Nickel - Zinc Batteries

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Journalof Power Sources, 51 (1994)37-44 37

Nickel/zinc batteries

James McBreen
Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 (USA)

(Received May 16, 1994; accepted June 10, 1994)


The nickel/zinc battery is very attractive for electric vehicle applications. Development is
slow because of problems related to the solubility of the zinc electrode discharge products
and the disparity in charging efficiencies between the nickel and zinc electrodes. Recent
advances in solving these problems are reviewed.


The nickel/zinc battery was first proposed in a Russian patent by Michaelowski

in 1901 [l]. The first serious attempt to develop a battery was the work of Drumm
in Ireland in the 1930s. In the late 1950s and early 196Os, there were several reports
on nickel/zinc battery development in the former USSR. In the late 196Os, there was
a resurgence of development efforts in the USA. The early work was privately funded.
After the oil embargo of 1973, infusion of government funds in the USA led to major
development programs on nickel/zinc batteries for electric vehicle applications. This
work lasted for about ten years. There was also a major development effort on electric
vehicle batteries at the General Motors Corporation. All of this work has been reviewed
extensively [2-l]. Since the early 197Os, there has been a continuous series of reports
in the Japanese patent literature on the development of small sealed nickel/zinc
batteries. Jindra [5] has reviewed developments on sealed cells, up until 1990. This
paper reviews recent progress and future prospects for the battery.

Operating principles

The cell
Overall cell reaction and thermodynamics
The overall reaction of the nickel/zinc cell is usually given as:
2NiOOH + Hz0 + Zn * 2Ni(OH)* + ZnO (1)
Sharma [6] has critically evaluated the thermodynamics of the cell reaction. He calculated
a standard free energy AGo of -80 694 cal at 298 K, a standard enthalpy change,
AH’, of -85 534 cal and a standard entropy change, AS’, of - 16.239 cal/deg. This
yields a thermoneutral voltage of 1.854 V, which is comparable to the value of 1.6 V

0 1994Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

SSDZ 0378-7753(94)01954-T

determined by Chen and Gibbard [7]. Under normal operating conditions, the battery
is essentially isothermal on charge. On discharge, however, entropy contribution accounts
for more than 40% of the heat generated in the cell. Sharma [6] has further calculated
that the maximum temperature rise in a 150 Ah cell discharged adiabatically at 50
A at an average voltage of 1.6 V is 97 “C. If entropy effects are neglected, the
calculated temperature rise is 62 “C.

General cell characteristics

In its simplest form, the nickel cell combines the positive electrode of the nickel/
cadmium battery with the negative electrode of the silver/zinc battery. Initial development
efforts in the former USSR and the USA were simply slight modifications of the
designs developed by Andre for the silver/zinc battery [8]. The design of the silver/
zinc battery was largely dictated by the requirements for suppressing the solubility of
AgzO and preventing the migration of argentous species to the zinc electrode. This
required the use of cellulosic separators and a 45% KOH electrolyte. The substitution
of the nickel electrode for the silver electrode permitted the use of microporous
separators and more dilute KOH electrolytes. Thus, electrolyte formulations that reduce
the solubility of ZnO could be used. This mitigates some of problems with the zinc
electrode, such as reducing the rate of zinc electrode shape change with cycling. Unlike
the silver/zinc cell, however, there is a significant disparity between the charging
efficiencies of the nickel and zinc electrodes. The zinc electrode is essentially 100%
efficient on charge, whereas the nickel electrode is only 90 to 95% efficient on charge.
Zinc electrodes typically contain three to four times the stoichiometric amount of
ZnO. Because of the differences in charging efficiencies, this reserve of ZnO is rapidly
consumed on cycling. So a vented cell rapidly becomes zinc limiting on charge, a
condition that can lead to zinc dendritic growth and cell shorting. The development
efforts on nickel/zinc batteries have focused on solving the problems due to the solubility
of ZnO in the electrolyte and the disparity in charging efficiencies between the nickel
and zinc electrodes. When cycling vented nickel/zinc cells, it is common practice to
regenerate periodically the ZnO by draining the cell to 0 V and then shorting the
terminals. In this way, the zinc completely discharges while hydrogen is evolved at
the nickel electrodes. A more satisfactory solution is to seal the cell and depend on
the oxygen recombination reaction to maintain a charge balance between the electrodes.
The requirement of microporous separators to prevent zinc shorting reduces the rate
of transport of oxygen to the negative electrode. In sealed zinc cells, there is always
the possibility of hydrogen evolution on the zinc electrode. The kinetics of hydrogen
recombination at the nickel electrode are slow. Several schemes using auxiliary electrodes
for hydrogen recombination have been proposed. These have recently been reviewed
The nickel/zinc battery has superior performance to both lead/acid and nickel/
iron batteries. Specific energies of 55 to 75 Wh kg-’ and a specific power in excess
of 200 W kg-’ have been demonstrated. The overall charge/discharge energy efficiency
is good (>70%). The battery has excellent low-temperature performance. Work by
Heitbrink et al. [9] has shown that a 150 Ah cell discharged at - 18 “C delivered 80%
of the energy available at 25 “C. This compares with only 50% for lead/acid batteries.
The main problem is limited cycle life. In compact lightweight designs, cycle lives of
500 to 600 cycles have been routinely demonstrated [lo]. The best cycle life obtained
on an electric-vehicle battery was 300 cycles on a bench test at General Motors.
Somewhat lower cycle life was found in actual vehicle tests [9].

