Digital Appendix 3 - HCV 2 - 1 Case Study

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Digital Appendix 3


Identification and Mapping of HCV 2.1 areas

“Landscapes with Capacity to Maintain Natural
Ecological Processes”

with focus on Berau & East Kutai Districts, Indonesia 1

1. Introduction
This case study is an excerpt from a larger report describing results of a landscape High
Conservation Value (HCV) mapping project in East Kalimantan, performed by Daemeter
Consulting and The Nature Conservancy (TNC). The full scope of HCV mapping covered in
the project includes HCV 2.1 & 2.2 (Large landscapes with capacity to maintain natural
ecological processes) and HCV3 (Rare or endangered ecosystems).

The case study is intended primarily to provide the reader with a basic understanding of
methods for identifying HCV 2.1, but also draw attention to large natural ecosystem blocks
identified in East Kalimantan as a result of this study. A fuller report of landscape HCV 2 &
3 findings, associated maps and management recommendations is being prepared
separately. This full report will become public domain, for which further information can
be obtained directly from TNC ( or Daemeter (

This case study has five sections: Background, Methods, Findings, Maps and Statistical

2. Background

HCV 2 aims to identify large natural landscapes that retain capacity to maintain natural
ecological processes, and to promote landscape management that ensures maintenance of
this capacity. This is achieved first by identifying large natural landscapes where they
exist, second by identifying key local and landscape level threats to the areas, and third
by developing management plans to maintain the ecological conditions, functional
interactions and species movements unique to natural areas.

Authors: Philip Wells & Gary Paoli (Daemeter Consulting)

In the revised HCV Toolkit for Indonesia, three sub-value of HCV 2 are distinguished:

HCV 2.1 Large Natural Landscapes with Capacity to Maintain Natural

Ecological Processes and Dynamics

HCV 2.2 Areas that Contain Two or More Contiguous Ecosystems

HCV 2.3 Areas that Contain Representative Populations of Most

Naturally Occurring Species

This case study focuses on HCV 2.1.

The original HCV Toolkit for Indonesia (2003) recommended 50,000 ha as a minimum size
criterion for identifying a large landscape level forest under HCV 2. This threshold did not
consider ecological type, shape of the area, or the potential importance of landscape sub-
elements to overall landscape function. In the revised Toolkit, the 50,000 ha criterion is
no longer used. Instead, HCV 2.1 areas are defined as natural landscapes that (i) possess a
core area far from the ‘landscape edge’ wherein natural processes appear likely to be
sustained and (ii) retain a diversity of interconnected natural ecosystem types across
which the flow of materials, energy and organisms can take place.

The empirical criterion for such a landscape is a forest block (or other natural landscape
mosaic) with an internal core >20,000 ha in size surrounded by a natural, reasonably intact
vegetation buffer of at least 3 km from the forest (or other landscape) edge. The
management goal of HCV 2.1 is to guarantee that the core area and associated buffer zone
are maintained as forest or other natural vegetation.

3. Methods
3.1 Forest Cover

Area of Interest and Mapping area

The area of interest (AOI) for the project covers the full extent of Berau District (c. 2.2
million ha) and East Kutai District (c. 3.2 million ha) plus a small buffer around the outer
edge of these districts, making a total area of the AOI of c. 6 million ha. These two
districts fall within four Physiographic Regions of eastern Borneo as defined by RePPProT

• Mahakam Lowlands
• Northern Lowlands
• Northern Mountain Ranges
• Nyapa-Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains

As noted above, the full HCV mapping project includes identification and mapping of HCV3
areas - Rare and Endangered Ecosystems. The revised HCV Toolkit recommends two
methods for identifying HCV 3, a Precautionary and an Analytical Approach. The latter
quantifies past, present and future predicted distribution of ecosystems within sub-units
of the major islands (referred to as the bio-physiographic regions) to contextualize rare or

endangered status, and then compares the extent of current and predicted future loss to
thresholds defined in the Toolkit (see Digital Appendix 4 for a full explanation and Case
Study). Because the AOI of Berau and East Kutai Districts partially covered four different
physiographic regions mentioned above, a much larger area was mapped, referred to as
the ‘Mapping Area’. This area covers c. 18 million ha, or 33% of the land surface of
Kalimantan (91% of East Kalimantan province) and is depicted in Figure 1.

Below, results for HCV 2.1 are presented for the area encompassing the AOI only and a
small surrounding buffer. Results for the larger mapping area will be presented in the full

Natural Ecosystems and Water Bodies

HCV 2 and 3 not only considers forests but also other non-forest natural ecosystems. The
natural state of most of western Indonesia (Sundaland) is forest, but natural grasslands,
open swamps, and lakes and rivers also occur, and merit consideration. (The term
‘natural’ requires further discussion). For the determination of rare and endangered status
under HCV3, it is not required to consider condition of the ecosystem being considered
(e.g. intact versus degraded by logging), just whether or not it is of natural versus
anthropogenic origins. If the latter, then it is excluded; if natural but degraded, then this
fact gets further consideration at the management stage of the assessment.

For forests in this analysis, all closed canopy forest or logged over forest were included as
forest. Highly degraded forests were also included if they appeared to have potential for
recovery, following the principle that the more highly degraded, homogeneous, and
further away from other natural forests a given forest area might be, then the less likely it
could recover and thus more likely it should be excluded. Forests that had been
completely destroyed by fire were excluded. Areas of mature swidden fallow agriculture
with long rotation times and at low density embedded in a matrix of forest were likely to
be included as part of a natural landscape, as they are too difficult to delineate
accurately with Landsat, and recovery of such areas can be rapid, increasing their
conservation value.

Non-forest natural ecosystems can be detected in areas that are non-forest, where there
are no signs of anthropogenic activity and no change occurring over time. In East
Kalimantan, large areas would appear at first glance to meet these criteria, but it is only
by looking at the 1970’s imagery that it becomes evident such areas were, in fact, once
forested. The 1982/83 fires destroyed an estimated 2.7 million ha of forest across
Indonesia (Schindele et al. 1989). Since that time, other fires have occurred, the most
recent major episode being in 1997/98, affecting 5.2 million ha across Indonesia
(Hoffmann et al., 1999). The areas previously destroyed by fire and replaced by scrub or
immature secondary growth often lack apparent anthropogenic signs, and so care must be
taken not to include these as natural when they have been catastrophically altered since
the 1970’s. It is believed that apart from the (i) open standing water wetlands, (ii) various
forms of coastal and riparian swamp, (iii) other aquatic habitats and (iv) coastal estuarine
mud-flats, there are no other natural non-forest ecosystems present within the mapping

In coastal areas of the Mahakam lowlands, and in floodplains of the major rivers, non-
forest wetlands and lakes can be found. To distinguish between natural and non-natural
wetlands and lakes is very difficult using remote sensing as the texture, reflectance and
shape of the wetlands changes seasonally. Those that are surrounded by forest today were
assumed to be natural; those without forest boundaries were considered as non-natural.

For water bodies, the SRTM Water Body Data set (SWBDv2.0) published by NASA 2 was used,
after editing and augmenting using the decadal Landsat orthorectified sets to ensure all
the major rivers were included. The modified SWBD was used additionally as the base map
for Kalimantan, referred to below as the Daemeter base map. It is assumed that the water
bodies and coastline are constant over time, an assumption that is not true in a strict
sense but allows direct comparability between the 1970’s and the present.

Downloadable from

Figure 1. The four Physiographic Regions mapped in this study (shown in yellow), and the
District borders of Berau and Kutai Timur (shown in red). The remainder of Kalimantan
(grey) and Sarawak and Sabah (white) are also shown.

Past Forest Cover c. 1975

Identification of HCV3 requires mapping of past, present and future expected forest cover.
It is not required for mapping HCV 2.1 (the subject of this case study), but can be very
useful for interpreting current patterns of vegetation cover. Because past forest cover was
mapped for HCV 3 as part of the larger project, methods are included here. Results,
however, are not discussed further, except as required for discussion of HCV 2.1.

Past forest cover was mapped using onscreen manual interpretation of 44 Landsat MSS 1,
2, & 3 images from between 1972 and 1982 (Table 1 and Figure 2). The large number of
images over a ten year period was required to achieve a ‘cloud free’ view of this part of
Kalimantan. Where possible the earliest image was used, such that where an earlier image
showed a location to be forested and a later image non-forest, the location was classified
as forest. The nominal date of the forest cover is given as c.1975, reflecting the
predominant reliance on images from this year or earlier to map past forest cover. All
scenes were rectified using the Landsat orthorectified TM and ETM imagery 3 . Due to the
poor resolution and the limited spectral range provided by Landsat MSS, the Landsat
orthorectified images and other recent images were used to assist in their interpretation,
(see Table 2 for the list of reference scenes used). It should be noted that even with the
quantity of images, cloud cover in some parts made interpretation very difficult. None of
the scenes was sufficiently cloud free or of a quality that would enable more sophisticated
and systematic approaches to be used, such as a supervised classification.

Current Forest Cover

Current (2009) forest cover was mapped using onscreen digitization of 44 Landsat 7 scenes
from between 2006 and August 2009, Table 2, and
Figure 3. The number of scenes was required to obtain a relatively cloud free image of
this part of Kalimantan. Were possible the most recent scene was used. Typically Landsat
bands 5, 4, and 2 were used during the classification. In areas that were highly degraded
or had previously been affected by fire, it was often difficult to delineate a boundary
between natural and non-natural, and we acknowledge that different operators may reach
different conclusions. In these areas, the Landsat reference scenes were useful to provide
the operator with a richer historical background. It should be noted that even with the
quantity of images used, the cloud cover in some parts made interpretation very difficult.
As in the case of past forest cover mapping, none of the scenes was sufficiently cloud free
or of a quality that would enable more sophisticated and systematic approaches to be
used, such as a supervised classification.

Provided by USGS Earth Observation & Science (EROS) via Global Visualisation Viewer

Table 1 The 44 Landsat MSS 1, 2, &3 scenes used to classify historical forest cover. See Figure
1Figure 2.

