November 2, 2008: All Souls

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November 2, 2008 All Souls

Readings for Mass Catholic Charities Hurricane Relief Fund Relief

November 2, 2008 November 9, 2008 Our 2nd collection next week, November 8-9, will be for
Catholic Charities’ Hurricane Relief Fund. Relief efforts in
1st Reading Wis 3:1-9 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 the wake of Hurricanes Gustav and Ike have seriously de-
2 Reading Rom 5:5-11 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 pleted the funds available for disaster assistance, and Catho-
lic Charities has issued a call for help. Just as we did in the
Gospel Jn 6:37-40 Jn 2:13-22 aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, we are conducting a 2nd col-
lection to help defray the expenses Catholic Charities has
incurred to provide disaster relief for the residents of the
Adult Choir Rehearsals!
Gulf Coast who were affected by these devastating storms.
Thursday, Nov. 6th AND Tuesday, Nov. 11th
Please help us support their vital work.
Youth Choir Rehearsals! Fair Trade coffee, tea, and chocolate will go
Sunday, Nov. 2nd - Rehearsal
Sunday, Nov. 9th - Rehearsal on sell after all the masses on November 8th
and 9th. Drop by our table. All profit goes
SPORTS TICKER...Fr. Vic was back in the lineup but even our skillful to Catholic Relief Services, Christian Foun-
pastor was not enough to give our men's basketball team a win as we dation for Children and Aging, and Heifer
went down to defeat to St. Mary Magdalene 48-27 in CML action last
weekend. Brandon Hellenbrand burned the nets for 13 to lead our of-
fensive effort but he got little help as we fell to our Newnan neighbors.
We will try again on Sunday, November 2 when we take on the league Calendar of Upcoming Events
leading undefeated Our Lady of Lourdes scoring machine at 2 p.m. at
the Mercy gym. Our team can sure use your support and admission is November 4 9:30AM Church Cleaning
free so plan to bring the family out to cheer on our dedicated men.
November YAM Calendar See Bulletin Board
We welcome the following
Religious Education News GIFTED in Christ
Fr. Vic begins the series: Timeline
“Altar and Table: An In-Depth Journey through the Mass” As you have been reading in the bulletin for the past few weeks,
Fr. Vic invites you to be part of an eight-part study of the source
the St. Matthew parish family is embarking on a new journey, one
and summit of our Catholic life. Beginning Monday evening, No-
which will focus our attention on “congregational engagement”.
vember 3, at 7:00 p.m., and continuing Mondays and Wednesdays
Below is a timeline detailing some upcoming important events.
through December 1st (with no session on November 26th due to
the Thanksgiving Holiday), our Pastor will guide adults and
You’ll want to mark these dates on your calendars. You are each
young adults through the history, structure, meaning, symbolism, invited to participate in our Gallup ME25 TM engagement survey
and reality that is the Sacrament and the Sacrifice of the Mass. very soon. You have, hopefully, received your letter from Father
Even if you haven't signed-up you are still welcome to attend Vic detailing the importance of this survey. This survey will give
these sessions. you an opportunity to share your opinions about some critical
areas of parish life here at St. Matthew. About a month after the
survey is administered, we will receive our results from the Gallup
All confirmed teens of Saint Matthews! Saint Matthew Parish has a
Organization. You are an important member of this parish. There-
group for you. SMAT7 stands for Saint Matthew's Anointed
Teens with the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our purpose is to help
fore, your input is very valuable, so we ask that you make it a pri-
Confirmed Catholic teens at Saint Matthew Parish, maintain an ority to complete this survey. After learning of our results in De-
ongoing relationship with their faith, create opportunities for faith cember, you will then have the opportunity to begin participating
formation, and provide a community for sharing and learning in a small group program we have named /GIFTED in Christ/.
with other Catholic teens year round. We meet on the first and This 4-week small group process focuses on helping you to dis-
third Thursdays of the month from 7-9 PM for fun, fellowship, cover your God-given talents and encourages you to take those
and planning. We meet at the homes of different teens in the Par- talents, grow them into strengths and begin applying them in all
ish, and occasionally other places. To find out about our next areas of your life. Many opportunities are just on the horizon for
meeting and location, contact Todd Wilmore at 678-850-6552 or each of us to strengthen our commitment to being true disciples of
email Jesus Christ. Let us remember St. Paul’s words to the Ephesians:
Women’s Faith Formation “For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good
Women's Faith Formation will meet on November 3, 2008 at 7:00 works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in
pm in the conference room at church. We continue our discussion them.” (Eph 2:10) If you have any questions about the survey, en-
of The Shack by William P. Young. All women of the parish are gagement or /GIFTED in Christ/, please contact Deacon Bill
We welcome the following Men’s Night Shelter
new parishioners to our Parish Family We were not able to attend the sign-up night, therefore we
Jose & Guillermina Cornejo Avalos have not been able to secure as many nights as usual. As of
Jose Luis & Tracy Cortez now, our first night is in late December. We will have sign-
Victor & Maria Cruz
up the weekend of November 8 & 9. Thank all for all of
Adrian & Maricela Cruz Villalobos
Francisco & Estela De La Cruz Gomez
your support. Please call Skip and Shari Diffley with any
Martha De La Cruz Gonzalez questions 770.631.4193.
Juan & Beatriz De Los Santos Reyes
Jose & Yolanda De Santos Greeting Card Drive Here Today!
Juan & Maria De Santos November 1/2, the St. Matthew Prison Ministry volunteers will
Mario De Santos be collecting unused Thanksgiving and Christmas Cards. We have
Esteban & Marcela De Santos a collection box in the Narthex. These cards are distributed to
Abel & Maricela De Santos Barboza prisoners to send to their family members. Also, we are happy to
take cards for other occasions, i.e. Birthday, as they can be used by
Visit Fr. Vic’s blog at the prisoners too. If you have questions, please contact Barbara 770.486.8745. Thank you for your kindness.

