TIPPS Psychiatric Evaluation Proforma

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Name: ____________________________________ Hospital No. __________________

Age: ____ yrs Sex: M/F Occupation: _____________ Rural/urban
Education: Illiterate/primary/high/graduate/professional Referred by: Self/GP/MHP/others
Economic status: LSES/MSES/HSES Marital status: Single/married/widowed/separated
Contact (address, Ph No.)__________________________________________________
Informants:Name _____________________________Relationship ______________________
Reliability: yes/no Adequate: yes/no
Presenting complaints:
Duration: _________ Age at onset:_____(month/year)________Onset: Abrupt/Acute/Insidious
Course: Episodic/Continuous/Fluctuating Precipitating factors: yes/no (specify)

HOPI: (Briefly mention important points in history)

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates
Negative history: manic/depressive/FRS/other psychotic/anxiety/others (mention briefly)

Biological functions: Sleep: normal/impaired Appetite: normal/impaired

Socio-Occupational functioning: normal/impaired
Substance use: (alcohol/nicotine/cannabis/opioids/others) - dependence / abuse / lifestyle use

Duration of use:
Last use of substance:
Organicity: Yes/No (specify)

Harm to self: yes/no (if yes) Intentionality: Lethality:

Legal issues: Yes/No (specify) Harm to others: yes/no

Treatment history:
Drug naïve - Yes/No Alternative medicine – Yes/No Compliance: Good/poor
Drug Dose Duration Efficacy Side-effects

Past history: medical/psychiatric/nil

Family history:
Psychosis/mood disorder/suicide/substance/others/medical/nil (specify) 1˚ /2˚ /3˚ relative

Living arrangement: Nuclear/joint Caregiver: parent/spouse/sibling/others

Interpersonal issues: yes/no Expressed emotions: yes / no
Family understanding of illness: adequate/partial/nil
3 generation genogram

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates

Personal history:
Birth & development: FTND/LSCS/forceps/premature (LBW)/postdated
Milestones: normal/delayed Childhood: ADHD/ODD/CD/behavioral problems/nil

School: Education upto: Performance: good/average/poor

Occupational: Nature of job: Longest duration:
Marital/Sexual Age of menarche: Menopause:
Substance Use: LMP: Regularity of cycles:
Premorbid personality:
Well adjusted/schizoid/paranoid/dissocial/histrionic/EUP/AAP/anankastic/dependent/others (specify)

Temperamental history (where applicable):

Easy / slow to warm / difficult child

Mental status examination:

General appearance and behavior:
Dressing and appearance: Rapport:
Eye to eye contact: Tics/mannerisms/catatonic signs/others
Psychomotor activity: normal/increased/retardation/agitation
Speech: Spontaneous: yes/no Tone/Tempo/Volume: inc/dec/normal Prosody:
Reaction time: inc/dec Relevant/irrelevant Coherent/incoherent
Thought: Formal thought disorder: present / absent
Stream: Flight of ideas/circumstantiality/retardation/though block/perseveration
Possession: obsessions/compulsions/though alienation (specify)

Content: Delusions (type):

Single/multiple elaborate/non-elaborate bizarre/non-bizarre systematized/non-systematized

Overvalued ideas/depressive cognitions/death wishes/suicidal ideation/anxious or somatic

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates

Mood: Subjective:
Objective: euthymic/depressed/euphoric/irritable/anxious/restricted/blunt Range: normal/restricted
Reactivity: present/absent Appropriate: yes/no Congruent: yes/no Lability: yes/no

Perception: normal/auditory/visual/olfactory/gustatory/tactile (mention briefly)

Other psychopathology: Depersonalization/Derealization/Somatic passivity

Cognitive functions:
Consciousness: alert/drowsy/obtunded/stuporous Orientation: Time/Place/Person
Attention: sustained/ill sustained/impaired

Language: normal/fluency impaired/comprehension impaired/global impairment/neologism/paraphasia

Memory: Registration Recall: Normal/Recall with cues/impaired/confabulation

Remote memory: normal/impaired

General information: Normal/inadequate Calculation: Normal/impaired

Abstraction: Differences: abstract/semi-abstract/concrete Similarities: abstract/semi-abstract/concrete

Proverb: abstract/semi-abstract/concrete

Judgement: Test: intact/impaired Personal: intact/impaired Social: intact/impaired

Insight: Awareness: yes/no Attribution: Acceptance: yes/no

Grade of insight:

Lobe function tests:

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates

Physical Examination:

Pulse: BP: RR: Weight: Height: BMI:

General Physical Examination: pallor/icterus/cyanosis/clubbing/lymphadenopathy/edema

External injuries:






Higher Mental Functions:

Cranial Nerves:

Motor system: Tone: Power: UL: LL:

Reflexes: UL: LL: Superficial reflexes: Gait

Sensory system: Fine touch: Crude touch: Pain:

Joint position and vibration sense:

Cerebellar signs:

Primitive reflexes:

Assessed by: (name & designation)

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates



Management Plan:

Assessments & Investigations:


Non Pharmacological:


Next follow up date:

TIPPS – Training Initiative for Psychiatry Postgraduates

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