Path Row Year

123 60 1972
124 59 1972 1973 1979 1982
124 60 1973
124 61 1978
125 57 1972 1982
125 58 1975 1979 1981 1982
125 59 1972 1973 1975 1979 1981 1982
125 60 1973 1979
125 61 1973 1979 1980
126 57 1972 1973 1979
126 58 1973 1979
126 59 1973 1979
126 60 1972 1973 1979 1980
126 61 1973 1980
127 57 1972
127 58 1972
127 59 1972 1973
127 60 1972 1979 1980

Figure 2. The approximate location coverage of Landsat 1, 2, &3 MSS images used in the study.
Numbering follows World Reference System 1 (WRS1)

Table 2. The Landsat 7 scenes used to classify current forest cover. For some years more than one
date was used. The reference scenes were used to enable better interpretation of difficult areas
for past and present forest cover.
Path Row Year Reference Scenes
115 59 2009 2008 2000
116 58 2008 2007 2005 2001 1991
116 59 2009 2008 2007 2006 2001 1993 1991
116 60 2009 2008 2001 1991
116 61 2009 2007 2005 2001 1992
117 57 2009 2008 2001 1989
117 58 2009 2008 2007 2001 1991
117 59 2009 2008 2007 2004 2002 2000 1991 1989
117 60 2009 2008 2006 2000 1991 1990
117 61 2009 2007 2005 2003 2000 1992
118 57 2009 2007 2001 1991
118 58 2009 2007 2001 1991
118 59 2009 2008 2000 1991 1990
118 60 2008 2004 2000 1991 1990
119 59 2008 1992 1990

Figure 3. The approximate location coverage of each Landsat 5TM & 7ETM image using World
Reference System 2 (WRS2).

Future Forest Cover

Identification of HCV3 requires mapping of past, present and future expected forest cover.
It is not required for mapping HCV 2.1 (the subject of this case study), but can be very
useful for interpreting future patterns of vegetation cover when considering management
options. Because future forest cover was mapped for HCV 3 as part of the larger project,
methods are described here. Results, however, are discussed only in relation to threats of
HCV 2.1 areas identified.

Future expected forest cover was mapped using a simplified but realistic approach
recommended in the revised HCV Toolkit for Indonesia whereby: (i) the most recent legal
provincial land use plan (RTRWP) is used to delineate areas that are legally permitted for
conversion from forest to non-forest; (ii) areas permitted for conversion are assumed to be
converted at some point in the future; and (iii) any currently forested areas permissible
for conversion are subtracted from the ‘current forest cover’ map to produce a hypothesis
of future expected forest cover under a full conversion scenario. See Table 3 below for
land use planning types used in East Kalimantan and how these types were classified in
this study in terms of maintaining natural forest or permitting conversion.

The mapping area falls within East Kalimantan, whose most recent RTRWP is 1999. This is
in the process of revision. In order to better understand what that revision might mean, a
2008 version of the revised RTRWP was also used. Further to this, a comparison with the
Ministry of Forestry forest lands map (TGHK) was compared to the 1999 RTRWP. It was
found that the TGHK and 1999 RTRWP depict near identical areas as forest land, so TGHK
was not used in subsequent analyses. It is important to note that the East Kalimantan
RTRWP does not provide information on where if any legally designated forest lands will
be allocated to industrial wood fiber plantations such as acacia for the pulp and paper
industry, so there is no guarantee that natural forest within forest lands will be
maintained as natural forest, as is currently happening in the Northern Lowlands.

Table 3. The land use planning types used in provincial spatial planning (RTRWP) for East
Kalimantan. The National Strategic Area along the border with Sarawak and Sabah is only included
in the proposed new spatial plan. Whether this will maintain forest or not is uncertain, therefore to
be precautionary it is considered in this study as a land use that will not maintain forest.

Considered to
Land Use Planning Types Symbol
Maintain Forest
Strict nature reserve CA 9
National park TN 9
Botanical and zoological garden THR 9
Protected Forest HL 9
Research and education forest HPP 9
Forestry utilisation area KBK 9
Non-Forestry utilisation area KBNK 8
National Strategic Area* KSN* 8

3.2 Ecosystem Mapping

RePPProT land systems as ecosystem proxy

Ecosystem mapping is a fundamental part of assessing most HCVs 5. In the case of HCV
2.1, ecosystem mapping may or may not be important for identification purposes,
depending on the occurrence and spatial complexity of natural non-forest ecosystems. It is
always important, however, for developing management recommendations.

An ecosystem can be defined as the community of all plants and animals, and their
physical environment, which together function as an interdependent, and to varying
degrees inseparable unit. The ecosystem concept is fundamentally scale invariant,
encompassing ‘ecosystems’ ranging in size from a drop of water to the entire planet Earth.
In general the occurrence of a particular terrestrial ecosystem will depend on a number of
abiotic factors, including climate, soil, hydrology and landform, as well as biotic factors
that interact in complex ways.

In order to assess the rarity and endangered status of an ecosystem, a suitable spatial
scale must be chosen that reflects our understanding of factors determining ecosystem
distribution and ability to map them. For HCV purposes in Indonesia, it must also be
applicable across the archipelago. In the 1980’s, Indonesia embarked on an ambitious
project called the Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration (RePPProT) to
evaluate the development potential of each province. The corner stone of the project was
the mapping of land systems, a concept based on ecological principles that presumes
closely interdependent links between rock types, hydro-climatology, landforms, soils and
organisms 4 . A total of 414 land systems were described in Indonesia by RePPProT 49 of
which can be found in Kalimantan. The land systems were evaluated for land suitability
for agricultural crops, but by extension can also be used for ecosystem mapping, as the
factors used to determine a land system are the same factors that determine the
occurrence of ecosystems. For this reason, the revised HCV Toolkit for Indonesia
recommends that RePPProT land systems can be used as a proxy for ecosystem mapping
across the country. It is used here. A colour-coded representation of land systems present
in the mapping area is shown in Figure 4.. A brief description of the land systems present
in the mapping area can be found in Appendix 2.

