Nickel - Zinc Batteries
Nickel - Zinc Batteries
Nickel - Zinc Batteries
Nickel/zinc batteries
James McBreen
Department of Applied Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 (USA)
The nickel/zinc battery is very attractive for electric vehicle applications. Development is
slow because of problems related to the solubility of the zinc electrode discharge products
and the disparity in charging efficiencies between the nickel and zinc electrodes. Recent
advances in solving these problems are reviewed.
Operating principles
The cell
Overall cell reaction and thermodynamics
The overall reaction of the nickel/zinc cell is usually given as:
2NiOOH + Hz0 + Zn * 2Ni(OH)* + ZnO (1)
Sharma [6] has critically evaluated the thermodynamics of the cell reaction. He calculated
a standard free energy AGo of -80 694 cal at 298 K, a standard enthalpy change,
AH’, of -85 534 cal and a standard entropy change, AS’, of - 16.239 cal/deg. This
yields a thermoneutral voltage of 1.854 V, which is comparable to the value of 1.6 V
determined by Chen and Gibbard [7]. Under normal operating conditions, the battery
is essentially isothermal on charge. On discharge, however, entropy contribution accounts
for more than 40% of the heat generated in the cell. Sharma [6] has further calculated
that the maximum temperature rise in a 150 Ah cell discharged adiabatically at 50
A at an average voltage of 1.6 V is 97 “C. If entropy effects are neglected, the
calculated temperature rise is 62 “C.
The zinc electrode
The zinc electrode has been reviewed extensively [4, 111. Recent fundamental
work on the zinc electrode in alkaline electrolyte has focused on methods for reducing
the solubility of ZnO, the mechanisms of formation and decomposition of supersaturated
zincate electrolytes, the growth of mossy deposits on charge at low current densities,
and the effect of additives and pulsed charging on the morphology of the zinc electrode.
The separator
The separator is a very important element in determining cell performance and
life. Its effects have been reviewed recently 1121. Lundquist [47] has pointed out that
the cycle life of nickel/zinc cells varies inversely with the separator-electrolyte resistivity
and/or porosity.
Current status
There has been no major development effort in nickel/zinc batteries in the USA
since the early 198Os, when the program at General Motors was terminated. There
have been two small development efforts, one at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
[21] and the other at Electrochimica Corporation [40]. Both developers used electrolytes
with limited zincate solubility. Sorapec Corporation in France, has had a development
effort on cells for electric-vehicle batteries using a system based on soluble zincate
in a large excess of electrolyte [24]. There have been several efforts in Japan on the
development of small, cylindrical, sealed nickel/zinc cells. This work has been reviewed
by Jindra [5]. In Japan, Yuasa apparently marketed small (< 10 Ah) sealed cells [48].
More recently, Yuasa has reported on the development of a sealed nickel/zinc battery
for powering electric lawn-mowers [49]. They claim it contains mercury-free zinc
electrodes and weighs only 60% of a corresponding lead/acid battery.
Electrochimica Corporation
Reisner and Eisenberg [40] have reported on the use of various buffered electrolytes
in nickel/zinc cells. The electrolyte compositions are described in two patents [22, 231.
Cycle lives of 600 cycles were achieved in 225 Ah vented cells cycled to 80% depth-
of-discharge, whereas cells with conventional KOH electrolyte gave cycle lives of about
100 cycles. The 225 Ah cells were reconditioned about three times during cycling.
Eisenberg [40, 52, 531 also reported on the development of several smaller sealed
cells (2 to 12 Ah) using these electrolytes. He claimed specific energies of 56 Wh
kg-’ and energy densities of 123 Wh 1-l. The cells had nickel electrodes prepared
by the suspension impregnation of Ni(OH)* into nickel foams or sintered nickel-plated
carbon fibers [40, 521.
Comparison of performance of 1.35 Ah sealed nickel/zinc cells with a conventional KOH electrolyte
(6.8 M KOH+0.6 M LiOH) and with an electrolyte with low zincate solubility (3.2 M KOH+ 1.8
M KF+ 1.8 M K&O,)
Parameter Electrolyte
Sorapec Corporation
Bronoel et al. [24] have given an extensive report on the development of nickel/
zinc cells at Sorapec. Their system was based on a large excess of 8 M KOH electrolyte
with a 2% sodium silicate additive to stabilize supersaturated zincate solutions (200
g Zn 1-r). The zinc morphology was controlled by a Pb2+ additive and a pulsed-
charging regime consisting of a charging pulse of 5 mA cm-* for 2.75 s, followed by
a discharge pulse of 5 mA cm-* for 0.15 s with no open-circuit time between pulses.
The cells were designed carefully to ensure good primary current distribution. Cells
of 60 Ah capacity were built. These had a specific energy of 57 Wh kg-’ and cycle
lives in excess of 1000 cycles. No report was given on how these cells performed on
shallow cycling or whether reconditioning cycles were needed. They reported that the
next step was scale-up to 140 Ah cells, where they expected specific energies of 70
Wh kg-‘.
Technical challenges
The technical problems are still related to zinc electrode shape change and the
disparity in charging efficiency between the positive and negative electrodes. The latter
can be overcome by sealed cell operation. This is more of a challenge in large cells.
The nickel/zinc couple offers considerable leeway in the choice of electrolyte, separator
and charging method that may be used. The proper choice of these together with
combinations of additives may yield batteries with adequate cycle life. The disparity
in charging efficiencies is a major challenge. Nevertheless, unlike many non-aqueous
batteries, there is an obvious chemical route, via the oxygen cycle, for solving the
Commercial impact
41 M.E. Unates, M.E. Folquer, J.R. Vilcbe and A.J. Arvia, J. Electrochem. Sot., 139 (1992)
42 I. KrejCi and P. Vanjrsek, J. Power Sources, 47 (1994) 79.
43 N. Furakawa, in B.M. Bamett, E. Dowgiallo, G. Halpert and Y. Matsuda (eds.), Proc. Symp.
New Sealed Batteries and Supercapaciton, The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ, USA,
1993, pp. 122-133.
44 S. Mukai, M. Watada and M. Osbitani (Yuasa Battery Co.), Jpn. Patent No. 05217580
45 T. Akutzu, H. Hiromatsu, M. Ikoma, H. Kaiya and S. Tsuda (Matsushita Electric Industrial
Co.), Jpn. Patent No. 05 028 992 (1993)
46 H. Hatsurtori, H. Kido, 0. Isbida and T. Nagai (Hitachi Maxell Ltd.), Jpn. Patent No.
04 337246 (1992).
47 J.T. Lundquist, Jr., J. Membrane Sci., 13 (1983) 337.
48 K. Fujii, H. Yufu and C. Kawamura, Yuasa Jiho, 65 (1988) 1.
49 H. Nakogawa, K. Fujii and M. Yamane, Yuasa Jiho, 72 (1992) 13.
50 R. Jain, T.C. Adler, F.R. McLamon and E.J. Cairns, J. Appl. Electrochem., 22 (1992) 1039.
51 T.C. Adler, F.R. McLarnon and E.J. Cairns, US Patent No. 5 302 475 (1994).
52 M. Eisenberg, Proc. 34th Int. Power Sources Symp., Institute of Electric and Electronic
Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1990, p. 232.
53 M. Eisenberg, Proc. 35th Znt. Power Sources Symp., Institute of Electric and Electronic
Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 1992, p. 93.