Total heat dissipated will depend upon the surface area and
the emissivity of the material
At the steady state condition, the power input should be equal to the heat dissipated. From Equations
(7.1) and (7.2), we can write that:
If two filaments are made up of same material, working at same temperature and efficiency but with
different diameters, then from Equation (7.3):
If two filaments are working at the same temperature, then their luminous output must be same even
though their lengths are different.
The incandescent lamp suffers from the following drawbacks:
o Low efficiency.
o Colored light can be obtained by using different colored glass enclosures only.
Discharge lamps have been developed to overcome the drawbacks of the incandescent lamp. The main
principle of the operation of light in a gaseous discharge lamp is illustrated as below.
In all discharge lamps, an electric current is made to pass through a gas or vapor, which produces its
illuminance. Normally, at high pressures and atmospheric conditions, all the gases are poor conductors
of electricity. But on application of sufficient voltage across the two electrodes, these ionized gases
produce electromagnetic radiation. In the process of producing light by gaseous conduction, the most
commonly used elements are neon, sodium, and mercury. The wavelength of the electromagnetic
radiation depends upon the nature of gas and the gaseous pressure used inside the lamp. A simple
discharge lamp is shown in Fig. 7.6.
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When the potential between the two electrodes is equals to ionizing potential, gas or metal vapor
starts ionizing and an arc is established between the two electrodes. Volt–ampere characteristics of the
arc is negative, i.e., gaseous discharge lamp possess a negative resistance characteristics. A choke or
ballast is provided to limit high currents to a safe value. Here, the choke serves two functions.
o It provides ignition voltage initially.
o Limits high currents.
The use of choke will reduce the power factor (0.3–0.4) of all the gaseous lamps so that all the
discharge lamps should be provided with a condenser to improve the power factor. The nature of the
gas and vapor used in the lamp will affect the color affected of light.
Types of discharge lamps
Generally used discharge lamps are of two types. They are:
1. The lamps that emit light of the color produced by discharge takes place through the gas or vapor
present in the discharge tube such as neon gas, sodium vapor, mercury vapor, etc.
Ex: Neon gas, sodium vapor lamp, and mercury vapor lamp.
2. The lamp that emits light of color depends upon the type of phosphor material coated inside the
walls of the discharge tube. Initially, the discharge takes place through the vapor produces UV
radiation, thenthe invisible UV rays absorbed by the phosphors and radiates light energy falls in the
visible region. This UV light causes fluorescence in certain phosphor materials, such lamps are
known as fluorescent lamps.
Ex: Fluorescent mercury vapor tube.
In general, the gaseous discharge lamps are superior to the tungsten filament lamps.
The discharge lamps suffer from the following drawbacks.
1. The starting of the discharge lamps requires starters and transformers; therefore, the lamp circuitry is
2. High initial cost.
3. Poor power factor; therefore, the lamps make use of the capacitor.
4. Time required to give its full output brilliancy is more.
5. These lamps must be placed in particular position.
6. These lamps require stabilizing choke to limit current since the lamps have negative resistance
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Fig. Neon lamps
If the helium gas is used instead of neon, pinkish white light is obtained. These lamps are used as
night lamps and as indicator lamps and used for the determination of the polarity of DC mains and for
advertising purpose.
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This sodium vapor lamp is low luminosity lamp, so that the length of the lamp should be more. In
order to get the desired length, it is made in the form of a U-shaped tube. This longU- tube consists of a
small amount of neon gas and metallic sodium. At the time of start, the neon gas vaporizes and
develops sufficient heat to vaporize metallic sodium in the U-shaped tube.
Initially, the sodium is in the form of a solid, deposited on the walls of inner tube. When sufficient
voltage is impressed across the electrodes, the discharge starts in the inert gas, i.e., neon; it operates as a
low-pressure neon lamp with pink color. The temperature of the lamp increases gradually and the
metallic sodium vaporizes and then ionizes thereby producing the monochromatic yellow light. This
lamp takes 10–15 min to give its full light output. The yellowish output of the lamp makes the object
appears gray.