The zinc electrode
The zinc electrode has been reviewed extensively [4, 111. Recent fundamental
work on the zinc electrode in alkaline electrolyte has focused on methods for reducing
the solubility of ZnO, the mechanisms of formation and decomposition of supersaturated
zincate electrolytes, the growth of mossy deposits on charge at low current densities,
and the effect of additives and pulsed charging on the morphology of the zinc electrode.

Electrodes of limited solubility

The equilibrium solubility of ZnO in KOH depends on the KOH concentration
and increases from 6 g 1-r in 10% KOH to 53 g 1-l in 30% KOH. One approach
to minimizing problems at the zinc electrode is to reformulate the electrode or electrolyte
composition so as to reduce the ZnO solubility. This can be done either by incorporating
Ca(OH)2 in the zinc electrodes or by use of electrolytes with minimal hydroxyl content
containing highly soluble salts such as phosphate, borate, carbonate or fluoride. The
benefits of these approaches have been reviewed by Bass et al. [12].
The most extensive work on the use of Ca(OH)2 was done by General Motors
[6,13-181. The addition of Ca(OH)2 reduces the solubility of ZnO through the formation
of calcium zincate (CaZn,(OH),.2Hz0). A key finding of this work was that there is
no suppression of the ZnO solubility at concentrations above 34% KOH. Also the
kinetics of calcium zincate formation is very slow at concentrations above 25% KOH.
The use of Ca(OH)2 is effective only if a rigorous set of conditions are followed. The
important aspects in applying this approach are the use 20% KOH, elimination of
carbonate contamination of the electrolyte, and the use of microporous separators.
The latter was first pointed out by Van der Grinten [19]; the microporous separator
may prevent increases KOH concentration in the zinc electrode due to electroosmotic
effects. Reduction of the zincate solubility increases the tendency for the zinc to
passivate during discharge. The addition of a lead additive mitigates the problem.
Another key ingredient is the incorporation of a wicking material such as cellulosic
fibres in the electrode [20]. As in any zinc cell, careful attention has to be paid to
stacking tolerances in the cell pack.
Cairns and co-workers [21] have performed extensive work on electrolytes with
low zincate solubility. The best results were obtained with an electrolyte of the
composition 3.2 M KOH+ 1.8 M KF+ 1.8 M K2C03. Eisenberg [22, 231 has developed
a series of mixed electrolytes for reducing the zincate solubility. A typical electrolyte
composition is 3 M KOH + 3 M K3P04 [23].

