D 1518 - 85 R98 - Rde1mtgtodvsothfmq - PDF
D 1518 - 85 R98 - Rde1mtgtodvsothfmq - PDF
D 1518 - 85 R98 - Rde1mtgtodvsothfmq - PDF
1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers the determination of the overall 3.1 Definitions:
thermal transmission coefficients due to the combined action of 3.1.1 bulk density, n—apparent mass per unit volume.
conduction, convection, and radiation for dry specimens of Discussion—In testing the thermal transmittance of
textile fabrics, battings, and other materials within the limits fabrics, bulk density is calculated from the fabric weight per
specified in 1.2. It measures the time rate of heat transfer from unit area and the thickness value used to calculate thermal
a warm, dry, constant-temperature, horizontal flat-plate up conductivity.
through a layer of the test material to a relatively calm, cool 3.1.2 clo, n—unit of thermal resistance defined as the
atmosphere. insulation required to keep a resting man (producing heat at the
1.2 For practical purposes, this test method is limited to rate of 58 W/m2) comfortable in an environment at 21°C, air
determinations on specimens of fabrics, layered fabric assem- movement 0.1 m/s, or roughly the insulation value of typical
blies, and battings having thermal transmittances (U2, as indoor clothing.3,4 (Syn. intrinsic clo).
defined in 3.1.2) within a range of 0.7 to 14 W/m2·K and Discussion—Numerically the clo is equal to 0.155
thicknesses not in excess of 50 mm. K·m2/W.
1.3 The coefficients obtained apply strictly only to the 3.1.3 heat transfer coeffıcient, n—see thermal transmit-
particular specimens tested and for the specified thermal and tance.
environmental conditions of each test. This test method gives 3.1.4 intrinsic clo, n—see clo.
values that are valid for comparison under the same conditions 3.1.5 specific clo, n—the specific thermal resistance in clo
of test, that is, with the specified air velocity, temperature units per unit thickness.
difference between the warm plate and the cool air, and air gap 3.1.6 thermal conductance, n—see thermal transmittance.
for measuring cool air temperature. 3.1.7 thermal conductivity, n—time rate of unidirectional
1.4 The values stated in metric units are to be regarded as heat transfer per unit area, in the steady-state, between parallel
the standard. Conversion factors, for thermal conductance and planes separated by unit distance, per unit difference of
conductivity and thermal resistance and resistivity, to other temperature of the planes.
units in common use are given in Tables 1-5 Discussion—Numerically, thermal conductivity
1.5 This standard does not purport to address the safety equals the product of the heat transfer coefficient and the
concerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of distance separating the planes. Thus, k, the thermal conductiv-
whoever uses this standard to consult and establish appropri- ity of the fabric only, is the product of U2 and the fabric
ate safety and health practices and determine the applicability thickness. Units of thermal conductivity are W/m·K.
of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.8 thermal resistance, n—reciprocal of thermal transmit-
2. Referenced Documents 3.1.9 thermal resistivity, n—reciprocal of thermal conduc-
2.1 ASTM Standards: tivity.
D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles2 3.1.10 thermal transmittance, n—time rate of unidirectional
D 1777 Method for Measuring Thickness of Textile Mate- heat transfer per unit area, in the steady-state, between parallel
rials2 planes, per unit difference of temperature of the planes (Syn.
thermal conductance, heat transfer coefficient). Discussion—Thermal transmittance is expressed as
watts per square metre of test specimen per kelvin difference
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-13 on Textiles between the hot plate and the cool atmosphere (W/m2·K).
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.51 on Chemical Conditioning
and Performance.
Current edition approved July 26, 1985. Published September 1985. Originally 3
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
published as D 1518 – 57 T. Last previous edition D 1518 – 77. 4
Gagge, A. P., Burton, A. C., Bazett, H. C., Science, Vol 94, Nov. 7, 1941, pp.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.01. 428–430.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International (www.astm.org) for the latest information.
