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Sound Educational Emphases

Week Level Topic Language for Interpersonal Use Language for Informational Use Language for Aesthetic Use Grammar Vocabulary
1.1c Talk about one’s feelings and 2.1a Listen to a conversation ; identify Thinking Skills:
discuss personality types important details To identify scenes mentioned in the Make comparisons
Activities poem Make inferences
WK 1 Activities : Listen and write down the name of the
Choose the picture you like best and person in the space provided (Pg 2) To match pictures / scenes to lines 5. iiiI. a. Simple Multiple Intelligences:
give reasons Listen and complete the diagram (Pg from the poem Present Tense Interpersonal
2/1 Chapter 1 :
- You and your (Pg 1) 2) -- words are provided Linguistic
1 Identify personality type for each picture Activities Intrapersonal
5/1 personality Activities
(Pg3) 2.2 B.ii. Read extracts and scan for Describe the pictures Underline all the
details Cut sentence strips verbs in the Simple Preparation for the Real
WK 2
1.1d Ask and express opinions about Activities Match lines to the pictures Present Tense World:
Pages 1-16
8/1 someone Answer True/False statements (Pg 7) Read poem aloud Be a character
5.iiiI. b Idiomatic referee
- Poem : A  Bubble Map
Simple Past Expressions
12/1 Poison Tree
Tense Activities Value and Citizenship:
WK 3 2.2 B. viii. Identify main ideas To give the meaning of the verbs in Consonants
Activities Choose the Diligence
(Refer to Eng Lit 2.2 B. x. Understand meaning from the poem /f/ and /l/
Change the verbs correct Sacrifice
15/1 Teacher’s context into the Simple past meaning from
- Resource Book Activities tense the options
19/1 Form 5 ) Activities Match the verbs with the meanings Filling in the blanks i-think
and Answer open ended questions Students complete the ithink map
Form 4 Lit text 1.1 b. Participate in a conversation and Circle Map
2 (Pg 7 /8) 3.ii. Adjectives Of
WK 4 present one’s views
Match words to their meanings (Pg 8)  Tree Map Quality 21ist Century Learning
 Circle Map Activities
22/1 2.3 g. v. Summarize relevant points Think Pair( Advance)
Form adjectives Team Project (Lower)
from the words
26/1 Activities Filling in the blanks
Pick out sentences which are relevant
2.3 a. vii. Write a description of a
person (Continuous Writing – CW)
- Guided : Expansion of notes
1.1 c Talk about someone who has 2.2 B iii Read a narrative: scan for To identify effects of having friends in Thinking Skills:
inspired you details life. Make comparisons
1.1 bTake part in discussion (Pg 20) Activities To describe quality of a good Make inferences
WK 5 Answer open ended questions (Pg 23) friend/friendship
1.1. iv Ask and answer questions To list ways of anger management Multiple Intelligences:
Chapter 2
29/1 about someone Activities Interpersonal
– Activities Complete two tables (Group work) : Linguistic
Unsung Heroes
2/2 Role play (Pair work) –page 20 Intrapersonal
WK 6 2.2 B viii Identify main ideas, To identify and name elements of a 3. iv. Comparison of
Pg 19 -31
2.2 B. x. Understand meaning from friend and an enemy. Adjectives Preparation for the Real
5/2 context. To state the quality of true friendship. Activities World:
Poem : A
- Consonants Filling in the blanks Be a character
Poison Tree Building of
9/2 Activities To complete a passage with reference /b/, /g/ and referee
Word Clusters
Answer open ended questions(Pg 23) to the poem /d/
(Refer to Eng Lit
Find words in the passage with the Value and Citizenship:
4 same meaning (Pg 23) Activities Diligence
Resource Book
WK 7 Refer to the pictures and identify the Sacrifice
Form 5 )
2.3 g. v. Summarize: Expand notes elements friendship
12/2 (Pgs 26 &27) Filling in the blanks -think
- Complete the assessment questions Multiple Bubble Map
15/2 Activities  MB Map
Join sets of sentences 21ist Century Learning
Write a summary in about 100 words Jigsaw (Advance)
2.3 a . vii Write a narrative (CW) Role Play(Lower)
16-17th FEBRUARY 2018
WK8 1.1 bTake part in a discussion (Pg 36) 2.1 a. i. Listen to an article (Pg 37) To be aware of the setting Thinking Skills:
1.2 a. iii Persuade someone not to do Activities To read and identify the setting based Make comparisons
19/2 something Listen and indicate True or False on textual evidence Gather information
23/2 5 Activities 2.2 B iii Read a passage (Pg 38) Activities Internet-information on
Role play (Pair work) Activities Fill in the bubbles with short notes youth activities
Chapter 3 Answer open ended questions(Pg 39) from the story. Multiple Intelligences:
Youth Power Answer True/False and open ended Spatial-visual
(Social Issues) questions Intrapersonal
WK 9
2.2 B viii Identify main ideas 5.iii. c. Kinesthestic
Pg 36 – 51 2.2 B. x. Understand meaning from
26/2 Present Continuous
- context Tense Preparation for the Real
Novel : Dear Mr. 3.1.1(ii) Finding out the meaning of
2/3 Activities World:
Kilmer words
Answer open ended questions(Pg 39) Past Continuous Words with How to be a smart shopper
Chapter 1 : Activities Consonants
1 Match words in the passage to their tense more than one Value and Citizenship:
Introduction Unscramble the letters to form words /0// and /l/
meaning (Pg 40) meaning Respect self and others
(Refer to Eng Lit Refer to the dictionary
WK 5. iv. a. Gerunds Honesty
Teacher’s  Circle Map
10 2.3 g. v Summarize: Select relevant Activities
Resource Book points, change sentence structures -think
Filling in the blanks
Form 5) (Pg 42) Circle Map
- Dear Mr Kilmer
9/3 21ist Century Learning
novel One Stay Two Stray(Lower)
Two Box
* Brace Map Induction(Advance)
2.3 a . vii Write responses to letters in
- Directed Writing (DW) -- guided
-- reordering sentences
17-25 MARCH 2018
To identify the characteristics of each Thinking Skills:
Listen and respond to complaints 2.2 B.ii Read an article and scan character Make comparisons
Activities for details Gather information
Listen and indicate True or False (Pg ICT
53) Activities Activities Internet-information on
Answer open ended questions(Pg Write the names of 2 characters in the youth activities
2 Chapter 4
57) boxes given (e.g Richard and Guss) Multiple Intelligences:
1.2 iv Express dissatisfaction or make a Spatial-visual
- The Smart
complaint Write two similar and two different Intrapersonal
30/3 Consumer (Social
1.2 iv Express satisfaction and thanks traits of selected caharacters by using Kinesthestic
about the service. the words given
WK Question tags
Preparation for the Real
14 Page 52 - 69 Activities
2.2 B. x Understand meaning 3.1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of World:
Vowels long Filling in the blanks
from context events How to be a smart shopper
2/4 Novel : Dear Mr. and short / Prefix ‘mis-
3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Value and Citizenship:
- Kilmer /, Complete the ‘,’inter-‘
Activities and values in the story Respect self and others
6/4 Chapter 2 / / and, / / sentences
Give 1 word/phrase which has the Honesty
same meaning Activities
-Number the events in the correct -think
WK 3 (Refer to Eng Lit
2.3 g. v Summarize by sequence Bubble Map
15 Teacher’s Resource
substituting expressions - -Complete the worksheet
Book Form 5)
by matching the themes with the 21ist Century Learning
9/4 And Dear Mr. Kilmer
Activities evidence Numbered Heads Together
Match words to the phrases -Assessment questions (Advance)
Replace a longer phrase with one Match Mine(Lower)
word  MB Map
2.3 a. vii Write a formal letter of
complaint (DW) –Pg 64
2.2 B. viii Identify main ideas,
understand meaning from context

