BT5 Scheme of Work Form5 2020
BT5 Scheme of Work Form5 2020
BT5 Scheme of Work Form5 2020
PEOPLE Talk about one’s -Listen to a conversation: -Find meaning of words -The simple future Consonant /f/ THE 4 Cs
You and Your feelings and discuss recall important details. based on contextual tense and /l/ - Communication
Personality personality types. [2.1,a i] clues [3.1 a ii] -The simple present - Collaboration
[1.1,a,d] -Read extracts and scan -Recite the poem using tense.
WEEK 1-3 for details. [2.2a] suitable intonation, -Simple past tense i-Think
(1- 16 Jan) Participate in a -Write acrostic poems. discuss the themes and -Adjectives of quality - Circle Map
conversation and [2.3 a] issues [3.2, a] -Idiomatic expressions -Bubble Map
present one’s views. - Identify main ideas [2.2 -Read and understand (Introducing
*PROGRAM [1.1,b] d v] meaning of words Oneself)
KECEMERLANGAN -Understand meaning based on contextual
SPM BI from context [2.2 d,v] clues HOTS
( 13 - 14/1 ) -Summarise relevant [3.1 a ii] SWOT analysis of
points. [2.3 g ,v] -Understand setting of themselves
- Write a description of a the poem [3.1 d iv]
person.[2.3 a] THE LEARNING
- Collaborative
Chapter 2 Talk about someone -Listen to a song, note Poem: What Has -comparison of Consonant i-Think
who has inspired important details.[2.1 a i] Happened to Lulu? adjectives /b/, /g/ and – Tree Map
you.[1.1,c] -Read a narrative- scan -Read and understand /t/ (Classifying)
PEOPLE for details [2.2 a] meaning of words -present perfect tense
Unsung Heroes Give opinions [1.1,L3 -Read and identify main based on contextual HOTS
viii] ideas- understand clues[3.1 a ii] -building word ICT Research –
WEEK 4 – 5 meaning from context -Understand setting of clusters Search for war
(19 - 30 Jan) [2.2 d,v] the poem [3.1 d iv] heroes
-Summarise: expand
*Penetapan HC T5 & notes [2.3 g,v]
Dialog Prestasi Waris -Read and make
T5 1/2020 inferences [2.2 f xiii]
-Write a narrative [2.3 a]
*23- 27 JAN
Take part in a -Listen to an article. [2.1 Poem: What Has Present continuous Consonant THE 4 Cs
discussion. [1.2 b iii] a i] Happened to Lulu? tense /ϴ/ and /đ/ -Critical Thinking
Chapter 3 Persuade someone not -Read a passage. [ 2.1 c] -Read and understand Past continuous tense
to do something. -Present information in meaning of words based gerunds i-Think
PEOPLE & posters for a bulletin on contextual clues – Bubble Map
SOCIAL ISSUES Exchange ideas about board. [2.3 d i] [3.1 a ii] Words with more (sharing
Youth Power activities carried out -Identify main ideas, -Understand setting of than one meaning personal
by youths [1.1d vii] understand meaning the poem [3.1 d iv] information)
WEEK 6 - 7 from context. [2.2 d,v] – Multi Flow Map
(2 - 13 Feb) Give opinions on an -Summarize: select
article heard [1.1, L3 relevant points, change HOTS
viii] sentence structures. [ 2.3 ICT Research
g, v] -Find
-Make inferences [2.2 f information on
xiii] youth activities
-Write responses to in other
letters in a newspaper. countries.
[2.3 a i]
- Collaborative
- Task-Based
-Listen to a dialogue and
Hold discussions on note important details. Novel: Dear Mr. Question tags Vowels long THE 4 Cs
Chapter 4 misleading sales [2.1 a i] Kilmer and short -Critical Thinking
tactics. [1.1b] -Read an article and scan -Understand characters Prefix ‘mis-‘, ‘ inter-‘ /æ/, /e/, /a:/
SOCIAL ISSUES Listen and respond to for details. [2.2a] in a story. and / ᴧ / i-Think
The Smart complaints. [1.2 a -Listen to a dialogue and [3.1 b vi] – Circle map
Consumer L3vii] make comparisons. [2.1 a -Understand the – Double /
Express satisfaction i] sequence of events in a Double Bubble
WEEK 8 - 10 and thanks about the -Understand meaning novel. [3.1 a, v] Map
(16 Feb – 5 March) service. [1.3 b L3 iv] from context. [2.2d,v] -Describe settings in the – Multi Flow
Exchange ideas and -Summarize by story map
opinions on substituting expressions.
consumerism. [1.1 d L2 [2.3 g,v] HOTS
vii] -Make inferences. [2.2 f Misconception of
xiii] Advertisement
-Read and compare
information in a table.