Supersaturated zincate electrobtes

When a zinc electrode is discharged in an alkaline electrolyte supersaturated
zincate electrolytes can be formed. The zincate solubility can be as much as three
times the equilibrium solubility. These solutions, however, are not supersaturated in
the ordinary sense of the term. Neither seeding or shock causes precipitation of ZnO.
Instead, the ZnO is precipitated slowly in a manner resembling a decomposition
reaction. The presence of Lif, SiOz2- or sorbitol retards the process. Depending on
the conditions, it can take anything from hundreds-of-hours to a year to reach the
equilibrium solubility. Developers, such as Sorapec Corporation in France [24], have
taken advantage of this and have developed nickel/zinc batteries with the discharged
products completely dissolved in the electrolyte. The most systematic study of the
decomposition kinetics of supersaturated zincate solutions has been conducted by
Debiemme-Chouvy and Vedel [25]. They found that the decomposition kinetics of the

supersaturated solution was autocatalytic, in that the precipitated ZnO accelerated

the precipitation reaction. It was also shown that adsorption of silicate on the ZnO
inhibited the precipitation reaction. Kinetic measurements indicated that the kinetics
for the precipitation reaction had a second order relationship with respect to the
zincate concentration. Thus, it was proposed that the supersaturated species are bridged
zincate dimers.

Mossy zinc deposits

Zinc deposition from alkaline zincate electrolytes is unusual in that finely-divided
spongy or mossy deposits are formed at low current densities [26]. In the case of
other metals, finely-divided deposits are only formed at very high current densities
[27]. Three types of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the anomalies in zinc
deposition. These are: (i) zinc deposition through surface oxide films [28-301; (ii)
instabilities due to multiple steady states caused by autocatalytic processes [31, 321,
and (iii) stabilization of dendrites and superlattices by co-deposition of adsorbates
such as hydrogen [33].
Deposition of mossy non-adherent deposits is undesirable in free-electrolyte systems
such as those developed by Sorapec. The formation of mossy deposits can be prevented
by pulsed charging [24,34-361. A combination of a pulsed-charging regime in combination
with a Pb2+ additive is particularly effective [24].

The nickel electrode

The characteristics of the nickel electrode have been reviewed recently [371. Early
attempts to develop low-cost, non-sintered electrodes have been abandoned because
of electrode swelling and decreases in high-rate capabilities on cycling [38]. A more
recent approach is to incorporate the Ni(OH)* into nickel-fiber mats, mats of nickel-
plated carbon, or foams. Ferrando [39] has described a process for doing this called
the ‘suspension impregnation method’. This has been used successfully in electrodes
for nickel/zinc batteries [40].

Effect of zinc on the nickel electrode

In the past, there have been questions as to what is the effect of zinc species
on the nickel electrode. Early work has been reviewed by McBreen 1371. At one time,
zincate was considered to be a poison for the nickel electrode. More recent work,
however, has shown that zinc is actually a beneficial additive for the nickel electrode,
particularly when used in combination with a cobalt additive [41-43]. There are several
recent claims in the Japanese patent literature on combinations of cobalt and zinc as
an additive for the nickel electrode [44-46]. This combination of additives suppresses
the formation of y-NiOOH during battery overcharge 1431. In normal battery operation,
large quantities of zinc material are incorporated in the pores of the nickel electrode.
This can decrease the capacity of the electrode. The mechanism appears to be pore
plugging by ZnO or Zn(OH)z rather than a chemical poisoning effect.

The separator
The separator is a very important element in determining cell performance and
life. Its effects have been reviewed recently 1121. Lundquist [47] has pointed out that
the cycle life of nickel/zinc cells varies inversely with the separator-electrolyte resistivity
and/or porosity.

