Construction HIP

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):

S.No Activities Area/ Operation Potential Hazard No. Mitigation of Hazards

Section A
1 Site Survey

1.1 Acquire Access & Approval for Vehicle & Surveyor NO HAZARDS 1.1.1 N/A

1.2 Transportation of Surveyor From Site Office Vehicle collision with other vehicles, pedestrians 1.2.1 Ensure the driver has a valid license
to Construction
Area 1.2.2 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

1.2.4 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-8 Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

1.2.5 Training of all drivers with regards to CSSP-S-15 and Driver Improvement Program

1.3 Mobilization of Surveyor Equipment From Site Office Manual handling of equipment 1.3.1 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-3 Housekeeping and material handling
(Collection/loading, transportation and unloading of or Site Ware
survey equipment) House to Vehicle collision with other vehicles, pedestrians Surveyor have to complete the checklist to ensure the calibration of equipment prior to mobilization of the
1.3.2 equipment to site
Construction Area
Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-8 Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

1.4 Vehicle Movement inside the Plant Construction Area Vehicle collision with other vehicles, pedestrians 1.4.1 As per Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, follow Traffic and Vehicle Safety
& Lay Down Area
Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-8 Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Street and
1.4.2 Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
1.4.3 premises

1.4.4 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-8 Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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1.5 Identify Location for Survey Construction Area Slip and trips (walking on site) 1.5.1 Project Manager will ensure surveyor has safety orientation

1.5.2 Surveyor will have plant orientation - when needed

1.5.3 Contractor Safety Rep will conduct site specific safety orientation.

1.6 Study & Demarcation of site during "Walk Through" Parking Area to Slip and trips (walking on site) Provide extensive training for surveyor and assistant on the prevention of slips, trips and falls
Construction Area 1.6.1
from Construction
Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-N-13 Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Record
Area To
Temporary Offices

2 Site Preparation Works-Removing of Asphalt Roads

and Clearing the Area.
2.1 Access & Approval for equipment & Workforce At Security Guard No Hazards N/A
Office 2.1.1

2.2 Submission & Approval of Traffic & Route Plan To SAPMT No Hazards 2.2.1 N/A

2.3 Submission & Approval of Safety Documents (e.g. HIP, To SAPMT No Hazards N/A
CSSP, JSA, Emergency Response Plan, Lifting plan etc.) 2.3.1

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2.4 Installation of Barricades Construction Area Weather 2.4.1 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-8 Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation
Where Ever is
Required Overload of Crane 2.4.2 Implementation of procedure:Cssp-S-18 Crane & Lifting devices

Falling of barricades 2.4.3 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Truck and/or trailer collision Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

2.5 Installation of Safety Sign boards Construction Area Manual handling of materials 2.5.1 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-3 Housekeeping and material handling
Temporary Site
Offices area Slips and trips (walking on site) 2.5.2 Provide extensive training for surveyor on the prevention of slips, trips and falls
Laydown Area
Implementation of procedure:CSSP-N-13 Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Records

2.6 Removing of asphalt roads Construction Area Vehicle movement 2.6.1 Authorized competent operator to operate the equipment.
Where Ever
Required Equipment hitting people 2.6.2 Equipment to be isolated when not attended.

Dust 2.6.3 Horse play to be avoided during the operation of the equipment’s.

2.6.4 Assign banks man with high visible vest for the equipment’s.

2.6.5 Clear communication required between operator and the banks man.

2.6.6 Ensure reverse alarms are fitted and works properly for all the mobile equipment.

2.6.7 Regular maintenance has to be carried out.

2.6.8 Water to be sprayed for control of dust suppression.

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3 Laydown Yard Site Preparation

3.1 Identification of Site for Lay down Yard Drawing No Hazards 3.1.1 N/A

3.2 Verify LUP is approved for area of Lay down SAPMT No Hazards 3.2.1 N/A

3.3 Submission & Approval of Lay down Yard design Drawing No Hazards 3.3.1 N/A

3.4 Marking of Site Lay down Yard Laydown Yard Manual handling of equipment 3.4.1 Prepare JSA for marking & Spray Painting

Inhalation of spray paint fumes Trained workmen for handling the equipment & aware about preforming the spray painting job

Slips and trips (walking on site) 3.4.3 Provide extensive training for all employees on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

3.4.4 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and material handling

Surveyor have to complete the checklist to ensure the calibration of equipment prior to mobilization of the
equipment to site

3.4.6 All PPE to be worn as identified in the JSA

The workers will be trained in proper use and storage of PPE according to the manufacturers instructions and
the Saudi Aramco requirement. As per CSSP-S1 procedure: Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) and as per
3.4.7 CSSP-S6 Procedure: Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Records

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3.5 Leveling of site lay down yard Laydown Area Heavy Equipment collision with workers 3.5.1 Refer CSM II-7.3 for site preparation activities and Approved Laydown Yard Drawings.

Hand Arm vibration from tools Obtain Hot work permit as per GI 2.100. Use licenced and Aramco certified operators for heavy equipment.
3.5.2 Refer GI 7.025 and CSSP-S15 procedure: Heavy Equipments

Dust 3.5.3 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedure,Hand tools & Power tool

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI.1021.00:
3.5.4 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipments at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

3.5.6 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
Post Arabic & English traffic signs

Provide a physical barrier to achieve the segregation and adequate warnings must be in place.

