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The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane - Teachers' Guide

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C A N D L E W I C K P R E S S T E A C H E R S ’ G U I D E

The Miraculous Journey of

Edward Tulane


“ONCE, IN A HOUSE ON EGYPT STREET, there lived a rabbit who was made
almost entirely of china.” So begins The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. That elegantly
attired rabbit was a seventh birthday present to Abilene Tulane from her grandmother,
Pellegrina. Every morning, Abilene, who is now ten, dresses Edward in one of his extraordinary
handmade silk suits and hats and winds his gold pocket watch. She sits him at the dinner table
each evening, and she tucks him into his own bed each night.
Once, oh marvelous once,
“I love you, Edward,” she tells him before going to sleep.
there was a rabbit who
found his way home. Edward never says anything in response, even though Abilene half expects him to, since of
course he cannot speak. Nor does he particularly feel anything in response, since most of his
thoughts and feelings center on himself. He never ceases to be amazed at his own fineness,
considering himself to be “an exceptional specimen”; he is not much interested in what people
have to say, including the devoted Abilene.
On Abilene’s eleventh birthday, her parents tell her the family will soon sail to London on the
Queen Mary. That night Pellegrina tells Abilene and Edward a bedtime story about the terrible
fate of a princess who loved no one. Edward, who prefers not to think unpleasant thoughts,
is unmoved.
On the deck of the ocean liner, Edward receives admiring attention from many of the other
passengers. However, two young brothers grab Edward off his deck chair, strip him of his
clothing, and begin to play catch with him. When Abilene tries desperately to stop them,
Edward goes overboard, into the ocean.
So commences Edward Tulane’s odyssey, from the bottom of the sea to rescue by a kind
fisherman, and through a succession of caretakers. Though yearning for his old life on
Egypt Street, Edward begins to experience life, love, and loss.
This guide will help you bring The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to your class in
many different ways. There are lots of ideas and something for every classroom. Enjoy!

Before Reading:
Examine the cover of the book with your students and discuss it. Who is the author?
Has she written any other books with which you are familiar? What are they about?
Ask the questions below before you begin reading the book, and write down or make a chart of
the children’s predictions. Ask the same questions again when you finish the book, and compare
the children’s responses with those on the list or chart.
1. What do you think this book will be about?
2. Who is Edward Tulane?
3. What kind of journey could he be undertaking?
4. What might miraculous mean?
5. What do you think is happening on the cover?

While Reading:
1. How does Abilene feel about Edward? The day the maid misplaces Edward, Abilene
runs from room to room, calling for him. Discuss why Abilene loves him so much.
What emotion does Edward feel in return and why?
What kind of person is Abilene Tulane?
The story leaves Abilene on the deck of the Queen Mary, shouting to Edward,
“Come back,” as he tumbles into the ocean. Discuss what you think happens to
Abilene that day.
2. How and why do all adults (except Abilene’s sharp-eyed grandmother, Pellegrina)
condescend, or talk down, to Edward?
What does it mean to have a condescending manner?
Have you ever experienced an adult or a person older than you who condescended to you?
How can you tell? Why do you think that person acted that way?
How did you handle it?
3. Why does Pellegrina tell the story about a princess who loves no one and is turned into
a warthog by a witch to Abilene and Edward?
Why is Abilene indignant at the end of the story?
What does Pellegrina mean when she says on page 34, “How can a story end happily if
there is no love?”
What is Edward’s reaction to the story?
Why does Pellegrina say to Edward, “You disappoint me”?
What does she expect of him?
4. Talking of his wife, Nellie, Lawrence says, “She’s had her sadness, but she’s an
all-right girl” (page 61).
Why is Nellie sad?
Why does she confide in Edward, and how do they help each other?
5. When the old woman hangs Edward on a pole to scare away the crows in her garden,
Edward thinks, “I am done with caring.” He feels mocked by the stars, which seem to

2 » T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E «
say, “You are down there alone.” On page 113, he tells the stars, “I have been loved,”
and they reply, “What difference does that make when you are all alone now?”
Does it make a difference?
Why does it matter to Edward that he has been loved?
Is there a difference between the love Edward receives from Abilene at the beginning of
the book and the love he receives from Sarah Ruth?
How are his feelings toward Sarah Ruth different from anything he’s experienced before?
6. What are some of the life lessons Edward learns on his journey, through good times
and bad?
What life lessons have you acquired in your life that you would like to pass on to
someone else?

