The 19TH Century Philippines

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Social Structure

- The Philippine society was predominantly feudalistic.

- This was the result of the Spanish land holding improved upon the country with the

arrival of the conquistadores.

- The indios (natives) were exploited by the elite class

- They were drafted for manual labour.

- The Spaniards exacted all forms of taxes and tributes.

 friars, Spanish officials

 Insulares- favored natives, mestizos, creollos

Political System

The Philippines was governed by Spain through the Ministro de Ultramar based in


- Central Government

 Governador- General - King of Spain’s representative in governmental


 Vice – Royal patron over religious affairs.

 Chief executive- issued orders and proclamations

 Ex-officio – president of the Royal Audiencia

 Commander-in-chief of the colonial armed forces

- Provincial Government – ALCADIA

 Alcalde Mayor or Civil Governor (head)

- City Government- CABILDO or AYUNTAMIENTO (head)

 Two alcaldes en- ordinario

- Local Government Unit – PUEBLO or TOWN

 Gobernador Cillo or Town Mayor (head)

- Chief executive

- chief judge

- Smallest Government Unit – BARANGAY or BARRIO

 Cabeza se barangay (head)

- to collect taxes and tributes from the constituents

- received 2% of the tax collection aside from the 4 % of the Sanctorum (3

events collected each year intended for All Saint’s Day, Holy Thursday and

Corpus Christi.)

- Guardia Civil

 Organized in 1867
 Corps of native police led by Spanish officers.
 In 1880’s feared instrument of summary arrest of any persons denounced by

friars as filibusteros.

- Royal Audiencia

 Highest court of the colony

 Headed the judicial system
 Auditor of the government finances

High council to which government affairs were reffered.

Frailocracia/ Frailocracy

- Means “rule of the friars”


1. Political instability in mother country.

2. Friars were found in each town, thus, they became rulers of that political unit.

 Supervisor of local election

 Administrators of schools
 Chairman of the board of taxation, of health and of charity.
 Responsible for census taking through the parish registrar.
 Certifies personal Identification Card (ID)

Sources of Weaknesses and Abuses of the Government

- Appointment of officials with inferior qualifications

- Without dedication to duty

- Without moral strength to resist corruption for material advancement.

- The lower positions were either filled by

- Provincial Government – most corrupt government unit

 Indulto de Comercio – license to engage in trade

 Buying people’s products at lowest prices.
 Exacting more taxes and tributes.

Educational System

- Friars occupied a dominant position.

- Emphasis on fear of God and obedience to the friars.

- Indios were constantly reminded that they had inferior intelligence.

- Friars decided what to teach to the children.

- College of San Juan de Letran- the only official Secondary School for BOYS.

- Seven Provinces had private colleges and Latin schools for general studies.

- Secondary Education for Girls in Manila:

 Santa Isabel
 La Concordia
 Santa Rosa
 Asilo de Lookan
 Santa Catalina

- UST- The only University level in Manila.

- Theological seminaries were established:

 Manila

 Cebu

 Jaro (Iloilo)

 Nueva Caceres (Naga)

 Nueva Segovia (Vigan)

- Educational Decree 1863

 Each major town in the colony was to established at least one elementary

school for boys and another one for girls.

- Books and other materials has to pass rigid censorship by the Church and Civil


- Most serious criticisms against the Spanish educational system.

 Overemphasis on religion

 Limited and irrelevant curriculum

 Obsolete classroom facilities

 Inadequate teaching materials

 Absence of academic freedom.

- The implementation of the Moret Decree of 1870 (secularization of

higher education in the Philippines) was opposed by the friars.


1. Opening of the Philippines to World Commerce

1834 – Spain officially opened Manila to World Commerce

More ports were opened ( Sual, Iloilo, Zamboanga, Legaspi)

Brought prosperity to some Filipinos

Modern methods of agriculture and improved means of transportation and


Emergence of Filipino middle class.

2. Influx of Liberal Ideas

 1869 – opening of Suez Canal (Europe) – shortened the distant of travel

from another place.

 More liberals from Spain and other European nations came to the country

via Suez Canal.

 Foreigners brought books, newspapers and magazines.

 Filipinos were able to read enlightened ideas

 Natives learned also about the American and French revolution which

provided inspiration to them.

3. The Secularization Movement

 Council of Trent (1545-1563) – decided that parishes were to be

administered by Secular (local) priest.

 Gradually, the secularization movement became racial and national

conflict among friars curates and the seculars.