Improvements to RePPProT

Since the original RePPProT maps were produced in the 1980s, there have been great
improvements in technology and availability of data that enable substantial improvements
to the original product. Numerous improvements were made to the original RePPProT
maps for Kalimantan, to produce an ecosystem proxy map, as described in the Supplement
to Digital Appendix 12. The resulting output is map that can be used directly with and
comparable to other widely available data sources. The ecosystem proxy map distinguishes
not only a variety of distinct lowland ecosystem types, but also sub-montane and montane
vegetation zones along elevation gradients.

Review of Phase 1 Results East and South Kalimantan RePPProT

Figure 4. Colour coded representation of land systems present in the four Physiographic Regions.

3.3 Physiographic Regions
The land system concept is hierarchical and at its broadest scale defines Physiographic
Regions, consisting of land systems grouped according to their general similarity and
geographic position. The Physiographic Region is an intuitive concept that resembles how
a geographer may subdivide a country for narrative descriptive purposes, with different
regions containing repeated motifs of land systems different from one another. RePPProT
only used these Physiographic Regions for descriptive purposes, however the revised
Toolkit recommends their use for a more specific purpose, namely to delineate island sub-
unit (e.g. parts of Kalimantan) throughout which ecosystems distributions should be
assessed formally to determine rare or endangered status. This natural sub-island scale for
contextualizing ecosystem rarity or threat status has the following advantages:

1. Transcends administrative borders, which bear limited relationship to ecological


2. Promotes the maintenance of multiple replicates of ecosystem types in

geographically distinct locations, which reduces the overall risk of extinction, and
increases the likelihood of maintaining local genetic adaptations or unique species
assemblages that might not otherwise be achieved through an island-wide approach
or the management of other HCVs.

3. Gives special consideration to ecosystem types that may be locally rare or unusual,
with special ecological significance, such as a hilly area in what is otherwise
lowland swamps.

As noted above, this area of this study encompasses four Physiographic Regions. These
follow those originally described by RePPProT, with slight modification where required to
agree with boundaries of the land systems or watersheds they delimit. Generally the land
systems fell naturally within one region or another according to their physiographic type
(e.g. mountains, hills, plains, and swamps), but occasionally in border areas where a
lowland type protruded far into a mountainous or hilly area, or vice versa, judgement was
required to assign individual land systems to one or the other region. Although bisecting of
individual land systems was avoided, where one included a long narrow salient such as a
land systems following a long narrow valley stretching many kilometres sided by mountain
or hill Physiographic types that formed part of another region it was bisected at what
would be in this case the mouth of the valley. Brief descriptions of the Physiographic
Regions are provided (see also Figure 5).

(i) Mahakam Lowlands

The region is approximately 5.2 million ha and is drained almost entirely by the
lower and middle Mahakam River and its tributaries. Almost the entire region is
part of what was the Neogene Kutai Mahakam Basin, which more recently has been
uplifted and heavily folded and faulted. A central depression remains that forms
the swampy area around the Mahakam lakes with extensive areas of peat soils.

(ii) Northern Lowlands

The region is approximately 3.1 million ha of lowlands drained by a number of
rivers most notably the Berau, Kayan and Sesayap. The region is largely formed
from the Paleogene Tarakan Basin and recent Quaternary deltic deposits.

(iii) Northern Mountain Ranges

This region is approximately 7.3 million ha and is mountainous, rising to more than
1,700 m in a few areas. The Region also contains a number of distinctive basins at

the headwaters of East Kalimantan’s major rivers, the most notable of which is the
upper reaches of the Mahakam River, which forms an extensive lowland area within
this Region. The region geologically is formed from mainly turbiditic deposits and
melange with some volcanic intrusions.

(iv) Nyapa Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains

This region of approximately 2.4 million ha, is a geanticlinal zone between the
Tarakan and Kutai Mahakam Basins. The lithology of the area is sandstones,
conglomerates and shales but with notable deposits of limestone that form karstic
outcrops and plains.

The revised Toolkit recommends further sub-division of Physiographic Regions by

biogeographic sub-regions where justifiable (e.g., with reference to MacKinnon 1997).
Three biogeographic sub-regions described by MacKinnon (1997) are found within the
mapping area. One closely follows the border between the Northern Mountain ranges and
the other three regions; the other two bisect the Mahakam and Northern Lowlands regions
along the Mahakam and Kayan rivers respectively. It was determined that at this time it
was difficult to justify splitting of the Mahakam and Northern Lowlands into four bio-
Physiographic sub-regions as the biogeographic split appears weak for mammals and has
not been reported for plants.

Figure 5. Topography of the four Physiographic Regions mapped in this study. Topography was
produced using SRTM data.

