Fabled Lands 03
Fabled Lands 03
Fabled Lands 03
When unwounded
Example: Are some regions of the world more dangerous than others?
You are a 3rd Rank character with a COMBAT score of 4, and you Yes. Generally, the closer you are to civilization (the area of
have to fight a goblin (COMBAT 5, Defence 7, Stamina 6). The fight Sokara and Golnir covered in the first two books) the easier
begins with your attack (you always get first blow unless told otherwise). your adventures will be. Wait until you have reached higher
Suppose you roll 8 on two dice. Adding your COMBAT gives a total of Rank before exploring the wilder regions.
12. This is 5 more than the goblin's Defence, so it loses 5 Stamina.
The goblin still has 1 Stamina point left, so it gets to strike back. It Where can I travel in the Fabled Lands?
rolls 6 on the dice which, added to its Combat of 5, gives a total attack Anywhere. If you journey to the edge of the map in this
score of 11. Suppose you have a chain mail tabard (Defence +3) . adventure, you will be guided to another adventure in the series.
Your Defence is therefore 10 (=4+3+3), so you lose 1 Stamina and (The War-Torn Kingdom deals with Sokara, Cities of Gold and
can then attack again. Glory deals with Golnir, Over the Blood-Dark Sea deals with the
southern seas and so on.) For example, if you are enslaved by the
USING ABILITIES Uttakin, you will be guided to The Court of Hidden Faces 321,
Fighting is often not the easiest or safest way to tackle a which refers to entry 321 in Book 5.
situation. When you get a chance to use one of your other
abilities, you will be told the Difficulty of the task. You roll two What if I don't have the next book?
dice and add your score in the ability, and to succeed in the task Just turn back. When you do get that book, you can always
you must get higher than the Difficulty. return and venture onwards.
Example: What should I do when travelling on from one book to the next?
You are at the bottom of a cliff. You can use THIEVERY to climb it, and It's very simple. Make a note of the entry you'll be turning to in
the climb is Difficulty 9. Suppose your THIEVERY score is 4. This the new adventure. Then copy all the information from your
means you must roll at least 6 on the dice to make the climb. Adventure Sheet and Ship's Manifest into the new adventure.
Lastly, rub out the Adventure Sheet and Ship's Manifest data in
CODEWORDS the old adventure so they will be blank when you return there.
There is a list of codewords included in the Adventure Pack 3.
Sometimes you will be told you have acquired a codeword. What about codewords?
When this happens, put a tick in the box next to that codeword. Codewords report important events in your adventuring life.
If you later lose the codeword, erase the tick. They 'remember' the places you've been and the people you've
The codewords are arranged alphabetically for each book in met. Do NOT rub out codewords when you are passing from
the series. In this book, for example, all codewords begin with one book to another.
C. This makes it easy to check if you picked up a codeword
from a book you played previously. For instance, you might be
asked if you have picked up a codeword in a book you have
already adventured in. The letter of that codeword will tell you
Adventuring in the Fabled Lands 3
Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map
Jaluda is a ruthlessly clever fighter who believes herself Haunted by memories of a former life in which he
more than a match for any man. Those who have wielded great power, Damontir would willingly pledge
sailed with her describe this fearsome amazon as fiery his lifeblood to the demons of darkness if he stood to
and proud, not one to forget either a favour or a slight. gain a snippet of magical lore. Power is his only goal,
She bears a mortal grudge against Amcha, the pirate and so his primary objective is to enrol at one of the
king. sorcerous academies in Dweomer.
Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map
Arcadia is a young woman whose purity of spirit After a short spell in the Yellowport militia (he
enables her to hear the murmuring of the gods in her mistakenly enlisted thinking he was joining a queue for
dreams. Cast out by her family because they alms), Silas signed on aboard a merchantman bound for
disapproved of her unworldly ways, she has dedicated Metriciens. He found that the fresh breeze and the
her life to the quest for spiritual enlightenment. She is open sea inspired his ballads, and resolved not to return
curious about the gods of Ankon-Konu, of which she to a landlubber’s life until he has learned the song of
knows little, and so plans a visit to Smogmaw in the the mermaids.
near future.
2 Starting Characters
Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map Possessions: Dalek gun, Tai Chi sword, three pre-
Columbian gods
A dashing scoundrel, Greymalkin lives by his wits and
has no care for either the future or the past. Money Dave has written about eighty books, but still
slips through his fingers as fast as he can earn it, but of publishers insist on rousing him from his eerie manse
late he has begun to be tempted by a story he in Wandsworth to do more work for them. He is an
overheard in a dockside tavern – a story of great riches alumnus of Magdalen College, Oxford.
that lie unguarded on an island in the south seas.
Possessions: sword , chain mail (Defence +3), map Possessions: computer, Dave’s collection of
Sandman comics, many games (all missing their
Varkung has always been fascinated by the distant boxes and rulebooks)
places of the world. As a child he would spend hours
staring at his father’s maps and day-dreaming of the Jamie has benefited considerably by a switch in
people and creatures who lived across the sea. Now, as profession since his last book as he is now engaged in
a young man, he has the chance to go exploring. His the one and only activity at which he excels – playing
first wish is to visit Starspike Island and see if, as games. He sleeps by day, rising only at night when
legends claim, it really does stretch up beyond the sky. woken by the bleep of his computer.
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Over the Blood-Dark Sea 1
14 20
The ghost resists your best efforts to dispel it. It is intent on Did you sell anything at the market that you had previously
returning to its home port of Smogmaw, and its curse means obtained there for free? If so, turn to 372. If not, turn to 335.
that you cannot put in at any other port on the way. You must
now sail directly for Smogmaw; when you get there, the ghost 21
will leave your ship. ‘Let’s steer clear of Uttaku,’ suggests the first mate with a fearful
Turn to 78. glance westwards. ‘The Uttakin are rank fiends who merely
wear the outer guise of men.'’
15 Roll two dice.
‘What’s your game?’ says the priestess with a handsome smile. Score 2-5 Hags in sieves turn to 236
‘Pardon me?’ Score 6-7 A fearsome waterspout turn to 109
‘Your game.’ She fans the cards. ‘Maingauche, Black Death, Score 8-12 An uneventful journey turn to 39
Stake the Vampire ... How about Cudgel?’
The two of you play several fiercely contested rounds of the 22
game Cudgel, said to be popular among pit fighters in Trefoille. ‘A Shard for your thoughts,’ you say to the first mate when you
Roll two dice. find him gazing dourly out across the waves.
Score 2-5 Lose 2-12 Shards turn to 52 ‘Far to the south, men say, there’s a pit that goes right
Score 6-7 Lose 1-6 Shards turn to 52 through the world. In its black depths you can see the stars.’
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 3
23 30
One of the crew goes mad and hurls himself from the rigging The closer you get to the uncharted island, the greater your
crying, ‘Hydras! Hydras! Cut off a head and two more shall take amazement. ‘Is it a natural island or a man-made thing?’ wonders
its place!’ the mate.
You have his broken body wrapped in a sail and You can understand why he’s baffled: what lies ahead of you
commended to the gods of the sea. Death aboard ship is always a is a disk of jet black marble almost half a kilometer across. It rises
bad omen. to a height of a good hundred metres above the water. From
Roll two dice. high in the smooth black cliffs, sunlight picks out the edges of a
Score 2-5 Storm turn to 83 tunnel.
Score 6-7 Brooding quiet turn to 41 Ascend to the tunnel turn to 11
Score 8-10 Haunted turn to 574 Sail away turn to 48
Score 11-12 A mysterious island turn to 105
24 You climb up the path, which is gentle at first but gets steadily
If you have the title Saviour of Vervayens Isle, turn to 169. steeper. It is afternoon before you have reached the peak in the
If not, you pore over your charts until late into the night centre of the island. None of your men has had the stamina to
trying to decide where to set your course. keep up, so you are alone as you gaze out over the garden of
Steer west turn to 42 foliage to where a toy ship crewed by ants bobs gently in a
Steer east turn to 303 pond.
Steer south turn to 263 Three ancient trees stand behind you. With a rustling of long
Steer north turn to 119 leaves, they seem to speak to you: ‘If you taste death, it’s here
you’ll be reborn. But heed our warning: three times only can we
25 give you fresh life.’
If you used a candle in the mines, cross it off your Adventure Cross off any previous arrangements and write Island of
Sheet as it can be used only once. Then turn to 317. Rebirth (Over the Blood-Dark Sea 351) in the Resurrection box
on your Adventure Sheet. If you are killed, turn to 351 in this
26 book. You can only have one resurrection arranged at a time.
You are swept ashore at the mouth of a wide river. Staggering The trees fall silent.
towards trails of smoke that are rising from beyond a copse of You go back to your ship. Turn to 125.
olive-green tropical palms, you arrive at a settlement of many
thatched-roof shacks raised on stilts at the river’s edge. It is the 32
depot town of Smogmaw, on the great southern continent. You pore over the charts, reckoning your position to lie dead
Turn to 44. south of Knucklebones Point.
Head for Sorcerers’ Isle turn to 504
27 Steer a course for
The causeway ends in a massive iron door set into the cliff face. the Unnumbered Isles turn to 205
It is studded with huge irregular moonstones that look like Head north to
chunks of frozen milk. You could not possible open this door on the mainland Cities of Gold and Glory 175
your own. Go eastwards turn to 77
If you have the codeword Cosy, turn to 84. If not, you must
go back, turn to 5. 33
The crew falls ill. If you have a blessing of Immunity to
28 Disease/ Poison, cross it off and turn to 116.
The vampire speaks in rhyming couplets. Knowing that verse Otherwise, the ship drifts untended until you are well
has magic of its own, you know that you might be able to enough to handle it – by which time you are in unknown
confound it by replying in the same fashion. Vampires are sly waters.
and vicious, but easily baffled. Roll two dice.
Attempt to speak in verse turn to 65 Score 2-4 turn to 58
Try something else turn to 46 Score 5-6 turn to 170
Score 7 The Island of a Thousand Spires 84
4 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
Turn to 5. 54
Unlike the ramshackle buildings that make up much of the
46 town, the warehouses are stoutly constructed from heavy logs.
The vampire stands crouched over the body of your poor dead Not even a spider could squeeze between those mighty timbers
crewman. As the sunlight drains away, it gives an exultant peal – much less even the stealthiest and slipperiest of thieves.
of laughter and cries: ‘The cooling balm of night anoints the ‘Spices are the principle commodity of the Feathered Lands,’
world!’ a merchant tells you. (You must look as if you’re just off the
Attack the fiend turn to 85 boat.) Get the codeword Catalyst and then decide what you are
Drive it off with holy words turn to 141 going to buy or sell
Dead men whose bones are crusted with barnacle creep over the
rail at night and carry off half your crewmen. You only discover
the cause of the disappearances when you question a sailor who
had been locked up in the brig for some minor offence. He saw
the barnacle men carrying out their ghastly business through a
knothole in the brig door. You have no doubt he’s telling the
truth; his hair has turned pure white.
Reduce your Crew Quality to poor.
Turn to 321.
A strong breeze flutters the sails. The crewmen go about their
chores merrily, scrambling through the rigging like carefree
‘Five bells,’ intones the mate.
Recover 1 Stamina point if injured, then roll two dice.
8 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
last until you visit the temple of the Three Fortunes in cousin Zolteg, who in many ways resembles a wart-hog,’ she
Metriciens, whereupon it will be lifted. Note above the Abilities explains.
box on your Adventure Sheet: ‘Use one die for ability rolls In return for letting her join your crew, she teaches you
until Three Fortunes temple visited in Metriciens.’ some lovely songs. Roll two dice and if you score higher than
Now turn to 44. your current CHARISMA, increase it by 1.
Turn to 78.
The three mutineers are terrified that you will call your current 98
crewmen to back you up. ‘I’ve got a few barnacles need scraping You have reached a torrid clime where the sun beats down
of my new ship’s keel, Mister Burkitt,’ you tell your one-time mercilessly by day, warping the dry timbers of the ship and
cabin boy with a crooked smile. turning the ocean into a dark, heaving, fathomless cauldron.
He and his shipmates get up quickly. ‘Good to see you’re Roll two dice.
well, skipper. No hard feelings, eh?’ they mutter, pressing a Score 2-5 A vessel adrift turn to 183
purse with 40 Shards into you hand. Score 6-8 All’s quiet turn to 118
You watch the three men hurry off. You doubt if you’ll see Score 9-12 Monsters of the deep turn to 647
them again. Lose the codeword Church and turn to 314.
93 Copper Island is a bleak rocky wilderness. In the lee of the great
‘Hear that melody, captain?’ asks the mate, his expression a mountains lies the town of Brazen, a community of dusty slate-
mixture of fear and longing. ‘It is the song of the mermaids.’ roofed houses whose only decoration takes the form of
It is an unearthly sound, beautiful but somehow terrible. ornamental copper drainpipes.
Men must feel this way when, having drawn their last breath, Visit the market turn to 297
they gaze on the lovely face of a Valkyrie. Go up to the mines turn to 317
If you have the codeword Cynosure, turn to 131. If not, turn Find a tavern turn to 334
to 149. Look for a temple turn to 347
Leave town turn to 495
The bottle contains a treasure map. ‘A bloomin’ funny thing 100
to find in a bottle,’ is all the bosun has to say when he sees it. You are on a broad platform of polished basalt that extends into
The helmsman is more helpful. ‘See this stretch of coastline? the sea. The city of Dweomer lies some way inland, along a
It might indicate the Sea of Hydras.’ paved avenue with stone sentinels on either side.
‘No,’ says the first mate with a dour shake of his head. ‘It’s Put to sea (if you have a ship here) turn to 122
the straits near Teleos, I’m sure of it.’ Acquire a ship turn to 406
Note the treasure map among your possessions and turn to Arrange passage to the mainland turn to 564
352. Go along the avenue to Dweomer turn to 175
95 101
The girl stamps her foot petulantly and disappears in a thick blast ‘See those myriad islands?’ says the navigator, pointing to
of roiling black smoke. numerous rocky shores scattered in the east beyond a pall of
Note the heart-shaped locket on your list of possessions haze.
and remember to record the 450 Shards if you didn’t already. You nod. ‘The Unnumbered Isles. We’re due south of Old
Also note the codeword Citrus. Sokar - or Marlock City, as it is now called.’
You open the locket and immediately there is an unearthly Go west turn to 205
howl and something indistinct flies up past you into the sky. A Go east turn to 119
musty scent hangs in the air. Inside the locket is a picture of a Go north turn to 77
bald man with piercing green eyes. Go south turn to 42
If you have the codeword Dangle, turn to 115. If not, it is
now time to leave the island; turn to 171. 102
With each step your eyelids are getting heavier. You yawn and
96 stretch, feeling utterly weary. Those stone couches look so
The charts show that you are east of the Innis Shoals, roughly comfortable.
halfway between Uttaku and the great southern continent of To stay awake you must either have the codeword Chill or
Ankon-Konu. Roll two dice. succeed in a MAGIC roll of Difficulty 18, otherwise you will
Score 2-5 Sickness among the crew turn to 33 have to take a nap.
Score 6-9 An uneventful voyage turn to 116 Stay awake turn to 27
Score 10-12 A man walking on the water turn to 68 Fall asleep turn to 582
97 103
The stowaway is a beautiful girl with blue eyes and long golden Helpless in the grip of the storm, the vessel cracks apart. The
hair. She tells you her name is Athanasia and she is the daughter seawater rushes into the broken shell of the hull, dragging you
of a prince. ‘I ran away to sea rather than be married off to my down. The screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the
10 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
howl of the storm. Cross off your ship and crew from the Ship’s 109
Manifest; they are lost. You can think of nothing now but An unexplained waterspout erupts from the surface of the sea,
saving yourself. carrying your vessel high up into the sky. The sailors cringe in
Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your Rank, you dismay and cling to the rigging for safety.
are drowned – turn to 123. If the score is less than or equal to ‘Gods above!’ cries the cook as he sees the clouds go past.
your Rank, you are swept miraculously towards a rocky shore. ‘We’re airborne!’
Lose 2-12 Stamina points and (if you can survive that) turn to The mate clutches his throat. ‘It’s getting hard to breathe...’
222 in The Serpent King’s Domain. he says before slumping to the deck.
If you have the codeword Calcium you are not affected: turn
104 to 127. Otherwise turn to 123.
The combined strength of all your men is just enough to push
the iron doors open. Within lies a hidden valley entirely 110
surrounded by high cliffs – a paradise of bubbling brooks, Several skippers have loaded their cargoes and are ready to
emerald lawns, fruit trees and scented flowers. Strewn all around depart for ports in the north. You can get passage to Dweomer,
are gold, silver and gems as plentiful as pebbles in a merchant’s Yellowport or Metriciens, for 35 Shards in each case. There is
garden. With wild cries of delight, your men stuff their pockets also a merchant who intends to go upriver to trade with the
with all they can carry. natives of the interior; he will take you along for 5 Shards.
You yourself pick up jewels worth 5000 Shards. The air here Alternatively, you could buy a ship of your own.
is so clean and fresh that, if wounded, you can restore your Pay the fare to Yellowport turn to 224
Stamina to its normal score. If you were not wounded you can Pay the fare to Dweomer turn to 242
permanently increase your Stamina by 1-6 Stamina points (the Pay the fare to Metriciens turn to 260
roll of one die). Accompany the
A cold breeze shakes the boughs of the trees. Leaves fall, merchant upriver The Serpent King’s Domain 475
curling on the grass. Buy a ship turn to 712
‘We’ve let Time into Paradise,’ reckons the mate. ‘Let’s not Stay in Smogmaw turn to 44
linger here.’
Turn to 5. 111
The priestess asks you if you wish to become an initiate of the
105 Three Fortunes. You must refuse if you are already an initiate of
If the box above is not ticked, tick it now and turn to 338. If it another temple. If you accept, write The Three Fortunes in the
is already ticked, turn to 159. God box on your Adventure Sheet.
Become an initiate turn to 256
106 Turn down her offer and leave turn to 44
The helmsman goes mad in the middle of the night, possibly as a
result of smoking tobacco mixed with mauve lotus. By the time 112
anyone notices, he has had plenty of time to work mischief. Your former crewmen soon back down when they see two
Roll a die. burly natives in feather cloaks and full warpaint getting up to
Score 1-2 Lost at sea turn to 24 stand beside you.
Score 3-4 Out of drinking water turn to 124 ‘This is the friend of Moon of Evening,’ says one of the
Score 5-6 Run aground turn to 212 natives, shaking his spear at the frightened mutineers. ‘You cause
trouble and you will sleep with the piranhas!’
107 The three hurry off. ‘They won’t come in here again,’ says
‘Land ahoy!’ cries the lookout. It is Fiddler’s Green, the island the other native.
gifted to you by the herald of the sea gods. Lose the codeword Church and turn to 314.
Put in at the island turn to 143
Sail on turn to 125 113
The squatters cannot see why they shouldn’t use your property
108 while you’re away at sea. A vigorous two-fisted arguement soon
You tie bundles of saplings together using rope made of plaited sets them straight, but you get a bloody nose and a black eye in
palm leaves Hollow gourds help to provide buoyancy. the process of evicting them. You throw them in the mud at the
Commending your soul to the gods, you push the little raft out side of the river before striding back to your shack. Lose 1-6
from shore and climb aboard. It is not so much like sailing as Stamina and (if you can survive that) turn to 74.
swimming with the aid of a float.
Roll two dice. Add 2 to the roll if you are an initiate of 114
Molhern, god of craftsmen. You are taken before the Reaver King in his grim fortress which
Score 2-5 The raft sinks turn to 123 stands at the back of the secluded cove where the pirates have
Score 6-8 Picked up at sea turn to 158 their base. Many a captain in the world’s navies would pay
Score 9+ You reach land turn to 180 dearly to know the location of this place, the secret harbour
from which the dread Reavers swoop out to prey on passing
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 11
If you have the codeword Cutlass, turn to 473. If not, turn Make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14.
to 233. Successful MAGIC roll turn to 713
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 522
The portrait is of your old foe Kaschuv the Deathless. He’ll have 122
to choose another soubriquet now you’ve found and released his You are sailing away from Braelak, the Sorcerers’ Isle
soul from the magic locket in which he kept it secure. Go north turn to 200
The first mate calls to tell you the supplies are stowed Go south turn to 244
aboard. It is time to set sail. Turn to 171. Go east turn to 504
Go west turn to 129
The mate joins you at the rail and the two of you watch the sun 123
sink beyond the rocky peaks of the Innis archipelago. You are dead. If you have a resurrection deal, turn to the section
‘What lies there in the west?’ wonders the mate. ‘Are you for noted on your Adventure Sheet after first erasing your current
finding out, skipper? Say the word and I’ll set a course for the possessions, money, and any details on your Ship’s Manifest.
Sea of Stilts.’ If you don’t have a resurrection arranged, this is the end and
Travel west The Isle of a Thousand Spires 84 you can only start afresh with a new character. First make sure to
Go south turn to 40 erase all ticks, codewords, and Adventure Sheet details in all
Go north turn to 58 your Fabled Lands books. You can begin at 1 in any of the books
Head east turn to 370 of the series.
117 124
The grey bulk of an island can be seen to the north. ‘Why is it With no water in the barrels, you have little hope of surviving to
called the Sleeping Isle?’ you hear the cabin boy ask the first reach dry land. You ask your officers to propose a course of
mate. action. The first mate recommends you set course for Dweomer
‘Why, lad, it’s because a curse puts anyone who goes ashore and trust to stringent rationing. The navigator thinks you should
off to sleep for a hundred years,’ is the mate’s reply. circle in these waters looking for an island.
Roll two dice. Head for Dweomer turn to 142
Score 2-5 A flying horseman turn to 496 Search for an island turn to 160
Score 6-9 An uneventful voyage turn to 135
Score 10-12 The Kraken wakes turn to 465 125
The sea, which for many days now has been a rich mauve-blue,
118 now begins to take on a rusty colour.
The lookout spots an island off the starboard bow. Nothing is ‘It is silt from the Nozama estuary,’ says the navigator. ‘The
recorded on the charts for this region, but perhaps that isn’t same stuff that gives Lake Firewater its blood-tinged hue.’
surprising. Few ships return from the dread Sea of Hydras. Steer south to Smogmaw turn to 266
Explore the island turn to 413 Steer north turn to 4
Sail on turn to 278 Steer west turn to 227
Steer east turn to 302
You have a good day’s sailing, but at dusk a heavy gloom 126
swathes the sunset in a welter of bloody reds, golds, charcoal You kneel in the sand for days, eating and drinking nothing,
grey and livid purple. It looks like a bruise in the western sky. until starvation makes strange visions dance before your eyes.
‘Let’s hope that’s no harbinger of a storm,’ says the mate. Every moment is spent in prayer. The demands of the flesh are
Roll two dice. first ignored, then forgotten, as you pin all your hopes on divine
Score 2-4 Worsening weather turn to 213 intervention.
Score 5-7 A quiet night turn to 137 If you are an initiate of Alvir and Valmir, make a S ANCTITY
Score 9-12 A ship’s lanterns turn to 533 roll at a Difficulty of 17.
