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European et al.: AofNew Scale for Measuring
PsychologicalA ssessment Adults’ Prosocialness
2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89

A New Scale
for Measuring
Adults’ Prosocialness
Gian Vittorio Caprara1, Patrizia Steca2, Arnaldo Zelli3, and Cristina Capanna1
University of Rome, “La Sapienza,” 2University of Milan, “Bicocca,” 3University of Motor Sciences, Rome, all Italy

Abstract. In the present study, the authors proposed a novel self-report 16-item scale for assessing individual differences in adult
prosocialness and tested its measurement properties by employing an item response theory (IRT) analysis of data collected from
a sample of 2,574 Italian adults. Prior work employing classical psychometric methods of analysis had already established the
reliability and validity of the instrument. The present study furthered this scrutiny by examining whether the different prosocial-
ness items were equally effective in discriminating people and equally informative; it also examined gender differences in the
functioning of the items. The results of IRT analyses strongly supported the measurement effectiveness and sensitivity of the 16
prosocialness items, and findings are discussed for their implications in behavioral assessment research on prosocialness.

Keywords: Prosocialness, assessment, item response theory

Prosocialness is an elusive topic of psychological inquiry. et al., 1999, 2002; Koestner, Franz, & Weinberger, 1990)
This elusiveness partly derives from complexities in the show few commonalities. In the present study, we devel-
construct for which, aside from its common sense meaning oped and rigorously evaluated a measure of adults’ pro-
– the set of voluntary actions one may adopt to help, take socialness with clear theoretical value and widespread
care of, assist, or comfort others –, there still exists a lively applicability to different research contexts. We first ad-
debate concerning its critical measurement and psycholog- ministered a relatively short self-report scale of proso-
ical components (Bar-Tal, 1982; Batson, 1991; Eisenberg cialness to a large population of Italian adults and then
& Fabes, 1998; Schroeder, Penner, Dovidio, & Piliavin, evaluated the new instrument’s characteristics, perform-
1995). Its elusiveness also, in part, derives from its overall ing analyses that are in accord with the principles and
heuristic value. Developmental research has clearly doc- methods of item response theory (IRT), a psychometric
umented that prosocial responding becomes relatively sta- approach that in the last two decades has been widely
ble during late childhood and early adolescence and that it employed in personality/behavioral assessment research
arises from complex developmental and psychological (Steinberg & Thissen, 1996; Van der Linden & Hamble-
processes involving attentional and evaluative processes, ton, 1997; Waller & Reise, 1989).
moral reasoning, social competence, and self-regulatory Undoubtedly, prosocial behavior has prognostic value
capacities (Caprara & Pastorelli, 1993; Eisenberg & Fabes, for individuals’ personal and social adjustment (Caprara,
1998; Krebs & Van Hesteren, 1994). Less knowledge, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli, Bandura, & Zimbardo, 2000;
however, exists with regard to the psychological meaning Caprara & Pastorelli, 1993). Research has clearly dem-
of prosocialness for personal well-being and adjustment onstrated, for instance, that an individual’s characteristic
during later stages of life. Lastly, the elusiveness of proso- prosocial behavior counteracts and protects him/her
cialness also to some extent derives from the difficulty of from experiences of depression and conduct problems,
reaching a consensus on the best assessment and measure- as well as promotes and sustains scholastic achievement
ment strategies with the most widespread applicability, es- throughout adolescence (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Ca-
pecially with respect to the assessment of adults’prosocial prara, & Pastorelli, 1996; Bandura, Caprara, Barbara-
responding. nelli, Pastorelli & Regalia, 2001; Bandura, Pastorelli,
As a result, the study of prosocialness in adulthood Barbaranelli, & Caprara, 1999; Caprara et al., 2000).
still is in its “infancy,” and the research contributions that It is in adulthood, however, that prosocial behavior
one can compile from the existing literature (Eisenberg may acquire particular importance, social meaning, and

© 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89
DOI 10.1027/1015-5759.21.2.77
78 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

