBM wells.
Machine is integral equipment required for • Premium screens for sand control installed
determination of the compressive strength of in wells of Mehsana & Cambay Asset to prevent
cement mold in accordance with API spec 10A sand production from highly unconsolidated
& RP 10B-2. With this upgradation, the machine sands.
can now measure Young’s modulus & Poisson’s
ratio along with compressive strength. • Sandface chemical dozing is being done for
improved flow assurance in heavy oil belt of
• Segmented completion with Swell Packer Mehsana Asset. 36 wells have been completed
& Sliding Sleeve: Segmented completions on Progressive Cavity Pump (PCP) with control
with swell packer & sliding sleeve is being used line for chemical dosing.
in wells of Western Offshore to isolate water
bearing zones/zones not to be comingled using • Directional Drilling Technologies: Technologies
open-hole swell packers and allowing flow like MWD, LWD and periscope related to
through sliding sleeves / inflow control valves. directional drilling, are being employed in
Offshore & Onshore fields to target the right
• Intelligent well completion carried out zone and overcome land availability issue (in
successfully in wells in Western Offshore for onshore). In addition to this Rotary Steerable
better layer wise production control. System (RSS) is being deployed for controlled
• Closed Fracturing Acidization (CFA) jobs have drilling and placement of well.
been successfully implemented in MH field. • KCL-PHPA Polymer mud system is being used
• Enzyme breakers and especially in-house in 12 ¼” and 8 ½”phases, this has helped in
developed chemical formulation for clean-up of reducing the well complications in Tripura asset.
drain holes for improving wellbore productivity • SRP Monitoring System: Implemented Cost
in offshore. Effective “Make in India” SRP Monitoring
• “Dissolvine Stimwell”, a well stimulation System in 57 wells in Limbodra (Ahmedabad
technique has been implemented in NH Asset Asset) for improvement of operational
in Mukhta formation of Panna field. efficiency. Further, this technology is being
• Installation of Dual ESP’s to improve ESP expanded to more SRP wells.
availability and to ensure rig-less interventions. • VFD (Variable Frequency Drive): Installed
Dual ESPs have been installed in NBP field. for the 1st time to control Strokes Per Minute
• Installation of Permanent Down-hole Gauge (SPM) of SRP in Jorhat Asset, as per well
(PDG) in wells of Mumbai High field for productivity. Use of VFD has resulted in
continuous pressure monitoring facilitating substantial reduction of power consumption in
optimization of production from wells. SRPs along with reduction in maintenance.
Financial year 2017-18 11. Polymer flooding in heavy oil reservoirs
1. Gas Chromotograph 12. LoSal Micro-pilot in Mumbai High South field
2. Resistivity Meter 13. Immiscible gas injection in Borholla field
3. StimGun Propellant-Assisted Perforating System
4. Wireless Surface Read out for Testing through DST 14. Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage process
5. Mechanical Pipe Cutter tool 15. Gas Tracer
6. DST wireless Cross Fire technique 16. Chemical Tracer test
7. GSMP (General surface multiple prediction) de-
multiple Software 17. MEOR Process technology
8. 5D-Regularization software 18. Integration of reservoir model and 3D-MEM
9. Techlog Petrophysical Analysis Tools technology
10. Cyclic Steam Stimulation followed by In-situ All the above technology has been fully absorbed by the
combustion Process Company.
The preparation of financial statements of Oil and ended 31 March 2018. This supplementary audit has been
Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the year ended 31 carried out independently without access to the working
March 2018 in accordance with the financial reporting papers of statutory auditors and is limited primarily to
framework prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 inquiries of the statutory auditors and company personnel
(Act) is the responsibility of the management of the and a selective examination of some of the accounting
company. The statutory auditors appointed by the records. On the basis of my audit nothing significant
Comptroller and Auditor General of India under section has come to my knowledge which would give rise to any
139 (5) of the Act are responsible for expressing opinion comment upon or supplement to statutory auditors’
on the financial statements under section 143 of the report.
Act based on independent audit in accordance with the
standards on auditing prescribed under section 143(10) For and on behalf of the
of the Act. This is stated to have been done by them vide Comptroller & Auditor General of India
their Audit Report dated 30 May 2018.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Sd/-
India, have conducted a supplementary audit under (Roop Rashi)
section 143(6) (a) of the Act of the financial statements Mumbai Principal Director of Commercial Audit &
of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the year 02.08.2018 ex-officio Member Audit Board-II, Mumbai
The preparation of consolidated financial statements of incorporated in Foreign countries under the respective
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the year laws, for appointment of their Statutory Auditor nor for
ended 31 March 2018 in accordance with the financial conduct of supplementary audit. Accordingly, C&AG has
reporting framework prescribed under the Companies neither appointed the Statutory Auditors nor conducted
Act, 2013 (Act) is the responsibility of the management the supplementary audit of these companies. This
of the company. The statutory auditors appointed by supplementary audit has been carried out independently
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India under without access to the working papers of the statutory
section 139 (5) read with section 129 (4) of the Act auditors and is limited primarily to inquiries of the
are responsible for expressing opinion on the financial statutory auditors and company personnel and a selective
statements under section 143 read with section 129 (4) examination of some of the accounting records.
of the Act based on independent audit in accordance
On the basis of my audit nothing significant has come
with the standards on auditing prescribed under section
to my knowledge which would give rise to any comment
143(10) of the Act. This is stated to have been done by
upon or supplement to statutory auditors’ report.
them vide their Audit Report dated 30 May 2018.
I, on behalf of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India, have conducted a supplementary audit under
section 143(6)(a) read with section 129(4) of the Act
of the consolidated financial statements of Oil and For and on behalf of the
Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the year ended 31 Comptroller & Auditor General of India
March 2018. We conducted a supplementary audit of
the financial statements of (Annexure –I), but did not
conduct supplementary audit of the financial statements Sd/-
of (Annexure-II) for the year ended on that date. (Roop Rashi)
Further, section 139(5) and 143 (6) (b) of the Act are Mumbai Principal Director of Commercial Audit &
not applicable to (Annexure-III) being private entities 02.08.2018 ex-officio Member Audit Board-II, Mumbai
Comments of C&AG 81
Annexure I Audit Conducted 14 Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited
Management Discussion
and Analysis Report
1. Global Economy “Snapshot of Indian Economy: The Indian economy
After a protracted period of underwhelming growth that has slowed in recent times and GDP growth in 2017, as
failed to deliver uniformly across the global map and per IMF WEO (April 2018), slipped to 6.7% compared to
often times lagged forecast numbers as a host of issues, 7.1% in 2016. This is the second consecutive year of lower
global GDP growth (in real terms) posted its best ever growth after having outpaced China in 2015 as the world’s
performance in the last 7 years. As per the April 2018 fastest growing major economy. However, this slowdown
World Economic Outlook (WEO) of International is less structural in nature and more in response to the
Monetary Fund (IMF), global GDP growth in 2017 market adjustment necessitated by the currency exchange
picked up from where it left in the latter half of 2016 initiative and the nationwide rollout of the uniform
reflected in the 3.8% uptick in world output. Performance taxation framework, Goods and Services Tax.
in the second half of the year was particularly impressive And the process of recovery is already underway – as per
coming in at above 4%, the strongest since the second half data released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), GDP
of 2010, supported by a recovery in investment. grew by 7.7 per cent in the fourth quarter of FY’18, with
This robust and, more importantly, evenly spread recovery the overall growth for the year at 6.7%. As per IMF WEO,
was primarily driven by resurgence in global trade and the country is projected to register GDP growth rates of
investment. International trade recovered strongly in 7.4% and 7.8% in 2018 and 2019 respectively. CRISIL
2017 after two years of weakness, to an estimated real Research projects a GDP growth of 7.5% for FY’19.
growth rate of 4.9%. Stock markets, across the map, made That being said, the policymakers must keep a keen eye
major gains in 2017: the MSCI all-country world index on the rising crude prices and the serious issue of bad-
gained 22% or USD 9tn on the year to an all-time high of debt laden banking sector. While the Government has
514.53. taken steps towards alleviating the banking sector crisis
Another reliable indicator of the health of international through a recapitalization plan, there is scarce little that
markets is the duo of global energy demand and the Government can do when it comes to crude prices.
commodity prices. Crude oil prices which had plumbed The uptick in international crude prices through 2017
to below USD 30 a barrel in the early part of 2016 closed (and the first half of 2018) then has effectively removed
the year at above USD 65 a barrel. As per the IHS-Markit, this latent buoy that the economy had at its disposal until
global crude oil demand grew by 1.9 million bpd in 2017, FY’17. Current account deficit in FY’18 is projected at
matching the pace set in 2015 which was more in response 1.9% versus 0.7% in FY’17.”
to the steep drop in crude prices. The natural gas price At the global level, the economy is expected to edge higher
index rose sharply, by 45% from August 2017 to February on the growth trajectory with a 3.9% uptick in GDP in
2018. Metal prices had also increased 8.3% from August 2018 as well as 2019 as per the IMF WEO. Momentum is
2017 to February 2018. sustained on the back of continued growth in the emerging
Advanced economies grew by 2.3% in 2017, against market and developing economies and positive knock-on
1.7% growth recorded in 2016. Strong growth has also effects in world markets from the accommodative fiscal
helped in the reduction of unemployment levels in many conditions in developed economies, particularly in the
advanced economies. US. Among the emerging economies, growth in India is
expected to offset the slowdown in the Chinese economy
The group of emerging and developing economies grew to an extent and recovery in commodity prices should
at a rate of 4.8% in 2017 versus the 4.4% growth recorded buoy investments and improvement in the fiscal situation
in 2016. GDP in China grew at 6.9% in 2017 compared for exporters in this group.
at 6.7% in 2016, well above the emerging market and
developing economy average. Despite two reasonably strong years of growth in 2016
and 2017 and a forecast for an encore through 2018 and
presented a more sanguine picture for oil price recovery exploratory endeavours. Oil accounted for 56% of
and, with it, for all near-term and future investment discovered volumes, a share last seen in 2008, with eight
plans in the hydrocarbon arena, especially the upstream out of the top ten discoveries being oil weighted.
segment as prices held sustainably around the USD 55/
While discovery costs edged up slightly relative to 2016,
bbl mark and kept edging higher as the year progressed.
the increase in average size of discovery and the return of
While the initial momentum for this recovery was wildcats in ultra-deepwater and frontier basins are the big
provided by the production cutback agreement, courtesy positives. If exploration projects in 2016 largely focused
OPEC and a select non-OPEC producers group, on near-field possibilities while more or less eschewing
impressive global oil demand growth in 2017 further frontier areas, wildcat successes of 2017 indicate a more
intensified the consolidation of crude prices consistently balanced approach is, perhaps, the more sustainable
above USD 50/bbl levels during the year. approach for operators in the long-term as they try to
manage both volume growth (or resource replacement)
The surge in crude prices have kicked into an even higher
and cost-efficiency. Exploratory drilling in frontier areas
gear in 2018 as geopolitical stress also started to weigh on
accounted for just 10% of the total wells drilled but
a market that is tangibly tighter than it was two years back.
returned 33% of the total discovered volumes.
Average Brent Crude prices for the month of May 2018 was
USD 76/bbl while WTI averaged around USD 70/bbl. As per Wood Mackenzie, five giant (>500 mmboe)
and 14 large (>100 mmboe) discoveries were made in
OPEC and non-OPEC production cut: 2017 with the 2.6 bnboe Yakaar gas discovery, made by
The rally in crude prices had kicked off in late 2016 with Kosmos-BP, in the ultra-deepwater of Senegal being the
the announcement of the production cut arrangement largest discovery of 2017.
between OPEC and a group of other non-OPEC While the US unconventional space has garnered the
producers. The agreement, which came into effect in most eyeballs in the current decade, the significance of
January 2017, promised to remove 1.8 million bpd of conventional exploration, and within it that of deepwater
crude from international markets. Abandoning the earlier discoveries, in meeting the rising global oil demand
plan to have the arrangement in place until the end of cannot be discounted. As per GlobalData, deep and ultra-
2018, the group, in their June 22 meeting in Vienna, instead deepwater resources accounted for almost half of the
decided to boost production supplies to put a cap on crude total recoverable discovered volumes from 2001 to 2016.
oil prices in view of oil’s rally in the first half of 2018. What has further emboldened operators’ more optimistic
Notwithstanding the initial scepticism surrounding the stance on deepwater operations is the reduced offshore
move’s efficacy in shoring up global crude prices, the group rig rates and the rise in global crude prices. Big-ticket
more than delivered on its target of removing 1.8 million discoveries in Senegal and Guyana and significant interest
bpd off markets. In May 2018, the group had exceeded their in Mexican deepwater and Brazilian pre-salt auctions
pledged cutback target by close to 50%. The new deal is indicate the changing outlook for offshore/deepwater
designed to effectively roll back the deeper-than-intended upstream business.
cuts from nations such as Venezuela, returning the curbs to
the level originally agreed in 2016 through higher output from Upstream Investments and Project FIDs
countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia which possess ample Oil and gas companies committed more capital to
spare capacity. While the arrangement is to bring online close operations in 2017, relative to 2016. Furthermore, with
to a million bpd to adjust global markets, analysts reckon the sustained oil prices at levels of over USD 60 a barrel in
eventual addition is likely to be close to 600,000 bpd, about the latter half of 2017 and no forecasts of prices trending
0.5% of global supply, as several members such as Venezuela lower in the near future, capital spends are likely to
and Libya are incapable of voluntarily raising output. further rise in 2018 by over 10%, as per Wood Mackenzie.
The US unconventional sector is even more bullish with
Exploration companies’ budgets up 18% year-on-year. Upstream E&D
As per initial estimates of Wood Mackenzie, conventional capex was USD 222 bn in 2017 and is projected to be over
discoveries at 11.2 billion boe are at their lowest in a USD 245 bn in 2018.
decade – but a success rate of 36% makes it the best The expanded appetite for more upstream activity is
year since 2013 in terms of targeted and more effective reflected in the higher number of Project Final Investment
out coal and nuclear. Pipeline transportation of gas too while corporate deal count at 25 was the lowest in 15
is fraught with significant execution risks on account years with only 1 deal valued in excess of USD 10 billion.
of diverse political and geopolitical interests. A case
The predominance of asset deals reflects the uncertainty
in point is Gazprom’s 55 bcm capacity Nordstream 2
surrounding the current oil price recovery as companies
pipeline which has already generated a lot of controversy
prefer to go in for strategic value-plus acquisitions instead
within the EU as countries strive to strike a fine balance
of a portfolio that could yield mixed results.
between domestic energy security and reducing Europe’s
dependence on Russian gas. In view of its energy appetite, Renewables
Asia remains the focus of most gas exporting countries.
While China is set to overtake Japan as the world’s largest Renewables clocked another strong year of growth in
natural gas importer and India setting aggressive targets 2017 – led by solar energy – on the back of drop in
of upping gas consumption reflected in its pickup in LNG costs and strong commitments to less-carbon intensive
imports in the past few years, Southeast Asia with the path of energy growth in developing economies (China,
likes of Indonesia and Malaysia is also emerging as a hub India, Brazil). As per the UNEP Global Renewable
for long-term LNG demand growth. Abundance of cheap Energy Trends Report, a record 157 GW of renewable
coal, pace of infrastructure buildup and import prices are power were commissioned in 2017, up from 143 GW in
the potential hurdles on its growth path. 2016 and far out-stripping the 70GW of net fossil fuel
generating capacity added last year. Solar alone accounted
Global LNG trade sustained its momentum in 2017 with for 98 GW, which translated to 38% of the net new power
volumes growing by 11% y-o-y to 297 MMT, as per IHS- capacity that came online during the year.
Markit data. Bulk of the demand was driven by Asian
consumers with China accounting for over 40% of the Investments in renewable energy edged up 2% during 2017
incremental volumes. Asian imports totalled over 70% of to USD 279.8 bn, taking cumulative investments to USD
the 2017 trade volume. 2.9 trillion since 2004. Developing economies committed
USD 177 billion to renewables in 2017, up 20%, compared
However, the LNG industry must quickly find a way out to USD 103 billion for developed countries, down 19%.
of its current impasse on project FIDs – just a total of 3 That investments in the sector continue to rise in a
projects were given the go-ahead in the past two years. Lack backdrop of falling costs of wind and solar and noticeable
of projects does not only dim the possibility of oversupply recovery of crude oil prices (and with it the business
it also sharply increases the chances of a tighter market in appetite in the hydrocarbon space) reaffirms that the
the next few years leading to spikes in prices. With LNG mainstreaming of renewables in the energy mix is here to
prices already on the rise with the recovery in crude oil stay and its criticality to achieving future energy goals has
prices, a protracted period of inactivity will deflate future found acceptance across the world.
LNG demand. Asian LNG prices in winter 2017/18 spiked
to over USD 11/MMBtu, more than double summer levels The potential for renewable energy sources are significant
and the highest prices for three years. in our country. As per the Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy, India has a wind potential of more than 300 GW
M&A at a hub height of 100 metre, solar potential of ~750
GW assuming 3% wasteland is made available and small
Global M&A activity rebounded for the second straight
hydro potential of~20 GW. As of March 2018, total
year on the back of stronger crude oil prices, as per IHS-
renewable power generation (including large hydro)
Markit reporting. Dealmaking was particularly strong in
installed capacity in the country stood at 114.31 GW,
the early part of the year as prices ticked over the USD 50
which is 33.23 per cent of the total installed capacity of
mark; however, the pace waned in the following quarters
344 GW. As part of the country’s COP 21 commitments,
as volatility returned to the markets and expectations of
the Government has formulated an action plan to achieve
buyers and sellers started to diverge on the fair value of
a total capacity of 60 GW from hydro power and 175
a transaction.
GW from other RES (excluding large hydro projects) by
As per IHS-Markit, Total transaction value for the full March, 2022, which includes 100 GW of Solar power, 60
year increased modestly, reaching nearly USD 160 billion. GW from wind power, 10 GW from biomass power and 5
Asset deal value rose strongly for the second straight year GW from small hydro power.
coming in at USD 112 billion, the highest in three years,
pertaining to subsidy-sharing resurfaces during periods of Natural Gas output in FY’18 increased to 32.65 Billion
high crude prices. Rating agency Moody’s has trimmed its Cubic Metres (BCM), the highest in 3 years, versus 31.90
India growth forecast to 7.3%for calendar year 2018 from BCM in FY’17. This was driven by an over 6% growth in
a previous projection of 7.5%, citing higher oil prices and ONGC domestic output (23.48 BCM) which more than
tighter financial conditions. offset declines in production from Oil India (2.88 BCM)
and other private operators (6.28 BCM).
The Prime Minister’s goal of achieving a 10% reduction
in imports by 2022 is clear statement of the enormity of Consumption of Petroleum Products
the issue in the domestic energy space. Stronger domestic
hydrocarbon output becomes a vital requirement for Domestic liquids consumption in FY’18 totalled ~205
meeting this ambitious goal. Under such circumstances, MMT, marking a growth of 5.3% over FY’17 volumes. This
ONGC’s role as the country’s foremost energy explorer was the second straight year that oil product demand failed to
assumes added significance. match the demand growth of over 11% registered in FY’16 as
the economy adjusted to the twin effects of demonetisation
While ONGC’s y-o-y production performance has and the nationwide rollout of GST regime. Despite the
remained consistent over the years and reserve accretion demand deceleration, growth still remained above the 10
track record has been equally positive, we have drawn up year average (4.8%).
more challenging production milestones and exploration
benchmarks with a view to making consequential Diesel continued to be the most in-demand product
contributions to the goal of import reduction by 2022. accounting for almost 40% of the total product volumes. After
a sharp slowdown in FY’17, demand for the industrial fuel
A raft of progressive reforms and policy declarations by picked up strongly in FY’18 (+6.6%) on the back of recovery
the Govt in the past few years have also set the tone for in economic and manufacturing activity, assembly elections
a timely reinvigoration of the domestic E&P space. The in states and strong commercial vehicle sales. Among other
new licensing regime (HELP), premium prices for gas major products, consumption of petrol (+10.1%), LPG
developed from difficult fields, the launch of Discovered (+8%) and Petroleum Coke (+9.3%) witnessed healthy
Small Fields (DSF) bid rounds and Open Acreage growth while demand for Naphtha and kerosene declined.
Licensing Policy (OALP) auctions suggest a more Looking ahead, IHS-Markit projects a return to a stronger
business-friendly administrative setup and a remunerative product demand trajectory in 2018 and 2019 on expectations
operating environment. for a continued rebound in economic growth, heightened
government spending ahead of key state and general elections,
Recent outcomes in the sector can be termed encouraging.
and the continuation of supportive policies, particularly for LPG
The DSF bid round witnessed the entry of new players
penetration, although higher oil prices could act as a slight drag
into the upstream arena while OALP auctions elicited
on growth for consumer fuels.
strong response from the traditional players of the
hydrocarbon space. The domestic Hydrocarbon Import and Export
reassessment program, led by ONGC, has resulted in the
enhancement of prognosticated hydrocarbon resources Crude oil imports grew by 3% in FY’18 to 220.4 MMT,
from 28.1Btoe (estimated in 1995) to 41.8 Btoe. National less than half of the decadal CAGR of over 6% growth.
2D Seismic program, wherein ONGC is the lead agency, This could be explained by the overall slowdown in the
is another important initiative in the upstream space economy which led to across the board dampening of
that is currently underway. The program expected to be demand. However, stronger imports are expected in
complete by 2019-20 should make future bid rounds the next couple of years in tandem with a strengthening
more attractive for companies. of domestic demand. Oil products import declined
marginally to around 36 MMT in FY’18.
Crude Oil & Natural Gas production
Crude oil import bill for FY’18 was `5,659.51billion
Domestic crude oil production in FY’18 stood at (USD 87.76 billion) against `4,701.59 billion (USD
35.68 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) versus 36.02 MMT 70.19 billion) during FY’17. The rally in crude prices
during FY’17. ONGC’s standalone production was 22.31 has markedly reduced the headroom that the sovereign
MMT vs 22.25 MMT in FY’17 . Production from Oil exchequer enjoyed during FY’16 and FY’17. Over the
India Ltd and PSC/JVs was 3.38 MMT and 10 MMT past two years, crude oil import bill in US dollars has
respectively. increased by 37%.
Ceiling Prices for Gas from HP-HT/Deep/Ultradeepwater to boost the attractiveness of operating in the domestic
(GCV basis) upstream space through seamless and round-the-year
1st Apr 16 – 30 th Sep 16 USD 6.61/mmBtu access of G&G data and flexibility to choose contracts
1 Oct 16 – 31 Mar 17
st st
USD 5.30/mmBtu (Petroleum Operations Contract and Reconnaissance
1st Apr 17 – 30 th Sep 17 USD 5.56/mmBtu Contract). So, far, Government has rolled out two OALP
1st Oct 17 – 31st Mar 18 USD 6.30/mmBtu
bid rounds. OALP-I witnessed a total of 110 bids by 9
companies for the 55 blocks that were made available by
1st Apr 18 – 30 th Sep 18 USD 6.78/mmBtu
DGH. ONGC submitted e-bids for a total of 37 blocks
Domestic Gas Hub: (30 blocks as operator and 7 blocks as JV partner). For
OALP-II, the window for submission of EoIs was open
In view of the persistent arguments within the industry from 16 Nov 2017 to 15 May 2018. ONGC has submitted
around what is the ‘right’ price for domestic gas, the EoI for 7 nos. of blocks.
setting up of a domestic gas hub is a worthwhile goal that
needs to be pursued in the larger interests of expanding the Discovered Small Field Policy:
domestic gas market. Not only does it enable a transparent
The government announced the Marginal Field Policy
and fair price discovery mechanism which motivates
(MFP) in 2015 with a view to incentivize the development
greater participation from companies, sellers and buyers
of small and marginal fields which were hitherto deemed
alike, it also accelerates the pace of infrastructure creation
commercially unviable. Two Discovered Small Fields
(pipelines, storage, re-gas facilities etc.).
(DSF) bid rounds have been conducted on the basis of
Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy the new policy.
(HELP): DSF-I (2016): It was launched in May 2016 and results
The Government of India, with an objective of boosting were announced by DGH in February 2017. A total of
oil and gas production in the Indian sedimentary Basin, 46 contract areas comprising of 67 oil and gas fields (61
has formulated and approved a new exploration and previously allocated to ONGC) distributed across nine
licensing policy named Hydrocarbon Exploration sedimentary basins were offered to prospective bidders. A
and Licensing Policy “HELP” vide resolution dated total of 134 e-bids were received for 34 Contract areas. 22
30.03.2016 whereby it has been determined to provide a companies (singly or in consortium) were shortlisted for
uniform license to enable E&P operators to explore and 31 Contract Areas. Of these 22 companies, 15 companies
extract all hydrocarbons resources including conventional are new entrants to the E&P sector. Cumulative peak
and non-conventional oil and gas resources. production of ~15000 bpd of oil and 2 MMSCMD of gas
from all the awarded fields is anticipated.
Pursuant to HELP, Government invited companies to
submit competitive bids to obtain the right to undertake DSF-II (2018): The second round of DSFP was notified
exploration, discovery and commercial production of by Government of India on 5th April, 2018. The current
Petroleum resources. Some of the key aspects of this new bid round has put on offer 26 contract areas encompassing
licensing regime are Open Acreage Licensing, uniform 60 small fields covering an area of 3,100 sq km in eight
license for all types of hydrocarbons, Revenue sharing sedimentary basins with an estimated total hydrocarbons
model, marketing and pricing freedom, low royalty for in place of 1.4 billion boe. Of these, 46 fields were earlier
offshore fields, continuous exploration under contract allocated to ONGC.
period etc.
Operational Performance:
Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP): For FY’18, Oil & Gas production of ONGC Group,
To operationalize the HELP framework, Govt of India including PSC-JVs and from overseas Assets has been
launched the Open Acreage Licensing Programme 64.21 MMtoe (against 61.64 MMtoe during FY’17).
(OALP) wherein upstream operators will be allowed to ONGC-operated domestic fields accounted for bulk of
put in offers for blocks of their choice for contracting based the oil and gas production – 64% and 80% respectively.
on the data available in the National Data Repository Oil and gas production profile from domestic as well as
(NDR) at any time by submitting an Expression of overseas assets during last five years are as given below:
Interest (EOI) indicating the area. OALP is expected
ONGC’s share in JV 3.13 3.29 3.57 3.68 3.75 ** Includes reserve for equity instruments fair valued through other comprehensive
ONGC Videsh 9.35 8.43 5.51 5.53 5.49
Natural Gas ONGC Group
29.42 27.65 25.94 26.86 27.72
Production (BCM)
(` in million)
ONGC 23.48 22.09 21.18 22.02 23.29
ONGC’s share in JV 1.13 1.18 1.35 1.50 1.56 % Increase/
Particulars FY’18 FY’17*
ONGC Videsh 4.81 4.37 3.41 3.34 2.87
Revenue from Operations: 3,622,462 3,256,662 11.23
Position of proved reserves of your Company is as below: EBIDTA 643,338 621,268 3.55
Rolling average of Lifting cost (USD /boe) for 3 years approach to its capital program and project investments.
in respect of ONGC has been USD 12.87/bbl which is Against the larger industry-wide trend of decline in
comparable to most international upstream companies. projects FIDs and capital expenditure in recent years, the
Company has signed off on 17 projects with a combined
4. Opportunities & Threats capex commitment of about `720 billion from FY’15 to
Market volatility is a real and constant threat to most FY’17. These projects are envisaged to produce 67 MMT
energy companies. Market volatility, more often than not, and 118 BCM of additional crude oil and Natural Gas
is synonymous with extreme price swings. An extended respectively during their profile period.
period of conspicuously low prices since 2014 through
The rapid expansion of unconventional hydrocarbons
most of 2017 wiped off billions of dollars of investments
in the past decade presents a strong opportunity to oil
from the sector – thus putting at risk not just growth
and gas players of all stripes and sizes to look beyond
of companies, but also the health of several sovereign
conventional deposits and mature basin areas to grow their
economies, particularly ones that are majorly reliant on
portfolio. While North America led by the remarkably
energy-export related revenues. While estimates vary,
prolific US shale industry and the substantial resource
anywhere between USD 800 billion to USD 1 trillion
base of Canadian oil sands have been at the epicentre
upstream capital spending have been deferred or cancelled
of this seismic shift within the hydrocarbon landscape,
on account of low crude prices. The implications of this
potential for projects elsewhere is also on the rise with
level of capital-freeze in the short-term is likely to be
Argentina (Vaca Muerta) and China (Sichuan and Fuling)
manifest in the narrowing pipeline of future oil and gas
being the primary contenders on the basis of current level
supplies within the next few years.
of activity and resource size. While the North American
Under such a scenario, ever lower exploration spends success may not necessarily translate in other regions, oil
(conventional hydrocarbon discoveries dipped to their and gas companies must explore the potential with a view
lowest in 2017) and single-digit project FIDs pose a to diversifying future supply sources.
significant threat and could push the market to the other
Unconventional hydrocarbons are still at a very nascent
end of extremely high prices. IHS-Markit projects as
stage within our country. ONGC operates 4 CBM blocks,
much as 43 Million bpd of new liquids may be required
of which Bokaro is at an advanced stage of development.
to be produced by companies in 2040 to address energy
The Company is also leading the national campaign to
explore the commercial feasibility of Shale Gas as well as
The IEA in one of its reports said that demand and supply exploring the potential of Gas Hydrates – the latter could
trends point to a tight global oil market and in 2022, spare be a game changer in view of the encouraging results of
production capacity may fall to 14-year low in view of the NGHP-02 expedition.
record two-year investment slump of 2015 and 2016.
The deflated price environment of the last few years has
Coming to the domestic market, given our level of import forced companies to become more operationally efficient
dependence, low oil prices are preferable as it offers and adopt rigorous capital discipline while sanctioning
budgetary comfort to the State. However, it also hampers and executing projects. So, from a high-risk high-volume
the development of indigenous hydrocarbon resources approach companies today are looking at becoming
thereby furthering our reliance on imports. That being leaner. Creating a sustainable operational and business
said, historically, oil demand has not necessarily contracted model is an opportunity that companies with a longer
in response to higher prices – essentially, reflective of the view must not pass under current circumstances. Project
significant latent demand and the development stage of breakevens today are anywhere between 30%-40% lower
our economy. than 2014 levels. Even in exploration, the global tendency
leans more towards near-field exploration and appraisal
India is tipped to be the hub of global energy demand that offers greater certainty on returns than conventional
growth for the next two decades. Both oil and gas high-risk high-gain wildcats.
requirements are projected to register significant gains
during the period. In view of this rapid expansion of While findings costs for ONGC has come down noticeably
demand and to ease our reliance on external supplies, in recent years, the same does not hold for our production
aligned with the Prime Minister’s vision to reduce import costs because of a mature portfolio with legacy contracts.
dependence, ONGC has adopted a counter-cyclical However, new projects such as our KG-deepwater project
companies to have set a target for ‘Carbon Neutrality’. As Rising costs are another source of risk for upstream
part of this goal, we are transitioning towards a paperless operators as activity picks up in response to higher crude
office, installing solar lights at our installations and plan to prices and service sector spare capacity dwindles. As per
convert all installed lights to LED by 2020. We also have a a Wood Mackenzie report, lifting costs have plummeted
renewable portfolio of 153 MW wind power. by 30% in the past 3-4 years. 2017 day rates for deepwater
rigs are 65% below 2014 levels; but, the global service
Amid all the uncertainty that the energy business must
sector has no more capacity for margin cuts. Its costs will
contend with in the foreseeable future, technology
rebound by 2019-20, as demand strengthens.
comes across as a ‘critical enabler’ within the strategic
framework of oil and gas companies in a period of More than the depressed crude prices, it is the low
necessary transformation. Judicious deployment of the domestic gas prices that currently poses the bigger risk to
‘right’ technology has the potential to work as a panacea the profitability of upstream business of domestic E&P
in a variety of situations – to blunt the effect of cost operators like ONGC. The revised gas price of today (at
inflation in an environment of rising prices, to tap new oil USD 3.06/mmBtu) is significantly less than the initially
in old reserves, to open up new energy frontiers (Arctic, notified revised gas price of USD 5.05/mmBtu, and also
Gas Hydrates etc.), to improve safety in operations lower than the pre-existing regulated APM gas price of
etc. Digitalisation is an emerging opportunity within USD 4.2/mmBtu. The average cost of production of
the larger realm of technology in upstream operations. natural gas by ONGC (excluding JVs) during 2016-17
According to Wood Mackenzie, while it is still too early and 2017-18 was USD 3.10/mmBtu and USD 3.59/
to quantify the impact on long-term costs and efficiency, mmBtu on GCV basis respectively. Thus, at Govt.
but digitalisation will be at the heart of a low breakeven mandated prices, ONGC is incurring significant under-
future. As per estimates by PricewaterhouseCoopers recoveries from its gas business. Loss of revenues on this
(PwC), use of digital technologies in the upstream sector count significantly impairs the company’s ability to fund
could result in cumulative savings in capital expenditures its capex plans and hampers most ongoing and future
and operating expenditures of USD 100 billion to USD development projects.
1 trillion by 2025. This represents an area of immense
Furthermore, the level of cess imposed on domestically
opportunity to a company like ONGC.
produced crude oil is another limiting factor to improved
5. Risks and Concerns earnings performance. The 20% ad-valorem at today’s
prices far exceeds the erstwhile flat rate of `4500/tonne,
Oil Price continues to be a source of risk for oil and gas
essentially defeating the entire purpose of modifying the
companies in view of its impact on most operational
cess levy. Moreover, cess incurred by producers is not
decisions and strategic roadmaps. While calls for hub-
recoverable from refineries and thus, forms part of cost
based gas prices have grown in recent years, global gas
of production of crude oil. For state upstream companies
prices continue to have strong linkages to oil. If low prices
like ONGC, the perpetual uncertainty pertaining to
deter capital investments in the upstream arena raising the
subsidy-sharing that resurfaces during periods of high
possibility of a shortage of hydrocarbon supplies down
crude prices adds another element of risk to its cashflows.
the road, high oil prices often dampen demand leading
to a potential slowdown in GDP growth. Benchmark Globally, there is a lot of value that still can be derived from
crude prices in 2017 recorded a strong recovery and the legacy fields. As per a Wood Mackenzie report, almost
pace is set to intensify in 2018, before plateauing in 2019. 20% of new production will come from incremental
Brent averaged USD 54 in 2017 (vs USD 44 in 2016) and projects between 2017 and 2025. ONGC also remains
is projected to average USD 77 in 2018 and USD 75 in focused on maximizing recovery from its aging fields - a
2019, as per IHS-Markit forecast. US-EIA remains less total cumulative gain of over 190 MMT of oil is envisaged
bullish – with a forecast price of around USD 63 a barrel from the 28 IOR/EOR schemes that are underway. Low
in both 2018 and 2019. crude prices significantly dent the commerciality of such
schemes which are usually higher on the cost-curve. The
In the domestic energy landscape, a higher price point
breakeven costs of three consecutive redevelopment
translates to an inflated import bill and a heightened
phases since 2000 in Mumbai High North have escalated
possibility of sharing the OMC under-recoveries by the
from USD30/bbl to USD53/bbl. The Company remains
state upstream companies.
its position in an increasingly carbon-conscious world. Of these, 5 are new prospects and 7 are new pool
Moreover, the exodus of experienced hands and veterans discoveries. The major success during the year was an
in significant numbers does not help matters either. Oil discovery from well WO-24-3 (WO-24-C) which
has indicated potential of about 29.74 MMtoe of In-
With increasing operational complexity, operational
Place Hydrocarbon Volume in the discovery area. Your
safety becomes a high-risk element for most upstream
Company has monetized two on-land discoveries (West
operations. BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster continues to
Matar-1: Cambay Basin, Mattur West-1: Cauvery basin)
serve as an unfortunate reminder to companies about the
and efforts are being continued to bring other discoveries
massive costs of any lapse. Most well-designed disaster
on production.
response/contingency plans and robust HSE frameworks
can go awry on a bad day, however that does not obviate Accretion to in-place Hydrocarbons (3P-Proved,
the need for continuously improving the safety standards Probable and Possible), from the Company operated
followed within a company. ONGC has implemented fields in India, stood at 185.84 MMtoe, out of which
improved OISD Standards to improve contingency about 79 per cent accretion has been due to exploratory
combat capabilities. International underwriters, enabling efforts. Total in-place reserve accretion during 2017-18 in
a lower-than-peer insurance premium for these assets, domestic basins, including the Company’s share in PSC
have rated ONGC offshore assets under ‘acceptable risk’. JVs, stands at 245.49 MMtoe (59.65 MMtoe from JVs).
Your Company remains the foremost E&P Company As on 01.04.2018, total In-Place hydrocarbon volume of
in the country contributing close to 70% of domestic ONGC group stands at 9845.33 MMtoe against 9,655.36
hydrocarbon supplies. As we grow as an energy Company MMtoe as on 01.04.2017. The Ultimate Reserves (3P)
with the objective of catering to domestic energy needs for FY’18 have been estimated at 3201.21 MMtoe as
as well as creating shareholder value, while our focus against 3,132.35 during the FY’17.
on core E&P business will persist, we will also explore
viable business and investment opportunities across C. NELP
the hydrocarbon value-chain as part of an integrated Till NELP IX Round of bidding, a total 111 blocks were
energy approach. Our expanding downstream interests awarded to your Company as operator. Additionally, your
in refining and petchem, power sector presence and Company also has acquired PI with operatorship in KG-
renewable energy commitments are reflective of the same. DWN-98/2, VN-ONN-2003/1 from CEIL and MB-
OSN-2005/3 from EEPL. Operatorship of the block KG-
6. Outlook ONN-2003/1 was acquired in development phase from
A. Exploration Acreage & Mining Lease CEIL. During 2017-18, your Company acquired NELP
Block KG-OSN-2001/3, covering an exploration area of
Your Company holds the largest exploration acreage in
493 Km2 along with PML area of 37.5 Km2 from GSPC in
India as an operator. As on 01.04.2018, ONGC holds a
August 2017. So far, as on 01.04.2018, your Company is
total of 09 Nomination PEL blocks (37,763.50 Km2),
holding 27 active NELP blocks as Operator (Measuring
345 Nomination PML blocks (56020.07 Km2) and 2 Pre-
27954.49 Km2 PEL area and 1440.98 Km2 PML area)
NELP blocks (955 Km2). In NELP regime, your Company
and 89 blocks were relinquished. As on 01.04.2018, your
has 27 PEL (16 blocks are in onland, 10 blocks in shallow
Company has a total of 74 discoveries. Out of these, 59
waters and 1 block in deep-waters) blocks covering about
discoveries (18 in deep water, 21 in shallow water and
27954.49 Km2 area and 10 PMLs carved out from NELP
20 in onland areas) were made as an operator and the
block wholly or partly (6 PMLs in Cambay Basin, 1 PML
remaining 15 discoveries were made by other operators
in Andhra Pradesh, 2 in Shallow water and 1 deep-water
and acquired by the company.
PML) covering 1440.98 Km2. Besides, ONGC has PI
in 2 blocks (Area: 567 Km2) as non-Operator falling in As on 01.04.2018, your Company has monetized 6 NELP
various sedimentary basins of the country covering on- onshore discoveries made in four onshore blocks viz.
land and shallow water (SW) sectors. CB-ONN-2001/1(Nadiad-1), CB-ONN-2002/1(West
Patan-3), CB-ONN-2004/1(Karannagar-1), CB-ONN-
B. Exploration 2004/2(Vadatal-1, Vadatal-3, Vadatal-) in Cambay Basin
During the year 2017-18, Your Company has made 12 in the state of Gujarat. Three offshore discoveries in
discoveries (1 in NELP, 11 in Nomination acreages). acquired NELP KG-OSN-2001/3 block (KG-08, KG-
tested for gas in commercial quantities. Fast track the hydrocarbon value chain. Now the portfolio of your
Monetisation of Periyakudi and Bantumilli South Company (including overseas assets) is large, diversified
field is planned in near future. In addition, ONGC and assuring.
after acquiring the operatorship of NELP block
To manage this large portfolio, your Company has
KG-ONN-2003/1 has submitted the FDP of two
institutionalized robust internal control systems to
discoveries made in the block. PML grant has been
continuously monitor critical businesses, functions and
obtained from State Government.
operations; particularly field operations.
E. Development of new fields
The top management of your Company monitors and
Your Company has also invested greater focus and reviews the various activities on continuous basis. A set of
expedited work on new field development projects as well standardized procedures and guidelines have been issued
as production maximizing brownfield schemes – some of for all the facets of activities to ensure that best practices
which will play a substantial role in ONGC’s production are adopted even up to ground level. Performance of every
profile in the coming years. Currently, 18 production business unit is monitored by the respective directorates
projects (development and redevelopment), with an for suitable corrective measures, if any, in time.
estimated outlay of over `740 Billion and envisaged
lifecycle gains of over 190 MMtoe, are underway. This Your Company has a dedicated Performance Management
features our landmark deepwater project in eastern and Benchmarking Group (PMBG) which monitors
offshore – KG-DWN-98/2 – which at its peak output the performance of each business unit against the
is projected to account for 17% and 24% of current Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) defined in the
standalone annual oil and gas production respectively. We Performance Contracts between the top management
also completed two projects during FY’18: Development and the Key Executives. These performance contracts are
of Western Periphery (Mumbai High South) and aligned to the goals and objectives of the organization.
Integrated Development of Vasistha & S-1 Fields. As part of its push for systemic transformation and
We remain firmly committed to the Hon’ble Prime strengthening of control systems, your Company has
Minister’s target of achieving a 10% reduction in placed adequate emphasis on institutionalization of tools,
hydrocarbon imports by the year 2022. As part of the practices and systems that facilitate greater operational
10% roadmap for production growth, we are envisaging efficiencies and workplace productivity. The ‘Material
a significant rampup in our domestic output, principally Management Manual’ of the Company has been
led by gas. Gas supplies are seen at over 40 BCM and oil revamped to ensure procurement of quality materials
production is pegged at around 26 MMT by FY’22. and services and identification of world-class vendors.
‘Book of Delegated Powers’ (BDP) was revamped and
7. Internal Control Systems implemented w.e.f 1st January 2015, with the objective
to empower working level officers and enhancement
Energy business, particularly oil & gas, has always been a
of delegation to put commensurate accountability on
very dynamic business, not just because of its fundamental
all decision makers and the same is being reviewed
economic and strategic significance to the nations of the
periodically to align with business needs. Your Company
world but also because of the high-risk nature of the
has also introduced E-Grievance handling mechanism for
business. The business is challenged by uncertainties,
quick redressal of grievances of its various stake-holders.
geological surprises, volatile markets and number of
external factors like – geo-political uncertainties, fiscal & Occupational health, safety and environmental protection
regulatory regime, etc. are the adopted motto of your Company. Achieving
highest standards in these areas remains a priority
In such scenario, where the uncertainties are the rule, it
objective for your Company. Internal and external audits
becomes imperative to have a balanced portfolio. Keeping
have been institutionalized and are conducted on a
these in view, your Company adopted the vision to grow
continuous basis to ensure compliance to various industry
as an integrated global energy company. Exploration and
norms and benchmarks.
production of oil and gas remains the core business of
your Company; however, keeping in view the business Your Company has dedicated Internal Audit (IA) group
imperatives, ONGC has meaningfully integrated itself in which carries out audits in-house. At the same time, based
Corporate Governance Report
Corporate governance implies the way in which a A. THE RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS
company is managed to ensure that all of its stakeholders
The Company has taken all necessary steps to
get their fair share in its earnings and assets. Good ensure the Rights of Shareholders and seek approval
corporate governance involves the commitment of a of the shareholders as and when required as per the
company to run its businesses in a legal, ethical and provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 or other
transparent manner - a dedication that must come applicable legislations.
from the very top and permeate throughout the
organisation. Good corporate governance is necessary, The Company issues press releases regarding the
not only in order to gain credibility and trust, but also as important events and the same has been submitted
to Stock Exchanges for information of the valued
a part of strategic management for growth, sustenance
and consolidation. Corporate governance helps to
enforce confidence in the stock market and thereby The Annual Report and the notice of the Annual
in the economic environment as a whole, creating an General Meeting (AGM) explains exhaustively
attractive environment for investment/investors. the procedures governing the AGM, voting
procedures etc. Sufficient opportunity is provided
1.1 CORPORATEGOVERNANCEPHILOSOPHY to the shareholders who attend the meeting to
OF ONGC raise queries to the Board of Directors and queries
• Compliance of laws, rules and regulations in parenting to accounts, companies future prospects
letter and spirit in the interest of stakeholders. etc. are clarified at the meeting.
The Company has a Board level Stakeholders’
• A sound system of internal control to mitigate
Relationship Committee which meets periodically
risks associated with achievement of business
to redress the grievances of shareholders. The
objectives, in short, medium and long terms.
shareholders have the facility of directly approaching
• Mitigation/ Minimization of risks through risk the Company as well as the Registrar and Share Transfer
management. Agent (RTA) to address their queries/ grievances,
• Adherence to ethical standards for effective which are generally addressed within 7-10 days.
management and distribution of wealth and Interests of the minority shareholders are protected
discharge of social responsibility for sustainable and there was no instance of abusive action by
development of stakeholders. controlling shareholders.
• Clearly defined standards against which B. TIMELY INFORMATION
performance of responsibilities are measured.
The Company sends notices through email to all
• Accuracy and transparency in disclosures shareholders who have provided their e-mail id with
regarding operations, performance, risk and the Company and/ or depository participants and
financial status. to all others physically by post for providing timely
• Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information.
information to all the Stakeholders and clear The Annual Report of the Company is compiled
delineation of shareholders’ rights. exhaustively to provide every conceivable
1.2 Further, the Company has ensured compliance information on the functioning of the Company.
with the objectives of ‘the principles of Corporate The website of the Company is updated
Governance’ stated under the SEBI [Listing continuously to keep the stakeholders informed
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements] of various developments including Notice of
Regulations – 2015 (Listing Regulations), as general meeting, Annual Reports, quarterly results,
brought out below: dividend information etc.
related party transactions are brought to the notice 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS
/ approval of the Audit Committee / Board.
Board evaluation is within the domain of the
Government of India. The Board of Directors formulates strategies,
policies and reviews the performance of the
The Agenda Items, circulated in advance to the Company periodically. The Chairman and
members of the Board, are exhaustive in nature Managing Director (CMD) and Six Whole-Time
and detailed presentations are made during the Directors viz. Director (Human Resource), Director
course of discussion. The Independent Directors (Exploration), Director (Finance), Director
are provided with every conceivable information to (Offshore), Director (Onshore) and Director
ensure that the interests of the minority shareholders (Technology & Field Services) are the whole time
are protected. The Company has a Board approved directors who spearhead the day to day operations
training policy for directors. of the Company, the strategic decision(s) are under
the overall supervision, control and guidance of the
Every proposal is examined and discussed in detail
Board of Directors of the Company. The Company,
before a decision is taken. The Committees of the
being a government company, the appointment of
Board deliberate upon major proposals before being
Directors are being done by Government of India.
recommended to the Board.
The Board of Directors has an optimum combination
The Board regularly monitors the Action Taken of Executive/ Functional Directors and Non-
Report on its decisions. Risk areas are outlined and Executive Directors. As on 31st March, 2018, there
mitigation processes are put in place. were 17 Directors (including one woman Director)
The terms of reference, quorum, periodicity of on the Board, comprising of 6 Functional Directors
meeting etc. are clearly defined for each of Board (including the Chairman and Managing Director)
Committees, and approved by the Board. and 11 Non-Executive Directors (out of which 2
Government Nominee Directors and 9 Independent
The Board members discloses from time to Directors) appointed by the Government of India.
time all the required information to the Board.
The Board performs key functions by fulfilling The composition of the Board of Directors of the
the responsibilities for achieving economy, Company is in compliance with the Regulation 17
(1) of the Listing Regulations and the Company
efficiency and effectiveness for Company vis-à-vis
has complied with the requirements relating to
shareholders’ value creation.
Independent Directors and Woman Director w.e.f.
RECOGNITIONS As required under Regulation 46(2) (b) of the
The Company’s Corporate Governance practices Listing Regulations, the terms and conditions of
have secured many accolades, some of them are: appointment of Independent Directors are available
on the Company’s website at web-link https://www.
• ‘Best Corporate Governance’ and
‘Environmental Excellence & Sustainable
Development’ by the Indian Chamber of
Commerce in year 2012. 2.2 BOARD/ COMMITTEE MEETINGS AND
• ‘Golden Peacock Award’ for Corporate PROCEDURES
Governance, U.K. in the Years 2005, 2007, 2008, A tentative schedule of the Board Meetings to be
2009, 2013 and 2016. held during the ensuing financial year is approved
• The Company has received ‘ICSI National by the Board duly considering the requirements
Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance’ under law w.r.t number of meetings and maximum
- Certificate of Recognition from the Institute permissible time gap between two consecutive
of Company Secretaries of India for 5 years in a meetings. Additional meetings are also conveyed
row from 2010 to 2014. whenever necessary. In case of exigency resolutions
are passed by circulation.
Names and Designation No. of Attendance by Directors Whether Details upto 31.03.2018
Meeting attended
Held during No. of % last AGM No. of No. of Committee
tenure (A) meetings (B/A) held on Directorships memberships across all
(B) 27.09.2017 in other companies *
companies #
As As
Chairman Member
Shri Subhash Kumar, 3 3 100 N.A. 2 NIL 1
Director (Finance) (from
Shri Rajesh Kakkar, 2 2 100 N.A. 2 NIL 1
Director (Offshore) (from
Shri D K Sarraf, CMD (up 7 7 100 Yes
to 30.09.2017)
Shri A K Srinivasan, 8 8 100 Yes
Director (Finance) (up to
Shri T K Sengupta, 10 9 90 Yes N.A.
Director (Offshore) (up to
Shri V P Mahawar, 12 12 100 Yes
Director (Onshore) (up to
b) Non-executive and Government Nominee Directors
Shri Amar Nath Joint 14 11 79 Yes NIL NIL NIL
Secretary (E)
Shri Rajiv Bansal, 10 10 100 No 3 NIL NIL
Additional Secretary &
Financial Advisor(from
Shri A. P. Sawhney, 2 1 50 N.A. N.A.
Additional Secretary(Up
to 23.06.2017)
c) Independent Directors
Shri Ajai Malhotra 14 13 93 Yes 1 NIL NIL
Prof. Shireesh B. Kedare 14 12 86 Yes NIL NIL 1
Shri K. M. Padmanabhan 14 13 93 Yes 1 1 1
Shri Deepak Sethi 14 14 100 Yes NIL NIL 2
Shri Vivek Mallya 14 12 86 Yes NIL NIL 1
Shri Sumit Bose 14 11 79 Yes 4 3 2
Dr. Santrupt B. Misra 14 7 50 Yes 2 NIL 1
Smt. Ganga Murthy 8 8 100 Yes NIL NIL 2
(from 23.09.2017)
Dr. Sambit Patra 6 5 83 N.A. NIL 1 NIL
(from 28.10.2017)
# Does not include Directorships of Foreign Companies, Section 8 Companies and Private Limited Companies.
*Chairmanship/ Membership of the Audit Committee and Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee of Public Limited Companies (including ONGC).
Notes: (i) The Company being a PSU, all Directors are appointed/ nominated by the President of India;
(ii) Directors are not per se related to each other;
(iii) Directors do not have any pecuniary relationships or transactions with the Company (except remuneration as they are entitled) ;
(iv) The Directorships/ Committee Memberships are based on the latest disclosure received from respective Directors on the Board;
(v) None of the Director is a Member of more than 10 Committees or Chairman of more than 5 Committees,across all the companies in which he is a Director as mentioned under Regulation 26 (1) (a) & (b) of
Listing Regulations.
The details of remuneration of Directors as required under regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the SEBI
Listing Regulations, 2015 are mentioned under:
a) Executive Directors
Details from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018
for Leave,
Leave Performance Gratuity
Salary Other
Encashment/ incentive Contribution and Post
S.N. Name/ Designation including Benefits & Grand Total Term
Gratuity on Provision/ to PF Retirement
DA perks
retirement Payment Benefits as
per revised
1 Shri Shashi Shanker,
CMD 3,875,169 1,345,220 655,143 1,248,492 765,044 2,848,133 10,737,200 31.03.21
(from 01.10.2017)
2 Shri D. D. Misra
3,615,083 1,380,935 - 945,266 718,134 3,077,106 9,736,524 30.06.18
Director (HR)
3 Shri A.K.Dwivedi
Director 3,869,427 1,279,103 674,274 1,011,493 766,875 2,552,422 10,153,594 31.07.19
4 Shri Subhash Kumar
Director(Finance) 592,676 32,065 - - 51,388 375,972 1,052,102 31.12.21
(from 31.01.2018)
5 Rajesh Kakkar
Director (Offshore) 312,121 227,207 - - 64,945 891,171 1,495,443 30.04.21
(from 19.02.2018)
6 Shri D.K. Sarraf,
CMD (up to 2,293,658 827,236 6,052,230 1,518,826 435,258 1,512,130 12,639,337 30.09.17
7 Shri A.K.Srinivasan
Director(Finance) 2,300,511 789,627 6,150,532 1,383,664 441,350 1,532,743 12,598,427 30.10.17
(up to 31.10.2017)
8 Shri T.K. Sengupta
Director (Offshore) 2,872,624 906,841 569,139 988,733 560,668 1,959,838 7,857,842 31.12.17
(Up to 31.12.2017)
9 Shri V. P. Mahawar
Director (Onshore) 3,528,233 1,009,119 - 1,002,146 696,509 2,441,350 8,677,357 28.02.18
(Up to 28.02.2018)
Total 23,259,501 7,797,352 14,101,318 8,098,621 4,500,170 17,190,864 74,947,825
Note: 1. Performance related pay of Executive Directors is paid as per DPE norms.
2. Notice period of 3 months or salary in lieu thereof is required for severance of services of Executive Directors.
Shri Sumit Bose 14,60,000 The other Directors do not hold any equity shares in
Dr. Santrupt B. Misra 6,70,000 the capital of the Company as of 31.03.2018.
Smt. Ganga Murthy 6,50,000 3.3 STAKEHOLDERS’ RELATIONSHIP
(from 23.09.2017)
Dr. Sambit Patra 3,50,000
(from 28.10.2017) SRC specifically look into various aspects of Interest
Total 1,15,10,000 of shareholders of the Company. The Committee
also oversees and reviews performance of the
(c) Government Nominee Directors Registrar and Transfer Agent and recommends
Government nominee Directors being the measures for overall improvement in the quality of
representatives of Promotors are not paid any investor services. The Committee also monitors
remuneration including sitting fees. implementation and compliance of Company’s
The remuneration of senior officers just below the Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading
level of Board of directors, appointment or removal in the Company’s securities.
of them including CFO and Company Secretary, During the year 2017-18, One (1) meeting was
as specified in Part A (E) of schedule (II) of held on 27th October, 2017 and the same is in
Listing Regulations- 2015 is governed by the DPE compliance with the requirement of Regulation
guidelines and is being reported to the Board from 20(3A) of Listing Regulation.
time to time. The number of meetings held during the year and
3.2.2 STOCK OPTIONS attendance of the members are as under:
The Company has not issued any Stock Options Members No. of No. of % of
Meeting Board Attendance
to its Directors/ Employees during the year under Held meetings (B/A)
review. during attended
tenure (B)
Shri Deepak Sethi 1 1 100
DIRECTORS (Chairman*)
Except as stated hereunder, none of the Directors, Shri K. M. Padmanabhan 1 1 100
hold any Equity Shares in the Company as per the (up to 29.11.2017)
declarations made by them to the Company in their Shri Vivek Mallya 1 1 100
own names: (up to 29.11.2017)
Shri D. D. Misra 1 1 100
Name of Directors No. of Shares held on
31.03.18 Shri A. K. Srinivasan 1 1 100
(up to 31.10.17)
Shri Shashi Shanker, CMD 5568
*Dr. Sambit Patra, Independent Director is the chairman of SRC w.e.f. 30.11.2017.
Shri D.D. Misra, Director (HR) 2550
Shri A K Dwivedi, 1230 3.3.1 COMPLIANCE OFFICER
Director (Exploration)
Shri Rajesh Kakkar, 4758 Shri M E V Selvamm, Company Secretary, is the
Director (Offshore) Compliance Officer.
The Company addresses all complaints, suggestions and grievances of the investors expeditiously and resolves them
within specified timeline, except in case of dispute over facts or other legal constraints.
No request for share transfer is pending beyond 30 days except those that are disputed or sub-judice. All requests for
de-materialization of shares processed and confirmation communicated to investors and Depository Participants
normally within 10-12 working days.
Further, the complaints pertaining to ‘ONGC Offer for Sale - 2004’ made by Government of India are being settled
by the Company as a goodwill measure towards stakeholders relationship.
There were 72 complaints including the complaints relating to Offer for Sale at the beginning of the Financial
Year. As on 31.03.18 all complaints were resolved except 3 complaints relating to Offer for Sale- 2004 made by
Government of India.
Investors may register their complaints in the manner stated below:
The Company has Four (4) direct subsidiary companies, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL),
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL), ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL) and Petronet MHB Ltd.
In terms of the Listing Regulations-2015 and DPE guidelines, performance of the listed subsidiary companies are
reviewed by the Audit and Ethics Committee and the Board of the Company.
The Company does not have any material unlisted subsidiary company. The policy on material subsidiaries of the
Company is available at weblink
Location, date and time of the AGMs held during the preceding 3 years are as under:
Year Location Date Time (IST) Special Resolution(s)
2014-15 NDMC Indoor Stadium, Talkatora Garden, 15.09.2015 10.00 a.m No
New Delhi-110001
2015-16 Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, 08.09.2016 10.00 a.m No
I.P.Estate, Near Rajghat, Grand Trunk Road,
New Delhi-110002
2016-17 Manekshaw Auditorium, Manekshaw Centre, 27.09.2017 10.00 a.m Yes
Parade Road, Khyber Lines,
Delhi Cantonment, Delhi-110010
During the year under review postal ballot exercise was conducted by the Company and Shri P.P. Agarwal,
Practicing Company Secretary was appointed as Scrutinizer. However, no special resolution passed through
the said postal ballot.
The Company has not entered into any material financial or commercial transactions with the Directors or the
Management or their relatives or the companies and firms, etc., in which they are either directly or through their
relatives interested as Directors and/ or Partners except with certain PSUs, where the Directors are Directors
without the required shareholdings.
On 09.02.2018 the Board adopted, revised policy on RPT under the nomenclature ‘ONGC policy on Related Party
Transactions’. The Policy is in line with the SEBI Regulations and Companies Act, 2013. The Policy as above has
been uploaded on the website of the Company.
The details of transactions with related parties are disclosed in Note No. 44 of the Notes to Financial Statements
for the year ended 31st March, 2018. The Company has disclosed details of transactions with related parties as per
the disclosure requirements of Indian Accounting standard – 24 on Related Party disclosures and the exemption
granted to Government companies. The policy on related party transactions of the Company may be accessed at
The Company has complied with applicable rules (except as otherwise stated in this report) and the requirement
of regulatory authorities on capital market and no penalties or strictures were imposed on the Company during last
three years.
All returns/ reports were filed within stipulated time with stock exchanges/ other authorities.
shares Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), notified that w.e.f.
0.06% 05.12.2018, except in case of transmission or transposition of
securities, requests for effecting transfer of securities shall not be
100% processed unless the securities are held in the dematerialized form
Demat by with a depository.
In view of the above, shareholders holding shares in Physical form
Demated are advised to get their shares dematerlised.
These dates are tentative and subject to change and the last date for submission of the unaudited quarterly and
year to date financial results to the stock exchange is within forty-five days of end of each quarter (except the last
quarter). The last date for submission of the financial results of the last quarter is within sixty days from the end of
the financial year.
The record date for the purpose of payment of Final Dividend is Friday, 21st September, 2018.
Final Dividend would be paid after 4th October, 2018 but before 27th October, 2018.
The equity shares of the Company are part of the Sensex and S&P CNX Nifty Index and are listed on the following
Stock Exchanges:
Name & Address Telephone/Fax Trading Symbol
E-mail ID/Website ID
BSE Limited (BSE) Ph.: 022-22721233/4 500312
P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort Fax: 022-22721919
Mumbai - 400001 E-mail:
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) Ph.: 022-26598100-8114 ONGC
Exchange Plaza, C-1, G Block, Bandra-Kurla Fax: 022-26598120
Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai - 400051 E-mail:
210.00 34010.10
200.00 32010.10
190.00 30010.10
160.00 26010.10
150.00 24010.10
Ju 7
Ap 7
D 7
Se 7
Ja 7
M 7
M 8
O 7
N 7
Fe 8
Au 7
* Data is based on closing price of ONGC as well as Sensex.
Sale price of crude oil is denominated in United States dollar (USD) though billed and received in Indian Rupees
(INR). The Company is, therefore, exposed to foreign currency risk principally out of INR appreciating against
USD. Foreign Currency risks on account of receipts/ revenue and payments/ expenses are managed by netting off
naturally- occurring opposite exposures through export earnings, wherever possible and carry unhedged exposures
for the residual considering the natural hedge available to it from domestic sales.
Alankit Assignments Limited is the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent (RTA) of the Company.
The transfer of shares received in physical form is overseen by RTA along with the shares received for transfer,
transmission and dematerialization etc. The shares for transfer received in physical form are transferred within the
prescribed timelines, provided the documents are complete and the share transfer is not under any dispute. The
request received for re-materialization, consolidation of shares and duplicate are overseen by Committee for Issue of
share certificate. A summary of transfer/ transmission of securities so reviewed are placed at Board Meetings along
with minutes of the Committee for issue of share certificate. The share certificates duly endorsed are sent to the
shareholders by RTA. Confirmation in respect to the requests for dematerialization of shares is sent to the respective
depositories i.e. NSDL and CDSL, expeditiously.
With a view to further expedite the process of transfer and transmission of shares in physical mode, the Board of
Directors have authorised the Share Transfer Agent to process the transfer / transmission.
Pursuant to the Regulation 40 (10) of Listing Regulation-2015, certificates on half yearly basis confirming due
compliance of share transfer formalities by the Company, certificate for timely dematerialization of the shares as per
SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996 are sent to the stock exchanges.
In addition, as a part of the capital integrity audit, a Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit confirming that the total
issued capital of the Company is in agreement with the total number of shares in physical form and the total number
of dematerialized shares held with NSDL and CDSL, is placed before the Board on a quarterly basis. A copy of the
Audit Report is submitted to the stock exchanges.
The total number of transfer deeds processed and shares transferred (physical share transfer) during the last three
(3) years are as under:
Years No. of transfer deeds processed No. of shares transferred
2017-18 4774 48,739
2016-17 5,635 18,015
2015-16 1,573 12,358
1 to 500 2277 521577 291 523563 83.21 240292 66448219 66688511 0.52
501 to 1000 534 57824 13 58345 9.27 436384 39874615 40310999 0.31
1001 to 2000 845 22701 14 23532 3.74 1233518 32109366 33342884 0.26
2001 to 3000 185 7510 5 7690 1.22 469427 18923456 19392883 0.15
3001 to 4000 265 4131 1 4395 0.70 946038 14523911 15469949 0.12
4001 to 5000 129 3143 2 3270 0.52 569514 14178067 14747581 0.12
5001 to 10000 657 5891 4 6544 1.04 3615354 38225057 41840411 0.33
10001 to ABOVE 4 1884 3 1885 0.30 34956 12601407006 12601441962 98.19
Total 4896 624661 333 629224 100.00 7545483 12825689697 12833235180 100.00
Year No. of Shares Cumulative Details
2010-11 - 8,555,490,120 Each equity Share of the Company was split from
the face value of 10 into two equity shares of the face
value of 5 each.
Bonus Shares were issued in the ratio of 1:1 by
Capitalization of Reserves to the shareholders as on
09.02.2011 (Record Date).
2016-17 4,277,745,060 12,833,235,180 Issue of Bonus Shares in ratio of 1:2 on 18.12.2016
by Capitalization of General Reserves.
