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C H A P T E R 2 4

Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family

Key Terms Objectives

acrocyanosis natal teeth After mastering the contents of this chapter, you should be able to:
caput succeda- neonatal
1. Describe the normal nursing care and outcome
neum period
characteristics of a term achievement.
cavernous neonate newborn. 8. Identify National Health Goals
hemangioma nevus 2. Assess a newborn for normal related to newborns that nurses
central flammeus growth and development. could help the nation achieve.
cyanosis physiologic 3. Formulate nursing diagnoses 9. Identify areas related to
cephal- jaundice related to a newborn or the newborn assessment and care
hematoma pseudomen- family of a newborn. that could benefit from
conduction struation 4. Identify expected outcomes for additional nursing research or
a newborn and family during application of evidence-based
convection radiation
the first 4 weeks of life. practice.
erythema strawberry 5. Plan nursing care to augment 10. Use critical thinking to analyze
toxicum heman- normal development of a ways that the care of a term
evaporation gioma newborn, such as ways to aid newborn can be more family
hemangioma subconjunc- parent–child bonding. centered.
jaundice tival 6. Implement nursing care of a 11. Integrate knowledge of
hem- normal newborn, such as newborn growth and
kangaroo care orrhage administering a first bath or development and immediate
kernicterus thrush instructing parents on how to care needs with the nursing
lanugo transitional care for their newborn. process to achieve quality
meconium stool 7. Evaluate expected outcomes maternal and child health
milia vernix to determine effectiveness of nursing care.
mongolian spot caseosa

Carlotta Ruiz has just given birth to her second child, a 6-lb, 5-oz When Carlotta is alone, you notice she seems a little apprehensive
baby girl she named Beth. Newborn Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes about caring for her new daughter. She tells you, “She’s so much smaller
were 6 and 8. Vital signs are: temperature (axillary), 98.2°F than Joe was. And why does it sound like she has a cold? And what is
(36.8°C); heart rate, 136 bpm; respirations, 74 breaths per minute. this rash all over her? Isn’t it bad enough she has a birthmark?”
She is 18.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 34 cm and a
Previous chapters described the care of the pregnant
chest circumference of 32 cm. She has a small port-wine birthmark on
woman and family during the antepartal, intrapartal, and
her right thigh.
postpartal periods. This chapter adds information about
While Jose, Carlotta’s husband, is in the room, Carlotta tells you
caring for a newborn and family to your knowledge base.
she is a “veteran” at baby care. Jose adds, “Little Joe [their 3-year-old]
will be so excited to see his new sister. That’s all he’s been talking about Does Carlotta know as much about newborns as she thought? What
lately.” additional teaching does this family need?

After you’ve studied this chapter, access the accompanying website. Read the
patient scenario and answer the questions to further sharpen your skills, grow
more familiar with RN-CLEX types of questions, and reward yourself with how
much you have learned.
680 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

ewborns undergo profound physiologic changes at in the first 24 hours after birth—an indication of how
the moment of birth (and, probably, psychological hazardous this time is for an infant. Close observation of
changes as well), as they are released from a warm, a newborn for indications of distress is essential during
snug, dark, liquid-filled environment that has met all of this period (National Center for Health Statistics, 2005).
their basic needs, into a chilly, unbounded, brightly lit,
gravity-based, outside world.
Within minutes after being plunged into this strange Nursing Process Overview
environment, a newborn’s body must initiate respirations
and accommodate a circulatory system to extrauterine For Health Promotion of
oxygenation. Within 24 hours, neurologic, renal, endo-
crine, gastrointestinal, and metabolic functions must be the Term Newborn
operating competently for life to be sustained. ● Assessment
How well a newborn makes these major adjustments Assessment of a newborn or neonate (a baby in the
depends on his or her genetic composition, the compe- neonatal period) includes a review of the mother’s
tency of the recent intrauterine environment, the care re- pregnancy history; physical examination of the infant;
ceived during the labor and birth period, and the care analysis of laboratory reports such as hematocrit and
received during the newborn or neonatal period (from blood type, if indicated; and assessment of parent–child
birth through the first 28 days of life). National Health interaction for the beginning of bonding. Assessment
Goals related to the first days of life are shown in Box 24.1. begins immediately after birth and is continued at every
Nurses can play a major role in achieving these goals. contact during a newborn’s hospital or birthing center
Two thirds of all deaths that occur during the first year stay, early home visits, and well-baby visits. Teaching
of life occur in the neonatal period. More than half occur parents to make assessments concerning their infant’s
temperature, respiratory rate, and overall health is cru-
cial so that they can continue to monitor their infant’s
BOX 24.1 FOCUS ON . . .
health at home (Box 24.2).


Nursing diagnoses associated with a newborn often
A number of National Health Goals deal directly center on the problems of establishing respirations,
with the newborn period (DHHS, 2000): beginning nutrition, and assisting with parent–newborn
bonding. Examples are the following:
• Increase to at least 75% the proportion of mothers
who breast-feed their babies in the early postpartal • Ineffective airway clearance related to mucus in airway
period, from a baseline of 64%. • Ineffective thermoregulation related to heat loss from
• Increase to at least 50% the proportion of women exposure in birthing room
who continue breast-feeding until their babies are
5 to 6 months old, from a baseline of 29%.
• Increase to 70% the percentage of healthy full-term
infants who are put to sleep on their backs, from a
baseline of 35%. BOX 24.2 ASSESSMENT
• Increase to at least 75% the proportion of parents
and caregivers who use feeding practices that Assessing the Average Newborn
prevent baby-bottle tooth decay.
• Reduce the neonatal mortality rate to no more than
2.9 per 1,000 live births, from a baseline of 4.8 per
1,000 live births. Head circumference:
34 to 35 cm
Nurses can help the nation achieve these goals, by
encouraging women not only to begin breast-feeding 97.6 to 98.6°F axillary
but also to continue it through the first 6 months of life;
by advising parents on the advantage of placing infants Chest circumference:
32 to 33 cm
on their backs to sleep and on the danger of tooth
decay from letting a baby drink from a bottle of milk or Heart rate:
120 to 140 bpm
juice while falling asleep; and by discussing with parents 46 to
who use formula the proper methods for preparation so 54 cm Respirations:
30 to 60 breaths
that gastrointestinal illness does not occur.
per minute
Areas that could benefit from additional nursing
research include identifying the reasons why some
2.5 to 3.4 kg
women end breast-feeding shortly after discharge
from a health care agency and investigating common
methods of encouraging sleep in infants other than by
a bottle-feeding.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 681

• Imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements,

related to poor sucking reflex
• Readiness for enhanced family coping related to birth
of planned infant
• Health-seeking behaviors related to newborn needs
If a minor deviation from the normal is present, such as
a hemangioma, a diagnosis such as “Parental fear re-
lated to hemangioma on left thigh of newborn” might
be relevant.
● Outcome Identification and Planning
Planning nursing care should take into account both the
newborn’s needs during this transition period and the
mother’s need for adequate rest during the postpartal
period. Try to adapt teaching time to the schedules of
the mother and her newborn. Although the woman
must learn as much as possible about newborn care,
she also must go home from the health care setting
with enough energy to practice what she has learned.
Important planning measures for newborns include
helping them regulate their temperature and helping
FIGURE 24.1 Personality is apparent in a newborn
them grow accustomed to breast- or bottle-feeding.
from the start. Note the alert, searching interest.
● Implementation
A major portion of implementation in the newborn pe-
comes easier to differentiate newborns who are merely
riod is role modeling to help new parents grow confi-
demonstrating the extremes of normal behavior from
dent with their newborn. Be aware how closely parents
those whose behavior or appearance indicates a need for
observe you for guidance in newborn care. Conserving
more skilled care than is available in typical rooming-in
newborn warmth and energy, to help prevent hypo-
glycemia and respiratory distress, should be an impor-
tant consideration to accompany all interventions.
Vital Statistics
● Outcome Evaluation
Evaluation of expected outcomes should reveal that Vital statistics for a newborn include weight, length, and
the parents are able to give beginning newborn care head and chest circumference. The technique for obtain-
with confidence. Be certain parents make arrange- ing these is shown in Chapter 33, along with other aspects
ments for continued health supervision for their new- of health assessment. Be sure all health care providers in-
born, so that evaluation can be continued and the volved with newborns are aware of safety issues specific to
family’s long-term health needs can be met. Examples newborn care when taking these measurements (e.g., not
indicating achievement of outcomes are the following: leaving a newborn unattended on a bed or scale).
• Infant establishes respirations of 30 to 60 per minute.
• Infant maintains temperature at 97.8°F to 98.6°F Weight
(36.5°C to 37°C). The birth weight of newborns varies depending on the ra-
• Infant breast-feeds for a minimum of 10 minutes cial, nutritional, intrauterine, and genetic factors that were
every 3 hours. present during conception and pregnancy. The weight in
relation to the gestational age should be plotted on a stan-
dard neonatal graph, such as the one shown in Appendix E.
PROFILE OF A NEWBORN Plotting weight helps identify newborns who are at risk
because of their small size. This information also sepa-
It is not unusual to hear the comment “all newborns look rates those who are small for their gestational age (new-
alike” from people viewing a nursery full of babies. In ac- borns who have suffered intrauterine growth restriction)
tuality, every child is born with individual physical and from preterm infants (infants who are healthy but small
personality characteristics that make him or her unique only because they were born early). These first measure-
right from the start (Fig. 24.1). ments also establish a baseline for future evaluation.
Some newborns are born stocky and short, some large Plotting weight in conjunction with height and head cir-
and bony, some thin and rangy. Some have a temperament cumference is also helpful because it highlights dispropor-
that causes them to feed greedily, protest procedures tionate measurements (see Appendix E). All three of these
loudly, and respond to their parent’s inexperienced han- measurements should fall near the same percentile in an in-
dling with restlessness and spitting up. Other newborns dividual child. For example, a newborn who falls within
sleep soundly, make no protest over procedures or diaper the 50th percentile for height and weight but whose head
changes, and seem passive in accepting this new step in circumference is in the 90th percentile may have abnormal
life. With experience in working with newborns, it be- head growth. A newborn who is in the 50th percentile for
682 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

weight and head circumference but in the 3rd percentile tissue or edema of breasts is present, this measurement
for height may have a growth problem. will not be accurate until the edema has subsided.
Second-born children usually weigh more than first-
borns. Birth weight continues to increase with each suc-
ceeding child in a family.
Vital Signs
The average birth weight (50th percentile) for a white, Vital sign measurements begin to change from those pres-
mature female newborn in the United States is 3.4 kg ent in intrauterine life at the moment of birth.
(7.5 lb); for a white, mature male newborn, it is 3.5 kg
(7.7 lb). Newborns of other races weigh approximately
0.5 lb less. The arbitrary lower limit of normal for all races
is 2.5 kg (5.5 lb). Birth weight exceeding 4.7 kg (10 lb) is The temperature of newborns is about 99°F (37.2°C) at
unusual, but weights as high as 7.7 kg (17 lb) have been birth because they have been confined in an internal body
documented. If a newborn weighs more than 4.7 kg, a ma- organ. The temperature falls almost immediately to below
ternal illness, such as diabetes mellitus, must be suspected normal because of heat loss and immature temperature-
(Katz, 2003). regulating mechanisms. The temperature of birthing rooms,
A newborn loses 5% to 10% of birth weight (6 to 10 oz) approximately 68°F to 72°F (21°C to 22°C), can add to
during the first few days after birth. This weight loss occurs this loss of heat.
because the newborn is no longer under the influence of Newborns lose heat by four separate mechanisms: con-
salt- and fluid-retaining maternal hormones. Diuresis be- vection, conduction, radiation, and evaporation (Fig. 24.2).
gins to remove a part of the infant’s high fluid load dur- Convection is the flow of heat from the newborn’s
ing the second to third day of life. A newborn also voids body surface to cooler surrounding air. The effectiveness
and passes stool, all measures that reduce weight, be- of convection depends on the velocity of the flow (a cur-
cause approximately 75% to 90% of a newborn’s weight rent of air cools faster than nonmoving air). Eliminating
is fluid. In addition, breast-fed newborns have a limited drafts, such as from windows or air conditioners, reduces
intake until about the third day of life because of the rel- convection heat loss.
atively low caloric content and amount of colostrum. If Conduction is the transfer of body heat to a cooler
newborns are formula-fed, their intake during this time is solid object in contact with a baby. For example, a baby
also limited because of the time needed to establish effec- placed on a cold counter or on the cold base of a warming
tive sucking. unit quickly loses heat to the colder metal surface. Cover-
After this initial loss of weight, a newborn has 1 day of ing surfaces with a warmed blanket or towel helps to min-
stable weight, then begins to gain weight. The breast-fed imize conduction heat loss.
newborn recaptures birth weight within 10 days; a formula- Radiation is the transfer of body heat to a cooler solid
fed infant accomplishes this gain within 7 days. After this, object not in contact with the baby, such as a cold win-
a newborn begins to gain about 2 lb/month (6 to 8 oz/ dow or air conditioner. Moving an infant as far from the
week) for the first 6 months of life. cold surface as possible helps reduce this type of heat loss.
Evaporation is loss of heat through conversion of a liq-
Length uid to a vapor. Newborns are wet, and they lose a great deal
of heat as the amniotic fluid on their skin evaporates. To
The average birth length (50th percentile) of a mature fe- prevent this heat loss, dry newborns as soon as possible, es-
male neonate is 53 cm (20.9 in). For mature males, the pecially their face and hair, which will not be covered by
average birth length is 54 cm (21.3 in). The lower limit of clothing. The head, a large surface area in a newborn, can
normal length is arbitrarily set at 46 cm (18 in). Although be responsible for a great amount of heat loss. Covering the
rare, babies with lengths as great as 57.5 cm (24 in) have hair with a cap after drying it further reduces the possibil-
been reported. ity of evaporation cooling.
A newborn not only loses heat easily by the means just
Head Circumference described but also has difficulty conserving heat under any
circumstance. Insulation, an efficient means of conserving
In a mature newborn, the head circumference is usually heat in adults, is not effective in newborns because they
34 to 35 cm (13.5 to 14 in). A mature newborn with a head have little subcutaneous fat to provide insulation. Shiver-
circumference greater than 37 cm (14.8 in) or less than ing, a means of increasing metabolism and thereby pro-
33 cm (13.2 in) should be carefully investigated for neuro- viding heat in adults, is also rarely seen in newborns.
logic involvement, although occasionally a well newborn Newborns can conserve heat by constricting blood ves-
falls within these limits. Head circumference is measured sels and moving blood away from the skin. Brown fat, a
with a tape measure drawn across the center of the fore- special tissue found in mature newborns, apparently helps
head and around the most prominent portion of the poste- to conserve or produce body heat by increasing metabo-
rior head (the occiput; see Fig. 18.2 in Chapter 18). lism. The greatest amounts of brown fat are found in the
intrascapular region, thorax, and perirenal area. Brown fat
Chest Circumference is thought to aid in controlling newborn temperature sim-
ilar to temperature control in a hibernating animal. In later
The chest circumference in a term newborn is about 2 cm life, it may influence the proportion of body fat retained.
(0.75 to 1 in) less than head circumference. This is mea- Newborns exposed to cool air tend to kick and cry to in-
sured at the level of the nipples. If a large amount of breast crease their metabolic rate and produce more heat. This re-
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 683

FIGURE 24.2 Heat loss in

the newborn. (A) Convection.
(B) Radiation. (C) Conduction.
(D) Evaporation. D

action, however, also increases their need for oxygen and Pulse
their respiratory rate. An immature newborn with poor
lung development has trouble making such an adjustment. The heart rate of a fetus in utero averages 120 to 160 bpm.
Newborns who cannot increase their respiratory rate in Immediately after birth, as the newborn struggles to initi-
response to increased needs will be unable to deliver suf- ate respirations, the heart rate may be as rapid as 180 bpm.
ficient oxygen to their systems. The resultant anaerobic Within 1 hour after birth, as the newborn settles down
catabolism of body cells releases acid. Every newborn is to sleep, the heart rate stabilizes to an average of 120 to
born slightly acidotic. Any new buildup of acid may lead 140 bpm.
to severe, life-threatening acidosis. In addition, a newborn The heart rate of a newborn often remains slightly irre-
becomes fatigued by rapid breathing, placing additional gular because of immaturity of the cardiac regulatory cen-
strain on an already stressed cardiovascular system. ter in the medulla. Transient murmurs may result from the
Drying and wrapping newborns and placing them in incomplete closure of fetal circulation shunts. During cry-
warmed cribs, or drying them and placing them under a ing, the rate may rise again to 180 bpm. In addition, heart
radiant heat source, are excellent mechanical measures to rate can decrease during sleep, ranging from 90 to 110 bpm.
help conserve heat. In addition, placing a newborn against You should be able to palpate femoral pulses in a new-
the mother’s skin and then covering the newborn also born, but the radial and temporal pulses are more difficult
helps to transfer heat from the mother to the newborn; to palpate with any degree of accuracy. Therefore, a new-
this is termed kangaroo care (Anderson et al., 2005). born’s heart rate is always determined by listening for an
All early care of newborns should be done speedily to apical heartbeat for a full minute, rather than assessing a
avoid exposing the newborn unnecessarily. Any proce- pulse in an extremity. Always palpate for femoral pulses,
dure during which a newborn must be uncovered (e.g., re- because their absence suggests possible coarctation (nar-
suscitation, circumcision) should be done under a radiant rowing) of the aorta, a cardiovascular abnormality.
heat source to prevent damaging heat loss. If chilling is
prevented, a newborn’s temperature stabilizes at 98.6°F Respiration
(37°C) within 4 hours after birth.
In contrast to an adult, a newborn with a bacterial in- The respiratory rate of a newborn in the first few minutes
fection may run a subnormal temperature. Therefore, if a of life may be as high as 80 breaths per minute. As respira-
newborn’s temperature does not stabilize shortly after tory activity is established and maintained, this rate settles
birth, the cause must be investigated so that corrective to an average of 30 to 60 breaths per minute when the new-
measures can be taken. born is at rest. Respiratory depth, rate, and rhythm are
684 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

likely to be irregular, and short periods of apnea (without the two atria closes because of the pressure against the lip
cyanosis), sometimes called periodic respirations, are nor- of the structure (permanent closure does not occur for
mal. Respiratory rate can be observed most easily by watch- weeks). With the remaining fetal circulatory structures
ing the movement of a newborn’s abdomen, because (umbilical vein, two umbilical arteries, and ductus veno-
breathing primarily involves the use of the diaphragm and sus) no longer receiving blood, the blood within them clots,
abdominal muscles. and the vessels atrophy over the next few weeks.
Coughing and sneezing reflexes are present at birth to Figure 24.3 shows the respiratory and cardiovascular
clear the airway. Newborns are obligate nose-breathers changes that occur at birth, beginning with the first breath.
and show signs of acute distress if their nostrils become The peripheral circulation of a newborn remains slug-
obstructed. Short periods of crying, which increase the gish for at least the first 24 hours. It is common to observe
depth of respirations and aid in aerating deep portions of cyanosis in the infant’s feet and hands (acrocyanosis)
the lungs, may be beneficial to a newborn. Long periods and for the feet to feel cold to the touch at this time.
of crying, however, exhaust the cardiovascular system
and serve no purpose. Blood Values. A newborn’s blood volume is 80 to 110 mL
per kilogram of body weight, or about 300 mL total. The
oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the left; that is, the
Blood Pressure quantity of oxygen bound to hemoglobin and the partial
pressure of oxygen are greater in fetal blood than in a
The blood pressure of a newborn is approximately newborn’s.
80/46 mm Hg at birth. By the 10th day, it rises to about Because of the nature of fetal circulation, a baby is born
100/50 mm Hg. Because measurement of blood pressure with a high erythrocyte count, about 6 million cells per
in a newborn is somewhat inaccurate, it is not routinely cubic millimeter. Hemoglobin level averages 17 to 18 g/
measured unless a cardiac anomaly is suspected. For an 100 mL of blood. The hematocrit is between 45% and 50%.
accurate reading, the cuff width used must be no more Capillary heel sticks may reveal a falsely high hematocrit or
than two thirds the length of the upper arm or thigh. hemoglobin value because of sluggish peripheral circula-
Blood pressure tends to increase with crying (and a new- tion. Before obtaining a blood specimen from a heel, warm
born cries when disturbed and manipulated by such pro- the foot by wrapping it in a warm cloth. This increases cir-
cedures as taking blood pressure). A Doppler method may culation and improves the accuracy of this value.
be used to take blood pressure (see Chapters 33 and 36). Once proper lung oxygenation has been established,
Hemodynamic monitoring is helpful when continuous as- the need for the high erythrocyte count diminishes. There-
sessment is necessary. fore, within a matter of days, a newborn’s red cells begin to

✔ Checkpoint Question 1 Drying or clamping of the

umbilical cord and
Beth Ruiz, like all newborns, can lose body heat by stimulation of cold
conduction. Under which condition is this most apt to receptors
a. If the nursery is cooled by air conditioning. Increased PCO2, decreased PO2,
b. If the infant is wet from amniotic fluid. and increasing acidosis
c. If there is a breeze from an open window.
d. If Beth is placed in a cold bassinet.
First breath

Physiologic Function
Just as changes occur in vital signs after birth, so do changes Decreased pulmonary artery
occur in all the major body systems.

