The document provides a sample reading passage and questions about ladybugs that could appear on the Indonesian National Exam (UN) in 2019/2020. It covers three levels of questions - identifying details from the passage, completing a sentence based on the passage, and drawing a conclusion from the passage. The reading passage is a short descriptive text about ladybugs that discusses their origins, predators of aphids and insects, colors, and effects on grape harvests and wine production.
The document provides a sample reading passage and questions about ladybugs that could appear on the Indonesian National Exam (UN) in 2019/2020. It covers three levels of questions - identifying details from the passage, completing a sentence based on the passage, and drawing a conclusion from the passage. The reading passage is a short descriptive text about ladybugs that discusses their origins, predators of aphids and insects, colors, and effects on grape harvests and wine production.
The document provides a sample reading passage and questions about ladybugs that could appear on the Indonesian National Exam (UN) in 2019/2020. It covers three levels of questions - identifying details from the passage, completing a sentence based on the passage, and drawing a conclusion from the passage. The reading passage is a short descriptive text about ladybugs that discusses their origins, predators of aphids and insects, colors, and effects on grape harvests and wine production.
The document provides a sample reading passage and questions about ladybugs that could appear on the Indonesian National Exam (UN) in 2019/2020. It covers three levels of questions - identifying details from the passage, completing a sentence based on the passage, and drawing a conclusion from the passage. The reading passage is a short descriptive text about ladybugs that discusses their origins, predators of aphids and insects, colors, and effects on grape harvests and wine production.
. DASAR 6. Menyusun Lady birds or Ladybugs are insects from Disajikan teks berupa Which statement is correct about the a family of coccinellidae. "Ladybirds" is deskriptif dan siswa dapat quality of wine production?.. teks deskriptif derived from Britain. The insects are memahami isi dari bacaan a. Ladybirds attack the farmers. lisan dan tulis, known as the lady beetle. The word tersebut. b. Ladybirds destroy the harvest. sangat pendek Coccinellid is a Latin word means scarlet. c. The grape farmers hate ladybirds. dan d. The wine production is postponed sederhana, Ladybirds are known as predators of by ladybirds. aphids and scale insects. They are terkait orang, purely carnivorous but some species in binatang, dan the sub family Epilachninal are benda, dengan herbivores and can be very destructive memperhatik agricultural pests. They can damage the harvests. an fungsi sosial, Ladybugs are bird's prey besides frogs, struktur teks, wasps, spiders, and dragonflies. Their dan unsur bright color discourages some potential predators to attack them. This kebahasaan, phenomenon is called aposematism. The secara benar predators learn by experience that 'good dan sesuai looking prey', associates to bad taste. konteks These insects produce an allcalloid toxin when the predators attack them.
Ladybirds bite people and cause allergic
reactions. In the grape orchard, they can ……. the wine's production becomes poor. 6. Menyusun Lady birds or Ladybugs are insects from Disajikan teks berupa Ladybirds bite people and cause UK a family of coccinellidae. "Ladybirds" is deskripsi dan siswa mampu allergic reactions. In the grape teks deskriptif derived from Britain. The insects are melengkapi kalimat tidak orchard, they can ……. the wine's lisan dan tulis, known as the lady beetle. The word lengkap yang diparafrase production becomes poor. sangat pendek Coccinellid is a Latin word means scarlet. dengan kata sambung. Which the correct preposition to dan complete the sentnces . sederhana, Ladybirds are known as predators of a. Cause aphids and scale insects. They are b. But terkait orang, purely carnivorous but some species in c. Although binatang, dan the sub family Epilachninal are d. so benda, dengan herbivores and can be very destructive memperhatik an fungsi agricultural pests. They can damage the harvests. sosial, struktur teks, Ladybugs are bird's prey besides frogs, dan unsur wasps, spiders, and dragonflies. Their kebahasaan, bright color discourages some potential secara benar predators to attack them. This phenomenon is called aposematism. The dan sesuai predators learn by experience that 'good konteks looking prey', associates to bad taste. These insects produce an allcalloid toxin when the predators attack them.
Ladybirds bite people and cause allergic
reactions. In the grape orchard, they can ……. the wine's production becomes poor. 6 Menyusun Lady birds or Ladybugs are insects from Disajikan teks berupa Based on the text, we can a family of coccinellidae. "Ladybirds" is deskripsi dan siswa mampu conclude …. teks deskriptif derived from Britain. The insects are menalar apa kesimpulan dari a. Lady birds can be found all over lisan dan tulis, known as the lady beetle. The word teks tersebut. the world sangat pendek Coccinellid is a Latin word means scarlet. b. Some species of lady birds are dan the farmer’s enemy sederhana, Ladybirds are known as predators of c. Ladybugs feed on birds, wasps, aphids and scale insects. They are spiders and dragonflies terkait orang, purely carnivorous but some species in d. People will be shocked when binatang, dan the sub family Epilachninal are ladybirds bite them benda, dengan herbivores and can be very destructive memperhatik agricultural pests. They can damage the harvests. an fungsi sosial, Ladybugs are bird's prey besides frogs, struktur teks, wasps, spiders, and dragonflies. Their dan unsur bright color discourages some potential predators to attack them. This kebahasaan, phenomenon is called aposematism. The secara benar predators learn by experience that 'good dan sesuai looking prey', associates to bad taste. konteks These insects produce an allcalloid toxin when the predators attack them.
Ladybirds bite people and cause allergic
reactions. In the grape orchard, they can ……. the wine's production becomes poor.