4. Institute of Oil & Gas Production Technology Central Public Sector Enterprises which are now
(IOGPT) Navi Mumbai mandatory in nature.
5. Institute of Engineering & Ocean Technology No Presidential Directives have been issued during
(IEOT) Navi Mumbai the period 1st April 2017 to 31st March, 2018. The
6. Geo-data Processing & Interpretation Center Company is complying with these guidelines to the
(GEOPIC), Dehradun extent possible.
25 (4) of the SEBI Listing Regulations, Restrictions on use
which requires review of performance of non-
8. The certificate is addressed and provided to the
Independent directors, the chairperson and the
members of the Company solely for the purpose of
board of directors as a whole,
complying with the requirement of the SEBI Listing
we certify that the Company has complied with Regulations, and it should not be used by any other
the conditions of Corporate Governance as person or for any other purpose. Accordingly, we
stipulated in Regulations 17 to 27, clauses (b) to do not accept or assume any liability or any duty of
(i) of Regulation 46 (2) and paragraphs C and D care for any other purpose or to any other person to
of Schedule V of the SEBI Listing Regulations, as whom this report is shown or into whose hands it
applicable, during the year ended March 31, 2018. may come without our prior consent in writing.
7. We further state that such compliance is neither
an assurance as to the future viability of the
Company nor as to the efficiency or effectiveness
with which the Management has conducted the
affairs of the Company.
For Lodha & Co For MKPS & Associates For Khandelwal Jain & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No: 301051E Firm Reg. No: 302014E Firm Reg. No: 105049W
For K. C. Mehta & Co. For PKF Sridhar & Santhanam LLP For Dass Gupta & Associates
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No.106237W Firm Reg. No.003990S/S200018 Firm Reg. No. 000112N
New Delhi
The Members,
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)
We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance Regulations, 2011;
of applicable statutory provisions and adherence to good
(b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
corporate practices by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015;
Limited (hereinafter called ‘the Company’ or ‘ONGC’).
Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that (c) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of
provided us a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
conducts/statutory compliances and expressing our 2009 and amendments made thereunder from time
opinion thereon. to time;
Based on our verification of the Company’s books, (d) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents)
other records maintained by the Company and also the Regulations, 1993;
information provided by the Company, its officers, agents (e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India
and authorized representatives during the conduct of (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement)
Secretarial Audit, we hereby report that in our opinion, Regulations, 2015:
the Company has, during the audit period covering the (vi) We further report that, having regard to the
financial year ended 31st March, 2018, complied with the compliance system prevailing in the Company
statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the and on examination of the relevant documents
Company has proper board-processes and compliance- and records in pursuance thereof, on test-check
mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and basis, the Company has complied with all the laws
subject to the reporting made hereinafter: specifically applicable to the Company. Some of the
We have examined the books, papers, minute books, important laws complied with, are as follows:
forms and returns filed and other records maintained i. Petroleum and Natural Gas Rules, 1959;
by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited for the ii. Explosives Act, 1884;
financial year ended 31st March, 2018 according to the
provisions of: iii. Minerals Concessional Rules, 1960;
iv. Atomic Energy (Factory) Rules, 1996;
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) and the Rules
made thereunder; v. The Petroleum Act,1934 and the Rules made
(ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
and the rules made thereunder; vi. The Oil Fields (Regulation and Development)
Act, 1948;
(iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations
and Bye-Laws framed thereunder; vii. The Oil Mines Regulations, 2017;
(iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the viii. The Oil Industry (Development) Act, 1974;
rules and regulations made thereunder to the extent ix. The Oil Drilling and Gas Extraction Standards, 1996;
of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas Direct
Investment and External Commercial Borrowings; x. The Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board
Act, 2006;
(v) The following Regulations and Guidelines
prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board xi. The Petroleum & Natural Gas (Safety in
of India Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’): Offshore Operations) Rules, 2008;
xii. The Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules made independent directors, the chairperson and the board of
thereunder; directors as a whole.
xiii. The Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition We further report that the changes in the
of Right of User in Land Act), 1962 composition of the Board of Directors that took
xiv. The Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and place during the period under review were carried
Regulation) Act, 2002; out in compliance with the provisions of the Act.
xv. The Mines and Minerals (Development and Generally, adequate notice is given to all directors
Regulation) Act, 1957; and to schedule the Board and Committee Meetings.
Agenda and detailed notes on agenda are dispatched
xvi. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. by post or in person or by e-mail at least seven days
We have also examined compliance with the applicable in advance. However, if required, supplementary
clauses of the following: note(s) on agenda are sent later, at shorter notice,
for information of the board members and a system
i. Secretarial Standards with regard to meetings exists for seeking and obtaining further information
of the Board of Directors (SS-1) and general and clarifications on the agenda items before the
meetings (SS-2) issued by the Institute of Company meeting for meaningful participation at the meeting.
Secretaries of India; and
The Board Committee while taking decisions in
ii. Corporate Governance Guidelines issued by the meetings followed unanimous approval for all
Department of Public Enterprises vide their OM agenda items. As such, during the year there were no
No. 18(8)/2005-GM dated 14th May, 2010. dissenting views in the minutes.
During the period under review, the Company has We further report that based on the review
complied with the provisions of the Acts, Rules, of compliance mechanism established by the
Regulations, Guidelines, Standards etc. mentioned above, Company and on the basis of the Certificate of
subject to the following observations: Legal Compliance taken on record by the Board of
1. The Board of Directors of the Company is constituted with Directors at their meetings, we are of the opinion
reasonable balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive that there are adequate systems and processes in
Directors and Independent Directors subject to following: the Company commensurate with the size and
operations of the Company to monitor and ensure
(a) The Company has not complied with the Regulation compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations
17(1)(a) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and and guidelines. Further, we are informed that the
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Section Company has responded to notices for demands,
149 (1) (b) of the Companies Act, 2013 which requires claims, penalties etc., levied by various statutory/
at least one woman director upto 22.09.2017; and regulatory authorities and initiated actions for
(b) The Company has not complied with the Regulation corrective measures, wherever found necessary
17(1)(b) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and during the audit period.
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and Clause For P. P. Agarwal & Co.
3.1.4 of the DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance Company Secretaries
which requires at least 50% Independent Directors upto U. C. No. S2012DE174200
2. The Company has not complied with regulation 17(10)
of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Sd/-
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, which requires New Delhi (Pramod P. Agarwal)
performance evaluation of independent directors by 02.08.2018 CoP No.: 10566
the entire board of directors and the Company has not
complied with Regulation 25 (4) of the SEBI (Listing
Note: This report is to be read along with our letter
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
of even date which is annexed as ‘Annexure-A’ and
2015, which requires review of performance of non-
forms an integral part of this report.
New Delhi (Pramod P. Agarwal)
02.08.2018 CoP No.: 10566
Business Responsibility Report
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) : L74899DL1993GOI054155
2. Name : Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited.
3. Registered address : Deendayal Urja Bhawan 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant
Kunj, New Delhi-110070
4. Website :
5. E-mail id :
6. Financial Year reported : 2017-18
7. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial activity code-wise):
8. List three key products/ services that the Company manufactures/provides (as in balance sheet):
(i) Crude Oil
(ii) Natural Gas
(iii) Liquefied Petroleum Gas
9. Total number of locations where business activity is undertaken by the Company
(a) Operational Locations: The Company has Pan-India business activities spread across the length and breadth of the
country, both onshore and offshore. The major locations of the Company is mentioned at sr. no. 21 of the Corporate
Governance Report, a document forming part of the Annual Report.
(b) Subsidiaries and Associates: Details of subsidiaries and Associates are provided at Annexure D to the Board’s
(c) Number of International Locations: ONGC Videsh Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of your Company for E&P
activities outside India, has participation in 41 oil and gas projects in 20 Countries, viz. Azerbaijan (2 projects),
Bangladesh (2 Projects), Brazil (2 projects), Colombia (7 projects), Iran (1 project), Iraq (1 project), Israel
(1 project), Kazakhstan (1 project), Libya (1 project), Mozambique (1 Project), Myanmar (6 projects), Namibia
(1 project), New Zealand (1 Project), Russia (3 projects), South Sudan (2 projects), Sudan (2 projects), Syria
(2 projects), UAE (1 project), Venezuela (2 projects) and Vietnam (2 projects).
Further, HPCL, the other subsidiary of the Company holds two blocks in Australia through its subsidiary PPCL, a
company namely HPCL Middle East FZCO in Dubai.
5 1. Setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and other such facilities for
senior citizens
2. Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of
art; setting up public libraries; promotion and development of traditional arts and handicrafts
3. Training to promote rural sports, regionally recognised sports, Paralympics sports and Olympic sports
4. Other areas mentioned in Schedule – VII
(a) Details of the Director/Director responsible for implementation of the BR policy/ policies
1. DIN Number : 06447938
Name : Shri Shashi Shanker
Designation : Chairman and Managing Director
(b) Details of the BR head
No. Particulars Details
1 DIN Number (if applicable) Not Applicable
2 Name Shri Jai Singh
3 Designation Executive Director – Chief of CM & SG
4 Telephone number +91 11 26753007
5 e-mail id
10 Has the Company carried out independent audit/ Policies of the Company as such are not audited, however Policies
evaluation of the working of this policy by an internal have been amended from time to time as per regulatory/ business/
or external agency? environmental requirements.
(a) If answer to the question at serial number 1 against any principle, is ‘No’, please explain why: (Tick up to 2 options)
No. Questions P P P P P P P P P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 The Company has not understood
the Principles
3. Governance related to BR HR Manual, Material Management Manual (which
has also been reviewed, revised and implemented
(a) Indicate the frequency with which the in 2015), Finance Manual and Works Manual for
Board of Directors, Committee of the Board ensuring continuity, transparency and fairness in
or CEO to assess the BR performance of the observing the laid down procedures. The Company
Company. Within 3 months, 3-6 months, has an Enterprise Risk Management Cell (ERM),
Annually, More than 1 year. risk framework, risk policy and risk portfolio which
are periodically monitored by the Risk Management
Various principles of BR performance are integral
Committee, Audit and Ethics Committee and the
to the day-to-day operations of the Company and
Board. In terms of the SEBI (Listing Obligations
the same are reviewed by the Board/ Board Level
& Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Committee(s) as an integral item of business
(Listing Regulations), the Board has re-constituted
the Risk Management Committee with Board level
(b) Does the Company publish a BR or members.
a Sustainability Report? What is the • The Company has a well-structured vigilance
hyperlink for viewing this report? How department with units spread across the
frequently it is published? organization at various Assets, Basins and Plants
constantly ushering transparency, efficiency and
The Company published an integrated 8th GRI
integrity and best corporate practices in the working
based, Independently Assured Group Sustainability
of the organization.
Report of ONGC Group of Companies. The
report may be accessed at -https://www.ongcindia. • The Company has a Whistle Blower Policy meant
com/w ps/wcm/connect/en/sustainability/ for employees to raise any ethical issues within the
sustainability-reports/ organisation.
SECTION E: PRINCIPLE-WISE • The Company has positioned an Integrity Pact (in
PERFORMANCE association with Transparency International) which
is signed with bidders to enable them to raise any
Principle 1: Businesses should conduct and issues with regard to tenders floated from time
govern themselves with Ethics, Transparency to time. The Company is the first among Indian
and Accountability companies to introduce signing of the Integrity Pact.
People of high repute and integrity are appointed
Principle 1.1
as Independent External Monitors to oversee
Do you have policy/policies for principle 1: implementation of the said Integrity Pact with the
The Company, being a listed Public Sector Enterprise,
conducts and governs itself with Ethics, Transparency Principle 1.2
and Accountability as per the policies mandated by
Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Guidelines on Has the policy been formulated in consultation
Corporate Governance, SEBI (Listing Obligations and with the relevant stakeholders?
Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 and other All policies have been formulated after wide consultation
guidelines and policies of the DPE in particular and Govt. and discussion amongst the relevant stakeholders and
of India in general. further the same gets reviewed from time-to-time to cater
to emerging and new business realities/ paradigms, after
The Company also pursues some of the following policy
wider consultations amongst stakeholders. The Company
initiatives voluntarily towards Ethics, Transparency and
being a Public Sector Enterprise and a National Oil
Company pursues policies laid down by the Government
• The Company has a well-defined and a well of India and other statutory bodies. It is assumed that
codified Book of Delegated Powers which has been those policies are worked out after wider consultations
thoroughly revised in 2015 and after approval of and discussions by the Government of India.
the Board implemented across the organisation,
Principle 1.9 2. Does it extend to the Group/Joint
Does the Company have a grievance redressal Ventures/ Suppliers/Contractors/NGOs/
mechanism related to the policy/policies to Others:
address stakeholders’ grievances related to the Yes
3. How many stakeholder complaints have
Yes. A structured four tier Grievance Management System been received in the past financial year and
is in place in the Company to address employee grievances
what percentage was satisfactorily resolved
related to policy/ policies. The channel of grievance is
by the management? If so, provide details
Reporting Authority of the employee, Sectional In-charge,
Key Executive, Appeals Committee. Appeals Committee thereof, in about 50 words or so.
has outside professionals as members and is empowered The Company is the pioneer organization in
to suggest measures to prevent similar grievances in introducing the Integrity Pact (IP) in India. The
future. CMD takes the final decision in totality on the mechanism of monitoring IP through Independent
grievance of the employee with inputs from Director External Monitors (IEM) has considerably reduced
(HR), if required. time for resolution of representation/ issues
coming up during tender processing and has met
For external stakeholders, the Company has a well laid
the objectives set by Transparency International
down grievance redressal system in place with adequate
(India) such as greater transparency with regard to
provisions to escalate the matters up to the Board.
integrity between the buyer and seller, improved
Stakeholders Relationship Committee – a Board level
sense of ethics, reduction in frivolous law suits and
Committee headed by an Independent Director.
representation/ complaints from vendors, reduction
The Company voluntarily facilitates resolving grievances in external interventions and reduced political/
through Independent External Monitors (IEMs) and diplomatic/administrative interference.
through Outside Expert Committee (OEC). Representations from bidders/ contractors as well
Further, there is an exclusive website maintained for as opinion sought by the Company against various
grievance redressal ( tenders are referred to IEM. IEMs discuss the
issues with the executives concerned and bidders’
Principle 1.10 representatives wherever felt necessary by IEMs and
give their opinion through a speaking order.
Has the Company carried out independent
audit/ evaluation of the working of this policy by The Company also has put in place a “Stakeholders
an internal or external agency? Relationship Committee”. The Committee
The implementation of obligations with regard to specifically looks into redressing Shareholders’
Corporate Governance as contained in Listing Regulation and Investors’ complaints pertaining to transfer/
are brought out in the Corporate Governance Report and transmission of shares, non-receipt of annual report,
audited by the Statutory Auditors. Other policies are dividend payments, issue of duplicate share certificates
validated from time to time by the concerned authorities. and other miscellaneous complaints. The Committee
also monitors implementation and compliance of the
1. Does the policy relating to ethics, bribery Company’s code of conduct for prevention of insider
and corruption cover only the Company? trading. The Committee also oversees and monitors
the performance of the registrars and transfer agent
All the policies relating to ethics, bribery and and recommends measures for overall improvement in
corruption are “inclusive” and covers Company the quality of investor services.
as well as its employees and all other external
stakeholders. • Number of complaints received during April 2017
to March 2018 from Vendors: 44
Group) department of the Company along with apex through solar power. The plant is estimated to
management, acts as the nodal department to execute reduce CO2 emission by 11,689 tonnes due to
and oversee policies pertaining to safe, healthy and absence of fossil fuel in power generation. The
environment friendly operations and compliance with techno-commercial feasibility report was prepared
sustainability parameters as mandated and desired. by one of the company’s prestigious institutes,
‘Institute of Engineering and Ocean Technology’.
The process of procurement, payment, tendering, risk
The plant has started partial power production in
management, safe remittance, fraud prevention, control
FY’18 and is expected to be fully operational in
self-assessment (internal controls) and various other
processes are covered by well documented policies, which
are available for reference on the website of the Company. b. Rain water harvesting:
Principle 2.9: Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) projects are
implemented/being implemented at different work
Does the Company have a grievance redressal centres of ONGC under the umbrella of Sustainable
mechanism related to the policy/policies to Water Management. The harvested water is being
address stakeholders’ grievances related to the used for beneficial use like gardening, toilet flushing,
policy/policies? etc. and also for recharging of ground water aquifers.
Yes: as detailed earlier in Principle 1.9. Details of existing rain water harvesting projects:
Sl.No. Name of project
Principle 2.10:
1 29 ground water recharge wells at various locations
Has the Company carried out independent of Ahmedabad Asset
audit/evaluation of the working of this policy by 2 Rain water from roof-top and surface run off
an internal or external agency? harvesting at Green Building, Mumbai
The Company is subjected to various audits such as 3 Percolation well for bore well recharge at Residential
Statutory Audit by six firms of Chartered Accountants complex, Ankleshwar Asset
appointed by the Comptroller & Auditor General, 4 Rain water harvesting system as integral part of C2-
C&AG Audit, Cost Audit, Secretarial Audit, Technical C3 plant, Dahej, Gujarat
Audits, Quality Audit, Energy Audit, Safety audit. These 5 Rain water harvesting at Rajahmundry Asset base
audits ensure compliance to various internal and external complex, Rajahmundry
policies. 6 16 infiltration well in IPSHEM, Goa
policy and practices are guided by the and all personnel are to be provided Personnel
Government Policies and practices. These are Protective Equipment (PPE) and first aid training.
based on transparent procurement mechanisms Further, instructions were issued for the auction/
which promote procurement from technically sale of Hazardous waste in 2004. The Ministry of
competent suppliers. However, care is also Environment & Forest regulates the recycling/
taken for the interest of local suppliers and reprocessing of hazardous wastes such as used/
contractors within the frame-work of CVC‘s waste oil, used lead acid batteries and other non-
guidelines. For example, the Company has a ferrous metal waste under registration scheme, with
special policy to encourage small entrepreneurs the objective of channelizing such waste to only
in North East Region to provide services those units which possess Environmentally Sound
pertaining to transport. Management (ESM) facilities. The registration is
being implemented by Central Pollution Control
If yes, what steps have been taken to
Board that regularly updates the list of registered
improve their capacity and capability of units in their website and the
local and small vendors? hazardous waste is required to be sold / auctioned
The Company has always encouraged local only to units registered by CPCB. Thus clear
suppliers to participate in its tendering process and instructions have been issued and the above policy is
also promote them through vendor development being followed. For example, all lead acid batteries are
programs. Our continued pursuit in this direction to be sold back to suppliers at the time of purchase of
has seen improved participation of small local new batteries.
players and socio-economic development of For disposal of e-waste, the limited tender from
communities in and around operational locations. the firms registered with Central Pollution Control
At work centres, Vendors Meet is regularly held Board for such items is to be invited and the items
to explain procedures and policies pertaining to of e-waste is to be sold to them only to ensure safe
the procurements of goods and services to help disposal of the items. The Company has an e-waste
small local vendors. The Company has taken policy to manage e-waste.
necessary steps for implementation of the public
The Company is committed to recycling of materials,
procurement policy for procurement from MSEs.
wherever feasible. ONGC’s Mehsana Asset has
Necessary provisions have been incorporated in
established effective infrastructure to control
all tenders for materials and services. In general
expenses, non-optimal usage of costly materials,
minimum 20% of the requirement has been
ground water and also to effectively manage waste
reserved for eligible MSEs in tenders.
disposal and has upgraded existing mud preparation
5. Does the Company have a mechanism to plants through enhancing the mud preparation and
recycle products and waste? If yes what is storage capacity.
the percentage of recycling of products Mehsana Asset is now transporting the costly
and waste (separately as <5%, 5-10%, polymer based mud from drill sites to centralized
>10%). Also, provide details thereof, in mud plant for treatment and storage and thereafter
about 50 words or so. sends to other drill sites, where new wells are
being drilled. Drilling being most water intensive
The Company has a policy for Management of
operation, recycling of drilling mud has effectively
Hazardous Chemicals and Materials that was
reduced water consumption.
issued in 2002. As per the policy, personnel
handling hazardous chemical are to be trained for Waste generated in the Company during
safe handling practices. Separate designated areas exploration and production operations are
are provided for storage of hazardous chemicals
Principle 3.2 Principle 3.7
Has the policy been formulated in consultation Has the policy been formally communicated to
with the relevant stakeholders? all relevant internal and external stakeholders?
The HR policies of the Company are formulated in line Yes. The Company’s HR policies are available on-line
with DPE guidelines and after due consultation with on the Company’s website as well as on the Company’s
Collectives and representatives of employees. internal ‘webice’ portal and on All policies,
procedures and work-flows are documented and are
Principle 3.3 available on-line for easy access, use and information
Does the policy conform to any national/ by all employees. Any new initiatives, changes or new
announcements are communicated to employees on-
international standards? If yes, specify? (50
line through internal websites and also through formal
words) orders posted on work-centre’s intranet notice boards and
HR Policies of the Company conform to the best of through circulation to individuals.
International and National standards. The Company is
perceived to be one of the best employers in the country. Principle 3.8
8. What percentage of your under mentioned employees were given safety & skill up-gradation
training in the last year?
• Permanent Employees Training of 14681 executives and 6494 non-executives were provided through
• Permanent Women Employees our premier institutes of IPSHEM Goa and ONGC Academy, Dehra Dun. Apart
• Casual/Temporary/Contractual Employees from the above, casual, temporary and contractual employees were given requisite
• Employees with Disabilities training in safety of operations.
Principle 4: Businesses should respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders,
especially those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized
Principle 4.1
Do you have policy/ policies for principle 4?
Yes. The Company complies with Government directives for upliftment of weaker sections of the society. It is fully
committed to the welfare of marginalized and vulnerable sections of society. Each of our strategic business units (SBU)
has the responsibility to identify and engage with relevant stakeholders to establish a symbiotic relationship.
The Company has a number of policies in place to address the interests of all stakeholders. As a PSE, the Company
pursues all such policies as mandated by the Government. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable
Development policy along with a host of policies of the Government of India are directed towards disadvantaged,
vulnerable and marginalized section of the society. Abiding by the directives of DPE guidelines, the Company has aligned
its CSR policies. To substantiate our stakeholder engagement, a ‘communication policy for stakeholder engagement’ has
been drafted. The goal is to: Connect, Listen, Respond, Sustain’ – leading to business value creation with Economic,
Social and Environmental sustainability in view.
As per CSR & SD policy, the Company has a well-defined set of objectives, clearly delineated beneficiaries, strategy
and project activities which characterize its social projects. The relevant provisions of Section 135 and Schedule VII
of the Companies Act, 2013 have also been taken into account while finalising the aforesaid policy. The projects are
designed to yield discernible, long-term, sustainable benefits for the communities specially disadvantaged, vulnerable
and marginalized sections. Through community driven developments, we foster a symbiotic relationship with our
stakeholders across communities to create more employment opportunities to realize our strategic objective of growing
responsibility while improving the livelihoods of people.
The table below depicts the manner in which the Company engages to address the interest of all stake-holders:
Principle 4.3
Does the policy conform to any national / international standards ? if Yes, specify?
The policy and laid down procedures conforms to statutes and policies of the Govt. of India, DPE and other statutory
Principle 4.4
Has the policy been approved by the Board? If Yes, has it been signed by MD/owner/ CEO/
appropriate Board Director?
All such policies being pursued by the Company are duly approved by the Board of Directors and uploaded on the
Company’s website.
Principle 4.5
Does the Company have a specified committee of the Board/ Director/ Official to oversee the
implementation of the policy?
Yes. The Director (HR) has been delegated power to implement CSR initiatives. The implementation of CSR policy is
to be overseen by a Board Level Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Development (CSR &
SD). Further, in line with the approval of the Board, a non-profit entity by name ‘ONGC Foundation’ has been formed
and registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 for carrying out CSR activities.
Principle 4.6
Indicate the link for the policy to be viewed online?
The website of ONGC,, has a link to the CSR Dept. page, where the CSR & SD policy is available for
Principle 4.7
Has the policy been formally communicated to all relevant internal and external stakeholders?
Yes, for internal stakeholders, all these policies are available on-line on Company websites and also perpetuated through
its Collectives, Officers Association and other relevant associations. For external stakeholders, communication in this
regard is pursued through interactions at multiple levels.
Principle 4.8
Does the Company have in-house structure to implement the policy/ policies?
The Company has a structured framework and laid down well documented procedures in place to execute and implement
its policies. There is an exclusive Department for CSR- headed by Chief CSR, to implement CSR activities of the Company.
Principle 4.9
Does the Company have a grievance redressal mechanism related to the policy/policies to address the
stakeholders’ grievance related to the policy / policies?
Principle 4.10 1000 OBC/Economically backward students every
1. Has the Company mapped its internal and
external stakeholders? Principle 5: Businesses should respect and pro-
Yes. mote human rights
Principle 5.1
2. Out of the above, has the Company
identified the disadvantaged, vulnerable & Do you have policy/policies for principle 5?
marginalized stakeholders? All policies of the Company take into account the Human
Rights of not only employees but also people likely to be
Yes. Over last eight years ONGC has moved
affected by the operations of the Company.
from a ‘charity-based philanthropy’ approach to
a ‘stakeholder participation’ approach where the The Company is committed to conducting its business
communities in and around ONGC’s operational operations and strategies with the ten universally
areas are seen as important stakeholders and accepted principles in the area of Human Rights, Child
therefore their development is seen in alignment labour, Anti-corruption and Environment. The Company
with the company’s business development. Since embraces and supports those ten principles, particularly
ONGC’s areas of operation are remote and that on Human Rights viz.: “Businesses should support
backward areas, the process of engaging with the and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed
external stakeholders, including the community human rights” and “Make sure that they are not complicit
around our areas of operation, gives us significant in human rights abuses”. The Company is fully committed
input relating to the needs of the disadvantaged to the principles of United Nations Global Compact
and vulnerable marginal stakeholders. Besides this on human rights and subscribe to the international
over a last couple of years ONGC has carried out agreements/conventions such as Kyoto protocol,
baseline survey and need assessment around a few Montreal Protocol, UNCLOS (MMD), SOLAS and
of our areas of operation to have greater insight into MARPOL within the framework of Government of
the needs of the community through structured India directives. The Company ensures compliance with
interactions and feedbacks. various labour legislations such as Payment of Wages Act
3. Are there any special initiatives taken by the 1936, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Equal Remuneration
Company to engage with the disadvantaged, Act 1976, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Employees
vulnerable and marginalized stakeholders. If so, State Insurance Act 1948, Employees Provident fund
provide details thereof, in about 50 words or so. and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, Contract
Labour (R&A) Act, 1970, Child Labour (Prohibition
The CSR policy of ONGC covers CSR Projects
and Regulation) Act 1986 etc. As a responsible principal
/ Programmes undertaken by ONGC listed in
employer, the Company ensures that contract labours are
Schedule-VII of the Act, within the geographical
treated fairly as per law and for any complaints or disputes,
limits of India, preferably towards the benefit of
the contractor is advised to settle the issue in accordance
marginalized, disadvantaged, poor and deprived
with the law. Various in-house policies like service rules,
sections of the community and the environment.
leave rules, gratuity rule, CPF rules, HBA (House Building
This way the ultimate objective is to reach the bottom
Advance), conveyance advance, education loans also
of the pyramid in our demographic strata and touch
confirm to Human Right values. The Company has also
their lives in a positive manner. Thus, while ONGC
implemented Fair Wage Policy for contractors’ workers to
has been engaged in serving the society through
provide them wages much above the minimum wages and
various welfare measures since its inception, it
other statutory and non-statutory benefits.
has now adopted a more structured approach in
undertaking such welfare measures. Many projects Principle 5.2
related to infrastructure development, education
and healthcare have been undertaken in remote
Has the policy been formulated in consultation
areas mainly populated with such disadvantaged with the relevant stakeholders?
groups. One of such initiative includes ONGC Merit The Company being a Public Sector Enterprise is
Scholarship Scheme for 1000 SC/ST students and primarily guided by Government of India policies.
systems. The Company has a robust process of internal Principle 6.6
audit and management review for QHSE management
Indicate the link for the policy to be viewed
system and regularly reviews its QHSE policy and
maps risks. Some notable HSE practices are – Regular
QHSE internal audit, Fire safety measures, regular fire The website of the Company,, has a
and earth quake mock drill, health awareness program, separate link for HSE activities.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Personal
Protective Equipment, implementation of Environment Principle 6.7
Management Systems (EMS), Occupational Health Has the policy been formally communicated to
Safety (OHS), near miss reporting, Governance, Risk all relevant internal and external stakeholders?
management and Compliance reporting. The HSE Policy is displayed at all the work centres and has
been communicated to each employee as well as contractual
Principle 6.2
employees. A link to the HSE policy has been provided
Has the policy been formulated in consultation on Company’s website for external stakeholders. Further,
with the relevant stakeholders? the Company continuously engages with stakeholders at
Yes. All policies of the Company have been formulated in multiple levels through diverse channels, which helps in the
consultation with stakeholders, primarily in consultation formulation of Company’s policies directed at progressively
with and under the guidelines of MoP&NG and Ministry enriching practices and sustainable operations over time.
of Environment, Govt. of India and other statutory bodies.
Principle 6.8
Principle 6.3 Does the Company have in-house structure to
Does the policy conform to any national / implement the policy/policies?
international standards? If yes, specify? (50 The Company has dedicated HSE Department at
words) Corporate level as well as at the Strategic Business units
The HSE policy of the Company is in line with (SBU’s) level comprising of Assets, Basin, Plants and
International Standards and conforms to ISO - 14000 Institutes. Safety officers suitably trained and certified
and OSHAS - 18001. Policies conform to all standards, are posted at SBU levels to effectively manage and report
practices and statutes pertaining to environmental safety performance.
commitments as expected from and as mandated to a
Company engaged in the oil & gas business. Principle 6.9
Does the Company have a grievance redressal
Principle 6.4 mechanism related to the policy/policies to address
Has the policy been approved by the Board? If stakeholders’ grievances related to the policy/
yes, has it been signed by MD/owner/CEO/ policies?
appropriate Board Director? Yes.
Yes, the policy has been approved by the Board and signed
by CMD. Principle 6.10
Has the Company carried out independent
Principle 6.5
audit/evaluation of the working of this policy by
Does the Company have a specified committee an internal or external agency?
of the Board/ Director/Official to oversee the The Company undertakes HSE audit at regular pre-
implementation of the policy? defined intervals. External bodies engaged in granting
The Company has a Committee of Directors (COD) on ISO-14000 and OHSAS and other certification agencies
Health, Safety & Environment chaired by an independent conduct regular audits within the certification period
director. This Board level committee oversees and reviews to oversee that pre-requisites are being met before
decisions on policy matters concerning HSE. granting extensions to these certification. The Company
Sl. No. Project CER/annum
1. 1 Waste heat recovery from Process Gas Compressors (PGCs), Mumbai High South (offshore platform) 5320
2. Up-gradation of Gas Turbine 1 (GT 1) and Gas Turbine 2 (GT 2) at co-generation plant of Hazira Gas 7802
Processing Complex (HGPC)
4. Flare gas recovery project at Hazira Gas Processing Complex (HGPC), Hazira plant 8793
10. OTPC Natural gas based combined cycle power plant in Tripura, India 1612506
Total 2102769
5. Has the Company undertaken any other initiatives on – clean technology, energy efficiency,
renewable energy, etc.?
Yes. The Company has taken a host of initiatives to pursue clean technologies, energy efficiency measures and
renewable energy pursuits. Some of these initiatives are spelled out in detail at Principle-2 under questionnaire 2 &
3 (please refer to these for our supplementary response against this questionnaire). To name a few, the Company
has taken some energy saving initiatives such as:
• Flare gas recovery
• Use of turbo-expanders in LPG production
• Use of wind and solar energy
• Use of Gas gen set/Gas based captive Power plant
• Use of wind ventilators/vapour recovery unit
• Waste heat recovery from gas turbines
• Use of solar water heating systems and Energy efficient lighting
• Arrest of steam leakages
Focussing on cleaner and renewable sources of energy ONGC has implemented the renewable energy wind project
51 MW at Bhuj, Gujarat, which was commissioned in 2008. The second of wind power project of 102 MW is
being developed at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. ONGC aims to reduce GHG emissions by focusing on improved energy
efficiency. The Company has also established “ONGC Energy Centre”, a Trust set up by ONGC to actively pursue
alternate energy opportunities.
Principle 7.8 policies, policies towards pursuing the energy
security, sustainable development, corporate social
Does the Company have in-house structure to responsibility and amendment tolabour laws that
implement the policy/policies? are beneficial to the Industry in specific and society
The Company has an elaborate organisation structure in general. Further, details are available on the
comprising of 6 functional directors headed by CMD to Company’s site
ensure proper implementation of all the policies in place.
Principle 8: Businesses should support inclusive
Principle 7.9 growth and equitable development.
Does the Company have a grievance redressal Principle 8.1
mechanism related to the policy/policies to ad- Do you have policy/ policies for principle 8?
dress stakeholders’ grievances related to the pol-
The Company has a structured mechanism for Corporate
icy/policies? Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Yes. (CSR&SD). It aims to strengthen the fabric of society
that the Company operates in. Through partners we
Principle 7.10 identify the needs of the communities, and select and
Has the Company carried out independent audit/ implement programs that address those needs. The CSR
evaluation of the working of this policy by an internal projects are targeted towards empowering the weakest
or external agency? sections of the society, such as children, women, and the
elderly. The programs generate employment and business
The Company has a dedicated Internal Audit department
opportunities, improving the living standards of the
and concurrently audits are conducted through external
community in turn improving the economy of the region.
agencies on regular basis to ensure that the policies
produce the desired results. Further, being a PSE under Principle 8.2
Government of India’s ambit, the Company is subject to
scrutiny by statutory bodies such as CAG. Has the policy been formulated in consultation
with the relevant stakeholders?
1. Is your Company a member of any trade and
chamber or association? If Yes, Name only those The Company being a Central Public Sector Enterprise
major ones that your business deals with: follows CSR Policy as per DPE Guidelines formulated by
the Government. of India and relevant provisions of the
Yes. The Company has association with a number of Companies Act, 2013.
trade chambers and associations such as:
• Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce Principle 8.3
and Industry (FICCI) Does the policy conform to any national/ inter-
• Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) national standards? if Yes, specify? (50 words)
• Standing Conference on Public Enterprises (SCOPE) The CSR policy complies with Companies Act, 2013 and
• Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI) DPE Guidelines which meet International norms on CSR.
5. Have you taken steps to ensure that this consultation with OMCs and Gas marketing companies
community development initiative is on mutually agreed principles. Other sales or purchase
successfully adopted by the community? Please agreement are also agreed mutually. The Company
explain in 50 words, or so. has therefore laid down policies and guidelines for
ONGC endeavours to understand the stakeholder engaging with and providing value to their customers and
expectations through a structured engagement process consumers in a responsible manner.
and communication strategy and leverages this
Principle 9.3
understanding for betterment of all the stakeholders.
Company’s endeavour in this regard are uniquely Does the policy conform to any national/interna-
positioned to herald a business paradigm that is based tional standards? If yes, specify? (50 words)
on an interconnected vision of all people’s well-being,
The specifications of quality and measurement in COSA/
growth and contentment: by enabling citizens and local
GSA are in accordance with International standards.
communities to be informed partners in the enterprise,
Moreover, the Company ensures that policies followed
be accountable in its consumption of environmental
are as per guidelines of the Government of India.
resources; and foster local communities that are
prosperous and content; and manage their resources Principle 9.4
commonly and sustainably. To generate goodwill in the
communities in and around ONGC’s operational areas Has the policy been approved by the Board? If
by not only mitigating operational impact but through yes, has it been signed by MD/ owner/ CEO/ ap-
creating social value that is sustainable and inclusive. propriate Board Director?
Principle 9: Businesses should engage with and Yes. The COSA/ GSA are signed by the designated
provide value to their customers and consumers authorities after seeking approval as per Book of Delegated
Powers 2015.
in a responsible manner
Principle 9.1 Principle 9.5
Do you have policy/policies for principle 9? Does the Company have a specified committee of
The Company engages with customers and consumers the Board/ Director/Official to oversee the im-
in a manner that demonstrates best business practices plementation of the policy?
and is a win-win proposition for all doing business with The Company has a structured and dedicated marketing
the Company as per mutually agreed business principles department / establishment headed by a General
and deliverables. The Company’s main customers are Manager to oversee implementation of relevant policies
Oil Refining & Gas Marketing Companies to which the in this regard.
Company’s produce that is oil and gas is allocated by the
Government of India. The Company enters into a Crude Principle 9.6
Oil Sale Agreement (COSA) with the Oil Marketing Indicate the link for the policy to be viewed on-
Companies (OMCs) and Gas Sales Agreement (GSA)
with GAIL to whom it sells the Crude Oil, Natural Gas
etc., following the crude oil /gas sales allocations as done COSA/GSA being a bipartite agreement is a confidential
by Govt. of India. The COSA/GSA incorporates suitable document and is not available for inspection to the
provisions with regard to the quality and quantity of public. Further the general guidelines on standard terms
the product being supplied by ONGC. Besides this, the of business and also contract terms and conditions of
Company also sells its produce to other direct customers conducting business with the Company are available on
under GSA. the site
Independent Auditors’ Report
To the Members of Oil and Natural Gas statements that give a true and fair view and are free
Corporation Limited from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
1. Report on the Standalone Indian
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) Financial 3. Auditors’ Responsibility
Statements Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
We have audited the accompanying standalone standalone Ind AS financial statements based on
Ind AS financial statements of Oil and Natural our audit.
Gas Corporation Limited (‘the Company’), which We have taken into account the provisions of the
comprise the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, Act, the accounting and auditing standards and
2018, the Statement of Profit and Loss (including matters which are required to be included in the
Other Comprehensive Income), the Statement audit report under the provisions of the Act and the
of Cash Flows and the Statement of Changes in Rules made thereunder.
Equity for the year then ended and a summary We conducted our audit of the standalone Ind
of the significant accounting policies and other AS financial statements in accordance with the
explanatory information. Standards on Auditing specified under Section
2. Management’s Responsibility for the 143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require that
Standalone Ind AS Financial Statements we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible about whether the standalone Ind AS financial
for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the statements are free from material misstatement.
Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect
to the preparation of these standalone Ind AS An audit involves performing procedures to obtain
financial statements that give a true and fair view audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures
of the financial position, financial performance in the standalone Ind AS financial statements.
including other comprehensive income, cash The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
flows and changes in equity of the Company judgment, including the assessment of the risks of
in accordance with the accounting principles material misstatement of the standalone Ind AS
generally accepted in India, including the Indian financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In
Accounting Standards (Ind AS) prescribed under making those risk assessments, the auditor considers
Section 133 of the Act. internal financial control relevant to the Company’s
preparation of the standalone Ind AS financial
This responsibility also includes maintenance of statements that give a true and fair view in order to
adequate accounting records in accordance with design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating
assets of the Company and for preventing and the appropriateness of the accounting policies used
detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates
and application of appropriate accounting policies; made by the Company’s Board of Directors as well as
making judgments and estimates that are reasonable evaluating the overall presentation of the standalone
and prudent; and design, implementation and Ind AS financial statements.
maintenance of adequate internal financial
controls, that were operating effectively for We believe that the audit evidence we have
ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
accounting records, relevant to the preparation basis for our audit opinion on the standalone Ind
and presentation of the standalone Ind AS financial AS financial statements.
Our opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
7. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
i. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2016 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government
in terms of Section 143(11) of the Act, we give in “Annexure 1” a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs
3 and 4 of the Order, to the extent applicable.
ii. Based on the verification of books of account of the Company and according to information and explanations
given to us, we give below a report on the Directions issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in
terms of Section 143 (5) of the Act:
a. On the basis of the information to the extent compiled by the Company pending the reconciliation of the
available records with the books of account and considering the voluminous nature and various locations, we
report that the title/lease deeds for free hold/lease hold land are held in the name of Company except for the
following where the title deeds are not available with the Company:
(` in million)
Nature Number of assets Gross Block Net Block
Lease hold land 14 632.03 392.40
Free hold land 4 58.21 58.21
Total 18 690.24 450.61
Pending compilation by the management of all the relevant details covering all the units, area under respective
line item for the above could not be given.
b. According to information and explanations given to us, the cases of waiver/write off of debts / loans / interest
wherever applicable during the year along with the reasons and amount involved are stated in “Annexure 2”.
c. According to information and explanations given to us, the Company has maintained adequate records in respect
of inventories lying with third parties and assets received by the Company as gift/grants from Government or
other authorities.
iii. As required by Section 143(3) of the Act, we report that:
a. we have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit;
b. in our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears
from our examination of those books;
c. the Balance Sheet, the Statement of Profit and Loss including Other Comprehensive Income, the Statement of
Cash flows and the Statement of Changes in Equity dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of
d. in our opinion, the aforesaid standalone Ind AS financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards
specified under Section 133 of the Act;
e. as per notification number G.S.R. 463(E) dated 5th June, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, section
164(2) of the Act regarding the disqualifications of Directors is not applicable to the Company, since it is a
Government Company;
For Lodha & Co For MKPS & Associates For Khandelwal Jain & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No: 301051E Firm Reg. No: 302014E Firm Reg. No: 105049W
For K. C. Mehta & Co. For PKF Sridhar & Santhanam LLP For Dass Gupta & Associates
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No.106237W Firm Reg. No.003990S/S200018 Firm Reg. No. 000112N
New Delhi
Annexure - 1 to the Auditors’ Report
(Referred to in paragraph 7(i) under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ section of
our report of even date)
a. The Company has generally maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details
and situation of fixed assets.
b. As per the information and explanations given to us and on the basis of our examination of the records of the
Company, the fixed assets having substantial value, other than those which are underground/ submerged/
under joint operations have been physically verified by the management in a phased manner, which in our
opinion is reasonable, having regard to the size of Company and nature of its business. The reconciliation of
physically verified assets with the book records is in progress. Discrepancies noticed on the physical verification
and consequential adjustments are carried out on completion of reconciliation. According to information and
explanations given by the management and in our opinion, the same are not material.
c. On the basis of the information to the extent compiled by the Company pending the reconciliation of the
available records with the books of account and considering the voluminous nature and various locations,
we report that the title/lease deeds of immovable properties are held in the name of Company except for the
following where the title/lease deeds are not available with the Company:
(` in million)
Nature Number of assets Gross Block Net Block
Lease hold land 14 632.03 392.40
Free hold land 4 58.21 58.21
Building 6 154.92 57.65
Total 24 845.16 508.26
ii. According to the information and explanations given to us, the inventory has been physically verified in phased
manner at reasonable intervals (excluding inventory lying with third parties, at some of the site-locations, inventory
under joint operations and material in transit) during the year by the management which did not reveal any material
discrepancies. However, in our opinion, procedures for physical verification of Stores and Spare parts, ascertainment
of discrepancies and carrying out of consequent accounting adjustments need to be made compliant with internal
guidelines of the Company and further strengthened so as to make the same commensurate with the size of the
Company and the nature of its business.
iii. The Company has not granted loans, secured or unsecured to any companies, firms, limited liability partnerships or
other parties covered in the register maintained under section 189 of the Act.
iv. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Company has not advanced loans
to directors / to a Company in which the Director is interested to which provisions of section 185 of the Act apply.
The provisions of section 186 of the Act, in our opinion, are not applicable to the Company.
v. In our opinion and according to information and explanations given to us, the Company has not accepted any
deposits as per the provisions of the Act.
Name of Forum where Dispute is Period to Gross Amount Amount paid Amount
Statute pending which the Involved under protest Unpaid
amount relates
(Financial Year)
Commissioner/ Joint 2000 -02
Commissioner/ 2004 -07
Commissioner - Appeals/ 2009 -12
Joint Commissioner- Appeals 2013-14 2,459.21 7.68 2,451.53
CENTRAL 1998-2000;
SALES TAX Appellate Tribunal 2001-03;
ACT,1956 AND 2005-06;
RESPECTIVE 2011-14 7,399.40 54.28 7,345.12
TAX ACT 1992-95;
Hon. High Court
2011-2013 51.77 26.48 25.29
Hon. Supreme Court
2016-17 11,493.48 623.96 10,869.52
Total (E) 21,403.86 712.40 20,691.46
Commissioner/ (Appeals), Joint 2004-05;
Comm., Additional Comm. of 2006-07;
Custom, Excise and Service Tax 2009-13 8,657.79 0.27 8,657.52
Commissioner (Appeals) of
GST and Central Excise 19,834.29# 13,448.61* 6,385.68
Custom , Excise and Service 2003-04;
SERVICE TAX Tax Appellate Tribunal 2005-13;
2017-18 721.49 19.64 701.85
Hon. High Court 2004-16 34.80 2.56 32.24
Hon. Supreme Court 2015-16 1.35 0.37 0.98
Total (F) 29,249.72 13,471.45 15,778.27
Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F) 170,159.71 120,747.31 49,412.40
# Excluding penalty
* The amount has been since deposited in May 2018, refer note no.48.1.1.b
viii. The Company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to banks. The Company has not issued any debentures and
has not borrowed any amount from financial institutions or government.
ix. Based on our audit procedures performed and according to the information and explanations given by the
management, the Company has not raised any money by way of initial public offer or further public offer and term
x. According to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud on the Company by its officers or employees or
by the Company has been noticed or reported during the year.
xi. As per notification number G.S.R. 463 (E) dated 5th June, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, section
197 of the Act as regards the managerial remuneration is not applicable to the Company, since it is a Government
Signed and dated by the Auditors of the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 154.
Annexure 2 to Independent Auditors’ Report
(Referred to in paragraph 7 (ii) (b) under ‘Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’
section of our report of even date)
Cases of waiver/write off of debts/loans/Interest during the year 2017-18
Debts / loans / interest appearing in the books of accounts to the extent waived/ written off during the year along with
the reasons and the amount involved are as under:
Sl. No. Reasons ` in million
1 Bad debts / Claims written off 10.49
2 Advance written off 0.62
Total 11.11
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls over financial reporting based on
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over
Financial Reporting (the “Guidance Note”) and the Standards on Auditing as specified under section 143(10) of the Act,
to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, both applicable to an audit of Internal Financial Controls
and both issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting was established and maintained and if such controls operated
effectively in all material respects.
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls
system over financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over financial
reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing the risk
that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based
on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of
material misstatement of the standalone Ind AS financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
In our opinion, the Company has, in all material respects, an adequate internal financial controls system over financial
reporting and such internal financial controls over financial reporting were operating effectively as at 31st March, 2018,
based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established by the Company considering the essential
components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial
Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Signed and dated by the Auditors of the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 154.
Standalone Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2018 (` in million)
Particulars Note No. As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
(1) Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment
(i) Oil and Gas Assets 5 1,102,648.35 955,312.28
(ii) Other Property, Plant and Equipment 6 92,507.13 91,874.77
(b) Capital work in progress 7
(i) Oil and Gas Assets
1) Development wells in progress 22,451.77 32,356.34
2) Oil and gas facilities in progress 91,367.07 87,014.72
(ii) Others 21,631.75 38,457.02
(c) Intangible assets 8 1,128.56 883.43
(d) Intangible assets under development
(i) Exploratory wells in progress 9 218,385.31 191,730.89
(e) Financial assets
(i) Investments 10 857,308.00 505,154.21
(ii) Loans 12 21,334.73 28,071.10
(iii) Deposits under site restoration fund 13 159,911.97 145,386.91
(iv) Others 14 1,646.62 1,418.00
(f) Non-current tax assets (net) 29 99,463.66 87,763.33
(g) Other non-current assets 15 7,331.33 7,999.11
Total Non- current assets 2,697,116.25 2,173,422.11
(2) Current assets
(a) Inventories 16 66,889.08 61,653.17
(b) Financial assets
(i) Investments 17 - 36,343.29
(ii) Trade receivables 11 77,726.44 64,762.06
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 18 296.02 426.59
(iv) Other bank balances 19 9,830.97 94,681.25
(v) Loans 12 14,021.15 14,269.47
(vi) Others 14 30,418.12 11,346.74
(c) Other current assets 15 15,983.75 15,590.25
Total current assets 215,165.53 299,072.82
Total assets 2,912,281.78 2,472,494.93
(1) Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Finance lease obligation 22 382.93 382.93
(ii) Others 23 1,110.92 2,200.00
For P K F Sridhar & Santhanam LLP For Lodha & Co. For Khandelwal Jain & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 003990S/S200018 Firm Reg. No.301051E Firm Reg. No. 105049W
For Dass Gupta & Associates For K. C. Mehta & Co. For M K P S & Associates
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 000112N Firm Reg. No.106237W Firm Reg. No: 302014E
New Delhi
Standalone Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Particulars Note No. Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
I Revenue from operations 30 850,041.00 779,077.30
II Other income 31 78,835.48 76,763.43
III Total income (I+II) 928,876.48 855,840.73
Purchase of stock-in-trade 32 - 26.01
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and 33 (630.24) (1,328.41)
work in progress
Production, transportation, selling and distribution 34 407,586.26 418,738.42
Exploration costs written off
a. Survey Costs 14,800.70 17,548.98
b. Exploratory well Costs 55,517.29 32,995.65
Finance costs 35 15,084.70 12,217.38
Depreciation, depletion, amortisation and impairment 36 144,701.72 121,895.38
Other impairment and write offs 37 2,891.31 1,592.19
Total expenses (IV) 639,951.74 603,685.60
V Profit before exceptional items and tax (III-IV) 288,924.74 252,155.13
VI Exceptional items - -
VII Profit before tax (V+VI) 288,924.74 252,155.13
VIII Tax expense: 38
(a) Current tax relating to:
- current year 63,549.19 48,100.00
- earlier years (2,217.99) (5,185.39)
(b) Deferred tax 28,140.94 30,240.75
Total tax expense (VIII) 89,472.14 73,155.36
IX Profit for the year (VII-VIII) 199,452.60 178,999.77
X Other comprehensive income (OCI)
(a) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
(i) Re-measurement of the defined benefit obligations (1,368.22) (4,569.46)
- Deferred tax 494.99 1,581.40
(ii) Equity instruments through other comprehensive income (17,640.41) 136,158.71
- Deferred tax (13,313.50) -
Total other comprehensive income (X) (31,827.14) 133,170.65
XI Total comprehensive income for the year (IX+X) 167,625.46 312,170.42
XII Earnings per equity share: 40
Basic and diluted (in `) 15.54 13.95
Accompanying notes to the Standalone Financial Statements 1-54
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 162.
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 162.
Standalone Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Net Profit after tax 199,452.60 178,999.77
Adjustments For:
- Income tax expense 89,472.14 73,155.36
- Depreciation, Depletion, Amortisation and Impairment 144,701.72 121,895.38
- Exploratory Well Costs Written off 55,517.29 32,995.65
- Finance Cost 15,084.70 12,217.38
- Unrealized Foreign Exchange Loss/(Gain) 854.98 (991.07)
- Other provisions and write offs 2,891.31 1,592.19
- Excess provision written back (4,333.13) (22,299.62)
- Interest income (20,565.83) (22,778.30)
- Fair value loss / gain 700.44 1,071.18
- Amortization of Financial Guarantee (329.48) (543.99)
- Remeasurement of Defined benefit plans (1,368.22) (4,569.46)
- Liabilities no longer required written Back (1,309.95) (1,728.80)
- Amortization of Government Grant 0.26 (0.55)
- Profit on sale of investment (0.10) (2.94)
- Profit on sale of Non-Current assets - (124.08)
- Dividend Income (37,810.26) 243,505.87 (16,969.47) 172,918.86
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 442,958.47 351,918.63
Adjustments for
- Receivables (12,829.93) (10,602.34)
- Loans and advances (777.68) (3,182.40)
- Other assets (18,992.49) 30,441.53
- Inventories (5,695.94) (4,139.11)
- Trade payable and other liabilities 43,503.35 5,207.31 22,064.43 34,582.11
Cash generated from Operations 448,165.78 386,500.74
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 426.59 139.27
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 296.02 426.59
(130.57) 287.32
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 162.
Notes to the Standalone Financial Statement for consideration before the entity recognises the
the year ended March 31, 2018 related asset, expense or income (or part of it).
1. Corporate information The Company is evaluating the requirements of the
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (‘ONGC’ same and its effect on the Financial Statements.
or ‘the Company’) is a public limited company 3. Significant accounting policies
domiciled and incorporated in India having its
registered office at Deendayal Urja Bhawan, 5, 3.1. Statement of compliance
Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi In accordance with the notification dated
– 110070. The Company’s shares are listed and 16th February, 2015, issued by the Ministry of
traded on Stock Exchanges in India. The Company Corporate Affairs, the Company has adopted Indian
is engaged in exploration, development and Accounting Standards (referred to as “Ind AS”)
production of crude oil, natural gas and value added issued under section 133 of the Companies Act,
products. 2013 and notified under the Companies (Indian
2. Application of new Indian Accounting Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (as amended)
Standards with effect from April 1, 2016.
2.1 All the Indian Accounting Standards issued under The Financial Statements have been prepared
section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and notified in accordance with Ind AS notified under the
by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) under Companies (Indian Accounting Standards)
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 (as amended) and Guidance Note on
Rules, 2015 (as amended) till the financial Accounting for Oil and Gas Producing Activities
statements are authorized have been considered in (Ind AS) issued by the Institute of Chartered
preparation of these Financial Statements. Accountants of India.
2.2 Standards issued but not yet effective: 3.2. Basis of preparation
The MCA has notified the Companies (Indian The Financial Statements have been prepared on the
Accounting Standards/ Ind AS) Amendment historical cost convention on accrual basis except
Rules, 2018 on March 28, 2018, whereby Ind AS- for certain assets and liabilities which are measured
115 relating to “Revenue from Contracts with at fair value/amortised cost/Net present value at
Customers” and Appendix B to Ind AS 21 relating the end of each reporting period, as explained in the
to “Foreign Currency Transactions and advance accounting policies below.
considerations” has been made applicable from Historical cost is generally based on the fair value
financial year 2018-19 (i.e. April 1, 2018 onwards). of the consideration given in exchange for goods
Ind AS-115 - Revenue from Contracts with and services.
Customers As the operating cycle cannot be identified in
The Standard replaces the existing Ind AS 18 normal course due to the special nature of industry,
“Revenue” and Ind AS 11 “Construction Contracts”. the same has been assumed to have duration of 12
Ind AS 115 establishes the principles that an entity months. Accordingly, all assets and liabilities have
shall apply to report useful information to users been classified as current or non-current as per the
of financial statements about the nature, amount, Company’s operating cycle and other criteria set out
timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows in Ind AS-1 ‘Presentation of Financial Statements’
arising from a contract with a customer. and Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013.
Ind AS 21 – Appendix B - Foreign currency The Standalone Financial Statements are presented
transactions and advance consideration in Indian Rupees and all values are rounded off to the
nearest two decimal million except otherwise stated.
This Appendix applies to a foreign currency
transaction (or part of it) when an entity recognises Fair value measurement
a non-monetary asset or non-monetary liability Fair value is the price that would be received to sell
arising from the payment or receipt of advance an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
rather than through continuing use. This condition recognised impairment loss. The cost of an asset
is regarded as met only when the sale is highly comprises its purchase price or its construction
probable and the asset or disposal group is available cost (net of applicable tax credits), any cost directly
for immediate sale in its present condition subject attributable to bring the asset into the location and
only to terms that are usual and customary for sale condition necessary for it to be capable of operating
of such assets. Management must be committed to in the manner intended by the Management and
the sale, which should be expected to qualify for decommissioning cost as per Note no 3.13. It includes
recognition as a completed sale within one year from professional fees and, for qualifying assets, borrowing
the date of classification as held for sale, and actions costs capitalised in accordance with the Company’s
required to complete the plan of sale should indicate accounting policy. Such properties are classified to
that it is unlikely that significant changes to the plan the appropriate categories of PPE when completed
will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn. and ready for intended use. Parts of an item of
PPE having different useful lives and significant
Property, Plant and Equipment and intangible assets value and subsequent expenditure on Property,
are not depreciated or amortized once classified as Plant and Equipment arising on account of capital
held for sale. improvement or other factors are accounted for as
3.6 Government Grants separate components. Expenditure on dry docking
of rigs and vessels are accounted for as component of
Government grants, including non-monetary relevant assets.
grants at fair value, are not recognised until there is
Depreciation of PPE commences when the assets
reasonable assurance that the Company will comply
are ready for their intended use.
with the conditions attached to them and that the
grants will be received. Depreciation is provided on the cost of PPE
(other than freehold land, Oil and Gas Assets and
Government grants, whose primary condition is
properties under construction) less their residual
that the Company should purchase, construct or values, using the written down value method
otherwise acquire non-current assets and non- (except for components of dry docking capitalised)
monetary grants are recognised and disclosed as over the useful life of PPE as stated in the Schedule
‘deferred income’ under non-current liability in the II to the Companies Act, 2013 or based on technical
Balance Sheet and transferred to the Statement of assessment by the Company. Estimated useful lives
Profit and Loss on a systematic and rational basis of these assets are as under:
over the useful lives of the related assets.
Description Years
3.7 Property, Plant and Equipment (other than Building & Bunk Houses 3 to 60
Oil and Gas Assets) Plant & Machinery 2 to 40
Furniture & Fixtures 3 to 15
The Company had elected to continue with the Vehicles, Ships & Boats 5 to 20
carrying value of all of its Property, Plant and Office Equipment 2 to 20
Equipment recognised as of April 1, 2015 (transition The estimated useful lives, residual values and
date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and depreciation method are reviewed on an annual
used that carrying value as its deemed cost as of basis and if necessary, changes in estimates are
the transition date except adjustment related to accounted for prospectively.
decommissioning provisions.
Depreciation on additions/deletions to PPE (other
Land and buildings held for use in the production than of Oil and Gas Assets) during the year is
or supply of goods or services, or for administrative provided for on a pro-rata basis with reference to the
purposes, are stated in the Balance Sheet at cost less date of additions/deletions except low value items
accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if not exceeding `5,000/- which are fully depreciated
any. Freehold land and land under perpetual lease at the time of addition.
are not depreciated.
Depreciation on subsequent expenditure on PPE
Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) in the (other than of Oil and Gas Assets) arising on account
course of construction for production, supply or of capital improvement or other factors is provided
administrative purposes are carried at cost, less any
for prospectively over the remaining useful life.
in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted Exploration and development stage
to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate Acquisition cost relating to projects under
that reflects current market assessments of the time exploration or development are initially
value of money and the risks specific to the asset for accounted as Intangible Assets under
which the estimates of future cash flows have not
development - exploratory wells in progress
been adjusted.
or Oil & Gas Assets under development -
If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash- development wells in progress respectively.
generating unit) is estimated to be less than its Such costs are capitalized by transferring to
carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset Oil and Gas Assets when a well is ready to
(or cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable commence commercial production. In case of
amount and impairment loss is recognised in the abandonment / relinquishment of Intangible
Statement of Profit and Loss. Assets under development - exploratory wells in
An assessment is made at the end of each reporting progress, such costs are written off.
period to see if there are any indications that Production stage
impairment losses recognized earlier, may no longer
exist or may have come down. The impairment Acquisition costs of producing Oil and Gas
loss is reversed, if there has been a change in the Assets are capitalized as proved property
estimates used to determine the asset’s recoverable acquisition cost under Oil and Gas Assets and
amount since the previous impairment loss was amortized using the unit of production method
recognized. If it is so, the carrying amount of the asset over proved reserves of underlying assets.
is increased to the lower of its recoverable amount (iii) Survey cost
and the carrying amount that have been determined,
Cost of Survey and prospecting activities
net of depreciation, had no impairment loss been
conducted in the search of oil and gas are
recognized for the asset in prior years. After a reversal,
expensed as exploration cost in the year in which
the depreciation charge is adjusted in future periods
to allocate the asset’s revised carrying amount, less these are incurred.
any residual value, on a systematic basis over its (iv)
Oil & Gas asset under development -
remaining useful life. Reversals of Impairment loss Development Wells in Progress
are recognized in the Statement of Profit and Loss. All costs relating to Development Wells are
Exploration and Evaluation assets are tested for initially capitalized as ‘Development Wells in
Impairment when further exploration activities Progress’ and transferred to ‘Oil and Gas Assets’
are not planned in near future or when sufficient on “completion”.
data exists to indicate that although a development
(v) Production costs
is likely to proceed, the carrying amount of the
exploration asset is unlikely to be recovered in full Production costs include pre-well head and post-
from successful development or by sale. Impairment well head expenses including depreciation and
loss is reversed subsequently, to the extent that applicable operating costs of support equipment
conditions for impairment are no longer present. and facilities.
3.10 Exploration & Evaluation, Development 3.11 Oil and Gas Assets
and Production Costs The Company had elected to continue with the
(i) Pre-acquisition cost carrying value of all of its Oil and Gas assets recognised
as of April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per
Expenditure incurred before obtaining the
the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value
right(s) to explore, develop and produce oil and
as its deemed cost as of the transition date except
gas are expensed as and when incurred.
adjustment related to decommissioning provisions.
(ii) Acquisition cost
Oil and Gas Assets are stated at historical cost less
Acquisition costs of Oil and Gas Assets are costs accumulated depletion and impairment losses.
related to right to acquire mineral interest and These are created in respect of an area / field
are accounted as follows:- having proved developed oil and gas reserves, when
Crude oil in unfinished condition in flow lines up out of the earnings from the exploitation of reserves
to GGS / platform is not valued as the same is not after recovery of cost, a part of the revenue is paid to
measurable. Natural Gas is not valued as it is not stored. Government of India which is called Profit Petroleum.
Inventory of stores and spare parts is valued at It is reduced from the revenue from Sale of Products
weighted average cost or net realisable value, as Government of India’s Share in Profit Petroleum.
whichever is lower. Provisions are made for obsolete Dividend and interest income
and non-moving inventories. Dividend income from investments is recognised
Unserviceable and scrap items, when determined, when the shareholder’s right to receive payment is
are valued at estimated net realisable value. established.
3.15 Revenue recognition Interest income from financial assets is recognised
at the effective interest rate method applicable on
Revenue arising from sale of products is recognized initial recognition.
when the significant risks and rewards of ownership
have passed to the buyer, which is at the point of 3.16 Leases
transfer of custody to customers, and the amount of Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the
revenue can be measured reliably and it is probable terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks
that the economic benefits associated with the and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset
transaction will flow to the Company. to the Company. All other leases are classified as
operating leases.
Revenue from services is recognized when the
outcome of services can be estimated reliably and Land under perpetual lease is accounted as finance
it is probable that the economic benefits associated lease which is recognized at upfront premium paid
with rendering of services will flow to the Company, for the lease and the present value of the lease rent
obligation. The corresponding liability is recognised
and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably.
as a finance lease obligation. Land under non-
Revenue is measured at the fair value of the perpetual lease is treated as operating lease.
consideration received or receivable and represents Operating lease payments for land are recognized as
amounts receivable for goods and services provided prepayments and amortised on a straight-line basis
in the normal course of business, net of discounts, over the term of the lease. Contingent rentals, if any,
service tax / Goods and Services Tax (GST) / arising under operating leases are recognised as an
sales tax etc. Any retrospective revision in prices is expense in the period in which they are incurred.
accounted for in the year of such revision.
3.17 Foreign Exchange Transactions
Sale of crude oil and natural gas (net of levies)
produced from Intangible assets under development The functional currency of the Company is Indian
– Exploratory Wells in Progress / Oil and Gas Rupees which represents the currency of the primary
assets under development – Development Wells economic environment in which it operates.
in Progress is deducted from expenditure on such Transactions in currencies other than the Company’s
wells. functional currency (foreign currencies) are
Revenue in respect of the following is recognized recognised at the rates of exchange prevailing at the
when there is a reasonable certainty regarding dates of the transactions. At the end of each reporting
ultimate collection: period, monetary items denominated in foreign
currencies are translated using mean exchange rate
(i) Short lifted quantity of gas prevailing on the last day of the reporting period.
(ii) Surplus from Gas Pool Account Exchange differences on monetary items are
(iii) Interest on delayed realization from customers recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss in the
and cash calls from JV partners period in which they arise.
