Talamander 1 Fang Mountain

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A letter from your editor -

Zacharias the Cat Mage

Welcome, friends and felines! Zacharias the Cat Mage credits

here, at your puuurrrvice! As you can see, pawful puns
are a speciality. What a cat-astrophy for you! text and illustrations: Tim Brown © copyright 2023

This is the first issue of a brand-new gamebook All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
magazine called Talamander! reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photography, recording, or other
Each edition will feature the ongoing adventures of electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
YOUR character. As you progress, the map will grow written permission of the publisher except in the case of
as you find new areas and your adventure sheet will brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain
expand as you add new skills and treasures! non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
So get your dice out and enjoy the issue! And if you edits and advice: Rik Hoskin
want to write in and tell us what you think, well the graphic design: Julie Chamberlain
address is back in the 1980s! We've moved on, use a playtesting: Adam Frankfort
Flying Snorgle, chums! back cover inks/colours: Chatri Ahpornsiri
Your pal, Zak cover art: Nerdgore © copyright Richard Sampson 2023
You will need: second print — revised (September 2023)
* two six-sided dice (or use four for simultaneous/
quicker combat)
Special thanks to our super backers: Matthew
* a pencil
Anderson, Jamie Fry, Oliver M. Traxel, Chris 'Geronimo’
e an eraser
Thompson, Louise Lee and Steve Williams.

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Hi friends, it's Zak (or Zacharias to my friends), SKILLS
here's everything you need to know to play. It's
straightforward enough, but if you get stuck and Here are your five skills which will take you through
need help, well... just read it again. What am |? Your your quest:
meeowwther? Attack —5 Luck-5
All you need are two six-sided dice, a pencil and an Health -15 Perception -5
eraser (or rubber, if you prefer). Agility —5
Now distribute an additional 12 points across these
five skills (up to a maximum of 10 in any one category —
except health which is already 15).
Once you've allocated your 12 points, add them to the
‘starting score’ box on your adventure sheet. Your skill
scores will go up and down during your adventure. You
can keep track of them in the ‘current score’ box.
Attack and Health cannot exceed their ‘starting score’.
However, Agility, Luck and Perception can all go
higher with special items.

Raiders of Fang Mountain HJ

Adventure Sheet —- Issue 1 (download extra copies at www.talamander.com)

i starting
S ki |Is score current score
(use only one at a time)
Attack (cannot exceed starting score)

Health (cannot exceed starting score)



(max 12 items)

Hunting sling Family luck
Ring left hand) stone bag (use once per adventure —
Ring left hand) il (maximum 10 stones) tick box when used)

Ring right hand)

Ring right hand)

points Code words
(record section | (P = permanent)
number in box)
|__| ARGUS
Chapter one ANDER
|__| AFIRE (P)
Chapter two ’'| | ALDON

Chapter three ; ARING


Chapter four
(return there L| ATURN
when you die!) |_| ALIVE

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ey ©

You can carry 12 items in your backpack. You start your
You're going to have to fight for your life during your adventure with no items.
Here's how a combat round works
Reputation points
1. Roll two dice and add to your Attack skill score.
Earn someone's respect and you'll get a point. At the
2. Roll two dice and add to your opponent's Attack end of the adventure, if you've earned enough, you'll be
skill score. able to trade them in for a special reward.
3. The highest Attack total wins the round, and the If you are told to lose a reputation point and you
. loser reduces their Health by 2 points (if both don't have any, your tally remains at zero not a minus
totals are the same, there's a clash of steel and no number, we're not mean..
damage is taken on either side).
4. back to step 7 and repeat until you or your Family luck
opponent's health is reduced to zero.
You've always been lucky, it's something you've
Combat is over when you or your opponent's health is inherited. Once per adventure you can automatically
reduced to zero. If that's you, bad luck, you're dead, pass a skill roll without rolling two dice. Choose wisely!
start again. If it's your opponent — bravo, you've killed
them, carry on. Code words

If something important happens, you might be asked

Combat damage to write down a code word on your adventure sheet.
Combat damage is shown in the weapon description,
for example: sword (+2 damage) will do 2 damage. Save points
Your first weapon is a rusty dagger (+1 damage) and
only does 1 damage. Don't worry, you'll discover better At the start of each chapter, you can make a copy of
weapons on your adventure! your adventure sheet and return to that point when
you die. Record the chapter paragraph number as a
Enemies will always deliver 2 damage, unless 'save point’ on your adventure sheet.
otherwise stated.

Critical strike - double damage AND THE REST...

A critical strike is made if you or your opponent win a
combat round by rolling a double - the same number Healing potions
on both dice (for example, you or your opponent rolls
Use at any time except combat. Healing potions are
two fives).
stored in your backpack.
In this instance, double the damage is inflicted. So if
the damage is normally 2, critical damage would be 4.
Bonus sections
This applies only to illustrations that relate to the
THE REST OF YOUR paragraph you are reading — there may be a number
hidden in plain sight within the drawing. If there is, turn
ADVENTURE SHEET to that number for a special section to be revealed.

Bestiary bonus
Any weapons you are wielding are added to the
A special ability you can unlock. This will help you in
weapons section (you can only use one weapon at a
time, but you can carry two). You cannot store extra
weapons in your backpack.
You start your adventure with no weapons. YOU ARE READY
Pencil in your starting skill scores, it's time to play!
If you find or purchase any rings, necklaces or amulets
you can wear them by adding them here (saving space
in your backpack). Clothing may also play a significant
part in your adventure, giving you bonuses or helping
you through difficult situations.

Raiders of Fang Mountain

PROLOGUE Chapter 1: thief!
You watch your home burn.
The Raiders came in the night without warning and
killed your family. A clubbed blow to the side of your
head meant you were left for dead. When you awake
the Raiders are gone and your life is aflame.
Despair takes you and you watch, helpless, as the only
home you've ever known is reduced to ashes. Then you
notice a movement out the corner of your eye, it's your
mother, and she's alive!
You stumble to her side. She lies motionless in the
tall grass, battered and bleeding heavily from an ugly
sword wound.

‘Fang Mountain Raiders... They were looking for your

father... find him...' she shudders and dies.
You feel numb, it's all too much to bear, but your mind
is racing. Your Father died when you were young, or so ŠSSS"
WS a
BAe ls
ay Š

you've always been told... g yyt Atay Geen E ar ean neta EEES Ss:
SQ plane ae = ae ee ee es
A cold anger grows inside you, and you look north
1'A day of walking takes you to the imposing
towards Fang Mountain — home of the Raiders and
stone city walls of Winterheart.
other unspeakable evils.
Why did the Raiders kill your family? What does your 1
father have to do with it, and is he still alive? You remember your mother had hidden emergency
You want answers and you want vengeance. You vow supplies in the hollow of a nearby tree. It's not hard to
the Raiders will answer for what they've done. find, and you take out a rolled-up backpack and pull it
over your shoulders, before following the dusty track
It seems an impossible task, but you have nothing left towards Fang Mountain. You don't look back.
to lose.
Add these items to your adventure sheet:
As the sun rises you place a simple wooden marker on
the grave of your family and head north towards Fang e Backpack: Healing potion (+4 health), Healing
Mountain.... potion (+4 health), Frayed hunting sling,
* Outfit — clothes: Rags (no bonus)
e Weapon slot 1: Rusty dagger (+1 damage)
e Coin purse: 20 bronze pieces
. The morning is overcast, but warm and you settle into
an even stride. At midday you forage for something to
eat and make a meal of mushrooms and berries. You
also bring down a rabbit using your sling. Not wanting
to attract unwanted attention with a fire, you eat it
To keep your mind occupied you spend the afternoon
looking out for suitable stones for your hunting sling.
e Add 10 stones to your hunting sling bag on your
adventure sheet
A day of walking takes you to the imposing stone
city walls of Winterheart. A bored guard watches you
through hooded eyes. You must look a sight! A purpling
bruise on your forehead, bloodstained, torn and
blackened clothing... But he's clearly seen worse as he
doesn't stop you.
In a daze you hear people going about their daily
business. Friendly chatter and laughter surround you.
It's as if you've dreamt the last day and night!

Raiders of Fang Mountain Fj

By the time you reach the market, most of the stalls 4
are packing up for the day, but you still have time to
make some quick essential purchases before finding The two goblins look surprised when they see you, and
somewhere to sleep. even more surprised to see their dead comrades lying
strewn at your feet.
You favour a sword on a nearby stall only to be
grabbed by the scruff of the neck by the stallholder. The surprise doesn't last. Fight one at a time:
‘Oi! No beggars! If you ain't got money, don't get me GOBLIN WARRIOR - Attack 6 - Health 5
goods greasy!’ you reach down for your money pouch
to show him your intent. But it's gone! SPLIT-TOOTH GOBLIN - Attack 5 - Health 7

The stallholder releases you and stepping back you If you win, a quick search reveals 8 bronze pieces
cast your eyes left and right. You feel a lump in your (which you may take) and more of the strange animal
throat, all the money you had in the world, the final gift tooth necklaces. You are wondering what their
from your mother. Gone! significance is when a voice says 'So you're not a
Raider, that's good.’ Turn to 152.
Just then you see him. A young lad in rags, not much
better off than you, swinging your coin purse as he
weaves between merchants. 5
Remove 20 bronze pieces from your adventure During your fight the two surviving hobgoblins have
sheet. stopped the gate from descending and called in
reinforcements. Twenty of them now stand at the
Will you chase after him (turn to 12) or call out toa entrance, brandishing weapons. You are backed up
pair of nearby guards for help (turn to 9)? against the now empty cage, with no obvious way out.
Looking around desperately, you spy a crack in the rock
2 on the back wall inside the cage. Could it be a way
You miss, and in a frenzy the Fang Hounds attack each
other. In seconds they are both dead from hideous As if reading your mind, Dran turns to you, This is my
wounds inflicted by the other. last stand, there's no way out for me, Go!

The fight draws to a close as the human Raiders are all Turn to 204.
killed, leaving three Orc survivors.
You won't get a better opportunity. 6
Jumping down from the tree you attack, taking the first As you gently lower yourself from a branch your foot
Orc by surprise (add +2 to your Attack for the first slips sending bark chips cascading onto the Raiders
combat only). below.
FIRST ORC RAIDER - Attack 6 - Health 5 Without hesitation you drop to the ground, startling
the Raiders further.
If you win, the second Orc jumps over the fire.
Grork is the first to act, reaching for the chained leads
SECOND ORC RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 6
of his fang hounds.
If you win, you face your final opponent. You run! Pell-mell through the forest, darkness covers
He waits for you to wipe your sword free of blood everything and you put your faith in your feet and the
before slowly approaching. god of pot-hole free earth. Branches whip your face
and you pray you don't run into a tree before your eyes
Turn to 227.
become accustomed to the night.
You hear a rumbling series of barks and a shrill whistle
3 behind you and you realise the chase is on.
You wait for a few minutes, but no more coins appear. Will you stop for a moment while your eyes adjust to
You step forward and pick up the coins. You give the blackness (turn to 156) or keep running (turn to
one a bite. They're solid. Real. But how did they just 208)?
appear like that? You chalk it up to one of life's great
e Add 2 bronze pieces to the coin purse on your
adventure sheet. The coast is clear, you tiptoe along the passageway,
sweat dripping from your forehead, heart beating hard
Focussing back on your mission, will you:
in your chest. Up close, this is the biggest troll you've
* travel north on the main path (turn to 30)? ever seen. A big slab of lumbering green muscle. His
* find the game trail the girl-thief told you about and snores carry down the corridor and you feel sorry for
travel north that way (turn to 304)? anyone who has to sleep next to him.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
Perception turn to 281, if it's over, turn to 87.

Raiders of Fang Mountain fj

8 10
Taplin is tight lipped and concentrating. He ‘It's a lot to take in. | know. But your answers lie in the
acknowledges you with a curt nod and the fight is mountain. More talk won't help, | fear. So. Off you go.'
Leaf has a blunt way about him, but you appreciate his
MUD WRAITHS - Attack 8 - Health 7 honesty. A silvery path appears through the brambles
If you win, you all but collapse in a heap. Everyone towards the base of Fang Mountain and a tiny fissure
in the rock (although to you it appears as a large cave).
looks exhausted and the wagons and your companions
are all covered in streaks of dripping mud. Before you go, Leaf turns and puts a folded bundle
Taplin is trying to brush it out off his armour while
of clothes in your arms. 'Hopefully of use. Find your
Dran simply shrugs and heads back to his wagon, father? Stop the Raiders? Whatever you decide, | know
you'll do your best.'
unconcerned. Jallos, crawling out from under a wagon
wheel, looks like a muddy ghost. In a daze, you thank Leaf and set off along the path
‘What did you do, Jallos, eat your way through them?’ towards Fang Mountain. Unfolding the clothes, you
Dran laughs. catch a beautifully carved wooden ring.

Jallos shoots him a look but says nothing, intense Add these items to your adventure sheet (you may
hatred burning in his eyes. wear the clothes and ring if you wish or store them in
your backpack):
You are about to join them on the final leg of the trip
when you spot a green liquid dripping from a plant at * Add Woodland garb to your backpack or in
clothing (bonus +1 Luck while wearing).
the edge of the clearing. Taplin catches you looking.
‘Sap, he says ‘Sorry. Not you. Sap from the plant. Come * Add Ring of Insight to one of your ring slots
on. (bonus +1 Perception while wearing).

Will you investigate the sap (turn to 221) or follow He shouts after you ‘Don't worry about the centaur!
Taplin (turn to 177)? She's reunited with her family!
And with that parting shot, you're alone once more.
Make a note of the code word ARING and turn to 150.

The door opens and you crouch to get in. The room is
filled floor to ceiling with trinkets and shiny objects.
The only clear space is in the centre of the room where
two gnomes sit on a wooden bench, they stop when
they see you pushing your way in.

‘Oi! What are you doing you great big lump!’ one of the
wizened gnomes barks at you.
‘Now hang on Alf, he could be just what we need to
break this deadlock. Come in young... man, or is it
woman? You humans all look the same to me. Come!
Come! Shut the door, you're letting in a smell,’ says the
(slightly) younger gnome, bright of eye and clothing.
You marvel at his patchwork cravat.
You step in, still stooped. The room isn't any bigger
9 ‘The guards'stare blankly at you...’ than the doorway you've squeezed through and you
wonder what you've let yourself in for.
‘Hello young... whatever you are. I'm Burt, this is Alf.
In a heightened state of anxiety, you explain about We are the mystic gnomes. You will have heard of us.
your missing coin purse. They seem all too familiar We're advisers to the great Zandok for his planned
with your tale and know the culprit. ‘We've been trying expansion into Fang Forest.’
to catch him for weeks, but he's too fast for us. We
know he comes up through the sewers though, you'd Your blank face earns you a scowl from Alf.
be doing us a favour if you went down there and got 'He doesn't know what we're talking about, Burt! Send
him, just watch out for the other...things,' They stare him away!'
blankly at you, clearly they have no intention of going
down themselves. ‘Oh, very well, if it keeps you happy,’ Alf starts to wave
his hands in an arcane fashion.
Will you venture into the sewers to find the thief and
try to get your coin purse back (turn to 17) or tell them Make a note of the code word ASCAN. Will you
about the Raiders and beg them for help (turn to 32)? quickly interject and ask for help (turn to 169) or wait
and see what Alf does (turn to 226)?

Raiders of Fang Mountain

12 15
You run after him. Anger boils over and you shout out There are more Raiders here than the rest of the
at the thief, startling a passer-by carrying a bundle of passageways you've ventured down. So far, you've kept
wood. He yelps and showers sticks and branches all your head down and hidden amongst other humans
over the cobbled road. when you've spotted an orc, goblin or troll but your
luck won't hold out forever.
'Bloody adventurers and your shouting! Who's going
to help me pick this lot up!?!' says the exasperated Have you found both parts of the mask? If you have,
peasant. add the two numbers that came with them together
and turn to the new paragraph number they make.
Will you help him pick up the wood (turn to 52) or
ignore him and continue the chase (turn to 69)? If you've only found one piece (or none at all), turn to
You reach the part of the map that says, ‘Start here!’
You take the arrow. You're certain it came from an orc
It seems like an unremarkable junction, except for the
bow. Maybe the grief-stricken ogre took the child in
stone statue of a Raider in front of you, partially hidden
revenge? Will you ever know? Turn to 151.
in the shadows. The plaque reads simply TRAITOR!’
and the likeness is uncannily like your own. This is your
father! 17
You reach out and instinctively touch the face of the Desperation has led you to this point. What awaits you
statue. As you do the world around you disappears and in these sewers is anyone's guess but you must find the
you find yourself back home. Except, your homestead thief, you need that money to buy essential supplies
is intact and outside your mother is hanging washing for your journey to Fang Mountain.
while your sister plays with the pegs at her feet. Your
head spins, this isn't real. Then a voice behind you This is your first time in a sewer system. The tunnels
makes you turn. here are a mix of brick and stone and you can hear
trickling water from the storm drains above you. The
‘My child, | am so sorry for all that has happened to path you are on is next to a fast-flowing underground
you,’ your father says. a river, carrying the city's waste away. You wouldn't want
He looks like you, of that there is no doubt, although to go swimming in it!
slightly out-of-focus as if not really here. Which of The way to the left is shrouded in darkness while
course he isn't. None of this is real. Is it?
the path to the right has lit torch sconces at regular
You step forward all the same. Many emotions and intervals and looks more inviting. If a sewer can look
questions swirl around inside you. You open your inviting.
mouth to speak but your father speaks first.
Will you go left into the darkness (turn to 76) or right
‘Look at you. I'm so proud. You've grown into a better into the light (turn to 205)?
person than | ever was,' his face crinkles as he smiles.
Tsk! But that rage. You definitely have my rage. All that
talk of justice and doing the right thing. | know you're
just masking your true feelings. Hmm, you need to let it The two figures turn the corner. They're goblins, squat
out,’ he warns. ‘Let me help you.’ ugly characters, with contorted faces and mouths full of
Your thoughts are whirling, it's too much to take in, you broken yellow teeth. Before you realise it they spot the
react on instinct. glint of your blade and immediately draw their swords.

Will you let your father help you (turn to 127) or ‘let They're eyes bulge as if they recognise you, their
out your rage’ in another way and punch him in the animosity seemingly forgotten.
face (turn to 57)? ‘It is them, Drak! the first goblin grunts.
Drak snarls and punches the other goblin. ‘Too young,
14 Drek! But all look same to me. Kill anyway!
Enough is enough. Your rage takes hold, and you attack! With that Drak and Drek draw their swords and attack
FIRST ORC RAIDER - Attack 6 - Health 5 you.

If you win, a second Orc bursts through the vegetation: Because of the narrow path they can only fight you one
at a time.
SECOND ORC RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 6
DRAK - Attack 6 - Health 4
If you win — all is quiet, you glance through the bushes
and see Grork patiently waiting. If you win, turn to 137.

Will you ignore him and run after the centaur (turn to
306) or walk back into camp and face the leader (turn
to 62)?

Raiders of Fang Mountain EJ

19 Have you made a note of the code word ARGUS? If
you have, turn to 275 now.
Scooting around the corner you run straight into two
orcs walking the other way, falling down in a twist Otherwise — the gnome seems friendly and a possible
of limbs. Rolling free you draw your sword and face source of information. Will you — ask him about the
these two new foes. Holding your own, you fight them thief (turn to 41), ask him about the 'thing in the
back but they're soon joined by the troll who lumbers catacombs’ (turn to 296) or ask him about himself
forward, tiny red eyes glinting feverishly as he raises a (turn to 111)?
club, goaded on by a large group of orcs.
Your adventure ends here... in pieces. 22
The first gate is closing as slowly as it opened, no
20 doubt to instil fear in the arena's victims. You sprint
towards it and duck under. As you do, two startled
Indecision gnaws at you. You know by doing nothing, hobgoblins run through from the other side.
you will inevitably have to enter whatever arena the
Raiders have set up. You have your weapons on you Inside is a scene of carnage, another hobgoblin, its
and you're ready for a fight. By doing nothing you are throat torn out, sprawls near a cage at the back of the
doing something. cavern. An impossibly large Fang Beast also lies dead,
the body of Dran atop it. Surely an epic battle worthy
You hear a loud roar from the crowd, something has of the man.
happened. The Trolls return and you walk down the
corridor, accepting your fate. Turn to 250. You run forward, looking for a way out, but there are no
doors or corridors here, only solid rock.
There he is!' shouts a hobgoblin from behind the now
WSN anpy \\) slowly rising gate. And there are reinforcements, a
À small army of them, plus a Frost Giant. You look around
) A ET frantically and spy a small crack in the cavern wall
\ Bey 2
inside the cage. It might be possible to crawl through,
but you'll have to be quick. You dash towards it!
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility,
you dive into the small crack and scrabble your way
to freedom (turn to 89). If you roll over your Agility
a flurry of crossbow bolts find their mark and your |
adventure ends here...

‘Me? Oh, I'm Durk. Durk Durk, at your service, sir. I've
been making good use of this pocket void, let me tell
you!' he looks around as if he's being overheard then
leans in conspiratorially 'Want to hear a secret? Don't
know where you're going at a crossroads? What do
21 ‘..a gnome sits at a desk frantically trying to you do? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. You flip a coin!’ he
sponge spilled ink off a parchment... beams, looking immensely please with himself.

21 ‘Sometimes people toss 3 or 4 before they realise

they're not getting them back. Pop! Into the void they
To your surprise the door swings open on well-oiled go and my worn knapsack of dreams.’
hinges. Inside, a gnome sits at a desk frantically trying
to mop spilled ink off a parchment he was working on. He shifts uncomfortably and digs a coin out from
where he's sitting ‘Ah, been looking for him.' he flicks
‘Blast it! Doesn't anyone ever knock!?! You scared the the coin deftly into his overflowing knapsack.
life out of me!' You apologise and ask him what he's
doing down here. 'I could ask you the same thing! | 'So, are you going to help me or not?!
work here — at least l'm trying to work here!’ Will you say ‘no’ (turn to 34) or 'yes' (turn to 82)?
You explain you're chasing a thief and the gnome clerk
seems to soften. 'Oh, him. Well good luck with that. 24
| suppose those good-for-nothing guards sent you
down, did they? Yes, of course they did. They won't ‘Good question! Mungo's eyes light up. ‘Our ‘Fearless
come here on their own, terrified of the ‘thing’ in the Leader’, has found something underneath Fang
catacombs.... oh, don't worry! It never comes up this Mountain. Something bad. My best guess? It's a
way, whatever 'it' is, too busy eating all the rats it can doorway to another realm. Prisoners taken to stare into
find. Which is good in my book!" the void don't come back,' he frowns and looks right at

Raiders of Fang Mountain J

‘My powers are considerable but even | can't see what's 27
actually happening down there. Maybe that's for the
Dahli looks exhausted but relieved. We're nearly there
best. The few that haven't died on the spot have
actually, another hour. Leaf will look after us. Hopefully
changed. Zandok has them killed immediately. Said
he'll know if my family is ok.'
something about ‘an infection’. The only person who
ever survived, without changing, was your father.’ Travelling in the dark is difficult but Dahli knows her
way and on more than one occasion points out a
If you haven't already, will you ask him about your
dangerous tree root or a branch you hadn't seen. Soon
father (turn to 130)?
you reach an impassable wall of brambles and Dahli
Otherwise, will you ask Mungo: stops.
e How can | stop the Raiders (turn to 114)? ‘We're here, Leaf will know we're waiting.’ She smiles.
e How did my father survive and how did he escape Turn to 242.
(turn to 65)?

'To the void, traitors’ spawn!’ Zandok snarls, his voice
It's evident that the building you are in is home to echoing around his faceless helmet.
many people. Each room is inhabited by multiple family
groups — human, dwarves and even orcs. You race You'll have one chance to get this right. When you
up two flights of dusty stairs, weaving around small think you should open the 'memory jar’ and access the
children laughing and playing. Ahead, the thief darts altered memory, add +20 to your current paragraph
through a curtain into another room. You follow. number. Now turn to 44 to start your march to the
A startled old woman preparing a meal shrieks as you
barge into her living room and drops the pot she was
holding, showering the floor in an assortment of green 29
leaves. The thief, just ahead, steps out a window, and Not sure what happened here, you shake your head
using a washing line as a tightrope, deftly steps across sadly and leave the cave. Turn to 80.
the gap to the building on the other side of the alley.
You apologise to the old woman, who shouts several
curses at you in several different languages. At the
window you look down. It's a long drop but several
ideas spring to mind.
You could use the same washing line as a tightrope
(turn to 74), looking up you see more washing lines,
you could cut one down and try to swing into the room 72,
58 Been
opposite (turn to 123) or step back and jump (turn to =
206)? br

Nobody locks doors here. There's either a lot of trust or i
death lurks in the darkest of places. iON

The room you find yourself in is oppressively hot.

