US - Structure and Administration

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USA- Structure and

Unit III
Structure of U.S. Education
Early childhood education is followed by
primary school (called elementary school in
the United States),

middle school,

secondary school (called high school in the

United States),
Structure of U.S. Education
postsecondary (tertiary) education- Postsecondary
education includes non-degree programs that lead to
certificates and diplomas

s i x d e g re e l e v e l s : a s s o c i a t e, ba c h e l o r, f i r s t
professional, master, advanced intermediate, and
research doctorate.

The U.S. system offer postdoctorate research

programs. Adult and continuing education, plus
special education, cut across all educational levels.
School education
The age of entry to compulsory education in the U.S. varies,
according to the state, between 5 and 7 years of age, 6 being the
most common. The age at which compulsory schooling ends varies
between 16 and 18 years of age, the most common being 16.
School education
School years are referred to as "grades" in the United
States. The length of primary education varies from four
to seven years, i.e. grades 1-4, 1-7, etc
School education
There is no national structure, curriculum or governing law;
all laws and policies are set and enforced by the 50(52-DC
and Puerto Rico) state governments and the over 14,000
local school districts. All states and school districts have set
the secondary school graduation level as the completion of
12th grade, and the common name for the secondary
graduation qualification is the High School Diploma .
School education
Many US secondary school districts and private schools
allow students to participate in the Advanced Placement
(AP) programme of the College Board. This programme
allows qualified students to take college level introductory
courses in selected subjects taught by certified faculty.
Higher education

Higher education in the U.S. is also called postsecondary education,

but the latter term also refers to all formal education beyond
secondary school, whether higher education (defined as degree-
granting education) or not. Postsecondary vocational education and
training, which is non-degree but can produce some transferable
credits under certain circumstances.
Higher education
The U.S. higher education system is characterized by
accessibility, diversity, and autonomy and is known for both
its size and quality. The federal government has no
jurisdiction or authority over the recognition of educational
institutions, members of the academic professions,
programmes or curricula, or degrees or other qualifications
Higher education

Quality assurance is achieved via the system of voluntary

accreditation by specific accrediting agencies that are
recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and meet
the standards for membership in the Council for Higher
Education Accreditation (CHEA). Accreditation is a self-
regulating process of quality control engaged in by the U.S.
Stages of studies

Non-university level Education

Post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type)
This level includes (1) all institutions that only award
qualifications under the Bachelor's degree; (2) programmes
leading to awards under the Bachelor's degree offered at
institutions that also award higher degrees
Stages of studies

University level studies

University level first stage:Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree,
Advanced Certificate, First Professional Degree
University level second stage: Master's Degree, Post-Master's Degree/
Certificate, Diploma/Certificate, Degree of Education Specialists
University level third stage: Research Doctorate
Stages of studies

Teacher education
Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers
Training of secondary school teachers
Training of higher education teachers
Stages of studies

Teacher- requirements

•The completion of a teacher education program.

•Supervised teaching experience.
•The completion of basic writing and math skills tests
Stages of studies

Non-traditional studies
Distance higher education
Lifelong higher education
Higher education training in industry
Other forms of non-formal higher education
Training of higher education teachers

United States Department of Education
Role of governing body: The Executive Branch agency
responsible for federal education programmes of all types and
levels and headed by the Secretar y of Education, a
Presidential Cabinet appointment. The federal role in
education is strictly limited by the US Constitution and by
federal statutes. The Department of Education does not
function as a governing body but operates in cooperation
with state and local authorities.

Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges

Role of governing body: The AGB is a membership

organization of the governing boards of higher education
institutions, both public and private. It does not exercise
control over these boards, but rather represents their
interests and provides information and training materials.

Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)

Role of governing body: The ACCT functions as a

representational organization for members of governing
boards of public community colleges, state and local
community college systems.

Education Commission of the States (ECS)

Role of governing body: Coordinates State government

authorities in each State.

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)

Role of governing body: Coordinates State Boards of


National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education

and Certification (NASDTEC)
Role of governing body: NASDTEC coordinates and
represents the various state and territorial officials and offices
responsible for administering the laws and regulations
pertaining to the qualifications, licensure, and professional
performance of school teachers, administrators and other

United States Network for Education Information (USNEI)

Role of governing body: USNEI is the official US

information service on matters of student and professional
mobility, recognition of institutions and qualifications and
related issues.

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