If you are not an initiate of Alvir and Valmir, your prayers
120 are completely in vain, and finally you give up the attempt: lose
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 97. If the 3 Stamina points owing to deprivation.
box was already ticked, turn to 350. Successful SANCTITY roll turn to 198
Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 123
121 Not an initiate of Alvir and Valmir turn to 177
You look up into two pairs of eyes that glitter like onyx. There
is a rustling sound, a snake-like hiss, and then you dimly hear 127
these words: ‘This one is stricken like the others, my sister...’ The entire ship’s company sinks into a coma. Unlike you, they
A terrible spell prevents you from moving a muscle. There is cannot breathe the thin air up here. You must do something
a sense of days and nights flitting past in less than a heartbeat. before they are all dead.
You must summon your fading concentration to shrug off the Use sorcery to save them turn to 145
spell before it is too late. Dive into the sea turn to 199
12 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
Climb down the side of the ship turn to 219 Score 2 400 Shards and a compass (SCOUTING +1)
Score 3 200 Shards and plate armour (Defence +5)
128 Score 4 300 Shards and an ebony wand (MAGIC +2)
You see an old man wading ankle-deep in mud as he crosses Score 5 1000 Shards and a candle
from one tavern to another. His reason for not using the Score 6 200 Shards and a pirate captain’s head
boardwalks is that dogs use them too – ‘The mud is more When you have recorded the details of your treasure on your
sanitary!’ he explains. Adventure Sheet, cross off the treasure map and turn to 150.
Regarding your enquiry about Smogmaw’s temples, he
mentions four: ‘There is the shrine to Alvir and Valmir, the 133
temple of the Three Fortunes, a shrine to Glimbinki the Plumed You find a half-buried chest under a stand of trees at the back of
One, and somewhere there’s a fane sacred to Badogor.’ a beach of ash-grey sand. Inside is treasure worth 450 Shards and
‘Who?’ a heart-shaped locket.
He puts his finger to his lips. ‘Sssh. The Unspoken One.’ Just as you are about to open the locket, you hear a voice
Visit the temple of the Three Fortunes turn to 146 calling you and look up to see a beautiful girl wearing garlands
Visit the shrine of Alvir and Valmir turn to 503 of flowers. She reaches down from the rock on which she’s
Visit Glimbinki’s shrine turn to 259 standing and asks you to return the locket to her.
Look for Badogor’s fane turn to 333 Give it to her turn to 76
Consider your other options turn to 44 Refuse turn to 95
129 134
Green sea flashes under trails of frothy white; looking north, you If you have a ship docked at Smogmaw you can either put to sea
have the coast in sight. or sail upriver. Alternatively you may be able to hire passage
The mate’s gaze is fixed, not on land, but on the deep aboard a merchant ship. In either case you will need to go to the
swelling waves. ‘How many skulls gaze up from the ocean bed?’ quayside. It is also possible to travel on from here on foot, of
he wonders. ‘How many sunken hulks, weed-choked and silent, course, but you are warned that the hinterland consists of wild
lie rotting on the wet sands? Ah, it’s always when we’re nearly jungle and dangerous marshes.
home that my fancies turn morbid.’ Go to the quayside turn to 71
Roll two dice Travel overland turn to 90
Score 2-6 The High King’s banner turn to 381 Remain in Smogmaw turn to 44
Score 7-11 Plain sailing turn to 475
Score 12 An uncanny awakening turn to 273 135
Your current position is south of the Sleeping Isle. The bottom
130 edges of your charts show a fancifully drawn morass of
You sit down and start drinking with them. Your aim is to lull swampland and rank jungle – the unexplored continent of
their suspicions until they are soundly drunk and then make a Ankon-Konu.
reckoning for their crime. Go west turn to 79
To succeed, you must make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty Go east turn to 153
of 11; failure means they take offence. Go north turn to 468
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 148 Go south The Lone and Level Sands 200
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 73
131 The ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. It is tranquil, but
You order your men below and tell them to secure the hatches, there is something ominous about the silence. Roll two dice.
knowing that the mermaid’s singing will otherwise draw them to Score 2-4 A hurricane turn to 139
their doom. Score 5-8 A quiet voyage turn to 154
‘But what about the wheel, skipper?’ asks the helmsman. ‘If I Score 9-12 Treachery aboard! turn to 292
leave it untended who knows where we’ll end up?’
He has a point. If you have a length of rope you could lash 137
yourself to the wheel. Otherwise you’ll have to go below with You are at sea south of Sokara, at a point roughly on the same
the others or stay on deck and take your chances. longitude as Trefoille. You consider your next course.
Tie yourself to the wheel turn to 353 South turn to 4
Go below with the crew turn to 439 North turn to 66
Remain on deck turn to 149 East turn to 246
West turn to 81
It is with mounting excitement that you recognize this island as 138
the one marked on the map. Drifting in light fog, you are startled by the sound of ripping
Digging at the spot marked, you find a chest containing a canvas and splintered wood. The ship lurches to a dead halt,
handsome haul. then begins to turn about. The cause is almost unbelievable: an
Roll one die to see what it is. anchor, dangling from above the fog bank, has lodged against
Score 1 100 Shards and a sword (C OMBAT +3)
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 13
the forecastle! As you watch, a spindly fellow with violet skin Failed MAGIC roll turn to 181
comes scrambling down and tries to work the anchor free.
Order the violet man seized turn to 251 146
Let him do his work and depart turn to 228 The temple of the Three Fortunes is an oval house with a triple-
peaked thatched roof. The priestess is a young woman who is
139 lounging on a jewelled divan, being fanned by two slave boys.
The sky turns sulphur-grey. Thunderheads pile up on the If an initiate turn to 256
horizon like vengeful gods. Lightning flickers like burning pitch If not an initiate turn to 274
on the world’s rim. ‘It’s the end!’ shrieks the bosun. ‘Say your
prayers, lads!’ 147
If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers You swim out to the shrine of the sea gods. Roll one die.
Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your Score 1 A crocodile snaps at you, lose 1-6 Stamina
blessing and turn to 154. Score 2 You lose your purse, cross off all your cash
Without a blessing to save you, the hurricane strikes. Roll Score 3-6 You reach the shrine without incident
one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or Assuming you survive, you touch the obelisk and receive a
three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll if you have an excellent blessing of Safety from Storms, as long as you didn’t have one
crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. already. Note this in the Blessings box on your Adventure Sheet.
Score 0-5 Your ship sinks turn to 157 To swim back you must make another SCOUTING roll at
Score 6-7 The mast splits turn to 581 Difficulty 11.
Score 8-19 You weather the storm turn to 98 Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 44
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 165
Whether you beg for mercy or vow vengeance, it is all the same 148
to these merciless Reavers. You are thrown into the sea. Make a Eventually they are sleeping like babes – like babes who have
SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 15. put away three bottles of the local firewater, that is. You carry
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 158 them to the quayside and sell them to a slaver out of Port
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 123 Kunrir. The total profit for the evening comes to a thoroughly
satisfying 407 Shards.
141 Lose the codeword Church and turn to 44.
You hold out your hand and begin to chant prayers of great
power. 149
‘That’s it, skipper,’ says the first mate encouragingly, ‘give All who hear the mermaids’ song are drawn to their doom.
the wight a bit of holy hellfire!’ Your only hope lies in the possibility that you are tone deaf.
Make a SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of 15. There is no chance of this if you are a Troubadour, for any
Successful SANCTITY roll turn to 195 other profession, roll two dice and on a score of 2 you are tone
Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 85 deaf.
If you turn out to be tone deaf, turn to 300. If not, get the
142 codeword Cerumen before turning to 333 in Into the Underworld.
This will be a test of you ingenuity, leadership and survival skills.
Roll one die (two dice if you are a Wayfarer) and add your 150
Rank. There is not much food to be had on the island, but your crew
Score 2-7 Overcome by thirst turn to 123 gather some shellfish and someone succeeds in bringing down a
Score 8+ You reach Dweomer turn to 152 seagull with a slingshot. That night you dine on your first fresh
stew in weeks. Recover 1-6 Stamina points if injured and then
143 turn to 278.
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it now and turn to 179.
If it was already ticked, turn to 161. 151
You have been washed up in a small harbour. Many fishing
144 boats painted in gay colours lie on the tide-streaked mud. A
A new dawn brings another chance of rescue. Roll two dice. pretty town of white-washed cottages stretches steeply up from
Score 2-9 An empty horizon turn to 177 the quayside towards high cliffs.
Score 10 A merchantman turn to 198 You climb the harbour steps and explore the streets. You
Score 11-12 Pirates turn to 218 soon discover that the place is under a curse, as all the villagers
stand frozen like statues.
145 Take a boat to sea turn to 411
Should you try to slow your crew’s breathing so that they can Ascend the cliffs turn to 540
survive longer, or go for broke and try cancelling out the Pray for guidance turn to 467
waterspout altogether? You must rely on your experience in Rest in one of the houses turn to 524
such matters to guide you. Leave the town turn to 449
Make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14.
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 163
14 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
163 ‘Ah, this is the life!’ you hear the cabin boy telling himself. ‘One
There’s no way you can cancel the waterspout with a spell – not day I’ll be as rich as the captain, and then I’ll buy my own ship.’
in time to save the crew, anyway. You put them into a deep You put a hand on his shoulder, startling him out of his
slumber to buy time, then consider your next course. reverie. ‘In the meantime, lad, you’d better see to your chores,’
Dive into the sea turn to 199 you growl at him. ‘Else we’ll hear the ship’s cat purring before
Climb down the side of the ship turn to 219 the day is done.’
You sail on. Roll two dice.
164 Score 2-5 A magical wind turn to 237
Sailing away from the Unnumbered Isles after divers adventures. Score 6-8 An uneventful journey turn to 188
Steer westwards turn to 504 Score 9-12 Murder most foul turn to 659
Steer north towards the mainland turn to 402
Steer south for Ankon-Konu turn to 42 171
Steer east turn to 81 You estimate your position to be a little way north of the
estuary of the Great River that cleaves across Ankon-Konu,
165 separating the western desert and mountains from the thick
You are swept away by the current and eventually carried back foetid jungles of the east.
to the bank. By this time you are bruised and weary and you ‘What course, captain?’ asks the mate.
have got several mouthfuls of foul muddy water. North turn to 244
Lose 2 Stamina points. Also, unless you have a blessing of South The Lone and Level Sands 300
Immunity to Disease/ Poison, you become sick with malaria and East turn to 189
must permanently lose 1 from all your attributes except West turn to 468
SANCTITY. (Remember to cross of the blessing if you had one.)
Turn to 44. 172
Three things take no notice of men’s lives: Fate, the weather and
166 the tides. Against Fate and storms, man may contend; but the
You seek to shame them by pointing out their shortcomings in sea’s ferocity only Heaven can forfend.
comparison with the great and noble deeds of the gods. This Roll two dice.
requires you to make a SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of 15; Score 2-6 Lost cargo turn to 629
failure means that you only manage t arouse them to ire. Score 7-9 An uneventful passage turn to 190
Successful SANCTITY roll turn to 184 Score 10-12 Yellow plague turn to 611
Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 73
167 A windy day with white clouds flying, flung spray and blown
If you just sold a pirate captain’s head, turn to 185. If not, spume and the seagulls wheeling overhead – what more could a
turn to 44. ship’s captain ask for?
Recover 1 Stamina point if injured, then roll two dice.
168 Score 2-8 A quiet voyage turn to 191
Lightning unfolds like vast snapping banners across a sky filled Score 9-12 Trouble aboard turn to 325
with wind-tossed clouds. If you have a blessing of Safety from
Storms, cross it off and turn to 352. 174
Otherwise splinters of lightning fall from the sky and leap Huge guns boom in the black battlefield that the sky has
along the spars. Roll two dice; add 1to the roll if you possess a become. The sailors go white with fear. ‘It’s no mere storm,’
lump of copper ore. screeches the bosun. ‘It’s the final battle of the gods! It’s
Score 2-4 The mainmast topples turn to 212 Armageddon!’
Score 5-10 Several sailors lost; reduce If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers
Crew Quality to poor turn to 135 Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your
Score 11+ Struck by lightning turn to 123 blessing and turn to 209.
Otherwise the storm hits with titanic fury, ripping huge
169 waves out of the sea and flinging them across the deck. Roll one
You put in at the island where you are regarded as a great hero. die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three
Seeing your return, fishermen turn their boats back to the quay dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll if you have an excellent crew;
and call their wives and children to prepare a feast in your subtract 1 if you have a poor crew.
honour. Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 212
Go to the market turn to 318 Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to 670
Talk to the wise woman turn to 390 Score 7-19 You weather the storm turn to 227
Rest at home turn to 335
Upgrade your crew turn to 349 175
Set sail turn to 298 The avenue between Dweomer and the harbour is a metalled
road lined with fanciful statues. Looking inland, you can see the
gleam of blue light emanating from a dense wood.
16 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
178 184
The tunnel winds in a spiral towards the centre of the black They begin to weep bitterly and repent their crime. You are so
island. moved by their renewed pledges of loyalty that you forgive
‘It must be a fort,’ says one of your crewmen. them for stranding you on the island.
‘Not built by human hand,’ says another, pointing to strange If you have a ship docked at Smogmaw, the three mutineers
lines etched into the walls. They seem to show squat crab-men join the crew. They are seasoned seamen, so this increases the
with many stalk-like eyes striding belligerently across the decks crew quality by one step (from poor to average, average to good,
of ships, but it is hard to be sure in the dim light. or good to excellent).
A black stone door with an opal panel in the middle blocks Lose the codeword Church and turn to 314.
the way ahead. To open it you will need a sea-green lens.
Open the door turn to 216 185
Return the way you came turn to 196 Half the inhabitants of Smogmaw are pirates or the friends of
pirates. No doubt the trophy you just sold was recognized by
179 someone, because as you are walking past a row of shanties you
With your own eyes you have seen Fiddler’s Green – a myth are struck in the neck by a poisoned dart.
spoken of by every seaman. If you have a blessing of Immunity to Disease/Poison, cross
If you are Mage, Troubadour or Wayfarer, this unique it off and turn to 44. Otherwise you can do nothing to save
experience gives you the chance to go up in Rank. Roll two yourself; turn to 123.
dice. You gain a Rank if the score on the dice is above your
current Rank. This means you gain 1-6 Stamina points 186
permanently: increase your normal (unwounded) Stamina score The catamarans are packed with raiders from the coast of
by the roll of one die. Remember that going up a Rank also Ankon-Konu. They cannot hope to take your ship, but they
increases your Defence. will try to leap aboard and carry off a few prisoners.
Priests, Warriors and Rogues get no chance to increase in Roll two dice (three if you are a Warrior) and add your
Rank; the beauty of Fiddler’s Green leaves them unmoved. Rank to the number rolled.
Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your Score 2-3 An arrow impales your eye turn to 123
Adventure Sheet, turn to 161. Score 4-12 The raiders retreat at last turn to 206
Score 13+ You drive them off with ease turn to 352
The raft finally breaks apart, but not before it has carried you to 187
a stretch of shoreline. You have no idea where you might be, If you have the codeword Cacogast, turn to 225.
but at least you have reached the mainland. Or have you? Otherwise the irascible college cook bars your way. ‘I don’t
Roll one die. want any scholars in my kitchen!’ he thunders.
Score 1-2 turn to 26 To pacify him you could offer a smoulder fish (if you have
Score 3 turn to 505 one) or else rely on your natural charm, in the form of a
Score 4-5 turn to 238 CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 12.
Score 6 turn to 313 Offer a smoulder fish turn to 243
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 261
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 279
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 17
193 199
The daylight is suddenly blotted out by vast clouds that spread You strike the water with enough force to knock the wind out
like pools of ink across the sky. Lighting forms an incessant web of you. Lose 1-3 Stamina points (the score of one die halved,
from horizon to horizon, and the thunder is like being inside a rounding fractions up). If you survive, the current steadily carries
great bronze bell. You bellow orders but they are only lost on you away from the waterspout atop which your old ship will
the wind. The crew stare all around, limp with fear. Only luck float forever in the clouds. Delete the ship and crew from your
can save you now. Adventure Sheet; also cross off your money and possessions.
If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers You drift for hours until picked up by a warship out of Port
Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your Kunrir. ‘We’ll drop you off at the Faceless King’s court,’ says
blessing and turn to 61. the captain.
If you have no blessing, the storm hits with full force. Rain ‘Good. I can arrange passage home from there.’
rattles against the juddering canvas; waves lash the deck. Roll
18 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
He laughs. ‘I doubt it! Slaves aren’t allowed quite that degree 205
of freedom.’ You have entered the waters around the Unnumbered Isles.
Turn to 321 in The Court of Hidden Faces Somewhere in this reef-strewn archipelago is the stronghold of
the Reavers. They rule like barbarian lords over the poor
200 crofters of the isles.
‘We’re making better headway now,’ announces the mate. ‘Let’s If you have the codeword Chance, turn to 545. If not, turn to
just hope that we don’t run afoul of the weather.’ 563.
Roll two dice.
Score 2-3 Pirates turn to 654 206
Score 4-5 Storm turn to 544 As the raiders leap back to their catamarans and veer away, it is
Score 6-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 311 left to you to count the cost of victory. You have lost 2-12
Score 9-12 Lights under the waves turn to 711 Stamina points (the roll of two dice) in the fighting. If you can
survive that, roll one die.
201 Score 1-2 The raiders left
By dawn you have managed to overhaul two of the pirate ships, empty-handed turn to 352
but the first presses on relentlessly, steadily gaining on your less Score 3-4 They took all your
manoeuvrable vessel. Pulling alongside, they cast grappling fresh water turn to 124
hooks and come swarming aboard. Score 5-6 The crew blames your
Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you poor leadership turn to 599
belong to any other profession. Add your Rank to this roll.
Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total. If 207
the crew is good quality, add 2. If the crew is excellent quality, The Master’s lodgings are in a fine, old, stone house at the back
add 3. of a lawn just inside the college gates. His lugubrious butler
Score 0-3 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123 Mantel admits you into a study that smells of old books, pipe
Score 4-8 Crushing defeat; smoke and armchair leather.
lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 ‘Who’s this?’ demands the Master, looking up from his chair.
Score 9-12 Forced to give in; ‘One of the students, I’m afraid, sir,’ says Mantel.
lose 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 14.
Score 13-16 The pirates withdraw turn to 101 Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 560
Score 17+ Outright victory turn to 307 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 578
202 208
The captain’s log contains some interesting accounts of his ‘See that blue glow along the horizon?’ says the navigator. ‘It’s
travels across the Great Steppes. You are particularly interested the witchlight that flickers over Braelak Isle.’
in a detailed description of a tomb he found. ‘It is only possible Roll two dice.
to gain entrance when the gods are not looking,’ the captain has Score 2-5 A tempest turn to 422
written in his log. ‘We were unable to penetrate to the heart of Score 6-12 Nothing of note turn to 226
the tomb, but returned to the ship with much booty from the
outer chambers.’ 209
Get the codeword Cheops and turn to 221. ‘Land ahoy!’ shouts the lookout from the crow’s nest.
‘That’s strange,’ says the navigator, consulting his charts.
203 ‘There’s no island marked.’
The three mutineers leave after a while, each clutching a bottle Investigate the island turn to 30
of strong spirit. You follow them through the maze of Sail on turn to 48
boardwalks and low-eaved shacks.
Make a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 14; failure means 210
that you lose them. The deep and dark blue ocean rolls on around your bows,
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 222 churned by a freshening wind. Roll two dice.
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 44 Score 2-4 A flying ship turn to 138
Score 5-8 Nothing turn to 228
204 Score 9-12 An exotic vessel turn to 619
By night you dream of a frightful fiend with flesh the colour of
cold clay, only to wake with a shiver and find it was no dream. 211
The fiend holds aside the curtain of your bunk in one taloned The serpent raises its heavy head and gives vent to a sibilant
hand, leaning forward with black mouth agape. You can smell snarl. Acid drips from its fangs as it snaps at you.
its seaweed breath; its eyes are like dull pearls in the candlelight. Serpent, COMBAT 7, Defence 8, Stamina 10
If you have the codeword Cull, turn to 223. Otherwise, turn Lying in the shade has left it quite torpid, so you could easily run
to 241. off rather than fight it.
Run back to the ship turn to 125
Kill the creature turn to 12
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 19
If you have the codeword Aid or have a ship docked at East turn to 173
Smogmaw then you can round up some friends to help you West turn to 246
exact your revenge. Otherwise you must deal with the
mutineers yourself. 229
Muster some friends (if you have any) turn to 240 You give a faltering tongue-tied apology that softens the men’s
Attack the three on your own turn to 73 wrath but leaves them openly contemptuous. The first mate,
Wait till they’re asleep turn to 148 Fryer, takes command and you are set ashore on a deserted
Forget about them turn to 44 island to fend for yourself.
Cross off your ship and her cargo. They are lost forever.
223 Your main problem now is just staying alive.
‘You have not done as I asked,’ whispers the fiend in a voice of Get the codeword Church and turn to 177.
dreadful intimacy.
You try to cry out, to call the men on watch to your aid. 230
But the fiend touches your lips with an icy finger. ‘Hush,’ it You set a new course, and eventually even the lofty pinnacle of
says. ‘No need to bother them with our business.’ Starspike Island drops below the horizon.
With the other hand it reaches out and extinguishes the Go north turn to 156
nightlight. Go south turn to 337
Turn to 123. Go east turn to 172
Go west turn to 302
Remember to cross off the 35 Shards to pay for your berth. 231
The ship is the Ichabod, a barque with fading paintwork and The ship is swept far out to sea. Men and goods are washed
weathered timbers. Three days out from Smogmaw she runs overboard by huge waves that snap your hawsers like twine.
into heavy weather. Lose 1 Cargo Unit (if you have any cargo) and reduce your
Roll one die. crew quality by one step – i.e. an excellent crew becomes good,
Score 1-4 Arrive at Yellowport as planned; turn to a good crew becomes average, and an average crew becomes
The War-Torn Kingdom 10 poor. (A poor crew can’t get any worse!)
Score 5-6 The Ichabod is forced to lay up at Copper At last the storm blows itself out. You are left drifting in
Island for repairs; turn to 99 unknown waters.
Turn to 321.
Woe betide any scholar to whom the cook has taken a dislike. 232
You are fed a bowl of hot stew which you consume with gusto, You help yourself to the pirates’ treasure, which amounts to 250
but later that evening you suffer stomach pains and are up until Shards. Record it on your Adventure Sheet.
dawn retching into a bucket. Their ship’s hold contains 2 Cargo Units of spices, which
Lose 1-6 Stamina points (the role of one die) and then turn you can add to your own cargo if your ship has enough room
to 607. for them.
Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your
226 Adventure Sheet, turn to 245.
You are roughly twenty leagues due north of the Sleeping Isle.
The helmsman awaits your orders. 233
Go east turn to 9 You are face to face with Amcha One-Eye, the bane of honest
Go west turn to 170 merchants throughout the northern lands. If you imagined that
Go north turn to 129 he would wear an eye-patch you were mistaken. His sightless
Go south turn to 281 eye is kept openly displayed, an unblinking white orb that strikes
terror into the hearts of all who must confront him.
227 If you possess a pirate captain’s head, turn to 493. If not,
Closing your eyes, you lean back against the mask and enjoy the turn to 400.
rise and plunge of the ship as she steers on through warm
tropical seas. 234
Recover 1 Stamina point if injured. Then roll two dice. A figure composed of glittering green light appears in the air in
Score 2-4 Storm turn to 248 front of you. Your crewmen fall on their faces in abject fear.
