The Griffin, Vol. 1.2 October 2010

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Philadelphia, PA October 2010

The Free Student Newspaper of Chestnut Hill College

Quidditch returns to Chestnut Hill

VERONIKA WILSON (often a cross-country runner)
’14 acts as the golden ball flitting
____________ about campus, accessing any
As Chestnut Hill’s regal and all areas in which a Snitch
campus begins to change this chooses to escape. The seeker
autumn, eager students antici- then has the daunting task of
pate a sport that was once only catching the flighty object—
found in fiction. Quidditch while remaining perched upon
season has arrived again, mark- a broomstick, needless to say.
ing the College’s third year as a As humorous a sight it may
contender in the International be witnessing the players scram-
Quidditch World Cup and tour- bling about on broomsticks,
nament host. dodging and flinging various
The unique sport, adapted flying quaffles and bludgers, the
for muggles or non-magical tournament is anything but a
persons, was created at Middle- farce. The practices alone begin
bury College in Vermont, and drilling knowledge of basic ma-
has since proved to be one of neuvers, tactful skills, and gen-
Chestnut Hill’s most anticipated eral jargon of the sport into the
events. In 2008, when the Grif- teams heads. The turnout for
fins were mere novices to the art qualifying practice is something
of catching the snitch, the stead- to be impressed by alone, as the
fast team managed to defeat the collective fanfare creates a spir-
seasoned players of Princeton ited frenzy itself.
University at the World Cup, as At Quidditch 101, chasers Ryan Moore ‘10 and Valerie Miller ‘14 race to get the quaffle. Quidditch Through a selective process
well as several other hefty com- 101 sessions teach students fundamentals and allow practice for the upcoming Philadelphia Broth- of weaving together a team,
petitors. erly Love Cup on October 16. Photo taken by Max Kaplan ‘11. the Quidditch Committee com-
The path to reaching such poses a force to be reckoned
ed broomsticks. Actually, the include the quaffle, a volley- while beaters take aim to keep
vigor isn’t necessarily a simple with; previous rosters have in-
broomsticks the College uses ball tossed by the chasers, and the chasers from scoring. Of
one. Although the law of grav- cluded the Big Black Broom-
are authentic, Potter-approved bludgers, dodge balls hurled by course, what would the game be
ity still applies, it doesn’t im- sticks, the Death Eaters, the
brooms from accredited Quid- beaters. Chasers score goals by without the snitch, the goal for
pede skilled players from swiftly ditch supplier, Alivan’s. throwing the quaffle through every seeker? Donned in gold
swooping along the soccer field, “Quidditch”
Terms to be familiar with one of the three goal posts from head to toe, the snitch Continued on 2
perched on their hand-craft-

Sugarloaf Complete; Questions Remain

KELLY MCKAY amenities, some students still that said there was going to be
‘12 have questions about two spe- a pool and a cafeteria, and then
_________ cific Sugarloaf features. Stu- when I got here I was told we
$9.3 million dollars later, dents have been wondering couldn’t even use them.”
the renovations to the lodge, now that there is a pool and a Other residents of Sugarloaf
mansion, pool and pool house cafeteria located at Sugarloaf, have explained that they like the
at Sugarloaf are complete. Lo- “Can we go swimming?” and big rooms, large windows, car-
cated up the road on German- “When can we eat there?”; the peting and air conditioning in
town Ave., Sugarloaf Hill offers answers to those questions cur- the dorm building, yet they had
students an alternative to living rently are: no, students are not hoped to have a pool to cool
directly on main campus. permitted to use the pool and off in and a nearby cafe. Eric
If you have not yet seen the “Maybe next year” students will Janda ’13, another resident at
improvements at Sugarloaf, the be eating in the new cafeteria. Sugarloaf said, “I have heard
new swipe system, which be- Mike Viviano ‘13, a resident that the College doesn’t have
gins when students return from of Sugarloaf, enjoys living away enough money to staff the caf-
A newly renovated classroom at Sugarloaf Campus. This room,
fall break, will make visiting the from main campus but feels as eteria, but I don’t see why they and others like it, are currently intended for use by graduate
establishment a stress-free ex- though there were some “bro- couldn’t have students do work classes. Photo by Max Kaplan ‘11.
perience. Sugarloaf has its own ken promises” in regards to study life guarding at the pool.”
tennis courts and a basketball the new additions. “Sugarloaf When asked about the sta- These will be the factors used ing my friends and eating with
net outside of the pool house is a lot more relaxed than main tus of the cafeteria and pool, to determine who will use what people who live on main cam-
and inside you will find a lounge campus; it has a smaller commu- Lauri Strimkovsky, Vice Presi- facility and when.” pus,” said Robby Williams ’11,
area containing a pool table, nity and everyone knows each dent for Financial Affairs said: Not all students are as a Sugarloaf resident. “Having a
flat-screen television and even a other,” he said. “But I don’t “The College makes decisions concerned about the use of
microwave. like the fact that I got a letter about the use of facilities based the pool or the cafeteria. “I “Sugarloaf ”
Yet despite these well-used from the College this summer on cost effectiveness and safety. wouldn’t want to eat at the caf- Continued on 2
eteria at Sugarloaf; I like see-