Tropical plants spring up between coral-like rock
formations and a trickle of water cascades from the
ceiling and runs to a small pool in the corner.
‘Who daresssss disssturb the protectorss of Zandok?' a 30 ‘Tree roots snake across the track, waiting to
sibilant voice calls. trip the unwary traveller...
You see the shadow undulate across the rock wall 30
before the lizard creature slithers into view. It has
a snake-like body, at least three meters long, with You travel carefully along the road, listening out for
two powerful arms clutching a crude spear. It attacks Raiders.
without warning. After a few hundred yards, the ground underneath you
LIZARD MAN - Attack 8 - Health 8 changes from stone to grass. Tree roots snake across
the track, waiting to trip the unwary traveller and flash
If you win: have you fought in the arena?
floods have eroded large chunks of topsoil, exposing
If the answer is yes, turn to 159. If it's no, turn to 285. rocky ground beneath.

Raiders of Fang Mountain RJ

se... re

As you make your way over the uneven trail, your 34

senses are heightened, waiting for an attack by
‘Suit yourself.’
Raiders at any minute! The forest feels like it's closing
in, increasing your sense of unease. Trees and hedges He waves his hands. There's a familiar ‘pop! and you
loom over the narrowing path, as if trying to swallow it find yourself sitting back at the crossroads. Looking
and brambles loll from bushes, snagging clothing if you up, the shimmer has disappeared, and no amount of
get too close. searching will reveal it.
It's all the more surprising when you turn a corner and You shake your head and thoughts return to the
see two wagons on the path in front of you. Three mission. Will you:
burly men are trying to lift the wheel of the second
e travel north on the main path (turn to 30)?
wagon from a large pothole it finds itself trapped in.
They don't look like Raiders, but what are they doing e find the game trail the girl-thief told you about and
on this path? travel north that way (turn to 304)?

Will you walk up and offer to help (turn to 174), stay

where you are and watch (turn to 92) or head into the 35
forest and try and creep around them (turn to 141)? You step up to the stone table just as two orcs burst
into the room.
31 ‘There he is!' one of the orcs growls. ‘Your trail of death
Back in the corridor you have a choice to make. Follow ends here, worm!’ the other orc rumbles, both drawing
the second pair of Orcs around the corner or approach their swords.
the troll. It looks like he's fallen asleep against the The Raiders at the card table push themselves up and
broken remains of the statue, so you could try and stand between you and your foes. 'What's all this about
sneak past him. green skins?’
Will you follow the orcs around the corner (turn to 'He's a killer!’ the nearest orc spits.
181)? Or attempt to creep around the troll (turn to 7)?
‘Aren't we all?’ one of the gamblers drawls. 'So, are we
doing this?’
A cry and the battle is joined. Human vs orc. You hear a
Your thoughts come out in a jumble and before you pitched scream and turning, face three dagger wielding
know it your eyes sting with tears, and you can't speak. goblins. Fight them one at a time. Bestiary bonus
applies. )
The two guards look awkwardly at each other. 'Damn
Raiders. We're, uh, sorry for your loss,’ The first guard GOBLIN LEADER - Attack 6 - Health 6
GOBLIN SOLDIER - Attack 5 - Health 8
'Yeah,' the other guard offers ‘Cheer up, it'll get better,’
he offers you a bronze piece. ‘Sorry, it's all I've got. It's a GOBLIN GUARD - Attack 7 - Health 5
gift mind. Begging is illegal in Winterheart,' he pats you If you win, turn to 313.
on the shoulder before they both saunter off.
* Add 1 bronze piece to your coin purse. 36
You won't get any help here. Taking deep breaths to You look around and suddenly notice the two Fang
calm yourself, you open the sewer drain and climb Hounds. They're very agitated and can smell the blood
down (turn to 17). in the air — they strain against their leads and want in
on the carnage!
33 A Raider gets too close and one of the hounds snaps
You quickly empty the vial Sarina gave you into the
at him. You let loose with your sling. Remove 7 stone
from your sling bag.
mud pit (remove it from your adventure sheet) and its
effect is instantaneous. The worm stops swaying and Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck turn
starts to emit a light purring sound. Clearly pleased! to 88, if it's over, turn to 2.
It bows low until its enormous head is mere inches
from your own. The worm opens its maw, giving you a 37
close-up view of its razor-sharp teeth. You wonder if it's
The lifeless body of the pupate falls to the ground with
going to eat you when you spot a gold ring stuck over
a crash, its chrysalis body bursting open on the forest
a particularly thin tooth at the back of its mouth.
floor below.
Will you reach in and take it (turn to 164) or leave it
(turn to 312)?
‘Watch where you step!’ Dran warns as the blood fizzes
and pops and burns into the ground.

Raiders of Fang Mountain {J

You hear a groan and looking up once more you see a 39
man-shaped cocoon dangling from the tree branches,
green liquid dripping between the strands. You've Leaf stops suddenly his eyes go wide.
found the source of the blood trail. 'W-What!?! Time and reality alters around you. | don't
Dran braces the bottom of the cocoon, and you climb understand,' he continues talking to himself, as if in
up and cut it free. Carefully easing it to the ground you a trance. ‘You've done this many times, taken many
gently cut it open and free a badly wounded Orc. You different paths, been many different people. Some
recognise him from earlier — he gave you the conch journeys have led you here, others have taken you on
a different path... some to death, then back again...
‘It's you! the orc wheezes. ‘You must act quickly; | was
following the creature that took our lord's son but was You ask him what he means but he shakes his head
caught by the pupate!' he coughs and green blood and smiles. 'I'm sorry, your aura is... confusing. You
must ignore my ramblings. | can get you into Fang -
flecks his tunic.
Mountain. There's a way my people used to take,
‘Blow the conch shell, I'll tell them what happened and through the gaps in the rocks and fissures. The way
send them your way, but you must go now! the orc is... small! But don't worry, you'll remain at this size
looks in no state to be getting worked up and you put until you reach the chamber of the old wizard. He's
a calming hand on his chest. ‘Please. The caves to the a friend and will help you. However, the insects and
west. It's in there. It has the babe-' with that the orc creatures that guard the passageways are no longer
falls unconscious. friends of mine. Zandok's evil has cruelly subverted
Dran checks him over and start to bind his wounds. them, do not trust them! Your destiny awaits... or your
‘hmmm, he never told us what took the baby....' Dran death. | can't tell, but | wish you luck.’
says. You take the conch shell from your backpack and Turn to 10.
blow it... No sound comes out and Dran frowns. ‘Did
that work?' he says.
You have to hope it did. Leaving the orc propped
Chapter 2: the forest
against a tree, you make your way west to the caves.
After a few minutes of pushing through vines and
brambles, the forest opens out into a clearing with an
enormous rock pushing up through the grass. Within
; the rock are two naturally hollowed out cave entrances.
You listen but hear nothing. The larger of the caves has
dried blood at the mouth of the entrance.
Will you take the larger cave (turn to 235) or enter the
smaller cave (turn to 317)?

'Good,' he smiles, rendering his face into a mask from
your nightmares. ‘Take sack.’ He hands you the sack
with the rat in. He stares at you for a moment then his
face softens. ‘We sorry for your loss.’
At his unexpected kind words you too are at a loss.
Sensing your discomfort he pats his chest. 'We made
in pain, many parts, feel each one, remember all
memories,’ he smiles sadly. ‘We understand.’
They turn and shamble on into the darkness, leaving
you holding the sack.
You quickly collect your thoughts and shout after
them to wait and that you need help catching a thief.
They stop and turn once more. ‘Help catch worm, then 40 ‘Fang Mountain looms large, a brutal jagged
see Magnus. He know thief. Come!’ they resume their mass scarring the landscape.’
march into darkness and you follow.
Turn to 196.
You leave the sewer with mixed feelings. Your money is
gone, but you don't begrudge the girl for taking it. You
just hope she'll be ok. You think about staying to look
after her, but your drive to avenge your family and find
your father is too strong. Besides, she clearly doesn't

Raiders of Fang Mountain RA

need looking after! You promise yourself that you'll 4l
come back and check on her once this is all over, if you
survive... ‘You'll only catch him if he wants to be caught,’ the
gnome says. 'l've seen him a few times, he always gives
Fang Mountain is so close, only a day from me a wave. Friendly like that. Next thing | know a quill
Winterheart. You can see its dark mass from here, an is missing!’ He frowns.
absence of stars on the horizon, looming over the city.
You yawn and realise you've not slept in two days, ‘Head back down the corridor and keep going where
and you are so very tired! With no money for an inn, the torch sconces run out, he likes to hang out in the
you find an alley to lay down in and catch a few hours darker areas of the sewer,’ the gnome shudders. 'If he
sleep on your bedroll. likes the look of you, he'll make himself known.’

That night you have strange dreams. Your home is If you haven't already, will you ask him about the 'thing
burning, but it's filled with nothing but books, one in in the catacombs’ (turn to 296), ask him about himself
particular demands your attention and flaps towards (turn to 111) or leave and search the darker corridor
you, pages aflame, but what does it mean? If you (turn to 76)?
want to investigate further into the dream, turn to 93.
Otherwise, read on.
You are woken at first light by a cat scratching at your
boot, which you shoo away with a swift kick. It hisses
then looks for someone else to annoy (restore 4 Health
for the rest).
The sun is rising, and the city gates will be opening
soon. You make your way across the criss-crossing 42
cobbled streets to the north entrance of the city and
join a small band of merchants. The three of them The Raider whistles as you tip out all your coins into
introduce themselves as Jon, Carl and Boyle, and his waiting hands. 'A pleasure doing business with you,
they chatter happily about good deals made and enjoy!’ he says, pocketing the money. Unlocking the
their journey home to the village of Edritch, to the door with a rusty iron key he saunters off down the
northeast. corridor, whistling out of tune.

They are shocked by your appearance and listen You try the handle and the door swings open (turn to
intently as you recount your tale. As you set out from 49).
the city, your new travelling companions give you spare
clothes to replace your rags and share what food they 43
have with you.
Opening the cage you free the centaur. She springs out
Replace Rags on your Adventure Sheet with and bounds into the forest. Make a note of the code
Merchants garb (bonus +1 Perception while wearing). word ALDON.
You can discard the rags or keep them in your
backpack. A quick glance at the camp and you see the fight is
nearly over. The humans and both fang hounds are
At midday you reach the crossroads and a parting dead and only a handful of Orcs survive, including their
of ways. You wave them off and look north. Fang leader, Grork.
Mountain looms large, a brutal mass scarring the
landscape. Without wishing to overstay your welcome you quickly
follow the centaur. As you enter the undergrowth
You're wondering if you'll take the main track north or her hand grabs your arm. ‘Quickly! Follow me!’ she
the hidden game trail when a bronze coin suddenly whispers urgently.
appears from thin air and lands in the centre of the
crossroads, then another, followed by a disembodied Suddenly one of the Orcs thrashes his way through the
voice cursing. What is going on? brambles behind you. The centaur takes flight.

Will you: Will you, follow (turn to 306) or stand your ground and
fight (turn to 14)?
e Watch and wait to see if any more appear (turn to
e Give a prayer to the Gods and pick up the coins
(turn to 105)? The strange hooded creature steps forward, a dagger
e Ignore them and travel north on the main path (turn in hand. Motioning you to start walking you get a sharp
to 30)? prod in the back from his blade. You reluctantly take a
* Ignore them and find the game trail the girl-thief step forward.
told you about and travel north that way (turn to Zandok shouts behind you 'Your father survived; |
304)? have high hopes for you!" his sycophantic followers all
laugh at this. ‘I'm not as bad as you think. Survive and

Raiders of Fang Mountain fy

together we can tap the power of the void and rule the 47
world! he's behind you, but you imagine him raising
‘Isn't it obvious? Zandok would have killed all of you,’
both fists as he shouts his cry for world domination.
he covers his face. ‘The irony is, he killed them anyway,
If you didn't know it before, you've come to the
looking for me. | can't change that. | can only ask that
realisation that Zandok is quite mad.
you put your grief aside and help me close the void.
Focussing on the task ahead, you notice the hand- This is bigger than our family, as much as it tears me
drawn chalk circles around the void, its sphere of apart to say it,’ he can't look you in the eyes. ‘Maybe
influence clearly growing as the chalk circles get wider when this over we can...'. His voice trails off.
and wider, and the scrawl gets more erratic the further
Turn to 198.
out they go.
Your first step has already taken you into the outer 48
ring. Almost immediately it feels like something is
crawling under your skin. Your nerves are jangling, ‘We're the magic faeries of Fang Mountain,’ the thin-
and strange thoughts flash through your mind like faced man says. ‘And we bestow wishes on all the good
quicksilver before they're gone. boys and girls who join our happy wagon train of joy.’
Turn to 189. The other two men look at each other and sigh.
‘This is a dangerous place and you come waltzing up
45 to our wagons and start asking us questions!?! Think
again, friend. You go first.’
The other gate is rising! You frantically cast your gaze
around and spot a shiny brass ring and a glass vial in Will you tell them the truth (turn to 188) or tell them a
the sand which you scoop up. lie (turn to 117)?

© Add Ring of Leaping to one of your ring slots.

Item bonus +1 Agility. 49
e Add Healing potion (+4 Health) to your The door opens onto a strange sight. The largest flower
backpack. you have ever seen covers the entire floor, its five
Turn to 190. purple leaves trailing across to the edges of the room,
each one at least three meters long. The centre of the
flower has a deep hole, which you can't see the bottom
46 of, although there is something moving in there. You
You zip around a boulder and find three of the dark just can't make it out.
elves are still alive (the other three, you assume, are Cut into the rock wall are the words ‘Those that are
under the rock). One is stirring and reaches out for worthy, place their hand in the baneflower.’
your foot as you pass but a savage kick to his head
knocks him out cold. Will you follow the instructions and put your hand
in the flower (turn to 232) or leave the room (turn to
Reaching the bottom of the stone steps you start 214)?
to scramble up the boulder that has obliterated the
bottom section.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility
turn to 262, if it's over, turn to 278.

Raiders of Fang Mountain

50 52
A troll and four orcs appear at the bottom of the stairs Thank you, kind sir.’ He sighs gratefully, ‘You know, if
and see you, a human, standing over three goblin this was the start of an adventure, I'd be a mystical
bodies. beggar who bestows on you a magical gift.’ He smiles
at you. ‘But I'm not!' he scowls and snatches the last
‘Humans always think they're better than us. Look branch from your outstretched hand ‘Look where you're
down on us! The orc sneers. going in future and don't shout around people's faces!
‘Not look down on me!' The troll says as he stoops to With that the peasant flounces off to the market.
get into the corridor. 'Skarn turn you into jam!' he says
as he lumbers towards you. This is a fight you cannot Looking around you are surprised to see the thief,
win, and you do the only thing possible. Run. resting against a wall. He smirks at you before
disappearing down a dark alley. With a growing sense
A vicious whisper in your ear almost causes you to of anger, you give chase (turn to 69).
stumble. What was that? A cold feeling spreads
through your stomach. As if running for your life wasn't
bad enough, now the void is reaching out for you and 53
getting stronger the closer you get to it. Will you save Zandok is upon you. Scooping up a rock to defend
the world or end up destroying it? yourself you begin the fight of your life. Which lasts 1.5
On your adventure sheet you'll find an empty box seconds...
(under Notes). In the title section write Time (60). The Your adventure ends here.
bottom section will be used as a countdown.
When prompted, you'll be asked to record the passing
of time in this box (for example: 'You leave the room, < EL
add 5 minutes to your Time.’). As you accumulate more i L )
time, add it together. If at any point it reaches one
hour, turn to 60.
Find the two mask pieces and the jar. You have one
hour before the whispering void claims you. Consult the
Fang Mountain map now. You have two ways to run
from your current position (‘Start here!).

S3 Se

54 ‘The corridor twists to the left and ahead you

see a door.

The two mask pieces magically fuse together. You
put it to your face and find it fits perfectly (on your
adventure sheet under Outfit (Face), replace Black
mask with Fused mask (no bonus) — remove the
two mask pieces from your backpack, you may discard
or keep the Black mask).
An orc passes by and ignores you! For the first time,
Will you run west (turn to 109) or east (turn to 192)? you feel a spark of hope. The corridor twists to the
left and ahead you see a door. As you get closer, you
51 see it's ajar and you hear a ‘pssst!’ from inside. Will you
investigate (turn to 291) or carry on (turn to 237)?
You are at an elaborately carved wooden door. Exotic
flowers bloom around the handle, expertly painted —
they almost look real. You can hear no sounds from
inside. Will you try the handle (turn to 26) or carry on 'How did you-!?!' your father says. ‘Never mind, get him
(turn to 15)? to hit you again!’ he smiles eagerly.
Turn to 97.

Raiders of Fang Mountain [E

56 58
A strange feeling, a blurring of reality... The Raiders You can just about make out a human-size shape as
that attacked your home and killed your family are it passes you. The creature, whatever it is, hums a
dead. You've exacted your revenge! Your head spins, tuneless melody as it passes you.
you were expecting some sense of closure at this You wait to be sure they're gone then carry on along
moment, but you feel... nothing. Is this really what you the tunnel. After a few minutes the passageway opens
wanted? out into a large cavern.
A whimper from the cage snaps you out of your revere Turn to 251.
and you rush to open it. The poor centaur sobs and
flings her arms around you before the bolt hits the
ground. 59
‘Thank you! | don't know how you did it or why I'm still Listening at the door you hear two high-pitched raised
alive, but my family will forever be in your debt.’ voices. There's a level of exasperation about them.
Will you try the handle (turn to T1) or carry on (turn to
Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet and
make a note of the code word ALDON.
She introduces herself as Dahli. Her family were
running from a Raider hunting party, but she got caught
in a snare trap and was captured. She asks what you You hear a whisper and turn. But there's no-one there.
were doing alone in the forest and you quickly explain The void is calling and you've run out of time. You cover
what led you here. your ears and scream, but it wants you to know. Ideas
and words form in your head, everything makes sense.
Her eyes mist with tears. ‘Come. | know someone who
Of course, it suddenly makes sense. You believe.
can help you.' With that, she disappears into the long
grass and bushes. You follow. Your adventure ends here...

A few times you hear Raider patrols nearby, but Dahli

knows where to hide and you encounter no further 61
The faint whispering at the back of your skull is getting
Fang Mountain looms over you now, like a dark more insistent, how long do you have left? You decide
malignant mass. You shiver and Dahli puts her hand on you can't waste any more time and rush forward.
your arm ‘It wasn't always like that. Raiders corrupted
The corridor is well lit with no cover, but your speed
it. They found something deep in the rock that's
still takes them by surprise, cutting down one orc
poisoned everything. Come. My friend can tell you
before the others have unsheathed their weapons.
‘Coward!’ one spits at you. Fight them one at a time.
You are exhausted. Will you suggest camping for the
night and continuing in the morning (turn to 90) or ENRAGED ORC - Attack 7 - Health 7
carry on to her friend (turn 27)? Something nags at the HORNED ORC - Attack 6 - Health 7
back of your mind, but what...?
LONG TOOTH ORC - Attack 8 - Health 6
Ifyou survive, add 5 minutes to your Time.
You search the bodies and find 20 bronze pieces, a
ring with a winged foot engraved on it (you may wear
it — add to a ring slot - Ring of Fleet Foot — item
bonus +1 Agility), a Healing potion (+4 Health), and
a Rusty iron key. Take what you want and turn to

Grork looks at you appraisingly. ‘I'm not sure how you
did it, but all my men and hounds are dead,’ he blinks,
surprised, then laughs ‘You! | thought my men killed
you back at that hovel of a farm, no matter, this time l'Il
finish the job!’
It's a good punch, but your father is a ghost and your
Before you can take in what he's said, the Orc springs
fist sails through him.
forward! Bestiary bonus applies.
Try a few more. You'll feel better,’ he sighs.
GRORK -Attack 8 - Health 10
You do. And he's right. Turn to 127.
If you win, make a note of the code word ADRIK.

Raiders of Fang Mountain RA


Your head spins — the Raiders that attacked your 66

home and killed your family are dead. You've exacted
your revenge! Your head spins, you were expecting ‘I'm in hiding, outside your reality. | met someone who
some sense of closure at this moment but you feel... created a pocket dimension for me to hide in. Nice
nothing. Is this really what you wanted? And what will fellow called Durk. Maybe you've met him? Anyway, my
do now? exposure to the void didn't end well. Let's just say I've
stopped fading away since | left your world, but | don't
The centaur is suddenly at your side. She looks at you think | can ever return...' he sighs. ‘Let me tell you how
and takes your hand. to close the void.'
Thank you! | don't know how you did it or why l'm still Turn to 203.
alive, but my family will forever be in your debt.'
Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet. 67
Turn to 306. ‘Lived here all my life. | inherited these tunnels from
my Great Uncle Hoddle after he accidently chopped
63 himself in two...terrible business, | never talk about it.’
He sniffs. Anyway, he was minding his own business
You hear a movement behind you and quickly scoop one day....’
up the dead creature's spear, turn and thrust, taking a
With no choice, you listen to the tale (add 5 minutes
second lizard man by surprise.
to your Time). By the end you begin to wonder if
Its eyes widen as you push the spear deeper into its you're wandering around in circles. He likes to talk, and
chest, then it falls to the ground, it's tail twitching for you think he's stretching out your time together for
some time after death. You search the bodies and find company.
20 bronze pieces. Add 5 minutes to your Time. <
‘Ooh! Watch your step! Pit trap.’ He warns.
If you have the code word ADEAD, turn to 228.
Will you ask him why he built all these traps (turn to
Otherwise, you leave the room and head east (turn to
289) or walk on in silence (turn to 295)?

64 68
It's too much, you imagine the memory jar in your ‘Agh!' a small wood sprite jumps back in terror as you
head and it's there! It doesn't take much to open it. leap out, weapon drawn.
Something beyond your understanding takes over and ‘Please! Don't hurt me! I'm just passing through!" she
you feel a great force leaving your body. cowers against the wall. 'What are you doing down
Everything goes white... How much time have you here? Don't you know it's dangerous? Zandok controls
lost? Minutes, seconds? You're on your knees, gasping these tunnels now!’ she wails. You ask her what's she's
for breath. doing down here, if it's so dangerous, and she explains.
‘I'm Kriskina, | run interference for Leaf,’ she pauses,
‘What are you doing!?! Keep moving!’ a rough voice
says. Has it worked? finally spotting the remains of the spider. Ah, | see our
dear friend here isn't going to be webbing anyone up
You take three more steps forward and the void soon. Wait, did Leaf send you?’ she enquires.
whispers to you.
Will you answer 'no' turn to 224 or 'yes' turn to 146?
| guess not. Your adventure ends here...

'Zandok made your father look into the void. Maybe
he suspected disloyalty or discovered the truth of his
family? Either way, it didn't go as he planned. Your
father didn't die, he stared into it and lived! And in the
confusion, he escaped. There were some still loyal to
him that helped (yes, including me). Where he went
and how he survived is a mystery. | hope you find him
and get the answers you need to find some peace.’
If you haven't already, will you ask him how to stop the
Raiders (turn to 114).

Otherwise, if you have a Mysterious gold ring, turn

to 284, if not, turn to 86.

Raiders of Fang Mountain

Forest is crawling with Raiders, you might have thought
you'd be safer off the path, but you'd be wrong!’
You follow the thief down a dark alley, just in time to You start to explain your plight and how you need to
see him scale the back wall and disappear through the get to Fang Mountain-
open window of a tall, brick building. He's agile and
quick, you'll need all your skills to keep up. '| don't need to hear your life story, fool! There's a
Raider army just over there. Get back on the path and
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility stay out of the way of forest folk!’
turn to 77, if it's over, turn to 81.
With that he shoves you towards the path and
disappears into the forest. You hear more Raiders to
the north and decide that discretion is the better part
of valour and push your way through the green, back to
the main path (turn to 30).

