Consultancy Services For The Feasibility Study of A Second Runway at SSR International Airport

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Executive Summary for Consultancy

Executive Summary of Bid Evaluation Report

Contract No. and Title: RFP/VH/09/02
Consultancy Services for the Feasibility Study of a
Second Runway at SSR International Airport

1. Scope of contract:

The scope of services for the preparation of the feasibility study will entail but not limited to

(a) Confirmation/Update of the air traffic forecast carried out by Intervistas in 2006.
(b) Carry out a preliminary design of the airfield pavements to determine the pavement structure
of the runway, taxiway and associated shoulders.
(c) Preparation of a detailed cost estimate for the works which should be in the accuracy range of
+10% to -10 % on the capital costs.
(d) Assess the Economic and Social impact of the runway closure.
(e) Determine the financial feasibility of the project.
(f) Assess the environmental and social impact of the second runway.
(g) Identify potential project risk.

2. Procurement method used: Open advertised bidding

3. Date of invitation of bids: Bids were advertised in the local newspapers as from 18 June 2009
and posted on AML website

4. Closing date for submission of bids: 03 August 2009 at 13h00

5. Date and place of opening of bids: 03 August 2009 at AML House Board Room

6. Number of bids received by closing date: 13

7. Selection method: Quality – Cost based selection

Executive Summary for Consultancy

8. Responsiveness of bids:

Bidder’s Name Substantially

Responsive or
1 Jacobs-Gibb Yes
2 PDNA International Yes
3 Aeroport de Paris Ingenierie (ADPi) in association with Yes
Servansingh Jadav & Partners Consulting Engineers

4 Frischmann Prabhu (India) Pvt Ltd Yes

5 Ramboll Yes
6 JV Aertec / Jeetah Consulting Ltd Yes

7 Dorsch Gruppe DC Airports in association with Yes

Luxconsult (Mtius) Ltd and Gustave Maurel & Fils.
8 WSP (UK) Yes
9 Louis Berger Group Yes
10 Capita Symonds Yes
11 Act Aerodrome Consulting Team Yes

12 Rites Limited Yes

13 Intercontinental Consultants & Technocrats Pvt Ltd in Yes
association with PBAI (Mauritius) Ltd
Executive Summary for Consultancy

9. Result of Technical Evaluation of bids that are substantially responsive:

Minimum pass marks, as set out in the Bidding Documents, is 70 points.

Evaluation Markings Markings per Bidder

Criteria Max. Jacobs-Gibb 95.13
Specific Experience of the 10 PDNA International 67.30
Consultants to the
Adequacy of proposed 30 Aeroport de Paris Ingenierie 71.86
methodology and work (ADPi) in association with
Servansingh Jadav & Partners
Consulting Engineers (SJPCE)
Key Professional staff 60 Frischmann Prabhu (India) Pvt 79.64
qualifications and Ltd
Ramboll 70.40
JV Aertec / Jeetah Consulting 82.03
Dorsch Gruppe DC Airports in 77.07
association with Luxconsult
(Mtius) Ltd and Gustave Maurel
& Fils.
WSP (UK) 74.02
Louis Berger Group 76.29
Capita Symonds 60.55
Act Aerodrome Consulting 59.02
Rites Limited 97.53
Total Marks 100 Intercontinental Consultants & 90.50
Technocrats Pvt Ltd in
association with PBAI
(Mauritius) Ltd
Executive Summary for Consultancy

10. Price Comparison, as per the marking system as set out in the Bidding Documents of those
bidders that are substantially responsive and have satisfied the minimum pass marks.
Maximum marks allocated for the financial proposal: 20 points

Bidder A. Price at Bid B. Bid Price after C. Price after Marks

opening corrections currency out of
conversion 100
1 Jacobs-Gibb MUR2,855,000.00 MUR2,855,000.00
+ + 13,844,943.00 50.63
GBP204,350.00 GBP204,350.00
2 Aeroport de MUR1,970,000.00 MUR1,970,000.00
+ + 7,009,976.80 100.00
(ADPi) in EUR108,340.00 EUR108,340.00
Jadav &

3 Frischmann MUR3,362,800.00 MUR3,362,800.00

Prabhu (India)
+ + 8,619,932.16 81.32
Pvt Ltd
EUR113,008.00 EUR113,008.00

4 Ramboll EUR 197,150.00 EUR 197,150.00 9,171,418.00 76.43

5 JV Aertec / EUR 328,160.00 EUR 328,160.00 15,266,003.20 45.92
Consulting Ltd

6 Dorsch Gruppe MUR2,875,350.00 MUR2,875,350.00 20,121,942.20 34.84

DC Airports in + +
EUR 370,735.00 EUR370,735.00
with Luxconsult
(Mtius) Ltd and
Maurel & Fils.
7 WSP (UK) GBP 843,625.00 GBP 936,530.00 50,366,583.40 13.92

Price after corrections due to arithmetic errors.
Executive Summary for Consultancy

8 Louis Berger MUR1,130,500.00 MUR1,130,500.00 9,737,937.56 71.99

Group + +
USD 260,436.84 USD 260,436.84

9 Rites Limited MUR 2,725,000.00 MUR 2,725,000.00 9,504,381.25 73.76

+ +
205,125.00 205,125.00

10 Intercontinental MUR 2,998,050.00 MUR 2,998,050.00 11,531,560.00 60.79

Consultants &
+ +
Pvt Ltd in USD USD
association 258,200.00 258,200.00
with PBAI
(Mauritius) Ltd

11. Best Evaluated Proposal:

List of Responsive Technical Financial Total Ranking

Bidder Marks out of Marks out Marks out of
80 points of 20 100
1 Jacobs-Gibb 76.10 10.13 86.23 2

2 Aeroport de Paris 57.49 20 77.49 5

Ingenierie (ADPi) in
association with
Servansingh Jadav &
Partners Consulting
Engineers (SJPCE)

3 Frischmann Prabhu 63.71 16.26 79.97 4

(India) Pvt Ltd

4 Ramboll 56.32 15.29 71.61 8

5 JV Aertec / Jeetah 65.62 9.18 74.80 7
Consulting Ltd

6 Dorsch Gruppe DC 61.66 6.97 68.63 9

Airports in association
Executive Summary for Consultancy

with Luxconsult (Mtius)

Ltd and Gustave
Maurel & Fils.
7 WSP (UK) 59.21 2.78 62.00 10
8 Louis Berger Group 61.03 14.40 75.43 6
9 Rites Limited 78.02 14.75 92.77 1
10 Intercontinental 72.40 12.16 84.56 3
Consultants &
Technocrats Pvt Ltd in
association with PBAI
(Mauritius) Ltd

12. Best Evaluated Bid:

The best evaluated bid is from RITES Ltd for the fixed sum of USD 205,125.00 and MUR
2,725,000.00 (equivalent to a total of MUR 9,504,381.25 at exchange rate of USD 1 to MUR
33.05), exclusive of VAT for Consultancy Services on the basis of the highest marks.

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