1. Edward is repeatedly lost by those who love him. Have you ever lost something you
treasured? How did you deal with it? Write an essay about what happened to it, and to
you as a consequence, and draw or paint a picture of it.
2. This book is Edward’s story, but all of the people who take him in have their own
stories, too. Write their memoirs or their autobiographies, told from their point of view.
What might happen to their characters after Edward leaves? How does Edward change
their lives?
3. How do you think Lawrence and Nellie find out that Edward is gone, and how might
they react? Write a new chapter describing what you think might happen between
Lolly and her parents after Edward disappears.
4. See how the old doll helps Edward change his attitude and open his heart again. The rabbit’s name was
She tells him, “If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole Edward Tulane, and he
journey is pointless” (page 189). What does she mean? Have you ever encountered
was tall. He measured
someone who changed the way you thought or looked at the world? Write about your
experience with this person. almost three feet from the

5. What are some of the events and experiences that have shaped your life and changed tip of his ears to the tip
you, for better or for worse? Write about one of your defining moments and how it of his feet; his eyes were
shaped or affected you. painted a penetrating

PA I R S H A R E S and intelligent blue.

Turn to a partner and discuss the questions based on the following passage (page 71):
“Life, for a very long time, was sweet. And then Lawrence and Nellie’s daughter came for a visit.”
1. How and why does Lolly react so strongly to Edward?
2. What kind of person is Lolly?
3. What does Edward think of her?
4. What do you think her own parents, Lawrence and Nellie, think of her?
5. What keeps Edward going and gives him hope when he is buried under the garbage
at the dump?
6. How do his emotions change, and what does he learn about himself?
7. How and why does he come to understand Pellegrina’s story about the princess who is
turned into a warthog?

» T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E « 3
With a Quick Write, children write for a prescribed amount of time (usually from five to fifteen minutes)
in response to a question and then share their responses. The purpose is to get their ideas down on
paper, so it’s not a time to focus on punctuation, grammar, or spelling.
1. Write about the loss of Edward from Abilene’s point of view. How do you think
Edward’s disappearance changes her life?
2. In the doll store, Edward “prided himself on not hoping, on not allowing his heart to
lift inside of him. He prided himself on keeping his heart silent, immobile, closed tight.
I am done with hope, thought Edward Tulane” (page 184).

At this point in her story, Why has Edward given up? If you were to visit Edward in the doll shop, what words of
encouragement and support would you give him? Based on your knowledge, experiences,
Pellegrina stopped and
and understanding of the world, give Edward your best and most helpful advice to
looked right at Edward. persuade him that he will be all right again.
She stared deep into
his painted-on eyes,
1. Throughout Edward’s journey, there are folks who are kind to Edward, some who love
and again, Edward felt a
him, some who are indifferent, and others who are downright cruel. Make a chart of
shiver go through him. these characters and discuss their differences. How is each one indispensable to
Edward’s discovery of self?
2. Brainstorm a general list of emotions people feel at one time or another, and write
them on a chart. Which emotions does Edward seem to be lacking?
3. Throughout his journey, Edward Tulane yearns to go home, which he considers to be
Egypt Street. And yet he spends many happy years with people who take him in and
give him new homes.
Make a list of things that mean home to you.

