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J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757 Sample Preparation 751
pretreatment separation step for each additive from the oil 2 Experimental
matrix prior to its determination by gas chromatography
(GC), or high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2.1 Equipment and materials
techniques. According to ASTM D 4768 [8], DBPC is sep-
arated by solid-phase extraction, SPE, using an alumina Shimadzu GC, Model 17A, equipped with an FID an ECD,
column prior to its determination by the GC/FID (flame AOC-201 auto injector, and DB-5 column of 30 m, 0.25 mm,
ionization detector) system. To avoid the lengthy sample pre- 1.00 m was used for DBDS and DBPC detection. Agilent
treatment, ASTM D 2668 method has been developed for the HPLC, Model 1200, equipped with ultraviolet (UV) detec-
direct determination of DBPC by using the Fourier transform tor, auto-injector, and ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 column of
infrared (FTIR) technique [9]. Also, DBPC was determined 4.6 × 150 mm, 5 m was used for BTA detection. Screw cap
by HPLC [10], differential pulse voltammetry [11], and micel- glass tubes of 20 mL were used for the liquid–liquid extrac-
lar electrokinetic capillary chromatography [12] techniques tion. The cartridges used for solid phase extraction include:
where the SPE or liquid–liquid extraction pretreatment step silica cartridge (500 mg SampliQ) and alumina cartridge
was conducted prior to their determination. (AccuBond II Alumina N sorbents, with 50–200 m parti-
The need for monitoring the passivator content in the cle size). A vacuum manifold for solid phase extraction from
insulating oil matrix has also been investigated [13]. The pas- Millipore was used.
sivator BTA has been determined using HPLC following an The chemicals used include: DBPC, internal standards
SPE pretreatment step for new and used mineral insulating diphenyl disulfide and diphenoxy benzene, DBDS, BTA
oils according to the IEC-60666 [14] and ASTM WK24216 [15] (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA); fresh mineral insu-
standard methods. lating oil free of DBPC, DBDS, and BTA (a gift from the Gulf
ASTM D 1275 and IEC-62535 are standard methods, Chemical and Industrial Oils, Dammam, Saudi Arabia); ace-
mainly applied for the determination of organic sulfur com- tonitrile, methanol, and n-hexane (Merck, Kirkland, Québec,
pounds such as DBDS in mineral insulating oils [16–19]. The Canada). All chemicals used were of analytical reagent grade.
results obtained from these methods are interpreted qual- A stock solution of DBDS, DBPC, and BTA was prepared
itatively by visual evaluation of the copper corrosion using by dissolving accurately weighed samples of these materials
ASTM D 130 [20]. In conclusion, neither ASTM D 1275 nor in fresh mineral insulating oil then diluting each with oil as
IEC-62535 standard methods can detect any form of organic needed to give solutions of concentrations in ranges simi-
sulfur compounds if a metal passivator is present in the oil lar to those in mineral oil, namely, 10 000 mg L−1 (1.0% w/v)
matrix. The major challenge to detect DBDS in mineral insu- DBPC and 100 mg L−1 DBDS and BTA. Various working stan-
lating oil using GC is to separate DBDS signal from the oil dards of appropriate DBDS, DBPC, and BTA concentrations
matrix which requires a special pretreatment step. DBDS in were prepared from their stock solutions according to exper-
insulating oil was assessed quantitatively using SPE through imental needs. A stock solution of internal standard mixture
alumina cartridge followed by GC–MS (mass spectrometry) of 0.2% diphenoxy benzene and 5 mg L−1 diphenyl disul-
determination [21]. This method is reported to be highly se- fide was prepared in acetonitrile or methanol. The internal
lective for DBDS and can provide a quantitative conclusion. standards mixture was used for DBDS and DBPC detection
However, using benzene as a desorbent renders the method through GC–ECD–FID. No internal standard was used for
unpopular due to health hazard issues. Moreover, the SPE the determination of BTA using the HPLC method.