D 1518
TABLE 1 Conversion Factors for Thermal ConductivityA
To Convert
Thermal Con- Multiply by
From kg-cal·cm/ Btu·in/
W/m·KB W·cm/m2·K W/cm·K cal/s·cm·K kg-cal/h·m·K Btu/h·ft·°F in/clo mm/clo
to h·m2·K h·ft2·°F
W/m·K 1. 1. 3 10+2 1. 3 10−2 2.388 3 10−3 8.598 3 10−1 8.598 3 10+1 5.778 3 10−1 6.934 6.093 1.548 3 10+2
W·cm/ 1. 3 10−2 1. 1. 3 10−4 2.388 3 10−5 8.598 3 10−3 8.598 3 10−1 5.778 3 10−3 6.934 3 10−2 6.093 3 10−2 1.548
W/cm·K 1. 3 10+2 1. 3 10+4 1. 2.388 3 10−1 8.598 3 10+1 8.598 3 10+3 5.778 3 10+1 6.934 3 10+2 6.093 3 10+2 1.548 3 10+4
cal/s·cm·K 4.187 3 10+2 4.187 3 10+4 4.187 1. 3.6 3 10+2 3.6 3 10+4 2.419 3 10+2 2.903 3 10+3 2.551 3 10+3 6.480 3 10+4
h·m·K 1.163 1.163 3 10+2 1.163 3 10−2 2.778 3 10−3 1. 1. 3 10+2 6.720 3 10−1 8.064 7.087 1.8 3 10+2
h·m2·K 1.163 3 10−2 1.163 1.163 3 10−4 2.778 3 10−5 1. 3 10−2 1. 6.720 3 10−3 8.064 3 10−2 7.087 3 10−2 1.8
Btu/h·ft·°F 1.731 1.731 3 10+2 1.731 3 10−2 4.134 3 10−3 1.488 1.488 3 10+2 1. 1.2 3 10+1 1.055 3 10+1 2.679 3 10+2
h·ft2·°F 1.442 3 10−1 1.442 3 10+1 1.442 3 10−3 3.445 3 10−4 1.240 3 10−1 1.240 3 10+1 8.333 3 10−2 1. 8.788 3 10−1 2.232 3 10+1
in/clo 1.641 3 10−1 1.641 3 10+1 1.641 3 10−3 3.920 3 10−4 1.411 3 10−1 1.411 3 10−1 9.482 3 10−2 1.138 1. 2.540 3 10+1
mm/clo 6.461 3 10−3 6.461 3 10−1 6.461 3 10−5 1.543 3 10−5 5.556 3 10−3 5.556 3 10−1 3.733 3 10−3 4.480 3 10−3 3.937 3 10−2 1.
Units are given in terms of: (1) the absolute joule per second, or watt; (2) the calorie (International Table) 5 4.1868 J; (3) the British thermal unit (International
Table) 5 1055.06 J; and (4) the clo (unit of clothing resistance) 5 0.155 K·m2/W.
Recommended (SI) units.
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D 1518
TABLE 4 Conversion Factors for Thermal ResistanceA
To Convert
Thermal Multiply by
m2·K/WB cm2·K/W cm2·K·s/cal m2·K·h/kg-cal ft2·°F·h/Btu clo
m2·K/W 1. 1. 3 10+4 4.187 3 10+4 1.163 5.678 6.461
cm2·K/W 1. 3 10−4 1. 4.187 1.163 3 10−4 5.678 3 10−4 6.461 3 10−4
cm2·K·s/cal 2.388 3 10−5 2.388 3 10−1 1. 2.778 3 10−5 1.356 3 10−4 1.543 3 10−4
m2·K·h/kg-cal 8.598 3 10−1 8.598 3 10+3 3.6 3 10+4 1. 4.882 5.556
ft2·°F·h/Btu 1.761 3 10−1 1.761 3 10+3 7.373 3 10+3 2.048 3 10−1 1. 1.138
clo 1.548 3 10−1 1.548 3 10+3 6.480 3 10+3 1.8 3 10−1 8.788 3 10−1 1.
