Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
In school there so many student and teacher are getting late, some of them are getting stuck in traffic.
Teacher are usually busy by their paper works and lessons to the students. People create a different
attendance format to monitor each other. Attendance is the concept pf people, individually or as a group,
appearing at a location for a previously scheduled event. Measuring attendance is a significant concern for
many organizations which can use such information to gauge the effectiveness of their effects and to plan
for future effects.
Attendance can ease time of person who is monitoring time attendance have many functions and can be
used in various fashion a attendance system can be a personal attendance a government attendance and
school attendance Attendance Monitoring System, only applicable to the teachers and other staff or
personnel in the school using their ID, it is only applicable to the students if there is a huge activities in
school like foundations, intramurals and other activities.
Every school takes its responsibilities towards monitoring student’s attendance very seriously. Many
schools already have processes in place to record and follow up persistent absence as an integral part of
their duty of care.
Attendance is very important in every students, a single absent is big difference in performance in the
school. Mostly students of high school are prone to absences, it is because of some reasons that they think
it is a boring class, laziness to attend the class, some students prefer going to computer shops playing
games rather that entering the class and some students cannot refuse the influence of a friend or peer
Most of the schools nowadays are implementing automated techniques and processes to meet their
growing needs, and it can be best defined by widely used of computers and other devices. Attendance is a
time record of numbers of student present during events, generally defined as systematic accurate all. It is
an obligation of every student as fullest potential. It is very important to the student and etc. to maintain
their attendance from school or work.
General Problem
The researcher’s objective in this application is to assist students and teachers in monitoring up
earning task, every student and teacher will ease their time using the attendance system.
Specific Problem
Specifically, the researchers seek to answer the following questions
This study aims to determine the effects of absence to the students’ academic motivation this study shall
be beneficial to have various groups of people only the college or high school level can use the
application which this study will produce.
This study will be guided by the following hypothesis
1. User Friendly – It only use phone and some seconds of your time to use, compare to the time
checking in and calling out all the students one by one in which we can conserve more time that
can be use in teaching or studying
2. Precise – It will give you an exact time on your arrival in which time matters the most in
attendance There will be no misunderstanding because this application can tell you the exact time
on whether you’re on time or not
3. Accessible – All of the students can easily have access in this because its now on the phones in
which students always carry along with them. Phones in students are very important that’s why
we use it as a factor for the app
4. Fast Response – All of us need speedy response when we are doing something, Attendance
system is also a fast response app in terms of time saving
The application only covers the attendance to teacher and student, It involves students and teachers that
uses the app, the application are focused on how to monitor users anytime also to ease the time when
using the application.
The application (study) does not cover the causes of failing grades to student, application does not cover
when the user’s login the app but the user are just staying at home. The study covers the used of the
present system but just automating it to easily check the attendance of the students and teachers. To
make it easier to identify their records and penalties.
The proposed system will be capable of maintaining the efficiency of every student attendance record
through Student ID. The proposed system also has the capability of computing penalty of student to be
given depending on his attendance as regards to his/her absences per event.
Definition terms
Attendance- is the concept of people, individually or as a group, appearing at a location for a previously
scheduled event, Attendance use to monitor people.
Java- A general purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class based, object –
oriented and specific designed to have as few implementation dependences as possible.
Android Studio- is the official integrated development environment (IOE) for Android application
development, it is based on the IDEA, a JAVA integrated development environment for software, and
incorporate its code editing and developer tools.
Students- Is the one participate using the application also use the attendance when attending in school.
School- Is the one who educate people and also use the attendance system to their employees, teachers
and students.
Activity - the condition in which things are happening or being done, A thing that a person or group does
or has done
Attendance – the action or state of going regularly to or being present at a place or event.
Monitoring - is the regular observation and recording of activities taking place in a project or program.
Penalty - a punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.
Queue - is a line of people who are waiting for something or a series of instructions that are stored in a
computer so that they can be processed later.
