Primer On Campus Earthquake Drill 2014

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I. Objectives:
1. To ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff during and after a damaging earthquake
2. To train students, faculty, and staff on how to practice proper action and response during
3. To train faculty, staff, and students in emergency response
4. To assess the campus’ capability in disaster management

II. Date & Time July 23, 2014 1000H Philippine Standard Time (PST)
III. Venue DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union
IV. Phases of the Earthquake Drill

1. Alarm

At exactly 0930H, a 1-minute siren shall be activated at the Marcos Sports Center
signaling the initiation of the earthquake drill. Electric bells in each unit shall simultaneously be
switched. This indicates earthquake/shaking. Students, faculty and staff should be alerted by
this signal.

2. Response

While the siren/bell is ongoing, everyone should move away from windows, glass or
light fixtures. In this phase, everyone should perform DUCK, COVER, and HOLD under desks,
tables or chairs. Remain in this position until the “shaking” stops.

3. Evacuation

Once the “shaking” stops, teachers and students should evacuate the school building
and proceed using pre-determined routes to go to identified evacuation areas.

4. Assembly

At the designated evacuation area, students must be grouped together according to the
class where they belong.

5. Head Count

Teachers should check and make sure all students are accounted for.

6. Evaluation

An evaluation of the drill must be conducted to identify problems encountered during

the drill and how this can be corrected in future earthquake drills.

Note: Please refer to Annex A – Phivolcs Primer on Conducting an Earthquake Drill

Please refer to Annex B – Campus Map for designated evacuation/assembly areas.
V. Emergency Response

1. Mission
o To ensure the safety of deployed personnel
o To ensure safe evacuation of all student, faculty, and staff
o To evacuate, rescue, treat, and transport casualties
o To ensure security in the campus
o To support and coordinate with local response agencies

2. Concept of Operations

The Campus Incident Management Teams are expected to take charge and manage the
incident until it is resolved or command is transferred to someone more qualified and/or to an
emergency responder agency with legal authority to assume responsibility. Staff will seek
guidance and direction from the Chancellor or his designee as the Incident Commander. The
incident commander will coordinate with local officials and seek technical assistance from
government and non-government agencies where appropriate.

3. Implementation of the Incident Command System

To ensure an organized, coordinated and efficient emergency response, the Incident

Command System (ICS) will be implemented to manage all incidents in any emergency or
disaster within the campus.

4. Direction, Control, and Coordination

The Campus Incident Management Team shall be responsible for providing effective
direction, control, and coordination in any emergency or disaster.

The Incident Commander is delegated the authority to direct tactical on-scene

operations until a coordinated incident management framework can be established with local

5. Standard Operating Procedure

The following Standard Operating Procedures shall be observed:

o Activate the Incident Management Team

o Establish command post
o Alert and assemble operation teams
o Conduct situation analysis and needs assessment
o Create an incident action plan
o Deploy operating teams and implement action plan
o Coordinate with local response agencies
o Monitor ongoing operations
o Report situation to the incident commander
o Inform stakeholders and the public on the situation
o Debrief deployed personnel
o Review and evaluate response activities
VI. Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities

This section establishes the operational organization that will be relied on to manage the
incident and includes:

 A list of the kinds of tasks to be performed by position and organization.

 An overview of who does what.

A. Campus Incident Management Team

The Chancellor and Deans/Directors are not able to manage all the aspects
associated with an incident without assistance. The school relies on other key school
personnel to perform tasks that will ensure the safety of students and staff during a crisis or
critical incident. The Incident Command System (ICS) uses a team approach to manage
incidents. It is difficult to form a team while a crisis or critical incident is unfolding. Roles
should be pre-assigned based on training and qualifications. Each staff member and
volunteer must be familiar with his or her role and responsibilities before an incident occurs.

Campus faculty and staff may be required to remain at school to assist in an

incident. In the event that a disaster management plan is activated, staff will be assigned to
serve within the Incident Command System based on their expertise and training and the
needs of the incident.