In order to start the lamp, 380 – 450 V of striking voltage required for 40- and 100-W lamps. These
voltages can be obtained from a high reactance transformer or an auto transformer. The operating
power factor of the lamp is very poor, so that a capacitor is placed to improve the power factor to above
0.8. More care should be taken while replacing the inner tube, if it is broken, then sodium comes in
contact with the moisture; therefore, fire will result. The lamp must be operated horizontally or nearly
so, to spread out the sodium well along the tube.
The efficiency of sodium vapor lamp is lies between 40 and 50 lumens/W. Normally, these lamps are
manufactured in 45-, 60-, 85- and 140-W ratings. The normal operating temperatures of these lamps are
300°C. In general, the average life of the sodium vapor lamp is 3,000 hr and such bulbs are not affected
by voltage variations.
MA type lamp
It is a high-pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp that is similar to the construction of sodium vapor
lamp. The construction of MA type lamp is shown in Fig. 7.9
MA type lamp consists of a long discharge tube in ‘U’ shape and is made up of hard glass or quartz.
This discharge tube is enclosed in an outer tube of ordinary glass. To prevent the heat loss from the
inner bulb, by convection, the gap between the two tubes is completely evacuated. The inner tube
contains two main electrodes and an auxiliary starting electrode, which is connected through a high
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resistance of about 50 kΩ. It also contains a small quantity of argon gas and mercury. The two main
electrodes are tungsten coils coated with electron emitting material (such as thorium metal).
Initially, the tube is cold and hence the mercury is in condensed form. Initially, when supply is given to
the lamp, argon gas present between the main and the auxiliary electrodes gets ionized, and an arc is
established, and then discharge takes place through argon for few minutes between the main and the
auxiliary electrodes. As a result, discharge takes place through argon for few minutes in between the
main and the auxiliary electrodes. The discharge can be controlled by using high resistance that is
inserted in-series with the auxiliary electrode. After few minutes, the argon gas, as a whole, gets ionized
between the two main electrodes. Hence, the discharge shifts from the auxiliary electrode to the two
main electrodes. During the discharge process, heat is produced and this heat is sufficient to vaporize
the mercury. As a result, the pressure inside the discharge tube becomes high and the voltage drop
across the two main electrodes will increases from 20 to 150 V. After 5–7 min, the lamp starts and
gives its full output.
If the supply is interrupted, the lamp must cool down and the vapor pressure be reduced before it will
start. It takes approximately 3 – 4 min. The operating temperature of the inner discharge tube is about
600°C. The efficiency of this type of lamp is 30–40 lumens/W. These lamps are manufactured in 250
and 400 W ratings for use on 200–250 V on AC supply.
Generally, the MA type lamps are used for general industrial lighting, ports, shopping centers,
railway yards, etc.
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MAT type lamp
This is another type of mercury vapor lamp that is manufactured in 300 and 500 W rating for use on AC
as well as DC supplies. The construction of the MAT type lamp is similar to the MA type lamp except
the outer tube being empty; it consists of tungsten filament so that at the time of starting, it works as a
tungsten filament lamp. Here, the filament itself acts as a choke or ballast to limit the high currents to
safer value.
When the supply is switched on, it works as a tungsten filament lamp, its full output is given by the
outer tube. At this time, the temperature of the inner discharge tube increases gradually, the argon gas
present in it starts ionizing in the discharge tube at any particular temperature is attained then thermal
switch gets opened, and the part of the filament is detached and voltage across the discharge tube
increases. Now, the discharge takes place through the mercury vapor. Useful color effect can be
obtained by this lamp. This is because of the combination of light emitted form the filament and blue
radiations from the discharge tube. In this type of lamp, capacitor is not required since the overall
power factor of the lamp is 0.95; this is because the filament itself acts as resistance. Fig. 7.10 shows
the construction of MAT type lamp.