-Write a formal letter of STRATEGIES
complaint. [2.3 a] - Task-Based
[2 - 5 March]
[13 - 21 March]
-Listen to a description:
Chapter 5 Take part in a note important details. Novel: Dear Mr Kilmer Connectors suffixes ‘- Vowels long i-Think – Multi-
ENVIRONMENT discussion. [1.2 b] [2.1 a,i] -Role–play characters. cide’, ‘-logy’ and short Flow Map (Cause
It’s Raining Acid -Read a narrative and [3.2 a i] /u:/, /u/, /i:/ and Effect of Acid
Exchange ideas, expository essay: scan for -Understand events that and /I/ Rain)
information and details, follow sequence occur in a main
WEEK 12 opinions. of ideas.[2.2 a] character’s life [3.1 a] HOTS
(22 – 26 March) [1.1 d L2 vii] -Present information in a -Write about a main Suggestions on
flow chart. character in a novel. Preventions of
[2.3 d i] [3.1 b] Pollution
*22 MARCH -Identify main ideas:
ISRAK & MIKRAJ understand meaning
from context. [2.2.d,v]
-Predict outcomes,
identify cause and effect.
[2.2 d, v]
-Write an essay: expand
information in a flow
chart. [2.3, e,iv]
Chapter 6 Take part in -Listen to a conversation: Novel: Dear Mr Kilmer Past perfect tense Vowels long THE 4 Cs
discussions. [1.2 b] note important details. -Understand the and short -Critical Thinking
HEALTH [2.1 a i] significance of an event. Word collection /Ɔ:/, and /ɒ/
Smoking – The Compare and contrast -Read a passage: scan for [3.1 a] Internet Search :
Silent Killer information obtained details -Read and write about Dipthongs Find Statistics
and decide on a choice. [2.2 a] themes and values in /ʊə/ and /eə/ Draw pie charts,
WEEK 13 [1.3 b L2 ii] -Create a questionnaire stories. [3.1.c,x] fill data forms
(29 March – 2 Apr) -Present information in a
data form and pie chart. i-Think – Multi-
[2.3 d i] flow Map (Cause
-Conduct an interview and effect of
[2.1 a i] Smoking)
-Identify main ideas,
understand meaning
from context. [2.2 d,v] THE LEARNING
-Summarize: select STRATEGIES
relevant points, expand - Collaborative
notes. [2.3 g,v] - Task-Based
-Make inferences [2.2 f
-Write a report. [2.3 a vi]
Chapter 7 Talk about self-esteem -Listen to a dialogue and Novel: Dear Mr Modals ‘may’, ‘might’, Dipthongs HOTS
and appearance. [1.2 recall important details. Kilmer ‘ may not’, ‘might not’ /aʊ/, /ıə/, Internet search –
HEALTH, PEOPLE & a] [2.1 a i] -Read and write on Adverbs /ɜ:/ and /ə/ The dangers of
SOCIAL ISSUES -Read journal entries: figurative language slimming
Self-esteem Enquire about one’s scan for details. [2.2 a] used. [3.1,a,xii] Synonyms programmes
health. [1.1 d iv] -Identify main ideas from -Write events that
WEEK 14 journal entries. involved the main Debate on health
(5 -9 April) Take part in social [2.2 d,v] characters. issues
interaction.[1.2] -Understand meaning
from context. Poster
*24 APRIL [2.2 b vii] Presentation of
FIRST OF RAMADHAN -Summarize writer’s Healthy
BREAK feelings and emotions Lifestyles
expressed in journal i-Think – Bubble
entries. [2.2 b viii] Map (Eating
-Make inferences. [2.2 f Healthily)
-Write a speech. [ 2.3 a THE LEARNING
- Collaborative
- Cooperative
Chapter 8 -Take part in -Listen to a news bulletin: Novel: Dear Mr Talk about the future: Consonant THE 4 Cs
discussions. [1.2 b] note important details. Kilmer Simple future tense Clusters ‘stl’, -Critical Thinking
SCIENCE & -Make enquiries after [2.1 a i ] ‘will’, the ‘going to’ ‘tch’ and ‘ckle’ -Creativity
TECHNOLOGY reading -Read an expository -Understand theme and form
