Simple Circuits
Simple Circuits
Simple Circuits
Prepared by: Jared S. Cuchapin
Because resistance varies with according to the given 1. A piece of silver wire has a resistance of 1.0 ohm. IT =I1 + I 2+ I3 + ... In
formula, the relationship can be modified to: What will be the resistance of manganin wire, 1/3 the
length and 1/3 the diameter if the resistivity of
−4 2
L2 dL 10 (0.003 + 10 L )dL manganin is 30 times that of silver. ANSWER: 90 V T = V 1= V 2= V 3= V n
R=∫L ρ → R=∫0
0 A 1.022 ohms*valenzona 23
∏ 1 1 1 1 1
4 = + + + ...
2. A conductor whose diameter is 0.175 inch has a R T R1 R2 R 3 Rn
Use your calculator: resistance of 0.5 ohm. The wire is drawn through a
series of dies until its diameter is reduced to 0.08 inch.
R = 0.0806 ohm Assuming the specific resistance of the material
remains constant, what is the resistance of the
lengthened conductor?ANSWER: 11.45 ohms*1001-15
Prepared by: Jared S. Cuchapin
COLOR NUMBER COLOR NUMBER EXAMPLE 4: 4. If a resistor rated at 5 watts and 6 volts are
Black 0 Green 5 The equivalent resistance of three resistors A, B and C connected across a battery with an open circuit voltage
Brown 1 Blue 6 connected in parallel is 1.714 ohms. If A is twice of B of 6 volts. What is the internal resistance of the battery
Red 2 Violet 7 and C is half as much as B, find the equivalent if the resulting current is 0.8 A?
Orange 3 Grey 8 resistance when the three of them are connected in ANSWER: 0.3 ohms*rojas44
Yellow 4 White 9 series?
5. To determine the resistances of three resistor A, B
1 1 1 1 and C the following procedure is followed: R A and RB
1. The first two colors tell the first two digit in = + +
R T RA RB RC are connected in series and an emf of 21 volts for a
resistance value. current of 1 A; RB and RC are next connected in series
2. The third band tells how many zeros follow the and an emf of 27 volts is impressed for the same
1 1 1 1
first two digits. = + + adjusted current, finally RC and RA are connected in
1.714 2RB RB 0.5R B
3. Sometimes the fourth band is present. This series and an emf of 24 volts is impressed for the same
band tells the tolerance and will be either → RB=6
current. What is the total resistance when they are all
silver or gold. A gold band means 5%, silver → R A=12
connected in series?
10% and no fourth band, 20% → RC=3 ANSWER: 36 ohms*val49
Wye to Delta:
R1 R2 + R2 R3 + R3 R1 TEST YOURSELF:
9. Three resistors of 6-ohm resistance are connected in
R1 R2 + R2 R3 + R3 R1 delta. Inside the delta, another 6-ohm resistors are
R23= connected in wye.Find its resistance between any two
ANSWER: 3 ohms*rojas82
R1 R2 + R2 R3 + R3 R1
R2 10. The equivalent wye element of 3 equal resistors,
each equal to R and connected in delta is?
ANSWER: R/3*rojas81
In electronics, star and delta circuits are generally
referred to as T and pi circuits respectively. 11. Twelve similar resistors of 2-ohms are connected so
as to form a cube. Find the resistance: