Instruction Manual
Updated 6/8/2009
Ver. 5.76
Description The OFITE Model 900 Viscometer is a true Couette coaxial cylinder rota-
tional viscometer, which employs a transducer to measure the induced
angle of rotation of the bob by a fluid sample. The test fluid is contained in
the annular space, or shear gap, between the rotor sleeve and the bob,
which is attached to a shaft with a biasing spring. The viscous drag exert-
ed by the fluid creates a torque on the bob, and is monitored by the trans-
ducer that measures the angular displacement of the bob. Using the angle
of displacement of the bob, the processor calculates and transmits read-
able output of the sample characteristics in accordance with determined
calculations based upon the shear rate and the bob displacement.
Revolutionary improvements in stepper-motor technology by OFITE
enables the Model 900 Viscometer to operate accurately at extremely low
shear rates (0.01 1/s).
#130-76-P pH Meter
#132-58-1 B2 Bob; 303 Stainless Steel
#132-58-2 B3 Bob; 303 Stainless Steel
#132-58-3 B4 Bob; 303 Stainless Steel
#132-58-4 B5 Bob; 303 Stainless Steel
#132-58H B1 Bob; Hastelloy
#134-10-2 Torsion Spring Assembly; F0.2
#134-10-3 Torsion Spring Assembly; F0.5
#134-10-4 Torsion Spring Assembly; F2.0
#134-10-5 Torsion Spring Assembly; F3.0
#134-10-6 Torsion Spring Assembly; F4.0
#154-04 Digital, Long-Stem Thermometer; NIST Traceable; 8" Stem; -
58°F - 302°F (-50°C - 150°C)
#154-24 Thermometer; 32°F - 86°F (0°C - 30°C)
Viscosity Ranges<a>
R1B1 R1B2 R1B3 R1B4
Minimum Viscosity<b>
0.5<c> 4.5 12.7 25
@600 RPM
Maximum Viscosity<d>
10,000,000 89,000,000 255,000,000 500,000,000
@0.01 RPM
<a> Computed for standard Torsion Spring (F 1.0). For other torsion springs, multiply by F factor
<b> Lower viscosities can be measured by the Model 900, however one must take into account the
effect of bearing drag, Taylor vortices, zero offset, etc. when looking at the expected accuracy of
the reading
<c> For practical purposes the minimum viscosity is limited to 0.5 cP due to Taylor Vortices
<d> Maximum viscosity is based on Maximum Shear Stress and Minimum shear rate (RPM). However,
due to practical and physical limitations, it may be difficult to take these measurements.
Viscosity Conversions
To convert from units on left side to units on top, multiply by factor @ intercept.
Centipoise (lb*s)
Poise (P) g/(cm*s) (mN*s)m2 mPa*s
(cP) 100 ft2
1 0.01 0.01 1 1 0.002088
Poise (P) 100 1 1 100 100 0.2088
g/(cm*s) 100 1 1 100 100 0.2088
(mN*s)m2 1 0.01 0.01 1 1 0.002088
mPa*s 1 0.01 0.01 1 1 0.002088
478.93 4.789 4.789 478.93 478.93 1
100 ft2
To estimate which spring might be best, use the formula below to calculate
a Minimum Spring factor, where one establishes the maximum RPM the
fluid is going to be tested at, as well as what the expected “Apparent
Viscosity” of the fluid would be at that RPM. If the Factor comes out as
.87, then a F 1.0 spring should be used. If it comes out as .16, then a F
0.2 spring would be best. To cover all ranges, it may be necessary to use
more than one spring.
Bob (F)
R1B1 1.0
R1B2 8.9
R1B3 25.4
R1B4 50.7
There are no user-serviceable components inside the heat cup cover. The
Heat Cup should only be serviced by a factory-authorized technician.
Always plug the Model 900 into a surge suppressor instead of
! directly into an electrical outlet. The internal electrical compo-
Important nents can be damaged by voltage spikes.