Score 5-7 Nothing of note turn to 245 You are not so easily cowed, but none the less you make a
Score 8-9 A castaway turn to 515 respectful bow,
Score 10-12 Pirates turn to 176 ‘I recognize you as a worshipper of the Lord and Lady of the
Sea,’ says the spectral figure. ‘One boon shall I grant you.
228 Choose whether it is life, strength or ease that is your heart’s
You are roughly midway between the Isle of Fire and Dragon desire.’
Island. What course will you tell your men to steer? Choose life turn to 289
North turn to 55 Choose strength turn to 309
South turn to 172 Choose ease turn to 327
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 21
conscience what you do with them, but you can rest assured that
235 you will never see them again.
‘Good!’ he bellows. ‘Good! Yes, by the two gods who rule Lose the codeword Church and turn to 44.
below – I’ll grapple with you.’
He stamps the deck with such exuberant ferocity that even 241
the bravest of your men go scurrying for cover. ‘Pay heed to what I say,’ whispers the fiend in gravid tones. ‘Go
Make a COMBAT roll at a Difficulty of 13. north to a certain fane that is upon the steppes, and there tell the
Successful COMBAT roll turn to 271 four winds that Tayang Khan was foully slain at sea.’
Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253 You try twice to find your voice, finally managing to gasp
out: ‘What if they already know that?’
236 But the fiend seems not to understand. It speaks like a
Witches come bouncing out across the waves, demonstrating sleepwalker, repeating its words until they fade into incoherence.
their contempt of nature’s laws by riding in worm-eaten coracles You watch it go as the candle burns down, and your rigid terror
that are as leaky as sieves. gradually gives way to fatigue. In the morning you are hardly
‘Blow winds and crack your cheeks!’ they cry, adding an sure it happened at all.
obscene laugh that causes disgust and horror in equal doses. Get the codeword Cull and turn to 22.
‘They’ll curse us to the ocean deeps,’ moans the bosun in
abject fear. ‘Do something, captain!’ 242
Make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15. ‘Will we have any trouble reaching Dweomer?’ you ask the
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 254 skipper of the Taradiddle.
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 272 ‘Not in this beauty,’ he says proudly. ‘Her mast’s of prime
bluewood, and she always finds her way home.’
237 He is right; the voyage is blissfully uneventful. Remember to
A wind of frightening intensity blows up out of nowhere. ‘This cross off the 35 Shards you had to pay for your passage, then
weather cannot be natural!’ says the bosun with a shiver. turn to 100.
You round on him. ‘You always say that, mister. Where’s
your evidence?’ 243
He points all around. ‘The sheets of green lightning beyond The cook is delighted. The fish is rated a great delicacy by the
the clouds. The thick sulphurous dust in the air. The presence of dons of Dweomer. You are rewarded with 200 Shards. Cross
frogs and other unexplained debris in the water all around us.’ the smoulder fish off your list of possessions and then turn to
You give a snort. ‘Fair enough.’ 607.
To cancel the supernatural wind you must make a M AGIC
roll at a Difficulty of 15. 244
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 188 ‘Can you taste it on the breeze, shipmates?’ you ask the crew.
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 255 ‘Taste what, captain? The scent of brine?’ asks the mate.
‘No, not brine; it’s the smell of sorcery. Braelak is just over
238 the horizon.’
You are washed up on a narrow beach at the back of a bay Roll two dice.
surrounded by high mist-shrouded peaks. After resting to Score 2-4 A shooting star turn to 460
recover your strength, you pick your way up a series of steep Score 5-7 A quiet day’s sailing turn to 262
paths until you can get a clear view of the island. To the north Score 8-12 Attacked by night turn to 441
lies an expanse of glittering blue forest, so there can be no
question where you are – Braelak, the Sorcerers’ Isle. Nearer at 245
hand is a tower built of obsidian blocks. With the navigator’s spyglass you survey the tree-fringed cliffs
Enter the forest turn to 697 and blazing coral beaches of Ankon-Konu. To the north across
Go to the tower turn to 426 leagues of open ocean is Old Sokar, now renamed Marlock City
since a coup in Sokara brought General Grieve Marlock to
239 power.
A flock of migrating birds alights to cover every inch of deck, Go north turn to 42
masts and spars. Their plumage is a striking mixture of ebony, Go south The Serpent King’s Domain 200
scarlet, and metallic green. Go east turn to 263
‘Queer sort of birds,’ remarks the mate. ‘Got almost a wise Go west turn to 189
look to them, wouldn’t you say?’
Roll two dice. 246
Score 2 turn to 257 The days are fair and sunny, the nights star-brimmed. Your ship
Score 3-12 turn to 275 skips like a cloud across waves the colour of ink.
Recover 1 Stamina point if injured, then roll two dice.
240 Score 2-5 A vision in moonlight turn to 665
With the help of a few strong men you have no trouble settling Score 6-8 A quiet day’s sailing turn to 264
your score with the three mutineers. It is up to your own Score 9-12 Traders from Mithdrak turn to 569
22 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
260 Note that your ship is now docked at Smogmaw and then turn
If you haven’t already done so, cross off the 35 Shards that the to 44.
captain wants to take you to Metriciens. Then roll one die.
Score 1-2 The captain is a villain. He takes all your 267
money and maroons you; turn to 177 You help yourself to the pirates’ treasure, which amounts to 400
Score 3-6 You reach Metriciens without incident; Shards. Their ship’s hold contains 1 Cargo Unit of spices, which
turn to 48 in Cities of Gold and Glory you can add to your own cargo if your ship has room for it.
Your mate is for taking the pirate captain’s head as a gory
261 trophy of your victory. Add it to your list of possessions if you
The cook relents and lets you sit in a corner of the kitchen. The agree.
other scholars are impressed that you managed to charm even You also get a chance to increase in Rank after your stirring
the bad-tempered cook, and your reputation soars. Roll one die. leadership in battle. Roll two dice, and if the result is greater
If the number rolled is higher than your CHARISMA score, than your current Rank then you gain a Rank. You also gain 1-
increase it by 1. Now turn to 607. 6 Stamina points permanently: increase your normal
(unwounded) Stamina score by the roll of one die. Remember
262 that going up a Rank increases your Defence.
To the north lies Braelak, island of sorcerers. Far to the south are Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your
the marsh-enclosed ruins of old Tarshesh. Westwards there are Adventure Sheet, turn to 101.
the priests of Innis; pirates lurk in the east. Where now?
Head north turn to 9 268
Head south turn to 153 The first mate comes running to your cabin in the small hours of
Head east turn to 630 the morning. ‘Pirates, cap’n!’ he gasps. ‘Three ships coming in
Head west turn to 281 windward of us.’
You cannot battle three ships at once. You give the orders to
263 put out full sail. You must hope to outrun them.
An offshore wind brings the scent of strange blossoms, dead Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
vegetation and the stink of malarial swamps. have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you
‘The Weeping Jungle,’ declares the mate gloomily. ‘My have an excellent crew. Also, if your ship is carrying any Cargo
brother lost his life in that pest-infested wilderness.’ Units, subtract 1 from the total.
The quartermaster expresses a sceptical view: ‘I heard your Score 1-6 The pirates overtake you turn to 201
brother died in a tavern brawl in Ringhorn.’ Score 7+ You shake them off turn to 322
‘Bah!’ The mate stamps off to his cabin. You begin to worry
about the crew’s morale. Roll two dice. 269
Score 2-4 Mutiny! turn to 612 Most are reluctant to go, but you find a pair of doughty fellows
Score 5-8 A quiet voyage turn to 282 from Haggart’s Corner who are too simple to understand fear.
Score 9-10 Pirates turn to 176 They follow you up into the rigging, from where you climb up
Score 11-12 Divine intervention? turn to 483 the flying ship’s anchor chain.
The deck is empty except for swirls of pearly mist. Glancing
264 down, you can just make out the shadow of you own vessel
Daybreak casts a net of mist across the water, blurring the under the blanket of fog. One of the seamen with you coughs
horizon. It seems as though you are suspended in an infinite and says, ‘The air’s perilous thin, skipper. Best shake a leg.’
white void. Lose 1 Stamina point unless you have the codeword Calcium.
Steer north turn to 66 Go back down and be on your way turn to 228
Go south turn to 156 Explore below decks turn to 288
Travel east turn to 210
Head west turn to 119 270
A sacred aura hangs about this place. If you are an initiate of the
265 twin gods of the sea, Alvir and Valmir, then you will be
You can take the crewmen exploring with you or leave them particularly attuned to it.
here to gather supplies. If you decide to take the men, get the If you are an initiate of Alvir and Valmir, turn to 234.
codeword Cosy. Otherwise, turn to 252.
You stroll through light woodland and emerge on a level
plain. The grass is as neatly mown as a lawn. Bees hum drowsily 271
between the flowers. A paved avenue, lined on either side by You send him slamming to the deck, but he bounces up again
stone slabs, stretches off across the plain towards grey cliffs in the none the worse for wear. Immediately he clasps his hands behind
distance. your neck and you are wrestling again.
Go on turn to 43 Make a COMBAT roll a Difficulty of 14.
Turn back turn to 5 Successful COMBAT roll turn to 290
Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253
24 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
272 277
The witches curse your crew with a dreary malaise that renders ‘You have performed a great service for Glimbinki,’ avers the
them useless for all but the simplest chores. priest. ‘In return I will bestow the two blessings that are within
Reduce your crew’s quality to poor. (If your crew is already my power.’
of poor quality it can’t get any worse and so the curse has no Mark SCOUTING and MAGIC in the Blessings box on your
effect.) Adventure Sheet if they were not already written there. These
Tittering evilly, the witches skim off across the choppy sea. blessings entitle you to reroll a failed attempt at using the ability
Turn to 39. in question. Each blessing can be used only once.
Thanking the priest, you return to town. Turn to 44.
You wake up. Something is amiss, It takes you a while to realize 278
that you are no longer at sea. In fact, you are not even aboard a The island is soon left far astern.
ship. Instead you are lying in a bed in one of the rooms at Go north Lords of the Rising Sun 202
Chard’s Inn. Go south turn to 60
How did you get here? It is a complete mystery. When you Go east Lords of the Rising Sun 102
ask someone the date, you discover that six months are missing Go west turn to 136
out of your life! Cross off your ship and crew – they are lost.
Also lose the first 1-6 possessions written on your Adventure 279
Sheet. Your money is gone too. However, you have an The cook issues a stream of insults that threatens to turn the air
additional point on your SCOUTING score that you picked up blue. You retreat cowed and shaken. Lose 1 point of CHARISMA
from somewhere, and if you were injured then your Stamina is and acquire the codeword Cacogast, then turn to 607.
now back to its normal score.
Get the codeword Clutch and turn to 120 in Cities of Gold 280
and Glory. The ghost disappears with a doleful sigh. A wisp of fabric drifts
down to the deck. It is a spectral veil. Note it on your list of
274 possessions if you decide to keep it, then turn to 78.
The priestess holds up her hand before you can speak. ‘Peace!
Whatever your business, all must her adapt to a slower pace of 281
life. Ah, this accursed heat.’ She indicates her brow, and a slave The first mate breaks open a keg of beer and has all the crew
boy runs forward to lick away the film of sweat. raise their cups to the north. He excuses this by saying: ‘We’re
You are faintly repelled by such decadence, but you try to toasting the High King. It’s a time-honoured ritual, Cap’n’
hide it. ‘I have come...’ you begin. You smile indulgently. It has been three centuries since the
The priestess frowns. ‘Have I not said that things are done Uttakin swept away the once-glorious realm of the High King,
differently here in Smogmaw? Approach, sit; tell me your but old traditions die hard. Roll two dice.
business over a game of cards.’ Score 2-5 Songs across the waves turn to 93
Agree to play with her turn to 343 Score 6-8 Nothing untoward turn to 300
Leave the temple turn to 44 Score 9-12 Uttakin slavers turn to 450
275 282
Mysteriously, when the flock has departed you discover a You are sailing in warm tropical waters the colour of ink.
stowaway sitting on the bowsprit. He peers at everyone If you have the codeword Coracle, turn to 341. If you have
suspiciously and utters cawing noises when approached, but after the codeword Certain, turn to 87. If you have the codeword
a few days he has recovered his wits enough to speak. ‘I dreamt I Covet, turn to 107.
was flying,’ he says. ‘Nor can I tell how I got here.’ If you have none of those, turn to 125.
He has some money saved up at home, and rewards you
with 50 Shards for dropping him off at your next port of call. 283
Turn to 171. You are sailing off the south-eastern promentary of Sokara,
known for obscure reasons as Scorpion Bight. To the north lies
276 the Druids’ Isle.
The merchant known as Moon of Evening will never forget Steer north The War-Torn Kingdom 136
how you saved her life. She takes you into her household and Steer south turn to 173
embellishes you with body paint and a cloak of feathers if you Steer east Lords of the Rising Sun 406
did not already have one. You can also stay here with her family Steer west turn to 66
as long as you like – if injured, restore your Stamina to its
normal unwounded score. 284
‘Are you staying in Smogmaw?’ asks Moon of Evening’s While some of your crew see to repairs aboard ship, you lead a
brother, a handsome fellow known as Dances with Boas. ‘I shore party in gathering food and fresh water.
know a merchant who’ll take you upriver if you like.’ Roll one die.
Go with the merchant The Serpent King’s Domain 475 Score 1-2 You fall from a coconut palm;
Stay in town for now turn to 295 lose 1-6 Stamina
Score 3 Stung by a scorpion; lose 2-12 Stamina
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 25
unless you have a blessing of Immunity Return to your ship turn to 308
to Disease/ Poison
Score 4-6 You get a good rest; recover 1 Stamina if 289
injured ’Journey towards the rising sun,’ says the herald of the twin
When you are ready to leave the island, turn to 304. gods. ‘Before you reach the stars, you will come upon a bay that
is guarded by a great serpent. Fight it alone - no man may help
285 you. At the highest point of the island you’ll get your boon.’
A sharp tang is on the air. The sky, thick with iron-coloured The figure dissolves into a cascade of fading green sparks.
clouds, begins to spin slowly like a great inexorable wheel. The Get the codeword Coracle and then turn to 252.
heavens are shot though with brimstone flares. The crew stands
slack-faced with dismay. 290
‘It is the fist of Elnir...’ whimpers the bosun. ‘He means to Again you batter the strange fighter down. Now there is a thin
punish us for our sins.’ smear of blood at the corner of his mouth and he sounds slightly
If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers out of breath as he throws open his arms and says: ‘Come, my
Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your dear foe, let’s embrace. I’ll crush your bones to powder!’
blessing and turn to 320. Make a COMBAT roll at a Difficulty of 15.
If you have no such blessing, the hurricane sweeps down Successful COMBAT roll turn to 310
with merciless force. Roll one die if your ship is a barque, two Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253
dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the
roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor 291
crew. She climbs up the lifeline like a fat black spider. A claw of a
Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 6 hand reaches up, grey and liver-spotted.
Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to 231 ‘Help an old lady, then, my dears,’ she wheezes.
Score 7+ You weather the storm turn to 337 ‘Help her be damned!’ snarls the mate, brandishing his
flensing knife. ‘Let me cut her loose. Drowning’s a fair fate for
286 such as her.’
The prow of the oncoming ship looms close. Your men stand Agree to the mate’s suggestion turn to 70
ready, braced for impact. It comes, the ship lurches, there is an Pull her up on deck turn to 89
instant’s hesitation as though the Fates held their breath – then
the pirates are aboard. Battle is joined. 292
Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you Someone must have slipped a sleeping powder in your drink,
belong to any other possession. Add your Rank to this roll. because you wake late with an aching head. Feeling slightly sick,
Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total. If you go straight to your travelling chest. Your worst fears are
the crew is good quality, add 2. If the crew is excellent quality, confirmed – all your cash and possessions are gone.
add 3. Make a THIEVERY roll at a Difficulty of 15.
Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123 Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 312
Score 5-9 Crushing defeat; Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 329
lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435
Score 10-13 Forced to give in; 293
lose 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 It will cost you 30 Shards to buy a blessing. Cross off this sum
Score 14-17 The pirates withdraw turn to 101 and write Luck in the Blessings box on your Adventure Sheet.
Score 18+ Outright victory turn to 267 The blessing allows you to reroll any one dice result. This
needn’t necessarily be an ability roll; you could use it to reroll an
287 encounter result that you don’t want.
Hardly able to contain your mirth at the thought of the great You can have only one Luck blessing at a time, and it will
Reavers being robbed themselves, you help yourself to a few work only once. When you use it, cross it off your Adventure
fistfuls of treasure (worth 500 Shards in all) before sneaking back Sheet. Now turn to 44.
out of their stronghold.
If you have the codeword Crocus, turn to 549. Otherwise 294
turn to 436. You are transformed into a bird and have no cares other than to
soar off with the rest of the flock. After many months, you
288 chance to alight on the deck of a ship and when the other birds
Lose 2 more Stamina points in the rarefied air if you don’t have fly off you are left behind – human once more. The captain of
the codeword Calcium. the vessel listens to your tale with astonishment, but seems to
You descend a narrow gangway to a passage with a door to accept it as true. ‘I have heard that the natives of the Weeping
either side. You suspect that the two Golnir men with you are Jungle believe that all mankind were birds once.’
beginning to understand the difference between courage and You have not lost your money or possessions, which were
recklessness. transformed with you, but your ship is gone; cross it off your
Try the left-hand door turn to 326 Ship’s Manifest. The captain agrees to drop you off in
Try the right-hand door turn to 10 Smogmaw, unless you would rather pay him 30 Shards to take
Advance down the passage turn to 29 you back to Dweomer.
26 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
305 312
Lose the codeword Cosy. It takes a thief to catch a thief. During a thorough search of the
They doze off. You shake each man and yell in his ears, but ship, you discover a secret compartment behind the cook’s bunk
this is an enchanted slumber. You can only wake them if you where there is a large stash of stolen property.
succeed in a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 17. ‘My old tobacco pipe!’ cries the bosun. He rolls up his
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 45 sleeves and advances menacingly on the cook. ‘You scurvy
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 64 swab!’
Another sailor is appointed as cook, to general approval. For
306 his many crimes both in and out of the galley, the cook is sent to
The pirates pull alongside and cast grappling hooks to seize your feed the sharks.
vessel. Within moments they are swarming aboard. You offer Turn to 154.
them you goods, but plead for the freedom of your crew. Make
a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. 313
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 416 You drag yourself up a beach of large pebbles, strewn with
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435 fronds of seaweed. Lying for a few hours in the weak sunshine
goes some way to restoring your strength, and you manage to
307 stagger inland to look for signs of habitation. The landscape is
You help yourself to the pirates’ treasure, which amounts to 150 desolate and windswept, but you can see a few sheep grazing on
Shards. Record it on your Adventure Sheet. Their ship’s hold the hillsides.
contains 1 Cargo Unit of furs, which you can add to your own Turn to 436.
cargo if your ship has room for it. You can also take the pirate
captain’s head – such a trophy can fetch a good reward in 314
civilized ports. The tavern is just a wooden hut with curtains of woven
Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your pandanus leaves serving as partitions. Customers sit or squat on
Adventure Sheet, turn to 101. mats on the floor. The place reeks of sharp liquor and pipe
If you have the codeword Church, turn to 331.
308 If not, you can get a bed here for 1 Shard a day. Each day
Unless you have the codeword Calcium, lose 1-6 Stamina points you spend resting at the tavern, roll one die.
(the score of one die) as you vainly struggle for breath in the Score 1 Dysentery; lose 1 Stamina point
thin air. Score 2 No gain or loss of Stamina
If you survive, you can climb back down to your ship and Score 3-6 A good rest; recover 1 Stamina if injured
cut the cable loose before continuing on your way: turn to 228. When you are ready to leave, turn to 44.
309 315
‘Sail away from dusk and death,’ says the glowing image. ‘Long You lose your way and end up in a quiet spot behind a row of
before you reach the place of many-headed ones you will huts, where a half dozen assailants leap at you. Seconds later you
encounter a grim stranger. Unarmed you must struggle with are face down in the rank mud and struggling for your liberty.
him, and three times cast him to the deck; then you can demand To break free and escape you must make a COMBAT roll at a
your boon.’ Difficulty of 13.
The figure vanishes in a spray of wispy green lights. Get the Successful COMBAT roll turn to 44
codeword Certain and turn to 252. Failed COMBAT roll turn to 345
310 316
For the third time in a row, you lift the stranger clear off his feet ‘This is the very idol of which I spoke!’ cries the priest
and smash him hard against the deck. This time he raises his delightedly.
hand in submission. He takes the winged idol from you and installs it inside the
‘Enough. You win,’ he says, staggering to his feet. ‘You’re teepee. Cross it off your list of possessions and get the codeword
the strongest there is.’ Cushat.
So saying, he jumps back down to his boat and sails off. You also have the chance to increase your SCOUTING score
Increase your unwounded Stamina score by 5 points. Also by 1 if you can roll higher than your current SCOUTING score
add 1 to COMBAT. Then turn to 125. on two dice.
After making all necessary adjustments to your Adventure
311 Sheet, turn to 277.
You are on the open ocean somewhere north of Braelak, the
Sorcerers’ Isle. 317
Steer southwards turn to 9 The hills of Copper Island are honeycombed with mine
Go west turn to 129 workings. Beside a tunnel mouth you see a hut where the mine
Go east turn to 301 foreman conducts business.
Go north Cities of Gold and Glory 187 Go to see the foreman turn to 38
28 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
Enter the mines turn to 394 North The War-Torn Kingdom 222
Return to Brazen turn to 99 East turn to 66
318 323
On a small island like this there is not much on sale, but at least Obviously a powerful sleep spell permeates this island. You
the villagers fall over themselves to offer you a bargain. know you can only overcome it by using stronger magic of your
‘Nothing is too good for our saviour!’ declares one old lady own. The song of the mermaids bursts to your lips as a result of
with grateful tears in her eyes. sudden inspiration. It has the desired effect – the men rise from
the stone couches and follow you like sleepwalkers along the
Armour To buy To sell causeway.
Leather (Defence +1) free! 40 Shards Turn to 102.
Ring mail (Defence +2) 80 Shards 80 Shards
Chain mail (Defence +3) 150 Shards 150 Shards 324
Splint armour (Defence +4) – 300 Shards Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
Plate armour (Defence +5) – 700 Shards have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you
Heavy plate (Defence +6) – 1000 Shards have an excellent crew.
Score 1-6 The pirates overtake you turn to 286
Weapons (sword, axe, etc) To buy To sell Score 7+ You outrun them turn to 24
Without C OMBAT bonus free! 40 Shards
COMBAT bonus +1 180 Shards 180 Shards 325
COMBAT bonus +2 – 280 Shards The discovery of a rat’s skeleton at the bottom of a used beer
COMBAT bonus +3 – 400 Shards barrel provokes discontent among the crew. Matters are
worsened by the first mate’s jocular remark that the rat will have
Other items To buy To sell given the beer some flavour. The men become surly.
Candle free! 1 Shard At seven bells in the forenoon watch, you come on deck to
Rope free! 30 Shards discover the men on duty have broken a keg of black Barony
Lantern 75 Shards 75 Shards wine out of ship’s stores and are blind drunk. The ship has been
drifting untended for hours!
When you have finished your business here, turn to 20. Roll two dice.
Score 2-4 turn to 55
319 Score 5-6 turn to 210
The nobles are so impressed by your wit and good manners that Score 7 turn to 172
they make you a gift of a courtier’s mask. Score 8-9 turn to 246
‘If you should ever visit our land, this will admit you to the Score 10-11 turn to 303
highest social circles,’ they tell you. Score 12 Lords of the Rising Sun 309
Turn to 78.