4. The Liberal Administration of Carlos Maria dela Torre (1869-1871)

 Well-loved Spanish Governor-general

- Avoided extravagance and lived a simple life

- Abolished flogging

- Allowed Filipinos to form Comite de Reformadores

- Implemented the Moret Decree of 1870

5. The Cavite Mutiny

 Rafael Izquierdo (1871-1873) replaced dela Torre

- “with the crucifix in one hand and a sword in the other.”

- Repealed the exemption from rendering the POLO and the payment of


 January 20, 1872

- About 200 Filipino soldiers and workers in the Cavite Arsenal revolted.

- Led by Seregeant Fernando La Madrid.

- Through the punitive force ordered by Izquierdo La Madrid was killed.

6. The Execution of GOMBURZA

- Izquierdo magnified the mutiny as a full of blown conspiracy against the

Spanish rule allegedly instigated by fathers:

 Mariano Gomez
 Jose Burgos
 Jacinto Zamora

- Found guilty in a “mock-trial”

- Sentence to die by garrote.

 February 17, 1872

- The three priest were executed in Bagumbayan

The vast crown present removed their hats and knelt down in prayer.

- Fr. Meliton Martinez, the liberal archbishop of Manila

 refused to defrock the three priests

 ordered the continuous tolling of bells during the execution

 Result

- GOMBURZA- password of Katipunan.

- “remember GomBurZa”- slogan of the propaganda.

7. The Propaganda Movement

 Three major factors for the peaceful campaign for reforms

- Emergence of Filipino middle class.

- Liberal administration of Carlos Maria dela Torre

- Execution of GOMBURZA.

 Propagandists- simply reformers

- No intention of achieving social changes through armed struggle or


 Objectives of the Movement

- Assimilation of the colony as a regular province of Spain.

- Secularization of parishes

- Restoration of the Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortés.

- Fundamental freedom of speech of the press, assembly and religion.

 Known Member of the Propaganda Movement

 Jose Rizal

 Conscience of the movement

 Marcelo H. Del Pilar

 Greatest political analyst

 Founded the Diariong Tagalog

 Graciano Lopez Jaena

 Prince of Filipino Orators

 Contributed the satirical novel, Fray Botod

 Founded the newspaper, La Solidaridad

 Pedro Paterno

 Doctor of Law

 Wrote “Ninay”

 Published Sampaguitas
 Gregorio Sanciangco

 Lawyer and economist

 Produced the book, El progreso de Filipinas

8. Masonry and Counter Propaganda


- Popular organization for the Filipino exiles

- Championed the rights and liberal reforms for all.

Masonic Lodges Founded

 Revolucion

- By Jaena at Barcelona

 Solidaridad

- Be Del Pilar and Julio Liprente

 Nilad

- Serrano Laktaw

Counter Propagandists

 Pablo Feced (Quioquiap)

- A journalist whose writings express hatred and contempt for the


- Published Filipinas: Ezbozos Y Pinceladas

 Wenceslao Retana (Desenganos)

- A rabid defender of Frailocracy.

 Fr. Jose Rodriguez (OSA)

- Concentrated his tirades against Jose Rizal

- Wrote “Caiingat Cayo” a searing attack on the Noli Me Tangere

9. La Liga Filipina

Jose Basa helped in drafting the constitution.

July 3, 1892- formal organization at Rajah Matanda in Tondo

President- Ambrosio Salvadro

Fiscal- Agustin Dela Rosa
Treasurer- Bonifacio Arevalo
Secretary- Deodato Arellano

Governing Body

- Supreme Council

- Provincial Council

- Popular Council

0 centavos – monthly due of each member

Liga- short-lived (3 days only)

- Three days after founding, Jose Rizal was arrested and deported to

Dapitan on orders to Governor General Eulogio Despujol.

10. Failure of the Reform Movement

 Canovite System

- The compromise between the Spanish liberals and the conservatives to

rotate between themselves the control of the government.

 Problems encountered by the Propagandists

- Inadequacy of Finances

- Funds from the Philippines stopped.

 La Solidaridad ceased its publication (November 15, 1895)

- Funds from subscription also stopped.

 Personal and health Problems

- Homesickness

- Differences and conflicts opinions.

 Del PIlar and Jaena were compelled to change their political platform from

assimilation to separation on revolt.

- Two months after La Solidaridad folded up, Jaena died.

- Del Pilar died on July 4, 1896

11. The Philippine Revolution of 1896

 Andres Bonifacio- a radical member of the Liga initiated of the Katipunan

or KKK.
 Primary Objectives of Katipunan

- To unite Filipinos and struggle for the separation from spain through

armed conflict.

 August 22,1896

- Katipunan had conference in Balintawak.

- Philippine Revolution begun with tearing of their CEDULAS.

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