E %
Eyes adjusting to the darkness, you spy a shovel
resting against the wall. You grab it and hide behind
AN sAau

the door. Two orcs enter, one is carrying a lantern. The

other pair make their way up the corridor.
You wait until they are fully in the room before you
nE swing the shovel at the nearest orc. He goes down
ut hoeDy with a satisfying clang!
The second orc pivots in shock and fumbles for his
sword. But a swift upswing brings the shovel into
contact with his chin and Orc number two crumples in
a heap on the floor.
You retrieve the lantern before it can go out and listen.
The other pair of orcs have made their way along the
70 ʻa large stone troll crashes towards you!’ corridor and don't appear to have heard.
70 A search of your fallen foes gets you 4 bronze
pieces, a Healing potion (+4 Health), and a Rusty
Within moments broken tree branches fly past your
iron key, which you take. Will you search the room
head in a shower of leaves and splinters of wood as a
(turn to 100) or leave (add 5 minutes to your Time)
large stone troll crashes towards you! Twice your size
and turn to 31?
and covered in cracks and splits to his stony skin, he
nevertheless looks solid and imposing.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility
turn to 180, if it's over, turn to 135. What's the worst that could happen?
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility,
71 you make it across the washing line and step into the
building opposite (turn to 263). If the total rolled is
There are too many to kill, you'll end up dead, unless over, you slip and fall (turn to 131).
that's what you want;' she replies ‘Find your daddy, at
least you still have one. He'll know what to do. Unless
he's a Raider, in which case you'll have to kill him, | 75
suppose,’ you find her thoughts unsettling and decide
You stumble and right yourself against a gnarled old
to ask something else.
tree. Disorientated you clutch your head until your
Will you ask her for help getting into Fang Mountain vision clears.
(turn to 168) or ask her if she needs any help (turn to
You are in a forest. But when? Looking up you see the
outline of Fang Mountain above the branches. But it's
intact. The spell worked, you're back in the past!
You are here for a reason, but what... You scan your
Two thick arms appear through the hedgerow either surroundings and then you see him and memory
side of the orcs heads and bash them together. They returns! An assassin, dagger raised, creeping between
both slump to the grass. the trees towards his prey. Your heart flutters, he's
hunting... you!
The troll pushes through the vegetation, his eyes
glowing red 'I told you to hide. Gah! he barks 'The

Raiders of Fang Mountain EJ

ieee. eee

Will you run towards him, screaming wildly (turn to off the main path, as they eat their dry rations. Dran
118), use your sling (turn to 172) or creep up on your shares his with you (restore +2 Health), prompting a
opponent (turn to 248)? scoff from Jallos.
The meal over, Taplin stands and stretches, then frowns
76 quizzically. 'Is it me, or is it getting darker?’ A shrill
whiny from the horses warns you all in time.
Grabbing a torch from a nearby sconce you step
into darkness. You follow the stone path as it twists A dark shape, nearly three metres high and made
and turns, following the rushing black water. It's very entirely of rippling mud rises menacingly behind Taplin.
uneven and you are glad of the torch which stops you, Two yellow eyes glare malevolently and a hideous maw
on more than one occasion, from tripping into the river! gapes open revealing jagged tombstone like teeth.

From around the next corner you hear footsteps and Mud Wraiths — and there are more of them, rising all
raised voices. Is it the thief and a possible accomplice around you!
or someone else? There are certainly two people, and '| told you everyone is out to kill me!’ Jallos screams as
they are having a heated argument. he draws his sword.
Will you stand your ground and wait (turn to 166), You draw your weapon just as a dark shape rises in
dowse your torch and hide in the shadows (turn to 101) front of you. Bestiary bonus applies.
or dowse your torch and draw your rusty dagger (turn
MUD WRAITH - Attack 7 - Health 6
to 18)?
If you win, you see more rising from the ground...
77 Taplin is making short work of the wraiths surrounding
him and is clearly an experienced swordsman. Dran,
You race to the end of the alley, leap, and grab the
while not as skilled, is swinging a large claymore
top of the dusty wall. Hoisting yourself up, you dive
through the ranks of wraiths and keeping them at arm's
through the window headfirst and tumble and crash
over pots and pans. A slightly undignified entrance, but
length. Jallos on the other hand is hiding under one of
you're in one piece and the thief is only just ahead of the wagons, poking a sword out at an advancing mud
wraith, while shouting obscenities at it.
you, moving quickly out the only door in the bare brick
room you find yourself in. Will you run to the aid of:
He stops, grins at you, then carries on running. You get e Taplin (turn to 8)?
the feeling this is just a game to him. e Jallos (turn to 161)?
Turn to 25. e Dran (turn to 211)?

What have you got to lose, except your hand? You
slowly lower your arm into the hole. There is something
moving in there, it slithers over your fingers before
withdrawing. You fight your fear and keep your hand
in the hole until something cold and hard presses up
against your fingers.
‘Take it, the voice says.
Removing your hand you find yourself holding half of
the mask. Well done!
e Add half of mask (30) to your backpack.
You thank the flower and leave the room (add 5
minutes to your Time) and turn to 274.

n Aima 80
Shas vy an
cok NE You catch up with Dran and leave the cave together.

78 ‘Mud Wraiths - and there are more of them, Outside, the Orc war party have arrived — standing in
rising all around you!’ a semi-circle around the cave entrance. You see the
injured orc is alive and held up by two others, he smiles
78 in your direction.
Fang Mountain is only a few hours away and you're The Chieftan steps forward and takes the baby from
impatient to move on. But the horses need rest, so Dran. He nods at you both.
you sit down with the group in a grassy clearing, just

Raiders of Fang Mountain [EJ

Then they melt back into the forest, leaving you both 83
You empty the vial Kriskina gave you into the mud
Dran breaks the silence. 'Well | wasn't expecting a pit (remove it from your adventure sheet), its effect is
reward, but a thank you would have been nice. Ah well. instantaneous. The worm stops swaying and screams
We're still alive, the sun is shining, and we've done a in agony!
good thing. Come on, let's catch up with the others.’
If it's possible, he looks less friendly than before. Its
And with that, you jog along the path and meet up many swivelling eyes start to glow a deep red and it
with the slow-moving wagons. roars so loudly small rocks fall from the ceiling above.
Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet and The vial has driven Karnos into a berserker fury,
make a note of the code word AKILO and turn to 215. Kriskina lied to you! Turn to 277 to fight (and add +1 to
its attack of 9 for the duration of the combat).
You mistime your jump and manage to headbutt the
brick wall (lose - 2 Health). Dazed, you hoist yourself Leaf sighs. 'How many Raiders have you killed? How
up, dive through the window headfirst and tumble did it make you feel?’
and crash over pots and pans. A slightly undignified
You stop to think. It takes you a moment to recognise
entrance, but you're in one piece and the thief is only
you felt nothing.
just ahead of you, moving quickly out the only door in
the bare brick room you find yourself in. ‘So why do you want vengeance?’
He stops, grins at you, then carries on running. You get You realise the burning vengeance you felt that night
the feeling this is just a game to him. has gone, replaced with a sadness. Your family would
not want you throwing your life away in a fury of
Turn to 25.
revenge. And yet, you can't let them die in vain. An
unresolved feeling burns inside you. Justice? A need to
82 find your father and seek answers? You sigh, betraying
your indecision.
A strange feeling, a blurring of reality... Then Durk
comes back into focus. Leaf smiles sadly ‘My kind called Fang Mountain home
until the Raiders came. | hated them for a long time.
‘Great!’ says Durk ‘You're going to help me get this
Sought bloody vengeance for many a year. But hate
bag full of gold back to Winterheart. If we get there
‘cannot sustain you. At some point | let it go and found
without being robbed or killed, I'll give you 10 gold
another way,' he looks at you intently. ‘We both want
pieces. What do you say?’ he looks expectantly at you.
the same thing, | think. The Raiders must be stopped,
Your journey to Fang Mountain is the single thing not out of a desire for revenge, but because it is the
on your mind, but will the gold be useful in your right thing to do. Will you help me?’
quest? Can you afford to take this detour? Or is there
You nod in agreement.
something else bothering you?
‘Good. The Raiders are led by a wicked creature called
Will you say 'yes' (turn to 229) or 'no' (turn to 34)?
Zandok. My spies tell me he has found something
deep within the mountain that threatens all life on
this world. More than that, | do not know. But | have a
feeling that you are our best hope of stopping him.
If you have the code word AFIRE, turn to 39
immediately. Otherwise, turn to 10.

The sewers are larger than you expect with intricate
brick work arching over your head. They're also cleaner
than you imagined with not a rat in sight. You are
standing on a thin stone pathway next to a fast-
flowing underground channel with the choice of north
or south along the narrow pathway.
Fresh wet footprints lead north but you hear running
feet to the south.
Will you follow the wet footprints north (turn to 191) or
the sound of running feet to the south (turn to 310)?

Raiders of Fang Mountain EQ


Chapter 4: Fang Mountain
Your stone hits one of the hounds square on the rump.
It roars in pain and wrenches away from the tree
stump, snapping the metal link chain holding it.
The Raider has no time to do anything but gape as the
hound's toothy maw closes over his head.
The second hound breaks free and bounds towards the
fight, indiscriminately removing large chunks of flesh
from anyone that gets in its way.
By the time the hounds have been cut down, there are
only two Raiders left. You leap from the tree and survey
the carnage. Then, drawing your sword, you approach
the two survivors.
The surviving goblin Raider screeches and almost
jumps on you. Anger searing its little red eyes.
GOBLIN RAIDER - Attack 6 - Health 6
If you win, you face your final opponent.
He waits for you to wipe your sword free of goblin
blood before slowly approaching. Turn to 227.
86 ‘A Raider bustles past, paying you no heed.’
86 89
You thank Mungo for all his help. ‘Don't thank me, Soon the only sounds you hear are your hands and
you're the one who's got to save the world. Follow the knees scraping on the rock as you squeeze through the
map and have faith!' he counters and ushers you out tiny fissure, praying it doesn't come to a dead end or
the door into a stone corridor. With a hearty shove he there's a sudden rock fall.
pushes you the rest of the way and slams the door
shut. You turn but see no sign of the door. Now that's After many twists and turns, it gradually widens until
magic. you're able to stand and walk freely. You soon come
to a rough-cut wooden door. Listening at the door you
A Raider bustles past, paying you no heed. Adjusting hear nothing until it's suddenly yanked open from the
your mask, you take a deep breath and follow Mungo's other side and you fall on your face.
instructions. The stone staircase spirals down for
what seems like an eternity. You are deep within the Two feet are in your eye-line, one is tapping
mountain now and the air is thinner, making it harder impatiently.
to breathe. The dampness is oppressive, and you have 'Dran sent you, didn't he? I'm the ‘old wizard’ he
a strong desire to scream at the closeness of the mentioned. l'm very sorry for your loss,’ the owner of
surrounding rock. You reach the bottom and walk down the feet rasps.
a narrow passageway with alcoves at regular intervals,
lit by flickering torches. You look up, but this old man looks more like a
mercenary than a robed magician. Clothed head-to-toe
You pass a small group of goblins, scrubbing the walls in leather armour, he certainly fits the ‘old’ description,
clean of blood stains. By the look of it, there's been with a face that has earned all of its lines and creases.
a fight here recently. Will you ask the goblins what The top of his head is bald except for two white tufts
happened (turn to 314) or carry on (turn to 13)? of hair sprouting out above his ears. This is one mage
you would not want to get into a fight with.
87 ‘Right, let's see how we can help each other,’ he says.
Stepping carefully over the rubble of your fathers’ Turn to 142.
statue, the troll's breathing suddenly changes and a
meaty hand reaches out with surprising speed and
grabs you around the neck. 90
‘Human think we all stupid. Underestimate Skarn. Dahli looks as exhausted as you feel and readily
Mistake only make once.’ agrees to stop. You daren't risk a fire this close to Fang
Mountain but hunker down under a large oak tree and
Your adventure ends here... exchange stories of family life.
Night falls and you both try and get some much-
needed sleep.

Raiders of Fang Mountain PA]

Leaves Then their leader spins around and looks at you,
You drift off but are awoken by a sudden quake. drop the wheel and draw
lookin g eyes wide. The other two
and branches fall all around you and you stand, their swords.
—a dark
around blearily for the source. And there it is
cloud erupting from Fang Mount ain. Uh-oh...
One lands you feel cold
As it floats overhead, black rain drops fall. You are about to draw your weapon when
to brush it off but then steel pressed into the small of your back.
on Dahli. She shrieks and tries
’ she says ‘Actua lly, there's
relaxes. ‘It's fine, don't worry, 'Don't...' a voice whispers in your ear.
something | need to tell you.’
e it... Turn to 293.
She whispers something in your ear. You believ
Make a note of the code word AFIRE on your 93
t and
adventure sheet — this code word is permanen
start a Your
remains on your adven ture sheet , even if you You focus on the book and then you remember!
ies of
new adventure, with a new chara cter. If you alrea dy mother owned a bestiary detailing the abilit
. ntered
have it written down, you don't need to add it again strange and frightening creatures she encou
Altho ugh
and before settling down and starting a family.
If you haven't used your family luck yet, use it now e. In fact,
again (you don't the book is lost, your memories of it endur
turn back to 56 to make your choice odd
certain pages and facts pop into your head at
get to add the reputation point a second time). you
moments, usually in combat and usually when
Otherwise, your adventure ends here... intuitively see a weak spot in your enemy!
If you see the phrase ‘bestiary bonus applies
91 comba t only. Add 'best iary
+1 to your Attack for that
n of your Adven ture Sheet .
you bonus’ to the ‘Notes’ sectio
The other Raiders are paying you no attention, so perma nent and yours foreve r.
ation, This skill is now unlocked,
decide to give the walls a more thorough examin or if
ts You can use it with any new characters you create
tapping the rock and looking for secret compartmen with this
you die and go back to a previous save point
or passageways. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
character. Return to 40.
‘There he is!’ Two orcs step into the guard room,
interrupting your search. 'Your trail of death ends 94
g their
here, worm! the other orc rumbles, both drawin
roll up
swords. The Ogre looks imploringly at you, then his eyes
crump les to the cave floor. Dead.
‘into his head and he
The Raiders at the card table push themselves up and
stand between you and the orcs. ‘What's all this about You catch your breath, then you hear the high-pitch
and you spot the
green skins?! scream again. Your eyes dart around
Orc baby. Safe and well, nestled in a bed of leaves
The orcs scream and attack. You step back, unable to Dran scoop s him
the corner of the cave, wailing loudly.
enter the fray. Within moments it's over and the orcs
up and takes him outside to safety.
are dead. The ‘friend’ you made when you entered the
‘What shape,
room steps up, clutching his bleeding right arm You're about to leave when you notice another
did | tell you? Take the damn mask off or you're going hidden in the shadows. You step closer and find
to get mistaken for that idiot who killed the orcs...’ body, wrapped in a blanke t. Wonde ring what you're
not another
He stops and looks at the bodies on the floor ‘Ah, going to find, you gently lift the cover and find
good. Come on lads, let's get out of here! and with Ogre. Dead with an arrow shaft in its stoma ch.
that, they scurry off, leaving you alone.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
You wonder what your next move should be when Perception turn to 16, if it's over, turn to 29.
eyes widen in surprise. During the fight, the stone table
was upended and cracked in two. Hidde n in the middle
is one half of the mask.
The corridor turns twice more and you leave the
< Add half of mask (24) to your backpack. tunnel is
sounds of the raging troll far behind you. This
You hear raised voices coming down the corridor. Raider s. A loud hiss jolts
dimly lit and you see no other
Friend or foe you're not sure but decide you don't want you out of your thoughts. Turnin g this way and that
to be found with two dead orcs for company and leave r in your mind. You
you realise the void is getting cleare
the room quickly. Turn to 256. it's starti ng to make
don't quite understand it yet, but
sense. You don't want it to make sense!
92 as
You pass a small round door on your right, barely
high as your waist. Will you try the handle (turn to
Their leader, a thin faced man with uneven eyes anda
280) or keep going (turn to 249)?
scar running from nose to chin, barks orders while the
other two toil and curse, struggling and failing to move
the wheel out of its current predicament.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ezy

What luck! Hidden in the straw you find an old
Hairpin. Add this to your adventure sheet.
Will you check the rock walls for any means of escape
(turn to 140) or use the hairpin to try and pick the lock
(turn to 158)?

You are back in the cavern, staring at a distorted
version of your own face in Zandok's mirrored helmet.
‘Answer me!’ he screams.

Will you laugh at him (turn to 199), say you're going to

kill him (turn to 246) or insult him (turn to 124)?
sy Raf
98 W B
F 4 ED fs 4 R ` Ñ wdi ti

A tiny hand takes yours and you help them up. The
wood sprite rubs her head and then winces as she 100 ‘You sweep the lantern across the shelves.
touches a nasty bruise above her left eye. It's all junk. Isn't it?’
Thank you for stopping and helping me, I'm Sarina. Did 100
Leaf send you?' you nod an acknowledgement. ‘Then
welcome friend and thank you for your aid. Took a You sweep the lantern across the shelves. It's all junk.
nasty clonk to the head from my sister, Kriskina, and Isn't it?
left for dead. Damn Raiders corrupted her, just like all If you've seen enough, you decide to leave the room.
the rest! she pauses, bottom lip quivering. 'Not your Add 5 minutes to your Time and turn to 31.
problem, friend. I'll help her and get her well. Zandok
will not win!"
She grasps your hand and puts a small vial into it.
They continue on their way, oblivious to your hiding
* Add Sarina’s vial to your adventure sheet.
place. You wait until you can't hear their voices then
‘There's a death worm ahead. It used to be our friend — step out... right into the path of two more goblins,
and it will be again! Just add this liquid to the mud pit their footsteps drowned out by the rushing water.
it swims in. Thank you!’ and with that she skips out of Damn!
the cave, into the light and is gone.
Both goblins look stunned, and one mutters ‘It them!
You tentatively make your way down the tunnel until it and steps back. Then the other grabs him by the arm
opens out into a large cavern. ‘Too young! But all look same. Fight!
Turn to 251. They draw their swords and attack you.
It's a narrow path, so fight one at a time.
99 GOBLIN - Attack 6 - Health 5
'Y-You!?! But you're dead! | mean, the arena... Dolfiks If you win — the goblin cries out and falls to the path,
Teeth! Jallos splutters. Grabbing his blade, he attacks
his rusty curved sword clanging on the cobbles. It's not
you. the best weapon, but better than your rusty dagger.
JALLOS - Attack 7 - Health 7 You could attempt to scoop it up before the second
If you win, make a note of the code word ABOKE. goblin clambers over his comrade and attacks?
You search his body and find a Rusty iron key, 10 If you want to take it, roll two dice. If the total is
bronze pieces and a Healing potion (+4 Health), equal or under your Agility, you grab the sword and
which you take. parry a blow as the second goblin leaps over his dead
The key fits the lock and you open the door and enter companion. If you roll over your Agility, you grab
the room. Add 5 minutes to your Time and turn to 49. the weapon but take a cruel swipe from the second
goblin's sword (lose - 2 Health). Add Rusty sword (+2
damage) to the weapon slot on your Adventure Sheet.
If you take the sword or not, fight on:
GOBLIN - Attack 5 - Health 7

Raiders of Fang Mountain E$]

If you win — both goblin's lie dead. A quick search
reveals 6 bronze pieces, a Rusty sword (+2
damage) and a strange Animal tooth necklace.
You may take any or all of these items.
One thought he recognised you, were they looking for
your father? You are pondering this when a voice from
the darkness says 'So you're not a Raider, that's good.’
Turn to 152.

You are lost in time! Events from your life flash before
your eyes. The destruction of Fang Mountain, your
adventures in Winterheart, then further back, your
mother's birthday, harvest time, playing with your
sister. Then you are crawling across the floor, a baby.
Your life is running out!
If you haven't used your family luck, use it now (reduce
it by 1 point) and turn to 157. Otherwise turn to 106.
104 ‘A colossal toad like creature with a hideous
snapping beak that wants to get acquainted
103 with you.’
Wiping your sword on the dead Raider you step 104
towards Mungo.
You sever the tentacle which flops onto the stone path
‘It's not what you think! They were always going to get and spasms for many seconds before lying still. The
you, | was just trying to get you where you needed Patchwork Men have made short work of their ‘worms’
to be. Trust me! This all part of the plan your father — crushing them with hammer blows from their fists.
made...’ They step back to check on you. 'Need better weapon!
Three more Raiders enter the room. one says. You don't disagree!

‘There he is, looks like Mungo's information was correct Suddenly a much larger tentacle whips out of the
after all. Pity, |was looking forward to dismembering water and grabs one of the Patchwork Men around
‘im!’ one laughs. the middle. Before you can do anything, he's dragged
‘Trust me!’ Mungo whispers imploringly.
'Nooooo!' the remaining Patchwork Man cries. But you
Will you run Mungo through (turn to 243) or surrender don't have time to mourn him, the water churns and
(turn to 292)? an aquatic monstrosity rises from the depths. You
are face-to-face with the owner of the tentacles. A
colossal toad like creature with a hideous snapping
beak that wants to get acquainted with you.
You must fight! Bestiary bonus applies.
Health 30
After three combat rounds, if you're still alive, turn to

You rush forward and pick up the bronze pieces.
+ Add 2 bronze pieces to the coin purse on your
adventure sheet.
You notice a strange shimmer in the air where the coins
clearly fell from. It looks like a hole in the air. What is
l t that?
Bii atl
Will you stick the end of your sword in (turn to 210),
throw caution to the wind and examine the shimmer
(turn to 171) or avoid it like the plague and carry on
with your mission by taking the main path (turn to 30)
or the game trail (turn to 304)?

Raiders of Fang Mountain

you out of your thoughts. Turning this way and that
you realise the void is getting clearer in your mind. You
You spiral through time, adrift and lost... Back before don't quite understand it yet, but it's starting to make
you were born... Faster and faster the world rewinds sense. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
and you watch helplessly as you keep falling, falling
You pass a small round door on your right, barely as
back, screaming to the dawn of time...
high as your waist. Will you try the handle (turn to
Your adventure ends there. 280) or keep going (turn to 249)?

107 m
You look around. All your opponents are dead. Dran ‘Me? Well, there's not a lot to say really! | keep an eye
is injured and clutching his arm. The old man is lying on what's dropped into the sewer, keep a record of it
motionless on the ground, but the young lady looks all in my ledger, right here! If it looks interesting, l'Il
unharmed. fish it out with my net. Why only the other day-' You
interrupt him as politely as possible, reminding him
Will you speak to Dran (turn to 261), search the
that you're after a thief. 'Oh yes, of course, you young
ground for anything useful (turn to 45), run through people, always in a hurry.’
the nearest gate that the Fang Hounds came out from
(turn to 183) or wait (turn to 190)? If you haven't already, will you ask him about the thief
(turn to 41), ask him about the ‘thing in the catacombs’
(turn to 296) or leave and search the darker corridor
(turn to 76)?
You draw your sword to fight the first Raider, but with
a heavy heart you realise there are too many of them. , 112
To fight would be suicide.
The passageway here has smooth polished walls, and
They look disappointed by your sudden surrender but
the ground underfoot is no longer uneven but paved
grab you roughly all the same and lead you back into
neatly. You have a feeling civilisation is ahead and you
the room of your betrayer.
quicken your step.
Mungo looks at his feet when you re-enter the room
Then you see it, a light at the end of the tunnel! As you
and never once makes eye contact. You are pushed
get closer you can make out an enormous room (well,
down the corridor and at the end, descend a set of
enormous from your current point of view).
stone steps carved out of the rock.
You reach the end of the passage and peer out. From
The Raiders are laughing and discussing which body
this angle you can see a worn wooden chair and table,
parts Zandok will cut off first.
both piled high with dusty books. But it's the walls
At the bottom of the steps is a short corridor which that take your breath away. Every available space
opens out into a large natural cavern. You are now has a shelf filled to bursting with parchments, books
deep below Fang Mountain. Strange lights in the rock, and scrolls. Worryingly, thick dripping candles are
high above, cast unusual shadows on the cave floor. placed haphazardly on some of the larger tomes, some
burning perilously close to their wicks.
As you gaze around your heart skips a beat. There
before you is a titan among men, eight foot tall and Then you notice two giant feet walking around from
wearing shining metal plate armour from head to toe. the other side of the table and a raspy voice booms
Even the helmet is solid metal with no eye, nose or —'Ah, I've been expecting you. Leaf sent word. Well
mouth holes. You know with certainty this is Zandok. come on! The sooner you step in, the sooner you'll
Turn to 143. return to your normal size, and we can have a proper
conversation, eye-to-eye!’
109 You tentatively step into the room. As you do,
everything suddenly gets smaller and in moments you
You take off at high speed, luckily the lumbering troll is
find yourself looking down on the owner of the feet
holding up the others, so you have a head start.
and raspy voice.
There's a door on your right, will you burst in and hide
You were expecting an ‘old wizard’ but this old man
(turn to 160)? Or keep running (turn to 19)?
looks more like a mercenary than a robed magician.
Clothed head-to-toe in leather armour, he certainly fits
T10 the ‘old’ description, with a face that has earned all its
lines and creases. The top of his head is bald except
The passageway turns left. You pass a tunnel on your
for two white tufts of hair sprouting out above his ears.
right which has a large group of rowdy goblins arguing
This is one mage you would not want to get into a fight
amongst themselves, so you decide to keep moving.
The corridor turns twice more and you leave the
sounds of the raging troll far behind you. This tunnel is
dimly lit and you see no other Raiders. A loud hiss jolts

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ezy

'I said eye-to-eye, | don't want to be staring at your 115
chin,' he growls ‘sit down! he pushes a pile of books off
the chair and you dutifully sit. You don't have to wait long. Two orc Raider's burst from
the bracken and attack.
Right, let's see how we can help each other, he says.
FIRST ORC RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 10
Turn to 142.
After two rounds turn to 72.