(iv) Liquidated damages from contractors/suppliers 3.18 Employee Benefits
As per the Production Sharing Contracts for extracting Employee benefits include salaries, wages,
the Oil and Gas Reserves with Government of India, Contributory provident fund, gratuity, leave
As and when claims are finally received from the The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and
insurer, the difference, if any, between Claims assets reflects the tax consequences that would
Recoverable-Insurance and claims received is follow from the manner in which the Company
recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. expects, at the end of the reporting period, to
recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets
3.22 Research and Development Expenditure
and liabilities.
Expenditure of capital nature are capitalised and
Deferred tax assets include Minimum
expenses of revenue nature are charged to the
Alternative Tax (MAT) paid in accordance with
Statement of Profit and Loss, as and when incurred.
the tax laws in India, which is likely to give future
3.23 Income Taxes economic benefits in the form of availability
of set off against future income tax liability.
Income tax expense represents the sum of the
current tax and deferred tax. Accordingly, MAT is recognised as deferred tax
asset in the balance sheet when the asset can
(i) Current tax be measured reliably and it is probable that the
The tax currently payable is based on taxable future economic benefit associated with asset
profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from will be realised.
‘profit before tax’ as reported in the Statement (iii) Current and deferred tax expense for the year
of Profit and Loss because of items of income
or expense that are taxable or deductible in Current and deferred tax expense is recognised
other years and items that are never taxable in the Statement of Profit and Loss, except when
or deductible. The Company’s current tax is they relate to items that are recognised in other
calculated using tax rates and laws that have been comprehensive income or directly in equity, in
enacted or substantively enacted by the end of which case, the current and deferred tax are also
the reporting period. recognised in other comprehensive income or
directly in equity respectively.
(ii) Deferred tax
Deferred tax is recognised on temporary 3.24 Borrowing Costs
differences between the carrying amounts of Borrowing costs specifically identified to the
assets and liabilities in the Financial Statements acquisition or construction of qualifying assets is
and the corresponding tax bases used in the capitalized as part of such assets. A qualifying asset is
computation of taxable profit. Deferred tax one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing
temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are costs are charged to the Statement of Profit and
generally recognised for all deductible temporary Loss.
differences to the extent that it is probable that
taxable profits will be available against which those 3.25 Rig Days Costs
deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Rig movement costs are booked to the next location
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is drilled/planned for drilling. Abnormal Rig days’
reviewed at the end of each reporting period costs are considered as un-allocable and charged to
and reduced to the extent that it is no longer the Statement of Profit and Loss.
probable that sufficient taxable profits will be
available to allow all or part of the deferred tax 3.26 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
asset to be utilized. Contingent Assets
Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured Provisions are recognised when the Company
at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the has a present obligation (legal or constructive)
period in which the liability is settled or the asset as a result of a past event, it is probable that the
realised, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that Company will be required to settle the obligation,
have been enacted or substantively enacted by and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount
the end of the reporting period. of the obligation.
the asset expire, or when it transfers the financial shares considered for deriving basic earnings per
asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of share and also the weighted average number of equity
ownership of the asset to another party. shares that could have been issued upon conversion
On derecognition of a financial asset in of all dilutive potential equity shares.
its entirety (except for equity instruments 3.32 Statement of Cash Flows
designated as FVTOCI), the difference between
the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of Cash flows are reported using the indirect method,
the consideration received and receivable is whereby profit after tax is adjusted for the effects of
recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. transactions of a non-cash nature, any deferrals or
accruals of past or future operating cash receipts or
3.30 Financial liabilities payments and item of income or expenses associated
(a) Financial guarantee contracts with investing or financing cash flows. The cash
flows are segregated into operating, investing and
A financial guarantee contract is a contract that financing activities.
requires the issuer to make specified payments to
reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a 3.33 Segment reporting
specified debtor fails to make payments when due Operating segments are identified and reported
in accordance with the terms of a debt instrument. taking into account the different risks and returns,
Financial guarantee contracts issued by the the organization structure and the internal reporting
Company are initially measured at their fair systems.
values and, if not designated as at FVTPL, are
subsequently measured at the higher of: 4. Critical Accounting Judgments,
Assumptions and Key Sources of
i. the amount of loss allowance determined in
accordance with impairment requirements of Estimation Uncertainty
Ind AS 109; and Inherent in the application of many of the
ii. the amount initially recognised less, when accounting policies used in preparing the Financial
appropriate, the cumulative amount of income Statements is the need for Management to make
recognised in accordance with the principles of judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect
Ind AS 18. [Note no. 3.3 for Financial guarantee the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the
issued to subsidiaries] disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses.
(b) Financial liabilities Actual outcomes could differ from the estimates and
Financial liabilities are measured at amortised assumptions used.
cost using the effective interest method. Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed
(c) Derecognition of financial liabilities on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting
The Company derecognises financial liabilities estimates are recognised in the period in which the
when, and only when, the Company’s obligations estimates are revised and future periods are affected.
are discharged, cancelled or have expired. The Key source of judgments, assumptions and
difference between the carrying amount of estimation uncertainty in the preparation of the
the financial liability derecognised and the Financial Statements which may cause a material
consideration paid and payable is recognised in adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and
the Statement of Profit and Loss. liabilities within the next financial year, are in respect
of Oil and Gas reserves, long term production
3.31 Earnings per share
profile, impairment, useful lives of Property, Plant
Basic earnings per share are computed by dividing the and Equipment, depletion of oil and gas assets,
net profit after tax by the weighted average number of decommissioning provision, employee benefit
equity shares outstanding during the period. Diluted obligations, impairment, provision for income tax,
earnings per share is computed by dividing the profit measurement of deferred tax assets and contingent
after tax by the weighted average number of equity assets and liabilities.
work in the area, remain capitalized on the for escalation of the current cost estimates and
balance sheet as long as additional exploration pre- tax discounting rate used to determine the
or appraisal work is under way or firmly planned. balance sheet obligation as at the end of the year
It is not unusual to have exploration wells is 7.56% (Previous year 7.12%), which is the risk
and exploratory-type stratigraphic test wells free government bond rate with 10 year yield.
remaining suspended on the balance sheet (b) Determination of cash generating unit (CGU)
for several years while additional appraisal The Company is engaged mainly in the business
drilling and seismic work on the potential oil of oil and gas exploration and production in
and natural gas field is performed or while the Onshore and Offshore. In case of onshore
optimum development plans and timing are assets, the fields are using common production/
established. All such carried costs are subject to transportation facilities and are sufficiently
regular technical, commercial and management economically interdependent to constitute a
review on at least an annual basis to confirm single cash generating unit (CGU). Accordingly,
the continued intent to develop, or otherwise impairment test of all onshore fields is performed
extract value from the discovery. Where this is in aggregate of all those fields at the Asset Level.
no longer the case, the costs are immediately In case of Offshore Assets, a field is generally
expensed. considered as CGU except for fields which
are developed as a Cluster, for which common
4.2 Assumptions and key sources of estimation facilities are used, in which case the impairment
uncertainty testing is performed in aggregate for all the fields
Information about estimates and assumptions included in the cluster.
that have the significant effect on recognition and (c) Impairment of assets
measurement of assets, liabilities, income and Determination as to whether, and by how
expenses is provided below. Actual results may much, a CGU is impaired involves Management
differ from these estimates. estimates on uncertain matters such as future
(a) Estimation of provision for decommissioning crude oil, natural gas and value added product
The Company estimates provision for (VAP) prices, the effects of inflation on operating
decommissioning as per the principles of expenses, discount rates, production profiles for
Ind AS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent Liabilities crude oil, natural gas and value added products.
and Contingent Assets’ for the future For Oil and Gas assets, the expected future
decommissioning of Oil and Gas assets at the cash flows are estimated using Management’s
end of their economic lives. Most of these best estimate of future crude oil and natural gas
decommissioning activities would be in the prices, production and reserves volumes.
future, the exact requirements that may have The present values of cash flows are determined
to be met when the removal events occur by applying pre tax-discount rates of 14.48%
are uncertain. Technologies and costs for (previous year 14.88%) for Rupee transactions
decommissioning are constantly changing. The and 9.68% (previous year 10.57%) for crude
timing and amounts of future cash flows are oil and value added products revenue, which
subject to significant uncertainty. are measured in USD. Future cash inflows from
sale of crude oil and value added products are
The timing and amount of future expenditures
computed using the future prices, on the basis
are reviewed at the end of each reporting period,
of market-based average prices of the Dated
together with rate of inflation for escalation of
Brent crude oil as per assessment by ‘Platt’s
current cost estimates and the interest rate used Crude Oil Market wire’ and its co-relations
in discounting the cash flows. The economic with benchmark crudes and other petroleum
life of the Oil and Gas assets is estimated on products. Future cash flows from sale of natural
the basis of long term production profile of gas are also computed based on the expected
the relevant Oil and Gas asset. The General future prices on the basis of the notification
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for inflation i.e. issued by the Government of India (GoI) and
4.28% (Previous year 3.81%) has been used discounted applying the rate applicable to the
5. Oil and gas assets (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Gross cost (Note no. 5.1)
Opening balance 1,184,449.82 979,716.74
Transfer from Intangible Assets under Development – Exploratory
Wells-in Progress 7,286.12 10,130.13
Transfer from Development Wells-in-Progress 85,966.88 103,458.30
Increase/(decrease) in Decommissioning costs 12,139.56 8,318.36
Addition during the year 113,247.59 84,353.05
Acquisition Cost (Note no. 46.1.10) 57,285.40 -
Deletion/Retirement during the year (37.04) (1,190.98)
Other adjustments 206.90 1,460,545.23 (335.78) 1,184,449.82
Accumulated Depletion
Opening balance 216,676.55 98,424.05
Provided for the year (Note no. 36) 134,383.68 118,903.70
Deletion/Retirement during the year (23.56) (1,190.98)
Other adjustments - 351,036.67 539.78 216,676.55
Accumulated Impairment
Opening balance 12,460.99 24,506.30
Provided for the year 920.58 533.39
Write back of impairment (6,521.36) 6,860.21 (12,578.70) 12,460.99
1,102,648.35 955,312.28
5.1 The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of its Oil and Gas Assets recognised as of April 1,
2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value as its deemed cost as on the
transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 except for decommissioning and restoration provision included in
the cost of Oil and Gas Assets which have been adjusted in terms of para D21 of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption
of Indian Accounting Standards’.
6. Other Property, Plant and Equipment (` in million)
Carrying amount of: As at As at
(Note no. 6.1) March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Freehold land 7,648.56 7,040.66
Perpetual lease land 1,916.57 1,916.57
Building and bunk houses 13,703.99 13,269.15
Plant and equipment 60,933.09 63,770.50
Furniture and fixtures 3,660.41 1,288.86
Office equipment 842.05 1,254.78
Vehicles, Ships & Boats 3,802.46 3,334.25
Total 92,507.13 91,874.77
(` in million)
Accumulated depreciation Freehold Perpetual Buildings Plant and Furniture Office Vehicles, Total
and impairment land lease land and bunk equipment and equipment Ships &
houses fixtures Boats
Balance at March 31, 2016 - - 1,519.73 17,138.57 824.91 900.05 263.71 20,646.97
Depreciation expense - - 1,693.59 16,016.93 690.72 818.08 1,646.76 20,866.08
Impairment loss recognised - - 29.99 53.74 2.12 - 0.53 86.38
in profit or loss
Eliminated on disposal / - - 27.76 (1,259.51) (236.08) (92.40) (134.00) (1,694.23)
adjustments of assets
Impairment loss written back - - (399.96) 20.78 (8.15) - (3.77) (391.10)
during the year
Balance at March 31, 2017 - - 2,871.11 31,970.51 1,273.52 1,625.73 1,773.23 39,514.10
Depreciation expense - - 1,518.56 15,756.88 1,511.50 934.28 1,721.63 21,442.85
Impairment loss recognised - - 3.36 19.16 3.10 0.97 0.05 26.64
in profit or loss
Eliminated on disposal / - - (726.86) (6,782.10) (753.29) (161.46) (25.06) (8,448.77)
adjustments of assets
Impairment loss written back - - (18.20) (73.31) - - - (91.51)
during the year
Balance at March 31, 2018 - - 3,647.97 40,891.14 2,034.83 2,399.52 3,469.85 52,443.31
a. Land includes 4 numbers (Previous year 36) of land amounting to `58.21 million (Previous year `88.89 million) for which execution of conveyance deeds is in process.
b. Registration of title deeds in respect of 6 numbers (Previous year 12) buildings is pending execution having carrying amount of `57.65 million (Previous year `61.10 million).
c. Building includes cost of undivided interest in land.
6.1 The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of its other Property Plant & Equipment (PPE)
recognised as of April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value
as its deemed cost as on the transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 except for decommissioning provision
included in the cost of other Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) which has been adjusted in terms of para D21 of
Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’ .
7. Capital Work in Progress (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
A) Oil and Gas Assets (Note no. 7.1)
(i) Development Wells in Progress
Opening balance 32,939.72 36,423.64
Expenditure during the year 73,703.31 96,350.31
Depreciation during the year 2,316.86 3,586.15
Other adjustments 319.37 37.92
Less: Transfer to Oil and Gas Assets 85,966.88 23,312.38 103,458.30 32,939.72
Less: Impairment
Opening balance 583.38 1,082.71
Provided for the year 185.44 1.34
Written back during the year (112.02) (298.01)
Other adjustments 203.81 860.61 (202.66) 583.38
7.1 The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of its Capital Works-in-Progress recognised as of
April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value as its deemed cost
as on the transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 except for decommissioning and restoration provision
included in the cost of Capital Works-in-Progress which have been adjusted in terms of para D21 of Ind AS 101
‘First –time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’.
7.2 Includes `7,156.89 million (Previous year `7,156.89 million) in respect of Tapti A series assets and facilities which
were a part of the assets of PMT Joint Operation ( JO) and surrendered by the JO to the Government of India as
per the terms and conditions of the JO Agreement. These assets and facilities have been transferred by Government
of India to the Company free of cost as its nominee. The Company has assessed the fair value of the said assets &
facilities at `7,156.89 million based on the valuation report by a third party agency, which has been accounted as
Capital work-in-progress with a corresponding liability as Deferred Government Grant (Note no. 26.1).
While transferring these assets to the Company, the decommissioning obligation has been delinked by Government
of India. The same will be considered as decided by the Government of India. However decommissioning provision
towards 40% share being partner in the JO is being carried in the financial statements.
8. Intangible Assets (` in million)
Application software
(Note no. 8.1)
Opening balance 1,408.30 911.32
Additions during the year 659.20 493.15
Adjustments (174.64) 1,892.86 3.83 1,408.30
Less: Accumulated amortisation and impairment
Accumulated amortization
Opening balance 519.37 240.53
Provided for the year 297.45 274.44
Adjustment (58.10) 758.72 4.40 519.37
Accumulated Impairment
Opening Balance 5.50 5.39
Provided for the year 0.08 0.10
Write back during the year - (1.84)
Adjustment - 5.58 1.85 5.50
1,128.56 883.43
8.1 The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of its Intangible Assets, recognised as of April 1, 2015
(transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value as its deemed cost as on the
transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’.
9. Intangible Assets under Development (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Exploratory Wells-In-Progress
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
(No. in million) Amount (No. in million) Amount
(e) Petronet MHB Limited 179.51 1,839.32 - -
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(Note no. 10.1.4)
Total Investment in Subsidiaries 540,595.05 169,605.73
(ii)Investment in Associates (at Cost)
a) Petronet LNG Limited 187.50 987.50 93.75 987.50
(Quoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share) (Note no. 10.1.8)
b) Pawan Hans Limited 0.27 2,731.66 0.12 1,203.50
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10,000 per share)
(Note no. 10.1.7)
Total Investment in Associates 3,719.16 2,191.00
(iii) Investment in Joint Venture (at Cost)
(a) Petronet MHB Limited - - 179.51 1,839.32
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(Note no. 10.1.4)
(b) Mangalore SEZ Limited 13.00 130.00 13.00 130.00
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(c) ONGC Petro additions Limited 997.96 9,979.56 997.96 9,979.56
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(Note no. 10.1.5)
(d) ONGC Teri Biotech Limited 0.02 0.25 0.02 0.25
(Unquoted- Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(e) ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited 560.00 5,600.00 560.00 5,600.00
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
(f) Dahej SEZ Limited 23.02 230.25 23.02 230.25
(Unquoted– Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share)
Total Investment in Joint Venture 15,940.06 17,779.38
(iv) Investment in other entities
(a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited 1,337.22 236,152.21 668.61 258,784.58
(Quoted – Fully paid up)
(Face Value `10 per share) (Note no. 10.1.8)
(b) GAIL (India) Limited 108.91 35,780.89 81.68 30,788.94
(Quoted – Fully paid up)
10.1.1 The Company has elected to continue with the carrying value of its investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures
and associates, measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value on the transition date April 1,
2015 in terms of Para D15 (b) (ii) of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’.
10.1.2 ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited has been classified as subsidiary as the Company holds 48.99%
ownership interest and its subsidiary Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited holds 51.01% ownership
10.1.3 During the year on January 31, 2018, the company has acquired 51.11% shareholding held by the President of
India (778,845,375 equity shares of face value `10 per share) in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
(HPCL), at `473.97 per share for a total cash consideration of `369,150.00 million. By virtue of this investment,
HPCL has become a subsidiary of the Company.
10.1.4 Petronet MHB Limited has been reclassified from a joint venture to a subsidiary during the year as the Company
holds 32.72% ownership interest and its subsidiary Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited holds 32.72%
ownership interest.
10.1.5 The Company is restrained from diluting the investment in the respective companies till the sponsored loans are
fully repaid as per the covenants in the respective loan agreements of the companies.
10.1.6 During the year, the company has subscribed 10 nos. equity shares of Planys Technologies Private Limited a
startup company, having face value `10 per share at a premium of `25,430/- per share.
10.1.7 The company has subscribed for additional 152,816 nos. equity shares amounting to
`1,528.16 million during the year in Pawan Hans Limited and the company continues to holds 49% ownership
10.1.8 During the year company has received 668,607,628 nos. equity shares from Indian Oil Corporation Limited as
bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1; 93,743,705 nos. equity shares from Petronet LNG Ltd. as bonus shares in the
ratio of 1:1 and 27,226,365 nos. equity shares from GAIL (India) Limited as bonus shares in the ratio of 1:3.
10.1.9 Details of Subsidiaries
Name of subsidiary Principal activity Place of incorporation Proportion of ownership
and principal place of interest/ voting rights held by the
business Company
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
ONGC Videsh Limited Exploration and Production Incorporated in India 100.00% 100.00%
activities having all operation
outside India
Mangalore Refinery and Refinery India 71.63% 71.63%
Petrochemicals Limited
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Petrochemicals India 48.99% 48.99%
Limited (Note no. 10.1.2)
Hindustan Petroleum Refining and Marketing India 51.11% -
Corporation Limited (Note no.
Petronet MHB Limited (Note no. Multi products Pipeline India 32.72% -
10.2.1 During the year, the company has subscribed 383 nos. Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares (CCPS)
of Planys Technologies Private Limited (PTPL), a startup company, having face value of `1,500 per share at a
premium of `23,940/- per share. The CCPS are compulsorily convertible into equity shares upon the expiry of 19
years from the date of issue i.e. March 13, 2017. The company may, at any time, prior to the expiry of 19 years from
the date of issue, irrespective of either the Qualified IPO or Exit takes place or not, issue a notice to the PTPL for
conversion of any CCPS into Equity Shares on 1:1 basis (i.e. for one CCPS, PTPL shall issue one Equity Share)
(“Conversion Ratio”) at a pre-money valuation of `360 million subject to anti-dilution protection and upon
receipt of such notice, PTPL shall be under an obligation to convert such CCPS to the Equity Shares in accordance
with the conversion Ratio without the need to receive any further consideration therefor.
The CCPS bears a cumulative dividend, at the fixed rate of 0.0001% or dividend that would have been payable in
a financial year on Equity Shares that the holders of CCPS would have been entitled to on as-if-converted basis
i.e. Equity Shares arising from conversion of CCPS, whichever is higher. The dividend amount on a-if-converted
basis shall be payable to holders of CCPS only if dividend has been declared on Equity Shares.
10.3 Investments in Government Securities (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
(No. in million) Amount (No. in million) Amount
(a) ONGC Petro additions Limited (Note no. 10.4.3) 1,922 18,739.50 1,922 18,739.50
Total Investment - Share Warrants 18,739.50 18,739.50
Total other investments 23,135.55 24,029.50
Aggregate carrying value of investments 23,135.55 24,029.50
Aggregate amount of impairment in value of - -
10.4.1 The amount of `38.40 million (Previous year `30.53 million) denotes the fair value of fees towards financial
guarantee given for Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited without any consideration.
10.4.2 The amount of `4,357.65 million (Previous year `5,259.47 million) includes, (i) `2,753.34 million (Previous year
`3,674.35 million) towards the fair value of guarantee fee on financial guarantee given without any consideration
and (ii) `1,604.31 million (Previous year `1,585.11 million) towards fair value of interest free loan.
10.4.3 During 2015-16, the Company had subscribed Share Warrants of ONGC Petro additions Limited, entitling the
Company to exchange each warrant with Equity Share of Face Value of `10/- each after a balance payment of
`0.25/- per equity share within forty eight months of subscription of the Share warrants issued on August 25,
10.4.4 The Company had entered into an arrangement for backstopping support towards repayment of principal
and cumulative coupon amount for compulsorily convertible debentures amounting to `77,780.00 million
(Previous year `56,150 million) issued by ONGC Petro additions Limited and interest accrued for the year
ending March 31, 2018 amounting to `4,670.19 million (Previous year `3,612.06 million)
10.4.5 The aggregate investments in each subsidiary, associates and joint ventures is as follows:
(` in million)
Name of entity ONGC Mangalore ONGC Hindustan Petronet Petronet Pawan Petronet ONGC ONGC Mangalore ONGC Dahej
Videsh Refinery Mangalore Petroleum MHB LNG Ltd. Hans Ltd. MHB Petro Tripura SEZ Ltd. Teri SEZ
Limited and Petro- Petro- Corporation Ltd. Ltd. additions Power Bio-tech Ltd.
chemicals chemicals Ltd. Ltd. Company Ltd.
Ltd. Ltd. Ltd.
Nature of entity Subsidiary Associate Joint Venture
As at March 31,2018
Equity 150,000.00 10,405.73 9,200.00 369,150.00 1,839.32 987.50 2731.66 - 9,979.56 5,600.00 130.00 0.25 230.25
Share warrants - - - - - - - - 18,739.50 - - -
Deemed 4,357.65 38.40 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 154,357.65 10,444.13 9,200.00 369,150.00 1,839.32 987.50 2,731.66 - 28,719.06 5,600.00 130.00 0.25 230.25
As at March 31, 2017
Equity 150,000.00 10,405.73 9,200.00 - - 987.50 1,203.50 1,839.32 9,979.56 5,600.00 130.00 0.25 230.25
Share warrants - - - - - - - 18,739.50 - - -
Deemed 5,259.47 30.53 - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 155,259.47 10,436.26 9,200.00 - - 987.50 1,203.50 1,839.32 28,719.06 5,600.00 130.00 0.25 230.25
11.1 Generally, the Company enters into long-term crude oil and gas sales arrangement with its customers. The
average credit period on sales of crude, gas and value added products is 7 - 30 days. No interest is charged during
this credit period. Thereafter, interest on delayed payments is charged at SBI Base rate plus 4%-6% per annum
compounded each quarter on the outstanding balance.
Out of the total trade receivables balance as at March 31, 2018, `66,328.20 million (as at March 31, 2017
`54,071.42 million) is due from Oil Marketing Companies, the Company’s largest customers. There are no
other customers who represent more than 5% of the total balance of trade receivables.
Accordingly, the Company assesses impairment loss on dues from Oil Marketing Companies on facts and
circumstances relevant to each transaction.
The Company has concentration of credit risk due to the fact that the Company has significant receivables from
Oil Marketing Companies. However, these companies are reputed and creditworthy public sector undertakings
(PSUs) (refer note no. 44.2.2).
11.2 Movement of Impairment for doubtful receivables (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Balance at beginning of the year 1,552.03 1,552.75
Addition 1,494.81 88.22
Write back during the year (101.22) (88.94)
Balance at end of the year 2,945.62 1,552.03
As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non current Current Non current Current
d. Loans to Employees
(Note no. 12.1)
- Secured, Considered Good 7,539.90 2,256.72 7,424.76 2,281.74
- Unsecured, Considered Good 224.99 172.06 262.58 245.02
- Unsecured, Considered Doubtful - 12.61 - 12.96
Less: Impairment for doubtful loans - 12.61 - 12.96
Total Loan to Employees 7,764.89 2,428.78 7,687.34 2,526.76
12.1 Loans to employees include an amount of `0.70 million (As at March 31, 2017 `0.72 million) outstanding from
Key Managerial Personnel.
12.2 Movement of Impairment for doubtful loans: (` in million)
The above amount has been deposited with banks under section 33ABA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and can be withdrawn
only for the purposes specified in the Scheme i.e. towards removal of equipment’s and installations in a manner agreed
with Central Government pursuant to an abandonment plan to prevent hazards to life, property, environment etc. This
amount is considered as restricted cash and hence not considered as ‘Cash and cash equivalents’.
14.1 During the financial year 2010-11, the Oil Marketing Companies, nominees of the GoI recovered USD 32.07 million
(equivalent to `2,081.98 million) ONGC’s share as per directives of GoI in respect of Joint Operation - Panna
Mukta and Tapti. The recovery is towards certain observations raised by auditors appointed by the Director General
of Hydrocarbons (DGH) under Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the period 2002-03 to 2005-06 in respect
of cost and profit petroleum share payable to GoI. BGEPIL along with RIL (“Claimants”) have served a notice of
arbitration on the GoI in respect of dispute, differences and claims arisen in connection with the terms of Panna,
Mukta and Tapti PSCs. Since the Company is not a party to the arbitration proceedings, it had requested MoP&NG
that in case of an arbitral award the same be made applicable to ONGC also, as a constituent of contractor for
both the PSCs. Subsequently, vide letter dated July 4, 2011 MoP&NG has advised ONGC not to participate in the
arbitration initiated by RIL and BGEPIL under Panna Mukta and Tapti PSCs. MoP&NG has also stated that in case
of an arbitral award, the same will be applicable to ONGC also as a constituent of the contractor for both the PSCs.
A Final Partial Award (FPA) was pronounced by the Tribunal in the arbitration matter between RIL, BGEPIL and
Union of India.
RIL and BGEPIL the JO partners have challenged the FPA before the English Commercial Court. Pending final
quantification of liabilities by the Arbitration Tribunal and decision of English Commercial Court, the same has
been shown as Receivable from GoI under ‘Advance Recoverable in Cash. (Figures in ` are restated).
14.2 In Ravva Joint Operation, the demand towards additional profit petroleum raised by Government of India (GoI),
due to differences in interpretation of the provisions of the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in respect of
computation of Post Tax Rate of Return (PTRR), based on the decision of the Malaysian High Court setting aside
an earlier arbitral tribunal award in favor of operator, was disputed by the operator M/s Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile M/s
Cairn India Ltd). The Company is not a party to the dispute but has agreed to abide by the decision applicable to
the operator. The Company is carrying an amount of `10,896.48 million (equivalent to USD 167.84 million) after
adjustments for interest and exchange rate fluctuations which has been recovered by GoI, this includes interest
amounting to USD 54.88 million (`3,562.81 million). The Company has made impairment provision towards this
recovery made by the GoI.
In subsequent legal proceedings, the Appellate Authority of the Honorable Malaysian High Court of Kuala Lumpur
had set aside the decision of the Malaysian High Court and the earlier decision of arbitral tribunal in favour of
operator was restored, against which the GoI has preferred an appeal before the Federal Court of Malaysia. The
Federal Court of Malaysia, vide its order dated October 11, 2011, has dismissed the said appeal of the GoI.
The Company has taken up the matter regarding refund of the recoveries made in view of the favorable judgment
of the Federal Court of Malaysia with MoP&NG. However, according to a communication dated January 13, 2012,
MoP&NG expressed the view that ONGC’s proposal would be examined when the issue of ONGC carry under
Ravva PSC is decided in its entirety by the Government along with other partners.
In view of the perceived uncertainties in obtaining the refund at this stage, the impairment made in the books as
above has been retained and netted off against the amount recoverable as above in the Financial Statements for the
year ending March 31, 2018. (Figures in ` are restated).
14.3 Movement of Impairment for financial assets-others (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Balance at beginning of the year 20,932.89 18,761.34
Recognized during the year 167.01 295.32
Write back during the year (379.06) (132.39)
Other adjustments (213.49) 2,008.62
Balance at end of the year 20,507.35 20,932.89
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Balance at beginning of the year 3,093.08 5,221.98
Recognized during the year 395.40 214.25
Write back during the year (18.46) (1.51)
Other adjustments 76.82 (2,341.64)
Balance at end of the year 3,546.84 3,093.08
15.2 Execution of conveyance deeds is in process in respect of 14 numbers (Previous year 14) lease hold lands amounting
to `392.40 million (Previous year `399.87 million).
16. Inventories (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Raw Materials (Condensate) 7.34 3.76
Semi-finished goods 385.32 504.43
Finished Goods (Note no. 16.1 & 16.2) 9,894.06 9,144.71
Stores and spares (Note no. 26.1)
(a) on hand 55,018.92 48,269.23
(b) in transit 4,858.26 7,162.74
59,877.18 55,431.97
Less: Impairment for non-moving items 3,797.29 56,079.89 3,586.22 51,845.75
16.1 This includes an amount of `1.76 million (as at March 31, 2017 `2.15 million) in respect of Carbon Credits.
16.1 Inventory amounting to `95.16 million (as at March 31, 2017 `81.58 million) has been valued at net realisable
value. Write down amounting to `119.30 million (as at March 31, 2017 `24.40 million) has been recognised as
expense in the Statement of Profit and Loss under note no. 34.
17. Investments - Current (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss
(a) Investments in mutual funds - 36,343.29
Total investments - Current - 36,343.29
17.1 Details of investments- current
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
(No. in Amount (No. in Amount
million) (` in million) million) (` in million)
Unquoted Investments
Investments in Mutual funds (Fair value through profit or loss)
(a) UTI Liquid Cash Plan - - 12.76 13,008.83
(b) UTI Money Market Fund - - 8.97 9,001.86
(c) SBI Premier Liquid Fund-Direct Plan - - 13.96 14,002.60
(d) IDBI Liquid Fund-Direct Daily Dividend - - 0.33 330.00
Total investments - 36,343.29
Aggregate value of unquoted investments - 36,343.29
19.1 The deposits maintained by the Company with banks comprise time deposit, which can be withdrawn by the
Company at any point without prior notice or penalty on the principal.
19.2 Amount deposited in unclaimed dividend account is earmarked for payment of dividend and cannot be used for any
other purpose. No amount is due for deposit in Investor Education and Protection Fund.
19.3 Matter of Dispute on Delivery Point of Panna-Mukta gas between Government of India and PMT JO Partners arose
due to differing interpretation of relevant PSC clauses. According to the JO Partners, Delivery Point for Panna-
Mukta gas is at Offshore, however, MoP&NG and GAIL maintained that the delivery point is onshore at Hazira.
The gas produced from Panna-Mukta fields was transported through Company’s pipelines. Owing to the delivery
point dispute neither the seller (PMT JO) nor the buyer of gas (GAIL) was paying any compensation to ONGC for
usage of its pipeline for gas transportation.
Hon’ble Gujarat High Court decided that the Panna Mukta oil fields from where the movement of goods is
occasioned fall within the customs frontiers of India. Consequently, the sale of goods cannot be said to have taken
place in the course of import of goods into the territory of India. The state Government of Gujarat has filed a
petition with the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India against the decision of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court.
Since the said matter of determination of delivery point is pending with the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the
amount is maintained in the escrow accounts by the JO Partners.
20.1 Reconciliation of equity shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period:
Particulars Number of shares in million Share capital (` in million)
Balance at April 1, 2016 8,555.49 42,777.45
Changes during the year (Note no. 20.3) 4,277.75 21,388.72
Balance at April 1, 2017 12,833.24 64,166.17
Changes during the year - -
Balance at March 31, 2018 12,833.24 64,166.17
20.5 18,972 equity shares of `10 each (equivalent to 37,944 equity shares of `5 each) were forfeited in the year 2006-07
against which amount originally paid up was `0.15 million.
21. Other Equity. (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Capital reserve 159.44 159.44
Reserve for equity instruments through other comprehensive
215,740.58 246,694.49
General reserve 1,628,949.72 1,518,659.57
Retained Earnings 24,830.75 25,703.98
Total 1,869,680.49 1,791,217.48
(` in million)
22.1 As per the lease agreement, the Company is required to pay annual lease rental of `35.03 million till perpetuity. The
finance lease obligation represents the perpetuity value of annualized lease payment, which is `417.96 million.
23. Other financial liabilities (` in million)
23.1 This represents the fair value of fee towards financial guarantee issued on behalf of subsidiaries, recognised as
financial guarantee obligation with corresponding debit to investment in subsidiaries.
23.2 No amount is due for deposit in Investor Education and Protection Fund.
24. Provisions (` in million)
- Provision for decommissioning (Note no. 24.2) 176,176.67 6,170.09 156,517.97 1,289.02
- Other Provisions - 557.34 - 656.42
24.2 The Company estimates provision for decommissioning as per the principles of Ind AS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ for the future decommissioning of Oil and Gas assets at the end of their economic
lives. Most of these decommissioning activities would be in the future for which the exact requirements that may
have to be met when the removal events occur are uncertain. Technologies and costs for decommissioning are
constantly changing. The timing and amounts of future cash flows are subject to significant uncertainty. The
economic life of the Oil and Gas assets is estimated on the basis of long term production profile of the relevant Oil
and Gas asset. The timing and amount of future expenditures are reviewed annually, together with rate of inflation
for escalation of current cost estimates and the interest rate used in discounting the cash flows.
25. Deferred Tax Liabilities (net)
The following is the analysis of deferred tax assets / (liabilities) presented in the Balance Sheet: (` in million)
Opening Recognised in in other Closing
balance profit or loss comprehensive balance
Deferred tax (liabilities) / assets in relation to:
Deferred Tax Assets
Unclaimed Exploratory Wells written off 36,707.93 (2,840.57) - 33,867.36
Impairment/Expenses Disallowed Under Income Tax 19,403.60 (1,017.31) - 18,386.29
Financial Assets 1,571.84 15.00 - 1,586.84
Intangible assets 8,617.41 - 8,617.41
Defined benefit obligation 1,738.79 - 494.99 2,233.78
Total Deferred Tax Assets 59,422.16 4,774.53 494.99 64,691.68
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Property, plant and equipment 227,655.84 15,927.16 - 243,583.00
Exploratory wells in progress 42,790.73 17,731.15 - 60,521.88
Development wells in progress 8,547.86 (1,292.25) - 7,255.61
Intangible assets 249.20 (249.20) - -
Financial liabilities 1.35 0.37 - 1.72
Fair value gain on investments in equity shares at FVTOCI - 13,313.51 13,313.51
Others 1,809.30 798.23 - 2,607.53
Total Deferred Tax Liabilities 281,054.28 32,915.46 13,313.51 327,283.25
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 221,632.12 28,140.93 12,818.52 262,591.57
(` in million)
Opening Recognised in in other Closing
balance profit or loss comprehensive balance
Deferred tax (liabilities) / assets in relation to:
Deferred Tax Assets
Unclaimed Exploratory Wells written off 33,402.98 3,304.95 - 36,707.93
Impairment/Expenses Disallowed Under Income Tax 22,194.46 (2,790.86) - 19,403.60
Financial Assets 1,434.31 137.53 - 1,571.84
Defined benefit obligation 157.39 - 1,581.40 1,738.79
Total Deferred Tax Assets 57,189.14 651.62 1,581.40 59,422.16
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Property, plant and equipment 197,083.25 30,572.59 - 227,655.84
Exploratory wells in progress 41,043.45 1,747.28 - 42,790.73
Development wells in progress 10,846.06 (2,298.20) - 8,547.86
Intangible assets 154.90 94.30 - 249.20
Financial liabilities 8.36 (7.01) - 1.35
Others 1,025.89 783.41 - 1,809.30
Total Deferred Tax Liabilities 250,161.91 30,892.37 - 281,054.28
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 192,972.77 30,240.75 (1,581.40) 221,632.12
26. Other liabilities (` in million)
26.1 Includes `7,615.73 million in respect of Tapti A series assets, facilities and inventory which were a part of the assets
of PMT Joint Operation and surrendered by the JO to the Government of India as per the terms and conditions
of the JO Agreement. These assets, facilities and inventory have been transferred by Government of India to the
Company free of cost as its nominee. The Company has assessed the fair value of the said assets & facilities at
`7,156.89 million based on the valuation report by a third party agency, which has been accounted as Capital work
in progress with a corresponding liability as Deferred Government Grant. Inventory valuing `458.84 million has
been accounted with a corresponding liability as Deferred Government Grant.
26.2 Includes `8.31 million (previous year `8.57 million) is on account of reimbursement of capital expenditure of
research & development.
27. Borrowings- Current (` in million)
27.1 The Foreign currency and Rupee term loans have been taken from banks to part finance the strategic acquisition of
51.11% shareholding in HPCL from Government of India.
The loans have been taken on the following terms:
27.2 Foreign Currency Term Loans (FCTL) / Foreign Currency Non-Resident (Bank) Loans (FCNR-B)
Amount in USD as at March Amount ` in million as at
Sl No Terms of Repayment Interest Rate
31, 2018 March 31, 2018
1M LIBOR + 0.90%
1. USD 250 million 16,230.00 Upto January 31, 2019
payble monthly
Upto January 31, 2019 (with
rollover after 6 months from 6M LIBOR + 0.80%
2. USD 300 million 19,476.00
January 31, 2018 subject to payble monthly
availability of funds)
1M LIBOR + 1.30% payable
monthly up to April 26, 2018
3. USD 750 million 48,689.71 Upto January 31, 2019 and 1M LIBOR + 1.65%
payable monthly from April
27, 2018
Total USD 1300 million 84,395.71
27.3.1 Loan of `30,000.00 million drawn on January, 31, 2018 benchmarked to 1- month MIBOR was refinanced on
31st March, 2018 by loan benchmarked to overnight MCLR.
27.4 Working Capital Loan:
Line of Credit was obtained from consortium of banks to meet the working capital requirement. The interest is
benchmarked to overnight MCLR.
28. Trade payables (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Trade payable 73,345.47 51,548.03
Total 73,345.47 51,548.03
28.1 Trade payables -Total outstanding dues of Micro & Small enterprises* (` in million)
28.2 Payment towards trade payables is made as per the terms and conditions of the contract / purchase orders. The
average credit period on purchases is 21 days.
29. Tax Assets / liabilities (Net)
(a) Non- Current Tax Assets (Net) (` in million)
30. Revenue from Operations (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
A. Sale of Products
Own Products (including excise duty) Note no. 30.1 & 30.2 867,056.14 795,615.83
Less : Transfer to Wells in progress (includes levies) 40.87 359.12
Less : Government of India's (GoI's) share in Profit
21,213.66 20,393.22
845,801.61 774,863.49
Traded Products - 845,801.61 30.75 774,894.24
B. Other Operating Revenue
Contractual Short Lifted Gas Receipts 176.63 510.87
Pipeline Transportation Receipts 487.13 590.07
North-East Gas Subsidy (Note no. 30.3) 1,555.87 1,897.46
Production Bonus 1,021.84 60.34
Sale of Electricity 615.99 700.02
Processing Charges 381.93 4,239.39 424.30 4,183.06
Total 850,041.00 779,077.30
30.1 No subsidy discount was extended by the company to the Oil Marketing Companies during the year.
30.2 Revenue from nominated crude (except North East crude) is accounted for in terms of Crude Oil Sales Agreements
(COSAs) signed and made effective from April 1, 2010. For Crude Oil produced in Assam, sales revenue is based
on the pricing formula provided by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
30.3 Sales revenue of Natural Gas is based on domestic gas price of US$ 2.48 /mmbtu and US$ 2.89 /mmbtu (on GCV
basis) notified by GoI for the period April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 and October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
respectively in terms of “New Domestic Natural Gas Pricing Guidelines, 2014”. For gas consumers in North-East,
consumer price is 60% of the domestic gas price and the difference between domestic gas price and consumer price
is paid to the Company through GoI Budget and classified as ‘North-East Gas Subsidy’.
30.4 Details of Sales Revenue
Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Product Unit
Quantity Value ` in million Quantity Value ` in million
Crude Oil * MT 23,671,832 622,959.72 23,861,020 565,745.17
Less: From Exploratory
413 9.54 2,204 51.01
Less: Government of
India's share in Profit 19,050.90 603,899.28 17,658.64 548,035.52
Natural Gas * 000M3 19,494,107 139,565.82 179,35,475 142,440.40
Less: From Exploratory
2,567 31.33 40,094 308.11
Less: Government of
India's share in Profit 2,162.76 137,371.73 2,734.58 139,397.71
Liquified Petroleum Gas MT 1,186,456 40,352.37 1,352,078 37,275.69
Naphtha MT 1,180,210 38,084.01 1,087,070 30,454.88
Ethane-Propane MT 355,918 7,501.95 420,496 8,556.86
Ethane MT 263,717 7,049.89 134,769 5,353.62
Propane MT 191,071 6,250.23 87,107 2,223.43
32. Details of opening and closing inventories (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Unit Quantity Value Quantity Value
Opening stock
Crude Oil* MT 912,225 8,901.03 875,732 7,683.39
Liquefied Petroleum Gas MT 11,094 100.12 8,616 96.81
Naphtha MT 87,587 414.41 76,083 410.91
Ethane/Propane MT 684 7.62 614 9.35
Superior Kerosene Oil MT 2,277 15.53 8,464 31.50
Aviation Turbine Fuel MT 1,458 10.23 602 2.41
Low Sulphur Heavy Stock MT 454 8.34 391 5.77
High Speed Diesel MT 1,326 38.50 2,325 61.01
Ethane MT 2,406 78.61 - -
Propane MT 1,278 40.19 659 8.83
Butane MT 766 25.03 - -
Mineral Turpentine Oil MT 288 5.84 240 3.90
High Speed Diesel** KL - - 14 0.51
Motor Spirit** KL - - 6 0.28
Carbon Credits Units 115,093 2.15 264,029 3.37
Others - 1.54 - 2.69
9,649.14 8,320.73
Closing stock
Crude Oil* MT 897,792 9,439.94 912,225 8,901.03
Liquefied Petroleum Gas MT 9,973 96.55 11,094 100.12
Naphtha MT 81,274 463.44 87,587 414.41
Ethane-Propane MT 465 5.93 684 7.62
Superior Kerosene Oil MT 14,397 62.07 2,277 15.53
Aviation Turbine Fuel MT 1,815 13.42 1,458 10.23
Low Sulphur Heavy Stock MT 1,966 34.50 454 8.34
High Speed Diesel MT 3,875 93.92 1,326 38.50
Ethane MT 2,328 43.39 2,406 78.61
Propane MT 1,006 12.30 1,278 40.19
Butane MT 472 5.88 766 25.03
Mineral Turpentine Oil MT 308 5.40 288 5.84
High Speed Diesel** KL - - - -
Motor Spirit** KL - - - -
Carbon Credits Units 115,093 1.76 115,093 2.15
Others 0.88 1.54
Total 10,279.38 9,649.14
*Includes Company’s share in stock of Joint Operation.
** Purchased for trading.
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
High speed diesel - 16.83
Motor Spirit - 9.08
Others - 0.10
Total - 26.01
33. Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock in trade and work in progress (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Closing Stock- Finished/Semi Finished Goods and Stock in
10,279.38 9,649.14
Opening Stock- Finished/Semi Finished Goods and Stock in
9,649.14 8,320.73
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (630.24) (1,328.41)
34.1 Details of Nature wise Expenditure (` in million)
Particular Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Manpower Cost
(a) Salaries, Wages, Ex-gratia etc. 92,135.23 74,402.67
(b) Contribution to Provident and other funds 11,396.58 10,122.95
(c) Provision for gratuity 125.30 9,893.47
(d) Provision for Leave (Including Compensatory Absence) 3,905.40 9,038.07
(e) Post Retirement Medical & Terminal Benefits 3,272.26 9,205.69
(f) Staff welfare expenses 2,975.76 2,844.81
Sub Total: 113,810.53 115,507.66
Consumption of Raw materials, Stores and Spares 56,158.78 60,902.66
Cess 99,637.78 89,044.63
National Calamity Contingent Duty 1,122.12 1,128.79
Excise Duty 410.22 2,092.51
Royalty 99,089.92 115,748.26
Port Trust Charges 389.50 353.94
Service Tax 333.85 288.75
Rent 3,519.18 3,743.70
Rates and taxes 333.50 358.57
Hire charges of equipments and vehicles 110,392.98 126,158.87
Power, fuel and water charges 5,004.05 5,586.04
Contractual drilling, logging, workover etc. 56,317.22 44,793.72
Contractual security 7,204.36 6,071.54
Repairs to building 892.39 1,055.89
Repairs to plant and equipment 8,459.81 8,866.81
Other repairs 2,289.59 2,868.59
Insurance 1,815.61 1,987.81
Expenditure on Tour / Travel 4,547.32 4,122.04
CSR Expenditure (Note no. 34.2) 5,034.35 5,171.56
Miscellaneous expenditure (Note no. 34.3) 11,447.38 17,665.26
588,210.44 613,517.60
Allocated to exploration, development drilling, capital jobs,
180,624.18 194,779.18
recoverables etc.
Production, Transportation, Selling and Distribution Expenditure 407,586.26 418,738.42
S. No. Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Yet to be Yet to be
In Cash Total In Cash Total
paid in cash paid in cash
Construction/acquisition of
i. - - - - - -
any asset
On purpose other than (i)
ii. 4,085.42 948.93 5,034.35 4,936.94 234.62 5,171.56
Total 4,085.42 948.93 5,034.35 4,936.94 234.62 5,171.56
34.3 The Miscellaneous Expenditure in note no. 34 includes Statutory Auditors Remuneration as under:
(` in million)
Payment to Auditors Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Audit Fees 27.08 30.53
Certification and Other Services 9.47 12.88
Travelling and Out of Pocket Expenses 20.51 20.61
Total 57.06 64.02
34.4 The expenditure incurred by various in house R&D institutes on scientific research eligible for deduction under
section 35(2AB) of Income Tax Act, 1961 is as under:
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Capital Expenditure 196.41 292.33
Revenue Expenditure 4,590.79 4,124.26
36. Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Impairment (` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Depletion of Oil and Gas Assets 134,383.68 118,903.70
Depreciation of other Property, Plant and Equipment 21,442.85 20,866.08
Less : Allocated to :
Exploratory Drilling 4,894.46 4,110.51
Development Drilling 2,316.86 3,586.15
Others 389.05 13,842.48 767.70 12,401.72
Amortisation of intangible assets 297.45 274.62
Impairment Loss (Note no. 47)
Provided during the year 3,163.44 5,261.02
Less: Reversed during the year 6,985.33 (3,821.89) 14,945.68 (9,684.66)
Total 144,701.72 1 21,895.38
(` in million)
40. Earnings per Equity share
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Profit after tax for the year attributable to equity shareholders (` in million) 199,452.60 178,999.77
Weighted average number of equity shares (No. in million) 12,833.24 12,833.24
Basic and Diluted earnings per equity share (`) 15.54 13.95
Face Value per equity share (`) 5.00 5.00
41. Leases
41.1 Finance leases
Leasing arrangements
Leasehold land where lease term is till perpetuity has been classified under finance lease.
Obligations under Finance lease (` in million)
*Under the lease agreement, the Company is required to pay annual lease rental of `35.03 million till perpetuity. The finance lease obligation
represents the perpetuity value of annualized lease payment, which is `417.96 million and will remain same till perpetuity. The finance charge
will be `35.03 million on annual basis till perpetuity.
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Lease payments 113,513.94 109,452.99
113,513.94 109,452.99
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Not later than one year 86,000.99 82,591.09
Later than one year and not later than five years 96,332.85 101,938.35
Later than five years 5,202.91 10,470.91
187,536.75 195,000.35
(ii) Fixation of rate of interest to be credited to members’ accounts.
(iii) To provide cash benefits to the nominees in the event of death of an employee or Permanent Total Disablement
leading to the cessation from service and refund of own contribution along with interest in case of separation
other than death.
42.4 The amounts recognized in the financial statements before allocation for the defined contribution plans are as
(` in million)
S. No. Particulars March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
XI. Expected return on plan assets NA NA
XII. Annual increase in costs 6.50% 6.50%
XIII. Annual increase in salary 6.50% 6.50%
Employee Turnover (%)
XIV. Up to 30 Years 3.00 3.00
XV. From 31 to 44 years 2.00 2.00
XVI. Above 44 years 1.00 1.00
Mortality Rate
XVII. Before retirement As per Indian Assured Lives Mortality Table (2006-08)
XVIII. After retirement As per Indian Assured Lives Mortality Table (2006-08)
The discount rate is based upon the market yield available on Government bonds at the Accounting date with a term that
matches. The salary growth takes account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors on long term basis.
Expected rate of return on plan assets is based on market expectation, at the beginning of the year, for return over the
entire life of the related obligation.
42.8 Amounts recognized in the Financial Statements before allocation in respect of these defined benefit plans and
other long term employee benefits are as follows:
Gratuity : (` in million)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Components of defined benefit costs recognised in Employee
60.03 62.00
Benefit expenses
Remeasurement on the net defined benefit liability:
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from changes in demographic
- -
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from changes in financial
(10.22) 40.95
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from experience adjustments 75.26 (56.54)
Adjustments for restrictions on the defined benefit asset - -
Components of Remeasurement 65.04 (15.59)
Total 125.07 46.41
The Components of Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability recognized in other comprehensive income is `1,368.22 million (Previous Year `4,569.46 million).
42.9 Movements in the present value of the defined benefit obligation and other long term employee benefits are as
follows (Note no. 42.5.2):
Gratuity : (` in million)
42.10 The amount included in the Standalone Balance sheet arising from the entity’s obligation in respect of its defined
benefit plan and other long term employee benefits is as follows :
Gratuity : (` in million)
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Present value of funded defined benefit obligation 28,451.55 30,133.36
Fair value of plan assets 28,308.14 21,535.94
Funded status (143.41) (8,597.42)
Restrictions on asset recognised NA NA
Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation 143.41 8,597.42
The amounts included in the fair value of plan assets of gratuity fund in respect of Reporting Enterprise’s own financial instruments and any
property occupied by, or other assets used by the reporting enterprise are Nil (As at March 31, 2017 Nil)
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Present value of funded defined benefit obligation 27,711.75 28,676.05
Fair value of plan assets 23,811.76 19,513.91
Funded status (3,899.99) (9,162.14)
Restrictions on asset recognised NA NA
Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation 3,899.99 9,162.14
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Present value of unfunded defined benefit obligation 38,039.80 37,384.98
Fair value of plan assets NA NA
Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation 38,039.80 37,384.98
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Present value of unfunded defined benefit obligation 540.62 493.92
Fair value of plan assets - -
Net liability arising from defined benefit obligation 540.62 493.92
42.11 Movements in the fair value of the plan assets are as follows :
Gratuity : (` in million)
Expected Contribution in respect of Gratuity for next year will be `1,218.49 million (For the year ended March 31, 2017 `1,904.73 million).
The company has recognized a gratuity liability of `72.35 million as on March 31, 2018 (As at March 31, 2017 `78.78 million) as per
actuarial valuation for 256 employees (As at March 31, 2017 – 228) contingent Employees engaged in different work centres
42.12 The fair value of the plan assets at the end of the reporting period for each category, are as follows.
(` in million)
42.12.1 The fair values of the above equity and debt instruments are determined based on quoted market prices in
active markets.
42.12.2 Cost of Investment is taken as fair value of Investment in Unit Linked Plan of Insurance Company (ULIPs) and
Bank TDR.
42.12.3 All Investments in PSU Bonds, G Sec and T Bill are quoted in active market.
42.12.4 Fair value of Investment in Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme (Traditional Fund) of Insurance
Company is taken as book value on reporting date.
42.12.5 Net Current Assets represent Accrued Interest on Investments minus outstanding gratuity reimbursements as
on reporting date.
42.12.6 The actual return on plan assets of gratuity during FY 2017-18 was `1,807.69 million (during FY 2016-17
`1,888.26 million) and for Leave `1,986.70 million (during FY 2016-17 `1,739.55 million)
42.13 Significant actuarial assumptions for the determination of the defined obligation are discount rate and expected
salary increase. The sensitivity analyses below have been determined based on reasonably possible changes of
the respective assumptions occurring at the end of the reporting period, while holding all other assumptions
42.13.1 Sensitivity Analysis as on March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Significant actuarial assumptions Gratuity Leave Terminal Benefits
Medical Benefits
Discount Rate
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points (656.21) (751.51) (2,705.55) (14.66)
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points 695.29 800.80 2,264.19 15.62
Salary increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points 172.24 805.91 - -
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points (178.70) (762.91) - -
Cost increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points - - 2,275.29 15.71
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points - - (2,691.89) (14.87)
Significant actuarial assumptions Gratuity Leave Terminal Benefits
Medical Benefits
Discount Rate
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points (722.19) (836.73) (2,654.51) (13.90)
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points 763.69 869.97 2,221.64 14.79
Salary increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points 176.91 872.57 - -
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points (183.70) (826.51) - -
Cost increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points - - 2,238.82 13.83
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points - - (2,647.25) (14.71)
The sensitivity analysis presented above may not be representative of the actual change in the defined benefit obligation as it is
unlikely that the change in assumptions would occur in isolation of one another as some of the assumptions may be correlated.
Sensitivity due to mortality & withdrawals are not material & hence impact of change not calculated.
Furthermore, in presenting the above sensitivity analysis, the present value of the defined benefit obligation has been calculated
using the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period, which is the same as that applied in calculating the
defined benefit obligation liability recognised in the balance sheet.
As on March As on March
Defined Benefit:
31, 2018 31, 2017
Less than One Year 5,324.54 4,719.88
One to Three Years 4,127.26 2,947.15
Three to Five Years 2,050.76 2,504.85
More than Five Years 16,948.99 19,961.48
Less than One Year 4,003.07 3,777.26
One to Three Years 6,753.92 5,717.78
Three to Five Years 5,104.01 6,450.95
More than Five Years 11,850.75 12,730.06
43.2.1 Segment revenue reported above represents revenue generated from external customers. There were no inter-
segment sale in the current year (year ended March 31, 2017: Nil)
43.2.2 The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Company’s accounting policies described
in Note no. 3. Segment profit represents the profit before tax earned by each segment excluding finance cost
and other income like interest/dividend income. This is the measure reported to the Chief Operating Decision
maker for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.
43.3 Segment assets and liabilities (` in million)
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Segment assets
Offshore 1,214,209.83 1,082,902.81
Onshore 553,465.02 495,842.64
Total segment assets 1,767,674.85 1,578,745.45
Unallocated 1,144,606.93 893,749.48
Total assets 2,912,281.78 2,472,494.93
Segment liabilities
Offshore 300,171.44 250,732.06
Onshore 109,239.82 94,093.29
Total segment liabilities 409,411.26 344,825.35
Unallocated 569,023.71 272,285.78
Total liabilities 978,434.97 617,111.13
For the purpose of monitoring segment performance and allocating resources between segments:
43.3.1 All assets are allocated to reportable segments other than investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures, other investments, loans and current and deferred tax assets.
43.3.2 All liabilities are allocated to reportable segment other than borrowing, current and deferred tax liabilities.
43.3.3 Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments
and amount allocated on reasonable basis. Unallocated expenditure includes common expenditure incurred for
all the segments and expenses incurred at the corporate level. Finance cost includes unwinding of discount on
decommissioning provisions not allocated to segment.
43.4 Other information
(` in million)
The total of non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax assets, post-employment benefit
assets, broken down by location of assets are shown below:
(` in million)
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
India 1,557,451.26 1,405,628.57
Other Countries - -
Total 1,557,451.26 1,405,628.57
44. Related Party Disclosures 4. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(HPCL)
(w.e.f. January 31,2018, Note no 10.1.3)
44.1 Name of related parties and description of
relationship: 4.1 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd.
A. Subsidiaries 4.2 HPCL Bio Fuels Ltd.
1. ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) 4.3 Prize Petroleum International pte Ltd.
1.1. ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) 4.4 HPCL Middle East FZCO
1.1.1. ONGC Campos Ltda. 5. Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) (w.e.f. January
1.1.2. ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd. 31,2018, Note no 10.1.4)
1.1.4. ONGC Caspian E&P B.V. 1. Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) (up to January
30,2018, Note no 10.1.4)
1.2. ONGC Narmada Limited (ONL)
2. Mangalore SEZ Ltd (MSEZ)
1.3. ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited (OAAL)
3. ONGC Petro additions Ltd. (OPaL)
1.4. Imperial Energy Limited
4. ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd. (OTPC)
1.4.1. Imperial Energy Tomsk Limited
5. ONGC Teri Biotech Ltd. (OTBL)
1.4.2. Imperial Energy (Cyprus) Limited
6. Dahej SEZ Limited (DSEZ)
1.4.3. Imperial Energy Nord Limited
7. ONGC Mittal Energy Limited (OMEL) (through
1.4.4. Biancus Holdings Limited OVL)
1.4.5. Redcliffe Holdings Limited 8. SUDD Petroleum Operating Company(through
1.4.6. Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited OVL)
1.4.7. San Agio Investments Limited 9. Mansarovar Energy Colombia Limited, Colombia
1.4.8. LLC Sibinterneft (Note 44.1.1) (through OVL)
44.2 Details of Transactions:
44.2.1 Transactions with Subsidiaries (` in million)
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
(i) Transfer of Asset:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Transfer of Retail Outlet - 37.26
(ii) Sale of products to:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Sale of crude oil 48,868.99 53,001.84
b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (w.e.f. Sale of crude oil & value 37,506.46 -
January 31, 2018) (Note no. 10.1.3) added products
(iii) Purchase of product from:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Purchase of trade product - 26.01
b) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd. Purchase of petroleum oil 8,453.89 5,251.07
and lubricants/high speed
c) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Purchase of petroleum oil 916.39 -
(w.e.f. January 31, 2018) (Note no. 10.1.3) and lubricants/high speed
(iv) Services received from:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Deputation of manpower - 1.80
and other charges
(v) Services provided to:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Leasing of office space at 13.30 12.59
Guarantee fee 10.43 4.47
b) ONGC Videsh Limited Interest on Loan 3.98 -
Interpretation of G and - 21.90
G data
(vi) Dividend and interest income from:
a) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Dividend income 7,532.12 -
b) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Interest income 1,657.81 2,435.03
c) ONGC Videsh Limited Dividend income 2,100.00 -
d) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Dividend income 11,293.26 -
(w.e.f. January 31, 2018) (Note no. 10.1.3)
e) Petronet MHB Dividend income 161.56 -
(vii) Non cash transaction (Ind AS fair valuations):
a) ONGC Videsh Limited Interest income 35.94 411.97
Guarantee fee in respect of 321.60 531.84
financial guarantee
b) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Guarantee fee in respect of 7.88 12.15
financial guarantee
(viii) Conversion of loan into equity:
a) ONGC Videsh Limited Loan converted into equity - 50,000.00
(ix) Corporate Financial guarantee issued:
a) ONGC Videsh Limited Financial Guarantee 52,684.85 -
against Terms loans
b) Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited Financial Guarantee for - 14,591.25
import of Crude Oil
44.2.3 The loan is unsecured carrying interest rate of 7.17% (previous year 8.12% ) based on G-sec yield for 5 years
tenor as per FIMMDA of 6.77 % plus spread of 0.40 bps and is recoverable in half-yearly installments by
financial year 2020-21.
44.2.4 The loan is Interest free and unsecured. The loan has been granted to fund the OVL’s overseas projects
and is recoverable out of the surplus cash flows arising from the projects. However, Company has the right
to demand loan by serving a notice period of 15 months. Pending the final approval of Government for
conversion of loan into equity, based on approval of board. During the year, the Company has received
Government approval for such conversion and accordingly the same has been converted into equity. The
remaining loan has been fair valued based on effective interest rate (EIR) method as per Ind AS-32 and
the same has been presented in balance sheet. The fair value of remaining OVL loan NIL (previous year
`163.45 million) base on effective interest rate NIL % (previous year 8.12%) is included in note no. 12.
44.2.5 Transactions with joint ventures (` in million)
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Sale of products to:
a) ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited Sale of natural gas 5,486.38 5,389.99
b) ONGC Petro additions Limited Sale of naphtha & C2-C3 36,599.87 16,055.62
Services received from:
a) ONGC Teri Biotech Limited Bio-remediation services 127.60 191.57
b) Dahej SEZ Limited Lease rent charges for SEZ land for C2- 13.67 8.71
C3 plant
Services provided to:
a) ONGC Petro additions Limited Manpower deputation, loading and 202.12 374.54
other charges
b) ONGC Teri Biotech Limited Field study charges and rent for colony 0.19 3.94
c) ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited Management consultancy and interest 0.12 1.10
d) Mangalore SEZ 0.09 -
Dividend Income from:
a) ONGC Tripura Power Company Limited 700.00 -
Commitments given:
a) ONGC Petro additions Limited Subscription of share warrants - 480.50
b) ONGC Petro additions Limited Backstopping support for compulsorily 21,630.00 56,150.00
convertible debentures
c) ONGC Petro additions Limited Backstopping support for compulsorily 1,058.13 3,612.06
convertible debentures-Interest accrued
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
A. Services received from:
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) FE loss (gain) on hiring of Helicopter 5.46 (5.24)
Hiring of helicopter services 1,456.81 1,933.42
b) Petronet LNG Limited Purchase of LNG 2,025.47 -
Facilities charges at C2-C3 and 210.69 85.74
reimbursement of consultant fee
B. Services provided to:
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) Other services 8.39
Miscellaneous receipt on account of 0.45 19.03
liquidated damages
b) Petronet LNG Limited Director sitting fee and other charges 0.26 0.18
C. Income received from:
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) Interest income - 0.45
Dividend income 181.24 53.04
b) Petronet LNG Limited Dividend Income 468.75 234.38
D. Investment
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) Investment in Equity shares (Note no. 1,528.16 -
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
A. Remittance of payment:
a) ONGC Contributory Provident Fund Trust Contribution 12,158.32 10,727.47
b) ONGC CSSS Trust Contribution 1,217.78 1,319.51
c) ONGC Sahyog Trust Contribution 28.07 28.60
d) ONGC PRBS Trust Contribution 11,066.09 10,091.21
e) ONGC Gratuity Trust Contribution 8,822.28 -
B. Reimbursement of Gratuity payment made on behalf of Trust:
a) ONGC Gratuity Fund Reimbursement 3,651.09 1,674.14
C. Contribution to trust
a) ONGC Energy Center For research and development 300.00 162.50
b) ONGC Foundation Contribution 1,563.61 2,257.50
44.2.10 Compensation of Key Management Personnel
(a) Whole-Time Directors and Company Secretary (` in million)
(` in million)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Amount receivable 0.70 0.72
Amount Payable 18.55 24.90
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Sale of products during year to:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Sale of crude oil , C2-C3 , SKO & LPG 245,500.29 201,318.28
b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Sale of crude oil C2-C3 & LPG 103,665.33 114,672.89
(up to January 30, 2018)
c) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Sale of crude oil C2-C3, SKO, HSD & LPG 121,626.77 111,719.93
d) Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd Sale of crude oil 47,425.98 42,674.79
e) Numaligarh Refinery Ltd Sale of crude oil 19,661.69 16,251.43
f) Kochi Refineries Limited Sale of crude oil 4,393.87 13,539.79
g) GAIL (India) Limited Sale of Natural Gas 124,650.81 131,778.79
h) Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd Sale of Natural Gas 708.79 100.69
Purchase of product during year from:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Purchase of Petrol Oil & lubricant 2,486.30 5,241.81
b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Purchase of Petrol Oil & lubricant 1,384.06 3,240.87
(up to January 30, 2018)
c) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Purchase of Petrol Oil & lubricant 546.94 2,200.61
d) GAIL (India) Limited Purchase of LNG 4,950.14 11,226.89
e) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Purchase of drilling rig related items 2,255.15 1,891.08
including spares
Services Received from:
a) United India Insurance Company Ltd Insurance premium 1,212.42 1,338.81
b) Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd Travel expenses 1,203.32 1,155.12
c) Shipping Corporation of India Hiring of vessels 5,872.01 5,464.24
d) Bharat Electronics Ltd Employee Access Control System 887.51 -
Dividend Income received from:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Dividend income 13,372.15 14,876.52
b) GAIL (India) Limited Dividend income 845.38 704.48
Amount receivable:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Trade & other receivable 6,485.78 18,636.84
b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other receivable - 8,855.08
(Note no 10.1.3)
c) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other receivable 10,471.16 10,362.91
d) Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other receivable 2,270.88 2,655.00
e) Numaligarh Refinery Ltd Trade & other receivable 1,856.90 1,543.32
f) GAIL (India) Limited Trade & other receivable 8,915.50 8,387.40
g) United India Insurance Company Ltd Claim receivable (net) 2.52 2.71
Amount payable:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Trade & other payable 51.85 199.33
b) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other payable - 326.39
(Note no 10.1.3)
c) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other payable 80.75 237.14
d) GAIL (India) Limited Trade & other payable 246.75 539.03
e) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Trade & other payable 1,009.02 470.72
f) Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd Trade & other payable 16.96 64.61
Name of related party Nature of transaction Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
g) Shipping Corporation of India Trade & other payable 1,973.86 605.10
h) Numaligarh Refinery Ltd Trade & other payable 6.15 -
i) Bharat Electronics Ltd Trade & other payable 887.51 -
The above transactions with the government related entities cover transactions that are significant individually and
collectively. The Company has also entered into other transactions such as telephone expenses, air travel, fuel purchase
and deposits etc. with above mentioned and other various government related entities. These transactions are insignificant
individually and collectively and hence not disclosed.