is a tedious procedure and adds an extra cost to the method
of analysis. Recently, International Electrotechnical Commis-
sion (IEC) proposed a method for DBDS determination [22] 2.2 Liquid–liquid extraction procedure
based on diluting the oil sample to about 20 times with a
solvent like isooctane prior to its determination by a GC– A 5-mL sample of mineral insulating oil containing DBPC,
ECD (electron capture detector) system. Although the dilution DBDS, and BTA was diluted with a certain volume of n-
helped the reduction of oil matrix from the chromatogram, hexane (between 2 and 5 mL) in a 20 mL screw cap glass
DBDS signal sensitivity was sacrificed due to the high dilu- tube and 5 mL acetonitrile or methanol were added to func-
tion of the oil sample solution. IEC recently issued a standard tion as an extractant for the three components simultane-
(IEC-60296) [23] that forces insulating oil manufacturers to ously. The mixture was shaken vigorously for about 10–15
provide with each oil shipment a document to certify that the s then centrifuged at 2000 rpm (revolutions per minute) for
product does not contain undeclared additives. 1 min.
This article investigates the efficiency of a single liquid– For the DBDS/DBPC determination, 2 mL of the acetoni-
liquid extraction pretreatment step using a nonpolar dilu- trile or the methanol layer was transferred into another tube
ent (n-hexane) for the oil sample and a polar solvent extrac- and mixed with 2 mL of the internal standard stock solution.
tant (acetonitrile or methanol). Thus, DBDS, DBPC, and BTA This mixture was stored for GC–ECD–FID injection.
components are extracted from fresh and in service mineral For the BTA determination, 1 mL of the acetonitrile or
insulating oil samples prior to their determination by either the methanol layer was transferred into another tube, 4 mL
GC or HPLC techniques. of deionized water was added to match the mobile phase
C 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.jss-journal.com
752 A. M. Y. Jaber et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757
matrix (water/acetonitrile, 80:20, v/v). The mixture was fil- DBPC, BTA, and DBDS from a mineral insulating oil sample
tered through a 0.45-m syringe filter and stored for HPLC diluted with n-hexane. The layer comprising the three com-
injection. ponents was separated, mixed with internal standard when
necessary, then injected into the GC or HPLC system. The
chromatograms were recorded and the peak of each compo-
2.3 Solid phase extraction nent was used to assess its extraction efficiency. For the sake
of comparison, the known standard methods, ASTM D 4768,
Solid phase extraction trials were tested in this work according IEC-60666, and IEC-62697 standard methods were applied
to literature/standard procedures [8, 14, 21] with some mod- for the determination of DBPC, BTA, and DBDS. According
ifications (instead of their home made clean up columns, to these methods, GC and HPLC techniques were used for
readymade cartridges were used in this study) to examine the determination of DBPC and BTA, respectively, after solid
the efficiency of solid phase extraction and the GC or HPLC phase extraction pretreatment step; while DBDS was deter-
signal sensitivity when each of the three components are in- mined without a pretreatment step but with significant dilu-
dividually injected following the solid phase extraction step. tion with isooctane to minimize the oil matrix background
In all solid phase extraction trials, a mineral insulating oil interference on the GC chromatogram.
sample was diluted with n-hexane or n-heptane and eluted The chromatograms obtained after liquid–liquid extrac-
through an alumina or silica cartridge using an appropriate tion showed that the background signal associated with the
eluent. The sought component (DBDS or DBPC or BTA) was oil matrix was almost eliminated as in the case of literature
washed out from the cartridge using a desorbent that was methods in which solid phase extraction was used [8, 14, 21].
benzene in the case of DBDS and methanol in the case of However, the chromatographic peak of each of the three com-
DBPC and BTA. ponents was drastically enhanced in comparison with that
observed when determined by the standard methods men-
tioned above. The GC signal for DBPC increased almost
3 Results and discussion three times (Figs. 1a and 2) when liquid–liquid pretreatment
extraction step was used. The use of n-hexane in this liquid–
3.1 Assessment of the liquid–liquid extraction liquid extraction pretreatment has decreased the possibility
process for the oil matrix extraction in the extractant (acetonitrile or
methanol) phase. n-Hexane was used earlier as a diluent
The mineral insulating oil matrix usually introduces a high for edible oil samples when the synthetic phenolic antiox-
background effect that obscures the chromatographic signals idants were extracted by acetonitrile polar solvent prior to
of DBDS, DBPC, and BTA when determined by the GC or their determination by micellar electrokinetic capillary chro-
HPLC techniques. According to literature reports [8, 14, 21], matography [12]. The use of n-hexane as a cosolvent in the
SPE as a pretreatment step requires extensive dilution of the extraction was attributed to its role in decreasing the viscosity
oil sample, thus, the results obtained may suffer from low of the oil sample, thereby enhancing the contact between the
sensitivity and poor precision. Consequently, a liquid–liquid oil and acetonitrile phases. When the same liquid–liquid ex-
extraction step was introduced in this work and the results traction pretreatment step was carried out in the absence of
are compared with those obtained from the SPE step. n-hexane, the chromatogram showed a high background con-
In the preliminary liquid–liquid extraction trials, the tribution (Fig. 1b) indicating the presence of oil traces in the
extraction procedure was conducted using a liquid extrac- acetonitrile layer. However, when a sample of this acetonitrile
tant (acetonitrile or methanol) to extract, simultaneously, the layer was shaken with n-hexane (5:2, v/v), a chromatogram
Figure 1. GC–FID signal for mineral insulating oil containing 2000 mg L−1 (0.2%) DBPC after extraction with acetonitrile using (a) oil/n-
hexane/acetonitrile, 5:2:5 and (b) oil/acetonitrile, 5:5.