Watching the goblin has sparked an idea. Half formed
They nod as you enter. One of the Raiders frowns and
plans swirl through your head, but time is against you.
steps up to you.
The camp below is a powder keg and you think you can
light the fuse. 'You'd better watch out. The green skins are on a blood
The centaur doesn't have long. You pick a stone from hunt. Some crazy fool killed one of their own and now
your pouch and drop it into your sling. they want revenge,’ he whispers ‘Whoever it is, wears
a mask, a bit like yours. If you want my advice, take
But what will you do? it off, you don't want to be mistaken for the killer,’ he
* Sling a stone at a goblin (turn to 222)? confides in you. You thank him for his concern.
* Sling a stone at Grork (turn to 231)? The other Raiders are playing cards for bronze coins.
* Sling a stone at one of the human Raiders (turn to Another time you might have joined them, but time is
282)? against you.

Will you search the room (turn to 239) or leave (turn to

114 256)?

‘Even with my help, | don't know how you're going to

manage it. Cutting the head off the snake is a good 117
start. Zandok is like a god to his men. Killing him will You explain you're a travelling merchant, heading home
dent their confidence, for sure. But many have tried, to Edritch from Winterheart when you were attacked
and many have failed. He's a ruthless killer. Are you?’ by a troll and escaped into the forest. You thank the
His stare bores into your soul and for the first time gods you found a group of friendly faces.
you begin to wonder if the task you've set yourself is
‘Well we ain't going to Edritch, so you're out of luck
there,’ the leader spits ‘That's our destination!’ he
‘First things first, you need to start wearing that animal points to Fang Mountain 'So take your conch shell and
tooth necklace you've been lugging around with you. bugger off!"
You can hide in plain sight with that. Secondly, wear
this mask. It looks odd, but everyone around here The group turn their back on you and make their way
wears what they like, you won't stand out and it'll to the wagons. Realising the awkward position you've
stop you looking like your father, Mungo hands you a put yourself in you shout after them. They turn and you
apologise for lying.
thin black strip with two eye holes cut in it, which you
dutifully tie around your head. Turn to 188.
* Add Black mask to the outfit section of your
adventure sheet (under face — no bonus) and move 118
Animal tooth necklace from your backpack to
the outfit section (under neck — no bonus)
You scream a battle cry and thrash through the
forest, dead branches cracking underfoot and leaves
‘Good! That's the easy bit,’ he sighs 'Now you just scattering.
need to find a way to stop Zandok and close the
The assassin turns, momentarily startled, then grins,
void,’ Mungo draws a very basic map on a piece of
parchment and gives it to you. ‘When you leave this turns back and throws his dagger at your younger self.
room, turn right and follow the corridor to the stone He hits the mark. Too late, time unravels!
staircase. Go all the way to the bottom and then
Turn to 106.
consult this map. Good luck!
* Add Fang Mountain map to your adventure
sheet backpack.
If you haven't already, will you ask him how your father You find yourself stumbling blindly through the
darkness. You can hear nothing but the sound of your
survived and escaped (turn to 65)?
own footsteps and the occasional drip of water from
Otherwise, if you have a Mysterious gold ring, turn the rock above your head.
to 284, if not, turn to 86.
After a few minutes of this tortuous slow progress, you
make out a dim light ahead. You hasten your step and,

Raiders of Fang Mountain Eq

in your excitement, nearly trip over a body. It groans You are hidden in the shadows a few metres away,
and starts to rise. Is it a friend or foe? but they stop and turn around. Have they sensed your
Will you run on to the light and the cavern ahead (turn
to 251) or throw caution to the wind and help them up You catch a glimpse of their cloudy eyes staring
(turn to 98)? vacantly in your direction, giving no clue to their
intentions. You notice the one nearest you has a brown
sack slung over its shoulder. He reaches down and
120 gently lifts a rat from the path and puts it in his sack.
‘Ah yes, our ‘Family Luck’. | never really gave it much They seem harmless, but who knows?
thought before. I'd occasionally get lucky at cards, in a Will you step forward and talk to them (turn to 286)?
fight or doing something stupid! You've probably been Or stay where you are (turn to 128)?
able to do it too — a way to bend a situation to your
will?’ he cocks his head and looks at you.
‘There's more to it than | ever realised, that much |
discovered when | looked into the void and the void Using your sword, you cut one end of a line, wrap it
looked back at me!’ around your wrist and leap!

If you have the code word AFIRE, turn to 148. Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility,
you swing safely across the gap and step into the
Otherwise, you can ask him: building opposite (turn to 263). If the total rolled is
e where he's hiding (turn to 66)? over, you let go of the rope and fall (turn to 131).
e how to close the void (turn to 203)?
121 ‘You'd do what with my what!?!'
With the fate of the world at hand you have no time As insults go, it was a good one. Zandok throws you
for this, grabbing the Raider by the throat you demand roughly against the rock wall (lose - 2 Health).
he let you in.
'Yes!! Your father beams. Somehow, you're back in the
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck turn pocket dimension. 'Zandok is a bit heavy handed, lucky
to 279, if it's over, turn to 241. for me he's knocked you out. We've got a bit of time...
Oh dear, that's not good. What did you say to him!?!'
You follow his gaze to a hovering distorted window
which shows your prone body back in the cavern and
Zandok raging. Suddenly he picks up the mask and
crushes it into powder. Your stomach lurches as all
hope is extinguished — you've failed!
‘It looks like we'll be doing this the hard way.’ Your
father interrupts your thoughts. ‘Remember | asked
you to get a jar? No don't worry, | know you didn't find
it. |never got a chance to tell you. The jar wasn't out
there, it's up here!’ he taps his head. ‘Or it was until |
transferred it to you when we connected through the
statue. Good likeness by the way,’
You ask him what good it'll do, now that the mask has
been destroyed.

‘Well, | didn't live this long by putting all my eggs in
AA one basket. It's plan B time, unfortunately it might
result in your soul being obliterated and the world
ending. Sorry,’ he looks at your aghast face. ‘Look,
122 ‘The shambling figures are the work of you've got this far. I'm sure it'll be fine. Zandok is going
sorcery, stitched together from the remains of to shove your head into the void when you wake up.
others... But you've got something extra rattling around up
122 here!’ he taps his head with his index finger ‘You'll need
to time it right, you don't want to look into the void,
As you get closer your breath catches in your throat. but you'll need to be ready to open the jar’ and let
The shambling figures are the work of sorcery, stitched the 'memories' I've been tinkering with do their work.
together from the remains of others with numerous Understand?!
scars criss-crossing their bone white faces. Even
You look blankly back at him, but then you feel an itch
their clothing is a patchwork of materials and styles,
at the back of your head. There's a strange thought
carelessly stitched together.

Raiders of Fang Mountain

there. Something that you think you can understand if ‘You are a better person than | ever was, in so many
you just concentrate enough- ways. Such power!' he marvels, eyes wide.

‘No! Not yet. Wait until the right moment. The void You feel exhausted and energised at the same time
memories | changed will take over and stare back into (restore your Health and increase it to 16 (this is your
the other void. You won't know anything about it and new health starting score) and untick the Family Luck
believe me, that's for the best. It's the only plan | have box if you've used it — you may use it one more time
I'm afraid, what could go wrong?’ he stares at you. this adventure).

You never had a chance to talk to him properly last ‘Focus. We don't have much time. You've seen much on
time and there's so much you want to ask him but as your journey and | know you have a lot of questions for
before things don't go your way. me, and there's so much | want to say to you. But we
must be brief.’
A blinding flash and your eyes open. You're awake
again. Turn to 28. Will you ask him for help defeating Zandok (turn to
179), more information on the void (turn to 198) or ask
why he abandoned you (turn to 47)?
‘Have we got time for this?’ Dran queries. You have to 128
hope you do.
They turn and carry on down the path. You've wasted
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your enough time here. You frown and turn around and head
Perception you find a small ring with a horse shoe south, hoping you haven't lost the thief.
engraved on it. 'It's a ring of good luck. Not very lucky
for him. Come on, make haste!’ Dran motions. Turn to 310.

* Add Ring of Luck to one of your ring slots. Item

bonus +1 Luck. 129
If you roll over your Perception, you find nothing. ‘A worthy goal, your family would be proud.’ he smiles
You follow him quickly back to the larger cave (turn to
235). 'My spies tell me large hunting parties are scouring the
countryside looking for a traitor. He bears a face not
unlike yours... I'm guessing your father. Your desire to
126 find him will bring you into conflict with the Raiders.
You we're hoping for a moment to get your bearings, Are you ready to face them?’
but fate is having none of it. It's night and you are in You nod in agreement.
a forest clearing. All around is slaughter. Dead Raiders
— men, orcs, goblins, lie on the ground at odd angles. 'Good. The Raiders are led by a wicked creature called
Only one remains and stands in front of you... Zandok. My spies tell me he has found something
deep within the mountain that threatens all life on
Grork looks at you appraisingly. ‘I'm not sure how you
this world. More than that, | do not know. But | have a
did it, but all my men and hounds are dead,’ he blinks, feeling that you are our best hope of stopping him.’
surprised, then laughs 'You! | thought my men killed
you back at that hovel of a farm, no matter, this time l'Il If you have the code word AFIRE, turn to 39
finish the job!" immediately. Otherwise, turn to 10.
Before you can take in what he's said, the Orc springs
forward! 130
GRORK - Attack 8 - Health 10 ‘Your father. Hmm. Where to begin?’ Mungo smiles
sadly. 'I hate to say it, but he was a Raider. High up in
If you win, make a note of the code word ADRIK and Zandok's chain of command and responsible for some
turn to 176. very bad things. Obviously not all bad. He married
your mother, who was a wonderful woman, and had
127 two children. He managed to keep that a secret from
everyone, including Zandok. It was just bad luck the
‘Right,’ he grips your shoulders. 'My realm, my rules. Let. Raiders stumbled on your home looking for him,’ Mungo
It. Out!
puts a hand on your shoulder as tears sting your eyes.
You scream. It comes from deep within. A sound you 'He wouldn't have wanted what happened to happen.
didn't think you could make. All the helplessness, rage, | can tell you that. But it did and look at you. Look at
fear and sadness erupts from every pore of your body. what you've achieved? Maybe there's a way to stop
The world around you breaks. Home and family shatter the Raiders, maybe you'll find that way and give some
and dissolve into tiny stars, leaving you and your peace to your family, eh?’ Mungo looks at you sadly.
father, floating in an empty blackness. You collapse, the ‘But finding your father? Sorry, | don't know where he
twisting in your gut gone. IS.

Raiders of Fang Mountain EZ}

e_—E e

If you haven't already, will you ask him what the You leap over the remains of your father's statue and
Raiders have found under Fang Mountain (turn to 24)? narrowly avoid a troup of orcs emerging from the
barracks on your right.
Otherwise, will you ask Mungo:
‘It's him!’ one screams, and once more you're running for
e How can | stop the Raiders (turn to 114)? your life.
e How did your father survive and how did he escape
The passageway curves to the north and after a few
(turn to 65)?
meters you take the junction to the east. Neither the
orcs or the troll are in view yet and you have a few
131 moments to decide your next move. Make a note of the
code word ADEAD.
More washing lines and drying clothes break your fall
as you plummet towards the ground. At the last minute Will you burst into the room on your left (turn to 26) or
you manage to snag a line which slows your fall, but it keep running (turn to 15)?
still hurts!
You hit the ground (lose — 2 Health). Bruised 134
and beaten you stagger out of the alley. You are
Just as you reach the undamaged section of steps a
overwhelmed with hopelessness. You spy two guards
rough hand grabs hold of yours and pulls you up with
and make your way towards them. surprising strength.
Turn to 9.
'I can't believe it, you did it! Quick, follow me! and
Mungo races back up the steps. You've no time to waste,
132 and you run after him, taking them two at a time.
Your thirst for vengeance comes to a sticky end The light is suddenly blocked out as the shard of rock
beneath a stone rock door. finally falls. You've never seen anything like it and hope
never to again. One thing is certain, you'll be having
Your adventure ends here...
nightmares about it for the rest of your life.
Death is falling from above and you run as fast as your
legs will take you.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Agility
turn to 254, if it's over, turn to 195.

A seven-foot troll ploughs straight into you, causing
much pain (lose - 2 Health).

You both tumble, arms and legs flailing, through a small

bush and land in a tangle against a tree stump.

Pipe Winded, but clearly unfazed, he stands and looks at you

sprawled on the ground. ‘Fool! Raiders are coming! Hide!
with that, he's off, crashing through the trees and brush,
making his own path through the dense woodland.

À \ ”\s
Will you hide (turn to 154), follow the troll (turn to 252)
OE or stand your ground and fight the Raiders (turn 115)?

133 ‘The doorframe explodes behind you as
Skarn the Troll bursts through... How much damage the blast did to him and how much
was already his face is unclear, but it's a mess. His
glassy eyes focus on you and he takes a lurching step
A shiver runs down your spine. Something is very forward. One of his legs has a stone shard sticking
wrong. You run! through it but it doesn't seem to be slowing him down.
The doorframe explodes behind you as Skarn the Behind him the hooded creature has also recovered
Troll bursts through the tight space. Desperate to get and is once again weaving unknown spells.
hold of you, his meaty fists reaching out, grasping at You prepare to fight, then to your horror you remember
nothing but air. Skarn lets out a thunderous roar which that the Raiders took your weapons!
makes your teeth rattle. ‘Come back and play! he roars
with laughter. There's no chance of that. If you have the code word ADORE, turn to 273 now.
Otherwise, roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
Perception turn to 258, if it's over, turn to 53.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ez}

137 140
Drak cries out and falls to the path, his rusty curved You feel your way around the walls, but you are indeed
sword clanging on the cobbles. It's not the best in a room carved out of solid rock. Will you wait for the
weapon, but better than yours. trolls to return (turn to 20) or examine the door and
see if you can open it (turn to 158)?
You could attempt to scoop it up before Drek clambers
over his comrade and attacks?
If you want to take it, roll two dice. If the total is equal
or under your Agility, you grab the sword and parry Everyone is a potential danger this close to Fang
a blow from the second goblin as he leaps over his Mountain.
dead companion. If you roll over your Agility, you grab Side-stepping into the bushes you edge around the
the weapon but take a cruel swipe from Drek's sword path. The three men at the wagon are not trying to be
(lose - 2 Health). Either way, add Rusty sword (+2 quiet, so you surmise they're either Raiders or know
damage) to the weapon slot on your Adventure Sheet. them well enough not to worry.
If you take the weapon or not, fight on: You are halfway around when one of the men lets out
DREK - Attack 6 - Health 6 a small cry. The other two drop the wheel and pull out
their swords. Someone else is on the path. Someone
If you win, turn to 186. who clearly frightens them.
Are they Raiders? Cold steel suddenly presses into the
138 small of your back. You reach for your sword-
You feel a lurch and stars twinkle in front of your 'Don't...' a voice whispers in your ear.
eyes and then you find yourself in a cave. One that is
unnaturally warm with a sweet rotting smell coming Turn to 293. be
from the darkness ahead. Dran grips his claymore
tightly, his knuckles a fierce white.

Dran... you've never met him and yet you have...

An unearthly roar breaks the silence followed by a high
pitch scream.
The child!’ Dran surges forward, closely followed by
yourself. The cave tunnel twists and you abandon
all thoughts of stealth as you run around each blind
corner, expecting the worst.
The tunnel opens out suddenly into a large natural
cave. An unnaturally shaped figure twists around. It's
an ogre, but misshapen. It's head and body are one
large chunk of muscle. It's arms, like tree trunks, hold
a large club. It lets out a guttural rumble when it sees
you and attacks. Tears streak its cheeks.
You and Dran are working together - add +2 to your
Attack for the duration of this combat.
OGRE - Attack 10 - Health 8

If you win, turn to 194.

139 142
You're not sure how it happened, but you're suddenly ‘Let me formally introduce myself. My name is ‘Mungo
surrounded by Raiders. One punches you in the side the Mighty’ But if that's too long, you may call me 'The
and you fall to the ground. Between two legs you see Mighty’ it's all the same to me, he sniffs. "You | know,
the centaur looking pleadingly at you through the bars my eyes and ears are everywhere. Child of the traitor,
of her cage. the one they all want to drag back to Fang Mountain,
the one place you should want to get away from as
It's the last thing you see....
fast as possible. And yet you've fought tooth and nail
to get here. Incredible. Thoughts?’
You explain that you want to stop the Raiders and find
your father. Mungo chews his bottom lip and seems to
be thinking of a response...

Raiders of Fang Mountain EJ

ee ee Te er ee

‘Stopping the Raiders is commendable. But stopping Zandok moves with surprising speed and in three large
them doing what? Being evil? For killing your family? strides he's looming over you, ripping the mask from
Or stopping their leader Zandok from raising an evil your face (remove Fused mask from your adventure
he's discovered underneath Fang Mountain which will sheet).
most likely end in the destruction of this world. | mean, ‘What mayhem were you hoping to cause with this?’
I'd take a tick in any of those boxes, but the last one is his voice sounding like knives on a chalk board. ‘Answer
the one that keeps me awake at night.’ me!' he slaps you hard with a gauntleted hand. Your
Will you ask him: head snaps back and you see stars, and for a brief
moment your father, calling to you...
e What have the Raiders found underneath Fang
Mountain (turn to 24)? Turn to 55.

e Who is Zandok (turn to 219)?

* Does he know where your father is (turn to 130)? 144
e Who are you and why are you helping me (turn to A troop of human Raiders are marching towards you.
269)? Deciding to brazen it out, you walk confidently forward.

A few nod in your direction as you pass and one stops
momentarily to warn you that the ‘green skins’ are on a
blood hunt and not to travel the corridors alone, unless
you want to be ‘skinned alive and eaten.
Prejudice runs deep here, and you wonder how Zandok
keeps them all in line. You come to an intersection.
Looking down the new passageway you can see a door
to the left. If you wish to go this way and examine the
door turn to 51.
Otherwise you carry on...
Turning the corner you find yourself almost back at the
start. In front of you, the shattered remains of your
fathers statue are still scattered all over the floor. The
troll is asleep and doesn't look like he'll be moving
anytime soon.

You make your way to the nearest door and look inside.
It appears to be a guard room. There are four human
Raiders inside. Hoping you'll be safe with them you go
in (turn to 116).
143 ‘Zandok is surrounded by a gaggle of his
closest allies.’
He stares at you for a moment then his face softens.
Zandok is surrounded by a gaggle of his closest allies.
'We sorry for your loss,' at his unexpected kind words
A strange misshapen hooded creature weaving its
you too are at a loss.
claw-like hands in an arcane fashion, magic sparking
from its fingertips, while six rake thin dark elf warriors Sensing your discomfort he pats his chest. 'We made
stand in an arc around their master, weapons drawn in pain, many parts, feel each one, remember all
and alert to any danger. memories,’ he smiles sadly. 'We understand.’
On your journey down to the depths of Fang Mountain, They turn and shamble on into the darkness.
the Raiders have removed all your weapons and money You quickly collect your thoughts and shout after
(remove any swords, daggers and coins you have from
them to wait and that you need help catching a thief.
your adventure sheet, but in their haste they leave any They stop and turn once more. 'Help catch worm, then
rings you have).
see Magnus. He know thief. Come!’ they resume their
A Raider knees you in the small of your back and you march into darkness.
stumble forward, tripping and falling face first onto the Will you follow them into the darkness (turn to 196) or,
cold rock, banging your head. For a brief moment you frustrated at the lack of progress, turn around and see
see stars... and your father! Then you are back in the if you can find the thief on your own (turn to 310)?
cavern and the sound of mocking laughter.
One of the Raiders grabs you roughly by the collar,
pulls you up and whispers savagely in your ear. Alright!
Enough groveling at your masters’ feet. Up!’

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ej]

146 148
‘Excellent!’ Kriskina beams and hands you a small vial ‘Yes! You've seen it too. More times than you realise l'Il
with a strange bubbling purple liquid in it. wager. You created an impossible moment by denying
its existence. Time itself unravelled for you!
e Add Kriskina’s vial to your adventure sheet.
‘Time is against you now, l'm afraid. The closer you get
‘When you reach the cavern ahead, you'll find Karnos to the void, the harder you'll be able to resist it. Your
waiting for you. He's a large death worm. Quite a meeting it could trigger the end of the world... but |
friendly chap back in the day but he's been corrupted believe you're also the only one who can stop it...' he
by Zandok. Used to let anyone in who was a friend trails off. '...l'd do it myself, but there's not enough left
of Leaf and kill any Raiders. Now it's the other way of me...’
around. Or at least, it will be,’ she smiles, ‘pour this
liquid into the mud pit that Karnos swims in and he'll You're confused and ask him to explain (turn to 66).
come to his senses!’ and with that she skips out of the
cave, into the light and is gone. 149
You tentatively make your way down the dark tunnel until There are three survivors and they don't take long to
it opens out into a large cavern, just as Kriskina described. assess the situation. Acting as a team they climb and
help each other up the rock and the damaged steps.
Turn to 251.
You look up and see a large shard teetering over
147 the cavern. It's about to fall and this.one is going to
obliterate everything down here. There's no time to
You beg them to listen and start to explain your plight.
climb the rock and steps, you race to the other end
Alf stops waving his hands and they both listen intently.
of the cavern and hope you can find another way out
You have them in the palm of your hand. You explain before you're crushed.
about your journey here and your quest to find two
Turn to 264.
halves of a mask and a mysterious jar. When you
finish, both Alf and Burt are wiping away tears. Add 10
minutes to your Time. Chapter 3: shrunk
‘That was lovely, wasn't it, Burt?’

‘It surely was, Alf. Well, goodbye then,’ says Burt, 150
waving his hands.
_Fang Mountain towers above as you fight your way
The world spins and you find yourself transported back through blades of grass towards the cave fissure
outside. Cursing the time lost you stride down the entrance. On arrival you see the cave splits in two. Leaf
corridor, hoping for better luck elsewhere (turn to 249). didn't mention this!
Which way will you go? The right is in total darkness,
and you can see nothing. The left cave has an eerie
light bobbing up and down in the distance.
Will you take the left cave (turn to 257) or the right
cave (turn to 119)?

Y X p D j Nw
Dy A h,

y ae
ay Mav.

151 ‘Outside, the Orc war party have arrived’

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ex


‘Raiders burned our home down and took us to Fang

Mountain,' she frowns. 'They lined up my family... there
You catch up with Dran and leave the cave together. was a hole in the air, daddy told me not to look in it.
He did and it made him different, it scared the Raiders
Outside, the Orc war party have arrived — standing in
and they killed him. That's when | ran away. I've always
a semi-circle around the cave entrance. You see the
injured orc is alive and held up by two others, he smiles been good at running and hiding. | found my way to
Winterheart and now | live down here, It's better than
in your direction.
Fang Mountain,’
The Chieftan steps forward and takes the baby from
You feel a kinship with this child and admire her vigour
Dran. He nods at you both.
and will to survive. Proof that there is life for the lost
You step forward and some of the orc party tense, gives you a renewed sense of hope and strengthens
hands hovering over weapons. You carefully hold out your resolve.
the arrow until a young orc steps forward and takes it.
Will you ask her if she needs any help (turn to 220),
Twisting it left and right he examines the ogre blood
tell her about your mission to seek vengeance on all
on the arrowhead, then shows it to the chieftain before
Raiders (turn to 71), or ask her for help getting into
disappearing into the cave.
Fang Mountain (turn to 168)?
After a few minutes he returns and talks quietly
with the orc chieftain, occasionally glancing in your
direction. And then the conversation is abruptly over, 153
and they melt back into the forest, leaving you both Step four and you stare into the void. Quickly you try
alone. and summon the memory jar in your mind, but the
Dran breaks the silence. ‘Well | wasn't expecting a whispers make sense and you believe!
reward, but a thank you would have been nice. Ah well. It's too late. You're already gone. But something
Werre still alive, the sun is shining, and we've done a that isn't you opens the jar. Two impossible beings
good thing. Come on, let's catch up with the others.’ stare at each for a fraction of second and then recoil
And with that, you jog along the path and meet up shrieking. With no-one to control it, reality rends and is
with the slow-moving wagons. obliterated.

Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet and Everyone's adventure ends here...
make a note of the code word AKILO and turn to 215.
152 You clamber up a nearby tree. The low hanging
To your surprise, your coin purse is thrown at you. branches make it easy to pull yourself up to a good
height above the path.
e Add 20 bronze pieces to the coin purse on your
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck you
adventure sheet.
scramble cat-like up the tree. If you roll over, you crack
‘Sorry | took it, please don't be angry,’ the thief steps your knee against a branch (lose — 1 Health).
out of the shadow, but up close you see it isn't a boy
at all but a young girl. About the same age as your Within moments two Raiders step into the small
clearing below, following the trail of destruction the
sister was, before-
troll made.
Tears prick your eyes, and you look away. Your anger
They stop when they hear a shrill whistle to the west
and the sound of dogs barking. In answer, one of the
'I saw what you did to those Fang Mountain Raiders. Raiders produces a whistle of his own and sends two
They deserved it. Skulking about causing who knows shrill peep-peep's. You are surprised when they both
what mischief,’ the thief-girl says. decide to sit down at the base of the tree you are
She fishes out one of the strange animal tooth currently occupying!
necklaces from a dead goblin. 'They all wear these,’ she Your anger towards the Raiders is suddenly
wrinkles her nose in disgust. Take one. Raiders come overwhelming and you fight the urge to jump down and
in all shapes and sizes. Wear it at the right moment kill them. It's just as well that you do as they are soon
and you'd fit right in. That's if you plan on killing more, | joined by a large party of eight Raiders with two rabid
suppose,’ she sniffs. looking Fang Hounds on chain leads. These dogs are
Add Animal tooth necklace to your backpack (if bred for hunting and sport mouths of oversized fanged
you're already wearing one, you take it off in disgust). teeth, ideal for gouging and bleeding their prey.

You don't know why but you find yourself trusting The hounds are pulling towards the trail left by the
her and you blurt out your story, it's easier than you troll and don't seem interested in your scent but
thought it would be, as if it happened to someone else. the lead Raider, an ugly green orc with two large
When you finish, the thief-girl looks up at you, studying tusks protruding from his lower jaw, pulls them back
your face... viciously. ‘Hold! You stupid brutes!’

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ex

‘Its Grork!' one of the Raiders at the bottom of the tree ‘Good distraction, human. You helped us rescue the
exclaims. 'I can't stand ‘im! Always lording it over us.' centaur without spilling any blood. Although | don't
think the Raiders will be very happy when they get
Grork lashes the leads to a tree stump and they cower back to camp to find their ‘prize’ missing!" he grins.
down before his clenched fist. ‘We camp here! I'm not ‘Come on, saving you wasn't my idea, Leaf asked me
chasing a troll through the forest at night. Besides, nicely.’
we've got a better prize!" he grins.
He leads you in a wide circle around the Raider camp
You're in a tight spot. The ten Raiders are a mixed before heading north, towards Fang Mountain. Soon
bunch, human, orc and goblin plus the two Fang you reach an impassable wall of brambles and the Troll
Hounds — and they're right below you! stops.
Night is falling and a campfire is being lit. ‘We're here, Leaf will know we're waiting.’ He frowns.
Will you embrace the hopelessness of the situation Make a note of the code word ALDON and turn to
and get your revenge on the Raiders by jumping down 242.
and fighting (turn to 202), wait and see what they do
and what their ‘better prize’ is (turn to 319) or try and
sneak away (turn to 6)? 157
You feel a pull towards the present and, like a fish, let
155 yourself be reeled in. Add 30 to the paragraph number
from whence you came and turn to that new number.
Willing yourself invisible you hunker down and hope.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck the 158
orcs don't see you. Cursing their luck they leave the
room, plunging it into darkness. You wait until they've The door is solid oak and extremely thick. Out of
gone (add 10 minutes to your Time) before extricating curiosity you try the handle and the door swings open!
yourself from the shelf and leaving (turn to 31). Who needs lockpicks?
If you roll over your Luck, they spot you! Fight them You step out into a long rock tunnel, a few torches
one at a time. illuminate the way, but it's mostly in darkness. You
make out the trolls leading Dran to a doorway at the
BROKEN TUSK ORC - Attack 7 - Health 6
other end.
SQUAT ORC - Attack 6 - Health 8
Will you run and catch up with them (turn to 217) or
If you win, add 5 minutes to your Time. A search shout out to the trolls (turn to 272)?
of your fallen foes gets you 4 bronze pieces, a
Healing potion (+4 Health), and a Rusty iron key,
which you take.
Zandok had two lizard guards! You hear a movement
If you'd like to use the lantern to search the room (turn
behind you and quickly scoop up the dead lizard man's
to 100), otherwise you leave (turn to 31).
spear, turn and thrust, taking the second guard by
156 Its eyes widen as you push the spear deeper into its
A few seconds, that's all you need, but will you get it? chest, then it falls to the ground, it's tail twitching for
You hear thundering paws and snapping twigs as the some time after death.
hounds get closer...
These are Zandok's personal guards, you are getting
Suddenly an arm grabs you and pulls you into a close closer!
You search the bodies and find 20 bronze pieces.
‘Don't get any ideas,’ a gravelly voice intones. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
Before you can react, whoever has snuck up on you If you have the code word ADEAD, turn to 228.
throws a blanket of feathers around you both. Otherwise, you leave the room and head east (turn to
‘It's a magic blanket. Stay still and don't make a sound,
together we might just get out of this.’
First the hounds lollop by, sniffing and grunting,
followed by the Raiders, slower than the hounds, You have no time to worry what might be on the other
poking the bushes with their swords, trying to flush side, or to check if the door is locked! Luckily the
you out. handle turns and you fling yourself over the threshold
into total darkness.
It truly is magic as they don't find you. After a few
minutes the Troll, for it is he, gets up and folds the Your pursuers have reached the broken statue and
feather blanket away. He looks at your surprised face. the fallen goblin. Luckily, they didn't see you come in
here. You stop and listen. There are no sounds in this

Raiders of Fang Mountain


room. Outside you hear the troll and orcs arguing, then 164
an agreement is reached and the orcs head down the
passageway, leaving the troll to stand guard. You're certain it wants you to have the ring. Nervously,
you put your hand in, saliva dripping onto your arm as
Will you try and hide in the room (turn to 265) or wait you reach towards it.
by the door and ambush the enemy if they decide to
As your fingers grasp the ring, the worm tilts its head
come in (turn to 73)?
slightly and it comes free, more easily than you would
have thought. You quickly remove your hand, and the
161 creature sinks back delicately into the mud. Leaving
You don't like the man, but he needs help. you alone in the cavern.

You run towards the wagon, dodging a rising wraith. e Add Mysterious gold ring to your adventure
‘Hey!’ you shout to distract the creature contorting sheet.
itself around the wheels of the wagon. It turns from You edge carefully around the cave and leave by the
Jallos and attacks you. only exit.
MUD WRAITH - Attack 6 - Health 6 Turn to 112.

If you win, you catch your breath and offer Jallos your
hand. He looks surprised, then sneers. 'I don't need 165
your help! | could have taken it!"
Your attention turns to the hooded creature and
Meanwhile, Taplin is trying to brush mud off his armour his elaborate arm movements. Something has been
while Dran simply shrugs and heads back to his wagon. bugging you, and now you realise what it is. His actions
You are about to join them on the final leg of the trip mirror Zandok's movements. Is the creature controlling
when you spot a green liquid dripping from a plant at him? Make a note of the code word ADORE and turn
the edge of the clearing. Taplin catches you looking back to 143.
'Sap,' he says. ‘Sorry. Not you. Sap from the plant. Come

Will you investigate the sap (turn to 221) or follow

Taplin (turn to 177)?

Tucked away near the top of the shelves is an old
bottle, out of place among the old tarpaulins and
boots. It has no cork or stopper but a roll of parchment
is sticking out the top.
You take it out and discover a map of this floor, very
similar to yours, except there are two large crosses
marked on it — the rooms to the west and east of the
one you're in. Make a note on your map.

Now you have a dilemma. There are two orcs between

you and the room to the west and a large troll between
you and the room to the east. i a.
Return to 100.
166 ‘goblins...squat ugly characters...

163 166

The Patchwork Men know their way around the The voices get closer, you can't make out the exact
sewers, which is just as well as you're soon lost in the words being said over the rushing water but they
bewildering array of tunnels and corridors. sound as if they're about to come to blows.

Eventually they stop at a door. ‘Magnus in here. The two figures turn the corner and stop abruptly when
Custodian of sewers. Ask him about thief,’
they see you holding a torch. They're goblins, squat
ugly characters, with contorted faces and mouths full
You thank the Patchwork Men for their help and open of broken yellow teeth. They're eyes bulge as if they
the door. Turn to 21. recognise you, their animosity seemingly forgotten.
‘It is them, Drak! the first goblin grunts.
Drak snarls and punches the other goblin Too young,
Drek! But all look same to me. Kill anyway!

Raiders of Fang Mountain EJ

With that Drak and Drek draw their swords and attack quest to find two halves of a mask and a mysterious
you. jar. You have them in the palm of your hand.

Because of the narrow path they can only fight you one When you finish, both Alf and Burt are wiping away
at a time. tears. Add 5 minutes to your Time.

DRAK - Attack 6 - Health 4 That was lovely, wasn't it, Burt?’ says Alf. 'It surely was,
Alf,’ says Burt. 'Well, goodbye then,’ says Alf and he
If you win, turn to 137. waves his hands. The world spins around you and you
find yourself back outside.
167 ‘And don't come back!’ says Burt and the door slams
Long agonising minutes tick by, but eventually an and vanishes. Cursing the time lost you stride down the
agreement is reached and two of the orcs head north, corridor, hoping for better luck elsewhere (turn to 144).
leaving the remaining two guarding the door. Add 5
minutes to your Time. 170
A whisper at the back of your skull causes you to jump. Taplin isn't much of a talker but answers your
You look behind, but there's no-one there. Of course
questions, mostly with a simple yes or no, but when
there isn't... the void is calling out to you. How much you mention the missing orc baby he frowns for the
longer can you resist it? first time and gives you the longest answer yet.
You need to keep moving! Will you go back and take
‘That's a nasty business, and likely to cause someone
your chances with the troll (turn to 7) or attack the a whole heap of trouble. | mean, who steals from the
orcs? orcs unless they want a war?' he looks out at the forest
If you decide to attack, read on: as if he's being listened to. ‘Best to have nothing to
do with it. Don't get involved with those blue-skinned
The corridor is well lit with no cover, but your speed
still takes them by surprise, cutting down one orc
before the other has unsheathed his weapon. His last comment surprises you, filled with venom from
a seemingly mild-mannered fellow. There's more to
‘Coward!’ he spits at you. Taplin than meets the eye, and you don't like it.
LONG TOOTH ORC - Attack 8 - Health 6 You decide to keep your own council and as the
If you win, you search the body and find 5 bronze afternoon draws to a close the two wagons pull-over to
pieces and a Rusty iron key, which you take. Turn rest the horses.
to 253.
Turn to 78.

168 171
She beckons you closer in a conspiratorial way. ‘Fang Without hesitation you press your hands towards the
Mountain is only a day north from here. Winterheart shimmer — and they disappear! There's a loud ‘pop! and
practically sits on its doorstep, why do you think they
suddenly you find yourself pulled into... a large void of
built the big stone wall around the city? There are two
empty whiteness... Turn to 218.
ways to get there. You can take the main track but
there are lots of Raiders using it. Or the game trail?
It's hidden by the crossroads. Search around, you'll find 172
it, should be quieter,’ She pauses ‘Get help if you can,
You pick up a stone by your feet and let fly. The
there are plenty who live in the forest who hate the assassin doesn't know what hit him. The stone
Raiders — centaurs, orcs and others. You just have to connects with a sickening crack and he falls amongst
find them,’
the dead leaves.
She wishes you good luck, gives you directions out of You duck behind a tree as your younger self looks
the sewer and vanishes into the dark. ‘Thank you!" she around, startled by the noise, then shrugs and continues.
says with a parting shot and giggles. You wonder what
she means until you find your coin purse is gone. Again. You feel a tug and realise your work here is done. Add
17 to the paragraph number from whence you came
Remove all the bronze pieces you were carrying, add
and turn to that new number.
Animal tooth necklace to your backpack (if you
don't already have one) and turn to 40.
169 You stand, breathless, over the dead body of the lizard
man. A sharp pain and a spear head appears in your
You beg them to listen and start to explain your chest. A second lizard guard behind you thrusts the
plight. Alf stops waving his hands and they both listen
point further just to make sure.
intently. You explain about your journey here and your
Your adventure ends here...

Raiders of Fang Mountain EJ

‘Thank you! | don't know how you did it or why l'm still
alive, but my family will forever be in your debt.’
Make a note of the code word ALDON.
She introduces herself as Dahli. Her family were
running from a Raider hunting party, but she got caught
in a snare trap and was captured. She asks what you
were doing alone in the forest and you quickly explain
what led you here.
Her eyes mist with tears. ‘Come. | know someone who
can help you.' With that, she disappears into the long
grass and bushes.
You feel a pull towards the present and surrender to
it. Add 30 to the paragraph number from whence you
came and turn to that new number.

You shrug your shoulders and join the wagon train as it
174 ‘a thin faced man with uneven eyes and a makes its way to Fang Mountain.
scar running from nose to chin.’
Turn to 215.
As you take a step, one of the fellows spots you, a thin 178
faced man with uneven eyes and a scar running from
You take out your coin purse and his eyes grow wide.
nose to chin. He gestures to the other two who put
down the wheel and watch as you approach. Yes, yes, that'll do nicely. Hand it all over and I'll let you
in.' he eyes your purse greedily.
They look friendly but are silent, waiting to see what
you're going to do. This is Raider country and they're Will you give him the coin purse (turn to 42), threaten
not taking any chances. him (turn to 121), attack him (turn to 305) or shrug
your shoulders and keep going (turn to 214)?
As you get within ten yards their eyes widen and they
reach for their swords. You step back but then realise
they're not looking at you. You are about to draw your 179
weapon when you feel cold steel pressed into the
'| hate to say it. | don't think you can,’ your father
small of your back. winces at your expression. 'I know! It's not what you
'Don't...' a voice whispers in your ear. want to hear. But he's a killer. A master swordsman.
He'll gut you like a fish before you can get that sword
Turn to 293.
out of your scabbard. You'll need to be smart! You'll
figure it out. Zandok is secondary to the void — you
175 need to close it or all life on your world is going to be
changed forever.
Sliding down a rope without gloves or thick trousers
is not for the faint hearted. Your hands and thighs are Will you ask him about the void (turn to 198) or ask
scraped raw by the time you reach the bottom (lose — why he abandoned you (turn to turn to 47)?
2 Health).
You lift the drain cover and continue the chase. Turn to 180
You barely step aside as the troll sweeps past. His eyes
catch yours and he loses his footing, his momentum
176 taking him forward and through a small hedgerow
where he lands in a tangle against a tree stump.
A strange feeling, a blurring of reality... The Raiders
that attacked your home and killed your family are Winded, but clearly unfazed, he stands and looks in
dead. You've exacted your revenge! Your head spins, your direction. 'Fool! Raiders are coming! Hide! with
you were expecting some sense of closure at this that, he's off, crashing through the trees and bush,
moment, but you feel... nothing. Is this really what you making his own path through the dense woodland.
wanted? Will you hide (turn to 154), follow the troll (turn to
A whimper from the cage snaps you out of your revere 252) or stand your ground and fight the Raiders (turn
and you rush to open it. The poor centaur sobs and 115)?
flings her arms around you before the bolt hits the

Raiders of Fang Mountain

ae es
You glance around the corner and get a clear view all
the way up the corridor, lit by fluttering torches, before
curving away to the right.
The map is accurate and there's a door halfway up on
the left. Unfortunately, the two orcs that chased you
are standing guard outside, clearly waiting for you to
show your face again. They've been joined by two more
orcs and, based on their hand gesturing, they're all
arguing furiously about how you got away from them.
Will you go back and take your chances with the troll
(turn to 7), attack the orcs (turn to 61) or wait and see
what they do (turn to 167)?
Alternatively, if you have the code word ADRIK you
may turn to 318.

183 ‘Fang hounds...their elongated toothy maws
Bullseye! The stone bounces off the creature's hooded spilling saliva as they close on their prey.
skull with a sickening crack. Clutching its head, the
spellcasting stops immediately as does Zandok who 183
crumples into a heap like a puppet with its strings cut.
What have you got to lose? You run to the gate, as
Your suspicions were correct, the creature was does Dran. The crowd suddenly realise what you are
controlling Zandok! doing and an angry roar echoes around the arena, but
you have no time to glance back — the gate is starting
You're shaken from your thoughts by a deep rumble
to close! Luckily for you it's at the same slow pace as it
from above. You'd almost forgotten that half of Fang
went up, clearly designed to instil fear in the hearts of
Mountain had been vaporized! Looking up you see that
the arena victims.
gravity is not a fan of what's left behind as huge turret
size chunks of stone have sheared off and are now You both race under the closing gate and find yourself
falling towards you! in-another underground chamber with no obvious exit.
In front of you, three startled Hobgoblins with spears
'Die!' the hooded creature screeches as it blasts a zig-
are goading an enormous Fang Hound out of a cage at
zag of blue energy from its fingertips. You dive to one
the back of the chamber.
side and the blast narrowly misses you. The creature is
already running up the miraculously unscathed stone The Fang Hound takes advantage of their surprise and
steps but there's not time to follow him as the first of crashes against the cage door, knocking over two of
the rocks slam into the ground, sending shockwaves the Hobgoblins and landing on the third, tearing out
across the cavern and once more sending you his throat. Turning towards you, it leaps and attacks!
sprawling on the floor.
For'this combat only add +2 to your Attack as Dran is
A second rock destroys the bottom of the staircase helping you.
just as the hooded creature makes it to the top of ALPHA FANG HOUND - Attack 9 - Health 10
the steps and disappears down the corridor. You
also notice a few of the dark elves are still alive and If you win turn to 5.
starting to recover from the void shockwave.
What now? 184
Will you run past the awakening elves to the remains The worm gives a final cry, purple blood oozing from
of the staircase (turn to 46), run around the fallen a dozen wounds, then slowly sinks beneath the mud,
rocks to the other side of the cavern and look for disappearing below the surface with a resounding
another way out (turn to 264) or hide behind the rock ‘plurp!
and see what the elves do (turn to 149)?
You breath a sigh of relief and make your way carefully
around the cave and leave by the only exit.
Turn to 112.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Eg

ee _ tetststisttiséstitsatitstitatitawtatdtt#tt#t#(iwdddeeeall eee

185 188
You make your way to the back of the room and start You tell them about the Raiders and what they did
to clamber over the old armour and helmets, frantically to your family. You explain your desire for vengeance
looking for anything to hide in. As you do, the door and the search for your father. The trio look at each
bursts open and two of your orc pursuers burst in. other nervously and shift uncomfortably. When you've
finished, the first of the group steps forward, a bear of
There he is, scurrying about like a spider!’ one of the a man with a bald head and thick bushy beard.
orcs growls. 'Your trail of death ends here, worm! the
other orc rumbles, both drawing their swords. ‘We're very sorry for your loss...we've heard tales of
what the Raiders get up to. I'll be honest with you,
The Raiders at the card table push themselves up and we've not seen it ourselves, so we've turned a blind
stand between you and your foes. ‘What's all this about eye. Our trades with them have been profitable...' He
green skins?! seems at a loss for words, then turn to the thin-faced
'He's a killer!’ the nearest orc spits. man.
‘Aren't we all?’ one of the gamblers drawls. ‘So, are we '‘Jallos,' he says. 'I cannot in good conscience carry on
doing this?’ in this line of work. | will serve out my time with you
on this latest trade, but then | will seek employment
A cry and the battle is joined. Human vs orc. You hear a elsewhere. | wish you both well.’
pitched scream and turning, face three dagger wielding
goblins. Without thinking you swing the helmet in Jallos sneers, revealing uneven yellow teeth ‘One sob
your hand at your nearest enemy, knocking one goblin story and you're off!?! Don't forget why you do this,
backwards and out for the count. Dran! It's good money. Money for your son — gah!

Your two remaining foes circle warily. Fight them one at He realises too late a line has been crossed as a thick
a time. i fist crashes into his temple knocking him to the ground.
GOBLIN LEADER - Attack 6 - Health 6 Dran, the bear of a man, and owner of the thick fist,
glowers down at him ‘It's because of my son that I'm
GOBLIN GUARD - Attack 7 - Health 5
leaving, this is wrong! As well you know!
If you win, turn to 313. He turns to you. Travel with us. When we get to Fang
Mountain I'll cause a distraction and you can sneak in
186 when they're not looking. | hope you find the answers
you're looking for, he says solemnly.
Both goblin's lie dead. A quick search reveals 6
bronze pieces, a Rusty sword (+2 damage) and a Jallos wipes blood from his chin and sits up. 'Betraying
strange Animal tooth necklace. You may take any the Raiders for a stranger? If they find out, they'll kill
or all of these items. us all!’
One thought he recognised you, were they looking for ‘Then you better hope they don't find out,’ Dran retorts.
your father? But there's no time to ponder. You hear In the silence that follows, the third member of the
voices down the pitch black tunnel, coming your way — group steps forward. Slightly older than the other two
more goblins! he's in his mid-fifties, although still sporting a thick
You have to act fast. Will you push the bodies into the mane of black hair which is tied in a ponytail and
water and hide in the shadows (turn to 288) or stand wearing a ramshackle collection of rusty old armour. He
your ground and confront them (turn to 4)? calmly introduces himself as Taplin as if the last few
minutes had never happened.

187 Dran and Jallos take a wagon each, coolly ignoring

each other. They sit up top and coax their bored
You feel a hand on your shoulder and your heart
looking horses forward. Taplin walks alongside and you
lurches. Your actions have caught up with you. A thick fall in with him.
green hand turns you around and you find yourself
facing a small band of blood-hungry orcs. Will you ask him about the encounter with the orcs
(turn to 170), stay silent (turn to 213) or ask him how
Time for a reckoning, human! one slurs.
they got to trading with the Raiders in the first place
'Hey! What's going on ‘ere?’ three human Raiders (turn to 311)?
What happens next is an escalation. Race vs Race with 189
you in the front line. You don't survive, but your actions You take another step. The whispering is getting
have sparked all out Raider war!
louder, but you can't make out what it's saying. You
Which lasts for half an hour before the world is don't want to make it out!
devoured by a whisper.
Turn to 287.
Everyone's adventure ends here...

Raiders of Fang Mountain Eg}

190 196
Dran is running towards the already open gate, the one The Patchwork Men move at a slow pace and you find
the Fang Hounds emerged from. your patience wearing thin. But after what seems like
a lifetime the sewer opens out into a vast underground
Will you follow him (turn to 183) or wait to see what reservoir. The sheer size of it takes your breath away.
emerges from the final gate (turn to 247)?
Light from street lamps shine down through drain
covers in the streets above, illuminating the rippling
191 water.
Something is strange about the wet footprints, as The lead Patchwork Man takes the sack. 'Time to catch
you continue to follow them you realise that you're worms,' he says seriously, and with that he tips the
following two people in single file, stepping in each contents into the water. The rats squeal as they flail
other's footsteps. about and make for dry land but a curious bubbling in
The footsteps are fresh but is it the thief? Will you turn the centre of the reservoir has caught your eye. The
back and head south (turn to 310) or carry on (turn to bubbles are many and move quickly towards you and
236)? the rats.
Just then a slimy tentacle bursts out of the water, then
192 another...and another!