Current status

There has been no major development effort in nickel/zinc batteries in the USA
since the early 198Os, when the program at General Motors was terminated. There
have been two small development efforts, one at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
[21] and the other at Electrochimica Corporation [40]. Both developers used electrolytes
with limited zincate solubility. Sorapec Corporation in France, has had a development
effort on cells for electric-vehicle batteries using a system based on soluble zincate
in a large excess of electrolyte [24]. There have been several efforts in Japan on the
development of small, cylindrical, sealed nickel/zinc cells. This work has been reviewed
by Jindra [5]. In Japan, Yuasa apparently marketed small (< 10 Ah) sealed cells [48].
More recently, Yuasa has reported on the development of a sealed nickel/zinc battery
for powering electric lawn-mowers [49]. They claim it contains mercury-free zinc
electrodes and weighs only 60% of a corresponding lead/acid battery.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Work at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has included work with both calcium
zincate electrodes [SO] and electrolytes with limited solubility for zincate [21, 511. The
best results were obtained in the cells with ternary electrolytes. Several mixed electrolytes
were evaluated both in sealed and vented 1.35 Ah cells. Table 1 shows a comparison
for results obtained in sealed cells with a conventional electrolyte (6.8 M KOH+0.6
M LiOH) and a ternary electrolyte (3.2 M KOH+ 1.8 M KF-tl.8 M K&O,) with
low zincate solubility. The cell with the ternary electrolyte exhibited no dendritic shorts
after 575 cycles at 100% depth-of-discharge.

Electrochimica Corporation
Reisner and Eisenberg [40] have reported on the use of various buffered electrolytes
in nickel/zinc cells. The electrolyte compositions are described in two patents [22, 231.
Cycle lives of 600 cycles were achieved in 225 Ah vented cells cycled to 80% depth-
of-discharge, whereas cells with conventional KOH electrolyte gave cycle lives of about
100 cycles. The 225 Ah cells were reconditioned about three times during cycling.
Eisenberg [40, 52, 531 also reported on the development of several smaller sealed
cells (2 to 12 Ah) using these electrolytes. He claimed specific energies of 56 Wh
kg-’ and energy densities of 123 Wh 1-l. The cells had nickel electrodes prepared
by the suspension impregnation of Ni(OH)* into nickel foams or sintered nickel-plated
carbon fibers [40, 521.

Comparison of performance of 1.35 Ah sealed nickel/zinc cells with a conventional KOH electrolyte
(6.8 M KOH+0.6 M LiOH) and with an electrolyte with low zincate solubility (3.2 M KOH+ 1.8
M KF+ 1.8 M K&O,)

Parameter Electrolyte

Conventional Low solubility

Cycles ( > 80% capacity) 60 380

Cycles ( > 60% capacity) 190 575

Sorapec Corporation
Bronoel et al. [24] have given an extensive report on the development of nickel/
zinc cells at Sorapec. Their system was based on a large excess of 8 M KOH electrolyte
with a 2% sodium silicate additive to stabilize supersaturated zincate solutions (200
g Zn 1-r). The zinc morphology was controlled by a Pb2+ additive and a pulsed-
charging regime consisting of a charging pulse of 5 mA cm-* for 2.75 s, followed by
a discharge pulse of 5 mA cm-* for 0.15 s with no open-circuit time between pulses.
The cells were designed carefully to ensure good primary current distribution. Cells
of 60 Ah capacity were built. These had a specific energy of 57 Wh kg-’ and cycle
lives in excess of 1000 cycles. No report was given on how these cells performed on
shallow cycling or whether reconditioning cycles were needed. They reported that the
next step was scale-up to 140 Ah cells, where they expected specific energies of 70
Wh kg-‘.

Technical challenges

The technical problems are still related to zinc electrode shape change and the
disparity in charging efficiency between the positive and negative electrodes. The latter
can be overcome by sealed cell operation. This is more of a challenge in large cells.
The nickel/zinc couple offers considerable leeway in the choice of electrolyte, separator
and charging method that may be used. The proper choice of these together with
combinations of additives may yield batteries with adequate cycle life. The disparity
in charging efficiencies is a major challenge. Nevertheless, unlike many non-aqueous
batteries, there is an obvious chemical route, via the oxygen cycle, for solving the