Note: Please refer to Annex C- Roles and Responsibilities of Incident Management Team
Please refer to Annex D for staff of the Campus Incident Management Team

B. Faculty

Teachers shall be responsible for the supervision of students and shall remain with
students until directed otherwise. Responsibilities include:
 Supervise students under their charge.
 Take steps to ensure the safety of students, staff, and other individuals
 Direct students in their charge to proceed to designated evacuation and
assembly areas
 Give appropriate action command during an incident.
 Take attendance when class relocates to an outside or inside assembly area or
evacuates to another location.
 Report missing students to the Incident Commander or designee.
 Execute assignments as directed by the Incident Commander or ICS supervisor.
 Obtain first aid services for injured students from the school nurse or person
trained in first aid.
 Arrange for first aid for those unable to be moved.
 Render first aid if necessary.

C. Students

Responsibilities include:
 Cooperate during emergency drills and exercises, and during an incident.
 Learn to be responsible for themselves and others in an incident.
 Understand the importance of not being a bystander by reporting situations of
 Take an active part in school incident response/recovery activities
D. Staff

Responsibilities include:
 Survey and report building damage to the Incident Commander
 Control main shutoff valves for gas, water, and electricity and ensure that no
hazard results from broken or downed lines.
 Provide damage control as needed.
 Assist in the conservation, use, and disbursement of supplies and equipment.
 Keep Incident Commander or designee informed of condition of school.
 Answer phones and assist in receiving and providing consistent information to
 Provide for the safety of essential school records and documents.
 Monitor radio emergency broadcasts.
 Execute assignments as directed by the Incident Commander or ICS supervisor.

VII. Communications

Communication is a critical part of incident management. This section outlines SLUC’s

communications plan and supports its mission to provide clear, effective internal and external
communication between the school, staff, students, parents, responders, and media.

1. Internal Communications

A. Communication Between Faculty/Staff Members

Faculty and staff will be notified when an incident occurs and kept informed as
additional information becomes available and as plans for management of the situation
evolve. The following practices will be utilized to disseminate information internally when

1) Text Brigade (Telephone Tree) – A text message originating from the

Chancellor’s Office (Incident Command Post through the Communications
Section) shall be sent to the members of the Incident Management Team,
Deans, Directors, and Unit Heads then in turn will contact groups of faculty,
staff, and students.

2) Group Meeting - As appropriate, updated information about an incident will be

presented at any group meeting. Any new orders or procedures will also be
reviewed and will also have the opportunity to address any misinformation or
rumors at this time.

B. Emergency Communications

The Incident Management Team including all operation sections shall have
exclusive use of the campus’s radio network as primary communication system. Cellular
and landline phones, fax machines, and the internet shall also be used whenever
possible. Messengers are designated to ensure communications are not jeopardized by
loss of power or damage of equipment.

Megaphones/portable sound systems should be made available by every college

for mass communication especially in the evacuation areas.

Whistles should be included in crisis kits in order to signal a need for immediate
attention or assistance.
All requests for assistance and support during the emergency response should
be directed to the Incident Command Post (Chancellor’s Office) for appropriate action.

C. Directory

Chancellor’s Office  072.521.0020 (Landline)

Chancellor  0917.5210020 (Globe)
Secretary (Violy)  0916.9960643
(Aileen)  0909.3103645 / 0910.5775167

Callsign: DMMMSU-BASE Campus Base Radio (VHF Band) 155.65 Mhz

2. External Communication

External communication with parents, community, media, shall be handled by the

Information Officer, Prof. Jo Ann Rulla. Liaison and contact with external agencies will be
handled by the Liaison Officer, Mrs. Violy Bernardo. All official external communications shall
originate from the Chancellor’s Office (Incident Command Post).

A. Communication with the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

An open line of communication is established with the Agoo Municipal Disaster

Risk Reduction and Management Council which has jurisdiction over the DMMMSU-
SLUC in an event of a disaster.

A directory of MDRRMC support services and operations team is with the liaison
officer of the campus incident management team.

VIII. Evaluation

Internal evaluators from the Campus Incident Management Team, Campus officials, as well as
external evaluators from the Agoo MDRRMC, Philippine Red Cross, La Union PDRRMC, Office of Civil
Defense, Philippine National Police, and Bureau of Fire Protection will evaluate the drill.

IX. Documentation

All aspects of the campus earthquake drill must be documented by every college/institute and
operating units to provide campus administrators basis for evaluation and future improvement. Deans
and Directors must assign a faculty member to document the earthquake drill. Documentation should
include video, photographs and written reports.

Prepared by: Recommending approval:

Campus Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer




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