Lesson Plan Lipid
Lesson Plan Lipid
Lesson Plan Lipid
Assalam and good evening guys. How your weekend? Everything good? Any one
absent today? Okay, before we start learn new topic today, I have some problem and I want
to share with u guys. Do you want to hear it? Really? Okay. My problem is... but first let’s close
our eyes and imagine that everyone at my kitchen. Done? Okay, my problem is I want to make
fried chicken but there is something missing. I have fry pan, gas, and marinated chicken. Can
u guys find the missing item? Oil? Wow correct, yeah, I forgot to buy cooking oil at
supermarket. Next, problem no 2, I want to make a dessert which it’s a cake but to make a
cake, what can I use to prepare the cake beside using oil? Butter/ majerin? Really? Not sapi
oil? Oh, I’m so lucky not put sapi oil in my cake yesterday. Wow u guys are so clever about
food stuff.
Now my problem is solved, lets back to our class, open ur eyes everyone. Do you have
ur mind right here now? Ok good. For ur information, oil and butter is the example of food
ingredient that belongs to Lipid and today topic is about Lipids.
Lipid is an energy rich organic compound that made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Some lipid also contains phosphorus and nitrogen. Generally, lipids are insoluble in water but
soluble in other lipids and organic solvent such as alcohol and ether. U guys clear? Ok good
Next, types of lipids have 5 which it’s fat, oils, waxes, phospholipid and steroid. In this
unit, we will learn more about fats and oil where they are triglyceride. I need 2 persons read
the definition at white board. (choose 2 persons). Ok good, give a big clap to ur friend. So, can
u imagine it? No? ok let me explain about it. (start show diagram) Triglyceride is form through
condensation of 1 molecule glycerol and 3 molecules of fatty acid. And triglyceride can also
be broken down by hydrolysis reactions. Ok? Are u clear about the formation and breakdown
of triglyceride? Ok good.
Little information about waxes, phospholipid and steroid. Waxes are found on the
cuticles of the epidermis of leaves, fruit and seed of some plant. Phospholipid are important
component in the formation of plasma membranes. Meanwhile, steroid is a complex organic
compound which include cholesterol and hormones like testosterone, oestrogen and
progesterone. Can I know what time is it? Ok I want to give some question about this topic. I
need u guys to make 5 group which each group has 6 members. I will give u a question and
u guys must solved it in 3 minutes. After that we will check the answer together. Ok start now.
Ok done? Good. Easy right? Let’s check the answer. (done check) any group has
wrong at any question? No? ok. Let’s see our success criteria. (read success criteria no 1)
guys, what are the element in lipids? Good. (tick the no) (read no 2) the main types of lipid
what is it guys? Okay. (tick no 2) (read no 3) done (tick no 3) and (read no 4) also complete.
So, I think that’s all for today but… I have homework for u guys. I want u to read the
next chapter and next class I will do pop quiz for new chapter. Ok? Good. That’s all from me
thank u and assalam.