Indicate whether statements are
True/False (Pg 73)
Answer open ended questions(Pg
 Tree Map
5 Indicate what the words refer to
(Pg 73)
2.3 g. v Summarize: Select
relevant points
Complete a flow chart (Pg 78)
Write a summary
3.1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events
1.1 viii Exchange ideas, information 2.3 a . iv. Write an essay (DW) 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message
and opinions -- guided and values in the story
5 1
Activities Activities
-Number the events in the correct
Role play (Group work) sequence
-Complete the worksheet
Assessment questions

Idiomatic Thinking Skills:

5. iiiI. a. Simple
Expressions Sequence Information
Present Tense
Choose the Learning How to Learn
correct Tabulate information
Underline all the
meaning from
i/ identify all types of word classes verbs in the Simple
the options ICT
3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Browse websites
REVISE ii/ look for clues in the linear/non and values in the story
linear texts 5.iiiI. b
WK Preparation for the Real
Simple Past
23  Speech/Talk Activities World:
 Article iii/ Practise on writing out -Number the events in the correct Prepare for job interviews
REVISION Activities
30/4  Letter Writing sentences based on the rubrics sequence Prepare a curriculum vitae
Change the verbs
-  Report Writing -Complete a worksheet with the given
into the Simple past
4/ Activites: themes KA
Answer sample questions on -Tick the appropriate phrases Career planning
Filling in the blanks
Section A (paper 2) -Assessment questions i-think
Tree Map
3.ii. Adjectives Of
21ist Century Learning
Numbered Heads Together
Form adjectives
( Lower)
from the words
Inside Outside Circle
Filling in the blanks
4TH – 25TH MAY 2018