heuristic value. During adulthood, in fact, one’s tenden- surement of individual differences in adults’ prosocial-
cy to act prosocially may be threatened and counteracted ness. This task might be particularly daunting given the
by interpersonal experiences (e.g., those encountered in spectrum of qualitatively different behaviors that proso-
work environments) that draw upon alternative values or cial responding may entail (e.g., helping, caring, sharing,
goals such as, for instance, competition, personal perspective-taking, empathy) and its high social desir-
achievement, and individual power. It also is in adult- ability. The issue concerning qualitatively different be-
hood that the need to be assisted, helped, and supported haviors poses a challenge for traditional methods of mea-
by others might increase in order to overcome the diffi- surement in which behaviors are typically sampled with
culties associated with aging, increasing physical limita- a single instrument and item scores are compiled and
tions, fewer opportunities for social and interpersonal aggregated into a composite scale score. This approach
contact, and loneliness. Importantly, the chances of ful- assumes that a scale score represents a reliable measure
filling these personal needs may critically rest and de- of the construct for all participants, that items belonging
pend on an adult’s own capacity to provide help, assis- to a scale are equally informative about a person’s under-
tance, and support to others, as well as to actively estab- lying trait, and that the scale can validly discriminate
lish or maintain strong social relationships (Eisenberg et people with differing trait levels.
al., 2002). As the analysis of gender differences presented above
Finally, it is also in adulthood that the relation between has suggested, these assumptions hardly can hold for
gender and prosocial responding might find its fullest prosocial responding. Furthermore, as some studies have
meaning (Belansky & Boggiano, 1994; Bussey & Ban- pointed out (Eisenberg, Carlo, Murphy, & Van Court,
dura, 1999; Eagly & Crowley, 1986). Men and women 1995), prosocial behavior may partly respond to cultural
tend to display different prosocial behaviors, and these norms and values stressing solidarity, partnership, and
differences are linked to the type of behavior being en- cooperation. Thus, it is critical that assessment of proso-
acted and the salient social situations or contexts in cialness relies on analytical strategies allowing the eval-
which one’s behavior unfolds (Eisenberg & Fabes, uation of discrimination and fidelity of single items com-
1998). For instance, men tend to be altruistic and help piled in a measurement instrument. In the present inves-
others especially when the situation calls for quick and tigation, we introduce a novel instrument measuring
decisive actions or when someone is in need of clear help adult prosocialness. The generating criteria for this in-
or is in serious danger. On the contrary, women typically strument relied heavily on the recommendations of ex-
enact their altruistic behaviors in the context of familiar isting developmental literature, which have clearly indi-
and long-term relationships in which a partner, a friend, cated how prosocialness primarily finds expression in
or a work colleague is in need of nurturance, support, actions of helping, sharing, taking care of, and feeling
caring, or emotional empathy (Eagly & Crowley, 1986). empathic with others (Caprara, Capanna, Steca, & Pa-
These and other gender differences in prosocialness ciello, in press; Caprara & Pastorelli, 1993).
probably arise from a host of psychological factors and More importantly, however, we evaluated the proper-
mechanisms ranging from the social norms associated ties and characteristics of this new instrument via a core
with gender roles (Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998; Eagly & analytical strategy, that of IRT, in which characteristics
Crowley, 1986) to the social-cognitive mechanisms reg- of items in a test (item parameters) and characteristics of
ulating gender-linked conduct consistent with gender de- individuals (latent traits) are related to the probability of
velopment and differentiation (Bussey & Bandura, a positive response (i.e., a trait-consistent endorsement
1999). Regrettably, however, this body of knowledge on of an item). Over the last decade or so, many researchers
gender differences in prosocial responding comes pri- have highlighted the advantages that IRT provides over
marily from social psychological experimental studies classical test theory (CTT) for constructing adequate per-
using adolescents and young adults and scrutinizing a sonality and cognitive ability instruments and examining
limited spectrum of prosocial behaviors and situations, their measurement characteristics (Steinberg & Thissen,
limiting, therefore, the external validity of the studies 1996; Van der Linden & Hambleton, 1997; Waller & Rei-
(see Eagly & Crowley, 1986, for a careful review; see se, 1989). Traditionally, researchers have focused on di-
also Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998). mensional models of behavior and created multi-item
instruments to assess individual differences along these
dimensions. In particular, an individual’s level on the
The Assessment of Prosocial Responding in trait dimension is typically determined by averaging or
Adults summing the responses to statements or items which are
assumed to be reliable and valid indicators of the under-
In light of the above considerations, it becomes impera- lying trait. As noted by Hambleton, Robin, and Xing
tive to attain rigor and clarity in the assessment and mea- (2000), this approach is consistent with CTT and is con-

European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89 © 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness 79

cerned with the estimation and control of error in the an individual and a group level (e.g., differences among
assessment process. The theory postulates a relation be- males and females, across ages).
tween subjects’ responses on items and the latent trait These considerations are consistent with the IRT no-
dimension, and the error is basically operationalized as tion of uneven information of an item or a test, that is,
the differences between the latent trait and the observed the fact that measurement precision is not constant across
performance This error is considered to be randomly dis- the entire trait range (i.e., is not the same for all people).
tributed across the population of interest, and also within In the context of the present investigation, for instance,
repeated measurements of the same person. some prosocialness items might be good at differentiat-
However, classical test procedures have shown some ing only among people in the high range of prosocial-
shortcomings. The first, and perhaps most critical prob- ness, whereas other prosocial behavior items might dif-
lem, is that the theory assumes an equal error of measure- ferentiate well only among people at the low or middle
ment for all examined subjects or, to put it differently, an range of prosocialness. Other prosocialness items may
equal measurement precision across all levels of the trait instead differentiate well among people situated along a
dimension under study. As noted by Lord (1984), viola- relatively broad trait range.
tion of the equal error variance assumption is almost the Conventional methods would also be problematic in
rule in most assessment contexts. A second problem is addressing the issue of whether group (e.g., gender) dif-
that the values of item statistics, as well as reliability and ferences in mean levels of prosocial behavior reflect true
validity statistics, strictly depend on the characteristics differences among the groups or, rather, the fact that
of the sample being used; unfortunately, however, sam- items combined in aggregated scores have different mea-
ples are rarely truly representative of the population of surement properties in different groups. In the present
persons for whom the test is being constructed. Finally, investigation, the properties of a new instrument for
the measurement quality of the dimensional total score, measuring adult prosocialness were evaluated according
usually evaluated by reliability indices, is affected by the to an IRT analysis of its single items and full scale. Im-
number of items included in the scale, and items on a portantly, this instrument was administered to, and data
scale are not equally informative of the underlying trait were collected from a very large population of Italian
dimension throughout the trait continuum (i.e., for peo- adults, thus, providing robustness to the findings and the
ple with different trait levels). study’s ecological validity.
The IRT analytical methods and procedures overcome In the present study, we were interested in answering
these limitations of CTT (Hambleton & Swaminathan, four specific questions, which we believe could not be
1985; Hambleton, Swaminathan, & Rogers, 1991; Hu- adequately addressed via traditional assessment proce-
lin, Drasgow, & Parsons, 1983). First, IRT analyses can dures: (1) Do different prosocialness items behave sim-
determine a test’s measurement precision at any value of ilarly, that is, are they equally discriminating and diffi-
the latent trait; that is, they provide an indication of how cult? (2) Are these items equally informative across the
the trait is precisely measured along its entire continuum. different levels of the estimated latent trait of prosocial-
Second, IRT parameters are invariant with respect to the ness? (3) What is the information provided by the full
sample characteristics from which they are generated. scale along the trait continuum? (4) Are there some dif-
Third, IRT methods can quantify the information value ferences between male and female adults in the items’
of both individual items and the overall test, and this difficulty and discrimination parameters?
information can be evaluated at any level of the latent
trait. Finally, IRT methods also permit a direct compari-
son of different sets of items or entire scales referring to
the same construct domain on the basis of their discrim- Materials and Methods
inative power.
The sample of participants in this study included 2,574
The Present Study individuals who provided complete data on the variables
of interest. The sample was balanced with respect to gen-
IRT measurement modeling can bear important implica- der (1.278 males and 1.296 females), and representative
tions for the assessment of adult prosocialness. People of the adult population with respect to age (range = 18 to
can differ substantially in their motives to act prosocially, 92 years old, mean = 44.5 SD = 17). Demographically,
in the behavioral ways they manifest these motives, and 58% of the participants were married whereas 33% of the
in the personal value they assign to the enactment of participants were single, and nearly 71% of the partici-
these behaviors. These differences might emerge at both pants had earned at least a high-school degree.

© 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89
80 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