Particulars As at 31 As at 31
March, 2018 March, 2017
Financial assets
Measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
(a) Investment in mutual funds - 36,343.29
(b) Compulsorily Convertible Preference Share 9.74 -
Measured at amortised cost
(a) Investment in GoI Special Bonds 1,975.08 1,975.08
(b) Trade and other receivables 77,726.44 64,762.06
(c) Cash and cash equivalents 296.02 426.59
(d) Other bank balances 9,830.97 94,681.25
(e) Deposit under Site Restoration Fund 159,911.97 145,386.91
(f) Loans 35,355.88 42,340.57
(g) Other financial assets 32,064.74 12,764.74
Measured at FVTOCI
(a) Investments in equity instruments 271,933.36 289,573.52
Financial liabilities
Measured at amortised cost
(a) Short term borrowings 255,922.08 -
(b) Trade payables 73,345.47 51,548.03
(c) Other financial liabilities 122,122.33 94,426.06
Financial guarantee contracts 1,464.94 2,707.57
Finance Lease Obligation 417.96 417.96
The Company undertakes transactions denominated in different foreign currencies and consequently exposed to exchange rate
fluctuations. Exchange rate exposures are managed within approved policy parameters. The carrying amounts of the Company’s
foreign currency denominated monetary assets and monetary liabilities at the end of the reporting period are as follows.
(` in million)
Liabilities as at Assets as at
Particulars As at March As at March As at 31 As at 31
31, 2018 31, 2017 March, 2018 March, 2017
USD 177,218.51 66,832.00 26,936.23 12,076.00
GBP 1,899.94 866.29 - -
EURO 1,442.77 1,135.74 0.84 -
JPY 115.72 451.80 - -
Others 566.17 47.30 - -
The Sensitivity of Revenue from operation to change in +/- Re. 1 in exchange rate between INR-USD currency pair is
presented as under: (` in million)
In management’s opinion, the sensitivity analysis is unrepresentative of the inherent foreign exchange risk because the
exposure at the end of the reporting period does not reflect the exposure during the year.
45.10 Liquidity risk management
The Company manages liquidity risk by maintaining sufficient cash and cash equivalents including bank deposits and
availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities to meet the obligations when due.
Management monitors rolling forecasts of liquidity position and cash and cash equivalents on the basis of expected cash
flows. In addition, liquidity management also involves projecting cash flows considering level of liquid assets necessary to
meet obligations by matching the maturity profiles of financial assets & liabilities and monitoring balance sheet liquidity
The following tables detail the Company’s remaining contractual maturity for its non-derivative financial liabilities with
agreed repayment periods. The information included in the tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash
flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Company can be required to pay. The tables include
both interest and principal cash flows. The contractual maturity is based on the earliest date on which the Company may
be required to pay.
(` in million)
Less than 1 month 1 month -1 year 1 year – 3 years More than Total
3 years
As at March 31, 2018
Trade Payable 73,345.47 - - - 73,345.47
Security Deposits from Contractors 2,114.89 51.08 61.59 0.34 2,227.89
Short Term Borrowing - 255,922.08 - - 255,922.08
Other Financial Liabilities 119,588.42 - - - 119,588.42
Total 195,048.78 255,973.16 61.59 0.34 451,083.87
Financial Guarantee Obligation* - - - - 441,956.86
The Company has access to committed credit facilities as described below, all of which remain unused at the end of the
reporting period (as at March 31, 2017 Nil). The Company expects to meet its other obligations from operating cash
flows and proceeds of maturing financial assets.
(` in million)
Financial Assets/ Fair value as at Fair value hierarchy Valuation technique(s) and key input(s)
(Financial Liabilities)
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Investment in Equity 271,933.10 289,573.52 Level 1 Quoted bid prices from Stock exchange-
Instruments (quoted) NSE Ltd.
Compulsorily Convertible 9.74 - Level 2 Based upon similar instruments in the
Preference Share market.
Investment in Mutual Funds - 36,343.29 Level 2 NAV declared by respective Asset
Management Companies.
Employee Loans 10,193.66 10,214.10 Level 2 Discounted Cash Flows i.e. present value
of expected receipt/payment discounted
using appropriate discounting rate.
Financial Guarantee (1,464.95) (2,707.55) Level 2 Interest Rate Differential Model.
Finance Lease Obligation (417.96) (417.96) Level 2 Valuation based upon risk adjusted
discount rate applied to get present
value of annuity till perpetuity (Annuity
capitalisation model).
Security Deposits from (2,222.95) (2,982.33) Level 2 Discounted Cash Flows i.e. present value
Contractors of expected receipt/payment discounted
using appropriate discounting rate.
45.13 Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value (but fair
value disclosures are required)
Management considers that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recognized in the financial
statements except as per note no. 45.12 approximate their fair values.
Company’s Participating Interest Others Partners and their PI in the JO/
Sl. No. Blocks
As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 Operatorship*
A Jointly Operated JOs
1 Panna, Mukta and Tapti 40% 40% BGEPIL 30%, RIL 30%
2 NK-CBM-2001/1 55% 55% IOC 20%, PEPL 25%
B ONGC Operated JOs
3 CB-OS/1 Development 55.26% 55.26% TPL 6.70%, HOEC 38.04%
Phase (Note no. 46.1.1)
4 AA-ONN-2001/2 80% 80% IOC 20%
5 CY-ONN-2002/2 60% 60% BPRL 40%
6 KG-ONN-2003/1 51% 51% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India Ltd)-49%
7 CB-ONN-2004/1 60% 60% GSPC 40%,
Note no. 46.1.1)
8 CB-ONN-2004/2 55% 55% GSPC 45%
9 CB-ONN-2004/3 65% 65% GSPC 35%
10 CY-ONN-2004/2 80% 80% BPRL 20%
11 MB-OSN-2005-1 80% 80% GSPC 20%
12 Raniganj 74% 74% CIL 26%
13 Jharia 74% 74% CIL 26%
14 BK-CBM-2001/1 80% 80% IOC 20%
15 WB-ONN-2005/4 75% 75% OIL 25%
16 GK-OSN-2009/1 40% 40% AWEL 20%, GSPC 20%, IOC 20%
17 GK-OSN-2009/2 40% 40% AWEL 30%, IOC 30%
18 KG-OSN-2009/2 90% 90% APGIC 10%
19 GK-OSN-2010/1 60% 60% OIL 30%, GAIL 10%
20 MB-OSN-2005/3 70% 70% EEPL 30%
21 KG-OSN-2001/3 (Note 80% - GSPC 10%, JODPL 10%
no 46.1.10)
C Operated by JO Partners
22 Ravva 40% 40% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India Ltd)
(Operator) 22.5%, VIL 25%, ROPL 12.5%
23 CY-OS-90/1 (PY3) 40% 40% HEPI (operator) 18%, HOEC 21%
TPL 21%
24 RJ-ON-90/1 30% 30% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India Ltd)
(Operator) 35%, CEHL 35%
25 CB-OS/2 – 50% 50% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India Ltd) (operator)
Development Phase 40% , TPL 10%
26 CB-ON/7 30% 30% HOEC (Operator) 35%, GSPC 35%
27 CB-ON/3 – 30% 30% EOL (Operator)70%
Development Phase
28 CB-ON/2- 30% 30% GSPC (Operator) 56%, Geo-Global Resources
Development phase 14%
29 AA-ONN-2010/2 30% 30% OIL 40%(Operator), GAIL 20%, EWP 10%
30 AA-ONN-2010/3 40% 40% OIL 40%(Operator), BPRL 20%
Note: There is no change in previous year details unless otherwise stated.
46.1.2 (a) List of the blocks surrendered during the year are given below:
Company’s Participating Interest
As at March As at March
Sl. No. Joint Operation / PSCs
31, 2018 31, 2017
1 AN-DWN-2003/2 45% 45%
2 PR-OSN-2004/1 35% 35%
3 CY-OSN-2009/2 50% 50%
4 WB-ONN-2005/2 100% 100%
5 CB-ONN-2009/4 50% 50%
6 KG-OSN-2009/4 50% 50%
7 CB-ONN-2010/6 80% 80%
46.1.2 (b) List of the blocks Farmed-Out during the year are given below:
Company’s Participating Interest
As at March As at March
Sl. No. Joint Operation / PSCs
31, 2018 31, 2017
1 RJ-ON-06 – Development 30% 30%
(Note no.46.1.7)
46.1.3 The financial statements of 125 (125 in FY 2016-17 ) out of 136 (135 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation (PSC/
NELP/CBM blocks) have been incorporated in the accounts to the extent of Company’s participating interest
in assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and profit / (loss) before tax on the basis of statements certified in
accordance with production sharing contract and in respect of balance 11 (10 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation
(PSC/NELP/CBM blocks), the figures have been incorporated on the basis of uncertified statements prepared
under the production sharing contracts. Financial statements of Joint operated blocks have been adjusted for
changes as per Note no. 3.4. The financial positions of Company share of Joint operation (PSC/NELP/CBM
blocks) are disclosed in note 46.1.4
46.1.4 Financial position of the Joint Operation –Company’s share are as under:
The financial statements of 125 nos. (125 in FY 2016-17), out of 136 nos. (135 in FY 16-17) Joint operation
block ( JOs/NELP), have been incorporated in the accounts to the extent of Company’s participating interest
in assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and profit / (loss) before tax on the basis of statements certified in
accordance with production sharing contract and in respect of balance 11 (10 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation
blocks ( JOs/NELP), the figures have been incorporated on the basis of uncertified statements prepared under
the production sharing contracts. Both the figures have been adjusted for changes as per Note no. 3.4. The
financial positions of JO/NELP are as under:-
As at March 31, 2018 (` in million)
Audited (125) 7,589.92 157,841.49 13,829.09 3,414.93 6,291.02 (18,235.14) 0.31 (18,234.83)
Total (136) 37,168.13 203,177.58 43,972.68 28,056.52 88,631.45 (1,859.85) 0.31 (1,859.54)
Further Break-up of
above blocks under :
Audited (125) 20,084.08 131,281.00 30,242.16 25,057.99 75,613.44 2,362.11 (1.52) 2,360.58
Total (135) 21,312.62 134,651.84 35,214.30 27,784.56 80,326.80 2,040.98 (1.52) 2,039.46
46.1.5 Additional Financial information related to Joint Operation blocks are as under:
As at March 31, 2018 (` in million)
46.1.6 In respect of 4 NELP blocks (previous year 6) 46.1.7 Govt. of India has approved the relinquishment
which have expired as at March 31, 2018, the of 30% Participating Interest (PI) of ONGC
Company’s share of Unfinished Minimum Work in SGL Field with future interest in block RJ-
Programme (MWP) amounting to `753.13 ON/6 in Jaisalmer Basin Rajasthan to Focus
million (previous year to `1,167.54 million) has Energy Limited (Operator), on the condition
not been provided for since the Company has that Focus Energy Limited (Operator) will pay
already applied for further extension of period towards 100 % past royalty obligation, PEL/
in these blocks as ‘excusable delay’/ special ML fees, other statutory levies (total amount
dispensations citing technical complexities, `1557.81 million as on March 31, 2018) and
within the extension policy of NELP Blocks, waive off development/production cost payable
which are under active consideration of GoI. The by ONGC in SGL Field of the block as well as
delays have occurred generally on account of take all future 100% royalty obligation of ONGC
pending statutory clearances from various Govt. as licensee. Pending the execution of Farm-
authorities like Ministry of Defense, Ministry out Agreement and amendment in Production
of Commerce, environmental clearances, State Sharing Contract (PSC), no adjustment is made
Govt. permissions etc. The above MWP amount in the accounts in respect of relinquishment of
of `753.13 million (previous year `1,167.54 RJ-ON/6.
million) is included in MWP commitment
46.1.8 The Company is having 30% Participating
under Note no. 48.2.2 (i).
interest in Block RJ-ON-90/1 with Vedanta
As per the Production Sharing Contracts Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India Ltd) (Operator)
signed by the Company with the GoI, the and Cairn Energy Hydrocarbons Ltd. There
Company is required to complete Minimum are certain unresolved issues relating to cost
Work Programme (MWP) within stipulated recovery in respect of exploration, development
time. In case of delay in completion of and production cost amounting to US$
the MWP, Liquidated Damages (LD) are 1071.51 million (`69,562.43 million). The
payable for extension of time to complete issues are under discussions between the JV
MWP. Further, in case the Company does partners for settlement. Pending settlement of
not complete MWP or surrender the block issues, the amount of US$ 824.30 (`53,513.56
without completing the MWP, the estimated million) million pertaining to development and
cost of completing balance work programme production cost have been accounted for as per
is required to be paid to the GoI. LD (net the participating interest of the company
of reversal) amounting to `688.06 million
(Previous year (-) `14.90 million) and
46.1.9 In respect of Jharia CBM block, there are
certain overlapping issues with Steel Authority
cost of unfinished MWP (net of reversal)
of India Limited (SAIL). Due to overlap issue,
`160.71 million (Previous year `965.69
Developmental activities (except incidental gas
million), paid/payable to the GoI is included
production), was suspended since June 2014.
in survey and wells written off expenditure
Recently, Directorate General of Mines Safety
(DGMS) has accorded permission to ONGC
to resume operation in the overlap area with six discoveries other than DDW Field in the
SAIL abiding by in-principle approval of Co- Block KG-OSN-2001/3 to GSPC towards
Development Agreement (by DGMS/DGH). acquisition rights for these discoveries in
However, the execution of the Co-Development the Block KG-OSN-2001/3 to be adjusted
Agreement with SAIL is pending. Similarly, in against the valuation of such fields based on
Raniganj CBM Block, Airport City Project of valuation parameters agreed between GSPC and
Bengal Aerotropolis Projects Limited (BAPL) the Company.
overlaps part of the FDP area of Raniganj CBM
Block. The issue is being discussed with BAPL 47. Disclosure under Indian Accounting
and Government of West Bengal. However, the Standard 36 – Impairment of Assets
Public Hearing for obtaining Environmental 47.1 The Company is engaged mainly in the business
Clearance (EC) has been conducted and of oil and gas exploration and production in
EC application submitted to Ministry of On-shore and Offshore. In case of onshore
Environment and Forest, Government of India. assets, the fields are using common production/
Techno-economics of the Block is being re- transportation facilities and are sufficiently
worked with cost optimisation. Pending final economically interdependent to constitute a
decision on the block, an impairment provision single cash generating unit (CGU). Accordingly,
of `611.95 million has been provided in impairment test of all onshore fields is performed
the books. in aggregate of all those fields at the Asset Level.
46.1.10 During the year the Company has acquired In case of Offshore Assets, a field is generally
the entire 80% Participating Interest (PI) of considered as CGU except for fields which
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited are developed as a Cluster, for which common
(GSPC) along with operatorship rights, at a facilities are used, in which case the impairment
purchase consideration of US$ 995.26 million testing is performed in aggregate for all the fields
(`62,950.20 million) for Deen Dayal West included in the cluster.
(DDW) Field in the Block KG-OSN-2001/3. 47.2 The Value in Use of producing/developing CGUs
A Farm-in - Farm- out Agreement (FIFO) was is determined under a multi-stage approach,
signed with GSPC on 10th March, 2017 with an wherein future cash flows are initially estimated
economic date of 31st March, 2017 (23:59 Hrs based on Proved Developed Reserves. Under
– IST) and the said consideration has been paid the circumstances where further development
on 4th August, 2017 being the closing date. of the fields in the CGUs is under progress and
As per FIFO, the company is required to pay / where the carrying value of the CGUs is not
receive sums as adjustments to the consideration likely to be recovered through exploitation of
already paid based on the actual gas production proved developed reserves alone, the Proved
and the differential in agreed gas price. Pending and probable reserves (2P) of the CGUs are
executing mother wells and estimating future also taken for the purpose of estimating future
production, the contingent adjustment to cash flows. In such cases, full estimate of the
consideration remains to be quantified. expected cost of evaluation/development is also
considered while determining the value in use.
Accounting for the closing adjustment (i.e.
working capital and other adjustments) to 47.3 In assessing value in use, the estimated future
sale consideration viz. transactions from the cash flows from the continuing use of assets and
economic date up to the closing date has been from its disposal at the end of its useful life are
carried out on provisional basis and a sum of discounted to their present value. The present
`198.31 million is net receivable from GSPC value of cash flows has been determined by
which is subject to final settlement as per mutual applying discount rates of 14.48% (as at March
agreement between GSPC and the company. 31, 2017 - 14.88 %) for Rupee transactions and
9.68% (as at March 31, 2017- 10.57 %) for crude
The company has also paid part consideration
oil and value added products revenue, which are
of US$ 200 million (`12,650.00 million) for
measured in USD. Future cash inflows from sale
47.4 The company has assessed the impairment as at RJ-ON-90/1 (Pre NELP PSC 5.10
March 31, 2018 for its CGUs. There has been an
Sibsagar Onshore Asset 40.75
improvement in prices of Crude Oil and Natural
Gas in the current financial year. As a result of WO 16 12.25
the change in prices and other variables, there Rajahmundry Onshore 13.74
has been a reversal of an amount of `6,985.33 Impairment testing of assets under exploratory phase
million (As on 31 March, 2017 `13,979.63 (Exploratory wells in progress) has been carried out as
million) mainly consisting of `6,954.96 million on March 31, 2018 and an amount of `1,820.94 million
(As on 31 March, 2017 `12,203.54 million) (For the year ended March 31, 2017 `4,539.44 million)
for onshore CGU Sibsagar and balance reversal has been provided during the year 2017-18 as impairment
of impairment pertains to other CGUs. loss. Further, `1,065.43 million (For the year ended March
47.5 During the year `1,342.92 million (Previous 31, 2017 `966.05 million) impairment losses has been
year `715.62 million) has been provided for reversed in the Standalone statement of Profit and Loss
impairment loss mainly consisting of onshore as exploratory phase assets have been transferred to dry
well expenditure.
48. Contingent liabilities, Contingent Assets and commitments (to the extent not provided for)
48.1 Contingent Liabilities & Contingent Assets:
48.1.1 Claims against the Company/ disputed demands not acknowledged as debt:-
(` in million)
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
I In respect of Company
I. Income Tax 94,638.09 87,426.84
II. Excise Duty 10,262.65 9,922.79
III Custom Duty 311.45 264.94
IV Royalty (Note no. 48.1.b) 496.82 496.81
V Cess 6.57 6.57
VI AP Mineral Bearing Lands (Infrastructure) Cess 2,909.76 2,704.18
VII Sales Tax 18,782.20 14,311.27
VIII Service Tax (Note no 48.1(b)) 16,194.20 1,455.84
IX GST (Note no 48.1(b)) 10,141.96 -
X Octroi and other Municipal Taxes 66.89 233.98
As at March As at March
31, 2018 31, 2017
XI Specified Land Tax (Assam) 4,865.55 4,531.38
XII Claims of contractors (Incl. LAQ ) in Arbitration / Court 134,773.58 155,793.74
XIII Employees Provident Fund 66.35 66.35
XIV Others 45,243.31 45,807.06
Sub Total (A) 338,759.38 323,021.75
II In respect of Joint Operations
a. The Company’s pending litigations comprise claims has been shown as contingent liability. However, as
against the Company and proceedings pending with an abundant caution, the company has deposited
Tax / Statutory/ Government Authorities. The Service tax, GST and interest under protest in May,
Company has reviewed all its pending litigations 2018 amounting to `25,153.29 million.
and proceedings and has made adequate provisions, c. The Company, with 40% Participating Interest (PI),
wherever required and disclosed the contingent is a Joint Operator in Panna-Mukta and Mid and
liabilities, wherever applicable, in its financial South Tapti Fields along with Reliance Industries
statements. The Company does not expect the Limited (RIL) and BG Exploration and Production
outcome of these proceedings to have a material India Limited (BGEPIL), each having 30% PI.
impact on its financial position. Future cash The Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with
outflows in respect of the above are determinable respect to Panna-Mukta and Mid and South Tapti
only on receipt of judgments/ decisions pending contract areas were signed between the Contractors
with various forums/ authorities. and Government of India on December 22, 1994
b. During the year, the Company has received show for a period of 25 years. In December 2010, RIL
cause notices at various work centers on account & BGEPIL invoked an arbitration proceeding
of service tax along with interest and penalty, on against the Union of India in respect of certain
royalty on Crude oil and Natural gas levied under disputes, differences and claims arising out of or
Oil Field (Regulation & Development) Act, 1948. in connection with both the PSCs in respect to
The Company has worked out service tax (including Panna-Mukta and Mid and South Tapti contract
interest) of `19,834.29 million for the period from areas pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 of the
April 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. Further, the Company PSCs and UNCITRAL Rules, 1976. The Ministry
has worked out GST (including interest) of of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoP&NG), vide
`14,315.98 million for the period from July 1, 2017 letter dated July 4, 2011, had advised the Company
to March 31, 2018. Penalty in respect of the same not to participate in the arbitration initiated by RIL
is not quantifiable. Based on legal opinion obtained and BGEPIL under Panna-Mukta & Tapti PSCs.
by the Company, service tax / GST on royalty are However, in case of an arbitral award, the same will
not applicable. The Company is contesting the same be applicable to the Company also as a constituent
at appropriate authorities and accordingly the same of the contractor for both the PSCs. On October 12,
b) In respect of NELP blocks in Joint Operations, Company’s share: `2,581.97 million (Previous year `7,576.08
(ii) In respect of ONGC Petro additions Limited, A Joint Venture Company `480.50 million on account of subscription
of Share Warrants with a condition to convert it to shares after a balance payment of `0.25/- per share.
(iii) The Company has entered into an arrangement on July 2, 2016 for backstopping support towards repayment
of principal and cumulative coupon amount for three years compulsorily convertible debentures amounting to
`77,780.00 million (previous year `56,150.00 million) issued by ONGC Petro additions Limited and interest for
the year ending March 31, 2018 amounting to `4,670.19 million (previous year `3,612.06 million)
(iv) During the year the Company has acquired the entire 80% Participating Interest (PI) of Gujarat State Petroleum
Corporation Limited (GSPC) along with operatorship rights, at a purchase consideration of US$ 995.26 million
(`62,950.20 million) for Deen Dayal West (DDW) Field in the Block KG-OSN-2001/3.The company has also paid
part consideration of US$ 200 million (`12,650.00 million) for six discoveries other than DDW Field in the Block
KG-OSN-2001/3 to GSPC towards acquisition rights for these discoveries in the Block KG-OSN-2001/3 to be
adjusted against the valuation of such fields based on valuation parameters agreed between GSPC and the Company
(Note no. 46.1.10).
49. Quantitative Details
49.1 Production Quantities (Certified by the Management):
Year ended Year ended
Products Unit
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Crude Oil MT 25,434,914 25,534,312
Natural Gas 000 M 3 24,609,502 23,269,961
Liquified Petroleum Gas MT 1,186,654 1,354,700
Ethane-Propane MT 355,723 420,585
Ethane MT 263,639 137,175
Propane MT 194,017 90,511
Butane MT 102,846 31,053
Naphtha MT 1,176,294 1,101,231
SKO MT 45,984 35,790
ATF MT 5,924 2,539
LSHS MT 21,779 26,263
HSD MT 26,873 30,126
MTO MT 5,593 3,620
a) Production includes internal consumption and intermediary losses.
b) Crude oil production includes condensate of 1.454 MMT (Previous year 1.363 MMT).
Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Products Unit
Quantity Amount Quantity Amount
Others - - - - 0.10
Total - - - 26.01
Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Particulars Unit
Quantity Value at cost Quantity Value at cost
Out of own production:
Crude Oil MT 81,789 1,106.95 85,354 1,066.41
Natural Gas 000M 3
881,154 6,121.51 971,658 4,968.29
Gas Equivalent Condensate 000M 3
421,647 2,302.51 404,619 1,976.68
Liquefied Natural Gas MT 645,312 6,730.51 433,812 10,619.68
Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Amount % Amount %
Imported 13,935.68 28.31 12,947.76 25.79
Indigenous 35,284.36 71.69 37,247.13 74.21
Total 49,220.04 100 50,194.89 100.00
50. Disclosure under Guidance Note on Accounting for “Oil and Gas Producing Activities” (Ind AS)
50.1 Company’s share of Proved Reserves on the geographical basis is as under (Note no. 50.3):
Total Oil Equivalent
Crude Oil (MMT) Gas (Billion Cubic Meter)
As at March As at March As at March As at March As at March As at March
Particular Details
31, 2018 31, 2017 31, 2018 31, 2017 31, 2018 31, 2017
50.2 Company’s share of Proved Developed Reserves on the geographical basis is as under (Note no. 50.3):
Total Oil Equivalent
Crude Oil (MMT) Gas (Billion Cubic Meter)
As at March As at March As at March As at March As at March As at March
Particular Details
31, 2018 31, 2017 31, 2018 31, 2017 31, 2018 31, 2017
* MMTOE denotes “Million Metric Tonne Oil Equivalent” and for calculating Oil equivalent of Gas, 1000 M3 of Gas has been taken to be equal to 1 MT of Crude Oil.
Variations in totals, if any, are due to internal summations and rounding off.
50.3 The above reserves at 50.1 and 50.2 are after removal of Proved Developed Reserves 0.03 MMT and
Proved Reserve 0.02 MMT pertaining to fields awarded in the DSF Bid Round 2016 (DSF-I).
51. Disclosure pursuant to SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) regulations 2015:
(` in million)
51.1 Loan to OVL is interest free and unsecured repayable within a notice period of minimum one year and carries no
interest during the years 2016-17 and 2017-18 till January 31, 2018. Thereafter 7.65% p.a. is charged
51.2 Loan to MRPL carries interest as G-Sec yield for 5-year tenor as on March 31, 2017 (as per FIMMDA) plus a
spread of 40 (forty) basis points which amounts to 7.17% (previous year 8.12%) for financial year 2017-18. Interest
rate shall be reset on 1st April every year by applying G-Sec yield for 5-year tenor, as per FIMMDA as on 31st
March of the preceding financial year. Spread of 40 (forty) basis points over and above G-Sec yield for 5-year tenor
shall continue to remain applicable for the entire tenure of the loan. The Loan is repayable quarterly in 28 equal
installments. The repayment of loan had started from the last quarter of FY 2013-14. ONGC can call these loans on
notice of 90 days. MRPL can prepay whole or part of the loan to ONGC as per its requirement.
51.3 The Company has not advanced any money to its employees for the purposes of investment in the securities of the
51.4 Investments by the ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), loanee:
As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Name of Subsidiary
No of Shares ` in million No of Shares ` in million
(a) ONGC Nile Ganga B.V.
Equity Shares
- Class A 40 12,308.31 40 12,295.04
- Class B 100 28,370.34 100 28,339.75
- Class C 880 1,190.02 880 1,188.74
(b) ONGC Narmada Limited
Equity Shares 20,000,000 10.08 20,000,000 10.07
(c) ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited
Equity Shares 12,000 0.78 12,000 0.78
Preference Shares 125,001,131 8,115.07 130,886,206 8,487.97
(d) Imperial Energy Limited (formerly Jarpeno Limited)
Equity Shares 1,450 20,384.97 1,450 20,362.99
Preference Shares 192,210 124,782.73 192,210 124,648.19
(e) Carabobo One AB
Equity Shares 377,678 3,696.71 377,678 3,692.73
(f) ONGC (BTC) Limited
Equity Shares 973,791 367.35 1,021,044 384.76
(g) Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited
Equity Shares 7,680 105,842.10 7,680 104,987.04
(h) ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited
Equity Shares 42,000 2.73 25,000 1.62
(i) ONGC Videsh Atlantic Limited
Equity Shares 2,040,000 132.44 2,040,000 132.29
(j) ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Equity Shares 500,000 32.46 10,000 0.65
52. Disclosure on Foreign currency exposures at the year-end that have not been hedged by derivative
instrument or otherwise are given below (` in million)
USD 178.52 11,589.52 169.04 10,962.34
USD 380.63 24,710.79 186.21 12,076.00
EURO 0.01 0.84 - -
24,711.63 186.21 12,076.00
53.1 The Company has a system of physical verification of Inventory, Fixed assets and Capital Stores in a phased manner
to cover all items over a period of three years. Adjustment differences, if any, are carried out on completion of
53.2 The Company did not have any long term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material
foreseeable losses.
53.3 Further, some balances of Trade and other receivables, Trade and other payables and Loans are subject to
confirmation/reconciliation. Adjustments, if any, will be accounted for on confirmation/reconciliation of the same,
which will not have a material impact.
53.4 Previous year’s figures have been regrouped, wherever necessary, to confirm to current year’s grouping.
54 Approval of financial statements
The Standalone Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors on May 30, 2018.
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 162.
CIN -L74899DL1993GOI054155
Form- AOC-1
Statement containing salient features of the financial statement of subsidiaries or associate companies or joint ventures as on 31.03.2018
(Pursuant to first proviso to sub-section (3) of section 129 read with rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014)
Part “A”: Subsidiaries (` in million)
As at 31.03.2018 For the year 2017-18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Date since Reporting
when Reporting currency Profit Extent of
Sl. Name of the subsidiary subsidiary period and Share Reserves & Total assets Total Invest- Turnover before Provision Profit after Propo-
Divi- share-
No. was for the Exchange capital surplus Liabilities ments taxation for taxation taxation seddend holding
acquired subsidiary rate (note (percentage)
1 ONGC Videsh Limited 05.03.1965 31.03.2018 INR 150,000.00 161,741.46 796,292.18 484,550.72 285,506.55 76,763.42 10,572.25 6,466.78 4,105.47 3,000.00 100.00%
2 Mangalore Refinery & 30.03.2003 31.03.2018 INR 17,526.64 92,804.09 262,144.16 151,813.43 13,496.42 630,836.37 33,507.04 11,265.81 22,241.23 5,257.80 80.29%
Petrochemicals Limited
3 Hindustan Petroleum 31.01.2018 31.03.2018 INR 15,242.10 224,240.10 868,072.20 628,590.00 49,993.80 2,440,851.20 92,019.30 28,448.60 63,570.70 3,809.60 51.11%
Corporation Limited
ONGC Mangalore
4 Petrochemicals Limited 28.02.2015 31.03.2018 INR 18,776.26 (15,656.38) 77,403.88 74,284.00 4.80 55,612.94 (4,758.49) (287.42) (4,471.07) - 89.95%
(note 4)
100% for A &
5 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. 12.03.2003 31.03.2018 USD 5.21 174,617.32 202,117.78 27,495.25 62,279.72 463,075.12 274.16 2,070.34 2,344.50 - Band 77.491%
for Class C
6 ONGC Campos Ltda. 16.03.2007 31.03.2018 USD 46,924.99 (20,131.20) 53,622.76 26,828.97 - 885,627.05 (9,569.81) 2,972.40 (6,597.41) - 100.00%
7 ONGC Nile Ganga 26.11.2007 31.03.2018 USD Liquidated on 12th July 2017 100.00%
(Cyprus) Limited
8 ONGC Nile Ganga (San 29.02.2008 31.03.2018 USD 4.32 41,638.58 42,405.18 762.28 26,578.48 - 6.41 - 6.41 4,425.95 100.00%
Cristobal) B.V.
9 ONGC Caspian E&P 07.06.2010 31.03.2018 USD 2.88 7,367.67 7,812.46 441.91 1,009.21 - 1,208.14 99.43 1,108.71 2,092.18 100.00%
10 ONGC Amazon 08.08.2006 31.03.2018 USD 0.78 29,704.44 37,872.33 8,167.12 37,616.80 - (867.16) - (867.16) - 100.00%
Alaknanda Limited
11 ONGC Narmada 07.12.2005 31.03.2018 USD 10.10 (1,979.83) 119.82 2,089.54 - - - - - - 100.00%
12 ONGC (BTC) Limited 28.03.2013 31.03.2018 USD 63.22 (85.59) (22.34) 0.03 - - 237.75 57.16 180.58 - 100.00%
13 Carabobo One AB 05.02.2010 31.03.2018 USD 337.97 3,148.56 3,691.55 205.02 3,690.18 - (5.93) - (5.93) - 100.00%
14 Petro Carabobo Ganga 26.02.2010 31.03.2018 USD 1.44 11,726.13 11,993.11 265.38 - 86.54 21.10 4.26 16.83 - 100.00%
15 Imperial Energy Limited 12.08.2008 31.03.2018 USD 14.06 162,986.34 173,323.38 10,322.96 - 378.17 43.64 - 43.64 - 100.00%
16 Imperial Energy Tomsk 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.16 630.86 649.83 18.84 - (0.77) (2.26) - (2.26) - 100.00%
17 Imperial Energy 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 1.67 15,948.80 15,967.20 16.70 - (0.81) (2.22) - (2.22) - 100.00%
(Cyprus) Limited
18 Imperial Energy Nord 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 1.68 66,231.48 66,315.71 82.53 - (0.93) (2.35) - (2.35) - 100.00%
19 Biancus Holdings 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.13 1,362.67 11,939.64 10,576.89 - 456.25 128.41 - 128.41 - 100.00%
Redcliffe Holdings
21 Imperial Frac Services 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.15 85.43 86.09 0.49 - 33.08 31.96 - 31.96 - 100.00%
(Cyprus) Limited
San Agio Investments
22 Limited 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.14 (119.76) 1,280.34 1,399.95 - 2.31 (51.01) - (51.01) - 100.00%
23 LLC Sibinterneft 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.11 (1,631.29) 14.02 1,645.20 - - (46.42) 0.87 (47.30) - 55.90%
As at 31.03.2018 For the year 2017-18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Date since Reporting
when Reporting currency Profit Extent of
Sl. Name of the subsidiary subsidiary period and Share Reserves & Total assets Total Invest- Turnover before Provision Profit after Propo-
Divi- share-
No. was for the Exchange capital surplus Liabilities ments taxation for taxation taxation seddend holding
acquired subsidiary rate (note (percentage)
24 LLC Allianceneftegaz 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.06 (6,556.16) 11,489.05 18,045.18 - 4,599.46 (735.31) - (735.31) - 100.00%
25 LLC Nord Imperial 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.34 14,385.98 17,848.47 3,462.16 - 2,366.22 (407.03) - (407.03) - 100.00%
26 LLC Rus Imperial Group 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.11 (708.16) 708.10 1,416.15 - 183.71 (91.23) 2.61 (93.84) - 100.00%
27 LLC Imperial Frac 13.01.2009 31.03.2018 USD 0.01 128.16 438.64 310.44 - 436.47 53.83 15.54 38.29 - 50.00%
28 Beas Rovuma Energy 07.01.2014 31.03.2018 USD 48,100.32 (12,573.03) 35,559.06 31.78 - - (45.85) - (45.85) - 60.00%
Mozambique Ltd.
29 Ltd. Videsh Rovuma 24.03.2015 31.03.2018 USD 2.73 (2.57) 0.40 9.12 - - (0.73) - (0.73) - 100.00%
30 ONGC Videsh Atlantic 14.08.2014 31.03.2018 USD 132.44 19.70 161.25 0.24 - - 3.30 (2.32) 5.62 - 100.00%
31 ONGC Videsh Singapore 15.04.2016 31.03.2018 USD 32.46 (60.80) 4,073.13 4,101.47 32.46 - (49.73) - (49.73) - 100.00%
Pte. Ltd.
ONGC Videsh
32 Vankorneft 18.04.2016 31.03.2018 USD - 26,498.51 146,787.86 120,256.90 142,813.87 - 11,210.09 - 11,210.09 - 100.00%
Pte. Ltd.
Indus East
33 Mediterranean 27.02.2018 31.03.2018 USD - - - - - - - - - - 100.00%
Exploration Ltd.
34 HPCL Biofuels Ltd. 31.01.2018 31.03.2018 INR 2,055.20 (2,446.06) 7,977.21 8,368.07 - 1,305.29 (778.45) - (778.45) - 100.00%
35 Prize Petroleum 31.01.2018 31.03.2018 INR 2,450.00 (4,513.66) 3,599.72 5,663.37 - 873.18 (129.57) - (129.57) - 100.00%
Company Ltd.#
Middle East Arab
FZCO 11.02.2018 31.03.2018 Emirates - (0.40) 2.45 2.85 - - (0.39) - (0.39) - 100.00%
37 HPCL Rajasthan 31.01.2018 31.03.2018 INR 1,887.37 (158.27) 3,006.59 1,277.49 - - (143.29) - (143.29) - 74.00%
Refinery Ltd.*
38 (PMHBL) MHB Ltd 31.01.2018 31.03.2018 INR 5,487.07 1,359.23 7,144.97 298.67 - 1,308.89 1,267.08 432.51 834.58 - 49.44%
1 Name of subsidiaries which are yet to commence operations: 3 Exchange Rates 6 *HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. is considered as subsidiary as per Sec 2(87) of
a) HPCL Middle East FZCO For Balance sheet items: 1 USD = ` 64.92 Companies Act, 2013
b) HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. For Profit & loss item: 1 USD = ` 64.4712 7 **Petronet MHB has been reclassified from joint ventuire
c) Indus East Mediterranean Exploration Ltd. 1 Arab Emirates Dirham= ` 17.74 to a subsidiary during the year as the company holds
2 Name of subsidiaries which have been liquidated or sold during the year: 4 The figures in the table above does not include eliminations of 32.72% ownership interest and its subsidary Hindustan Petroleum
(a) ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd. inter company transactions Corporation Limited holds 32.72% ownership interest
(b) CREDA-HPCL Biofuels Ltd. 5 ‘# Figures based on Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company
For P K F Sridhar & Santhanam LLP For Lodha & Co. For Khandelwal Jain & Co. For Dass Gupta & Associates For K C Mehta & Co. For M K P S & Associates
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 003990S/S200018 Firm Reg. No.301051E Firm Reg. No.105049W Firm Reg. No.000112N Firm Reg. No.106237W Firm Reg. No: 302014E
New Delhi
Part “B”: Associates and Joint Ventures
Statement pursuant to Section 129 (3) of the Companies Act, 2013 related to Associate Companies and Joint Ventures (` in million)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Date on which Networth
Latest associate or Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company Description of how Reason why attributable to
Sl. Name of the Joint audited joint venture on the year end there is significant Associate Shareholding Profit / Loss for the year
No. Ventures/Associates Balance was associated influence & JV not as per latest
Sheet Date or acquired consolidated audited
Balance Sheet
Amount of Investment in Extend of Considered in Not
No. Associates/Joint Venture Holding % Consolidation Considered in
Joint Ventures
1 Mangalore SEZ Ltd 31.03.2018 24.02.2006 13,000,000 130.00 26.82 Share holding more than NA 189.92 9.81 -
(MSEZ) (note3) 20%
2 ONGC Petro additions 31.03.2018 15.11.2006 997,955,639 9,979.55 49.36 Share holding more than NA 3,029.52 (10,955.73) -
Ltd. (OPaL) 20%
3 ONGC Tripura Power 31.03.2018 27.09.2004 560,000,000 5,600.00 50.00 Share holding more than NA 6,407.32 713.27 -
Company Ltd. (OTPC) 20%
4 ONGC Teri Biotech 31.03.2018 26.03.2007 24,990 0.25 49.98 Share holding more than NA 241.45 40.44 -
Ltd. (OTBL) 20%
5 Dahej SEZ Limited 31.03.2017 21.09.2004 23,025,000 230.25 50.00 Share holding more than NA 959.69 155.55 -
(DSEZ) 20%
Shell MRPL Aviation
6 Fuels & Services 31.03.2018 11.03.2008 15,000,000 150.00 50.00 Share holding more than NA 303.75 26.28 -
Limited (SMASL) 20%
(through MRPL)
7 ONGC Mittal Energy 31.03.2017 26.03.2009 24,990,000 1,620.60 49.98 Share holding more than NA (1,622.35) - -
Limited 20%
8 Mansarovar Energy 31.03.2018 20.09.2006 6,000 21,401.35 50.00 Share holding more than NA 23,099.31 (876.36) -
colombia Limited 20%
9 Himalya Energy Syria 31.03.2018 07.11.2006 45,000 4.03 50.00 Share holding more than NA 5.06 (24.22) -
BV 20%
10 SUDD Petroleum 31.12.2015 30.04.2012 241 0.02 25.00 Share holding more than NA
Operating Company, 20%
11 Hindustan Colas Pvt. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 4,725,000 47.25 50.00 Share holding more than NA 1,251.75 500.81 -
Ltd. 20%
12 HPCL-Mittal Energy 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 3,939,555,200 39,395.55 48.99 Share holding more than NA 45,119.80 7,983.02 -
Ltd. 20%
13 South Asia LPG Co. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 50,000,000 500.00 50.00 Share holding more than NA 1,278.58 591.03 -
Pvt. Ltd. 20%
14 Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 43,650,000 1,282.50 24.99 Share holding more than NA 766.61 22.89 -
15 Petronet India Ltd. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 16,000,000 1.60 16.00 By virtue of shareholding NA 4.36 3.31 -
16 Godavari Gas Pvt Ltd. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 2,600,000 26.00 26.00 Share holding more than NA 23.27 -0.42 -
17 Aavantika Gas Ltd. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 29,548,663 499.90 49.98 Share holding more NA 844.65 121.34 -
than 20%
Farm Facilities Pvt. Ltd. than 20%
20 Ratnagiri Refinery & 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 25,000,000 250.00 25.00 Share holding more NA 202.98 (47.02) -
Petrochemical Ltd. than 20%
(` in million)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Date on which Networth
Latest associate or Shares of Associate/Joint Ventures held by the company Description of how Reason why attributable to
Sl. Name of the Joint audited joint venture on the year end there is significant Associate Shareholding Profit / Loss for the year
No. Ventures/Associates Balance was associated influence & JV not as per latest
Sheet Date or acquired consolidated audited
Balance Sheet
Amount of Investment in Extend of Considered in Not
No. Associates/Joint Venture Holding % Consolidation Considered in
1 Petronet LNG Limited 31.03.2018 02.04.1998 187,500,000 987.50 12.50 By virtue of shareholding NA 12,264.11 2,638.05 -
(PLL) agreement
2 Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL) 31.03.2017 15.10.1985 273,166 2,731.66 49.00 Share holding more than NA 4,826.37 1,188.83 -
3 Petro Carabobo S.A. 31.03.2018 12.05.2010 11,000 4,204.68 11.00 By virtue of shareholding NA 5,824.71 3,599.27 -
4 Carabobo Ingeniería y 31.03.2017 21.01.2011 275 0.27 37.93 Share holding more than NA 0.27 - -
Construcciones, S.A. 20%
5 Petrolera 31.03.2018 08.04.2008 40,000 26,578.48 40.00 Share holding more than NA 22,856.92 253.40 -
Indovenezolana S.A. 20%
South-East Asia Gas of shareholding
6 Pipeline Company 31.03.2018 25.06.2010 16,694 15.55 8.347 By virtue
agreement NA 48.61 799.23 -
7 Tamba B.V. 31.03.2018 01.11.2006 1,620 358.46 27.00 Share holding more than NA 299.96 3,505.15 -
Acquistion - more than
8 JSC Vankorneft 31.03.2018 31.05.2016 3,092,871 141,187.63 26.00 Share holding
20% NA 79,180.30 16,399.79 -
11% Acquistion
- 28.10.2016"
9 Mozambique LNG1 Co. Unaudited 19.03.2017 500 32.43 20.00 By virtue of shareholding NA - (32.24) -
Pte. Ltd. agreement
10 Falcon Oil & Gas BV 31.03.2018 09.03.2018 40 15,863.30 40.00 Share holding more than NA 15,863.30 71.61 -
11 GSPL India Gasnet Ltd. 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 42,572,128 425.72 By virtue of
11.00 shareholding NA 432.98 0.99 -
12 GSPL India Transco 31.03.2018 31.01.2018 41,910,000 419.10 By virtue of NA 426.85 1.48 -
Ltd. 11.00 shareholding agreement
1 Names of associates or joint ventures which are yet to commence operations:
a) GSPL India Ganset Ltd
b) GSPL India Transco Ltd
c) HPCL Shapoorji Energy Ltd
d) Ratnagiri Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd
2 Names of associates or joint ventures which have been liquidated or sold during the year: (a) Mangalam Retail Services Limited (MRSL) in which 31% equity stake were sold during the year resulting in loss of joint control over MRSL.
3 Includes holding of 0.96% by ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 256.
Independent Auditors’ Report
To the Members of Oil and Natural Gas and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
Corporation Limited and design, implementation and maintenance
1. Report on the Consolidated Ind AS Financial of adequate internal financial controls, that were
Statements operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and
completeness of the accounting records, relevant
We have audited the accompanying consolidated
to the preparation and presentation of the Ind AS
Ind AS financial statements of Oil and Natural Gas
financial statements that give a true and fair view
Corporation Limited (hereinafter referred to as
“the Holding Company”) and its subsidiaries (the and are free from material misstatement, whether
Holding Company and its subsidiaries together due to fraud or error, which have been used for the
referred to as “the Group”), associates and joint purpose of preparation of the consolidated Ind AS
ventures, which comprise the consolidated Balance financial statements by the Board of Directors of the
Sheet as at 31st March 2018, the consolidated Holding Company, as aforesaid.
Statement of Profit and Loss (including Other 3. Auditors’ Responsibility
Comprehensive Income), the consolidated
Statement of Cash Flows and the consolidated Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
Statement of Changes in Equity for the year then consolidated Ind AS financial statements based
ended and a summary of the significant accounting on our audit. While conducting the audit, we have
policies and other explanatory information. taken into account the provisions of the Act, the
2. Management’s Responsibility for the accounting and auditing standards and matters
Consolidated Ind AS Financial Statements which are required to be included in the audit report
under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made
The Holding Company’s Board of Directors there under.
is responsible for the preparation of these
We conducted our audit in accordance with the
consolidated Ind AS financial statements in terms
Standards on Auditing specified under Section
of the requirements of the Companies Act, 2013
143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require that
(hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) that give a we comply with ethical requirements and plan and
true and fair view of the consolidated financial perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
position, consolidated profit, consolidated other about whether the consolidated Ind AS financial
comprehensive income, consolidated cash flows statements are free from material misstatement.
and consolidated changes in equity of the Group
An audit involves performing procedures to
including its associates and joint ventures in
obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the
accordance with the accounting principles generally
disclosures in the consolidated Ind AS financial
accepted in India, including the Indian Accounting
statements. The procedures selected depend on the
Standards (Ind AS) prescribed under Section 133 of
auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the
the Act.
risks of material misstatement of the consolidated
The respective Board of Directors of the companies Ind AS financial statements, whether due to fraud or
included in the Group, its associates and joint error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
ventures are responsible for maintenance of considers internal financial control relevant to the
adequate accounting records in accordance with Holding Company’s preparation of the consolidated
the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets Ind AS financial statements that give a true and
of the Group, its associates and joint ventures fair view in order to design audit procedures that
and for preventing and detecting frauds and are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit
other irregularities; selection and application of also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the
appropriate accounting policies; making judgments accounting policies used and the reasonableness
NELP/ JOs, is based solely on the certificate of the other Chartered Accountants and management certified
ii. We have placed reliance on technical/commercial evaluation by the management in respect of categorization
by the Holding Company of wells as exploratory, development, producing and dry well, allocation of cost incurred
on them, proved (developed and undeveloped) hydrocarbon reserves and depletion thereof on Oil and Gas Assets,
impairment, liability for decommissioning costs, liability for NELP and nominated blocks for under performance
against agreed Minimum Work Programme.
iii. We did not audit the financial statements of four subsidiaries whose financial statements reflect total assets and
total net assets as at 31st March, 2018, total revenues and net cash inflow/(outflow) for the year ended on that
date considered as under in the consolidated Ind AS financial statements based on financial statements audited
by other auditors:
(`in million)
Name of the Total Assets as at 31st Total Net Assets as at Total Revenue for the Net Cash Inflow/
Subsidiary March, 2018# 31st March, 2018# year ended 31st March, (Outflow)#
ONGC Videsh 1,104,277.06 464,303.83 131,507.29 6,004.34
Limited (OVL)
Mangalore Refinery and 319,506.11 102,334.12 639,619.77 1,942.16
Petrochemicals Limited
(MRPL) $
Petronet MHB Limited 7,144.97 6,846.30 1,711.30 (583.82)
Hindustan Petroleum 896,717.50 255,324.40 2,457,899.90 (7,837.10)
Corporation Limited
# As per the consolidated financial statements of OVL/MRPL/HPCL.
$ Consolidated financial statements of MRPL includes its subsidiary, ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Limited (OMPL), which is an indirect Subsidiary of the Holding Company.
iv. The consolidated Ind AS financial statements also includes the group share of net profit including other
comprehensive income for the year ended 31st March, 2018 considered as under based on financial statements
not audited by us:
Joint ventures and Associate
(`in million)
Name of the Company Group share in Net Profit for Group share in Net Other Group share
the year ended 31st March, Comprehensive Income for the – Total
2018 year ended 31st March, 2018
Joint Ventures
ONGC Teri Biotech 40.44 (0.04) 40.40
Limited $
ONGC Tripura Power 713.25 (0.85) 712.40
Company Limited *
ONGC Petro additions (10,954.97) 1.78 (10,953.19)
Limited $
Mangalore SEZ Limited * 9.81 0.03 9.84
Petronet LNG Limited * 2,638.05 0.65 2638.70
$ As per the standalone financial statements.
* As per the consolidated financial statements.
This financial information is unaudited and has been furnished to us by the management and our opinion on
the consolidated Ind AS financial statements in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included as
above, is based solely on unaudited financial information. In our opinion and according to information and
explanations given to us by the Management, these financial information are not material to the Group.
Our opinion on the consolidated Ind AS financial statements, and our report on Other Legal and Regulatory
Requirements below, is not modified in respect of the above matters with respect to our reliance on the work done
and the reports of the other auditors and the financial statements certified by the Management.
7. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
i. Based on the comments in the auditors’ reports of the Holding company and the subsidiary companies as
referred to in Para 6(iii) above, we report that a paragraph on the directions issued by the Comptroller and
Auditors General of India in terms of section 143 (5) of the Act has been included in respect of the auditors’
report of Holding Company and its subsidiaries. Accordingly, we give a report on the directions issued by the
Comptroller and Auditors General of India in terms of section 143 (5) of the Act in Annexure 1.
ii. As required by sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Act, based on our audit and on the consideration of report
of other auditors on separate Ind AS financial statements and on the other financial information of subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures, as noted in ‘Other Matters’ paragraph, we report, to the extent applicable, that:
a. We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit of the aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial statements.
b. In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law relating to preparation of the aforesaid consolidated
Ind AS financial statements have been kept so far as it appears from our examination of those books and the
reports of the other auditors.
c. The consolidated Balance Sheet, the consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, the consolidated Statement of
Cash Flows and consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity dealt with by this Report are in agreement with
the relevant books of account maintained for the purpose of preparation of the consolidated Ind AS financial
d. In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated Ind AS financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards
specified under Section 133 of the Act.
e. i. In respect of the Holding company and two subsidiary companies (HPCL and MRPL) as per notification
number G.S.R. 463 (E) dated June 5, 2015 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, section 164(2) of
the Act as regards the disqualifications of Directors is not applicable to the Companies, since they are
government companies;
ii. In respect of two subsidiary companies (OVL and PMHBL) and one subsidiary company of MRPL (OMPL)
which is an indirect subsidiary of Holding Company, on the basis of the written representations received
from the directors as on 31st March, 2018 taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Company
incorporated in India, none of the directors of the Company incorporated in India are disqualified as
on 31st March 2018 from being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164(2) of
the Act.
f. With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the Holding Company,
its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures and the operating effectiveness of such controls, refer to our
separate report in “Annexure A”.
g. With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditors’ Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the
Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according
to the explanations given to us:
i. The consolidated Ind AS financial statements have disclosed the impact of the pending litigations on its
financial position of the Group, its associates and the joint ventures. –Refer Note 55.1 to the consolidated
Ind AS financial statements;
ii. According to information and explanations given to us, the Group, its associates and joint ventures have made
provision for material foreseeable losses in respect of long term contract including derivatives contracts; and
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and
Protection Fund by the Group, its associates and joint ventures.
For Lodha & Co For MKPS & Associates For Khandelwal Jain & Co.
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No: 301051E Firm Reg. No: 302014E Firm Reg. No: 105049W
New Delhi
(`in million)
Nature Number of assets Gross Block Net Block
Lease hold land 14 632.03 392.40
Free hold land 4 58.21 58.21
Total 18 690.24 450.61
Pending compilation by the management of the all the relevant details covering all the units, area under respective line
items for the above could not be given.
b. According to information and explanations given to us, the cases of waiver/write off of debts / loans / interest
wherever applicable during the year along with the reasons and amount involved are as under
c. According to information and explanations given to us, the Company has maintained adequate records in respect
of inventories lying with third parties and assets received by the Company as gift/grants from Government or other
1 Whether the The company has Refer annexure C.1 No adverse Refer Annexure Based on the
Company has clear a perpetual lease comment C.2 verification of
title/ lease deeds hold land in India the records of
for freehold and and a lease deed is the Company on
leasehold in the name of the random basis, the
respectively? If not company except Company does not
please state the a freehold land have the original
area of freehold of `4.04 millions clear title deeds
and leasehold land owned jointly with in respect of 4
for which title/ other partners in freehold
lease deeds are not respect of joint land/leasehold
available? Operations outside land. The details
India of area of such land
as compiled by the
management are
given in Annexure
2 Whether there According to the The company No adverse According to the As per the process
are any cases of information given has written off comment information given followed by the
waiver/write off to us there are no trade receivable to us there are no company, any
of debts/lands/ case of waiver/ amounting to case of waiver/ waiver of debt is
interest etc., if yes, write off of debt/ `472.34 millions to write off of debt/ accounted only
the reasons there loans/interest etc. settle long pending loans/interest etc. with the approval
for and amount disputes between of Competent
involved. the company and Authority in line
Oil Marketing with the Delegation
Companies (Indian of Authority.
Oil Corporation Interest on delayed
Ltd., Hindustan payments from
Petroleum customers is
Corporation Ltd. & waived on merit
Bharat Petroleum of each case
Corporation Ltd.) by approving
& Bangalore authority. During
Metropolitan the year the
Transport Company has
Corporation with written off `65.96
the approval of crores being the
the Board of provisions made in
Directors. This earlier years on
amount is being account of legacy
expensed to the and migrated
Statement of Profit balances,
and Loss. customers’
balances, legal
cases including
disputed cases,
3 Whether proper The company The Company No adverse According to Proper records are
records are does not have any has maintained comment the information maintained for
maintained for inventory in India. adequate records and explanations inventories lying
inventories lying As informed to in respect of provided by the with the third
with third parties us in respect of inventories lying management, there parties.
& assets received inventories lying with third parties. are no inventories During the year,
as gift/grant(s) with third party No assets have lying with the third the Company has
from Govt. or other in non- operated/ been received parties. Further, not received any
authorities. operated projects/ by the Company the company has assets as gifts from
joint operations as gift from not received any the Government or
outside India Government or gift/grant from the other authorities
are properly other authorities. Government or
maintained by the other authorities
consortium and/ during the year
or the operator
on behalf of the
consortium parties.
As informed by the
management, no
assets have been
received by the
company as gift
from Government
or other authorities
*As per the standalone financial statements
In addition advance has been made to KIADB for 1050 acres of land amounting to `6946.81 millions for which agreements
are to be executed.
In the case of certain other land, after payment of allotment consideration, KIADB has given possession of land and
issued Possession Certificates. The land acquisition process involves entering into Lease cum Sale agreements and after
expiry of the lease term, absolute sale deed. Amount paid towards the land is disclosed as capital advance and is yet to be
C.3: HPCL – Details of title/lease deeds
Annexure - A to Independent Auditors’ Report applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, both
on Consolidated Ind AS Financial Statements applicable to an audit of Internal Financial Controls and
both issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
(Referred to in paragraph 7 (ii) (f) under ‘Report India. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require
on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements’ that we comply with ethical requirements and plan
section of our report of even date) and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether adequate internal financial controls over
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under financial reporting was established and maintained and if
Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the such controls operated effectively in all material respects.
Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”)
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated Ind AS evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial
financial statements of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation controls system over financial reporting and their
Limited (herein after referred to as “the Holding operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial
Company”) as of and for the year ended 31st March controls over financial reporting included obtaining
2018, we have audited the internal financial controls an understanding of internal financial controls over
over financial reporting of the Holding Company and financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material
its subsidiary companies, Associates and Joint Ventures weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design
which are companies incorporated in India, as of that date. and operating effectiveness of internal control based on
the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend on
Management’s Responsibility for Internal Finan-
the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the
cial Controls risks of material misstatement of the consolidated Ind AS
The respective Board of Directors of the Holding financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.
company, its subsidiary companies, associates and joint
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained and
ventures which are companies incorporated in India,
the audit evidence obtained by the other auditors in terms
are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal
of the reports referred to in the “Other Matters” paragraph
financial controls based on the internal control over
below, is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
financial reporting criteria established by the Company
our audit opinion on the Company’s internal financial
considering the essential components of internal
controls system over financial reporting.
control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal
Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by Meaning of Internal Financial Controls over
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. These
Financial Reporting
responsibilities include the design, implementation and
maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that A company’s internal financial control over financial
were operating effectively for ensuring the orderly and reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable
assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting
efficient conduct of its business, including adherence and the preparation of consolidated Ind AS financial
to the respective company’s policies, the safeguarding statements for external purposes in accordance with
of its assets, the prevention and detection of frauds and generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s
errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting internal financial control over financial reporting
records, and the timely preparation of reliable financial includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain
information, as required under the Act. to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable
detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and
Auditors’ Responsibility dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide
reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the necessary to permit preparation of consolidated Ind AS
Company’s internal financial controls over financial financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
reporting based on our audit. We conducted our audit accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures
in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of of the company are being made only in accordance
with authorizations of management and directors of
Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance
(the “Guidance Note”) and the Standards on Auditing as regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized
specified under section 143(10) of the Act, to the extent
Signed and dated by the Auditors of the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 263.
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2018 (` in million)
As at As at
Particulars Note No.
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
(1) Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment
(i) Oil and gas assets 6 1,430,877.68 1,296,151.60
(ii) Other property, plant and equipment 7 681,340.56 667,449.12
(b) Capital work-in-progress 8
(i) Oil and gas assets
a) Development wells in progress 26,519.03 40,286.78
b) Oil and gas facilities in progress 118,891.88 114,723.70
(ii) Others 68,402.53 58,722.37
(c) Goodwill (including Goodwill on Consolidation) 9 142,025.46 141,903.66
(d) Investment Property 10 78.74 0.79
(e) Other intangible assets 11 6,254.38 5,749.11
(f) Intangible assets under development 12
(i) Exploratory wells in progress 242,627.21 227,254.71
(ii) Acquisition cost 158,678.05 149,437.22
(g) Financial assets
(i) Investments in: 13
(a) Joint Ventures and Associates 322,687.35 304,195.15
(b) Other Investments 300,664.62 315,830.86
(ii) Trade receivables 14 16,564.13 13,630.08
(iii) Loans 15 18,239.60 21,545.86
(iv) Deposit under site restoration fund 16 160,639.59 145,942.72
(v) Others 18 11,602.59 9,391.84
(h) Deferred tax assets (net) 31 16,989.89 15,458.12
(i) Non-current tax assets (net) 34 108,313.73 98,720.28
(j) Other non-current assets 19 40,583.51 35,356.51
Total non-current assets 3,871,980.53 3,661,750.48
(2) Current assets
(a) Inventories 20 305,630.44 298,817.31
(b) Financial assets
(i) Investments 21 49,993.82 87,430.68
(ii) Trade receivables 14 138,991.67 125,471.21
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 22 25,120.88 18,150.17
(iv) Other bank balances 23 25,662.83 113,976.20
(v) Loans 15 9,911.35 9,927.09
(vi) Finance lease receivables 17 - -
(vii) Others 18 147,651.07 110,016.30
(c) Current Tax Assets (net) 34 283.88 -
(d) Other current assets 19 27,045.69 28,275.73
730,291.63 792,064.69
Assets classified as held for sale 24 76.89 159.61
Total current assets 730,368.52 792,224.30
Total assets 4,602,349.05 4,453,974.78
(1) Equity
(a) Equity share capital 25 64,166.32 64,166.32
(b) Other equity 26 1,976,022.72 1,879,685.92
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 2,040,189.04 1,943,852.24
Non-controlling interests 27 156,059.97 132,919.64
Total Equity 2,196,249.01 2,076,771.88
(2) Liabilities
Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 28 550,248.98 527,723.45
(ii) Others 29 7,310.02 2,321.15
(b) Provisions 30 252,001.50 231,146.30
(c) Deferred Tax liabilities (net) 31 415,059.44 367,629.79
(d) Other non-current liabilities 32 11,808.09 8,089.30
Total non-current liabilities 1,236,428.03 1,136,909.99
For Dass Gupta & Associates For K. C. Mehta & Co. For M K P S & Associates
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg. No. 000112N Firm Reg. No.106237W Firm Reg. No: 302014E
New Delhi
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Year ended Year ended
Particulars Note No.