Implementation of CSSP-S25 procedure: Dust Control


Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA


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3.6 Transportation & Installation of Temporary Fencing Road Path to Manual Handling of Material 3.6.1 Use approved fencing material as per GI.8.001 and as per the scope of work
Laydown Area.
Installation of Vehicle Collision with other Vehicles /Pedestrians Fencing will be erected as per Saudi Aramco standards and the scope of work
Fence Where Ever
Required Collapsing of fence during installation Fencing shall be constructed in accordance with AES-M-006 and the approved drawings.
inLAydown Areaa 3.6.3
Construction Area As per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI 6.030, follow Traffic and Vehicle Safety
and Site Office 3.6.4
Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI.1021.00:
3.6.5 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
3.6.6 premises

3.6.7 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety and Transportation


3.7 Transportation and installation of slab blocks for Road Path to Falling of blocks Implementation as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.7.028: Crane Lifts - Types and
Portables Portables Area 3.7.1 Procedures.

Vehicle Collision with other Vehicles /Pedestrians Implementation of CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

Weather All riggers shall be certified by Saudi Aramco as per GI.7.028: Crane Lifts - Types and Procedures.

3.7.4 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

3.7.5 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

As per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI 6.030, follow Traffic and Vehicle Safety

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.1021.00:
3.7.7 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
3.7.8 premises
Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

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3.8 Installation of Electrical & Communication Cables to Construction Fire Ensure that the installation of electrical and communication lines are followed as per approved laydown area
Sub DB for site Area, MOE, 3.8.1 drawings
Electric Shock 3.82 Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lockout & Tag
Slips and Trips 3.8.3 Prepare JSA for installtion of Electrical & Communication cables

Ensure that electrician is Aramco certified

Aramco utilities department to be notified prior to connection
Obtain Work Permit for Isolation and installation
Ensure certified tools are used during splicing
Ensure certifed splicer is performing the splicing
Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to splicing and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
Shedgum Emergency response plan
Ensure exact display of position for fire extinguishers and display of other preventives measures.

Implementation of CSSP-S6 procedure: Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Records

3.9 Installation of Water Pipelines till main valve to site From Tie In Point Falling Of Loads Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to work and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
to the Site 3.9.1 Shedgum Emergency response plan
Hand Arm Vibration from tools 3.9.2 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedures: Hand Tools & Power Tools

Noise Hazards 3.9.3 Prepare and implement JSA for installation of water pipeline

3.9.4 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and Material Handling

Flying Objects, projectiles or sparks 3.9.5 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and equipment checklists are completed

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3.10 Installation of sewage pipes till site From Tie In Point Falling of Objects & Loads Implementation as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.7.028: Crane Lifts - Types and
to the Site 3.10.1 Procedures
Weather Implementation of CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices
Vehicle Collision with other Vehicles /Pedestrians Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)
Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

3.10.6 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI.1021.00:
3.10.7 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

3.10.8 Implementation of CSSP-S15 procedure: Heavy Equipment

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
3.10.9 premises
Post Arabic & English traffic signs

3.10.11 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

3.11 Sanitation & Housekeeping Construction Area Manual handling of materials 3.11.1 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-3 Housekeeping & Material Handling
to Dumping Area
Chemical Handling 3.11.2 Trash debris and refuse shall be collected daily.

3.11.3 Trash debris collected would be disposed off accordingly

Covered containers, drum, etc. shall be provided at various, clearly marked locations throughout the work site.

3.11.5 Fire extinguisher shall be placed on convenient locations near debris collect point

3.11.6 MSDS shall be available on site while handling any chemical

3.11.7 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

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4 Mobilization

4.1 Approval & Issue of Work Permit SAPMT No Hazards 4.1.1 N/A

4.2 Access & Approval for all Heavy Equipment (like SAPMT & Target No Hazards N/A
Crane, Dump truck, Backhoe, Trailers) & Workforce Construction 4.2.1

4.3 Loading/unloading & transporting of Portables to Laydown Area & Overloading of crane Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation
Laydown Yard Offices Area 4.3.1

Falling of Objects & Loads 4.3.2 Implementation of CSSP-S15 procedure: Crane & Lifting devices

Collisions of trucks with equipments and Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)
Pedestrians 4.3.3

Weather Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.
Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
4.3.5 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI
4.3.7 7.024: Rigging Operations and CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

4.3.8 Follow approved Lifting Plan.

4.3.9 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting
To follow the Appendix C of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for spacing of portables on project sites.
Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.1021.00:
4.3.12 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco
Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
4.3.15 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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4.4 Mobilization and transportation of Heavy equipment Road Path to Collisions of Heavy Equipmets with equipments Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation
to Site Laydown Yard Laydown Area and Pedestrians
Ensure the driver has a valid license

4.4.3 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed
Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
4.4.5 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI.1021.00:
Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls.
Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
4.4.8 premises
Post Arabic & English traffic signs

4.4.10 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

5 Construction Of Laydown Yard

5.1 Approval & Issue of Work Permit SAPMT No Hazards 5.1.1 N/A

5.2 Access & Approval for Heavy equipment & workforce SAPMTand Target No Hazards N/A
Construction 5.2.1

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5.3 Movement & Positioning of Heavy Equipment for Construction Area Truck/trailer collision with other vehicles, Obtain Hot Work Permit
offloading portables pedestrians 5.3.1

5.3.2 Follow approved Lifting Plan

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

To follow the Appendix C of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for spacing of portables on project sites.