C 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.jss-journal.com
J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757 Sample Preparation 753
C 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.jss-journal.com
754 A. M. Y. Jaber et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757
caused a decrease in extraction efficiency of about 7–9% for DBDS, and 1–100 mg L−1 BTA solutions prepared in fresh
DBPC in acetonitrile or methanol, however, the decrease in mineral insulating oil and extracted by acetonitrile liquid–
extraction efficiency for the other two components were about liquid extraction using the optimum volume ratio followed
2–3%. This decrease may be attributed to the competition of by injection into the GC–ECD/FID and HPLC/UV systems
acetonitrile and n-hexane for each of the components. The under the optimum operational and instrumental conditions
dramatic increase in the extraction efficiency was observed [8, 14, 21]. Diphenoxy benzene and diphenyl disulfide inter-
when the volume of the oil sample was increased from 2 nal standards were used with DBPC and DBDS, respectively,
to 5 mL, however, the extractant volume was kept the same whereas BTA calibration curve was established using the ex-
(5 mL). Figure 3 shows that the highest extraction efficien- ternal standard calibration method. Although according to the
cies for the three components were achieved when the min- standard method, IEC-60666 [14], it is recommended that the
eral oil/oil diluent/extractant solvent was 5:2:5. Consequently HPLC–UV detector be set at 260–270 nm to measure the ab-
this volume ratio was recommended as the optimum value sorbance of BTA, it was set at 250 nm in this study, especially
for the liquid–liquid extraction step prior to GC and HPLC with used oil, to minimize the chromatographic interference
determination of the three components. The change in the of certain oxidation byproducts (furanic compounds such as
extraction efficiency may be ascribed mainly to the dilution 2-furaldehyde) that form in the oil as a result of oil and in-
factor that takes place when the components transfer from sulating paper degradation and overheating. The maximum
the oil sample into the extractant (acetonitrile or methanol) absorbance wavelength for these furanic compounds falls in
phase and partially due to the solubility of components in the the range of 272–280 nm [24], however, the wavelength of
extractant phase. When the volume ratio increased from 2:5 to maximum absorbance for BTA is 260 nm. The measurement
5:5, the extraction efficiency for BTA increased almost by the at 250 nm gave significant signal sensitivity for BTA and a
same proportion; however, the increase in the extraction effi- minimal absorbance for the furanic compounds. Thus, there
ciency for both DBDS and DBPC was less than that expected was no need for the standard addition method as proposed by
from the change in the volume ratio (Fig. 3). The variation the IEC-60666 standard method [14] when dealing with used
in the extraction efficiency for each of the three components oil.