320 It is getting harder to breathe; lose 3 Stamina points if you don’t
You are sailing off the coast of Ankon-Konu just a few leagues have the codeword Calcium. If still alive, you see three men of
north of Smogmaw, the famous trading town that is home to a violet hue come dashing at you wielding thin rapiers of
thousand ne’er-do-wells from all points of the compass. unearthly metal. Your stout seamen of Golnir are at your side,
South to Smogmaw turn to 266 leaving you to deal with the leader of these alien skyfarers.
North-east to Starspike Island turn to 192 Violet Man, COMBAT 9, Defence 12, Stamina 9
Due north turn to 303 If you turn and flee, they will get a strike at your retreating back,
West turn to 263 causing the loss of 1-6 Stamina.
East to the Sea of Hydras turn to 337 Give up and flee turn to 308
Fight on and win turn to 339
Your ordeal is over. You resolve to leave these bane-drenched 327
waters with all speed. The spectre’s face is formed of faint patches of shadow in the
Go north turn to 119 green glare. ‘From the Nozama to the Grimm, from Hypnos’
Go south turn to 302 isle to his black-winged mother’s spire – at the heart of this cross
Go east turn to 156 you’ll find the contentment you seek.’
Go west turn to 4 The light flickers, flares briefly, and goes out. You feel as if
you have awakened from a dream.
322 Get the codeword Covet and turn to 252.
You are south of Marlock City – or Old Sokar, to give the port
its original name, which still appears on most charts. The 328
helmsman asks for a new bearing. The serpent is big, but old and slow. The sailors slaughter it
Steer west turn to 402 easily, one man holding down its head with the end of an oar,
South turn to 81 whilst the others slice it up with their swords.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 29
The island appears deserted. You return to the ship and give 334
the order to be under way. Turn to 125. The Motherlode Inn offers a pallet and one square meal for 2
Shards a day. Each day you spend here you can recover 1
329 Stamina point if injured.
You search high and low, but the stolen items are nowhere to When you are ready to leave, turn to 99.
be found. Cross all cash and possessions of your Adventure
Sheet, then turn to 154. 335
You put your feet up at the house provided for you by the
330 grateful islanders. You can rest here as long as you want, so if
You tell the priestess you no longer wish to be an initiate. She injured you can now restore your Stamina to its normal
utters a long weary sigh and throws her head back in the unwounded score. You can also leave money and possessions
slumbrous heat. ‘Go then.’ here to save carrying them around. Record in the box anything
‘Do I not have to pay compensation? That is customary.’ you are leaving. Each time you return, roll two dice.
‘Not here in the tropics. Every exertion only makes a pool Score 2-9 Everything just as you left it
for flies to paddle in. I cannot be bothered to rise from my divan Score 10-12 A fire destroyed your possessions
to open the strongbox. Now, begone.’ When you are finished here, choose where to go now.
Turn to 44. Visit the market turn to 318
Consult the wise woman turn to 390
331 Upgrade your crew turn to 349
In one corner you see three of your treacherous former Put to sea turn to 298
crewmen enjoying a drink. They don’t seem to have noticed
you. The memory of their mutiny makes your blood seethe. Items kept at house
Attack them turn to 344
Speak to them turn to 35
Wait and watch turn to 203
There is a shaman’s hut made of sheaves of straw halfway
between the shanties at the edge of the town and the wall of
dark foliage that marks the start of the jungle. The shaman will
trade magical items if you are interested.
Magical Equipment To buy To sell A gilded pleasure barge sails by, bearing noblemen from Aku to
Amber wand (MAGIC +1) 500 Shards 300 Shards Metriciens. They pull alongside to converse with you for a short
Ebony wand (MAGIC +2) 1000 Shards 700 Shards while before proceeding on their way.
Cobalt wand (MAGIC +3) 2000 Shards 1500 Shards Make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 13.
Selenium wand (MAGIC +4) 4000 Shards 3000 Shards Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 319
Celestium wand (MAGIC +5) – 4500 Shards Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 78
put to sea. You also discover that the press-gang took all your
339 cash (cross it off your Adventure Sheet), though at least they left
Gasping for breath, your men make a hasty search of the cabin, your possessions.
finding three swords (COMBAT +1) and a fretwork key. If you had a ship at Smogmaw, turn to 17. If not, turn to 36.
One of the two men is reeling by now. ‘I can’t stand it much
longer, skipper...’ he says. 346
Explore further along the passage turn to 29 The other cultists nod as you enter. ‘May His name never be
Return to your ship turn to 308 spoken,’ they intone in ritual greeting.
‘Whose name? Shush!’ you reply in the words of the time-
340 honoured catechism.
A search is organized and the stowaway is soon found. He is a It is almost time for supper. If you have a pirate captain’s
little black dwarf with narrow eyes who ducks between your head or a witch’s hand to add to the simmering stew, the
legs, runs up on deck and dives into the sea. As you watch him other cultists present you with a prize medallion worth 200
swim away with surprisingly powerful strokes, the first mate Shards.
brings bad news: ‘He broke a hole in the hull. We’re sinking!’ After having your loathsome meal, you slip furtively back to
You have no choice but to abandon ship. Cross off your ship town. Turn to 44.
and crew; you will never see them again. Clinging to an empty
barrel, you are swept away by the current and eventually washed 347
up on an island. The only temple in Brazen is consecrated to Molhern. It is a low
Turn to 313. stone building, artfully fashioned to reflect the style of ancient
341 The priest cannot induct you into the inner mysteries of
Lose the codeword Coracle. Molhern’s worship. ‘I am not senior enough for that, but I can
You put into a bay on a small uncharted island. Going ashore grant blessings.’
to replenish your supplies, you come across a huge serpent with If you have the title Illuminate of Molhern, turn to 517. If
skin like tree-bark lying in the shade of the trees. It watches you not, turn to 498.
with cold intensity.
‘Shall we kill it, skipper?’ asks the master of arms. 348
Have the men attack it turn to 328 To keep the crew busy you set them to making a thorough
Kill it yourself turn to 211 inspection of the ship. It is soon discovered that someone has
Leave without disturbing it turn to 125 been breaking into the food supplies. You have a stowaway on
342 If you have the codeword Baluster, turn to 49. If not, turn to
You climb back up the sinkhole and hurry away from the 120.
Gorgons’ lair. What now?
Put to sea in one of the fishing boats turn to 411 349
Cross to the other side of the island turn to 449 Half the young men of Vervayens are eager to ship with you, so
Pray to your god for deliverance turn to 467 you have no trouble getting a good stock of volunteers. If your
crew quality is poor, upgrade it to average. You cannot get
343 better crew than this on such a small island.
A clap of her hands brings two more slave boys scurrying over ‘What now, skipper?’ asks your new cabin boy.
with a card table. A second divan is placed for you to recline. Visit the market turn to 318
Goblets of chilled fruit juice are set beside you. Consult the wise woman turn to 390
If you have a deck of marked cards you have the option Go to your house turn to 335
to use them in the game. Otherwise you will have to play with Put to sea turn to 298
the priestess’s deck.
Use deck of marked cards turn to 15 350
Agree to play with her deck turn to 34 The stowaway is a runaway slave who has spent his whole life at
sea. He has no money, but in return for you letting him stay
344 aboard till you reach port he helps teach your crew what he
You plant yourself beside the mat where they’re sitting. ‘Get up, knows of seafaring. Increase your crew quality by one step (i.e.
you dogs, so I can whip you off to hell.’ from poor to average, average to good, or good to excellent).
They get unsteadily to their feet, all the worse for drink. Now turn to 78.
‘Aye, aye, skipper,’ says your former mate, Mister Fryer. ‘And
we’ll be happy to take you with us.’ 351
If you have the codeword Aid turn to 112. Otherwise turn You are limited to three new lives from the grove on the Island
to 73. of Rebirth. If at least one of the three boxes above is blank, put
a tick in it and then turn to 69. When the three boxes are all
345 ticked, you cannot count on another rebirth.
You are coshed and dragged aboard a Sokaran merchant ship,
the Tidy Sum. By the time you come round the ship has already
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 31
352 357
Looking south, you can see the shoreline of Ankon-Konu as a Originally there were three gods, those who created the world.
faint mauve line beneath a sky of cobalt blue. These are hardly mentioned in the legends. They are dim,
Go south The Lone and Level Sands 100 shadowy figures of a primordial age. Even their names bespeak
Go north turn to 370 dream-like obscurity: Harkun, He Who Is Like Harkun, and
Go east turn to 117 The Third God.
Go west turn to 40 These three having died, their place was taken by powerful
demiurges, each with his or her own delineated jurisdiction.
353 Thus there is Tyrnai, overseer of war; Elnir, lord of the sky;
You tie yourself to the wheel and stand steadfast as the sweet irascible Maka, who brings disease and famine if not appeased
singing of the mermaids wafts across the water. It sounds so with sacrifices; Lacuna, lady of the hunt; Nagil, king of the dead;
lovely, so ethereally unattainable, that you have a wild impulse wise Molhern, deity of craftsmen; Sig, who guides the soft
to hurl yourself into the sea and drift down to meet with the footsteps of thieves; the Three Fortunes, goddesses of destiny;
maidens on the sea bed. You even find yourself untying the and the twin gods Alvir and Valmir, who rule the land under the
knots, and you have to punch your fingers against the wheel to waves.
make them sore and numb so that you cannot get free. Those, at least, are the gods of the northern continent; other
The ordeal is indescribable. It is like hearing the dying song countries have their own beliefs. Only a simpleton clings to the
of your true love, like climbing to the verge of paradise only to concept of one absolute truth.
slip away at the last instant, like the last day of childhood’s Turn to 368.
It ends at last. The crewmen come back on deck with ashen 358
faces. The bosun tells you that you are weeping – you hadn’t On the far side of the cavern you find three copper doors. To
noticed. He unties the knots and you stagger below, for a while open them you will need a verdigris key.
inconsolable. Get the codeword Cerumen and turn to 300. Open a door turn to 395
Turn back turn to 633
The approaching vessel announces her hostile intent by hoisting 359
the baleful red pennant of the Reavers. Her oars give her a good ‘How about that money I put into your business venture?’ you
burst of speed over short distances, and she is soon bearing down ask him.
on you. ‘Oh yes,’ he says, ‘that.’
Make a run for it turn to 324 Roll two dice, and add 1 to the dice roll if you are an initiate
Parley turn to 306 of the Three Fortunes.
Fight it out turn to 286 Score 2-4 Loss of 20%
Score 5-6 Loss of 10%
355 Score 7-8 Profit of 10%
The sky is the colour of thunder. From behind the clouds comes Score 9-11 Profit of 20%
the muttering of a great storm. The sailors chatter in fear. ‘It is Score 12-13 Profit of 25%
the voice of Elnir,’ says the cook. ‘And he ain’t inviting us to Now turn to 652 and withdraw the sum noted in the box
dance no blessed jig!’ there after adjusting it according to the result rolled.
If you have the blessing of Safety from Storms, you can
ignore the storm; cross off the blessing and turn to 648. 360
Otherwise the storm hits with titanic fury, tossing huge By the time the ship has reversed course, the poor surgeon is no
waves across the deck. Roll one die if your ship is a barque, two longer in sight. ‘He’s been swept away to the sea gods’ hall,’ says
dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the the bosun in a voice of great lament.
roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor ‘What will we do without a surgeon?’ says the second mate.
crew. ‘Now I’ll have to wait till we get to Dweomer to get my hair
Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 486 cut.’
Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to 718 Your confidence in your sailing skills has been badly shaken.
Score 7-19 You weather the storm turn to 262 Lose 1 from your SCOUTING score and turn to 22.
356 361
The strange women come closer and one of them touches your The ship lurches with the impact. Timbers groan and crack.
face with her long dry fingers. Immediately her crowing laughter Pirates pour over the rail with a lusty yell, eager on seasoning
turns to a strangled cry of alarm: ‘Warm living flesh! Our powers your decks with blood.
did not work, my sister–!’ Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you
You take advantage of her surprise to deal her a vicious blow belong to any other profession. Add your Rank to this roll.
that lays her senseless. Now you have only one of them to fight. Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total. If
Gorgon, COMBAT 4, Defence 5, Stamina 8 the crew is good, add 2. If the crew is excellent, add 3.
If you win, turn to 393. Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123
Score 5-9 Crushing defeat;
lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435
32 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
cobblestones prised up from the streets. Lose 1-6 Stamina points 380
(the score of one die). If you survive that, you rejoin your ship. You stow away in the hold of one of the pirate ships and wait
The plank is hauled up and you hastily cast off. Lose the title for her to be put to sea. Attempt a T HIEVERY roll at Difficulty
Saviour of Vervayens Isle and turn to 298. 16 to see if you can avoid being discovered.
Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 419
373 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 114
The pirates pull alongside and cast grappling hooks to seize your
vessel. Within moments they are swarming aboard. You offer 381
them your goods, but plead for the freedom of your crew. Make A ship comes alongside showing the banner of the High King: a
a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. golden starburst on a field of azure blue.
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 431 ‘Long live the King!’ cries your helmsman, a gruff old
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435 Harkunan who at heart is a wild romantic.
If you have the codeword Diamond, turn to 676. If not, turn
374 to 490.
You forgot you were standing at the end of the headland. You
take a step back, lose your footing, and fall to your death on the 382
sharp rocks below. Turn to 123. ‘Ah,’ says Lauria as you approach her table. ‘I don’t think I had
the chance to introduce my father the last time you were here...’
375 You bow to him. ‘Sir.’
The Mannekyn People are a race of small winged folk. Their ‘Father is the Warden of All Hellions College,’ says Lauria.
home is in the high caves of Sky Mountain, but some have You’ll get further playing in cool this time. ‘Are you aware,’
taken up residence among humankind. One such is the famous you ask Lauria, ‘that because of you I was whipped half to
Tekshin, whose tavern is a favourite halt for travellers on the death? Look, I still bear the scars.’
road from Wheatfields to Haggart’s Corner. Turn to 368. ‘Please,’ says her father, ‘I do not care to have you expose
yourself to me over dinner. And in any case, those can hardly be
376 called scars.’
There is nothing of interest of the trau’s body but a pickaxe He traces his finger over your injuries, which heal
(COMBAT +2). Turn to 358. completely. Add 1 to your CHARISMA.
‘There,’ says Lauria. ‘Now perhaps you’ll stop being such a
377 pest.’ But she says it with a smile.
There is a sparkle of green light in the gloom. Bending down, Lose the codeword Anger and turn to 571.
you find a sea-green lens. Who could have dropped that? One
of the miners? You drop the sea-green lens into your pocket; 383
note it on your list of possessions and then turn to 396. Talanexor concedes defeat rather than suffer the full effect of
your conjurations. A tribunal finds him guilty of besmirching
378 your good name and orders him to pay you 500 Shards by way
The crewmen are too drunk to take any notice of your orders. of compensation. As he counts out the money he gives you a
‘Shtop bleatin’ an’ have yourself a lil’l drink!’ declares the glowering look and says under his breath: ‘You’ll lie in your
cabin boy boldly, brandishing a bottle of wine in your face. grave before you can spend the last of these coins. See if you can
You give him a sound buffet for his impertinence and then deflect that curse!’
try to think what to do. You can’t sail the ship single-handed. He turns and strides away. Get the codeword Cheese and
But what if the Reavers turn up while your crew are in this turn to 571.
hopeless state?
Wait till they sober up turn to 397 384
Leave and travel on foot turn to 417 The terrified islanders swarm about your ship. Women and
children are put in the hold, and any cargo you had is jettisoned
379 (cross it off the Ship’s Manifest). Others must cling to the rigging
The pirates’ treasure comprises 900 Shards, which you can or perch on the rail. The extra load makes the ship float
record on your Adventure Sheet. Their ship’s hold contains 1 alarmingly low in the water.
Cargo Unit of textiles, which you can add to your own cargo if As you put out from the shore, the volcano is already starting
you have room for it. Your mate suggests taking the pirate to spit out long fiery torrents of lava. But the danger isn’t over
captain’s head in case it carries a bounty. yet.
You also get a chance to increase in Rank after your stirring Roll one die. Subtract 1 if your ship is a barque; add 1 if it is
leadership in battle. Roll two dice, and if the result is greater a galleon.
than your current Rank then you gain a Rank. You also gain 1- Score 0-2 The ship capsizes turn to 486
6 Stamina points permanently: increase your normal Score 3-7 Luck is with you turn to 366
(unwounded) Stamina score by the roll of one die. Remember
that going up in Rank increases your Defence. 385
Once you have made the necessary adjustments on your You manage to convince the hero that it would be unwise to
Adventure Sheet, turn to 311. confront the gods. ‘Men have been stricken with madness for
such prideful folly,’ you remind him.
34 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
He agrees at last. ‘In that case I must return to the only one Safety from Storms blessing at a time, and it will work
enchantress who lent me this marvellous steed, back in Atticala. only once.
Do you wish to join me?’ When you have finished your business with the wise
‘What of my ship?’ woman, turn to 335.
‘You go ahead and enjoy yourself, skipper,’ says the first
mate. ‘We’ll meet up with you in Port Skios.’ 391
Go with the horseman Legions of the Labyrinth 66 Sailors believe that at times like this it is possible to whistle up a
Decline his offer turn to 135 wind. Make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14 (Difficulty 12 if
you are an initiate of Alvir and Valmir) to see if you have the
386 knack.
What are you interested in finding out about? Successful MAGIC roll turn to 155
The Bluewood turn to 573 Failed MAGIC roll turn to 624
The key of stars turn to 591
Estragon turn to 609 392
The Feathered Lands turn to 627 The pirates smash their craft against yours and come scuttling
Akatsurai turn to 645 across the boarding ladders like big black spiders.
The gods turn to 357 Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you
Ghosts turn to 247 belong to any other profession. Add your Rank to this roll.
Trau turn to 663 Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total.
Mannekyn People turn to 375 If the crew is good quality, add 2. If the crew is excellent
The Uttakin turn to 681 quality, add 3.
Old Harkuna turn to 698 Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123
The Innis Shoals turn to 2 Score 5-9 Crushing defeat;
The city of Dangor turn to 650 lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435
The Shadar turn to 668 Score 10-13 Forced to given in:
The Forest of Larun turn to 542 lose 1-6 Stamina turn to 416
Mermaids turn to 63 Score 14-17 The pirates withdraw turn to 648
Score 18+ Outright victory turn to 412
You climb back down the cliff to the beach. If you have a ship 393
docked at the southern bay on Sorcerers’ Isle, turn to 122. If With the Gorgons dead, the curse is lifted and the villagers come
not, you have no option but to climb back up and try to make back to life. When they realize you have rescued them, they
your way through the Bluewood to Dweomer: turn to 407. swear to honour you for ever.
You are feasted for days on end and can recover any lost
388 Stamina points. Then the villagers come to you and say they
You look back. The path you came along is not there anymore. have another gift – a ship, crewed by the young men of the
You are lost in the Bluewood. island. They are eager to sail with you and seek adventure.
To find your way out again you will need to make a SCOUTING Note on your Ship’s Manifest that you have a brigantine
roll at a Difficulty of 15. (cargo capacity: 2 Cargo Units) with an average quality crew.
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 705 Also note the title Saviour of Vervayens Isle on your Adventure
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 369 Sheet.
Turn to 298.
It is possible to forge a powerful wand with this substance, but if 394
the alloy is not prepared using exactly the right mixture then the A tunnel winds down steeply from the mine entrance and then
ore could decay explosively. To make the attempt you require a forks in two. Rough steps have been hacked into the floor. The
MAGIC roll at Difficulty 16 – though you may prefer to leave rock is so hard that there is no need for timbers to shore up the
well enough alone. roof.
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 371 Go to the surface turn to 25
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 708 Take the left-hand tunnel turn to 414
Don’t attempt it turn to 262 Take the right-hand tunnel turn to 434
390 395
The wise woman lives a reclusive existence. Her home is a cave If you are using a candle to light your way, cross it off as it
in the cliffs high above the village. The islanders turn to her for cannot be used again.
medicine, soothsaying and the favour of the gods. Now choose which door you will open. Each is a magical
She greets you with a sticky yellow smile and waits for you portal leading to a distant place. Note that if you do not have
to fill her hand with silver. For 5 Shards she will give you a The War-Torn Kingdom or The Plains of Howling Darkness, which
blessing of Safety from Storms. Note this in the Blessings box on are other books in this series, you had better open the right-
your Adventure Sheet if you decide to buy it. You can have hand door.
The left hand door The War-Torn Kingdom 670
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 35
The middle door The Plains of Howling Darkness 85 Arrant superstition. You will have none of it. Roll two dice.
The right-hand door turn to 415 Score 2-4 Pirates turn to 511
Score 5 Storm turn to 580
396 Score 6-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 32
You can take a pickaxe and a lump of copper ore. There is Score 9-12 A ghost ship turn to 530
nothing else to interest you here, so when you are ready to leave
turn to 394. 403
The ship plunges on as though hauled by sea demons. Indeed,
397 some of your crew even claim to have caught glimpses of such
Sure enough, just a few hours later, the door of the tavern flies creatures, which they say resemble giant horses with manes of
open and a pack of cutthroats come storming in. Most of your green froth plunging neck-deep through the sea.
crewmen are in no fit state to fight, but you manage to rally a Roll two dice. Subtract 1 from the result if your ship is a
few of them. Roll two dice (three if you’re a Warrior) and add barque; add 1 if she is a galleon.
your Rank. Add 2 to the total if your crew is excellent quality. Score 1-6 Abandon ship! turn to 486
Score 3-7 You are killed turn to 123 Score 7-13 The tempest passes turn to 468
Score 8-12 You are captured turn to 454
Score 13+ You win turn to 455 404
You raise your arms to the volcano and plead with the god
398 Jiarosh to stay his wrath. Make a SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of
You are close-hauled and making slow progress against a 14.
contrary wind when another vessel appears off the port bow. Successful SANCTITY roll turn to 425
She is bearing hard in, and the crew gasp in dismay as they sight Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 444
the fluttering red pennants of the Reavers.
Make a run for it turn to 418 405
Parley turn to 456 Targdaz’s horse flies you back to your castle in a matter of hours.
Fight it out turn to 474 ‘I didn’t want to waste the spell,’ he says as it flies off. ‘Each
time I summon that steed it costs a year of my life.’
399 You are more concerned about your ship and crew. Make a
The narrow Straits of Alvir permit safe passage between the Sea CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 13. Success means that the crew
of Stilts and the Violet Ocean, assuming you are a skilled enough followed your orders and you can note that the ship is now
mariner to steer your vessel through. docked at the port of your choice. Failure means that they sailed
Make a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14. off and you must cross the vessel’s details off your Ship’s
If you succeed, turn to paragraph 220 in The Isle of a Manifest.
Thousand Spires. Otherwise, you are forced back – turn to 40. Now turn to 20 in The Court of the Hidden Faces.
400 406
The Reaver King regards you with a baleful half-smile. ‘How If you posses a ship’s deeds, turn to 710. Otherwise read on.
proudly you stand there before me. Are you not aware that I There is one ship for sale. She is a barque with a carrying
hold your fate in my hands?’ capacity of 1 Cargo Unit; she will cost you 320 Shards.