Commercial impact

It now appears that production of nickel/cadmium batteries will eventually be

phased out because of environmental problems. At present, the trend is to replace
them with nickel/metal-hydride batteries in medium-rate applications (C/4 to C rate).
An advantage of this approach is that the separator and the manufacturing processes
are identical to those for nickel/cadmium. Metal-hydride batteries have specific energies
that are similar to nickel/zinc. The active materials for nickel/zinc have lower cost,
but this is not important in small battery sizes, so it is doubtful if nickel/zinc batteries
could soon capture this market. In applications requiring limited power and cycle life,
at modest cost, it is likely that rechargeable zinc/manganese dioxide batteries will also
be a strong contender. If the technical problems can be overcome, nickel/zinc batteries
could replace nickel/cadmium batteries in high-power applications (C rate and higher).
Another application could be electric lawn-mowers. Pollution control laws may well
outlaw gasoline-powered mowers. Nickel/zinc batteries have been proposed for engine-
cranking in cold climates, but thin-film lead/acid batteries are a competing technology.
Recent reports indicate excellent performance of nickel/metal-hydride batteries in
electric vehicles. In large electric-vehicle batteries, nickel/zinc would have a substantial
economic advantage over nickel/metal hydride. In vehicular applications, nickel/zinc
offers excellent specific energy, high power, good efficiency and excellent low-temperature


1 T. Michaelowski, Russian Patent, Group XL No. 5100 (Apr. 28, 1901).

2 J. McBreen, in B.D. McNicoI and D.A.J. Rand (eds.), Power Sources for Electric Vehicles,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 541-572.
3 J. McBreen, J. Electroanal. Chem., 168 (1984) 415.
4 F.R. McLamon and E.J. Cairns, J. Electrochem. Sot., 138 (1991) 645.
5 J. Jindra, J. Power Sources, 37 (1992) 297.
6 R.A. Sharma, in D.A. Corrigan and A.H. Zimmerman (eds.), Proc. Symp. Nickel Hydroxide
Electrodes, Hollywood, FL, USA, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, USA, 1990,
pp. 403-425.
7 CC. Chen and H.F. Gibbard, Ext. Abstr., Proc. Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, CA,
USA, 1979, Proc. Vol. 79-2, pp. 432-434, Abstr. No. 165.
8 A. Himy, Silver Zinc Battery, Vantage, New York, 1986.
9 E.H. Heitbrink, R.W. Boak and L.P. Atkins, Congress and Exposition, Society of Automotive
Engineers, Detroit, MZ, USA, Feb. 28-Mar. 4,1983, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale,
PA, USA, 1983, SAE Paper No. 830 110.
10 E.J. Cairns and F.R. McLamon, in A.R. Landgrebe and Z.I. Takehara (eds.), Proc. Symp.
Batteries and Fuel Cells for Stationary and Electric Vehicle Applications, Honolulu, HI, USA,
The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, USA, 1993, pp. l-11.
11 J. McBreen and E.J. Cairns, in H. Gerischer and C.W. Tobias (eds.), Advances in Electro-
chemistry and Electrochemical Engineering, Wiley, New York, 1978, pp. 273-351.
12 K. Bass, P.J. Mitchell, G.D. Wilcox and J. Smith, J. Power Sources, 35 (1991) 333.
13 R.A. Sharma, J. Electrochem. Sot., 133 (1986) 2215.
14 E.G. Gagnon, J. Electrochem. Sot., I33 (1986) 1989.
15 E.G. Gagnon and Y.M. Wang, J. Electrochem. Sot., 134 (1987) 2091.
16 R.A. Sharma, J. Electrochem. Sot., 135 (1988) 1875.
17 E.G. Gagnon, J. Electrochem. Sot., 138 (1991) 3173.
18 E.G. Gagnon and B.S. Hill, J. Electrochem. Sot., 137 (1990) 3173.
19 W.V. Van der Grinten, fit. Abstr., Proc. Symp. Electrochemical Society Chicago, IL, USA,
The Electrochemical Society, Princeton, NJ, USA, 1967, Abstr. No. 38.
20 R.A. Jones, US Patent No. 4358517 (1982).
21 T.C. Adler, F.R. McLarnon and E.J. Cairns, J. Electrochem. Sot., I40 (1993) 289.
22 M. Eisenberg, US Patent No. 4 224 391 (1980).
23 M. Eisenberg, US Patent No. 5 215 836 (1993)
24 G. Bronoel, A. Millot and N. Tassin, J. Power Sources, 34 (1991) 243.
25 C. Debiemme-Chouvy and J. Vedel, J. Electrochem. Sot., 138 (1991) 2538.
26 S. Arouete, K.F. Blurton and H.G. Oswin, J. Electrochem. Sot., I16 (1969) 166.
27 N. Ibl, in P. Delahay and C.W. Tobias (eds.), Advances in Electrochemktty and Electrochemical
Engineering Vol. 2, Wiley, New York, 1962, p. 49.
28 C. Cachet, S. SaIdani and R. Wiart, Electrochim Acta, 33 (1988) 405.
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30 C. Cachet, S. SaIdani and R. Wiart, J. Electrochem. Sot., 138 (1991) 678.
31 I. Epelboin, M. Ksouri, E. Lejay and R. Wiart, J. Electrochem. Sot., 122 (1975) 1206.
32 M.G. Lee and J. Jorne, J. Electrochem. Sot., 139 (1992) 2841.
33 D.G. Grier, K. Allen, R.S. Goldman, L.M. Sander and R. Clarke, Phys. Rev. Lett., 65 (1990)
34 J. McBreen, E. Gannon, D.T. Chin and R. Sethi, J. Electrochem. Sot., 130 (1983) 1641.
35 L. Binder and K. Kordesch, Electrochim. Acta, 31 (1986) 255.
36 Y.P. Lin and J.R. Selman, J. Electrochem. Sot., 138 (1991) 3525.
37 J. McBreen, in R.E. White, J. O’M. Bockris and B.E. Conway (eds.), Modem Aspects of
Electrochemistry, Vol. 21, Plenum, New York, 1990, pp. 2964.
38 D.A. Corrigan, J. Power Sources, 22 (1987) 33.
39 W.A. Ferrando, J. Electrochem. Sot., 132 (1985) 2417.
40 D. Reisner and M. Eisenberg, Proc. 33rd Int. Power Sources Symp., The Electrochemical
Society, Pennington, NJ, USA, 1988, pp. 489-493.