1. Discuss how the full-color paintings and half-tone illustrations extend our
understanding of the characters and of Edward’s Tulane’s journey.
What other scenes would you have liked to see illustrated and why?
Select one scene or image from the story and draw or paint your vision of it. Write the
corresponding caption from the text.
2. Have each student choose a different character, major or minor, and draw his or her
portrait. The cast of characters should include everyone from Edward to the crows in
the garden. Label each drawing with a paragraph describing the character and his or
her relationship to Edward.
3. Trace how both Edward’s name and wardrobe change with each new person who
takes him in. Which name and outfit best suits him? Design a new set of clothing that
you think Edward would approve of wearing.

ennui (page 5) cavaliery (page 19) ferocity (page 87)
condescending manner (page 9) inanimate (page 19) exhilarated (page 88)
derogatory (page 16) excruciatingly dull (page 23) options (page 169)
inconvenienced (page 18) discerning (page 64) vain (page 181)

4 » T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E «

Across Down
3 Where Lucy digs up Edward 1 Another name for Bull and his friends who ride the rails
5 Sarah ____ 2 Looking at these comforts Edward at night.
7 What the old doll helps Edward regain 3 Lucy is one of these.
9 Bull’s dog 4 The little girl who comes for Edward
10 Nellie’s name for Edward 6 What Edward’s head and body are made of
14 The witch turns the princess into this. 8 Abilene’s grandmother
15 Edward’s first owner 9 Fisherman who rescues Edward
18 Edward wishes he had these. 11 Edward’s is gold.
19 Bryce’s instrument 12 What the crows say to Edward
21 “How can a story end happily if there is no ____?” 13 What Edward sits in at Nellie’s table
22 Abilene’s elegant china rabbit 16 Sarah Ruth’s name for Edward
23 He says he is lost, and he names Edward Malone. 17 “You __________ me,” say the witch, Pelligrina, and
26 How Edward feels on the ocean floor the old doll.
27 The old woman’s use for Edward 20 Ocean liner from which Edward goes overboard
29 City where Bryce and Edward play music and dance 21 Man who mends Edward’s broken head
30 What Edward wears at Nellie and Lawrence’s house 24 Bull’s name for Edward
32 Edward and Abilene’s destination on the ocean liner 25 What Sarah Ruth makes when she sees a falling star
33 Mean diner owner 28 “You, my fine friend, have just entered ____ time.”
34 Street where Edward lives 30 Where Bryce can’t pay the bill
35 Edward’s ____ are made of real rabbit fur. 31 Edward’s fine suits are made of this fabric.

17 disappoint, 20 QueenMary, 21 Lucius, 24 Malone, 25 wish, 28 doll, 30 diner, 31 silk

1 hobo, 2 stars, 3 dog, 4 Maggie, 6 china, 8 Pellegrina, 9 Lawrence, 11 watch, 12 caw, 13 highchair, 16 Jangles,
22 EdwardTulane, 23 Bull, 26 afraid, 27 scarecrow, 29 Memphis, 30 dress, 32 London, 33 Neal, 34 Egypt, 35 ears
3 dump, 5 Ruth, 7 hope, 9 Lucy, 10 Susanna, 14 warthog, 15 Abilene, 18 wings, 19 harmonica, 21 love,

» T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E « 5
What is a tramp or hobo? When were hoboes common in the U.S. and why? Why didn’t
these people have real homes?
Bull describes himself as “lost.” What does he mean?
How do the reactions of the other hoboes change toward Edward and why?
Why is the man in the railroad yard so angry with Bull when he finds him and Lucy sleeping
in an empty freight car?

Stage interviews in which children assume the roles of the characters. Working in pairs, children can
develop two or three pertinent and interesting questions to pose to each other’s characters. You can set this
up with a panel of questioners and responders facing each other. Or stage a talk show–style interview with
an audience, a desk with the interviewer behind it, and a chair beside it for the guest. Pairs can come up
and act out their interviews, with one being the questioner and the other the guest, and then switch places.

R E A D E R S ’ T H E AT E R
In Chapter Twenty-two, Edward Tulane finds himself walking up to the front door of his old house on Egypt
Street. This chapter is pictured on the cover illustration, and is a pivotal and climactic scene of the book.
After reading the chapter aloud, act it out as a Readers’ Theater activity. You can get a Readers’ Theater
script, single sided, for each student at http://www.edwardtulane.com.