Units are given in terms of: (1) the absolute joule per second, or watt; (2) the calorie (International Table) 5 4.1868 J; (3) the British thermal unit (International
Table) 5 1055.06 J; and (4) the clo (unit of clothing resistance) 5 0.155 K·m2/W.
Recommended (SI) units.
TABLE 5 Miscellaneous Conversion Factors however, an extremely complicated subject which involves
To Convert from
To a Value
many factors in addition to the equilibrium insulation values of
Properties a Value Ex- Multiply by fabrics and battings. Therefore, measured thermal transmit-
Expressed as
pressed as
tance coefficients can only indicate relative merit of a particular
Mass per unit oz/yd2 g/m2 33.91
area mg/cm2 g/m2 10.0
Thickness in. mm 25.4 4.2 The measurement of heat transfer coefficients is a very
1/1000 in. (mil) mm 0.0254 difficult and highly technical field, and it is not practical in a
Bulk density lb/ft3 kg/m3 16.02
(oz/yd2)/in kg/m3 1.335
test method of this scope to establish details sufficient to cover
(g/m2)/mm kg/m3 1.0 all contingencies. Departures from the instructions of Test
Method D 1518 may lead to significantly different test results.
Technical knowledge concerning the theory of heat flow,
Thermal transmittance for three different cases is deter- temperature measurement, and testing practices is needed to
mined in this method: evaluate which departures from the instructions are significant.
U1 5 combined thermal transmittance of the test specimen Standardization of the method reduces, but does not eliminate
and air. the need for such technical knowledge. Any significant depar-
Ubp 5 thermal transmittance of the plate without fabric tures are to be reported with the results.
cover (“bare plate”). This property reflects the in- 4.3 Test Method D 1518 for the determination of the ther-
strument constant and is used to standardize the mal transmittance of textile materials is considered satisfactory
plate, and, in conjunction with U1, is used in the for acceptance testing of commercial shipments of textile
calculation of U2. materials because the test method has been used in the trade for
U2 5 thermal transmittance of fabric only. This value acceptance testing. And it is the best test method known for this
corresponds to the C value (W/m2·K) defined and purpose.
used by ASTM and ASHRAE.4 In the calculation of 4.3.1 In case of a dispute arising from differences in
this value the assumption is made that the boundary reported results when using Test Method D 1518 for accep-
layers of the bare plate and the boundary layers of tance testing of commercial shipments, the purchaser and the
the fabric are equal. Experimental results indicate supplier should conduct comparative tests to determine if there
that the U2 values are valid when tested within the is a statistical bias between their laboratories. Competent
limits specified in Section 1. statistical assistance is recommended for the investigation of
3.1.11 total clo, n—the intrinsic clo plus the thermal resis- bias. As a minimum, the two parties should take a group of test
tance from the air boundary. specimens which are as homogeneous as possible and which
3.1.12 For definitions of other textile terms used in this are from a lot of material of the type in question. The test
method, refer to Terminology D 123. specimens should then be sent to each laboratory for testing.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: The average results from the two laboratories should be
3.2.1 effective insulation ratio, n—indicates the increase in compared using Student’s t-test for paired data and an accept-
insulation afforded by the fabric in comparison to the uncov- able probability level chosen by the two parties before testing
ered test plate under specified conditions of test. is begun. If a bias is found, either its cause must be found and
3.2.2 mean temperature, n—the average of the hot plate corrected or the purchaser and the supplier must agree to
temperature and the temperature of the calm, cool air that interpret future test results with consideration to the known
prevailed during the test. bias.
4. Significance and Use 5. Apparatus (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3)
4.1 The thermal transmittance of a fabric or batting is of NOTE 1—The drawings and illustrations are intended as suggested
considerable importance in determining its suitability for use in designs only. The final design of equipment, including necessary wiring,
fabricating cold weather protective gear and clothing. The will be dictated by the choice of the electrical measuring and control
thermal interchange between man and his environment is, equipment.