3.4 HCV 2.1 Identification
As noted above, HCV 2.1 delineation was carried out within a smaller area of interest
(AOI) defined as Berau and Kutai Timur Districts, plus a 10 km buffer surrounding the

Delimiting forest blocks & mapping forest buffers (HCV 2.1)

The Toolkit describes HCV 2.1 as a large natural landscape with capacity to maintain
natural ecological function and dynamics. It is defined using more objective criteria as a
mosaic of natural ecosystem types comprising (i) a core area of 20,000 hectares, where
internal fragmentation is absent or relatively limited, and (ii) a vegetation buffer zone of
3 kilometres from the forest border surrounding the core area.

The core areas and their buffers within the AOI were delineated in a four step process.
Firstly the forested area within Berau and Kutai Timur was extracted from the 2009 forest
map. An additional 10 km zone beyond district this was also included to control for
possible edge effects during the analysis within the area of interest. Three km of this 10
km buffer area was later removed (the extent of possible edge effects extending into the
AOI) leaving 7km along District borders to allow for some context and any uncertainty in
District birders. Secondly, the forest cover map was edited to fill in small breaks in the
forest cover map from rivers and logging roads. Typically breaks less than 200m wide
(although sometimes wider) were filled in, except where there was a concentration of
such breaks, where it was felt the internal natural conditions within the forest would have
been altered. The resulting coverage is termed the effective forest area. Step 3 was
delineating the forest core of the effective forest area, defined as forest greater than 3km
from the nearest edge.

Larger water bodies present a problem when they are contiguous with a forested area.
Clearly the edge of the forest is a natural one and it would be expected that natural
ecological processes continue. To be consistent with the intention of HCV 2.1, a rule was
applied that counted water bodies as part of the vegetative cover for the purposes of
defining a core area, but not as part of the vegetative buffer. This allows a small, forested
offshore island to be retained within a core, or a series of islands in a delta region to form
part of a core, but not the water bodies in calculating the extent of the core. This is a
small variation from the Toolkit definition, and better models the concept of a large
natural landscape maintaining normal ecological function and dynamics. The core areas
identified were then tested against the HCV 2.1 criterion, which requires sizes of greater
than 20,000 ha.

4. Findings

4.1 Forest Cover and Ecosystem Variation

Of the c. 18 million ha of the Mapping Area, historical forest cover extended over c. 17
million ha (Figure 6, Appendix 1). The forested area was one very large forest block, and
the only substantial areas of non-forest were generally to the south and along the
Mahakam River (Figure 6). Smaller widely dispersed areas of non-forest along the coast
and along other navigable rivers were also present.

Figure 6. Past and present forest cover and water bodies. The dark green area represents forest
cover 2009, light green forest cover c. 1975. Also shown, the four boundaries of the Physiographic
Regions (black) and Berau and Kutai Timor Districts (red).

Terrestrial ecosystem variation in the Mapping Area was (and remains) extremely high,
including nearly all of the major ecosystem types known for Borneo (Whitmore 1984).
Coastal regions are dominated by mangrove, estuarine and mixed freshwater and peat
swamp ecosystems. Inland to these swamps are extensive areas of lowland mixed
dipterocarp (MDF) or hill dipterocarp (HDF) forest, in which localized areas of highly
productive (and ecologically important) alluvial bench forest on raised riverine sediments
are found. Also present in this broad inland band of non-swamp lowlands are diverse forms
of kerangas or heath forest, with its distinctive physiognomic structure and (in some
cases) superficial peat layers (up to 1 m in extreme cases). At higher elevations (>c. 500 m
a.s.l.) lowland dipterocarp and kerangas forest are replaced by sub-montane forest, which
on taller mountains (>1000m) gives way to montane forest and/or cloud forest toward
mountain peaks. Large lakes are found close to the Mahakam River with the substantial
areas of surrounding peat swamps and what was once heath forest formed on permanently
inundated sandy terraces formed in inland basins. Finally, the largest expanse of
limestone outcrops in Kalimantan is found on the Mangkalihat Peninsula of East

Reflecting this variation in broader ecosystem classes, a total of 40 RePPProT land systems
(excluding rivers and lakes) are present in the Mapping Area (Figure 4). This is more than
80% of the 49 land systems occurring throughout Kalimantan. Eighteen of the 40 present in
the mapping area are relatively limited in extent, representing less than 1% each of the
total land area (mean of all classes is 2.5%). The three most common classes are Pendreh
(PDH, 22% of total land area), Teweh (TWH, 18%), and Maput (MPT, 12%). Pendreh
comprises non-orientated sedimentary mountains, covers much of the Northern Mountain
Ranges, and in the Toolkit is described as an area predominated by Montane (Mon) and
Sub-montane (Sub) ecosystems. Teweh comprises hillocky sedimentary plains, and covers
much of the dry lowland areas, but can also be found in more gently sloping upland areas,
where Sub-montane or even Montane ecosystems may be present. Maput comprises non-
orientated sedimentary hills, and is common throughout the mapping area in hilly terrain
is hilly, and may also support areas of Sub-montane ecosystems. These dominant land
systems, underlain by rock of sedimentary origin, reflect the geological history of much of
Borneo, which is predominated by uplifted sedimentary seabeds from shallow seas.