Table 1. The sixteen items of the Prosocialness Scale for Adults. IRT and Its Application to the Assessment of
1. I am pleased to help my friends/colleagues in their activities Adults’ Prosocialness
2. I share the things that I have with my friends
3. I try to help others A core concept of IRT is that the relation between per-
4. I am available for volunteer activities to help those who are in
sons’ trait levels and their probability of endorsing a giv-
5. I am emphatic with those who are in need en item in a trait-consistent manner is expressed by a
6. I help immediately those who are in need response curve with certain characteristics. In particular,
7. I do what I can to help others avoid getting into trouble this probability is a function of a person parameter (i.e.,
8. I intensely feel what others feel θ, representing the level of the latent trait) and two item
9. I am willing to make my knowledge and abilities available to parameters, the item difficulty and the item discrimina-
tion, respectively. Illustratively, let us consider the item
10. I try to console those who are sad
11. I easily lend money or other things response curves of two hypothetical dichotomous (e.g.,
12. I easily put myself in the shoes of those who are in discomfort Yes/No) items reported in Figure 1. The levels of the
13. I try to be close to and take care of those who are in need latent trait are plotted on the horizontal axis, whereas the
14. I easily share with friends any good opportunity that comes to probability of endorsing the correct (i.e., trait-consistent)
me response for each of the two items is reported on the
15. I spend time with those friends who feel lonely
vertical axis. The item difficulty parameter (β), or “loca-
16. I immediately sense my friends’ discomfort even when it is
not directly communicated to me tion,” represents the latent trait level corresponding to a
.50 probability of endorsing the item correctly or in a
trait-consistent manner. As Figure 1 shows, the trait level
associated with a .50 probability is much lower for Item
The Instrument Measuring Adults’ 1 than for Item 2, thus indicating that Item 1 is “easier”
Prosocialness than Item 2.
The item discrimination parameter (α), or “slope,”
Table 1 shows the 16 prosocialness items that were in- represents instead the item’s ability to differentiate be-
cluded in the adult prosocialness instrument. As the table tween people at contiguous levels of the latent trait. This
shows, the items reflect behaviors and feelings that can parameter describes how rapidly the probabilities change
be traced back to one of four types of actions, namely, with trait levels. As Figure 1 shows, Item 1’s change is
sharing, helping, taking care of, and feeling emphatic much “slower” than Item 2’s change; thus, Item 1 is less
with others and their needs or requests. While the first discriminating than Item 2, because its item response
three types of actions have typically characterized the probability is relatively less responsive to changes in trait
measurement of childhood or adolescence prosocial be- levels.* It is important to note that an item’s ability to
havior, the inclusion of empathy represents a novel addi- discriminate between people with similar or contiguous
tion to the measurement of prosocialness. Such a deci- trait levels is highest in the θ trait-level region corre-
sion followed the general hypothesis that, in adulthood, sponding to the item difficulty; this indicates that items
one’s empathic motives or predispositions are not merely are not equally informative across the entire trait range.
a correlate of his or her tendency to act prosocially but, That is, some items might do a good job in discriminating
rather, an integral part of such a tendency (Caprara et al., people on the higher end of the trait continuum and be
in press; Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998). scarcely discriminative at lower ranges of the trait con-
The 16 prosocialness items were presented to the par- tinuum. In other words, an item gives more information
ticipants with the following instructions: “The following when the item difficulty parameter completely matches
statements describe a large number of common situations. a person’s latent trait (Embretson & Reise, 2000).
There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers; the best answer is The item information expresses the relation linking a
the immediate, spontaneous one. Read carefully each trait level to the item difficulty and discrimination pa-
phrase and mark the answer that reflects your first reac- rameters and can be computed for all trait values. This
tion.” For each prosocialness item, participants indicated allows the construction of the item information curve
on a five-point Likert scale whether the statement was nev- (IIC) that can be plotted to represent the information as
er/almost never true (coded as 1), occasionally true (coded a function of trait level. Across items, the item informa-
as 2), sometimes true (coded as 3), often true (coded as 4), tion curves can be summed to produce an information
and almost always/always true (coded as 5). curve for the full scale, that is, the test information curve

* When the latent trait distribution is normal, the meaning of the item discrimination parameter is similar to the meaning of the factor loading
or the item-test correlation of CTT (i.e., an item correlating highly with a scale score is a better indicator of the latent trait in CTT; an item
that has a high discrimination value is a better indicator of the latent trait in IRT).

European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89 © 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness 81

Figure 1. Item characteristic curve of a dichotomous item.

(TIC). The IIC expresses the relative precision of the in a trait-consistent manner is expressed by a series of
scale across the different levels of the trait continuum; probability curves, one for each of the response catego-
the inverse square root of the information value at a par- ries (e.g., five curves for a five-point response scale). It
ticular trait level is equal to the standard error of mea- is assumed that each response category’s probability
surement (SEM). Thus, unlike CTT, where measurement function provides the probability of endorsing that re-
precision is generally expressed by a single index (such sponse for persons at each trait level.
as Cronbach’s α), measurement precision in IRT can dif- In the present study, the instrument we developed to
fer and be evaluated for people differing in trait levels. measure prosocial responding was based on a five-point
Finally, an important characteristic of IRT methods is the response scale and, thus, required an IRT method of anal-
possibility of identifying items that are biased for or ysis for polytomous items. For our purposes, we selected
against a particular group of subjects, through the analy- the Generalized Partial Credit Model (G-PCM; Muraki,
sis of the differential item functioning (DIF). This DIF 1992, 1993, 1996), which is a potentially useful item
index is defined as the different performance on a test response model that can be adopted when the item re-
item among groups, which is not explainable by the dif- sponses can be conceptualized as ordered categories
ference across groups in the target trait. Then, a scale (e.g., Likert-type rating scales).
item displays DIF if subjects with the same latent trait [In the G-PCM a category response curve is estimated
level have different probabilities of endorsing an item in for each categorical response that represents the proba-
a particular manner. In IRT analyses, the presence of DIF bility of a subject responding in that particular category
is evaluated by comparing item parameters estimated for conditional on trait level. The category response curves
the different groups. can be written as:
Importantly, measurement instruments and items may x

have different response scale formats, and IRT methods exp ∑ αi (θ − δij)
provide clear guidelines and models for examining the j=0
Pix(θ) =
measurement characteristics of items varying in their re- M
⎛ r

sponse scale formats. With polytomous items, the rela- ∑ ⎜ ∑ αi (θ − δij)⎟⎟
tion between θ and the probability of endorsing an item r=0 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ j=0