News 2 STYLE 4 Opinion 6 Sports 8

2 The Griffin

Looking towards
Vol. I, Issue 2

The Free Student

Newspaper of
Chestnut Hill College
founder’s day
MARY MARZANO anniversary where the school
‘12 celebrated the traditions that
Max Kaplan ‘11 _________ shaped it. Also emphasized
Editor-in-Chief The College will be holding will be Sister Mary Helen
its 86th Founder’s Day celebra- Kashuba’s book Tradition and
Jarreau Freeman ‘11 tion on October 6. All mem- Risk, that details the history of
Managing Editor bers of the Chestnut Hill Col- the College. The new plans for
lege community are invited to Sugarloaf were also revealed
come and celebrate with others by Sister Carol Jean Vale, Pres-
Mary Marzano ‘12
over the birthday cake and are ident; an event that drew many
News Editor
also invited to a special mass students. Above, Eli Goloub ‘11, Zac Grubb ‘12 and drummer Vinny Pepitone
to honor the history and tradi- An event that draws many ‘11 (not pictured) of band Anhedonia headlined the Campus Minis-
Olivia Marcinka ‘13 students and alumni is the try Concert on Friday, September 17. Proceeds from sales benefitted
Opinion Editor tion of the College as well as its
Gaggle of Griffins. The the family of Michael Wood. Also performing was Alex Sonke ‘12
founder, Sister Maria Kostka
gaggle was co-hosted by two and Ryan Moore ‘11 of band Split Currents. Photo by Jess Veazey‘11.
Jill Sanger ‘11 students and was a forum for
This year’s celebration, accomadate guests of the Presi-
Sports Editor headed by Sister Cathy Nerney, alumni and current students to dent, and has already accommo-
will place special emphasis on speak about traditions as well dated Michael Wood’s family.
Kyle Bachmann ‘10 the Center of Forgiveness and as compare their experiences. The College plans to use the
Continued from 1
Sports Editor Reconciliation. The song “Ring “They used different terminol- mansion as a venue for wed-
pool would be nice though, but it
the Bells” by Melissa Etheridge ogy in decades past, commut- dings, conferences and other
doesn’t bother me too much that
Jen Jones ‘12 will be the theme for the cel- ers were known as day hops,” events in the near future. Direc-
we can’t use it now.”
Style Editor ebration. Going along with the said co-host Patrick Curtin ’11. tor of Facilities Mark McGrath
Another factor contributing to
song, the message of the event “It was a huge success.” said that students can also look
the uncertainty of the opening of
is that, “Standing here on this The 86th Founder’s Day forward to a gazebo structure
Bleu Lane ‘12 the facilities was the five month
little hill, all of us here at Chest- Celebration will be a great op- at the shuttle stop at Sugarloaf
Style Editor delay after a fire at the mansion.
nut Hill College, can make a dif- portunity for all members of later this fall as well.
Inside the mansion, one can find
ference,” said Sister Nerney. the college community to hon- Although Sugarloaf ’s reno-
Aizaz Gill ‘14 brand-new classrooms equipped
This year’s celebration fol- or the college, its traditions vations are officially complete,
Online Editor with state-of-the-art SmartBoards
lows last year’s important 85th and its Founder. it remains unclear if and when
for use by graduate classes and
Continuing and Professional the cafeteria and pool will ever
Jess Veazey ‘13

studies classes. There are also be student-accessible.
Photo Editor rooms on the third floor that will

Westly Mandoske ‘13

Layout Editor

Michael Bradley ‘14

Stacey Green
JARREAU FREEMAN ty staff will greatly miss him.”
Assistant Layout Editor
‘11 Stacey’s laid-back person-
____________ ality, warm heart, and compas-
Susan Magee, M.F.A. sionate spirit will never be for-
“I remember when I met
Stacey, January 2005, as he was gotten by students and faculty “What are the qualities
The Griffin strives for accu-
putting a ticket on my car,” re-
calls Mark Hammons, Chestnut “Stacey had a charisma that of noble purpose?”
racy and fair representation Hill College alumnus. “We've warranted all those around
in all of its publications. If been friends ever since. He al- him to be that much more
an error is found, e-mail ways had a positive and upbeat cheerful,” said Alex Garcia,
the issue number, the ar-
ticle in which the error was
attitude, and his laugh was con-
tagious! Professionally, I could
‘11. “He was a prankster that
used to pretend that he was E S S AY C O N T E S T
found, and the correction always count on Stacey when I the voice of God through the
P.A. system of the security
for P hiladelPhia - area
that needs to be made. The needed security's assistance. I
knew he was always there for vehicle whenever he saw me. undergraduates
resulting correction will be
me, whether it was a work or He was an exceptional man of
printed in the next edition happiness and good spirits. I
of The Griffin. personal situation.”
These beautiful words cap- will miss him dearly”
ture the essence of Stacey
Make your opinion heard
by submitting letters to
Green, a former Navy veteran
and beloved security guard for
1st Prize: $3,000
the editor or contributions
to The Griffin. Submissions
the College, who passed away
on Sept. 6. Stacey had been a
2nd Prize: $2,000
become property of The
Griffin and are subject to
part of the college community
for four years, happily giving
3rd Prize: $1,000
editing for style, clarity and security assistance to students
space concerns. along with a few jokes to lift
their spirits. He is survived by
Interested in writing, pho- his lovely wife, Logue Librarian
tographing, layout or de- Deborah Green, and his Sibe-
sign? Fill out a short form rian Husky, Kodi.
“He always looked out for
on our Facebook and The
Griffin will contact you.
the students, and was on first-
name basis with them and
Entries due
Email The Griffin at:
their parents,” said close friend October 22, 2010 at:
and former co-worker Harold Spells, assistant account man-
or visit The Griffin on Face- ager for the College. “He loved
book. working at CHC and the securi-
The Griffin 3