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D 1518
center of the upper surface of the hot-plate assembly. It shall be
made of aluminum or copper and painted a dull black to
approximate the emissivity of the human skin. The heating
element shall consist of parallel wires, preferably of constantan
metal, insulated from, but mounted within 3 mm (0.1 in.) of the
upper plate.
5.1.2 Guard Ring—The guard ring bordering the test plate
shall be at least 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) in width and shall be of the
same thickness, composition, and type of construction as the
test plate. It shall be coplanar with the test plate, and shall be
separated from it by means of a strip of cork or other suitable
insulating material approximately 3-mm (0.1-in.) wide. The
guard ring shall be designed to prevent lateral loss of heat from
the test plate.
5.1.3 Bottom Plate—The bottom plate shall be of the same
thickness, composition, and type of construction as the test
plate and guard ring. The bottom plate shall be in a plane
parallel to the test plate and guard ring, and at a distance of at
least 25 mm (1.0 in.) but not in excess of 75 mm (3.0 in.)
beneath them. It shall be separated from the test plate and
guard ring by a wooden framework and the air pocket formed
thereby, or by other means of causing air entrapment. The
dimensions offered as suggested design specifications are
shown in Fig. 3. The purpose of the bottom plate is to prevent
a downward loss of heat from the test plate and guard ring.
5.2 Temperature Control—Separate control of the tempera-
tures of the three sections of the hot plate (test plate, guard ring,
and bottom plate) shall be established by independent adjust-
FIG. 1 Guard Ring Hot Plate For Thermal Transmittance Test ments of the heater currents through adjustable transformers,
variable impedances, or intermittent heating cycles. Automatic
regulation of temperatures is recommended. Use a constant
voltage supply, controlled to 61 % to minimize fluctuations in
5.3 Power-Measuring Instruments—One of any of the fol-
lowing instruments shall be used for measuring power:
5.3.1 Wattmeter,
5.3.2 Watt-hour meter and clock,
5.3.3 Voltmeter and ammeter, or
5.3.4 Either a voltmeter or an ammeter can be used if the
test plate heater resistance at operating temperature is exactly
known. These devices shall be operated in accordance with
standard practice and shall be calibrated to measure power with
an accuracy of 62 %.
5.4 Clocks—When heater power is supplied on an intermit-
tent basis, a running-time clock, energized in synchronism with
the heater, shall be used to indicate the total time of heating.
Another similar clock shall be used to indicate either the total
time or the time during which the heater is not energized. The
total limit of error of such clocks shall be less than 1 % under
FIG. 2 Hot Plate, Top View, Showing Location of Thermistors and service conditions.
Thermocouples on Test Section and Guard Ring 5.5 Equipment for Measuring the Several Plate Tempera-
5.1 Hot Plate—A guard ring flat plate composed of a test 5.5.1 Thermocouples—The test plate, guard ring, and bot-
plate, guardring, and bottom plate as follows, each electrically tom plate shall each contain one or more thermocouples made
maintained at a constant temperature in the range of human of a junction of wires of copper and constantan, each of B & S
skin temperature [33 to 36°C (91.4 to 98.8°F)]. Gage No. 30 [0.255 mm (0.01 in.)]. After calibration, these
5.1.1 Test Plate—The test plate portion of the hot plate shall thermocouples shall be positioned within the material of the
be at least 150 mm (6.0 in.) square and shall be placed at the plates as close to the external plate surfaces as physically
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D 1518
possible [1.6 mm (0.06 in.)] to measure the temperatures of the 5.6.3 Air Velocity Indicator—Any calibrated means of mea-
respective surfaces. suring air velocity at the specified rate.