© 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89
82 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

The δij term corresponds to the item-category parameter, curves for each response category. These probability
and it is often called the item step difficulty associated with curves can intersect, and the intersection points for con-
a category response of an item; the higher the value of a tiguous response categories correspond, as in the case of
particular δij, the more difficult a particular step is relative Categories 1 and 2, to the latent trait level at which it
to other steps within an item. If the number of response becomes more likely to endorse the higher than the lower
categories is m, only m-1 item-category parameters can be response category. As Figure 2 shows, this intersection
identified. To better understand the model consider the fol- point is located at a low level of the latent trait, indicating
lowing graphical representation of a five-category item: the relative easiness of the passage from Category 1 to
Category 2. The same reasoning applies to other re-
1–––––2–––––3–––––4–––––5 sponse categories situated at higher levels of the latent
step1 step2 step3 step4 trait (e.g., Categories 4 and 5).
In the present study, item parameters were generated
In this item, a subject must complete two steps in order for all 16 prosocial behavior items, and information
to respond in the middle category and four steps to re- functions were computed for all items and the full pro-
spond in the highest category. The δij parameters repre- socialness scale. Finally, the presence of DIFs between
sent the relative difficulty of each step. Within an item males and females was examined with respect to the dif-
some steps (or category intersections) may be easier or ficulty and discrimination parameters. All IRT analyses
more difficult than others. The δij parameters can be di- were conducted using the PARSCALE program (Muraki
rectly interpreted as the points where, on the latent-trait & Bock, 1993).
continuum, the category response curves intersect and Before performing IRT analyses, conventional (i.e.,
indicate where the response of one category becomes CTT) item and scale statistics were computed. In partic-
relatively more likely than the previous category.] ular, means, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis
Illustratively, Figure 2 reports the category response for prosocial behavior items were first calculated; then,
curves of a hypothetical item with a five-category re- indices of internal consistency (Cronbach α’s coefficient
sponse format, as in the case of our instrument measuring and mean corrected item-total correlations) were com-
adult prosocialness. The figure shows the response puted for the entire set of items.


1 5

3 4



-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Trait level

Figure 2. Category response curves of an item with a five-category response format.

European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89 © 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness 83

Results IRT Estimation of Item Parameters According

to the G-PCM
CTT Item and Scale Statistics
A basic assumption underlying most IRT models is that
Table 2 presents a summary of the conventional CTT
item covariation arises predominantly from a single di-
statistics obtained for the 16 prosocialness items. Across
mension (i.e., the unidimensionality assumption). There
items, the mean responses ranged from 2.96 (Item 11) to
are different procedures to assess dimensionality; one of
3.79 (Item 9), with an overall mean of 3.52 and standard
the most common and traditional ways is to compare the
deviation of .64. Also across items, the average skewness
percentages of variance explained by the first and the
was –.33 and the average kurtosis was –.27. The correct-
second unrotated components in a principal component
ed item-total correlations varied from .47 (Item 2) to .73
analysis. In our case, the ratio was about 5:1, attesting to
(Item 13) and were lower than .50 only in two cases
the unidimensionality of the prosocialness scale.
(Items 1 and 2). At the scale level, the Cronbach’s α for
the entire set of items was .91 and the mean corrected
item-total correlation was .59. Item Parameters
This results show the good reliability of the proso-
Next we performed IRT analyses. The G-PCM estimates
cialness scale. However, conventional internal consis- for the 16 items are shown in Table 3. In particular, the
tency indices provide little information as to the mea- table shows three types of parameters, the items’ slope,
surement precision of the single items. Furthermore, category, and location parameters. In general, the IRT
conventional CTT statistics, which tend to be sample- parameters shown in Table 3 are consistent with the CTT
specific and apply to all subjects, are not particularly statistics reported in Table 2. As to the items’ discrimina-
sensitive to estimating people’s differing latent traits tion, the results showed that 9 out of 16 items were able
(i.e., traits for people who are situated at different points to detect even slight differences in adults’ prosocialness.
along the trait continuum) when people’s overt respons- In particular, Items 3, 10, and 13 yielded the most infor-
es to items tend to cluster at either of the extreme points mation and had the highest slope parameters (as well as
of the measurement scale. The IRT approach can, in- the highest item-total correlations, see Table 2). Thus, the
stead, offer a valuable method to examine these mea- items referring to people’s efforts to help others, console
surement issues. those who are sad, and be close to and take care of those
who are in need, are the most effective in detecting slight
variations in the trait of prosocialness. The discrimina-
tion parameters were also quite acceptable for Items 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, and 12, all of which had a slope parameter
greater than 1.