2. To control the temperature, plug the thermocouple into the left side of
the housing cover and place the thermocouple into the thermocouple
well of the thermocup. Also plug the power cord of the thermocup into
the back of the Model 900.
3. With the instrument turned OFF, place the splash guard onto the bob
shaft with the short tube end up towards the bearings.
The Model 900 must be turned off each time the bob is installed or
Rotor Sleeve
5. Using the bobshaft wrench provided, locate the wrench flats on the
shaft and place the wrench here for tightening the bob in place.
Do not tighten against the “stop pin” of the instrument!
6. Position the rotor sleeve over the bob and move it upwards to join the
rotor. The threads assure the rotor will attach evenly and uniformly
each and every time.
possibility of mishandling during shipment of the Model 900.
! Refer to the “Calibration - Standalone” section on page 20 for
Important instructions on calibrating the unit manually. Refer to the
“Calibration - With Computer” section on page 24 for instructions
on calibrating the unit with the ORCADA™ Software.
9. Place a properly prepared sample of test fluid (if an R1B1 bob is being
used, approximately 165 - 170 mL) in the sample cup and immerse the
rotor sleeve exactly to the scribed line on the sleeve by raising the plat-
form. Tighten the lock nut on the platform.
10. If you are using the optional pH Meter, refer to the “pH Meter for
Model 900” instruction manual for detailed information about setting up
and using the pH Meter with the Model 900.
When operating under computer control, the keypad on the Model 900
unit is disabled and the unit is controlled from the PC. However, the
type of bob being used for the test must be entered in SETUP (refer to
step 5 on page 20 for details) before connecting the unit to the PC.
The computer must be equipped with a DB-9 serial port. If your computer
does not have a DB-9 serial port, it is recommended that you purchase a
USB to Serial adapter by a third party vendor.
The computer must be running Windows® 2000 or Windows® XP. For opti-
mum viewing, it is recommended that your computer’s display be set to
1024 x 768 pixel resolution.
2. The first time you run the software, you will be asked to select a hard-
ware configuration. Select the the appropriate device and click “OK”.
You will now see the Main Screen.
3. The Windows XP firewall may try to block the ORCADA software from
communicating with the viscometer. If the firewall shows the following
alert, select “Unblock”.
Manual Mode
Analysis Data Process Variables
“Cement” - This button performs the same function as the “CEM” button
on the unit’s keypad. Refer to page 22 for more information.
“Mud” - This button performs the same function as the “MUD” button on
the unit’s keypad. Refer to page 21 for more information.
The “Mud” and “Cement” buttons perform standard tests based on API
specifications. These tests ignore the “Dead Time” and “DAQ Time” set-
tings on the Options screen. Temperature control, which is disabled during
custom Auto-Mode tests, is available during a “Mud” or “Cement” test.
“Progress” - This button opens the Test Progress window, which shows all
of the steps of the current test and highlights the one currently in process.
“Status” - This box at the top of the screen shows the current status of the
“Comm Timeout” - This light will be off when the PC is successfully com-
municating with the viscometer. If communication is interrupted for any
reason, the light will shine red to indicate a problem.
“Start Logging” - This button is available in manual mode only. Click here
to begin recording test data. The light next to this button will shine green
while logging is in progress.
To resume the test, click the “Cond Pause” button again. You will be asked
if you want to “Continue” the test with the remaining conditioning time or if
you want to “Override” the remaining time and extend the effective condi-
tioning time. If you choose to “Continue”, the time remaining in the condi-
tioning cycle will appear as though the test was never paused. If you
choose to “Override”, the time remaining in the conditioning cycle will
resume at the point where the test was paused.
For example, assume a test has a conditioning time of 10 minutes and the
test is paused at the 5 minute mark for 1 minute. If the test is unpaused
using the “Continue” option, the time remaining in the conditioning cycle will
be 4 minutes. However, if the test is unpaused using the “Override” option,
the time remaining in the conditioning cycle will be five minutes, making the
effective total conditioning time 11 minutes.
“Raw File Save Period” - This field determines how often data is recorded
during a test.