5.3.5 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

Implementation as per CSSP-S-18: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI.7.028: Crane Lifts - Types
5.3.6 and Procedures

5.3.7 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

5.3.8 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-8: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,

5.3.10 GI.1021.00: Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

5.3.11 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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5.4 Installation of Portables (offices, mess hall, Temporary Site Overloading of crane 5.4.1 Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation
hammams, storage rooms etc.) Offices, Labor
Rest Area & Lay Portable collision with slab blocks and utilities Implementation of CSSP-S15 procedure: Crane & Lifting devices
Down Area
Weather 5.4.3 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

5.4.5 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

5.4.6 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI
5.4.7 7.024: Rigging Operations and CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

5.4.8 Follow approved Lifting Plan.

5.4.9 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting
To follow the Appendix C of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for spacing of portables on project sites.

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.1021.00:
5.4.12 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
5.4.14 premises

5.4.15 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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5.5 Connection of Power and communication lines for Approved Existing Fire Ensure that the installation of electrical and communication lines are followed as per approved laydown area
Portables Tie In Point 5.5.1 drawings

Electric Shock 5.5.2 Ensure that electrician is Aramco certified

Slips and Trips 5.5.3 Aramco utilities department to be notified prior to connection

Obtain Work Permit for Isolation and connection


5.5.5 Ensure certified tools are used during splicing

Ensure certified splicer is performing the splicing

Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to splicing and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
5.5.7 Shedgum Emergency response plan

Ensure exact display of position for fire extinguishers and display of other preventives measures.

Trained fire fighting team to be present

Ensure proper firefighting equipment to be placed
Ensure First Aid box & Fire extinguisher available at site
Inspect ladder before use.
Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

5.5.14 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

5.6 Connection of Sewage & Water lines Existing Toilet as Manual handling of materials 5.6.1 Implementation of procedure: Housekeeping and material handling
per Approved
Drawing Inhalation of PVC glue fumes 5.6.2 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

Ensure the sewage standards are in accordance with Section-2, Sanitary Wastewater and Sewerage Systems, of
5.6.3 the Saudi Aramco Sanitation Codes
Workmen must also receive a physical site orientation upon arrival & before start to work on site

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5.7 Testing and commissioning of utilities - i.e. electric, Construction Flooding Ensure that the installation of electrical and communication lines are followed as per approved laydown area
water, sewage and communications Area, MOE and 5.7.1 drawings
Electric Shocks Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lockout & Tag
Building 5.7.2

Fire 5.7.3 Prepare JSA for installation of Electrical & Communication cables

Ensure that electrician is Aramco certified


5.7.5 Aramco utilities department to be notified prior to connection

5.7.6 Obtain Work Permit for Isolation and Commissioning

5.7.7 Ensure certified tools are used during splicing

5.7.8 Ensure certified splicer is performing the splicing

Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to work and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
5.7.9 Shedgum Emergency response plan

Ensure exact display of position for fire extinguishers and display of other preventives measures.

Implementation of CSSP-S6 procedure: Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Records

5.8 Construction of Compressed gases, Hazardous Construction Manual Handling of Material 5.8.1 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-3: Housekeeping and material handling
Material (paints) and diesel Storage area Area, MOE &
Maintenance Slips and Trips 5.8.2 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls
Hand and Arm vibration from tools Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to work and on regular basis & aligned with Emergency
5.8.3 response plan

Moving Machinery 5.8.4 Ensure the driver has a valid license

5.8.5 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

5.8.7 Ensure spotter & flagman are position at the working area

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5.90 Transportation and storage of Portable Electrical Store Inside the Manual handling of materials Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and material handling
Equipment, Welding Machines, Hand tools etc. Laydown area 5.9.1

Falling of objects & Loads 5.9.2 Training and information for workers, including safe work practices.

Vehicle collision with other vehicles, pedestrians Regular maintenance or replacement of tools

Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

5.9.4 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.1021.00:
5.9.5 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
5.9.7 premises

5.9.8 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

5.1 Storage of approved scaffolding equipment Separate Are on Manual handling of materials Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and material handling
Laydown Yard
Vehicle collision with other vehicles, pedestrians Ensure correct storage and segregation of all scaffold material

Slips, trips & Fall 5.10.3 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

5.10.4 PM to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
5.10.5 premises

5.10.6 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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5.11 Installation of shaded parking areas for Vehicles Parking Areas Collapsing of structure 5.11.1 Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for parking area
Where Ever
Required Welding fumes 5.11.2 Implementation of CSSP-S26 procedure: Steel and Pre-cast Erection Procedure

Weather 5.11.3 Implementation of CSSP-S16 procedure: Cutting/Welding/Brazing

Implementation as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.7.028: Crane Lifts - Types and
5.11.4 Procedures
Implementation of CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

5.11.6 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

5.11.7 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

5.11.9 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

6 Construction of New Buildings

6.1 Access & Approval for Heavy equipment & workforce SAPMT & Target
No Hazards 6.1.1 N/A

6.2 Survey & Demarcation as per new design plan Construction Area Slips and trips (walking on site) 6.2.1 Inhalation of spray paint fumes
Maintenance Manual handling of equipment Trained workmen for handling the equipment & aware about performing the spray painting job
Inhalation of spray paint fumes 6.2.3 Provide extensive training for all employees on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.2.4 Housekeeping and material handling CSSP-S-3.