31st March, 2018 31st March, 2017
I Revenue from operations 35 3,622,461.83 3,256,662.21
II Other income 36 74,681.54 93,231.74
III Total income (I+II) 3,697,143.37 3,349,893.95
IV Expenses
Purchase of Stock-in-Trade 1,216,893.99 1,041,982.65
Changes in inventories of finished goods, stock-in-trade and
37 (81.65) (47,846.87)
work-in progress
Production, transportation, selling and distribution
38 1,747,299.42 1,678,941.51
Exploration costs written off
(a) Survey costs 15,968.02 19,019.31
(b) Exploration well costs 58,652.40 33,176.24
Finance costs 39 49,990.43 35,911.08
Depreciation,depletion, amortisation and impairment 40 230,885.35 2,02,192.01
Other impairment and write offs 41 15,072.95 3,352.64
Total expenses (IV) 3,334,680.91 2,966,728.57
V Profit before exceptional items and tax (III-IV) 362,462.46 383,165.38
VI Exceptional items 42 2,481.22 5,910.13
VII Share of profit of Associates 27,250.25 20,452.92
VIII Share of profit of Joint Ventures (118.91) 7,646.98
IX Profit before tax (V+VI+VII+VIII) 392,075.02 417,175.41
X Tax expense 43
(a) Current tax 104,765.69 88,083.23
(b) Earlier Years (5,574.57) (5,986.42)
(c) Deferred tax 32,204.04 43,387.41
Total tax expense (X) 131,395.16 125,484.22
XI Profit for the year (IX-X) 260,679.86 291,691.19
XII Other comprehensive income
A (i) Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
(a) Remeasurement of the defined benefit plans (426.01) (4,903.83)
- Deferred tax 175.96 1,697.27
(b) Equity instruments through other comprehensive income (17,829.25) 137,914.82
- Deferred tax (13,313.50) -
(c) Share of other comprehensive income in associates and
joint ventures, to the extent not to be reclassified to 2.42 (5.93)
profit or loss
- Deferred tax (0.51) (0.46)
(d) Gain on Bargain purchase recognised as Capital Reserve - -
B (i) Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Exchange differences in translating the financial
(687.26) 3,359.49
statement of foreign operation
- Deferred tax 350.23 (991.37)
Total other comprehensive income (XII) (31,727.92) 137,069.99
XIII Total Comprehensive Income for the year (XI+XII) 228,951.94 428,761.18
Profit for the year attributable to:
- Owners of the Company 221,059.28 244,192.50
- Non-controlling interests 39,620.58 47,498.69
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 270.
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended March 31, 2018
(i) Equity share capital (`in million)
Particulars Amount
Balance as at March 31, 2016 42,777.60
Changes during the year – Issue of bonus shares (refer to note no. 25.3) 21,388.72
Balance as at March 31, 2017 64,166.32
Changes during the year -
Balance as at March 31, 2018 64,166.32
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended March 31, 2018
(ii) Other Equity (` in million)
Reserves and surplus
Foreign Exchange
Currency difference on Equity
Other Capital Capital Re-
Reserve- Share Debenture General Legal Monetary Retained translating Instruments Attributable to Non Con-
Particulars reserve Common demption premium redemption reserve reserve itemTransla- earnings the financial through Other owners of the trolling inter- Total
Control Reserve reserve tion difference statements comprehen- parent est (NCI)
Account of foreign oper- sive Income
Balance at April 1, 2016 618.89 - 91.86 - 58,714.29 1,500,421.33 39,016.19 - 100,417.58 125,542.92 110,535.78 1,935,358.82 26,518.09 1,961,876.91
(as previously reported)
Pooling of interest
accounting for Common
control Buisness 2.26 (365,759.85) 7.96 5,896.94 1,355.06 9,502.22 - (995.64) 66,739.87 (1.94) (728.31) (283,981.41) 81,469.23 (202,512.18)
combination (Refer note
Adjustment for accounting - (713.75) (713.75) (682.75) (1,396.50)
Adjustments due to Inter - (10,199.20) (10,199.20) (10,199.20)
Group Company holdings
Adjustments to Non-
Controlling Interest due to 7,137.50 7,137.50 (4,675.68) 2,461.83
acquisition of HPCL
Other adjustments (439.62) 28.73 (410.89) (410.89)
Balance at April 1, 2016 as 621.15 (365,759.85) 99.82 5,896.94 60,069.35 1,509,923.55 39,016.19 (995.64) 162,942.38 125,569.71 109,807.47 1,647,191.07 102,628.89 1,749,819.96
Profit/(loss) for the year - - - - - - - 244,192.50 - - 244,192.50 47,498.69 291,691.19
Remeasurement of defined - - - - - - - (3,121.15) - - (3,121.15) - (3,121.15)
benefit plans (net of tax)
Other items of
comprehensive icome for - - - - - - - 2,347.41 137,056.25 139,403.66 787.48 140,191.14
the year (net of tax)
Total comprehensive - - - - - - - - 241,071.35 2,347.41 137,056.25 380,475.01 48,286.17 428,761.18
income for the year
Investment in Joint Venture - - - - - - - (61.65) - - (61.65) - (61.65)
and associates
Transfer/additions (net) - - - - - - - 993.39 - - - 993.39 - 993.39
Adjustments due to Inter 2,834.15 2,834.15 2,834.15
Group Company holdings
Payment of dividends - - - - - - - (112,954.41) - - (112,954.41) (17,002.48) (129,956.89)
Tax on dividends - - - - - - - (22,971.98) - - (22,971.98) (3,461.31) (26,433.29)
Transfer from / to General - - - - 64,690.79 - (64,690.79) - - - - -
Transfer from / to legal - - - - - - 581.13 (581.13) - - - - -
Transfer From to to DRR - - - - 20,460.91 (2,978.96) - (17,481.95) - - - - -
Other Adjustments - - - - - (92.39) - - (70.93) 5,706.68 - 5,543.36 816.68 6,360.04
Preacquistion Adjustment 6,772.57 - (3,461.46) - (21,388.72) - (3,311.11) - - (21,388.72) (21,388.72)
for Bonus share by HPCL
Change in NCI due to 25.70 - - - - - - - - - 25.70 1,651.69 1,677.39
Balance at March 31, 2017 646.85 (358,987.28) 99.82 2,435.48 80,530.26 1,550,154.27 39,597.32 (2.25) 184,723.93 133,623.80 246,863.72 1,879,685.92 132,919.64 2,012,605.56
Other items of
comprehensive icome for - - - - - - - (329.49) (31,050.41) (31,379.89) 185.69 (31,194.21)
the year (net of tax)
Reserves and surplus
Foreign Exchange
Currency difference on Equity
Other Capital Capital Re-
Reserve- Share Debenture General Legal Monetary Retained translating Instruments Attributable to Non Con-
Particulars reserve Common demption premium redemption reserve reserve itemTransla- earnings the financial through Other owners of the trolling inter- Total
Control Reserve reserve tion difference statements comprehen- parent est (NCI)
Account of foreign oper- sive Income
Total comprehensive - - - - - - - - 220,525.57 (329.49) (31,050.41) 189,145.68 39,806.27 228,951.94
income for the year
Investment in Joint Venture - - - - - - - (419.74) - - (419.74) - (419.74)
and associates
Transfer/Additions (net) - - - - - (5.48) - (1.06) - - - (6.54) (6.54)
Adjustments due to Inter 2,988.60 2,988.60 2,988.60
Group Company holdings
Payment of dividends - - - - - - (79,205.90) - - (79,205.90) (13,670.70) (92,876.60)
Tax on Dividends - - - - (427.51) - (15,705.07) - - (16,132.58) (2,783.03) (18,915.61)
Transfer from / to general - - - - 110,471.99 - (110,471.99) - - - - -
Transfer from / to legal - - - - - 9,530.17 (9,530.17) - - - - -
Transfer from / to DRR - - - (387.30) - - 387.30 - - - - -
Preacquistion Adjustment - 5,079.38 - (2,435.48) - (160.59) - (2,483.32) - - - - -
for Bonus share by HPCL
Change in NCI due to (32.71) - - - - - - - - (32.71) 494.49 461.78
Others (706.70) (706.70)
Balance at March 31, 2018 614.14 (353,907.90) 99.82 - 80,142.96 1,660,032.68 49,127.49 (3.31) 190,809.21 133,294.31 215,813.31 1,976,022.72 156,059.97 2,132,082.69
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 270.
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Year ended Year Ended
31st March, 2018 31st March, 2017
Profit for the year 260,679.86 291,691.19
Adjustments For:
-Income Tax Expense 131,395.16 125,484.22
-Share of profit of joint ventures and associates (27,131.34) (28,099.90)
-Exceptional Items (2,481.22) (5,910.13)
- Depreciation, Depletion, Amortisation & Impairment 230,885.35 202,192.01
-Exploratory Well Costs Written off 58,652.40 33,176.24
-Finance cost 49,990.43 35,911.08
- Unrealized Foreign Exchange Loss/(Gain) 3,316.26 (3,659.68)
-Other impairment and Write offs 16,092.03 3,617.85
-Excess Provision written back (4,333.13) (22,299.62)
-Other non cash expenditure written off 59.11 (76.61)
-Interest Income (25,403.26) (28,974.98)
- Fair value loss (net) 951.34 (1,146.52)
-Amortization of Operating leasold land and others 21.34 24.83
-Liabilities no longer required written back (2,149.44) (1,794.48)
-Amortization of Government Grant (209.64) (46.55)
- Loss/(Profit) on sale of investment 602.40 (2.94)
- Loss/(Profit) on sale of property, plant & equipment 295.27 (325.26)
-Dividend Income (17,449.94) (17,822.14)
-Remeasurement of Defined benefit plans (824.54) (4,712.11)
-Gain on foreign exchange, forward contract and mark to market - 412,278.57 3,543.80 289,079.11
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes 672,958.43 580,770.30
Adjustments for:-
-Receivables (14,340.30) (21,284.03)
-Loans and Advances (19,529.16) 1,229.49
-Other Assets (8,198.56) 121,404.55
-Inventories (7,421.18) (65,937.85)
-Trade Payable and Other Liabilities 59,495.83 10,006.63 (62,141.48) (26,729.32)
Cash generated from Operations 682,965.05 554,040.97
Direct Taxes Paid (Net of tax refund) (100,039.07) (96,236.22)
Net Cash generated from Operating Activities ‘A’ 582,925.99 457,804.76
Payments for Property, plant and equipment (292,494.18) (205,240.29)
Proceeds from disposal of Property, plant and equipment 401.96 1,886.06
Exploratory and Development Drilling (156,386.52) (158,047.92)
Investments in Term deposits with maturity 3 to 12 months 70,799.14 4,410.85
Sale proceeds of current investments 13,752.60 1,368.40
Investment in Mutual funds 36,343.39 (6,307.97)
Investment in Joint Controlled Entities and Associates (7,764.85) (124,821.06)
(` in million)
As at Financing cash Non-cash As at
Sl. No. Particulars
March 31, 2017 Flows changes March 31, 2018
I Borrowing - Long Term
1 External commercial borrowing (ECB ) 53,731.46 (15,473.20) 337.80 38,596.06
2 Loan from Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB) 2,500.00 (1,750.00) - 750.00
3 Non Convertible Debentures 24,991.90 - 3.89 24,995.79
4 Deferred payment liabilities - VAT Loan - 485.53 (316.29) 169.24
5 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) - - - -
5 Deferred payment liabilities - CST 1,145.17 (526.54) - 618.63
6 Foreign Currency Term Loan (FCTL) - 2,570.16 37.04 2,607.20
7 Long term Borrowings 460,451.42 51,018.93 5,608.57 517,078.92
Other financial liabilities (Non current) - Derivative
8 1,425.74 - (331.96) 1,093.78
liabilities and Interest accrued
Other financial liabilities (Non current) - Interest
9 2,685.42 - 231.31 2,916.73
Other financial assets (Non current) - Derivative
10 - - (1,980.44) (1,980.44)
Total 546,931.11 36,324.88 3,589.92 586,845.91
II Borrowing - Short Term
1 Working capital loan from banks 6,471.24 (4,183.37) 1.89 2,289.76
2 Foreign currency non repatriable loan (FCNR) 12,971.00 28,562.01 833.99 42,367.00
3 Commercial Papers 27,244.05 (27,244.05) - -
4 Buyers Credit & Pre/Post Shipment Export Credit - 14,216.64 122.96 14,339.60
5 Short Term Rupee Loan - 3,620.00 - 3,620.00
6 Short term Borrowings 169,407.87 (33,718.19) 7,983.46 143,673.14
7 Other financial liabilities 41,770.59 (45,355.90) 18,923.41 15,338.10
8 Foreign currency Terms Loans - 82,691.46 1,704.25 84,395.71
9 Rupee Term Loans - 97,741.43 - 97,741.43
10 Working Capital Loans - 73,784.94 - 73,784.94
Total 257,864.75 190,114.97 29,569.96 477,549.68
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 270.
Ind AS 40 - Transfers of Investment Property – The The Consolidated Financial Statements have been
amendments clarify when an entity should transfer prepared on the historical cost basis except for
property, including property under construction or certain assets and liabilities which are measured at
development into, or out of investment property. fair value/amortised cost/Net present value at the
The amendments state that a change in use occurs end of each reporting period, as explained in the
when the property meets, or ceases to meet, the accounting policies below:
definition of investment property and there is
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of
evidence of the change in use. A mere change in
the consideration given in exchange for goods and
management’s intentions for the use of a property
does not provide evidence of a change in use.
As the operating cycle cannot be identified in
Entities should apply the amendments prospectively
normal course due to the special nature of industry,
to changes in use that occur on or after the
the same has been assumed to have duration of 12
beginning of the annual reporting period in which
months. Accordingly, all assets and liabilities have
the entity first applies the amendments. An entity
been classified as current or non-current as per the
should reassess the classification of property held
operating cycle and other criteria set out in Ind AS-1
at that date and, if applicable, reclassify property
‘Presentation of Financial Statements’ and Schedule
to reflect the conditions that exist at that date.
III to the Companies Act, 2013.
Retrospective application in accordance with Ind
AS 8 is only permitted if it is possible without the The Consolidated Financial Statements are
use of hindsight. presented in Indian Rupees and all values are
rounded off to the nearest two decimal million
The Group is evaluating the requirements of the
except otherwise stated.
amendments and its effect on the Consolidated
Financial Statements. Fair value measurement
3. Significant Group Accounting Policies Fair value is the price that would be received to sell
3.1 Statement of compliance an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at the
The Consolidated Financial Statements have been measurement date under current market conditions.
prepared in accordance with Ind AS notified under
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) The Group categorizes assets and liabilities measured
Rules, 2015 (as amended) and Guidance Note on at fair value into one of the three levels depending
Accounting for Oil and Gas Producing Activities on the ability to observe inputs employed in their
(Ind AS) issued by the Institute of Chartered measurement which are described as follows:
Accountants of India. • Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in
3.2 Basis of preparation active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
During the year, the Company has acquired • Level 2 inputs are inputs that are observable,
51.11% stake in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation either directly or indirectly, other than quoted
Limited (‘HPCL’) from Government of India. prices included within level 1 for the assets or
The acquisition transaction has been evaluated as liabilities.
a business combination under common control • Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for
(Refer note 4). Accordingly, in compliance with the asset or liability reflecting significant
Appendix C of Ind AS 103 ‘Business Combination’ modifications to observable related market data
read with Ind AS 1 ‘Presentation of financial or Group’s assumptions about pricing by market
statements’, the consolidated financial statements participants.
have been restated as if business combination has
occurred from the beginning of the preceding 3.3 Principles of Consolidation
period (i.e. April 1, 2016). Refer note 26.5 on The Consolidated Financial Statements incorporate
business combination. the financial statements of the Company and its
- Deferred tax assets or liabilities, and assets may be. Measurement period adjustments are
or liabilities related to employee benefit adjustments that arise from additional information
arrangements are recognised and measured in obtained by the Group during the ‘measurement
accordance with Ind AS 12 ‘Income Taxes’ and period’ about facts and circumstances that existed at
Ind AS 19 ‘Employee Benefits’ respectively; the acquisition date. Measurement period does not
exceed one year from the acquisition date.
- Assets (or disposal groups) that are classified as
held for sale in accordance with Ind AS 105 ‘Non- The subsequent accounting for changes in the fair
current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued value of the contingent consideration that do not
Operations’ are measured in accordance with qualify as measurement period adjustments depends
that Standard. on how the contingent consideration is classified.
Contingent consideration that is classified as equity
Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of
is not remeasured at subsequent reporting dates and
the consideration transferred, the amount of any
its subsequent settlement is accounted for within
non-controlling interests in the acquiree, and the
equity. Contingent consideration that is classified as
fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity
an asset or a liability is remeasured at fair value at
interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the
subsequent reporting dates with the corresponding
acquisition date amounts of the identifiable assets
gain or loss being recognised in the consolidated
acquired and the liabilities assumed.
statement of profit and loss.
In case of a bargain purchase, before recognising
When a business combination is achieved in stages,
a gain in respect thereof, the Group determines
the Group’s previously held equity interest in
whether there exists clear evidence of the underlying
the acquiree is remeasured to its acquisition date
reasons for classifying the business combination as
fair value and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is
a bargain purchase. Thereafter, the Group reassesses
recognised in the consolidated statement of profit
whether it has correctly identified all of the assets
and loss. Amounts arising from interests in the
acquired and all of the liabilities assumed and
acquiree prior to the acquisition date that have
recognises any additional assets or liabilities that
previously been recognised in other comprehensive
are identified in that reassessment. The Group then
income are reclassified to the consolidated statement
reviews the procedures used to measure the amounts
of profit and loss where such treatment would be
that Ind AS requires for the purposes of calculating
appropriate if that interest were disposed of.
the bargain purchase. If the gain remains after this
reassessment and review, the Group recognises it If the initial accounting for a business combination
in other comprehensive income and accumulates is incomplete by the end of the reporting period in
the same in equity as capital reserve. This gain is which the combination occurs, the Group reports
attributed to the acquirer. If there does not exist clear provisional amounts for the items for which the
evidence of the underlying reasons for classifying the accounting is incomplete. Those provisional
business combination as a bargain purchase, the Group amounts are adjusted during the measurement
recognises the gain, after reassessing and reviewing (as period recognising additional assets or liabilities (if
described above), directly in equity as capital reserve. any) to reflect new information obtained about facts
and circumstances that existed at the acquisition
When the consideration transferred by the Group
date that, if known, would have affected the amounts
in a business combination includes assets or
recognised at that date.
liabilities resulting from a contingent consideration
arrangement, the contingent consideration is Business Combination under Common control
measured at its acquisition date fair value and
A business combination involving entities or
included as part of the consideration transferred
businesses under common control is a business
in a business combination. Changes in the fair
combination in which all of the combining entities
value of the contingent consideration that qualify
or businesses are ultimately controlled by the same
as measurement period adjustments are adjusted
party or parties both before and after the business
retrospectively, with corresponding adjustments
combination and the control is not transitory.
against goodwill or capital reserve, as the case
other comprehensive income of the associate over the cost of the investment, after reassessment,
or joint venture. Distributions received from an is recognised directly in equity as capital reserve in
associate or a joint venture reduces the carrying the period in which the investment is acquired.
amount of investment. When the Group’s share of
After application of the equity method of
losses of an associate or a joint venture exceeds the
accounting, the Group determines whether there
Group’s interest in that associate or joint venture
is any objective evidence of impairment as a result
(which includes any long term interests that, in
of one or more events that occurred after the initial
substance, form part of the Group’s net investment
recognition of the net investment in an associate
in the associate or joint venture), the Group
or a joint venture and that event (or events) has an
discontinues recognizing its share of further losses.
impact on the estimated future cash flows from the
Additional losses are recognized only to the extent
net investment that can be reliably estimated. If there
that the Group has legal or constructive obligations
exists such an objective evidence of impairment,
or made payments on behalf of the associate or joint
then Group recognises impairment loss with
respect to the Group’s investment in an associate or
Loans advanced to Associate & Joint Venture and a joint venture. When necessary, the entire carrying
that have the characteristics of financing through amount of the investment (including goodwill)
equity are also included in the investment of the is tested for impairment in accordance with Ind
Group’s consolidated balance sheet. The Group’s AS 36 ‘Impairment of Assets’ as a single asset by
share of amounts recognized directly in equity comparing its recoverable amount (higher of value
by Associate & Joint Venture is recognized in the in use and fair value less costs of disposal) with its
Group’s consolidated statement of changes in equity. carrying amount, Any impairment loss recognised
forms part of the carrying amount of the investment.
Unrealized gains on transactions between the group
Any reversal of that impairment loss is recognised in
and its Associate & Joint Venture are eliminated to
accordance with Ind AS 36 to the extent that the
the extent of the Group’s interest in Associate & Joint
recoverable amount of the investment subsequently
Venture. Unrealized losses are also eliminated to the
extent of Group’s interest unless the transaction
provides evidence of an impairment of the asset The Group discontinues the use of the equity
transferred. method from the date when the investment ceases
to be an associate or a joint venture, or when the
If an associate or a joint venture uses accounting
investment is classified as held for sale. When the
policies other than those of the Group accounting
Group retains an interest in the former associate
policies for like transactions and events in similar
or joint venture and the retained interest is a
circumstances, adjustments are made to make the
financial asset, the Group measures the retained
associate’s or joint venture’s financial statements
interest at fair value at that date and the fair value
confirm to the Group’s significant accounting
is regarded as its fair value on initial recognition in
policies before applying the equity method, unless,
accordance with Ind AS 109 ‘Financial Instruments’.
in case of an associate where it is impracticable do so.
The difference between the carrying amount of
An investment in an Associate or a Joint Venture the associate or joint venture at the date the equity
is accounted for using the equity method from the method was discontinued, and the fair value of any
date on which the investee becomes an Associate or retained interest and any proceeds from disposing
a Joint Venture. On acquisition of the investment of a part interest in the associate or joint venture
in an Associate or a Joint Venture, any excess of is included in the determination of the gain or
the cost of the investment over the Group’s share loss on disposal of the associate or joint venture.
of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and In addition, the Group accounts for all amounts
liabilities of the investee is recognised as goodwill, previously recognised in other comprehensive
which is included within the carrying amount of the income in relation to that associate or joint venture
investment. Any excess of the Group’s share of the on the same basis as would be required if that
net fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities associate or joint venture had directly disposed of
with the conditions attached to them and that the condition necessary for it to be capable of operating
grants will be received. in the manner intended by the Management
and decommissioning cost as per note 3.17. It
Government grants are recognised in Consolidated
includes professional fees and, for qualifying assets,
Statement of Profit and Loss on a systematic basis
borrowing costs capitalised in accordance with
over the periods in which the Group recognises as
the Group’s accounting policy. Such properties
expenses the related costs for which the grants are
are classified to the appropriate categories of PPE
intended to compensate.
when completed and ready for intended use. Parts
Government grants whose primary condition of an item of PPE having different useful lives
is that the Group should purchase, construct or and significant value and subsequent expenditure
otherwise acquire non-current assets and non- on Property, Plant and Equipment arising on
monetary grants are recognised and disclosed as account of capital improvement or other factors are
‘deferred income’ under non-current liability in accounted for as separate components. Expenditure
the Consolidated Balance Sheet and transferred to on dry docking of rigs and vessels are accounted for
the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss on a as component of relevant assets.
systematic and rational basis over the useful lives of
The estimated useful lives, residual values and
the related assets.
depreciation method are reviewed on an annual
The benefit of a government loan at a rate below the basis and if necessary, changes in estimates are
market rate of interest is treated as a government accounted for prospectively.
grant, and is measured as the difference between
Depreciation on subsequent expenditure on PPE
proceeds received and the fair value of the loan
arising on account of capital improvements or
based on prevailing market interest rates.
other factors is provided for prospectively over the
3.11 Property Plant and Equipment (other than remaining useful life.
Oil and Gas Assets) Assets held under finance leases are depreciated
The Group (except for ONGC Videsh Ltd where over their expected useful lives on the same basis as
due to change in functional currency, this exemption owned assets.
is not available as per para D7AA of Ind AS 101) has Depreciation on additions/deletions to PPE during
elected to continue with the carrying value of all of the year is provided for on a pro-rata basis with
its Property Plant and Equipment recognised as reference to the date of additions/deletions except
of April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per low value items not exceeding ` 5,000/- which
the Previous GAAP and use that carrying value are fully depreciated at the time of addition of
as its deemed cost as of the transition date except Assets related to operations in India and items not
adjustment related to decommissioning liabilities. exceeding USD 100 which are fully depreciated at
Land and buildings held for use in the production the time of addition of Assets related to operations
or supply of goods or services, or for administrative outside India.
purposes, are stated in the Balance Sheet at cost less An item of PPE is de-recognised upon disposal or
accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if when no future economic benefits are expected to
any. Freehold land and land under perpetual lease arise from the continued use of the asset. Any gain or
are not depreciated. loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an item
Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) in the of PPE is determined as the difference between the
course of construction for production, supply or sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset
administrative purposes are carried at cost, less any and is recognised in the consolidated Statement of
recognised impairment loss. The cost of an asset Profit and Loss.
comprises its purchase price or its construction Depreciation of these PPE commences when the
cost (net of applicable tax credits), any cost directly assets are ready for their intended use.
attributable to bring the asset into the location and
impairment losses, if any. Internally generated (ii) Intangible assets under development - Ex-
intangibles, excluding development costs, are not ploratory Wells in Progress
capitalised and the related expenditure is reflected
in Statement of Profit and Loss in the period in All exploration and evaluation costs incurred in
which the expenditure is incurred. Development drilling and equipping exploratory and appraisal
costs are capitalised if technical and commercial wells, are initially capitalized as Intangible assets
feasibility of the project is demonstrated, future under development - Exploratory Wells in Progress
economic benefits are probable, the Group has an till the time these are either transferred to Oil and
intention and ability to complete and use or sell the Gas Assets on completion as per note no. 3.15
asset and the costs can be measured reliably. or expensed as exploration and evaluation cost
(including allocated depreciation) as and when
In cases where, the Group has constructed assets determined to be dry or of no further use, as the case
and the Group has only a preferential right to use, may be.
these assets are classified as intangible assets and
are amortised (after retaining the residual value, if Cost of drilling exploratory type stratigraphic test
applicable) over their useful life or the period of the wells are initially capitalized as Intangible assets
agreement, whichever is lower. under development - Exploratory Wells in Progress
till the time these are either transferred to Oil and
Intangible assets with finite useful lives that are Gas Assets as per note no. 3.15 or expensed as
acquired separately. amortized on a straight-line exploration and evaluation cost (including allocated
basis over their estimated useful life. Intangible depreciation) as when determined to be dry or
assets in form of right to use is amortised on straight the petroleum exploration license/field/project is
line basis over the useful life of underlying asset. surrendered.
The estimated useful life is reviewed at the end of
each reporting period and the effect of any changes Costs of exploratory wells are not carried over unless
in estimate being accounted for prospectively and it could be reasonably demonstrated that there are
tested for impairment. indications of sufficient quantity of reserves and
sufficient progress has been made in assessing the
Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives that are reserves and the economic and operating viability of
acquired separately are not subject to amortisation the project. All such carried over costs are subject to
and are carried at cost less accumulated impairment review for impairment as per the policy of the Group.
losses, if any.
3.13 Impairment of tangible and intangible as-
An intangible asset is derecognised on disposal, or sets other than goodwill
when no future economic benefits are expected
from use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from The Group reviews the carrying amount of its
derecognition of an intangible asset, measured as tangible and intangible assets (Oil and Gas Assets,
the difference between the net disposal proceeds Development Wells in Progress (DWIP), and
and the carrying amount of the asset, and recognised Property, Plant and Equipment (including Capital
in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, Works in Progress) of a “Cash Generating Unit”
when the asset is derecognised. (CGU) at the end of each reporting period to
determine whether there is any indication that those
Technical know-how / license fee relating to assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such
production process and process design are indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset
recognized as Intangible Assets. is estimated in order to determine the extent of the
Estimated lives of intangible assets (acquired) are as impairment loss (if any). When it is not possible to
follows: estimate the recoverable amount of an individual
asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of
• Software – 2 to 10 years the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.
• Technical know-how/license fees – 2 to 10 years Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives such as
• Right to use-wind mills : 22 years “Right of way” and intangible assets not yet available
(v) Production costs service wells), allied facilities, depreciation on
support equipment used for drilling and estimated
Production costs include pre-well head and post-
future decommissioning costs are capitalised and
well head expenses including depreciation and
classified as Oil and Gas Assets
applicable operating costs of support equipment
and facilities. Oil and Gas Assets are depleted using the “Unit
of Production Method”. The rate of depletion is
(vi) Impairment of Acquisition costs relating to
computed with reference to an area covered by
participating rights
individual lease / license / asset /field /project
For the purposes of impairment testing, / amortization base by considering the proved
acquisition cost is allocated to each of the developed reserves and related capital costs incurred
Group’s CGUs (or groups of CGUs) that is including estimated future decommissioning /
expected to benefit from the synergies of the abandonment costs net of salvage value. Acquisition
combination. cost of Oil and Gas Assets is depleted by considering
the proved reserves. These reserves are estimated
A CGU to which acquisition cost has been annually by the Reserve Estimates Committee
allocated is tested for impairment annually of the Company, which follows the International
when there is an indication that the unit may be Reservoir Engineering Procedures.
impaired. If the recoverable amount of the cash-
generating unit is less than its carrying amount, 3.16 Side tracking
the impairment loss is allocated first to reduce
In the case of an exploratory well, cost of side-
the carrying amount of any acquisition cost
tracking is treated in the same manner as the cost
allocated to the unit and then to the other assets
incurred on a new exploratory well. The cost of
of the unit pro rata based on the carrying amount
abandoned portion of side tracked exploratory wells
of each asset in the unit. An impairment loss
is expensed as ‘Exploration cost written off.’
recognised for acquisition cost is not reversed in
subsequent periods. In the case of development wells, the entire cost of
abandoned portion and side tracking is capitalized.
On disposal of the relevant CGU, the attributable
carrying amount of acquisition cost is included In the case of producing wells and service wells,
in the determination of the profit or loss on if the side-tracking results in additional proved
disposal. developed oil and gas reserves or increases the future
economic benefits therefrom beyond previously
3.15 Oil and Gas Assets assessed standard of performance, the cost incurred
The Group (except for ONGC Videsh Ltd where on side tracking is capitalised, whereas the cost of
due to change in functional currency this exemption abandoned portion of the well is depleted in the
is not available as per para D7AA of Ind AS 101) normal way. Otherwise, the cost of side tracking is
has elected to continue with the carrying value of expensed as ‘Work over Expenditure.’
all of its Oil and Gas assets recognised as of April 1,
3.17 Decommissioning costs
2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous
GAAP and use that carrying value as its deemed cost Decommissioning cost includes cost of restoration.
as of the transition date except adjustment related to Provision for decommissioning costs are recognized
decommissioning liabilities. when the Group has a legal or constructive obligation
to plug and abandon a well, dismantle and remove a
Oil and Gas Assets are stated at historical cost less
facility or an item of Property, Plant and Equipment
accumulated depletion and impairment losses. These
and to restore the site on which it is located. The full
are created in respect of an area / field having proved
eventual estimated provision towards costs relating
developed oil and gas reserves, when the well in the area
to dismantling, abandoning and restoring well sites
/ field is ready to commence commercial production.
and allied facilities are recognized in respective
Cost of temporary occupation of land, successful assets when the well is complete / facilities or
exploratory wells, all development wells (including Property, Plant and Equipment are installed.
(c) Store & Spares in respect of crude oil (including condensate), if
positive (i.e. under lift quantity) the proportionate
Inventory of stores and spare parts is valued at
production expenditure is treated as prepaid
weighted average cost or net realisable value,
expenses and, if negative (i.e. over lift quantity),
whichever is lower. Wherever, weighted average
a liability for the best estimate of the Group’s
cost or net realisable value is not available, the
proportionate share of production expenses as per
cost made available by the operator is considered
the Joint Operating Agreement ( JOA) / Production
for valuation of Stores and Spares. Provisions are
Sharing Agreement (PSA) is created in respect of the
made for obsolete and non-moving inventories.
quantity of crude oil to be foregone in future period
Unserviceable and scrap items, when towards settlement of the overlift quantity of crude
determined, are valued at estimated net oil with corresponding charge to the consolidated
realisable value. Statement of Profit and Loss.
3.19 Revenue recognition Any payment received in respect of short lifted gas
quantity for which an obligation exists to supply
Revenue arising from sale of products is recognized such gas in subsequent periods is recognised as
when the significant risks and rewards of ownership Deferred Revenue in the year of receipt. The same
have passed to the buyer, which is at the point of is recognised as revenue in the year in which such
transfer of custody to customers, and the amount of gas is actually supplied or in the year in which the
revenue can be measured reliably and it is probable obligation to supply such gas ceases, whichever is
that the economic benefits associated with the earlier.
transaction will flow to the Group.
The Group has entered into certain “take or pay”
Revenue from services is recognized when the arrangements with its customers which requires
outcome of services can be estimated reliably and the Group to deliver specified quantities as per the
it is probable that the economic benefits associated arrangement. In the event of short lifting by the
with rendering of services will flow to the Group, customer as per the terms of the arrangement, the
and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably. Group is entitled to receive revenue in respect of the
Revenue is measured at the fair value of the short lifted quantities. Revenue in respect of short
consideration received or receivable and represents lifted quantities under take or pay arrangements is
amounts receivable for goods and services provided in recognised when the Group’s obligation to supply
the normal course of business, net of discounts, GST short-lifted quantity ceases as per the arrangement
and sales tax / VAT etc. Any retrospective revision in and it is probable that the economic benefits will
prices is accounted for in the year of such revision. flow to the Group.
Revenue is allocated between loyalty programs and Sale of crude oil and natural gas (net of levies)
other components of the sale. The amount allocated produced from Intangible assets under development
to the loyalty program is deferred, and is recognised as – Exploratory Wells in Progress / Oil & Gas assets
revenue when the Group has fulfilled its obligation to under development – Development Wells in
supply the products under the terms of the program Progress is deducted from expenditure on such
or when it is no longer probable that the points under wells.
the program will be redeemed. Where the Group acts Revenue in respect of the following is recognized
as an agent on behalf of a third party, the associated when there is a reasonable certainty regarding
income is recognised on a net basis. ultimate collection:
Sales are inclusive of all related expenses of the • Surplus from Gas Pool Account
Group that may be paid by the government based on
the provisions under agreements governing Group’s • Interest on delayed realization from customers
activities in the respective field / project. and delayed cash calls from JV partners
Any difference as of the reporting date between • Liquidated damages from contractors/suppliers
the entitlement quantity minus the quantities sold
of the Group’s entire interest in a foreign operation, Income and expenses for each consolidated
a disposal involving loss of control over a subsidiary statement of profit and loss presented have
that includes a foreign operation, or a partial been translated at exchange rates at the dates of
disposal of an interest in a joint arrangement or an transaction except for certain items average rate for
associate that includes a foreign operation of which the period is used;
the retained interest becomes a financial asset), all
of the exchange differences accumulated in equity in 3.22 Employee Benefits
respect of that operation attributable to the owners Employee benefits include salaries, wages,
of the Company are reclassified to the consolidated contributory provident fund, gratuity, leave
statement of profit and loss. encashment towards un-availed leave, compensated
In addition, in relation to a partial disposal of a absences, post-retirement medical benefits and
subsidiary that includes a foreign operation that other terminal benefits.
does not result in the Group losing control over the All short term employee benefits are recognized
subsidiary, the proportionate share of accumulated at their undiscounted amount in the accounting
exchange differences are re-attributed to non- period in which they are incurred.
controlling interests and are not recognised in
the consolidated statement of profit and loss. For Defined contribution plans
all other partial disposals (i.e. partial disposals Employee Benefit under defined contribution
of associates or joint arrangements that do not plans comprising contributory provident fund,
result in the Group losing significant influence Post Retirement benefit scheme, Employee Pension
or joint control), the proportionate share of the Scheme - 1995, composite social security scheme
accumulated exchange differences is reclassified to etc. is recognized based on the undiscounted
the consolidated statement of profit and loss. amount of obligations of the Group to contribute to
Goodwill and fair value adjustments to identifiable the plan. The same is paid to a fund administered
assets acquired and liabilities assumed through through a separate trust.
acquisition of a foreign operation are treated as Defined benefit plans
assets and liabilities of foreign operation and
translated at rate of exchange prevailing at the end of Defined retirement benefit plans comprising of
each reporting period. Exchange differences arising gratuity, post-retirement medical benefits and
are recognised in other comprehensive income. other terminal benefits, are recognized based on
the present value of defined benefit obligation
Entities with functional currency other than which is computed using the projected unit credit
presentation currency are translated to the method, with actuarial valuations being carried out
presentation currency in Indian Rupees (`). The at the end of each annual reporting period. These
Group has applied the following principles for are accounted either as current employee cost or
translating its results and financial position from included in cost of assets as permitted.
functional currency to presentation currency (`):-
Net interest on the net defined liability is calculated
Assets and liabilities (excluding equity share capital by applying the discount rate at the beginning of the
and other equity) for each balance sheet presented period to the net defined benefit liability or asset
(i.e. including comparatives) has been translated at and is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss
the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet; except those included in cost of assets as permitted.
Equity share capital including equity component Remeasurement of defined retirement benefit plans
of compound financial instruments have been except for leave encashment towards un-availed
translated at exchange rates at the dates of transaction. leave and compensated absences, comprising
Capital reserve has been translated at exchange rate actuarial gains and losses, the effect of the changes
at the dates of transaction. Other reserves have been to the asset ceiling (if applicable) and the return
translated using average exchange rates of the period on plan assets (excluding net interest as defined
to which it relates;
(ii) Deferred tax Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable
temporary differences associated with investment
Deferred tax is recognised on temporary
in subsidiaries and associate and interests in joint
differences between the carrying amounts
ventures, except where the Group is able to
of assets and liabilities in the Consolidated
control the reversal of the temporary difference
Financial Statements and the corresponding
and it is probable that the temporary difference
tax bases used in the computation of taxable
will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
profit. Deferred tax liabilities are generally
Deferred tax assets arising from deductible
recognised for all taxable temporary differences.
temporary differences associated with such
Deferred tax assets are generally recognised
interests are recognised only to the extent that
for all deductible temporary differences to the
it is probable that there will be sufficient taxable
extent that it is probable that taxable profits
profits against which to utilise the benefits of the
will be available against which those deductible
temporary differences and they are expected to
temporary differences can be utilised. Such
reverse in the foreseeable future.
deferred tax assets and liabilities are not
recognised if the temporary difference arises Deferred tax assets include Minimum Alternative
from the initial recognition (other than in a Tax (MAT) paid in accordance with the tax laws
business combination) of assets and liabilities in India, which is likely to give future economic
in a transaction that affects neither the taxable benefits in the form of availability of set off
profit nor the accounting profit. In addition, against future income tax liability. Accordingly,
deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if the MAT is recognised as deferred tax asset in the
temporary difference arises from the initial Consolidated Balance Sheet when the asset can
recognition of goodwill. be measured reliably and it is probable that the
future economic benefit associated with asset
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is
will be realised.
reviewed at the end of each reporting period
and reduced to the extent that it is no longer (iii) Current and deferred tax for the year
probable that sufficient taxable profits will be
Current and deferred tax expense is recognised
available to allow all or part of the deferred tax
in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and
asset to be utilized.
Loss, except when they relate to items that are
Deferred tax liabilities and assets are measured recognised in other comprehensive income
at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the or directly in equity, in which case, the current
period in which the liability is settled or the asset and deferred tax are also recognised in other
realised, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that comprehensive income or directly in equity
have been enacted or substantively enacted by respectively.
the end of the reporting period.
3.28 Borrowing Costs
The measurement of deferred tax liabilities and
assets reflects the tax consequences that would Borrowing costs specifically identified to the
follow from the manner in which the Group acquisition or construction of qualifying assets is
expects, at the end of the reporting period, to capitalized as part of such assets. A qualifying asset is
recover or settle the carrying amount of its assets one that necessarily takes substantial period of time
and liabilities. to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing
costs are charged to the Consolidated Statement of
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented Profit and Loss.
separately in Consolidated Balance sheet except
where there is a right of set-off within fiscal 3.29 Rig Days Costs
jurisdictions and an intention to settle such Rig movement costs are booked to the next location
balances on a net basis. drilled/planned for drilling. Abnormal Rig days’
equity will be transferred to retained earnings. that are solely payments of principal and interest
No gain or loss is recognised in profit or on the principal amount outstanding.
loss upon conversion or expiration of the
The Group has made an irrevocable election
conversion option.
to present in other comprehensive income
Transaction costs that relate to the issue of the subsequent changes in the fair value of equity
convertible notes are allocated to the liability investments not held for trading.
and equity components in proportion to the
(iv) Financial assets at fair value through profit or
allocation of the gross proceeds. Transaction
costs relating to the equity component are
recognised directly in equity. Transaction Financial assets are measured at fair value
costs relating to the liability component are through profit or loss unless it is measured at
included in the carrying amount of the liability amortised cost or at fair value through other
component and are amortised over the lives comprehensive income on initial recognition.
of the convertible notes using the effective
interest method. (v) Impairment of financial assets
The Group assesses at each Consolidated
3.33 Financial assets
Balance Sheet date whether a financial asset or a
(i) Cash and cash equivalents group of financial assets is impaired. Ind AS 109
‘Financial Instruments’ requires expected credit
The Group considers all highly liquid financial
losses to be measured through a loss allowance.
instruments, which are readily convertible
The Group recognises lifetime expected losses
into known amounts of cash that are subject
for trade receivables that do not constitute a
to an insignificant risk of change in value and
financing transaction. For all other financial
having original maturities of three months
assets, expected credit losses are measured at
or less from the date of purchase, to be cash
an amount equal to 12 month expected credit
equivalents. Cash and cash equivalents consist
losses or at an amount equal to lifetime expected
of balances with banks which are unrestricted
losses, if the credit risk on the financial asset has
for withdrawal and usage.
increased significantly since initial recognition.
(ii) Financial assets at amortised cost
(vi) Derecognition of financial assets
Financial assets are subsequently measured
The Group derecognises a financial asset when
at amortised cost using the effective interest
the contractual rights to the cash flows from the
method if these financial assets are held within
asset expire, or when it transfers the financial
a business whose objective is to hold these
asset and substantially all the risks and rewards
assets in order to collect contractual cash flows
of ownership of the asset to another party.
and the contractual terms of the financial asset
give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are On derecognition of a financial asset in
solely payments of principal and interest on the its entirety (except for equity instruments
principal amount outstanding. designated as FVTOCI), the difference between
the asset’s carrying amount and the sum of
(iii) Financial assets at fair value through other
the consideration received and receivable is
comprehensive income
recognised in the Consolidated Statement of
Financial assets are measured at fair value Profit and Loss.
through other comprehensive income if these
financial assets are held within a business
3.34 Financial liabilities
whose objective is achieved by both collecting (i) Financial liabilities
contractual cash flows and selling financial
assets and the contractual terms of the financial Financial liabilities are measured at amortised
asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows cost using the effective interest method.
4. The consolidated financial statements represents consolidation of accounts of “Oil and Natural
Gas Corporation Limited”, its subsidiaries, Joint venture entities and Associates as detailed be-
Proportion of ownership interest
Country of as at Status of Audit as
S. No. Name of the Company
Incorporation on 31.03.2018
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
A Subsidiaries
1 ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) India 100% 100% Audited
Class A : 100% Class A : 100%
1.1 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. Netherlands Class B : 100% Class B : 100% Audited
Class C : 55% Class C : 55%
1.1 (i) ONGC Campos Ltda. Brazil 100% 100% Audited
ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd.
1.1 (ii) Cyprus NA 100% Audited
(liquidated w.e.f. July 12, 2017)
1.1 (iii) ONGC Nile Ganga (San Cristobal) B.V. Netherlands 100% 100% Audited
1.1 (iv) ONGC Caspian E&P B.V. Netherlands 100% 100% Audited
1.2 ONGC Narmada Limited Nigeria 100% 100% Unaudited
1.3 ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited Bermuda 100% 100% Audited
1.4 Imperial Energy Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 Imperial Energy Tomsk Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (i) Imperial Energy (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (ii) Imperial Energy Nord Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (iii) Biancus Holdings Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (iv) Redcliffe Holdings Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (v) Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (vi) San Agio Investments Limited Cyprus 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (vii) LLC Sibinterneft Russia 55.90% 55.90% Audited
1.5 (viii) LLC Allianceneftegaz Russia 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (ix) LLC Nord Imperial Russia 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (x) LLC Rus Imperial Group Russia 100% 100% Audited
1.5 (xi) LLC Imperial Frac Services* Russia 100% 50% Audited
1.6 Carabobo One AB Sweden 100% 100% Audited
1.6 (i) Petro Carabobo Ganga B.V. Netherlands 100% 100% Audited
1.7 ONGC (BTC) Limited Cayman Islands 100% 100% Unaudited
1.8 Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Ltd. Mauritius 60% 60% Audited
1.9 ONGC Videsh Rovuma Ltd. (OVRL) Mauritius 100% 100% Audited
1.10 ONGC Videsh Atlantic Inc. (OVAI) Texas 100% 100% Audited
1.11 ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore 100% 100% Audited
1.11 (i) ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte Ltd. Singapore 100% 100% Audited
1.12 Indus East Mediterranean Exploration Ltd. Israel 100% NA Unaudited
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.
2 India 80.29% 80.29% Audited
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
3 India 51.11% 51.11% Audited
3.1 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd$ India 100% 100% Audited
3.2 HPCL Bio Fuels Ltd. India 100% 100% Audited
3.3 HPCL Middle East FZCO$$ Dubai 100% 100% Unaudited
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd.
4 India 89.95% 89.95% Audited
(OMPL) @@@
5 Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL)*** India 49.44% 49.44% Audited
Proportion of ownership interest
Country of as at Status of Audit as
S. No. Name of the Company
Incorporation on 31.03.2018
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Mozambiquae LNG1 Co PTE Ltd.
9 Singapore 16.00% 16.00% Unaudited
(through OVL)
10 Falcon Oil & Gas B.V. (through OVL) Netherlands 40.00% NA Audited
11 GSPL India Gasnet Ltd.(through HPCL) India 11.00% - Audited
12 GSPL India Transco Ltd. (through HPCL) India 11.00% - Audited
* As at February 16, 2018 other shareholder has surrendered own shares to the Company LLC Imperial Frac Service. As of March 31, 2018, Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited continues to hold 50% of the shares in
LLC Imperial Frac Service.
** During the year, the company has acquired 51.11% shareholding held by the President of India (778,845,375 equity shares of face value ` 10 per share) in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), at ` 473.97
per share for a total cash consideration of ` 369,150.00 million. By virtue of this investment, HPCL has become a subsidiary of the Company. The acquisition being a common control transaction has been accounted as stated
at note 3.2 & 3.4 of significant group accounting policies.
*** Pursuant to acquisition of HPCL, effective ownership interest in Petronet MHB Limited (joint venture has been increased up to 65.44% and accordingly PMHBL has been reclassified from a joint venture to a subsidiary
and has been accounted as stated at note 3.2 & 3.4 of significant group accounting policies as a common control transaction.
$ Prize Petroleum Company Limited has wholly owned subsidiary namely Prize Petroleum International PTE Limited. HPCL – Mittal Energy Limited has a 100% subsidiary namely HPCL – Mittal Pipelines Limited (refer
note 3.2 & 3.4).
$$ HPCL Middle East FZCO, a 100% Subsidiary of HPCL was incorporated on February 11, 2018 as a Free Zone Company under Dubai Airport Free Zone and Establishment Card was issued on March 22, 2018 for the
Company. This foreign subsidiary has been established for Trading in Lubricants & Grease, Petrochemicals and Refined Oil Products. HPCL, as a subscriber to the MOA is in the process of investing ` 17,742 (AED 1,000)
towards share capital and investment upto ` 10 million on need basis. (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
$$$ Ratanagiri Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd. was incorporated on September 22, 2017 with Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
Ltd (HPCL) holding equity in the ratio 50%: 25%: 25%.(refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
@ CHBL, a joint venture of HPCL and Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency (CREDA) with equity holding in the ratio 74%: 26% was dissolved with effect from March 8, 2018 (refer note 3.2 & 3.4).
@@ As of March 31, 2014, paid up equity capital of BGL was ` 0.5 million, in which HPCL and GAIL were holding 24.99% each. Balance 50.02% of shares were held by Kakinada Seaports Ltd (KSPL) on warehousing
basis. In addition, each one of HPCL and GAIL had paid ` 224.90 millon as Advance against Equity / Share application money (totaling to ` 449.80 million) in earlier years. On August 20, 2014, BGL allotted 22,487,500
shares on preferential basis to each of HPCL and GAIL towards the money paid earlier. Meanwhile there are certain issues pending adjudication with another shareholder. Accordingly, keeping in view financial prudence, HPCL’s
share has been considered at 24.99% (considered as 24.99% in financial year 2016-17). (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
@@@ Increase in effective holding due to acquisition of HPCL by ONGC wherein HPCL holds 16.96% in MRPL (refer note 3.2 & 3.4).
(e) Evaluation of indicators for impairment of Oil profits/losses of subsidiaries, branches, investments
and Gas Assets in associates and joint ventures. In the judgement of
the management, in respect of undistributed profits/
The evaluation of applicability of indicators of
losses of subsidiaries, branches, investments in joint
impairment of assets requires assessment of external
ventures, the management is able to control the
factors (significant decline in asset’s value, significant
timing of the reversal of the temporary differences
changes in the technological, market, economic or
and the temporary differences will not be reversed
legal environment, market interest rates etc.) and
in the foreseeable future.
internal factors (obsolescence or physical damage
of an asset, poor economic performance of the asset Accordingly, the Group does not recognise a deferred
etc.) which could result in significant change in tax liability for all taxable temporary differences
recoverable amount of the Oil and Gas Assets. associated with investments in subsidiaries,
branches and interests in joint ventures.
(f) Oil & Gas Accounting
5.2. Assumptions and key sources of estimation
The determination of whether potentially economic
oil and natural gas reserves have been discovered by
an exploration well is usually made within one year Information about estimates and assumptions
of well completion, but can take longer, depending that have the significant effect on recognition and
on the complexity of the geological structure. measurement of assets, liabilities, income and
Exploration wells that discover potentially economic expenses is provided below. Actual results may
quantities of oil and natural gas and are in areas where differ from these estimates.
major capital expenditure (e.g. an offshore platform
(a) Estimation of provision for decommissioning
or a pipeline) would be required before production
could begin, and where the economic viability of The Group estimates provision for decommissioning
that major capital expenditure depends on the as per the principles of Ind AS 37 ‘Provisions,
successful completion of further exploration work Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ for
in the area, remain capitalized on the consolidated the future decommissioning of Oil & Gas assets
balance sheet as long as additional exploration or at the end of their economic lives. Most of these
appraisal work is under way or firmly planned. decommissioning activities would be in the future,
the exact requirements that may have to be met
It is not unusual to have exploration wells and
when the removal events occur involve uncertainty.
exploratory-type stratigraphic test wells remaining
Technologies and costs for decommissioning are
suspended on the consolidated balance sheet for
constantly changing. The timing and amounts
several years while additional appraisal drilling and
of future cash flows are subject to significant
seismic work on the potential oil and natural gas field
is performed or while the optimum development
plans and timing are established. All such carried The timing and amount of future expenditures
costs are subject to regular technical, commercial are reviewed at the end of each reporting period,
and management review on at least an annual basis together with rate of inflation for escalation of
to confirm the continued intent to develop, or current cost estimates and the interest rate used
otherwise extract value from, the discovery. Where in discounting the cash flows. The economic life
this is no longer the case, the costs are immediately of the Oil & Gas assets is estimated on the basis of
expensed. long term production profile of the relevant Oil &
Gas asset.
(g) Deferred tax liability / deferred tax asset in
respect of undistributed profits/losses of (b) Impairment of assets
subsidiaries, branches, investments in associates
Determination as to whether, and by how much, a
and joint ventures
CGU is impaired involves Management estimates
The management exercises judgement in accounting on uncertain matters such as future prices, the
for deferred tax liability / deferred tax asset in respect effects of inflation on operating expenses, discount
of Group’s investments in respect of undistributed rates, production profiles for crude oil, natural gas
and performance analysis leading to change in reserves. Intervention of new technology, change in classifications
and contractual provisions also necessitate revision in estimation of reserves.
The Group uses the services of third party agencies for due diligence and it gets the reserves of its assets audited
by third party periodically by internationally reputed consultants who adopt latest industry practices for their
(d) Determination of cash generating unit (CGU)
The Group is engaged mainly in the business of oil and gas exploration and production in Onshore and Offshore.
In case of onshore assets, the fields are using common production/transportation facilities and are sufficiently
economically interdependent to constitute a single cash generating unit (CGU). Accordingly, impairment test of all
onshore fields in India is performed in aggregate of all those fields at the Asset Level. In case of Offshore Assets, a
field is generally considered as CGU except for fields which are developed as a Cluster, for which common facilities
are used, in which case the impairment testing is performed in aggregate for all the fields included in the cluster.
(e) Defined benefit obligation (DBO)
Management’s estimate of the DBO is based on a number of critical underlying assumptions such as standard rates
of inflation, medical cost trends, mortality, discount rate and anticipation of future salary increases. Variation in
these assumptions may significantly impact the DBO amount and the annual defined benefit expenses.
6. Oil and gas assets (` in million)
Cost or deemed cost Freehold Perpetual Buildings Plant & Furniture & Office Vehicles, Total
Land Leasehold & Bunk Equipments Fixtures Equipments Ships &
Land Houses Boats
Balance at April 1, 2016 (Refer note 7.1) 13,359.10 5,476.44 92,630.31 603,256.23 9,730.74 24,097.11 6,357.20 754,907.12
Additions 1,170.78 12.70 14,296.20 61,237.12 1,449.15 6,158.06 1,574.40 85,898.42
Disposals/adjustments 152.31 5.69 80.87 3,947.01 467.55 272.06 (320.39) 4,605.09
Effect of exchange difference (Refer note 7.4.1) 0.09 (68.55) (232.47) (978.10) (98.00) (175.33) 62.89 (1,489.47)
Balance at March 31, 2017 14,377.48 5,414.89 106,613.16 659,568.24 10,614.34 29,807.78 8,314.89 834,710.80
Additions 2,241.34 0.20 11,459.81 49,604.82 4,411.19 5,193.19 2,509.06 75,419.62
Disposals/adjustments 2.99 - 752.19 8,727.65 870.91 376.22 68.50 10,798.46
Effect of exchange difference (Refer note 7.4.1) - 3.21 14.52 37.88 2.69 7.86 (7.92) 58.24
Balance at March 31, 2018 16,615.84 5,418.30 117,335.31 700,483.30 14,157.31 34,632.61 10,747.53 899,390.20
Balance at April 1, 2016 (Refer note 7.1) - 10,364.52 82,085.48 6,652.56 10,817.54 2,085.69 112,005.79
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss - 271.88 888.39 (3.85) 23.26 37.60 1,217.28
Balance at March 31, 2017 - 17,272.65 123,965.87 7,369.14 14,676.00 3,978.00 167,261.68
Impairment loss recognised in profit or loss - 3.36 19.16 3.10 0.97 0.05 26.64
Impairment loss written back during the year - 18.20 73.31 - - - 91.51
Effect of exchange difference (Refer Note 7.4.1
- 6.71 38.38 3.97 8.27 14.72 72.05
& 7.3.5) -
Balance at March 31, 2018 - (0.00) 23,745.46 161,232.37 8,511.62 18,603.84 5,956.35 218,049.64
7.1 Except for subsidiary OVL , the Group has elected to continue with the carrying value of its other Property Plant and
Equipment (PPE) recognised as of April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that
carrying value as its deemed cost as on the transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 except for decommissioning
provisions included in the cost of other PPE which has been adjusted in terms of para D21 of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time
Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’. The deemed cost is further reduced for the unamortised transaction cost
on borrowings as at April 1, 2015, which were earlier capitalised with PPE.
7.2 In respect of the Company,
7.2.1 Land includes 4 numbers (Previous year 36) of lands in respect of certain units amounting to ` 58.21 million
(Previous year ` 88.89 million) for which execution of conveyance deeds is in process.
7.2.2 Registration of title deeds in respect of 6 numbers (Previous year 12) buildings is pending execution having carrying
amount of ` 57.66 million (Previous year ` 61.10 million).
7.2.3 Building includes cost of undivided interest in land.
7.3 In respect of subsidiary MRPL,
7.3.1 Leasehold lands are considered as finance lease in nature as the ownership will be transferred to the company at the
per the terms of the agreements, the Consortium etc. being the Corporation’s Share of Cost of Land &
and/or operator have custody of all such assets and Other Assets jointly owned with other Companies.
is entitled to use, free of charge all such assets for
7.6.3 Includes ` 352.30 million (as on March 31, 2017:
petroleum operations throughout the term of the
` 352.80 million) towards Roads & Culverts,
respective agreements. The Consortium also has the
Transformers & Transmission lines, Railway Sidings
custody and maintenance of such assets and bears
& Rolling Stock, ownership of which does not vest
all risks of accidental loss and damage and all costs
with the Corporation . The Corporation is having
necessary to maintain such assets and to replace or
operational control over such assets. These assets
repair such damage or loss. Under the circumstances,
are amortized at the rate of depreciation specified in
such assets are kept in the records of the Company
Schedule II of Companies Act, 2013.
during the currency of the respective agreements.
7.6.4 A) Includes following assets which are used for
7.5 In respect of subsidiary, PMHBL
distribution of PDS Kerosene under Jana Kalyan
7.5.1 Change in estimated useful life of depreciable asset: Pariyojana against which financial assistance is
The Company has determined the useful life of its being provided by OIDB.
uninstalled capital spares consisting of pipeline to be
(` in million)
the same as that of pipeline viz., 30 years, based on
technical advice. Previously, the commencement of Original Cost
useful life was deferred until the pipe was installed. Description As at March 31, As at March 31,
This has resulted in an increased depreciation of 2018 2017
Roads & culverts 1.30 1.30
the current period by ` 1.75 million. During the
Buildings 16.20 16.20
remaining sixteen years of useful life of the asset, Plant & Equipment 24.90 25.50
depreciation charge shall continue to be higher by Total 42.40 43.00
` 1.75 million, as compared to the depreciation
B) Includes assets held under PAHAL (DBTL) scheme
charge on the asset in the previous years.
against which financial assistance is being provided
7.5.2 Assets pledged as security: Assets to the extent of by MOP&NG:
` 1,506.28 million (as at March 31, 2017: ` 1,506.28
(` in million)
million) have been pledged to secure borrowings in
Original Cost
respect of the Zero Coupon Bonds. The Company
Description As at March 31, As at March
is not allowed to pledge these assets as security for 2018 31, 2017
other borrowings or to sell them to another entity. Computer Software 74.90 69.30
The Company has repaid the Zero Coupon Bond Computers/ End use devices 56.40 44.50
in full along with the recompense amount and Office Equipment 0.10 0.10
awaiting NOC from one of the Bond holders to file Automation, Servers & 15.50
Networks 15.50
satisfaction of charge and hence the Charge with the Total 146.90 129.40
Registrar of Companies is still subsisting.
7.6.5 Deduction/ reclassification includes assets as on
7.6 In respect of subsidiary, HPCL, March 31, 2018 of ` 34.90 million (as on March
7.6.1 Includes assets costing ` 0.07 million (as on March 31, 2017: ` 39.70 million) for which management
31, 2017: ` 0.07 million) of erstwhile Kosan Gas has given consent for disposal & hence classified as
Company not handed over to the Corporation. In Assets held for sale.
case of these assets, Kosan Gas Company was to 7.6.6 Leasehold Land includes ` 275.70 million (as on
give up their claim. However, in view of the tenancy March 31, 2017: ` 275.70 million) for land acquired
right sought by third party, the matter is under on lease-cum-sale basis from Karnataka Industrial
litigation. Area Development Board (KIADB) which is
7.6.2 Includes ` 5014.50 million (as on March 31, capitalized without being amortised over the period
2017: ` 4,647.20 million) towards Building, Other of lease. Lease shall be converted into Sale on
Machinery, Pipelines, Railway Sidings, Right of Way fulfillment of certain terms and conditions, as per
allotment letter.
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
A) Oil and Gas Assets
(i) Development Wells in progress
Opening Balance (Refer note 8.1) 40,978.03 44,606.86
Expenditure during the year 83,440.55 109,499.58
Depreciation during the year 2,316.86 3,586.15
Transfer to Oil and Gas Assets (99,535.09) (116,740.10)
Foreign currency translation adjustment (Refer note 8.8) (32.09) (12.38)
Other adjustments 319.37 37.92
Total 27,487.63 40,978.03
Less: Accumulated Impairment
Opening balance (Refer note 8.5) 691.25 1,193.08
Provided for the year 185.44 1.34
Write back during the year (112.02) (298.01)
Foreign currency translation adjustment (Refer note 8.8) 0.12 (2.50)
Other adjustments 203.81 (202.66)
Total 968.60 691.25
Carrying amount of Development wells in progress 26,519.03 40,286.78
(ii) Oil and Gas facilities in progress
Oil and gas facilities (Refer note 8.1, 8.2 and 8.6) 117,115.34 114,748.46
Expenditure during the year (Refer note 8.7) - -
Acquisition Costs- Exploration and Production Asset (refer note 4,853.01 28.59
8.1 The Group (Except for OVL) has elected to 8.5 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the company has 60%
continue with the carrying value of its Capital participating interest in Block XXIV, Syria. In view
Works-in-Progress recognised as of April 1, 2015 of deteriorating law and order situation in Syria,
(transition date) measured as per the Previous operations of the project are temporarily suspended
GAAP and used that carrying value as its deemed since April 29, 2012. In view of the same, impairment
cost as on the transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind had been made in respect of development wells in
AS 101 except for decommissioning and restoration progress amounting to ` Nil (for the year ended
provision included in the cost of Capital Works-in- March 31, 2017 ` Nil). The cumulative impairment
Progress which have been adjusted in terms of para as at March 31, 2017 is ` 107.99 million (as at March
D21 of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption of Indian 31, 2017 ` 107.87 million) in respect of the project.
Accounting Standards’.
8.6 In respect of subsidiary OVL, provision has been
8.2 Includes ` 7,156.89 million (for the year ended created of ` 36.23 million (Previous year: ` Nil) for
March 31, 2017: ` 7,156.89 million) in respect of Fula pipeline in Block 5A, South Sudan currently
Tapti A series assets and facilities which were a part under temporary shutdown due to security
of the assets of PMT Joint Operation ( JO) and situation.
surrendered by the JO to the Government of India as
8.7 In respect of subsidiary OVL, borrowing cost
per the terms and conditions of the JO Agreement.
amounting to ` 121.86 million has been capitalised
These assets and facilities have been transferred by
under the Oil and Gas facilities in progress during
Government of India to the Company free of cost
the year ended March 31, 2018 (for the year ended
as its nominee. The Company has assessed the fair
March 31, 2017 ` 101.79 million). The weighted
value of the said assets & facilities at ` 7,156.89
average capitalization rate on funds borrowed is
million based on the valuation report by a third
2.66% per annum (during the year ended March 31,
party agency, which has been accounted as Capital
2017 2.23% per annum).
work-in-progress with a corresponding liability as
Deferred Government Grant (Note 32.1). 8.8 Group’s subsidiary ONGC Videsh Limited has
determined its functional currency as USD. Above
While transferring these assets to the Company, the
foreign exchange difference represents differences
decommissioning obligation has been delinked by
on account of translation of the consolidated
Government of India. The same will be considered
financial statements of the ONGC Videsh Limited
as decided by the Government of India. However
from USD to Group’s presentation currency “INR”
decommissioning provision towards 40% share
(`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
being partner in the JO is being carried in the
consolidated financial statements. 9. Goodwill (including Goodwill on consoli-
8.3 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, additions to CWIP dation)
includes borrowing costs amounting to ` 13.45 9.1 Goodwill on asset purchased (` in million)
million (for the year ended March 31, 2017 ` Nil)
and allocated to different class of assets. The rate Particulars As at As at
used to determine the amount of borrowing costs March 31, March
2018 31, 2017
eligible for capitalisation was 6.24% (For the
year ended March 31, 2017 was Nil) which is the Cost or deemed cost (Refer note 9.2) 4.04 4.04
effective interest rate on borrowings.. Accumulated impairment losses - -
8.4 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, leasehold lands Carrying amount of goodwill (A) 4.04 4.04
includes land amounting to ` 717.31 million (as
9.2. Goodwill represents excess of consideration paid
at March 31, 2017 ` 717.31 million), which is in
over net assets acquired for acquisition of nitrogen
possession of the Company towards which formal
lease deeds are yet to be executed.
11. Other intangible assets (` in million)
11.1 Except for OVL, the Group has elected to continue with the carrying value of its other intangible assets, recognised
as of April 1, 2015 (transition date) measured as per the Previous GAAP and used that carrying value as its deemed
cost as on the transition date as per Para D7AA of Ind AS 101 ‘First –time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards’
11.2 Group’s subsidiary OVL has determined its functional currency as USD. Above foreign exchange difference
represents differences on account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of the ONGC Videsh
Limited from USD to Group’s presentation currency “INR” (`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
11.3 The Group holds a Right of Way for laying Pipeline between Mangalore and Bangalore via Hassan. The cost of
acquiring the right has been capitalised as Intangible Assets. The right is an indefinite (perpetual) right with no
stipulation over the period of validity. Hence, the same is not amortised.