“Bob” - Select the type of bob currently being used in the unit. An incor-
rect value in this field will adversely affect your test results.
“Key” - The checkboxes next to the graph key enable and disable graph-
ing of the indicated values. For example, to exclude RPM from the graph,
uncheck the “RPM” box. You can also customize the appearance of the
lines on the graph by clicking on the line example on the right side of the
“Manual Mode Controls” - The manual mode controls, in the bottom left-
hand corner or the screen, adjust the rotor speed and the temperature
while the unit is operating in manual mode.
“Analysis Model” - This field, below the graph, displays the current
Analysis Model being used in the test. This variable is set in the Test
Builder (refer to page 28 for more information).
“Analysis Data” - This chart shows the calculated values based on the
Analysis Model being used for the test. This data will not display until after
the analysis sweep is completed.
For the most accurate calibration results, calibrate the thermocouple before
performing the following procedure. Refer to page 45 for instructions.
If you use a computer with the Model 900, you must unplug the connection
before beginning the procedure.
b. Loosen the two 5/64" allen set screws on the side of the torsion
spring housing (see picture on page 44).
d. Carefully lower the housing straight down onto the unit chassis.
Press ENTER.
Calibration at 300 RPMs
for various Torsion Springs (R1, B1):
Torsion Spring, F0.2 = 60 cP
Torsion Spring, F0.5 = 150 cP
Torsion Spring, F1.0 = 300 cP
Torsion Spring, F2.0 = 600 cP
Torsion Spring, F3.0 = 900 cP
5. Find the calibration sheet attached to the calibration fluid you are using.
Record the viscosity at the temperature being read on the unit.
6. Enter the actual viscosity (listed on the calibration sheet) of the calibra-
tion fluid (must be <= 300 cP if the standard B1 Bob, R1 Rotor and F1
Torsion Spring are used) using the left side of the keypad. Press
9. Loosen the lock nut on the platform while holding the bottom of the plat-
form with your other hand. Slowly lower the platform with the sample
cup and calibration fluid. Allow the stainless steel cup to remain
beneath the bob and rotor to allow residual calibration fluid to drain.
10. Pour the calibration fluid from the sample cup back into the 16 oz. (500
mL) container.
Used calibration fluid can contaminate new fluid. Before mixing
the used with the new, inspect the used fluid for contamination.
Discard any fluid that is cloudy or contains suspended solids.
11. Remove the rotor sleeve. Wipe any residual calibration fluid off the
rotor sleeve and the bob with either a paper towel or a soft cloth. Make
sure the wrench is in place prior to wiping off the bob. Wipe the sample
cup dry with a paper towel.
From the main screen choose, “Calibrate Shear Stress” from the “Utilities”
1. Select a calibration fluid from the “Cal Fluid Batch” drop-down list.
If the list is empty, click the “Fluid Manager” button to add new fluid
batches. Refer to page 19 for more information.
If the “Temp Out of Range” light shines red, the current sample tem-
perature is out of the specified range for the calibration fluid. The
sample will have to be heated or cooled to be within the acceptable
range before calibration.
Do not attempt a calibration if the sample is not within the
appropriate temperature range.
2. Choose a set of calibration rates from the “Rate Set” drop-down list.
3. Click the “Start Calibration” button to begin the cali- Rate Sets
Once the calibration has started, the software will begin filling in the
chart and plotting the results on the graph.
“Temp” - the temperature of the sample at the time viscosity was meas-
“S.S. Fit Error” - deviation of actual shear stress from “S.S. Best Fit”
“r^2C” - This value is not used on the Model 900 and should be
“Shear Stress Raw” - the actual signal coming from the unit
“Ref Shear Stress” - the ideal shear stress as calculated by the soft-
Click the “Fluid Manager” button on the Calibration screen to add a new
calibration fluid batch.
1. Click “New” to add a new batch. You can also edit an existing batch
by selecting it in the “Batch Selector” list.
2. In the “Batch” field, type a name for the batch. OFITE recommends
using the lot number and viscosity from the Certification Chart that
was provided with the fluid.