Surveyor have to complete the checklist to ensure the calibration of equipment prior to mobilization of the
6.2.5 equipment to site

6.2.6 All PPE to be worn as identified in the JSA

The workers will be trained in proper use and storage of PPE according to the manufacturer’s instructions and
the Saudi Aramco requirement. Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) and Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety
Meeting and Record

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6.3 Excavation of foundation Construction Area Moving Machinery 6.3.1 Obtain Hot work permit.
Maintenance Slips, Trips & Fall Use certified operators for equipment refer CSSP-S-15, Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Heavy equipment collision with structure and or Prepare JSA for Excavation
Dust 6.3.4 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

6.3.5 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-18 Traffic Control, Vehicle & Transportation

6.3.6 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-13: Excavation, Trenching & Shoring

6.3.7 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.3.8 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.3.10 Ensure spotter & flagman are position at the working area

6.3.11 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

6.4 Installation of formwork for foundations Construction Area Manual Handling of formwork & other materials Obtain Hot work permit.
Maintenance Slips & Trips Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSSP-S-15: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Heavy
Buildings 6.4.2 Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

Confined space 6.4.3 Prepare JSA for formwork

Falling into excavation 6.4.4 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

6.4.5 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-2: Hand Tools & Power Tools

6.4.6 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-14: Formwork & Concrete Work

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6.5 Shifting & Mobilization of Steel rebar’s at site Fabrication Yard Overloading of Crane 6.5.1 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-3: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation
to Construction
Area Truck/trailer collision with other vehicles, Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-18: Crane & Lifting devices
Falling of objects 6.5.3 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Weather Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

6.5.5 Obtain Hot work permit.

Use certified operators for equipment , Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification CSSP-S-15

6.5.7 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Rigging
6.5.8 Operations and procedure CSSP-S-18: Crane & Lifting Devices

6.5.9 Follow approved Lifting Plan

6.5.10 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.5.11 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

To follow the Appendix C of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for spacing of portables on project sites

Implementation of traffic regulations as per Contractor Safety Administration Requirement CSSP-S-13, Street
6.5.13 and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

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6.6 Installation of Steel rebar’s for foundations Construction Area Manual Handling of steel rebars & tools 6.6.1 Prepare JSA for installation of Steel rebars for foundation

Falling of Objects 6.6.2 Ensure proper trained workmen are engaged for executing the job

Truck/trailer collision with other vehicles, Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-14: Steel & Pre-cast Erection
Confined space 6.6.4 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-8: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

6.6.5 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.6.6 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.6.8 Ensure spotter & flagman are position at the working area

6.6.9 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

Implementation of CSSP-S-13 traffic regulations as per Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Street
6.6.10 and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls
Implementation of CSSP-S-3 Housekeeping & Material Handling

6.6.12 Implementation of procedure Confined Space

6.6.13 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.7 Concrete pouring for foundations Construction Area Cement handling 6.7.1 Obtain Hot work permit.

Moving Machinery Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSSP-S-15: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Heavy
6.7.2 Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Manual Handling of materials 6.7.3 Prepare JSA for concrete pouring

Falling of Objects 6.7.4 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

Slips & Trips 6.7.5 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-2: Hand Tools & Power Tools

Hand Arm Vibration from tools 6.7.6 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-14: Formwork & Concrete Work

Compressed air 6.7.7 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-17: Compressed gases & Air compressors

Noise Hazards 6.7.8 Implementation of procedureCSSP-S-11: Fall Prevention/ Protection

6.7.9 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.7.10 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.7.12 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.8 Water Curing Construction Area Slips & Trips 6.8.1 Implementation of procedure:CSSP-S-22 Isolation/ Lockout & Tag

Flooding 6.8.2 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.9 Concrete Chipping Construction Area Flying Debris 6.9.1 Prepare JSA for concrete chipping

Hand Arm Vibration 6.9.2 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-14: Formwork & Concrete work

6.9.3 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-2: Hand Tools & Power Tools

6.9.4 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.10 Back filling and Compaction Construction Area Moving machinery 6.10.1 Obtain Hot work permit.