You take off at high speed. There's a door on the right, 'Fight worms!’ the sack carrying Patchwork man shouts.
will you try it (turn to 255) or keep running (turn to You duck under a flailing tentacle and draw your rusty
110)? dagger.
FLAILING TENTACLE - Attack 6 - Health 3
193 If you win, turn to 104.
In all the fighting and confusion, you leap down and
run around the edge of the camp to the now neglected 197
The world spins around you and you find yourself back
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck turn outside.
to 245, if it's over, turn to 139.
‘And don't come back!' says Burt and the door slams
and vanishes. Add 5 minutes to your Time. Cursing the
194 lost time, but feeling you could have wasted longer,
The Ogre looks imploringly at you, then its eyes roll up you stride down the corridor (turn to 249).
into its head and he crumples to the cave floor. Dead.
You catch your breath, then you hear the high-pitched 198
scream again. Your eyes dart around and you spot the Your father composes himself. ‘The void. Zandok forced
Orc baby. Safe and well, nestled in a bed of leaves in me to gaze into it. He was and still is desperate to
the corner of the cave, wailing loudly. Dran scoops him control whatever is on the other side of it. Everyone
up and takes him outside to safety. else had been ‘changed! by their experience and
You're about to leave when you notice another shape, killed without mercy. He was hoping the same would
hidden in the shadows. You step closer and find a happen to me, but it didn't work like that,’ he chuckles.
body, wrapped in a blanket. Wondering what you're ‘Whatever's in there, it needs us to see or hear it to
going to find, you gently lift the cover and find another exist in this realm,’ he shudders. ‘Once you believe, it's
Ogre. Dead with an arrow shaft in its stomach. over!

You take the arrow. You're certain it came from an orc ‘Staring into the void unlocked something inside me,
bow. Maybe the grief-stricken ogre took the child in a power — you have it too! | was able to take my
revenge? Will you ever know? memories of it and lock them away, to 'unsee’ them.
The creature reacted instantly, it tried to repel me with
You catch up with Dran and leave the cave together. a psychic blast but it only affected those around me,
Turn to 223. and knocked out Zandok and his followers. That was
the moment | escaped!’
195 You need to know more.
Ten steps to go! Eight, six, four... Corpse white arms Will you ask him:
tackle you to the ground and a dark elf clambers over
you to the exit. e what is the power we wield (turn to 120)?
e Where he is (turn to 66)?
He makes it, just. You don't.
* how to close the void (turn to 203)?
Your adventure ends here...

Raiders of Fang Mountain


199 201
‘You're insane,’ he mutters as he lifts and turns you You wait until the corridor is clear before examining the
around. torch. As you suspected, it's different to all the others
for a reason. A quick pull and a secret passageway
For the first time you see the void, a dark patch of
wrong in the corner of the cavern, surrounded by
hundreds of chalk circles. You step into a musty disused corridor. Water drips
from the ceiling, forming slippery puddles on the cold
Zandok takes four strides forward and you find yourself rock slabs. Thick cobwebs dangle down in front of your
staring into the void. face which you almost have to pull with two hands to
Your adventure ends here... remove.
One step forward and you hear a click! The door
Chapter 3: arena behind you closes and an iron cage falls around you!
What deviousness is this? You hold your breath and
listen, waiting for some other trap to spring, but you
200 hear nothing. You rattle the bars, testing them for
weaknesses but they're solid and you can find no-one
You're not dead. That's the good news. Light returns
first. Bright, piercing light. Then sound. A crowd, roaring to move them.
its approval and the clash of steel on steel. In desperation you start to yell for help. Add 5 minutes
to your Time.
As your sight returns you see that you're in a large cell
carved out from the surrounding rock. Straw litters the Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck, turn
floor and there's just one solid looking wooden door in to 308.
one corner. Water drips from the ceiling forming small
If you roll over your Luck, add another 5 minutes to
dirty puddles on the earthy floor.
your Time and roll again. Keep repeating the process
You realise you're still lying on the cell floor when until your roll under or equal (and remember to add 5
hands gently grab hold of you and pick you up. You minutes to your Time, each time you fail the roll).
see that you're sharing this cell with one other person
— Dran. He has one black eye and a beaten expression
on his face.
You can take no more waiting. These brigands took
'Jallos and Taplin...I've known them for years. Now
everything — your home, your family... You jump down
they've sold me out, just like that. And for what? Coin?’
into the centre of the camp, kicking flaming branches
There's a scream from somewhere outside and you hear
at three startled Raiders. Turning, you draw your sword
a roaring crowd. 'No, not just coin. Sport. We're to fight
and kill the two resting against your tree. The Raiders
for the Raiders’ entertainment.’
are surprised but come to their senses quickly.
A quick check reveals you still have all your
Grork pushes his way through the pack, curved swords
possessions, except your money (remove any bronze
in each hand, saliva dripping from his two tusks. A
pieces from your adventure sheet). Clearly the Raiders
worthy foe, at last!’ he growls.
don't think enough of your abilities to disarm you, or
maybe you'll be needing your weapons sooner than you Your swords clash and the fight is joined. A goblin gets
think! too close and your opponent back hands him, sending
him into the fire, with a screech!
The door is suddenly thrown wide and two green
skinned trolls enter. Both wearing thick leather armour ‘You can't win!' Grork snarls, but then he sees your face
and gripping deadly curved blades. One Troll grabs and realises that victory isn't on your mind. For the first
hold of Dran and pulls him roughly towards the door. time, fear crosses his face. With a gesture he summons
You step forward but the other simply backhands you the rest of his Raiders to join the fray.
with a speed you were not expecting, and you slide
You take out two more before being cut down.
backwards across the straw-hewn floor.
You fall to the ground with a smile on your face.
‘Welcome to Fang Mountain,’ it croaks. You've discovered peace at last. But could you have
accomplished so much more?
You shake the stars away from your eyes but before
you can get up the Trolls have left and slammed the You'll never know. Your adventure ends here...
door shut. You are alone in the cell, but time is against
you. It won't be long before they come back.
Will you search the straw for anything useful (turn to
'As | fled, |was able to remove most of the memories
238), check the rock walls for any means of escape
and hide them,’ his face contorts. ‘But | still had ...
(turn to 140) or examine the door and see if you can
thoughts... Strange ideas that came unbidden. Some
open it (turn to 158)?
part of the void | couldn't quite unsee... but | had a
plan! | made a mask and smuggled it in through a

Raiders of Fang Mountain

network of rebels within Fang Mountain. Did you meet With a heavy heart you race to the back wall and
Leaf? He has a secret way in, unfortunately it's the size squeeze into the crack, amazingly you fit and find
of a mouse hole so | had to break the mask into two yourself crawling along a narrow fissure, away from
pieces. You must find the mask pieces and combine the fight. You hear the dying cries of your friend as you
them with the jar. Use them to-' head into the darkness and realise you never asked the
name of his son...
And with that, you're back in the corridor staring at a
goblin who has ripped your hand from the statue. Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet and
turn to 89.
'All humans the same, love traitors who kill goblins!’ the
small creature backhands you (lose - 1 Health). You
fall backwards into the statue, causing it to topple and
crash! The stone breaks and the statue of your father The tunnel is brightly lit and ends abruptly at a stout
is no more, as is the connection. wooden door. You listen at it and hear a scratching
The goblin is laughing, and you react without thinking. sound from the other side, followed by a clink and a
Anger blooms and you drive a fist into his face. His shouted curse.
eyes roll up into his head and your unconscious foe Will you try and open the door (turn to 21) or turn
lands hard on the stone floor with a sickening crack. around and investigate the darker corridor (turn to
With a shriek, the other two goblins drop their cleaning 76)?
rags and run at you. Fight them one at a time.
ROTUND GOBLIN - Attack 7 - Health 8 206
SPOTTY GOBLIN - Attack 6 - Health 7 Taking a few steps back you apologise once more to
the old woman, who is now watching open mouthed as
If you win, turn to 50. you charge at the open window and leap!
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck, you
make it safely across the gap and land on the ledge of
the building opposite (turn to 263).
If the total rolled is over, you sail through the air, legs
flailing and then the building starts to rise...or are you
falling? Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
Agility, you just grab the ledge and manage to haul
yourself up (turn to 263). If you roll over your Agility,
your hand reaches out but is still inches from the
window...uh-oh! (turn to 131).

A trapdoor in the forest. How unusual. You have to
clear some of the grass and earth away but when you
do, a pull on the rusty iron ring opens it with ease.
You climb down a rusty old ladder and reach
the bottom some ten feet later. A narrow earthy
passageway leads off to the west which you take.
204 ‘If you find your father, don't be too hard on The narrow tunnel curves to the left. You creep
him. Whatever decisions he’s made, he would around the corner and stop. In front of you lies a once
have had your best interests at heart.’
beautifully tiled room. Tree roots now grow through at
204 odd angles, cracking tiles and causing them to fall and
smash on the ground, gradually reclaiming it on behalf
Dran looks at you solemnly ‘take this.’ he hands you a of the forest.
locket. ‘It's my son, he lives in Seaport. Could you give
this to him and tell him.... well, make up something But that's not what made you stop. In the centre of the
mushy. He won't believe it either way.’ room is a skeleton wearing rags and a chainmail shirt,
sitting on a rotting wooden throne.
'If you find your father, don't be too hard on him.
Whatever decisions he's made, he would have had your The hairs on your arms stand up. You want to believe
best interests at heart.’ With that Dran roars at the it didn't just move. It's just an old skeleton. But there it
oncoming hobgoblin army and charges forward to his is again! The left hand is moving. Reaching behind its
last battle. back for an axe. You must fight it.

«© Add Dran’s Locket to your adventure sheet. SKELETON - Attack 8 - Health 7

Raiders of Fang Mountain

ddd ee

If you win, you may take and wear the Chainmail Jallos shoots him a look but says nothing — hatred
shirt (under ‘outfit — clothing’ on your adventure sheet burning in his eyes.
with a — ‘no critical damage’ item bonus — if an enemy You are about to join them on the final leg of the trip
gets a critical hit, you only take the original 2 damage). when you spot a green liquid dripping from a plant at
You cannot carry it in your backpack as it's too big the edge of the clearing. Taplin catches you looking
and heavy. If you don't wear it, you regretfully leave it 'Sap,' he says. ‘Sorry. Not you. Sap from the plant. Come
behind. The axe is blunt and broken beyond repair. on.’
Leaving the room you make your way back up the Will you investigate the sap (turn to 221) or follow
ladder. Return to 30. Taplin (turn to 177)?

A branch catches your temple, and you fall flat on
your back. Within moments a Fang Hound, jaws fully
outstretched, gets acquainted with your head.
Your adventure ends here....

You imagine the memory jar in your head and it's there!
It doesn't take much to open it. Something beyond
your understanding takes over and you feel a great
force leaving your body.
Everything goes white... How much time have you lost?
Minutes, seconds? You're on your knees, gasping for
breath. A spear point once again prods you in the back.
‘What are you doing!?! Keep moving!’ a rough voice 212
says. Has it worked?
The humans are hopelessly outclassed by the sheer
You take two more steps forward and the void brutality of the Orcs and Goblins combined and are cut
whispers to you. down one by one.
Your adventure ends here... In a frenzy, the Fang Hounds break free of their chain
leads and rip through the survivors before being put
210 down by their master, Grork.
Now only three Orcs remain, breathing heavily and
Remembering the tale the girl-thief told you about a
glancing around at the death they've meted out.
‘hole in the air’ you move with caution. You slowly prod
at the strange shimmer and to your amazement watch Grork sniffs the air, his two long tusks quivering as his
the tip of your sword disappear into it! head snaps around and looks in your direction. 'You!' he
screams. The other two orcs follow his gaze, their faces
‘Hey! Watch where you stick that!’ a voice cries from
contorted with rage.
the nothingness. There's a loud ‘pop!’ and suddenly you
find yourself pulled into the shimmer — a large void of You leap down and draw your sword just as the first
empty whiteness... Orc reaches your tree.
Turn to 218. FIRST ORC RAIDER - Attack 6 - Health 5
If you win, the second Orc jumps over the fire and
211 attacks.
‘Come! Fight!’ Dran grins and you join him in the fray. SECOND ORC RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 6
MUD WRAITHS - Attack 8 - Health - 6 If you win, you face your final opponent. He waits for
you to wipe your sword free of blood before slowly
If you win, you all but collapse in a heap. Everyone approaching. Turn to 227.
looks exhausted and the wagons and your companions
are all covered in streaks of mud.
Taplin is trying to brush it out off his armour while Dran
simply shrugs and heads back to his wagon. Jallos, The wagons bounce along the rutted track and you're
crawling out from under a wagon wheel, looks like a glad to be walking and not being jostled about on a
muddy ghost. hard wagon seat.
‘What did you do, Jallos, eat your way through them?’ Taplin breaks the silence. 'You don't say much, do you?
Dran laughs. That's ok, | prefer silence.’

Raiders of Fang Mountain

He smiles. 'Don't mind Jallos, he's a sweetheart once a good egg. If anyone can bring you justice and help
he gets to know you. He's just got a lot of worries, find your father, it's him,' He sighs. ‘I'm not going to lie
thinks everyone is out to kill him. To be honest, he's not to you, what you're attempting is impossible. You're
wrong. Trading with Raiders is risky, you don't want to probably going to die, but | wish you luck!’ he slaps you
offend them. Then you have the forest folk who hate on the back.
the Raiders — ergo they hate us. There aren't many ‘Now why have they done that-,’ Dran blurts out.
friendly faces for a 'Raider Trader’ you see!"
Jallos and Taplin are nowhere to be seen and Raiders
You carry on in companionable silence and as the have surrounded your wagon, all wearing cloth masks
afternoon draws to a close the two wagons pull-over to and holding strange glowing glass vials. They raise
rest the horses. their arms and smash the vials on the path. A green
Turn to 78. mist rises quickly and before you can do anything, it all
goes dark...
214 Make a note of the code word AJARS and turn to 200.

You reach the bend in the passageway and find

yourself back where you started. Two Raiders, deep 216
in conversation have just stepped over the shattered
Narrowly missing being crushed, you scrabble the last
remains of your father's statue and are heading back to few inches just as the stone door crunches shut.
the stairs, leaving the coast clear.
Mungo looks at you, terrified. Then another Raider
You pass a room on your left. The door is open and
pushes him to one side and attacks you.
inside is total darkness. From somewhere in the dark
you hear a low chuckle and then a gravelly voice RAIDER GUARD - Attack 8 - Health 6
intones. 'Huuummmaaannn...!' If you win, turn to 103.
Will you investigate (turn to 276) or make your way in
haste down the corridor (133)?
You race through the patches of light towards the trio,
215 but they've already reached the door at the other end.
You sit with Dran as he steers his wagon towards the The trolls swing it open and push Dran roughly into a
mountain, following Jallos and Taplin on theirs. Both wide arena. Turning, they see you approach and smirk.
are sitting together, deep in conversation. ‘Want to save him? You'd best be quick’ one says, it's
tiny black eyes glittering.
Thick as thieves those two. | won't miss their company,’
Dran sneers. They step to one side, and you run past them and out
into the arena (turn to 250).
The road has widened and is better maintained as
you get closer to the base of the mountain. Scores of
Raiders are now travelling the highway. Grim faced, they
bustle up and down on various missions. Occasionally
they glance up at you, but generally pay you no aah VA| pr WAM
OB gon WN
attention. Clearly Jallos and his wagons are a familiar GFph INANI
N \\ \
\ NY
4 a | ;
sight, but you hunch lower, just in case any of them are
searching for your father and mistake you for him.
As you watch the Raiders, you realise the burning
vengeance you felt that night has faded, replaced with
a deep sadness. You know your family would not want
you wasting your life in a fury of revenge, equally you
don't want them to have died in vain.
Unresolved feelings burn inside you. A need for justice,
to stop them. But also a need to find your father. He
brought the Raiders crashing into your lives and you
want answers. Dran clears his throat, bringing you out
of your introspection.

‘When we reach the gates, I'll create a distraction.

218 ʻa wild haired young man, staring at you with
There are very few guards there. After all, who's going
goggle eyes.’
to be stupid enough to attack Fang Mountain?’ he
laughs. ‘Jump off the wagon to the left and make your 218
way into the bushes, there's a secret entrance 100
Everywhere is brilliant white — an impossible void.
yards in, look for the skull rock,’ He looks.over and
You're stunned and temporarily blinded by it. But as
you nod. ‘Follow the tunnel, it leads to one of the few
you look around you notice a large pile of gold coins
friendly faces you'll find, he's a gruff old wizard, but

Raiders of Fang Mountain

e _
e _— e

spilling out of a sack and sitting cross-legged next to 223

it a wild haired young man, staring at you with goggle
Outside, the Orc war party have arrived — standing in
a semi-circle around the cave entrance. Dran hands the
‘How did you get... Never mind, you're here now, for baby over.
your sins. Will you help me?'
You step forward and some of the orc party tense,
Make a note of the code word ANDER. Will you ask hands hovering over weapons. You carefully hold out
him about all the gold he's hoarding (turn to 268), the arrow until a young orc steps forward and takes it.
ask him who he is and what's going on (turn to 23) or Twisting it left and right he examines the ogre blood
simply agree to help him (turn to 82)? on the arrowhead, then shows it to the chieftain before
disappearing into the cave.
219 After a few minutes he returns and talks quietly
'Zandok is in charge. | guess he's my boss too as I'm
with the orc chieftain, occasionally glancing in your
direction. And then the conversation is abruptly over,
a Raider, he pulls out an animal tooth necklace from
and they melt back into the forest, leaving you both
underneath his leather armour and shakes it. ‘There's
not much more to know. He's a nasty piece of work
who rules with a rod of iron. Anyone gets in his way Dran breaks the silence. ‘Well | wasn't expecting a
gets taken to the arena or the void.’ reward, but a thank you would have been nice. Ah well.
Were still alive, the sun is shining, and we've done a
Will you ask him:
good thing. Come on, let's catch up with the others.’
e What is the void (turn to 24)?
And with that, you jog along the path and meet up
* Does he know where your father is (turn to 130)? with the slow-moving wagons.
Add the code word AKILO to your adventure sheet.
220 You feel a pull towards the present and surrender to
That's kind, I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about. Let me it. Add 30 to the paragraph number from whence you
give you some advice...’ came and turn to that new number.

Turn to 168.
221 ‘Hmmm, well, I'm not sure about this. l'm really not
It's not sap, it's blood. Orc blood. You step closer and sure... ok well, the way ahead is clear. Just keep going
catch the distinctive coppery tang. There's a trail of until you reach the large cavern, then you'll be safe. I'd,
blood leading into the dense vegetation. You can't see uh, better be going,’ and with that she skips out of the
too far in but whoever went this way is wounded. cave, into the light and is gone.

You hear Taplin shout as the wagons are slowly You tentatively make your way down the dark tunnel
heading north once more. until it opens out into a large cavern, just as Kriskina
Will you join them before they move out of sight (turn
to 215) or investigate the blood (turn to 302)? Turn to 251.

Edging slowly along and staying out of the lantern light
Remove 1 stone from your sling bag.
you leave the safety of the shelf and creep in an arc
‘Ow! Something hit me!' he squeals, rubbing at his eye. behind the Raiders. Picking up a shovel you swing it at
One of the human Raiders laughs causing Grork to the nearest orc. He goes down with a satisfying clang!
whip his head around and growl.
The second orc pivots in shock and fumbles for his
‘What?! the human laughs. 'Dumb goblin probably sword. But not quick enough! A swift upswing brings
deserved it!’ the shovel into contact with his chin and Orc number
two crumples in a heap on the floor.
The lead Raider doesn't waste time drawing a sword
and throwing it at the laughing Raider, skewering him You retrieve the lantern before it can go out and listen.
to the tree. ‘Show respect to your brothers!’ he cries. The other pair of orcs have made their way along the
corridor and don't appear to have heard. You're safe for
Everything stops for a second, then chaos reigns. now!
Long built-up tensions bubble over and the remaining
humans draw their weapons and rush towards the orcs A search of your fallen foes gets you 4 bronze
and goblins. pieces, a Healing potion (+4 Health), and a Rusty
iron key, which you take.
Will you jump down and rescue the centaur now (turn
to 193), use your sling to fire off another stone (turn to Will you search the room (turn to 100) or leave (add 5
36) or wait and see what happens (turn to 212)? minutes to your Time) and turn to 31?

Raiders of Fang Mountain

‘Let me just close that up...there we go!’ he says as the
shimmer disappears with a wave of his hand.
The world spins around you and you find yourself back
Durk Durk marches off west, coins jingling loudly in
his knapsack. You follow, sword drawn, looking out for
‘And don't come back!' says Burt and the door slams trouble.
and vanishes. Cursing the time lost you stride down
As night begins to fall, you reach the city gates,
the corridor, hoping for better luck elsewhere (turn to
miraculously unharmed. The few people you passed on
144). the road, paid you no attention.
You enter the city, bustling with people as they head
for home from a hard day's work. Suddenly a cry goes
up from a nearby merchant. Why is he pointing at the
sky? Following his gaze you see a dark cloud erupt
from Fang Mountain and drift towards the city.
'Oh dear, that's not good. This is where | love you and
leave you!’ says Durk and disappears with a ‘pop!
The dark cloud hovers over the merchant district to the
south then falls like black rain. You're close enough to
hear screams, then silence...
What happened? The people around you have all
stopped and look around terrified. You listen and fear
the worst until a woman runs along the cobbles from

the square ‘Don't worry, it's fine! It's all fine!’ she shouts,
waving her arms.
People start to relax. ‘What happened?’ a man asks.
She runs up to him and whispers something in his ear.
227 ‘You! | thought my men killed you back They stare at each other for a moment then he smiles
at that hovel of a farm, no matter, this time l'Il and looks around at the stunned crowd. 'Good news
finish the job!’ everyone!
227 The news spreads like wildfire until a peasant you
Grork looks at you appraisinglly. 'I'm not sure how you recognise from the market yesterday runs up and
did it, but all my men and hounds are dead,’ he blinks, whispers it in your ear. You believe it...
surprised, then laughs 'You! | thought my men killed Make a note of the code word AFIRE on your
you back at that hovel of a farm, no matter, this time I'll adventure sheet — this code word is permanent and
finish the job! remains on your adventure sheet, even if you start a
Before you can take in what he's said, the Orc springs new adventure, with a new character. If you already
forward! have it written down, you don't need to add it again.

GRORK - Attack 8 - Health 10 If you haven't used your family luck yet, use it now and
turn back to 82 to make your choice again.
If you win, make a note of the code word ADRIK and
turn to 56. If you've already used your family luck, I'm afraid your
adventure ends here...

A commotion outside, then the unmistakable sound
of the troll as he clumps by. The noisy rabble of orcs mM
are not far behind and pause momentarily outside the Wey
door, then continue down to the corridor, clearly not
wanting to disturb Zandok's personal guard.
You wait to be sure, then leave the room and head
east. Add 5 minutes to your Time and turn to 15.

What's a day of your time? Maybe helping a fellow
human being will ultimately help you? And the 10 gold
pieces will surely come in useful.
There's a 'pop!' and you're both standing back at the

Raiders of Fang Mountain

230 234
After only a few steps you come to an elaborately They turn and tilt their heads. Something isn't quite
carved wooden door. Exotic flowers bloom around the right about them, but from this distance you can't see
handle, expertly painted — they almost look real. You what. One smiles and beckons you over.
can hear no sounds from inside. Will you try the handle Will you turn around and head the other way (turn
(turn to 26) or carry on (turn to 15)?
259)? Or go and talk to them (turn to 286)?

Remove 7 stone from your sling bag.
‘Who threw that!?!' the lead Raider snarls, rubbing at
his eye. The orcs and goblins cower back, silent and
afraid. But a lone human barks a laugh.
Grork growls and draws one of his wicked curved
blades and throws it at the laughing Raider, silencing
him as he's skewered to the tree behind him. aN

Everything stops for a second, then all hell breaks

loose. Long built-up tensions bubble over and the
remaining humans draw their weapons and rush the
orcs and goblins.
Will you jump down and rescue the centaur now (turn
to 193), use your sling to fire off another stone (turn to
36) or wait and see what happens (turn to 212)?

What have you got to lose, except your hand? You 235 ‘It's arms, like tree trunks, hold a small tree,
slowly lower your arm into the hole. There is something which it wields like a club.
moving in there, it slithers over your fingers before
withdrawing. You fight your fear and keep your hand 235
in the hole until something cold and hard presses up The cave is unnaturally warm and there's a sweet
against your fingers. rotting smell coming from the depths. Dran grips his
Take it,' the voice says. claymore tightly, his knuckles a fierce white.

Removing your hand you find yourself holding half of a An unearthly roar breaks the silence followed by a high
mask. Well done! pitch scream.