5.5.2 Ice Bath, as a reference junction for the thermo-
couples, or equivalent device. 6. Sampling
5.5.3 Potentiometer, accurate within 62.5 µV, to measure 6.1 Lot Sample—for acceptance testing take a lot sample as
the thermocouple emf’s. directed in the applicable material specification, or as agreed
5.5.4 Switch—A thermocouple selector switch for sepa- upon between purchaser and supplier. In the absence of such a
rately connecting to each set of thermocouples. specification or other agreement, take a laboratory sample as
5.6 Test Chamber—A chamber to house the hot plate that directed in 6.2.
can be maintained at selected temperatures between 4.5 and 6.2 Take a laboratory sample from each roll or piece of
21.1°C (40 to 70°F) with a constancy of 60.5°C (6 2.5°F). fabric in the lot sample. The laboratory sample should be full
The walls of the test chamber shall not be highly reflective, and width and at least 600 mm (24 in.) long and should not be taken
the wall temperature shall be equal to that of the air in the any closer to the end of the roll or piece of fabric than 1 m (1
chamber. The chamber shall be equipped with the following yd).
instruments for maintaining the relative humidity at 506 30 % 6.3 Sample shipments of garments or other textile materials
for maintaining the air temperature, and for controlling the air as agreed upon between purchaser and seller.
velocity at the approximate rate of 0.1 m/s (0.33 ft/s). The hood 6.4 Test three specimens from each laboratory sample,
for maintaining nearly still air conditions, shown in Fig. 1, is unless otherwise specified in the material specification.
5.6.1 Relative Humidity Measuring Equipment—Either a 7. Preparation of Test Specimens
wet-and-dry bulb psychrometer or a calibrated humidity- 7.1 Modification of a Thick Material to Facilitate Testing—
sensitive electrical conductor. Materials more than 25-mm (1–in.) thick, such as some fibrous
5.6.2 Air Temperature Detector—A thermocouple similar to battings, require an extremely long period for reaching equi-
those in the plates is suspended with the measuring junction librium. In such a case, if the specimen has a homogeneous
exposed to the air at a point 500 mm (20.0 in.) above the center structure, and it is physically possible to slice through the
of the test plate, inside hood. material in such a manner as to split it into two or more
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D 1518
uniform layers thinner than the original, one of the thin layers on-off ratio for power of 50 to 60 % of the time required to
may be tested and its coefficient determined. (This is not complete the test.
applicable to fabric assemblies or to otherwise heterogeneous 9.4 After the assembly reaches equilibrium conditions,
material.) record measurements for each of the following conditions at
7.2 Specimen Preparation—Cut the test specimens large least every 3 min. The average of these measurements taken
enough to cover completely the entire surface of the hot plate over a period of 30 min shall be sufficient to determine the
and the guard plates, or about 510 mm (20 in.) square. Remove combined transmittance coefficient of the specimen plus the
any wrinkles from the test specimens by allowing to hang free air, U1.
or by ironing. For quilted fabrics or batts, sew or seal the edges 9.4.1 Test plate temperature,
or use retaining slats during the testing. 9.4.2 Test plate heater wattage,
7.3 Conditioning—Allow the test specimens to come into 9.4.3 Air temperature,
equilibrium with the atmosphere of the testing chamber. 9.4.4 Guard ring temperature, and
Moisture equilibrium for testing is considered as having been 9.4.5 Bottom plate temperature.
reached when the rate of increase in mass of a sample or
specimen does not exceed that specified for the material being NOTE 2—If the foregoing observations are not consistent with equilib-
rium conditions, the test shall not be valid and shall be repeated after
establishment of equilibrium.
7.3.1 In the absence of a specified rate, an increase of less
than 0.1 % of the sample mass after a 2-h exposure is 9.5 Bare Plate—Measure the bare-plate transmittance coef-
considered satisfactory. ficient, Ubp, in the same manner as that for U1 except that the
hot plate shall be uncovered during this measurement.