Cardiovascular System Increased PO2 Closure of foramen ovale

(pressure in left side of
Changes in the cardiovascular system are necessary after heart greater than in right
birth because now the lungs must oxygenate the blood side)
that was formerly oxygenated by the placenta. When the Closure of ductus
cord is clamped, a neonate is forced to take in oxygen arteriosus
through the lungs. As the lungs inflate for the first time,
pressure decreases in the chest generally, and in the pul- Closure of ductus
monary artery specifically (the artery leading to the lungs). venosus and umbilical
This decrease in pressure in the pulmonary artery plays a arteries and vein due to
role in promoting closure of the ductus arteriosus, a fetal decreased flow
shunt. As pressure increases in the left side of the heart
from increased blood volume, the foramen ovale between FIGURE 24.3 Circulatory events at birth.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 685

deteriorate. An indirect bilirubin level at birth is 1 to 4 mg/ have more difficulty establishing effective respirations,
100 mL. Any increase over this amount reflects the release because excessive fluid blocks air exchange space. New-
of bilirubin as excessive red blood cells begin their break- borns who are immature and whose alveoli collapse each
down (Boyd, 2004). time they exhale (because of the lack of pulmonary sur-
A newborn has an equally high white blood cell count factant) have difficulty establishing effective residual capa-
at birth, about 15,000 to 30,000 cells/mm3. Values as high city and respirations. If the alveoli do not open well, a
as 40,000 cells/mm3 may be seen if the birth was stress- newborn’s cardiac system becomes compromised, because
ful. Polymorphonuclear cells (neutrophils) account for a closure of the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus de-
large part of this leukocytosis, but by the end of the first pends on free blood flow through the pulmonary artery
month, lymphocytes become the predominant cell type. and good oxygenation of blood. Therefore, a newborn
This leukocytosis is a response to the trauma of birth and who has difficulty establishing respirations at birth should
is nonpathogenic; an increased white blood cell count be examined closely in the postpartal period for a cardiac
should not be taken as evidence of infection. On the other murmur or other indication that he or she still has patent
hand, although the high white blood cell count makes cardiac structures, especially a patent ductus arteriosus.
infection difficult to prove in a newborn, infection must
not be dismissed as a possibility if other signs of infection
(e.g., pallor, respiratory difficulty, cyanosis) are present. Gastrointestinal System
Usual blood values in a newborn are summarized in Although the gastrointestinal tract is usually sterile at birth,
Appendix F. bacteria may be cultured from the intestinal tract in most
Blood Coagulation. Because most newborns are born babies within 5 hours after birth and from all babies at
with a lower than normal level of vitamin K, they have a 24 hours of life. Most of these bacteria enter the tract
prolonged coagulation or prothrombin time. Vitamin K, through the newborn’s mouth from airborne sources.
synthesized through the action of intestinal flora, is nec- Others may come from vaginal secretions at birth, from
essary for the formation of factor II (prothrombin), fac- hospital bedding, and from contact at the breast. Accumu-
tor VII (proconvertin), factor IX (plasma thromboplastin lation of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is necessary
component), and factor X (Stuart-Prower factor). Because for digestion and for the synthesis of vitamin K. Because
a newborn’s intestine is sterile at birth unless membranes milk, the infant’s main diet for the first year, is low in vi-
were ruptured more than 24 hours before birth, it takes tamin K, this intestinal synthesis is necessary for blood
about 24 hours for flora to accumulate and for vitamin K coagulation.
to be synthesized. Because almost all newborns can be Although a newborn’s stomach holds about 60 to
predicted to have this diminished blood coagulation abil- 90 mL, a newborn has limited ability to digest fat and starch
ity, vitamin K (e.g., AquaMEPHYTON) is administered in- because the pancreatic enzymes, lipase and amylase, re-
tramuscularly into the lateral anterior thigh, the preferred main deficient for the first few months of life. A newborn
site for all injections in a newborn, immediately after birth. regurgitates easily because of an immature cardiac sphinc-
ter between the stomach and esophagus. Immature liver
functions may lead to lowered glucose and protein serum
Respiratory System levels.
A first breath is a major undertaking because it requires a Stools. The first stool of a newborn is usually passed
tremendous amount of pressure (about 40 to 70 cm H2O). within 24 hours after birth. It consists of meconium, a
It is initiated by a combination of cold receptors; a low- sticky, tarlike, blackish-green, odorless material formed
ered partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), which falls from 80 from mucus, vernix, lanugo, hormones, and carbohydrates
to as low as 15 mm Hg before a first breath; and an in- that accumulated during intrauterine life. If a newborn
creased partial carbon dioxide pressure (PCO2), which does not pass a meconium stool by 24 to 48 hours after
rises as high as 70 mm Hg before a first breath. All new- birth, the possibility of meconium ileus, imperforate anus,
borns have some fluid in their lungs from intrauterine life or bowel obstruction should be suspected.
that eases the surface tension on alveolar walls and allows About the second or third day of life, newborn stool
alveoli to inflate more easily than if the lung walls were changes in color and consistency, becoming green and
dry. About a third of this fluid is forced out of the lungs loose. This is termed transitional stool, and it may re-
by the pressure of vaginal birth. Additional fluid is quickly semble diarrhea to the untrained eye. By the fourth day of
absorbed by lung blood vessels and lymphatics after the life, breast-fed babies pass three or four light yellow stools
first breath. per day. They are sweet smelling, because breast milk is
Once the alveoli have been inflated with a first breath, high in lactic acid, which reduces the amount of putre-
breathing becomes much easier for a baby, requiring only factive organisms in the stool. A newborn who receives
about 6 to 8 cm H2O pressure. Within 10 minutes after formula usually passes two or three bright yellow stools a
birth, most newborns have established a good residual vol- day. These have a slightly more noticeable odor, compared
ume. By 10 to 12 hours of age, vital capacity is established with the stools of breast-fed babies.
at newborn proportions. The heart in a newborn takes up A newborn placed under phototherapy lights as a
proportionately more space than in an adult, so the amount treatment for jaundice has bright green stools because of
of lung expansion space available is proportionately limited. increased bilirubin excretion. Newborns with bile duct
A baby born by cesarean birth does not have as much obstruction have clay-colored (gray) stools, because bile
lung fluid expelled at birth as one born vaginally and may pigments are not entering the intestinal tract. Blood-flecked
686 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

stools usually indicate an anal fissure. Occasionally, a new- these personnel should use excellent handwashing tech-
born has swallowed some maternal blood during birth and nique, because, without antibody protection, herpes sim-
either vomits fresh blood immediately after birth or passes plex infections can become systemic or create a rapidly
a black tarry stool after two or more days. Maternal blood fatal form of the disease in a newborn.
may be differentiated from fetal blood by a dipstick Apt
test. If the stools remain black or tarry, intestinal bleeding
Neuromuscular System
should be suspected. If mucus is mixed with stool or the
stool is watery and loose, a milk allergy, lactose intoler- Mature newborns demonstrate neuromuscular function
ance, or some other condition should be suspected. by moving their extremities, attempting to control head
movement, exhibiting a strong cry, and demonstrating
Urinary System newborn reflexes. Limpness or total absence of a muscu-
lar response to manipulation is never normal and suggests
The average newborn voids within 24 hours after birth. A narcosis, shock, or cerebral injury. A newborn occasion-
newborn who does not take in much fluid for the first ally makes twitching or flailing movements of the extrem-
24 hours may void later than this, but the 24-hour point ities in the absence of a stimulus because of the immaturity
is a good general rule. Newborns who do not void within of the nervous system. Newborn reflexes can be tested
this time should be examined for the possibility of ure- with consistency by using simple maneuvers.
thral stenosis or absent kidneys or ureters.
Blink Reflex. A blink reflex in a newborn serves the
The possibility of obstruction in the urinary tract can
same purpose as it does in an adult—to protect the eye
be assessed by observing the force of the urinary stream
from any object coming near it by rapid eyelid closure. It
in both male and female infants. Males should void with
may be elicited by shining a strong light such as a flash-
enough force to produce a small projected arc; females
light or otoscope light on an eye. A sudden movement to-
should produce a steady stream, not just continuous drib-
ward the eye sometimes can elicit the blink reflex.
bling. Projecting urine farther than normal also may sig-
nal urethral obstruction, because it indicates that urine is Rooting Reflex. If the cheek is brushed or stroked near
being forced through a narrow channel. the corner of the mouth, a newborn infant will turn the
The kidneys of newborns do not concentrate urine well, head in that direction. This reflex serves to help a new-
making newborn urine usually light-colored and odorless. born find food: when a mother holds the child and allows
The infant is about 6 weeks of age before much control her breast to brush the newborn’s cheek, the reflex makes
over reabsorption of fluid in tubules and concentration of the baby turn toward the breast. The reflex disappears at
urine becomes evident. about the sixth week of life. At about this time, newborn
A single voiding in a newborn is only about 15 mL and eyes focus steadily, so a food source can be seen, and the
may be easily missed in a thick diaper. Specific gravity reflex is no longer needed.
ranges from 1.008 to 1.010. The daily urinary output for the
Sucking Reflex. When a newborn’s lips are touched, the
first 1 or 2 days is about 30 to 60 mL total. By week 1, total
baby makes a sucking motion. The reflex helps a newborn
daily volume rises to about 300 mL. The first voiding may
find food: when the newborn’s lips touch the mother’s
be pink or dusky because of uric acid crystals that were
breast or a bottle, the baby sucks and so takes in food. The
formed in the bladder in utero; this is an innocent finding.
sucking reflex begins to diminish at about 6 months of age.
A small amount of protein may be normally present in void-
It disappears immediately if it is never stimulated (e.g., in
ings for the first few days of life, until the kidney glomeruli
a newborn with a tracheoesophageal fistula who cannot
are more fully mature. Diapers can be weighed to deter-
take in oral fluids). It can be maintained in such an infant
mine the amount and timing of voidings.
by offering the child a non-nutritive sucking object such
as a pacifier (after the fistula has been corrected by surgery
Immune System and until oral feedings can be given).
Because they have difficulty forming antibodies against in- Swallowing Reflex. The swallowing reflex in a new-
vading antigens until about 2 months of age, newborns born is the same as in the adult. Food that reaches the pos-
are prone to infection. This inability to form antibodies is terior portion of the tongue is automatically swallowed.
the reason that most immunizations against childhood dis- Gag, cough, and sneeze reflexes also are present to main-
eases are not given to infants younger than 2 months of tain a clear airway in the event that normal swallowing
age. Newborns do have some immunologic protection, does not keep the pharynx free of obstructing mucus.
because they are born with passive antibodies (immuno-
Extrusion Reflex. A newborn extrudes any substance
globulin G) from the mother that crossed the placenta. In
that is placed on the anterior portion of the tongue. This
most instances, these include antibodies against poliomye-
protective reflex prevents the swallowing of inedible sub-
litis, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, chickenpox, rubella,
stances. It disappears at about 4 months of age. Until then,
and tetanus. Newborns are routinely administered hepa-
the infant may seem to be spitting out or refusing solid
titis B vaccine during the first 12 hours after birth to pro-
food placed in the mouth.
tect against this disease (American Academy of Pediatrics
[AAP], 2005). Little natural immunity is transmitted against Palmar Grasp Reflex. Newborns grasp an object placed
herpes simplex. Any health care personnel with herpes in their palm by closing their fingers on it (Fig. 24.4).
simplex eruptions (cold sores) should not care for new- Mature newborns grasp so strongly that they can be raised
borns until the lesions have crusted. Once this occurs, from a supine position and suspended momentarily from an
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 687

Placing Reflex. The placing reflex is similar to the step-

in-place reflex, except that it is elicited by touching the
anterior surface of the newborn’s leg against a hard sur-
face such as the edge of a bassinet or table. The newborn
makes a few quick lifting motions, as if to step onto the
table, because of the reflex.
Plantar Grasp Reflex. When an object touches the sole
of a newborn’s foot at the base of the toes, the toes grasp
in the same manner as the fingers do. This reflex dis-
appears at about 8 to 9 months of age in preparation for
walking. However, it may be present during sleep for a
longer period.
Tonic Neck Reflex. When newborns lie on their backs,
their heads usually turn to one side or the other. The arm
and the leg on the side toward which the head turns ex-
tend, and the opposite arm and leg contract (Fig. 24.6).
The movement is most evident in the arms but may also
be observed in the legs. If you turn a newborn’s head to
the opposite side, he or she will often change the exten-
sion and contraction of legs and arms accordingly. This is
also called a boxer or fencing reflex, because the position
FIGURE 24.4 Palmar grasp reflex.
simulates that of someone preparing to box or fence. Un-
like many other reflexes, the tonic neck reflex does not
appear to have a function. It does stimulate eye coordi-
nation, because the extended arm moves in front of the
examiner’s fingers. This reflex disappears at about 6 weeks face. It may signify handedness. The reflex disappears be-
to 3 months of age. A baby begins to grasp meaningfully at tween the second and third months of life.
about 3 months of age.
Moro Reflex. A Moro (startle) reflex (Fig. 24.7) can be ini-
Step (Walk)-in-Place Reflex. Newborns who are held tiated by startling a newborn with a loud noise or by jarring
in a vertical position with their feet touching a hard sur- the bassinet. The most accurate method of eliciting the re-
face will take a few quick, alternating steps (Fig. 24.5). flex is to hold newborns in a supine position and allow
This reflex disappears by 3 months of age. By 4 months, their heads to drop backward about 1 inch. In response to
babies can bear a good portion of their weight unhindered this sudden head movement, they abduct and extend their
by this reflex. arms and legs. Their fingers assume a typical “C” position.

FIGURE 24.5 Step-in-place reflex. FIGURE 24.6 Tonic neck reflex.

688 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

FIGURE 24.7 Moro reflex. FIGURE 24.8 Babinski reflex. When the examiner moves
her finger upward, the newborn’s toes will fan outward.

Finally, they swing their arms into an embrace position and will at 3 months of age), but neither should they sag into
pull up their legs against their abdomen (adduction). The an inverted “U” position. The latter response indicates ex-
reflex simulates the action of someone trying to ward off tremely poor muscle tone, the cause of which should be
an attacker, then covering up to protect himself. It is strong investigated.
for the first 8 weeks of life and then fades by the end of the
fourth or fifth month, at the same time an infant can roll Deep Tendon Reflexes. A patellar reflex can be elicited
away from danger. in a newborn by tapping the patellar tendon with the tip of
the finger. The lower leg moves perceptibly if the infant
Babinski Reflex. When the side of the sole of the foot is has an intact reflex. To elicit a biceps reflex, place the
stroked in an inverted “J” curve from the heel upward, a thumb of your left hand on the tendon of the biceps mus-
newborn fans the toes (positive Babinski sign) (Fig. 24.8). cle on the inner surface of the elbow. Tap the thumb as it
This is in contrast to the adult, who flexes the toes. This re- rests on the tendon. You are more likely to feel the ten-
action occurs because nervous system development is im- don contract than to observe movement. A biceps reflex
mature. It remains positive (toes fan) until at least 3 months
of age, when it is supplanted by the down-turning or adult
flexion response.
Magnet Reflex. If pressure is applied to the soles of the
feet of a newborn lying in a supine position, he or she
pushes back against the pressure. This and the two fol-
lowing reflexes are tests of spinal cord integrity.
Crossed Extension Reflex. If one leg of a newborn
lying supine is extended and the sole of that foot is irritated
by being rubbed with a sharp object, such as a thumbnail,
the infant raises the other leg and extends it, as if trying to
push away the hand irritating the first leg.
Trunk Incurvation Reflex. When newborns lie in a
prone position and are touched along the paravertebral
area by a probing finger, they flex their trunk and swing
their pelvis toward the touch (Fig. 24.9).
Landau Reflex. A newborn who is held in a prone po-
sition with a hand underneath, supporting the trunk, should FIGURE 24.9 Trunk incurvation reflex. When the paraver-
demonstrate some muscle tone. Babies may not be able tebral area is stroked, the newborn flexes his or her trunk to-
to lift their head or arch their back in this position (as they ward the direction of the stimulation.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 689

is a test for spinal nerves C5 and C6; a patellar reflex is a Smell. The sense of smell is present in newborns as soon
test for spinal nerves L2 through L4. as the nose is clear of mucus and amniotic fluid. Newborns
turn toward their mothers’ breast partly out of recognition
of the smell of breast milk and partly as a manifestation of
✔ Checkpoint Question 2
the rooting reflex. Their ability to respond to odors can be
used to document alertness.
A Moro reflex is the single best assessment of neurologic
ability in a newborn. What is the best way to test this Physiologic Adjustment
reflex? to Extrauterine Life
a. Observe the infant while she is on her abdomen to
see whether she can turn her head. All newborns seem to move through periods of irregular
b. Lift the infant’s head while she is supine and allow it adjustment in the first 6 hours of life, before their body
to fall back 1 inch. systems stabilize. These periods were first described by
c. Shake the infant’s crib until the infant responds by Desmond in 1963 and are termed periods of reactivity
flailing her arms. (Desmond, 1963). The first phase lasts about half an hour.
d. Make a sharp noise, such as clapping your hands, During this time, the baby is alert and exhibits exploring,
to wake the infant. searching activity, often making sucking sounds. Heart
beat and respiratory rate are rapid. This is called the first
period of reactivity.
Next comes a quiet resting period. Heartbeat and res-
The Senses piratory rates slow, and the newborn typically sleeps for
about 90 minutes. The second period of reactivity, be-
The senses in newborns are already developed at birth.
tween 2 and 6 hours of life, occurs when the baby wakes
Hearing. A fetus is able to hear in utero even before birth. again, often gagging and choking on mucus that has accu-
As soon as amniotic fluid drains or is absorbed from the mulated in the mouth. He or she is again alert and respon-
middle ear by way of the eustachian tube—within hours sive and interested in the surroundings.
after birth—hearing becomes acute. Newborns appear to These three periods are summarized in Table 24.1. New-
have difficulty locating sound, however, and do not turn borns who are ill or who had difficulty at birth may not
toward it consistently. Perhaps they must learn to inter- pass through these typical stages; they may never have
pret small differences among sounds arriving at their ears periods of alertness or periods of quiet. Their vital signs
at different times. They respond with generalized activity may not fall and rise again but remain rapid; their tem-
to a sound such as a bell ringing a short distance from perature may remain subnormal. Demonstration of this
their ear. A newborn who is actively crying when the bell typical reactivity pattern, therefore, is an indication that
is rung stops crying and seems to attend. Similarly, new- the newborn is healthy and adjusting well to extrauterine
borns calm in response to a soothing voice and startle at life. The ability to transition from one period to another
loud noises. They recognize their mother’s voice almost is an important indicator of neurologic status.
immediately, as if they have heard it in utero.
Vision. Newborns see as soon as they are born and pos- APPEARANCE OF A NEWBORN
sibly have been “seeing” light and dark in utero for the last
few months of pregnancy, as the uterus and the abdomi- Although all newborns have similar physical findings, there
nal wall were stretched thin. Newborns demonstrate are individual differences.
sight at birth by blinking at a strong light (blink reflex) or
by following a bright light or toy a short distance with Skin
their eyes. Because they cannot follow past the midline of
vision, they lose track of objects easily. This is why par- General inspection of a newborn’s skin reveals many char-
ents sometimes think and report that their newborn does acteristic findings.
not see. Newborns focus best on black and white objects
at a distance of 9 to 12 in. A pupillary reflex or ability to Color
contract the pupil is present from birth.
Most term newborns have a ruddy complexion because of
Touch. The sense of touch is also well developed at birth. the increased concentration of red blood cells in blood ves-
Newborns demonstrate this by quieting at a soothing sels and a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat,
touch and by positive sucking and rooting reflexes, which which makes the blood vessels more visible. This ruddiness
are elicited by touch. They also react to painful stimuli. fades slightly over the first month. Infants with poor cen-
tral nervous system control may appear pale and cyanotic.
Taste. A newborn has the ability to discriminate taste, be-
A gray color in newborns generally indicates infection.
cause taste buds are developed and functioning even before
Twins may be born with a twin transfusion phenomenon,
birth. A fetus in utero, for example, will swallow amniotic
in which one twin is larger and has good color and the
fluid more rapidly than usual if glucose is added to sweeten
smaller twin has pallor (Duncombe et al., 2003).
its taste. The swallowing decreases if a bitter flavor is added.
A newborn turns away from a bitter taste such as salt but Cyanosis. Generalized mottling of the skin is common.
readily accepts the sweet taste of milk or glucose water. A newborn’s lips, hands, and feet are likely to appear blue
690 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