The “Table Linearity Error” light will shine red if the values in the
“Calibration Fluid Table” do not create a straight line. If this occurs,
check the values and re-enter them.
4. Once you have entered all the batches, click “OK” to close the Fluid
Manager and return to the Calibration screen.
Used to set RPMs or 1/s. Accurate to two decimal places (0.01 RPM).
After entering the desired shear rate, follow by pressing the ENTER
2. Numbered buttons on right side - 600, 300, 200, 100, 60, 30, 20, 10,
6, 3, 2 and 1
These are shear rates typically used in oilfield rheology, and provide a
quick and convenient means of changing the rotor speeds. The RPM
speed may be quickly and directly changed by pressing the numbered
pads. No programming or any other entry is necessary.
Used to program the machine. The unit prompts you to enter a value
for each parameter, or you can simply press NEXT to accept the
defaults. Descriptions of the parameters in the order they appear on
the display follow below:
a. “Temperature”:
“Current”: Set point target temperature for machine to ramp to.
“New”: New target temperature.
Press ENTER and then NEXT.
c. “SS Units”: Changes the shear stress measuring units that are
displayed. Enter selection number or leave alone if unchanged.
e. “Spring #”: Changes the Torsion Spring Assembly, F0.2, F0.5, F1.0,
F2.0, etc. A spring number will be displayed.
“New”: Enter selection number or leave alone if unchanged.
Press ENTER and then NEXT.
1 = C (Celsius) 2 = F (Fahrenheit)
Press ENTER and then NEXT. This will take you back to the
6. CAL
7. MUD
1) Mixing Speed
2) 600 RPM for 15 seconds
3) 600 RPM for 10 seconds
4) 10 second Gel (Wait 10 seconds)
5) Mix for 10 seconds
6) 10 minute Gel (Wait 10 minutes)
1) “PV” =
2) “YP” =
3) “10 Sec Gel” =
4) “10 Min Gel” =
8. CEM
1) 3 RPM
2) 6 RPM
3) 30 RPM
4) 60 RPM
5) 100 RPM
6) 200 RPM
7) 300 RPM
8) 200 RPM
9) 100 RPM
10) 60 RPM
11) 30 RPM
At this point you can press the ENTER key to recall the results of
the last test run.
1. Add approximately 170 mL of test fluid to the clean and dry stain-
less steel sample cup.
2. Enter the raw file save period (in MM:SS, where MM is the two digit
number of minutest and SS is the two digit number of seconds) and
select the shear stress units from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the “Enable” checkbox next to the “Rotation” field to start the
Once the motor is started, the display fields on the right-hand
side of the screen will begin displaying test data.
5. Select the “Enable” checkbox next to the “Temp” field to start the
The “Preheat” and “Cool” options are used for pressurized vis-
cometers only.
6. Enter a name in the “Experiment Name” field and click the “Start
Logging” button.
2. Enter the raw file save period (in MM:SS) and select the shear
stress units from the drop-down menu.
3. Highlight a test to run from the list in the upper left-hand corner of
the Main Screen. Refer to page 28 for instructions on creating cus-
tom tests.
Caution: The Model 900 Viscometer thermocouple must be immersed
in the fluid before enabling the temperature or heating a sample in the
heat cup.
“Spring Constant” - Enter the type of spring being used in the unit.
“Enable pH” - Check this box if you are using an external pH Meter. This
will enable the “pH” and “Temp pH” fields in the process variable area of
the Main Screen. It will also make “pH” an option on the key to the graph.
“RPM DAQ Settings” - “RPM High”, “RPM Med” and “RPM Low”, “Dead
Time”, “DAQ Time”. These fields are used to determine the amount of time
needed for the sample to stabilize at a given rate. The fields are also used
to determine the amount of time data is averaged before being saved. For
example, if RPM High is set to 60, Dead Time is set to 15 and DAQ Time is
set to 20, any rate of 60 RPM or greater during a sweep would stabilize for
15 seconds then begin averaging data for 20 seconds before saving the
“Com Port” - This field specifies which Com port the viscometer is con-
nected to.