Table 2. Means, standard deviations, skewness, kurtosis, and ad- Table 3. IRT parameters estimated under the generalized-partial
justed item-total correlations for the sixteen prosocialness items credit model.
(N = 2574).
Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Item-total Item Slope Category parameters Location
correlation Item 1 .67 –2.42 –.66 1.88 1.20 –1.06
Item 1 3.67 .96 –.50 .08 .48 Item 2 .62 –2.77 –.50 1.43 1.84 –1.22
Item 2 3.70 .95 –.52 .01 .47 Item 3 1.90 –1.90 –.69 .66 1.94 –.99
Item 3 3.70 .92 –.28 –.46 .70
Item 4 .78 –1.11 –.79 .61 1.29 .01
Item 4 2.97 1.25 .07 –.94 .56
Item 5 1.48 –1.78 –.50 .67 1.61 –.87
Item 5 3.69 .98 –.45 –.28 .65
Item 6 1.23 –2.11 –.81 .91 2.00 –1.11
Item 6 3.72 .91 –.28 –.38 .60
Item 7 1.37 –1.91 –.61 .82 1.70 –.33
Item 7 3.28 1.01 –.19 –.37 .65
Item 8 1.25 –1.85 –.62 .68 1.79 –.64
Item 8 3.47 1.02 –.26 –.49 .63
Item 9 1.10 –2.10 –.36 1.00 1.46 –1.07
Item 9 3.79 .93 –.61 .19 .59
Item 10 3.74 .92 –.48 –.05 .67 Item 10 1.68 –1.91 –.47 .77 1.61 –.93
Item 11 2.96 1.14 –.02 –.71 .52 Item 11 .68 –1.95 –.74 1.02 1.67 .12
Item 12 3.65 .96 –.39 –.36 .64 Item 12 1.34 –2.00 –.50 .57 1.94 –.89
Item 13 3.35 .96 –.19 –.24 .73 Item 13 2.10 –1.85 –.57 .75 1.67 –.41
Item 14 3.44 .92 –.35 .02 .53 Item 14 .81 –2.80 –.64 1.46 1.97 –.64
Item 15 3.43 .97 –.32 –.25 .56 Item 15 .88 –2.40 –.59 1.02 2.01 –.63
Item 16 3.71 .93 –.48 –.03 .52 Item 16 .84 –2.40 –.55 1.18 1.78 –1.10

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84 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

Three of these items (5, 8, and 12) were items referring eter) – is highest in correspondence to the item’s difficul-
to adults’ emphatic concerns toward others. The param- ty level. The information functions are generally repre-
eters for the remaining items (1, 2, 4, 11, 14, 15, and 16) sented as curves on graphs that have the estimated trait
were smaller than 1. As to the items’ location parameters level (θ) on the x-axis and the amount of information
(i.e., difficulty level), most of the items (14 out of 16) had provided on the y-axis. The larger the items’ discrimina-
a negative value, and the “easiest” items were concerned tion, the more peaked the information function curve will
with sharing (e.g., “I share things that I have with my be. In contrast, an item’s difficulty determines the posi-
friends”), helping (e.g., “I am pleased to help my class- tion of the curve along the latent trait continuum. In gen-
mates/colleagues in their activities”), and sensibility to eral, easy items provide information in low trait ranges
others’ feelings (e.g., “I immediately sense my friends’ and difficult items provide information in high trait rang-
discomfort even when it is not directly communicated to es. An inspection of the item information functions re-
me”). vealed that the prosocialness items were, overall, quite
Finally, as to the items’ category intersections, the pa- informative. There were, however, differences in the de-
rameters were generally spread along the trait continuum gree to which items could detect slight differences in
but were quite low for all items, especially for Items 2, people’s prosocialness and discriminate along the entire
6, and 16. trait continuum. These results are well illustrated in Fig-
ures 3 through 5. As one can see in Figure 3, Items 3, 5,
7, 8, 10, 12, and 13 could discriminate slight differences
Information Functions for the Items and Full Scale
in prosocialness very well, especially among people with
The G-PCM estimates for the item parameters were then either low or moderate levels of prosocialness. Interest-
used to produce the information functions for the 16 pro- ingly, two of these items (3 and 13) also displayed the
social behavior items and the overall scale. These func- highest item-total correlations (see Table 2). Overall,
tions provide information concerning the measurement these results indicated that items measuring either indi-
precision of the items and the scale and can reveal the viduals’ empathy (5, 8, and 12) or people’s efforts or
point along the trait continuum where measurement pre- attempts to help and take care of others (3, 10, and 13)
cision is highest. Typically, an item’s measurement pre- had the highest measurement precision, especially at rel-
cision – or its ability to detect slight differences in peo- atively moderate levels of prosocialness.
ple’s trait levels (i.e., its discrimination or slope param- Likewise, as Figure 4 shows, the level of information

Figure 3. Item information curves for items 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, and 13.