Forest cover has changed dramatically over the Mapping Area in the last 30 years (Figure
6). Current forest cover has declined by more than 5.2 million ha, or 30% of the original
extent in c. 1975 (see Appendix 1). Spatial patterns of forest loss across the Mapping Area
are not uniform, but have been spatially aggregated in regions of especially high
deforestation (Figure 6).

The majority of deforestation has occurred in the Mahakam Lowlands physiographic

region, with a loss of c. 3.4 million ha (76%) since c. 1975 (Figure 6). Most of this loss was
not a direct result of forest conversion to agricultural land, but was caused by fire. The El
Nino events of 1982/83, 1987, and 1997/98 resulted in draught and extensive forest fires
(Figure 7). By 1982, most of the Mahakam lowlands had been logged. The disturbed and
secondary forest proved to be highly combustible during the extreme El Nino draught. The
extensive areas peat swamp forests, with a drop in the water table exceeding 0.5 m, also
enabled peat to burn, and combustible surface coal seems further exacerbated the
situation (Dennis 1999). The area of forest affected by fires is estimated to be 2.7 million
ha (Schindele et al. 1989). Comparing Landsat imagery between early 1970’s and c.1990,
most of the area considered non-Forest in the Mahakam Lowlands today had in 1990 was
either highly degraded forest or was secondary scrub with limited signs of anthropogenic
activity We suggest that most of this change between c. 1975 and 1990 was a direct result
of fire. In 1987 the fires were reported to be less extensive but the 1997/98 were again

very large, and reported to affect 5.2 million ha (Hoffmann et al., 1999; see also Figure
7), eliminating many of the remaining tracts of degraded or secondary forest recovering
from the 1982/83 conflagration, as well as destroying almost all of the remaining peat
swamp forest.

The southern areas of the Nyapa-Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains (Sangkulirang

Penninsula) appear to have followed a similar fate as the Mahakam Lowlands, with
repeated burning in the 1980’s and late 1990’s (Figure 6 and Figure 7). Some of the
hardest hit localities appear to be some of the mountainous karst outcrops immediately
adjacent to the lowland areas. They became completely denuded of vegetation in parts
after the 1997 fires. As one moves northward to the more inaccessible hilly and
mountainous areas, the forest appears to have been relatively unaffected by fire,
presumably due to the reduced amount of logging. Overall, forest loss in this
physiographic region has been 37%, with much of this apparently from fire.

In the Northern Lowlands, deforestation appears to be driven primarily by development

for agriculture, fiber plantations, and fisheries along the coast. By inspection of Landsat
imagery, the rate of deforestation appears to be accelerating, though at present is only
25% of forest cover since c. 1975 (Figure 6).

The Northern Mountains by contrast has been relatively unaffected with only a 2% loss
since c. 1975, reflecting its generally steep terrain unsuitable agriculture and inaccessible
for logging (Figure 6).

Figure 7. Fire history of the Mapping Area. Black heavy dashed line is the area estimated by
RePPProT as the area damaged by fire in 1982/83 and the red dots are fire detected by ATSR in

The future expected loss of forest predicted from the current East Kalimantan
development plans (RTRWP 1999) are depicted in Figure 8 and Figure 9. This shows (i) an
expected further 5% loss in the much denuded Mahakam Lowlands (6% in proposed revised
RTRWP), (ii) a very large additional 24% in the Northern lowlands (33% in proposed
RTRWP), (iii) 11% additional loss in the Nyapa Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains (11% in
proposed RTRWP), and (iv) a 4% loss in the Northern Mountain Ranges (10% in proposed
RTRWP; see Appendix 1). Proposed conversion will also further fragment existing forested
areas, most notably in the Nyapa Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains, where the currently
contiguous forests running along the centre of the Mangkalihat peninsula will be split from
the large central forests of Borneo (Figure 8 and Figure 9).

Figure 8. Future expected forest cover based on the current 1999 provincial land use planning, East

Figure 9. Future expected forest cover based on the proposed (2008) provincial land use planning,
East Kalimantan.

4.2 Large Intact Landscapes – HCV 2

HCV 2.1 - Landscapes with capacity to maintain natural ecological processes

A total of 62 forest blocks with core areas of some extent (i.e., areas >3 km from
landscape edge) were mapped in the AOI (Berau and East Kutai Districts). Of these, three
were found to qualify as large intact landscapes (HCV 2.1), with core areas >20000 ha in

Together, these three blocks total c. 1,786,000 ha (Table 5, Figure 10). A brief description
of each is provided.

Core area 1. The largest intact landscape (c. 1,346,000 ha) is contiguous with a
much larger forest area occupying the centre of the island of Borneo.

Core area 2. This landscape block is intermediate in size (c. 400,000 ha) and runs
east-west along the centre of the Mangkalihat (Sangkulirang) Peninsula. It is
separated from the block containing Core area 1 by an agricultural area running
along the Kelai River, and is threatened under current and proposed land use plans
to become further fragmented (Figures 8 and 9).

Core area 3. This landscape block occurs on the Tanjung Batu Peninsula to the
north of the Berau delta. It is much smaller (c. 40,000 ha) but contains an unusual
mix of mixed dipterocarp forest, wetland and heath forest ecosystems. The current
land use plans leave this core area relatively intact (Figure 8), but the current
proposed change in land use plans will significantly reduce its size (Figure 9),
eliminating its status as an HCV2.1 area, due to conversion of the majority of
forest in its core area.