Freshmen Elect
Class President
DANA CONSALVO Wolfert. “I like being busy, I’ll competition.
‘14 go crazy if I just sit around.” The Long Island native is
__________ Wolfert has much planned enjoying his time at the College
The freshmen class elected as president with help from thus far. “There is a big differ-
Stephan Wolfert as president class Vice-President Luke An- ence between New York and
after a close election last month derson, a member of the Men’s Chestnut Hill,” said Wolfert.
in a race against two other stu- Lacrosse team and a Maryland “I’m used to walking down the
dents. native. Their first goal is to raise street and no one looking at me,
Wolfert, a computer infor- funds though Wing Wednes- but now everyone will stop and
mation and technology major, days. After working out the say hello.” The warm, friendly
is new to student government details, Wolfert hopes to have environment eases the work-
but anticipates a productive a business sponsor cover costs load from his five classes, FYI
year. “I don’t know what to and serve the wings in either the course, tennis and SGA com-
expect since I’ve never done it Griffin’s Den or as a door-to- mitments that keep him con-
[student government] before, door service. This initiative and stantly occupied.
but I think I will be fine,” ex- other fundraisers will respond Despite an increasingly busy
plained Wolfert. “I’m excited to feedback from his peers, in- schedule, Wolfert emphasizes
about the whole experience in cluding requests for new pool to his classmates that he is al-
general.” table cue sticks in Fontbonne ways available to talk to and to
Along with his role on Stu- Hall. He has already estab- listen; he is eager to hear any
dent Government Association lished a small committee of concerns or suggestions and is
(SGA), the former swimmer is classmates to help with SGA’s hopeful he can make a differ-
now a tennis player for the Col- annual Christmas Decorating ence.
lege. He has a busy semester Night, where freshmen are as-
but remains unconcerned. “So signed the Fournier Dining Hall

far I’ve been managing it,” said to decorate in the campus-wide

Photo by Jess O’Neill

Swim test: necessary?

taken the course has passed the
swim test.” In fact, she added
Continued from 1

Hungarian Horntails, the

swift recovery
CORA MAHON doctors that he can respond to
The swim test, a require-
ment for graduation from
Chestnut Hill College, has long
that many students enjoyed the
beginner swimming classes so
much they went on to take the
Fitness Swimming class.
Mudbloods, the Norwegian
Ridgebacks, the Polyjuice Pis-
tons, and finally the revered
Ravenclaw. Often compared
‘11 their commands.” been a point of contention Some students agree with to a combined game of flag
________ Both Wood’s father and his among students. Many ques- Kuklick. “The test is another football, dodgeball, rugby
The Chestnut Hill College wife Suzanne are certain that tion the necessity of a swim test example of the liberal arts edu- and tag, the competitors’
community remains hopeful as the prayers of many through- as a graduation requirement; to cation,” said alumna Jenny Me- battle for supremacy begins
fellow Griffin Michael Wood out the country, particularly others, including administration jia, class of 2010. “Swimming is the moment the Snitch is re-
continues to fight on his road those from the college commu- and alumni, it is a necessary a basic skill that people should leased, brutally seeking their
to recovery. nity, have helped to bring their skill. know. The test is not very dif- goal, and ultimately suffering
Wood was released from the son to this level of his recovery. It was not long ago that ficult and is only a slight incon- a bruise or two.
Intensive Care Unit at Albert They ask gratefully for contin- many colleges required swim- venience to schedule.” With Quidditch season
Einstein Hospital on Thursday, ued thoughts and prayers for ming skills for graduation. Ac- But not all students are fans officially beginning, Chestnut
Sept. 23rd. He was transferred Wood and his family on this cording to Aquatics Interna- of the plunge. “I feel the swim Hill Activities Team offers a
to the Drucker Brain Injury long journey, and are faithful tional Magazine, as of 1977 test should not be a require- terrific way to commemorate
Unit at the Moss Rehabilitation in his complete recovery with 42% of colleges had some kind ment because some have a fear the first ever Philadelphia
Center in Elkins Park, Pennsyl- all of the support they have re- of swimming requirement for of going underwater,” said se- Brotherly Love Cup. As the
vania where he is completing ceived. graduation. In 1982, only 8% nior Kyle Bachmann. “I believe three-year anniversary ap-
the Responsiveness Program. Although Wood’s nurses ask did. It has dropped even lower that taking only the class would proaches, popularity contin-
In this initial program at Moss, that extended family and friends since. be much simpler for students ues to grow and the magic
he will be assessed by specialists wait for weekends to visit so Despite the decline, there in order to graduate. Howev- carries on within every spec-
who will analyze his progress that his immediate family may are no intentions to drop the er, since the pool is limited to tator and participant. To be
and develop a treatment pro- have quality time with him, all test from the College’s gradua- five or six swimmers, the class sure, the Hippogriff mascot
gram to best meet his recovery those interested in sending well tion requirements. should be shorter than a semes- will be making appearances
needs. The program will then wishes can do so to the follow- According to Physical Edu- ter.” for moral support, and pos-
help Wood to continue with in- ing address: cation Chair Janice Kuklick, Now that Mejia has gradu- sibly to steal a bit of media
tensive rehabilitation. the test is for survival, not pro- ated, is she glad she knows how attention for himself.
“Many people are impressed Michael Wood ficiency. Students must com- to swim? “Yes, I’m happy that While the freshly turned
with his progress and can’t be- Room 494 plete a head-first entry into the I learned how to swim and ful- fall season breezes in, why
lieve that his accident was only a Moss Rehabilitation Center deep end of the pool, swim the filled the requirement,” she said not celebrate the change
little over three weeks ago,” says 60 Township Line Road length of the pool with no time and then added, “I just wish I in atmosphere with a truly
Jack Wood of his son. “He has Elkins Park, PA 19027 limit, float in the deep end for could have done it without get- spectacular event, in which
been here only three days and three minutes and tread water ting wet.” an array of colors and action
has shown the therapists and for two minutes. For Kuklick, learning to grip the senses? Be prepared
“It is so exciting to see stu- swim is about much more than to drape those Hogwarts-
dents that were once deathly entering the pool. She believes inspired scarves about your
Join The Griffin on Facebook afraid of the water swim down that students take something necks, huddle together in mu-
to the deep end, float around else away with them when they tual muggle camaraderie, and
for awhile and swim back,” learn to swim: “I think that they fly away with your imagina-
Catch news updates between issues
Kuklick said. “I know that realize that by facing their fears, tion as the Griffins embark
on The Griffin’s facebook. Search for some students have real fear of they can accomplish anything on yet another adventure in
“The Griffin”. the water, but they face it and that they put their mind to.” this 2010 Quidditch spell.
overcome it. Everyone who has
The Griffin 4