He steps forward as though to embrace you, then suddenly ‘What about the crew?’ you ask the man who is selling her.
brings his fist up in a vicious punch to the gut. You double up, ‘Men from Marmorek,’ he says. ‘Landlubbers everyone of
gasping for breath. Lose 1 Stamina point. If still alive, you hear them, but they’re willing to learn.’
him say: ‘The only question is whether to kill you at once or If you decide to buy the ship, remember to cross off the
have a little fun first.’ money and record the details on the Ship’s Manifest. The Crew
If you have a silver medallion, turn to 363. If not, turn to Quality is poor. Remember to change the entry in the docked
638. column each time you arrive at a new port; it is currently
docked at Dweomer, of course.
401 Now turn to 100.
Lauria goes through a doorway. A few moments later an upstairs
light comes on and you see her outlined against the window 407
pane. You glance around to find out the name of the street, but You are at the top of high cliffs swathed in mist. Nearby stands a
you can hardly see ten paces because of the dense fog. gloomy tower. Looking north, you are faced by the
The light goes out. You wait outside until Lauria must be impenetrable mass of the Bluewood, that trackless forest from
asleep, then you let yourself into the house and tiptoe upstairs. whose bourne few travellers return except as mindless shrieking
Make a THIEVERY roll at Difficulty 13. zombies with a ravenous thirst for human blood ...
Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 421 No, no; that’s just an old wives’ tale. Or so you tell yourself.
Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 514 Venture into the Bluewood turn to 697
Go to the tower turn to 426
402 Descend the cliffs turn to 387
‘I don’t like it skipper,’ says the pilot, gazing at the charts.
‘We’re steering betwixt Death and the wine-dark sea.’
36 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
408 415
If you have a witch’s hand, turn to 555. Otherwise, turn to You emerge from a doorway set in the side of a tree. You now
388. seem to be standing in a forest. The foliage overhead is so thick
that you can hardly tell if it is day or night.
409 Turn to 697
A chunk of selenium ore is discovered embedded in a coral
reef. It is still hot from its fall, causing the sea to hiss each time a 416
wave laps over it. The pirates take your cargo, all your possessions and your cash.
‘Heaven must be hotter than hell,’ is the bosun’s eminently They also seize your ship for themselves. Cross all these off your
scientific conjecture based on the evidence. Adventure Sheet and Ship’s Manifest. They are convinced it is
Note the selenium ore on your Adventure Sheet. If you worth leaving you alive, at least.
are an initiate of Molhern, turn to 389. Otherwise turn to 262. ‘Yes, that way we can prey on you again in the future,’ says
their leader with a feral grin. ‘Every good fisherman knows to
410 throw some of his catch back!’
The captain rewards you with the contents of his hold: 2 Cargo You are put off in Dweomer. As the pirates sail off, you vow
Units of metals. Note these on your Ship’s Manifest, assuming revenge. Turn to 100.
you have the space to load them aboard. (You can jettison your
current cargo to make room, if you wish.) 417
‘What will you do now?’ you ask the captain. Get the codeword Colour and then turn to 436.
He gives a quick bray of exhausted laughter. ‘Get my ship
into port, sell her, and use the money to buy a tavern. I’ll never 418
put to sea again, that’s for sure.’ Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
Turn to 137. have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you
have an excellent crew.
411 Score 1-6 The pirates overtake you turn to 474
The boats are badly weathered, having been left untended for a Score 7+ You outrun them turn to 13
long time. You chose the most seaworthy and wait until the tide
is in to float her out of the harbour, preferring to cast yourself on 419
the mercy of the sea than risk a night on this eerie island. Roll After several weeks at sea, the ship puts in at Smogmaw. You
one die. wait until the pirates are carousing in town before slipping away,
Score 1-2 Wrecked on a beach turn to 505 taking with you 50 Shards from their coffers for good measure!
Score 3-4 Picked up by pirates turn to 472 Lose the codeword Colour if you have it and turn to 44.
Score 5-6 Reach the mainland turn to 430
412 Amcha sleeps in a chamber at the rear of his throne room. He
The pirates’ treasure amounts to 1200 Shards and their ship’s has no personal guards – that would suggest weakness, and he is
hold contains 1 Cargo Unit of spices, which you can add to a proud man – but there are regular patrols of sentries around
your own cargo if you have room for it. Your mate also thinks the citadel.
you should take the pirate captain’s head as a trophy. Make a THIEVERY roll at a Difficulty of 14 to sneak in and
You also get a chance to increase in Rank. Roll two dice, do the deed without being apprehended.
and if the result is greater than your current Rank then you gain Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 585
a Rank. You also gain 1-6 Stamina points permanently: increase Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 493
your normal (unwounded) Stamina score by the roll of one die.
Remember that going up in Rank will also increase your 421
Defence by 1. You could never normally sneak in on a master thief like Lauria,
Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your but after a heavy meal of venison and roast parsnips washed
Adventure Sheet, turn to 648. down with cider she is sleeping as soundly as a gorged vampire
at noonday.
413 Rob her turn to 440
If you have a treasure map, turn to 132. If not, turn to 150. Kidnap her turn to 459
414 422
No daylight penetrates this far below ground. In order to Black clouds boil up suddenly across a clear sky. Within minutes
proceed you must have a candle, lantern, or other source of the ship is bucking wildly in an icy gale as sheets of lightning
light. Otherwise you have no choice but to turn back. crackle overhead. ‘No natural storm could come up so quick,’
Proceed along the tunnel turn to 452 says the bosun. ‘this is sorcery.’
Turn back turn to 317 Assuming he’s right, you can try to cancel the storm by
making a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14.
Successful MAGIC roll turn to 226
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 403
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 37
426 431
You peer into the translucent walls of the tower, but it is like The pirates take your cargo, your personal belongings and any
looking into a deep green pond. You can make out nothing of cash you have on board. To your surprise, they agree to leave
what lies within. you with your ship.
Entering, you find a winding staircase which you climb up ‘In truth, it’s not worth the effort of hauling back home,’
to a landing. All the way you are beset by tiny stinging creatures; remarks the pirate captain acerbically as he goes back aboard his
lose 1-6 Stamina points (the score of one die). own vessel.
Leave the tower turn to 407 You watch them sail away. Amend your Adventure Sheet
Press on up the staircase turn to 680 and your Ship’s Manifest, then turn to 648.
427 432
The men raise three cheers as you get hold of the surgeon under The Gorgons go to their beds only once the moon has set. You
one arm and swim back toward the ship. When he has peer down at them in the faint lamplight. While they doze, their
somewhat recovered, the surgeon administers himself a measure ophidian tresses sway drowsily on the pillows. Make a
of brandy ‘for medicinal purposes’. SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 10.
You are the hero of the hour. Roll two dice, and if the total Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 451
is higher than your CHARISMA score you can increase it by 1. Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 469
After making any necessary adjustments to your Adventure
Sheet, turn to 22. 433
Instead of the idyllic garden you found on your first visit, the
428 place is now a rank wilderness. The lawns have become a
The first mate rushes into your cabin one day toward dusk. waterlogged marsh dotted with fungi. Insects skirl above
Deep in calculation over your charts, you barely glance up when stagnant ponds and dense weeds have choked the life from the
he blurts out: ‘Captain, an ancient hulk has drifted alongside.’ trees. A creeping miasma cloaks out the sunlight.
‘She’s adrift, you say? A derelict?’ A single breath of this foul air is enough to slay your men.
‘No derelict,’ he replies in an agitated voice, ‘She has a You’ll die yourself unless you have a blessing of Immunity to
skeleton crew!’ Disease/ Poison. (If you did have such a blessing, remember now
‘Hmm.’ You sit back, folding your arms behind you head. to cross if off now it’s used up).
‘Perhaps her skipper wants to flesh out his crew with some of If, thanks to a the blessing, you survived, turn to 64.
our men...’ Otherwise turn to 123.
‘I think you’re right!’ cries the mate, staring past you with
wild eyes. 434
Something is tapping on the window pane – something that You pass a group of miners on their way back to the surface.
has terrified the mate. You turn to see what it is. A host of ivory They are bony sallow-faced wretches clad in rags. The well-to-
38 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
do lords who own this mine pay their workers barely more than is, he gets first blow and you must fight him without the benefit
they need to stay alive. of weapon or armour.
If you have the codeword Church, turn to 453. If not, turn to Resentful Sailor, COMBAT 5, Defence 6, Stamina 3
471. If you manage to overcome him, turn to 262.
435 442
The pirates seize you and clap you in iron fetters, then put your ‘It is the god Jiarosh, who dwells inside the mountain!’ shriek
own vessel in tow and start the long haul back to the base. the islanders as plumes of thick black smoke start to boil out of
Cross off any Cargo Units aboard your vessel. However, do the volcano’s cone. ‘Jiarosh, spare us!’
not cross the ship and crew off your Ship’s Manifest just yet. Evacuate the island turn to 384
You may still be able to escape from your captors... Intercede with the god turn to 404
Turn to 454. Set sail at once turn to 479
436 443
You must fend for yourself, surviving on little more than wild It is Targdaz, your personal sorcerer.
berries and cold spring water while you scour the bleak hills. ‘Still gallivanting about on the high seas?’ he says. ‘There are
Make a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 14. much more interesting things afoot back home. I’m on my way
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to546 there now. Want a ride?’
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 601 ‘What about the ship?’
‘I’m sure these fellows are capable of sailing it to port
437 without you to tell them what to do.’
A pack of hellions erupt out of the sea by night and pelt your Fly off on Targdaz’s horse turn to 405
vessel with burning pitch. To repulse them you must use a Decline his offer turn to 135
combination of sorcery and holy force. Make M AGIC and
SANCTITY rolls, both at Difficulty 17. 444
Both rolls successful The hellions retreat; turn to 322 Jiarosh, the vulcanian god of the island, regards your entreaties as
One roll successful The ship’s aflame; turn to 249 gross impertinence. He sends forth a spurt of lava and deadly hot
Both rolls failed Carried off to hell; turn to 66 in gas that incinerates you where you stand. Turn to 123.
Into the Underworld
438 These tunnels connect places from all corners of the world. You
You arrive at the coast to see your own ship riding at anchor. A soon get your bearings. From here you can travel where you
gang of pirates armed with whips are forcing your own sailors to wish, emerging by magic through a vent in empty space.
equip her as a war vessel. Your blood boils at the thought of the To Aku The Court of Hidden Faces 444
Reavers using your ship for their own ends. To Brazen turn to 99
Charge in to rescue your men turn to 603 To Chambara Lords of the Rising Sun 79
Reconnoitre the island first turn to 655 To Dangor The City in the Clouds 3
To Dunpala The Serpent King’s Domain 42
To Dweomer turn to 571
Along with your crew, you cower below decks with your hands
To Mithdrak The Isle of a Thousand Spires 50
over your ears. The ship drifts on untended with no on but Fate
at the tiller, and slowly that deathly singing fades into the To Pethumar The Lone and Level Sands 20
distance. Roll two dice. To Ringhorn Cities of Gold and Glory 2
Score 2-6 The ship hits a reef turn to 486 To Smogmaw turn to 44
Score 7+ Adrift in unknown waters turn to 244 To Teleos Legions of the Labyrinth 88
To Yarimura The Plains of Howling Darkness 10
440 To Yellowport The War-Torn Kingdom 10
You take 250 Shards from her money pouch. It is little enough
compensation for all she’s put you through in the past. Hearing 446
her moan and turn over in her sleep, you give her the empty The men are horrified at your callousness. ‘I thank the gods it
money pouch to cuddle. What a grand joke, when the wasn’t me who fell overboard,’ growls the first mate in a surly
swashbuckling burglar wakes to find she’s been robbed! fashion.
You quietly let yourself out, pleased to have settled the score ‘You should say: “it was not I”,’ you point out.
after so long. Lose the codeword Anger and turn to 675. Correcting his grammar only puts him into a darker mood.
For the next couple of days, neither he nor anyone else will so
441 much as acknowledge your presence.
Earlier in the day you had to order a lashing for one of the crew Turn to 677.
because of insubordination. Having escaped from the brig, the
wretch comes stealing in on you in the night. If not for a creaky 447
floorboard he would have cut your throat while you slept. As it If you have the title Chosen One of Nagil, turn to 466. If not,
turn to 484.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 39
448 454
One of the sailors comes over drenched in blood and hands you Get the codeword Colour and turn to 472.
a trophy that he hacked from one of the creatures’ maws. It is a
hydra’s tooth. Note it on your list of possessions before turning 455
to 118. The tavern is a shambles. Several of your men lie dead in the
wreckage. The first mate staggers over and you are horrified to
449 see that one of his eyes has been gouged out in the fighting.
You realize that it is too risky to linger here. You scale the cliffs ‘Yeah, but you should see the other bloke,’ he quips gamely.
under cover of darkness and find a beach on the far side of the You have the chance to gain a Rank now. You need to roll
island, where you can make your camp at a safe distance from higher than your current Rank on one die to do so. If you do
the cursed village. go up a Rank, permanently increase your Stamina by 1-6 points
Turn to 177. (the score of one die) and remember that your Defence score
will increase by 1.
450 Your men are in no shape to tackle the Reavers now. ‘He
A low prow emerges from a bank of mist close off your who fights and runs away, skipper...’ urges the bosun.
starboard bow. As the vessel takes shape, you recognize the You nod in agreement. ‘Get back aboard, you swabs. We’re
bronze shields along the sides that identify it as a slave ship from setting sail!’
Uttaku. It heaves ponderously closer – powered, not by sails, but Turn to 164.
by huge paddles turned by oxen chained in the bowels of the
ship. 456
‘Normally we could hope to outrun them,’ announces the The pirates pull alongside and cast grappling hooks to seize your
helmsman. ‘But they’ve come on us right close, and there’s vessel. Within moments they are swarming aboard. You offer
hardly a breath of wind for the sails. We’ll have to stand and them your goods, but plead for the freedom of your crew. Make
fight.’ a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15.
The crew awaits your orders. Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 416
Go alongside and prepare to board turn to 523 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435
Ram the Uttakin ship turn to 541
451 Lose 1-6 Stamina points. If you survive, you lead your men in a
You know that the snakes will detect your approach even in charge that routs the remaining pirates. Searching the bodies of
darkness, because they can sense your body heat. To counteract those you killed, you can help yourself to a sword (COMBAT
this you take a long dip in the ocean until you are shivering with +2) and a suit of chain mail (Defence +3).
cold. Then you return to slay the Gorgons in their sleep... ‘We ought to get under way,’ says the first mate. ‘They’ll be
Make a THIEVERY roll at a Difficulty of 10. back with reinforcements soon.’
Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 487 You agree. Lose the codeword Colour and turn to 164.
Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 506
452 The Reavers have no intention of releasing your ship and crew;
To one side of the tunnel is a shaft that has been boarded up. slave labour is too valuable.
On it is stuck a label which reads: ‘Danger. This section of the If you have a silver medallion, turn to 567. If not, you
mines closed on account of spectres. By order of the Mine must decide whether to sneak off and rescue your men (turn to
Supervisor.’ 438) or forget about them and see to your own future (turn to
Break down the boards turn to 470 476).
Venture deeper turn to 651
Head for the surface turn to 25 459
Lauria is sleeping like an innocent babe. She barely murmurs in
453 her sleep as you toss her over your shoulder and carry her down
Among the shambling miners you notice one face – your former to the docks. There you find an Uttakin slaver who is delighted
helmsman, Gaspar Savaloy. His cheeks, once ruddy and well- to buy her off you for 150 Shards. ‘She has very white skin,’ he
larded as any yeoman of Golnir, are now hollow; his formerly says appreciatively.
ample belly has been lost along with memories of good meals. You nod. ‘And a black heart.’
‘Mister Savaloy,’ you say. ‘Here’s a pretty pass, eh?’ Lose the codeword Anger and get the codeword Civil in its
It takes a few seconds for recognition to strike. ‘Skipper! If it place. Then turn to 100.
ain’t me old skipper what I unjustly abandoned on that isle.’ He
starts to sway his head, eyes too parched for tears. ‘Help yer old 460
helmsman, skipper.’ The lookout reports seeing a meteor plunge out of the sky a few
You discover from the mine supervisor that it will cost 30 leagues to southward. The first mate thinks it might be worth
Shards to pay off Savaloy’s indenture. investigating, but it is not as easy as he thinks. You will have to
Pay to have him free turn to 489 calculate how far the ship has gone since the meteor fell and
Ignore him and walk on turn to 471
40 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
464 471
You walk down into pitch darkness. The scent is of damp loam No daylight penetrates this far below ground. To proceed you
and ozone. Sorcery is in the very air here, strong enough to must have a candle, lantern or other source of light. Otherwise
make your skin tingle. To master the winding paths below the you have no choice but to turn back.
world you must make a MAGIC or SCOUTING roll (your choice) Proceed downwards turn to 509
at a Difficulty of 17. Head for the surface turn to 317
Successful roll turn to 445
Failed roll Into the Underworld 25 472
You are chained by the pirates and taken inland on one of the
465 Unnumbered Isles. The landscape consists of windswept bluffs
You are gazing over the side when you see a dark shadow rising under a sky of perpetual racing clouds. A thin cold drizzle comes
from the depths. It is huge. down in gusts.
Before you have a chance to shout any warning, colossal Get the codeword Chance if you can succeed in a SCOUTING
tentacles rear up from the water and grapple the ship. check at Difficulty 12.
Roll one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if she’s a Whether you make the roll or not, turn to 114.
brigantine, and three dice if she’s a galleon. You can add your
Rank to this roll. 473
Score 2-9 The ship is lost turn to 592 The new Reaver King, Isthmus Jack, is a strutting rogue with a
Score 10-15 You escape in the cutter turn to 610 broad bald brow and a beard like shavings of red gold. He has
Score 16+ The Kraken departs turn to 135 none of Amcha’s cold intensity, but behind that cavalier grin
you get a feeling of simmering menace.
466 ‘Ah,’ he says, ‘you slew my predecessor, I believe?’
The skeletons have sailed from the Night Country to pay Admit to killing Amcha turn to 512
homage to you. Your men are astonished to see them kneel Deny it turn to 400
down in your cabin and bow their bald white heads, as docile as
page-boys. 474
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 502. If The pirates ram you, then pour across the rail brandishing their
the box was ticked already, turn to 521. swords. This promises to be a hard fight.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 41
Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you coloured tents on each pontoon. They are the sea gypsies, who
belong to any other profession. Add you Rank to this roll. live on these large clumps of floating weeds.
Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total. If As soon as they draw alongside, the gypsies clamber aboard
the crew is good quality, add 2. If the crew is excellent quality, without waiting for permission and start shoving a curious
add 3. assortment of goods towards you.
Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123 ‘Best prices on the high seas!’ says one with a cavalier grin.
Score 5-9 Crushing defeat;
lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Items To buy To sell
Score 10-13 Forced to give in; Rope 30 Shards 20 Shards
lose 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Lantern 75 Shards 60 Shards
Score 14-17 The pirates withdraw turn to 13 Candle 10 Shards 5 Shards
Score 18+ Outright victory turn to 492 Water flask 25 Shards 20 Shards
Coral-red tresses 1000 Shards 500 Shards
475 Golden katana 10000 Shards 3000 Shards
You are off the coast of Old Harkuna with the Sorcerers’ Isle Smoulder fish 110 Shards 90 Shards
not many leagues to the south-east. Cross-staff (SCOUTING +2) 700 Shards 500 Shards
Steer north The Court of Hidden Faces 60 Violin 90 Shards 50 Shards
Steer south turn to 208 Parrot 200 Shards 90 Shards
Steer east turn to 200 Fishing hook 5 Shards 2 Shards
Steer west turn to 21 Boar’s tusk 150 Shards 75 Shards
Make for Ringhorn The Court of Hidden Faces 26 Green gem 575 Shards 100 Shards
Head for Dweomer turn to 9
When you have finished your buying and selling, turn to 50.
You’re obliged to fall in with the Reavers, at least for a while. 481
You are given a midshipman’s position aboard one of their You give each man a biscuit from the cabin boy's locker and tell
vessels and told that promotion will depend on how you acquit him to swallow it. One of the ordinary seamen, a hulking fellow
yourself in this job. called Timung, is unable to do so. Guilt has left his mouth too
Make a THIEVERY roll and a SCOUTING roll, both at dry.
Difficulty 14. Later, a gold chain that belonged to the victim is found
Both rolls successful turn to 494 under Timung’s pillow, showing that his motive was simple
One roll successful turn to 513 theft. You have no compunction about casting the villain over
Fail both rolls turn to 531 board to try his luck in battle with the sharks.
Roll two dice, and if you get higher than your current
477 THIEVERY score, increase it by 1. Then turn to 188.
If the box is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 622. If it was
already ticked, turn to 675. 482
‘Few reach this far,’ booms a voice. Startled, you whirl around
478 and peer in all directions, but there is nothing to be seen except
A gust of wind swings the boom around, knocking the ship’s the pall of leaves and trees like silent sentinels.
surgeon into the sea. Like most sailors, who prefer the thought The branches of the plane tree move - sluggish serpents
of a quick death if their ships should go down, he cannot swim stirred to drowsy life, unfolding to reveal a fissure in the earth.
The men crowd along the rail, watching helplessly as he ‘Where does it lead?’ you ask the unseen presence.
founders in the water. ‘Anywhere you wish, if you have the science to find your
Jump in to save the surgeon turn to 558 way. But to the unskilled it is only a gateway to hell.’
Leave him to drown turn to446 Enter the hole turn to464
Order the helmsman to put about turn to 360 Turn back turn to388
479 483
You sail away from the Island of Fire. The first mate comes At dawn you find you are in the Misty Estuary. The helmsman
toyour cabin to discuss the course you wish to steer. is at a loss to explain it. ‘I could have sworn we were a hundred
Go north turn to246 leagues north of here,’ he says.
Go south turn to192 You are not one to ignore the suggestions of providence.
Go east turn to210 Since some force has seen fit to bring you here, it may be worth
Go west turn to303 staying a while.
Note that your ship is now docked at Smogmaw and then
480 turn to 44.
A flotilla of mossy pontoons comes drifting across the water
towards you. They look like floating gardens. As they get closer
you can see people and animals moving between brightly
42 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
484 Gaspar Savaloy falls on his knees to thank you. You look
Clutched in bony fingers, you and your men are hauled across to down in a mixture of contempt and pity as he kisses your boots.
the other ship. Shrouds catch a foetid wind and slowly she picks ‘A tidy reward for mutiny, wouldn’t you say, Mister
up speed, leaving your own ship to drift abandoned. Savaloy?’
You are pressed into service below decks - a harsh servitude He cannot look you in the eye. ‘I’m shamed, skipper; you’ve
from which not even death can bring deliverance. Each day you shamed me. But I’ll make up all I owe you an’ more, you see if I
watch with horror as your flesh dries up and sloughs away, don’t. I’m bound for Dweomer, where I’ll make good. Then I
leaving you a macabre living skeleton. can pay you back.’
Nothing can save you from undeath - not even any He scurries off. Get the codeword Cancel and turn to 317.
resurrection you may have arranged. Cross off all codewords and
ticks in all your Fabled Lands books and start again with a new 490
character. You hail the other ship, asking its crew why they serve a
monarch who is long dead.
485 ‘Not dead but sleeping,’ counters the captain. ‘We are the
You are dazzled from staring so long in the direction of the keepers of the flame until that time when the Rimewater thaws
setting sun, so that all you can see when you turn is the and our liege-lord shall rise up to sweep the Uttakin into the
silhouettes of the two tall women who have come to confront sea.’
you. Their hair seems to move — not lightly, as though Your first mate leans over and whispers in your ear.
whipped by the sea breeze, but with the oily sluggishness of ‘Fanatics, by the sound of it, captain.’
snakes. You shrug. ‘Who knows?’