9TH-24TH JUNE 2018
1.1 b. Talk about self-esteem and 2.2 A. ii. Listen to a dialogue : 3.1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events Thinking Skills:
appearance and recall important details 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Compare & contrast
and values in the story information
Chapter 7 Activities Activities Learning How to Learn
Self-Esteem (Health, Pair/ Group discussion Listen and fill in the blanks Activities Use a thesaurus
4 People & Social -Number the events in the correct ICT
Issues sequence Internet
-Tick the appropriate phrases KA
Pg 106 – 122 -Assessment questions Knows about anorexia
nervosa and dieting
Novel : Dear Preparation for the Real
5.v. a.
Mr.Klimer 1.2 a. i. Enquire about one’s health Listen to and sequence events World:
Modals ‘may’ ‘might’
2.2 B. viii Identify main ideas Patriotism
, ‘may not’ , might
Chapter 5 : from journal entries Dipthongs Synonyms Create Awareness of
(Refer to Eng Lit 2.2 B. x Understand meaning slimming programme
5 * MB Map
Teacher’s Resource from context Value & Citizenship
Book Form 5) 2.3 g. v Summarize writer’s Moderation
and feelings and emotions expressed Healthy
Dear Mr. Klimer novel in journal entries Society
1.2 Take part in social interactions 3.1 a-Recite the poem aloud.
Poem: 2.3 a .viii. Write a speech 3.1. b-Identify the literal meaning -think
behind the stanzas Tree Map
What had happened Activities Activities
1 21ist Century Learning
to Lulu? Study the guidelines./format of a -Poem Recitation (Aloud)
sample speech Identification of literal meanings using - Think Pair (Lower)
Write a speech (DW) -- rearrange dictionaries. Team Interview (Advance)
the sentences
Listen to a news bulletin :note Thinking Skills:
1.2 Take part in discussions important details Compare & contrast
Activities information
Activities Indicate whether statements are Learning How to Learn
Look at pictures and discuss true/false Use a thesaurus
1.2. a Make enquiries after reading 2.2 B.ii Read an expository Internet
advertisements passage: scan for details KA
Consonant Talk about the Abbreviation
Activities Knows about anorexia
Clusters ‘stl’ future: Simple
Study a few advertisements and role nervosa and dieting
, ‘tch’ , and Future Tense ‘will’ ,
Chapter 8 play Preparation for the Real
‘ckle’ the ‘going to’ form,
Transport World:
Present Continuous
Tomorrow 2.2 B. viii Identify main ideas, Patriotism
Tense ‘am/is/ are +
(Science & Create Awareness of
Technology) slimming programme
Value & Citizenship
Pg 123 – 138 Moderation
Filling in the blanks
Change the verbs to
Circle Map