12. Intangible assets under development (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
(i) Exploratory wells in progress
Cost or deemed cost
Opening balance 241,873.94 218,920.52
Expenditure during the year (Refer note 12.2.4) 77,418.65 62,251.28
Sale proceeds of Oil and Gas (35.25) (56.20)
Depreciation during the year (Refer note 40) 4,894.46 4,110.51
Total (A) 324,151.80 285,226.11
12.1 The Company had acquired during 2004-05, 90% Participating Interest in Exploration Block KG-DWN-98/2 from
M/s Cairn Energy India Ltd for a lump sum consideration of ` 3,711.22 million which, together with subsequent
exploratory drilling costs of wells had been capitalised under exploratory wells in progress. During 2012-13, the
Company had acquired the remaining 10% participating interest in the block from M/s Cairn Energy India Ltd
on actual past cost basis for a consideration of ` 2,124.44 million. Initial in-place reserves were established in this
block and adhering to original PSC time lines, a Declaration of commerciality (DOC) with a conceptual cluster
development plan was submitted on December 21, 2009 for Southern Discovery Area and on July 15, 2010 for
Northern Discovery Area. Thereafter, in the revised DOC submitted in December, 2013, Cluster-wise development
of the Block had been envisaged by division of entire development area into three clusters. The DOC in respect of
Cluster II had been reviewed by the Management Committee (MC) of the block on September 25, 2014. Field
Development Plan (FDP) for Cluster-II was submitted on September 8, 2015 and the same had been approved by
MC on March 31, 2016. Investment decision has been approved by the Company. Drilling of wells in cluster II has
started on April 8, 2018.
The DOC for Cluster-I has approved on December 14, 2016 and FDP for Cluster-I has been filed on December 13,
2017 and under review by DGH. Revised DOC of Cluster-III has been submitted to DGH under the SOP format
in December 14, 2017 and FDP will be submitted on receipt of approval.
In view of the definite plan for development of all the clusters, the cost of exploratory wells in the block has been
carried over.
12.2 In respect of subsidiary OVL,
12.2.1 The company has 60% Participating Interest in Block XXIV, Syria. In view of deteriorating law and order
situation in Syria, operations of the project are temporarily suspended since April 29, 2012. In view of the same
provision had been made in respect of exploratory wells in progress. The impairment as at March 31, 2018 is
` 2,666.27 million (as at March 31, 2017: ` 2,663.39 million) in respect of the project.
12.2.2 In respect of Block Farsi, Iran, the Company in consortium with other partners entered into an Exploration
Service Contract (ESC) with National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) on December 25, 2002. After exploratory
drilling, FB area of the block proved to be a gas discovery and was later rechristened as Farzad-B. NIOC
announced the Date of Commerciality for Farzad-B as August 18, 2008. However, the contractual arrangement
with respect to development has not been finalized, so far. Impairment has been made in respect of the Company’s
investment in exploration in the Farsi Block. The impairment as at March 31, 2018 ` 2,213.30 (as at March 31,
2017 ` 2,210.92 million).
12.2.3 Acquisition cost relates to the cost for acquiring property or mineral rights of proved or unproved oil and
gas properties which are currently under Exploration / Development stage, such cost will be transferred to
Oil and Gas Assets on commencement of commercial production from the project or written off in case of
relinquishment of exploration project.
12.2.4 Borrowing cost amounting to ` 288.73 million has been capitalised during the year ended March 31, 2018
(for the year ended March 31, 2017 ` 241.18 million) in Exploratory wells in progress. The weighted average
capitalization rate on funds borrowed is 2.66% per annum (during the year ended March 31, 2017: 2.23% per
12.2.5 Borrowing cost amounting to ` 3,698.88 million has been capitalised during the year ended March 31, 2018 (for
the year ended March 31, 2017 ` 3,089.69 million) in Acquisition cost. The weighted average capitalization rate
on funds borrowed is 2.66% per annum (during the year ended March 31, 2017: 2.23% per annum).
12.2.6 Company has determined its functional currency as USD. Above foreign exchange difference represents
differences on account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of the ONGC Videsh Limited
from USD to Group’s presentation currency “INR” (`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
13. Investments (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
No. (in million) Amount No. (in million) Amount
Investment in Equity instruments
(i) Associates (Refer note 13.1.9)
(a) Pawan Hans Limited (Unquoted – Fully paid up)
0.27 5,385.51 0.12 3,978.88
(Face Value ` 10,000 per share)(Refer note 13.1.9.b)
(b) Petronet LNG Limited (Quoted – Fully paid up)
187.50 12,264.12 93.75 10,222.99
(Face Value ` 10 per share)
(c) Petro Carabobo S.A
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) 0.01 4,204.68 0.01 579.73
(Face Value Bolivar 10 per share)
(d) Carabobo Ingenieria Y Construcciones, S.A
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) *** 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.27
(Face Value Boliver 1 per share)
(e) Petrolera Indovenezolana SA
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) 0.04 26,578.48 0.04 26,294.95
(Face Value $ 4.65 per share)
(f) South East Asia Gas Pipeline Ltd
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) 0.02 1,009.21 0.02 1,016.26
(Face Value $ 1 per share)
(g) Tamba BV
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) *** 0.00 23,271.09 0.00 27,792.13
(Face Value Euro 10 per share)
(h) JSC Vankorneft, Russia (Unquoted– Fully paid up)
3.09 141,187.63 3.09 141,766.96
(Face Value Rubel 1 per share)
(i) Mozambiqiue LNGI (Unquoted– Fully paid up)
0.00 - 0.00 32.43
(Face Value $ 1000 per share) ***
(j) Falcon Oil & Gas BV (Unquoted– Fully paid up)
0.00 15,863.30 - -
(Face Value $ 1 per share) ***
(k) GSPL India Transco Ltd
(Unquoted – Fully paid up) 41.91 426.59 22.55 231.51
(Face Value ` 10 per share)
(l) GSPL India Gasnet Ltd
(Unquoted – Fully paid up) 42.57 432.86 30.47 310.86
(Face Value ` 10 per share)
Total Investments in Associates 230,623.74 212,226.97
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
No. (in
No. (in million) Amount Amount
(ii) Joint Ventures (Refer Note 13.1.10)
(a) Mangalore SEZ Limited
(Unquoted – Fully paid up) 13.48 189.96 13.48 180.12
(Face Value ` 10 per share)
As at As at Group’s subsidiary ONGC Videsh Limited has
Particulars March 31, March 31, determined its functional currency as USD.
2018 2017 Above foreign exchange difference represents
No of share No of share differences on account of translation of the
Tamba B.V. 1620 1620 consolidated financial statements of the
Carabobo Ingeniería y ONGC Videsh Limited from USD to Group’s
275 275
Construcciones, S.A. presentation currency “INR” (`). Refer note
Mozambique LNG1 Co. Pte. 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
500 500
Falcon Oil & Gas BV 40 0
In respect of Subsidiary HPCL,
Sudd Petroleum Operating
241.25 241.25
13.1.4 Investment in HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd.
Company includes amount of ` Nil (as on March 31, 2017:
13.1.1 a) Restrictions on disinvestment of shares in Shell ` 739.60 million) towards subscribed, but not
MRPL Aviation Fuels and Services Limited are paid shares of HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd
subject to the approval of the Board of Oil and being part of MOA / AOA for which liability is
Natural Gas Corporation Limited. created under Section 10(2) of the Companies
Act, 2013. Includes amount of ` Nil (as at March
b) The Company is restrained from diluting the 31, 2017: ` 739.60 million) towards subscribed,
investment in the respective companies till but not paid shares of HPCL Rajasthan Refinery
the sponsored loans are fully repaid as per the Ltd being part of MOA / AOA for which liability
covenants in the respective loan agreements of is created under Section 10(2) of the Companies
the respective companies. Act, 2013.
13.1.2 During 2015-16, the Company had subscribed 13.1.5 CREDA HPCL Biofuel Ltd was dissolved with
Share Warrants of ONGC Petro additions effect from 08th March 2018.
Limited, entitling the company to exchange
each warrant with Equity Share of Face Value of 13.1.6 As per the guidelines issued by Department of
` 10/- each after a balance payment of ` 0.25/- Public Enterprises (DPE) in August, 2005, the
per equity share within forty-eight months of Board of Directors of Navratna Public Sector
subscription of the Share warrants issued on Enterprises (PSEs) can invest in joint ventures
August 25, 2015. The Company had entered and wholly owned subsidiaries subject to an
into an arrangement for backstopping support overall ceiling of 30% of the net worth of the
towards repayment of principal and cumulative PSE. The company has requested Ministry
coupon amount for compulsory convertible of Petroleum & Natural Gas (MOP&NG) to
debentures amounting to ` 77,780.00 million confirm its understanding that for calculating
issued by ONGC Petro additions Limited and this ceiling limit, the amount of investments
interest accrued for the year ending March 31, specifically approved by Government of India
2018 amounting to ` 4,670.19 million. (i.e. investment in HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd
(HMEL) and HPCL Rajasthan Refinery
13.1.3 Movement of Impairment in value of equity Limited (HRRL)) are to be excluded. The
accounted joint venture Company has calculated the limit of 30%
(` in million) investment in joint ventures and wholly owned
subsidiaries, by excluding the investments
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017 specifically approved by Government of India.
As per financial position as on March 31, 2018,
Balance at beginning of 1,620.60 1,658.09
the year the investments in joint ventures and wholly
Effect of exchange 1.75 (37.49) owned subsidiaries are well within 30% limit.
differences (refer note
13.1.7 During the FY 2017-18, consequent to reduction
in face value of shares Petronet India Ltd (PIL)
Balance at end of the year 1,622.35 1,620.60
from ` 10 each share to ` 0.10, investment in
(iv) Petrolera Indovenezolana Exploration and Production of Incorporated in Venezuela 40.00% 40.00%
S.A. hydrocarbons
(v) South- East Asia Gas Exploration and Production of Incorporated in Hong 8.35% 8.35%
Pipeline Company Limited hydrocarbons Kong, operations in
(vi) Tamba BV Equipment Lease Incorporated in 27.00% 27.00%
Amsterdam for BC-10
Project, Brazil
(vii) Petro Carabobo S.A. Exploration and Production of Incorporated in Venezuela 11.00% 11.00%
(viii) JSC Vankorneft (Refer note Exploration and Production of Russia 26.00% 26.00%
13.1.9 (b)) hydrocarbons
(ix) Mozambiqiue LNG I Marketing and shipping of liquefied Incorporated in Singapore 16.00% 16.00%
Company Pte Ltd. natural gas having operations in
(x) GSPL India Transco Ltd. Design, construct, develop and India 11.00% 11.00%
(refer note 3.2 & 3.4) operate gas pipeline
(xi) GSPL India Gasnet Ltd. Design, construct, develop and India 11.00% 11.00%
(refer note 3.2 & 3.4) operate gas pipeline
(xii) Falcon Oil & Gas BV Exploration and Production of Incorporated in 40.00% -
hydrocarbons Netherlands, operations
in Abu Dhabi
a) The company has subscribed for additional equity shares amounting to ` 1,528.16 million during the year in Pawan
Hans Limited. With this additional subscription, the company continues to holds 49% ownership interest.
b) The subsidiary company, OVL, has acquired 15% share in JSC Vankorneft on May 31, 2016 through wholly owned
step down subsidiary ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte Ltd (OVVL) held through another wholly owned subsidiary
ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte Ltd (OVSL). Further 11% share in JSC Vankorneft has been acquired on October 28,
2016. The Company has significant influence in the investee and therefore classified the investment as associate. The
investment has been recognised at cost on initial recognition. The component OVVL had one year measurement
period from the date of acquisition to finalise the PPA and accordingly adjustments in the financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2017 have been restated and been incorporated in these financial statements as
comparative figures. The restatement involves derecognition of Capital reserve ` 2,897.24 million (USD 43.16
million), recognition of goodwill ` 8,300.80 million (USD 128 million) and recognition of deferred tax liability
` 15,034.82 million (USD 231.84 million) as on March 31, 2017. The value of goodwill and deferred tax liability is
subsumed under the value of investment as per the principle of Ind AS. The restatement also involves recognition
of additional amortisation of intangible asset ` 275.01 million (USD 4.10 million) and deferred tax gain ` 831.73
million (USD 12.40 million) in the statement of profit and loss. Further, additional OCI of ` 803.56 million (USD
11.98 million) has also been recognised in the statement of profit and loss for the year ended March 31, 2017.
c) During the year company has 93,743,705 nos. equity shares from Petronet LNG Ltd. as bonus shares in the
ratio of 1:1.
13.1.9 Details and financial information of Joint Ventures
Place of
incorporation and Proportion of ownership interest/
Name of joint venture Principal activity
principal place of voting rights held by the Company
As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017
Mangalore SEZ Limited Special Economic Zone India 26.82% 26.82%
Incorporated in
Sudd Petroleum Operating Exploration and Production of Cyprus having
24.13% 24.13%
Company hydrocarbons operations in Nigeria
and Syria
ONGC Petro additions Limited
Petrochemicals India 49.36% 49.36%
(Note 13.1.10.b, c & d)
ONGC Teri Biotech Limited Bioremediation India 49.98% 49.98%
ONGC Tripura Power Company
Power Generation India 50.00% 50.00%
Dahej SEZ Limited Special Economic Zone India 50.00% 50.00%
Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels and
Trading of aviation fuels India 50.00% 50.00%
Services Limited
Incorporated in
Exploration and Production of
ONGC Mittal Energy Limited Cyprus having 49.98% 49.98%
operations in Syria
Mansarovar Energy Colombia Exploration and Production of
Colombia 50% 50%
Limited hydrocarbons
Incorporated in
Exploration and Production of
Himalaya Energy Syria BV Amsterdam having 50% 50%
operations in Syria
HPCL Rajasthan refinery Ltd.
(through HPCL) (refer note 3.2 Refinery India 74.00% 74.00%
& 3.4)
CREDA HPCL Biofuels Ltd.
(through HPCL) (refer note 3.2 & Manufacturing of sugar and ethanol India - 74.00%
3.4, 13.1.5)
Refining of crude oil and
HPCL Mittal Energy Ltd. (through
manufacturing of petroleum India 48.99% 48.99%
HPCL) (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
Manufacture and marketing of
Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd. (through
Bitumen Emulsions & Modified India 50.00% 50.00%
HPCL) (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
South Asia LPG Co. Private Ltd. Storage of LPG in underground
(through HPCL) (refer note 3.2 cavern and associated receiving and India 50.00% 50.00%
& 3.4) dispatch facilities at Visakhapatnam.
Distribution and marketing of CNG
Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd. (through
and Auto LPG in the state of Andhra India 24.99% 24.99%
HPCL) (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
Pradesh/ Telangana
Distribution and marketing of CNG
Godavari Gas Pvt Ltd. (through
in East Godavari and West Godavari India 26.00% 26.00%
HPCL) (refer note 3.2 & 3.4)
Districts of Andhra Pradesh
(` in million)
Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended Year Ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Revenue 1,742.31 1,285.24 55,918.21 1,094.48
Profit or loss from continuing operations 36.57 -59.85 -22,195.56 -8,821.96
Post-tax profit (loss) from discontinued
- - - -
Other comprehensive income 0.13 (1.44) 3.61 (1.73)
Total comprehensive income 36.70 (61.29) (22,191.95) (8,823.69)
The above profit (loss) for the year include the following:
Depreciation and amortisation 414.60 293.33 11,522.89 3,427.32
Interest income 14.06 23.65 33.57 36.10
Interest expense 509.03 533.48 21,522.19 7,055.47
Income tax expense or income 72.60 151.28 -7,254.19 -2,479.57
Reconciliation of the above summarised financial information to the carrying amount of the interest in JVs
recognised in the consolidated financial statements:
(` in million)
As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017
Net assets of the joint venture 708.27 671.57 6,137.61 28,329.56
Proportion of the Group’s ownership interest in JVs (%) 26.82% 26.82% 49.36% 49.36%
Proportion of the Group’s ownership interest in JVs (INR) 189.96 180.12 3,029.33 13,982.52
Add: Additional subscription of share warrant - - 9,490.32 9,490.32
Less: Unrelaised profit - - (3,217.17) (4,448.23)
Group’s share in net assets of the joint venture 189.96 180.12 9,302.47 19,024.61
Carrying amount of the Group’s interest in JVs 189.96 180.12 9,302.47 19,024.61
(` in million)
As at As at As at As at As at As at
Particulars March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Non-current assets 7,754.22 7,769.73 32,992.64 34,237.70 11.60 9.41
current assets 3,157.89 2,633.92 5,023.78 6,500.14 499.42 467.46
Non-current liabilities 6,604.58 6,707.18 20,776.46 23,808.84 0.95 0.72
Current liabilities 1,669.84 1,306.62 4,425.31 3,854.19 26.97 73.90
The above amounts of assets and liabilities includes the following:
Cash and cash equivalents 2,545.71 2,159.29 364.92 62.54 120.68 113.07
Current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables and
- - 3,963.56 3,420.29 - -
Non-current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables
6,604.58 6,707.18 20,526.16 23,803.91 - -
and provisions)
(` in million)
Year Year Year Year
Year Ended Year Ended
Ended Ended Ended Ended
Particulars March 31, March 31,
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017
2018 2017 2018 2017
Revenue 541.20 663.41 12,515.67 12,627.69 177.88 176.67
Profit or loss from continuing operations 369.65 461.78 1,426.54 1,385.38 80.92 55.08
Post-tax profit (loss) from discontinued operations - - - - - -
Other comprehensive income - - (1.70) (0.48) (0.08) (0.06)
Total comprehensive income 369.65 461.78 1,424.84 1,384.90 80.84 55.02
The above profit (loss) for the year include the following:
Depreciation and amortisation 126.31 133.34 1,936.32 1,913.43 0.65 0.84
Interest income 171.98 165.17 129.15 217.75 26.19 25.86
Interest expense 35.98 34.58 2,030.49 2,464.77 - 0.00
Income tax expense or income 100.29 125.29 328.62 287.16 33.54 31.74
(` in million)
Year Ended March Year Ended March Year Ended March Year Ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017 31, 2018 31, 2017
Revenue 305,986.24 246,160.33 3,917.24 4,365.31
Profit or loss from continuing operations 21,104.39 17,231.30 87.71 2,478.31
Post-tax profit (loss) from discontinued operations - - -
Other comprehensive income 5.24 (17.85) 3.82 -
Total comprehensive income 21,109.63 17,213.46 91.53 2,478.31
Reconciliation of the above summarised financial information to the carrying amount of the interest in associates
recognised in the consolidated financial statements:
(` in million)
As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017
Net assets of the associates 98,112.92 81,783.98 10,990.79 8,803.60
Proportion of the Group’s ownership interest in associates (%) 12.50% 12.50% 49.00% 49.00%
Proportion of the Group’s ownership interest in associates (INR) 12,264.12 10,222.99 5,385.51 4,313.76
Capital reserve
Other adjustments -334.88
Group’s share in net assets of the joint venture 12,264.12 10,222.99 5,385.51 3,978.88
Carrying amount of the Group’s interest in associates 12,264.12 10,222.99 5,385.51 3,978.88
g) Details of financial position of subsidiary company, MRPL’s Joint ventures:
(` in million)
Profit or Profit or
Other Total
Current Non-Current Current Non-Current Total Loss from Loss from
Particulars (As at March 31, 2018) Comprehensive Comprehensive
Assets Assets Liabilities Liabilities Revenue continuing discontinued
Income Income
operations operations
Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels and Services
2,086.94 100.59 1,578.22 1.81 5,491.94 54.18 - (1.62) 52.56
Total 2,086.94 100.59 1,578.22 1.81 5,491.94 54.18 - (1.62) 52.56
Profit or Profit or
Other Total
Current Non-Current Current Non-Current Total Loss from Loss from
Particulars (As at March 31, 2017) Comprehensive Comprehensive
Assets Assets Liabilities Liabilities Revenue continuing discontinued
Income Income
operations operations
Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels and Services
2,228.01 101.18 1496.12 1.33 5,603.71 90.62 - 7.63 98.25
Total 2,228.01 101.18 1496.12 1.33 5,603.71 90.62 - 7.63 98.25
i) Details of financial position of subsidiary company OVL’s Joint ventures and associates:
(` in million)
(i) Mansarovar Energy Colombia Limited As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non-current assets 50,042.91 58,670.42
Current assets 9,207.74 8,186.81
Non-current liabilities 8,696.75 16,636.92
Current liabilities 4,355.28 4,036.60
The above amounts of assets and liabilities includes the following:
Cash and cash equivalents 3,076.82 3,223.64
Current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables and provisions) 1,490.13 1,472.01
Non-current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables and provisions) 8,495.52 16,387.95
For the year ended For the year ended
Mansarovar Energy Colombia Limited
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Revenue 18,308.96 17,164.34
Profit or loss from continuing operations (64.16) (6,613.51)
Other comprehensive income for the year 61.94 33.78
Total comprehensive income for the year (2.22) (6,579.74)
Dividends received from the joint venture during the year - -
The above profit (loss) for the year include the following:
Depreciation and amortisation 8,259.21 10,814.74
Interest income 721.05 1,424.08
Interest expense 5.38 8.46
Income tax expense (income) (40.23) (1,002.88)
The above amounts of assets and liabilities includes the following:
Cash and cash equivalents 906.15 4,328.74
Current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables and provisions) 4,246.09 4,963.42
Non-current financials liabilities (Excluding trade payables and
6,222.65 9,381.85
For the year ended March For the year ended March
Tamba BV
31, 2018 31, 2017
Revenue 5,118.96 4,957.07
Profit or loss from continuing operations 3,505.15 4,027.85
Other comprehensive income for the year - -
Total comprehensive income for the year 3,505.15 4,027.85
Dividends received from the associate during the year 8,024.73 4,762.98
The above profit (loss) for the year include the following:
Depreciation and amortisation - -
Interest income 5,083.27 4,564.49
Interest expense 1,467.64 413.98
Income tax expense (income) 162.48 163.55
Details of all individually immaterial equity accounted investees of subsidiary company HPCL:
Particulars Other immaterial Joint Ventures Other immaterial Associates
As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017
Carrying amount of Investment in equity 9,720.26 7,278.45 859.45 542.38
accounted investees
Group’s Share of Profit or Loss from Continuing 1,463.29 1,683.16 2.47 2.19
Group’s share in other comprehensive income 1.11 (0.34) - -
Group’s share in Total Comprehensive Income 1,464.40 1,682.82 2.47 2.19
(h) Mangalam Retail Services Limited
(Unquoted– Fully paid up) 0.02 0.28 0.02 0.28
(Face Value ` 10 per share)(Refer note 13.2.3)
B. Financial assets measured at FVTPL
(a) Petroleum India International (Association of
0.50 0.50
Persons) (Unquoted)
Total Investment in other equity instruments 277,694.14 295,523.15
13.2.1 100 Equity Shares of Oil Spill Response Limited valued at GBP one each at the time of issuance. Total value in
INR at the time of issuance of shares was ` 6,885/-.
13.2.2 During the year, the company has subscribed 10 nos. equity shares of Planys Technologies Private Limited a
startup company, having face value ` 10 per share at a premium of ` 25,430/- per share.
13.2.3 In respect of subsidiary, MRPL, during the year, the company has sold 31% equity stake in MRSL which has
resulted in loss of joint control over MRSL. As at March 31, 2018 the investment in MRSL has been measured
at fair value through profit or loss. The management has considered the fair value (level 3 heirarchy) of such
investment equivalent to the carrying amount as at reporting period.
13.2.4 During the year company has received 668,607,628 nos. equity shares from Indian Oil Corporation Limited. as
bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1; and 27,226,365 nos. equity shares from GAIL (India) Limited as bonus shares
in the ratio of 1:3.
(ii) Investment in securities (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
No. (in million) Amount No. (in million) Amount
Other Investment
Investment in Government securities
- 8.40% Oil Co. GOI Special Bonds 2025
0.20 1,975.08 0.20 1,975.27
(Unquoted – Fully paid up)
Investment in mutual funds
- For site restoration fund 20,985.64 18,332.42
Investment in Debentures or bonds carried at amortized
East India Clinic Ltd.
- 1/2% Debenture of face value of - ` 0.15 lakhs 0.01 0.01
- 5% Debenture of face value of - ` 0.07 lakhs 0.01 0.01
Total Investment in Government or trust securities 22,960.74 20,307.71
Aggregate carrying value of unquoted investments 22,960.74 20,307.71
Aggregate amount of impairment in value of investments - -
13.2.5 In respect of subsidiary OVL, The investments for site restoration in respect of Sakhalin-1, Russia are invested
by J P Morgan Chase Bank N.A., the Foreign Party Administrator (FPA) in accordance with the portfolio
investment guidelines provided under the Sakhalin-1 Decommissioning funding agreement entered into
between the FPA and the foreign parties to the Consortium in accordance with the related production
sharing agreement (PSA). The proceeds from the investment will be utilized for decommissioning liability
to the Russian State as per the PSA. During the year, the company has subscribed 383 nos. Compulsorily Convertible Preference Shares (CCPS)
of Planys Technologies Private Limited (PTPL), a startup company, having face value of `1,500 per share at a
premium of `23,940/- per share. The CCPS are compulsorily convertible into equity shares upon the expiry
of 19 years from the date of issue i.e. March 13, 2017. The company may, at any time, prior to the expiry of 19
years from the date of issue, irrespective of either the Qualified IPO or Exit takes place or not, issue a notice to
the PTPL for conversion of any CCPS into Equity Shares on 1:1 basis (i.e. for one CCPS, PTPL shall issue one
Equity Share) (“Conversion Ratio”) at a pre-money valuation of ` 360 million subject to anti-dilution protection
and upon receipt of such notice, PTPL shall be under an obligation to convert such CCPS to the Equity Shares
in accordance with the conversion Ratio without the need to receive any further consideration therefore.
The CCPS bears a cumulative dividend, at the fixed rate of 0.0001% or dividend that would have been payable in
a financial year on Equity Shares that the holders of CCPS would have been entitled to on as-if-converted basis
i.e. Equity Shares arising from conversion of CCPS, whichever is higher. The dividend amount on a-if-converted
basis shall be payable to holders of CCPS only if dividend has been declared on Equity Shares.
13.2.7 Disclosure on carrying value and market value of investment (` in million)
14.1 The average credit of the Group on the sales of goods and services is 7 – 45 days. No interest is charged during this
credit period. For delayed period of payments, interest is charged as per respective arrangements, which is upto
6% per annum over the applicable bank rate on the outstanding balance. However, In respect of subsidiary OVL,
interest is determined as one month ICE LIBOR + 2% per annum over the applicable Bank Rate on the outstanding
14.2 In respect of the Company, of the trade receivables balance as at March 31, 2018, ` 66,328.20 million (as at March
31, 2017: ` 54,071.42 million) is due from Oil Marketing Companies, the Company’s largest customers. There are
no other customers who represent more than 5% of the total balance of trade receivables.
Accordingly, the Company assesses impairment loss on dues from Oil Marketing Companies on facts and
circumstances relevant to each transaction.
The Company has concentration of credit risk due to the fact that the Company has significant receivables from Oil
Marketing Companies. However, these companies are reputed and creditworthy public sector undertakings (PSUs)
14.3 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the company has concentration of credit risk due to the fact that the company has
significant receivables from Oil Marketing Companies and International Oil Companies (IOCs). However these are
reputed National Oil Companies (NOCs).
14.4 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the company generally enters into Crude oil sales contracts with reputed Oil
Marketing Companies (OMCs) / International Oil Companies (IOCs)/ National Oil Companies (NOCs) on the
basis of tendering process for each of its cargo’s. However, the Company has also entered into some long-term sales
arrangement with International Oil Companies (IOCs) / National Oil Companies (NOCs) for Crude oil sales and
domestic supply of Natural Gas.
14.5 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the trade receivables breakup between customers having outstanding more than 5%
and other customers is-
(` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Customers with outstanding balance of more than 5% of Trade receivables 33,297.77 30,132.91
Other customers 631.56 867.42
Total 33,929.33 31,000.33
14.6 Above includes ` 1,332.90 million (as at March 31, 2017 of ` 2,244.46 million) backed by bank guarantees and letter
of credit received from customers in case of MRPL.
14.7 Movement of Impairment for doubtful receivables (` in million)
As at As at
Particulars March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Non Current Current Non Current Current
(Unsecured, Considered Good unless otherwise Stated)
A. Deposits
- Considered Good 2,784.68 4,600.12 2,476.14 4,752.66
- Considered Doubtful 14.14 - 83.64 4.40
Less: Impairment for doubtful deposits 14.14 - 83.64 4.40
Total 2,784.68 4,600.12 2,476.14 4,752.66
B. Loans to Related Parties
Receivables from JVs 3,667.55 - 7,794.82 -
Loans to KMP and JVs - 2,112.51 - 2,024.44
Total 3,667.55 2,112.51 7,794.82 2,024.44
C. Loans to Public Sector Undertakings
- Considered Doubtful 170.50 - 170.50 -
Less: Impairment for doubtful loans 170.50 - 170.50 -
Total - - - -
D. Loans to Others 364.77 327.41 330.31 173.28
E. Loans to Employees (Refer note 15.1)
- Secured and Considered Good 10,709.14 2,611.04 10,367.61 2,663.33
- Unsecured and Considered Good 713.46 260.27 576.98 313.38
- Unsecured and Considered Doubtful - 13.42 - 13.77
Less: Impairment for doubtful loans - 13.42 - 13.77
Total 11,422.60 2,871.31 10,944.59 2,976.71
Total Loans 18,239.60 9,911.35 21,545.86 9,927.09
15.1 Loans to employees include an amount of ` 9.36 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 8.10 million) outstanding from
Key Managerial Personnel.
15.2 Movement of Impairment (` in million)
Particulars Year Ended March 31, 2018 Year Ended March 31, 2017
Balance at beginning of the year 272.31 282.01
Recognized during the year 1.14 24.02
Reversed during the year (223.81) (71.41)
Reclassification / adjustment 148.42 37.69
Balance at end of the year 198.06 272.31
16. Deposits under Site Restoration Fund
(` in million)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Deposit under site restoration fund scheme 160,639.59 145,942.72
Total 160,639.59 145,942.72
16.1 The above amount has been deposited with banks under section 33ABA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and can be
withdrawn only for the purposes specified in the Scheme i.e. towards removal of equipment’s and installations in
a manner agreed with Central Government pursuant to an abandonment plan to prevent hazards to life, property,
environment etc. This amount is considered as restricted cash and hence not considered as ‘Cash and cash
16.2 In respect of subsidiary OVL, Deposit for site restoration (decommissioning) in respect of Block 06.1, Vietnam is
made in a separate bank account maintained for funding of decommissioning in accordance with the decision of
the Government of Vietnam dated March 21, 2007 and Agreement dated December 10, 2014 for decommissioning
fund security between Vietnam Oil and Gas Group, TNK Vietnam B.V. and ONGC Videsh Limited.
17. Finance lease receivables
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Finance lease receivables (Refer note 17.2)
Unsecured, Considered Doubtful 4840.47 4,834.29
Less: Impairment for uncollectible lease payments (Refer note 17.1) 4840.47 4,834.29
- -
17.1 Movement of Impairment for doubtful finance lease receivables
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
17.1.1 Group’s subsidiary OVL has determined its functional currency as USD. Above foreign exchange difference
represents differences on account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of the ONGC Videsh
Limited from USD to Group’s presentation currency (`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
17.2 The subsidiary company OVL had completed the 12”X741 Kms multi-product pipeline from Khartoum refinery
to Port Sudan for the Ministry of Energy and Mining of the Government of Sudan (GOS) on Build, Own, Lease
and Transfer (BOLT) basis and handed over the same to GOS during the financial year 2005-06. The project was
implemented in consortium with Oil India Limited, Company’s share being 90%. Non- receipts of Non-current
finance lease amount has been provided for 100% impairment.
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Non Current Current Non Current Current
A. Derivative asset 1,980.44 920.93 - 584.09
B. Carried Interest (Refer Note 18.3.1 & 18.3.3)
- Considered Good 7,880.70 - 7,612.21 -
- Considered Doubtful 14,389.71 - 10,193.94 -
Less: Impairment for Doubtful 14,389.71 - 10,193.94 -
7,880.70 - 7,612.21 -
C. Interest accrued on loans to employees
Unsecured considered good 94.83 0.93 68.74 0.42
94.83 0.93 68.74 0.42
D. Interest Accrued on deposits and loans
- Considered Good - 1,706.60 - 2,707.57
- Considered Doubtful 22.87 - 24.84 -
Less: Impairment for doubtful interest accrued 22.87 - 24.84 -
Interest accrued on
Deposit under site restoration fund - 0.66 - 0.66
Others - -
- 1,707.26 - 2,708.23
E. Cash Call Receivable from Operators
- Considered Good - 4,534.36 458.71 4,350.81
- Considered Doubtful 6,904.11 - 6,540.75 -
Less: Impairment for doubtful claims / advances 6,904.11 - 6,540.75 -
- 4,534.36 458.71 4,350.81
F. Advance Recoverable in cash
- Considered Good (Refer Note 18.1) 1,646.62 79,538.07 1,252.18 46,640.74
- Considered Doubtful (Refer Note 18.2) 408.50 14,443.95 1,085.58 14,070.17
Less: Impairment for doubtful claims / advances 408.50 14,443.95 1,085.58 14,070.17
1,646.62 79,538.07 1,252.18 46,640.74
G. Advance recoverable (in respect of Operators) - 2,603.80 - 5,001.36
H. Deposit with Banks 14,020.12 5,350.13
I. Receivable from Operators - 813.74 - 1,025.56
Less: Impairment for doubtful claims / advances 563.03
- 250.71 - 1,025.56
J. Others
- Considered Good - 44,832.96 - 44,472.04
Less: Impairment for doubtful claims / advances - 758.07 - 117.08
- 44,074.89 - 44,354.96
Total Other financial assets 11,602.59 147,651.07 9,391.84 110,016.30
18.1 In respect of the Company, during the financial operator. The Company is carrying an amount of
year 2010-11, the Oil Marketing Companies, ` 10,896.48 million (equivalent to USD 167.84
nominees of the GoI recovered USD 32.07 million million) after adjustments for interest and exchange
(equivalent to ` 2,081.98 million) ONGC’s share rate fluctuations which has been recovered by GoI,
as per directives of GoI in respect of Joint Operation this includes interest amounting to USD 54.88
- Panna Mukta and Tapti. The recovery is towards million (` 3,562.81 million). The Company has
certain observations raised by auditors appointed made impairment provision towards this recovery
by the Director General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) made by the GoI.
under Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the
In subsequent legal proceedings, the Appellate
period 2002-03 to 2005-06 in respect of cost and
Authority of the Honorable Malaysian High Court
profit petroleum share payable to GoI. BGEPIL
of Kuala Lumpur had set aside the decision of the
along with RIL (“Claimants”) have served a notice
Malaysian High Court and the earlier decision of
of arbitration on the GoI in respect of dispute,
arbitral tribunal in favour of operator was restored,
differences and claims arisen in connection with
against which the GoI has preferred an appeal before
the terms of Panna, Mukta and Tapti PSCs. Since
the Federal Court of Malaysia. The Federal Court of
the Company is not a party to the arbitration
Malaysia, vide its order dated October 11, 2011, has
proceedings, it had requested MoP&NG that in case
dismissed the said appeal of the GoI.
of an arbitral award the same be made applicable
to ONGC also, as a constituent of contractor for The Company has taken up the matter regarding
both the PSCs. Subsequently, vide letter dated refund of the recoveries made in view of the
July 4, 2011 MoP&NG has advised ONGC not favorable judgment of the Federal Court of
to participate in the arbitration initiated by RIL Malaysia with MoP&NG. However, according to a
and BGEPIL under Panna Mukta and Tapti PSCs. communication dated January 13, 2012 received,
MoP&NG has also stated that in case of an arbitral MoP&NG expressed the view that ONGC’s
award, the same will be applicable to ONGC also as proposal would be examined when the issue of
a constituent of the contractor for both the PSCs. ONGC carry under Ravva PSC is decided in its
A Final Partial Award (FPA) was pronounced by entirety by the Government along with other
the Tribunal in the arbitration matter between RIL, partners.
BGEPIL and Union of India.
In view of the perceived uncertainties in obtaining
RIL and BGEPIL the JV partners have challenged the refund at this stage, the impairment made in
the FPA before the English Commercial Court. the books as above has been retained and netted
Pending final quantification of liabilities by the off against the amount recoverable as above in the
Arbitration Tribunal and decision of English Consolidated Financial Statements for the year
Commercial Court, the same has been shown as ending March 31, 2018. (Figures in ` are restated).
Receivable from GoI under ‘Advance Recoverable
in Cash under financial assets - others. (Figures in 18.3 In case of subsidiary OVL,
` are restated). 18.3.1 Company had entered into forward contracts
18.2 In Ravva Joint Operation, the demand towards covering Euro 199.50 million (Previous year:
additional profit petroleum raised by Government Euro 105 million) out of the principal amount
of India (GoI), due to differences in interpretation of 2.75% Euro 525 million Bonds 2021 in
of the provisions of the Production Sharing February/March 2016.
Contract (PSC) in respect of computation of Post 18.3.2 The Company has 25% participating interest (PI)
Tax Rate of Return (PTRR), based on the decision in the Satpayev Exploration Block Kazakhstan.
of the Malaysian High Court setting aside an earlier As per the carry agreement, the Company is
arbitral tribunal award in favor of operator, was financing the expenditure (25% own PI plus 75%
disputed by the operator M/s Cairn India Limited. PI of KMG) in the exploration blocks during the
The Company is not a party to the dispute but has exploration and appraisal period.
agreed to abide by the decision applicable to the
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Balance at beginning of the year 32,032.36 24,672.06
Recognized during the year 6,004.56 5,779.01
Write back during the year (379.06) (132.39)
Other adjustments (Refer Note 18.4.1) (167.63) 1,713.68
Balance at end of the year 37,490.23 32,032.36
18.4.1 Group’s subsidiary OVL has determined its functional currency as USD. Adjustments includes net effect of
exchange differences as at March 31, 2018 of ` 45.86 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` (294.94) million) on
account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of the ONGC Videsh Limited from USD to
Group’s presentation currency (`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
19. Other assets (` in million)
Particulars As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Non Current Current Non Current Current
A. Capital advances
- Considered Good 11,564.39 - 9,781.53 -
- Considered Doubtful (Refer
Note 19.5) 25.44 - 25.44 -
Less: Impairment 25.44 - 25.44 -
11,564.39 - 9,781.53 -
B. Other receivables
- Considered Good 8.23 1,456.23 7.48 174.04
- Considered Doubtful 501.38 - 481.07 -
Less: Impairment 501.38 - 481.07 -
8.23 1,456.23 7.48 174.04
C. Deposits
With Customs/Port Trusts etc. 4,272.98 4,487.63 2,203.95 4,858.28
- Considered Good 2,456.88 3,659.43 1,780.62 3,058.09
- Considered Doubtful 1,262.73 43.11 1,300.13 43.10
Less: Impairment 1,262.73 43.11 1,300.13 43.10
6,729.86 8,147.06 3,984.57 7,916.37
D. Advance recoverable
- Considered Good 151.42 14,109.67 1,710.14 16,606.70
- Considered Doubtful 610.18 1,104.00 1,221.41 21.92
Less: Impairment 610.18 1,104.00 1,221.41 21.92
151.42 14,109.67 1,710.14 16,606.70
E. Carried interest (Refer Note
19.1, 19.2 and 19.3)
- Considered Good 5,634.22 - 5,367.87 -
- Considered Doubtful 155.35 - 118.19 -
Less: Impairment 155.35 - 118.19 -
5,634.22 - 5,367.87 -
Prepayments- ETP facilities 1,302.29 110.56 1,357.34 100.90
Prepayments - Mobilisation
Charges 1,296.90 1,120.36 1,021.25 1,358.89
Prepayments - Leasehold Land 12,662.60 641.68 11,565.72 502.34
Other prepaid expenses 1,233.60 1,424.51 560.61 1,196.80
Prepaid expenses for underlift
quantity - 35.62 - 419.69
16,495.39 3,332.73 14,504.92 3,578.62
Total Other assets 40,583.51 27,045.69 35,356.51 28,275.73
19.1 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the Company has participating interest (PI) in development project Area -1,
Mozambique. As per the carry agreement, the Company is financing expenditure in the project for the national oil
company (“carried interest”), which is shown under category Unsecured, Considered Good.
19.2 In respect of subsidiary, OVL, the company has participating interest (PI) in Blocks 5A South Sudan, SS-04
Bangladesh, SS-09 Bangladesh, EP-3 Myanmar and B-2 Myanmar. As per the carry agreements, the company
is financing expenditure in these blocks during the exploratory period “carried interest”. The amount of carried
interest of ` 5,634.22 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 5,367.87 million); will be refunded in the event of commercial
production from the project.
19.3 In respect of subsidiary, OVL, Impairment has been made towards the amount of carried interest as of March 31,
2018 is ` 155.35 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 118.19 million) with respect to Blocks 5A South Sudan, Blocks
SS-04 Bangladesh, SS-09 Bangladesh, EP-3 Myanmar and B-2 Myanmar being under exploration period, as there
was no certainty of commercial discovery in the exploration stage.
19.4 OMPL - Mangalore SEZ Limited (‘the Developer’) is constructing the Corridor pipeline and allied facilities (‘the
Facilities’). The contribution paid by the Company for the said Facilities is shown under Prepayment of ROW
Charges net of value amortised over the useful life of asset.
19.5 Movement of Impairment (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Raw Materials (Including Condensate)
-on hand 35,274.61 31,832.83
-in Transit 17,882.27 20,383.21
53,156.88 52,216.04
Finished Goods (Including Carbon Credits, Refer Note 20.1 & 20.2) 91,526.62 84,420.49
Less : Impairment for Stock Loss 5.91 5.91
91,520.71 84,414.58
Traded Goods 75,477.80 84,276.62
Stores and spare parts
-on hand 75,756.23 67,575.58
-in transit (including inter-project transfers) 5,023.64 7,428.19
Less: Impairment for non-moving items 6,958.60 6,730.56
73,821.27 68,273.21
Stock in process 11,131.31 9,482.34
Unservicable Items 522.47 154.52
Total 305,630.44 298,817.31
20.1 This includes an amount of ` 1.76 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 2.15 million) in respect of Carbon Credits.
20.2 Inventory amounting to ` 95.16 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 81.58 million) has been valued at net realisable
value. Write down amounting to ` 119.30 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 24.40 million) has been recognised as
expense in the Statement of Profit and Loss under note 38.
20.3 Subsidiary OMPL has recognised cost of inventories as an expense includes ` 11.59 million (for the year ended
March 31, 2017 ` 155.24) in respect of write down of finished goods inventory to net realisable value.
20.4 Subsidiary MRPL has changed inventory valuation method of Stock-in-trade from FIFO to weighted average
method and the impact of the same is not material.
20.5 In respect of subsidiary OVL, In case of joint operators where the property in crude oil produced does not pass on
upto a specific delivery point, the stock of crude oil till such delivery point is not recognized by the Company.
20.6 In respect of Subsidiary HPCL, the write-down of inventories to net realisable value during the year amounted
to ` 1,143.50 million (for the year ended March 31, 2017: ` 2,120.90 million). The write downs and reversal are
included in cost of materials consumed, changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress.
21. Investments – Current (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss
(a) Investments in mutual funds (Refer Note 21.1) - 36,343.29
(b) Investments in GOI Bonds (Refer Note 21.2) 49,993.82 51,009.56
(c) Investments in Equity - 77.83
Total 49,993.82 87,430.68
21.2 In respect of Subsidiary HPCL, 6.90% Oil Marketing Companies GOI Special Bonds 2026 of ` 13,786.40 million,
7.59 % G-Sec Bonds 2026 of ` 1,830.00 million, 7.72 % G-Sec Bonds 2025 of ` 6,150.00 million, 8.33 % G-Sec
Bonds 2026 of ` 1,800.00 million and 8.15 % G-Sec. Bonds 2026 of ` 2,750.00 million, are pledged with Clearing
Corporation of India Limited against CBLO Loan.
21.3 Disclosure towards Cost / Market Value (` in million)
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
a. Aggregate amount of Quoted Investments (Market Value) 32,538.31 31,691.42
b. Aggregate amount of Quoted Investments (Cost) 4,716.80 4,716.80
c. Aggregate amount of Unquoted Investments (Cost) 47,193.20 44,362.05
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Balances with Banks 8,438.93 4,428.23
Cash on Hand 89.19 84.35
Bank Deposit with original maturity up to 3 month 16,592.76 13,637.59
Total Cash and cash equivalents 25,120.88 18,150.17
22.1 In respect of subsidiary, OVL, cash on hand represents cash balances held by overseas branches in respective local
currencies and includes ` 0.89 million held by imprest holders (as at March 31, 2017 ` 0.70 million).
As at As at
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Bank deposits under lien for original maturity more than 3 months 2,899.11 9,439.50
upto 12 months
Other bank deposits for original maturity more than 3 months 20,779.70 96,002.57
upto 12 months (Refer Note 23.1)
Unclaimed dividend account (Refer Note 23.2 and 23.4) 686.32 508.93
Deposits in escrow account (Refer Note 23.3 and 23.5) 1,297.70 8,025.20
Total Other bank balances 25,662.83 113,976.20
23.1 The deposits maintained by the Group with banks comprise time deposit, which can be withdrawn by the Group at
any point without prior notice or penalty on the principal. It includes ` 11,500 million (as at March 31, 2017: ` Nil)
Earmarked for project purposes.
23.2 Amount deposited in unclaimed dividend account is earmarked for payment of dividend and cannot be used for any
other purpose. No amount is due for deposit in Investor Education and Protection Fund.
23.3 Matter of Dispute on Delivery Point of Panna-Mukta gas between Government of India and PMT JO Partners arose
due to differing interpretation of relevant PSC clauses. According to the JO Partners, Delivery Point for Panna-
Mukta gas is at Offshore, however, MoP&NG and GAIL maintained that the delivery point is onshore at Hazira.
The gas produced from Panna-Mukta fields was transported through Company’s pipelines. Owing to the delivery
point dispute neither the seller (PMT JO) nor the buyer of gas (GAIL) was paying any compensation to ONGC for
usage of its pipeline for gas transportation.
Hon’ble Gujarat High Court decided that the Panna Mukta oil fields from where the movement of goods is
occasioned fall within the customs frontiers of India Consequently, the sale of goods cannot be said to have taken
place in the course of import of goods into the territory of India. The state Government of Gujarat has filed a
petition with the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India against the decision of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court.
Since the said matter of determination of delivery point is pending with the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the
amount is maintained in the escrow accounts by the JO Partners. Deposits in escrow account includes restricted
bank balance of ` 1.297.70 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 1.249.18 million) in respect of PMT JO.
23.4 Unclaimed dividend account includes of ` 0.01 million (as at March 31. 2017 ` 0.01 million) in respect of amount
deposited in the unclaimed interest on debentures account which is earmarked for payment of interest and cannot
be used for any other purpose.
23.5 In respect of subsidiary, MRPL, deposits in escrow account includes restricted bank balance of ` 10.11 million (as
at March 31, 2017 ` 9.14 million) which represents unutilized capital expenditure fund drawn by way of external
commercial borrowing which has been kept in a non-interest bearing account as per the Reserve Bank of India
guidelines and can be utilised only for the stated purposes.
24. Assets held for sale (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Freehold land and other assets (Refer Note 24.1) 76.89 159.61
Total Assets held for sale 76.89 159.61
24.1 The Group intends to dispose of surplus materials used for the pipeline laying project, it no longer utilizes in the
next 12 months. These materials are located at various project sites and were purchased for use during construction
of pipeline. Efforts are underway to dispose of the project surplus materials to Oil Companies. The Management of
the Group expects that, the fair value (less cost to sell) is higher than the carrying amount.
25. Equity Share Capital (` in million)
25.1 Reconciliation of equity shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period:
(` in million)
Number of shares in
Particulars Amount
Balance at April 1, 2016 8,555.49 42,777.45
Changes during the year (Refer note no. 25.3) 4,277.75 21,388.75
Balance at March 31, 2017 12,833.24 64,166.20
Changes during the year - -
Outstanding as at March 31, 2018 12,833.24 64,166.20
25.5 18,972 equity shares of ` 10 each (equivalent to 37,944 equity shares of ` 5 each) were forfeited in the year 2006-07
against which amount originally paid up was ` 0.15 Million.
26. Other Equity excluding non-controlling interest (` in million)
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
A. Capital Redemption Reserves (Refer Note 26.6)
Balance at beginning of year 99.82 99.82
Movements - -
Balance at end of year 99.82 99.82
B. Securities Premium Account (Refer Note 26.12)
Balance at beginning of year 2,435.48 5,896.94
Other Capital Reserve- Common Control (2,435.48) (3,461.46)
Balance at end of year - 2,435.48
C. Capital reserves (Refer Note 26.1, 26.7 & 26.8)
Balance at beginning of year 646.85 621.15
Movements (32.71) 25.70
Balance at end of year 614.14 646.85
D. Legal Reserve
Balance at beginning of year 39,597.32 39,016.19
Add: Transfer from retained earnings 9,530.17 581.13
Balance at end of year 49,127.49 39,597.32
E. Debenture Redemption Reserve (Refer Note 26.9)
Balance at beginning of year 80,530.26 60,069.35
Add: Transfer from retained earnings (387.30) 17,481.95
Add: Transfer from general reserve - 2,978.96
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Balance at end of year 80,142.96 80,530.26
F. Exchange difference on translating the financial statements of foreign
operations (Refer Note 26.11)
Balance at beginning of year 133,623.80 125,569.71
Add: Transfer (329.49) 8,054.09
Balance at end of year 133,294.31 133,623.80
G. Foreign Currency Monetary itemTranslation difference Account
Balance at beginning of year (2.25) (995.64)
Add: Generated during the year -2.88 (817.84)
Less: Amortization 1.82 1,811.23
Balance at end of year (3.31) (2.25)
H. Retained Earnings
Balance at beginning of year 184,723.93 162,942.38
Profit after tax for the year 221,059.28 244,192.50
Other comprehensive income arising from re-measurement of defined
(533.71) (3,121.15)
benefit obligation, net of income tax
Other adjustments (including joint ventures & associates) (419.74) (61.65)
Adjustments due to cross holding of Investment (2,988.60) (2,834.15)
Preacquistion Adjustment for Bonus share by HPCL 2,483.32 3,311.11
Other Adjustments - 70.93
Payments of dividends (Refer Note 26.4) 79,205.90 112,954.41
Tax on Dividends 15,705.07 22,971.98
Transferred to general reserve 110,471.99 64,690.79
Transfer to Legal Reserve 9,530.17 581.13
Transfer from/ to DRR (387.30) 17,481.95
Balance at end of year 190,809.21 184,723.93
I. General Reserve (Refer Note 26.3)
Balance at beginning of year 1,550,154.27 1,509,923.55
Add: Transfer from retained earnings 110,471.99 64,690.79
Less: Bonus Shares issued 160.59 21,388.72
Less: Transfer to DRR - 2,978.96
Less:Dividend declared - -
Less:Tax on dividend declared 427.51 -
Less: Utilised for buyback of shares 5.48 92.39
Balance at end of year 1,660,032.68 1,550,154.27
J. Reserve for equity instruments through other comprehensive income
(Refer Note 26.2)
Balance at beginning of year 246,863.72 109,807.47
Net fair value gain on investments in equity instruments at FVTOCI (31,050.41) 137,056.25
Balance at end of year 215,813.31 246,863.72
K. Other Capital Reserve- Common Control (Refer note 26.5)
Balance at beginning of year (358,987.28) (365,759.85)
Pre acquistion Adjustment for Bonus issue by HPCL 5,079.38 6,772.57
Balance at end of year (353,907.90) (358,987.28)
Total Other equity 1,976,022.72 1,879,685.92
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Unsecured 8.54 % 10 Years Non-Convertible Redeemable Bonds in the nature 2,585.55 2,585.55
of Debentures- Series II
Unsecured 4.625% 10 year USD Bonds - USD 750 million 12,299.86 12,299.86
Unsecured 3.75% 10 year USD Bonds - USD 500 million 12,153.02 12,153.02
Unsecured 2.75% 7 year EUR Bonds - EUR 525 million 12,946.68 12,946.68
Unsecured 3.25% 5 year USD Bonds - USD 750 million 24,606.46 24,606.46
Unsecured 2.50% 5 year USD Bonds - USD 300 million 14,583.63 14,583.63
Total 79,175.20 79,175.20
26.10 In respect of subsidiary OVL, Debenture redemption reserve is created by the company out of the Retained earnings
for the purpose of redemption of Debentures / Bonds when they are due for redemption. This reserve remains
invested in the business activities of the company.
26.11 Group’s subsidiary ONGC Videsh Limited has determined its functional currency as USD. Above foreign exchange
difference represents differences on account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of the ONGC
Videsh Limited from USD to Group’s presentation currency “INR” (`). Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
26.12. During the financial year ended March 31, 2018 and year ended March 31, 2017, HPCL has issued bonus shares by
utilization of securities premium account and general reserves. This being prior to the date of acquisition of HPCL,
amount of ` 6,722.57 million and ` 5,079.38 million has been adjusted against the other capital reserve – common
control for respective years.
27. Non-controlling interests (` in million)
27.2 Summarised financial information in respect of each of the Group’s subsidiaries that have material non-controlling
interest is set out below. The summarized financial information below represents amounts before intragroup
(` in million)
1. HPCL As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non-current assets 525,307.75 472,529.67
Current assets 371,409.63 330,660.67
Non-current liabilities 165,748.87 134,744.50
Current liabilities 475,644.32 457,731.58
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 137,583.64 114,108.13
Non-controlling interests 117,740.56 96,606.14
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Revenue 2,457,899.88 2,156,730.38
Expenses 2,370,014.36 2,067,946.00
Profit (loss) for the year 72,549.18 83,988.85
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Company 36,892.66 42,093.28
Profit (loss) attributable to the non-controlling interests 35,290.20 40,264.93
Profit (loss) for the year 72,182.86 82,358.21
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company 187.23 833.42
Other comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests 179.10 797.22
Other comprehensive income for the year 366.33 1,630.64
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company 37,079.89 42,926.70
Total comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests 35,469.30 41,062.15
Total comprehensive income for the year 72,549.18 83,988.85
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 11348.79 -
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities 110,372.10 102,544.80
Net cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities (73,979.60) (53,040.30)
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities (44,229.60) (42,387.20)
Net cash inflow (outflow) (7,837.10) 7,117.30
(` in million)
2. MRPL As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non-current assets 229,552.10 227,965.62
Current assets 89,954.01 100,431.72
Non-current liabilities 49,778.33 86,571.02
Current liabilities 165,853.86 143,074.68
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 83,491.76 79,951.74
Non-controlling interests 20,382.16 18,799.90
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Revenue 639,619.77 604,079.92
Expenses 610,647.91 569,561.06
Profit (loss) for the year 17,770.73 32,883.10
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Company 19,926.45 34,726.41
Profit (loss) attributable to the non-controlling interests (2,190.82) (1,794.31)
Profit (loss) for the year 17,735.63 32,932.10
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company 33.77 (47.79)
Other comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests 1.33 (1.21)
Other comprehensive income for the year 35.10 (49.00)
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company 19,960.22 34,678.62
Total comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests (2,189.49) (1,795.52)
Total comprehensive income for the year 17,770.73 32,883.10
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 2,983.27 -
Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities 39,718.63 (11,693.12)
Net cash inflow (outflow) from investing activities (9,813.47) (2,310.06)
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing activities (27,963.00) 2,911.53
Net cash inflow (outflow) 1,942.16 (11,091.65)
(` in million)
3. PMHBL As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non-current assets 1,363.64 1,355.31
Current assets 5,781.33 6,319.53
Non-current liabilities 76.11 73.29
Current liabilities 222.56 995.34
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 3,384.54 3,265.85
Non-controlling interests 3,461.76 3,340.36
(` in million)
4. Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non-current assets 34,644.52 33,353.68
Current assets 914.54 512.22
Non-current liabilities - -
Current liabilities 31.78 148.74
Equity attributable to owners of the Company 21,316.37 20,230.29
Non-controlling interests 14,210.91 13,486.87
(` in million)
Year ended March 31, Year ended March 31,
2018 2017
Revenue (16.00) 0.04
Expenses 29.86 88.57
Profit (loss) for the year (45.86) (88.53)
Profit (loss) attributable to owners of the Company (27.52) (53.12)
Profit (loss) attributable to the non-controlling interests (18.34) (35.41)
Profit (loss) for the year (45.86) (88.53)
Other comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company - -
Other comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests - -
Other comprehensive income for the year - -
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the Company (27.52) (53.12)
Total comprehensive income attributable to the non-controlling interests (18.34) (35.41)
Total comprehensive income for the year (45.86) (88.53)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests - -
27.3 Represents exchange difference on account of translation of the consolidated financial statements of subsidiary
OVL prepared in OVL’s functional currency “United State Dollars” (USD) to presentation currency “INR” (`).
Refer note 3.21 and 5.1 (a).
28. Borrowings (` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non Current Current Non Current Current
From banks 9,794.41 41,179.76 40,692.06 24,108.28
From others 3,644.76 14,894.68 5,537.39 14,895.13
Non-convertible debentures 19,997.58 - 24,991.90 -
Deferred payment liabilities : VAT Loan 169.24
Liability towards finance leases 18,775.20 - 22,300.52 -
From banks 222,547.73 371,789.33 180,327.60 85,415.27
From others 2,927.90 14,949.30 - 91,855.71
Liability towards finance leases 382.93 - 382.93 -
Deferred payment liabilities 218.63 - 618.63 -
Non convertible redeemable debentures 3,700.00 - 3,700.00 -
Foreign currency bonds 268,090.60 19,398.47 249,172.42 -
Total borrowings 550,248.98 462,211.54 527,723.45 216,274.39
28.1 As per the lease agreement, the Company is required to pay annual lease rental of ` 35.03 million till perpetuity. The
finance lease obligation represents the perpetuity value of annualized lease payment, which is ` 417.96 million.
28.2 In respect of the Company:
The Foreign currency and Rupee term loans have been taken from banks to part finance the strategic acquisition of 51.11% shareholding
in HPCL from Government of India.
* Loan of ` 30,000.00 million drawn on January, 31, 2018 benchmarked to 1- month MIBOR was refinanced on 31st March, 2018 by loan
benchmarked to overnight MCLR.
Particulars Listed in Issue price Denomination Date of loan Due date of Coupon
issued maturities
(v) EUR 525 million Frankfurt 99.623% Euro 100,000 and 15-Jul-14 15-Jul-21 2.75%, payable
unsecured Euro Stock multiples of Euro 1,000 annually in arrears
Bonds Exchange thereafter.
(vi) USD 750 million Singapore 99.598% US$ 200,000 and integral 15-Jul-14 15-Jul-19 3.25%, payable semi-
unsecured non- Exchange multiples of US$ 1,000 in annually in arrears
convertible Reg S (SGX) excess thereof.
(vii) USD 300 million Singapore 99.655% US$ 200,000 and integral 07-May-13 07-May-18 2.50%, payable semi-
unsecured non- Exchange multiples of US$ 1,000 in annually in arrears
convertible Reg S (SGX) excess thereof.
The above bonds are listed in National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE). Further the Company is required to maintain
100% asset cover as per Listing Agreement for Debt Securities. There is no periodical put/ call option. The bonds are
repayable in full (bullet repayment) on maturity date.
28.5 In respect of subsidiary OVL, Term loan from banks
The term of term loan are given below:
As at
As at Term of
Particulars March 31, Date of Issue Coupon
March 31, 2018 Repayment
USD 1,775 million Term loans 113,776.68 113,654.00 November 27, Bullet repayment on Libor + 0.95% payable
(Refer note 28.5.1) 2015 November 27, 2020 quarterly
USD 500 million Term loans 27,475.50 - April 26, 2017 In 5 equal Libor + 0.76% payable
(Refer note 28.5.2) instalments falling quarterly
15, 27, 39, 51 and
60 months from the
drawdown date
JPY 38 billion Term loans 23,014.68 - April 26, 2017 In 3 equal Libor + 0.47% payable
instalments falling quarterly
(Refer note 28.5.2) due at the end of
Years 5, 6 and 7
from the drawdown
164,266.86 113,654.00
28.5.1 The Term loan was obtained from a syndicate of commercial banks to part finance acquisition of 10% stake in
Area 1, Mozambique from Anadarko.
28.5.2 The Subsidiary company, ONGC Videsh, incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary ONGC Videsh Singapore
Pte Ltd (“OVSL”). OVSL has in turn incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte
Ltd (“OVVL”). OVVL acquired 26% shares of JSC Vankorneft (15% in May 2016 and 11% in October 2016)
and raised two separate syndicated bridge loans from international banks to meet the purchase consideration
28.8.4 Repayment schedule of ECB loan is as follows: annually. The Company has also issued ` 20,000
(` in million) million non-cumulative, secured, redeemable,
taxable, listed, rated Non-Convertible Debentures
Year of As at As at
repayment March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017 (NCDs) during June 2016 with a coupon rate of
2017-18 - 13,122.21
8.12% p.a., and interest payable annually.
2018-19 28,831.16 29,579.16 28.11.1 These NCDs are secured by first raking pari
2019-20 3,085.06 4,042.51 passu charge on the land totaling an extent
2020-21 3,085.06 3,556.09 of 441.438 acres situated in Mangalore SEZ,
2021-22 3,085.06 3,069.68
Permude and Kalavar Villages in Mangaluru
Taluk & Registration sub-District, Dakshina
2022-23 477.86 475.48
Kannada Dist. and property, plant and
2023-24 99.25 98.76
equipment including buildings, roads and plant
Total 38,663.45 53,943.89 and equipment.
28.9 In respect of subsidiary OMPL, unsecured short 28.11.2 ` 4,998.21 (as at March 31, 2017 of ` Nil) is
term rupee loan availed from ICICI Bank is with repayable within one year and the same has been
a minimum tenor varying from 1 day to 365 days shown as “Current maturities of long term debts
and interest rate applicable is 1 year CD rate plus (unsecured)” under Note 29.
1.1625% p.a
28.11.3 Repayment schedule of non-convertible
28.10 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, details of loan debenture is as follows:
from Oil Industry Development Board (OIDB) (` in million)
28.10.1 Loan from OIDB taken by the Company carries Year of repayment As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
fixed rate of interest. These are secured by first 2018-19 5,000.00 5,000.00
pari passu Charge over immovable property, 2019-20 20,000.00 20,000.00
plant and equipment and first ranking pari Total 25,000.00 25,000.00
passu charge over movable property, plant and
equipment both present and future. Prior to 28.12 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, working capital
December 10, 2015 the loan from OIDB was borrowings from consortium banks are secured by
unsecured. way of hypothecation of Company’s stocks of Raw
material, Finished goods, stock-in-process, stores,
28.10.2 ` 750.00 million (as at March 31, 2017 of spares, components, trade receivables, outstanding
` 1,750.00 million) is repayable within one money receivables, claims, bills, contract,
year and the same has been shown as “Current engagements, securities both present and future and
Maturities of Long Term Debts” (secured) as at further secured by second ranking pari passu charge
March 31, 2018 and as at March 31, 2017 under over companies movable and immovable property,
note 29. plant and equipment both present and future.
28.10.3 Repayment schedule of OIDB loan is as Its subsidiary OMPL working capital lenders are
follows: to be secured by second ranking pari passu charge
(` in million) over Company’s immovable property, plant and
As at March As at March 31, equipment both present and future on receipt of No
Year of repayment
31, 2018 2017 Objection Certificate from NCD holders.