Manual handling of tools & materials Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSSP-S-15: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Heavy
6.10.2 Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

Dust 6.10.3 Prepare JSA for backfilling & compaction

Hand arm vibration from tools Ensure procedure CSSP-S-2, Hand tools & Power tool is used to control hand arm vibration hazards

Noise Hazards 6.10.5 Ensure ground is sprinkled with water to reduce dust emissions

Heavy equipment collision with structures and or SA approved operator perform the job. Area must be barricaded.
workers. 6.10.6

6.10.7 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-*: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

6.10.8 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.10.9 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.10.11 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-2: Hand Tools & Power Tools

6.10.12 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-3: Housekeeping and material handling

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.11 Fixing of grade beams over every footings Construction Area Manual Handling of steel rebars 6.11.1 Prepare JSA for installation of Steel rebars for grade beams

Overload of Crane 6.11.2 Ensure proper trained workmen are engaged for executing the

Falling of barricades 6.11.3 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-8: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

Truck and/or trailer collision 6.11.4 Ensure the driver has a valid license

Slips & Trips 6.11.5 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Weather Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.11.7 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-18: Crane & Lifting devices

Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

6.11.10 Obtain Hot work permit.

Use certified operators for equipment refer CSSP-S-15, Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Heavy
6.11.11 Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

6.11.12 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSSP-S-18: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,
6.11.13 GI 7.024: Rigging Operations and CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

Follow approved Lifting Plan


6.11.15 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.11.16 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-13: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,

6.11.17 GI.1021.00: Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

6.11.18 Implementation of CSSP-S-3 procedure: Housekeeping & Material Handling

6.11.19 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.12 Fixing of Steel rebars columns Construction Area Manual Handling of steel rebars & tools 6.12.1 Prepare JSA for installation of Steel rebars for columns

Falling of Objects 6.12.2 Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

Truck/trailer collision with other vehicles, Ensure the driver has a valid license
Weather 6.12.4 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.12.6 Implementation of CSSP-S15 procedure: Crane & Lifting devices

6.12.7 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

6.12.9 Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSSP-S-15: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI
6.12.10 7.025: Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.
Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSSP-S-18: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,
6.12.12 Rigging Operations and procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

6.12.13 Follow approved Lifting Plan

6.12.14 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.12.15 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-13: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Street
6.12.16 and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

6.12.17 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-3: Housekeeping & Material Handling

6.12.18 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.13 Installation of Formwork for Grade Beams Construction Area Manual Handling of formwork & other materials Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
6.13.1 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Slips & trips Prepare JSA for formwork

Confined Space 6.13.3 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

6.13.4 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedure: Hand Tools & Power Tools

Falling into Excavation 6.13.5 Implementation of CSSP-S14 procedure: Formwork & Concrete Work

6.14 Concrete Pouring for Grade Beams Construction Area Cement Handling Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
6.14.1 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Moving Machinery 6.14.2 Prepare JSA for concrete pouring

Manual Handling of Materials 6.14.3 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

Falling of ‘Objects 6.14.4 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedure: Hand Tools & Power Tools

Slips & Trips 6.14.5 Implementation of CSSP-S14 procedure: Formwork & Concrete Work

Hand and Arm vibration from tools 6.14.6 Implementation of CSSP-S17 procedure: Compressed gases & Air compressors

Compressed Airs 6.14.7 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

6.14.8 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.14.9 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.14.11 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.15 Water Curing Construction Area Slips & Trips 6.15.1 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

Flooding 6.15.2 Implementation of complete isolation lockout & tag out procedure

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.16 Installation of Formwork for Steel Columns Construction Area Manual Handling of formwork & other materials Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
Steel Columns 6.16.1 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

Slips & Trips 6.16.2 Prepare JSA for formwork

Falling from Heights 6.16.3 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

6.16.4 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedure: Hand Tools & Power Tools

6.16.5 Implementation of CSSP-S14 procedure: Formwork & Concrete Work

6.17 Concrete pouring for Steel Columns Construction Area Cement Handling Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.
Steel Columns 6.17.1 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification
Moving Machinery 6.17.2 Prepare JSA for concrete pouring

Manual Handling of materials 6.17.3 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

Falling of Objects 6.17.4 Implementation of CSSP-S2 procedure: Hand Tools & Power Tools

Slips & Trips 6.17.5 Implementation of CSSP-S14 procedure: Formwork & Concrete Work

Hand and Arm vibration from tools 6.17.6 Implementation of CSSP-S17 procedure: Compressed gases & Air compressors

compressed air 6.17.7 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

Noise 6.17.8 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.17.9 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.17.11 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.18 Water Curing Construction Area Slips & Trips 6.18.1 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

Flooding 6.18.2 Implementation of complete isolation lockout & tag out procedure

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.19 Installation of Roof Beams Construction Area Manual Handling of steel rebars & tools 6.19.1 Prepare JSA for installation of Steel rebars for columns
Roof Beams
Falling of Objects 6.19.2 Ensure proper trained workmen are engaged for executing the job

Truck/trailer collision with other vehicles, Implementation of CSSP-S23 procedure: Steel & Pre-cast Erection
pedestrians 6.19.3

Weather 6.19.4 Implementation of CSSP-S8 procedure: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

6.19.5 Ensure the driver has a valid license

6.19.6 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation.