“DAQmx Device Name” - If multiple DAQ cards are installed on the PC,
choose the card you wish the unit to use.
“Slave ID” - If multiple units are being monitored through the ORCADA™
Software, each one must be identified by a unique “Slave ID”.
3. In the field after the variable name, enter the variance required to initi-
ate a save point.
For example, if you want the software to record a data point when the
temperature increases or decreases more than 5°, place a check next
to “Temperature” and enter 5 in the field next to it.
4. Click “OK” to save the settings and return to the main screen.
1. To create a new test, click the “New Test” button. To create a new
test based on one of the “RP 10B”, “RP 13D”, or “RP 39” analysis
models, click the appropriate button at the top of the screen to open
a template. To edit an existing test, select the test from the list in
the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
a. “RP 39” - Power Law Model - records the Power Law calcula-
tions (n and k)
4. Input the values for your test into the fields in Record 1.
a. “Heat Time” - the time it will take the unit to heat the sample to
the temperature setpoint. If this field is left blank, the unit will
heat the sample as fast as possible.
Test Detail
Patent No. 6,776,028 - OFI Testing Equipment, Inc.
OFITE, P.O. Box 925918, Houston, TX 77292-5918 USA / Tel: 713-880-9885 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com 28
d. “Cond. Time” - the time period to condition the sample
i. “RPM 1, 2, 3, etc.” - The RPM fields set the speed of each step
of the sweep.
5. Repeat step 4 in the following record fields until you have complet-
ed building your test.
6. Click the “OK” button to save the test and return to the main screen.
“Hold for Temp” - Click this checkbox to tell the unit to wait until the sam-
ple has reached the temperature setpoint before proceeding to the next
step. If this box is unchecked, the test will proceed while the sample is
“Stir Parameters” - These parameters only apply if the test includes a gel
“Gel Stir Rate” - This is the rate the sample will be stirred prior to calculat-
ing gel strength.
“Gel Stir Time” - This is the time interval the sample will be stirred.
“Plot All Records” - If this box is checked, all records will be plotted on
the graph. If it is not checked, only the currently highlighted record will be
The graph below the records provides a visual representation of the current
test. Each line represents one aspect of the test: RPM Setpoint,
Temperature Setpoint, and Temperature PV. Refer to the key to the right of
the graph for details.
The graph features a cursor, a vertical yellow line, that can be used to view
more detailed information about the different phases of the test. The
“Center Cursor” button moves the cursor to the center of the graph. Click
and drag the cursor across the graph to see more detailed information.
Refer to the “Test Detail” field below the graph for more information.
From the “Edit” menu, choose “Select Analysis Outputs”. By default, all
data points are selected and will appear on the chart. To remove a data
point from the chart, simply uncheck the box next to it.
2. The saved test data is grouped by month. Select the folder for the year
and month of the data you are looking for and click the small + sign
next to it. This will show you all of the data for tests run that month,
including any comments you added.
3. Select the test you are looking for and click the “OK” button. Multiple
tests can be selected by holding down the CTRL key and selecting
each test.
4. On the “Raw Data” tab you will see the graph of the test results. The
“Analysed Data” tab shows the results of the calculations based on the
Analysis Model. The “Test Setup” tab shows the parameters of the test.
Raw Data
“Print” - Click this button to print the results to the default printer.
Analysed Data
Test Setup
2. The calibration tests are grouped by month. Select the folder for the
year and month of the calibration test you are looking for and click the
small + sign next to it. This will show you all of the calibration tests run
that month, including the fluid batch and any comments you added after
the test.
3. Select the test you wish to view and click the “OK” button.
4. You can now see the graph, chart, and fluid batch details.
5. Click the “Export” button if you wish to export the calibration results to a
file. You will be asked to select a filename and destination and then
click “OK”.
6. When you are finished reviewing the calibration history, click the “OK”
button to return to the main screen.
Calibration History
2. Select the tests you wish to export. Hold down the CTRL key to select
multiple tests.