These forest blocks also contain a variety of different forest types, with intact transitions
(ecotones) among different ecosystem types, such as kerangas to non-kerangas, wetland
to non-wetland, peat to non-peat and elevational clines from lowland to sub-montane to
montane ecosystems (Figure 11). Such transition zones are extremely important for
conservation of biodivestiy and maintenance of ecosystem properties, and as such merit
special management attention under HCV 2.2 (discussed in the full report from which this
case study is excerpted).

The numerous smaller blocks with core areas too small to qualify as HCV 2.1 (e.g.,
numbers 4 through 7 in Figure 10) are not without ecological significance. This is most
clearly apparent when these blocks are considered in conjunction with HCV 2.2 areas and
HCV 3 ecosystems (rare or endangered), as shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13. The
occurrence of landscape blocks with core areas of any size will greatly enhance prospects
for maintaining these and other HCV attributes likely present in these forest blocks,
especially HCV 1.

Table 4. Size of the top seven forest blocks with largest ‘core areas’ in the AOI, and associated 3-
km buffers for those blocks classified as HCV 2.2. A total of 62 forest blocks containing core areas
were found in the AOI. Note: *indicates that the area described within the AOI is a portion of a
much larger forest block extending far beyond the border of the AOI into the interior of Borneo.

Associated Buffer
Number Core Area (ha) HCV2.1
HCV2.1 areas (ha)
1 *1,346,049 340,486 9
2 399,891 262,221 9
3 39,885 49,196 9
4 8,879 - 8
5 6,357 - 8
6 4,500 - 8
7 3,427 - 8

Management Implications

Management implications of these findings are discussed in the full report of which this
case study is an excerpt. Issues related to connectivity, threats posed by deforestation
permitted under current and future land use planning, the importance of maintaining
ecotones and ecoclines within large forest blocks, are topics of special emphasis.

Figure 10. Three HCV 2.1 landscape blocks (numbered 1 – 3) with core areas greater than 20,000
ha in size (cross hatched red). Associated buffers are depicted in red stripes. Also shown are 59
other landscape blocks with cores <20,000 ha in size (black cross hatched), along with their
associated buffers (black stripes). The numbers refer to those in Table 4 for descriptive purposes in
order of decreasing size.

Figure 11. Ecotones between major ecosystem types (HCV 2.2) overlaid on current forest cover.

Figure 12. Landscape blocks with core areas >20,000 ha (HCV 2.1) and <20,000 ha (non-HCV 2.1)
with overlay of zones of ecosystem transition (HCV 2.2).

Figure 13. Landscape forest blocks with core areas >20,000 ha (HCV 2.1) and <20,000 ha (non-HCV
2.1) with overlay of Rare or Endangered ecosystems (HCV3).

Selected References

Dennis R. (1999) A Review of Fire Projects in Indonesia (1982-1998). Center for International
Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia.

Hoffmann, A.A., Hinrichs, A. & Siegert, F. (1999). Fire damage in East Kalimantan in 1997/98
related to land use and vegetation classes: Satellite radar inventory results and proposal for
further actions. IFFM-SFMP Report No.1a. MOFEC, GTZ and KfW, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

MacKinnon, J. (1997). Protected areas systems review of the Indo-Malayan realm. Canterbury, UK:
The Asian Bureau for Conservation (ABC) and The World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC)/
World Bank Publication.

Schindele, W., Thoma, W. and Panzer, K. (1989) Investigation of the steps needed to rehabilitate
the areas of East Kalimantan seriously affected by fire. The forest fire 1982-83 in East Kalimantan.
Part I: The fire, the effects, the damage, and the technical solutions. GTZ-PN: 38.3021.3-11.000,
ITTO: PD 17/87 (F). GTZ and ITTO, Jakarta, Indonesia. Typescript

5. Appendices

Appendix 1. Summary Data for Forest Cover

Physiographic Region Area of Region Extent of Natural Extent of Natural % Future Expected % Future Expected % Extent of Extent of Extent of Rare Extent of Rare
(ha) Ecosystems 1975 Ecosystems* 2009 Loss Extent of Natural Loss Extent of Natural Loss Endangered Endangered Ecosystems* still Ecosystems* still
(ha) (ha) Ecosystems* per Ecosystems* per Ecosystems* still Ecosystems* still extant 2009 5% extant 2009 1%
RTRWP 1999 Proposed RTRWP extant 2009 due to extant 2009 criteria (ha) criteria (ha)
v.2008 habitat loss (ha) habitat loss and
planning (ha)
Mahakam Lowlands 5,159,314 4,558,305 1,113,945 76 887,128 81 836,325 82 996,667 996,667 199,768 199,768
Northern Lowlands 3,136,770 3,009,872 2,254,245 25 1,518,506 50 1,266,547 58 22,293 385,870 522,153 119,360
Northern Mountain Ranges 7,328,301 7,285,488 7,136,785 2 6,817,045 6 6,398,731 12 0 905 409,757 197,837
Nyapa Mangkalihat Mountains and Plains 2,381,995 2,328,480 1,476,791 37 1,231,466 47 1,218,685 48 92,869 92,948 89,698 46,455
18,006,380 17,182,145 11,981,766 30 10,454,144 39 9,720,288 43 1,111,829 1,476,390 1,221,376 563,420