Philadelphia Welcomes Gaga

JESSICA O’NEILL dress and the soy milk police will come after me.” dresses to bikinis), which proved that Lady Gaga is
‘13 The Monster Ball was a “Wizard of Oz”-like jour- a fabulous performer. She also had a five-piece band
______________________ ney where Lady Gaga got lost on her way to the tour and 10 backup dancers. During a soulful piano ver-
On Sept. 14, one of the world’s biggest pop and fought the “Fame Monster,” a concept which be- sion of “Speechless,” Gaga stopped to “vow to sing
stars came to Philadelphia in her first concert since gan on her latest EP of the same name. The Monster every single note live for the rest of my life.”
the MTV Video Music Awards, where she won eight Ball ventures through the city, subway, forest, and a The show ended with a performance of MTV’s
Moon Men. concert venue. It’s a place where “all the freaks and Video of Year, “Bad Romance.” Lady Gaga asked
During her two-hour show, Lady Gaga spoke of outsiders” do not worry about “where you come from her audience if they had “had the time of their lives”
religion, sex, politics, insecurities, and recent events. or who you are because you can be whoever it is you and told them to “dance to the video of the year.” All
Of her controversial meat dress, she said, “What’s want to be,” and “the Monster Ball will set you free.” in all, it was a fantastic show that had so many sur-
everyone’s big problem with my meat dress? Haven’t Eighteen songs were performed and 10 costumes prises. Lady Gaga never ceases to amaze her “Little
they seen me wear leather? Next time, I’ll wear a tofu were worn (elaborate outfits from lampshade-like Monsters.”

October brings plethora of new movies

AIZAZ GILL instead it promises to be morally complex journey that ent as Jack Mabrey wants to settle one last case before
‘14 will have you questioning along the way. he ends his days as a parole officer. Unfortunately, his
___________________________ last case involves a manipulating arsonist who will do
In preparation for Halloween, Hollywood feels the The Social Network – Releasing October 1 anything to get out of prison. A stellar cast and an in-
need to flood your local movie theatres with their stock teresting premise makes Stone one of the better bets
of scary movies. This year promises to be even worse Let’s be honest here, the world didn’t really need for October.
after Paranormal Activity turned out to be last year’s a movie about Facebook. However, Hollywood just
surprise success story. Which movies deserve your hard couldn’t keep its hands off the goldmine that has be- Saw VII or Saw 3D – Releasing
earned cash? Find out! come one of the world’s largest social networking sites. October 29
Consequently, we have Jesse Eisenberg (Zom-
Let Me In – Releasing October 1 bieland) playing Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Face- October wouldn’t be complete without the team be-
book, in a dramatized version of the creation of the hind the Saw movies trying to milk their franchise for
The trailers and synopsis of the movie show a bul- website. Directed by David Fincher (Fight Club) the all it’s worth. This time the gimmick–umm... attraction
lied boy becoming friends with a young vampire. In an movie tells the story of how getting 500 million friends is that you can watch survivors of Jigsaw band together
age where Twilight has become popular, that doesn’t can earn you a few powerful enemies along the way. and try to escape from the violence and torture all over
quite sound scary. That is until you realize that Direc- again, but you get to see it in 3D!
tor Matt Reeves (Cloverfield) doesn’t have his vampires Stone - Releasing October 7
sparkle or abstain from drinking blood. Paranormal Activity II –
On the contrary, the vampire in this movie has ter- The film brings together two of the best actors from Releasing October 22
rorized the small town of Los Alamos, N.M. with a hor- different generations: Edward Norton (playing a con-
rifying killing spree. Upon finding out that among the victed arsonist) and Robert De Niro (an aging parole After last year’s success, there was no way a movie
victims are those who had bullied him, our protagonist officer) get locked in a battle of wills that threatens to studio would actually pass up on a sequel that costs rela-
is forced to face the fact that his new best friend isn’t shatter three different lives. tively little to make. Oren Peli (the director for the origi-
quite what she seems. Based off a best-selling novel, Let If you watch movies, you will notice that most mov- nal movie) isn’t reprising his role and plot details are be-
Me In doesn’t just appear to be mindless horror fare; ies have a thing for “one last time”. This is no differ- ing kept secret. You can do the math about this sequel.
5 The Griffin

Style Spotter: CHC Edition

“Style is what you make it. It’s the only way you can express yourself without speaking or writing.”- Leslie Zemnick, ‘11

Melissa Anderson-McDonald, ‘13

Heidi Forney, ‘13 Leslie Zemnick, ‘11 Liam Kelly, ‘11 Olivia Marcinka, ‘13
Favorite store: “Vintage, Thrift, Ur- Favorite Store: “All over. Small Favorite Store: “Wherever that has Favorite Store: H&M, Gap
ban Outfitters.” stores, boutiques, but mostly J.Crew and clothes that fit me well, look good, and Favorite article of clothing: “I am
Favorite article of clothing: “White Ann Taylor.” I can afford.” not opposed to wearing my red scarf.”
faux-mohair jacket from French Con- Favorite article of clothing: “Lip- Favorite article of clothing: “My
nection.” stick.” shoes (pictured above), they look like
something the Pilgrims wore.”