European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89 © 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness 85

Figure 4. Item information curves for items 4, 6, and 9.

provided by other items (4, 6, and 9) was also quite ac- used as the criterion to evaluate the standardized DIF
ceptable and, again, especially at relatively low (6 and 9) statistic (SDIF), and the –2 log likelihood statistic was
or moderate (4) levels of prosocialness. An inspection of used to evaluate estimation improvement from a no-
these items’ content revealed that they measured proso- group-difference model (i.e., one-group model) to a
cialness with respect to people’s willingness to help and model that hypothesized gender differences in item pa-
assist those in need or to make themselves available rameters (i.e., the two-groups model). This statistic is
when needed. Finally, as one would have expected from defined as the difference between the –2 log likelihood
the low item-total correlations and discrimination pa- values (G2) of the two models (one-group model and
rameters, Items 1, 2, 11, 14, 15, and 16 provided relative- two-group models). Under certain conditions, this differ-
ly little information, as Figure 5 shows.
The information and standard error curves for the en- Table 4. Item location parameters for males and females and dif-
tire prosocialness scale are presented in Figure 6. The ferential item functioning test.
mean information value for the entire scale is 8.54, and
Item Location parameters and (S.E.) SDIF Prob.
greater information is concentrated at the low and middle
Males Females
levels of the prosocialness trait continuum. Accordingly,
Item 1 –.917 (.043) –.679 (.045) 3.779 .000
the mean standard error is .43, and standard error is great-
Item 2 –.996 (.048) –.901 (.051) 1.356 .087
est at relatively high trait levels. These results suggest Item 3 –.776 (.022) –.716 (.023) 1.873 .031
that our prosocialness scale discriminated very well Item 4 .089 (.030) .199 (.034) 2.413 .008
among relatively moderately prosocial individuals and Item 5 –.571 (.024) –.789 (.027) –6.018 .000
discriminated less well among highly prosocial individ- Item 6 –.929 (.029) –.789 (.029) 3.420 .000
uals. Item 7 –.261 (.025) –.062 (.024) 5.719 .000
Item 8 –.263 (.026) –.672 (.029) –10.467 .000
Differential Item Ffunctioning Item 9 –.966 (.033) –.649 (.029) 7.133 .000
Item 10 –.621 (.024) –.852 (.024) –6.724 .000
The last IRT analysis was performed to examine whether Item 11 .296 (.038) .183 (.040) –2.047 .020
the items’ functioning varied across male and female Item 12 –.574 (.026) –.813 (.028) –6.254 .000
adults, that is, whether a differential item functioning Item 13 –.213 (.020) –.261 (.020) –1.702 .044
existed across gender groups. In particular, we analyzed Item 14 –.524 (.039) –.341 (.039) 3.329 .000
the nonuniform DIF, that is, a DIF concerning the items’ Item 15 –.446 (.036) –.421 (.035) .498 .309
location and slope parameters.* A level of p < .001 was Item 16 –.824 (.038) –.932 (.042) –.103 .029

* The category parameters are common to both the examined groups.

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86 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

Figure 5. Item information curves for items 1,2,11,14,15, and 16.

Figure 6. Test information and standard error curves for the prosocial behavior scale.

ence is distributed as chi-square with degrees of freedom results were quite in line with the existing literature on
equal to the difference in degrees of freedom between the gender differences in prosocial behavior (Eagly & Crow-
two, the more and the less constrained, models. Large ley, 1986; Eisenberg & Fabes, 1998). In particular, fe-
and significant chi-square values would indicate that male adults endorsed items referring to empathy and
considering men and women as a unique group, that is, emotional support (5, 8,10, and 12) more easily (i.e., in
imposing constraints in their item locations and slopes, larger numbers) than did male adults. In contrast, male
would worsen the model significantly. The test was per- adults endorsed items referring to immediate assistance
formed with 32 degrees of freedom, corresponding to the or action (1, 6, 7, and 9) more easily than did female
32 parameters that are freed in the two-groups model. adults.
As reported in Table 4, the location parameters of Regarding the item slope parameters, no difference
Items 1, 6, 7, 9, and 14 resulted significantly higher in was found between males and females; this result indi-
women, whereas the location parameters of Items 5, 8, cates that the 16 items of the prosocialness scale have an
10 and 12 resulted significantly higher in men. These equal capacity to discriminate among male and female