The file must be placed in the correct folder for it to be available for
import. To find this folder, first navigate to the folder specified in the
“Data Archive Directory” field in the Options screen (see page 26 for
details). From there go to the “ORCADA” folder and then the “Tests
Import Export” folder.
6. Choose the tests you wish to import. Hold down the CTRL key to
select multiple tests.
The “Export” field lists all of the files that are available for import. Once
you have selected one, the “Tests” field shows which individual tests
can be imported from that file.
Below the “Export” and “Tests” fields is a display-only field that shows
the folder being scanned for exported tests. Make sure the tests you
want to import have been placed in that folder.
7. Click the “Import” button. The new tests will appear in the list in the
upper left-hand corner of the Main Screen.
Export Import
3. At the bottom of the screen, select the desired temperature units (°F/°C).
d. “CMD Char” -
e. “Gel Time” - time to let the sample stand before calculating gel
strength (mm:ss)
5. When you have finished entering all of the test steps, select a slot on
the “Onboard Programs” box and click the “<<” button. This will copy
the steps from the “Program Steps” box to the Model 900 unit. Each
slot in the “Onboard Programs” box corresponds to a program number
on the Model 900. The first slot will be #1 on the unit, the second slot
will be #2, etc.
If the slot you choose is already storing a program, that program will be
overwritten by the new one.
Onboard Actions:
>> - This button copies the steps of the selected onboard program into
the “Program Steps” box.
<< - This button copies the steps from the “Program Steps” box into the
selected onboard program. The selected program will be overwrit-
ten and the new program will be copied to the Model 900 unit.
Archive Actions:
>> - This button copies the steps of the selected archived program into
the “Program Steps” box.
<< - This button copies the steps from the “Program Steps” box into the
selected archived program. The selected program will be overwrit-
Program Actions:
“Delete Row” - deletes the selected row in the “Program Steps” box
“Insert Row” - inserts a new row above and identical to the selected row
h. “300 RPM DR” - If the “Cmd Char” is “m”, this will show the 300
RPM dial reading.
i. “600 RPM DR” - If the “Cmd Char” is “m”, this will show the 600
RPM dial reading.
j. “PV DR” - If the “Cmd Char” is “m”, this will show the plastic viscos-
ity dial reading.
k. “YP” - If the “Cmd Char” is “m”, this will show the yield point dial
l. “User S.S.” - If the “Cmd Char” is “a”, this will read the average
shear stress.
4. Click the “Save To Disk” button to save the data to the “Upload Data
Explorer” to be viewed later.
5. Click the “Upload Data Explorer” to access previously saved data sets.
c. Select the data set you wish to view and click “OK”.
6. Press the “OK” button to close the “Upload Test Data” and return to the
main screen.
3. Place bobshaft wrench on the flats located just above the bob. Remove bob.
Do not try to remove the bob without the wrench. Doing so can
cause severe internal damage.
4. Once the bob is removed, remove splash guard and wipe down the bob-
shaft. Clean all removed parts with water and or appropriate solvent.
Maintenance The Model 900 utilizes a stepper motor / timing chain, drive and a non-con-
tact rotational transducer detection system, which is extremely accurate
and sensitive enough to detect micro-divisions of 1/262,000th of a revolu-
tion. This viscometer utilizes an absolute minimum of moving parts, and
there are no gears to jam up or get worn down like more conventional
units. The bob shaft bearings are isolated from the rotation of the rotor,
which ensures no induced drag on the bob shaft due to rotation. This
results in more sensitive and accurate readings, particularly at low shear
rates, and the life of the bearings is prolonged. When replacement is war-
ranted however, the bearings and the torsion spring may be easily
changed. This is a major advantage over previous viscometers.
It is important to remove the bob from the bob shaft during viscome-
ter transport to prevent bending or damaging the bob shaft assembly.
Tools Required:
Allen Wrench, 1/16"
Allen Wrench, 5/64"
Allen Wrench, (1.5 mm provided)
Split Ring Pliers, small
Bob Shaft Wrench (provided)
1. Unplug all electrical wires and the thermocouple wire from the housing.
Ensure bob and sleeve have been removed. Remove the five screws
along the base of the outer housing cover, and gently lift off the cover.