* Add half of mask (30) to your backpack. ‘The child!' Dran surges forward, closely followed by
yourself. The cave tunnel twists and you abandon
You thank the flower and leave the room (add 5 all thoughts of stealth as you run around each blind
minutes to your Time) and turn to 214. corner, expecting the worst.
The tunnel opens out suddenly into a large natural
233 cave. An unnaturally shaped figure twists around. It's
You hear a 'pwfipp!' above you and instinctively dive to an ogre, but misshapen. It's head and body are one
large chunk of muscle. It's arms, like tree trunks, hold a
one side.
club. It lets out a guttural rumble when it sees you and
A silky spider's web, as thick as your arm, embeds itself attacks. Tears streak its cheeks.
in the ground where you were standing. Looking up you
see a nightmarish creature suspended from the tree You and Dran are working together — add +2 to your
branches. It has a body shaped like a chrysalis with the Attack for the duration of this combat.
head and arms of mutated insect. OGRE - Attack 10 - Health 8
The pupate lives in a sling of silky webs, suspended If you win, turn to 94.
from tree brances, waiting for unsuspecting creatures
to walk underneath before catching and devouring
This part of the sewer looks ancient and the path
You narrowly missed being lunch! Dran hefts his
crumbles away at its edge into the fast-flowing water.
claymore, and you draw your sword.
After a few twists and turns, you see two shambling
PUPATE - Attack 8 - Health 8 figures ahead — the source of the wet footprints. But
If you win, turn to 37. who are they?

Raiders of Fang Mountain

Will you creep up on the two figures and get a closer to smoke and partially burn itself through your clothes
(lose — 2 Health).
look (turn to 122) or shout out to the two figures and
get their attention (turn to 234)? Looking up you see a nightmarish creature suspended
from the tree branches. It has a body shaped like a
237 chrysalis with the head and arms of a mutated insect.

As you pass the door, you hear an exasperated sigh The pupate lies in a sling of silky webs, waiting for
and a head pokes around the frame. It's Mungo. ‘Oi! unsuspecting creatures to walk beneath before
Come here you idiot! catching and devouring them. You narrowly missed
being lunch!
You turn and trek back (turn to 291).
Dran hefts his claymore, and you draw your sword.

238 PUPATE - Attack 8 - Health - 8

If you win, turn to 37.
You crawl on your hands and knees and sweep the straw
from side-to-side in a vain attempt to find anything useful.
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck, turn
to 96. If you roll over, turn to 297. ‘| ‘ain't giving you nothing! he wiggles and squirms,
then kicks you hard in the shins, at which point you
239 drop him.
'Die, horrible person!’ he screams and draws his blade.
Add 5 minutes to your Time. You pace the room and
take in every nook and cranny. Like every other room THIN FACED RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 7
down here, it's carved out of solid rock. There's a single
If you win, a search of his body reveals a Rusty iron
stone table, currently being used by the gamblers
key, 10 bronze pieces and a Healing potion (+4
and a few wooden crates for seating. A rudimentary
Health), which you take.
shelving system in one corner of the room is filled with
old armour and helmets. The key fits the lock and you open the door and enter
the room (turn to 49).
If the mask is here, it'll be well hidden. But where?
Will you give up your search here and go back into the
corridor (turn to 256) or keep looking (turn 91)?

alii WG w
eee aly
fis t

242 ‘a curious little creature emerges from

between two thistles and stands before you.’
240 ‘The Pupate has a body shaped like a
‘Step forward, a voice in your head startles you. ‘Don't
chrysalis with the head and arms of a mutated
be afraid.’
A sense of calm passes over you and the world shifts.
240 Suddenly the brambles are getting bigger, much bigger,
A silky spiders web, as thick as your arm, spirals down until all you can see are giant roots and thorns. Or are
and wraps itself around your leg, you draw your sword you shrinking?
and quickly cut it free but not before the web starts The way forward is clear now. Between the tree trunk
like roots is a silvery path, lit by floating lamps. You

Raiders of Fang Mountain


step between the thorns and into a place of peace ‘Come, we see Magnus. Find thief for you.’
(restore your Health to 15 and untick the Family Luck You follow the two Patchwork Men in a daze. Make a
box if you've used it — you may use it one more time note of the code word ARGUS and turn to 163.
this adventure). You marvel at the tunnel of brambles
as you pass underneath it. The silvery path almost
carries you along, like a dream. 245
Before you know it, you're in a garden of gently Incredibly, no-one spots you as you weave between the
swaying grass and lazily buzzing insects. For the first trees. The clashing of steel masks your movements.
time since that darkest of nights, you feel at peace. As you reach the cage you see the centaur rattling the
The grass parts in front of you and a curious little bars and pointing behind you anxiously.
creature emerges from between two thistles and You turn and dodge a wicked blow from a Raiders axe.
stands before you. His clothes are made from leaves
INJURED RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 5
and insect skins. In one hand he holds a wiggling
worm, in the other a makeshift spear. If you win in three attack rounds, turn to 43. If not,
He smiles. ‘I'm Leaf. It's a pleasure to meet you. But turn to 139.
first, why do you seek the mountain?’
If you have the code word ADRIK, turn to 270 246
immediately. Zandok laughs, at least you think it's a laugh. It sounds
Otherwise, will you answer: like someone strangling a small animal.

e ‘vengeance’ turn to 84. ‘And how are you going to do that, fool?' he sneers.
e'I search for my father’ turn to 129. Will you explain in detail (turn to 199) or insult him
(turn to 124)?
If this is your last stand, you're going to go down
fighting. The same can't be said of Mungo. You run him The second and final gate is halfway up before it's
through without a thought. As he falls, more Raiders ripped off its hinges from the inside by an enormous
enter the room and attack without mercy. blue hand. The young lady pales and takes a few steps
back. Slowly emerging into the arena is a Frost Giant.
You don't do so well against armed opponents. Your
He has to crawl to get through the gateway, but when
adventure ends here...
he stands, you realise with horror that he's at least ten
metres tall. This is the final match of the day and the
244 one the audience have been waiting for!
You can't beat this horror, even with the surviving The Raiders are in a frenzy and the Frost Giant picks
Patchwork Man at your side. up on their excitement by snatching one out of the
audience and dashing him on the arena floor, much to
A tentacle wraps itself around your middle and
the amusement of the rest of the crowd.
you find yourself hoisted into the air towards the
snapping beak! The other Patchwork Man is in a similar Will you stand your ground and fight this beast (turn
predicament — the main course to your starter. to 299) or run towards the first gate after Dran (turn
to 22)?
But this isn't the end. The tentacle holding you
suddenly goes slack, and you fall into the water.
Gasping for breath you swim frantically for the path, 248
desperation takes hold with every stroke as you wait
So intent is the assassin on your younger self that he
for more tentacles to pull you under.
doesn't notice you until you're right behind him. He
Then an unearthly scream! Turning you see the Horror starts to turn but it's too late. You press your hand over
sinking back into the depths, purple blood spreading his mouth while your dagger slips between his ribs.
across the surface of the reservoir. Letting go, he falls silently among the leaves.
Then not one, but two Patchwork Men burst from the You feel a tug and realise your work here is done. Add
surface of the water like corks and swim towards the 17 to the paragraph number from whence you came
path. They grab your collar as they pass and haul you and turn to that new number.
back to safety.
You look agog at them both, how!?! 249
The first Patchwork Man grins, splitting his face into a At first it's tiny rocks, then you notice large cracks
ghoulish mask. He raises a bloodied fist. 'Punch free from in the floor and ceiling, then large chunks of debris
inside. Toad not like that. You still need better weapon.’ which you have to climb over. When you consult your
map, you discover to your horror that the way east is
You stand, dripping, wondering what you've just
blocked by a cave-in. Scrambling over more boulders

Raiders of Fang Mountain

the news gets worse. Turning the corner more rocks He points to the two large gates embedded in the
have blocked the doorway marked on your map. arena wall and the one to your left slowly starts to rise.
Cursing silently, you hope what you're searching for Dran and the lady with the crossbow take up stances
wasn't in that room. With no choice, you move on. for combat. The old man spreads his arms and fire
crackles between them.
After a few more feet you make way over the last of
the rocks and find yourself back in an undamaged, The gate has hardly finished its ascent when a pack
brightly lit, passageway. Add 5 minutes to your Time. of Fang Hounds and a small group of goblins burst
from the darkness and attack. Dogs the size of horses
On your right is a rusty iron door, guarded by a Raider,
bound towards your group, their elongated toothy
wearing jet black armour, his helmet shadowing his
maws spilling saliva as they close on their prey. Four
face. Is he a friend of foe?
deadly foes circle on you, and you'll have to fight each
Will you investigate (turn to 260) or keep going (turn one in turn (you may take a healing potion, if you have
to 214)? one, between each foe). Bestiary bonus applies:
FANG HOUND 1- Attack 8 - Health 6
GOBLIN GLADIATOR - Attack 6 - Health 6
FANG HOUND 2 - Attack 7 - Health 7
GOBLIN FANATIC - Attack 7 - Health 5
If you win, turn to 107.

The cavern is immense. A round bowl of a room hewn
out of the rock with a bubbling, sticky pool of mud in
its centre. The only path is an extremely narrow strip of
crumbling rock running around the edge of the pool.
You spy one exit. On the other side of the mud. You're
going to have to edge around it if you want to enter
Fang Mountain proper. Strange glowing crystals
stick out of the rock walls at odd angels, casting an
unnatural blue glow over the cavern.
The ground beneath you shudders momentarily, then
you notice the bubbles in the pool becoming more
urgent. Then the mud starts to rise!
An unearthly roar and a giant worm bursts free of the
pool, shaking mud from its scaly head. Hundreds of
250 ‘Baying Raiders look down, screaming for tiny orb-like eyes swivel in your direction as it sways
blood... from side-to-side, it's wide mouth, showing row upon
250 row of needle-like teeth.

Incredibly you stand blinking in sunlight, a natural You have moments before it strikes!
fissure in the rock above allows the sun to illuminate Will you draw your sword and ready yourself for
the entire arena. combat (turn to 277), use Sarina’s vial, if you have it
You are at the edge of a sandy circle of death, bodies and want to use it (turn to 33) or use Kriskina’s vial,
litter the ground, but three figures still stand...an old if you have it and want to use it (turn to 83)?
man wearing a tattered robe, a young lady sporting a
heavy crossbow wearing light leather armour and.... 252
Dran, hefting his claymore. Glancing back, his eyes
pass over you, but you don't know if he saw you. He seems to know where he's going, so why not follow?

All around, baying Raiders look down, screaming for You follow the trail of destruction and begin to wonder
blood. But then the arena falls silent. You look up if this is the best course of action. If he's this easy to
— sitting at the highest point, flanked by two spear- follow, that means the Raiders will be close behind.
wielding lizard men, the largest Raider you've seen
yet. He stands, arms stretched, signalling for quiet.
Jet black armour covers his entire body, and his head
is encased in a solid black obsidian helmet with no
eye slits or hole for the mouth or nose, as if he has no
face at all.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ef

a _— EEE

As if answering your thoughts, two orc Raiders leap old armour and helmets. Three goblins are huddled
from the bracken to your right and attack. here. They look up once when you enter, then go back
to their hushed conversation.
FIRST ORC RAIDER - Attack 7 - Health 10
Will you approach the human raiders (turn to 35), the
After two rounds turn to 72. goblins (turn to 267) or find a place to hide (turn to
You walk down the corridor and reach a rusty iron door 256
on your left. You listen but hear nothing from inside. Pain stabs at your head and you double-over. Certain
Not surprising really, the door is solid and locked. words are becoming clearer in the whispers, but
If you have a Rusty iron key or an old hairpin you no sooner do you think you understand them, they
can unlock the door or pick the lock (turn to 266). vanish from your mind. Time is getting short (loose — 1
Otherwise, you can carry on north (turn to 294) or go Health).
back and take your chances with the troll (turn to 7)? You stagger, dazed, into the corridor and turn east.
Other Raiders are coming and going but ignore your
254 stumbling and occasionally push you away if you get
too close to them. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
Ten steps to go! Eight, six, four... A cry from behind
alerts you to a dark elf hot on your heels. You move at Turning the corner you take the first right and find
the right moment as he tries to tackle you but ends up yourself at an elaborately carved wooden door. Exotic
sprawled on the steps. flowers bloom around the handle, expertly painted —
they almost look real. You can hear no sounds from
Within moments you're out of the cavern and into the inside.
Will you try the handle (turn to 26) or carry on (turn to
The shard of stone crashes into the cavern below,
blocking the passageway behind and sending both you
and Mungo tumbling in a shower of small stones and
You made it!

You make your way along what feels like endless stone
corridors, passing dazed Raiders and other strange ~
creatures who have somehow managed to survive. No-
one pays you any attention. Eventually you find your
way out and into daylight. Looking up you see thick
black smoke billowing from one side of the mountain
which has collapsed inwards.
Mungo smiles at you. 'I told you | had a plan,’ you look
at him sideways unsure about his motives ‘Hey, | just
saved you! You wouldn't have made it without me.
Look, I'd better go. The Raiders will be regrouping, and
| think it's time | slipped away in the confusion. Better
they think me dead than drag me back into whatever
hairbrained scheme they cook up next. Good luck!’ and
without pausing for breath he slips into the forest with
a surprising burst of speed.
257 ‘Welcome to my lair, little one.’ A voice
You are alone, but alive! echoes around the rock.
Make a note of the code word ATURN and turn to
You peer through the gloom and edge forward into
the cave on the left. Broken lanterns litter the floor,
255 destroyed in an act of unnecessary vandalism by
Your pursuers haven't turned the corner yet, which Zandok's forces.
gives you some small hope. You burst into the room. A strand of something sticky holds your leg as you
Two human Raiders, sat at a stone table, jump and step forward, but you pull and break it. However, there
scatter dice and cards all over the floor, cursing. are more strands hanging down from the tunnel ceiling,
The room you have entered is bare apart from a single which increase in number as you move along the
stone table, currently being used by the gamblers tunnel.
and a few wooden crates for seating. A rudimentary
shelving system in one corner of the room is filled with

Raiders of Fang Mountain Kj]

Stopping to cut a particularly thick strand you notice 260
the light at the end of the tunnel is moving towards
you. In fact, there are two lights now. The Raider looks up at you, the light illuminating him
for the first time. A thin faced man with uneven eyes
‘Welcome to my lair, little one,’ A voice echoes around and a scar running from nose to chin.
the rock. And then the creature with the glowing eyes
Do you have the code word AKILO? If you do, turn to
is upon you.
99 immediately, if not, read on.
TINY SPIDER - Attack 7 - Health 8
‘What do you want? he asks without enthusiasm. You
If you win, you hear footsteps coming towards you explain you want to get into the room he's guarding.
from the tunnel ahead. ‘Who says I'm guarding it? I've been told to stand here,
that's all. | do as | please! It's not a punishment at all!
Will you hide in the darkness and creep forward once
the footsteps have passed (turn to 58) or jump out and Now move on, before | lose my temper and strike you!
attack (turn to 68)? Will you bribe him (turn to 178), threaten him (turn to
121), attack him (turn to 305) or shrug your shoulders
258 and keep going (turn to 214)?

As he lurches towards you like a puppet on loose

strings, you realise that something isn't quite right
about Zandok, and then you know what it is — Zandok ‘You know that none of us are getting out of here alive,
is dead... maybe he's always been dead. don't you?’ he whispers, 'So what have we got to lose?’
The hooded figure is still weaving his hands in a With that he sprints towards the open gate the Fang
disturbing fashion, but never seems to actually cast Hounds burst from.
any spell.
Will you follow him (turn to 183) or watch him go (turn
You take a step back and wildly pat your pockets to 190)?
down, looking for anything you can use, and there's
your sling, the Raiders missed it. Probably thought it
was an old rag! It's all you have.

Reaching down you pick up a stone and relying purely Scrabbling to the top of the boulder you hear a cry
on instinct you let it fly. from behind as two of the dark elves start their climb.

Will you sling the stone at Zandok (turn to 283) or the Another huge rock slams into the cavern floor startling
hooded figure (turn to 182)? you. Looking up you see a huge shard of stone
beginning to waver, this one is going to obliterate the
entire cavern. You need to get out, now!
Ignoring the cries of the dark elves you renew your
Talking to strange men in the sewers is not how you climb with urgency. Directly above you, the stairs are a
see your day going. Telling yourself you have a thief mangled mess of broken stone but you leap and grab
to catch, you turn and run back south, hoping you can hold of a jutting rock and start to pull yourself up.
catch him before he disappears with your coin purse. If you can climb these last few feet you'll be able to
Turn to 310. reach the undamaged steps and run to the exit.
Oh no. Someone is coming down the steps above
you... Turn to 134.

You are in a large warehouse full of packing crates,
piled high from floor to ceiling. The thief is deftly
leaping down from one to the next and making his
way to ground level. In no time at all he's lifting a drain
cover and disappearing into the sewers.
You must act fast to keep up with him.
Will you jump down the crates, just like the thief (turn
to 301) or grab hold of a nearby rope and slide down
(turn to 175)?

Raiders of Fang Mountain EA


264 ‘There he is!’ one of the orcs growls. 'Your trail of death
ends here, worm!' the other orc rumbles, both drawing
There's nothing here but solid rock. In desperation you their swords.
start banging on the cavern walls.
The Raiders at.the card table push themselves up and
Do you have the code word ALIVE? If you do, turn to stand between you and your foes. 'What's all this about
303. green skins?’
Otherwise your searching is in vain as several thousand 'He's a killer!’ the nearest orc spits.
tons of rock crush you.
‘Aren't we all?’ one of the gamblers drawls. 'So, are we
Your adventure ends here... doing this?’
A cry and the battle is joined. Human vs orc. You hear a
265 pitched scream and turning, face three dagger wielding
You move further back into the room, feeling your way goblins. Fight them one at a time.
in the hope you don't bump into anything. Roll two GOBLIN LEADER - Attack 6 - Health 6
dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck turn to 316. If
GOBLIN SOLDIER - Attack 5 - Health 8
it's over, turn to 155.
GOBLIN GUARD - Attack 7 - Health 5
\ ZA i) If you win, turn to 313.

‘My gold? That's my gold. Not yours.’ He waves his
hands and there's a familiar ‘pop!’ and you find yourself
sitting back at the crossroads. Looking up, the shimmer
has disappeared, and no amount of searching will
reveal it.
You shake your head and thoughts return to the
mission. Will you:
e travel north on the main path (turn to 30)?
e find the game trail the girl-thief told you about and
travel north that way (turn to 304)?

Mungo chuckles. 'l'm a Raider. No point in denying it,
266 ‘The largest flower you have ever seen covers here, | hold my hands up to it. | advise Zandok, our
the entire floor.’ Leader, when he wants to listen. | have eyes and ears
everywhere and | see pretty much everything,’ he
266 pauses. ‘Well. Not everything. He's had his men dig
The door opens onto a strange sight. The largest flower down under the mountain. Said he had a vision. Well,
you have ever seen covers the entire floor, its five red whatever that vision was and whatever he was digging
leaves trailing across to the edges of the room, each for. He found it...' Mungo trails off. ‘That's why I'm
one at least three meters long. The centre of the flower helping you, kid. Doesn't matter if you're a Raider or
has a deep hole, which you can't see the bottom of, not, whatever he found will destroy us all. You have to
although there is something moving in there. stop Zandok!'

Cut into the rock wall are the words Those that are Will you ask him:
worthy, place their hand in the baneflower:' e What have the Raiders found (turn to 24)?
Will you follow the instructions and put your hand in * Does he know where your father is (turn to 130)?
the flower (turn to 79) or leave the room (turn to 274)?

267 You explain your need for vengeance and how it nearly
As you approach the goblins, they stop talking and overcame you, but when the moment came and the
spread out in a half circle. ‘What you want, human?! killers of your family were put to rest, you felt nothing.
one smirks mirthlessly. Just then, two orc pursuers
An unresolved feeling burns inside you. Justice? A
burst into the room.
need to find your father and seek answers? You sigh,
betraying your indecision.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ey

Leaf smiles sadly. ‘My kind called Fang Mountain home The Patchwork Men and Magnus chat for a moment
until the Raiders came. | hated them for a long time. more then turn to you.
Sought bloody vengeance for many a year. But hate ‘You'll only catch him if he wants to be caught,’ The
cannot sustain you. At some point |let it go and found gnome says. 'l've seen him a few times, he always gives
another way,’ he looks at you intently. ‘We both want me a wave. Friendly like that. Next thing | know a quill
the same thing, | think. The Raiders must be stopped, is missing! Head back down the corridor and keep
not out of a desire for revenge, but because it is the going where the torch sconces run out, he prefers to
right thing to do. Will you help me stop them?! hang out in the darker areas of the sewer. If he likes
You nod in agreement. the look of you, he'll make himself known.’ Magnus
‘Good. The Raiders are led by a wicked creature called
Zandok. My spies tell me he has found something You thank them for their help and leave the little office.
deep within the mountain that threatens all life on Add 1 Reputation Point to your Adventure Sheet and
this world. More than that, | do not know. But fate has turn to 76.
brought you here and | have a feeling that you are our
best hope of stopping him.’
If you have the code word AFIRE, turn to 39
immediately. Otherwise, turn to 10. Fearlessly you step into the darkness.
‘Come... closer!’ the voice implores.
271 Will you head deeper into the dark (turn to 298) or get
You turn, run and dive! out quickly (turn to 133)?

Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your Luck turn
to 216, if it's over, turn to 132. 277
The worm sways once more then dives towards you,
272 hissing evilly. You draw your sword and the fight is
joined! Bestiary bonus applies.
You shout out and they both turn. Then one shrugs and
they both carry on towards the door at the other end DEATH WORM - Attack 9 - Health 8
of the corridor. Will you run and catch them up (turn to If you win, turn to 184.
217) or wait for them to return (turn to 20)?

Your foot slips and you slam into the rock (lose - 1
You take a step back and pat your pockets down, Health). Winded, you slide back to the ground.
looking for anything you can use, and there's your sling, Heaving yourself to your feet, two of the dark elves
the Raiders missed it. Probably thought it was an old notice you, and snarling, draw their swords. You look
rag! It's all you have, but you know just what to do with up and realise you'd be cut down from behind if you
it. attempt another climb so in desperation you run back
Reaching down you pick up a stone and relying purely around the boulder.
on instinct let it fly towards the hooded figure (turn to The dark elves cry out and make chase. Small rocks
182). ping all around and you cover your face as a shard
narrowly misses your eyes. Suddenly in front of you
274 are three more dark elves. You thought they'd been
crushed by the boulder!
Back out in the corridor, will you carry on north (turn to
294) or go back and take your chances with the troll Surrounded, with no weapon. This must be the end.
(turn to 7)? Turn to 300.

275 279

The door opens and the Patchwork Men step in. ‘Alright! Alright!’ he whimpers. ‘Take it! Take the key,
Magnus looks surprised. ‘Lawrence and Adam, what are just let me go!"
you-!?!' You release him and he collapses on the floor gasping.
‘It fine,' Patchwork 'Adam' rumbles and points at you. 'Here. Take it, he raises a quivering hand and thrusts a
‘New friend help us dispose of worms. All gone now;' he Rusty iron key at you.
says. You take the key and watch him stagger down the
Magnus looks visibly relieved, then stands up. ‘You corridor before putting the key in the lock and opening
killed the Toad!?! But, how!?!' the door (turn to 49).

‘Something he ate,’ Patchwork ‘Lawrence’ adds.

Raiders of Fang Mountain

wa ee

and narrowly miss a ham-like fist as it whistles past

your head.
‘Nooo! You belong to Skarn! he roars.
You leap over the rest of the rubble and narrowly avoid
a troup of orcs emerging from the barracks on your
Me, right.
‘It's him!’ one screams, t
and once more you're running for
your life.
The passageway curves to the north and after a few
metres you take the junction to the east. Neither the
orcs or the troll are in view yet and you have a few
moments to decide your next move. Make a note of the
AN A \ code word ADEAD
(2 Will you burst into the room on your left (turn to 26) or
| ss A



keep running (turn to 15)?