TABLE 24.1
Periods of Reactivity: Normal Adjustment to Extrauterine Life
Assessment First Period (First 15–30 Min) Resting Period (30–120 Min) Second Period (2–6 H)

Color Acrocyanosis Color stabilizing Quick color changes occur with

movement or crying
Temperature Temperature begins to fall from Temperature stabilizes Temperature increases to
intrauterine temperature of about at about 99°F (37.2°C) 99.8°F (37.6°C)
100.6°F (38.1°C)
Heart rate Rapid, as much as 180 bpm while Slowing to 120–140 bpm Wide swings in rate with activity
Respirations Irregular; 30–90 breaths per min while Slowing to 30–50 breaths Becoming irregular again with
crying; some nasal flaring, occasional per min; barreling of activity
retraction may be present chest occurs
Activity Alert; watching Sleeping Awakening
Ability to respond Vigorous reaction Difficult to arouse Becoming responsive again
to stimulation
Mucus Visible in mouth Small amount present Mouth full of mucus, causing
while sleeping gagging
Bowel sounds Can be heard after first 15 min Present Often passage of first
meconium stool

Desmond, M. N., et al. (1963). The clinical behavior of the newly born: The term infant. Journal of
Pediatrics, 62(3), 307–309.

from immature peripheral circulation. Acrocyanosis (blue- high red blood cell count built up in utero is destroyed,
ness of hands and feet) is so prominent in some newborns and heme and globin are released. Globin is a protein com-
that it appears as if some stricture were cutting off circu- ponent that is reused by the body and is not a factor in the
lation, with usual skin color on one side and blue on the developing jaundice. Heme is further broken down into
other. Acrocyanosis is a normal phenomenon in the first iron (which is also reused and not involved in the jaun-
24 to 48 hours after birth; however, central cyanosis, or dice) and protoporphyrin. Protoporphyrin is further bro-
cyanosis of the trunk, is always a cause for concern. Cen- ken down into indirect bilirubin. Indirect bilirubin is fat
tral cyanosis indicates decreased oxygenation. It may be soluble and cannot be excreted by the kidneys in this
the result of a temporary respiratory obstruction or an state. For removal from the body, it is converted by the
underlying disease state. liver enzyme glucuronyl transferase into direct bilirubin,
Mucus obstructing a newborn’s respiratory tract causes which is water soluble. This is incorporated into stool and
sudden cyanosis and apnea. Suctioning of the mucus re- then excreted in feces. Many newborns have such imma-
lieves the condition. Always suction the mouth of a new- ture liver function that indirect bilirubin cannot be con-
born before the nose, because suctioning the nose first verted to the direct form; it therefore remains indirect. As
may trigger a reflex gasp, possibly leading to aspiration if long as the bilirubin remains in the circulatory system, the
there is mucus in the posterior throat. Follow mouth suc- red coloring of the blood cells covers the yellow tint of
tioning with suction to the nose, because the nose is the the bilirubin. After the level of this indirect bilirubin has
chief conduit for air in a newborn. risen to more than 7 mg/100 mL, however, bilirubin per-
meates the tissue outside the circulatory system and causes
the infant to appear jaundiced.
? What if... Ms. Ruiz inspects her new baby Observe infants who are prone to extensive bruising
(large, breech, or immature babies) carefully for jaundice,
and says to you, “Her hands are cold and blue. Is some-
thing wrong with her hands?” How should you answer? because bruising leads to hemorrhage of blood into the
subcutaneous tissue or skin. As this blood is broken down,
jaundice can occur.
Hyperbilirubinemia. Hyperbilirubinemia leads to jaun- Cephalhematoma, a collection of blood under the
dice, or yellowing of the skin. This occurs on the second periosteum of the skull bone, can lead to the same phe-
or third day of life in about 50% of all newborns, as a re- nomenon. As the bruising heals and the red blood cells
sult of the breakdown of fetal red blood cells (physio- are hemolyzed, additional indirect bilirubin is released.
logic jaundice). The infant’s skin and the sclerae of the If intestinal obstruction is present and stool cannot be
eyes appear noticeably yellow. This happens because the evacuated, intestinal flora may break down bile into its
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 691

basic components, leading to the release of indirect biliru- appears red on the dependent side of the body and pale on
bin into the bloodstream again. Early feeding of newborns the upper side, as if a line had been drawn down the cen-
promotes intestinal movement and excretion of meco- ter of the body. This is a transient phenomenon; although
nium and helps prevent indirect bilirubin buildup from startling, it is of no clinical significance. The odd coloring
this source. fades immediately if the infant’s position is changed or the
The level of jaundice in newborns may be judged grossly baby kicks or cries vigorously.
by estimating the extent to which it has progressed on the
surface of the infant’s body, starting in the head and spread- Birthmarks
ing to the rest of the body.
Various commercial devices (transcutaneous bilirubi- Several common types of birthmarks occur in newborns. It
nometry devices) are available to measure skin tone for is important to be able to differentiate the various types of
jaundice and help in estimating jaundice levels. Although hemangiomas that occur, so that you neither give false re-
use of these devices rarely replaces serum measurements, assurance to parents nor worry them unnecessarily about
they can be used to identify infants who need serum these lesions.
bilirubin determinations. The technique for obtaining a Hemangiomas. The hemangiomas are vascular tumors
serum bilirubin specimen by heel puncture is shown in of the skin. Three types of hemangiomas occur.
Chapter 36.
Treatment for physiologic jaundice or the routine rise Nevus Flammeus. Nevus flammeus (Fig. 24.10A) is a
in bilirubin in newborns is rarely necessary, except for macular purple or dark-red lesion (sometimes called a port-
measures such as early feeding to speed passage of feces wine stain because of its deep color) that is present at
through the intestine and prevent reabsorption of biliru- birth. These lesions typically appear on the face, although
bin from the bowel. they are often found on the thighs as well. Those above
Above-normal indirect bilirubin levels are potentially the bridge of the nose tend to fade; the others are less likely
dangerous because, if enough indirect bilirubin (about to fade. Because they are level with the skin surface (mac-
20 mg/100 mL) leaves the bloodstream, it can interfere ular), they can be covered by a cosmetic preparation later
with the chemical synthesis of brain cells, resulting in per- in life or removed by laser therapy, although lesions may
manent cell damage, a condition termed kernicterus. If reappear after treatment (Waner, 2003).
this occurs, permanent neurologic damage, including cog- Nevus flammeus lesions also occur as lighter, pink
nitive challenge, may result. patches at the nape of the neck, known as stork’s beak
There is no set level at which indirect serum bilirubin marks (see Fig. 24.10B). These do not fade, but they are
requires treatment, because other factors, such as age, ma- covered by the hairline and therefore are of no conse-
turity, and breast-feeding status, affect this determination. quence. They occur more often in females than in males.
If the level rises to more than 10 to 12 mg/100 mL, treat-
Strawberry Hemangioma. Strawberry hemangiomas
ment is usually considered. Phototherapy (exposure of the
are elevated areas formed by immature capillaries and
infant to light to initiate maturation of liver enzymes) may
endothelial cells (see Fig. 24.10C). Most are present at
be used (see Chapter 26). If this is necessary, the incuba-
birth in the term neonate, although they may appear up
tor and light source can be moved to the mother’s room
to 2 weeks after birth. Typically, they are not present in
so that the mother is not separated from her baby. Some
the preterm infant because of the immaturity of the epi-
infants need continued therapy after discharge and receive
dermis. Formation is associated with the high estrogen lev-
phototherapy at home (Walls, 2004).
els of pregnancy. They may continue to enlarge from their
Compared with formula-fed babies, a small proportion
original size up to 1 year of age. After the first year, they tend
of breast-fed babies may have more difficulty converting
to be absorbed and shrink in size. By the time the child is
indirect bilirubin to direct bilirubin, because breast milk
7 years old, 50% to 75% of these lesions have disappeared.
contains pregnanediol (a metabolite of progesterone),
A child may be 10 years old before the absorption is com-
which depresses the action of glucuronyl transferase
plete. Application of hydrocortisone ointment may speed
(Reiser, 2004). However, breast-feeding rarely causes
the disappearance of these lesions by interfering with the
enough jaundice to warrant therapy. The decision to stop
binding of estrogen to its receptor sites.
nursing in the first 2 weeks of life must never be made
Be certain parents understand that the mark may grow
lightly, because it could interfere with breast filling and
in their child’s early years. Otherwise, they may confuse
the breast milk supply.
it with cancer (a skin lesion increasing in size is one of the
Pallor. Pallor in newborns is usually the result of anemia. seven danger signals of cancer). Be sure they also under-
This may be caused by (1) excessive blood loss when the stand that the mark will eventually disappear, so that they
cord was cut, (2) inadequate flow of blood from the cord do not think of their child as imperfect or disfigured.
into the infant at birth, (3) fetal–maternal transfusion, Surgery to remove strawberry hemangiomas is rarely rec-
(4) low iron stores caused by poor maternal nutrition dur- ommended because it can lead to secondary infection, re-
ing pregnancy, or (5) blood incompatibility in which a large sulting in scarring and permanent disfigurement. Laser
number of red blood cells were hemolyzed in utero. It also therapy may be used to remove the lesion (Waner, 2003).
may be the result of internal bleeding. The baby should be
Cavernous Hemangioma. Cavernous hemangiomas
watched closely for signs of blood in stool or vomitus.
(see Fig. 24.10D) are dilated vascular spaces. They are
Harlequin Sign. Occasionally, because of immature cir- usually raised and resemble a strawberry hemangioma in
culation, a newborn who has been lying on his or her side appearance. However, they do not disappear with time as
692 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period


FIGURE 24.10 Types of hemangiomas found on a newborn. (A) Nevus flammeus (port-
wine stain) formed of a plexus of newly formed capillaries in the papillary layer of the corium.
It is deep red to purple, does not blanch on pressure, and does not fade with age. (B) A
telangectasia or Stork’s beak mark, commonly occurring on nape of neck. It blanches on
pressure; although it does not fade, it is not noticeable as it becomes covered by hair.
(C) Strawberry hemangiomas consist of dilated capillaries in entire dermal and subdermal
layers. They continue to enlarge after birth but usually disappear by age 10 years. (D) Cav-
ernous hemangiomas consist of a communicating network of venules in subcutaneous
tissue and do not fade with age.

the strawberry hemangiomas do. Subcutaneous infusions Otherwise, they may worry their baby sustained a birth
of interferon-alfa-2a can be used to reduce these lesions in injury.
size (Greene et al., 2004), or they can be removed surgi-
cally. Children who have a skin lesion may have additional Vernix Caseosa
ones on internal organs. Blows to the abdomen, such as
those from childhood games, can cause bleeding from Vernix caseosa is a white, cream cheese–like substance
internal hemangiomas. For this reason, children with cav- that serves as a skin lubricant. Usually, it is noticeable on a
ernous hemangiomas usually have their hematocrit levels term newborn’s skin, at least in the skin folds, at birth. Doc-
assessed at health maintenance visits, to evaluate for pos- ument the color of vernix, because it takes on the color of
sible internal blood loss. the amniotic fluid. For example, a yellow vernix implies that
the amniotic fluid was yellow from bilirubin; green vernix
Mongolian Spots. Mongolian spots are collections of indicates that meconium was present in the amniotic fluid.
pigment cells (melanocytes) that appear as slate-gray Until the first bath, when vernix is washed away, han-
patches across the sacrum or buttocks and possibly on dle newborns with gloves to protect yourself from expo-
the arms and legs. They tend to occur in children of Asian, sure to body fluids. Never use harsh rubbing to wash away
Southern European, or African extraction (Constantinou, vernix. A newborn’s skin is tender, and breaks in the skin
2003). They disappear by school age without treatment. caused by too vigorous attempts at removal may open por-
Be sure to inform parents that these are not bruises. tals of entry for bacteria.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 693

Lanugo is the fine, downy hair that covers a newborn’s
shoulders, back, and upper arms. It may be found also on
the forehead and ears. A baby born after 37 to 39 weeks of
gestation has more lanugo than a newborn of 40 weeks’
gestational age. Postmature infants (more than 42 weeks
of gestation) rarely have lanugo. Lanugo is rubbed away by
the friction of bedding and clothes against the newborn’s
skin. By 2 weeks of age, it has disappeared.

Within 24 hours after birth, the skin of most newborns
has become extremely dry. The dryness is particularly evi-
dent on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. This
results in areas of peeling similar to those caused by sun-
burn. This is normal, however, and needs no treatment.
Parents may apply hand lotion to prevent excessive dry-
ness if they wish.
Newborns who are postmature and have suffered intra-
uterine malnutrition may have extremely dry skin, with
a leathery appearance and cracks in the skin folds. This
should be differentiated from normal desquamation.

All newborn sebaceous glands are immature. At least one
pinpoint white papule (a plugged or unopened sebaceous
gland) can be found on the cheek or across the bridge of
the nose of every newborn. Such lesions, termed milia
(Fig. 24.11), disappear by 2 to 4 weeks of age, as the seba-
ceous glands mature and drain. Teach parents to avoid
scratching or squeezing the papules, to prevent second-
ary infections.
FIGURE 24.11 Milia are unopened sebaceous glands fre-
quently found on the nose, chin, or cheeks of a newborn.
Erythema Toxicum
In most normal mature infants, a newborn rash called
erythema toxicum can be observed (Fig. 24.12). This
usually appears in the first to fourth day of life, but may Skin Turgor
appear up to 2 weeks of age. It begins with a papule, in-
Newborn skin should feel resilient if the underlying tissue
creases in severity to become erythema by the second
is well hydrated. If a fold of the skin is grasped between
day, and then disappears by the third day. It is sometimes
the thumb and fingers, it should feel elastic. When it is re-
called a flea-bite rash because the lesions are so minus-
leased, it should fall back to form a smooth surface. If se-
cule. One of the chief characteristics of the rash is its lack
vere dehydration is present, the skin will not smooth out
of pattern. It occurs sporadically and unpredictably, and
again but will remain in an elevated ridge. Poor turgor is
may last hours rather than days. It is caused by a new-
seen in newborns who suffered malnutrition in utero,
born’s eosinophils reacting to the environment as the
who have difficulty sucking at birth, or who have certain
immune system matures. It requires no treatment.
metabolic disorders such as adrenogenital syndrome.

Forceps Marks
If forceps were used for birth, there may be a circular or lin-
ear contusion matching the rim of the blade of the forceps
✔ Checkpoint Question 3
on the infant’s cheek (Fig. 24.13). This mark disappears in Beth Ruiz has milia on her nose. What is the necessary
1 to 2 days, along with the edema that accompanies it. The therapy for this?
mark is the result of normal forceps use and does not de- a. Ice packs to reduce inflammation.
note unskilled or too vigorous application of forceps. b. Warm heat to increase circulation.
Closely assess the facial nerve while a newborn is at rest c. No therapy is necessary for milia.
and during crying episodes, to detect any potential facial d. Lancing the lesions so they drain.
nerve compression requiring further evaluation.
694 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

The fontanelles are the spaces or openings where the skull
bones join. The anterior fontanelle is located at the junc-
tion of the two parietal bones and the two fused frontal
bones. It is diamond shaped and measures 2 to 3 cm (0.8
to 1.2 in) in width and 3 to 4 cm (1.2 to 1.6 in) in length.
The posterior fontanelle is located at the junction of the
parietal bones and the occipital bone. It is triangular and
measures about 1 cm (0.4 in) in length.
The anterior fontanelle can be felt as a soft spot. It
should not appear indented (a sign of dehydration) or
bulging (a sign of increased intracranial pressure) when the
infant is positioned upright at an angle of 45° to 90°. The
fontanelle may bulge if the newborn strains to pass a stool
or cries vigorously or is lying supine. With vigorous crying,
a pulse may additionally be seen in the fontanelle. The an-
terior fontanelle normally closes at 12 to 18 months of age.
In some newborns, the posterior fontanelle is so small
that it cannot be palpated readily. The posterior fontanelle
closes by the end of the second month.

FIGURE 24.12 Erythema toxicum is found on almost all Sutures

newborns. The reddish rash consists of sporadic pinpoint
papules on an erythematous base. It fades spontaneously The skull sutures, the separating lines of the skull, may
in a few days. override at birth because of the extreme pressure exerted
on the head during passage through the birth canal. If the
sagittal suture between the parietal bones overrides, the
fontanelles are less perceptible than usual. The overriding
subsides in 24 to 48 hours.
Head Suture lines should never appear widely separated in
A newborn’s head appears disproportionately large be- newborns. Wide separation suggests increased intracra-
cause it is about one fourth of the total body length; in an nial pressure due to abnormal brain formation, abnormal
adult, the head is one eighth of total height. The forehead accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cranium (hydro-
of a newborn is large and prominent. The chin appears to cephalus), or an accumulation of blood from a birth injury
be receding, and it quivers easily if the infant is startled or (e.g., subdural hemorrhage). Fused suture lines also are
cries. Well-nourished newborns have full-bodied hair; abnormal; they require radiographic confirmation and fur-
poorly nourished and preterm infants have thin, lifeless ther evaluation, because they will prevent the head from
hair. If internal fetal monitoring was used during labor, the expanding with growth.
newborn may exhibit a pinpoint ulcer at the point where
the monitor was attached. Molding
The part of the infant’s head that engages the cervix (usu-
ally the vertex) is molded to fit the cervix contours. After
birth, this area appears prominent and asymmetric. Mold-
ing may be so extreme in the baby of a primiparous woman
that the baby’s head looks like a dunce cap (Fig. 24.14).
The head will be restored to its normal shape within a few
days after birth.