2. Unplug the torque transducer cable from the inner housing cover.
3. Remove the main housing cover by unscrewing the three Allen screws.
Bob Shaft
Bob Shaft
Allen Wrench
Not Supplied
Lower Bob
Shaft Bearing
5. Using the split ring pliers, carefully remove the two split rings from the
lower bob shaft bearing.
6. Remove the four Allen screws from the underside of the main housing
7. Gently slide the bob shaft housing down the bob shaft, to access the
upper bob shaft bearing. Unlike the lower bearing, this one readily
comes off of the shaft, with no retainer ring holding it in place.
8. Replace the upper bearing first and re-attach the bob shaft housing to
the main housing cover with the four Allen set screws.
9. Slide the lower bearing into place and secure with new retainer rings.
10. Replace main housing cover onto the main housing with the three
screws. Be sure the serial number is facing forward on the transducer.
12. Replace the outer housing cover. Take care that no cables are pinched
between the cover and the frame.
1. Unplug all electrical wires and the thermocouple wire from the housing.
Remove the Allen screws along the base of the outer housing cover,
and gently lift off the cover.
2. Unplug the torque transducer cable from the inner housing cover.
3. Remove the main housing cover by unscrewing the three 5/64" Allen
set screws.
4. Carefully lift the entire bob shaft assembly out of the main housing.
5. Loosen the motor with the appropriate Allen wrench. The four screws
are located around the base of the motor.
Split Ring
Lower Main
Rotor Tube
Split Ring
7. Remove the split ring from on top of the main shaft bearing. A small flat
head screwdriver may be used for removal.
8. Slide the main shaft assembly down out of the main housing body. The
upper bearing will stay inside the housing, but it can be easily removed
and replaced by lifting it up out of its recess.
9. To replace the lower main shaft bearing, loosen the two Allen set
screws on the side of the sprocket. The sprocket and the bearing may
then be removed from the main shaft.
10. Replace the lower bearing and sprocket, tighten the Allen screws, and
replace the assembly inside the main housing. Make sure the belt fits
around the teeth in the sprocket.
11. Replace the split ring on top of the main shaft bearing. It is easier to
replace the split ring if upward pressure is applied to the main shaft
assembly from below.
12. Again make sure the belt fits around the sprocket teeth, and then push
the motor toward the back of the viscometer. This will tighten the belt.
Turn the main shaft by hand to make sure the belt and main shaft
assembly are turning freely. Tighten down motor.
1. Unplug all electrical wires and the thermocouple wire from the housing.
Remove the Allen screws along the base of the outer housing cover,
and gently lift off the cover.
2. Using the Allen wrench, loosen the recessed set screw in the side of
the Zero Calibration Knob.
3. Using the metric Allen wrench (provided) carefully loosen the Allen set
screw in the transducer clamp located on top of the transducer.
It is very important that no downward pressure is applied to the
transducer spring clamp at this time.
6. Carefully tighten the spring clamp set screw on the transducer with the
metric Allen wrench.
7. Tighten the 1/64" recessed Allen set screw on the side of the Zero
Calibration Knob.
8. Loosen the two 5/64" Allen set screws that hold the Zero Calibration
Knob in place.
9. Turn on the Viscometer, and press the calibration button on the lid of
the housing. Adjust (turn) the Zero Calibration Knob until the “P” num-
ber falls with the given range (between 15,000 and 25,000).
10. Tighten the two 5/64" Allen screws on the side of the Zero Calibration
12. Re-calibrate.
4. Press NEXT 11 times. The display should now read “TC Offset”.
- Do not modify the electrical cord provided with the equipment. If it is not
compatible with any available outlets, have a compatible outlet installed
by a qualified electrician.
Email: TechService@ofite.com
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 925918
Houston, Texas 77292-5918
Shipping Address:
1006 West 34th St.
Houston, Texas 77018-6321