8. Preparation and Standardization of Apparatus
8.1 Test Conditions—Unless otherwise specified in the de- 10. Calculations
tail specification, use the following test conditions: 10.1 Calculate the combined transmittance of the specimen
8.1.1 Temperature of the Test Plate, Guard Ring, and plus the air, U1, to within 0.005 W/m2·K, using Eq 1:
Bottom Plate—Select a temperature in the range from 33 to
U1 5 P/@A 3 ~Tp 2 Ta!# (1)
36°C (91.4 to 98°F) to be maintained for the duration of the test
for the test plate, guard ring, and the bottom plate. where:
8.1.2 Maximum Difference in Temperature—Maintain and P 5 power loss from test plate, W,
stabilize the test equipment to have a maximum temperature A 5 area of test plate, m2,
difference between either the guard ring or bottom plate and the Tp 5 test plate temperature, °C, and
test plate of 60.3°C. Ta 5 air temperature, °C.
8.2 Temperature of Test Chamber (External to the Hood)— 10.2 Calculate the bare-plate transmittance, Ubp, as for U1 in
Maintain the average temperature of the test chamber at a 10.1.
specified temperature between 4.5 and 21.1°C (40 to 70°F) 10.3 Calculate the intrinsic transmittance of the fabric
with a range in temperature not to exceed 60.5°C (62.5°F). alone, U2, using Eq 2 or Eq 3:
8.3 Relative Humidity Within the Test Chamber—Maintain 1/U2 5 ~1/U1! 2 ~1/Ubp! (2)
the relative humidity within the test chamber at a selected level
between 20 and 80 % with a range not to exceed 65 %. or
U2 5 ~Ubp 3 U1!/~Ubp 2 U1! (3)
9. Procedure
10.4 Calculate the intrinsic thermal conductivity of the
9.1 Determine the thickness of the original specimen and, if
fabric alone, k, using Eq 4:
necessary (see 6.1), the component layer to be tested to within
0.3 mm (0.01 in.) at a loading pressure of 0.07 kPa (0.01 psi) k 5 U2 3 ti/1000 (4)
as directed in Method D 1777. Use any suitable thickness gage where:
having a presser foot diameter of at least 50 mm (2 in.). ti 5 thickness of the specimen, mm, at 0.07 kPa pressure.
9.2 Spread the test specimen flat on the hot plate with the 10.5 Calculate the intrinsic thermal resistance of the fabric
finished side up, unless otherwise specified. Ensure good alone, R (Note 3), using Eq 5:
thermal contact by smoothing out any abnormal wrinkles or air
pockets between the specimen and the plate surface. Unless R 5 1/U2 (5)
otherwise specified, use no supplemental loading beyond the NOTE 3—The addition of values of R measured independently for two
intrinsic mass of the specimen. or more fabrics (one fabric of which is less than 1.3 mm thick) to calculate
9.3 Bring the hot plate to the operating temperature and the thermal resistance of an ensemble, is often invalid, due to the influence
allow the system (specimen plus plate) to reach equilibrium, of one fabric on the thermal resistance associated with the other. For
example, a fleece-lined windbreaker affords far more insulation, in
defined as that state in which the test-plate temperature and the moving air, than the sum of the insulation of the lining and outer fabric
power input remains constant. The temperature shall be held taken separately.
within 60.5°C and the average temperature shall not be
allowed to drift more than 60.05°C during a period of 30 min. 10.6 Calculate the intrinsic thermal resistivity of the fabric
To ensure a constant power input for the duration of the test, alone, R8 (Note 3), using Eq 6:
the temperature equilibrium shall be maintained using an R8 5 1/k (6)
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D 1518
10.7 Calculate the intrinsic thermal resistance in Clo units should not exceed 4.5 % of the average of two observations in
using equation (7): 95 out of 100 cases when both observations are taken by the
Intrinsic Clo 5 1.137/U (7) same well-trained operator using the same piece of testing
equipment and specimens randomly drawn from the same
10.8 Calculate the specific thermal resistance in Clo units sample of material. Larger differences are likely to occur under
using equation (8): other circumstances.