Transport advertisements. [1.3 a ] passage: scan for details. describe events in which i-Think – Brace
Tomorrow -Exchange ideas on the [2.2 a] they are present. Present continuous Map (Different
forms of -Identify main ideas, [3.1 a ix] tense types of
WEEK 15 transportation shown. understand meaning -Understand universal Am/is/are + ing transportations
(12 – 16 Apr) [1.1 d L2 vii] from context. [2.2 d, v ] values and talk about and their uses)
-Give opinions about -Summarize: revise the instances in which these Abbreviations
the feasibility of forms four stages in summary values are illustrated. HOTS
of transportation writing. [2.3 g, v] [3.1 d] Debate : Hybrid
shown. [1.1 L3 vii] -Make inferences [2.2 f vs Solar-powered
xiii] cars
-Write a descriptive
essay: use information THE LEARNING
from a mind map. [2.3 a] STRATEGIES
- Collaborative
- Project-Based
Chapter 9 -Discuss instances of -Read a narrative and Revision Active and passive Consonant i-THINK – Flow
dangerous driving. [1.2 scan for details. voice Clusters ‘spr’, Map
SOCIAL ISSUES & b] [ 2.2 a] Understand poems read. ‘scr’ and ‘spl’ (Sequencing)
PEOPLE -Discuss distractions of -Read a narrative and [3.1,a] Idiomatic expressions
Striving For Safety drivers. [1.2 b iv] sequence events. using repetitive words HOTS
[2.2 B iv] Understand plot and Causes of road
WEEK 16 -Create bumper stickers. characters in the novel. accidents.
(19 – 23 Apr) [2.3 d ii] [3.1,a,vi]
-Identify main ideas in
the forum [2.2 b,v]
-Understand meaning
from context. [2.2 d]
-Summarize important
events in a –narrative.
[2.3 g, v]
-Read articles from the
Internet. [2.1 c ii]
-Write a recount of an
accident. [2.3 a]
Consultation/Discussion/Revision for Mid-Year Examination
(17 – 21 May)
[*Subject to change]
Chapter 11 Take part in a - listen to a conversation: Poem : A Poison Tree Adjectives with Consonant THE 4 Cs
discussion. [1.1,d,L3 note important details. -Recite the poem using prefixes Clusters ‘gl’ - Critical
ENVIRONMENT viii] [2.1 a.i] suitable intonation, ‘il’ and ‘’bi’ and ‘pl’ Thinking
What A Waste Make a journal entry. - Read a transcript of a discuss the themes and - Creativity
[1.2,b] forum: scan for details. issues ([3.2, a]
[2.2 a] -Read and discuss the i-THINK:
WEEK 22 Make a decision based -Make a list, present setting [3.1 b vi] Flow chart
(14 – 18 June) on agreement information in a poster. -Read and understand (Recycling
of all members of a [2.3 d,i] meaning of words procedure)
group. [1.2b,L2,vi] -Identify main ideas, based on contextual
understand meaning in clues HOTS:
context. [2.2 b, v] [3.1 a ii] How to apply 3R
-Summarize: select concept at home
relevant points. [2.3,g,v]
--make inferences. [2.2 f
-Write a speech: expand
notes. [2.3 a,viii]
Chapter 12 Take part in a -Listen to a conversation: Revision Nouns functioning as Consonant i-THINK:
discussion. [1.1,d,L3 note important adjectives. Clusters Circle map
SCIENCE & viii] details.[2.1,a,i] Complete a synopsis of a (revision) (qualities of
TECHNOLOGY Exchange ideas about -Read an extract from a novel. ‘spr’, ‘scr’ and robot)
Robot- Friend or robots. novel: scan for details. [3.1,c] ‘spl’
Foe? [1.1 d,L3, viii] [2.2 a] HOTS:
Exchange ideas, -Note different points of The use of robots
WEEK 23 information and view. [2.2,b,v] in a household
(21- 25 June) opinions. Drew -Identify main ideas,
conclusions. [1.1 d, understand meaning
*21 JUNE L2,vii] from context. [2.2, b,v]