MB type lamp
34 | P a g e
Fig. MB type lamp
The MB type lamp is also similar to the MA type lamp. The inner discharge tube for the MB type
lamp is about 5 -cm long and is made up of quartz material. It has three electrodes; two main and one
auxiliary electrodes. There are three electrodes present in the MB type lamp, namely two main
electrodes and one auxiliary electrode. Relatively, very high pressure is maintained inside the discharge
tube and it is about 5–10 times greater than atmospheric pressure. The outer tube is made with pearl
glass material so as to withstand high temperatures. We can use these tubes in any position, because
they are made up of special glass material.
The working principle of the MB type lamp is similar to the MA type lamp. These lamps are
manufactured in 300 and 500 W rating for use in AC as well as DC supplies. An MB type lamp consists
a bayonet cap with three pins, so it may not be used in an ordinary sense. A choke coil and a capacitor
are necessary for working with these types of lamps.
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Fluorescent lamp is a hot cathode low-pressure mercury vapor lamp; the construction and working of
the fluorescent lamp are explained as follows.
It consists of a long horizontal tube, due to low pressure maintained inside of the bulb; it is made in the
form of a long tube.
The tube consists of two spiral tungsten electrode coated with electron emissive material and are
placed at the two edges of long tube. The tube contains small quantity of argon gas and certain amount
of mercury, at a pressure of 2.5 mm of mercury. The construction of fluorescent lamp is shown in Fig.
7.12. Normally, low-pressure mercury vapor lamps suffer from low efficiency and they produce an
objectionable colored light. Such drawback is overcome by coating the inside of the tube with
fluorescent powders. They are in the form of solids, which are usually knows as phosphors.
A glow starter switch contains small quantity of argon gas, having a small cathode glow lamp with
bimetallic strip is connected in series with the electrodes, which puts the electrodes directly across the
supply at the time of starting. A choke is connected in series that acts as ballast when the lamp is
running, and it provides a voltage impulse for starting. A capacitor of 4µF is connected across the
starter in order to improve the power factor.
At the time of starting, when both the lamp and the glow starters are cold, the mercury is in the form of
globules. When supply is switched on, the glow starter terminals are open circuited and full supply
voltage appeared across these terminals, due to low resistance of electrodes and choke coil. The small
quantity of argon gas gets ionized, which establishes an arc with a starting glow. This glow warms up
the bimetallic strip thus glow starts gets short circuited. Hence, the two electrodes come in series and
are connected across the supply voltage. Now, the two electrodes get heated and start emitting electrons
due to the flow of current through them. These electrons collide with the argon atoms present in the
long tube discharge that takes place through the argon gas. So, in the beginning, the lamp starts
conduction with argon gas as the temperature increases, the mercury changes into vapor form and takes
over the conduction of current.
In the mean time, the starter potential reaches to zero and the bimetallic strip gets cooling down. As a
result, the starter terminals will open. This results breaking of the series circuit. A very high voltage
around 1,000 V is induced, because of the sudden opening of starter terminals in the series circuit. But
in the long tube, electrons are already present; this induced voltage is quite sufficient to break down the
long gap. Thus, more number of electrons collide with argon and mercury vapor atoms. The excited
atom of mercury gives UV radiation, which will not fall in the visible region.
Meanwhile, these UV rays are made to strike phosphor material; it causes the re-emission of light of
different wavelengths producing illumination. The phenomenon of the emission is called as
36 | P a g e
Fig. Fluorescent lamp
This luminescence is classified into two ways. They are:
1. Fluorescence: In this case, the excitation presents for the excited periods only.
2. Phosphorescence: In this case, even after the exciting source is removed, the excitation will
In a lamp, the re-emission of light causes fluorescence, then such lamp is known asfluorescent lamp.
Depending upon the type of phosphor material used, we get light of different colors as given in
Table. .
Table Colors of light
Fig. Lead–lag circuit
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