21ist Century Learning

Jigsaw ( Advance)
Kinesthetic Symbols(
2.2 B. x Understand meaning
from context
Activities i-think
Answer open ended questions MB Map
Complete a table
1.1 viii Give opinions about the Use contextual clues to provide 21ist Century Learning
feasibility of forms of transportation the meanings of words/phrases Team Statement
shown 2.3 g. v Summarize : revise the ( Advance)
Activities four stages in summary writing The Yarn Yarn ( Lower)
Chapter 9 Group discussion Activities
Striving For Safety Substitute underlined expressions
(Social Issues & 1.1 b. Discuss instances of dangerous with single words/shorter phrases
People) driving Make short notes and complete a
To identify the characteristics of each
Pg 139 – 155 Activities table
Novel : Dear Mr. Group discussion Write a summary in about 130
Kilmer words
Complete the character cubes.
2.3 a . iv. Write a descriptive  MB
Answer open ended and True/False
Chapter 6 : essay(CW) Map
(Refer to Eng Lit --My DreamVehicle/
Circle the adjectives that describe the
Teacher’s Resource Transportation of the Future
Book Form 5) 2.2 A ii Listen to a forum: note
and important details
Dear Mr. Kilmer Activities to identify the problems or crises faced
Novel Indicate the correct responses by the characters
2.2 B.ii Read a narrative and Activities
scan for details Match the problems with the
Read an passage and sequence characters
Answer open ended questions
Use contextual clues to provide
the meanings of words/phrases
clusters ‘’gl’ ,
Give opinions on deforestation 2.3 a . iv. Write a letter to the and ‘pl’
editor of a newspaper on a To identify the characteristics of each
Activities current issue character Adjective
Group discussion Activities with prefixes
Activities -Read the descriptions about the ‘il-‘ and ‘bi-‘
Read a sample letter characters and tick the right columns Activities
1.2 Take part in a discussion Write an informal letter (DW) -Match the quotations in the box with Match each
WK Activities the names of the characters word to its
28 Group discussion -Find the adjectives in the crossword correct Thinking Skills:
Chapter 11
2.2 A ii Listen to a conversation: puzzle meaning Gather and interpret
2/7 Make a decision on agreement of all note important details Information
What a Waste!
- members of a group Activities Verbs with
6/7 Activities Listen and fill in the blanks the prefix Learning How to Learn
Group discussion ‘re-‘ Tabulate information
Pg 172 – 185
2.2 B.ii Read transcript of a
forum and scan for details Activities ICT
Activities Match each Internet: Statistics for
Novel: Dear Mr.
Answer open ended questions word to its recycling
2.2 B. viii Identify main idea meaning Value and Citizenship:
Chapter 9 :
2.2 B. x Understand meaning Respect for the
(Refer to Eng Lit Tea
from context Filling in the environment
Teacher’s Resource
Activities blanks
Book Form 5)
Answer open ended questions KA
and Dear Mr.Kilmer
Circle the option which has the Thinking Phrases with Waste disposal
same meaning Skills: “second, e.g. Procedures
Gather and Nouns Functioning second-class, i-think
2.3 g. v Summarize: Select interpret as Adjectives second-fiddle MB Map
relevant points Information Activities Activities
Activities Make sentences 21ist Century Learning
Write a summary in about 130 Learning with the sets of Complete the Three Stay One Stray
words How to words sentences (Lower)
2.3 a .vii Write a speech; expand Tabulate Filling in the Hot Seat (Advance)
notes (DW) information blanks
1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events
chapter 12
2.2 A ii Listen to a conversation: 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message ICT
Robot-Friend or
note important details and values in the story Internet:
Statistics for
(Science &
Activities Activities recycling
Listen and tick the correct -Number the events in the correct
statement sequence Value and
Pg 16 - 199
-Complete a worksheet with the given Citizenship:
Noel : Dear Mr.
2.2 B. viii Identify main idea themes Respect for
2.2 B. x Understand meaning -Tick the appropriate phrases the
from context -Assessment questions environment
Chapter 9 :
Activities 2.2 A ii Listen to a conversation: note
(Refer to Eng Lit
Answer open ended questions important details KA
Teacher’s Resource
Match the words to their Waste
Book Form 5)
1.2 Take part in a discussion meanings disposal
Activities Procedures
Activities Listen and tick the correct
Group discussion statement
2.2 B. viii Identify main idea
Exchange ideas about robots 2.2 B. x Understand meaning
from context
Group discussion Activities
Answer open ended questions
Match the words to their
( revision)
‘spr’, ‘scr’
and ‘spl’
Exchange ideas about robots 2.2 B. viii Identify main idea 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events Thinking Skills:
2.2 B. x Understand meaning 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Gather and interpret
WK Activities from context and values in the story Information
29 Group discussion
Activities Activities Learning How to Learn
9/7 Answer open ended questions -Number the events in the correct Phrases with Tabulate information
- Match the words to their sequence Nouns Functioning “second, e.g. ICT
13/7 meanings -Complete a worksheet with the given as Adjectives second-class, Internet: Statistics for
themes Consonant Activities second-fiddle recycling
-Tick the appropriate phrases clusters Make sentences Activities Value and Citizenship:
-Assessment questions ( revision) with the sets of Respect for the
‘spr’, ‘scr’ words Complete the environment
Exchange ideas, information and 2.3 g. v Summarize: Select and ‘spl’ sentences KA
opinions relevant points, expand notes  Bubble Waste disposal
Draw conclusions Map Filling in the Procedures
Give opinions 2.3 a . iv. Write an essay (CW) blanks i-think
2 Chapter 13 -The advantages and Circle Map
Sea Of Oil Activities disadvantages of robots/ 21ist Century Learning
(Environment) Group discussion -Robots Jigsaw (Advance)
Pg 200 – 214 - Robots and their effects on Value Lines( Lower)
human lives
1.2 Take part in discussions 2.1. a. i. Listen to a news Words Preposition Of Thinking Skills:
The Prefix
broadcast borrowed Direction ‘out of’ and Evaluate
Poem: Activities Activities To visualize the poem from other ‘away from”
What has Happened Group discussion Listen and tick the correct languages Activities Learning How to Learn
to Lulu? Exchange ideas, information statement Activities Filling in the blanks Rules of Indirect Reported
Find the
(Refer to Eng Lit and opinions about the effects of oils Listen to musical versions of the flute Speech
meanings of
Teacher’s Resource spills 2.2 B.ii Read a passage and scan and answer questions orally
the words
Book Form 5) Activities for details ICT
( A continuation Activities Browse websites
Filling in the
lesson of the poem) Role play Answer open ended questions To express emotions and actions
2.2 B. viii Identify main ideas portrayed in the poem Preparation for the Real
2.2 B. x Understand meaning World:
from context Activities Gracious and ungracious
Activities In groups, act out the actions Behaviour
Answer open ended questions /emotions
Complete a chart i-think Value & Citizenship
Give the meanings of the Circle Map Civic mindedness
underlined words Match the expressions with the Effects of oil spills
2.3 g. v Summarize: Select pictures
relevant points, expand notes 21ist Century Learning
Activities Circle the words which describe Think Pair ( Advance)
Complete a table with relevant emotions Same Mine (Lower)
Write a summary in about 130
2.3 a. vii. Write an article (DW)
Study the information in the table
and write an article
2.2 A. v. Listen to a radio talk To find the meaning of words and
show and identify main ideas phrases
3 Activities
Listen and complete a table Activities
Hold discussions on gracious and 2.2 B. viii Read and identify main Match the words/phrases to the
ungracious behavior ideas meanings
4 Activities
Activities Answer open ended Thinking Skills:
To identify the moral values in the
Group discussion Evaluate
Persuade people not to do ungracious questions poem
5 acts Learning How to Learn
Refer to worksheet provided
Activities Rules of Indirect Reported
Pair work : Refer to the pictures and Speech
Assessment :
practise the language structures
Indicate whether the statements are Homographs Indirect/
true or false Reported Speech
Idiomatic Browse websites
1 Activities
Read and answer open ended Say the Activities
Preparation for the Real
questions sentences Match the phrases
Activities World:
Gracious and ungracious
Change sentences
Match the Behaviour
into Indirect /Direct
Match the Speech
expressions Value & Citizenship
2.3 a . iv. Write an article (DW) – to their Civic mindedness
to their i-think
Pg 227 meaniings
2 correct Brace Map
Activities i-think
Expand the notes Brace Map

