Chapter 1 INT BUS

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Chapter 1: Globalization

 Globalization
o refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy
o The world is moving away from self-contained national economies toward an interdependent,
integrated global economic system
 Global Market
o The globalization of markets refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national
markets into one huge global marketplace.
o falling trade barriers make it easier to sell globally
o consumers’ tastes and preferences are converging on some global norm
o firms promote the trend by offering the same basic products worldwide
 Factors of Production
o Land
o Labor
o Capital
 Global Institutions
o help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace
o promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system
o Example:
 World Trade Organization (like its predecessor GATT)
 polices the world trading system
 makes sure that nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties
 promotes lower barriers to trade and investment
 International Monetary Fund (1944)
 maintains order in the international monetary system
 World Bank (1944)
 promotes economic development
 United Nations (1945)
 maintains international peace and security
 develops friendly relations among nations
 cooperates in solving international problems and in promoting respect for
human rights
 is a center for harmonizing the actions of nations
 What is Driving Globalization
o The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since
the end of World War II
 International trade occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in
another country.
 Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests resources in business
activities outside its home country.
o Technological change
 What Does Globalization Mean For Firms?
o Lower barriers to trade and investment mean firms can
 view the world, rather than a single country, as their market
 base production in the optimal location for that activity
o Technological change means
 lower transportation costs
 firms can disperse production to economical, geographically separate
 lower information processing and communication costs
 firms can create and manage globally dispersed production systems
 low cost global communications networks
 help create an electronic global marketplace
 low-cost transportation
 help create global markets
 global communication networks and global media
 create a worldwide culture, and a global market for consumer products
 Changing Demographics Of The Global Economy
o Four trends are important:
 Changing World Output and World Trade Picture
 Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture
 Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise
 Changing World Order
 How Has World Output And World Trade Changed?
o In 1960, the United States accounted for over 40% of world economic activity
o By 2008, the United States accounted for just over 20% of world economic activity
o The share of world output accounted for by developing nations is rising and is expected to
account for more than 60% of world economic activity by 2020
 How Has Foreign Direct Investment Changed Over Time?
o A similar trend is taking place with regard to foreign direct investment. In the 1960s, the U.S.
accounted for over 66 percent of worldwide foreign direct investment flows.
o Today, investments by developing nations are on the rise, while the stock, or total cumulative
value, of foreign investments by rich industrial countries is falling.
o Developing countries, especially China, have also become popular destinations for FDI
 Multinational Enterprise
o A multinational enterprise (MNE) is any business that has productive activities in two or more
 The Changing World Order
o Many former Communist nations in Europe and Asia are now committed to democratic
politics and free market economies
 so, there are new opportunities for international businesses
 but, there are signs of growing unrest and totalitarian tendencies in some countries
like Russia
o China and Latin America are also moving toward greater free market reforms
 between 1983 and 2008, FDI in China increased from less than $2 billion to $90 billion
 Is An Interdependent Global Economy A Good Thing?
o Supporters believe that increased trade and cross-border investment mean
 lower prices for goods and services
 greater economic growth
 higher consumer income, and more jobs
o Critics worry that globalization will cause
 job losses
 environmental degradation
 the cultural imperialism of global media and MNEs
 How Does Globalization Affect Jobs And Income?
o They argue that falling trade barriers are allowing companies to move manufacturing jobs to
countries where wage rates are low.
o For example, clothing manufacturing has increasingly shifted away from developed nations,
such as the U.S., where workers might earn $9 per hour to countries like Honduras where
wages are less than 50 cents per hour.
o Supporters however, claim that free trade will prompt countries to specialize in what they can
produce most efficiently, and to import everything else.
 How Does Globalization Affect Labor Policies And The Environment?
o Critics argue that firms avoid costly efforts to adhere to labor and environmental regulations
by moving production to countries where such regulations do not exist, or are not enforced
o However, advocates of globalization claim that environmental regulation and stricter labor
standards go hand in hand with economic progress, so foreign direct investment actually
encourages countries to raise their standards
 How Does Globalization Affect National Sovereignty?
o Critics argue that unelected bureaucrats have the power to impose policies on the
democratically elected governments of nation-states
o Supporters claim that the power of these organizations is limited to what nation-states agree
to grant
 the power of the organizations lies in their ability to get countries to agree to follow
certain actions
 How Is Globalization Affecting The World’s Poor?
o Critics believe that if globalization was beneficial there should not be a divergence between
rich and poor nations
o Supporters claim that the best way for the poor nations to improve their situation is to
 reduce barriers to trade and investment
 implement economic policies based on free market economies
 receive debt forgiveness for debts incurred under totalitarian regimes
 How Does The Global Marketplace Affect Managers?
o Managing an international business differs from managing a domestic business because
 countries are different
 the range of problems confronted in an international business is wider and the
problems more complex than those in a domestic business
 firms have to find ways to work within the limits imposed by government intervention
in the international trade and investment system
 international transactions involve converting money into different currencies

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