European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89 © 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers
G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness 87

adults with different levels of prosocialness. A signifi- most of the prosocialness items of our scale carried un-
cant difference between the two G2 (295.42; p < .001) even information along the trait range (i.e., the fact that
was found, which indicated that there was a substantial an item was not equally informative about people’s pro-
improvement in the model when the item parameters socialness along the entire trait continuum). Items mea-
were freely estimated for males and females (i.e., under suring either empathy or adults’ attempt to take care of
the hypothesis of gender differences in parameter esti- others were the most informative about people’s proso-
mation) relative to when they were constrained to be cialness. The information curves of these items were
equal in the two gender groups. quite peaked, with the highest degree of information as-
sociated with Item 13. The information value of these
items decreased, but remained quite acceptable, at rela-
tively high levels of the trait continuum. The fidelity in
Discussion measuring adults’ prosocialness was also quite adequate
for those items tapping adults’ willingness to help and to
In this article, we presented a new scale for evaluating assist those who are in need. The remaining items, pri-
adults’ prosocialness and used IRT analyses to evaluate marily concerning people’s willingness to share with
its measurement qualities. others, were less informative about people’s underlying
Our IRT measurement scrutiny of the new instrument prosocialness.
was justified on both theoretical and methodological Although this finding requires further inquiry, it is
grounds. Theoretically, the development of an individ- quite likely due to the level of high endorsement that
ual’s characteristic tendency to act prosocially arises people expressed on these components of prosocial re-
from a host of socializing experiences and might, during sponding (i.e., high mean scores and relatively low
the life course, be associated with very idiosyncratic be- standard deviations) and to their highly normative value.
haviors. These considerations suggest that the behavioral As to the measurement value of the entire prosocial-
indicators of prosocialness do not necessarily have the ness scale, the implications of the findings above were
same meaning across individuals, nor that any prosocial also clear: As it is, our prosocialness scale is quite effec-
behavior is an adequate and reliable indicator of proso- tive in measuring systematic individual differences in
cialness along its entire trait range. Methodologically, prosocialness, and this effectiveness holds particularly
the assessment of prosocial behavior typically relies on well for intermediate and low levels of the trait. Thus, the
dimensional models that tend to follow CTT. In previous new instrument provides a reliable measure of adults’
work (Caprara et al., in press), this 16-item prosocialness prosocialness, although its level of measurement fidelity
scale had already demonstrated very adequate psycho- tends to diminish somewhat for people who are either
metric qualities including that of tapping into a single extremely high or low in prosocialness.
factor or trait dimension of prosocialness, a necessary Finally, we used IRT analyses to examine potential
prerequisite for employing most IRT models. However, gender differences in the items’ functioning, that is, in
these initial psychometric findings followed from meth- the item location and slope parameters. For each item,
ods of CTT could not address additional important mea- we basically compared the difficulty and discrimination
surement issues, including whether different items were values obtained in each gender group and sought a sta-
equally informative of adults’ underlying trait of proso- tistically significant difference between the two values.
cialness, and whether uneven information across proso- Regarding the discrimination parameter results provided
cialness items significantly affects the meaning of an ag- additional support to the capacity of all the items of the
gregated prosocialness scale. The IRT analyses under- new instrument to discriminate well among both male
taken in our present investigation primarily addressed and female adults with different levels of prosocialness.
these issues. Significant differences were found regarding the dif-
As to the issue of the prosocial behavior items’ infor- ficulty of some items. In this respect, the pattern of find-
mative value, the present findings demonstrated that the ings was particularly clear: Four items concerning em-
majority of the items were moderately discriminative pathy and emotional support were more “easily” en-
and appropriate to differentiate adults with a middle level dorsed by female than by male adults, whereas five items
of prosocialness. A content inspection of the items concerning immediate help and assistance for those in
showed that the most discriminative items are those that need and sharing knowledge and opportunities were
referred to helping and caring behaviors. The negative more “easily” endorsed by male than by female adults.
values of the difficulty parameters suggests that the items While the instrument works equally well for the two
were relatively easy to endorse, especially those refer- genders in discriminating high from low levels of proso-
ring to prosocialness toward friends. cialness, it reveals, for some items, a different function-
These relations also yielded the additional finding that ing in males and females regarding the probability of

© 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89
88 G.V. Caprara et al.: A New Scale for Measuring Adults’ Prosocialness

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© 2005 Hogrefe & Huber Publishers European Journal of Psychological Assessment 2005; Vol. 21(2):77–89

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