RFID tag passes through the RFID reader in a read range zone, the system recorded data from the RFID
tag to the database. Data sent online to the management for the supervision of the students. At some point,
we noticed that the registration must be covered as well. The main reason why is that there are some
records to be considered with regards to the student’s important records in the registration files like the
situation of a student in their school. All in all, we can say that this system is more efficient and less time
consuming for the school to identify whether the student is officially enrolled and has an authorized
school ID. (Joyce Erika Salud, Attendance Monitoring, 2013)
Monitoring student attendance in the UK has become a verdure concern for Universities in recent months,
due to a perceived lack of accuracy in reports submitted to the UK Borders Agency and political burden
about broad immigration issues. This project proposes a biometric-based solution to that interest which
also adapt to legislative pressures on data governance and information security, but which can grant
precise, decent data for the institution to use in future reports to UKBA All biometric techniques obviate
to need to carry a token or card, or to remember several passwords, and reduce the risk of lost, forgotten
or copied passwords, robbed tokens or over the shoulder intrusion, This project shall focus on using
fingerprint recognition, mainly due to the low-cost of devices for deployment and high user compliance.
Fingerprint recognition has commonly used for data access amongst a mobile community with
increasingly portable devices, but it can also be employed for observation purposes, and this project
characterized by how it could be used in this context to provide a fingerprint-based student attendance
register. (C.O, Akinduyite, et al, 2013)
The presidents of each class require students to sign their names on a piece of paper as a proof of their
attendance in a particular activity prior to start the program/activity. The queues of students in the
registration area cause the delay and reliability of monitoring the
The attendance monitoring system provides registration and complete processing of the employees’
attendance, and can be interlinked to other information systems. It is intended for all organization types,
ranging from state administration bodies to banks to industrial companies Data is stored in an SQL server
database (MS SQL Server, Oracale 8i, Sybase SQL Anywhere) allowing distributed data processing
within a computer network, Users can also utilze a thin client – the internet application eKrivan for
atendance data processing (employees can use the application for attendance data viewing) The solution
involves bi- directional interface to personnel and wage system
Identification is carried out by means of attendance readers with a display and keypad (to enter flags
such as business matter, medical appointment, holiday etc,) which are able to identify a person based on
the identification element. A person is identified in the contro software by being assigned a means of
identification, which can be and ID card or biometric characteristic (
In this study, the proponents aim to provide a better way of monitoring the attendance of Children of
Fatima Inc. In order for the Administrator can handle faster and easy way of recording and monitoring the
daily attendance of the teachers, the system will provide an efficient way if record keeping activity. This
study aims to provide better results of Teachers attendance Monitoring System that can cover up with the
school needs
Therotical framework is the combine idea of the proponents to the stated system, The study of the this
procedure is important because many school’s encounter the same problem during their attendance
monitoring, it may become stepping stone in a more organize and productive system of procedure in the
future, This study wants to help other school’s to be innovated involving the use of computerization
inside the campus and also for future proponents that will be involve in this kind of study
Scholars have noted the positive influence of church attendance on voting participation (Milbrath
and Goel 1977; Macaluso and Wanat 1979; Houghland and Christenson 1983; Martinson and wilkening
1987; Peterson 1992; Harris 1994; Verba, Schlozman and Brady 1995) However, Church attendance was
negatvely or unrelated to demanding forms of political partic-ipation (Houghland and Christenson 1983;
Martinson and Wilkening 1987; Harris 1994; Verba, Schlozman and Brady 1995; Calhoun- Brown 1996)
Management team in school whether primary and secondary school use less computerized system in their
management. Most of the schools in Isulan, Sultan Kudarat are using a manual process to monitor the
student’s attendance. In a manual system, teachers will take and write down the student’s daily attendance
in the record book, then at the end of the month the teacher is responsible to update the record by
calculating the percentage of student’s attendance. This showed that the manual system is not strict and
the student does not pay much attention to the attendance. Parents also do not know either their children
come to school or not. They only know when the report card is given to them, twice a year.
Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) brings a tremendous new technology to
change and ease the management to get the information in a more systematic and efficient way.
Because of that, a computerized system that will be named Student Attendance Monitoring &
Identification System using Barcode & SMS of INHS(Study on SMS Application) system has been
proposed to be developed and implemented for management team in school. The target of this system is
to monitor the daily student attendance and to inform parents about the attendance of their children.
This system will be fully computerized and also apply a new communication technology called SMS. All
of the daily students’ attendance will be saved in a specific database. When the student log-on by swiping
their school ID on the system, it will automatically generate a message that will be sent to the hand phone
via SMS.
Hopefully with this system, the student discipline problems will be zero defects in attendance context and
the parents will be informed if the student escapes in school. This system also will make the school
managementsystem tobe more systematic, efficient and smoothly processed.(www.coursehero/chapter1