Attack them turn to685 The royalist ship sails off. Turn to 475.
Freeze turn to356
Retreat turn to374 491
It is as though night has fallen suddenly in the middle of the day.
486 Thunderheads hunch on the horizon like vast brooding crows.
The ship keels over; timbers warp and split; mere anarchy is Lightning streaks yellow fire across the tortured sky.
loosed upon you. Seawater rushes into the broken shell of the ‘Doomsday!’ shrieks the bosun. ‘Repent or be damned!’
hull drowning out the cries of your crewmen. Cross them and If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers
the ship off your Ship’s Manifest. You can think of nothing now Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your
but saving yourself. blessing and turn to 24.
Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your Rank, you If you have no blessing, the storm hits with full force. Rain
are drowned – turn to 123. If the score is less than or equal to rattles against the juddering canvas; waves lash the deck. Roll
your Rank, you are swept miraculously towards a shore of white one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or
coral sand. Lose 2-12 Stamina points and (if you can survive three dice if it is a galleon. Add 1 to the roll if you have an
that) turn to 505. excellent quality crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor quality
487 Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 157
Near their bedside is a dagger which you can add to your list of Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to 670
possessions if you wish. Whether you keep it or not, it is a Score 7-19 You weather the storm turn to 42
handy tool with which to do your night’s business. The
Gorgons’ necks are tough and fibrous with almost no blood, and 492
once the heads are hacked off the serpentine coiffure wilts like a The pirates’ treasure amounts to 600 Shards. Record it on your
tom-up weed. Adventure Sheet. Their ship’s hold contains 1 Cargo Unit of
Turn to 393. metals, which you can add to your own cargo if you have room
for it. The mate advises you take the pirate captain’s head,
488 which may bring a reward.
The weight of the air above becomes almost palpable as you It was your leadership that won the day. Roll two dice, and
descend deep into the ground. A trickle of sweat runs down if the result is greater than your current Rank then you gain a
your spine. Each breath you take tastes hot and stale. Rank. You also gain 1-6 Stamina points permanently: increase
Turning a bend in the passage, you see a sight to harrow your normal (unwounded) Stamina score by the roll of one die.
your soul. Wreathed in silver light, a group of frightful-visaged Remember that going up in Rank increases your Defence.
spectres are turning slowly in the air, dancing a slow minuet to Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your
the mournful tune of an invisible harpsichord. Adventure Sheet, turn to 13.
Use a spectral veil (if you have one) turn to 525
Banish them with holy words turn to 543 493
Leave before they see you turn to561 The pirates do not stand on ceremony. You are hauled out on
to the high terrace of the citadel and impaled on an iron spike.
489 Your body will hang there, staring sightlessly out to sea, until
You go back to the mine office and sign the necessary papers. the carrion birds have eaten their fill.
Cross off 30 Shards. Lose the codewords Colour and Crocus if you had them, then
turn to 123.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 43
A moment later you are hit in the back by a shark that has
494 soared out of the sea on wide fins. Other flying sharks are
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 621. If the attacking your crew, who are joining up to deal with them. But
box was already ticked, turn to 639. you are alone on the poopdeck, and must fight your shark
495 Flying shark, COMBAT 9, Defence 10, Stamina 27
If your ship is docked here you can put to sea. If not, you could If you manage to kill it, turn to 320.
pay for passage to either Dweomer or Metriciens, at a cost of 35
Shards in each case. or to Smogmaw for 15 Shards. 502
Put to sea turn to19 The jaw of the skeletal captain drops open and a chilling voice
Pay for passage to Smogmaw turn to 535 issues forth: ‘Go to Chompo in Akatsurai. There you will find a
Pay for passage to Dweomer turn to 242 clue that will lead you to the tomb of the necromancer Dawatsu
Pay for passage to Metriciens turn to260 Morituri, whom you must set free. This is our dread lord’s
496 They return to their vessel and sail off. Get the codeword
The horse, a magnificent white stallion with a mane of silver Cenotaph and then turn to 321.
threads, drops rapidly out of the sky to alight gently on the deck.
If you have the codeword Dragon, turn to 462. If not but 503
you have the codeword Edifice, turn to 443. If you have neither The shrine consists of nothing more than an obelisk of smooth
codeword, turn to 424. green stone raised on a sandbank out in the estuary. The priest
tells you that to gain a blessing you must swim out to the
497 obelisk. To succeed in this you must make a SCOUTING roll at a
The mountain turns out to be a hollow rocky shell with steps Difficulty of 11.
winding down inside it. You stand at the top and gaze down the Successful SCOUTING roll turn to147
deep shaft. A faint sulphurous tang rises on the wind from far Failed SCOUTING roll turn to165
below. Don’t make the attempt turn to44
Descend the steps Into the Underworld 5
Return down the mountainside turn to 606 504
You sail into the stretch of ocean known as the Sea of Reeds,
498 which lies between Braelak and the Unnumbered Isles.
A blessing costs 20 Shards if you are an initiate, 40 Shards Roll two dice.
otherwise. You cannot buy a blessing from Molhem if you Score 2-3 Storm turn to598
already have one. Score 4-6 A gypsy caravan? turn to480
Molhem’s blessing allows you a second attempt at any one Score 7-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 50
failed MAGIC roll. After the second roll (whether successful or Score 9-12 A bank of reeds turn to516
not) the blessing is used up.
If you buy a blessing, write: MAGIC reroll (one use) in the 505
Blessings box on your Adventure Sheet. You are on a stretch of shore. Surf pounds on white sand. At the
Now turn to 99. back of the beach is a wall of craggy grey rocks covered with
hanging ferns. It is the classic desert island.
499 Turn to 177.
There is an old adage: set a thief to catch a thief. Presumably,
with a little leeway, the same principle should mean that any 506
crafty rogue can spot the loopholes in a villain’s alibi. You step softly across the cavern floor. A hiss and spit makes you
Make a THIEVERY roll at a Difficulty of 14. jump and look over your shoulder, but it is only a damp log
Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to481 gleaming sullenly in the embers of the hearth.
Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to463 You look back at the beds. With a thrill of alarm you see
they are now empty.
500 Turn to 121.
The witch’s hand casts a spell, animating the head so that it
flies from your belt and tries to snap your throat between its 507
teeth. You descend into a small chamber where some boxes are
You must fight the grisly thing. stacked up. Four men who are playing cards by the light of an
Head, COMBAT 7, Defence 14, Stamina 5 oil lamp turn to you with startled looks. Before you can say a
You cannot flee. If you win, cross the pirate captain’s head word, they have drawn cudgels from inside their jerkins and are
off your list of possessions and turn to 482. advancing to do business.
Make a COMBAT roll at a Difficulty of 13.
501 Successful COMBAT roll turn to579
You don’t even bother to look round when you hear the Failed COMBAT roll turn to597
lookout call, ‘Flying fish!’
44 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
508 514
You are wandering through the picturesque cobbled streets of Lauria wakes up and launches herself across the darkened
old Dweomer. The place lies under a perpetual shroud of bedroom with a blood-curdling yell. In the faint stray beam of a
drizzle, except when thick fog billows in off the sea each street lamp you see a glint of metal in her hand.
morning. Narrow latticed windows give glimpses of warm Make a COMBAT roll at a Difficulty of 13.
drawing-rooms inside the colleges. Successful COMBAT roll turn to532
If you have the codeword Cancel, turn to 526. If not, turn to Failed COMBAT roll turn to550
509 515
You continue down the shaft until you reach the rock face, You come across a man crouching miserably on a desolate reef.
where there are several wheelbarrows stacked with copper ore. ‘If you had not come along I would have been dead before the
No one is working here at the moment, but the next shift will end of the week,’ he says tearfully as you help him aboard.
arrive soon. If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 608. If
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 377. If the box was already ticked, turn to 572.
it was already ticked, turn to 396.
510 ‘Curse the luck!’ snarls the helmsman. ‘We’re caught in these
Get the codeword Colour. reeds.’
People come flocking down from the citadel to watch you You look over the side. Thick fronds of drifting weed snag
sail into the bay. There are hundreds of them - not just the your rudder and choke the water in all directions. Roll one die.
crews of the pirate vessels, but their wives and children too. This Score 1-2 Drift with the current turn to 534
is a complete community, just like any number of other towns Score 3-4 Sea gypsies arrive turn to552
around the world except that their livelihood rests on bare-faced Score 5 Becalmed turn to570
villainy. Score 6 You break free turn to50
To impress on them that you are not to be trifled with you
must make a CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 15. (You can add 2 to 517
the dice roll if your ship is a galleon, and 1 if you have an You while away several hours chatting to the priest. He is a
excellent crew.) simple man of peasant stock, rather superstitious but easy to get
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to656 on with. He tells you all sorts of fables he has heard - some of
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to114 them containing a grain of truth, no doubt.
Among the stories he tells you are accounts of Starspike
511 Island, which he claims has a mountain so high that no one can
‘A pirate galley!’ cries the lookout. You follow the direction he’s breathe at its summit, of the Island of Fire, which he believes to
pointing to see a ship flying the red pennant of the Kingdom of be an active volcano, and the Sleeping Isle, where a spell puts all
the Reavers. Her oars give her a good burst of speed over short who arrive there into deep slumber.
distances, and she is soon bearing down on you. It is time you were on your way. ‘Do you need a blessing?’
Make a run for it turn to529 asks the priest. Turn to 498.
Parley turn to547
Fight it out turn to565 518
Days pass and the supplies are running low when finally you see
512 another vessel sailing towards you. She is an Akatsurese slave
Your answer seems to put Isthmus Jack in a good mood. He ship bound for the Black Pagoda. Her master is reluctant to
bellows with vicious laughter and tells several stories that portray approach because of the plague, but at last you prevail on him to
the old king, Amcha One-Eye, in a bad light. put aboard a few of his slaves who are too frail or intractable to
Suddenly he stops laughing and gives you a long hard stare. be worth transporting further.
It is at this moment that you realize he’s quite insane. As the Akatsurese ship sails off, your motley handful of new
If you have a pirate captain’s head, turn to 638. crewmen raise three cheers. ‘You’ve saved us from a pretty dire
Otherwise, turn to 656. fate, skipper,’ says a fellow who appoints himself your first mate.
‘We’ll do our best to serve you faithfully.’
513 Note that your Crew Quality is now poor and turn to 337.
You rise to the rank of second mate, but a couple of close shaves
with the Sokaran navy convince you to get out while the 519
going’s good. The Akatsurese captain is grateful for everything you’ve told
You jump ship in Smogmaw after first helping yourself to a him. ‘Now I can get a good deal on my cargo,’ he says.
sword (COMBAT +1) from the ship's magazine. He presents you with a golden katana (COMBAT +1) and
Turn to 44. tells you that you will be welcome in the city of Chambara.
Returning to your own ship, you sail on. Turn to 228.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 45
520 526
The men say nothing, only look at you reproachfully as you get You run into old Gaspar Savaloy, who was once your
into the cutter and row away from the becalmed ship. helmsman. He has filled out to his former rotund figure since
‘If looks were curses,’ the first mate says in your ear, ‘we’d the time you rescued him from virtual slavery in the mines on
fry in hell tonight.’ Copper Island. His clothes are quite fine too – as befits a man
Cross the vessel’s details off your Ship’s Manifest. After days who is now one of the wealthiest merchants in these parts.
at sea the others have succumbed to thirst and fever. You are left ‘Care to speculate, skipper?’ he asks you. ‘I’ve got a hot tip
to bend doggedly over the oars, determined to struggle for life that’s sure to show a profit.’
until the gods see fit to snuff out your wretched life. Make an investment turn to652
At last you see a stretch of shoreline. You shake the mate’s Check on an earlier investment turn to 359
arm, trying to rouse him, but he is stiff and cold. The others too Bid him good-day turn to687
- all are dead. You alone survive to stagger ashore.
Turn to 313. 527
‘Er, something for your cellar. Master,’ you say lamely, handing
521 over the bottle of wine. (Cross it off your Adventure Sheet.)
The skeletons present you with tribute in the form of antique ‘Splendid,’ says the Master, somewhat mollified. ‘And rest
coins and jewellery from the lockers of sunken wrecks. The total assured that I’ve been keeping abreast of your work ... er,
value of this haul is 750 Shards. whatever your name is ... and I think you can expect good
‘Till death do us join,’ calls out the skeletal captain as he sails marks at the end of term. Mantel will show you out.’
away. Turn to 321. Turn to 607.
522 528
You cannot break free of the Gorgons’ curse. You are doomed You wait until midnight before setting off on foot. You are
to remain stock-still, a living statue, until worn down by time alone. Your men didn’t sign up to fight as marines in a nocturnal
and wind and rain. Erase all codewords, ticks and notes on your raid, and in any case it will be easier to sneak into the pirate
Adventure Sheet and start again (at 1 in any Fabled Lands book) camp on your own. Get the codeword Crocus and turn to 362.
with a new character.
523 Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
You cast grappling hooks to hold your vessel alongside the have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you
slavers’ ship while ladders are flung out to allow your crew to go have an excellent crew.
board. The Uttakin warriors stand ready to recieve you; their Score 1-6 The pirates overtake you turn to 565
smiles give a sensation of grim foreboding. Score 7+ You outrun them turn to 32
Roll three dice if you are a Warrior, or two dice if you
belong to any other profession. Add you Rank to this roll. 530
Then, if your crew is poor quality, subtract 2 from the total. You find a ship drifting on the open sea. Her sails are furled,
If the crew is good quality, add 2. If the crew is excellent fluttering gently in the breeze.
quality, add 3. ‘I can’t see anyone aboard, captain,’ hollers the lookout.
Score 0-4 You are killed turn to 123 Go alongside turn to548
Score 5-15 Enslaved; lose Sail past turn to32
2-12 Stamina turn to 613
Score 16-17 The Uttakin withdraw turn to 300 531
Score 18+ Outright victory turn to 559 Your short and inglorious career as a pirate is cut short when
you are left behind after a disastrous attack on an Uttakin
524 merchantman. You are hung from the yardarm with minimal
You are woken by a sound in the night. Your heart is pounding fuss and the sailors do not even bother to watch you ‘kicking
and you are soaked in sweat. You must have been having a Nagil’s jig’ as the expression goes. Turn to 123.
nightmare. Either that or you know what is to come. Turn to
121. 532
You lay Lauria out with a right cross. She’ll wake up with a bad
525 headache, but that was on the cards anyway after the amount of
The spectres mistake you for one of their own kind. They cider she drank. You take the opportunity to steal 250 Shards
converse with you on such subjects as the vapours of the moon, and a dagger (COMBAT +1) before sneaking off into the night.
the quality of the afterlife, and the true nature of eternity. These Lose the codeword Anger and turn to 675.
are secrets that no mortal ever heard, and you will never be the
same again. 533
Gain one Rank. You can permanently increase your Wavering like will-o’-the-wisps above a light haze, a ship’s lights
unwounded Stamina score by 1-6 points (the roll of one die). gradually appear out of the night. A pallid mariner in a ragged,
Also, going up in Rank will increase your Defence by 1. ancient-looking coat calls to you from the rail, saying that the
Turn to 633. ship is under a curse. Behind him stands a throng of sad-faced
46 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
534 540
It takes several days to clean off all the reeds that were clogging On the way up the cliffpath you pass a few seagulls that stand
the rudder. dead still, no doubt under the same spell that afflicts the villagers.
Roll one die to see where the current has taken you. Ahead lies a great bronze door set in the rocks. You have a
Score 1 turn to301 feeling that is where you’ll find the source of the trouble.
Score 2 turn to205 Knock boldly on the door turn to631
Score 3 turn to42 Look for a way to sneak in turn to649
Score 4 turn to281
Score 5 turn to402 541
Score 6 turn to189 Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you
535 have an excellent crew.
Fair winds and calm seas bring you swiftly to the southern Score 1-6 Boarding action turn to 523
continent. You sail up the Nozama River, which is so wide at Score 7-10 Enemy ship crippled turn to 577
this point that the far bank is barely visible as a thin line of Score 11+ Enemy ship sinks turn to 595
muddy green under a sun-washed sky.
The captain points to a shanty town on the near bank. 542
Behind it, the jungle broods under a haze of steam. ‘Smogmaw,’ You discover that Walks in the Forest of Larun, by Bosquay
he says. d’Arborealle, is missing from the shelves. When you point this
Cross off the 15 Shards for your voyage if you haven't paid out to the librarian he looks in his files and says, 'Ah yes, that
already, then turn to 44. book is out on loan to the Master of the College. It’s overdue,
536 ‘You should tell him to return it.’
The accused protests his innocence, but you are convinced he is He gives you an extraordinary look. ‘You tell him!’
guilty. As he is tossed overboard he shrieks a curse on everyone Turn to 368.
aboard. Only later do you find out he was the seventh son of a
seventh son, born in Dweomer during an eclipse of the moon. 543
To deflect the curse you must make a MAGIC roll at You step forward into the ghost-light. The spectres fall silent
Difficulty 14. and turn like drifting wisps of smoke to face you. ‘What’s this?’
Successful MAGIC roll turn to188 you cry in outrage. ‘If tombs and charnel-houses cannot hold the
Failed MAGIC roll turn to641 dead, burials should be made in ravens’ guts instead!’
‘Will you mock us, mortal?’ creaks a dusty voice.
537 The spectres reach out with white hands, thinking to take
You reach a clearing where a vast blue plane tree stands, its your soul, but you confound them by speaking one of the names
branches twisted chaotically, some stretching towards the sky, of Harkun the Creator-God. The spectres disband into tatters of
others resting like tired serpents on the ground. There is a fading ectoplasm.
feeling of being watched by hundreds of invisible eyes. They departed so suddenly that they left something on the
If you possess a pirate captain’s head, turn to 500. If not, floor of the cavern: a pattern of sparkling lines made up of tiny
turn to 482. ice crystals. You stoop, discovering on closer inspection that the
lines mark out the steps of their dance. Intriguing. You practise
538 it yourself – a stately minuet which can be easily executed with
You encounter a ship bound from Danger, where the harbour is both dignity and grace.
set in cliffs a thousand feet above the sea and vessels must be Get the codeword Cruel and then turn to 633.
winched up. The captain hails you and says he has a Cargo Unit
of minerals in his hold that he would be willing to exchange for 544
one Cargo Unit of any other commodity. The sky turns the colour of burning sulphur and begins to spit
Alter the details on your Ship’s Manifest if you trade cargoes lightning like gobbets of hot demons’ blood.
with him, then turn to 3. If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers
Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your
blessing and turn to 311.
Otherwise you are at the mercy of the storm. Roll one die if
your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 47
if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll if you have an excellent crew; ‘Daydreaming, skipper?’ asks the first mate.
subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. Startled out of your reverie, the spell is broken. Now you see
Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 634 only a line of pink clouds under the gathering curtain of night.
Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to616 Get the codeword Cyclops and turn to 59.
Score 7-19 You weather the storm turn to 13
545 A floating mat of interwoven reeds bearing coloured tents can be
You give the order to trim sail, sculling silently closer to the seen on the horizon: It is one of the caravans of the sea gypsies.
Reavers’ stronghold under cover of darkness. The lookout They cross to you in coracles.
points to lights twinkling at the back of a wide bay. ‘There, ‘You’ll never get those reeds off your hull,’ they tell you.
cap’n!’ he says. ‘Grow like wildfire, they do. We’ll get you free of them for a
‘How do you want to play it?’ asks the first mate. ‘A frontal hundred Shards; how about it?’
assault, or go in sneaky-like?’ ‘They might be our best bet,’ says the bosun.
Sail straight into the bay turn to510 Pay them 100 Shards turn to50
Drop anchor out beyond the headland turn to 528 Try bartering turn to715
Make for open ocean turn to164 Tell them to go away turn to570
546 553
You manage to live quite well off the land, even catching a Note that your ship is now docked at Copper Island and then
rabbit which makes quite a fine stew with some mushrooms and turn to 99.
berries. Recover 2 Stamina points if injured.
If you have the codeword Colour, turn to 438. If not then 554
you could either try to make yourself a boat (turn to 637) or The crew despise you for taking no action. They start to mutter
search for a settlement on the island (turn to 655). about appointing a new captain and putting you ashore on a
deserted island.
547 Lose 1 from your CHARISMA and, using your new score,
The pirates pull alongside and cast grappling hooks to seize your make a CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 13.
vessel. Within moments they are swarming aboard. You offer Successful CHARISMA roll turn to188
them your goods, but plead for the freedom of your crew. Make Failed CHARISMA roll turn to599
a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15.
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 416 555
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to435 The hand suddenly goes rigid, its fingers pointing out a narrow
toadstool-lined path you had not noticed before.
548 Follow the path turn to537
You lead a small boarding party over to the deserted ship. As Turn back turn to 388
you go aboard, a black cat strolls out from behind a hatch and
watches you warily. 556
Suddenly your bosun pounces forward and seizes the animal. One of the crew is revealed as a woman who disguised herself in
‘Quick, we’ve got to throw it overboard!’ he says. order to sign aboard. Her deception only comes to light because
Let him jettison the cat turn to566 she is about to give birth. ‘I thought he – er, she – was getting
Tell him to leave it alone turn to584 rather tubby,’ says the ship’s surgeon.
‘Can you deliver the child?’ you ask him.
549 ‘You’re joking. I can barely set a splint.’
You return to the ship and set sail without delay. Lose the There is nothing for it. You must set a course for the Island
codeword Crocus if you had it, then turn to 164. of Fire, a volcanic isle which is the nearest place where you
might find a competent midwife. Thankfully you reach it before
550 the woman goes into labour. The islanders give you a friendly
The knife sinks deep into your shoulder. Lose 2-12 Stamina welcome and their chief’s wives take the woman to their hut.
points (the roll of two dice). You realize at once that the knife Turn to 461.
was coated with poison, and even a scratch will kill you unless
you have a blessing of Immunity to Disease/ Poison. (If you use 557
such a blessing, remember to cross it off your Adventure Sheet.) The skeletons retreat in disorder to their seaweed-festooned hulk
If you are killed, whether by the knife-wound itself or the and hoist a ragged web of canvas. Your men watch in silence as
poison, turn to 123. If you survive, rum to 532. they sail away.
You notice that your hands are trembling now that shock has
551 had time to set in. You steady them on the rail and bark orders
A trick of the light throws red shadows against the western for the crew to stop gawping and get back to work. They
clouds. Squinting into the blaze of dying sunlight, you imagine a speedily comply, only too happy to forget their encounter with
scene of battle. An owl flies above phalanxes of troops, guiding the skeletal pirates.
them to victory against demons with round shields who seem to Turn to 321.
emerge out of a great blood-washed lake.
48 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
567 It’s said that a ship whose mast is cut from a Bluewood tree
Your old friend Verin Crookback agrees to help you. He takes will always find its way back to Braelak Isle. But the book goes
you to where your ship is lying at anchor. Your men have been on to warn of the many dangers lurking in the forest’s depths,
pressed into service in the fields to gather produce for the not the least of which is the Wind Spirit that can steal a man’s
Reavers’ table, but with Verin’s help you round up most of soul.
them and set sail under cover of darkness. Turn to 368.
Lose the codeword Colour and turn to 164.