“If you liked it then you
shoulda put a case on it.”
“The stillness in the air
when I turn off the Xbox
“It’s really hard being so
self aware. #liberalarts-
is the silent scream of
-@ceoSteveJobs wasted life.”

Hideaway Music is a local music store lo-

cated just before the Chestnut Hill West (R8)
train station. Mango is an eclectic womenswear
The store carries everything from vintage store located in the heart of Chestnut
vinyl for the hipster in all of us to CD’s for Hill. Described by the owners as “the
your ride to school. In addition to the tunes, hippie store on the hill,” the many of-
they also carry the equipment you need to ferings have a very bohemian attitude.
listen to them, from speakers to old-school The trendy store offers everything
record players. from clothing to shoes to jewelry. It’s
Every month from November forward we a great stop for a quirky gift, a great
will be featuring a new release section chosen pair of shoes, or a beautiful new coat.
by the shop owner himself, Brian Reisman.

Bleu Lane, ‘12 Bleu Lane, ‘12

October Going Out Guide

Records 101 Sideluck Potshow CHAT and FADD’s NOVEMBER 6
Halloween Dance Terror Behind the Walls
Where: Hideaway Music in Where: Philadelphia Photo Arts
Chestnut Hill Center, Cranes Art Building Where: The Griffin’s Den Where: Eastern State Peniten-
When: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. When: 7 p.m. When: 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. tiary
Admission: Free Admission: Supply of either food Admission: $3 with costume, $5 When: 7p.m. to 12 a.m.
or drink without Admission: $20 - $30
In a live demonstration and
discussion of the resurgence of This event is for the art apprecia- Put on your best Halloween get- Consistently found on top ten
records,Hideaway will host Frank tor. Originally based in a Seattle up and dance the night away with haunted attractions lists, Ter-
Dominici. He has been collect- backyard, the event is finally a DJ set, refreshments, and the rorBehind the Walls surely won’t
ing, analyzingand restoring vinyls coming to Philly. Guests are in- finest costumes this side of the disappoint. Eastern State is one
and the equipment used to play vited to a Potluck dinner for the Wissahickon. of thenation’s most historic
them for 37 years. first two hours of the event, with prisons and has been found truly
a 9 p.m. photography slideshow haunted. Look out for more than
following. just the actors.
6 The Griffin

Subjective Scrutiny

Affirmative ing within our boarders that

they may practice their religion
asked for the permission to
build a church on the grounds
DORIAN G. freely. of Auschwitz. The idea that a
______ We, as a nation, have made terrorist cell will be operating
Ground Zero is as close to many mistakes. We have prac- out of a mosque is far-fetched.
our hearts as Arlington Cem- ticed slavery, hunted witches, Muslims deeply respect their
etery. We all felt the loss on and nearly exterminated the holy places, any Muslim func-
September 11th, some more Native Americans. Are we re- tioning within the mosque I
than others. The fact is though, ally ready to let our judgment doubt would be terrorist.
that in those masses of peo- be clouded by our sadness so I will concede to one point,
ple, there were Muslims dying as to deprive fellow Americans if the Islamic faith would truly
alongside everyone else. The life, liberty, and the pursuit of like to start healing wounds,
mad men that engineered that happiness? it might not be a bad idea to
disaster where extremists. This I can empathize with people move the location even a few
does not mean that the Muslim who are upset about the act of blocks further away. The key
faith is a negative thing. building a Mosque at Ground to this resolution should be
We founded this great nation Zero. The usual arguments are negotiation however it seems
in part for religious freedom, that they are building it as a vic- to be stubbornness, anger and
we made a point of emphasiz- tory memorial or that they will frustration that are the driving
ing equality in our legal docu- plan another attack from these forces in this debate.
ments, and yet we continue to new head quarters. These are I will never say that we need
Travis Wolfe ‘12 persecute others for their race, fabrications on the part of ig- to move on from September
religion, and political beliefs. norance. Mosques were never 11th but I will say that we need

Inside Track
The truth is that we are all used to symbolize a great vic- to be open to the idea of for-
sill hurt, but is that any rea- tory. They were used to mark giveness. My hope is that one
son to deny others the chance the dead; it is a sign of remem- day we will end this War on
From News... about school and also what they to practice their religion? We brance. Believe it or not the Terror with as much vigor and
MICHAEL BRADLEY are struggling with. The coach- should never forget that it is Catholic Church did something passion as the Rose Revolution.
‘14 es then encourage the positive a right given to everyone rest- similar after WWII when they
____________ strides and set up a plan to en-

Debate: NYC Mosque

In an effort to increase the sure the negative strides soon
school’s retention rate, Chest- improve.
nut Hill College has employed Coaches help students man-
Inside Track company to coach age their time, balance their
schedules and maintain an