21ist Century Learning

One Stay Two Stray

Sages Share ( Lower)

Homophone Types of
Chapter 15 Talk about plans for the future 2.2 A ii. Listen to a dialogue and s Occupation Thinking Skills:
(i) Singular
Your career. Discuss plans and make decisions on recall important details Sequence Information
Countable Nouns -
(People & Social careers Activities Activities
a, an,the
Issues) Listen and sequence the steps in Use a Activities Learning How to Learn
Pg 231 – 249 Activities the correct order dictionary to Spelling Tabulate information
Revision of Form 4 poem: (ii) Use of some with
Group discussion find
1 ‘The Living Photograph’ Plural Countable
WK Revision of Form 4 2.2 B.ii Read an article and scan meanings Filling in the ICT
30 poem: for details blanks Browse websites
‘The Living Activities Filling in the
Photograph’ Answer open ended questions blanks Match the Preparation for the Real
Filling in the blanks
occupations to World:
Present information in tables Make the job Prepare for job interviews
16/7 sentences descriptions Prepare a curriculum vitae
- Revision of Form 4 poem :
20/7 ‘ The Charge of The Light Brigade’ KA
Career planning
Tree Map

21ist Century Learning

Numbered Heads Together
( Lower)
Inside Outside Circle

Thinking Skills:

Learning How to Learn

Rules of Indirect Reported
2.2 B. viii Identify main ideas from Speech
an article
2.2 B. x Understand meaning ICT
from context Browse websites

* Preparation for the Real

Activities World:
Answer open ended questions Gracious and ungracious
2.3 g. v Summarize relevant Value & Citizenship
information from a dialogue Civic mindedness
Effects of oil spills
Make a check list by completing a 21ist Century Learning
table Think Pair ( Advance)
Write a summary in 130 words Same Mine (Lower)