SULTAN KEDAH’S Give opinions. [1.1 d, -Make inferences. [2.2,
L3, vii]
-Summarize: select
relevant points, expand
notes. [2.3,g,v]
-Write an essay: give
your opinions. [2.3,a]
Chapter 13
Take part in a -Listen to a news Understand a poem Prepositions of Words i-THINK:
ENVIRONMENT discussion. broadcast. [2.1, a,i] read. [3.1,a] Direction ‘out of’ and borrowed Multi-flow map
Seas Of Oil [1.1,d,L3,viii] -Read a passage: scan for ‘away from’ from other
Exchange ideas, details. [2.2 a] Talk about the ending of languages
WEEK 24 information and -Present information in a a novel. [3.1,c] HOTS:
(28 June – 2 July) opinions about the poster. [2.3,d,i] The effects of oil
effects of oil spilts. -Identify main ideas, Talk about the message spill to the
*Dialog Prestasi [1.1, d, L3 vii] understand meaning in a poem. [3.1,c] marine
Waris T5 2 / 2020 from context. [2.2,d] life/society
(2 July) -Summarize: select
relevant points, expand
[2.2, g,v]
-Write an essay: expand
on notes given.
Chapter 14 Hold discussions on -Listen to a radio talk Write a review of the Indirect/ Reported Homographs i-THINK:
gracious and show and recall novel [3.1,c,xi] Speech Circle map
SOCIAL ISSUES, ungracious behaviour. important details. [2.1
PEOPLE & [1.1 d L3,viii] a,i] Write about the Idiomatic expressions. HOTS:
ENVIRONMENT Relate feelings, -Read a letter in a message in the poem. How to be a
The Gracious personal experiences newspaper and scan for [3.1,c,x] responsible
Citizen about gracious and details. citizen?
ungracious behaviour. -Listen and identify main Change the ending of a
WEEK 25 [1.2 b] ideas. [2.1,a,i] story. [3.1 b,iii]
(5 – 9 July) Discuss correct -Read and identify main
behaviour in public ideas. [2.2 a,v]
places. [1.2 b,iv] -Summarize viewpoints.
[2.3,g,v] Revision : All the
Give opinions on -Make inferences. [2.2 poems
gracious and d,xiii]
ungracious behaviour. -Write an article. [2.3,a,
[1.1 d L3 viii] vii]
Present one’s -Keep an account of
viewpoint with gracious deeds in a diary.
reasons. [1.1 d, L3, viii] [2.3 a]
Chapter 15 Talk about plans for -Listen to a dialogue and Understand character Articles Homophones i-THINK:
the future. [1.2,b] recall important details. and incidents in a story. i. Singular countable Flow chart
SOCIAL ISSUES [2.1, a] [3.1, c, ix] nouns –a, an, the (career planning)
Your Career Discuss plans and -Read an article and scan
make decisions on for details. [2.2 a] Write about lessons ii. Use of ‘some’ with HOTS:
WEEK 26 - 27 careers. [1.2 b] -Use a dictionary to find learnt from a character. plural countable How to prepare
(12 – 23 July) meanings. [2.2,h] [3.1, c, ix] nouns. for job interview
Ask one to think about -Present information in
and decide on future tables. [2.3, d,i] Write about the
plans. [1.2, a,b] -Listen and sequence message in a poem.
information. [2.1,a,i] [3.1,c,x]
-Identify main ideas from
an article.
[2.2 b] Revision : Novel
-Understand meaning
from context. [2.2,d]
-Summarize relevant
information from a
dialogue. [2.3,g,v]
- Make inferences. [2.2
-Write a letter of
application for a job.
-Prepare curriculum
vitae. [2.3,a]
DIALOG PRESTASI WARIS T5 3 / 2020 (1 0ct)
Prepared by :
POEM A Poison Tree – William Blake
What Happened to Lulu? – Charles Causley
NOVEL Dear Mr Kilmer – Anne Schraff
Examples of vocabulary from the Form 5 text book based on the THEMES
*Please refer to the Curriculum Specifications for more words outlined for form 5 syllabus