AN ue 0 Ge ARA 282
280 ‘We are the mystic gnomes. You will have Remove 7 stone from your sling bag.
heard of us...’
You hit one of the human Raiders squarely in the face,
280 pitching him backwards. The Raider next him laughs,
The door opens and you crouch to get in. The room is earning him a punch from his fallen comrade.
filled floor to ceiling with trinkets and shiny objects. A fight breaks out but they're quickly separated by
The only clear space is in the centre of the room where Grork who pulls them apart roughly.
two gnomes sit on a wooden bench, they stop when
they see you pushing your way in. ‘Save your anger for the fool in the tree, he turns and
looks at you as do the rest of the Raiders. 'Kill him!’ he
‘Oi! What are you doing you great big lump!’ a wizened barks and the group surround your tree and start to
gnome barks at you, a pair of half-moon spectacles climb.
falling off his surprised face.
There's a fight, you lose. Your adventure ends here...
‘Now hang on Alf, he could be just what we need to
break this deadlock. Come in young... man, or is it
woman? You humans all look the same to me. Come! 283
Come! Shut the door, you're letting in a strange colour; Right in the eye! There's a nasty popping sound as the
says the (slightly) younger gnome, bright of eye and stone embeds itself in the soft tissue of the socket
clothing. and Zandok staggers back momentarily — but it doesn't
You step in, still stooped. The room isn't any bigger slow him down!
than the doorway you've squeezed through and you Gripping his sword tightly in both hands he advances
wonder what you've let yourself in for. slowly, savoring the moment. You back up until you
'Hello young... whatever you are. I'm Burt, this is Alf. reach the cavern edge.
We are the mystic gnomes. You will have heard of us. As you meet your maker, go in the knowledge that
We're advisers to the great Zandok for his planned you've at least saved the world from the void.
expansion into Fang Forest.’
Your adventure ends here...
Your blank face earns you a scowl from Alf.
'He doesn't know what we're talking about, Burt! Send 284
him away!’
‘Wait! Before you go. | sense you have a ring in your
‘Oh, very well, if it keeps you happy,’ Alf starts to wave pocket that belongs to me,’ Mungo beckons. You take
his hands in an arcane fashion. out the gold ring and hand it over.
Make a note of the code word ASCAN. Will you ‘Ah, good old Karnos. Thanks for saving him. I'd have
quickly interject and ask for help (turn to 147) or wait hated to see him killed!’ Mungo slaps you on the back.
and see what Alf does (turn to 197)?
Add 1 Reputation Point and remove ‘Mysterious
gold ring’ from your adventure sheet. Now turn to
281 86.
Except. It really does sound like someone pretending
to be asleep. Without thinking you break into a run

Raiders of Fang Mountain Eq

Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
Perception turn to 63. If it's over, turn to 173.

You step out, heart thumping in your chest, and
offer a greeting. This close, the shambling men are
terrifying. Slack faced with uneven stitching. The dead,
reanimated. The creature in front holds up his sack,
then causes you to jump when he suddenly speaks,
‘Bait. You help catch worms with Patchwork Men?!
Will you answer, no, you're on an important mission
(turn to 145) or yes, you'll help them (turn to 38).

Step three and you're almost at the void. Afraid to look,
you keep your head down and your hands over your 291 ‘You took your time! What have you been
ears to block out the incessant whispering. But it does doing?’ says Mungo.
no good. The voices are inside your head.
You feel ideas forming in your mind. You're beginning
to understand what the void is...you're beginning to A hand grabs you and pulls you in.
believe... ‘You took your time! What have you been doing?’ says
Can you manage another step? Mungo. ‘Sorry, things are bad around here. Some idiot
started a blood feud with the — wait, that was you,
Turn to 153.
wasn't it?' he sighs. ‘Come on, l'Il need to smuggle you
in a different way,’ he beckons you over, presses a skull
288 mounted on the wall and a section rumbles upwards,
revealing a secret passageway.
The splashes are hidden by the rushing of the water.
You dowse your torch and step into the shadows. In ‘After you,' he offers, and you step into a dark corridor.
the semi-darkness the blood stains are hidden. Two After a few steps you come to a dead end, you turn,
more goblins walk by. They are deep in conversation but Mungo isn't there.
in a guttural language you don't understand. Passing ‘Sorry, my friend,’ you hear Mungo's voice echoing
by they don't notice you and are soon lost from sight. around the chamber. 'They found me out and | don't
Stepping out, you continue on your way.
want to die horribly. | hope you can forgive me and still
That was clever, no point in fighting if you don't have save the world, no hard feelings?’
to,' a voice says. Turn to 152. Two more secret doors slide open either side of you
revealing blood-thirsty Raiders, hungry for the kill.
289 Behind you, the secret door is starting to close.
‘What else am | supposed to do?' he frowns, sending Mungo has betrayed you!
his hairy warts on a merry dance across his forehead.
Will you dive through the gap in the door behind you
‘As my Great Uncle Hoddle used to say — Young Hobble and seek vengeance on Mungo (turn 271), fight the
me lad, traps are like life, if you want to survive, take Raiders (turn to 108) or surrender (turn to 309)?
four steps forward. But remember to act on the third!
You thank him for his bewildering advise and decide to 292
carry on in silence. Turn to 295.
You sheath your sword just as more Raiders enter
the room. Never taking your eyes off Mungo you are
290 grabbed roughly and dragged out into the corridor.
Something about their manner suggests this is all a Mungo looks at his feet and refuses to make eye
game to them. The main thought that jumps into your contact.
head is ‘don't let them waste your time’.
You are pushed down the corridor and descend a series
Now turn back to 280.
of stone steps carved out of the rock. The Raiders are
laughing and discussing which body parts Zandok will
cut off first.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Eq

a — Eee

At the bottom is a large natural cavern. You are now The three men look at each other, then at you.
deep below Fang Mountain. Strange lights in the rock, ‘Just one question,’ the thin faced man says. ‘Who the
high above, cast unusual shadows on the cave floor. bloody hell are you!?!
As you gaze around your heart skips a beat. There e Add Conch shell to your backpack
before you is a titan amongst men, eight foot tall and
wearing black metal plate armour from head to toe. You don't know anything about these men. Will you
Even the helmet is solid metal with no eye, nose or tell them a lie (turn to 117), tell them the truth (turn to
mouth holes. You know with certainty this is Zandok. 188) or ask them who they are (48)?
Turn to 143.
293 You notice several cracks in the floor and walls as you
You are marched towards the wagon and the three approach the curve in the passageway. You turn the
fearful men. corner and to your dismay notice a rockfall has blocked
the doorway marked on your map! Cursing silently, you
At the last moment you are pushed by rough hands hope what you're searching for wasn't in that room.
and you clatter into their thin faced leader. 'Watchit!’ With no choice, you move on.
he shouts as you step back with as much dignity as
you can muster. The men from the wagon have gone The rubble gets worse and you find yourself clambering
pale and you turn to see the hostile group. over large boulders. The rocks have only fallen in a
short section but the path to the east is also blocked
Orcs. A sizeable group, easily twenty, spread around by falling rock and there's no way through without
the wagons in a half-circle, looking grim-faced and spending many hours lifting stones.
ready for a fight. A warband.
With a sigh you carry on and you're soon through it and
Their chieftain steps forward and addresses the four of back to a clear path (add 5 minutes to your Time).
you. His skin, like the rest of his clan, is hewed a regal
blue and he has no hair, but two pointed horns on the You pass a small round door on your left, barely up to
top of his head that twist unnaturally upwards. He is your waist. Will you investigate (turn to 59) or keep
heavily armoured and carries two thick looking swords going (turn to 144)?
strapped over each shoulder.
‘You know us. We have no quarrel with you or the 295
Raiders you trade with, but...' he growls. 'My baby son After a few more bends and more elaborate traps,
is missing. | know not who took him. But my people which he steers you around, you find yourself at a
are scouring the forest as we speak. Whoever has him, stout wooden door.
whichever group took him. They will burn for this,’ He
turns his head and looks at his warband. ‘Search the ‘Well,’ the gnome says sorrowfully. ‘This is where |
wagons!’ leave you. Hope you weren't in a hurry. Good luck!" he
turns and disappears into the gloom. Puzzled by your
The three men scurry to one side, not wishing to cause encounter you shake your head and step through the
offence or get in the way of grief-blinded orcs. You door (add 5 minutes to your Time).
are not so quick and are knocked off your feet by an
Make a note of the code word ALIVE.
armoured beast who looks more like a troll. You pick
yourself up and say nothing. You've lost a lot of time and you're beginning to wonder
They are ruthless and efficient, opening everything, where you are when a head pokes around the frame
displacing the many trinkets stored for trade, then of a door a few metres on your right. It's Mungo. ‘Oi!
pack them back away neatly — some might say better Come here you idiot!"
than before. Within minutes the orcs return to their It seems your secret journey has taken you in a big
leader, who addresses you and the three men once circle. You turn and trek back (turn to 291).
'If you know where he is. If you know anything. If you 296
find him....' He looks at each of you, one at a time,
straight in your eye, then steps back into the forest. ‘As | said, it keeps the rats down so it's ok in my book.
Then the rest follow him until only one orc remains. He But | have heard stories about people going missing,
steps forward and hands you a conch shell. so maybe | shouldn't say that. If you follow the path to
the reservoir in the catacombs you can say hello,’ He
‘Our Chieftain sees your grief and understands. He looks at you, That was a joke! Don't do that, you'll die.’
knows you will help. If you find the child, blow into this
and we will come.’ He steps back and then he too is If you haven't already, will you ask him about the thief
gone. Swallowed by the forest. Silence. (turn to 41), ask him about himself (turn to 111) or leave
and search the darker corridor (turn to 76)?
You turn to face the three men and their two wagons.
Somehow in the search the orcs have pulled the wheel
free from the rut it was in. You didn't see them do it.

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ex

tons of rock,’ he extends a hand which you quickly
shake. ‘Right! Let's go then!’ he saunters off at a languid
You find nothing but an old bone and more straw. Will pace and you follow with a greater sense of urgency.
you check the rock walls for any means of escape (turn You make your way along what feels like endless stone
to 140) or examine the door and see if you can open it corridors, passing dazed Raiders and other strange
(turn to 158)?
creatures who have somehow managed to survive. No-
one pays you any attention. Eventually you find your
298 way out and into daylight. Looking up you see thick
black smoke billowing from one side of the mountain
A ham-like fist picks you up by your neck. which has collapsed inwards.
'Skarn promised human jam! are the last unpleasant
Hobble wishes you luck and disappears back into the
words you hear as the troll pops your head like a boil.
mountain. 'I can't leave, it's my home,’ he says with a
Your adventure ends here... shrug.
You're alone, but alive!
Make a note of the code word ABYEE and turn to
You run towards the Frost Giant, dodging his 320.
huge clumsy fist as it swings down to squash you.
Unfortunately, it was a feint. A foot you didn't see 301
coming ends your adventure...
What the thief can do, you can do. Right? You steel
yourself and start leaping from crate to crate. Your
momentum takes you to ground level, miraculously in
The dark elves look up at a castle size slab of rock one piece! Legs shaking and heart fluttering, you lift
teetering on a vast expanse of nothing. They look at the drain cover and continue the chase.
each other, shrug, then turn their attention to you. Turn to 85.
‘If we're going to die, we're taking you with us,’ one
snarls, ‘in as many pieces as we can manage.’
The sky above darkens as the tilting rock blots out the
Is this the orc baby? You don't know but you feel
light. The dark elves advance. Then a cry and one falls,
compelled to investigate and at least try and help
then another. The remaining dark elves turn but barely
reunite a child with their parents. You don't want them
have time to put up a defence as they're cut down
to experience the pain you feel.
Someone pushes through the greenery from behind
In moments it's just the two of you, staring across the
and lifts a branch out of your way. ‘Thought you could
use a hand,’ says Dran. You smile and thank him. The
‘Don't look so worried, that creature no longer controls other two are notable by their absence.
me. It's good to be free, but | wish | was dead,' he looks
Roll two dice. If you roll equal or under your
at the stone shard sticking out his leg, then back at
Perception turn to 233, if it's over, turn to 240.
you. 'I mean, | am dead. Just not the right kind of dead,
you know? Come on, let's get you out of here.’ Zandok
steps forward and you stand, frozen in fear. Then he's 303
past you and banging hard on the rock wall.
impossibly the wall opens in front of you and Hobble
Zandok pauses his hammering and looks at you with the Gnome ushers you in.
his glassy undead eyes. ‘'Hobble will help you.’ He
‘Why are you always in trouble? Should someone be
looking after you?’ he asks sympathetically.
Impossibly a doorway in the rock wall opens and an
You run into the passageway and give him a big hug.
agitated gnome sticks his head through the gap.
‘Alright! Alright! No time for that, we've got to get out
'O-Oh! Lord Zandok! Sir, what can-' the gnome
of here before the mountain collapses. I'll skin alive
whoever is responsible!’ you say nothing.
'No time old friend, take this young one to safety. l'm
You make your way along what feels like endless stone
going to stay here and say hello to that large rock.
corridors, passing dazed Raiders and other strange
Hopefully get some peace. Now gol!’ Zandok bellows.
creatures who have somehow managed to survive. No-
You don't need telling twice and slip past him into the one pays you any attention. Eventually you find your
passageway. Hobble ushers you in and closes the door. way out and into daylight. Looking up you see thick
Too late you realise you hadn't thanked him for his aid, black smoke billowing from one side of the mountain
but the door has closed, and his fate is now his own. which has collapsed inwards.
‘'m Hobble! Please follow me to safety. We'd better
hurry or we'll get crushed to death by thousands of

Raiders of Fang Mountain Ex


Fang Mountain looms over you now, like a dark

mountain. ‘It's my home,’ he says. malignant mass. You shiver and Dahli puts her hand on
your arm. ‘It wasn't always like that. Raiders corrupted
You're alone, but alive! it. They found something deep in the rock that's
Turn to 320. poisoned everything. Come. My friend can tell you
304 Travelling in the dark is difficult but Dahli knows her
way and on more than one occasion points out a
It doesn't take you long to find the game trail. Pusning dangerous tree root or branch you hadn't seen.
through two thorny bushes you find a course track
winding north, mirroring the path, but hidden out of Soon you reach an impassable wall of brambles and
sight. It's clearly meant for small animals as branches Dahli stops.
and bushes encroach on the path at head height We're here, Leaf will know we're waiting.’ She smiles.

weaving! Turn to 242.

It's slower progress than the main track but more than
once you hear soldiers marching close by, so youre 307
pleased you chose this way. Another step and you'll be staring directly into the
Small animals and birds have better hearing than you void! Thinking of the memory jar brings it into sharp
and scatter long before you reach them, making for a relief. A simple thought and it's open.
quiet trip. Something beyond your understanding takes over your
Your thoughts wander to your family and a familiar body and you stumble the final step... Two impossible
despair sets in. What if you just sat down and gave beings stare at each for a fraction of second and then
up? Would it matter. You shake your head as if trying recoil shrieking. Reality rends, then contracts. Strange
to dislodge these dark thoughts. Luckily a distraction thoughts flash across your mind before they die like
presents itself. mayflies. Something leaves you and embraces the void.
Swirling and dancing together they leave this reality,
A shrill whistle sounds from somewhere to the north removing every thought of it from your mind. Then
followed by the snapping of branches and the squawk the void closes with a snap and the power inside you
of a surprised bird. Something big is thrashing its way suddenly has nowhere to go.
through the undergrowth towards your position.
Your neck snaps back. Pure energy syphons off you
Voices join from the east. Whoever they are, they're up into the rock, punching through and beyond. Fang
tracking something big and it's being herded in your Mountain is near destroyed before the power fades
direction! and you fall to the cavern floor, tiny rock fragments
Will you stand your ground and face whatever comes pinging all around you. Half the mountain is still
(turn to 70) or run east to the main trail, away from all standing and you wonder how many have survived?
the noise (turn to 30)? Zandok and his Raiders have been thrown like rag dolls
towards the cavern's edge and lie prone in a tangle of
305 limbs.

He sees you draw your sword and pales. What are you, The hooded creature is the first to rise, weaving his
psychotic!?! Here, take the damn key, I'm not dying for dark magic. Then Zandok rises, and to your horror you
it! see his face for the first time. His helmet knocked clear
by the explosion.
He throws a Rusty iron key at you before sprinting
down the corridor. The key fits the lock and you open Turn to 136.
the door and enter the room (turn to 49).
306 ‘What's all that noise!?! Oh, not another one!’ a voice
The centaur introduces herself as Dahli. Her family moans.
were running from a Raider hunting party, but she You hear another click somewhere in the darkness and
got caught in a snare trap and was captured. She the cage rises. ‘What is it with you Raiders!?! Always
asks what you were doing alone in the forest and you blundering about setting off my traps. You were lucky
quickly explain what led you here. | was about!’ Looking down you see a small gnome
Her eyes mist with tears. ‘Come. | know someone who with a deeply wrinkled face, a collection of hairy warts
can help you.' With that, she disappears into the long gather on his forehead as he frowns at you.
grass and bushes. You follow. ‘Come on then, let's get you back with the others. No!
A few times you hear Raider patrols nearby but Dahli Not back that way, it only opens from the outside!
knows where to hide and you encounter no further

Raiders of Fang Mountain EX

He trundles off down the corridor and you follow. You edge carefully around the crumbling rock path and
‘Sorry, we have to take the long way round, hope you're leave by the only exit.
not in a hurry,’ he blithely adds. Turn to 112.
You have a bit of time to kill, will you ask him about
himself (turn to 315) or ask him how he finds his way 313
around (turn to 67)?
The room is a scene of carnage. Blood arcs up the walls
and body parts are strewn across the floor. You feel
309 sick. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
You sheath your sword just as more Raiders enter the Both orcs and one human have also been killed. The
narrow passageway. They look disappointed by your surviving human is already at the door and gesturing
surrender but grab you roughly all the same and lead to you. 'Quick! We've got to get out of here, there's a
you back into the room of your betrayer. bloody great troll coming this way!
Mungo looks at his feet when you re-enter the room And with that he's off, his footsteps echoing down the
and never once makes eye contact. You are pushed corridor to the east. You are about to leave when your
down the corridor and at the end, descend a set of eyes widen in surprise. During the fight, the stone table
stone steps carved out of the rock. has been upended and cracked in two. Hidden in the
The Raiders are laughing and discussing which body middle is one half of the mask!
parts Zandok will cut off first. e Add half of mask (24) to your backpack.
At the bottom of the steps is a large natural cavern. Snatching up the mask, you race to the door. You can
You are now deep below Fang Mountain. Strange lights already hear the laboured breathing of the troll and
in the rock, high above, cast unusual shadows on the narrowly avoid a meaty paw as he swipes at your head.
cave floor.
Ducking into the corridor you bolt east, knowing
As you gaze around, your heart skips a beat. There you can outrun your foe. He cries out as he stoops
before you is a titan amongst men, eight foot tall and to investigate the room and surveys the carnage.
wearing black metal plate armour from head to toe. They're Raiders, but you feel a sense of shame at the
Even the helmet is solid metal with no eye, nose or bloodshed. Pushing the feelings down you dash around
mouth holes. You know with certainty this is Zandok. the corner.
Turn to 143.
Will you take the first passageway on your right (turn
to 230) or keep running (turn to 95)?
You stop and listen... you can no longer hear footsteps, 314
just the trickling of water from the storm drains above.
‘Always fighting, human. Your kind, our kind. Old
Before long you reach a fork in the path. The way to hatreds run deep.' one of the goblins intones solemnly.
the left is shrouded in darkness while the path to the ‘Now move along, before we add your blood to these
right has lit torch sconces at regular intervals and looks walls!
more inviting. If a sewer can look inviting.
The goblins have stopped and are watching to see
Will you go left into the darkness (turn to 76) or right what you do. You decide to move along, and they all
into the light (turn to 205)? laugh before carrying on with their work. Turn to 13.

311 315
'Oh that's easy. Money. GOOD money. | mean, it's ‘The name is Hobble. Pleased to meet you. | must say,
dangerous. Everyone wants to kill you. All of the time. we don't get many Raiders with manners down here.
You don't see any friendly faces out here. But the Mind you, most of the Raiders | find are squashed or
perks are worth it. Who knows. Maybe you'll see for mashed. | really must signpost my traps better...’
yourself?! he says and laughs at some private thought.
You're still twisting around a maze of bewildering
You carry on in companionable silence and as the passageways. Will you ask him why he built the traps
afternoon draws to a close the two wagons pull-over to (turn to 289) or ask him how he finds his way around
rest the horses. (turn to 67)?
Turn to 78.

Not wishing to risk your hand you smile nervously. The
worm, sensing your hesitancy, pulls away and sinks
elegantly back into the mud. Leaving you alone in the

Raiders of Fang Mountain J

316 the clash of steel and cries of anger ring out from the
corridor as old animosities bubble over.
You reached a row of shelves. Could this be the back
of the room? You feel your way along them and find
Soon only one blue orc is standing. He looks down at
the bottom shelf is empty with just enough space to a fallen foe and spits, then marches up the corridor to
the north, away from you. Add 5 minutes to your Time.
crawl and hide, which you do.
Just in time. The door is pushed open and two orcs You search the bodies and find 15 bronze pieces, a
enter the room. One has a lantern which he sweeps Healing potion (+4 Health), and a Rusty iron key.
Take what you want and turn to 253.
around, looking for you.
This gives you an opportunity to see what's in here.
Junk mostly, by the looks of it. The Raiders excavated 319
the mountain, and all the old equipment has been You hunker down and watch, not sure where the
dumped here. Picks and shovels, old buckets and evening will take you.
helmets. You were lucky you didn't trip over them!
There are two distinct groups below you. The orcs and
Will you stay where you are (turn to 155) or attack goblins are in charge, strutting around and laughing
(turn to 225)? loudly. Their leader, Grork, clearly favours them over
the humans, where a certain amount of resentment
317 seems to be brewing. More than once you catch
the phrase ‘green scum! muttered under the breath
The temperature drops as you step into the darkness. of a human Raider. Yet despite this tension, the
Dran has to stoop to avoid banging his head. You hear humans seem more than happy to squabble amongst
nothing, everything is silent. themselves as a bored looking orc breaks up two fights
Suddenly there's a crunch underfoot and you both between them just while you're watching.
freeze. 'Bones,' Dran says. As your eyes become A rudimentary spit is constructed over the fire and a
accustomed to the dark you look down to see the goblin, using a sling not unlike yours, is firing stones at
remains of human and animals alike, scattered across small creatures outside the clearing. Grork stands up.
the floor. The cave ends abruptly here. ‘Put your sling away, Druk! Tonight, we feast! Bring out
Will you search the bones for clues (turn to 125) or the prize!’ he snarls triumphantly.
back out and enter the larger cave (turn to 235)? Two goblin Raiders scurry off into the undergrowth and
come back, pulling a large wooden cage, inside you
see a young centaur! She looks terrified, and rightly so,
they're about to cook and eat her.
You remember your encounter with the Raiders in
Anger blooms in your chest and you struggle to catch
the forest and load your sling with a suitable stone.
your breath. But what can you do against so many?
It doesn't take long for a moment to present itself. A
green orc with a curved horn pokes his finger in the Will you embrace your inner rage and jump down and
chest of a long-toothed blue faced orc. fight (turn to 202) or use your sling (turn to 113)?

Swinging your stone in an arc you let loose, hitting the

green orc in the temple causing him to rock backwards
and hit his head soundly on the stone wall behind him.
The others react immediately and within moments

Raiders of Fang Mountain J

So oft
Cold RANA Ss ong

320 To be continued in issue two.

Raiders, covered in dust and coughing, are starting But now is not the time to rest on your laurels! If you've
to emerge from the remains of the mountain. Your earned 3 reputation points you can spend them now
thoughts whirl, what will you do now? Where will you for a special bonus.
go? However, deciding your future is secondary to
making yourself scarce before someone recognises you.
What do | get?
Too late!
Simple. Start the adventure again. With a new
The hooded creature, with a contingent of orcs, character and new stats — but — allocate 15 points
emerges from a crack in the mountain and spots you. (instead of 12) with a max score of 11 in all categories
'For Zandok! they shout. There's a bark of orders and except health (that's still 15).
suddenly a squad of Raiders are on your heels. An arc
of blue lightning whizzes over your head and a thrown The catch?
dagger embeds itself in a nearby tree.
This new character receives no reputation points
Sprinting into the forest you duck under a low branch in issue one. But if you successfully complete the
and slap tangled vines from your path. Heedless of adventure again, you can take this new character
your direction, you run for your life! forward into issue two (and receive reputation points
from issue two onwards).
Remember, you can't take your reputation points into
issue two, so if you want this reward but don't have
enough points - try, try, try again... Good luck!

4 NA

320 ‘For Zandok! they shout. There's a bark of orders and suddenly a squad of Raiders are on your
heels. You run for your life!

Raiders of Fang Mountain Bq


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