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.19.8 Implementation of CSSP-S15 procedure: Crane & Lifting devices

6.19.9 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

6.19.11 Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI 7.025:
Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

6.19.12 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI
6.19.13 7.024: Rigging Operations and CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

6.19.14 Follow approved Lifting Plan.

6.19.15 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.19.16 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement , GI.1021.00:
6.19.17 Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

6.19.18 Implementation of CSSP-S19 procedure: Housekeeping & Material Handling

6.19.19 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.20 Installation of Formwork for Roof Beams Construction Area Manual Handling of formwork & other materials Obtain Hot Work Permit as per GI 2.100
Roof Beams
Slips & Trips 6.20.2 Prepare JSA for formwork

Falling from Height 6.20.3 Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job

Ensure CSSP-S2 procedure, Hand Tools & Power Tools is used to control hazards

6.20.5 Ensure CSSP-S14 procedure, Formwork & Concrete Work is used to control hazards

6.20.6 Use approved formwork materials as per GI.8.001

Ensure formwork structure is designed by a competent person and that it is erected using the correct
6.20.7 components and in compliance with the formwork documentation and project documentation.

Carry out regular inspections for compliance


6.20.9 Site Safety Supervisor have to check the certification of tools prior to mobilize at site

Site Safety supervisor shall maintained the records of tools


All protruding rebar are to be capped with cover / end caps or barricaded to general access. This is to eliminate
6.20.11 "impale" hazards.

6.20.12 All formwork for elevated pores will be provided work platform to facilitate placement

Employee working more than 1.8 meters above any adjacent working surfaces, placing and tying reinforcing
6.20.13 steel in walls, piers columns etc. shall be provided with proper work platforms with guardrail system

6.20.14 Ensure proper skilled workmen at site to execute the job.

6.20.15 Have equipment and materials delivered as close as possible to work areas

6.20.16 Area to be barricaded and sign boards to be posted

6.20.17 Use inspected approved work platforms/scaffolds.

6.20.18 Ensure scaffold Tag system is in place

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.21 Concrete Pouring for Roof Beams Construction Area Cement Handling 6.21.1 Obtain Hot Work Permit as per GI 2.100
Roof Beams
Moving Machinery 6.21.2 Prepare JSA for concrete pouring

Manual Handling of Materials Falling of Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job
Objects 6.21.3

Slips & Trips 6.21.4 Ensure CSSP-S2 procedure, Hand Tools & Power Tools is used to control hazards

Hand Arm Vibration from tools 6.21.5 Ensure CSSP-S14 procedure, Formwork & Concrete Work is used to control hazards

compressed Air 6.21.6 Ensure CSSP-S17 procedure, Compressed gases & Air compressors is used to control hazards

Noise Hazards Use approved formwork materials as per GI.8.001


6.21.8 All PPE worn as identified in JSA

Firmly secure the pressure hose with tag lines and maintain safe distance from the pump/hose. Provide safe
6.21.9 traffic plan

6.21.10 Keep work area clean and dry. Use proper fall protection. As per CSM II-5 Use ear protection.

6.21.11 Use GFCI on all power tools

6.21.12 Ensure the checklist is in place for all moving machinery

6.21.13 Ensure drivers has a certified license

6.21.14 Ensure spotter & flagman are position at the working area

6.22 Water Curing Construction Area Slips & Trips 6.22.1 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls
Roof Beams
Flooding 6.22.2 Implementation of complete isolation lockout & tag out procedure CSSP-S-23

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.23 Concrete Pouring for Flooring Construction Area Cement Handling 6.23.1 Obtain Hot work Permit
Slab on Grade
Moving Machinery 6.23.2 Prepare JSA for concrete pouring

Manual Handling of Materials Falling of Trained workmen about procedure & awareness about performing the job
Objects 6.23.3

Slips & Trips Ensure right procedure CSSP-S-17, Compressed gases & Air compressors is used to control hazards

Hand Arm Vibration from tools 6.23.5 Use approved form work materials

Compressed Air 6.23.6 All PPE worn as identified in JSA

Noise Hazards Firmly secure the pressure hose with tag lines and maintain safe distance from the pump/hose. Provide safe
6.23.7 traffic plan

6.23.8 Keep work area clean and dry

6.23.9 GFCI should be used on all power tools

6.23.10 Ensure the checklist is in place for all moving machinery

6.23.11 Ensure drivers has a certified license

6.23.12 Ensure spotter & flagman are position at the working area

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
S.No Activities Area/ Operation Potential Hazard No. Mitigation of Hazards

6.24 Transportation & Hanging of Pre Cast Wall Clading Construction Area Overload of Crane 6.24.1 Prepare JSA for the specific job
Parameters Falling of barricades 6.24.2 Ensure proper trained workmen are engaged for executing the activity

Truck and/or trailer collision 6.24.3 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-8: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

Slips & Trips 6.24.4 Ensure the driver has a valid license

Weather 6.24.5 Ensure good condition of vehicle for transportation

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and vehicle daily checklists are completed

6.24.7 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-18: Crane & Lifting devices

6.24.8 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

6.24.10 Obtain Hot work permit.

Use certified operators for equipment refer CSSP-S-15, Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, Heavy
6.24.11 Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

6.24.12 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSSP-S-18: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,
6.24.13 GI 7.024: Rigging Operations and CSSP-S18 procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

6.24.14 Follow approved Lifting Plan

6.24.15 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.24.16 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-13: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,

6.24.17 GI.1021.00: Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

6.24.18 Implementation of CSSP-S-3 procedure: Housekeeping & Material Handling

6.24.19 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
S.No Activities Area/ Operation Potential Hazard No. Mitigation of Hazards