Discussion questions:
1. How is it that Edward can walk in this scene?
2. Why and how are all his friends waiting for him at the house on Egypt Street?
3. Where is Sarah Ruth?
4. Why isn’t she there?
5. Why does Edward have wings?
6. Why do his friends try to stop him from using his new wings to fly to the stars to see her?
7. Why does Bull say to Edward, “You can’t go yet”?
8. What would happen if he did fly to her?

Compare and contrast The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane with other books that explore
similar themes, including journeys, survival, and dolls and toys who are real and/or beloved.

Some suggested books:

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll,
illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Candlewick Press, 1999 and 2005, grade 3 and up). Both of
the classic novels of Alice’s fantastic journey, first published in 1865 and 1871, for a new
generation of readers.
Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, illustrated by Sara Fanelli (Candlewick Press, 2003, grade 2 and up).
Originally published in 1882, this brilliant Italian serial is a “perils of Pauline” for backsliding
children and puppets. New listeners will thrill to adventures in which puppet Pinocchio is
made to be a watchdog, almost fried as a fish, turned into a donkey, and swallowed by a
shark before he can understand the wisdom of work, study, truthfulness, and kindness.
If you’ve only seen the Disney version, you’re in for a delicious surprise.

6 » T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E «
The Doll People and The Meanest Doll in the World by Ann M. Martin and Laura Godwin,
illustrated by Brian Selznick (Hyperion, 2000 and 2003, grades 3–5). Eight-year-old Annabelle
Doll has lived in the dollhouse with her porcelain doll family for one hundred years, but
when a plastic family of dolls moves in nearby, she becomes fast friends with Tiffany
Funcraft. In two books of their adventures, they set out to find Annabelle’s Auntie Sarah,
who disappeared forty–five years ago, and do battle with Mean Mimi, a bullying princess
doll who reigns supreme over the toys in her domain.
The Scarecrow and His Servant by Philip Pullman, illustrated by Peter Bailey (Knopf, 2005,
grades 4–6). On the night lightning strikes Mr. Pandolfo’s wheat field, the scarecrow, with its
big solid turnip head, a broad crack for a mouth, two stones for eyes, and nothing in the way
of brains, jolts to life. A small boy named Jack, sheltering in the barn, helps it down from its
stick and, having nowhere else to go, accepts the post of the Scarecrow’s personal servant.

A N I N T E R V I E W W I T H T H E A U T H O R , K AT E D I C A M I L L O
Kate DiCamillo published her first book with Candlewick Press, Because of Winn-Dixie,
while she was working at a used bookstore in Minnesota. It was awarded a Newbery Honor.
Her third book, The Tale of Despereaux, was the Newbery Medal winner.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is the fifth book she has written for Candlewick Press.

Q. Where did you get the idea for writing a book about a large china rabbit?
A. A friend gave me a very elegant rabbit “doll” (sorry, Edward) for Christmas a couple of
years ago. Not long after receiving the rabbit, I had this very clear image of him
underwater, on the bottom of the sea, minus all of his finery, lost and alone.
Q. Abilene’s grandmother, Pellegrina, is not happy with Edward. “You disappoint me,” she Edward rode in Bull’s
tells him. What does she expect of Edward?
bedroll, slung over Bull’s
A. Edward is, in many ways, Pellegrina’s creation, and because of that her expectations for
him are huge. She perceives, quite clearly, that he has failed at the simple and impossible shoulder with only his
task he was created for: loving Abilene as she loves him. head and ears sticking out.