half of the freshman class in Islamic fanatics have killed in- ers and this constant pressure
their transition to college life. active social life on campus, nocent people in the name of from these rallies will create
“The mission [of Inside among many other things. religion, is akin to a slap in the Cordoba House into the worst
Track] is to coach students to “They give me valuable in- AIZAZ GILL face for the unfortunate victims place for a community center.
get the most out of their educa- formation like scheduling my ‘14 and their families. Children will no longer be safe,
tion in college so they can per- activities and getting me to try ________ A parent who has had to adults will be more apt to resort
sist and graduate,” coach Cath- new things out of my com- The Cordoba House, a bury their child, a widow who to violence as a form of de-
erin Sloane said. fort zone,” said freshman Kyle planned mosque and commu- has said good bye to the love fense against these protesters,
Half of the entering fresh- Krouchick. “They advise us to nity center is scheduled to be of their life, any kids that have and neighboring businesses will
man class was assigned a coach, seek out help when it is need- built two blocks away from the grown up without a parent, be forced to function in an ad-
either Catherine Sloane or Dan ed.” site of the 9/11 attacks. This shouldn’t have to witness the verse society.
Glanville, upon showing inter- The coaches offer a unique has created an uproar in the na- glorification of the very religion If the people who support
est in the college. The coach perspective to their students. tion causing both supporters that caused the death of their the building of the Cordoba
mentored students in making They have an outsider-looking- and opponents to engage in a loved ones. Even if one ignores House truly care about creat-
sure they chose to attend the in view on the students’ careers heated debate on the topic of the emotional implication, there ing a friendly community atmo-
correct school for them. that makes for a great source of whether the mosque should be are consequences to consider. sphere, then what’s the harm in
For each student who then advise and counseling. built so close to Ground Zero. If Cordoba House, which moving it?
decided to attend Chestnut While the coaching service The case for why the mosque will include a community cen-
Hill College, the coach set up a only lasts for a year, students shouldn’t be built near Ground ter for children, is built in its
weekly coaching regimen. Dur- are encouraged to use the ac- Zero, isn’t based on legality. current location, it will be a
ing each weekly ‘coaching ses- quired advice throughout their Let’s face it, the First Amend- mistake. The Center will have
sion’ students are encouraged college careers. ment of the Constitution allows created a zoo-like atmosphere
to open up to their coaches The ultimate goal of Inside every citizen the opportunity with each side fighting for their
about what they are enjoying Track is to help students excel to practice their religion freely. voices to be heard. It is unwise
during their first year at school, However, there is the matter of to expose kids of an impres-
to ensure that they are continu- respect and pragmatism to con- sionable age, to such a hostile
ing all four or more years of sider. To open a mosque two environment. The current op-
Miss your bike college at the right place. blocks away from a place where ponents will turn into protest-
or want to cruise Make your opinion heard by submit-
around Fairmount? ting letters to the editor or contributions
to The Griffin. Need a pick-me up?
Submissions become property of The
Griffin and are subject to editing for style, The Piazza Perk will be re-open-
Sign up at the clarity and space concerns.
Activities desk Submissions represent the opinions ing on Wednesday, October 13!
in the Griffin’s Den of the author(s) and do not necessarily
represent The Griffin’s position. Located on the first floor of Fitzsimmons Hall, the Perk of-
or Student Activities
Office! Please send all letters or article ideas to fers a selection of coffees to enjoy in a nice atmosphere. Bring
Olivia Marcinka at some friends and enjoy the re-opening of the Perk.
The Griffin 7

same story as the first: each club

Reid attacking each other’s penalty ar-

eas, followed by defense clearing Kirk Martyn ‘14

Phillies 2010 and Playoffs

the ball and back and forth strik-

ing by each club’s forwards.
The clock was ticking with
the score deadlocked at nil and AIZAZ GILL ness began to falter, instead of aro and manager Charlie Man-
the crowd dying to see a late,

‘14 piling up HR’s and RBI’s, the uel were forced to make some
dramatic goal by the Griffins. ________ Phillies’ batters began to rack tough decisions. Greg Dobbs,
The Eagles out-shot the Griffins Days after Philadelphia Phil- up K’s, and GIDP’s . The same once the best pinch hitter in
LORENZO CANNON-UMSTEAD throughout, but the defensive lies General Manager Ruben fans who were making bois- the Major Leagues and now a
‘14 side of the ball was impressive, Amaro had successfully traded terous claims about facing the certain strikeout, became the
___________________ including a save by Goldstein in for Roy Oswalt, a nationally-rec- hated Yankees in a rematch of recipient of many a fan’s ire and
As Family Weekend unfold- the 69th minute of play. ognized news outlet referred to last year’s World Series, started was designated to AAA. Batting
ed at Chestnut Hill College, the Anticipation built in the the Phillies as a “powerhouse”. soon to grumble after an 8-2 coach Milt Thompson, report-
Post University Eagles came to crowd on the cusp of sopho- For fans from the GM Ed Wade beginning about how the team edly a handpicked member of
challenge the Griffins in a Cen- more midfielder/forward Ryan era, what was once an unbeliev- was underachieving with a 12- Manuel’s staff, was fired in an
tral Atlantic Collegiate Confer- Lannutti’s pass to junior mid- able fantasy transformed into a 10 record at the end of April. attempt to jolt some life into
ence (CACC) contest. fielder/forward Gavin Reid. A reality. However, raised expec- Unfortunately for the Phil- the Phillies lineup. Sensing that
Prior to the game, the Eagles header to break the stalemate tations have accompanied the lies and their fans, the team’s a coaching change may not be
were building up intensity with followed, with the Griffins tak- team’s recent successes–a win troubles with injuries and in- enough to breathe new life into
war chants from the team and ing the lead 1-0 in the 86th min- in the 2008 World Series and an consistencies were only begin- the Phillies, Amaro attempted
coaching staff, yet the Griffins ute. appearance in the subsequent ning. Over the course of the to replicate the success of the
seemed relaxed during warm- The crowd rose to their feet, year. With the addition of third season, All-Stars and veterans Cliff Lee trade by getting Hous-
ups. For most of the first half, clapped and cheered in great baseman Placido Polanco and have spent time on the Dis- ton’s ace Roy Oswalt.
both teams were moving the elation for this late, theatrical pitching ace Roy Hallady, fans abled List. Furthermore, with These moves paid off as the
ball up-field and attempting to goal by Scottish-born Reid. In and experts alike expected the bench-warmers and career Phillies found themselves on an
attack the back of the net. typical FIFA World Cup fash- Phillies to not only win the NL journeymen like Wilson Valdez eight-game winning streak and
There were missed opportu- ion, he ran toward his team’s East but dominate the National and Ross Gload not being able a 20-6 record following coach’s
nities by both teams to take ad- bench with both fists pumped in League to yet another pen- to produce runs at the fervent departure. Returning to win-
vantage, but the Griffins played front of his chest. He screamed nant. Heightened expectations pace the Phillies have become ning games, the roller coaster is
exceptional defense by clearing in victory with his teammates, have defined the team’s season. accustomed to, the holes on the on the upswing and the Phillies
the ball out of their penalty area. and they returned the emotion While injuries and an inconsis- rest of team started to become have grabbed the lead in the NL
Sophomore goalkeeper Michael to him in great appraisal. tent batting lineup have played more prominent. The bullpen Wild Card.
Goldstein and the Griffins’ de- The Final score was 1-0 as their part, fans’ expectations led by Brad Lidge, whose fan- The message resonated with
fense did an excellent job keep- the Griffins went on to defeat have set the tone for this up- bestowed nickname “Heart the team as they earned a 21-6
ing the Eagles from scoring. the Eagles in this conference and-down baseball season. Attack” speaks volumes, was record in September on their
The second half was the match. The Griffins stand 6-2 Like the beginning of an considered shaky coming into way to a 4th straight division
and 4-1 Conference play. exciting roller coaster ride, the the season. As the season con- title. Combined with the fact