2017-18 - 1,750.00
28.13 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, details of
2018-19 750.00 750.00
“Deferred Payment Liabilities: CST”
Total 750.00 2,500.00
28.13.1 Deferred Payment liability against CST
28.11 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, its subsidiary OMPL represents amount payable on account of sales
has issued ` 5,000 million non-cumulative, secured, tax liability to be paid after a specified period to
redeemable, taxable, listed, rated Non-Convertible the sales tax authority, Karnataka. Such deferral
Debentures (NCDs) during February 2016 with of. sales tax liability is not liable for any interest.
a coupon rate of 8.4% p.a., and interest payable
In respect of Subsidiary HPCL,
Secured Loans:
28.22 Debentures
(a) The Group has issued the following Secured Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures:
With respect to debentures issued by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL):
8.77% Non-Convertible Debentures were issued on 13th March, 2013 with the maturity date of 13th of March,
2018.The Corporation has redeemed the debentures on 13th March 2018. These were secured by first legal
mortgage by way of a Registered Debenture Trust Deed over immovable property of the company being
undivided share of land with the entire First Floor in the building High Street 1, situated at Ahmedabad and the
first charge of fixed assets mainly certain Plant and Machinery at Visakh Refinery. The relevant charge has been
satisfied. The value of such assets was ` 11,118.70 million as on March 31, 2017.
28.23 Foreign currency Bonds
Particulars of Bonds Date of Issue Date of Repayment
USD 500 million bonds; Interest Rate: 4% 12th July 2017 12th July 2027
p.a. payable at Half Yearly
Security has been created with first charge on the facilities of Awa Salawas Pipeline, Mangalore Hasan Mysore
LPG Pipeline, Uran-Chakan / Shikarpur LPG Pipeline and Rewari Project Pipeline. The value of such assets is
` 22,472.40 million (as on March 31, 2017 ` 21,992.90 million). ` 956.90 million (as on March 31, 2017: ` 956.90
million) is repayable within 1 year and the same has been shown as “Current Maturity of Long Term Borrowings”
under note 29
28.25 Syndicated Loans from Foreign Banks (repayable in foreign currency)
With respect to Loan taken by Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.:
The Corporation has availed Long Term Foreign Currency Syndicated Loans from banks at 3 months floating
LIBOR plus spread (spread range: 30 to 155 basis point p.a.). These loans are taken for the period up to 5 years.
` 13,022.30 million (as on March 31, 2017: ` 30,084.60 million) is repayable within 1 year and the same has been
shown as “Current Maturity of Long Term Debts” under note 29.
With respect to Loan taken by Prize Petroleum International PTE Ltd.:
The bank loan bear interest at 1.2% + 6-months LIBOR per annum (2017: 1.2% + 6-months LIBOR per annum,
2016: 3.65% + 6- months LIBOR per annum), which is ranging from 2.43% to 2.76% (2017: 2.46% to 2.60%,) p.a.
for the financial year ended 31st March 2018. The bank loan is repayable on the 7th anniversary of the utilisation
date on October 28, 2023.
29.1 No amount is due for deposit in Investor Education and Protection Fund.
29.2 Represents interest payable towards matured debentures.
29.3 Price Reduction Clause
In respect of subsidiary MRPL, payable against capital goods includes ` 186.78 million (as at March 31, 2017 of
` 988.40 million) relating to amounts withheld from vendors pursuant to price reduction clause which will be
settled on finalisation of proceedings with such vendors. When the withheld amounts are ultimately finalised, the
related adjustment is made to the property, plant and equipment prospectively.
29.4 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the company had entered into forward contracts covering Euro 199.5 million
(Previous year Euro 105 million) and option contracts covering Euro 35.00 million (Previous year Euro Nil) out of
the principal amount of 2.75% per annum Euro 525 million Bonds 2021.
Derivative liabilities relates to the cross-currency swap contracts entered for ` 3,700 million debentures and forward
contract for EURO 525 million unsecured EURO bonds.
29.5 In respect of subsidiary HPCL, amount reflected towards current maturity of long term debt, includes loans
repayable within one year: Syndicated Loans from Foreign Banks (repayable in foreign currency) ` 13,022.30
million (as on March 31, 2017: ` 30,084.60 million), 8.77% Non - Convertible Debenture Nil (as on March 31,
2017: ` 9,750.00 million), Loan from Oil Industry and Development Board ` 956.90 million (as on March 31,
2017: ` 956.90 million). and other loans ` 187.40 million (as on March 31, 2017: ` 187.40 million)
29.6 In respect of Subsidiary HPCL, based on the substance and nature of the deposits received from customers/dealers
largely towards cylinders, had presented such deposits under the head non-current financial liabilities during the
Financial year 2016-17. Subsequently during the financial year 2017-18, there was a direction by C&AG on the
said classification. In view of the same, the said deposits have been re-classified as current financial liabilities. This
classification has no impact on the profit for the period. Expert Advisory Committee of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India has been approached for an opinion in the matter, which is awaited. It includes deposit received
towards Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitrak Yojana and Prime Minister Ujjwala Yojana of ` 15,578.60 million (as on
March 31, 2017: ` 9,416.10 million) The deposits against these schemes have been funded from CSR fund or by
Government of India.
29.7 In compliance with Appendix C of Ind AS 103 ‘Business Combination’, the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at March
31, 2017 has been restated. Accordingly, total cash consideration for acquisition of HPCL of ` 369,150.00 million
payable as on January 31, 2018 has been considered as current liability as at March 31, 2017.
29.8 In respect of subsidiary company OVL, Participating interest (PI) is revised to 2.31% from 2.7213% as per amended
restated ACG PSA, Amended JOA, and other related agreements / Head of Agreements (HOA) etc. (with effective
date of January 1, 2017) for ACG PSA extension upto December 2049 as jointly agreed by all partners with SOCAR,
the National Oil Company of Azerbaijan. Necessary adjustments to Company’s share of assets, liabilities, revenues
and expenses have been made during the year ended March 31, 2018 for the same and liabilities is recognised in
respect of amount payable to SOCAR on account of reduction in PI w.e.f. January 1, 2017 of ` 5813.65 million (as
on March 31, 2017: ` nil).
29.9 Disclosure relating to dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(` in million)
Particulars (in respect of subsidiary company MRPL) As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017
a) the principal amount due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier at the end year 4.07 10.67
b) the interest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier at the end of year. - -
c) the amount of interest paid by the buyer in terms of section 16 of the Micro, Small and - -
Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, along with the amount of the payment
made to the supplier beyond the appointed day during the year.
d) the amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making payment (which - -
have been paid but beyond the appointed day during the year) but without adding the interest
specified under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
e) the amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of year; and - -
f) the amount of further interest remaining due and payable even in the succeeding years, - -
until such date when the interest dues above are actually paid to the small enterprise, for
the purpose of disallowance of a deductible expenditure under section 23 of the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
30.1 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, other provisions include provision for excise duty on closing stock. The company
estimates provision based on substantial degree of estimation for excise duty payable on clearance of goods lying
in stock as on March 31, 2018 of ` 3,993.55 million (as at March 31, 2017 of ` 2,797.68 million). This provision is
expected to be settled when the goods remove from the factory premises.
30.2 In respect of subsidiary OVL, other provision includes provision for minimum work program commitment as on
March 31, 2018 of ` 1,681.43 million (as at March 31, 2017 of ` 1,621.25 million) which has been created in respect
of Area 43, Libya and Block Satpayev, Kazakshtan.
30.3 Movement of Provision for Other (` in million)
30.4 The Group estimates provision for decommissioning as per the principles of Ind AS 37 ‘Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ for the future decommissioning of Oil & Gas assets at the end of their economic
lives. Most of these decommissioning activities would be in the future for which the exact requirements that may
have to be met when the removal events occur are uncertain. Technologies and costs for decommissioning are
constantly changing. The timing and amounts of future cash flows are subject to significant uncertainty. The
economic life of the Oil & Gas assets is estimated on the basis of long term production profile of the relevant Oil &
Gas asset. The timing and amount of future expenditures are reviewed annually, together with rate of inflation for
escalation of current cost estimates and the interest rate used in discounting the cash flows.
30.5 In respect of subsidiary company OVL, Represents exchange difference on account of translation of the financial
statements from functional currency to presentation currency. Refer note 3.21 and 5.1(a).
31 Deferred Tax Liabilities (net)
The following is the analysis of deferred tax assets / (liabilities) presented in the Balance Sheet:
(` in million)
As at As at
31 March 2018 31 March 2017
Deferred tax assets 160,299.73 148,867.81
Deferred tax liabilities 558,369.28 501,039.47
Net Deferred asssts / (liabilities) (398,069.55) (352,171.67)
(` in million)
Particulars for 2017-2018 Opening Recognised Recognised in Effect of Closing
balance in Profit and other compre- exchange balance
Loss Account hensive income differences
Deferred tax (liabilities)/assets in relation to:
Deferred Tax Assets
Unclaimed Exploratory Wells written off 36,707.93 (2,840.57) - - 33,867.36
Impairment/Expenses Disallowed Under Income Tax 25,679.89 53.73 - 13.69 25,747.31
Financial Assets at amortised cost using EIR 1,434.31 (239.72) - - 1,194.59
Provision for Abandonment - - - - -
Provision towards additional profit petroleum &
interest - Ravva - - - - -
Expenses Disallowed Under Income Tax 4,467.21 354.94 50.90 - 4,873.05
Intangible assets - 8,617.41 - - 8,617.41
FVTPL financial Assets 169.16 - - - 169.16
Financial Assets at FVTOCI 83.03 - - - 83.03
Defined benefit obligation 1,738.79 - 494.99 - 2,233.78
Recompense expense 287.88 (287.88) - - -
Current Investments 893.85 98.20 - - 992.05
MAT credit entitlement 19,059.48 (1,754.45) - (1.34) 17,303.69
Carry Forward tax losses/ Depreciation 56,838.56 (344.52) - 42.77 56,536.81
Others 1,507.72 8,543.08 (19.30) (1,350.00) 8,681.49
Total Assets 148,867.81 12,200.22 526.59 (1,294.88) 160,299.73
Deferred Tax Liabilities
Property, plant and equipment 414,743.24 28,700.35 - (392.91) 443,050.68
Exploratory wells in progress 42,790.74 17,725.64 - - 60,516.38
Development wells in progress 8,547.85 (1,292.25) - - 7,255.60
Intangible assets 241.53 (238.08) - - 3.45
Financial liabilities at amortised cost using EIR 1.36 0.37 - - 1.73
Fair value gain on Investment in equity shares at
FVTOCI - - 13,313.51 - 13,313.51
Foreign taxes 25,251.30 (3,354.58) - 3.91 21,900.63
Exchange differences on translating the financial
statements of foreign operations (Refer Note 31.6) 4,011.55 - (350.23) - 3,661.32
Financial liabilities at FVTOCI - - - - -
Tax adjustment of unrealised profit (1,539.44) 415.23 - - (1,124.21)
Dividend distribution tax on undistributed profit
(associates) 2,358.77 503.10 0.38 - 2,862.25
Undistributed earnings 2,665.31 1,495.41 - - 4,160.72
(` in million)
Particulars for 2016-2017 Opening Recognised Recognised Effect of Closing
balance in Profit and in other exchange balance
Loss Account comprehensive differences
Deferred tax (liabilities)/assets in relation to:
Deferred Tax Assets
Unclaimed Exploratory Wells written off 33,402.98 3,304.95 - - 36,707.93
Impairment/Expenses Disallowed Under Income
Tax 26,688.78 (854.64) - (154.25) 25,679.89
Financial Assets at amortised cost using EIR 1,434.31 - - - 1,434.31
Provision for Abandonment - - - - -
Provision towards additional profit petroleum &
interest - Ravva - - - - -
Expenses Disallowed Under Income Tax 4,030.26 411.43 25.52 - 4,467.21
FVTPL financial Assets 31.63 137.53 - - 169.16
Financial Assets at FVTOCI - 83.03 - - 83.03
Defined benefit obligation 157.39 - 1,581.40 - 1,738.79
Recompense expense 287.88 - - - 287.88
Current Investments 1,667.82 (773.97) - - 893.85
MAT credit entitlement 7,912.39 11,175.85 - (28.76) 19,059.48
Carry Forward tax losses/ Depreciation 62,496.23 (6,219.53) 27.96 533.90 56,838.56
Others 1,565.53 (19.33) - (38.48) 1,507.72
Total Assets 139,675.18 7,245.33 1,634.88 312.41 148,867.81
31.1 The above includes net deferred tax asset of ` 16,989.89 million (as at March, 2017 ` 15,458.12 million) and net
deferred tax liability of ` 4,15,059.44 (as at March 31, 2017 ` 3,67,629.79) in respect of various components/
entities consolidated as below:
(` in million)
Particulars As at 31 March 2018 As at 31 March 2017
Net Deferred Tax Liability ONGC 264,139.22 279,842.58
Net Deferred Tax Liability OVL 78,593.57 79,118.66
Net Deferred Tax Liability ONGBV 2,588.11 3,342.00
Net Deferred Tax Liability OVAI 5.70 8.03
Net Deferred Tax Liability OVSL 782.35 551.89
Net Deferred Tax Liability MRPL 902.24 4,766.63
Net Deferred Tax Liability HPCL 68,048.25 -
Consolidated Net Deferred Tax Liability 415,059.44 367,629.79
Net Deferred Tax Asset ONGBV 16,954.55 12,155.61
Net Deferred Tax Asset OMPL - 3,106.87
Net Deferred Tax Asset MRPL - -
Net Deferred Tax Asset PMHBL 35.34 195.64
Consolidated Net Deferred Tax Asset 16,989.89 15,458.12
31.2 Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the
deductible temporary differences, carry forward of unabsorbed depreciation and unused tax losses can be utilized.
Accordingly, the group has not recognized deferred tax assets in respect of deductible temporary differences, carry
forward of unabsorbed depreciation and unused tax losses of ` nil (previous year ` nil) as it is not probable that
taxable profits will be available in future.
31.3 The group has not recognized deferred tax liabilities with respect to unremitted retained earnings and associated
foreign currency translation reserves with respect to its subsidiaries and joint ventures where the group is in position
to control the timings of the distribution of the profits and it is probable that the subsidiaries and joint ventures
will not distribute profit in the foreseeable future. Also, the group does not recognises deferred tax liabilities on
unremitted retained earnings of its subsidiaries and joint ventures wherever it believes that it would avail the tax
credit for the dividend distribution tax payable by the subsidiaries on its dividend distribution. Taxable temporary
differences associated with respect to unremitted earnings and associated foreign currency reserve is ` 477,046.04
Million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 342,827.06 Million). Distribution of the same is expected to attract tax in the range
of nil to 30.26% depending on the tax rate applicable as of March 31, 2018 in the jurisdiction in which the respective
group entity operates.
31.4 The group has recognized deferred tax liabilities with respect to unrealized profit of subsidiary and joint venture
and unremitted retained earnings of associates where the group is not in position to control the timings of the
distribution of the profits. Taxable temporary differences associated with respect to unrealized profit subsidiary and
joint venture and unremitted earnings of associates for which deferred tax liability has been created to the extent of
` 2864.10 million (as at March 31, 2017 ` 2,358.77 million).
31.5 In respect of subsidiary OMPL, the company being an SEZ unit is eligible for certain exemptions under Section
10AA of the Income tax Act, 1961. Accordingly, the deferred tax assets on unused tax losses and unused tax credits
are recognised to the extent it is probable that future taxable profit will be available considering the following (i)
Committed long term off-take arrangement entered with customer for its main product namely Paraxylene (ii)
Arrangements with the parent company for sale of other products namely Paraffinic Raffinate, Hydrogen and De
Ethanizer Column Bottom Liquid (iii) Revision in pricing terms for procurement of feed stock with the parent
company (iv) Arrangements for procurement of Naptha from other oil companies to enhance the capacity utilisation
(v) Arrangement with parent company to source the reformate to augment the aromatic feed stock requirement of
32.1 Includes ` 7,615.73 million in respect of Tapti A series assets, facilities and inventory which were a part of the assets
of PMT Joint Operation and surrendered by the JV to the Government of India as per the terms and conditions
of the JV Agreement. During the year these assets, facilities and inventory have been transferred by Government
of India to the company free of cost as its nominee. The company has assessed the fair value of the said assets &
facilities at ` 7,156.89 million based on the valuation report by a third party agency, which has been accounted as
Capital work in progress with a corresponding liability as Deferred Government Grant. Inventory valuing ` 458.84
million has been accounted with a corresponding liability as Deferred Government Grant.
32.2 Includes ` 8.31 million (previous year ` 8.57 million) is on account of reimbursement of capital expenditure of
research & development..
32.3 In respect of subsidiary OVL, deferred credit on gas sales represents amounts received from gas customers against
“Take or Pay” obligations under relevant gas sales agreements. The amounts are to be utilized to supply the gas in
subsequent year(s).
33 Trade payables
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Trade Payable 265,506.87 240,137.87
Total 265,506.87 240,137.87
33.1 Trade payables -Total outstanding dues of Micro & Small enterprises*
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
a) the principal amount due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier at the 2,193.46 428.99
end year
b) the interest due thereon remaining unpaid to any supplier at the end of year. - -
c) the amount of interest paid by the buyer in terms of section 16 of the Micro, - -
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, along with the
amount of the payment made to the supplier beyond the appointed day
during the year.
d) the amount of interest due and payable for the period of delay in making - -
payment (which have been paid but beyond the appointed day during the
year) but without adding the interest specified under the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006.
e) the amount of interest accrued and remaining unpaid at the end of year; and - -
f) the amount of further interest remaining due and payable even in the - -
succeeding years, until such date when the interest dues above are actually
paid to the small enterprise, for the purpose of disallowance of a deductible
expenditure under section 23 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006.
33.2 Payment towards trade payables is made as per the terms and conditions of the contract / purchase orders. The
average credit period is 21 to 30 days.
33.3 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, The average credit period on purchases of crude, stores and spares, other raw
material, services, etc. ranges from 15 to 60 days. Thereafter, interest is charged upto 6.75% p.a. over the relevant
bank rate as per respective arrangements on the outstanding balances. The company has financial risk management
policies in place to ensure that all payables are paid within the pre-agreed credit terms.
34 Tax liabilities/ assets (net)
(` in million)
Particulars As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Non current tax assets
Tax paid 473,217.98 469,099.28
Non current tax liabilities
Income tax payable 364,904.25 370,379.00
Total (net) 108,313.73 98,720.28
35.1 No subsidy discount was given by the Group to the Oil Marketing Companies during the year.
35.2 Revenue from nominated crude (except North East crude) is accounted for in terms of Crude Oil Sales Agreements
(COSAs) signed and made effective from April 1, 2010. For Crude Oil produced in Assam, sales revenue is based
on the pricing formula provided by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.
35.3 Sales revenue of Natural Gas is based on domestic gas price of US$ 2.48 /mmbtu and US$ 2.89 /mmbtu (on GCV
basis) notified by GoI for the period April 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 and October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
respectively in terms of “New Domestic Natural Gas Pricing Guidelines, 2014”. For gas consumers in North-East,
consumer price is 60% of the domestic gas price and the difference between domestic gas price and consumer price
is paid to the Company through GoI Budget and classified as ‘North-East Gas Subsidy’.
In respect of Subsidiary HPCL:
35.4 Sale of product is net of discount of ` 22,291.70 million (2016-17: ` 19,200.70 million) and includes amount
towards additional State Specific Cost (SSC) of ` Nil (2016-17: ` 572.10 million).
35.5 During the current financial year 2017-18, Subsidy on PDS Kerosene and Domestic Subsidized LPG from Central
and State Governments amounting to ` 75.40 million (2016-17: ` 200.10 million) has been accounted.
35.6 Approval of Government of India for Budgetary Support amounting to ` 7,563.40 million (2016-17: ` 12,725.70
million) has been received and the same has been accounted under ‘Recovery under Subsidy Schemes’.
36 Other Income
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Interest on:
Deposits with Banks/Public Sector Undertakings 8,311.01 12,826.03
Loans to Employees 294.45 368.72
Income Tax Refund 6,164.48 3,911.59
Delayed Payment from Customers and Others 3,590.82 2,613.13
Financial assets measured at amortized cost
Other Investments 165.79 165.79
Loans to Associates - 0.45
Site Restoration Fund Deposit 10,737.93 9,684.00
Employee Loan 1,079.29 1,101.75
Current Investment carried at FVTPL 3,709.91 3,749.17
Others 2,062.55 1,751.57
OVL Loan - -
Total 36,116.23 36,172.20
Dividend Income from:
Other Investments 15,987.43 17,527.24
Total 15,987.43 17,527.24
Other Non-Operating Income
Impairment written back 5,101.57 22,362.50
Liabilities no longer required written back 1,382.63 1,737.50
Exchange Gain 2,399.21 1,300.37
Contractual Receipts 1,647.04 763.25
Profit on sale of investments 0.10 326.58
Profit on sale of Non-Current Asset - 124.07
Fair valuation of financial instruments 6.24 2,226.27
Miscellaneous Receipts 12,041.09 10,691.76
Total 22,577.88 39,532.30
Total other income 74,681.54 93,231.74
38.1 Subsidiary MRPL enjoys benefit of entry tax exemption on crude oil for its Phase III operations which qualifies to
be government grant. MRPL recognised such grant on net basis and is included in the ‘Cost of Materials consumed’.
Entry tax exemption on crude oil amounted to ` 166.76 million and ` 563.57 million for the year ended March 31,
2018 and year ended March 31, 2017 respectively. Upon implementation of Goods and Services Tax w.e.f. July 1,
2017, entry tax levy itself stands abolished.
38.2 The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has approved revision of pay and allowances of management employees
of the company effective from January 1, 2017. Accordingly salary revision in respect of Management employees
has been given effect. The Non Management employees wage revision is due for revision effective from January 1,
2017 and the negotiation with the employees union is in progress. Pending final negotiation, the company has made
provision for wage revision on estimated basis for the year ended March 31, 2018 amounting to ` 245.70 million
(Previous Year ` 57.38 million) and is shown under ‘Employee benefits expense’.
38.3 Details of Nature wise Expenditure
(` in million)
* In respect of subsidiary OVL, the other operating expenditure includes the expenses in respect of project(s) where the details are not made available by
the Operator of the project in above mentioned heads.
38.4 The Group made a provision for revision in salary w.e.f. January 01, 2017 is considered as per recommendation of
“Third Pay Revision Committee Report”.
38.5 The CSR expenditure comprises the following:
(a) Gross amount required to be spent by the Group during the year: ` 5,406.66 million
(previous year ` 5,960.36 million)
38.6 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the operations of the company are outside India and therefore the eligible Net Profit of the
year for the purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) under the Companies Act, 2013 shall be “Nil”. However,
for the year ended March 31, 2018, the company has made a total expenditure of ` 41.11 million (for the year ended
March 31, 2017 ` 40.02 million) towards CSR activities outside India directly or through its joint ventures.
38.7 The Miscellaneous Expenditure in Note 38.3 includes Statutory Auditors Remuneration as under:
(` in million)
Year ended March Year ended March 31,
Payment to Auditors
31, 2018 2017
Audit Fees 44.44 45.62
Certification and Other Services 16.82 19.92
Travelling and Out of Pocket Expenses 23.57 24.24
Total 84.83 89.78
38.8 The expenditure incurred by various in house R&D institutes on scientific research eligible for deduction under
section 35(2AB) of Income Tax Act, 1961 is as under:
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March Year ended March
31, 2018 31, 2017
Capital Expenditure 196.41 292.33
Revenue Expenditure 4,590.78 4,124.26
39.1 In respect of subsidiary OVL, the weighted average capitalization rate on funds borrowed is 2.66% per annum (as at
March 31, 2017: 2.23%).
39.2 In respect of subsidiary HPCL, Others include Includes interest u/s 234B / 234C of Income Tax Act, 1961 for an
amount `102.00 million (2016-17: `267.30 million)
40. Depreciation, Depletion, Amortization and Impairment
(` in million)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Depletion 180,433.76 161,031.55
Depreciation & Amortisation 61,077.96 58,568.53
Less: Allocated to exploratory drilling (4,894.46) (4,110.51)
Less: Allocated to development drilling (2,316.86) (3,586.15)
Less: Allocated to others (389.05) (767.71)
Total 53,477.59 50,104.16
Amortisation of intagible assets 795.89 740.96
Impairment Loss
Provided during the year 3,163.44 5,261.02
Less: Reversed during the year (6,985.33) (14,945.68)
Total (3,821.89) (9,684.66)
Total Depreciation, Depletion, Amortisation and Impairment 230,885.35 202,192.01
42.1 In respect of subsidiary MRPL, exceptional items for current year is on account of sharing of terminal charges
collected from oil marketing companies on cross country dispatch retrospectively from financial year 2003-04
amounting to ` 258.90 million. Exceptional items for the previous year of ` 15,972.91 million is on account of
exchange rate variation gain arising out of settlement of overdue trade payables to National Iranian Oil Company
(NIOC) which got accumulated on account of non finalisation of remittance channel.
42.2 In respect of subsidiary OVL, carried out impairment test as at March 31, 2018 in respect of its Cash Generating
Units (CGUs) based on value in use method. The Company identified write back of impairment in respect of two
CGUs and impairment in respect of three CGUs and recognised net write back of impairment of ` 2,740.12 million
during the year ended March 31, 2018 (for the year ended March 31, 2017 net impairment provision of ` 10,062.78
million was recognised including write back of impairment in respect of two CGUs and impairment in respect of
three CGUs). The current year provision for impairment is considered as exceptional item.
43. Tax Expense
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Current tax in realtion to:
Current year 104,765.69 88,083.23
Earlier years (5,574.57) (5,986.42)
Total 99,191.12 82,096.81
Deferred tax
In respect of the current year 32,204.04 42,833.95
MAT Credit Entitlement - 553.46
Total 32,204.04 43,387.41
Total tax expense 131,395.16 125,484.22
The income tax expense for the year can be reconciled to the accounting profit as follows: (` in million)
Adjustments recognised in the current year in relation to the current tax of prior years (5,574.57) (5,986.43)
Income tax expense recognised in profit or loss (relating to continuing operations) 131,395.16 125,484.22
Income tax expense as per consolidated ONGC 131,395.16 125,484.22
45. Leases
45.1 Finance leases
45.1.1 Leasing arrangements
Leasehold land where lease term is till perpetuity has been classified under finance lease.
Obligations under Finance lease
(` in million)
Present value of minimum
Particulars Minimum lease payments
lease payments
As at March As at March 31, As at March As at March 31,
31, 2018 2017 31, 2018 2017
Not later than one year 8,582.67 10,682.88 3,951.43 5,303.42
Later than one year and not later than five years 22,335.61 25,770.32 8,104.45 10,032.87
Later than five years* 31,689.77 35,165.07 11,305.96 13,089.25
45.2 Operating lease arrangements 46 Employee benefit plans
45.2.1 Leasing arrangements 46.1 Defined Contribution plans:
The Company has applied Appendix C to Ind 46.1.1 Provident Fund
AS 17 ‘Leases’ to hiring / service contracts of
The Group pays fixed contribution to provident
rigs, vessels, helicopters, etc. to evaluate whether
fund at predetermined rates to a separate trust,
these contracts contains a lease or not. Based
which invests the funds in permitted securities.
on evaluation of the terms and conditions of the
The obligation of the Group is to make such
arrangements, the Company has evaluated such
fixed contribution and to ensure a minimum
arrangements to be operating leases.
rate of return to the members as specified by
Operating leases relate to leases of rigs, GoI. As per report of the actuary, overall interest
vessels, helicopters etc. with lease terms upto 10 earnings and cumulative surplus is more than
years. The Company does not have an option to the statutory interest payment requirement.
purchase the leased rigs, vessels, helicopters etc. Hence, no further provision is considered
at the expiry of the lease periods. necessary. The details of fair value of plan assets
and obligations are as under:
In respect of subsidiary MRPL, the Company
has entered into arrangements for right of way (` in million)
for pipelines and lease of land which have been Particulars As at March As at March
classified as operating leases. The lease period 31, 2018 31, 2017
for right of way ranges from 11 months to 30 Obligations at the 120,412.14 112,743.97
end of the year
years and for leases of land ranges from 5 to 99
years. In case of leasehold land, the Company Fair Value of Plan 121,139.39 113,967.60
Assets at the end
does not have option to purchase the land of the year
at the end of the lease period. Generally, the
Provident Fund is governed through a separate
lease arrangements for land requires Company
trust. The board of trustees of the Trust
to make upfront payments at the time of the
functions in accordance with any applicable
execution of the lease arrangement with annual
guidelines or directions that may be issued in
recurring charges with escalations in annual
this behalf from time to time by the Central
lease rentals.
Government or the Central Provident Fund
45.2.2 Payments recognized as an expense Commissioner, the board of trustees have the
(` in million) following responsibilities:
Year ended Year ended (i) Investments of the surplus as per the pattern
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
notified by the Government in this regard so as
Minimum Lease payments 116,148.92 87,279.77
to meet the requirements of the fund from time
Contingent rentals to time.
Sub-lease payments received
116,148.92 87,279.77
(ii) Raising of moneys as may be required for the
purposes of the fund by sale, hypothecation or
pledge of the investment wholly or partially.
45.2.3 Non-cancellable operating lease commitments (iii) Fixation of rate of interest to be credited to
(` in million) members’ accounts.
Year ended Year ended 46.1.2 Post Retirement Benefit Scheme
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
The defined contribution pension scheme of
Not later than one year 86,185.30 82,742.80
the Group for its employees is administered
Later than one year and not
later than five years
97,048.17 102,555.31 through a separate trust. The obligation of the
Group is to contribute to the trust to the extent
Later than five years 10,346.18 14,622.85
of amount not exceeding 30% of basic pay and
193,579.65 199,920.95
46.5 Defined benefit plans
46.5.1 Brief Description: A general description of the type of Employee Benefits Plans is as follows:
46.5.2 All the employee benefit plans of the Company are run as Group administration plans (Single Employer
Scheme) including employees seconded to ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), 100% subsidiary.
46.5.3 Gratuity
15 days salary for each completed year of service. Vesting period is 5 years and the payment is restricted to
`2 million on superannuation, resignation, termination, disablement or on death.
Scheme is funded through own Gratuity Trust. The liability for gratuity as above is recognized on the basis of
actuarial valuation.
46.5.4 Post-Retirement Medical Benefits
The Group has Post-Retirement Medical benefit (PRMB), under which the retired employees, their spouses and
dependent parents are provided medical facilities in the Group hospitals/empanelled hospitals up on payment
of one time prescribed contribution by the employees. They can also avail treatment as out-patient. The liability
for the same is recognized annually on the basis of actuarial valuation. Full medical benefits on superannuation
and on voluntary retirement are available subject to the completion of minimum 20 years of service and 50 years
of age.
An employee should have put in a minimum of 15 years of service rendered in continuity in ONGC at the time
of superannuation to be eligible for availing post-retirement medical facilities
46.5.5 Terminal Benefits
At the time of superannuation, employees are entitled to settle at a place of their choice and they are eligible for
Settlement Allowance.
46.5.6 Pension
The employees covered by the Pension Plan of the Group are entitled to receive monthly pension for life.
46.5.7 Ex-gratia
The ex-employees of Group covered under the Scheme are entitled to get ex-gratia based on the grade at the
time of their retirement. The benefit will be paid to eligible employees till their survival, and after that, till the
survival of their spouse.
46.5.8 These plans typically expose the Group to actuarial risks such as: investment risk, interest rate risk, longevity
risk and salary risk.
Investment risk The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated using a discount rate which is determined by
reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on government bonds. When there is a deep market
for such bonds; if the return on plan asset is below this rate, it will create a plan deficit. Currently, for these
plans, investments are made in government securities, debt instruments, Short term debt instruments, Equity
instruments and Asset Backed, Trust Structured securities as per notification of Ministry of Finance.
Interest risk A decrease in the bond interest rate will increase the plan liability; however, this will be partially offset by an
increase in the return on the plan’s investments.
Longevity risk The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated by reference to the best estimate of the
mortality of plan participants both during and after their employment. An increase in the life expectancy of the
plan participants will increase the plan’s liability.
Salary risk The present value of the defined benefit plan liability is calculated by reference to the future salaries of plan
participants. As such, an increase in the salary of the plan participants will increase the plan’s liability.
S. No. Particulars March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Employee Turnover (%)
XIV. Up to 30 Years 3.00 3.00
XV. From 31 to 44 years 2.00 2.00
XVI. Above 44 years 1.00 1.00
Mortality Rate
XVII. Before retirement As per Indian Assured Lives Mortality Table (2006-08)
XVIII. After retirement As per Indian Assured Lives Mortality Table (2006-08)
The discount rate is based upon the market yield available on Government bonds at the Accounting date with a
term that matches. The salary growth takes account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors on
long term basis. Expected rate of return on plan assets is based on market expectation, at the beginning of the year,
for return over the entire life of the related obligation.
46.8 Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements before allocation in respect of these defined benefit
plans and other long term employee benefits are as follows:
Particulars Year ended March 31, Year ended March 31,
2018 2017
Components of defined benefit costs recognised in Employee Benefit 97.82 100.23
Remeasurement on the net defined benefit liability:
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from changes in demographic - -
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from changes in financial (16.14) 48.44
Actuarial (gains) / losses arising from experience adjustments 51.28 (94.75)
Adjustments for restrictions on the defined benefit asset
Components of Remeasurement 35.14 (46.32)
Total 132.96 53.92
The Components of Remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability recognized in other comprehensive income is ` 1,248.00
Million (Previous Year ` 4,694.49 Million).
46.9 Movements in the present value of the defined benefit obligation and other long term employee benefits are
as follows:
Gratuity (` in million)
Leave (` in million)
Post-Retirement Medical Benefits : Funded (` in million)
46.10 The amount included in the Standalone Balance sheet arising from the entity’s obligation in respect of its defined
benefit plan and other long term employee benefits is as follows :
Gratuity : Funded (` in million)
The amounts included in the fair value of plan assets of gratuity fund in respect of Reporting Enterprise’s own
financial instruments and any property occupied by, or other assets used by the reporting enterprise are Nil (As at
March 31, 2017 Nil).
Leave (` in million)
46.11 Movements in the fair value of the plan assets are as follows :
Gratuity: (` in million)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Opening fair value of plan assets 27,234.66 27,288.04
Adjustment in opening corpus consequent to audit (2.10) -
Expected return on plan assets 1,988.29 2,182.97
Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest expense) 252.54 184.10
Contributions from the employer 8,921.27 27.35
Benefits paid (4,290.37) (2,447.80)
Closing fair value of plan assets 34,104.29 27,234.66
Expected Contribution in respect of Gratuity for next year will be ` 1,277.68 million (For the year ended March 31,
2017 ` 1,999.38 million).
The group has recognized a gratuity liability of ` 72.35 million as on March 31, 2018 (As at March 31, 2017 ` 78.78
million) as per actuarial valuation for 256 employees (As at March 31, 2017 – 228) contingent Employees engaged
in different work centres.
Leave: (` in million)
Year ended March 31, Year ended March 31,
2018 2017
Opening fair value of plan assets 19,513.91 18,130.86
Adjustment in opening corpus consequent to audit - (101.35)
Expected return on plan assets 1,426.47 1,442.36
Return on plan assets (excluding amounts included in net interest expense) 560.23 297.19
Contributions from the employer 9,350.07 3,949.39
Benefits paid (7,038.92) (4,204.54)
Closing fair value of plan assets 23,811.75 19,513.91
46.12.1 The fair values of the above equity and debt instruments are determined based on quoted market prices in active
46.12.2 Cost of Investment is taken as fair value of Investment in Unit Linked Plan of Insurance Group (ULIPs) and
Bank TDR.
46.12.3 All Investments in PSU Bonds, G Sec and T Bill are quoted in active market.
46.12.4 Fair value of Investment in Group Gratuity Cash Accumulation Scheme (Traditional Fund) of Insurance Group
is taken as book value on reporting date.
46.12.5 Net Current Assets represent Accrued Interest on Investments minus outstanding gratuity reimbursements as
on reporting date.
46.12.6 The actual return on plan assets of gratuity during FY 2017-18 was ` 1,852.06 million (during FY 2016-17
` 1,931.44 million) and for Leave ` 1,986.70 million (during FY 2016-17 ` 1,739.55 million)
46.13 Significant actuarial assumptions for the determination of the defined obligation are discount rate and expected
salary increase. The sensitivity analyses below have been determined based on reasonably possible changes of the
respective assumptions occurring at the end of the reporting period, while holding all other assumptions constant.
46.13.1 Sensitivity Analysis as on March 31, 2018
For ONGC and OVL:
(` in million)
Significant actuarial assumptions Gratuity Leave Post-Retirement Terminal Benefits
Medical Benefits
Discount Rate
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points (656.21) (751.51) (2,705.55) (14.66)
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points 695.29 800.80 2,264.19 15.62
Salary increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points 172.24 805.91 - -
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points (178.70) (762.91) - -
Cost increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points - - 2,275.29 15.71
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points - - (2,691.89) (14.87)
(` in million)
March 31, 2018 Gratuity PRMBS Pension Ex - Gratia
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Discounting (447.90) (819.80) (19.10) (8.40) (7.20)
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Discounting 506.70 1,029.50 21.30 9.00 8.40
Delta effect of +1% Change in Future Benefit cost inflation - 1,036.60 - - -
Delta effect of -1% Change in Future Benefit cost inflation - (828.70) - - -
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase 151.00 - - - -
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase (167.80) - - - -
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover 152.00 - - - (8.00)
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover (169.20) - - - 9.30
Sensitivity analysis as on March 31, 2018 (` in Million)
(` in million)
March 31, 2017 Gratuity PRMBS Pension Ex - Gratia
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Discounting (497.60) (776.30) (29.90) (10.00) (8.30)
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Discounting 564.40 979.30 33.60 10.70 9.50
Delta effect of +1% Change in Future Benefit cost inflation - 985.00 - - -
Delta effect of -1% Change in Future Benefit cost inflation - (784.30) - - -
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase 174.90 - - - -
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Salary Increase (196.10) - - - -
Delta effect of +1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover 134.10 - - - -
Delta effect of -1% Change in Rate of Employee Turnover (148.70) - - - -
Sensitivity Analysis as at March 31, 2017
(` in million)
Post-Retirement Resettlement
Significant actuarial assumptions Gratuity
Medical Benefits Allowance
Rate of discounting
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points (36.75) (4.95) (0.79)
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points 39.88 5.53 0.88
Rate of salary increase
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points 40.41 - 0.89
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points (37.53) - (0.81)
Rate of Employee turnover
- Impact due to increase of 50 basis points 6.72 (2.15) 0.18
- Impact due to decrease of 50 basis points (7.17) 1.85 (0.19)
Sensitivity analysis as at March 31, 2017
(` in million)
The sensitivity analysis presented above may not be representative of the actual change in the defined benefit
obligation as it is unlikely that the change in assumptions would occur in isolation of one another as some of the
assumptions may be correlated. Sensitivity due to mortality & withdrawals are not material & hence impact of
change not calculated.
(` in million)
In India Outside India Unallocated Elimination of Grand Total
E&P Refining & E&P Inter Segment
Offshore Onshore Marketing Sales
Segment Revenue
External Sales 412,037.53 245,944.98 2,859,692.53 104,175.74 611.05 - 3,622,461.83
Inter Segment Sales 169,754.21 20,286.56 221,826.72 - 697.85 (412,565.33) -
Revenue from Operations 581,791.74 266,231.54 3,081,519.24 104,175.74 1,308.89 (412,565.33) 3,622,461.83
Segment Result-Profit/ (loss) 221,652.65 39,091.46 112,933.88 6,388.54 380,066.52
Unallocated Corporate Expenses 20,898.10 20,898.10
Total 221,652.65 39,091.46 112,933.89 6,388.54 (20,898.10) 359,168.43
Finance costs 49,990.43 49,990.43
Interest income 36,116.23 36,116.23
Dividend Income 15,987.44 15,987.44
Share of profit / (loss) of joint 13,217.01 23,695.63 (6,119.28) (3,662.02) 27,131.34
ventures and associates
Profit before tax 221,652.65 39,091.46 126,150.88 30,084.17 (24,904.14) 392,075.02
Income taxes 131,395.16 131,395.16
Profit for the year 260,679.86
Segment Assets 1,178,443.65 552,916.44 1,203,382.89 1,102,819.89 4,037,562.87
Unallocated Corporate Assets 564,786.18 564,786.18
Total Assets 1,178,443.65 552,916.44 1,203,382.89 1,102,819.89 564,786.18 4,602,349.05
Segment Liabilities 300,171.45 109,157.91 801,403.49 625,880.52 1,836,613.36
Unallocated Corporate Liabilities 569,486.68 569,486.68
Total Liabilities 300,171.45 109,157.91 801,403.49 625,880.52 569,486.68 2,406,100.04
Other Information
Depreciation* 115,922.82 31,376.05 37,709.56 48,393.56 1,305.25 234,707.24
Impairment (including related 1,085.50 (4,907.39) 258.90 (2,740.12) - (6,303.11)
exceptional loss)**
Other Non-cash Expenses 2,066.87 765.08 472.34 11,709.30 59.36 15,072.95
In India Elimination
Particulars E&P Outside India of Inter
Refining & Unallocated Grand Total
E&P Segment
Offshore Onshore Marketing Sales
Segment Revenue
External Sales 391,547.94 221,130.82 2,542,501.59 100,799.77 682.10 - 3,256,662.21
Inter Segment Sales 152,266.49 12,402.95 202,014.77 - 601.18 (367,285.40) -
Revenue from
543,814.43 233,533.76 2,744,516.36 100,799.77 1,283.28 (367,285.40) 3,256,662.21
Segment Result-Profit/
236,476.31 6,176.91 136,225.58 7,529.60 386,408.40
Unallocated Corporate
21,246.07 21,246.07
Total 236,476.31 6,176.91 136,225.58 7,529.61 (21,246.07) 365,162.34
Finance costs 35,911.08 35,911.08
Interest income 36,172.19 36,172.19
Dividend Income 17,527.24 17,527.24
Share of profit / (loss)
of joint ventures and 23,236.60 15,487.22 (4,499.11) (6,124.81) 28,099.90
** Exceptional item represents write back of impairment of ` 2,740.12 million (for the year ended March 31, 2017 impairment charge of ` 10,062.78 million) in respect of subsidiary
OVL. Similarly, in respect of subsidiary company MRPL exceptional item represent charge of ` 258.90 million towards terminal charges terminal charges collected from oil marketing
companies on cross country dispatch retrospectively from financial year 2003-04 amounting to ` 258.90 million (previous year exceptional gain of ` 15,972.91 million was on account
of exchange rate variation gain arising out of settlement of overdue trade payables). (Refer note 42).
47.2.2 Segment revenue reported above represents revenue generated from external customers.
47.2.3 The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group’s accounting policies described in
Note 3. Segment result represents the profit before tax earned by each segment excluding finance cost and other
income like interest/dividend income. This is the measure reported to the chief operating decision maker for
the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.
47.2.4 Segment revenue, results, assets and liabilities include the respective amounts identifiable to each of the segments
and amount allocated on reasonable basis. Unallocated expenditure includes common expenditure incurred for
all the segments and expenses incurred at the corporate level. Finance cost includes unwinding of discount on
decommissioning liabilities not allocated to segment.
47.3 Additions to non- current assets
47.3.1 In respect of the Company, the addition to Non-current assets other than financial instruments, deferred tax
assets, post-employment benefit assets, broken down by location of assets
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Offshore 113,875.28 81,212.69
Onshore 34,761.96 33,793.11
Unallocated 3,185.16 769.56
Total 151,822.70 115,775.36
47.3.2 In respect of the subsidiaries, OVL , MRPL and HPCL the addition to Non-current assets other than financial
instruments, deferred tax assets, post-employment benefit assets, broken down by location of assets
(` in million) 48. Related party transactions
Particulars Year ended Year ended
48.1 Name of related parties and description of
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
OVL (19,000.70) (31,640.19)
MRPL 4,598.92 (5,695.20) A. Subsidiaries
HPCL 52,579.40 53,907.50 1. ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL)
1.1. ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV)
47.4 Information about major customers 1.1.1. ONGC Campos Ltda.
1.1.2. ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd.
Group’s significant revenues are derived from sales 1.1.3. ONGC Nile Ganga (San Cristobal) B.V.
to Oil Marketing Companies and International Oil 1.1.4. ONGC Caspian E&P B.V.
Companies (IOCs). 1.2. ONGC Narmada Limited (ONL)
1.3. ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited (OAAL)
No other single customer contributed 10% or more 1.4. Imperial Energy Limited
to the Group’s revenue for the year 2017-18 and 1.4.1. Imperial Energy Tomsk Limited
2016-17. 1.4.2. Imperial Energy (Cyprus) Limited
1.4.3. Imperial Energy Nord Limited
47.5 Information about geographical areas: 1.4.4. Biancus Holdings Limited
1.4.5. Redcliffe Holdings Limited
• The Group is domiciled in India. The amount 1.4.6. Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited
of its revenue from external customers broken 1.4.7. San Agio Investments Limited
down by location of customers is tabulated 1.4.8. LLC Sibinterneft
below: 1.4.9. LLC Allianceneftegaz
1.4.10. LLC Nord Imperial
(` in million)
1.4.11. LLC Rus Imperial Group
1.4.12. LLC Imperial Frac Services
Revenues Year ended Year ended
from external March 31, March 31, 1.5. Carabobo One AB
customers 2018 2017 1.5.1. Petro Carabobo Ganga B.V.
1.6. ONGC (BTC) Limited
India 3,272,438.33 2,951,720.71
1.7. Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Ltd.
Other Countries 326,389.55 281,037.92 1.8. ONGC Videsh Rovuma Ltd. (OVRL)
Total 3,598,827.88 3,232,758.63 1.9. ONGC Videsh Atlantic Inc. (OVAI)
1.10. ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte. Ltd.)
• The total of non-current assets other than 1.10.1 ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Ltd.
financial instruments, deferred tax assets, post- 1.11 Indus East Mediterranean Exploration Ltd., Israel
employment benefit assets, broken down by 2. Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd. (MRPL)
location of assets are shown below: 3. ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd. (OMPL)
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.(HPCL) (w.e.f.
(` in million) January 31,2018,)
4.1 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd.
Particulars Year ended Year ended 4.2 Prize Petroleum International PTE Ltd.
March 31, March 31, 4.3 HPCL Bio Fuels Ltd.
2018 2017 4.4 HPCL Middle East FZCO
India 2,307,359.98 2,096,711.35 5. Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) (w.e.f. January 31,2018,)
Other Countries 691,840.45 713,185.42
B. Joint Ventures
Total 2,999,200.43 2,809,896.77
1. Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) (up to January 30,2018,)
47.6 Information about products and services: 2. Mangalore SEZ Ltd (MSEZ)
3. ONGC Petro additions Ltd. (OPaL)
The Group derives revenue from sale of crude oil, 4. ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd. (OTPC)
natural gas, value added products and downstream 5. ONGC Teri Biotech Ltd. (OTBL)
(Refinery and Petrochemicals) operations. 6. Dahej SEZ Limited (DSEZ)
3 Shri A. K. Sahoo, Director (Finance)., MRPL Smt.Perin Devi, Government Nominee Director, MRPL,
4 Mr. Narendra K Verma, Managing Director, OVL upto November 24, 2017.
5 Mr. P K Rao, Director (Operations), OVL Shri Diwakar Nath Misra, Government Nominee Director,
6 Mr. Sudhir Sharma, Director (Exploration), OVL MRPL , upto November 24, 2017.
7 Mr. Vivekanand, Director (Finance), OVL Shri K.M. Mahesh, Government Nominee Director,
Shri M Selvakumar, MD (appointed effect 1st May, 2007, MRPL from November 24, 2017.
8 Shri Sanjay Kumar Jain, Government Nominee Director,
9 Shri Anil Kurana, MD up to 30th April, 2017, PMHBL MRPL , from November 24, 2017.
10 Kumar Hariharan, director, PMHBL 6 Ms.Manjula C, Independent Director. , MRPL
Rakesh Kaul, Director (effect from 3rd November, 2017), Shri V.P. Haran , Independent Director, MRPL, from
11 7
PMHBL September 08, 2017.
12 Venkatesh Madhava Rao, Director, PMHBL Shri Sewa Ram , Independent Director, MRPL , from
13 J S Prasad, Director, PMHBL September 08, 2017.
14 Satya Prakash Gupta, director, PMHBL Shri G.K. Patel , Independent Director, from, MRPL
Sunil Kumar Gupta, Director (up to 5th October, 2017), September 08, 2017.
15 Shri Balbir Singh Yadav , Independent Director, MRPL,
16 Vanita Kumar, Director, PMHBL from September 08, 2017.
Shri Mukesh Kumar Surana, Chairman and Managing Shri I S N Prasad, Independent Director (up to 27th March
17 11
Director, HPCL 2017), OMPL
Shri Pushp Kumar Joshi, Director - Human Resources, Shri Santosh Nautiyal, Independent Director (up to 27th
18 12
HPCL March 2017), OMPL
19 Shri J. Ramaswamy, Director – Finance, HPCL Shri G M Ramamurthy, Independent Director (up to 27th
20 Shri S. Jeyakrishnan, Director - Marketing , HPCL March 2017), OMPL
21 Shri Vinod S. Shenoy, Director - Refineries , HPCL Shri M M Chitale, Independent Director (up to 27th
March 2017), OMPL
F.2 Independent Director
F.5 CFO & Company Secretary
1 Mr. Ajai Malhotra
1 Shri Dinesh Mishra, Company Secretary, MRPL
Mr. Bharatendu Nath Srivastava (from September 15,
2 Shri. K Sushil Shenoy, Chief Financial Officer & Chief
2017) 2
Executive Officer, I/c, OMPL
3 Smt. Kiran Oberoi Vasudev (from September 15, 2017)
3 Shri. K.B. Shyam Kumar, Company Secretary, OMPL
4 Mr. Rakesh Kacker (from September 15, 2017)
4 Mr. Rajni Kant (from November 13, 2017), OVL
5 Shri Ram Niwas Jain , HPCL
5 Mr. S B Singh (upto November 12, 2017), OVL
6 Smt. Asifa Khan , HPCL
6 Chandan Kumar Das, CFO, PMHBL
7 Shri G.V. Krishna , HPCL
7 Sachin Jayaswal, Company Secretary, PMHBL
8 Dr. Trilok Nath Singh , HPCL
Shri Shrikant Madhukar Bhosekar, Company Secretary,
9 Shri Amar Sinha (from 21.09.2017), HPCL 8
10 Shri Siraj Hussain (from 21.09.2017), HPCL
48.2 Subsidiary Company OVL has 47.52% effective
F.3 Government nominee Director ownership interest, but it has 55.90% of voting
Mr. Sunjay Sudhir, Joint Secretary (IC), Ministry of rights in LLC Sibinterneft.
Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, OVL
Ms. Sharmila Chavaly, Joint Secretary, Department of 48.3 Details of related party Transactions after
2 Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of elimination:
India (upto January 15, 2018), OVL
Dr. Kumar V Pratap, Joint Secretary, Department of 48.3.1 Transactions with Subsidiaries:
3 Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of
India (from January 16, 2018), OVL Intergroup related party transactions and
4 Shri Sandeep Poundrik outstanding balances with subsidiaries
5 Smt. Sushma Taishete (from 05.12.2017) companies are eliminated in the preparation of
6 Smt. Urvashi Sadhwani (till 24.11.2017)
Consolidated Financial Statement of the group.
F.4 Other Non Executive Directors
Hence the same has not been disclosed in group
1 Shri Vinod S. Shenoy, Nominee Director, MRPL related party transactions.
Additional Investment
a) Mozambique LNG1 Co. Pte Ltd. - 16.66
b) HPCL Shapoorji Energy Pvt. Ltd. Investment in equity shares / Converted to 70.00 15.00
Equity Shares
Commitments given:
a) ONGC Petro additions Limited Subscription of share warrants - 480.5
b) ONGC Petro additions Limited Backstopping support for compulsory 21,630.00 56,150.00
convertible debentures
c) ONGC Petro additions Limited Backstopping support for compulsory 1,058.13 3,612.06
convertible debentures-Interest accrued
A. Amount receivable:
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) Trade and other receivables - 0.1
b) Petronet LNG Limited Trade and other receivables - 0.1
B. Amount payable:
a) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) Trade payables 202.15 293.6
b) Petronet LNG Limited Trade payables 464.84 3.51
48.3.6 The loan is secured by hypothecation of 7 new Dauphin N3 Helicopters and carries interest rate of 10.75%
(previous year 10.80%) based on SBI base rate plus 1.5% and is recoverable in sixty equal monthly installments
starting from loan granted which has been recovered in full by 2016-17.
48.3.7 Transactions with Trusts
(` in million)
Year ended Year ended
Name of related party Nature of transaction
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
A. Remittance of payment:
a) ONGC Contributory Provident Fund Trust Contribution 12,158.32 10,727.47
b) ONGC CSSS Trust Contribution 1,217.78 1,319.51
c) ONGC Sahyog Trust Contribution 28.07 28.60
d) ONGC PRBS Trust Contribution 11,066.09 10,091.21
e) ONGC Gratuity Trust Contribution 8,822.28 -
f) MRPL Providend Fund Contribution 428.25 352.16
B. Reimbursement of Gratuity payment made on behalf of Trust:
a) ONGC Gratuity Fund Reimbursement 3,651.09 1,674.14
b) MRPL Gratuty fund Reimbursement 12.12 12.20
C. Contribution to trust:
a) ONGC Energy Center For research and development 300.00 162.50
b) ONGC Foundation Contribution 1,563.61 2,257.50
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Short term employee benefits 173.33 135.56
Post-employment benefits 30.82 28.98
Long-term benefits 7.71 4.78
Total 211.86 169.32
• Independent directors
(` in million)
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017
Sitting fees 22.62 10.15
Total 22.62 10.15
(` in million)
As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Amount receivable:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Trade & other receivable 11,834.05 24,853.32
b) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other receivable 13,620.03 13,769.06
c) Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other receivable 2,270.88 2,655.00
d) Numaligarh Refinery Ltd Trade & other receivable 1,856.90 1,543.32
e) GAIL (India) Limited Trade & other receivable 8,915.50 8,387.40
f) United India Insurance Company Ltd Claim receivable (net) 2.52 2.71
g) Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Trade , other receivable & advance
5.28 3,033.94
Limited (ISPRL) given
h) New Mangalore Port Trust 53.46 38.13
Amount payable:
a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited Trade & other payable 51.93 199.40
b) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd Trade & other payable 80.75 237.14
c) GAIL (India) Limited Trade & other payable 246.75 539.03
d) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Trade & other payable 1,879.54 1,953.62
e) Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd Trade & other payable 16.96 64.61
f) Shipping corporation of India Trade & other payable 2,017.35 915.07
g) Numaligarh Refinery Ltd Trade & other payable 6.15 -
h) Bharat Electronics Ltd Trade & other payable 887.51 -
i) Bridge & Roof Co (India) Ltd Trade & other payable 103.84 75.53
j) Engineers India Ltd Trade & other payable 558.64 1,087.32
k) Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Trade & other payable 16.85 0.03
l) New Mangalore Port Trust Trade & other payable (0.09) (0.41)
m) Central Warehousing Corporations Trade & other payable (0.06) -
The above transactions with the government related entities cover transactions that are available for the Company and its subsidiaries.
Further, the transactions included above covers transactions that are significant individually and collectively. The Group has also entered into
other transactions such as telephone expenses, air travel, fuel purchase and deposits etc. with above mentioned and other various government
related entities. These transactions are insignificant individually and collectively and hence not disclosed..
49.3 Financial risk management objectives minimization procedures, and periodical review to
ensure that executive management controls risks by
While ensuring liquidity is sufficient to meet
means of a properly identified framework.
Company’s operational requirements, the
Company’s financial management committee also The Group does not enter into or trade financial
monitors and manages key financial risks relating instruments, including derivative financial
to the operations of the Company by analyzing instruments, for speculative purposes.
exposures by degree and magnitude of risks. These
49.4 Market Risk
risks include market risk (including currency risk
and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. Market risk is the risk or uncertainty arising from
possible market price movements and their impact
In case of subsidiary OVL, the Company’s
on the future performance of a business. The major
management seeks to minimise the effects of these
components of market risk are commodity price
risks by using derivative financial instruments
risk, foreign currency risk and interest rate risk.
to hedge risk exposures. The use of financial
derivatives is governed by the company’s policies The primary commodity price risks that the
approved by the Board of Directors, which provide Company is exposed to include international crude
written principles on foreign exchange risk, interest oil prices that could adversely affect the value of
rate risk, credit risk, the use of financial derivatives the Company’s financial assets or expected future
and non-derivative financial instruments, and the cash flows. Substantial or extended decline in
investment of excess liquidity. Compliance with international prices of crude oil and natural gas may
policies and exposure limits is reviewed by the have an adverse effect on the Company’s reported
internal auditors on a continuous basis. The Group results.
does not enter into or trade financial instruments,
Subsidiary Company OVL enters into a variety
including derivative financial instruments, for
of derivative financial instruments to manage its
speculative purposes.
exposure to foreign currency risk and interest rate
In case of subsidiary, HPCL, the Company’s has risk, including:
adopted a well-defined process for managing its
(a) interest rate swaps to mitigate the variable of
risks on an ongoing basis and for conducting the
rising interest rate.
business in a risk conscious manner. There are
defined processes for identification, assessment (b) forward foreign exchange contract to hedge its
and mitigation of risks on an ongoing basis. Risk exposure in respect of Euro bond issued by the
assessment is considered as critical input for Company and for certain payments in Russian
decision making related to strategy formulation and Rouble.
capital allocation. Your Group has also leveraged
technology to integrate and automate the entire 49.5. Foreign currency risk management
process of enterprise risk management. The Group In case of company, Sale price of crude oil is
has also engaged the services of an independent denominated in United States dollar (USD) though
expert to assist in continued implementation of billed and received in Indian Rupees (INR). The
effective Risk Management framework and improve Company is, therefore, exposed to foreign currency
the framework further. These self-regulatory ERM risk principally out of INR appreciating against
processes and procedures form part of our Risk USD. Foreign currency risks on account of receipts
Management Charter and Policy, 2007. / revenue and payments / expenses are managed by
Risk Management Steering Committee (RMSC) netting off naturally-occurring opposite exposures
continues to provide its guidance in this regard. through export earnings, wherever possible
Your Group has put in place mechanism to inform and carry unhedged exposures for the residual
Board Members about the risk assessment and considering the natural hedge available to it from
domestic sales.
In case of Company, 49.6 Interest rate risk management
Sensitivity of profit or loss before tax to change The Group has availed borrowings at fixed and
in +/- 1 USD in prices of crude oil, natural gas floating interest rates, hence is exposed to interest
and value added products (VAP) and +/- Re. 1 in rate risk.
exchange rate between INR-USD currency pair is
49.6.1 Interest rate sensitivity analysis
presented as under:
(` in million) In respect of company,
Sensitivity of Revenue from The Company is exposed to interest rate risk because
operation 2017-2018 2016-2017 the Company has borrowed funds benchmarked to
Impact on Revenue from operation (+/-) (+/-) overnight MCLR, Treasury Bills and USD LIBOR.
for exchange rate 10,041.06 8,640.13 The Company’s exposure to interest rates on
financial liabilities are detailed in note 28.2.
In management’s opinion, the sensitivity analysis is
unrepresentative of the inherent foreign exchange In respect of subsidiary company MRPL,
risk because the exposure at the end of the reporting The sensitivity analyses below have been
period does not reflect the exposure during the year. determined based on the exposure to interest rates
In case of subsidiary company HPCL, at the end of the reporting period. For floating rate
borrowings, the analysis is prepared assuming the
The table below show sensitivity of open forex amount of the borrowings outstanding at the end of
exposure to USD/INR movement. We have the reporting period was outstanding for the whole
considered 1% (+/-) change in USD/INR year. A 50 basis point increase or decrease is used for
movement, increase indicates appreciation in disclosing the sensitivity analysis.
USD/INR whereas decrease indicates depreciation
in USD/INR. The indicative 1% movement is If interest rates had been 50 basis points higher/
directional and does not reflect management’s lower and all other variables were held constant, the
forecast on currency movement Group’s profit for the year ended March 31, 2018
would decrease/increase by ` 613.00 million (for
(` in million)
the year ended March 31, 2017 : decrease/increase
Effect in INR Impact on profit or loss due to 1 % increase / by ` 404.64 million). This is mainly attributable to
decrease in currency
the Group’s exposure to interest rates on its variable
Increase Decrease Increase Decrease
rate borrowings.
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
1% movement 1% 1% In respect of subsidiary company OVL,
USD 1,877.80 (1,877.80) 1,402.30 (1,402.30) The sensitivity analyses below have been determined
based on the exposure to interest rates for both
49.5.2 Forward foreign exchange contracts
derivatives and non-derivative instruments at the
The subsidiary company OVL generally enters end of the reporting year. For floating rate liabilities,
into forward exchange contracts to cover the analysis is prepared assuming the amount of the
specific foreign currency payments and receipts liability outstanding at the end of the reporting year
to reduce foreign exchange fluctuation risk. In was outstanding for the whole year. A 50 basis point
current year, the Company has entered certain increase or decrease is used when reporting interest
forward contracts to cover exposure towards rate risk internally to key management personnel
EURO bond. and represents management’s assessment of the
reasonably possible change in interest rates.
(` in million)
Carrying amount
31.03.2018 31.03.2017
Fixed-rate instruments
Financial assets 62,904.20 53,011.20
Financial liabilities 115,768.00 121,731.30
Variable-rate instruments
Financial assets 12,294.90 11,432.30
Financial liabilities 100,843.80 96,475.20
The Group invests the surplus fund generated from operations in term deposits with banks and mutual funds.
Bank deposits are made for a period of upto 12 months carry interest rate as per prevailing market interest rate.
Considering these bank deposits are short term in nature, there is no significant interest rate risk. Average interest
earned on term deposit and a mutual fund for the year ended March 31, 2018 was 6.16%.
49.7 Price risks
The Company’s equity securities price risk arises from investments held and classified in the balance sheet either at
fair value through OCI or at fair value through profit or loss. The Company’s equity investments in IOC and GAIL
are publicly traded.
Investment of short-term surplus funds of the Group in liquid schemes of mutual funds provides high level of
liquidity from a portfolio of money market securities and high quality debt and categorized as ‘low risk’ product
from liquidity and interest rate risk perspectives.
49.7.1 Price sensitivity analysis
In respect of Company,
The sensitivity of profit or loss in respect of investments in equity shares and mutual funds at the end of the
reporting period for +/-5% change in price and net asset value is presented below:
• Other comprehensive income for the year ended March 31, 2018 would increase/ decrease by ` 13,596.66
million (for the year ended March 31, 2017 would increase/ decrease by ` 14,478.68 million) as a result of 5%
changes in fair value of equity investments measured at FVTOCI; and
• As there was no investment in mutual funds as on 31st March, 2018, changes in net asset value of investment
are not applicable for the year ended March 31, 2018 (For the year ended March 31, 2017 would increase/
49.8 Credit risk management Major customers, being public sector undertakings
oil marketing companies having highest credit
Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, ratings, carry negligible credit risk. Concentration
investments carried at amortized cost and of credit risk to any other counterparty did not
deposits with banks as well as customers including exceed 10% of total monetary assets at any time
receivables. Credit risk management considers during the year.
available reasonable and supportive forward-
looking information including indicators like In respect of subsidiary company OVL,
external credit rating (as far as available), macro- Major customers, of the Company are reputed Oil
economic information (such as regulatory changes, Marketing Companies (OMCs) / International
government directives, market interest rate). Oil Companies (IOCs) / National Oil Companies
Credit exposure is managed by counterparty limits (NOCs) which have highest credit ratings, carrying
for investment of surplus funds which is reviewed negligible credit risk.
by the Management. Investments in liquid plan/ In respect of subsidiary company HPCL,
schemes are with public sector Asset Management
Companies having highest rating. For banks, only The company’s exposure to credit risk is influenced
high rated banks are considered for placement of mainly by the individual characteristics of
deposits. each customer. Credit risk is managed through
credit approvals, establishing credit limits and
Bank balances are held with reputed and continuously monitoring the creditworthiness of
creditworthy banking institutions. customers to which the Group grants credit terms
In respect of Company, in the normal course of business.
