Introduction To Philosophy-G12

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SUBJECT: Introduction to Philosophy of Human Person M-TH; 8:30-9:30
DATE: August 16, 2017 M-TH; 10:45-11:45

Learning Competency: Realize that:

a. choices have consequences
b. some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices
( PPT II/12 –IIb -5.3)

I. Learning Objectives:At the end of the lesson, 85 % of the students will be able to:

1. recognize that choices have consequences.

2. appreciate the value of giving up and obtaining some things in making choices.
3. devise an action plan that shows the responsibility of making the
right choices with the corresponding consequences.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic : Freedom of the Human Person

B. References : Introduction to The Philosophy of the Human Person by: Christine
Carmela R. Ramos, PhD
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person by: Sioco
Vinzons Action-Plan-
m/we_accu se/tgrouprubric.html

C. Learning Materials : Laptop

LCD Projector

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities:
Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance
B. Review of the lesson :
Previous Topic: Evaluate and Exercise Prudence in Choices
1. What is prudence?
2. How you exercise prudence in choices?
C. Motivation : Picture Analysis (Picture Cross Roads)
Show a picture of a student during classes hour deciding whether to
choose way to school or way to computer cafe

1. What can you say about the picture?
2. What will happen if you choose way to school? Way to computer café?
3. If you are the student in the picture, what way you will choose?
4. Why you choose that way?

D. Presentation of the Lesson:

Song Analysis:
1. Group the class into 4(four). After the groupings, let them listen to the song
entitled “ Bawal Na Gamot”.
2. Group Sharing based on the following questions:
 How did you feel while and after listening to the song?
 Cite an example from the song that shows making choices with
corresponding consequences.
 From the sample you cited, what are choices given up and choices
obtained and the corresponding consequences?
 If you are the character of the song, what choices you will prefer and
3. Class Sharing: Ask representative from each group to share their answer to
the whole class. One question from each group.

E. Discussion/ Abstraction: Presentation of the Concepts

 Rand (1996) believes that thinking is volitional. A person has the
freedom to think or not.
 Though human beings have rights, there should also be responsibility
 Filipinos’ holistic and interior dimensions stress a being – with-others
and sensitivity to the needs of others that inhibits one’s personal and
individual fulfillment.
 To be a free individual is to be responsible not only for one’s self but
also for all.
 The Filipino looks at himself as one who feels, wills, thinks, acts as a
total whole- as a ”person,” conscious of his freedom, proud of his
human dignity and sensitive to the violation of these two.

F. Developmental Activity: Reflection Activity

Show video clip on “ Nick Vujivic Story”
Process Questions:
1. What can you say about the life of Nick?
2. How Nick handle his choices in life?
3. Justify that Nick is successful in his life my making the right choices in life.
G. Generalization/ Synthesis:
Create a new principle in life based on the learning you gained from the lesson.
My new principle in life is ___________________________________.

IV. Evaluation:
Create an action plan for 1 week that shows choices and its consequences. Check
your own choice.


Choice 1 Choice 2 1 week Choice 1 Choice 2
I will attend class I will not attend I get good I will not get
for the whole class for the grades good grades
week whole week and
have vacation

Process Questions:

1. What can you say about your action plan?

2. Can you prove that you made the right choices based on your action plan? Why you say so?

V. Assignment: Research Work

1. Research a case or situation that demonstrate freedom of choice and the consequences of
their choices.
2. Prepare for sharing next meeting through dramatization from the research work.

Beginning Developing Accomplished
4 points
1 point 2 points 3 points

One or more All members All members All members

Contribution members do contribute, but contribute contribute
not contribute. some contribute equally. equally, and
more than some even
others. contribute
more than was
Teacher Members work Members work All members
Cooperation intervention well together well together work well
needed often to some of the most of the time. together all of
help group time. Some the time; assist
cooperate. teacher others when
intervention needed.

Team needs Team is on task Team is on task Team is on

On task frequent some of the most of the time. task all of the
teacher time. Needs Does not need time.
reminders to teacher any teacher Does not need
get on task. reminders. reminders. any teacher

Members need Members need All members Each member

Communication frequent some teacher listen to each listens well to
teacher intervention to other and speak other
intervention to be able to listen to each other in members.
listen to each to each other equal amounts. Each member
other and and speak to speaks in
speak to each each other friendly and
other appropriately. encouraging
appropriately. tones.


Beginning (1) Developing(2) Accomplished(3) Exemplary(4)

Issue Does not Describes issue Thoroughly
Briefly describes
description and describe the and explains the describes the
importance issue. the issue. issue.
Lists and
Does not list Lists current Thoroughly
describes current
Current action current action actions being describes current
actions being
being taken. taken action
Does not list Clearly explains
Action proposal Lists action Explains action
action. action

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