41 M.E. Unates, M.E. Folquer, J.R. Vilcbe and A.J. Arvia, J. Electrochem. Sot., 139 (1992)
42 I. KrejCi and P. Vanjrsek, J. Power Sources, 47 (1994) 79.
43 N. Furakawa, in B.M. Bamett, E. Dowgiallo, G. Halpert and Y. Matsuda (eds.), Proc. Symp.
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44 S. Mukai, M. Watada and M. Osbitani (Yuasa Battery Co.), Jpn. Patent No. 05217580
45 T. Akutzu, H. Hiromatsu, M. Ikoma, H. Kaiya and S. Tsuda (Matsushita Electric Industrial
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46 H. Hatsurtori, H. Kido, 0. Isbida and T. Nagai (Hitachi Maxell Ltd.), Jpn. Patent No.
04 337246 (1992).
47 J.T. Lundquist, Jr., J. Membrane Sci., 13 (1983) 337.
48 K. Fujii, H. Yufu and C. Kawamura, Yuasa Jiho, 65 (1988) 1.
49 H. Nakogawa, K. Fujii and M. Yamane, Yuasa Jiho, 72 (1992) 13.
50 R. Jain, T.C. Adler, F.R. McLamon and E.J. Cairns, J. Appl. Electrochem., 22 (1992) 1039.
51 T.C. Adler, F.R. McLarnon and E.J. Cairns, US Patent No. 5 302 475 (1994).
52 M. Eisenberg, Proc. 34th Int. Power Sources Symp., Institute of Electric and Electronic
Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1990, p. 232.
53 M. Eisenberg, Proc. 35th Znt. Power Sources Symp., Institute of Electric and Electronic
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