may be ascribed to their relative solubilities in acetonitrile or Table 1 gives the linearity, slope, and limit of detection
methanol. Since BTA has the relatively highest solubility, it determined according to Miller and Miller [25] for GC and
achieved the highest extraction efficiency in both acetonitrile HPLC calibration graphs for DBPC, DBDS, and BTA fol-
and methanol phases. lowing the liquid–liquid extraction pretreatment described
As Fig. 3 indicates, the extraction efficiency did not reach above. It also provides these values for the literature stan-
100%, hence, in conducting such determinations, standards dard methods in which the pretreatment was only a dilution
and oil sample solutions must undergo the same pretreat- by isooctane as in the case of DBDS or solid phase extrac-
ment before the samples are injected into the GC–ECD–FID tion as in the case of DBPC and BTA [8, 14]. Table 1 shows
and HPLC systems in order to compensate for the difference that higher sensitivities and lower detection limits than those
in the extraction efficiency. of the standard methods were achieved. The sensitivity en-
hancement may be ascribed to the type of column and elu-
ent used. According to the IEC-62697 standard method, a
3.3 Linearity, sensitivity, and limit of detection for significant interference of polychlorinated biphenyles, PCB,
the GC and HPLC calibration curves with DBDS signal was observed, however, this interference
was completely absent when the DB-5 column was used
The linearity was established for concentration ranges of (Fig. 4) under the same conditions and using the same ECD
100–10 000 mg L−1 (0.01–1.00% w/v) DBPC, 1–100 mg L−1 detector.
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J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757 Sample Preparation 755
Table 1. Linearity, slope, and limit of detection of the calibration graphs for DBPC, DBDS, and BTA using the liquid–liquid extraction and
the standard methods sample pretreatment prior to the GC and HPLC determination
a) Calibration ranges: 100–10 000 mg L−1 (0.01–1.00% w/v) DBPC and 1–100 mg L−1 DBDS/BTA.
b) Determined by GC/FID.
c) Determined by GC/ECD.
d) Determined by HPLC.
Table 2. Accuracy and precision for DBDS determination in mineral insulating oils using the liquid–liquid extraction and the standard
pretreatment methods prior to the GC determination
Quantity added Liquid–liquid extraction IEC-62697 Student’s t-test ASTM D1275 B ASTM D 130a)
DBDS (mg L−1 )
Quantity found Recovery Quantity found Recovery two-sided Corrosive–
DBDS (mg L−1 ) (%) DBDS (mg L−1 ) (%) (n = 3) noncorrosive
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756 A. M. Y. Jaber et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757
Table 3. Accuracy and precision for DBPC determination in mineral insulating oils using the liquid–liquid extraction and the standard
pretreatment methods prior to GC determination
significantly from zero. Student’s t values for three replicates taining DBDS as high as 150 mg L−1 was passivated with
of measurements made on each sample at 95% confidence 30 mg L−1 BTA, the ASTM D 1275 method gave a result of
level indicate that no significant difference existed between noncorrosivity of the oil, a conclusion that gives a false indi-
the experimental means obtained from this GC–ECD follow- cation to the presence of DBDS. The percent recoveries for
ing the liquid–liquid extraction pretreatment and the IEC- DBPC were in the range of 98–110% for concentration ranges
62697 standard method (Table 2). Table 2 shows also that of 100–3000 mg L−1 (0.01–0.30% w/v). Student’s t values in-
the IEC-62697 standard method did not detect DBDS at 1 dicate that no significant difference existed between the ex-
mg L−1 level. This may be ascribed to the need for an oil perimental means obtained from this GC–FID following the
sample dilution of about 20 times to facilitate its elution liquid–liquid extraction pretreatment and the ASTM D 4768
through the GC column. The ASTM D1275 B did not de- standard method (Table 3). It is obvious from Table 3 that
tect the presence of DBDS even at concentrations of about 100 mg L−1 (0.01% w/v) DBPC was not detectable when the
20 mg L−1 DBDS. Furthermore, when an oil sample con- standard method was used. The percent recoveries for BTA
Table 4. Accuracy and precision for the BTA determination in mineral insulating oils using the liquid–liquid extraction and the standard
pretreatment methods prior to GC determination
BTA Quantity Liquid–liquid extraction IEC-60666 Student t-test ASTM D1275 B ASTM D 130a)
added (mg L−1 )
Quantity found Quantity found two-sided Corrosive–
BTA (mg L−1 ) Recovery (%) BTA (mg L−1 ) Recovery (%) (n = 3) noncorrosive
C 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.jss-journal.com
J. Sep. Sci. 2012, 35, 750–757 Sample Preparation 757
were in the range of 99.9–104.2% for concentration ranges of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, the Industrial
2–100 mg L−1 BTA. Student’s t values indicated no significant Support Services Laboratories, and Gulf Chemical and Industrial
difference existed between the experimental means obtained Oils are thanked for the support of this research project.
from this HPLC/UV following the liquid–liquid extraction
The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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C 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.jss-journal.com