2.3 a . iv. Write a formal letter of

application for a job (DW)
Prepare a curriculum vitae

3 Activities
Complete a CV with relevant
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
5. iiiI. a. Simple
REVISION i/ identify type of tense, Expressions Sequence Information
Present Tense
prepositions, adjectives and et Activities
PAPER 2 csuitable for the text (rational Choose the Learning How to Learn
 MCQ cloze) correct Tabulate information
Underline all the
 STRUCTURED meaning from
verbs in the Simple
RESPONSES ii/ look for clues in the linear/non 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events the options ICT
linear texts 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Browse websites
PAPER (1) and values in the story
31 5.iiiI. b
SECTION A(Directed iii/ eliminate non possible options Preparation for the Real
Simple Past
Writing )  Speech/Talk Activities World:
23/7 Tense
 Article -Number the events in the correct Prepare for job interviews
- Activities
SECTION  Letter Writing sequence Prepare a curriculum vitae
27/7 iv/ Practise on writing out Change the verbs
B(Continuous  Report Writing -Complete a worksheet with the given
sentences based on the rubrics into the Simple past
Writing)- Descriptive themes KA
WK tense
-Tick the appropriate phrases Career planning
32 Activites: Filling in the blanks
 LITERATURE -Assessment questions i-think
Answer sample questions on Tree Map
30/7 Section A (paper 2) 3.ii. Adjectives Of
Dear Mr Kilmer
- Quality
Novel’s Revision 21ist Century Learning
3/8 Write at least 12 menaingful Activities
(Event) Numbered Heads Together
sentences based on the rubric Form adjectives
( Lower)
given from the words
Inside Outside Circle
Filling in the blanks
AUGUST 2018)


(18TH- 26TH
AUGUST 2018)
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Evaluate
To visualize the poem
/ identify type of tense, Activities
prepositions, adjectives and Choose the Learning How to Learn
PAPER 2 etc suitable for the text correct Rules of Indirect Reported
Listen to musical versions of the flute
meaning from Speech
and answer questions orally
*READING ii/ look for clues in the paragraphs the options
WK QUESTIONS & iii/ identify the main ideas Browse websites
To express emotions and actions 3. iv. Comparison of
37 SUMMARY Building of
portrayed in the poem Adjectives
Word Clusters Preparation for the Real
3/9  LITERATURE iv/ Practise on writing out World:
POEMS STRUCTURED QUESTIONS Activities Filling in the blanks
- sentences based on the main Gracious and ungracious
In groups, act out the actions
7/9 -The Living ideas for summary Behaviour
-The Charge of the Activites: Value & Citizenship
Light Brigade Answer sample questions on Civic mindedness
Match the expressions with the
Section D-Poems Effects of oil spills
21ist Century Learning
Circle the words which describe
Think Pair ( Advance)
Same Mine (Lower)

Idiomatic Thinking Skills:

Expressions Sequence Information
/ identify type of correct format for Activities
DW Choose the Learning How to Learn
correct Tabulate information
PAPER (1) ii/ look for clues in the notes meaning from
SECTION A(Directed
1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events the options ICT
Writing ) iv/ Practise on writing out 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Browse websites
FORMAT FOR DW QUESTIONS TO sentences based on the rubrics and values in the story
SECTION REVISE Question tags
WK Preparation for the Real
B(Continuous Activites: Activities
38 Activities World:
Writing) Filling in the blanks
 Speech/Talk Answer sample questions on -Number the events in the correct Prepare for job interviews
10/9  Article Section B(CW) Narrative sequence Prepare a curriculum vitae
 LITERATURE Complete the
-  Letter Writing -Complete a worksheet with the given
14/9  Report Writing themes KA
Dear Mr Kilmer Write at least 12 menaingful -Tick the appropriate phrases Career planning
Novel’s Revision sentences based on the rubric -Assessment questions i-think
given Tree Map
(Moral Values)
21ist Century Learning
Numbered Heads Together
( Lower)
Inside Outside Circle
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Evaluate
Choose the Learning How to Learn
correct Rules of Indirect Reported
PAPER (1) / identify type of tense, meaning from Speech
SECTION A(Directed prepositions, adjectives and etc the options
Writing ) that suits the DW 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events Articles ICT
3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message (i) Singular Browse websites
SECTION FORMAT FOR DW QUESTIONS TO and values in the story Countable Nouns -
WK B(Continuous REVISE iv/ Practise on writing out a, an,the Preparation for the Real
39 Writing) sentences based on the rubrics Activities World:
 Speech/Talk -Number the events in the correct (ii) Use of some with Gracious and ungracious
17/9  Article Activites: sequence Plural Countable Behaviour
-  LITERATURE  Letter Writing Answer sample questions on -Complete a worksheet with the given Nouns
21/9  Report Writing Section A (paper 1) DW themes Value & Citizenship
Dear Mr Kilmer -Tick the appropriate phrases Activities Civic mindedness
Novel’s Revision Write at least 12 menaingful -Assessment questions Filling in the blanks
sentences based on the rubric i-think
(Characters) given Brace Map