Mass Intentions Ministry Highlight

Women’s Faith Formation
Tuesday 9AM Dearly Departed
This group of women meets during the year to study various
Wednesday 6PM Dearly Departed topics of our Catholic faith, in order to foster continued spiri-
tual development through reading & discussion of books se-
Thursday 9AM Dearly Departed lected by the group. The group offers an opportunity to grow
Saturday 5PM Deceased K of C Brothers in knowledge and understanding of our Faith while building
support and fellowship with one another. Check the weekly
Sunday 8:30AM St. Matthew Parish Family Bulletin for meeting times. For more information about this
Sunday 11:00AM Dearly Departed ministry please call Sally Peters at 770.486.7374.
of The Shack by William P. Young. All women of the parish are gagement or /GIFTED in Christ/, please contact Deacon Bill
welcome. Hampton in the office or Lisa Lowther (770-463-9031).
RCIA November 8-9 & 15-16: Gallup ME25 TM Member Engagement
Our lives sometimes go through seasons of change; of closeness to Survey (for all registered members of St. Matthew, age 18 and
God and distance from him. Yet God the Father’s love is steadfast over).
and ever-present to those who seek with a sincere heart, no matter
December 10: Town hall meeting & potluck dinner---results of
what sins or situations have caused separation. If you have
ME25 TM presented to the parish.
thoughts about becoming Catholic and beginning a new “season”
in your life, contact King Cooper at (770) 774-1182 for more infor- December 13-14 & 20-21: Sign-up begins for the 4-week /GIFTED
mation. in Christ/ small group programs.
Bible Study January 2009: /GIFTED in Christ/ small groups begin for those
Daytime Bible study will continue Tuesday, November 11th from who have signed up and received their “Living Your Strengths”
10:15 to 11:30 am in room 3. All are invited. No previous experi- books.
ence is necessary. Please join us as we explore God's word to-
gether! For more information contact Doris Cooper at
770.632.0426 or Linda Spencer at 770.632.8880.
Financial Giving in our Parish Family
First Reconciliation Preparation Continues! October 26, 2008
Classes take place every Sunday afternoon from now through De-
cember 14, except for Thanksgiving holidays (November 23 & 30). Offertory $13,332.00
The children will receive the Sacrament during the Parish Com-
Given in checks & envelopes (203) $12,272.00
munal Penance Service on Thursday, December 18. We ask your
prayers for these young members of the St. Matthew Parish Fam- Parish Debt Reduction $141.00
ily as they take this next step in their spiritual journey.
No Second Collection
Sneak Preview—The Gospel of Mark
Opening in Masses Everywhere November 30th! Upcoming Second Collections
The Liturgical Year begins Sunday, November 30, and we will be-
November 2—Archdiocesan Seminarians
gin hearing the Gospel of Mark. Grab a cup of coffee and a donut
and join us in the Conference Room at 9:45 as King Cooper leads a November 9—Hurricane victims in Texas/Louisiana, etc.
discussion of the meaning, the structure, and the message of the (Catholic Charities USA)
Gospel of Mark.

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