Caput Succedaneum
Caput succedaneum (Fig. 24.15A) is edema of the scalp
at the presenting part of the head. It may involve wide
areas of the head, or it may be the size of a large egg. The
edema, which crosses the suture lines, is gradually ab-
sorbed and disappears at about the third day of life. It needs
no treatment.

FIGURE 24.13 Forceps marks are commonly found in
newborns born by forceps. Such marks are transient A cephalhematoma is a collection of blood between the
and disappear in a day or two. periosteum of a skull bone and the bone itself; it is caused
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 695

FIGURE 24.14 Molding. (A, B)

The infant head molds to fit the birth
canal more easily. On palpation, the
skull sutures will be felt to be over-
riding. (C, D) The head shape re- D
turns to normal within 1 week.

by rupture of a periosteal capillary due to the pressure of rated to relieve the condition. However, such a procedure
birth (see Fig. 24.15B). It usually appears 24 hours after would introduce the risk of infection and is unnecessary,
birth. Although the blood loss is negligible, the swelling because the condition will subside by itself. As the blood
is usually severe and is well outlined as an egg shape. It captured in the space is broken down, a great amount of
may be discolored (black and blue) because of the pres- indirect bilirubin may be released, leading to jaundice.
ence of coagulated blood. A cephalhematoma is confined
to an individual bone, so the associated swelling stops at
the bone’s suture line.
It often takes weeks for a cephalhematoma to be ab- Craniotabes is a localized softening of the cranial bones
sorbed. It might be supposed that the blood could be aspi- that is probably caused by pressure of the fetal skull against
696 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period






FIGURE 24.15 (A) Caput succedaneum. From pressure of the birth canal, an edematous
area is present beneath the scalp. Note how it crosses the midline of the skull. (B) Cephal-
hematoma. A small capillary beneath the periosteum of the skull bone has ruptured, and
blood has collected under the periosteum of the bone. Note how the swelling now stops at
the midline. Because the blood is contained under the periosteum, it is necessarily stopped
by a suture line.

the mother’s pelvic bone in utero. It is more common in Pressure during birth sometimes ruptures a conjunctival
first-born infants than in infants born later, because of the capillary of the eye, resulting in a small subconjunctival
lower position of the fetal head in the pelvis during the hemorrhage. This appears as a red spot on the sclera, usu-
last 2 weeks of pregnancy in primiparous women. With ally on the inner aspect of the eye, or as a red ring around
craniotabes, the skull is so soft that the pressure of an ex- the cornea. The bleeding is slight, requires no treatment,
amining finger can indent it. The bone returns to its nor- and is completely absorbed within 2 or 3 weeks. You can
mal contour after the pressure is removed. The condition reassure the parents that these hemorrhages are normal
corrects itself without treatment after a few months, as variations. Otherwise, they may assume that their baby is
the infant takes in calcium in milk. It is an example of a bleeding from within the eye and that his or her vision will
condition that is normal in a newborn but would be be impaired.
pathologic in an older child or adult (in whom it proba- Edema is often present around the orbit or on the eye-
bly would be the result of faulty metabolism or kidney lids. This remains for the first 2 or 3 days, until the new-
dysfunction). born’s kidneys are capable of evacuating fluid more
Eyes The cornea of the eye should appear round and pro-
portionate in size to that of an adult eye. A cornea that ap-
Newborns usually cry tearlessly, because their lacrimal pears larger than usual may be the result of congenital
ducts do not fully mature until about 3 months of age. glaucoma. An irregularly shaped pupil or discolored iris
Almost without exception, the irises of the eyes of new- may denote disease (see Chapter 33). The pupil should be
borns are gray or blue; the sclera may be blue due to its dark. A white pupil suggests the presence of a congenital
thinness. Infant eyes assume their permanent color be- cataract.
tween 3 and 12 months of age.
To inspect the eyes, lay the newborn in a supine posi- Ears
tion and lift the head. This maneuver causes the baby to
open his or her eyes. A newborn’s eyes should appear A newborn’s external ear is not as completely formed as
clear, without redness or purulent discharge. Occasion- it will be eventually, so the pinna tends to bend easily. In
ally, the administration of an antibiotic ointment such as the term newborn, however, the pinna should be strong
erythromycin at birth, to protect against Chlamydia in- enough to recoil after bending.
fection as well as ophthalmia neonatorum (gonorrheal The level of the top part of the external ear should be
conjunctivitis), has caused a purulent discharge that lasts on a line drawn from the inner canthus to the outer can-
for the first 24 hours of life. thus of the eye and back across the side of the head (see
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 697

Chapter 33). Ears that are set lower than this are found in posited in utero. Be sure to inform parents that these pearl-
infants with certain chromosomal abnormalities, particu- like cysts are insignificant, require no treatment, and will
larly trisomy 18 and 13, syndromes in which low-set ears disappear spontaneously within 1 week. Otherwise, a par-
and other physical defects are coupled with varying de- ent may mistake them for thrush, a Candida infection,
grees of cognitive challenge (see Chapters 7 and 54). which usually appears on the tongue and sides of the
A small tag of skin is sometimes found just in front of cheeks as white or gray patches.
an ear. Although these tags may be associated with chro- All newborns have some mucus in their mouths. New-
mosomal abnormalities or kidney disease, they usually are borns delivered by cesarean birth usually have an increased
isolated findings that are of no consequence. They can amount. If a newborn is placed on the side, the mucus
be removed by ligation immediately or when the child is drains from the mouth and results in no distress. If the
1 week old. A preauricular dermal sinus may be present mouth is filled with so much mucus that the neonate seems
directly in front of the ear as well. Always inspect in front to be blowing bubbles, a tracheoesophageal fistula is sus-
of newborns’ ears for pinpoint-size openings that reveal pected. This must be confirmed or ruled out before the
these sinuses. The sinus is usually small and can be re- newborn is fed; otherwise, formula can be aspirated into
moved surgically without consequence when the child is the lungs from the inadequately formed esophagus.
near school age. Small, white epithelial pearls (benign inclusion cysts)
Visualization of the tympanic membrane of the ear in may be present on the gum margins. No therapy is nec-
a newborn is difficult and usually is not attempted, be- essary for these.
cause amniotic fluid and flecks of vernix still fill the canal, It is unusual for a newborn to have teeth, but some-
obliterating the drum and its accompanying landmarks. times one or two (called natal teeth) will have erupted.
A good practice is to test a newborn’s hearing by ring- Any teeth that are present must be evaluated for stability.
ing a bell held about 6 inches from each ear. A hearing in- If loose, they should be extracted to prevent possible as-
fant who is crying will stop momentarily at the sound. If piration during feeding. Also, any natal teeth not covered
quiet, a newborn who can hear will blink the eyes, appear by the gum membrane should be removed, because they
to attend to the sound, and possibly startle. Although this can loosen, increasing the risk for aspiration.
method of testing is not highly accurate, a negative re-
sponse (lack of response) is unusual. Infants with negative Neck
responses should be retested later. In many health care fa-
cilities, all newborns are tested by a commercial standard- The neck of a newborn is short and often chubby, with
ized response to sound before discharge (Brennan, 2004). creased skin folds. The head should rotate freely on it. If
there is rigidity of the neck, congenital torticollis, caused
by injury to the sternocleidomastoid muscle during birth,
Nose might be present (see Chapter 39). In newborns whose
A newborn’s nose tends to appear large for the face. As membranes were ruptured more than 24 hours before
the infant grows, the rest of the face grows more than the birth, nuchal rigidity suggests meningitis.
nose does, and this discrepancy disappears. The neck of a newborn is not strong enough to support
Test for choanal atresia (blockage at the rear of the the total weight of the head. In a sitting position, a new-
nose) by closing the newborn’s mouth and compressing born should make a momentary effort at head control.
one naris at a time with your fingers. Note any discomfort When lying prone, newborns can raise the head slightly,
or distress with breathing. Also record any evidence of usually enough to lift the nose out of mucus or spit-up for-
milia on the nose. mula. If they are pulled into a sitting position from a
supine position, the head will lag behind considerably.
Again, however, they should make some effort to control
Mouth and steady the head as they reach the sitting position.
A newborn’s mouth should open evenly when he or she The trachea may be prominent on the front of the neck,
cries. If one side of the mouth moves more than the other, and the thymus gland may be enlarged because of the
cranial nerve injury is suggested. A newborn’s tongue ap- rapid growth of glandular tissue (in comparison with other
pears large and prominent in the mouth. Because the body tissues) early in life. The thymus gland will triple in
tongue is short, the frenulum membrane is attached close size by 3 years of age; it remains at that size until the child
to the tip of the tongue, creating the impression that the in- is about 10 years old, and then shrinks. Although the thy-
fant is “tongue tied.” At one time, it was almost routine to mus may appear to be bulging in a newborn, it is rarely a
snip a newborn’s frenulum membrane to lengthen it. Now cause of respiratory difficulty, as was previously believed.
this procedure is regarded as harmful, because it leaves a
portal of entry for infection, risks hemorrhage because of Chest
the low level of vitamin K in most newborns, and causes
feeding difficulties by making the tongue sore and irri- The chest in some newborns looks small because the head
tated. And is unnecessary because, as the tongue grows, is large in proportion. Not until a child is 2 years of age
the frenulum recedes to its adult placement. does the chest measurement exceed that of the head.
Inspect the palate of a newborn to be sure it is intact. In both female and male infants, the breasts may be
Occasionally, one or two small round, glistening, well- engorged. Occasionally, the breasts of newborn babies
circumscribed cysts (Epstein’s pearls) are present on the secrete a thin, watery fluid popularly termed witch’s
palate, a result of the extra load of calcium that was de- milk. Engorgement develops in utero as a result of the
698 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

influence of the mother’s hormones. As soon as the hor- The edge of the liver is usually palpable 1 to 2 cm below
mones are cleared from the infant’s system (about 1 week), the right costal margin. The edge of the spleen may be pal-
the engorgement and any fluid that is present subside. pable 1 to 2 cm below the left costal margin. Tenderness is
Fluid should never be expressed from infants’ breasts, difficult to determine in a newborn. If it is extreme, how-
because the manipulation could introduce bacteria and ever, palpation will cause the infant to cry, thrash about, or
lead to mastitis. tense the abdominal muscles to protect the abdomen.
The chest of a neonate is approximately 2 inches smaller For the first hour after birth, the stump of the umbili-
in circumference than the head, and as wide in the antero- cal cord appears as a white, gelatinous structure marked
posterior diameter as it is across. The clavicles should be with the red and blue streaks of the umbilical vein and
straight. A crepitus or actual separation on one or the other arteries. When the cord is first cut, the vessels are counted
clavicle may indicate that a fracture occurred during birth to be certain that one vein and two arteries are present.
and calcium is now being deposited at that point. As the In 0.5% of births (3.5% of twin births), there is only a
area heals, it may be possible to palpate a lump on the clav- single umbilical artery, and in one third of such infants,
icle caused by temporary calcium overgrowth. Overall, a this single artery is associated with a congenital heart or
newborn’s chest should appear symmetric side to side. Res- renal abnormality. Because these heart and kidney anom-
pirations are normally rapid (30 to 60 breaths per minute) alies may not be readily apparent, any child with a single
but not distressed. A supernumerary nipple (usually found umbilical artery needs close observation and assessment
below and in line with the normal nipples) may be present. until anomalies are ruled out.
If so, it may be removed later for cosmetic purposes. Inspect the cord clamp to be certain it is secure. After
Retraction (drawing in of the chest wall with inspira- the first hour of life, the cord begins to dry and shrink, and
tion) should not be present. An infant with retractions it turns brown like the dead end of a vine. By the second
(Fig. 24.16) is using such strong force to pull air into the or third day, it has turned black. It breaks free by day 6 to
respiratory tract that he or she is pulling in the anterior 10, leaving a granulating area a few centimeters wide that
chest muscle. heals during the following week.
Because a newborn’s lung alveoli open slowly over the There should be no bleeding at the cord site. Bleeding
first 24 to 48 hours and the baby invariably has mucus in suggests that the cord clamp has become loosened or the
the back of the throat, listening to lung sounds often re- cord has been tugged loose by the friction of the bed-
veals the sounds of rhonchi—the harsh, innocent sound clothes. The base of the cord should appear dry. A moist
of air passing over mucus. An abnormal sound, such as or odorous cord suggests infection. If present, infection
grunting, suggests respiratory distress syndrome; a high, should receive immediate treatment or it may enter a new-
crowing sound on inspiration suggests stridor or imma- born’s bloodstream and cause septicemia. Moistness at the
ture tracheal development. base of the cord also may indicate a patent urachus (a canal
that connects the bladder and the umbilicus), which will
Abdomen drain urine at the cord site until it is surgically repaired.
Inspect the base of the cord to be sure no abdominal
The contour of a newborn abdomen looks slightly protu- wall defect (e.g., umbilical hernia) is present. If there is a
berant. A scaphoid or sunken appearance may indicate fascial (abdominal wall) defect smaller than 2 cm in diam-
missing abdominal contents or a diaphragmatic hernia. eter, it usually closes on its own by school age; a larger de-
Bowel sounds should be present within 1 hour after birth. fect will probably require surgical correction. Taping or
putting buttons or coins on the cord are home remedies
that do not help defects to close. In fact, heavy taping may
worsen the condition by preventing the development of
good muscle tone in the abdominal wall. Tape also tends
to keep the cord moist, making infection more likely than
when it is dry (Box 24.3).
Because a newborn’s voiding only demonstrates there
is at least one kidney, not that there are two, attempt to
verify the presence of kidneys by deep palpation of the
right and left abdomen within the first few hours after
birth. After this time, the intestines fill with air, making pal-
pation more difficult. The right kidney (at least its lower
pole) can usually be palpated, because it is located lower
than the left; the left kidney is more difficult to locate, be-
cause the intestine is bulkier on the left side and the left
kidney is higher in the retroperitoneal space. Nonetheless,
try to locate it. Placing one hand behind the infant while
you palpate offers a firmer base and helps when evaluat-
ing kidney size (newborn kidneys are about the size of a
walnut). An enlarged kidney suggests a polycystic kidney
FIGURE 24.16 Sternal retractions are a sign of respira- or pooling of urine from a urethral obstruction.
tory distress requiring immediate intervention, such as me- To finish the abdominal assessment, elicit an abdomi-
chanical ventilation or increased oxygen. nal reflex. Stroking each quadrant of the abdomen will
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 699

BOX 24.3 FOCUS ON . . .

Newborn care is not universal but varies among
cultures. For example, although it is usually a sound
policy to point out the positive aspects of a child to
parents to aid parent–child bonding, in some areas of
the world, such as traditional Cambodia and Laos,
newborns are not given compliments this way. It is
believed that compliments will leave them vulnerable to
evil spirits.
In the traditional Haitian culture, infants are not
named immediately, but only after a full month. In
some cultures, it is important for newborns to have an
amulet (good-luck charm) tied around their neck or
wrist. Respect these and leave them in place when FIGURE 24.17 Press the nondominant hand against the
bathing the infant. Oiling the infant’s body and placing inguinal ring when palpating testes.
a belly band over the umbilical cord also are common
care procedures. Being aware of cultural variations in
newborn care such as these helps you plan care that that side moves perceptibly upward. This is a test for the
is specific and meaningful to individual parents and integrity of spinal nerves T8 through T10. The response
can aid parent–child bonding. may be absent in newborns who are younger than about
10 days old.
The penis of newborns appears small, approximately
2 cm long. If it is less than this, the newborn should be re-
cause the umbilicus to move or “wink” in that direction. ferred for evaluation by an endocrinologist. Inspect the
This superficial abdominal reflex is a test of spinal nerves tip of the penis to see that the urethral opening is at the
T8 through T10. The reflex may not be demonstrable in tip of the glans, not on the dorsal surface (epispadias) or on
newborns until the 10th day of life. the ventral surface (hypospadias).
In most newborns, the prepuce (foreskin) slides back
Anogenital Area poorly from the meatal opening, so this should not be
done. Although today most male newborns are circum-
Inspect the anus of the newborn to be certain it is present, cised, the necessity for this operation can be questioned
patent, and not covered by a membrane (imperforate unless it is for religious reasons, because it is rare to find
anus). Test for anal patency by gently inserting the tip of an infant who physically requires it (i.e., has a foreskin so
your little finger, gloved and lubricated. Also note the time constricted that it interferes with voiding or circulation)
after birth at which the infant first passes meconium. If a (Katz, 2003). In addition, surgery this early in life poses the
newborn does not do so in the first 24 hours, suspect im- risk of hemorrhage and infection. Circumcision should
perforate anus or meconium ileus. not be done if hypospadias or epispadias is present, be-
cause the surgeon may want to use the foreskin as tissue
when repairing these conditions (see later discussion).
Male Genitalia
The scrotum in most male newborns is edematous and has Female Genitalia
rugae. It may be deeply pigmented in African-American or
dark-skinned newborns. The vulva in female newborns may be swollen because of
Both testes should be present in the scrotum. If one or the effect of maternal hormones. Some female newborns
both testicles are not present (cryptorchidism), further have a mucus vaginal secretion, which is sometimes blood-
referral is needed to establish the extent of the problem. tinged (pseudomenstruation). Again, this is caused by
This condition could be caused by agenesis (absence of the action of maternal hormones. The discharge disappears
an organ), ectopic testes (the testes cannot enter the scro- as soon as the infant’s system has cleared the hormones.
tum because the opening to the scrotal sac is closed), or The discharge should not be mistaken for an infection or
undescended testes (the vas deferens or artery is too short taken as an indication that trauma has occurred.
to allow the testes to descend). Newborns with agenesis
of the testes are usually referred for investigation of kid- Back
ney anomalies, because the testes arise from the same germ
tissue as the kidneys. Make a practice of pressing your non- The spine of a newborn typically appears flat in the lumbar
dominant hand against the inguinal ring before palpating and sacral areas. The curves seen in an adult appear only
for testes, so they do not slip upward and out of the scro- after the child is able to sit and walk. Inspect the base of a
tal sac as you palpate (Fig. 24.17). newborn’s spine carefully to be sure there is no pinpoint
The cremasteric reflex is elicited by stroking the inter- opening, dimpling, or sinus tract in the skin, which would
nal side of the thigh. As the skin is stroked, the testis on suggest a dermal sinus or spinal bifida occulta.
700 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

A newborn normally assumes the position maintained

in utero, with the back rounded and the arms and legs
flexed on the abdomen and chest. A child who was born
in a frank breech position tends to straighten the legs at
the knee and bring them up next to the face. The position
of a baby with a face presentation sometimes simulates
opisthotonos for the first week, because the curve of the
back is deeply concave.