6.25 Masonry Work for Side Walls & tiling Construction Area Manual handling of masonry materials 6.25.1 Prepare JSA for trimming of side walls & ceilings
Side Walls Tiling
Falling of Objects 6.25.2 Implementation of CSSP-S-2 Hand tools & Power tools procedure fully

Falling from heights 6.25.3 Implementation of CSSP-S-11 fall prevention/protection procedure fully

Chemical Handling 6.25.4 House Keeping and Material handling CSSP-S-3 to be maintained at all times

Slips & Trips 6.25.5 water suppuration for dust control

Flying debris 6.25.6 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

6.25.7 All PPE to be worn as identified in the JSA

6.26 Installation of Doors & Windows Construction Area Manual Handling of doors & windows 6.26.1 House Keeping and Material Handling procedure should complied
Doors &
Windows Falling of objects 6.26.2 Ensure certified tools are used during installation

Broken glass from windows 6.26.3 All PPE is worn as identified in JSA

6.26.4 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

6.27 Installation of Electrical & Communication conduit & Construction Area Falling from Heights Ensure that the installation of electrical and communication lines are followed as per approved laydown area
Junction Box 6.27.1 drawings
Slips and Trips 6.27.2 Ensure that electrician is Aramco certified

Manual Handling of Materials 6.27.3 Aramco utilities department to be notified prior to connection

6.27.4 Obtain Work Permit for Isolation and connection

6.27.5 Ensure certified tools

6.27.6 Ensure certified splicer is performing the splicing

Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to splicing and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
6.27.7 Shedgum Emergency response plan
Ensure exact display of position for fire extinguishers and display of other preventives measures.

6.27.9 Trained fire fighting team to be present

6.27.10 Ensure proper firefighting equipment to be placed

6.27.11 Ensure First Aid box & Fire extinguisher available at site

6.27.12 Inspect ladder before use.

6.27.13 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

6.27.14 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.28 HVAC installations Construction Area Falling from Height 6.28.1 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-8: Traffic Control, Vehicle Safety & Transportation

Dealing with Sharp Edge Materials 6.28.2 Implementation of procedure CSSP-S-18: Crane & Lifting devices

Falling of Objects 6.28.3 Ensure that no Crane operation if the Wind speed is more than 32kph (20mph)

Overloading of Crane Anemometer, Handheld Pocket Weather Meter shall be used to monitor wind speed in the site.

6.28.5 Obtain Hot work permit. Refer GI 2.100.

Use certified operators for equipment refer, CSSP-S-15: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement, GI
6.28.6 7.025: Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification

6.28.7 Provide Audible Alarms & Flashing lights for Heavy Equipment.

Ensure correct rigging is used for lifting loads as per CSSP-S-18: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,
6.28.8 GI 7.024: Rigging Operations and procedure: Crane & Lifting Devices

6.28.9 Follow approved Lifting Plan.

6.28.10 Lifting operation will be closely supervised by a certified rigger

6.28.11 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area during lifting

To follow the Appendix C of Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual for spacing of portables on project sites

Implementation of traffic regulations as per CSSP-S-13: Contractor Safety Administration Requirement,

6.28.13 GI.1021.00: Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic Controls

Project Manager to ensure, the usage of Crane & heavy equipment at site are certified by Saudi Aramco

Implement the approved drawings & schematic layout for movement of vehicles inside & outside the plant
6.28.15 premises

6.28.16 Post Arabic & English traffic signs

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.29 Piping Work for Plumbing Construction Area Manual Handling of Materials Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to work and on regular basis & aligned with Emergency
6.29.1 response plan
Flying Objects, projectiles or sparks 6.29.2 Implementation of CSSP-S-2 Hand Tools and Power Tools procedure

Electric Shocks (PEE) 6.29.3 Prepare and implement JSA for installation of water pipeline

6.29.4 Housekeeping and Material handling procedure CSSP-S-3 to be complied strictly

6.29.5 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

Ensure Preventive maintenance schedule is followed and equipment checklists are completed

6.3 Plastering for External & Internal Walls Construction Area Manual handling of masonry materials 6.30.1 Prepare JSA for plastering
External and
Internal Walls Falling of Objects 6.30.2 Training provided to all workmen for plastering inside the electrical room

Handling of Cement 6.30.3 Test for zero potential prior to repair

Slips & Trips from Ladder 6.30.4 Obtain proper work permits

6.30.5 Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lockout & Hold Tag

6.30.6 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and Material Handling

6.30.7 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

6.30.8 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.31 Preparation & Installation of Gypsum Boards Construction Area Falling From Height 6.31.1 Obtain appropriate Work Permit

Manual Handling of Material 6.31.2 Personnel working at height must wear full body harness

Slips & Trips 6.31.3 Harness training is given to ensure correct use

Dust 6.31.4 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.31.5 House Keeping & Material Handling procedure CSSP-S-3 to be complied

6.31.6 Wear long-sleeve shirt or coveralls, gloves, dust mask, and safety glasses.

Before beginning work, apply baby powder to skin to prevent fiberglass from getting into pores