21ist Century Learning

One Stay Two Stray

Sages Share ( Lower

Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Make comparisons
/ identify type oprepositions, Activities Gather information
adjectives and et csuitable for the Choose the ICT
text (rational cloze) correct Internet-information on
meaning from youth activities
ii/ look for clues in the linear/non Articles the options Multiple Intelligences:
RESPONSES 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events
linear texts (i) Singular Spatial-visual
COMPREHENSION 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message
Countable Nouns - Building of Intrapersonal
QUESTIONS & and values in the story
iii/ eliminate non possible options a, an,the Word Clusters Kinesthestic
40 Activities
(ii) Use of some with Preparation for the Real
FORMAT FOR SUMMARY WRITING/ -Number the events in the correct
Plural Countable World:
24/9 POEMS STRUCTURED QUESTIONS iv/ Practise on writing out sequence
Nouns How to be a smart shopper
- sentences based on the rubrics -Complete a worksheet with the given
Value and Citizenship:
28/9  LITERATURE themes
Activities Respect self and others
Activites: -Tick the appropriate phrases
Filling in the blanks Honesty
Dear Mr Kilmer Answer sample questions on -Assessment questions
Novel’s Revision Section D Paper 2 -think
Bubble Map
(Events) Write at least 20 menaingful
sentences based on the rubric 21ist Century Learning
given Numbered Heads Together
Match Mine(Lower
To visualize the poem Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Gather and interpret
/ identify type of tense, Activities Activities Information
prepositions, adjectives and et Listen to musical versions of the flute Choose the
PAPER (1) csuitable for the text and answer questions orally correct Learning How to Learn
SECTION A(Directed meaning from Tabulate information
Writing ) the options ICT
REVISE Simple Past
WK iv/ Practise on writing out To express emotions and actions Internet: Statistics for
41 SECTION sentences based on the rubrics portrayed in the poem recycling
B(Continuous  Speech/Talk Value and Citizenship:
Change the verbs
1/10 Writing)  Article Activites: Activities Respect for the
into the Simple past
-  Letter Writing Answer sample questions on In groups, act out the actions environment
5/10  LITERATURE  Report Writing Section B (paper 1) Continuous /emotions KA
Filling in the blanks
 What Had Writing Waste disposal
Happened to Lulu? Procedures
 A Poison Tree Write at least 25 menaingful Match the expressions with the i-think
sentences based on the rubric pictures Circle Map
given 21ist Century Learning
Circle the words which describe Jigsaw (Advance)
emotions Value Lines( Lower)
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Evaluate
/ identify type of tense, Activities
prepositions, adjectives and et Choose the Learning How to Learn
csuitable for the text (rational correct Rules of Indirect Reported
cloze) meaning from Speech
the options
ii/ look for clues in the linear/non 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events ICT
linear texts 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message Browse websites
and values in the story . iiiI. a. Simple
WK iii/ eliminate non possible options Present Tense Preparation for the Real
42 Activities World:
FORMAT FOR SUMMARY WRITING/ -Number the events in the correct Activities Gracious and ungracious
8/10 POEMS STRUCTURED QUESTIONS sequence Underline all the Behaviour
 LITERATURE iv/ Practise on writing out
- -Complete a worksheet with the given verbs in the Simple
12/10 sentences based on the rubrics themes Present Tense Value & Citizenship
Dear Mr Kilmer
-Tick the appropriate phrases Civic mindedness
Novel’s Revision Activites: -Assessment questions
Answer sample questions on i-think
(Characters) Section D (paper 2) Brace Map
Write at least 11 menaingful 21ist Century Learning
sentences based on the rubric One Stay Two Stray
given (Advance)