The arms and legs of a newborn appear short. The hands
are plump and clenched into fists. Newborn fingernails are
soft and smooth, and usually long enough to extend over
the fingertips. Test the upper extremities for muscle tone
by unflexing the arms for approximately 5 seconds. If tone
is good, the arm should return immediately to its flexed
position after being released. Hold the arms down by the
sides and note their length. The fingertips should cover
the proximal thigh. Unusually short arms may signify achon-
droplastic dwarfism. Observe for unusual curvature of the
little finger, and inspect the palm for a simian crease (a
single palmar crease, in contrast to the three creases nor- FIGURE 24.18 Hip abduction in a newborn—both hips
mally seen in a palm). Although curved fingers and simian should abduct so completely they lie almost flat against
creases can occur normally, they are commonly associated the mattress (180 degrees).
with Down syndrome (Chung, 2003).
A newborn’s arms and legs should move symmetrically
(unless the infant is demonstrating a tonic neck reflex). An With a newborn in a supine position, both hips can
arm that hangs limp and unmoving suggests possible birth be flexed and abducted to such an extent (180°) that
the knees touch or nearly touch the surface of the bed
injury, such as injury to a clavicle or to the brachial or cer-
(Fig. 24.18). If the hip joint seems to lock short of this dis-
vical plexus or fracture of a long bone. Assess for webbing
tance (160° to 170°), hip subluxation (a shallow and poorly
(syndactyly), extra toes or fingers (polydactyly), or un-
formed acetabulum) is suggested (Weinstein et al., 2003).
usual spacing of toes, particularly between the big toes
Test for subluxation by holding the infant’s leg with the fin-
and the others (this finding is present in certain chromo- gers on the greater and lesser trochanters and then ab-
somal disorders, although it is also a normal finding in ducting the hip; if subluxation is present, a “clunk” of the
some families). Test to see whether the toenails fill imme- femur head striking the shallow acetabulum can be heard
diately after blanching from pressure. (Ortolani’s sign). If the hip can be felt to actually slip in the
Normally, newborn legs are bowed as well as short. socket, this is Barlow’s sign. Subluxated hip may be bilateral
The sole of the foot appears flat because of an extra pad but is usually unilateral. It is important that hip subluxation
of fat in the longitudinal arch. The foot of a term new- be discovered as early as possible, because correction is
born has many crisscrossed lines on the sole, covering most successful if it is initiated early.
approximately two thirds of the foot. If these creases When lying on the abdomen, newborns are capable of
cover less than two thirds of the foot or are absent, suspect bringing their arms and legs underneath them and raising
immaturity. the stomach off the bed high enough for a hand to be
Move the ankle through a range of motion to evaluate slipped underneath. This ability helps to prevent pressure
whether the heel cord is unusually tight. Check for ankle or rubbing at the cord site, because the cord does not ac-
clonus by supporting the lower leg in one hand and dor- tually touch the bedding when in this position. The pre-
siflexing the foot sharply two or three times by pressure term newborn does not have this ability, so it is an
on the sole of the foot with the other hand. After the dor- indication of maturity.
siflexion, one or two continued movements are normal.
Rapid alternating contraction and relaxation (clonus) is
abnormal, suggesting neurologic involvement. The feet of ASSESSMENT FOR WELL-BEING
many newborns turn in (varus deviation) because of their There are a number of traditional standardized assessments
former intrauterine position. This simple deviation needs to evaluate a newborn quickly at birth.
no correction if the feet can be brought into the midline
position by easy manipulation. When the infant begins to
bear weight, the feet will align themselves. If a foot does
Apgar Scoring
not align readily or will not turn to a definite midline po- At 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth, newborns are ob-
sition, a talipes deformity (clubfoot) may be present. This served and rated according to an Apgar score, an assess-
condition needs investigation, because congenital prob- ment scale used as a standard since 1958 (Apgar et al.,
lems of this kind are best treated in the newborn period. 1958). As shown in Table 24.2, heart rate, respiratory ef-
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 701

TABLE 24.2
Apgar Scoring Chart

Sign 0 1 2

Heart rate Absent Slow (<100) >100

Respiratory effort Absent Slow, irregular; weak cry Good; strong cry
Muscle tone Flaccid Some flexion of extremities Well flexed
Reflex irritability:
Response to catheter in nostril, or No response Grimace Cough or sneeze
Slap to sole of foot No response Grimace Cry and withdrawal of foot
Color Blue, pale Body normal pigment, Normal skin coloring
extremities blue

Apgar, V., et al. (1958). Evaluation of the newborn infant: Second report. JAMA: Journal of the
American Medical Association, 16(82), 1985–1988. Copyright 1958, American Medical Association.

fort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color of the infant Color. All infants appear cyanotic at the moment of birth.
are each rated 0, 1, or 2; the five scores are then added. A They grow pink with or shortly after the first breath,
newborn whose total score is less than 4 is in serious dan- which makes the color of newborns correspond to how
ger and needs resuscitation. A score of 4 to 6 means that well they are breathing. Acrocyanosis (cyanosis of the
the infant’s condition is guarded and the baby may need hands and feet) is so common in newborns that a score of
clearing of the airway and supplementary oxygen. A score 1 in this category can be thought of as normal.
of 7 to 10 is considered good, indicating that the infant
scored as high as 70% to 90% of all infants at 1 to 5 min-
utes after birth (10 is the highest score possible). Respiratory Evaluation
The Apgar score standardizes infant assessment at birth Good respiratory function obviously has the highest pri-
and serves as a baseline for future evaluations. There is a ority in newborn care, so assessment for it is ongoing at
high correlation between low 5-minute Apgar scores and every newborn contact. The Silverman and Andersen
mortality and morbidity, particularly neurologic morbid- index, originally devised in 1956 (Silverman & Andersen,
ity (Katz, 2003). The following points should be consid- 1956), can be used to estimate degrees of respiratory dis-
ered in obtaining an Apgar rating. tress in newborns. For this assessment, a newborn is ob-
Heart Rate. Auscultating a newborn heart with a stetho- served and then scored on each of five criteria (Fig. 24.19).
scope is the best way to determine heart rate; however, Each item is given a value of 0, 1, or 2; the values are then
heart rate also may be obtained by observing and count- added. A total score of 0 indicates no respiratory distress.
ing the pulsations of the cord at the abdomen if the cord Scores of 4 to 6 indicate moderate distress. Scores of 7 to
is still uncut. 10 indicate severe distress. (The scores of this index run
Respiratory Effort. Respirations are counted by watch- opposite to those of the Apgar: an Apgar score of 7 to 10
ing respiratory movements. A mature newborn usually would indicate a well infant.)
cries and aerates the lungs spontaneously at about 30 sec-
onds after birth. By 1 minute, he or she maintains regular,
although rapid, respirations. Difficulty with breathing might
be anticipated in a newborn whose mother received large
amounts of analgesia or a general anesthetic during labor ✔ Checkpoint Question 4
or birth (Box 24.4).
Beth Ruiz had Apgar scores of 6 and 8. The five areas
Muscle Tone. Mature newborns hold their extremities assessed with Apgar scoring are:
tightly flexed, simulating their intrauterine position. Mus- a. Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex
cle tone is tested by observing their resistance to any effort irritability, and color.
to extend their extremities.
b. Respiratory rate, abdominal tone, reflex irritability,
Reflex Irritability. One of two possible cues is used to color, head circumference.
evaluate reflex irritability in a newborn: response to a suc- c. Color, breathing rate, cry, amount of brown fat,
tion catheter in the nostrils and response to having the response to an adult voice.
soles of the feet slapped. A baby whose mother was heav- d. Abdominal tone, persistence, gastric acidity, arterial
ily sedated will probably demonstrate a low score in this pressure, response to pain.
702 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

B O X 2 4 . 4 : F o c u s o n N u r s i n g C a r e P l a n n i n g

A Multidisciplinary Care Map for

A Term Newborn

Carlotta Ruiz has just given birth to her second child, a 6-lb, 5-oz baby
girl. While Jose, Carlotta’s husband, is in the room, Carlotta tells you she
is a “veteran” at baby care. Jose adds, “Little Joe [their 3-year-old] will be
so excited to see his new sister. That’s all he’s been talking about lately.”
When Carlotta is alone, you notice she seems a little apprehensive about
caring for her new daughter. She tells you, “She’s so much smaller than
Joe was. And why does it sound like she has a cold? And what is this
rash all over her? Isn’t it bad enough she has a birthmark?”

Family Assessment
Family is composed of two parents, a 3-year-old sibling, and newborn. They live in a three-
bedroom flat over a drycleaning store. Father clerks in a grocery store; mother works as a
school bus driver. Finances rated as “Hanging in there.”

Client Assessment
Apgar score: 6 at 1 minute; 8 at 5 minutes. Birth from LOA position. Breathed at 30 seconds
after birth after administration of blow-by oxygen. Respiratory rate, 74 breaths per minute
with mild substernal retractions; rhonchi in upper lobes bilaterally; no grunting or nasal
flaring present. Vital signs: temperature (axillary), 98.2°F (36.8°C); heart rate, 136 bpm.
Length, 18.5 inches; head circumference, 34 cm; chest circumference, 32 cm. She has a
2 × 3 cm red pigmented area on outer right thigh. Mother attempted breast-feeding in
birthing room, but newborn had difficulty sucking because of rapid respirations. Remain-
der of physical examination within acceptable parameters.

Nursing Diagnosis
Risk for ineffective parenting related to infant’s smaller than expected size and birthmark.

Outcome Criteria
Respiratory rate is decreased to 30 to 50 breaths per minute; retractions, nasal flaring, and
grunting are absent; lungs are clear to auscultation.

Team Member
Responsible Assessment Intervention Rationale Expected Outcome

Activities of Daily Living

Nurse Assess respiratory rate Report increase in rate, Increases in respiratory Infant gradually de-
every 15 min. for 1 hr. retractions, or develop- rate and retractions, creases respiratory rate
ment of nasal flaring or accompanied by nasal to 30–50/min by 24 hr.
grunting. flaring and grunting,
may indicate respiratory
Nurse Monitor newborn’s tem- Keep infant warm via Newborns have diffi- Infant’s temperature re-
perature every hour. radiant warmer. Wrap culty conserving body mains at 98.2°F axillary.
loosely in a blanket and heat. Exposure to cold
place a cap on her increases metabolic
head. rate, increasing need
for oxygen and a higher
respiratory rate.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 703

Team Member
Responsible Assessment Intervention Rationale Expected Outcome


Nurse/ Assess whether parents Refer parents to derma- A second opinion can Parents visit with con-
Physician would like a dermatol- tology consultant if help assure parents sultant if desired; state
ogy consultation for desired. birthmark is no more they understand the
child’s birthmark. than a birthmark. prognosis for port-wine


Nurse Assess whether infant’s Position newborn on Positioning facilitates Infant appears comfort-
lung sounds reveal her side with head drainage of secretions able in chosen position;
fluid. slightly lower than from airway. Gentle need for suctioning
body; suction mouth suctioning removes becomes infrequent.
and then nose with bulb secretions. Suctioning
syringe as indicated. mouth before nose
prevents possible
aspiration of oral


Nurse Assess mother’s knowl- Assist mother with Breast milk is the pre- Infant and mother es-
edge of breast-feeding breast-feeding as ferred milk for human tablish mutually enjoy-
techniques. needed; remind her newborns; a mother able breast-feeding by
that rapid respirations may need assistance if hospital discharge.
make sucking difficult. an infant sucks poorly.

Patient/Family Education

Nurse/ Review with parents Inform parents that a Providing information Parents state they
Physician what were their expec- rapid respiratory rate is helps to allay parents’ understand their infant’s
tations of new child common in newborns anxieties and fears. condition.
(bigger? prettier? more because of unabsorbed
relaxed?) lung fluid. Help them
mold expectations with

Psychosocial/Spiritual/Emotional Needs

Nurse Assess what is parents’ Explain that the pres- Explanation of normal Parents state they were
greatest concern about ence of a birthmark, range of infant variation initially surprised by
taking newborn home. rapid respirations, and provides information to baby’s appearance, but
smaller than expected help allay parents’ fears are adjusting to new
size are normal and concerns. image.
variations of newborns.
Nurse Assess infant for gen- Point out positive attri- Pointing out positive Parents state they
eral physical condition. butes of newborn, such areas helps parents appreciate learning
as pretty eyes, alert focus attention on the more about their new-
expression. unique and special born from health care
qualities of their child. professionals.

Discharge Planning

Nurse Assess whether par- Remind parents about Safety awareness plays Parents state they feel
ents have made plans importance of car seat, a big role in preventing ready to begin parenting
for hospital discharge. falls, and aspiration. early-age accidents. their new infant.
704 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

Feature observed 0 1 2


Synchronized respirations Lag on inspiration Seesaw respirations


None Just visible Marked


None Just visible Marked


None Minimal Marked


None Audible by stethoscope Audible by unaided ear

FIGURE 24.19 Grading of neonatal respiratory distress based on Silverman-Andersen

index. (Silverman, W. A., & Andersen, D. H. [1956]. A controlled clinical trial of effects of
water mist on obstructive respiratory signs, death rate and necroscopy findings among
premature infants. Pediatrics, 17[4], 1–9.)

Physical Examination the birthing room (Fig. 24.20). Measurements such as

body length and head, chest, and abdominal circumfer-
A newborn is given a preliminary physical examination im- ences can be obtained in a newborn or transitional nur-
mediately after birth, to establish gestational age and to de- sery. Performing these measurements while an infant
tect any observable condition such as difficulty breathing, is still damp only exposes the newborn unnecessarily to
a congenital heart anomaly, meningocele, cleft lip or pal- chilling.
ate, hydrocephalus, a birthmark, imperforate anus, tracheo- Newborn weight helps to determine maturity and es-
esophageal atresia, or bowel obstruction (Table 24.3). This tablishes a baseline against which other weights can be
assessment may be the responsibility of the delivering phy- compared. An infant is weighed nude once a day, at ap-
sician, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, pediatrician, or
proximately the same time every day, during a hospital or
nurse. This health assessment is done quickly, to prevent
birthing center stay. Compare the weight obtained each
overexposing the newborn, yet not so swiftly that impor-
day with that of the preceding day to be certain an infant
tant findings are overlooked.
is not losing more than the normal physiologic amount
(5% to 10% of birthweight). Abnormal loss of weight may
Height and Weight
be the first indication that a newborn has an inborn error of
Assuming newborns are breathing well, they are weighed metabolism, such as adrenogenital syndrome (salt-dumping
nude and without a blanket immediately after birth in type), or is becoming dehydrated.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 705

TABLE 24.3
Congenital Anomaly Appraisal
Procedure Abnormalities Considered

Inquire for Presence of hydramnios suggests

hydramnios or congenital gastrointestinal obstruc-
oligohydramnios tion. Oligohydramnios suggests
genitourinary obstruction or
extreme prematurity.
Appearance of Distended abdomen suggests
abdomen ascites or tumor. Empty abdomen
suggests diaphragmatic hernia.
Passage of Failure to pass nasogastric tube
nasogastric tube through nares on either side es-
(No. 8 feeding tablishes choanal atresia. Failure
catheter) through to pass it into the stomach con-
nares into stomach firms presence of esophageal
Aspiration of With excess of 20 mL of fluid, or
stomach with yellow fluid, duodenal or ileal
recording of color atresia is suspected.
and amount of
fluid obtained FIGURE 24.20 Weighing a newborn. Notice the protec-
tive hand held over the infant.
Insertion of rectal Failure to obtain meconium
catheter suggests imperforate anus or
higher obstruction.
Counting of The presence of one artery
umbilical arteries suggests possible congenital ditions, and treatment then can be instituted. A normal
urinary or cardiac anomalies or hematocrit at 1 hour of life is about 50% to 55%.
chromosomal trisomy (if other Hypoglycemia may also produce few symptoms, so it
portions of examination are is determined by a heel-stick glucose measurement. If a
consistent). blood glucose heel-stick reading is less than 40 mg/100
mL of blood (30 mg/100 mL in the first 3 days of life),
Van Leeuwen, G. & Glenn, L. (1968). Screening for hidden hypoglycemia is present (Fischback, 2004). To correct
congenital anomalies. Pediatrics, 41(6), 147–152. Copyright this condition, the infant is prescribed oral glucose or in-
American Academy of Pediatrics, 1968. fant formula to be given immediately. This elevates the in-
fant’s blood sugar to a safe level. It is important to treat
hypoglycemia quickly because, if brain cells become
completely depleted of glucose, brain damage can result.
If a newborn exhibits symptoms of hypoglycemia ( jitter-
iness, lethargy, seizures) in addition to the low laboratory
Laboratory Studies test results, intravenous glucose probably will be pre-
After the first hour of undisturbed rest, depending on health scribed. A continuous intravenous infusion of glucose
agency policy, newborns may have heel-stick tests for may be necessary if the newborn is unable to maintain
hematocrit, hemoglobin, and hypoglycemia determina- glucose levels higher than 40 mg/100 mL.
tions. Heel-sticks require a minimum of blood, and, although
not pain free, they cause minimal trauma to a baby. In some
settings, these tests are not routine but are reserved only
Assessment of Gestational Age
for newborns with symptoms of anemia, polycythemia, or Specific findings on physical assessment provide clues to
hypoglycemia. a newborn’s gestational age. As early as 1966, Usher and
Hematocrit and hemoglobin determinations are done colleagues (1966) proposed five criteria to evaluate ges-
to detect newborn anemia, because it is difficult to appre- tational maturity (Table 24.4). These quick criteria can be
ciate that anemia is present by clinical observation alone. used for assessment of all newborns.
Anemia can be caused by hypovolemia due to bleeding
from placenta previa or abruptio placentae or by a cesarean
Dubowitz Maturity Scale
birth that involved incision into the placenta. Another con-
dition as dangerous as anemia is the presence of an excess Dubowitz and colleagues (1970) devised a gestational
of red blood cells (polycythemia), probably caused by ex- rating scale that uses more extensive criteria. All new-
cessive flow of blood into an infant from the umbilical borns appearing to be immature by Usher’s criteria or
cord. A heel-stick hematocrit reveals both of these con- who are light in weight at birth or early by dates should
706 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

TABLE 24.4
Clinical Criteria for Gestational Assessment
Gestation Age (wk)

Finding 0–36 37–38 39 and Over

Sole creases Anterior transverse crease only Occasional creases Sole covered with creases
in anterior two thirds
Breast nodule diameter (mm) 2 4 7
Scalp hair Fine and fuzzy Fine and fuzzy Coarse and silky
Ear lobe Pliable; no cartilage Some cartilage Stiffened by thick cartilage
Testes and scrotum Testes in lower canal; scrotum Intermediate Testes pendulous, scrotum
small; few rugae full; extensive rugae

Usher, R., et al. (1966). Judgment of fetal age. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 13(4), 835–840.

be assessed by means of these more definitive criteria. Assessment of

Although completing a Dubowitz assessment takes prac- Behavioral Capacity
tice, it can yield important results; it can help determine
whether a newborn needs immediate high-risk nursery Term newborns are physically active and emotionally
intervention. prepared to interact with the people around them. They
During the 1970s and again in the 1990s, Ballard mod- are people oriented from the beginning—how much so
ified the Dubowitz scale (Ballard et al., 1991) to an as- can be demonstrated by the way they immediately attune
sessment scale that can be completed in 3 to 4 minutes. to human voices or concentrate on their mother’s face
The assessment consists of two portions: physical matu- (Fig. 24.22).
rity and neuromuscular maturity (Fig. 24.21). The first is
a series of observations about skin texture, color, lanugo, Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral
foot creases, genitalia, ear, and breast maturity. Each des- Assessment Scale
ignated body part is inspected and given a score of 0 to 5,
as described in Figure 24.21A. This observational scoring The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale is a
should be done as soon as possible after birth, because rating scale devised by Brazelton in the early 1970s (Brazel-
skin assessment becomes much less reliable after 24 hours. ton, 1973) to evaluate a newborn’s behavioral capacity or
Illustrations of mature and immature body features for ability to respond to set stimuli. Six major categories of be-
havior—habituation, orientation, motor maturity, varia-
Ballard scale use are shown in Chapter 26 as part of the
tion, self-quieting ability, and social behavior—are assessed.
discussion of the preterm infant.
To perform an assessment using the scale requires train-
To complete the second half of the gestational exam-
ing to ensure that it is used consistently from one indi-
ination, observe or position a newborn as shown in Fig- vidual to another. Unlike many assessment scales, the
ure 24.21B. Again, score the child’s response numerically infant is scored on best performance rather than on aver-
from 0 to 5. age performance. A total evaluation takes 20 to 30 min-
To establish a baby’s gestational age, the total score ob- utes to complete. It is useful for comparing different
tained (on both sections) is compared with the rating scale groups of infants, such as those exposed or not exposed
in Figure 24.21C. An infant with a total score of 5 is at to cocaine in utero (Myers et al., 2003).
26 weeks’ gestational age; a total score of 10 reveals a ges- The information supplied by this scale has provided
tational age of about 28 weeks; a total score of 40 points concrete evidence that newborns are not passive, non-
is found in infants at term or 40 weeks’ gestation. hearing, unseeing, unresponsive, or even all alike. An im-
Using such a standard method to rate maturity is help- portant finding from the scale is that newborns are able to
ful in detecting infants who are small for gestational age quiet themselves after crying. Many of the items tested on
(they are light in weight, but the neuromuscular and the scale, such as how infants alert (eyes widen, head held
physical observation scales are adequate for their weeks as if listening) or orient to sound (turn toward the direc-
in utero) and differentiating them from newborns tion of the parent’s voice or appear to listen to the sound
who are immature because of a miscalculated due date. of a voice) and how they naturally cuddle when held next
An infant who is found to be less than 35 weeks’ gesta- to their parent, are excellent examples of newborn be-
tion requires close observation, usually in a special care havior to point out to parents. If parents perceive a new-
nursery. born as passive and unresponsive, they are likely to talk or
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 707