Major customers, being public sector oil marketing At March 31, 2018, the company’s most significant
companies (OMCs) and gas companies having customer accounted for ` 11,093.00 million of the
highest credit ratings, carry negligible credit risk. trade receivables carrying amount (31.03.2017:
Concentration of credit risk to any other counterparty ` 10,688.60 million).
did not exceed 4.17% (previous year 3.19%) of total The company’s uses an allowance matrix to measure
monetary assets at any time during the year. the expected credit losses of trade receivables
The Company is exposed to default risk in relation (which are considered good). The following table
to financial guarantees given to banks / vendors provides information about the exposure to credit
on behalf of subsidiaries / joint venture companies risk and loss allowance (including expected credit
for the estimated amount that would be payable to loss provision) for trade receivables:
(` in million)
31.03.2018 31.03.2017
Gross Weighted Loss allowance Gross carrying Weighted Loss
carrying average loss amount average loss allowance
amount rate rate
Past due 0-90 days 52,330.82 0.03% 18.30 37,219.58 0.06% 22.61
Past due 91–360 days 3,534.37 0.42% 14.70 3,557.88 0.62% 22.01
More than 360 days 1,337.92 97.05% 1,298.50 1,786.73 89.72% 1,603.10
57,203.12 1,331.50 42,564.18 1,647.71
(` in million)
Particulars Weighted average Less than 1 1 month -1 1 year – 3 More than 3 Total
effective interest rate month year years years
As at March 31, 2017
Measured at amortised cost
Fixed Rate Borrowing
Borrowings Long term - 5.92% 10,466.58 17,158.50 76,774.38 9,272.84 113,672.30
Short Term - 7.19%
Subsidiary OMPL
Long term - 6.90%
Short Term - 4.21%
Borrowings and interest thereon 154,005.50 50,384.00 30,229.70 234,619.20
USD 750 million unsecured non- 4.72% - - - 48,255.34 48,255.34
convertible Reg S Bonds
USD 500 million unsecured non- 3.76% - - - 32,391.57 32,391.57
convertible Reg S Bonds
EUR 525 million unsecured Euro 2.84% - - - 36,180.78 36,180.78
USD 750 million unsecured non- 3.39% - - 48,325.38 - 48,325.38
convertible Reg S Bonds
USD 300 million unsecured non- 2.59% - - 19,377.55 - 19,377.55
convertible Reg S Bonds
USD 600 Million Foreign Currency 3.802% - - - 38,785.08 38,785.08
USD 400 Million Foreign Currency 2.923% - - - 25,856.72 25,856.72
Non-convertible redeemable 8.54% - - 3,700.00 - 3,700.00
Variable Rate Borrowing -
Term loan from bank 3M$Libor + 95 bps - - - 113,654.00 113,654.00
Short Term Loan from Bank (USD 875 - 53,662.26 - - - 53,662.26
Short Term Loan from Bank (USD - - 5,679.56 - - 5,679.56
87.59 million)
Short Term Loan from Bank (USD 17 - 1,102.45 - - - 1,102.45
Loan against TDR 3.49% - - - - -
Derivative financial liabilities
Interest rate swaps - 107.50 98.60 5.40 211.50
Commodity contracts (net settled) - 51.40 - - 51.40
Finance Lease Obligations - - 31.65 126.60 219.44 377.69
Finance Lease Obligations (OCL) - 388.67 4,347.81 5,469.82 16,945.68 27,151.97
Loan from holding company - - - - - -
Loan from related party - - - 283.03 - 283.03
Trade Payable - 88,056.42 152,081.08 - - 240,137.51
Non-recourse deferred credit (net) - 371.89 - - - 371.89
Payable to operators - 6,456.76 - - - 6,456.76
Bonus payable for extension of - - - - - -
Production sharing agreement
Payable to Holding company - - - - - -
Deposit from suppliers/vendors - 2,829.09 137.97 35.54 0.34 3,002.94
Interest accrued - - 791.69 2,685.42 - 3,477.11
Others (Others financials liabilities) - 94,705.43 28,863.52 - 109,968.30 233,537.25
Total 258,039.55 363,256.18 207,260.32 461,765.19 1,290,321.24
Particulars Less than 3 months – 6 months More Than 1 Carrying
3 months 6 months – 1 year year amount
As at March 31, 2017
Gross settled:
Derivative liabilities
- foreign exchange forward contracts - - - 1,425.74 1,425.74 1,425.74
Total - - - 1,425.74 1,425.74 1,425.74
Gross settled:
Derivative assets
- foreign exchange forward contracts - - - - - -
Total - - - - - -
The company’s exposure to equity investment price risk arises from investment held by the Group. The Group has
designated these investments at fair value through other comprehensive income because these investments represent the
investments that the Group intends to hold for long-term strategic purposes.
Sensitivity analysis:
The table below summarizes the impact of increases/decreases in prices on other comprehensive Income for the period:
(` in million)
Particulars Equity Instruments through OCI
1% -1% 1% -1%
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
Equity Investment in Oil India Ltd. & Scooters India Ltd. 57.60 (57.60) 59.50 (59.50)
49.12 Offsetting
In respect of subsidiary company HPCL,
The following table presents the recognized financial instruments that are eligible for offset and other similar
arrangements but are not offset, as at 31.03.2018, 31.03.2017. The column ‘net amount’ shows the impact on the
Company’s balance sheet if all set-off rights are exercised.
(` in million)
31.03.2018 31.03.2017
The sensitivity to a reasonable possible change of 10% in the price of crude/product swaps on the outstanding
commodity hedging positions as on Balance sheet date would increase/decrease the profit or loss by amounts
shown below. This 10% movement is directional and does not reflect any forecast of price movement.
49.14 Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities that are not measured at fair value (but fair value
disclosures are required)
Management considers that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial liabilities recognized in the
financial statements except as per note 49.11 approximate their fair values.
50. Disclosure of Interests in Joint Operation:
50.1 Joint Operations in India
In respect of certain unincorporated PSC/NELP/CBM blocks, the Company’s Joint Operation ( JO) with certain
body corporates have entered into Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) with GoI for operations in India. As per
signed PSC & JOA, Company has direct right on Assets, liabilities, income & expense of blocks. Details of these
Joint Operation Blocks are as under:
Company’s Participating Interest Others Partners and their
S l .
No. Blocks As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 PI in the JO/Operatorship*
Company’s Participating Interest Others Partners and their
S l .
No. Blocks As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 PI in the JO/Operatorship*
C Operated by JO Partners
22 Ravva 40% 40% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India
Ltd) (Operator) 22.5%, VIL 25%,
ROPL 12.5%
23 CY-OS-90/1 (PY3) 40% 40% HEPI (operator) 18%, HOEC 21%
TPL 21%
24 RJ-ON-90/1 30% 30% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn India
Ltd) (Operator) 35%, CEHL 35%
25 CB-OS/2 –Development 50% 50% Vedanta Ltd (erstwhile Cairn
Phase India Ltd) (operator) 40% ,
TPL 10%
26 CB-ON/7 30% 30% HOEC (Operator) 35%, GSPC 35%
27 CB-ON/3 – Development 30% 30% EOL (Operator)70%
28 CB-ON/2- Development 30% 30% GSPC (Operator) 56%, Geo-Global
phase Resources 14%
29 AA-ONN-2010/2 30% 30% OIL -40%(Operator), GAIL-20%,
EWP (10%)
30 AA-ONN-2010/3 40% 40% OIL-40%(Operator), BPRL-20%
*There is no change in previous year details unless otherwise stated.
(b) List of the blocks Farmed-Out during the year are given below:
Company’s Participating Interest
Sl. No. Joint Operation / PSCs As at March 31, As at March 31,
2018 2017
1 RJ-ON-06 – Development Phase 30% 30%
50.1.3 The financial statements of 125 (125 in FY 2016-17) out of 136 (135 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation (PSC/
NELP/CBM blocks) have been incorporated in the accounts to the extent of Company’s participating interest
in assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and profit / (loss) before tax on the basis of statements certified in
accordance with production sharing contract and in respect of balance 11 (10 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation
(PSC/NELP/CBM blocks), the figures have been incorporated on the basis of uncertified statements prepared
under the production sharing contracts. Financial statements of Joint operated blocks have been adjusted for
changes as per note 3.8. The financial positions of Company share of Joint operation (PSC/NELP/CBM
blocks) are disclosed in note 50 .1.4
50.1.4 Financial position of the Joint Operation –Company’s share are as under:
The financial statements of 125 nos. (125 in FY 2016-17), out of 136 nos. (135 in FY 16-17) Joint operation
block ( JOs/NELP), have been incorporated in the accounts to the extent of Company’s participating interest
in assets, liabilities, income, expenditure and profit / (loss) before tax on the basis of statements certified in
accordance with production sharing contract and in respect of balance 11 (10 in FY 2016-17) Joint operation
blocks ( JOs/NELP), the figures have been incorporated on the basis of uncertified statements prepared under
the production sharing contracts. Both the figures have been adjusted for changes as per note 3.8. The financial
positions of JO/NELP are as under:
As at March 31, 2018
(` in million)
As at March 31, 2017
(` in million)
50.1.5 Additional Financial information related to Joint Operation blocks are as under:
As at March 31, 2018
(` in million) In respect of 4 NELP blocks (previous year 6) which have expired as at March 31, 2018, the Company’s
share of Unfinished Minimum Work Programme (MWP) amounting to ` 753.13 million (previous year to
` 1,167.54 million) has not been provided for since the Company has already applied for further extension
of period in these blocks as ‘excusable delay’/ special dispensations citing technical complexities, within the
As per FIFO, the company is required to pay / receive sums as adjustments to the consideration already paid
based on the actual gas production and the differential in agreed gas price. Pending executing mother wells and
estimating future production, the contingent adjustment to consideration remains to be quantified.
Accounting for the closing adjustment (i.e. working capital and other adjustments) to sale consideration viz.
transactions from the economic date up to the closing date has been carried out on provisional basis and a sum
of ` 198.31 million is net receivable from GSPC which is subject to final settlement as per mutual agreement
between GSPC and the company.
The company has also paid part consideration of US$ 200 million for six discoveries other than DDW Field in
the Block KG-OSN-2001/3 (` 12,650.00 million) to GSPC towards acquisition rights for these discoveries in
the Block KG-OSN-2001/3 to be adjusted against the valuation of such fields based on valuation parameters
agreed between GSPC and the Company.
50.2 Joint Operation outside India
The details of Group’s joint operations are as under:
Sl. Name of the Project and Other Consortium
participating Operator* Project status
No. Country of Operation Members*
share (%)
1. Azeri, Chirag, Guneshli Fields 2.31* BP - 30.37% BP The project is under
(ACG), Azerbaijan, Offshore SOCAR - 25.00% development and
Chevron - 9.57% production
INPEX - 9.31%
Statoil - 7.27%
Exxon-Mobil - 6.79%
TPAO - 5.73%
Itochu - 3.65%
2. Block 06.1, Vietnam, Offshore 45 Rosneft Vietnam B.V. - 35% Rosneft Vietnam The project is under
Petro Vietnam - 20% B.V. development and
3. Block 5A, South Sudan, 24.125 Petronas - 67.875% Joint Operatorship The project is under
Onshore Nilepet - 8% by all partners. exploration, development
and production. Currently
under temporary shutdown
due to security situation.
4. Block A-1, Myanmar, Offshore 17 POSCO Daewoo POSCO Daewoo The project is under
Cooperation - 51% Cooperation Production.
MOGE- 15%
GAIL - 8.5%
KOGAS – 8.5%
5. Block A-3, Myanmar, Offshore 17 POSCO Daewoo POSCO Daewoo The project is under
Cooperation - 51% Cooperation production
MOGE- 15%
GAIL – 8.5%
KOGAS – 8.5%
6. Block Area 1, Mozambique, 10 Anadarko- 26.5% Anadarko The project is under
Offshore MITSUI-20% development
BREML-10% #
7. Block B2, Myanmar, Onshore 97 Machinery and Solutions ONGC Videsh The project is under
Company Ltd. - 3% exploration
8. Block CPO-5, Colombia, 70 PetroDorado – 30% ONGC Videsh The project is under
Onshore exploration
Sl. Name of the Project and Other Consortium
participating Operator* Project status
No. Country of Operation Members*
share (%)
26. Lower Zakum Abu Dhabi 4 IndOil Global B.V. - 3% Adnoc Offshore The project is under
(through Falcon Oil and gas BPRL International development and
B.V.) Ventures B.V. - 3% production
Japan’s Inpex-10%
27. Block-32, Offshore Israel 25 OIL - 25% ONGC Videsh The project is under
(through Indus East exploration
Mediterranean Exploration IOCL - 25%
Ltd.) BPRL - 25%
Note: There is no change in previous year details unless otherwise stated
Abbreviations used:
Anadarko - Anadarko Petroleum Corporation; BAPEX - Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production
Company Limited; BP - British Petroleum; BPRL - Bharat PetroResources Limited; BREML - Beas Rovuma
Energy Mozambique Limited; Chevron - Chevron Corporation; CNPC- China National Petroleum Corporation;
Daewoo - Daewoo International Corporation; Ecopetrol - Ecopetrol S.A, Colombia; ENH - Empresa Nacional
De Hidrocarbonates, E.P.; ENL - Exxon Neftegas Limited; Exxon Mobil - Exxon Mobil Corporation; GAIL -
GAIL (India) Limited; INPEX - INPEX Corporation; IOC - Indian Oil Corporation Limited; IPRMEL - IPR
Mediterranean Exploration Limited; Itochu - Itochu Corporation; KMG - Kazmunaygas; KOGAS - Korea Gas
Corporation; MITSUI - MITSUI & Co. Limited; MOGE - Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise; Nilepet - Nile
Petroleum Corporation; OIL - Oil India Limited; ONGC Videsh - ONGC Videsh Limited; Pacific - Pacific Stratus
Energy, Colombia; Petrobras - Petrobras Colombia Ltd; PetroDorado - PetroDorado South America S.A.; Petronas
- Petronas Carigali Overseas SdnBhd; Petrovietnam - Vietnam Oil and Gas Group; PTTEP - PTT Public Company
Limited; QPI- Qatar Petroleum International; SMNG - Sakhalinmorneftegas Shelf; SOCAR - State Oil Company of
Azerbaijan Republic; SODECO - Sakhalin Oil Development Company Limited; SOLLP - Satpavey Operating LLP;
STATOIL - Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap; TPAO - Turkiye Petrolleri A.O; Triocean - TriOcean Mediterranean.
* Participating interest is revised to 2.31% from 2.7213% as per amended restated ACG PSA, Amended JOA, and
other related agreements / Head of Agreements (HOA) etc. (with effective date of January 1, 2017) for ACG
PSA extension upto December 2049 as jointly agreed by all partners with SOCAR, the National Oil Company of
Azerbaijan. Other consortium member participating interest last year was (BP - 35.79%, SOCAR - 11.65%, Chevron
- 11.27%, INPEX - 10.96%, Statoil - 8.56%, Exxon-Mobil - 8.00%, TPAO - 6.75%, Itochu - 4.30%).
# ONGC Videsh holds 60% shares in BREML.
50.2.1 List of the blocks surrendered during the year are given below:
Cash and Cash Current Non-Current Depreciation and Interest Interest Income Tax
Particulars Equivalents Financial Financial Amortisation Income Expense Expense or
Liabilities Liabilities Income
A. Audited as on 31 March, 2018
Block 06.1, Vietnam - 1,759.98 1,497.70 877.97 0.64 - -
Port Sudan Product Pipeline, Sudan 3.90 1,551.59 - - 0.04 - -
Block Farsi, Iran 1.30 24.02 - - 0.06 - -
Block SS-04, Bangladesh 41.55 102.57 - - - - -
Block SS-09, Bangladesh 20.77 96.73 - - - - -
GNPOC & GPOC, Sudan 597.39 22,574.47 320.70 2,744.93 1,304.12 26.22 (28.29)
BC-10, Brazil & Block BM-SEAL-4 1,125.52 3,352.50 20,065.96 12,619.87 224.21 7,112.68 (2,972.40)
Total (A) 67.52 3,534.89 1,497.70 877.97 0.74 - -
B. Audited as of 31 December, 2017
Block Sakhalin 1, Russia - 6,243.36 26,793.13 17,734.39 247.94 - 6,665.25
Block RC-9, Colombia - 4.54 - - 2.32 - -
Block RC-10, Colombia 77.25 265.52 - - 0.83 - -
Block CPO 5, Colombia 366.15 2,228.70 - - 3.56 - -
Total (B) 443.40 8,742.12 26,793.13 17,734.39 254.65 - 6,665.25
C. Unaudited
Block ACG, Azerbaijan - 383.03 10,448.22 6,934.38 0.24 - 634.80
Block SSJN-7, Colombia - 12.33 - - - - -
Block A-1, Myanmar - 417.44 - 902.53 2.25 - -
Block A-3, Myanmar - 271.37 - 1,196.67 3.21 - -
SHWE Offshore Pipeline, Myanmar - 126.59 - 223.63 1.02 - -
Myanmar Block EP 3, O/S (Non-Op) 179.83 236.96 - - - - -
Myanmar Block B2 Onshore 18.83 200.60 - - - - -
Block Area 1, Mozambique - 70.11 - 27.06 - - -
Block 5A, South Sudan - 1,133.50 - 38.94 - - -
Block Satpayev, Kazakhstan - 8.44 - - - - -
Block 24, Syria - 545.98 - 0.09 - - -
Total (C) 198.66 3,406.35 10,448.22 9,323.30 6.72 - 634.80
Grand Total 709.58 15,683.36 38,739.05 27,935.66 262.11 - 7,300.05
As at March 31, 2017
(` in million)
50.2.4 In respect of BC-10, Brazil joint operations of the Company, agreement for unitization of reservoir ME-1 of Massa field with adjacent open acreage area
has taken place during the year. As per the agreement, the Govt nominee (PPSA) of Brazil shall bear the associated cost in kind as per its participating
50.3 Joint Operation in respect of subsidiary HPCL
50.3.1 The Group has entered into production sharing oil & gas exploration contracts in India in consortium with
other body corporate. These consortia are:
Participating Interest of HPCL in %
Name of the Block
As on March 31, 2018 As on March 31, 2017
In India
KK- DWN-2002/2 20 20
KK- DWN-2002/3 20 20
CB- ONN-2002/3 15 15
Under NELP V
AA-ONN-2003/3 15 15
CY-DWN-2004/1 10 10
CY-DWN-2004/2 10 10
CY-DWN-2004/3 10 10
CY-DWN-2004/4 10 10
CY-PR-DWN-2004/1 10 10
CY-PR-DWN-2004/2 10 10
KG-DWN-2004/1 10 10
KG-DWN-2004/2 10 10
KG-DWN-2004/3 10 10
KG-DWN-2004/5 10 10
KG-DWN-2004/6 10 10
MB-OSN-2004/1 20 20
MB-OSN-2004/2 20 20
RJ-ONN-2004/1 22.22 22.22
RJ-ONN-2004/3 15 15
MB-OSN-2010/2 30 30
Cluster – 7 60 60
In respect of PPCL
In India
SR ONN 2004/1 10 10
AA ONN 2010/1 20 20
Sanganpur Field 50 50
Outside India
Yolla Field (Australia) Licence T/L-1 11.25 11.25
Trefoil Field (Australia) Permit T/18P 9.75 9.75 Blocks RJ-ONN-2004/3 and MB-OSN-20010/2 are in the process of relinquishment. The audited financial
statements for these UJVs have been received upto March 31, 2017. The Blocks RJ-ONN-2004/1, KK-
DWN-2002/2, MB-OSN-2004/1 and MB-OSN-2004/2 are in the process of relinquishment. The audited
financial statements for these UJVs have been received upto March 31, 2016. Blocks CY-DWN-2004/1,2,3,4,
CY-PR-DWN-2004/1&2, KG-DWN-2004/1,2,3,5 and 6 are under relinquishment. The audited financial
statements for these UJVs have been received equal share in the Service Contracts. The
upto March 31, 2015. The Company has Service Contracts in respect of Khambel and
incorporated the share of the assets, liabilities, West Bechraji had been terminated in February,
income and expenditure based on the unaudited 2009 by ONGC and the Service Contract with
financial statements / data received from operator respect to Hirapur field is operating currently.
as on 31st March, 2018. The Company’s share of assets and liabilities
as at 31st March 2018 and the Income and
The Blocks AA-ONN-2003/3 and KK-
expenditure for the year in respect of above joint
DWN-2002/3 are in the process of
venture is as follows:
relinquishment. The audited financial
statements for these UJVs have been received (` in million)
upto March 31, 2011 and March 31, 2012
As at March As at March
respectively. The Company has incorporated Particulars
31, 2018 31, 2017
the share of the assets, liabilities, income and A Property, Plant & Equipment
expenditure based on the unaudited financial 99.80
(Gross) 99.80
statements / data received from operator as on B Intangible asset under
31st March, 2018. 13.60 13.60
C Other Net Non-Current The block CB-ONN-2002/3 was awarded under 0.30 (0.20)
NELP IV bidding round and the production
D Net Current Assets (*) 15.80 13.90
sharing contract was signed on 06.02.2004.
E Income 9.10 10.20
The exploration Minimum Work Program has
been completed. The block is divided into two F Expenditure 12.20 12.70
areas i.e. Miroli and Sanand. Approval of Mining (*) Includes receivable from joint venture amounting to ` 10.60
Lease to commence production from Sanand million. (for FY 16-17 ` 8.20 million.).
field has been received from Govt. of Gujarat. Sanganpur Field
Addendum to Sanand FDP (Field development
plan) for additional discovery in Kalol reservoir The Company acquired 50% participating
has been submitted. Production from SE#3 and interest in Sanganpur field from M/s
SE#4 wells of the Block has been started during Hydrocarbon Development Company Pvt.
the year. Audited financial statements of the Ltd. (HDCPL) effective 1st September, 2004.
block has been received upto March 31, 2017. Accumulated amount prior to acquisition of
The Company has incorporated the share of the Sanganpur field amounting ` 11,817,034/- have
assets, liabilities, income and expenditure based been included in Sanganpur field Assets. The
on the unaudited financial statements / data Company has accounted its proportionate share
received from operator as on 31st March, 2018. in the Sanganpur field based on estimated un-
Audited accounts as at March 31, 2017. In respect of Cluster – 7, the matter is under
arbitration Bombay High Court vide order dated 14th Nov,
2014 in Company Petition 550 of 2013 has
50.3.2 In respect of step-down subsidiary PPCL
passed order for appointment of liquidator for ONGC Onshore Marginal Fields assets and business of Company M/s HDCPL.
This petition was filed by ETA Star Golding
The Company was awarded Service Contracts
limited for non-payment of its invoices by M/s
dated 28th April, 2004, for development of
HDCPL. Said order of Bombay High Court was
ONGC’s Hirapur, Khambel and West Bechraji
challenged before its Division Bench and is still
onshore marginal oil fields.
pending before the Court.
The Company executed Agreements for
MoP&NG vide its letter dated June 2, 2017 has
development of Hirapur, Khambel and West
terminated the PSC. Accordingly, Company has
Bechraji onshore marginal fields with Valdel
created a ‘Provision for Write-off of Sanganpur
Oil and Gas Private Limited (VALDEL) with
Assets’ of ` 66.50 millon.
51 In respect of subsidiary company, HPCL-Estimated Hydrocarbon Proven Reserves as on 31st March, 2018 in
the Oil fields are as follows:
As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017
Particulars (*)
Recoverable Reserves (+) 2.43 0.328 3.01 0.403
51.2 International Operations (Yolla Field, Australia – based on Proved Developed Reserves. Under the
License T/L 1 – Offshore Filed) circumstances where further development of the
fields in the CGUs is under progress and where
As at March 31, As at March
the carrying value of the CGUs is not likely to be
Particulars 2018 31, 2017
recovered through exploitation of proved developed
reserves alone, the Proved and probable reserves
Recoverable Reserves (*) 1.903 2.049
(2P) of the CGUs are also taken for the purpose
(*) For respective share of the company of estimating future cash flows. In such cases,
51.3 Quantitative Particulars of Petroleum: full estimate of the expected cost of evaluation/
development is also considered while determining
As at March As at March the value in use.
Total Dry Crude Production 31, 2018 31, 2017
(BoE) (BoE) 54.3 In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash
Hirapur Field (*) 33,752 36,503 flows from the continuing use of assets and from its
Sanganpur Field (+) (*) - 555 disposal at the end of its useful life are discounted to
Yolla Field (T/L1) Australia 459,269 429,582 their present value. The present value of cash flows
TOTAL 493,021 466,640 has been determined by applying discount rates of
14.48% (as at March 31, 2017 - 14.88 %) for Rupee
(*) For total share in Field.
transactions and 9.68% (as at March 31, 2017- 10.57
(+) MoP&NG vide its letter dated June 2, 2017 has terminated the PSC. Therefore, no
production of Sanganpur Field during the financial year 2017-18.
%) for crude oil and value added products revenue,
which are measured in USD. Future cash inflows
52 Disclosure of Interests in subsidiaries: from sale of crude oil and value added products
For disclosure related to joint venture and associates have been computed using the future prices, on the
refer note no. 4. basis of market-based average prices of dated Brent
crude oil as per ‘Platt’s Crude oil market wire’ and
53 Disclosure of Interests in Joint Arrangements its Co-relations with benchmark crude and other
and Associates: petroleum products. Future cash flows from sale of
natural gas are also computed based on the expected
For disclosure related to joint venture and associates
future prices on the basis of notification issued by
refer note no. 13.1.9 and 13.1.10.
the Government of India and discounted applying
54 Disclosure under Indian Accounting Standard the rate applicable to the cash flows measured in
36 – Impairment of Assets USD in view of the new pricing guidelines issued by
GOI. (Refer Note 35.3)
54.1 The Company is engaged mainly in the business of
oil and gas exploration and production in On-shore 54.4 The company has assessed the impairment as at
and Offshore. In case of onshore assets, the fields are March 31, 2018 for its CGUs. There has been an
using common production/transportation facilities improvement in prices of Crude Oil and Natural
and are sufficiently economically interdependent Gas in the current financial year. As a result of the
to constitute a single cash generating unit (CGU). change in prices and other variables, there has been
Accordingly, impairment test of all onshore fields is a reversal of an amount of ` 6,985.33 million (As
performed in aggregate of all those fields at the Asset on 31 March, 2017 ` 13,979.63 million) mainly
Level. In case of Offshore Assets, a field is generally consisting of ` 6,954.96 million (As on 31 March,
considered as CGU except for fields which are 2017 ` 12,203.54 million) for onshore CGU
developed as a Cluster, for which common facilities Sibsagar and balance reversal of impairment pertains
are used, in which case the impairment testing is to other CGUs.
performed in aggregate for all the fields included in
54.5 During the year ` 1,342.92 million (Previous year
the cluster.
` 715.62 million) has been provided for impairment
54.2 The Value in Use of producing/developing CGUs loss mainly consisting of onshore CGU Silchar and
is determined under a multi-stage approach, Jodhpur amounting to ` 241.96 million (Previous
wherein future cash flows are initially estimated year ` 235.11 million). Balance impairment loss
54.7 In respect of Company, impairment testing of assets 55 Contingent liabilities, Contingent Assets and
under exploratory phase (Exploratory wells in commitments (to the extent not provided for)
progress) has been carried out as on March 31, 2018
55.1 Contingent Liabilities: Claims against the
and an amount of ` 1,820.94 million (For the year
Company/ disputed demands not acknowledged
ended March 31, 2017 ` 4,539.44 million) has been
as debt:-
provided during the year 2017-18 as impairment
loss. Further, ` 1,065.43 million (For the year ended (` in million)
March 31, 2017 ` 966.05 million) impairment
losses has been reversed in the Standalone statement Sl. Particular As at March As at March
No. 31, 2018 31, 2017
of Profit and Loss as exploratory phase assets have
I In respect of Company
been transferred to dry well expenditure.
Income tax 112,875.17 104,182.97
54.8 The subsidiary, OVL carried out impairment test as Excise Duty 19,049.78 18,163.45
at March 31, 2018 in respect of its Cash Generating Custom Duty 1,231.54 1,145.28
Units (CGUs) based on value in use method. The Royalty (refer note 55.1.2) 496.82 496.81
Company identified write back of impairment in
Cess 6.57 6.57
respect of two CGUs and impairment in respect
Sales Tax 42,235.52 38,560.45
of three CGUs and recognised net write back
Octroi and other Municipal
of impairment of ` 2,740.12 million during the Taxes 66.89 233.98
year ended March 31, 2018 (for the year ended AP Mineral Bearing Land
March 31, 2017 net impairment provision of (Infrastructure) Cess 2,909.76 2,704.18
` 10,062.78 million was recognised including write Specified Land Tax (Assam) 4,865.55 4,531.38
back of impairment in respect of two CGUs and Claims of contractors in
impairment in respect of three CGUs). The current Arbitration/Court. 155,231.18 159,309.27
year provision for impairment is considered as Service Tax (refer note
55.1.2) 105,910.72 69,947.61
exceptional item. Refer note 42.2.
GST (refer note 55.1.2) 14,315.98 -
The following 2P reserves of the respective Employees Provident Fund 66.35 66.35
CGUs have been considered for the impairment Other Matters (refer note
assessment: 55.1.3) 168,715.22 64,604.80
Sub Total (A) 627,977.04 463,953.09
In respect of Joint 55.1.3 The Company, with 40% Participating Interest
Ventures and Associates (PI), is a Joint Operator in Panna-Mukta and
II (Group Share)
Mid and South Tapti Fields along with Reliance
Income tax 579.45 358.87
Industries Limited (RIL) and BG Exploration
Excise Duty 847.55 951.64 and Production India Limited (BGEPIL),
Custom Duty 116.97 116.97 each having 30% PI. The Production Sharing
Sales Tax 2,360.92 133.87 Contracts (PSCs) with respect to Panna-
Service Tax 214.42 103.56 Mukta and Mid and South Tapti contract areas
Claims of contractors in were signed between the Contractors and
Arbitration/Court. 456.89 229.53 Government of India on December 22, 1994
Other 4,064.92 9,249.50 for a period of 25 years. In December 2010, RIL
Sub Total (B) 8,641.11 11,143.93 & BGEPIL invoked an arbitration proceeding
Total (A+B) 636,618.15 475,097.02 against the Union of India in respect of certain
disputes, differences and claims arising out of
55.1.1 The Group’s pending litigations comprise claims
or in connection with both the PSCs in respect
against the Group and proceedings pending with
to Panna-Mukta and Mid and South Tapti
Tax / Statutory/ Government Authorities. The
contract areas pursuant to the provisions of
Group has reviewed all its pending litigations
Article 33 of the PSCs and UNCITRAL Rules,
and proceedings and has made adequate
1976. The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
provisions, wherever required and disclosed
Gas (MoP&NG), vide letter dated July 4, 2011,
the contingent liabilities, wherever applicable,
had advised the Company not to participate in
in its financial statements. The Group does
the arbitration initiated by RIL and BGEPIL
not expect the outcome of these proceedings to
under Panna-Mukta & Tapti PSCs. However,
have a material impact on its financial position.
in case of an arbitral award, the same will be
Future cash outflows in respect of the above are
applicable to the Company also as a constituent
determinable only on receipt of judgments/
of the contractor for both the PSCs. On October
decisions pending with various forums/
12, 2016, a Final Partial Award (FPA) was
pronounced by the Tribunal in the arbitration
55.1.2 During the year, the Company has received show matter between RIL, BGEPIL and Union of
cause notices at various work centers on account India. However, details of proceedings in this
of service tax along with interest and penalty, regard are not known to the Company since
on royalty on Crude oil and Natural gas levied the Company is not a party to this arbitration.
under Oil Field (Regulation & Development) Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH),
Act, 1948. The Company has worked out vide letter dated May 25, 2017 marked to all Joint
service tax (including interest) of ` 19,834.29 Venture Partners (RIL, BGEPIL & ONGC) has
million for the period from April 1, 2016 to June asked for payment of differential GOI share
30, 2017. Further, the Company has worked out of Profit Petroleum and Royalty alleged to be
GST (including interest) of ` 14,315.98 million payable by contractor pursuant to Governments
for the period from July 1, 2017 to March 31, interpretation of the FPA (40% share of the
2018. Penalty in respect of the same is not Company amounting to US$ 1,574.76 million
quantifiable. Based on legal opinion obtained equivalent to ` 102,233.41 million including
by the Company, service tax / GST on royalty is interest up to November 30, 2016). However, in
not applicable. The Company is contesting the response to letter dated May 25, 2017 of DGH,
same at appropriate authorities and accordingly RIL and BGEPIL the JV partners (with a copy
the same has been shown as contingent liability. marked to all the Joint Venture partners) have
However, as an abundant caution, the company stated that demand of DGH is premature as the
has deposited Service tax, GST and interest on FPA does not make any money award in favour
GST under protest in May, 2018 amounting to of GOI as quantification of liabilities are to be
` 25,153.29 million. determined during the final proceedings of the
with Government of India / Nominated (e) In respect of subsidiary MRPL,
i. Pending commitment on account of
i. In respect of NELP blocks in which Refinery-MRPL is in possession of
the Company has 100% participating certain land provisionally measuring
interest: ` 2,750.40 million (Previous 36.69 acres ceded by HPCL for use
year ` 3,325.69 million). by MRPL Phase III expansion and
upgradation work .The consideration
ii. In respect of NELP blocks in Joint
for such land is mutually agreed to
Operations, Company’s share:
be by way of swapping of land in
` 2,581.97 million (Previous year
possession of MRPL/HPCL. The
` 7,576.08 million).
final documentation in this regard is
iii. In respect of subsidiary OVL, estimated pending to be executed.
amount of Minimum Work Programme
ii. Pending commitment on account of
(MWP) is ` 9,473.78 million (as at
Refinery performance improvement
March 31, 2017: ` 12,637.91 million).
programme by M\s.Shell Global
(b) In respect of ONGC Petro additions International Solution (M\s.Shell
Limited, A Joint Venture Company GIS) as at March 31, 2018 USD 1.46
` 480.50 million on account of subscription Million net of advance (As at March
of Share Warrants with a condition to 31, 2017 USD 1.46 Million net of
convert it to shares after a balance payment advance).
of ` 0.25/- per share.
iii. The Company has an export obligation
(c) The Company has entered into an as at March 31, 2018 ` 496.81 million
arrangement on July 2, 2016 for (As at March 31, 2017 ` 1,313.68
backstopping support towards repayment million) on account of concessional
of principal and cumulative coupon amount rate of customs duty availed under
for three years compulsory convertible EPCG license scheme on import of
debentures amounting to ` 77,780.00 capital goods.
million(previous year ` 56,150.00 million)
iv. During the current financial year,
issued by ONGC Petro additions Limited
in response to an enquiry from the
and interest for the year ending March 31,
Customs Department contending
2018 amounting to ` 4,670.19 million
incorrect classification of reformate
(previous year ` 3,612.06 million)
for the purpose of payment of Import
(d) During the year the Company has acquired duty, the Group has deposited an
the entire 80% Participating Interest (PI) amount of ` 2,125.25 million under
of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation protest towards differential customs
Limited (GSPC) along with operatorship duty being pre-deposit. As the duty
rights, at a purchase consideration of US$ paid under protest by the group could
995.26 million (` 62,950.20 million) for be refundable or otherwise only upon
Deen Dayal West (DDW) Field in the Block the completion of assessments and
KG-OSN-2001/3.The company has also reaching finality, it is not practicable
paid part consideration of US$ 200 million to make a realistic impact of the actual
for six discoveries other than DDW Field in liability if any at this stage on the
the Block KG-OSN-2001/3 (` 12,650.00 company.
million) to GSPC towards acquisition
v. The Subsidiary company, OMPL has
rights for these discoveries in the Block
taken 441.438 acres of land taken on
KG-OSN-2001/3 to be adjusted against the
lease for a period of 47 years and 10
valuation of such fields based on valuation
months from Mangalore SEZ Limited.
parameters agreed between GSPC and the
Company (Refer Note no.
Crude Oil Gas Total Oil Equivalent
(MMT) (Billion Cubic Meter) (MMTOE)
Particular Details As at As at As at As at As at As at
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening 36.001 37.810 71.969 72.525 107.970 110.335
Addition - - - - - -
Sakhalin-1, Russia Deduction/Adjustment 0.006 0.022 0.001 0.028 0.001
Production 1.856 1.809 0.594 0.555 2.450 2.364
Closing 34.139 36.001 71.353 71.969 105.492 107.970
Opening 0.594 0.563 5.821 4.380 6.415 4.943
Addition 0.055 0.055 2.568 2.919 2.623 2.974
Block 06.1, Vietnam Deduction/Adjustment - - (0.001) - (0.001) -
Production 0.022 0.024 1.403 1.478 1.425 1.502
Closing 0.627 0.594 6.987 5.821 7.614 6.415
Opening 2.581 2.581 - - 2.581 2.581
Addition - - - - - -
AFPC, Syria Deduction/Adjustment - - - - - -
Production - - - - - -
Closing 2.581 2.581 - - 2.581 2.581
Opening 3.019 6.737 0.200 0.464 3.219 7.201
Addition - - 0.033 - 0.033 -
BC-10, Brazil Deduction/Adjustment 0.784 3.114 - 0.225 0.784 3.339
Production 0.663 0.604 0.041 0.039 0.704 0.643
Closing 1.572 3.019 0.192 0.200 1.764 3.219
Opening 1.994 2.744 - - 1.994 2.744
Addition 0.503 - - - 0.503 -
MECL, Colombia Deduction/Adjustment - 0.207 - - - 0.207
Production 0.476 0.543 - - 0.476 0.543
Closing 2.021 1.994 - - 2.021 1.994
Opening 14.688 16.397 3.926 4.750 18.614 21.147
Addition - - - - - -
IEC, Russia Deduction/Adjustment - 1.438 - 0.797 - 2.235
Production 0.257 0.271 0.037 0.027 0.294 0.298
Closing 14.431 14.688 3.889 3.926 18.320 18.614
Opening 8.542 8.969 - - 8.542 8.969
Addition - - - - - -
PIVSA, Venezuela Deduction/Adjustment - - - - - -
Production 0.348 0.427 - - 0.348 0.427
Closing 8.194 8.542 - - 8.194 8.542
Opening 4.356 3.622 - - 4.356 3.622
Addition - 0.874 - - - 0.874
Carabobo - 1, Venezuela Deduction/Adjustment - - - - - -
Production 0.154 0.140 - - 0.154 0.140
Closing 4.202 4.356 - - 4.202 4.356
56.2 Group’s share of Proved Developed Reserves on the geographical basis is as under:
Crude Oil Gas Total Oil Equivalent
(MMT) (Billion Cubic Meter) (MMTOE)
Particulars Details As at As at As at As at As at As at
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
A. In India
Opening 134.08 146.61 112.541 113.525 246.62 260.14
Addition 9.35 3.73 18.371 16.622 27.72 20.35
Production 16.20 16.26 18.607 17.606 34.80 33.87
Closing 127.23 134.08 112.305 112.541 239.54 246.62
Crude Oil Gas Total Oil Equivalent
(MMT) (Billion Cubic Meter) (MMTOE)
Particulars Details As at As at As at As at As at As at
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening 137.85 142.71 94.438 100.172 232.29 242.88
Addition 3.58 3.49 1.110 (0.370) 4.69 3.12
Production 8.40 8.35 5.991 5.364 14.39 13.71
Closing 133.03 137.85 89.557 94.438 222.59 232.29
Opening 271.93 289.32 206.979 213.697 478.91 503.02
Addition 12.93 7.22 19.481 16.252 32.41 23.47
Total Production 24.60 24.61 24.598 22.970 49.20 47.58
Closing 260.26 271.93 201.862 206.979 462.12 478.91
B. Outside India
Opening 2.254 2.463 - - 2.254 2.463
Addition - 0.272 - - - 0.272
Deduction/ 0.375 - - - 0.375 -
GNOP, Sudan
Production 0.282 0.481 - - 0.282 0.481
Closing 1.597 2.254 - - 1.597 2.254
Opening 4.312 4.312 - - 4.312 4.312
Addition - - - - - -
Deduction/ - - - - - -
GPOC, South Sudan
Production - - - - - -
Closing 4.312 4.312 - - 4.312 4.312
Opening 2.565 2.565 - - 2.565 2.565
Addition - - - - - -
Deduction/ - - - - - -
Block 5A, South Sudan
Production - - - - - -
Closing 2.565 2.565 - - 2.565 2.565
Opening 16.765 16.197 9.838 10.169 26.603 26.366
Addition 1.828 2.378 0.262 0.223 2.090 2.601
Deduction/ - 0.001 - (0.001) - -
Sakhalin-1, Russia
Production 1.856 1.809 0.594 0.555 2.450 2.364
Closing 16.737 16.765 9.506 9.838 26.243 26.603
Opening 0.586 0.563 3.902 4.380 4.488 4.943
Addition 0.047 0.047 1.000 1.000 1.047 1.047
Deduction/ - - (0.001) - (0.001) -
Block 06.1, Vietnam
Production 0.022 0.024 1.403 1.478 1.425 1.502
Closing 0.611 0.586 3.500 3.902 4.111 4.488
Deduction/ - - - - - -
PIVSA, Venezuela
Crude Oil Gas Total Oil Equivalent
(MMT) (Billion Cubic Meter) (MMTOE)
Particulars Details As at As at As at As at As at As at
March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31, March 31,
2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening 0.049 0.049 - - 0.049 0.049
Addition - - - - - -
Deduction/ - - - - - -
Production - - - - - -
Closing 0.049 0.049 - - 0.049 0.049
Opening - - 5.872 6.716 5.872 6.716
Addition - - - - - -
Deduction/ - - - 0.001 - 0.001
BLOCK-A1 & A3, Myanmar
Production - - 0.828 0.843 0.828 0.843
Closing - - 5.044 5.872 5.044 5.872
Opening 4.492 2.585 - - 4.492 2.585
Addition - 2.725 - - - 2.725
Deduction/ 0.396 - - - 0.396 -
ACG, Azer baijan
Production 0.762 0.818 - - 0.762 0.818
Closing 3.334 4.492 - - 3.334 4.492
Opening 55.896 - 5.392 - 61.288 -
Addition - 59.213 5.009 6.620 5.009 65.833
Deduction/ 10.352 - - - 10.352 -
Vankor, Russia
Production 4.444 3.317 1.747 1.228 6.191 4.545
Closing 41.100 55.896 8.654 5.392 49.754 61.288
Opening - - - - - -
Addition 10.956 - - - 10.956 -
Deduction/ - - - - - -
Lower Zakum, Abu Dhabi
Production 0.051 - - - 0.051 -
Closing 10.905 - - - 10.905 -
Opening 101.911 48.214 26.288 22.840 128.199 71.054
Addition 13.506 65.356 6.271 7.843 19.777 73.200
Deduction/ 12.023 3.227 0.067 0.222 12.090 3.449
Total Reserves
Production 9.315 8.434 4.650 4.170 13.965 12.604
Closing 94.078 101.911 27.843 26.288 121.921 128.199
60 Additional disclosure under Schedule-III
60.1 Schedule-III additional disclosure in Consolidated Financial Statements as on March 31, 2018
(` in million)
Country of As % of
Sl. No. Name of the entity in the group As % of
incorporation As % of consolidated
As % of consolidated
consoli- other
Amount consolidated Amount Amount totalcompre- Amount
dated net compre-
profit or loss hensive
assets hensive
1 2 3 4 5
A Parent
A.1 ONGC India 53.56% 1,176,235.49 48.60% 126,688.62 99.87% (31,686.75) 41.49% 95,001.87
B Subsidiaries (Group’s share)
B.1 Indian
B.1.1 ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) India 14.20% 311,776.86 1.57% 4,105.47 1.75% (554.90) 1.55% 3,550.57
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
B.1.2 (HPCL) India 9.33% 204,941.91 24.53% 63,940.66 -1.21% 383.53 28.10% 64,324.18
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.
B.1.3 (MRPL) 4.57% 100,450.29 8.51% 22,179.61 -0.10% 33.19 9.70% 22,212.80
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd.
B.1.4 (OMPL) 0.07% 1,580.08 -0.87% (2,280.25) 0.00% 1.39 -1.00% (2,278.86)
Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) (Refer note
B.1.5 1) 0.31% 6,846.30 0.32% 834.58 0.00% (0.12) 0.36% 834.46
B.1.6 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd. India -0.09% (2,063.70) -0.05% (129.60) 0.05% (15.80) -0.06% (145.40)
B.1.7 HPCL Biofuels Ltd. India -0.02% (390.90) -0.30% (778.50) 0.00% (0.40) -0.34% (778.90)
B.1.8 HPCL Middle East FZCO Dubai 0.00% (0.40) 0.00% (0.40) 0.00% 0.00 0.00% (0.40)
B.2 Foreign
B.2.1 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) Netherlands -1.68% (36,825.76) -2.30% (5,993.29) 7.08% (2,246.94) -3.60% (8,240.23)
B.2.2 ONGC Campos Ltda. Brazil -0.26% (5,655.72) 6.47% 16,865.11 0.00% - 7.37% 16,865.11
B.2.3 ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd. Cyprus 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
B.2.6 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) Netherlands 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
B.2.7 ONGC Narmada Limited (ONL) Nigeria 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.08% (26.64) -0.01% (26.64)
ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited
B.2.8 (OAAL) Bermuda 0.08% 1,669.92 -0.01% (23.53) -1.27% 401.68 0.17% 378.15
B.2.9 Imperial Energy Limited Cyprus -0.35% (7,688.63) -0.04% (111.57) -2.44% 775.36 0.29% 663.79
B.2.10 Imperial Energy Tomsk Limited Cyprus 0.00% (29.74) 0.00% 5.78 0.00% - 0.00% 5.78
B.2.11 Imperial Energy (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus 0.00% (4.03) -0.03% (81.71) 0.00% - -0.04% (81.71)
B.2.12 Imperial Energy Nord Limited Cyprus 0.00% 5.64 0.05% 130.39 0.00% - 0.06% 130.39
B.2.13 Biancus Holdings Limited Cyprus 0.00% (64.22) -0.13% (328.25) 0.00% - -0.14% (328.25)
B.2.14 Redcliffe Holdings Limited Cyprus -0.03% (751.70) 0.00% 5.68 0.00% - 0.00% 5.68
B.2.15 Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus -0.01% (184.39) 0.00% 5.21 0.00% - 0.00% 5.21
B.2.16 San Agio Investments Limited Cyprus -0.14% (3,121.37) 0.00% 6.01 0.00% - 0.00% 6.01
B.2.17 LLC Sibinterneft Russia 0.00% 76.87 0.05% 120.90 0.00% - 0.05% 120.90
B.2.18 LLC Allianceneftegaz Russia 0.01% 308.97 0.72% 1,877.34 0.00% - 0.82% 1,877.34
B.2.19 LLC Nord Imperial Russia 0.00% 33.37 0.09% 239.90 0.00% - 0.10% 239.90
B.2.20 LLC Rus Imperial Group Russia -0.03% (677.98) 0.40% 1,039.18 0.00% - 0.45% 1,039.18
B.2.21 LLC Imperial Frac Services Russia 0.00% (6.04) -0.04% (97.89) 0.00% - -0.04% (97.89)
B.2.22 Carabobo One AB Sweden -0.11% (2,475.52) -0.02% (43.03) -0.64% 201.81 0.07% 158.78
B.2.23 Petro Carabobo Ganga B.V. Netherlands -0.03% (735.95) 0.01% 15.16 0.00% - 0.01% 15.16
B.2.24 ONGC (BTC) Ltd Cayman Islands 0.00% 4.72 -0.18% (461.62) 0.00% (0.30) -0.20% (461.93)
B.2.25 Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Ltd British Virgin island -0.34% (7,499.21) 0.04% 117.21 -1.51% 480.41 0.26% 597.62
B.2.26 ONGC Videsh Rovuma Ltd. Republic of Mauritius 0.00% (0.03) 0.00% 1.86 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 1.86
B.2.27 ONGC Videsh Atlantic Inc. Texas 0.00% (32.11) -0.01% (14.36) -0.01% 2.06 -0.01% (12.31)
B.2.28 ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte. Ltd. Singapore 0.00% 5.98 0.05% 126.60 -1.06% 337.68 0.20% 464.28
B.2.29 ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Ltd. Singapore -0.25% (5,600.24) -10.95% (28,537.07) 0.00% - -12.46% (28,537.07)
B.2.30 Indus East Mediterranean Exploration Ltd. Israel 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
C Non controlling interest in all subsidiaries 7.11% 156,059.96 15.20% 39,620.58 -0.59% 185.69 17.39% 39,806.27
Associates (Investments as per the equity
D method)
D.1 Indian
D.1.1 Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL) India 0.25% 5,385.51 -0.08% (205.60) 0.00% 1.49 -0.09% (204.11)
D.1.2 Petronet LNG Limited (PLL) India 0.56% 12,264.12 0.66% 1,708.68 0.00% 0.52 0.75% 1,709.20
D.1.3 GSPL India Gasnet Ltd. India 0.02% 433.00 0.00% 1.00 0.00% - 0.00% 1.00
D.1.4 GSPL India Transco Ltd. India 0.02% 426.90 0.00% 1.50 0.00% - 0.00% 1.50
D.2 Foreign
D.2.1 Petro Carabobo S.A. Venezuela 0.19% 4,204.68 1.38% 3,599.27 0.00% - 1.57% 3,599.27
D.2.2 Carabobo Ingeniería y Construcciones, S.A. Venezuela 0.00% 0.27 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
South-East Asia Gas Pipeline Company
D.2.3 Limited 0.05% 1,009.21 0.31% 799.23 0.00% - 0.35% 799.23
D.2.4 Tamba B.V. Netherlands 1.06% 23,271.09 1.34% 3,505.15 0.00% - 1.53% 3,505.15
D.2.5 JSC Vankorneft Russia 6.43% 141,187.63 6.29% 16,399.79 0.00% - 7.16% 16,399.79
D.2.6 SUDD Petroleum Operating Company Mauritius 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
D.2.7 Petrolera Indovenezolana S.A. Venezuela 1.21% 26,578.48 0.10% 253.40 0.00% - 0.11% 253.40
D.2.8 Falcon Oil & Gas B.V Netherlands 0.72% 15,863.30 0.03% 71.61 0.00% - 0.03% 71.61
D.2.9 Mozambique LNG1 Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore 0.00% - -0.01% (32.24) 0.00% - -0.01% (32.24)
Joint Ventures (Investments as per the
equity method)
E.1 Indian
E.1.1 Mangalore SEZ Ltd (MSEZ) India 0.01% 189.96 0.00% 9.81 0.00% 0.03 0.00% 9.84
E.1.2 ONGC Petro additions Ltd. (OPaL) India 0.42% 9,302.47 -3.89% (10,139.15) -0.01% 1.78 -4.43% (10,137.37)
ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd.
E.1.3 (OTPC) 0.29% 6,407.32 0.01% 13.27 0.00% (0.85) 0.01% 12.42
E.1.4 ONGC Teri Biotech Ltd. (OTBL) India 0.01% 241.45 0.02% 40.44 0.00% (0.04) 0.02% 40.40
E.1.5 Dahej SEZ Limited (DSEZ) India 0.06% 1,318.86 0.07% 184.82 0.00% - 0.08% 184.82
E.1.6 Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd. India 0.06% 1,251.70 0.19% 500.80 0.00% (0.20) 0.22% 500.60
E.1.7 CREDA - HPCL Biofuels Ltd. India 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
E.1.8 HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. India 0.08% 1,729.10 -0.05% (143.30) 0.00% - -0.06% (143.30)
E.1.9 South Asia LPG Co. Pvt. Ltd. India 0.06% 1,278.60 0.23% 591.00 0.00% 1.10 0.26% 592.10
E.1.10 HPCL Shapoorji Energy Pvt. Ltd. India 0.01% 188.20 0.00% (1.40) 0.00% 0.20 0.00% (1.20)
E.1.11 HPCL - Mittal Energy Ltd. India 2.05% 45,119.80 3.06% 7,983.00 0.01% (2.20) 3.49% 7,980.80
E.1.12 Godavari Gas Pvt Ltd. India 0.00% 23.30 0.00% (0.40) 0.00% - 0.00% (0.40)
E.1.13 Petronet India Ltd. India 0.00% 4.40 0.00% 3.30 0.00% - 0.00% 3.30
Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facilities Pvt.
E.1.14 Ltd. India 0.03% 568.00 0.05% 118.00 0.00% - 0.05% 118.00
E.1.15 Aavantika Gas Ltd. India 0.04% 844.70 0.05% 121.30 0.00% 0.00 0.05% 121.30
E.1.16 Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd. India 0.03% 766.60 0.01% 22.90 0.00% 0.10 0.01% 23.00
E.1.17 Ratnagiri Refinery & Petrochemical Ltd. India 0.01% 203.00 -0.02% (47.00) 0.00% - -0.02% (47.00)
Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels & Services Pvt.
E.1.18 Limited (SMASL)(through MRPL) 0.01% 303.75 0.01% 27.09 0.00% (0.81) 0.01% 26.28
E.2 Foreign
ONGC Mittal Energy Limited (OMEL)
E.2.1 (through OVL) -0.07% (1,622.35) 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
Total 100.00% 2,196,249.01 100.00% 260,679.86 100.00% (31,727.92) 100.00% 228,951.94
60.2 Schedule-III additional disclosure in Consolidated Financial Statements as on March 31, 2017
Net Asset, i.e., total assets Share in profit or loss Share in other Share in total
minus total liabilities comprehensive income comprehensive income
As % of As % of
Name of the entity in the group Country of consolidated consolidated
incorporation As % of As % of other total
consolidated Amount consolidated Amount compre- Amount compre- Amount
net assets profit or loss hensive hensive
income income
1 2 3 4 5
A Parent
A.1 ONGC India 54.54% 1,132,603.46 42.03% 122,592.15 96.92% 132,842.67 59.58% 255,434.82
B Subsidiaries (Group’s share)
B.1 Indian
B.1.1 ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) India 14.96% 310,734.64 6.00% 17,493.80 -4.18% (5,723.94) 2.75% 11,769.86
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
B.1.2 India 8.20% 170,253.09 23.40% 68,269.98 0.01 1,593.02 16.29% 69,863.00
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.
B.1.3 India 4.37% 90,747.54 12.53% 36,548.65 -0.04% (50.35) 8.51% 36,498.30
ONGC Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd.
B.1.4 India 0.19% 3,858.94 -0.64% (1,867.55) 0.00% (1.26) -0.44% (1,868.81)
B.1.5 Petronet MHB Ltd (PMHBL) India 0.32% 6,606.21 0.28% 809.48 0.00% (0.16) 0.19% 809.32
B.1.6 Prize Petroleum Company Ltd. India -0.09% (1,918.30) -0.71% (2,069.20) 0.03% 42.40 -0.47% (2,026.80)
B.1.7 HPCL Biofuels Ltd. India 0.02% 388.00 -0.11% (307.20) 0.00% 0.40 -0.07% (306.80)
B.1.8 HPCL Middle East FZCO Dubai
B.2 Foreign
B.2.1 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) Netherlands -1.17% (24,344.42) -0.69% (2,016.06) 0.80% 1,099.22 -0.21% (916.84)
B.2.2 ONGC Campos Ltda. Brazil -0.08% (1,637.07) -3.12% (9,099.21) 0.00% - -2.12% (9,099.21)
B.2.3 ONGC Nile Ganga (Cyprus) Ltd. Cyprus 0.00% (0.05) 0.00% (2.28) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.28)
B.2.4 ONGC Nile Ganga (San Cristobal) B.V. Netherlands -0.29% (6,003.11) 0.00% 7.58 0.00% - 0.00% 7.58
B.2.5 ONGC Caspian E&P B.V. Netherlands -0.05% (1,000.05) 0.11% 328.12 0.00% - 0.08% 328.12
B.2.6 ONGC Nile Ganga B.V. (ONGBV) Netherlands 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
B.2.7 ONGC Narmada Limited (ONL) Nigeria 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
B.2.8 ONGC Amazon Alaknanda Limited (OAAL) Bermuda -0.16% (3,270.17) -2.39% (6,970.37) 0.00% - -1.63% (6,970.37)
B.2.9 Imperial Energy Limited Cyprus -0.70% (14,590.54) 0.04% 109.22 1.40% 1,924.48 0.47% 2,033.70
B.2.10 Imperial Energy Tomsk Limited Cyprus 0.00% (82.48) 0.00% (2.70) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.70)
B.2.11 Imperial Energy (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus -0.10% (2,077.70) 0.00% (2.65) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.65)
B.2.12 Imperial Energy Nord Limited Cyprus -0.42% (8,626.63) 0.00% (2.58) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.58)
B.2.13 Biancus Holdings Limited Cyprus -0.01% (160.65) 0.05% 146.38 0.00% - 0.03% 146.38
B.2.14 Redcliffe Holdings Limited Cyprus -0.02% (509.85) 0.00% (2.73) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.73)
B.2.15 Imperial Frac Services (Cyprus) Limited Cyprus 0.00% (6.95) 0.00% (4.52) 0.00% - 0.00% (4.52)
B.2.16 San Agio Investments Limited Cyprus 0.00% 8.90 -0.04% (122.66) 0.00% - -0.03% (122.66)
B.2.17 LLC Sibinterneft Russia 0.01% 206.75 -0.03% (99.20) 0.00% - -0.02% (99.20)
B.2.18 LLC Allianceneftegaz Russia 0.04% 751.25 -0.33% (974.05) 0.00% - -0.23% (974.05)
B.2.19 LLC Nord Imperial Russia -0.09% (1,960.14) 0.11% 321.89 0.00% - 0.08% 321.89
B.2.20 LLC Rus Imperial Group Russia 0.00% 66.71 -0.10% (281.35) 0.00% - -0.07% (281.35)
B.2.21 LLC Imperial Frac Services Russia 0.00% (61.14) -0.56% (1,620.66) 0.00% - -0.38% (1,620.66)
B.2.22 Carabobo One AB Sweden -0.02% (454.87) 0.00% - 0.11% 146.60 0.03% 146.60
B.2.23 Petro Carabobo Ganga B.V. Netherlands -0.07% (1,448.94) 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
B.2.24 ONGC (BTC) Ltd Cayman Islands 0.00% (0.74) 0.17% 500.94 0.00% - 0.12% 500.94
British Virgin
B.2.25 Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Ltd -0.21% (4,396.12) -0.07% (191.09) 0.00% - -0.04% (191.09)
Republic of
B.2.26 ONGC Videsh Rovuma Ltd. 0.00% 0.03 0.00% (1.50) 0.00% - 0.00% (1.50)
B.2.27 ONGC Videsh Atlantic Inc. Texas 0.00% (19.08) 0.01% 27.17 0.00% - 0.01% 27.17
B.2.28 ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte. Ltd. 0.00% 1.31 -0.02% (47.76) 3.22% 4,414.99 1.02% 4,367.23
B.2.29 ONGC Videsh Vankorneft Pte. Ltd. -0.11% (2,241.12) -1.85% (5,407.76) 0.00% - -1.26% (5,407.76)
C Non controlling interest in all subsidiaries 6.40% 132,919.64 16.28% 47,498.69 0.57% 787.48 11.26% 48,286.17
Associates (Investments as per the equity
D.1 Indian
D.1.1 Pawan Hans Ltd. (PHL) India 0.19% 3,978.88 0.32% 927.11 0.00% - 0.22% 927.11
D.1.4 GSPL India Transco Ltd. India 0.01% 231.77 0.00% 1.01 0.00% - 0.00% 1.01
D.2 Foreign
D.2.1 Petro Carabobo S.A. Venezuela 0.03% 579.73 0.21% 599.61 0.00% - 0.14% 599.61
D.2.2 Carabobo Ingeniería y Construcciones, S.A. Venezuela 0.00% 0.27 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
South-East Asia Gas Pipeline Company
D.2.3 Hongkong 0.05% 1,016.26 0.31% 900.41 0.00% - 0.21% 900.41
D.2.4 Tamba B.V. Netherlands 1.34% 27,792.13 1.38% 4,027.86 0.00% - 0.94% 4,027.86
D.2.5 JSC Vankorneft Russia 6.77% 140,502.97 2.77% 8,089.11 0.00% - 1.89% 8,089.11
D.2.6 SUDD Petroleum Operating Company Mauritius 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
D.2.7 Petrolera Indovenezolana S.A. Venezuela 1.27% 26,294.95 1.18% 3,456.32 0.00% - 0.81% 3,456.32
D.2.8 Falcon Oil & Gas B.V Netherlands 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
D.2.9 Mozambique LNG1 Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore 0.00% 2.50 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
Joint Ventures (Investments as per the
equity method)
E.1 Indian
E.1.1 Mangalore SEZ Ltd (MSEZ) India 0.01% 180.12 -0.01% (16.05) 0.00% (0.39) 0.00% (16.44)
E.1.2 ONGC Petro additions Ltd. (OPaL) India 0.92% 19,024.61 -2.49% (7,263.01) 0.00% (0.85) -1.69% (7,263.86)
E.1.3 ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd.(OTPC) India 0.31% 6,537.41 0.24% 692.69 0.00% (0.24) 0.16% 692.45
E.1.4 ONGC Teri Biotech Ltd. (OTBL) India 0.01% 201.05 0.01% 27.53 0.00% (0.03) 0.01% 27.50
E.1.5 Dahej SEZ Limited (DSEZ) India 0.06% 1,194.94 0.08% 230.89 0.00% - 0.05% 230.89
E.1.6 Hindustan Colas Pvt. Ltd. India 0.06% 1,319.80 0.16% 461.90 0.00% (0.22) 0.11% 461.67
E.1.7 CREDA - HPCL Biofuels Ltd. India 0.00% 0.10 -0.01% (27.80) 0.00% - -0.01% (27.80)
E.1.8 HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. India 0.00% (14.61) 0.00% (0.05) 0.00% - 0.00% (0.05)
E.1.9 South Asia LPG Co. Pvt. Ltd. India 0.08% 1,559.05 0.21% 601.10 0.00% (0.05) 0.14% 601.05
E.1.10 HPCL Shapoorji Energy Pvt. Ltd. India 0.01% 125.15 0.00% (1.44) 0.00% (0.08) 0.00% (1.52)
E.1.11 HPCL - Mittal Energy Ltd. India 1.79% 37,138.96 5.19% 15,141.63 0.00% (4.90) 3.53% 15,136.73
E.1.12 Godavari Gas Pvt Ltd. India 0.00% 23.69 0.00% (2.31) 0.00% - 0.00% (2.31)
E.1.13 Petronet India Ltd. India 0.01% 169.06 0.03% 94.92 0.00% - 0.02% 94.92
Mumbai Aviation Fuel Farm Facilities Pvt.
E.1.14 India 0.02% 464.34 0.02% 66.46 0.00% - 0.02% 66.46
E.1.15 Aavantika Gas Ltd. India 0.02% 448.51 0.03% 95.30 0.00% 0.06 0.02% 95.36
E.1.16 Bhagyanagar Gas Ltd. India 0.01% 214.68 0.01% 32.74 0.00% 0.00 0.01% 32.75
Shell MRPL Aviation Fuels & Services Pvt.
E.1.17 India 0.02% 415.87 0.02% 45.31 0.00% 3.82 0.01% 49.13
Limited (SMASL)(through MRPL)
E.2 Foreign
ONGC Mittal Energy Limited (OMEL)
E.2.1 Cyprus 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% -
(through OVL)
E.2.2 Himalaya Energy (Syria) B.V. Netherlands 0.01% 239.59 -0.01% (21.69) 0.00% - -0.01% (21.69)
E.2.3 Mansarovar Energy Colombia Ltd. Bermuda 1.07% 22,259.79 -0.54% (1,564.40) 0.00% - -0.36% (1,564.40)
Total 100.00% 2,076,771.88 100.00% 291,691.19 100.00% 137,069.99 100.00% 428,761.18
Signed and dated by the Chairman & Managing Director, the Director (Finance), the Company Secretary and the Auditors of
the Company at New Delhi as at page no. 270.