70% - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 30% - International Mission Fund
70% - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 30% - International Mission Fund
70% - Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 30% - International Mission Fund
the hay. This picture, however, bears little
resemblance to what happened that night.
In fact, Luke is at pains to contrast the
humiliation of Christ’s arrival with the
power, prestige, and privilege of Caesar
Augustus and the security of Rome. Jesus
came into the world squalling, naked, and
covered in afterbirth. His parents had no
place to stay because news had already
come to Joseph’s ancestral home (which
would have been filled with relatives
obligated to take them in) through
the tightly woven gossip system of
Judea that the circumstances of Mary’s
pregnancy were too shameful to warrant any
hospitality. So, Jesus was born outside, Life University Spring 2011
on the ground, with the warm pungent Life U resumes on Jan. 16 @ 5:00 pm.
smell of manure hanging in the chilly air. Some will continue and new ones
Mary delivered her first child with no will begin. Anyone can join these
anesthesia, no skilled midwife, so the night was groups even if you weren’t involved
probably not “silent,” “calm,” or in the fall. The studies that we know as
“bright,” and it completely redefined the of now that will be offered in January
word “holy.” The first recipents of and are:
witness to the glory of the Advent were 1. The Whole Counsel of God - Dr. Eric Hankins
shepherds, men whose reputation as liars and 2. Women’s Bible Study (TBD) - Janet Hankins
thieves was so ubiquitous that they weren’t 3. Women’s Explorers - Study of Genesis - Jan. 9
allowed to give testimony in court. They lived 4. Men’s Explorers - Study of Genesis - Jan. 9
their whole lives outside - geographically, 5. Men’s Fraternity:The Quest for Authentic Manhood
socially, morally, religiously. And so 6. Men’s Bible Study - Jim Propes
Jesus was born outside, to outsiders, for The Book of Judges: Building Israel
in a city of inf luence. ”
Youth Stuf f Our Fam i ly
Breakfast Club Budget Report-November 2010
Tuesday, Dec. 7 @ Chick-Fil-A @ 6:30 am. Budget $133,552.08
Tuesday, Dec. 14 @ CLC @ 6:30 am. Great Building $ 25,435.33
fellowship and a devotion. Buses leave for Designated $ 17,721.00
school @ 7:15 am. T o t a l $176,708.41
Youth Worship Building Funds Given to date: $5,126,586.73
Wednesdays @ 6:00 pm. Great friends, great
Redeem the Time to Date: $1,768,828.06
fun, great music!
Youth Christmas Event Family Bible Study
Sunday, December 12
Milestones Journey Conference N o v . 7 , 2 0 1 0 - 5 9 2 Nov. 14, 2010 - 637
Sunday, January 9 @ 5:00 pm. A conference Nov. 21, 2010 - 508 Nov. 28, 2010 - 515
designed to equip the generations to grow New Members
spiritually and to lead the next generation Penny Nelson; Payton & Gini Bramlett; Gene &
toward spiritual maturity. This conference
Kim Yi, John & Joshua; Michael & Kinney Ferris
is for all parents and adults.
******************************************** Deacons of the Week
2010 Contributions N o v . 2 8 - D e c . 4 - L a r r y L i t t l e , R i c k M i z e ,
In order to receive credit for charitable contribu- Victor Newell, Breese Quinn
tions made in 2010, they must be received in the Dec. 5-11 - Glenn Wilson, Eddie Aune,
church office or have been postmarked by Dec. Anthony Hart, Steve Hurdle
31, 2010. Other contributions (stock, bonds, etc.) Dec. 12-18 - Scott Kendricks, Mark Moore,
must be transferred by Dec. 31, 2010 for credit in Michael Meurrier, Don Buchanan
2010. Electronic transfers need to be made by Dec. Dec. 19-25 - Mitchell Diggs, Jeff Evans,
29 in order to provide clearance by Dec. 31. For
Brad Golmon, Keith Scruggs
more info on contributions, contact Pat Freeman or
Dec. 26-Jan. 1 - Stan Abel, Taylor Boone,
Robert Allen at 234-3515. All donations to FBC are
handled according to IRS rules and regulations. Bubba Robinson, Chris Riley
******************************************** Our Sympathies
F i n a n c i a l P e a c e U n i v e r s i t y ( FPU ) To Todd Warrington and family in the loss
This a a 13-week class that begins on Wed., Jan. of his mother, Mrs. Gladys Warrington.
26, @ 5:45 pm in room 312. FPU will help families
and individuals change their family tree forever,
beat debt and build wealth, and provide personal
Senior Adult XYZ Ministry
financial control and security within their home. On Tuesday, December 7, the Senior Adult XYZ Ministry
************************************************ will be having their annual Christmas program in the
E n g l i s h a s a S e c o n d L a n g u a g e ( ESL ) Fellowship Hall at 11:00 am. The program will feature
ESL is a ministry to those who would like to better David Kincaid and daughter Olivia as well as Abbie and
learn and speak the English language. It is led by Gracie Swartzendruber with their violins. Lunch will be
Thomas Herrington & others on Wednesdays @ 6:00 served after the program. Invite a friend, come & join us
pm in room 305. ESL resumes on Wed. night, Jan 5. for a wonderful time of Christmas fellowship!
GEMS Ministry
GEMS is for women who desire an Upward Basketball
intimate walk with the Lord as they learn and Cheerleading
& apply Biblical principles found in Titus 2. Practices start the week of
G E M S m e e t s o n t h e 2 nd T u e s d a y e a c h m o n t h f r o m Dec. 6. Your coach will be
6:30-9:30 pm at the home of Stephanie Garneau. contacting you with the
For more info, please contact Stephanie at gems@ night and time your team
bellsouth.net or visit www.thegemministry.com. practices. For info call 234-3515.
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The Messenger
This Month
Dec 5 - An Oxford Christmas: “Let There Be Dec 18 - Upward Game Day@ the Tad
Light!” at the Ford Center @ 6:00 pm Pad @ 3:00 pm
Dec 12 - Bible Drill Christmas Party and Dec 24 - Christmas Eve Lord’s Supper
Review Day after 11:00 Service Services @ 4:30 and 6:00 pm
- Youth Christmas Event
No PM Activities Dec 26 - No PM Sunday Services