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
SKIN gelatinous smooth superficial cracking parchment, leathery, Posture
red, trans- pink, peeling pale area, deep cracked,
parent visible &/or rash, rare veins cracking, wrinkled
veins few veins no vessels

LANUGO none abundant thinning bald mostly Square

areas bald Window
90° 60° 45° 30° 0°

PLANTAR no faint anterior creases creases Arm

CREASES crease red marks transverse ant. cover Recoil
crease 2/3 entire
only sole 180° <90°
100°-180° 90°-100°
BREAST barely flat stippled raised full Popliteal
percept. areola, areola, areola, areola, Angle
no bud 1–2 mm 3–4 mm 5–10 mm
bud bud bud 180° 160° 130° 110° 90° <90°

EAR pinna sl. curved well-curv. formed & thick Scarf

flat, pinna, soft pinna, firm with cartilage, Sign
stays with slow soft but instant ear stiff
folded recoil ready recoil recoil

GENITALS scrotum testes testes testes Heel

empty, descend- down, pendulous, to
Male no rugae ing, few good deep Ear
rugae rugae rugae
GENITALS prominent majora majora clitoris
clitoris & & minora large, & minora
Female labia equally minora completely
minora prominent small covered

FIGURE 24.21 Ballard’s assessment of gestational age criteria. (A) Physical maturity as-
Score Wks
sessment criteria. (B) Neuromuscular maturity assessment criteria. Posture: With infant
5 26 supine and quiet, score as follows: arms and legs extended = 0; slight or moderate flexion of
hips and knees = 2; legs flexed and abducted, arms slightly flexed = 3; full flexion of arms
10 28 and legs = 4. Square Window: Flex hand at the wrist. Exert pressure sufficient to get as
much flexion as possible. The angle between hypothenar eminence and anterior aspect of
15 30
forearm is measured and scored. Do not rotate wrist. Arm Recoil: With infant supine, fully
20 32 flex forearm for 5 sec, then fully extend by pulling the hands and release. Score as follows:
remain extended or random movements = 0; incomplete or partial flexion = 2; brisk return to
25 34 full flexion = 4. Popliteal Angle: With infant supine and pelvis flat on examining surface, flex
leg on thigh and fully flex thigh with one hand. With the other hand, extend leg and score the
30 36
angle attained according to the chart. Scarf Sign: With infant supine, draw infant’s hand
35 38 across the neck and as far across the opposite shoulder as possible. Assistance to elbow is
permissible by lifting it across the body. Score according to location of the elbow: elbow
40 40 reaches opposite anterior axillary line = 0; elbow between opposite anterior axillary line and
midline of the thorax = 1; elbow at midline of thorax = 2; elbow does not reach midline of tho-
45 42
rax = 3; elbow at proximal axillary line = 4. Heel to Ear: With infant supine, hold infant’s foot
50 44 with one hand and move it as near to the head as possible without forcing it. Keep pelvis flat
C on examining surface. (C) Scoring for a Ballard assessment scale. The point total from as-
sessment is compared to the left column. The matching number in the right column reveals
the infant’s age in gestation weeks. (From Ballard, J. L. [1991]. New Ballard score expanded
to include extremely premature infants. Journal of Pediatrics, 119[3], 417–424.)

look at him or her very little. The more they know about birth as they are at any other time. The image of an ob-
their baby, the more they will be able to understand the stetrician holding a newborn up by the heels and spank-
baby’s cues and determine and meet his or her needs. Per- ing to stimulate breathing has existed only in movies. It
forming a Brazelton Assessment and pointing out positive has long been accepted that holding a baby by the feet
infant behavior can lead to improved parenting ability. and letting the back extend fully is probably painful after
the months spent in a flexed position in utero; in addition,
a measure such as spanking is not as effective in helping
CARE OF A NEWBORN AT BIRTH a newborn breathe as is gentle stimulation, such as rub-
Delivery and birthing rooms provide an island for newborn bing the back.
care separate from the supplies needed for the mother’s
care. Necessary equipment includes a radiant heat table Newborn Identification
or warmed bassinet; a warm, soft blanket; and equipment
for oxygen administration, resuscitation, suction, eye care,
and Registration
identification, and weighing of a newborn. Infant identification is important, because there always ex-
The philosophy of caring health care providers has al- ists the possibility that a newborn may be handed to the
ways been that newborns should be handled as gently at wrong parents or be switched or kidnapped from a health
708 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

BOX 24.5 FOCUS ON . . .

Measures to Help Prevent Kidnapping
From a Hospital Unit
Q. Beth’s mother tells you, “I’ve heard babies are
being kidnapped from hospitals. How can we make
sure this doesn’t happen to us?”
A. Although kidnapping is rare, it can happen. To mini-
mize the risk, use the following guidelines:
• Review the hospital’s newborn identification proce-
dure with a nurse so you are familiar with it and can
feel comfortable with the safeguards being taken.
• Check that identification bands are in place on
your infant as you care for him or her. These can
slide off easily over small newborn hands and
feet. If a band or necklace is missing, ask a nurse
to replace it immediately.
• Do not allow any person without proper hospital
identification to remove your baby from your room.
• Do not leave your baby unattended in your room.
Either return the baby to the nursery or have the
FIGURE 24.22 A newborn recognizes her parent’s face. baby accompany you if you are leaving your room
to shower, for example.
care facility, although these events are rare. The profile of • Report the presence of any suspicious person in
a kidnapper is a woman who has recently lost a pregnancy the unit.
or had an infant stillborn and therefore desires an infant • Be aware that some hospitals use a microchip
very much. She often is someone familiar with hospitals; system embedded in identification bands, similar
she pretends to be a volunteer or an unlicensed health care to the tag used to thwart shoplifting in department
worker and says she needs to take a baby out of the nursery stores, that sounds an alarm if a baby is removed
or the mother’s room for a procedure. Health care agency from the unit. If this type of band is used, be
personnel need to be alert to the potential danger for kid- certain it is removed before hospital discharge,
napping, and not only take measures to prevent this from or it will set off the alarm.
happening but also alert parents to the danger (Capitulo &
Cox, 2004) (Box 24.5).
Birth Registration
Identification Band The physician or nurse-midwife who supervised the birth
of the infant has the responsibility to see that a birth reg-
One traditional form of identification used with newborns
istration is filed with the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the
is a plastic bracelet with permanent locks that require cut-
ting to be removed. A number that corresponds to the
mother’s hospital number, the mother’s full name, and
the sex, date, and time of the infant’s birth are printed on
the band. If an identification band is attached to a new-
born’s arm or leg, two bands should be used. This is be-
cause a newborn’s wrist and hand, as well as the ankle
and foot, are not very different in width, and bands can
slide off easily. A newer form of identification band has a
built-in sensor unit that sounds an alarm, similar to those
attached to clothing in department stores to stop shoplift-
ing, if the baby is transported beyond set hospital bound-
aries (Fig. 24.23).
After identification bands are attached, the infant’s foot-
prints may be taken (Fig. 24.24A) and thereafter kept with
the baby’s chart for permanent identification. If footprints
will be obtained, take care to secure them, because they
will be part of the permanent record (see Fig. 24.24B). Ba- FIGURE 24.23 This newborn is wearing a security band,
bies who are born elsewhere and then admitted to the hos- which sets off an alarm and locks exits if an infant is taken
pital should have their footprints taken on admission. off the unit.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 709

FIGURE 24.24 (A) Footprinting a newborn for identification. (B) Newborn footprints.

state in which the infant was born. The infant’s name, the
mother’s name, the father’s name (if the mother chooses
to reveal this), and the birth date and place are recorded. NUR SING DIA GNOSES
Official birth information is important in proving eligibil-
ity for school and, later, for voting, passports, Social Secu-
rity benefits, and so on. INTER VENTIONS

Birth Record Documentation
In most health care facilities, the physician or
The infant’s chart is also a vital piece of documentation. nurse-midwife hands the newborn to the nurse mo-
It serves as a baseline indicating whether the infant was ments after birth to begin care. Be certain to adhere
well at birth. Be certain a newborn chart contains the fol- to standard precautions when caring for newborns.
lowing information: To avoid touching the vernix caseosa, hold a warm,
sterile blanket, and grasp the infant through the
• Time of birth blanket by placing one hand under the back and
• Time the infant breathed the other around a leg. Newborns are slippery be-
• Whether respirations were spontaneous or aided cause they are wet from amniotic fluid and the
• Apgar score at 1 minute and at 5 minutes of life vernix. Box 24.6 highlights appropriate outcomes
• Whether eye prophylaxis was given and interventions for the care of a newborn, using
• Whether vitamin K was administered the terminology identified by the Nursing Outcomes
• General condition of the infant Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions
• Number of vessels in the umbilical cord Classification (NIC).
• Whether cultures were taken (they are taken if at some
point sterile birth technique was broken or the mother Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for ineffective thermoregu-
has a history of vaginal or uterine infection) lation related to newborn’s transition to extrauterine
• Whether the infant voided and whether he or she environment
passed a stool (this information is helpful if, later on,
the diagnosis of bowel obstruction or absence of a kid- Outcome Evaluation: Newborn maintains axillary
ney is considered) temperature of 98.6°F (37°C) by 1 hour after birth.
A number of time-honored procedures help a
Many nurses indicate a three-vessel cord with the symbol baby to conserve body heat at birth.
shown in Figure 24.25. Do not mistake this drawing for a Keep Newborn Warm. Gently rub a newborn dry, so
“smiling face” and assume that it is not important. that little body heat is lost by evaporation. Next,
swaddle the newborn loosely with a blanket to
prevent compromising respiratory effort, and
place a cap on the infant’s head (Fig. 24.26).
Ask which parent wants to hold the child, and
place the infant in the parent’s arms. This helps
FIGURE 24.25 A chart abbreviation for conserve heat and encourages bonding. The period
a three-vessel cord. immediately after birth is an important time for
710 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

BOX 24.6

Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)

Caring for the Newborn

NOC: Thermoregulation, Neonate • Recording first voiding and bowel movement

Thermoregulation, neonate is defined as the balance • Monitoring for signs and symptoms of respiratory
among heat production, heat gain, and heat loss dur- distress and hyperbilirubinemia
ing the neonatal period (Johnson, Mass, & Moorhead,
NIC: Newborn Care
2000). Some specific indicators suggesting that this
Newborn care is defined as the management of the
outcome has been achieved include evidence of the
neonate during the transition to extrauterine life and
following in the neonate:
subsequent period of stabilization (McCloskey &
• Body temperature within normal limits Bulechek, 2000). Some important activities involved
• Absence of respiratory distress, restlessness, and when implementing this intervention include the
lethargy following:
• Skin color changes and weight gain within
• Obtaining weight and measurements of length and
accepted parameters
head circumference, estimating gestational age,
• Adequate hydration
and comparing measurements with estimated
• Blood glucose and bilirubin levels and acid-base
gestational age.
balance within normal limits
• Clearing the airway of mucus and elevating the head
• Ability to assume heat retention and heat dissipa-
of the mattress to promote respiratory function
tion postures as necessary
• Maintaining warm body temperature with frequent
NIC: Newborn Monitoring monitoring of newborn, drying immediately after
Newborn monitoring is defined as the measurement birth, wrapping in warm blanket, applying cap to
and interpretation of physiologic status of the neonate head, and placing in isolette or under warmer as
in the first 24 hours after delivery (McCloskey & needed
Bulechek, 2000). Some important activities involved • Putting the neonate to the mother’s breast and
when implementing this intervention include the monitoring sucking reflex
following: • Bathing neonate once temperature has stabilized
• Performing Apgar scoring at 1 and 5 minutes after • Swaddling neonate to promote sleep and sense of
birth security
• Assessing color, temperature, heart rate, respiratory • Providing umbilical cord site care, keeping the site
rate, and breathing pattern dry and exposed to air
• Assessing the neonate’s ability to suck and first • Protecting neonate from sources of infection
feeding • Providing a quiet, soothing environment
• Evaluating umbilical cord site • Responding to cues and making eye contact when
• Monitoring weight and intake and output giving care

parents to begin interaction with their child. New-

borns are alert (first period of activity) and respond
well to the parents’ first tentative touches or inter-
actions with them. Although the temperature of
newborns who are dried, wrapped, and then held
by their parents immediately after birth apparently
falls slightly lower than that of infants placed in
heated cribs, their core temperature does not fall
below safe limits. If a mother wishes to begin
breast-feeding immediately after birth, encourage
her to do this. Accomplish all nursing care as
quickly as possible, with minimal exposure of the
newborn to chilling air. Any extensive procedures,
such as resuscitation, should be done under a
radiant heat source to reduce heat loss.
At the end of the first hour of life, reassess the
newborn’s temperature. Axillary rather than rectal FIGURE 24.26 A newborn wrapped and capped to con-
temperatures are recommended for newborns, to serve body heat.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 711

prevent accidental bowel perforation. If the temper- brane and could leave a portal of entry for infection.
ature is subnormal and the baby is in a bassinet, he Brisk suctioning also has been associated with
or she should be placed in a heated bassinet or bradycardia in newborns because of vagal nerve
under a radiant warmer for additional heat. If the stimulation. If you use a bulb syringe, decompress
temperature is normal, a newborn can be bathed the bulb before inserting it into the infant’s mouth
quickly to remove excess vernix caseosa and blood, or nose; otherwise, the force of decompression will
then dressed in a shirt and diaper, reswaddled in a push secretions back into the pharynx or bronchi
snug blanket (to give the baby a familiar feeling of rather than remove them. Although the effective-
the tight confines of the uterus), and placed in a ness of the procedure is not well documented,
bassinet or returned to the mother’s side. when an infant is born with meconium-stained am-
During the first day of life, a newborn’s tempera- niotic fluid, intubation may be performed so that
ture is usually taken every 4 to 8 hours. Thereafter, deep tracheal suction can be accomplished before
unless the temperature is elevated or subnormal, or the first breath, to help prevent meconium aspira-
the infant appears to be in distress, measurement tion (Halliday & Sweet, 2005).
once a day while in the health care facility is
Record the First Cry. A crying infant is a breathing in-
fant, because the sound of crying is made by a cur-
rent of air passing over the larynx. The more lusty
Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for ineffective airway
the cry, the greater the assurance the newborn is
clearance related to presence of mucus in mouth
breathing deeply and forcefully. Vigorous crying
and nose at birth
also helps blow off the extra carbon dioxide that
makes all newborns slightly acidotic, so helps to
Outcome Evaluation: Neonate maintains a respira-
correct this condition. Although gentleness is neces-
tory rate of 30 to 60 breaths per minute without evi-
sary to make an infant’s transition from intrauterine
dence of retraction or grunting by 5 minutes after
life to extrauterine life as untraumatic as possible,
there is no need to completely halt the initial crying
Promote Adequate Breathing Pattern and Prevent of a newborn.
Aspiration. Mucus is suctioned from a newborn’s A newborn who does not breathe spontaneously
mouth by a bulb syringe as soon as the head is or who takes a few quick, gasping breaths but is
born. As soon as the body is born, he or she should unable to maintain respirations needs resuscitation
be held for a few seconds with the head slightly de- as an emergency measure. An infant with grunting
pendent, for further drainage of secretions. It is im- respirations needs careful observation for respira-
portant that mucus be removed from the mouth and tory distress syndrome (see Chapter 26).
pharynx before the first breath this way to prevent
aspiration of the secretions. If the infant continues Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for infection related to
to have an accumulation of mucus in the mouth or newly clamped umbilical cord and exposure of
nose after these first steps, you may need to suc- eyes to vaginal secretions
tion further after the baby is placed under a warmer
(Fig. 24.27). Use a bulb syringe or a soft, small Outcome Evaluation: Area around cord is dry and
(no. 10 or 12) catheter to suction. Never suction free of erythema. Eyes are free of inflammation and
vigorously, because this irritates the mucous mem- drainage. Axillary temperature is maintained be-
tween 97.6°F and 98.6°F (36.5°C and 37°C).
Inspect and Care for Umbilical Cord. The umbilical
cord pulsates for a moment after an infant is born
as a last flow of blood passes from the placenta
into the infant. Two clamps are then applied to the
cord about 8 inches from the infant’s abdomen,
and the cord is cut between the clamps. Some fa-
thers choose to do this as their responsibility. The
infant cord is then clamped again by a permanent
cord clamp, such as a Hazeltine or a Kane clamp.
The clamp on the maternal end of the cord should
not be released after the cord is cut, to prevent blood
still remaining in the placenta from leaking out. This
loss is not important, because the mother’s circula-
tion does not connect to the placenta. It is messy,
however, and that is why the clamp is left in place.
Every time you handle a newborn, inspect the
FIGURE 24.27 A newborn is suctioned by means of a cord to be certain it is clamped securely. If the
bulb syringe to remove mucus from the mouth and nose. clamp loosens before thrombosis obliterates the
The head-down-and-to-the-side position facilitates drainage. umbilical vessels, hemorrhage could result. As pre-
Care is given with the infant under a radiant heat source. viously mentioned, the number of cord vessels
712 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

