BE60 Syllubus

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BE60 Transition




Lesson 1: Ground
Completion Standards​: ​Student should become familiar and have an understanding of
Beechcraft Duke systems, and the various operating procedures associated for each. The
student will also complete a review of high altitude operating procedures, and the various
regulations associated.


Course Objectives Explained(Di) ​O G M U I

Course Layout Explained(Di) ​O G M U I

Federal Aviation Regulations: High Altitude Operations(Di) ​O G M U I

Beechcraft Duke Systems Descriptions(Di) ​OGMUI

BE60 V-Speeds(Di) ​ OGMUI

Inoperative equipment Procedures(Di) ​O G M U I

Multi Engine Aerodynamics(Di) ​O G M U I

Cockpit familiarization(Di) ​O G M U I

Checklist Usage and Procedures Review(Di) ​ OGMUI

Weight and Balance Requirements and Limitations(Di) ​O G M U I

Performance Data Calculations(Di) ​ OGMUI

Suggested Flight Time: NA Suggested Ground Time: ​3.0hrs

Actual Flight Time: NA Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print
Lesson 2: Flight
Completion Standards: ​Following the activity the student will become familiar with basic
operating procedures of the Duke. Checklist usage and cockpit management will be

Objective Block: ​Introduction of Preflight, normal operating procedures, and aircraft

management for a BE60 aircraft.


Preflight Inspection (De) ​C I

Cabin Door Secure Verification (De) ​C I

Cockpit Management(De) ​CI

Engine Starting(De) ​C I

Taxiing Normal/Crosswind(De) ​C I

Normal/Crosswind Takeoff and Landing(De) ​C


Steep Turns(De) ​C I

Traffic Pattern Operations(De) ​C I

Pressurization System Procedures(De) ​C I

Suggested Flight Time: 2.5 Suggested Ground Time: ​NA

Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print
Lesson 3: Ground
Completion Standards: ​Following the activity the applicant will be able to follow various
emergency procedures based on manufacturer specifications. In addition the applicant will be
able to identify daily factors that affect the aircraft VMC speed.

Objective Block: ​Discuss single engine operating characteristics of the Beechcraft Duke and
manufacturer operating procedures during single engine operations.


Engine-Out Procedures(Di) ​ CI

Factors Affecting VMC(Di) ​ C


Stall/Spin Awareness(Di) ​ C

Aircraft Systems(Re) ​O G M U I

Single Engine Performance(Re) ​O G M U I

Engine Failure identification in IMC(Di) ​C I

Emergency Checklist and Procedures(Di) ​CI

Situations Requiring Emergency Descent(Di) ​C I

Suggested Flight Time: 0 Suggested Ground Time: ​2

Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print
Signature Print

Lesson 4: Flight
Completion Standards: ​Applicant must be able to maintain control of the aircraft in
various emergency situations. The applicant will also be able to identify an impending
stall with appropriate recovery techniques.
Objective Block: ​To introduce various emergencies, and abnormal operations.


Normal Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Aborted Takeoff(Re) ​O G M U I

Short-Field Takeoff and Climb(De) ​C I

Slow flight(Re) ​C I

Stall/Spin Awareness(Re) ​O G M U I

Slow Flight (cruise at various power settings)(Re) ​O G M U I

Engine Failure Inflight(De) ​C I

Engine Failure Upwind(De) ​C I

Engine Inoperative Loss of Directional Control(Di) ​C I

Emergency Descent(De) ​C I

Suggested Flight Time: 2.5 Suggested Ground Time: ​NA

Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print

Lesson 5: Flight
Completion Standards: ​Successfully operate within IFR environment. The applicant must also
be able to successfully identify an inoperative engine and conduct appropriate procedure when
operating on an instrument approach.
Objective Block: ​To review IFR procedures and operating practices in normal operation
phases and emergency phases.
Normal Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Aborted Takeoff(Re) ​O G M U I

Cockpit Management(Re) ​OGMUI

Unusual Attitude Recoveries(Re) ​OGMUI

Instrument Procedures(Re) ​OGMUI

Engine Inoperative Identification Under Hood(Re) ​OGMUI

Single Engine Approach to Landing(Re) ​OGMUI

Suggested Flight Time: 2.5 Suggested Ground Time: ​NA

Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print
Lesson 6: Flight
Completion Standards: ​Applicant must be able to meet ACS standards as applicable for each
item. Applicant must also demonstrate capability to operate the aircraft under both normal and
emergency scenarios.
Objective Block: ​Evaluate student capability to operate within operating constraints of BE60.

Normal Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Short-field Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Short-field Landing(Re) ​O G M U I

Normal Landing(Re) ​O G M U I

Aborted Takeoff(Re) ​O G M U I

Unusual Attitude Recoveries(Re) ​OGMUI

Instrument Procedures(Re) ​OGMUI

Engine Inoperative Identification Under Hood(Re) ​OGMUI

Single Engine Approach to Landing(Re) ​OGMUI

Engine Failure Inflight(De) ​OGMUI

Engine Failure Upwind(De) ​OGMUI

Engine Inoperative Loss of Directional Control(Di) ​OGMUI

Emergency Descent(De) ​OGMUI

Suggested Flight Time: 2.0 Suggested Ground Time: ​NA
Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print
Lesson 7: Flight(optional)
Completion Standards: ​Applicant must be able to meet ACS standards as applicable for each
item. Applicant must also demonstrate capability to operate the aircraft under both normal and
emergency scenarios.
Objective Block: ​Review any necessary items incomplete on previous flight.
Normal Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Short-field Takeoff and Climb(Re) ​O G M U I

Short-field Landing(Re) ​O G M U I

Normal Landing(Re) ​O G M U I

Aborted Takeoff(Re) ​O G M U I

Unusual Attitude Recoveries(Re) ​OGMUI

Instrument Procedures(Re) ​OGMUI

Engine Inoperative Identification Under Hood(Re) ​OGMUI

Single Engine Approach to Landing(Re) ​OGMUI

Engine Failure Inflight(De) ​OGMUI

Engine Failure Upwind(De) ​OGMUI

Engine Inoperative Loss of Directional Control(Di) ​OGMUI

Emergency Descent(De) ​OGMUI

Suggested Flight Time: 2.0 Suggested Ground Time: ​NA
Actual Flight Time:___________ Actual Ground Time:_________

Instructor: ______________________________________________
Signature Print

Signature Print

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