Sages Share ( Lower

Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Make comparisons
Activities Gather information
To visualize the poem
Choose the ICT
correct Internet-information on
/ identify type of tense, Activities
PAPER (1) meaning from youth activities
prepositions, adjectives and Listen to musical versions of the flute
SECTION A(Directed the options Multiple Intelligences:
etc suitable for the text and answer questions orally
Writing ) Spatial-visual
FORMAT FOR DW QUESTIONS TO 5.iiiI. b Intrapersonal
SECTION REVISE Simple Past Kinesthestic
WK To express emotions and actions
B(Continuous iv/ Practise on writing out Tense
43 portrayed in the poem
Writing) sentences based on the rubrics Activities Preparation for the Real
 Speech/Talk
Change the verbs World:
15/10  Article Activities
 LITERATURE Activites: into the Simple past How to be a smart shopper
-  Letter Writing In groups, act out the actions
-The Living Answer sample questions on tense Value and Citizenship:
19/10  Report Writing /emotions
Photograph Section A (paper 2) Filling in the blanks Respect self and others
-The Charge of the Honesty
Light Brigade Write at least 12 menaingful Match the expressions with the
sentences based on the rubric -think
(Revision) given Bubble Map
Circle the words which describe
21ist Century Learning
Numbered Heads Together
Match Mine(Lower
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
/ identify type of tense, Expressions Evaluate
prepositions, adjectives and et To visualize the poem
csuitable for the text (rational Choose the Learning How to Learn
PAPER 2 cloze) Activities
correct Rules of Indirect Reported
 MCQ Listen to musical versions of the flute
meaning from Speech
STRUCTURED ii/ look for clues in the linear/non and answer questions orally
the options
RESPONSES linear texts ICT
Question tags Browse websites
WK QUESTIONS & iii/ eliminate non possible options To express emotions and actions
44 SUMMARY portrayed in the poem
Filling in the blanks Preparation for the Real
iv/ Practise on writing out Complete the Gracious and ungracious
- LITERATURE In groups, act out the actions
sentences based on the rubrics sentences Behaviour
26/10 -The Living /emotions
Activites: Value & Citizenship
-The Charge of the
Answer sample questions on Civic mindedness
Light Brigade Match the expressions with the
Section A (paper 2) Effects of oil spills
Write at least 10 menaingful 21ist Century Learning
Circle the words which describe
sentences based on the rubric Think Pair ( Advance)
given Same Mine (Lower)
Idiomatic Thinking Skills:
Expressions Gather and interpret
/ identify type of tense, Activities Information
PAPER (1) prepositions, adjectives and et Choose the
SECTION A(Directed csuitable for the text 1a(iv)Narrate the sequence of events correct Learning How to Learn
Writing ) 3.1c(x)Describe the theme, message meaning from Tabulate information
FORMAT FOR DW QUESTIONS TO and values in the story . iiiI. a. Simple the options ICT
WK SECTION REVISE iv/ Practise on writing out Present Tense Internet: Statistics for
45 B(Continuous sentences based on the rubrics Activities recycling
Writing)  Speech/Talk -Number the events in the correct Activities Value and Citizenship:
29/10  Article Activites: sequence Underline all the Respect for the
-  LITERATURE  Letter Writing Answer sample questions on -Complete a worksheet with the given verbs in the Simple environment
2/11 Dear Mr Kilmer  Report Writing Section A (paper 1),Section B themes Present Tense KA
Novel’s Revision Paper 1(Argumentative Essay) -Tick the appropriate phrases Waste disposal
-Assessment questions Procedures
(Characters) Write at least 22 menaingful i-think
sentences based on the rubric Circle Map
given 21ist Century Learning
Jigsaw (Advance)
Value Lines( Lower)
Expressions Thinking Skills:
Activities Make comparisons
Choose the Gather information
correct ICT
PAPER 2 To visualize the poem
meaning from Internet-information on
/ identify type of tense, the options youth activities
prepositions, adjectives and et Multiple Intelligences:
RESPONSES Listen to musical versions of the flute
csuitable for the text Spatial-visual
COMPREHENSION and answer questions orally
SUMMARY Question tags
iv/ Practise on writing out To express emotions and actions Activities
46 Preparation for the Real
sentences based on the rubrics portrayed in the poem Filling in the blanks
5/11 POEMS STRUCTURED QUESTIONS How to be a smart shopper
Activites: Activities Complete the
- Value and Citizenship:
Answer sample questions on In groups, act out the actions sentences
9/11 Respect self and others
Section A,B (paper 1) /emotions
Write at least 12 menaingful -think
LITERATURE sentences based on the rubric Match the expressions with the
Bubble Map
 What Had given pictures
Happened to Lulu?
21ist Century Learning
A Poison Tree Circle the words which describe emo
Numbered Heads Together
Match Mine(Lower)


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