should be counted and noted immediately after the BOX 24.7 FOCUS ON . . .
cord is cut. Cords begin to dry almost immediately,
and the vessels may be obscured by the time of the PHARMACOLOGY
infant’s first thorough physical examination in the
nursery. Erythromycin Ophthalmic Ointment
Within a few minutes after the cord is cut, apply Classification: Erythromycin ointment is a topical
antibiotic ointment or triple dye as required by antibiotic.
agency policy to help reduce infection. Until the cord
falls off, at about day 7 to 10 of life, it should be kept Action: Erythromycin is effective against gonorrhea
dry. The newborn should receive sponge baths and chlamydia organisms, making it the drug of choice
rather than be immersed in a tub of water. Be cer- for eye prophylaxis at birth (Karch, 2004).
tain that diapers are folded below the level of the Pregnancy Risk Category: B
umbilical cord, so that, when the diaper becomes Dosage: 0.5–1 cm each eye
wet, the cord does not become wet also.
Remind parents to continue to keep the cord dry Possible Adverse Effects: Mild irritation to conjunctiva;
until it falls off after they return home. The use of slight blurring of vision.
creams, lotions, and oils near the cord should be Nursing Implications
discouraged, because they tend to slow drying of • Use a single-dose application tube.
the cord and invite infection. Some health care • After gently pulling down on a newborn’s lower
agencies recommend applying rubbing alcohol to eyelid, extrude a line of ointment the length of the
the cord site once or twice a day to hasten drying. lower eyelid from the inner canthus outward.
Others prefer the cord be left strictly alone, • Discard any remaining ointment to prevent its being
because manipulation could invite infection. used again.
After the cord falls off, a small, pink, granulating • Close the child’s eyes and count to about 5.
area about a quarter of an inch in diameter may re- • Wipe away any excess ointment from the child’s face.
main. This should also be left clean and dry until it • If desired, delay application for an hour after birth to
has healed (about 24 to 48 more hours). If the allow the infant to view his or her parents for the first
ulcerous area has remained as long as 1 week, time with the clearest vision possible.
it may require cautery with silver nitrate to
speed healing.
Administer Eye Care. Although the practice may
shortly become obsolete (as it is in Europe), every Credé, a German gynecologist, first proposed
U.S. state still requires that newborns receive pro- silver nitrate prophylaxis against gonorrheal con-
phylactic eye treatment against gonorrheal con- junctivitis in 1884. For this reason, it is often re-
junctivitis (Katz, 2003). Such infections are usually ferred to as the Credé treatment and may be listed
acquired from the mother as the infant passes that way on a health care agency form even though
through the birth canal. Formerly, eye prophylaxis silver nitrate is no longer used. Babies born outside
was applied immediately after birth. Many parents hospitals, in homes or in less orthodox settings
today prefer to visit with their infant before the pro- such as a car or taxi, have the prophylactic treat-
cedure, to be certain their newborn can focus on ment administered on admission to the hospital.
them without blurry vision caused by ointment or General Infection Precautions. Each newborn should
drops. As long as it is completed as soon as possi- have his or her own bassinet. Compartments in the
ble after birth, either in the birthing room or on ar- bassinet should hold a supply of diapers, shirts,
rival in the nursery, the exact time the ointment is gowns, and individual equipment for bathing and
administered is unimportant. Silver nitrate was temperature taking. Avoid sharing of these items,
exclusively used for prophylaxis in the past; today, which could lead to the spread of infection.
erythromycin ointment is the drug of choice. Health care workers, parents, or siblings caring
Erythromycin ointment has the advantage of elimi- for newborns should wash their hands and arms to
nating not only the organism of gonorrhea but that the elbows thoroughly with an antiseptic soap before
of chlamydia as well (Box 24.7). handling an infant. Agency personnel are usually re-
Always use a single-use tube or package of oint- quired to wear cover gowns or nursery uniforms.
ment, to avoid transmitting infection from one new- Staff members with infections (sore throats,
born to another. To instill the ointment, first dry the upper respiratory tract infections, skin lesions, or
face of the newborn with a soft gauze square so that gastrointestinal upsets) should be excluded from
the skin is not slippery. The best procedure to open caring for mothers or infants until the condition is
a newborn’s eyes is to shade them from the over- completely cleared. If a mother might have a conta-
head light and open one eye at a time by pressure gious illness, her newborn should be excluded from
on the lower and upper lids. Squeeze a line of oint- her room until there is no longer a possibility of con-
ment along the lower conjunctival sac, from the tagion. An instant photograph can be taken of the
inner canthus outward, and then close the eye to baby and shown to the mother so that she can fol-
allow the ointment to spread across the conjunctiva. low the baby’s progress. If the infant is breast-fed,
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 713

the mother should manually express milk during the Bathing of an infant is best done by the parents under a
time the infant is excluded, to maintain her milk nurse’s supervision. Be sure the room is warm (about 75°F
supply. The milk, however, should be discarded. [24°C]), to prevent chilling. Bath water should be approx-
The mother can resume breast-feeding as soon imately 98°F to 100°F (37°C to 38°C), a temperature that
as it is both possible and safe for her infant. feels pleasantly warm to the elbow or wrist. If soap is used,
Any baby born outside a hospital or under cir- it should be mild and without a hexachlorophene base.
cumstances conducive to infection (e.g., rupture of Bathing should take place before, not after, a feeding, to
membranes more than 24 hours before birth) should prevent spitting up or vomiting and possible aspiration.
be kept in a closed bassinet or in the mother’s room Equipment necessary for an infant’s bath consists of a
until negative cultures show that the newborn is free basin of water, soap, washcloth, towel, comb, and clean
of infection. Any newborn in whom symptoms of in- diaper and shirt. Assemble these items beforehand, so the
fection develop (e.g., skin lesions, fever) should be baby is not left exposed or unattended while you go for
removed to an isolation nursery or housed in the more equipment.
mother’s room to prevent the spread of infection to Teach parents that bathing should proceed from the
other babies. There is no reason for parents not to cleanest to the most soiled areas of the body—that is,
visit a baby housed in isolation care. In fact, they from the eyes and face to the trunk and extremities and,
may have more need to hold a baby who is isolated last, to the diaper area. Wipe a newborn’s eyes with clear
than average parents do, because they have an water from the inner canthus outward, using a clean por-
extra reason to be worried that something is wrong tion of the washcloth for each eye to prevent spread of in-
with their child. To visit in isolation nurseries, par- fection to the other eye. Wash the face with clear water
ents should be required to use the same infection only (no soap) to avoid skin irritation; soap may be used on
control techniques that staff members use. the rest of the body.
Teach parents to wash the infant’s hair daily with the
bath. The easiest way to do this is to first soap the hair
with the baby lying in the bassinet. Then, hold the infant
? What if... Beth Ruiz had been born by ce-
in one arm over the basin of water, as you would a foot-
ball (Fig. 24.28). Splash water from the basin against the
sarean birth? Would you still administer eye prophy- head to rinse the hair. Dry the hair well to prevent chilling.
laxis? Or do newborns acquire eye infections only Wash each area of the baby’s body, rinse so no soap is
during their transit through the birth canal? left on the skin (soap is drying and newborns are suscep-
tible to desquamation), and then dry the body part. When
you wash the skin around the cord, take care not to soak
NURSING CARE OF A NEWBORN the cord, because a wet cord remains in place longer than
AND FAMILY IN a dry one and furnishes a breeding ground for bacteria.
Give particular care to the creases of skin, where milk
THE POSTPARTAL PERIOD tends to collect if the child spits up after feedings.
Newborns are usually kept in either a birthing room or a In male infants, the foreskin of the uncircumcised
transitional nursery for optimal safety in the first few hours penis should not be forced back, or constriction of the
of life. During this period of close observation, certain penis may result. Wash the vulva of a female infant, wip-
principles of care always apply. ing from front to back to prevent contamination of the
vagina or urethra by rectal bacteria.
Initial Feeding
A term newborn who is to be breast-fed may be fed im-
mediately after birth. A baby who is to be formula-fed may
receive a first feeding at about 2 to 4 hours of age. Both
formula-fed and breast-fed infants do best on a demand
schedule; many need to be fed as often as every 2 hours
in the first few days of life. Chapter 25 covers the ele-
ments of breast-feeding and formula-feeding in detail.

In most hospitals, newborns receive a complete bath to
wash away vernix caseosa within an hour after birth. There-
after, they are bathed once a day, although the procedure
may be limited to washing only the baby’s face, diaper area,
and skin folds. Wear gloves when handling newborns until
the first bath, to avoid exposing your hands to body secre-
tions; babies of mothers with human immunodeficiency FIGURE 24.28 A football hold. Such a position supports
virus (HIV) infection should have a thorough bath immedi- the infant’s head and back and leaves the nurse’s or
ately, to decrease the possibility of HIV transmission. mother’s other hand free for assembling or using equipment.
714 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

Most health care agencies do not apply powder or Diaper Area Care
lotion to newborns, because some infants are allergic to
these products. In addition, many adult talcum powders Preventing diaper dermatitis is a practice that parents
contain zinc stearate, which is irritating to the respiratory need to start from the very beginning with their new-
tract; such preparations should always be avoided. If a borns. With each diaper change, the area should be
newborn’s skin seems extremely dry and portals for in- washed with clear water and dried well, to prevent the
fection are becoming apparent, a lubricant such as Nivea ammonia in urine from irritating the infant’s skin and
oil, added to the bath water or applied directly to the causing a diaper rash. After cleaning, a mild ointment
baby’s skin, should relieve the condition. (e.g., petroleum jelly, A and D ointment) may be applied
to the buttocks. The ointment keeps ammonia away from
the skin and also facilitates the removal of meconium,
Sleeping Position which is sticky and tarry. Wear gloves for diaper care as
part of standard precautions.
Stress to parents that a newborn should be positioned on
the back for sleep. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger Metabolic Screening Tests
than 1 year of age. Although the specific cause of SIDS can-
not be explained, placing infants in a supine position has By state law, every infant must be screened for phenylke-
been shown to decrease the incidence of the syndrome tonuria (PKU; a disease of defective protein metabolism),
(Box 24.8). hypothyroidism, and cystic fibrosis. This is done by means
of a simple blood test in which three drops of blood from
the heel are dropped onto a special filter paper. Ideally,
the baby should have received formula or breast milk for
24 hours (providing an intake of phenylalanine, an essen-
BOX 24.8 FOCUS ON . . . tial amino acid found in milk) before the test for PKU will
be accurate. If the infant has not received adequate milk
EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE before the blood sample is taken, the results may be falsely
negative (a child with PKU will test as if normal). If an
Do Nurses Follow the Recommendation infant is discharged before this 24-hour period, a second
to Put Newborns to Sleep on Their Back? screening test is necessary. Many states require other meta-
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has rec- bolic tests at birth, such as screening for galactosemia and
ommended that all infants be positioned on their back maple syrup urine disease, that also require filter paper
for sleeping, because this position appears to lower blood tests.
the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome If blood testing was not done before discharge, alert the
(SIDS). To discover what position nurses in newborn parents that they must schedule the tests at an ambulatory
nurseries use when they put newborns to sleep, visit in 2 to 3 days’ time. Always assess at the first newborn
researchers distributed questionnaires to 96 hospital health supervision visit whether this procedure was done.
newborn nursery staff and 579 mothers of newborns As with any heel-stick for blood, sampling of this nature is
at eight separate perinatal hospitals. Surprisingly, done best by a spring-activated lancet rather than a regu-
although 72% of sampled nursery staff identified the lar lancet, so that the skin incision is made as quickly and
supine position as the placement that most lowers the painlessly as possible. Allowing a newborn to suck on a
risk for SIDS, only 30% reported most often placing pacifier during painful procedures may be helpful.
infants to sleep in that position. The most common
reason for not using the supine position was fear of
aspiration. In addition, only 34% of staff reported Hepatitis B Vaccination
advising exclusive supine infant positioning to mothers. All newborns receive a first vaccination against hepatitis B
When mothers were asked whether they used a within 12 hours after birth; a second dose is administered
supine position for their infant, only 36% reported at 1 month and a third at 6 months. Infants whose mothers
using this placement exclusively. Mothers’ rate of use are positive for the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
was influenced by the advice they received as to also receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) at birth
infant position and the role modeling they observed. (AAP, 2005).
Those who used the position most had both received
advice and observed role modeling. Nonwhite women
used a supine position less often than white women Vitamin K Administration
did, and multiparas used it less than primiparas.
This study is important to nurses, because it reveals Newborns are at risk for bleeding disorders during the first
how important role modeling newborn care is to new week of life because their gastrointestinal tract is sterile at
mothers as well as how evidence-based interventions birth and unable to produce vitamin K, which is necessary
are not always used in practice. for blood coagulation. A single dose of 0.5 to 1.0 mg of vit-
amin K is administered intramuscularly within the first
Stastny, P. F., et al. (2004). Infant sleep positioning by nursery staff
hour of life to prevent such problems (Box 24.9). Infants
and mothers in newborn hospital nurseries. Nursing Research, 53(2), born outside a hospital also should receive this important
122–129. protection.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 715

BOX 24.9 FOCUS ON . . . repairs the defect. Another contradiction is a history of a

bleeding tendency in the family.
PHARMACOLOGY The procedure is not done immediately after birth, be-
cause at that time a newborn’s level of vitamin K, which is
Vitamin K (Phytonadione, necessary to prevent hemorrhage, is at a low point and the
AquaMEPHYTON) child would be exposed to unnecessary cold. It is best per-
formed during the first or second day of life, after the baby
Action: Vitamin K is used to prevent and treat hemor- has synthesized enough vitamin K to reduce the chance of
rhagic disease in newborns. It is a necessary compo- faulty blood coagulation. If parents elect early discharge,
nent for the production of certain coagulation factors they may be asked to return the infant to the hospital or to
(II, VII, IX, and X) and is produced by microorganisms an ambulatory setting for the surgery. Parents should check
in the intestinal tract (Karch, 2004). that their health insurance plan will reimburse for the pro-
Pregnancy risk category: C cedure if it is done on a return visit, after their newborn
has been discharged from the hospital.
Dosage: Prophylaxis—0.5 to 1.0 mg IM one time
For the procedure, an infant is placed in a supine posi-
immediately after birth; treatment of hemorrhagic
tion and restrained either manually or with a commercial
disease—1 to 2 mg IM or SC daily.
swaddling board. In the past the procedure was done
Possible adverse reactions: Local irritation, such as pain without anesthesia, but today the trend is toward use of
and swelling at the site of injection. local or regional block anesthesia to reduce the pain as
Nursing Implications much as possible (Razmus et al., 2004). Application of
• Anticipate the need for injection immediately after EMLA cream (a eutectic mixture of local anesthetics) is a
birth. popular choice for local anesthesia (Taddio et al., 2005).
• Administer IM injection into large muscle, such as the A specially designed plastic bell (Plastibell) is fitted over
anterolateral muscle of a newborn’s thigh. the end of the penis. A suture is then tied around the rim
• If giving for treatment, obtain prothrombin time before of the bell and a circle of the prepuce is cut away so that
administration (the single best indicator of vitamin the foreskin can be easily retracted and the glans will be
K–dependent clotting factors). fully exposed (Fig. 24.29). The rim of the bell, which re-
• Assess for signs of bleeding, such as black, tarry mains in place for about 1 week and then falls off by itself,
stools (different from meconium stools, which have a protects the healing penis from sticking to the diaper. The
greenish shade), hematuria, decreased hemoglobin bell also helps protect against infection and bleeding. In
and hematocrit levels, and bleeding from any open the past, petrolatum ointment was applied to circumci-
wounds or base of the cord. (These signs would sion incisions. With the bell rim in place, this is no longer
indicate that more vitamin K is necessary, because necessary, although it still may be applied if desired.
bleeding control has not been achieved.) Complications that can occur from circumcision in-
clude hemorrhage, infection, and urethral fistula for-
mation. To keep the risk of these complications to a
minimum, observe infants closely for about 2 hours after
circumcision. Check the infant for bleeding every 15 min-
utes for the first hour. Also, document that the infant is
Circumcision voiding after the procedure.
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the Parents should keep the area clean and covered with
penis. In only a few babies, constriction (phimosis) of the petrolatum (if used) for about 3 days, until healing is com-
foreskin is so severe that it obstructs the urinary meatal plete. If they see any redness or tenderness, or if the baby
opening; otherwise, there are few medical indications for cries as if in constant pain, they should report it by tele-
circumcision of a male newborn. Circumcision is per- phone. Circumcision sites appear red but should never
formed on Jewish boys on the eighth day of life as part of a have a strong odor or discharge. A film of yellowish mucus
religious requirement, in a ceremony called a bris. In the often covers the glans (similar to a scab) by the second
United States, from the 1920s to the 1960s, circumcision be- day after surgery. This should not be washed away. The
came so popular for aesthetic reasons that virtually all male yellow color is from accumulated serum, an innocent find-
infants were routinely circumcised at birth. The reasons ing, and should not be mistaken for the yellow of a puru-
supporting circumcision include easier hygiene because lent exudate.
the foreskin does not have to be retracted during bathing,
and possibly fewer urinary tract infections. There also may
be an increased incidence of penile cancer in uncircum- ASSESSMENT OF FAMILY’S
cised men, as well as increased cervical cancer in their READINESS TO CARE FOR
sexual partners. However, because the procedure is not es- A NEWBORN AT HOME
sential and does carry some risk, parents should be well in-
formed about the procedure so they can evaluate carefully It is important to assess how prepared each family is to
whether they wish to have it performed on their son. care for their newborn at home, to be sure the newborn
Contraindications for circumcision include congenital remains safe (Box 24.10). Parents may need to make
abnormalities such as hypospadias or epispadias, because changes in their routine, such as shifting their usual din-
the prepuce skin may be needed when a plastic surgeon ner time or work schedule. Sleep schedules are certain to
716 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

BOX 24.10 FOCUS ON . . .

When you enter Beth Ruiz’s room, you notice
her mother sitting on the side of the bed staring into
Beth’s face.
Less Effective Communication
Nurse: You seem concerned, Mrs. Ruiz. Is something
A wrong?
Mrs. Ruiz: Do you think she can tell how little I
remember about babies?
Nurse: You’re doing a great job. That’s the important
Mrs. Ruiz: How long will it take for me to feel like a
great mother?
Nurse: You’re worrying too much. Relax and enjoy
your new baby.
More Effective Communication
Nurse: You seem concerned, Mrs. Ruiz. Is something
B Mrs. Ruiz: Do you think she can tell how little I
remember about babies?
Nurse: Is there something special you feel you don’t
Mrs. Ruiz: My big problem is, I don’t feel anything
toward her yet. Why do I keep wondering
if this whole thing is real?
Nurse: Let’s talk about how maternal love develops.
It isn’t automatic.
Most new mothers have so many questions, it is
easy to dismiss a very serious question as “just another
question.” Resist assuring women that they will be
C good mothers until you are certain their concern isn’t
something that could interfere with good mothering.
FIGURE 24.29 Technique for perform-
ing circumcision using a Plastibell. (A) An
incision is made in the top of the foreskin.
(B) The Plastibell is placed over the head
of the penis, and the foreskin is pulled over • Are there any pets in the home? Will a large dog, for ex-
the Plastibell. (C) A suture is tied around ample, be a safe pet around the baby?
the foreskin over the tying groove in the • Is there a bed for the baby?
Plastibell. Excess skin beyond the suture • Will the baby be sleeping alone in a room or with older
is trimmed away. The Plastibell falls off in children? Will the baby share a bed with a parent?
3 to 7 days. (Courtesy of Hollister Inc., • Who will be the primary caregiver?
Libertyville, IL.) • Will grandparents or other persons offer support by vis-
iting or helping with care of the child?
• Do the parents have anyone to turn to if they have ques-
be disrupted, because infants wake during the night for tions about the baby?
one or more feedings for about the first 4 months of life. • Is there a refrigerator in which formula or breast milk
The physical environment of the home to which a can be stored?
newborn will be discharged is a good subject to explore • Is there adequate heat? An infant needs a temperature
with parents. Questions and areas to consider include the of 70°F to 75°F during the day and 60°F to 65°F at night.
following: • Are the windows draft free and screened to keep out
• Is it an apartment or a house? • If housing is in poor condition, is there a danger that ro-
• How many flights of stairs will the mother have to climb dents might attack the baby?
when she takes the baby home or when she takes the • Is there a danger of lead poisoning?
baby out in a stroller? • Does the mother or do the parents have a source of in-
• How many other people live in the home? (Infections come? If not, what sort of referral should be made so
spread more rapidly in crowded homes.) that money can be provided to care for this child?
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 717

These are not prying questions but means of determin- Before discharge, the parents should have
ing whether the home will be adequate and safe. Good thought through how they are going to care for their
prenatal and postnatal care is wasted if an infant con- child at home. Many parents have been mulling over
tracts pneumonia during the first week at home because these questions throughout the pregnancy, whereas
no one at the hospital or a birthing center took the time others may not yet have addressed some or any of
to ask the right questions about the home environment. these important issues. Box 24.11 highlights appro-
If the home environment is found to be unsafe, a referral priate outcomes and interventions for safe parent–
to social services may be necessary before the newborn child attachment, using the terminology identified by
is discharged. the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC).
Young, single mothers without family support
and mothers who did not seek regular prenatal care
N URS I N G D I A G N O S E S in particular may be unprepared for the months
ahead. With all parents, try to anticipate problems
AND R E L AT E D that may be relevant to them. If there are other chil-
INTERVENTIONS dren at home, discuss whether the parents are
aware that sibling jealousy may occur. Pets in the
● home can cause similar problems with jealousy.
Discuss with a mother who is not going to breast-
Nursing Diagnosis: Health-seeking behaviors re- feed what she will use to feed her baby until she
lated to needs of a normal newborn after discharge has time to buy formula. Most hospitals supply or
from the health care facility sell a discharge formula kit to help parents through
the first day at home. Be sure the parents have de-
Outcome Evaluation: Parents state ways in which cided when and where they will take their newborn
they have already altered their home and lifestyle to for health supervision. Check the child’s identifica-
accommodate their newborn and indicate that they tion band against the mother’s one final time before
are prepared for other changes; parents voice rela- discharge, to help prevent the possibility of wrong
tive confidence in their ability to care for the newborn identification of the infant.
and state names of individuals within their family or
community who can be resources to them when Daily Home Care. Newborns thrive on a gentle
needed. rhythm of care, a sense of being able to anticipate