Specific Clo 5 1.137/k (8) 12.2 Interlaboratory Test Data—An interlaboratory test was
10.9 Calculate the bulk density, B, of the fabric, using Eq 9: run in 1980 and 1981 in which randomly drawn samples of five
B 5 M/t (9)
materials were tested in each of five laboratories. Two opera-
tors in each of the five laboratories tested two specimens of
where: each material. The components of variance for the thermal
B 5 bulk density, kg/m3, transmittance results are shown in Table 6. Components of
M 5 mass/unit area of fabric, g/m2, and variance expressed as coefficients of variation were calculated
t 5 thickness of fabric, mm. as follows:
10.10 Calculate the split-specimen coefficient, U2, for the
thin section in accordance with 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3. Calculate TABLE 6 Components of Variance
the U2 of the original section by multiplying the thin section Single-operator component 2.2 % of the average
coefficient by the thickness ratio of the thin section to the Between-laboratory component 10.7 % of the average
original section, using Eq 10: 12.3 Critical Difference—For the components of variance
U20 5 U2t 3 ~tt/t0! (10) reported in Table 6, two averages of observed values should be
considered significantly different at the 95 % probability level
where: if the differences equal or exceed critical differences shown in
U20 5 original split-specimen coefficient, Table 7.
U2t 5 thin section, split-specimen coefficient,
tt 5 thickness of thin section, and
TABLE 7 Critical Difference for the Components of Variance
t0 5 thickness of the original section.
Critical Difference, % of Grand Average
10.11 Calculate the mean temperature, Tm, for each deter- Number of Obser- for the Condition NotedA,B
mination using Eq 11: vations in Each Single Operator Between Laboratory
Average Precision Precision
Tm 5 ~Ta 1 Tp!/2 (11) 1 6.2 29.7
5 2.8 13.2
where: 10 2.0 9.4
Ta 5 atmosphere temperature, and _____________
Tp 5 plate surface temperature. A
The critical differences were calculated using t 5 1.960, which is based on
10.12 Calculate the effective insulation ratio, Ir, using Eq infinite degrees of freedom.
To convert the values of critical differences to units of measure, multiply the
12: critical difference by the average of the two specific sets of data being compared,
Ir 5 Ubp/U1 (12) then divide by 100.
12.4 Confidence Limits—For the components of variance in
10.13 To convert heat transfer quantities from SI to mixed,
Table 6 single averages of observed values have 95 % confi-
engineering, or clothing units or vice-versa multiply by the
dence limits (Note 4) in Table 8.
appropriate factor from Tables 1-5.
11. Report TABLE 8 Confidence Limits
Width of 95 % Confidence Limits, % of
11.1 State that the specimens were tested as directed in Number of Obser- Grand Average for the Condition Noted
ASTM Test Method D 1518. Describe the materials or prod- vations in Each Single Operator Between Laboratory
ucts sampled and the method of sampling used. Average Precision Precision
1 4.4 20.9
11.2 Report the following information: 5 2.0 9.4
11.2.1 Mean temperature of the test. 10 1.4 6.6
11.2.2 Average heat transfer coefficient of the bare plate NOTE 4—The tabulated values of the critical differences and confidence
alone, Ubp, limits should be considered to be a general statement, particularly with
11.2.3 Average of the heat transfer coefficient of the plate respect to between-laboratory precision. Before a meaningful statement
and fabric combined,U1, can be made about two specific laboratories, the amount of statistical bias,
11.2.4 Thermal conductance of the fabric, U2, if any, between them must be established, with each comparison being
11.2.5 Fabric weight, thickness, and bulk density, and based on recent data obtained on specimens randomly drawn from one
sample of the material to be evaluated.
11.2.6 Thermal conductivity, resistance, and resistivity of
the fabric, as required. 12.5 Bias—The value of the thermal transmittance can only
11.2.7 The temperature and relative humidity used. be defined in terms of a specific test. Within this limitation Test
Method D 1518 has no known bias.
12. Precision and Bias
12.1 Summary—In comparing two single observations for 13. Keywords
the thermal transmittance expressed as U2, the difference 13.1 batting; textile fabrics; thermal transmittance
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D 1518
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual
reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585
(phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (http://www.astm.org).