Women’s Tennis
Phillies season had an incredible tinued, it became clear that the Phillies are the healthiest
start. Chase Utley, Ryan How- “shaky” was an understatement. they have been since April, the
ard, Jayson Werth, or any Phillie If the batting inconsisten- NL East champions will be be
Continued from 8 for that matter, was tearing the cies and bullpen woes weren’t tough competition for any team
After twelve sets the girls The second set was all Parapou- cover off the ball. Fans were enough, the Phillies also had in the playoffs. Their starting
were tied at six sets each. It was ras’s as she continued to have feeling downright giddy at the to deal with ineptitude from rotation will be a tough con-
then to be settled through a tie- the momentum from the first thought of watching this dev- the bottom half of their start- tender for any team in a five
break where Parapouras, regain- set and was easily able to beat astating lineup for 162 games. ing rotation. Collectively, Kyle or seven-game playoff series:
ing the form and power that her opponent with a final of Then came the first drop on Kendrick (11-10), Blanton (9- ace Halladay, Cole Hamels; and
she showed earlier, managed to 6-1. the roller coaster: they lost their 6), and Moyer (9-9) had an av- Oswalt. Phillies fans have rea-
take the lead. She was able to Despite Parapouras’ win, the star shortstop Jimmy Rollins to erage ERA of 4.99 at on point. son to be optimistic once more:
hold that lead and, with some team finished against Concordia an ankle injury. Suddenly, the Faced with criticism from the summit of the 2010 Phillies
well placed shots and powerful with a 1-8 loss and fell to 3-2 in lineup that fans and experts be- blogs, message boards, newspa- campaign roller coaster is draw-
strokes, won the first set 7-6. conference play and 4-4 overall. lieved to be destined for great- pers and sports talk radio, Am- ing near.

Asterisk (*) indicates a CACC contest game. Upcoming home game calendar For more information, go to

6 Oct. Women’s Soccer 20 Oct. Women’s Soccer

Women’s Tennis vs. Wilmington University* Women’s Volleyball vs. St. Thomas Aquinas College
vs. Holy Family University Soccer Field 3:30 p.m. vs. Philadelphia University*
Soccer Field 6:30 p.m.
Tennis Courts 4 p.m. 13 Oct. Sorgenti Arena 7 p.m.
Women’s Volleyball Women’s Tennis 23 Oct. 30 Oct.
vs. Lincoln University vs. Georgian Court University* Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Women’s Volleyball
Sorgenti Arena 7 p.m. Tennis Courts 4 p.m. Cabrini College Invitational vs. Concordia College*
9 Oct. 14 Oct. Radnor, PA 12 p.m.
Men’s & Women’s Golf Men’s Soccer Women’s Soccer Sorgenti Arena 12 p.m.
vs. Philadelphia U & University of the vs. Holy Family University* vs. Bloomfield College* 2 Nov.
Sciences in Philadelphia Plymouth-Whitemarsh 6:30 p.m. Soccer Field 1 p.m. Women’s Volleyball
ACE Club 1 p.m. Women’s Volleyball Men’s Soccer
vs. Bloomfield College* vs. Nyack College*
Women’s Soccer vs. Goldey-Beacom College*
vs. Felician College* Sorgenti Arena 7 p.m. Soccer Field 3 p.m. Sorgenti Arena 7 p.m.
Soccer Field 1 p.m. 17 Oct. 25 Oct. 7 Nov.
Men’s Soccer Men’s & Women’s Cross Country Men’s Soccer
Men’s & Women’s Cross Country
vs. Felician College* University of Delaware Blue & Gold vs. Bloomsburg University
Soccer Field 3 p.m. Invitational Plymouth-Whitemarsh 6:30 p.m. CACC Championship Meet
12 Oct. Newark, DE 12 p.m. 28 Oct. Belmont Plateau, Philadelphia 12 p.m.
8 The Griffin
Current Record Men’s Soccer 7-4
Men’s Cross Country Women’s Soccer 8-1-2
On 10/2, team placed 6 of 14. Women’s Volleyball 3-14
Women’s Cross Country
On 10/2, team placed 9 of 13. For more information, visit:
On 9/20, 3rd of 3 vs. Penn State Abing-
*Current as of 10/4
ton & Villanova