BOX 24.11

Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)

Parents and the Neonate

NOC: Parent–infant Attachment • Responding to parental cues

Parent–infant attachment is defined as the behaviors • Seeking proximity with the parents
demonstrating an enduring affectionate bond between
NIC: Environmental Management: Attachment Process
parents and infant (Johnson, Maas, & Moorhead,
Environmental management, attachment process is
2000). Some specific indicators suggesting that this
defined as manipulation of the surroundings to facili-
outcome has been achieved include demonstration of
tate development of the parent–infant relationship
the following behaviors by the parents:
(McCloskey & Bulechek, 2000). Some important
• Verbalizing positive feelings toward the infant. activities involved when implementing this interven-
• Holding the infant close, touching, stroking, tion include the following:
patting, and kissing the infant • Creating a clean, homelike environment that
• Talking to the infant in the en face position and fosters privacy and consistency of staff
maintaining eye contact • Individualizing daily routine to meet the family’s
• Smiling, vocalizing, and playing with the infant needs
• Responding to cues, consoling, and feeding the • Providing comfortable seating, such as a rocking
infant chair, for parents
Also, some specific indicators suggesting achieve- • Limiting the number of people in the environment,
ment of this outcome include demonstration of the allowing for family visitation as desired
following behaviors by the neonate: • Preventing and reducing interruptions from
• Looking at parents visitors, phone calls, and agency personnel
• Exploring the environment • Maintaining a low level of stimuli in the environment
718 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

what is to come next. Based on this, parents can ever the mother saw the baby at the health care
decide what is the best daily at-home routine for agency, the baby was sleeping; she woke the infant
them and their new child. There are no fixed rules. for feeding, and immediately he or she went back to
There is no set time at which an infant must be sleep. Infants, however, typically cry an average of
bathed, nor even a rule that requires a bath every about 2 hours of every 24 during the first 7 weeks
day. All infants do not have to be in bed for the of life. The frequency seems to peak at age 6 or
night by 8 PM. If the father works evenings, it may 7 weeks and then tapers off.
be important to have the baby awake at midnight Almost all infants have a period during the day
so that he has time to spend with his child. when they are wide awake and invariably fussy.
Your aim in helping parents plan their schedule New parents need to recognize this as normal and
of care is to arrive at one that does the following: not worry that it means their child is ill. Parents
might use this fussy time for bathing or playing with
• Offers a degree of consistency (a mother cannot the infant, arranging their schedules accordingly. It
expect an infant to stay awake until midnight five is important to learn the infant’s cues and to help
nights a week, then go to sleep at 7 PM on the the infant learn to self-quiet. The most typical time
sixth night) for wakefulness is between 6 PM and 11 PM, which,
• Appears to satisfy the infant unfortunately, is when parents may be tired and
• Gives the parents a sense of well-being and con- least able to tolerate crying.
tentment with their child Whether to use pacifiers to reduce crying is a
Sleep Patterns. A newborn sleeps an average of question parents must decide for themselves, de-
16 hours of every 24 during the first week home, an pending on how they feel about them and their in-
average of 4 hours at a time. By 4 months of age, fant’s needs. It is rare that infants have such a need
an infant sleeps an average of 15 hours of every for sucking they must have a pacifier in their mouth
24 and through the night. constantly. Discussing a few pros and cons with
It is exhausting for a parent who is already tired parents helps clarify the subject.
from labor and birth to have to awaken during the An infant who completes a feeding and still seems
night to feed a newborn. For this reason, parents restless and discontented, who actively searches
may try various methods to induce a baby to sleep for something to put into the mouth, and who sucks
through the night much earlier than 4 months. One on hands and clothes may need the increased
approach is to introduce solid food (particularly sucking activity a pacifier provides. The major
cereal) in the first weeks of life, on the theory that drawback of pacifiers is the problem of cleanliness.
the bulk will fill the infant’s stomach so that he or They tend to fall on the floor or sidewalk and are
she will not wake up crying to be fed. Actually, then put back into the infant’s mouth. Attaching the
there is no correlation between the age at which pacifier to a string worn around the infant’s neck
solid food is introduced and a baby’s capability for prevents this problem but could cause strangula-
sustained sleep. Also, a newborn is not develop- tion. A big drawback to pacifier use is that they are
mentally ready to deal with nonliquid food until associated with an increase in middle ear infections
about the end of the third month. There are also (Cinar, 2004). If parents use pacifiers, be certain
other reasons not to introduce solid food early: they are of one-piece construction, so that loose
large protein molecules from solid foods can pass parts cannot be aspirated.
through a newborn’s immature gastrointestinal Parental Concerns Related to Breathing. Some par-
tract, becoming antigens that may sensitize the ents report that their newborns have stuffy noses
newborn for possible allergic reactions. In breast- or make snoring noises in their sleep and that they
fed infants, too-early introduction of solid foods may sneeze frequently. This occurs because most new-
interfere with the desire for breast milk, decrease borns continue to have some mucus in the upper
the newborn’s sucking, and subsequently decrease respiratory tract and posterior pharynx for up to
the mother’s milk supply. 2 weeks after birth. The snoring noise is a result of
A baby probably wakes every 4, 5, 6, or 8 hours this mucus, not a cold. In addition, infants continue
because of a physiologic need for fluid. Advise par- to breathe irregularly for about the first month. A
ents that, because of this fluid need, they should new parent who did not room with her child at the
not try to eliminate night feedings. Knowing their hospital may wake at night, notice this breathing
baby is not sick, that you are concerned and willing pattern, and grow alarmed that the child is in respi-
to listen to their questions, and that every other par- ratory distress. If these are the only symptoms, this
ent of a newborn is also up at night does not solve is a normal newborn respiratory pattern. If the child
the difficulty, but it is a help. has rhinitis (nasal discharge) or a fever, he or she
Encourage parents to position infants on the needs to be seen by a health care provider, because
back. Infants should not sleep on the stomach, be- these symptoms suggest an upper respiratory tract
cause there is an association between this sleeping infection.
position and SIDS (Livesey, 2005).
Continued Health Maintenance for a Newborn. Parents
Crying. Many new parents are not prepared for the do not need to continue to weigh a newborn or take
amount of time a newborn spends crying. When- his or her temperature at home. These practices
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 719

BOX 24.12 FOCUS ON . . .

Determining If a Newborn Is Well
Q. Ms. Ruiz asks you, “Could you review with me how
to know if a newborn is well?”
A. The following items are helpful to determine your
newborn is well:
• Drinks as if she is hungry
• Possibly spits up a slight amount after feeding, but
has no vomiting
• Moves bowels approximately three to four times
per day (may be more often if breast-fed), with
stools that are loose or semiformed but not runny FIGURE 24.30 Most states require infants and children to
and watery ride in car seats. It is the nurse’s responsibility to make sure
that every parent planning to drive a child home from the
• Appears happy overall (despite a fussy period
health care facility is properly equipped.
during the day) and sleeps for 2 to 3 hours at a time
• Has a normal temperature
• Breathes more rapidly than an adult, but breathing
is easy and not stressed and Red Cross chapters loan infant car seats for
• Skin lacks appearance of a yellow or blue tone temporary use, such as when visiting with grand-
parents or when first coming home from the hospi-
tal. New cars are mandated to be equipped with
lower anchors and tethers for car seats.
The best location for a car seat is the back seat
only cause worry, because weight fluctuates day by
of the car; this is especially true if the car has a
day, and infant activity and clothing can influence passenger seat air bag, because the force of an air
temperature. Teach parents to judge their infant’s bag expanding can kill an infant in the front seat.
state of health by overall appearance, eagerness to While the infant is less than 21 lb or 26 inches long,
eat, general activity, and disposition, as well as the best type of car seat is an “infant-only” seat
weight gain (Box 24.12). that, when properly positioned, faces the back
Make certain that parents make and keep a of the car (Fig. 24.30). The ideal model has a five-
health care appointment for a first newborn assess- point harness with broad straps, which help spread
ment according to their primary care provider’s the force of a collision over the chest and hips, and
schedule (2 to 6 weeks). The mother was conscien- a shield, which cushions the head.
tious throughout pregnancy to bring a well child into Parents should dress an infant in clothing with
the world. Parents must now begin a health care pant legs if he or she is to be placed in a car seat,
program to keep the child well. because the harness crotch strap must pass be-
Car Safety. Automobile accidents are a safety prob- tween the legs for a snug and correct fit. Advise
lem all during childhood. For protection while in parents not to use a sack sleeper or papoose
automobiles, newborns should always be trans- bunting; nor should they wrap the baby in a bulky
ported in car seats (National Center for Health Sta- blanket so that the straps do not fit securely while
the baby is in the seat. To support the baby’s head,
tistics, 2005). Without this protection, if a car stops
parents can use a rolled-up receiving blanket,
suddenly, an infant can be thrown onto the floor or,
towel, or diaper on each side of the head or pur-
in a collision, thrown out of the car or through the
chase commercial head supports. To provide extra
windshield. In an accident, centrifugal force on an warmth, they can cut holes in a blanket for the har-
infant can be as much as 450 lb, making it impossi- ness and crotch straps to pass through, place the
ble for a passenger to hold onto the child. At a baby in the seat, fasten the buckles, and then fold
speed of only 30 mph, an infant may hit the dash- the blanket over the child for warmth. A second
board with a force equal to a fall from a three-story blanket can be draped over the seat if needed.
building. If an adult holding the infant is not wearing Infants should sit in a backward-facing seat until
a seat belt, the adult can be thrown against the they are able to sit up without support, usually when
infant, killing the child. they weigh about 21 lb. At that point, they are old
When purchasing a car seat, parents should look enough for a toddler seat. Caution parents that plas-
at the label to be sure the seat meets federal guide- tic car seats grow extremely hot in the summer, so
lines. The local health department or Red Cross they need to test the temperature of the surface be-
chapter should have a list of all the car seats avail- fore placing an infant in one. Stress also that it is
able in a particular area as well as details of their dangerous to use a car seat improperly, such as not
comparable features and cost. The AAP web site fastening the harness or not securing the seat belt.
( lists these as well. Some hospitals
720 UNIT 5 The Nursing Role in Caring for the Family During the Postpartal Period

3. Beth has a port-wine stain on her left thigh. Her fa-

✔ Checkpoint Question 5
ther tells you he is not concerned about this because
he knows that all birthmarks fade by school age.
Ms. Ruiz is preparing to take her new daughter home. How would you respond to him?
On about what day of life can she expect her baby’s 4. Examine the National Health Goals related to new-
umbilical cord to fall off? born care. Most government-sponsored money for
a. Day 1. nursing research is allotted based on these goals.
b. Day 2 to 3. What would be a possible research topic to explore
c. Day 6 to 10. pertinent to these goals that would be applicable to
d. Day 30. the Ruiz family and also advance evidence-based

Key Points
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2005). 2004 immunization
Converting from fetal to adult respiratory function is a schedule. Washington, D.C.: Author.
major step in adaptation to extrauterine life. New- Anderson, G. C., et al. (2005). Early skin-to-skin contact for
borns need particularly close observation during mothers and their healthy newborn infants. The Cochrane
the first few hours of life to determine that this Library (Oxford) (4) (CD003519).
adaptation has been made. Apgar, V., et al. (1958). Evaluation of a newborn infant: Sec-
ond report. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Asso-
Maintaining body heat is a second major problem of ciation, 16(82), 1985–1988.
newborns. The temperature of the term baby’s en- Ballard, J. L., et al. (1991). The new Ballard Scale. Journal of
vironment should be about 75°F (24°C). When pro- Pediatrics, 119(3), 417–424.
cedures that require undressing an infant for an Boyd, S. (2004). Treatment of physiological and pathological
extended period are being carried out (e.g., circum- neonatal jaundice. Nursing Times, 100(13), 40–43.
Brazelton, T. B. (1973). Neonatal behavior assessment scale.
cision), a radiant heat source should be used. Clinics in Developmental Medicine, 50(5), 1–15.
Newborns may suffer hypoglycemia in the first few Brennan, R. A. (2004). A nurse-managed universal newborn
hours of life because they use energy to establish hearing screen program. MCN: American Journal of
Maternal Child Nursing, 29(5), 320–325.
respirations and maintain heat. Signs of jitteriness Capitulo, K. L., & Cox, J. M. (2004). Does an electronic infant
and a blood glucose level of less than 40 mg/100 mL security system ensure a more secure hospital environ-
by heel-stick help to identify hypoglycemia. ment? Writing for the PRO position. MCN: The American
Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 29(5), 280.
Identification bands should be attached securely to Cinar, N. D. (2004). The advantages and disadvantages of paci-
newborns; assess these bands carefully before fier use. Contemporary Nurse, 17(1–2), 109–112.
hospital discharge. To help prevent the possibility Chung, E. K. (2003). Down (trisomy 21) syndrome. In
of kidnapping, be certain of the identification of Schwartz, M. W. (Ed.). 5-Minute pediatric consult
anyone to whom you give a newborn. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Constantinou, J. (2003). Mongolian spots. Neonatal Network:
To feel confident with newborn care, parents need to The Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 22 (2), 58.
hold and give care in the hospital. Encouraging Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Healthy
them to spend as much time as possible with a people 2010. Washington, D.C.: Author.
newborn is a major nursing role. Desmond, M. N., et al. (1963). The clinical behavior of the
newly born: The term infant. Journal of Pediatrics, 62(3),
Dubowitz, L., et al. (1970). Clinical assessment of gestational
age in a newborn infant. Journal of Pediatrics, 77(10),
Critical Thinking Exercises 1–12.
1. Beth Ruiz is the newborn described at the begin- Duncombe, G. J., Dickinson, J. E., & Evans, S. F. (2003). Peri-
natal characteristics and outcomes of pregnancies compli-
ning of the chapter. Her mother is concerned be- cated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Obstetrics and
cause Beth seems small, is covered by erythema Gynecology, 101(6), 1190–1196.
toxicum, and has noisy respirations. You discover Fischbach, F. T. (Ed.) (2004). Manual of laboratory and diag-
that the family has no car seat to transport the baby nostic tests (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and
home. What would you teach the mother to make Wilkins.
her feel more comfortable with her newborn? What Greene, A. K., Rogers, G. F., & Mulliken, J. B. (2004). Manage-
would you do about the car seat—ask that they stay ment of parotid hemangioma in 100 children. Plastic &
until they can arrange to rent or borrow one, or dis- Reconstructive Surgery, 113(1), 53–60.
Halliday, H. L., & Sweet, D. (2004). Endotracheal intubation at
charge them? birth for preventing morbidity and mortality in vigorous,
2. When you are assessing Beth in her mother’s room, meconium-stained infants born at term. The Cochrane
what newborn reflexes would you assess? Suppose it Library (Oxford) (4) (CD000500).
is cold in the room, so that you have time to test only Johnson, M., Maas, M, & Moorhead, S. (2000). Nursing out-
one reflex. Which one would you test, and why? comes classification (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
CHAPTER 24 Nursing Care of a Newborn and Family 721

Karch, A. M. (2004). Lippincott’s nursing drug guide. Weinstein, S. L., Mubarak, S. J., & Wenger, D. R. (2003). Devel-
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. opmental hip dysplasia and dislocation. Journal of Bone
Katz, V. L. (2003). Prenatal care. In Scott, J. R., et al. (Eds.). and Joint Surgery (American), 85A(9), 1824–1832.
Danforth’s obstetrics and gynecology (9th ed.). Philadel-
phia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
Livesey, A. (2005). A multiagency protocol for responding to
sudden unexpected death in infancy: Descriptive study.
BMJ, 330(7485), 227–228. Suggested Readings
McCloskey, J., & Bulechek, G. (2000). Nursing interventions Duhn, L. J., & Medves, J. M. (2004). A systematic integrative
classification (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. review of infant pain assessment tools. Advances in Neo-
Myers, B. J., et al. (2003). Prenatal cocaine exposure and infant natal Care, 4(3), 126–140.
performance on the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assess- Lund, C. H., & Osborne, J. W. (2004). Validity and reliability of
ment Scale. Substance Use and Misuse, 38(14), 2065–2096. the neonatal skin condition score. JOGNN: Journal of
National Center for Health Statistics. (2005). Trends in the Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing, 33(3),
health of Americans. Hyattsville, Md.: Author. 320–327.
Razmus, I. S., Dalton, M. E., & Wilson, D. (2004). Practice Medves, J. M., & O’Brien, B. (2004). The effect of bather and
applications of research: Pain management for newborn location of first bath on maintaining thermal stability in
circumcision. Pediatric Nursing, 30(5), 414–417. newborns. JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic,
Reiser, D. J. (2004). Neonatal jaundice: Physiologic variation and Neonatal Nursing, 33(2), 175–182.
or pathologic process. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of Pellowe, C. M., Macqueen, S., & Coe, L. (2004). Preventing
North America, 16(2), 257–269. healthcare associated infections in the neonatal unit: The
Silverman, W. A., & Anderson, H. (1956). A controlled clinical use of evidence-based infection control guidelines.
trial of effects of water mist on obstructive respiratory signs, Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 10(5), 171–175.
death rate and necroscopy findings among premature in- Roberts, D., Neilson, J. P., Weindling, A. M. (2005). Interven-
fants. Pediatrics, 17(4), 1–9. tions for the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Stastny, P. F., et al. (2004). Infant sleep positioning by nursery The Cochrane Library (Oxford) (4) (CD002073).
staff and mothers in newborn hospital nurseries. Nursing Ross, G., et al. (2004). Prevalence and characteristics of term
Research, 53(2), 122–129. infants readmitted to the hospital for hyperbilirubinemia.
Taddio, A., Ohlsson, K., & Ohlsson, A. (2004). Lidocaine- Neonatal Intensive Care, 17(4), 54–59.
prilocaine cream for analgesia during circumcision in new- Short, M. A. (2004). Guide to a systematic physical assessment
born boys. The Cochrane Library (Oxford) (4) in the infant with suspected infection and/or sepsis.
(CD000496). Advances in Neonatal Care, 4(3), 141–157.
Usher, R., et al. (1966). Judgment of fetal age. Pediatric Clin- Stephen-Haynes, J. (2004). Care study. Vascular birthmarks: A
ics of North America, 13(4), 835–840. care study of an infant with haemangioma. British Journal
Van Leeuwen, G., & Glenn, L. (1968). Screening for hidden of Nursing, 13(2), 87–93.
congenital anomalies. Pediatrics, 41(6), 147–152. Thompson, D. G. (2005). Utilizing an oral sucrose solution to
Walls, M., et al. (2004). Home phototherapy: A feasible, safe minimize neonatal pain. JSPN: Journal for Specialists in
and acceptable practice. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, 10(1), 3–10.
10(3), 92–94. White-Traut, R. (2004). Providing a nurturing environment for
Waner, M. (2003). Recent developments in lasers and the infants in adverse situations: Multisensory strategies for
treatment of birthmarks. Archives of Disease in Childhood, newborn care. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s
88(5), 372–374. Health, 49(4S), 36–41.

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