6.31.8 Take breaks as needed to avoid undue stress or irritation

6.31.9 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area

6.31.10 All PPE to be worn as identified in the JSA

6.32 Hydro Testing for All Piping Job Construction Flooding 6.32.1 Prepare JSA for Hydro testing
Work Pipe Job
Vehicles Colliding with other Vehicles, Pedestrians 6.32.2 Train workers on the JSA

Pressurized Pipes 6.32.3 Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lock & Hold Tag

Slips & Trips 6.32.4 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area

6.32.5 Area shall be barricaded and warning signage shall be posted.

6.32.6 Do not leave the pressurized hose or pump unattended when the hydro-test is happening.

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.33 Water Proof Insulation for Roofing Construction Area Falling of Objects 6.33.1 Prepare JSA for water proofing
Manual Handling of tools & Materials 6.33.2 Training provided to all workmen for plastering inside the electrical room

Slips & Trips 6.33.3 Test for zero potential prior to repair

6.33.4 Obtain proper work permits

6.33.5 Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lockout & Hold Tag

6.33.6 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and Material Handling

6.33.7 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

6.33.8 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

6.34 Painting Coating for Internal and External Walls Construction Area Manual Handling of paint drums 6.34.1 Prepare JSA for painting & Coating
Internal External
Walls Inhalation of paint fumes 6.34.2 Training provided to all workmen for plastering inside the electrical room

Falling from height 6.34.3 Obtain proper work permits

Fire 6.34.4 Implementation of CSSP-S12 procedure: Painting & Coating

6.34.5 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping and Material Handling

6.34.6 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

6.34.7 Implementation of CSSP-S11 procedure: Fall Prevention/ Protection

6.34.8 Provide extensive training for all employees on the prevention of slips, trips & Falls

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
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6.35 Installation of Ceiling Utilities and Finishing Construction Area Falling From Height 6.35.1 Obtain appropriate Work Permit

Manual Handling of Material 6.35.2 Personnel working at height must wear full body harness

Slips & Trips 6.35.3 Harness training is given to ensure correct use

Dust 6.35.4 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.35.5 House Keeping & Material Handling procedure CSSP-S-3 to be complied

6.35.6 Wear long-sleeve shirt or coveralls, gloves, dust mask, and safety glasses.

6.35.7 Barricade the area, prohibit employees from entering the area

6.35.8 All PPE to be worn as identified in the JSA

6.36 Housekeeping & removal of debris from Project Site Construction Area Manual Handling of Materials Ensure the sanitation standard as per CSM: Contractor Safety Administrative Requirement -7.3:Contractor Site
to designated dumping yard Dumping Area 6.36.1 Management, 10.2: Site Planning & Layout, 10.3-Project Support Services, 11.4:Welfare/Sanitation/Facilities

Dust 6.36.2 Implementation of CSSP-S3 procedure: Housekeeping & Material Handling

Vehicle collision with other Vehicles/Pedestrians 6.36.3 Trash debris and refuse shall be collected daily.

Covered containers, drum, etc. shall be provided at various, clearly marked locations throughout the work site.

6.36.5 Fire extinguisher shall be placed on convenient locations near debris collect point

6.36.6 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
S.No Activities Area/ Operation Potential Hazard No. Mitigation of Hazards

6.37 Asphalting Construction Area Vehicle collision with other Vehicles/Pedestrians 6.37.1 Prepare JSA for Asphalting work
Parking & Roads
Chemical Handling 6.37.2 Banks man or spotter to be appointed for traffic control

Fire 6.37.3 Pedestrians way should be guided through proper signage

Manual Handling of Material 6.37.4 Proper Extinguishing means to be provided on job site

Slips & Trips 6.37.5 Ensure correct PPE is worn as per the JSA

Hand Arm Vibration 6.37.6 Provide extensive training for workmen on the prevention of slips, trips and falls

6.37.7 House Keeping & Material Handling procedure CSSP-S-3 to be complied

7 Testing & Commissioning

7.1 Testing & Commissioning of all Utilities Construction Area Flooding Ensure that the installation of electrical and communication lines are followed as per approved laydown area
7.1.1 drawings
Electric Shocks 7.1.2 Implementation of CSSP-S22 procedure: Isolation/ Lockout & Tag

Fire Prepare JSA for installation of Electrical & Communication cables


7.1.4 Ensure that electrician is Aramco certified

7.1.5 Aramco utilities department to be notified prior to connection

7.1.6 Obtain Work Permit for Isolation and Commissioning

7.1.7 Ensure certified tools are used during splicing

7.1.8 Ensure certified splicer is performing the splicing

Provide Emergency Response Tool Box Talk prior to work and on regular basis & aligned with KAPSARC and
7.1.9 Target Emergency response plan
Ensure exact display of position for fire extinguishers and display of other preventives measures.

Implementation of CSSP-S6 procedure: Safety Orientation, Weekly Safety Meeting and Records

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Hazard Identification Plan (HIP):
S.No Activities Area/ Operation Potential Hazard No. Mitigation of Hazards

7.2 Completion and Closure of exception items Entire Work Site HAZARDS IDENTIFIED AS PER ABOVE MENTIONED
TASKS 7.2.1




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