On Graph Energies of Chakras
On Graph Energies of Chakras
On Graph Energies of Chakras
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Index Terms: Graph energy, Laplacian energy, Signless Laplacian energy, Randic energy.
Let G(p,q) be a simple, undirected, connected graph without loops. Details about graphs can be found in [3]. The
graphs considered in this paper are graphs of six chakras. In this paper we initiate the study of energies of these graphs by
considering adjacency matrices, Laplacian matrices, signless Laplacian matrices, Randic matrices. The origin of graph
energy is Huckel molecular orbital theory which gave a path to find 𝜋- electron energies approximately in conjugated
hydrocarbon molecules [7]. In 1956 Gunthard and Primas observed that the first degree polynomial obtained in Huckel
method is the characteristic polynomial of adjacency matrix of a graph related to the molecule being studied [4]. The total
𝜋- electron energy of a molecule can be defined as the sum of absolute eigen values of that graph. Gutman in 1978
introduced the energy of general simple graph [5]. Gutman, Klobucar and Majstorovac [6] observed that though Chemists
were aware of graph theory concepts they considered the graphs that arise from molecular bonds only.
According to the Indian treasure, the Vedas , theYoga Shastra and Ayurveda there are five sheaths or pancha kosha of human
being .They are Annamay kosh, Pranamay kosh, Manomay kosh, Vignanamay kosh and Anandmay kosh. Yogic literature
mentions that in Pranamay kosha there are seven major energy centers called Chakras which are interconnected with 72000
nadis . Nadis carry pranic currents which are not visible to naked eye. A key function of the chakra vortices is to absorb the
required vibrations and expel toxins and negative vibrations. Each chakra acts like transponder. The seven major Chakras account
for the seven endocrine glands. Each chakra colour represents a band of frequencies that form Human Aura as a spectrum .Details
of Aura (Human energy spectrum) can be found in [16].
The phrases of the TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD ,
“Saya eshonthara hridayaakasaha tasminnayam Purusho manomayaha amrito hiranmayaha
Antarenataluke eshastana ivavalambate Sandrayonihi yatrasoukesante vivartate
Vyakohyaseerishakapale bhorityagnou pratitistati” mentions about Sahasrara Chakra. We have not considered graph of
Sahasrara chakra in this paper.
Figure 1.2.1
Brow Ajna Pituitary Indigo
Figure 1.2.2
Throat Vishuddi Thyroid Blue
Figure 1.2.3
Heart Anahata Thymus Green
Figure 1.2.4
Solar Manipura Adrenals Yellow
Figure 1.2.5
Navel Svadisthana Pancreas Orange
Figure 1.2.6
Base Muladhara Gonads Red
Range of Wave lengths of visible light colors from violet to red is from 380 – 740 nm, frequencies 430 – 770 THz and energies is
1.8 ev – 3.1 ev. More details about Chakras can be found in [16].
Energy of a graph [7],[8],[9],[10]: Let𝜆1 , 𝜆2 , 𝜆3 , … … . 𝜆𝑛 be the eigen values of A(G) . Then the energy of a graph is defined as
𝐸(𝐺) = ∑|𝜆𝑖 |
Signless Laplacian energy of a graph [1],[2],[13]: Let 𝜆1 , 𝜆2 , 𝜆3 , … … . 𝜆𝑛 be the eigen values of L+(G). Then the Signless
Laplacian energy of a graph is defined as
+ (𝐺)
𝐿𝐸 = ∑ |𝜆𝑖 − |
𝑅𝐸(𝐺) = ∑|𝜆𝑖 |
Graph 3.1
40 Adjacency energy
30 Laplacian energy
0 10 20 30 40
(i) The energies are directly proportional to number of nodes of the graphs.
(ii) These graphs are neither Hyperenergetic [6] nor Hypoenergetic [6],[15].
(iii) For Anahata Chakra 𝐿𝐸(𝐺) > 𝐿𝐸 + (𝐺)and for all other Chakras 𝐿𝐸(𝐺) < 𝐿𝐸 + (𝐺).
(iv) For Muladhara, svadisthana, Manipura Chakras RE(G) < E(G) < LE(G) < 𝐿𝐸 + (𝐺)
(v) For Visuddi, AgnaChakras RE(G) < LE(G) < E(G) < 𝐿𝐸 + (𝐺)
(vi) For AnahataChakra RE(G) < E(G) < 𝐿𝐸 + (𝐺) < LE(G)
(vii) RE(G) < n for all Chakras.
IV.Conclusion: Applications of Graph energies , Graph spectra are very interesting and attracting researchers to develop new
investigations. Investigation on correlation of these energies with Spectrum energies is in progress.
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