568 The dead man’s ghost can be seen pacing the deck at night. The
Talanexor recoils in alarm. He had expected his reputation as a crew go about wide-eyed with fright.
swift dispenser of fiery death to leave you cowed. He flicks his If you cannot exorcize the ghost there will be no option but
fingers and a globe of cold blue flames erupts from the ground at to abandon ship. For an exorcism to succeed you must make a
his feet. SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of 15.
You turn aside, dazzled, and when you look again he has Successful SANCTITY roll turn to41
gone. Failed SANCTITY roll turn to628
Get the codeword Cheese and turn to 675.
569 This is no time to mince words. You utter one of the true
A narrow-hulled ship with triangular sails pulls alongside. At the names of the Creator – a name of such sacred force that it
rail are turbanned men from Mithdrak, a port of fabulous remorselessly divides death from life and allows no middle
renown to the far west. ground.
The merchants offer to trade cargo with you. They have 2 To see if you get it right, make a S ANCTITY roll at a
Cargo Units of textiles, which they are willing to exchange on a Difficulty of 19.
one-for-one basis for Units of furs, timber or grain. Successful SANCTITY roll turn to593
When you have completed your business, turn to 264. Failed SANCTITY roll turn to484
570 576
You cannot make any headway. Your ship is trapped in the Sea If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 229. If the
of Reeds; each day your supplies of food and water get lower box was already ticked, turn to 599.
and lower.
Roll one die. 577
Score 1-2 You die of thirst turn to 123 Your prow drives into the Uttakin ship on its port side. The
Score 3-4 Help arrives turn to552 impact smashes its paddles, leaving the slavers unable to pursue as
Score 5-6 The current carries you clear turn to 205 you sail away.
Turn to 300.
Dweomer is the famous City of Wizards. Lining its narrow, 578
perpetually drizzle-soaked streets are the sorcerous colleges: great You start to stammer out your reasons for coming to see him.
gothic edifices with portals that are as big as those of any castle. To your dismay, the Master has risen from his chair and is
Gargoyles stare down the rooftops, crouching below the staring at you very oddly. You have never seen anyone’s eyes
overcast sky. It is said that some of those gargoyles are failed literally glow with rage before.
students. What will you give as your reason for disturbing him?
Apply to join a college turn to625 Ask about the Forest of Larun turn to632
Explore the town turn to508 Ask about desert islands turn to596
Traverse the avenue to the docks turn to 175 Ask about pirates turn to614
Visit your college (if box ticked) turn to 607 Offer a bottle of wine (if you have one) turn to 527
Trade magical items turn to589
572 You manage to best them in a short struggle, taking full
The castaway is a merchant from Metriciens whose crew advantage of the cramped space that prevents them from
mutinied and set him ashore on the reef to die. surrounding you. Soon only one of the men is still conscious.
‘May the gods harry them until the end of their days!’ he says Fight him in the usual way.
with strong feeling. Man, COMBAT 4, Defence 5, Stamina 5
He gives you some advice on the best investments. Get the Flee back to the surface turn to25
codeword Catalyst if you didn’t have it already, then turn to Fight on and win turn to615
573 If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers
The Bluewood is the forest that lies south of Dweomer. The Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your
magical soil of the island has imbued the vegetation there with a blessing and turn to 32.
strange actinic glow.
50 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
Otherwise it hits with unabated fury, ripping huge waves out 585
of the sea and flinging them across the deck. Roll one die if your Lose the codeword Amcha and get Cutlass in its place. You
ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if it is know that the guildmaster will want proof that the Reaver King
a galleon. Add 1 to the roll if you have an excellent crew; is dead. You slice through his neck and add Amcha's head to
subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. your list of possessions. Then you slip out of the citadel and
Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to 634 hurry through the streets to the edge of town.
Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to616 If you have the codeword Crocus, turn to 549. Otherwise,
Score 7+ You weather the storm turn to 13 turn to 436.
581 586
The ship is swept far out to sea. Men and goods are washed The duel is arranged for the next day, to be held in Erebus
overboard by huge waves that snap your hawsers like twine. Meadow. Quite a crowd gathers in the hope of seeing some
Lose 1 Cargo Unit (if you have any cargo) and reduce your spectacular sorcery. In the event, however, Talanexor does not
crew quality by one step — i.e. an excellent quality crew commence with one of his fabled fireballs. Instead, as the
becomes good, a good quality crew becomes average, and an challenged party, he poses a conundrum. You must solve it or
average quality crew becomes poor. (A poor crew can’t get any forfeit the duel!
worse!) ‘There are thirty colleges in Dweomer,’ he says. ‘The other
At last the storm blows itself out. You are left drifting in day I attended a sherry party where there were six others besides
unknown waters. myself. What was the chance that at least two of us belonged to
Turn to 118. the same college?’
What will you answer?
582 Twenty per cent turn to658
You lie down and close your eyes. What’s the harm in having a Twenty-five per cent turn to694
short snooze until the tide turns and you can set sail? You Fifty per cent turn to703
deserve a rest...
But you and your crew are destined never to awaken. Even 587
resurrection is no use - you are not dead, only sleeping. Cross The Furies seem to bear you a grudge. Your crewmen are in no
off all codewords, ticks and notes from your Fabled Lands books hurry to get involved. While they cower below decks, you are
and begin again with a new character. left to fight the Furies on your own. The creatures attack you
one after the other, cackling as they swing their brass-studded
583 flails.
You help yourself to the pirates’ treasure, which amounts to 600 First Fury, COMBAT 12, Defence 19, Stamina 25
Shards. Record it on your Adventure Sheet. Their ship’s hold Second Fury, COMBAT 12, Defence 19, Stamina 25
contains 1 Cargo Unit of metals, which you can add to your Third Fury, COMBAT 12, Stamina 19, Stamina 25
own cargo if you have room for it. There is no escape from this battle. If you defeat them all, turn
Your mate advises taking the pirate captain’s head. ‘A to 321.
grisly trophy, perhaps, but often there’s a reward if you have
proof you’ve slain such a devil.’ 588
Your courage might also earn you another prize. Roll two Your men are pleased to see you reach the ground in one piece.
dice. and if the result is greater than your current Rank then you You can be sure they’ll sing of your heroic climb in every tavern
gain a Rank. You also gain 1-6 Stamina points permanently: from Krateros to Dangor.
increase your normal (unwounded) Stamina score by the roll of As the ship's captain who braved Starspike Island, you are
one die. Remember that going up in Rank will increase your sure to pass into legend. Gain 1 CHARISMA (up to a maximum
Defence by 1. score of 12).
Once you have made the necessary adjustments to your Turn to 230.
Adventure Sheet, turn to 32.
584 After searching up and down the narrow grey streets, you find a
You pick up the black cat. The sailors all slope off with sullen small shop with green bottle-glass windows. A peeling gilt sign
looks. above the narrow door proudly proclaims: ‘Vortense Pogue,
‘I suppose they think I’ve ruined their fun?’ you remark to purveyor of magical materials.’
the bosun. ‘How could you be so cruel as to even think of Pogue turns out to be a thin man bound inside a tight velvet
hurting this poor animal?’ coat. He helpfully shows you his stock which, as he admits
‘It wasn’t for the sake of cruelty,’ he protests. ‘Any living himself, is small but intriguing. (He is not interested in anything
thing aboard means that the ship doesn’t count as abandoned, you might have to sell.)
and we can’t help ourselves to her cargo.’
If you are a Mage turn to602
If any other profession turn to620
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 51
Item To buy
Amber wand (MAGIC +1) 500 Shards 595
Ebony wand (MAGIC +2) 1000 Shards Your prow drives into the side of the Uttakin ship, which is
Cobalt wand (MAGIC +3) 2000 Shards unable to turn fast enough to avoid the collision. Water pours in
Golden katana 9000 Shards through the broken timbers. With the weight of its metal flanks,
Wizard’s cape (Defence +1) 150 Shards the vessel is pulled down into the depths.
Parrot fungus 250 Shards A few survivors come swimming across calling for mercy.
Black cat 20 Shards Your crew club the Uttakin unconscious and loot their
Parchment 1 Shard belongings. There are also a few slaves who managed to slip out
Candle 2 Shards of their bonds as the ship went down. They are wealthy
merchants from Metriciens who reward you handsomely for
Steal an item turn to 643 bringing about their rescue. All in all, you gain 450 Shards from
Finish your business and go turn to 571 the encounter. Add this to the sum on your Adventure Sheet,
then turn to 300.
The men applaud your nobility in staying with them no matter 596
what fate has in store. Gain 1 point of CHARISMA, up to the ‘Why not see for yourself? There is no substitute for practical
maximum limit of 12. Then roll one die. experience!’ cries the Master, hurling a spell at you. There is a
Score 1-2 The others all die of thirst turn to 700 moment of nauseating weightlessness, your surroundings drop
Score 3-4 Fever breaks out turn to 611 away, and then you are floundering about in the sea close to a
Score 5-6 The wind picks up turn to 155 palm-fringed beach. Turn to 505.
591 597
The key of stars opens the sealed gates of the Tower of Despair, One of the men gets behind you and gives you a ‘Ringhom love
which the book you are reading locates in the Forest of the tap’ on the back of the head with his cudgel. You sigh and
Forsaken – not, as popular myth would have it, on the banks of swoon.
the Rese River. You wake up in the bilges of a ship. Your possessions and
The key appears to have passed through many hands across money are gone. Also cross off your ship if you had one; you
the centuries, but is now believed to be in the possession of the will not see your faithful crew again. You have been enslaved by
Trau King of the Whistling Heath. smugglers from Uttaku.
Turn to 368. Leap overboard turn to158
Stay on the ship The Court of Hidden Faces 321
The Kraken returns to the depths, inexorably dragging your 598
vessel down with it. Cross the ship and crew off your Ship’s The sky is the colour of burning sulphur. From behind the
Manifest. They are lost; you will be lucky if you can save clouds comes the growl of thunder. The sailors mutter in fear.
yourself. ‘It is the wrath of Elnir,’ says the mate. ‘He summons us to
Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your Rank, you our doom!’
are drowned – turn to 123. If the score is less than or equal to If you have the blessing of Alvir and Valmir, which confers
your Rank, you are swept miraculously towards a beach of soft Safety from Storms, you can ignore the storm. Cross off your
white sand. Lose 2-12 Stamina points and (if you can survive blessing and turn to 50.
that) turn to 111 in The Lone and Level Sands. Otherwise the storm hits with titanic fury, flinging mighty
waves across the deck. Roll one die if your ship is a barque, two
593 dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the
Upon hearing the name of the first of the gods, the skeletons roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor
burst asunder and fall clattering to the deck. Your men flatly crew.
refuse to cross to the other vessel, which is now slowly slipping Score 0-4 Your ship sinks turn to634
below the waves in any case, but among the heap of bones you Score 5-6 The mast splits turn to670
find a sword (COMBAT +6) and a suit of splint armour Score 7-19 You weather the storm turn to 9
(Defence +4) .
After noting your new possessions, turn to 321. 599
Sneering at your feeble excuses, the men set you ashore on a
594 deserted island.
You give a stirring speech that turns them around completely. ‘How do you expect me to survive?’ you ask them.
Soon they are vowing to follow your orders to the ends of the ‘What business is it of ours if you live or die?’ is their callous
earth. reply.
‘Aye, and beyond!’ declares the bosun. ‘As far as hell’s Turn to 177.
harbour gates, if you ask us, skipper!’
Roll two dice, and if you get more than your CHARISMA 600
score then increase it by 1. The ship steers out of harbour and sets her prow to the east.
Acquire the codeword Curdle and turn to 282. Cross off the 20 Shards if you haven’t already, then roll one die.
52 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
Score 1 Shipwreck; you alone reach land. Turn to 505 Score 2-10 Your possessions and money are safe
Score 2-6 You reach Chambara safely. Turn to paragraph Score 11-12 College fees mean that 10% of money
79 in Lords of the Rising Sun left here has been deducted
You can also reside in college for as long as you wish,
601 making use of the infirmary if need be. (If injured, restore your
An icy downpour forces you to shelter in a lonely barn where Stamina to its normal unwounded score.)
you are reduced to eating some of the fodder left for the animals. Call on the Master turn to207
By daybreak you have a fever, and are in no condition to put up Visit the kitchens turn to187
a fight when you are discovered by the owner of the barn. Study turn to696
‘The Reavers will give me a reward for capturing you,’ he Research turn to368
says. Leave turn to571
Turn to 472. Items at college
You may not be able to take the ghost ship’s cargo, but you get
another kind of reward for saving the cat’s life. Roll two dice. If
the total exceeds your MAGIC score, you gain 1 point of M AGIC.
Then turn to 32.
You have the advantage of surprise. The pirates stand slack-
jawed as they see you bounding down the hill, and your men
take advantage of the diversion to arm themselves with planks,
chains, belaying pins - whatever comes to hand. But the pirates
have swords and armour.
Make a COMBAT roll at Difficulty 16. (You can add 2 to the 608
dice roll if you have an excellent crew.) ‘Were you set ashore by your fellow crewmen?’ you ask the
Successful COMBAT roll turn to457 poor wretch, for this is a common punishment at sea.
Failed COMBAT roll turn to123 ‘No,’ he says. ‘We had the misfortune to encounter a shoal
of mermaids. Hearing their sad sweet song, all the others flung
604 themselves into the sea and were drowned. Later the ship hit
He tosses a globe of magical fire at your back. Lose 3-18 Stamina that reef and sank, and there I waited till you found me.’
points. It would have been worse if not for the mist, which ‘Why didn’t the mermaids’ song affect you?’
helped stifle the flames. He gives a wry smile. ‘I’m tone deaf.’
If still alive, you manage to escape from Talanexor down a Get the codeword Cynosure and turn to 245.
narrow alley, but now you have lost sight of Lauria.
Turn to 571. 609
Estragon is the court wizard of Baroness Ravayne of Golnir. He
602 was formerly the Warden of Choronzon College here in
The Furies raise their brass-studded whips and give you a lashing Dweomer, but left under something of a cloud.
just to instil moral rectitude. Then, as the sun emerges again, ‘That would have been his experiment in storm magic,’
they fly off cackling with laughter. Where their feet touched the elucidates the librarian. ‘I remember it rained for thirteen
deck there are bloody prints that no amount of scrubbing will months and a day.’
clean away. ‘Heavy rain, presumably?’
Lose 2-12 Stamina points for the whipping and, if you He nods. ‘The High Street was accessible only by punt, and
survive, turn to 321. the Warden of Cromlech College drowned after falling asleep in
his wine cellar.’
606 ‘And what does Estragon do these days?’ you ask.
Anyone who has climbed a mountain knows that it is easier to ‘Continues his experiments, I hear. Adventurers who help
go up than to come down. Your heart is in your mouth as you him out with various quests are richly rewarded.’
make the perilous descent. Turn to 368.
Make a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 15 to climb down
safely. You can add 1 to the dice roll if you have a rope; add 2 if 610
you have climbing gear. Along with some of your officers, you manage to lower the
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to588 cutter and row off. The Kraken sinks down into the depths
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to123 carrying the shattered remnants of your ship with it.
It is with bitter heart that you abandon the men crying for
607 help in the water, but there is not enough room in the cutter for
If you like, your college will hold possessions and money here all of them. (Remember to cross off the details on your Ship’s
for safe-keeping. Record in the box anything that you wish to Manifest.)
leave here. Each time you return, roll two dice.
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 53
After several days you drift in to the shelter of a quiet bay. a good crew becomes average, and an average crew becomes
Your officers rest in the shade of a row of coconut palms, but to poor.
your dismay it is impossible to wake them later. Only then do At last the storm blows itself out. You are left drifting in
you realize you must have landed on the fateful Sleeping Isle. unknown waters. Turn to 50.
The cutter is too much for you to handle alone. You break it
up for firewood and to build yourself a shelter. You may be on 617
this island for some time. He is Alkeides, a warrior from the distant city-state of Krateros,
Turn to 177. cursed by the gods to die by his brother’s hand.
‘Naturally, when my ship sank I was unable to drown. I have
611 been trying to get to my homeland so that I might entreat the
One of the men falls ill. His skin turns yellow and he begins to gods to lift the curse, or else put an honourable end to my days.
vomit, and death follows quickly. The plague spreads, the But each storm raises the sea and flings me to and fro.’
narrow confines of the ship allowing no escape for any of you. You help out by dropping him at the next port, where he
You watch the crew die in front of your eyes. may be able to find a ship to carry him home.
Unless you have a blessing of Immunity to Disease/ Poison Get the codeword Cithara and cum to 116.
you soon succumb yourself: turn to 123. If you have such a
blessing, cross it off and turn to 700. 618
Remember to pay the 10 Shards that is the cost of passage to
612 Ringhom. The ship is soon under way. Roll a die.
Over the past few days you have had cause to reduce rations and Score 1 Storms force you south to Brazen; turn to 99
enforce some stern discipline. Now the men are getting unruly. Score 2-6 You reach Ringhorn without difficulty;
You must address them and hope to sway them with the force turn to 2 in Cities of Cold and Glory
of your personality.
Make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 13. 619
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to594 It is a high-prowed merchant ship from Akatsurai,
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to576 distinguishable by its triangular sails and the golden sun symbol
displayed on the aft deck.
613 The ship comes alongside and the captain invites you aboard.
You are stripped of your money and possessions. Cross them off He chats to you for a while about trade between his country and
your Adventure Sheet. Also cross off your ship – the Uttakin Golnir.
scupper it. Along with the surviving members of your crew, you If you are a Warrior, turn to 519. Otherwise you can sail on,
are locked in shackles. turn to 228.
The Uttakin captain looks down on you with an inscrutable
stare. 620
‘Forget your former life,’ he advises you. ‘Now and for You sail away from the deserted ship. ‘I wonder what happened
evermore you are a slave.’ to her crew?’ you wonder.
Turn to 321 in The Court of Hidden Faces. The mate gives a shudder. ‘Eerie things abound in these
waters, captain,’ he replies.
614 Turn to 32.
‘A good question!’ The Master titters with rather unbalanced
laughter. ‘Go and take a look. You might gain some useful 621
material for a thesis.’ After a year of piracy you have risen to the rank of captain. You
He throws a spell and a bolt of blackness surrounds you. put it to your men that with the spoils you’ve collected it would
Slowly it fades, revealing that you are wallowing in the surf close be better to turn to honest work. ‘Why live like robbers until
to a barren stretch of shoreline. Turn to 313. our luck runs out? We can be princes in Metriciens!’
They agree and the booty is divided up. Your share comes to
615 8500 Shards and a sword (COMBAT +4). Decide where you
Checking the crates, you discover bottles of Harkunan brandy want to make your home.
wine. Obviously the men were smugglers, and the note about In Wishport Cities of Gold and Glory 217
spectral hauntings was just a ploy to scare the miners away from In Dweomer turn to571
where they kept their contraband. In Smogmaw turn to44
You can take a bottle of wine, a deck of marked cards, In Yellowport The War-Torn Kingdom 10
four cudgels and the 117 Shards the smugglers had on them.
Then you return to the surface; turn to 25. 622
You bump into somebody in the mist – a tall gentleman in a
616 velvet cape. ‘Excuse me.’ You go to move past him; you don’t
The ship is swept far out to sea. Men and goods are washed want Lauria to get away.
overboard by huge waves that snap your hawsers like twine. He plants a thin hand on your chest. ‘A moment of your
Lose 1 Cargo Unit (if you have any cargo) and reduce your time. I think we are old acquaintances?’
crew quality by one step - i.e. an excellent crew becomes good, You shake your head. ‘I don’t believe so.’
54 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
‘No? In that case,’ he asks with a twitch of his thin lips, ‘why can grow in great swathes overnight, suffocating the unwary. In
did you make yourself at home in my house?’ leafy groves as dark as caverns I met with men whose eyes were
You give him a closer look. ‘Who?’ like great jewels atop their heads. There are insects as hard and
‘I am Talanexor the Fireweaver, you scoundrel. And your bright as glass, large as a man’s fist, and monkeys with the morals
name, I believe, is Lauria.’ of a Metriciens street-thug. But strangest of all are the creatures
You start to protest. ‘I’m not Lauria! She’s just gone that that give Ankon-Konu the name by which mariners commonly
way. If we hurry we can catch her.’ know it. These creatures are the plumed flying fish of the jungle,
He gives a hollow laugh. ‘You must think me a fool. Prepare and the name by which the continent is thus called is the
to take your punishment.’ Feathered Lands.’
Fight him turn to568 ‘Not all authorities agree,’ says the librarian, looking over
Challenge him to a duel turn to586 your shoulder. ‘I have heard other, quite different, accounts of
Run off turn to604 that land.’ Turn to 368.
623 628
After a drunken argument in the mess, one of the sailors is found It is with heavy heart that you scupper the ship, putting to sea in
with his brains battered out. There seems no doubt about the the rowboats. After several weeks at sea you are reduced to
man responsible – a bloody rag is found hidden under his bunk eating worm-ridden biscuits and drinking rainwater. At last,
and he is known for his explosive temper. Smogmaw comes in sight. You put in at the quayside and
Order him thrown overboard turn to 536 stagger ashore, too weary to notice that the current is carrying
Let the incident pass turn to554 your rowboats back out to sea.
Cross your ship and cargo off the Ship’s Manifest. You will
624 have to lay off the crew as well because there are no vessels for
The men lie around the deck waiting to die. Your tongue is purchase here in Smogmaw. Turn to 44.
sticking to the roof of your mouth now, and your vision is
blurred with hunger. 629
‘Sweet heaven, skipper,’ croaks the bosun, ‘must we die Some of the items stored on deck were not properly lashed
too?’ down, and got swept overboard during the night. Lose one
Take the officers and escape in the rowboat turn to 520 Cargo Unit if you are carrying any cargo – if you have more
Stay with your ship to the bitter end turn to 590 than one Unit, you can choose which is lost. If you had no
cargo, lose 1-6 of your possessions instead.
625 Now turn to 190.
There are many colleges, each distinguished in its own field.
Fortuity College has a high reputation in the study of charms 630
and benedictions. Carminry College is for the study of magic as At sunset the water develops a deep shadowy tinge. It is this that
a means of curing illness. Fulgur College specializes in the gives the Violet Ocean its name. On the horizon, clouds lie in
conjuring of storms. And so on... long lines against the blood-drenched sky like the ranks of a
Whichever college you decide to apply for, the procedure is distant army. Roll two dice.
the same. First you are subjected to an examination which Score 2-4 Pirates turn to 666
decides how holy you are. You have to try to drive off a Score 5-6 Storm turn to 355
vexatious sprite using only a display of self-righteous indignation, Score 7-12 An uneventful voyage turn to 648
wax pompously on the topic of other people's ethics, curdle
milk with a beatific smile, speculate uselessly for hours on what 631
the gods really intended when they made Man, and so forth. You step up to the great bronze door. Perched on a nearby
Make a SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of 14. rock, rigid as a sculpture, you notice a lizard glaring with wide,
Successful SANCTITY roll turn to661 sightless eyes. Make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 10.
Failed SANCTITY roll turn to679 Successful MAGIC roll turn to 667
Failed MAGIC roll turn to 121
There is a ghostly howl that makes your hair stand on end. 632
Unable to remain another moment in this uncanny place, you ‘I knew it!’ he shrieks. ‘The librarian sent you, didn’t he? Well,
hurry back downstairs into the open air. Turn to 407. just you tell him that I’ll keep it as long as I want. I’m the
Master! Me!’