Appendix 2. Land system/Ecosystem Description and HCV 3 Status (See digital Appendix 4)
Symbol Name Description Physiographic Type Peat Heath Total Area of Presence of Ecosystem and Status E=Endangered R=Rare using
Present Forest Landmass 1% criteria N/A=Not present
>25cm in Present within AOI (ha)
Mahakam Northern Northern Nyapa
Lowlands Lowlands Mountain Mangkalihat
Ranges Moutains &
BKN BAKUNAN Minor valley floors within hills Alluvial valleys 51,863 E, R E, R E, R E, R
BLI BELITI Swampy floodplain of narrow valleys Swamps 32,421 E, R E, R N/A N/A
BPD BUKIT PANDAN Non-sedimentary mountain ridge systems Mountains 476,390 N/A R N/A
BRH BARAH Flat, sandy terraces covered by shallow-peat Terraces 9 9 21,779 E, R N/A N/A N/A
BRW BERIWIT Mountainous sandstone cuestas with dissected dipslopes Mountains 9 68,749 R N/A R E, R
BTA BATU AJAN Dissected volcanic cones Mountains 41,544 E, R R R R
BTK BARONG TONGKOK Moderately dissected lava flows Plains 99,534 E, R N/A R N/A
GBJ GUNUNG BAJU Hillocky karstic plains Plains 181,423 E, R N/A N/A
GBT GAMBUT Deeper peat swamps, commonly domed Swamps 9 564,505 E, R N/A N/A
HJA HONJA Hillocky acid igneous/metamorphic plains Plains 131,457 E, R E R N/A
JLH JULOH Metamorphic sub-parallel ridge systems Hills 12,841 N/A R N/A N/A
KHY KAHAYAN Coalescent estuarine/riverine plains Alluvial plains 224,119 E, R E N/A R
KJP KAJAPAH Inter-tidal mudflats under mangrove and nipah Tidal swamp 584,487 E E N/A
KLR KLARU Permanently waterlogged floodplains Swamps 9 118,332 E, R R N/A N/A
KPR KAPOR Undulating karstic plains with hums Plains 187,880 E, R E, R N/A E
LHI LOHAI Steep long-sided narrow ridges Hills 109,562 E, R R R E, R
LNG LUANG Ultrabasic/basic mountains Mountains 254 N/A N/A R N/A
LPN LIANGPRAN Eroded mountainous stratovolcanoes Mountains 27,714 N/A N/A R R
LWW LAWANGUWANG Undulating to rolling sedimentary plains Plains 1,371,545 E R
MDW MENDAWAI Shallower peat swamps Swamps 9 129,540 E, R N/A N/A
MGH MANGKAHO Wide valley floors containing hillocks, within hills Alluvial valleys 3,807 E, R N/A N/A N/A
MPT MAPUT Sedimentary hills, non-orientated Hills 1,961,120 E
MTL MANTALAT Linear sedimentary ridge systems with steep dipslopes Hills 9 132,032 E, R R R R
Mon Montane Mountains >1000m a.s.l. Mountains 1,962,418 R N/A R
OKI OKKI Rugged karst ridges and mountains Mountains 166,148 E, R R R
PDH PENDREH Sedimentary mountains, non-orientated Mountains 1,130,007 E, R
PKU PAKAU Undulating sandy terraces Terraces 9 118,531 E, R N/A N/A N/A
PLN PAKALUNAI Non-sedimentary hills Hills 244,623 E, R N/A
PMG PAMINGGIR Backswamps of inland floodplains Swamps 1,784 R N/A N/A N/A
PST PULAU SEBATIK Marine terraces Terraces 93,039 N/A E N/A N/A
PTG PUTING Coastal beach ridges and swales Beaches 13,631 E, R R N/A R
RGK RANGANKAU Undulating to rolling non-sedimentary plains Plains 48,214 N/A E, R R N/A
SBG SEBANGAU Meander belt of large rivers with broad levees Meander belts 98,934 E, R N/A N/A N/A
SMD SUNGAI MEDANG Rolling volcanic plains Plains 36,677 R N/A R N/A
STB SUNGAI TABANG Hillocky basaltic plains Plains 11,403 R N/A R N/A
Sub Sub-montane Hills and mountains 500-1000m a.s.l. Hills & Mountains 3,907,553 R R
TBA TAMBERA Extremely steep sided volcanic plugs Mountains 1,429 N/A R R N/A
TDR TANDUR Sandstone cuestas with relatively gentle dipslopes Hills 9 11,850 R E, R R N/A
TNJ TANJUNG Coalescent inland riverine plains Alluvial plains 86,868 E, R N/A N/A N/A
TWB TEWAI BARU Hillocky sedimentary plains with steep parallel ridges Plains 199,959 E, R R R R
TWH TEWEH Hillocky sedimentary plains Plains 3,214,031 E R
TWI TELAWI Granite mountain ridge systems Mountains 1,486 E, R N/A R N/A
Lake Lake Water bodies other than rivers Waterbody 46,182
River River Major rivers Waterbody 78,710


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