Q. Are there any other books that inspired you in the writing of this one?
A. I wasn’t thinking particularly of other books when I was writing Edward, but looking
back, I can see that I was influenced by some pretty powerful stories: The Mouse and His
Child, Pinocchio, Winnie-the-Pooh, Alice in Wonderland. I can see the influence of all of those
masterpieces in my small story.
Q. Did any of this book come from your own childhood?
A. Everything that I write comes from my childhood in one way or another. I am forever drawing
on the sense of mystery and wonder and possibility that pervaded that time of my life.
Q. What was a defining moment, good or bad, that shaped you as a child?
A. My father leaving the family certainly shaped who I was and how I looked at the world.
By the same token, my father telling me fairy tales that he had made up shaped me
profoundly, too. As did my mother reading to me.
Q. Do you have any suggestions for engaging and motivating young readers? Do you have
any advice for classroom teachers or parents?
A. The best thing I know to tell parents and teachers about motivating young readers is that
reading should not be presented to them as a chore, a duty. It should, instead, be offered as
a gift: Look, I will help you unwrap this miraculous present. I will show you how to use it
for your own satisfaction and education and deep, intense pleasure. It distresses me that
parents insist that their children read or make them read. I think the best way for children
to treasure reading is for them to see the adults in their lives reading for their own pleasure.

» T H E M I R A C U L O U S J O U R N E Y O F E D W A R D T U L A N E « 7
Bagram Ibatoulline was born in Russia, graduated from the State Academic Institute of Arts in
Moscow, and has worked in the fields of fine arts, graphic arts, mural design, and textile design.
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is the sixth book he has illustrated for Candlewick Press.

Q. You change your style dramatically with each children’s book you illustrate, like an actor
who never plays the same role twice. You’ve paid homage, always brilliantly, to Dutch
masters, American realists, primitive folk art, Chinese scrolls, and more. Which style do
you most enjoy using? What kind of research do you do for each book?
A. I enjoy any style — it is never my intention to copy a particular look or aesthetic. Instead I
do a lot of groundwork and extensive research on the time period in order to come up
with my own approach or style for a book that I can relate to and use naturally. I have a
big reference library, and when that’s not enough, I turn to public libraries and private
sources, which was the case for Edward.
Q. Do you use models or photographs for the people in your painting? How about the
rabbit — did you see Kate DiCamillo’s big rabbit or invent your own?
A. Usually I create sketches and work off of them to create the final image. Sometimes I take
inspiration from people and faces in old photographs or pictures of a specific time period
in order to come up with an idea of what a certain character might look like. Although
Kate sent me photos of her rabbit, I still had to sculpt my own model of Edward’s head,
since we see the rabbit from many angles throughout the book.
Q. Did you consider yourself an artist as a child? What kind of art training did you have?
A. Since the time I can remember myself, I was sculpting. When I was ten, with advice from
my parents, I went to the Children’s Art School. I studied there for five years. It was a
basic art education — introduction to the world of art materials, history of art, basics of
various crafts. Then I decided to continue my art education in the Art College of Kazan
for four years. It was a time of the most intensive classic art training. After that I attended
the State Art Institute in Moscow for five years. It was an important step for me, allowing
me to understand and find myself as an artist.
Q. Each painting adds a rich and emotionally affecting dimension to Kate’s text. How did
you find the heart of each of the characters? What did you want your illustrations to add
to the story?
A. It’s not easy to explain how I found the heart of each character. Everything is in the text,
as in “But first you must open your heart.” I couldn’t say it better.

You can find out more about Kate DiCamillo, Bagram Ibatoulline, and their books at the
Candlewick Press website, www.candlewick.com. Kate DiCamillo also has her own website,
Text excerpts from The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane copyright © 2006 by Kate DiCamillo; illustrations copyright
© 2006 by Bagram Ibatoulline

Teacher’s guide written by Judy Freedman, a consultant, writer, and speaker on children’s
literature, storytelling, book talking, and all aspects of school librarianship. She also serves as
an adjunct professor at the Pratt Institute in the School of Information and Library Science,
where she teaches courses in children’s literature. A national presenter for the Bureau of
Education and Research, she also gives seminars on children’s literature both throughout the
U.S. and abroad for teachers, librarians, parents, and children and served as a member of the
Newbery Committee to select the Newbery Medal Winner for the year 2000.
Her books include:
Books Kids Will Sit Still For: The Complete Read-Aloud Guide (Libraries Unlimited, 1990)
More Books Kids Will Sit Still For: A Read-Aloud Guide (Libraries Unlimited, 1995)
Books Kids Will Sit Still For 3: A Read-Aloud Guide (Libraries Unlimited, 2006)

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