627 He flicks a spell of summary dispatch. The room disappears,
You find an extract in the Wondrous Annals of Nic O’Carnolop, there is a whirling kaleidoscope around you, then you find
Master Mariner. yourself plummeting out of a clear sky to land with a thud at the
‘In the great forests of the southern land known as Ankon- base of a tall oak. Turn to 596 in The War-Torn Kingdom .
Konu abide creatures whose like is not found elsewhere at any
part of the world. In the higher branches there are fungi that can
float on the warm breezes and ensnare monkeys and birds. With
my own eyes I beheld a man slain by the crimson moss which
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 55
633 sport. They sell you to slavers from Yarimura, who strip you of
You retrace your steps until you are standing beside the shaft any possessions and money you may have managed to hold on
that the mine supervisor had boarded up. The tunnel you are in to.
stretches back to the surface. Lose the codewords Crocus or Colour if you have them, then
Go deeper into the mine turn to 651 turn to 357 in The Plains of Howling Darkness.
Head for the surface turn to 394
634 You push your luck too far. You have many enemies – among
Helpless in the grip of the storm, the vessel cracks apart. The them a wealthy silk merchant who lost several of his shipments
seawater rushes into the broken shell of the hull, dragging you during your last outing as a pirate. He sets a price on your head
down. The screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the that brings bounty hunters from all across the known world, and
howl of the storm. Cross the ship and crew off your Ship’s within a month you have been taken at sea. Your execution
Manifest. You can think of nothing now but saving yourself. comes soon after. Turn to 123.
Roll two dice. If the score is greater than your Rank, you
are drowned – turn to 123. If the score is less than or equal to 640
your Rank, you are swept miraculously towards a rocky shore. The scholars demand half of any cash you’re carrying. (If you
Lose 2-12 Stamina points and (if you can survive that) turn to have no cash they will take the first two possessions listed on
559 in Cities of Gold and Glory. your Adventure Sheet.) They euphemistically describe this as
moonlight tax, even though mist or drizzle mean that it is rarely
635 possible to see the moon in Dweomer.
It is a priest of Elnir, who is gaining religious merit by walking Now turn to 571.
between the many shrines and temples of his deity. ‘Faith keeps
my feet dry,’ he says. ‘And devotion keeps my head pointed to 641
the sky.’ The curse is not long in taking effect. ‘Yuck!’ says the first mate,
He delivers a stirring sermon that inspires your crew. If the spitting out the water he had taken from the barrel on deck. ‘It’s
crew were of poor quality, upgrade them to average. gone scummy!’
Also, if you are an initiate of Elnir, the priest gives you a Turn to 124.
healing salve (restores 1-6 Stamina) which you can list
among your possessions. It can be used once when you are 642
injured to give back one die roll of Stamina points. You climb so high that the atmosphere itself just drops away.
The priest bids you good day and goes strolling off across the You are surrounded by thousands of stars shining like diamonds
sea. Turn to 116. in a midnight blue firmament.
At the summit of the mountain is a gateway of wrought iron
636 fastened with a padlock. You will need a fretwork key or a
The ship manoeuvres out on to open ocean and is soon heading THIEVERY roll at Difficulty 20 to unlock it.
north under a full press of sail. Pay the 15 Shards for your berth Unlock the gate turn to 497
if you haven’t already, then roll one die. Can’t unlock it turn to 606
Score 1 Captured by slavers; turn to 321 in The
Court of Hidden Faces 643
Score 2 The ship goes down in a storm, but you Not wise. Do you think no one ever tried that before? The
cling to a raft; turn to 180 panel of a large grandfather clock snaps open, a long scaly arm
Score 3-6 You reach Aku without incident; turn to shoots out and grabs your neck, and you are pulled through into
444 in The Court of Hidden Faces a dank indistinct place where you are rapidly stripped of your
possessions (cross them off your Adventure Sheet). That done,
637 the arm flings you down on a cold stone floor before vanishing.
It isn’t much of a boat – just bundles of twigs and bracken lashed Turn to 415.
together to make a kind of crude pontoon. With fair weather 644
and the kindness of the gods you might just stay afloat long The casket breaks to under your enchanted touch. You take the
enough to reach civilization. celestium wand (MAGIC +5) and then hurry excitedly back
Roll one die; you can add 1 to the roll if you are a Wayfarer. outside, eager to test the power of your new acquisition.
Score 1-2 The boat sinks turn to 123 Remember to add the celestium wand (MAGIC +5) to
Score 3-4 Picked up by pirates turn to 472 your list of possessions, then turn to 407.
Score 5 Swept ashore on an island turn to 505
Score 6-7 Reach a port turn to 673 645
If half of what you read about Akatsurai is true, it must be one
638 of the strangest countries of the world.
You are chained to the wall of the Reaver King’s throne room The knights of Akatsurai (who are known as samurai) are
and flogged whenever he is in a bad temper – which is often. utterly without fear, striving gladly for death if only they can
Days turn into weeks and gradually your health declines. Lose 3- win honour with their last breath. In fact, honour is so highly
18 Stamina points. If you survive, there eventually comes a time prized that a samurai threatened with disgrace usually opts to
when you are too weak and battered to give the Reavers any take his own life by slitting open his belly with a dagger.
56 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
The samurai are the rulers of Akatsurai, and any samurai can vessel was winched up to the docks a thousand feet above.’
slay any peasant with no better reason than to test the edge of his Turn to 368.
sword! The chief of all the samurai is called the Shogun, whose
court is in Chambara. There is also an Emperor, but according 651
to most accounts he wields little true power. If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 686. If it
Also worth noting is a small and secretive sect of wizardly was already ticked, turn to 358.
assassins which is active in the remote rural areas. They are
known as ninja, a word which literally means Masters of 652
Invisibility. Gaspar will invest money for you in various enterprises. The
Turn to 368. investment must be in multiples of 100 Shards. Write the sum
you are investing in the box here (or withdraw a sum invested
646 previously) and then turn to 687.
The island turns out to be the back of a sea-going behemoth that
has basked in the sun for so long that vegetation has started to Money invested
grow on it. Woken by the tread of your boots, the creature
issues forth an angry waterspout and dives beneath the waves.
Several of your men are lost in the mad scramble back
aboard the ship. Reduce your ship’s Crew Quality to poor and
turn to 283.
Hundred-headed hydras arise from the sea on all sides. Hissing
venomously, they lash out to seize men from the decks. Roll 2
dice; add 2 if your crew quality is excellent, add 1 if it is good,
and subtract 2 if it is poor.
Score 0-3 Everyone is killed; turn to 123
Score 4-6 You alone survive; turn to 700
Score 7-9 Many losses; reduce Crew
Quality to poor and turn to 118 653
Score 10+ The hydras are driven off; turn to 448 You manage to avoid smashing your ship open on the reefs, but
you are no closer to locating the secret bay where the Reavers
648 store their booty. You decide to put in at a fishing village and
You are far out at sea with no land in sight. see if you can get anything out of the locals.
‘The Feathered Lands lie south of here,’ the helmsman To gain their confidence you will need to either succeed in a
mutters, ‘but will we ever see them? Not this side of the grave, CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 12 or show them a silver
I’ll wager!’ You distract him from such gloomy thoughts by medallion.
ordering a new course. Gain their confidence turn to 688
Steer north towards Golnir turn to 504 Failed attempt at CHARISMA turn to 701
Steer south to Ankon-Konu turn to 189
Steer east turn to 42 654
Steer west turn to 244 A pirate galley comes bucking across the waves, gaining steadily
in the mild breeze.
649 ‘If the wind doesn’t pick up, we’re done for!” shouts the
On the clifftop above the door you discover a sinkhole with a helmsman.
faint glow of lamplight shining up from below. Lowering Make a run for it turn to 672
yourself down, you soon reach a cavern where two tall women Parley turn to 689
with serpentine tresses are pacing to and fro like hungry cats. Fight it out turn to 361
‘Sister, there is a fresh mortal in our land,’ says one.
The other nods, causing the snakes of her head to hiss softly. 655
‘Yes, I feel it two. Tomorrow we shall hunt.’ At the back of a wide bay you find a town which rises with
Leave while you can turn to 342 steep streets to a grim citadel. The blood-coloured flag of the
Creep in when they’re asleep turn to 432 Reavers flies from the battlements. In the harbour, a dozen
pirate ships ride at anchor.
650 Walk openly into the town turn to 114
Dangor is a city east of the Gashmuru Gulf. It stands atop cliffs Sneak in at night turn to 362
hundreds of metres high, and you are particularly intrigued by Make a getaway turn to 380
the account of one Horbel Humbing, Master Mariner, of the
HMS Sokar. ‘We arrived at the base of the cliffs and there laid at 656
anchor three days, while a mountaineer carried our documents The Reavers hold a banquet in the great hall of their stronghold.
to the port authorities above. These documents being found to The finest wines are served – wines of southern Sokara that
be in order, grapples were lowered and secured and the whole were intended for the cellars of the merchant princes of
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 57
Metriciens. The meat is flavoured with the exotic spices of Fight on and win turn to 626
distant lands, and there are sweetmeats from Chrysoprais and
nuts from Ankon-Konu. These Reavers dine like kings! 663
If you have the codeword Amcha, turn to 674. If not, turn to The trau are a subterranean race, the remnants of the gods’ first
691. abortive attempts to create man. They have a reputation for
surliness, disliking to mix with mankind because they are jealous
657 of man’s more perfect visage and well-fashioned form.
Passing the latticed windows of a tavern, you happen to glance However, the trau are skilled at metal-working and will
inside where you see a tall young woman having dinner with an sometimes sell trinkets of exquisite workmanship for nothing
older man who has a scholarly look about him. You walk on a more than a sip of faery mead.
few steps and then stop as if struck by a thunderbolt. The Turn to 368.
woman is Lauria, the thief who twice played you for a fool. You
swore you’d get even with her one day! 664
Go inside and confront her turn to 692 Fresh roasted sea-fowl makes a welcome supplement to your
Wait for her to leave turn to 702 customary diet of gruel, ship’s biscuit and weevils. Recover 1-6
Swallow your pride and forget it turn to 571 Stamina points if injured (the score of one die) and then turn to
It is rather disheartening the way all the onlookers sigh and 665
shake their heads the moment you give your answer. A thick white fog billows across the sea during the night. The
‘Talanexor always gets them with that one!’ you overhear an first mate rouses you from sleep to show you an eerie scene that
old professor saying. is unfolding by moonlight. The rays of the moon, illuminating
Having been judged loser in the dispute you have brought the drifting tendrils of fog, create the appearance of a vast lake
shame on your college if you belong to one, and are forthwith from which warriors are slowly arising as if after a deep sleep.
expelled. Turn to 571 – and remember to erase the tick in the ‘It puts me in mind of a legend I heard,’ breathes the mate in
college box if there is one there. a low voice. ‘It’s said that the High King and his paladins lie
beneath the Rimewater, awaiting the one whose destiny it is to
659 awaken them.’
If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 51. If it As he speaks a gust of wind stirs the fog, breaking up the
was already ticked, turn to 623. fragile illusion. Turn to 264.
660 666
You are in trouble. Roll one die. A pirate galley bears down on you with the swift ferocity of a
Score 1-2 You slip and fall turn to 123 panther scenting a kill.
Score 3-4 You are forced to give up turn to 230 Make a run for it turn to 684
Score 5-6 You make a final effort turn to 695 Parley turn to 373
Fight it out turn to 392
The examiners are thirteen astoundingly old men in dusty black 667
robes. They sit at a long table studying the results of your first Not having been born yesterday, you have the forethought to
exam. Minutes tick by, then you hear a low snoring sound. tear a strip of cloth off your tunic and wind it across your eyes
The senior mage raps his knuckles on the table, gathers some before knocking. As the echoes of your knock die away, there is
papers, and peers down at you. a creak of vast time-worn hinges and a gust of stale air that tells
‘We can’t admit you to the college,’ he wheezes. ‘You’re you the doors have opened in front of you.
just too insufferably sanctimonious. You need to have an open ‘Another one,’ says a cold hissing voice, not much like a
mind to study wizardry, you know.’ woman’s.
You start to leave, but then another of the wizards says: ‘When will they learn not to beard the Gorgons in their
‘Wait. We can’t have you going straight off to bother another lair?’ crows her sister.
college.’ Charge to attack them turn to 685
He casts a spell of transportation and you are flung magically Stand motionless turn to 356
across a thousand leagues in the blink of an eye, landing in a
dungheap outside the town of Smogmaw. Turn to 44. 668
The Shadar were the race that ruled Harkuna in ancient times.
662 The time of their reign is thought of as a golden age, where
A ghost has gathered substance from the magical residue in the peace and harmony encouraged a flowering of arts and sciences.
air here. It pounces to attack you with claws as sharp as the They were overthrown by the coming of the Uttakin, but some
north wind during a thaw. culture still survives in the form of hoary tradition.
Ghost, COMBAT 8, Defence 17, Stamina 7 Turn to 368.
If you flee it will flay the flesh off your back, inflicting 1-6
Stamina points.
Flee from the tower turn to 407
58 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
masks that symbolically display the wearer’s prestige and power 689
while concealing his true feelings. The king is that one man in The ship pulls alongside. The pirates cast out grappling hooks
every generation who is actually born without a face… and within moments are swarming aboard. You offer them your
You close your books with a shudder. Turn to 368. goods in exchange for your freedom.
Make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15.
682 Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 416
The entire island is carpeted in a mossy grey-green sward. Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435
Freshwater has collected in hollows in the ground and there are
tame birds that you can easily catch to eat. 690
Roll one die. If you have the codeword Amcha, turn to 420. If not, turn to
Score 1 turn to 646 287.
Score 2-6 turn to 664
683 The feast goes on late into the night, and dawn find most of the
You wake up to find that every man on board lies dead and pirates slumped across the tables. A few hardy souls are still
cold, with the sole exception of yourself. You are at a loss to stuffing titbits into their mouths, swilling them down with
explain how this ghastly tragedy could have come about – or Uttakin brandy. ‘So, is it your intention to take up the piratical
why you should have been spared. Turn to 700. life yourself?’ asks one man.
If you have the codeword Crocus, turn to 549. If not but you
684 have the codeword Colour, turn to 458. Otherwise turn to 476.
Roll two dice and add your Rank. Add 1 to the total if you
have an average crew, 2 if you have a good crew, or 3 if you 692
have an excellent crew. If the box above is empty, put a tick in it and turn to 364. If the
Score 1-6 The pirates overtake you turn to 392 box was already ticked, turn to 382.
Score 7+ You outrun them turn to 648
685 During an eclipse, when the sun is hidden and day becomes
This promises to be a desperate struggle, but at least you have a night, hideous straggle-haired crones with leathery wings
fighting chance – if you could clearly see the Gorgons’ eyes, on suddenly drop out of the sky uttering shrill cries.
the other hand, it would all be over in an instant. Fight them If you have the codeword Judas, turn to 587. If not, turn to
one after the other. 605.
First Gorgon, COMBAT 4, Defence 5, Stamina 8
Second Gorgon, COMBAT 5, Defence 6, Stamina 11 694
There is nowhere to flee. If you win, turn to 393. Talanexor laughs triumphantly. The spectators grumble
disappointedly and start to wander off.
686 ‘Is that it?’ you ask anyone who’ll listen.
‘A copper thief, eh?’ snarls a trau who has been employed to ‘Talanexor always does that,’ replies an aged college servant.
work the seam here. He launches himself at you, a burly blot ‘He’s too stingy to buy the expensive ingredients he needs for
against the darkness, hands like shovels, eyes glossy black like a fire magic, you see.’
huge moth’s. As loser of the dispute you are judged guilty of burgling
Trau Miner, COMBAT 8, Defence 10, Stamina 10 Talanexor’s home and must pay him all your cash. Then turn to
If you win, turn to 376. 571.
687 695
Mist swirls down the narrow alleys and loiters in darkened The lower slopes are slippery with moss, but after a while you
doorways. The streetlamps give off a haloed gleam because of it. find the going easier. The rock is hard, with deep gouges that
If you have the codeword Anger, turn to 657. Otherwise provide you with secure handholds.
turn to 675. Make a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 13. You can add 1 to
the dice roll if you possess a rope, or add 2 if you have
688 climbing gear.
The fisherman take you to the village alehouse, where drink and Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 678
good company soon loosen their wary tongues. Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 660
‘We are a privileged community,’ boasts one old man, ‘for
we are situated close to the Reavers’ citadel and are often called 696
on to provide food and drink for their table.’ ‘It’s good to see you remember to turn up at lectures once in a
Before long you have a good idea how to find the Reavers’ while,’ remarks the senior mage drily as you sidle in at the back
secret bay. Bidding the villagers goodnight, you return to your of the hall.
ship. You must pay 200 Shards in tutorial fees, then roll two dice.
Get the codeword Chance and turn to 545. If you get higher than your current M AGIC score, increase it by
1. However, if you roll a 2 then you have got things so badly
wrong that you lose 1 point of MAGIC.
60 Over the Blood-Dark Sea
699 706
‘I believe I’ve encountered this isle before,’ says the navigator, You spend a pleasant few days on the Island of Fire. ‘Ah, ’tis an
‘but it never shows up at exactly the place I last marked it on my earthly paradise,’ declares the first mate, sucking milk from a
charts.’ coconut while he is fanned by two lovely island maidens.
Put in at the island turn to 682 You suck your teeth, thinking that perhaps you’d better get
Sail on turn to 283 your men back to sea before their discipline atrophies altogether.
Recover 2-12 Stamina if wounded and then turn to 479.
The crewmen are all dead, leaving you alone on your ship. You 707
cannot sail her without help. In the rowboat it is possible you The sailmaster is not popular with anyone on board. His protests
might be able to reach the mainland, but that would mean of innocence fall on deaf ears. You order him trussed up and
abandoning your cargo and supplies. bundled overboard like a sack of food that had gone off.
Put to sea in the rowboat turn to 423 Some days later, passing the mess, you overhear a
Remain aboard the ship turn to 518 conversation that you realize confirms the sailmaster’s alibi. He
could not possibly have committed the murder. You are filled
701 with remorse. Gain the codeword Clanger and turn to 188.
The fishermen entertain you and your men in their village
tavern, but you suspect they may have spiked the ale because it 708
is not long before the others are lolling drunkenly and singing The mixture explodes in your face. Cross the selenium ore off
ribald songs. your list of possessions, then roll one die.
You have sensibly avoided drinking anything yourself, but Score 1 You are killed; turn to 123
now you must assert your authority to get the men back on Score 2-3 The hull is breached; turn to 486
board so you can set sail before the Reavers show up. Make a Score 4 Lose 1 from your MAGIC score; turn to 262
CHARISMA roll at a difficulty of 14. Score 5-6 Lose 1-6 Stamina; turn to 262 if still alive
Successful CHARISMA roll turn to 549
Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 378 709
You are swept ashore at the mouth of a wide river. Nearby,
702 impaled on the jagged end of a broken branch, a skeleton in
Lauria finally leaves the tavern, apparently well lubricated with rusting armour dangles at the water’s edge. Apparently not all
Bluewood cider by now, and goes striding off into the fog shipwrecked mariners are as lucky as you.
singing to herself. To track her to her digs you must make a Searching the body, you find a sword (COMBAT +1); add
SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14. this to your list of possessions.
Successful SCOUTING roll turn to 401 Staggering towards trails of smoke that are rising from
Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 477 beyond a copse of olive-green tropical palms, you arrive at a
settlement of many thatched-roofed shacks raised on stilts at the
Over the Blood-Dark Sea 61
713 718
At last you manage to break free of the magic that has held you The ship is swept far out to sea. Men and goods are washed
frozen. You cannot tell how much time has passed, but there is overboard by crashing, ink-dark waves that snap your hawsers
no sign of the Gorgons now. like twine.
Turn to 449. Lose 1 Cargo Unit (if you have any cargo) and reduce your
crew quality by one step – i.e. an excellent crew becomes good,
714 a good crew becomes average, and an average crew becomes
You are washed up on a narrow stretch of beach at the back of a poor.
bay surrounded by high mist-shrouded peaks. At last the storm blows itself out. You are left drifting in
A bottle has been swept up on to the shingle beside you. unknown waters.
Though your fingers are trembling with cold, you manage to Turn to 245.
unscrew it. Inside you find a ship’s deeds, which you can add
to your list of possessions.
After resting to recover your strength, you pick your way up
a series of steep paths until you can get a clear view of the
island. To the north lies an expanse of glittering blue forest, so
there can be no question where you are – Braelak, the Sorcerers’
Isle. Nearer at hand is a tower built of obsidian blocks.
Enter the forest turn to 697
Go to the tower turn to 426
Over the Blood-Dark Sea errata 1
249 486
Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If the score is Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If the score is
greater than your Rank, you are drowned”. greater than your Rank, you are drowned”.
260 499
No full-stop after the semi-colon in “He takes all Changed “the loophole’s in a villain’s alibi.” to “the
your money and maroons you; turn to 177”. loopholes in a villain’s alibi.”
284 522
Should be “you lead a shore party in gathering food Put Fabled Lands in italics font
and fresh water” NOT “you leave a shore party in
gathering food and fresh water”. 565
Changed “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed” to
286 “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123”
Changed “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed” to
“Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123” 582
Put Fabled Lands in italics font
Added the option “Go north – Cities of Gold and 592
Glory 187”. Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If the score is
greater than your Rank, you are drowned”.
Changed “If you have codeword Baluster,” to “If 628
you have the codeword Baluster,”. States wrongly that no ships are available for sail in
Smogmaw which is contradicted by the contents of
361 ref 712, where you can buy barque or brigantine
Changed “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed” to class ships in Smogmaw. I have not corrected this!
“Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123”
392 Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If the score is
Changed “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed” to greater than your Rank, you are drowned”.
“Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123”
399 Major continuity error between this reference and
Changed “Makes a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty the one you must turn to (480). [pain_mage: I guess
14.” to “Make a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14.” it is 508 instead of 480.] [Ed. – the original said 480
which is definitely wrong. Although the correct link is the
416 subject of some debate, this ground has been well covered,
Changed “Cross all these off your Ship’s Manifest.” and so I am settling on the link 415 as annotated by
to “Cross all these off your Adventure Sheet and Dave Morris in my copy.] Changed reference link
Ship’s Manifest.” from 480 to 415.
431 644
Changed “acerbicly” to “acerbically”. “The casket breaks to shards [Ed. – which cannot,
incidentally, be used as money :D] Remember to add
435 the celestium wand (MAGIC +5) to your list of
Changed “Cross off your money, possessions and possessions [Ed. – as if you’d forget…were Dave and
any Cargo Units aboard your vessel.” to “Cross off Jamie wasted when they wrote this paragraph???], then
any Cargo Units aboard your vessel.” turn to 407.”
474 645
Changed “Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed” to “They are known as ninja, a word which literally
“Score 0-4 Calamity; you are killed turn to 123” means Masters of Invisibility.” [Ed. – in Japanese this
is not the case, it just means “hiding person”, but in
484 Akatsurese the root may be different…]
Put Fabled Lands in italics font
Over the Blood-Dark Sea errata 3
670 715
“The ship is swept far out to sea. Men and goods “When you have finished your buying [Ed. – sic,
are washed overboard by huge waves that snap your but what buying???] and selling,”. Removed “buying
hawsers like twine. Lose 1 Cargo Unit (if you have and” reference.
any cargo) and reduce your crew quality by one