Left, Junior Lauren Brown attempts to intercept the ball from a Post University Player. At right, Sophmore Keeper Jess Veazey intercepts and returns the ball into play.
Photos taken by Jess O’Neill ‘10

Women’s Soccer Scores 4-0 win took possession of ball early, The Griffins are looking to
KYLE BACHMANN the Griffins to continue to apply and gave her teammates the op-
‘10 pressure to a struggling Eagles portunity to increase the lead. and kept attacking the defense improve on their previous sea-
___________ squad. Later in the first half, the The Griffins held a three- throughout the contest. son after getting a taste of the
The atmosphere was electric Griffins were able to take con- goal advantage early in the sec- On the defensive side, playoffs. The team feels pre-
as junior forward Lauren Riff trol with a 2-0 lead after Riff ond half off a header from se- sophomore goalkeeper Jessica pared to surpass their run last
added a hat trick and an assist to made her second goal of the af- nior midfielder Tara Morey just Veazey and senior goalkeeper year and challenge for the cham-
her impressive career. The Grif- ternoon tricking two defenders passing the outstretched arm of Caitlin Lafferty combined for pionship.
fins defeated Post University of a pass. the Eagles’ goalkeeper. Towards four saves; the shutout gave The Griffins have both tal-
Eagles 4-0 on September 25, Head Coach Seamus the end of the second half, Riff Veazey her fifth for the season. ent and depth on this year’s
another win in the team’s un- O’Connor was impressed with scored with just one defender Veazey was impressed with team. O’Connor feels confident
defeated Central Atlantic Colle- play of the Griffins, particular- to complete the hat trick. When the Griffins’ defense only allow- that the teams five-game win
giate Conference record of 5-0 ly Riff ’s hat trick that took the asked what the team’s game plan ing Post University four shots streak will continue with the tal-
and overall 6-1-1. Post University Eagles out of is, Riff laughed. “No specific through the 90-minute game. ent the team currently has. “I
The Griffins applied pres- the game. “Lauren Riff doesn’t game plan, always plan to win,” “I think we played really well think the depth of our squad
sure on the Eagles early with need too many chances to score, she said. defensively. Our overall perfor- can perform well and prepare to
a goal by Riff in the first few and it shows,” O’Connor said. The overall play was impec- mance was really good,” Veazey get better to play other teams,”
minutes. This set the tempo for Riff had seven shots on goal cable for the Griffins. They said. O’Connor said.

Both players had some well-placed shots

Women’s Tennis but the other team managed to intercept
most and hit winners down the line. Re-
Men’s lacrosse starts new coach
Faces Concordia fusing to give up, the pair fought hard
and held their service game at 3-0 to
ter season in the conference this year.
With the right coach, the team could
College go to 3-1. Concordia managed to break
again, despite a strong effort by Shcher-
After a challenging first season and
likely compete for a top-five position
at the end of the season. “We are still a
MARILEE GALLAGHER bakova and Dennis, and were able to win former Head Coach Richard Carrington’s very young team and we believe we have
‘14 the match with a final of 7-4. resignation, the Chestnut Hill College a much more talented team,” Terranova
_______________ CHC’s other doubles teams were also men’s lacrosse team is swiftly regaining said. “Some players will instantly chal-
Despite a valiant effort and home- in action with Maria Parapouras ‘13 and its footing and preparing to advance in lenge for a starting spot. They will have
town crowd, the Chestnut Hill College Captain Danielle Knott ‘13, while Regina the conference. to become better friends with the weight
Women’s Tennis Team came up short Doherty ‘13 and Kristen Wasson ‘13 took Former Assistant Coach and Recruit- room.”
against Concordia College, managing to on the remaining Concordia lineup but ing Coordinator Mike Terranova will The team has made several improve-
win only one out of the nine matches met similar results. Parapouras and Knott take over as interim head coach for the ments over the summer and look to con-
played. managed to keep it close at first but in upcoming fall semester, understanding tinue to go up in the rankings. “Our team
The Griffins faced an undefeated the end were overpowered as Concordia some of the grueling challenges his re- looks more polished and stronger this
Concordia on Sept. 25 for the first time took the match 7-4. Doherty and Wasson turning athletes will endure this season. season,” said Terranova. “The work ethic
this season in their second conference also lost with a score of 0-7. “There are some feelings of abandon- they picked up from last season came a
game. After beating opponent Post Uni- With doubles action on the books, ment,” he said of Carrington’s departure. long way as they help mentor some of
versity, the team hoped to carry some of the Griffins still hoped to win the overall Director of Athletics Lynn Tubman the incoming freshmen to the program.”
the winning momentum over to Satur- match. All six girls took to the court at has recruited some well-known coaches Looking forward, the team is prepar-
day’s matches. the same time and one by one they were to interview for head coach. “The big de- ing to win at the Head Strong event at
The Griffins opened doubles play defeated by the Concordia team with one termination will be with the head coach Ridley High School. The Griffins will be
with two Central Atlantic Collegiate Col- exception: Parapouras ‘13 was the lone position,” Terranova said. “Lynn Tub- the lone Division II team competing in
lege (CACC) players of the week. Fresh- hope for CHC to avoid a shutout and man will be interviewing coaches from the event. Both Terranova and the team
man Kelly Dennis, CACC player of the opened up her singles match on a good the top five in Division I and II, and are confident that the Head Strong event
week for Sept. 13 and Sophomore Nastia note. some from the professional level.” from October 9th and 10th will be the
Shcherbakova, CACC rookie of the week “Tennis” Terranova explains that there are first in a series of wins after a challeng-
for Sept. 19 served to start the match. continued on page 7 challenges with a young team, but both ing first year. “The team has come a long
players and staff are optimistic for a bet- way,” he said.

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